#and id anyone tries to come at me on the science. i literally have 2 advanced degrees in environmental science. this is just one year but
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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From this article (published july 12, 2023)
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eonars · 15 days
ive tried like 3 times now so i guess im gonna do this in parts
so last thursday i went out with a man id been talking to off An App since before i went on that work trip, the conversation over text wasnt necessarily flowing ever and there were some long pauses while i was away that had me convinced it was joever but he always popped back up and even asked me how things were going and what i was doing. so we meet up the day after i get back and across 3 different bars and 5 drinks we get on like a house on fire. both like the same music (we were both at the same music festival in early august, talked about that a ton obviously) both play the same games (both main death knight and do very high mythic plus keys in wow) and as we get more comfortable with each other we start holding hands and intertwining legs and stuff while sat down. we make all kinds of plans for future concerts to go to together ranging from aura noir in like 2 weeks to him saying he will let me know if he ends up with a spare ticket to sigur ros in november because if he does he'll definitely take me along. we talk about different horror movies to watch together and he lets me yap on nonstop about fish related stuff, which he's actually super knowledgeable about and tells me i sound so lovely when i talk about it and i explain things so well that anyone could understand them and that it's amazing to listen to. he says he's so proud to know someone so intelligent who might actually do something notable for science and put this country on the map for scientific discoveries. we talk about art and he asks me what my favorites are in the national gallery in town and why and we discuss them. i mention i do art and he asks to see and literally can't contain himself when i show him and says i'm amazingly talented. things are going so well and the conversation about music and games and concerts and art and science has not idled or stopped once that when he's like oh shit i have to run for the train i'm like well instead of running we can continue having drinks here and then wait for the trains to start again at mine? and he's super down so we head back to mine and crowd together on my tiny twin bed in my tiny bedroom sized flat and he lets me put on jewels of the rift, the crunchy jpg quality reuploaded ancient natgeo documentary about cichlids i watch on youtube every time im feeling down. i tell him wow i've never been able to convince anyone to watch jewels of the rift with me before and he's like ohh don't worry i'm here now and about 40 minutes into jewels of the rift things get a bit 😏 but i stop things from going tooooo too far and we both have the worst nights sleep ever on a 90cm wide bed as two 6ft+ people who have been drinking heavily. he leaves at 7:30am and hugs me and quietly says it was really nice to meet me and i tell him to text me when he gets in which he doesn't so i text a little bit later asking if he got in ok. he says he only just woke up then and because i know he has work that night i ask how it's going and he just says it's going ok. i reply with a half joking type thing about how i hopefully didn't give him the german engineering university plague and get left on read so on sunday i text asking if he'd be interested in hanging out again sometime and then put my notifications off and go into the woods. i don't realize he replies 5 min later with "I'm a bit busy these coming weeks. But we can probably go to a concert or something sometime if you want :)" which feels really. not good to read. and so i reply back saying i'm definitely going to the aura noir show we talked about in like 10 days so just let me know and get left on read. it's now thursday and i still haven't heard anything and like.
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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amuhseen2003 · 3 years
Okay, so after four years of being in the Sanders Sides fandom, I’m going to attempt to write some headcanons. Here we go.
Since it’s well-known in fanon that the sides do have karaoke sessions, imagine what would happen if they sang musicals based on gothic literature.
Roman’s happy because broadway, duh, Logan is happy because it’s canon that he enjoys gothic literature since he dressed up as Frankenstein’s monster for Halloween, same reason for Virgil and Patton’s happy that his family is bonding. He made extra cookies for the occasion. He’s dangerous like that. 
(I headcanon that when Thomas had to write analyses of gothic literature novels for school, Virgil, Roman and Logan would work together to come up with stuff and write the best essays in class and Patton would be so proud of them)
I’m not going to count Les Mis because I’m not too sure if that counts as gothic literature and whilst the Hunchback of Notre Dame is indeed gothic (trust me I read that in a plane once. An entire, like, ten pages is dedicated to describing the scenery) I don’t think it became a broadway show.
Now this isn’t like their usual karaoke nights, no sir. Just idly remaining in the living room won’t do. Where is the gusto? The pizazz? The accolade winning extravaganza? The-
“We get it Princey, can you just get on with it?” - Virgil
No, this type of singing can only be accompanied with an atmosphere that will do it justice. To the imagination they go and with Logan’s (who has practically memorised every single one of these books and is not geeking out at all) input on how the novels describe each setting, Roman creates very intricate landscapes for each song.
When they sing ‘Alive’ from ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Roman thought that it would be really cool for Patton to play Mr Edward Hyde since Hyde is literally the human id and Patton, being the embodiment of morality, is literally the superego (although to be fair, Patton is also shown to be quite childish and impulsive since he’s also the base of Thomas’ emotions and Hyde is impulsive because he’s a way for Jekyll to act on his own emotions - especially since the only crime that Hyde does in the book are him over-reacting with his anger by beating a man to death. And in the novella, Jekyll writes that he and Hyde are like father and son and that Hyde is actually younger than Jekyll is, he does have that sense of childishness that Patton has only instead of that childishness being good and helpful, it’s bad and hurtful. Plus in the soundtrack of Alive, whilst Anthony Warlow does sing about how good being evil feels like, he also sounds like he is crying tears of joy of being able to be himself, the first words post-transformation being freedom and anyways these are supposed to be fun headcanons not analytical headcanons so I digress…)
Anyways Patton is happy to play the villain because “look kiddos, Roman conjured up this really swell cape” “the correct term is cloak” “and check out this top hat and cane!” and he’s just belting out the words and froliking around Victorian London without a care in the world, making his cape swoosh in the wind.
“Patton I would advise you not to take your shoes off. This is nineteenth-century London with people dying of cholera by the dozens, your feet could catch a myriad of infections.”
“Worry not, specs, the scenery is merely an illusion. I would never allow for our dear padre to succumb to the villain of illness”
“Aww, thanks kiddo (cue Patton’s sunshine smile) now where was I? IT’S THE FEELING OF BEING ALIVE! FILLED WITH EVIL AND TRULY ALIVE!”
They have Logan sing ‘I Need To Know’ because a doctor of science singing about wanting to expand his knowledge and having that thirst to do whatever it takes to get said knowledge. That is a Logan Sanders song right there. At first he’s like “why do I have to sing. I was happy enough giving directions and helping you with the scenery” but Roman creates this big scientific library that could rival the one from Beauty and the Beast/ laboratory from that’s practically the identical to Jekyll’s lab in the book and he’s like “Fine” like he isn’t enjoying himself. He is. They all know it. He’s not fooling anyone
Patton and Roman sing ‘Bring on the men’ together (yes, whilst wearing dresses) whilst Virgil and Logan drink apple juice from those big british beer glasses in the mind-scape created Red Rat (which Logan is quick to point out doesn’t exist and is vocally upset at how the musical adaptation added unnecessary romantic subplots with Lisa and Lucy when the book itself only had three background female characters who were only there for like one paragraph. He’s even more upset at the other inaccuracies with the book like how in the play Jekyll creates his formula as a cure for mental illness and Hyde was accidental whilst in the book he did it because he wanted to indulge in sin without fearing the consequences and Hyde, whilst not being exactly what he wanted, was actually created on purpose or how in the book Hyde only kills one man and in the musical he kills practically everyone except for the one person he did kill. Virgil pats him on the back with sympathy). Roman and Virgil are sniggering at the sexual euphemisms at the end of the song whilst Patton’s confused. She just seems really enthusiastic about food.
Roman sings both parts of ‘Confrontation’ by himself. He gets a standing ovation.
He also does ‘Transformation’. The problem is that he was so good at sounding like he was in complete agony and near death that they had to stop the song prematurely because Patton was getting upset. Don’t worry, Pat gets lots of cuddles by Roman afterwords.
(You know what I might do some sides reacting to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde later because 1. It’s my favourite book and 2. All four of them would have very interesting takes on it)
From the Frankenstein musical Virgil plays the criminal from ‘Say Amen’ because he wants to (seriously, the guy’s first words in the song are ‘I curse the day that I was born into a world so black with hate’) and Logan plays Victor Frankenstein but Patton refuses for his son to even pretend to be executed by the noose so they have Roman play a man wearing a british executioner outfit with a foam sword and the creative side just bonks the anxious side on the neck with it. Logan despairs about the historical inaccuracy from his place in the stands whilst Patton is cheering next to him. Patton also hands him an extra jumper to keep him warm in the Switzerland cold. 
“Patton, I am grateful that you are thinking of my health but no one in eighteenth century Switzerland wore bright blue jumpers with cartoon kittens on them”
“Really, Logan, are you paw-sitive?”
“I would like to change places with Virgil. Immediately” 
Roman and Logan turn ‘Birth to my creation’ into a duet because Logan enjoys the scientific aspect of it and Roman can’t resist the drama (of course). He goes all out. He makes Victor’s lab perfect to the smallest detail (and cheers when Logan’s eyes start lighting up and he does that cute clappy thing when he’s excited), he conjures a storm and makes lightning strike at the best moments of the song. He even creates a ‘wretch’ (what Victor calls the monster in the book. I’ve heard that it’s name is Adam but all I remember from the novel is Victor calling himself god and the creature his Adam) to lie on the table. 
“And we didn’t even have to go grave-robbing for it. Or drop out of University.” - Roman
“No matter how many times I wanted to.” - Virgil
Roman and Virgil do most of the songs from Dracula. The creative side creates this huge, expensive-looking window-balcony thing with glass double doors and billowing silk curtains so that he could dramatically sing ‘the longer I live’ whilst the wind blows through his hair and he dramatically drapes himself on the balustrade so that the light from the full moon hits his figure just right. Patton’s close to crying.
Logan is very eager to give as many facts as he can about nineteenth-century mental institutions for ‘The Master’s Song’. He gets really into the history behind certain treatments and different cases. Roman plays Renfield and the others play doctors. 
Virgil is super into Dracula’s castle during ‘Life after life’. He and Roman duet that song wearing all-black. Logan tries to help Patton’s slight fear by telling him the history behind different pieces of architecture.
Patton plays Christine during Phantom of the Opera
Roman, Virgil and Logan sing ‘A story told’ from The Count of Monte Cristo around a circular table in a dimly lit tavern. Patton takes pictures and drinks hot chocolate in the sidelines.
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only-sunday · 5 years
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Let me give you a little back ground into who I actually am besides the already established manic-depressive (perfectionist was also discussed in therapy today. yay.) and you know.. a Leo. 
So I am exactly two weeks away from the ripe old age of 22 years old. I was born in a small town just outside of Newcastle where i spent my life growing right up until my 19th birthday when I got really, really drunk and decided that moving to the Gold Coast in Queensland would be a “really sick idea dude!”, so I pilled my childhood bedroom into my trusty Corolla and off I went.  I began my year here deferring my online uni degree in public relations (a degree I had decided on doing in a round about way a real long time before actually starting) to get settled in my new place which quickly turned into not wanting to go back to online study at all  and instead I applied for an internship as an assistant to a Public Relations specialist who ran a consultancy from the inside of her 120 square foot home office as an attempt to get into the business  working my way up instead of studying my way up. Turns out- that fucking sucked! ( Don't get me wrong my boss was cool but I had no idea what I was doing half the time so I spent most days pretending to work and secretly utilising the texting function on my laptop to talk to my friends about meeting up at our fav bar later that day to drink endless pints of beer) But! naive me thought maybe it was just that particular setting so instead I enrolled my butt into on campus uni to start a Bachelor of Arts with a major in PR. This is where I thrived in every single subject I took BESIDES the ones related to PR but I still continued to tell myself everything was okay.  I got a job working as a barista, a job I still have and a job I still hate but its okay cause it pays my bills and works around uni well and I've met some of the greatest friends I ever could have imagined through it. (these are the things I tell myself on repeat while I'm getting ready at 7am or while I’m dealing with piece of shit asshole customers. “I love my job, I NEED my job” etc.) I do also have a mild coffee addiction so there's always that to keep me going. 
Eventually, however, my chemically imbalanced brain took over things slowly began to fall apart. I was obviously miserable at uni and clearly not doing what I was supposed to be doing. Work got gradually worse as my friends began to move on to bigger and better things - amazing for them! devastating for me! I had a relationship that almost ruined me and my depression took over so intensely that when I finally worked up the courage to speak to someone the first thing the doctor says to me was “hmm sounds like borderline agoraphobia to me”.  I mean I really don't want to get too deep into my 2018 Brittany breakdown right now but just imagine never leaving the house, like, ever, calling random family members every day to just hysterically cry about nothing, all my hair falling out, the works. Honestly it was fucking rough. 
But then came “the change”. That Leo season change that fixes everything! 
----SIDE NOTE : Again, I'm not trying to discount my own hard work and the gut wrenching pain that I went through not only in this extremely dark time but also the pain I went through trying to make things better for myself but sometimes its easy to deal with our feeling through comedy and for me this comes through my little astrology/Leo season joke. I know it fake but its my small hope I hold onto - like shooting stars or preying or whatever the fuck you need to do to cope
I started going to therapy- a rocky start but eventually figured out. I made a decision to change my degree. I took my long time love of true crime & murder and combined it with my intense fascination with the human brain and decided to go all out on a DOUBLE degree of psychological science/ criminology & criminal justice. Fun right! To be honest I’d never even thought of putting my crime love into a degree or a career, I just thought I was destined to be the weird kid at the party that actually gets enjoyment from spouting endless gory facts about some really, really fucked up shit. I also did that whole dumb thing of “Well I’m super, SUPER interested in the human brain and all aspects of psychology and how it works and even the physical brain like neuroscience and stuff but oh no way I couldn't study it I'm nowhere near smart enough for that stuff” WHAT THE FUCK! THATS SUCH BULLSHIT! Heads up whoever the heck ends up reading this- if this is regularly your answer to stuff- you're wrong! Have a little faith in yourself and fuck anyone who tells you otherwise and fuck anything that tries to get in your way! A little faith and you'll achieve good things.  Now one of the reasons I love Leo Season if because of the unwavering self confidence that usually comes with it. Don't get me wrong I'm still probably the most insecure person you’ll ever meet but during Leo Season there's just this BOOST that happens and suddenly I feel like my real personality starts to actually shine on through. That pink loving, should-have -grown-up-in-the-80′s gal comes out and I feel like the girl having fun who inspired Cyndi to write that song I love oh so much. For example, one night I got super dressed up in my fav very 80s outfit, threw on my favourite over embellished oxfords, some dramatic lightening bolt earrings and I took myself on a date to see the gorgeous Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. Later that night I decide that I loved my own company and my own idea of fun so much that I changed the notes on my dating profile that essentially stated ‘don't bother if you're not this great’ and included a rule about must being willing to sit though endless horror, cult classics and literally anything Winona Ryder has ever starred in. A few days later I recieved a message “But what's your favourite Winona film?” which as it turns out came from the most amazing, generous, funny, gorgeous, sweetest, most perfect, most brilliant, most caring, most phenomenal girl in the entire history, ever was ever will be. 2 months later we moved in together.  Leo Season man! It really does it to ya!  So anywaaaaaays. Here I am, a year later, enjoying the first days of the seasonal change and getting ready to conquer some great shit and doing it all looking great wearing the most amazing, tackiest 80s loving shit. I didn't realise I could talk this much about myself and honestly I haven't even finished! We still have to cover all my interest - id say like 5 essays per interest, and LORD HELP YOU when we start talking politics cause baby I got some shit. to. say.  But I guess all of this will do for now. Talk soon x 
3 notes · View notes
plsdonttellmay · 6 years
A look into the Iron Kids group chat between Harley, Peter, and Riri. 
Sequel to Bold of You
Translation for Harley’s nonsense at the bottom
Spider-Son: @Son Prime Mr. Stark totally just admitted that Riri was his favorite.
Son Prime: wut???? thts blsht >:((((
Spider-Son changed their name to Pun-Son
Pun-Son: IKR?
Dad’s Favorite: HA! I fucking told you
Son Prime: fuk off riri
Pun-Son: Ya, this is a private conversation.
Dad's Favorite: Y’all are the dumbasses having a “private conversation” in the group chat
Pun-Son: Shit
I thought @ing him would make it private.
Son Prime: pete i lov n rspct u but ur a fukn dumbass
Dad's Favorite: This is why dad loves me most
Pun-Son: ;’((((
The rest of the team knows you guys exist now.
Son Prime: shiiiiiiiiiiiit
Dad's Favorite: What happened?
Is everyone okay?
Are you okay?
Is Tony okay?
Pun-Son: Ya, everyone's fine, dw.
Son Prime: thn wut hpnd????
Pun-Son: IDK???
Mr. Stark just said I did a good job
And then fucking Captain America was like
“Hey, everybody it's Peter Parker!”
Dad's Favorite: Damn. So now they all know?
Son Prime: thats ruf buddy
Pun-Son: Nah, it's fine.
I panicked and then said that Mr. Stark had lots of kids
And that Peter and Spider-Man were totally different kids.
Son Prime: wow. cnt blev u managed 2 lie 2 captain america
i figd he cld smell lies
or that u would spontaneously combust if u tried
tht was specific 2 u btw
Dad's Favorite: Has anyone ever told you you're a dick?
Son Prime: not 2 my face but thts what i assume theyre saying wen they dub chek tht mr tony isnt my real dad.
Dad's Favorite: Not a bad assumption ngl
Pun-Son: Also, point of order, didn't lie
I just,,,,,,,
To the point of lying.
But didn't cross that line.
Son Prime: wow pete ur a saint
Dad's Favorite: They bought it? Just like that?
Pun-Son: TBH they were way more interested in the group chat.
Like, they legit forgot they were trying to figure out who Spider-Man is.  
I told Cap your usernames.
Dad's Favorite: Well I'm glad the team knows the truth now
Son Prime: wut? abt mr tony runin a daycare?
Dad's Favorite: No about me being his favorite
Dad's Favorite: Hey guys??? College fucking blows. I'm gonna murder whoever came up with it
Son Prime: sup riri?
Dad's Favorite: Literally just told you. College blows
The Live-in: *break dances gently*
What's wrong, Riri?
Son Prime: atm u if i had 2 ges
Dad's Favorite: Mostly that you're trying to comfort me via meme.
Beat me to it
Son Prime: :p
The Live-in: You guys are the worst.
Dad's Favorite: You're the one who decided to be the middle child
The Live-in: WTF, no, I didn't??
Also, Harley is literally less than 4 months older than me.
Son Prime: god pete ur practically an infant cmpared to me
The Live-in: -_______-
Can we go back to talking about Riri’s problems now?
For the love of science.
Dad's Favorite: Nah I'm good actually. Roasting you is way more interesting
The Live-in: THE W O R S T
Son Prime: srsly tho. u ok riri?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah I'm fine. Just got assigned a group project
The Live-in: Was it at least a class you have a friend in?
Dad's Favorite: Peter literally everyone in that class is 7+ years older than me. If I had friends do you think I'd talk to you two?
The Live-in: Yes
Because you love us.
You've said so.
Son Prime: hes got a point
Dad's Favorite: Lies and slander
The Live-in: Seriously, though.
Are you good?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah. It's not like they're actively mean to me or anything. It just sucks not having friends
Son Prime: tell us if they start bn dicks. pete n i will kick thr asses. we r still ur big bros
Dad's Favorite: Yeah I know <3
God I can’t wait until you two are finally here and I actually have someone to talk to for once.
The Live-in: Yeah!!!!
We should get an apartment.
And a dog.
A secret dog.
Dad’s Favorite: Why is the dog secret???
The Live-in: Because I can’t have a dog at my apartment.
And your mom is allergic to dogs.
And Harley’s little sister is scared of dogs.
So it would have to live with dad over the summer.
And he won’t let us get a dog if he knows ahead of time.
That’s why a secret dog.
Dad’s Favorite: Hell yes secret dog.
The Live-in: I vote pitbull.
Son Prime: sum1 convinse me not 2 murder ths lady
Peter PARKOUR: ?????????
Harley, WTF you can't just say that and then not elaborate.
Dad's Favorite: Siding with Peter here. Who are you trying to murder Keener?
Peter PARKOUR: Dude.
Are you literally ignoring us right now?
Son Prime: Read: 3:23
Dad's Favorite: Harley I swear to god you're going in the nearest lake first time we meet
Peter PARKOUR: Wait.
Hold on a damn minute.
Are you telling me?
The two of you haven't actually met??
Like IRL???
Dad's Favorite: Yeah. I mean we Skype and text plenty but we've never been in the same room
Peter PARKOUR: That's wild??
I mean
I know the three of us haven't been together
But I figured you had met without me.
Son Prime: wait. wen did u 2 meet?
Dad's Favorite: Figures that's what gets his attention instead of murder
Peter PARKOUR: When I went to tour MIT?
Have you and Mr. Stark not gone yet?
Son Prime: nope
Peter PARKOUR: Why not??
Son Prime: i dunno. keep puttin it off
Dad's Favorite: I smell a lie. I don't know what it is but you better watch your back Harley. I will find out
Son Prime: ok baskin robin
Peter PARKOUR: Can we get back to the murder?
I feel like we glossed over that.
Son Prime: no
Dad's Favorite: No point. Either they decided to leave Harley alone
Peter PARKOUR: Or??
Dad's Favorite: Or they're dead
Son Prime: & ull nvr kno
Peter PARKOUR: You two need to chill.
And meet.
Seriously, we've been talking for a year
And you two haven't even laid eyes on each other.
H O W?
Dad's Favorite: Let's start with the fact that we live like 20 hours away from each other?
Peter PARKOUR: I'm not even going to grace that with an answer.
I am
Mr. Stark has like a fleet of planes??
You could literally make a day trip out of it.
Son Prime: hes actually got a point…
Peter PARKOUR: I almost always have a point.
You two just ignore me.
Because you're assholes.
Dad's Favorite: That's fair
Dad's Favorite: @Son Prime 
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I saw this and thought of you
Peter In The Middle: WHAT
Dad's Favorite: Lol yeah. Saw it at the thrift store
Son Prime: What I want to know is why the FUCK it reminded you of me.
Peter In The Middle: Oh damn.
He broke out the capitals and full words.
He's serious.
Son Prime: Actually it's just a new phone Mr. Tony sent me. Can't figure out how to turn off the damn autocorrect
Dad's Favorite: Why is it that you 2 are geniuses but can't figure out how phones work half the time?
Son Prime: Excuse you this is 1 of those prototype StarkPhones that literally nobody knows how to use yet.
Peter in the Middle: Are you really never gonna let the group chat thing die?
Dad's Favorite: No
Son Prime: Absolutely not.
Peter in the Middle: It was one (1) time you assholes.
Son Prime: I feel like we’re forgetting about the horror show that somehow reminded Riri of me.
Peter in the Middle: I was.
Trying to, at least.
Thanks for the reminder.
Dad’s Favorite: I’m not forgetting. Ever
Son Prime: Explain???
Dad’s Favorite: Should I tho?
Peter in the Middle: Depends.
Do you want me to show Mr. Stark The Video?
Dad’s Favorite: You wouldn’t
Peter in the Middle: Try me, bitch.
Son Prime: Video????
Dad’s Favorite: Don’t worry about it
Peter in the Middle: I’ll send it to you later.
Dad’s Favorite: I hate you
Peter in the Middle: :D
Cow mug.
Dad’s Favorite: It says Tennessee on it.
Peter in the Middle: Wait.
That’s it?
No inside joke????
Dad’s Favorite: Nope
Peter in the Middle: What the fuck?
Now I feel dumb.
Dad’s Favorite: :))))))
Son Prime: |-|4 ! |=!6(_)|23|) !7 0(_)7
Dad's Favorite: What the fuck does that even say??
Peter in the Middle: Is that???
Even approaching English??
Son Prime: |\|0 !7$ |_337
Dad's Favorite: Stop
Son Prime: |\/|4|{3 |\/|3
Dad's Favorite has kicked Son Prime out of the Iron Kids group
Peter in the Middle: Harley is texting me
Saying to tell you to unblock him.
He has something important to say.
Dad's Favorite has added Son Prime to the Iron Kids group
Son Prime:
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Dad's Favorite has kicked Son Prime out of the Iron Kids group
Peter in the Middle: Fair and valid.
Dad's Favorite has kicked Peter in the Middle out of the Iron Kids group
Dad's Favorite: Finally I am free
Son Prime: guess who got his xseptns letter!!!!!!!!
Dad’s Favorite: Holy shit!!!! Harley that’s fucking amazing!!!!!!
Potor Purkur: Yessssssss!!!!
Dude, that’s amazing!!!!!!!!!!
How did you get yours early???
MIT letters aren’t supposed to go out for another week??
Did Mr. Stark pull strings?
BUT ALSO CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son Prime: na tony dnt do nythng
Potor Purkur: ???????????
Son Prime: xseptns snt 4 mit
Dad’s Favorite: Was it a backup or something?
Son Prime: or smthn
Dad’s Favorite: I swear this is worse than pulling teeth. Spill.
Son Prime: i nvr actuly applied 4 mit
Dad’s Favorite: So that’s the real reason you never came to visit. You weren’t just putting it off.
Potor Purkur: Did you ever even plan on going to MIT?
Son Prime: hell no. ive had ths place n mind since middle school
Potor Purkur: Well?
What is it?
Come on, dude.
Son Prime: u hv 2 prms not 2 tell mr tony
Dad’s Favorite: Sure.
Son Prime: com on @Potor Purkur u gotta prms
Potor Purkur: I promise.
Well, I promise to try.
I’m kind bad at secrets, actually.
But so long as he doesn’t ask
I’m fine.
I promise.
Son Prime: how do u evn hv a scret id @ ths point
Potor Purkur: Honestly??
No idea.
All of Queens should know by now TBH
That has literally nothing to do with your college.
Dad’s Favorite: Yeah cmon Harls. Spill.
Son Prime: I’m totally serious right now. Don’t tell Mr. Tony. I want  to tell him myself.
Potor Purkur: Promise.
Dad’s Favorite: On my life.
Son Prime: ok hr it goz.
im goin to caltech
its bn lik 5 min. wts up
Potor Purkur: Holy sHIT
Are you serious??
Dad’s Favorite: You men caltech as in the school in Pasadena California? MIT’s biggest rival since ever? The school Tony loudly talks about how much he hates? THAT caltech?
Son Prime: …
Potor Purkur: Holy shit.
Spider-Son: Hey, guys?
I think dad might have accidentally,,,,,,,,
Built a murder bot.
Dad's Favorite: W H A T
Son Prime: u ok? r u fiting it???
Spider-Son: No.
No, you see,,,,
The murder bot,,,,,,,
Is actually,,,,,,,,,,,
Dad's Favorite: …
Son Prime: ..............
Dad's Favorite: Explain
Spider-Son: Well.
You know how my suit has an Instant Kill Mode?
And Karen keeps trying to make me use it?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah??
Son Prime: i dnt thnk tht counts as “accidentally"
jst irresponsible
Spider-Son: That's what I thought too.
But we're in the jet.
Headed for the mission.
And I joke that I should use IKM.
And Mr. Stark freaks out.
Dad's Favorite: Why???
Spider-Son: Here's the thing.
Mr. Stark.
Didn't make an Instant Kill Mode.
Karen did that.
By herself.
Dad's Favorite: Holy shit
Son Prime: dude wut the FUCK
Spider-Son: I K N O W
Son Prime: uve befriended her at least. hopfully she remains loyal during the robo revolution.
Spider-Son: Karen says hi BTW.
Dad's Favorite: Fantastic. Maybe she'll spare us as well
Spider-Son: Karen says, and I quote, “I don't know about that.”
Son Prime: /sweats/
Dad's Favorite: I'm not even sure how I feel about this tbh
On the one hand: possibly evil robot
On the other: if she's joking this is some seriously cool coding
Son Prime: i have xactly 0 mixed feelings. murder bot bad
Spider-Son: Mr. Stark offered to change her code when we got back.
Son Prime: thk god
Spider-Son: I said no.
Son Prime: W H Y
Spider-Son: Because I love Karen just the way she is.
And she loves me.
Dad's Favorite: Okay, I've decided. That is a seriously cool ai
Son Prime: a srsly cool ai thts gonna kill us all
Spider-Son: Karen promises to spare you.
If you buy me a milkshake.
Son Prime: i cnt bleve my terminator trauma is being taken advantage of by a murder bot.
Spider-Son: :P
Dad's Favorite: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spider-Son: Oh my God
You actually sent me money for a milkshake.
I'm getting strawberry.
Son Prime: fuk u
Son Prime: @Dad's Favorite wut r u doin n june
Dad's Favorite: Probably nothing? Idk I might take an online class. Mostly just hanging out at home
Son Prime: so u dnt hav ny plans 4 vacay or nythng
Dad's Favorite: Not that I know of??
Son Prime: wuts the prob tht u could get ur mom to let you go smwher 4 the month
Dad's Favorite: Depends??
What's with all the leading questions?
Son Prime: bcuz i just told my mom tht mr tony nvitd the 3 of us 2 stay at the compound in june
Dad's Favorite: He did?? Why didn't he say anything??
Son Prime: bcuz he dnt ask. im the 1 plan plannin it
Dad's Favorite: Harley what the actual fuck. Have you even asked Tony?
Son Prime: no thts peters job
Dad's Favorite: Wait Peter's in on it too? How long have you two been planning this?
Son Prime: bout 20 mins. & pete dsnt no yet
Dad's Favorite: Again wtf. Why don't you do it?
Son Prime: hv u SEEN peters puppy dog eyes
speakin of
@The Live-in nswer ur phone
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
Dad's Favorite: @The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
Son Prime: @The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
The Live-in: Jesus Christ.
You two are awful.
I was in chemistry.
Don't you two ever go to class?
Son Prime: y bother
Dad's Favorite: I do but I know how to text in class
The Live-in: Like I said.
Son Prime: wtevr. cn u do it or no?
The Live-in: What exactly am I even doing?
Dad's Favorite: Pretty sure you're convincing dad to let the 3 of us stay at the compound over June.
The Live-in: Oh.
That shouldn't be hard.
Like at all.
He's about to pick me up from school.
I'll ask in just a sec.
Son Prime: c? told u it wld b ez
The Live-in: HE SAID YES
Well, he said yes so long as we can get our moms/aunt to agree.
Dad's Favorite: Holy shit!!
The Live-in: I KNOW!!
Son Prime: wer gonna get n2 so much bullshit.
The Live-in: B]
Dad's Favorite: B]
Son Prime: B]
Spider-Son: Guys, I may not come back from this mission alive.
Tell Ned I’ve always had a crush on him
That was just supposed to sound dumb and dramatic.
Not like something to actually worry about.
I’ll be fine.
Mr. Stark won’t let me go on the super dangerous missions.
Son Prime: i swr 2 fuk im gonna kill u parker
Dad’s Favorite: Yeah maybe that wasn’t exactly the best way to start that off.
Also if Ned doesn’t already know you’re madly in love with him then there’s no hope for either of you.
Spider-Son: #rude
One day I’ll get Ned to fall in love with me.
Then you’ll be sorry.
Dad’s Favorite: Oh honey
Son Prime: stop w/ petes crush. i wnna no y he thnks hes gonna die
Spider-Son: H I M
Dad’s Favorite: Christ what’s Rogers done now?
Spider-Son: He’s just doing That Thing again.
The one where he calls me kid and son.
I h a t e it, and IDK how to make him stop
Dad's Favorite: /Hamilton voice/ I'm not your son
Son Prime: congrats on not str8 up murdering him yet
Spider-Son: God he’s just so??
I don't know what, but I hate it.
I swear to God if he benches me again this mission I'm going to strangle him with his star-spangled tights.
Dad's Favorite: You gonna beat him upside the head until he sees…
Spider-Son: I HATE YOU!!
Son Prime: nbdy takes u srsly evr
Spider-Son: Fuck off, Keener.
Son Prime: ;P
Dad's Favorite: Hey Peter quick question tho?
Spider-Son: Quick answer.
Dad's Favorite: If you hate Rogers why don't you just not talk to him? Why do you act all polite to his face? Just tell him to fuck off and leave you alone?
Spider-Son: I wish it was that easy.
I mean
It could be
But it isn't.
I have to be polite because we're on the same team.
We're supposed to work together.
I started off kinda rude to him, but Mr. Stark fussed at me.
Apparently what we're doing is bigger than petty squabbles.
Son Prime: uhhh ths is def mr thn a petty squabble tho? mr t wtf
Dad's Favorite: What are you even saying to me right now?? Is dad not mad?
Spider-Son: NoPE.
He just goes along with whatever He says.
Right now Mr. Stark is flying the jet.
Even though it has autopilot.
So I'm left alone back here with Him.
The only other person we brought was Ant-Man and he's asleep so it's just the two of us making conversation.
I hate it.
I'm dying.
I think he doesn't like me looking at my phone so much.
Son Prime: u rly do snd lik ur bout 2 die. rip n pieces pete
Dad's Favorite: I'm SO glad Tony hasn't cleared me for missions yet.
Spider-Son: I wish you were.
I need someone to hang out with on these.
Speaking of which.
I'm gonna go ask dad if he'll try to teach me to fly again.
Last time…
Did Not Go Well
Also kinda wanna make Him sick again.
It was funny last time.
If he says no the at least I'll have some time alone.
Anyway I'm out.
Talk to you after we kicked ass!
Dad's Favorite: Take a better selfie this time. Lighting was garbage in the last one.
Son Prime: brng me a robos arm
If you didn't need Harley's nonsense translated, I'm impressed. If you did, here you go. He's speaking leet for anyone interested.
|-|4 ! |=!6(_)|23|) !7 0(_)7 ~ Ha I figured it out
|\|0 !7$ |_337 ~ No it's leet
|\/|4|{3 |\/|3 ~ Make me
|3!7(|-| ~ Bitch
39 notes · View notes
apex-academy · 6 years
Chapter 2: Inhale. Exhale. It’s Probably Not Going to Be Okay (#22)
I at least glance in the gym storage, but I don’t see anything that could work as a pool ball. Oh, well. Shouldn’t keep Aidan waiting, anyway.
I pull together a group to “drop me off” so no one throws a fit about me walking straight to a room by myself. Keeping an entourage around may be a good idea, but it’s cumbersome to everyone.
Guess I ought to be more cautious since we have our next motive. Not much of one so far. Heard a few people cough. Good thing that doesn’t happen normally when you have a group of any size together.
When I reach the art room, Aidan is waiting with Mahavir and Aki. Mahavir acknowledges me with a nod.
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“Excellent, you made it!! Let’s see what we can do here!”
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“All right...”
He doesn’t see reason to specify what we’re trying to do here before marching into the room. Not much for me to do but follow with the others. Something about the place seems a little different, but I’m not sure what.
Aidan scuttles to the east wall and taps his finger on the uneven plaster several times.
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“Okay! Here should be good!”
He proceeds to punch a hole through the wall. Aki jumps back.
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“Aidan, holy crap?”
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“...The inner layer here is really thin.”
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“There’s a bit of a crawlspace between the plaster and the brick wall, but it ought to be the outside wall.”
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“Are we going to punch through it, too?”
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“Goodness, no. We’re not going to try to escape from here—on the second floor, no less! There’s no telling what a strong enough impact could do to the parts of the building we’re not trying to break. But...”
He looks up at a security camera and lets out a breath.
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“Miss Shitanaga! Did you find what I asked about?”
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“Huh? Uh...”
She shuffles through her pockets before withdrawing some kind of wrapped-up cylinder.
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“I probably got the wrong thing. Sorry.”
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“No, no! This is exactly what I was hoping for!! Excellent job, Miss Shitanaga!! I knew I could count on you!”
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“Uh... Uh... What? Um. Okay?”
I eye the packaging, but all I can make out is “Bright White.” Apparently that doesn’t refer to the baby blue covering.
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“What is that?”
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“Something... artistic.”
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That’s incredibly vague, but I guess he doesn’t want to share the details. We are in front of plenty of cameras. Maybe if he just covers his mouth and keeps his voice down there wouldn’t be a problem? ...Or is he capable of that?
He examines the cylinder as Mahavir turns on a flashlight and shines it onto the hole in the wall.
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“Normal brick and mortar, as far as I can tell.”
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“Hmm. What are either of those made of, do you know? Cement or something? Rather, does anyone know the chemical composition of it?”
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“I have no idea.”
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“I’m afraid I’m not the one to ask these sorts of questions.”
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“Well, fiddlesticks. I didn’t see any books of material science relevance in Mister Kishaba’s study hall, either.”
I lower my voice.
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“So what, we’re trying to dissolve some of it?”
Aidan doesn’t answer immediately, and it doesn’t look like the others have any idea what we’re trying to do. I frown at our fearless five-year-old leader.
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“You know there’s no way this will work.”
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“We can’t be punished unless we break a rule. Let’s see what happens. Just trust me on this.”
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“...” Can’t really counter that. Seems awfully desperate, though.
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“There are some carving tools in the storage closet. Might be easier to use those if you don’t have your heart set on a chemistry experiment.”
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“You’re probably right! What would work best? I’m not that familiar with the equipment involved! And is there eye protection in here, or do we need to take goggles from the lab?”
Since literally no one knows what we’re doing at this point, we trail off into sparse comments as we poke around the art supplies. Not seeing anything drill-like, but there’s a good hammer and chisel. I haven’t sculpted anything more solid than soap, so I don’t know if they’ll do anything. But this isn’t against the rules, and Monochap stopped us, so no reason not to try.
A few coughs while we’re setting up a fort-thing to protect us from flying brick pieces. Normal enough. At least until someone trails off into loud wheezing. 
Mahavir lowers his flashlight.
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“Are you all right?”
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“Y... Yes... Just... one second.”
Aidan surges to his feet and scrabbles to the hallway, breathing still ragged. I barely exchange a glance with Aki before hurrying after him.
I don’t have to go far. His back is pressed to the wall just beyond the door, a bright red inhaler held to his mouth.
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Okay. Could have been worse.
Aidan doesn’t seem to notice we’ve all caught up with him. He manages a few deep breaths without any rattling before actually looking up.
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“Oh, uh... Hi. I take it you’ve been there a while?”
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“That’s exactly what Kazusuke did before he died, you know. Not a good time to leave you alone.”
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“That’s fair.” He clears his throat and grins awkwardly. “Shall we get back to the wall?”
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“Are you well enough?”
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“I’m fine!! I wouldn’t use an inhaler if it didn’t help!!”
Well, he’s loud enough, at least. Don’t have much choice but to believe him. And keep an eye on him...
After some hesitation, we head back to the room to finish setting up. I look at Aidan sideways.
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“You have asthma?”
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“Basically. At any rate, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone. It’s usually not enough to worry about, but the last thing I need to do is make myself an easier target. ...It should go without saying I don’t want any of you to target me, either, of course.”
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“I would never!!”
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“Right. I don’t honestly think any of you would...”
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“...but I might as well still say it.”
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“Yeah, yeah, I won’t steal your inhaler.”
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“I don’t think I’d even be able to.”
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“I appreciate it!! Shall we get this show on the road? All of the safety measures appear to be in place!”
Once everyone is in position, we hand the chisel and hammer to Mahavir and get started. Clink, clink. We at least get some chips of brick flying. But even if we only want to inflict minor damage, I’m not sure how long this is going to take. What are we wanting to do? Give the oxygen a way out of the building? Then what’s the cylinder for?
A nice pile of shavings accumulates in the crawlspace. Then I hear whirring behind me. Aidan and Aki have already turned to look.
...Of course.
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“Um... Wh-what are you doing in here?”
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“Just a little art project in the art room!! We’re only boring a small hole, so there’s no way we could try to escape through it! Likewise, it will be much too small to facilitate any meaningful oxygen diffusion! And we’ll be happy to clean it up afterwards, so there’s nothing for you to worry about!”
Just a small hole? Not even a whole brick? What exactly are...
I glance down at the cylinder. 
Ah. I think I get it.
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“U-um... Hmm...”
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“I-I should probably ask about this! Sorry...!”
He turns tail and hurries down the hallway.
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“...Junior Commander Attenborough? Can you go a little faster?”
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“I’ll do what I can!”
We make sure to duck behind our cover as Mahavir chisels away. He’s not getting through faster. He tries just slamming the hammer into the brick, but it doesn’t work any better. Makes a heck of a lot of noise, though.
We don’t strike daylight before the television in the corner flickers on.
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Um, everyone...! I’ve added a new rule, so please check your student IDs immediately!
True to form, a chorus of dings goes around us.
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I don’t keep an eye on Mahavir as I dig out my ID, but the scraping sounds have stopped. Might as well double-check what the new rule actually is.
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“8. You may not attempt to compromise or otherwise damage the outside walls of the building.“
Aidan glares at one of the cameras.
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“Stop! Doing! That!”
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“He’s not just going to stand by and let you lead a grand escape, you know.”
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“But I specifically said it wasn’t to escape!!”
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“...But we all know it was.”
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“What is that, anyway?”
Mahavir nods at the cylinder.
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Aidan sighs. “Signal flare. One of the many doodads in Mister Ford’s study hall, though he couldn’t locate it himself. I’d hate to light it and throw it out there if we don’t know when the next plane is passing overhead, but clearly it takes some time to produce a hole in the first place. I thought we at least had a chance to prepare the hole and use it when the opportunity presented itself... But unfortunately, someone��” another glare at the camera—”had to change the rules on us again!”
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“And with this motive, you had to hurry while we could still safely ignite it in the first place.”
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“Oh... I’m sorry.”
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“There’s nothing to apologize for, Miss Shitanaga! You did your job very well!!”
Aki again has no idea how to respond to that. I’m starting to feel really bad for her.
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“Thanks to all of you for your help!! I’ll certainly let you know the next time I need you!”
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“Appreciate it, but you might want to go with a different group if you don’t want Monochap to see us together and immediately ban whatever we’re working on.”
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“So! What next? Would you like to work on something in here or go elsewhere?”
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“Um... Whatever you want is fine!”
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“I have no particular preference.”
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“I wouldn’t mind heading to the aerobics room.” Might as well while I still feel like it, at least.
Aidan coughs, just once this time.
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“All right! Let’s see who else is around so we can remain in numbers when we split up for that!”
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He’s not even going to set foot in the place? Can’t blame him if it might keep him from breathing.
Well. There went one escape plan. Wonder what else we can come up with.
And if we can succeed before Monochap stops us.
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printedpeterparker · 6 years
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Type: 5 Seconds of Summer Series HERE 
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
Summary: The one where being the new kid is kinda hard.
Note: I am very excited to do this series based off of 5 Seconds of Summer’s debut album! This is only an intro before I begin the album! Please add yourself to be tagged here!
November 2
“Honey, are you sure wanna wear that?” your grandma questioned, tugging on the sleeves of your olive hoodie. “It’s your first day at this school; you can make a better--”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “Grandma, it 45 degrees and I’m going to school. I think this is fine,” you huffed, grabbing your backpack. “I just have to finish up this semester and next semester and then we’re done. I don’t need to have a fashion show every day to do that.”
“Okay, okay, good luck, Y/N. I love you,” she smiled before kissing your cheek.
You said your goodbyes before heading out to your grandma’s black minivan. It was a little beaten up, it reminded you of when you came to invite in the summers. You went on fishing trips and hikes with your family, and this black minivan was always there, giving you a lift, but now being in the car worried you.
You weren’t used to the street of New York or at least the traffic. You weren’t sure if it was you or the other drivers that were doing a terrible job. Your music was soothing you through the traffic but not everyone was doing the same as you.
Your nerves and jitteriness continued to grow as your approached your new school. It was your Senior year. You remember how hard it was to make friends when you moved from Wisconsin to France in the sixth grade. But then again, you were 11. But now you were 18, moving from France to New York. You were petrified.
After you parked, you made your way inside through the courtyard. You felt some people look your way. The school didn’t seem that large; you might as well have been seven feet tall. You quickly made your way into the building searching for the office.
Before you could find it, you were startled by another girl, “Y/N!” she cheered almost too excited. Her blonde hair barely touched her shoulders that were over by her Oxford shirt and black skirt. She almost made you believe that you needed to have a uniform. “Welcome to Midtown School of Science and Technology or MSST. I will be your ambassador for the day. My name is Chelsea Larson!”
“Oh uh hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you smiled, readjusting your bag over your shoulder. You swore you could see all 32 of her teeth with that smile.
“Great, I already have your schedule, locker number, locker combo, lunch pass, seating assignments, and ID for you here in this packet,” she explained, handing you a binder from her purse. “Your first class, AP, that’s advanced placement, Statistics, is with Mr. Hind.” Chelsea walked and talked fast. You couldn’t keep up with what she was saying.
She took you to your locker and quickly explained your combo and promptly scolded you when you got it wrong. Her intensity was like a raging fire. She quickly showed you to your first hour and prepared you as if she was your mom dropping you off at kindergarten.
“...Now don’t worry, I will on my way when that bell rings to escort you to your next class, Y/N. I so much fun!” she smiled, waving you off. You slowly walked into the room with it basically full of students already. You scanned the room for a seat; there were two front seats open. You quickly sat down before the bell rung and continued to look down.
Everyone in the room was still talking so as Mr. Hind tried to calm them down, you were able to get your stuff together in the front.
“Okay, okay, students,” Mr. Hind pronounced, finally settling the talking, “It appears we have a new student today. Would you like to introduce yourself, miss?”
“Uh sure,” you smiled before standing up to face the class. Every eye was literally trained on you. Some appeared to look judgey. Some appeared to be dull. Some appeared to be interested. “My name is Y/N. I came here from Nice, France, but I’m originally from Wisconsin, and I...uh...yeah. Thank you.” You muttered your thanks before sitting down.
“Wow, very impressive Ms. Y/N,” Mr. Hind smiled. “We’re very glad you’re here.”
The day continued like that.
Chelsea would take you to a class, the teacher would ask you to introduce yourself to the class, and occasionally, they would have you elaborate.
By lunch, you were tired. You did talk much to anyone; not because you didn’t want to but it was November. Everyone had time to do their meet and greet with the new kids and their friends in August. They were focused on colleges and final semester project approaching. And you had lost Chelsea before lunch.
When you finally made it to lunch after waiting for her, a lot of the food was gone, making your lunch pass useless. A deep sigh erupted from you as you turned around to find somewhere to sit. You weren’t shocked to see cliches; it was a teen phenomenon, even in France. You didn’t even Chelsea. Some girls gave you a look when walked by their table. Some would even minimize the space between themselves and friends.
You observed a fairly empty table and slowly made your way over. There were only two boys and a girl there. “Come on, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself. “It’s not that hard to make friends.” You walked over, trying to look friendly but not as terrifying as Chelsea. “Hey,” you said, interrupting their conversation. “Do you guys mind if I sit?” you asked.
“Mmm, not sure,” the girl said, completely deadpan.
“She’s totally kidding,” the boy with dark hair apologized. “Have a seat.” You smiled and sat across from the girl adorned with curly hair and sat next to the boy with brown hair in a sweater. “First of all, I’m Ned. That’s MJ--”
“She can call me Michelle,” she quietly muttered, opening a book on the table.
“Duly noted,” you nodded.
“And I’m Peter,” he smiled. He had books and work scattered in front of him. You recognized You recognized it as your the stats project Mr. Hind had even out today. You thought you recognized him “So, you’re from France?”
“Yeah, my dad is all about the work,” you half chuckled, “but now I live with my grandma and my parents are still in France.”
“I bet you don’t even speak French,” Michelle huffed, still looking down into her book.
You smirked before sitting up, “Si je ne pouvais pas parler français, pouvais-je dire ça? If I couldn’t speak French, could I say that?” you said before translating. Ned let out a forceful laugh before Michelle hit him with her book. They began a smaller argument on their side of the table.
“That was pretty impressive,” Peter nodded. “And don’t worry about them either.”
“Okay and thanks. I only lived there for six years so...” you said before it became silent again except Ned and Michelle were still arguing.
Your head tilted in confusion when you looked at Peter’s work on the table. It seemed off to you. You didn’t want to be nosy or intrude; you had only met Peter a couple minutes ago. It was your place, but still…
“I think you’re wrong, Peter,” you told him but only loud enough for him to hear.
He gave you a sour face before shaking his head, “No, I’m pretty sure this is right. Ned and I tested it and the data was linear with strong correlation; with our equation, we can assume tha-”
“Extrapolation,” you stated. He gave you the same face. You sighed before turning the paper around so it was facing you properly, “When I was in France, we learned about extrapolation. Your x values included 1 through 15 rubber bands while your y values were the distance barbie bungeed. Mr. Hind said your project depended on your work and hitting the right distance where barbie didn’t hit the floor or was too far from the ground. And he said the distance was 32 meters and you never got 32 meters as a y value. Therefore, you are guessing beyond your observation range which could lead to meaningless results or extrapolation. And I know we haven’t talked about in class or at least that’s what your face is telling me, but I would reconfigure your number and experiments.”
Peter looked at you and at his work again. There was a bit of silence before the bell rang, dismissing you from lunch.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna go. Sorry…” you professed before quickly getting up and hurrying out of the cafeteria.
You knew it wasn’t your place. You should have trusted your gut and said nothing. Maybe this friend thing was going to be harder to do than you thought.
The end of the day came as fast as you wanted it to do. You had seen Peter in other classes but steered clear of him. You knew you were right, but you didn’t mean to out him in front of his friends. You took it too far.
You also never saw Chelsea after lunch.
You made your way to the library to get some homework done. It was always easier for you to not work at home even in France. The library gave you the silence you needed without interruption. You opened up your English reading packet to begin your homework. You skimmed the reading, highlighting and annotating the reading. You glared up and back down before you realized what you saw.
You looked up again and saw Peter making his way over to your desk. You felt your breath become shallow and your throat became dry as he made his way over to your desk. You didn’t even realize that you were staring at him for so long.
“Hi, Y/N, can we talk?” Peter asked, distributing your homework. You regretfully nodded before moving your stuff off the chair next to you. “Listen, you were right. I went and experimented during my study hall until I received over 32 meters as a y value and you were right; I got a whole different equation and x value.”
You felt your heart flutter a little bit at his comment. You liked being right.
“Oh, thanks, Peter.”
“But I also have some other questions if you don’t mind about the homework,” he explained as he pulled it out of his bag. “The way Mr. Hind explained number 8 on the homework hardly makes sense. I was wondering if you could help possibly.”
You looked at your work and placed it on the other side of the table and pulled out your stats as well, “Uh yeah, if I didn’t know better, I would be a little confused as well.”
For the next 30 minutes, you helped Peter with his statistics homework. You quickly learned the confusion wasn’t because of his own learning. It was the teaching which saddened you. It came to a point where you and Peter worked in silence with words and jokes shared here and there. He did have a way of making you laugh. Even though your focus was a bit off you didn’t mind being off task at sometimes.
“With all this graphing, you’d think Mr. Hind was plotting against us,” Peter joked. A nasally laugh came out of nowhere from you. The librarian was quick to silence you and Peter before returning back into the shelves to return books back to their spots. “Yikes, sorry,” he whispered to you.
“She’s more of English person I guess,” you breathed, trying to stifle your remaining chuckles.
“Maybe but I gotta go actually,” Peter mentioned before packing up his things and stuffing them in his bag. “But if I came here tomorrow, will you be here?” he inquired.
“You can bet on it.”
Please send requests for blurbs and one-shots here xx
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
SUMMARY In 1893, a young woman wears a magical bracelet and the dark shadow of an evil jinni (genie) looms over a bloody scene, foreshadowing the violence to come.
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In modern day, three criminals burglarize a house owned by the now elderly woman with the magical bracelet. The criminals kill her with an axe to her face and find the lamp. A genie is released from inside and possesses the old lady’s corpse to kill one of the burglars by head butting him with the double-headed axe still lodged in the corpse’s skull. The genie finds and murders the other two intruders.
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After surveying the crime scene, an officer sends the evidence, including the lamp and bracelet, for display at a natural science museum. From inside the lamp, the genie observes the museum’s curator, Dr. Bressling, cataloguing the newly arrived artifacts. Dr. Wallace’s teenage daughter, Alex, is also present and she tries on the magical bracelet. In a fit of adolescent angst, she says to her father, “Sometimes I wish you were dead!” She’s unable to take off the bracelet.
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Alex’s class goes on a field trip to the museum where her dad works. The genie possesses Alex’s body and convinces her friends to go on an “outing” later to spend the night at the museum. The genie levitates Dr. Bressling’s body and decapitates him with a ceiling fan. The genie embodies more people and museum artifacts to commit acts of violence. Many bloody murders ensue. In the form of a resurrected snakeskin, he murders an opera-singing security guard. Alex’s friend, Babs, takes a bath at the museum and is killed by the demonized snakes during her bath. The genie’s true form is finally revealed as he chases Alex and her friends down the halls of the museum. Help arrives and together, they try to “destroy the lamp to destroy the jinn by throwing the lamp into the fire inside the incinerator.
At the end of the credits, the opera-singing security guard returns to take a bow.
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DEVELOPMENT The fantasy-horror movie The Lamp, produced by H.I.T. Films of Houston, Texas. Shot for a little more than $2 million in a little less than six weeks, the film will already have opened in most of the rest of the world by the time Skouras Pictures releases it here late this summer or early fall. According to Warren Chaney, The Lamp’s writer and producer-and Deborah Winters’ husband-that strategy enabled the film to make its money back even before a U.S. distribution deal was struck.
“This picture developed out of an old McGuffey Reader that had the ‘Aladdin and His Lamp’ story in it,” explains Chaney. “My mom used to read it to me when I was four or five years old. There was a picture of a genie in there-half-animal, half-man that wasn’t your friendly genie, and he scared me.”
Chaney went on to make his own 8mm films as a child. He later joined the Army, where he did TV shows, training films and videos and picked up a PhD in behavioral sciences. After leaving the military, he worked as a professional magician and then became involved in TV writing and production for The Fall Guy, among other programs. And even when he moved into feature production, serving as executive producer for the comedy Hunauna Bay (directed by Halloween III’s Tommy Lee Wallace), that childhood image was still working in his head. Finally, it worked its way out through his fingers and onto paper, and The Lamp was born.   “My wife had been after me for some time to do a horror movie, because she loves horror films, but I didn’t want to do a regular dice-’em slice-’em thing. So I thought, ‘What would happen if Aladdin’s lamp really existed, and what if it did grant you wishes … but instead of the fantasy that has developed around the lamp, that of the nice sweet genie that grants your wish, it’s more like the actual mythology?’”
He began researching the idea, aided by some friends in the Middle East. “The legend of Aladdin really springs up in two quarters, with two existing legends. One is Chinese, one is Middle Eastern, and they both overlap somewhat,” Chaney elaborates. “Well, I didn’t know anyone in China, so I leaned toward the Middle Eastern version, which is essentially that the genie is a spirit that can take on the form of a man or animal, and it takes on more than that. It takes on the master. According to tradition, the master literally becomes enslaved by the lamp.”
The film’s actual budget was $1.6 million but by the time the production house and studios add on to it, it was around $3 to $3.7 million-about a third of the average film budget then. But, I spent only $1.6 on the film. The film had a 6 week prep time followed by a 5 week film shoot on location.
“I was originally going to shoot the movie in Hollywood. We were going to use Marina Del Rey and dress it up as Galveston,” admits Chaney. “but Fred Kuehnert, a friend of mine I’ve known for 14 or 15 years, said, ‘Why don’t you film this story in Texas? We’d like to get involved with you.’ We ended up shooting in Houston, in Galveston and in Los Angeles. We were able to get most of our locations in Houston, but had to return to LA to shoot some scenes.”
Kuehnert, the president and cofounder of H.I.T. Films in Houston, is no novice. He was executive producer of both The Buddy Holly Story and Aurora Encounter, and before that he served a long stint in TV production. He also knew how to get films funded. The Lamp ended up getting much of its production budget from investors in Kuwait, who were, as Chaney points out, interested in the legend.
Tom Daley, the film’s director, was there from the beginning as well. A former film student at the University of Texas, where he did some palling around with Tobe Hooper, Daley has directed commercials and music videos, including Julie Brown’s “Homecoming Queen’s Got A Gun.” (“I’m infamous for that one,” he laughs.) He and Chaney met at the Milan Film Festival in Italy a few years ago, and nearly collaborated on a movie to be called Breakdancers From Mars. Says Chaney, “It was a sciencefiction parody. It was also one of those cases where I’d get one part of the funding and I couldn’t get the other, then I’d get the other and the first would fall out, so circumstances were such that we began The Lamp instead.”   In fact, Chaney, who has taught at the university level, is a bona fide film buff. He’s written articles on movies for several publications, and met his wife at a Western film convention in Memphis, where he was visiting his mother, Penny Edwards, a well-known B-Western star of the ’40 and ’50s. In conversation about The Lamp, he mentions such venerable films as Tod Browning’s Dracula, King Kong, and Howard Hawks’ The Thing. “With a name like Chaney, you have an obvious throwback to the classic horror films,” he chuckles. “I pulled a scene, slightly, from Man in the Iron Mask, there’s a shipboard scene like in Nosferatu, things like that just off and on throughout the picture. There’s a little touch of Lionel Atwill’s Mystery of the Wax Museum. And, obviously, I couldn’t leave out Phantom of the Opera, Hunchback of Notre Dame or The Unholy Three.”
Director Daley agrees that The Lamp harkens back to some of the classic horror films in many ways, although he cites Poltergeist as well as John Carpenter’s The Thing as an influence on his approach. He also credits cinematographer Herbert Raditschmig for the film’s look, which he says is “very rich.”
Whether or not The Lamp will establish itself as the best of the independent horror crop remains to be seen. But it already can claim one distinction. “The concept is the thing that’s really different,” claims Chaney. “There has never been an evil genie movie.”
One of the preliminary design for “The Genie” by Barbara Anne Bock
I did a few versions of the Lamp and Genie. The director just picked one. I always liked to draw mythical beasts. The Lamp is kind of based on sex. The two dragon things are having a good time! I know Chris Biggs sculpted the Lamp alone. The Lamp stayed pretty much the same during sculpture. Brian Wade, Chris Swift and Gabe Bartalos sculpted the Genie. It changed (for the better!) from the original sketch. They made it look great. It was about 10 feet tall and massive. – Barbara Anne Bock (“Genie” and “Lamp” Designer-Reel EFX)
“The Lamp” by Barbara Anne Bock
SPECIAL EFFECTS With Chaney producing, Daley attached as director, and Winters handling the casting and functioning as associate producer, The Lamp swung into preproduction. “It was a very ambitious project and we didn’t have much time to shoot it,” says first-time director Daley, “but the crew put up with working 15, 16 and 17 hours a day. It sometimes took until 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. to finesse the mechanical FX to the point where they were successful. But overall, everything went very smoothly. We spent so much time prepping it-from January until March of last year, working on the special FX, storyboarding the picture out, and doing the casting-that it went much smoother than most.”
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CGI didn’t really exist at that time as we have them today. The effects” that were added in post were mostly “animation such as the glow around the genie, the lamp clicker, smoke enhancement, etc. I knew and liked David Hewitt (Technomagic Film Effects/Hollywood Optical Systems], very much. He worked with us in post-production and some of the animation effects that were added, were his. David was a few years older than me, but being young at the time, we struck it off pretty good. He had also been involved with “stopmotion” animation and I was very tempted to go that way with the genie. Eventually, budget limitations and time overtook us, so I continued with what we had.
A five-man crew from Reel EFX (makeup FX and creature construction supervised by Gabe Bartalos and Jim Gill), in addition to the makeup and mechanical FX, also built the glass shields to keep the snakes away from the actors.
Some of Gabe Bartalos’ fondest memories of the shoot was the construction of the amazing genie and operating it on set. The sculpture, giant fiberglass molds and even foam fabrication was accomplished in Los Angeles at Reel EFX. We then trucked everything down to Huston, Texas, and set up a temporary work space. The genie was revealed in pieces, so we assembled him in sync with production. The first week just the arm was needed to burst through a wall, so Jim built an articulated aluminum armature that was inside the creature’s arm. I then painted the skin using a combination of rubber cement paint that was airbrushed on and complimented by hand painting details in PAX paint. By the time the full genie was needed, we were ready, and it was pretty impressive. The entire genie was mounted on a riser arm attached to a heavy weight dolly. Mounted on the sides of the dolly were the long controllers for the arms, torso rotation and head movement. Under the genie where his waist ended, we attached a cheesecloth pouch that had huge amounts of smoke pumped through it so it looked like the genie was floating on a column of smoke. When we pushed him through the museum at “high speed” with all of us on the dolly manipulating the creature, it was a real thrill—this was making a monster movie!
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The genie was latex with foam rubber backing, sculpted from a ton and a half of clay. Its bottom part was mostly a liquid nitrogen tank; operation of the top was, according to Reel EFX’s Martin Becker, “partially pneumatic, partially hydraulic, and partially cable pull. And part of it was radio-controlled.” Becker is “fairly happy” with the work he and his crew did, although he feels that a bit more time would have served the FX better. The hardest part consisted of getting the 20-foot tall monster to move with some degree of freedom. With its elongated, fully-articulated arms stretched straight out, the three-fingered humanoid creature was 23-feet wide. The genie stands only eight feet tall. Its misty bottom was added by means of a liquid nitrogen tank connected below the waist. “The liquid nitrogen gave a nice effect, was non-toxic and didn’t smell everybody out of the room like a lot of fog generators do,” said Bartalos. “Basically, it’s 70 percent of what air is-only much colder. You only have to worry about getting frostbite.”
“The reanimated mummy” was an effect that I tackled” says Bartalos. I began by getting a store bought medical grade skeleton. I then molded its face and created a cement “positive” which allowed me to sculpt on new features. I gave the illusion that the eyes had dried into their sockets, that the skin collapsed around the bones’ high points, and that the overall texture was dried and decomposing. I then molded my facial sculptures and ran them in foam rubber. These pieces I now was able to apply to the skeleton’s face, custom made prosthetics for a skull! I added stringy white and grey hair and painted the whole skeleton with parched colors (a lot of grey and umber tones). At the same time Jim was we waist of the skeleton. He installed a cool pneumatic rig that allowed the skeleton to sit up on its own when activated. He also added a mechanism inside the jaw, so it could chomp down on one of the students’ fingers. For this effect I made a fake hand that had a blood tube concealed inside of it. In closeup you see the “Mummy” bite down on the fake hand and pierce the finger. In the wide shot it was the real actor (Scott Bankston] with his finger bent back with a prosthetic stump attached and plenty of flowing blood.
I did most of the on set gore effects. There is a scene where a lovely young lady [Damon Merrill] gets attacked by snakes while she takes a bath. I was tasked with applying nine different prosthetics to her entire body that simulated the snake bites. Right before cameras rolled, I added fresh blood dripping from the puncture holes and spritzed it with water. The added water over the blood made for a very real “bloody wet look.” One of my favorite effects was the “Night Watch-Man” character that is established as a junk food over-eater. I created a “wrap-around” prosthetic that gave the illusion that mysterious forces have slammed copious amounts of food down his throat. Once I applied this burst neck prosthetic, I placed various hard candies in the open wound: Smarties, Mints, Twizzlers, etc. Good fun.
The Lamp features a reanimated mummy, an animated skeleton and some gore FX as well, all done by Los Angeles’ Reel EFX The major effect is a 26-foot-tall genie-and, unlike the genies usually encountered in popular fiction, this one is anything but benevolent.
Hewitt’s most spectacular effect involved an animated scene in which the vaporous genie flies out of the lamp into a swimming pool, reaches up out of the water, and jerks an actor down by the legs. His favorite FX scene in the picture, however, is one that is mostly mechanical. “It’s the mummy scene in the museum, when the mummy bites the boy’s fingers off and then sits up and bites him in the throat,” he says. “The only thing we did there was right at the beginning of the scene, when the boy and the girl are running through the museum.
We added the possession part, where the green vapor flies into the room real quick and just for a split second you see the skull of the mummy glow. All we did was enhance the stuff the guys at Reel EFX did. Physical and optical effects work really well together, and when you can put the two together it really sells the effect much better.”
Like the rest of the cast and crew, Hewitt worked under time constraints, finishing the opticals in five weeks. And, though he laughs about “rotoscoping on an airplane” in order to make his deadline, he found working on The Lamp a pleasant experience. “You couldn’t ask for a nicer guy to work with than Warren Chaney,” he states. “He was real open to suggestions. He really knows the pictures back to the silent days, all the effects pictures, so we had a great deal of fun together.”
For Deborah Winters, star of such mainstream films as Kotch and Class of ’44 as well as the recent TV miniseries Winds of War, working with makeup FX was a new experience-and a not altogether pleasant one. The interesting thing is that if she could’ve found an Arab woman in Houston, she probably would have been spared.
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“I had all the agents looking, and they would send me an Italian woman, and a Mexican woman, and it just didn’t work out,” recalls Winters, whose previous horror movie experience includes 1976’s Blue Sunshine. “So Warren said one day, ‘Well, I don’t know what we’re going to do. I guess we’re just going to have to have Martin Becker’s people handle this as another special effect.’ And I said, “OK, that’s fine,’ because I was fed up with the whole thing of trying to find somebody,” she laughs. “Then Warren said, ‘You can do it.’ I said, ‘I can do it?’ He said, ‘Sure. You can change your voice and no one will even recognize you; it’ll save us a lot of money and you can forget about it.’” That was how Winters found herself encased in five hours worth of makeup for four shooting days, after flying to Los Angeles and getting a head and torso cast.
“Doing makeup FX in a movie is tough,” she affirms. “I really had no idea. Between the contact lenses and the makeup, and having to sit around and wait until you can’t move and you can’t eat. . . At one point, there was smoke involved in a scene, and the FX guys blew smoke in my face and I couldn’t breathe. It was an experience. But the worst of it was the two hours it took to remove the makeup. Believe me, it was very painful. I had my Early Times with me. After doing this thing, I don’t think we could’ve found anybody that would’ve wanted to go through it.
“It was worth it, of course,” she adds. “But one day Warren told me, ‘Maybe we can do a sequel with the old lady,’ and I said, ‘Listen, brother-if you do a sequel, you can play the old lady.'”
Winters also portrays the old lady as a young girl in the prologue, and has a major role as the museum curator’s paramour. The curator is played by James Huston, and his daughter is Andra St. Ivanyi, a student at the University of Houston who gets high marks from both Chaney and Fred Kuehnert for her performance. Chaney also speaks very highly of Hollywood Optical Systems, the LA outfit that created the optical FX for The Lamp. Fans of low-budget horror and science fiction will recall Optical’s boss, David Hewitt, as the director behind the threadbare ’60s epics Journey to the Center of Time, Dr. Terror’s Gallery of Horrors and The Mighty Gorga. For The Lamp, he and coworkers Bill Humphrey and Larry Arpin added more than 50 optical FX in post-production and, admits Chaney with a laugh, “saved my rear in a couple of places.”
RELEASE/DISTRIBUTION/DELETED SCENES According to Warren Chaney, The Lamp was the title of the film as sent to distribution. H.I.T. Films separated U.S. domestic from overseas and so “two films” were born: “The Lamp” and “The Outing.” Skouras Pictures took the pic as The Lamp and released it in theaters in the overseas markets; TMS (The Movie Store) was the domestic distributor and wanted to cut 18 minutes out of the film in order that it could run “one more time” in the theaters. The original film ran 102 minutes but after their cut, it was reduced to 86 minutes. Now, their method for editing left a lot to be desired: they merely took a pair of scissors and cut 18 minutes off the front end; they tacked on some “cheap” credits and ripped off some of John’s music (John Carpenter] and they had a pic that would run 4 or 5 times per day instead of 3. Reviews for the original were pretty good; reviews for The Outing were much less so-and I agreed with the critics.
There were some longer shots of the genie that were cut out of the original scenes but later reinserted by the studio. My belief has always been that the “less you show” the greater the fear since people worry about what they can’t see. I wanted to film much less of the physical genie; Tom wanted to film more of the creature and so shot a great deal more footage in production. When I did the final edit however, I cut much of it out but as fate would have it, both distributors (Skouras Pictures and TMS) agreed with Tom and edited much of it back into the picture. I have always believed that when you are filming creatures “less is more,” but given the success both distributors had with the film, it’s hard for me to argue against them.
Five scenes were cut from the opening of the film. The opening scenes set the picture up to be a “tall tale”—there was considerably more detail about the ship, its cargo, and what happened on the way over (however, there were no hints as to the cause … you heard the screams and the helmsman lashing himself to the wheel). In a later scene (cut from the movie), one of the hoods (played by Hank Amigo, Brian Floores and Michelle Watkins] while delivering groceries, hears the old lady talking to the lamp. It occurred prior to the scenes where she was killed. That scene set up the “killers,” her, and her mystical aspects which is misunderstood by the thugs as her having a lot of money. When the scenes were cut, the picture opened in what was probably the poorest directed segment of the film: the scenes with the hoods in the van, on the way to the old woman’s house (if I had known this, I would have destroyed that part of the print). As a consequence, there was no “logic” to the film’s story from that point forward.
The end of the movie was trimmed (some 3 minutes). The museum director’s daughter [Andra St. Ivanyi) was being taken to a local hospital (explained by Detective Charles). Given the circumstances of the killings in the museum, the police are keeping her under guard. The teacher [Deborah Winters] remains to answer questions. There is a scene of a delivery truck delivering cases of soda. When the driver handles the cases, the bottles jingle, producing the sounds of the “evil-bracelet.” What was cut earlier was a quick scene early in the film when the driver is doing the same thing as the kids enter the museum. Andra St. Ivanyi looks at the truck and then at her bracelet. At the close of the film, the same thing happens, only now it’s a deathly reminder the girl of what happened. What was cut in the final scene was the close up of the bottles clinking together and making the bracelet sound.
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CAST/CREW Directed by   Tom Daley Produced by Warren Chaney Written by     Warren Chaney
Deborah Winters as Eve Ferrell / Young Arab Woman / Old Arab Woman James Huston as Dr. Wallace Andra St. Ivanyi as Alex Wallace Scott Bankston as Ted Pinson Red Mitchell as Mike Daley (as Mark Mitchell) André Chimène as Tony Greco Charity Merrill as Babs
Makeup Department John Blake    …       special makeup effects artist Ron Clark     …       hair stylist / makeup artist Thomas Floutz        …       special makeup effects artist William Forsche       …       special makeup effects artist (as Bill Forsche) Rick Jones    …       hair stylist / makeup artist Brian Wade   …       special makeup effects artist Gabriel Bartalos      …       special effects makeup Barbara Anne Bock …       special effects makeup Nichael Boggio        …       special effects makeup Jack Bridwell …       special effects contact lenses Lesley Chaney        …       special effects assistant Paul Clemens          …       special effects makeup William Forsche       …       special effects makeup (as Bill Forsche) Jim Gill         …       special effects makeup Tom Hartigan          …       special effects assistant Frankie Inez  …       special effects supervisor / special effects: California Bettie Kauffman      …       special effects coordinator Richard Mayone      …       special effects makeup James McLoughlin  …       special effects makeup Bart Mixon    …       special effects makeup Frank ‘Paco’ Munoz …       special effects mechanical supervisor John Naulin   …       special effects makeup: California Steven Summerfield          …       special effects makeup Christopher Swift     …       special effects makeup coordinator (as Chris Swift) Brian Wade   …       special effects makeup
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Fangoria#67 Cinefantastique v17n01 It Came from the 80s! Francesco Borseti
The Outing (1987) Retrospective SUMMARY In 1893, a young woman wears a magical bracelet and the dark shadow of an evil jinni (genie) looms over a bloody scene, foreshadowing the violence to come.
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spidxysense · 7 years
Summary: Tom makes a tiny slip up on his interview with Ellen Pairing: Tom x Reader Word Count: 2,219
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You sit in the waiting room, watching the large television directly in front of you as Ellen starts her show. It's only been around three months since you last guested here, and the only reason you found yourself back here so soon is because of one name; Tom Holland.
2 Months Earlier
Ellen sits in the familiar arm chair as she welcomes Marvel's newest hero.
"...And joining us today is Spiderman himself, Mr. Tom Holland!" She gestures toward the entryway for the guest just as Tom makes his way in.
He sits comfortably in the chair with a laugh, "Hey there!" He waves at the audience.
Ellen clears her throat, "So Tom, this is your first time guesting here, how is it?"
He scratches his chin, "Well, honestly Ellen, this is such a huge deal for me. It's massive! I didn't even think I'd ever step foot on this set!"
Ellen laughs, leaning back, "So Spiderman Homecoming is a huge hit." She pauses to let the audience give an applause, "See? All those fans, they're all here for you."
"I know. I-I mean it's crazy! Isn't it? Just a couple of years ago, I was just some nobody actor who also happened to be a huge Spiderman fan, and now, I'm Peter Parker!" His eyes widened in excitement as he practically bounces in his seat.
Ellen gives a small laugh, "Well, I'd say it’s more like Peter Parker has become Tom Holland."
Tom teasingly acts shy, giggling, "Oh stop it, you." And the whole audience goes crazy over it.
"Alright, I love your accent, given that English accent; I take it that you’re not a kid from Queens, so I’m curious how did you go about becoming a kid from Queens. Did you go to Queens at all? Did you maybe immerse yourself with New York in general?
He takes the mug off the table and sips, "Actually, there's a story about that. Yeah, it’s funny. Marvel actually sent me to a school in the Bronx where I had a fake name, and I put on an accent, and I went for like three days. I basically had to go to this science school and blend in with all the kids, and some of the teachers didn’t even know. It was a science school, and I am in no way a science student." He laughs, "It was actually my worst subject and so Some of the teachers would call me up in front of the class and try to get me to do science equations and stuff – it was so embarrassing. But it was actually really informative because schools in London are so different. I would go to school every day in a suit and tie, with just boys. To be in a school where you can be free and let loose, and be with girls, it was so different. Like SO different. But yeah, it was a really great experience."
Ellen laughs, "So how did it feel? Did nobody really notice that you were Spiderman? I mean that's crazy!"
Tom is an excited babbler, if he somehow gets overexcited about the conversation, he doesn't have an off button, he just goes on and on and this was the reason he was so lousy with secrets, "Oh Ellen, it was amazing."
Ellen cuts him off, "You find it amazing that nobody knew you?" The audience laughs.
He nods excitedly, "Oh absolutely! It was great, I mean to be Spiderman, you can’t have people knowing who you were so nobody figured it out." He laughs, "It was just an experience, not even my girlfriend knew who I was at first, and that's kind of strange since she's an actress, but at the same time, it made me very happy since no one could tell that I was the new Spiderman, and that's what and who Peter was, a nerdy kid who nobody would ever suspect of being the guy in red and blue."
Ellen's smile gets bugger as Tom continues to talk about going undercover in Queens, "Sorry to interrupt, but girlfriend?"
Tom looks like he's on cloud nine, not realizing exactly what he was doing, "Yeah, my girlfriend, Y/N."
He pauses midsmile and looks directly into the camera, eyes wide, and his facial expression frozen in an open mouthed smile as he realizes exactly what he's just done, "Holy shit." He furrows his eyebrows and shuts his eyes as he clenches a fist and holds back a laugh, "Oh God, I am such an idiot!"
The audience reactions are a mix of laughter and catcalls as Ellen tries to calm them down, "It's alright Tom! But just so we're clear, you're talking about Y/N? As in Y/N Y/L/N?" A picture of you from a recent photoshoot popping up on the screen.
He sighs in defeat and lifts his head up, "She is going to kill me." He laughs and looks at the screen, "But yeah, that's her. She looks quite lovely in that picture." He smiles at it.
Ellen chuckles from the background, "This young love is just too cute. Isn't it folks?" The crowd answers with cheers, "So how long has this been going on? How long have you been fooling us Tom?" Ellen jokes.
He runs his hand through his hair, "Alright, so first..." he looks into the camera, "Y/N, darling, sweetheart, I am so sorry. I am a dead man walking, I know, but look how lovely you look up there." He points to the screen and looks at Ellen, "I am so dead Ellen. She will kill me, oh God." The audience laughs at his reaction.
Ellen presses a few buttons on what could be assumed as the master control and a video from an award show pops up, "Do you mean to tell me, that this wasn't some random encounter?"
Tom looks at the screen, it was a video of you walking the carpet and he was looking at you the moment you arrived, upon coming face to face you two waved at each other and instantly once the video ends, he buries his face further into his hand, "Please don't hate me."
Ellen stands, "Alright! That's all the time we have for today! But Y/N, you owe us an interview." She laughs into the camera as it pans out.
"So, how have you been?" Ellen stares at you from the other chair over, and you find yourself looking out at the audience in surprise.
"Fine." You squeak, it has Ellen jokingly squinting at you as the audience bursts into laughter.
"You have a major offense Y/N." Ellen laughs, "Why do you do me dirty like this?"
You lift your hands up in surrender, "Hey, not my fault you didn't ask."
Ellen looks at you incredulously, "Last time we talked, you said you weren't dating anyone!"
You laugh with a snort, "Well technically, I'm not. First, we're not dating anymore, it's more like a business deal. Like you should see us in the morning when we're getting ready, we’re like a well-oiled machine." The audience laughs once again, "And second, I don't consider Tom a person."
Ellen holds back her laughter, "In the morning? So you two live together? Are you kidding me right now? You two have been going behind my back?" Ellen gives you a surprised open mouthed smile, "You know what? How about we bring Tom out here to explain!" And the audience erupts in cheers, as you sit dumbfounded on the sofa before a pair of arms are grasping your shoulders.
"Oh, come on Tom! Just a shoulder squeeze?" Ellen gives you two a disbelieving look.
You hear him chuckle beside you on the couch which you had wondered about earlier on during the practice takes, "I wasn't too sure if it was appropriate."
Ellen smiles at you two before you speak up, "What the hell are you doing here?" You look at him with a happy but confused face.
He looks to you then to Ellen, "I don't think she wants me here."
Ellen quiets everyone down before speaking, "You know Y/N, the funny thing about that is we actually didn't invite him. He just invited himself, like literally." Ellen looks to the crowd, "I texted him yesterday that you were coming and he just replies with..."
A picture pops up on the screen in a text message conversation between Ellen and your boyfriend where his final reply is, "Oh cool, can I come? Never mind, I'll come anyway. I'll even bring some coffee."
You scoff at the screen before facing your boyfriend, "You are incredible." You give out a hollow laugh and look at Ellen, "See? I told you, he's not human.”
He relaxes on the couch and crosses his ankle over his thigh, "I just wanted to support my girlfriend you know?"
You roll your eyes at him playfully, "You know, the only reason I'm here is because of you right?"
Tom laughs adorably before Ellen speaks up, "Actually, about that. How did you handle it?"
You sit up, brushing debris off of your skirt, before Tom's covering your legs, "Babe, you're on television." You scoff and give a disbelieving look at Ellen.
"Do you see what I mean?"
Tom quickly takes off his jacket and places it over your lap, stopping in front of your face for a kiss on the cheek, which you give, "So back to what I was about to explain, we met even before he started filming for Civil War. During his undercover stint in Queens, where I was doing a photoshoot." Your voice cracks due to nerves and you suddenly stop when Tom grabs your hand and squeezes it, "So I snuck off to this local comic book cafe, and I am a big Spiderman fan. So here I am drinking my coffee while looking at a Spiderman comic, the one where Gwen Stacy dies, and this strange guy where an ID from some science school in Queens approaches me points to the comic book, and goes, "I'm gonna be that guy." and it should have warded me off." You look lovingly at Tom, "But it didn't. He is just the sweetest guy."
"Well that is just adorable, but Y/N, tell me this. You have never gone public when dating someone, you've never actually revealed who you date, so what makes this different?"
You laugh nervously, "Well first of all, he told you all. But like I said, Tom is an amazing guy. He just makes me want to be better."
Tom cuts in, "I actually did feel quite guilty then.”
Ellen sips from her cup, then looks at the two of you, “So about that, how was that? How did you find out? Because I had a bet with my wife that Tom would wait until the actual televised showing to actually reveal to you what he did.” Ellen jokes.
You look at Tom playfully, and he only opens his palm to you as a gesture for you to answer the question and you laugh, “Oh my gosh, just imagine it Ellen. I’m in bed, sleeping and this guy” You point an accusing finger at Tom, “comes barging in in the middle of the night, asking me why I haven’t been answering my phone, and I try to tell him that I lost it when he suddenly blurts out that I’m going to hate him. I didn’t believe it at first, but yeah, I did. I did briefly hate him.” You laugh, “He got pretty smug about it too, he goes, “So I went on Ellen today, and I told them about you.” And he just shrugs while I’m sitting in bed, just gaping at him.”
Tom scratches the back of his head, “I actually was kind of nervous to tell her since Y/N is a very private person and she’d only been talking about trying to be more open, but doing that all of a sudden, I was scared she’d kick me out, or break up with me.”
Ellen nods in understanding, “So do you two live together? How long has this exactly been going on?”
Tom readily takes the question, “It’s not that we’re living together, it’s more like, I’m just either over at her place all the time or she’s at mine all the time. Right now, we’re at about over a year and a half?”
Ellen looks at the audience with a laughing face, “So you two basically live in two houses?” She turns to the audience, “Can y’all just imagine the bills they have to pay?!”
Ellen clasps her hands together and looks at the two of you, “Alright, so the interview is just about done, do you two have any messages for each other? Just so the audience has something to think about before going to bed tonight.” She jokes.
You look at Tom, only to see that he’s already staring at you as if you created the very galaxy, he smiles and then sighs, “I don’t know. I love you Y/N. I guess that’s it.”
You smile softly at him, and mouth a silent “I love you too.” In his direction before he’s leaning in to kiss you, “You’re still an idiot though.”
And all he can do is smile at you.
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howblunt · 5 years
1-98 weird asks!
First off: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to answer all of these :) 
Second off: Let’s begin
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? 
Coffee Mugs 
 2. chocolate bars or lollipops? 
lollipops for sure 
 3. bubblegum or cotton candy? 
bubblegum! (though i do love cotton candy)
 4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? 
honestly I’m not sure. I’m sure it was something about me being quite and bad at participating 
 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? 
(reusable) Plastic cups 
 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? 
I love the look of pastel 
but I think I dress more preppy ? with a hint of grunge(maybe goth) 
 7. earbuds or headphones?
I wear earbuds more often but I do prefer headphones 
 8. movies or tv shows? 
 9. favorite smell in the summer? 
how the pool smells and sunscreen 
 10. game you were best at in p.e.? 
none. P.E. was awful.
Stick to the back and hope the ball doesn’t come at me, that’s how I lived. 
 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? 
Cereal. I am a simple woman 
 12. name of your favorite playlist? 
currently it is my “Jean + Scott angst (and love)” playlist off spotify 
 13. lanyard or key ring? 
key ring 
 14. favorite non-chocolate candy? 
anything gummy but more specifically gummy worms 
 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Wide Sargasso Sea 
If you like Gothic novels with some unrequited love and desire… hit this book up. Look up the plot of Jane Erye first.. it’s like a prequel. Btw I hated Jane Erye. But love Wide Sargasso Sea. Lots of symbolism and even witch craft 
 16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Legs stretched out, both on the ground 
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My black tennis shoes. Very comfortable 
 18. ideal weather? 
Fall weather. Wind and sunshine 
 19. sleeping position?
Usually on my right side. But I wake up on my back
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
 21. obsession from childhood?
Barbie dolls! and my little pony+ littlest pet shop 
 22. role model? 
This is a hard one because I don’t really have anyone. But I guess Dan Aykroyd (my senior quote is from him) 
 23. strange habits? 
biting the inside of my mouth, fidgeting + folding up papers that are given to me (like in mass), and chewing my straws 
 24. favorite crystal? 
Rose quartz and orange Calcite
 25. first song you remember hearing?
Here Comes the Sun
My mom used to sing it in the morning to wake up my sister and me 
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? 
Or walk/ride my bike to the library 
 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
curl up in a blanket and stay inside 
 28. five songs to describe you? 
(In no order)
Not Today by Twenty One Pilots 
Wow, I’m Not Crazy by AJR 
xanny by Billie Eilish 
I’m In Love With My Car by Queen
Why Do You Feel So Down by Declan McKenna 
 29. best way to bond with you? 
Going shopping (clothes or other). This way we can chat and also have something to do 
 30. places that you find sacred?
The library and church 
 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? 
idk full outfit but my black pleated skirt makes me feel good 
 32. top five favorite vines? 
In no order
*girl vapes* wow
I smell like beef 
Lets’s tell each other secrets. I’ll go first, I hate you. 
Chris is that a weed?!
This is how I enter my house. What’s up fuckers?! 
 33. most used phrase in your phone? 
 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? 
that one for the shampoo made for curly hair. and it goes “That’s curl power”
 35. average time you fall asleep? 
11 or 12 during the week. 1 or 2 for weekends 
 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? 
Rage comics. idk which specifically. But i used to run a rage comic meme account. I was pretty popular ;)
37. suitcase or duffel bag? 
 38. lemonade or tea? 
lemonade (though i do LOVE tea)
 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cakes 
 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?  
omg so. There was this girl who told on this other girl for cheating on a test. Then like the whole grade just ganged up on this other girl and started calling her “the snitch” because the cheater’s friend group started saying “snitches get stitches” (lol even tho i went to an all girls, majority white + prissy + upper class, catholic school but go off) that went on for too long.
at some party they started to chant “snitches get stitches” 
the girl who started the chant then got suspended 
41. last person you texted? 
my ex. (it was a good breakup) 
 42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? 
jacket pockets 
 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? 
 44. favorite scent for soap?
 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi (lmao x-men is under sci-fi at the library. so it counts) 
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? 
XL t-shirt from giving blood and some very loose pajama shorts 
 47. favorite type of cheese?
 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? 
Mango (I eat enough to turn into one)
 49. what saying or quote do you live by? 
“Comparison will kill you”
 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
OMG so there was this big spider web. And me and a friend thought it would be funny to call another friend over. And then be like “’lol u just walked passed a huge spider”–we didn’t think she would walk into it or near it because it was right by the edge of a lake we were by. So we call her over and this girl starts sprinting over toward us and RIGHT toward the spider web, and she had this big smile. And my friend and I yelled at her to stop. And when we were laughing saying she was about to run into a spider web and showed her the big spider, she began to freak out (maybe even cry). 
She was okay after the shock and fear wore off. 
I literally have tears in my eyes from typing this 
 51. current stresses? 
My friend moving away really far 
Starting school
making new friends 
 52. favorite font? 
I honestly don’t have one
 53. what is the current state of your hands? 
kinda dry
 54. what did you learn from your first job?
That I really love kids
 55. favorite fairy tale? 
Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel 
 56. favorite tradition?
Every one of my family’s Christmas traditions 
 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? 
My self doubt
sharing my art + writing 
My self confidence + learning my worth 
 58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can play the piano
I can draw and paint
I can embroider and sew (not well but I have fun)
I can write pretty creative stories 
 59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Oh gosh, now what?”
 60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? 
Magical Girl Anime
 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Darjeeling Limited directed by Wes Anderson: “What’s wrong with you?” / “Let me think about that. I’ll tell you the next time I see you.” / “Sure, tell me then.” / “Thanks for using me.” / “You’re Welcome.” 
 62. seven characters you relate to?
Will from Stranger Things (with the whole not wanting to give up “childish things” and other stuff his friends are growing out of)
David Wong from John Dies at the End (with how he handles the situation and thinks)
Molly from Booksmart (not the going to a great college or being super smart + looking down on people part. But wanting to go to a party and flirt with cute boys)
Erin from Derry Girls (Tbh, I relate to all the main girls in this show)
Eric from That 70s Show (sometimes)
A mix between Ben and Andy from Parks and Rec
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Good Old Fashion Lover Boy by Queen 
Dance, Baby! by Boy Pablo 
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede 
Fake Happy by Paramore 
Sober Up by AJR
 64. favorite website from your childhood? 
Club Penguin and Webkinz 
 65. any permanent scars?
On my knees from falling as a child. A small scar under my eye from a dog bite 
66. favorite flower(s)? 
Roses and Daisies 
 67. good luck charms?  
I wear this necklace a friend gave me when I am nervous 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Green Tea flavored Mochi is kinda nasty to me
 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? 
Dan Aykroyd lost his wallet that he always kept chained to his belt. He was freaking out and searching all over while John Belushi was laughing his butt off
 70. left or right handed?
 71. least favorite pattern?
anything with too many circles / holes 
72. worst subject? 
Anything Science related 
 73. favorite weird flavor combo?
idk but do NOT try lemonade with Doritos. it taste like throw up 
I’ve made this mistake twice 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
it has to be an 7 or so
 75. when did you lose your first tooth? 
gosh, i’m not sure 
 76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? 
tator tots 
 77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
this is a question for my sister 
 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
I regularly buy sushi from a grocery store so that works 
the grocery store I go to has a sushi bar and has fresh sushi every day 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
tbh they both looks kinda good.. not to BRAG. but i guess driver’s license 
 80. earth tones or jewel tones? 
Earth tones
 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
 82. pc or console? 
 83. writing or drawing?
 84. podcasts or talk radio? 
podcast – no commercials 
 84. barbie or polly pocket? 
Barbie all the WAY! Though I do love me a good polly pocket 
 85. fairy tales or mythology?
Fair Tales
 86. cookies or cupcakes?
though i like making cupcakes more 
 87. your greatest fear?
Being kidnapped and never being found 
 88. your greatest wish?
To find my ideal man
 89. who would you put before everyone else? 
Anyone in my family 
 90. luckiest mistake?
Thinking a test is sooner so I study. But then ending up having another day to study as well. 
91. boxes or bags?
 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? 
(maybe some fairy lights in the background) 
 93. nicknames?
My real name is Veronica but I go by Ronni
Ron Ron, Gonni, Ronica 
 94. favorite season? 
 95. favorite app on your phone? 
 96. desktop background? 
I’m a Kaneki slut (Tokyo Ghoul) 
Tumblr media
 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
 98. favorite historical era?
style wise: 1800 rococo -- Marie Antoinette period 
media wise: 1970s  
0 notes
kendall2009 · 4 years
Author Author E. H. James participated in the group interviews but wanted to share is in a writing form so here it is: VANESSA BUSH INTERVIEW 1.) When did you realize you wanted to become a writer? I wouldn’t say there was any defining moment, when the realization came to me. I recall writing weekly stories, in elementary school. The teacher would assign us a topic, and the class would write a short story. Almost every week, the teacher would read my story aloud to the class. I had no idea why she chose my stories, but I began to get a sense she saw something in me. It was a few years later, in grade seven, that we were required to write a poem about spring. The teacher read it aloud to the class, and I found out later he’d read it to all the teachers in the staff room. He came to me and said I should try to get it published. This surprised me. That anyone would consider what I write to be worth publishing. I had no desire to write, back then. I did it because I was told I had to. It was when my teachers praised me that I started to feel a sense of accomplishment and pleasure from it. I’m not sure if that was what sparked this love of writing, but I found myself in a moment when inspiration would strike, and I just had to get it down. I would write poems and, at first, had a couple published in local poetry books. I then submitted them to contests and had several published in anthologies in the U.S., Holland, and the U.K., under Lauren Hunter. I started writing short stories, as the ideas came to me, and then I had an idea for a novel. I worked on it on and off and finally finished it, but it wasn’t until I wrote a few more novels, and tried to find a publisher, that I truly considered being a writer. It was when my stories were accepted and published that I really began to see myself as a writer. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you have to be published, to consider yourself a writer. I’m saying I didn’t think of myself as a writer, until that happened. I don’t need to be published, to be a writer, but knowing others are reading my stories, and getting some sort of pleasure from the experience, gives it meaning for me. It adds a depth to the process, knowing it will be read. That it will reach into the hearts and minds of people who will laugh, or cry, or feel moved by my words. Over the years, from time to time, we may doubt ourselves, and question ourselves, but the desire remains, and the ideas continue to flow, whether they’re published or not. 2.) How long does it usually takes you to write a book? I’ve written a 120,000 word novel in four weeks, an 85,000 word novel in nineteen days, 50,000 words in twelve days…If I’m doing nothing else but writing all day, every day, I can get a lot done. It’s when I get into a zone that I can’t wait to write, the moment I awake—and when I’m too exhausted to focus, at the end of the day, that I regrettably realize I must stop. I usually write around 5,000 words in a day, but I have written 8 to 9,000 words in a day. So, depending on how long any given short story is, I can write them in one day. 3.) What would you say your writing style and techniques are? I know dialogue pushes my stories forward and immediately pulls the reader into the action, so I tend to focus on that. I’ll use narrative to help set mood, create tension, and to build the world around my characters—but not so much that it takes away from the momentum. 4.) What is the most important thing for you to communicate with your readers? I want them to relate to my characters, no matter if they are good or bad. I want them to become part of the story, as if there, in the midst of the joy or despair…for them to feel what the characters are feeling. I want them to know the characters, as if they are alive, and to cry at their loss, or rage at the injustice. I want them to come away from the story having experienced something that touched them on some level. Perhaps, left them with a thought, a feeling…a memory. 5.) How do you find your inspirations? Now that is a really hard question for me. So many times ideas will literally come to me out of thin air. They just pop into my head, and I find myself excited about the story unfolding before me, and I need to get it down. There have been times, when watching a particular movie based on a book, that I find myself moved to write. Their creation inspires me to create, as if through the images I sense their desire, their process, their drive and excitement. It reminds me of that passion, that need to express, that thrill of living within the world of my characters, as if one of them, as if I know them…as if they’re real. 6.) What do you enjoy the most when you create a story? When I start a story, I may have the plot worked out in my head, as to where I want the story to go and what it’s about. It tends to be a fairly general idea. I then start to write it, and as I am writing it, the characters and the story take on a life of their own. I don’t know what my characters are going to do or say, until the moment they say it. Yes, I have an idea what I want them to do and where I want them to go, but as to exactly what they will say or do to accomplish that…is a mystery to me. It’s a lot like reading someone else’s story, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next. The things that will pop out of my characters’ mouths will make me gasp or laugh out loud. The words come into my head, in that moment, as they’re speaking, as though overhearing a conversation. There have been times when I started to write one story and it became something else entirely. It goes off in a direction I never planned, and I go along for the ride, wondering where it’s taking me. For me, it’s an exciting and mysterious process. * * * Author Bio and Links Bio: E. H. James has always been fascinated by the unexplained. Wanting to delve deeper into the unknown, James has read and researched in the areas of parapsychology and metaphysics, for the past 40 years. Taking those first hand experiences, involving the unexplained, James has woven the real and imaginary together into stories of the strange and bizarre. James’ stories range from the paranormal and horror, to fantasy and science fiction, from short stories and novellas, to 100K+ novels. Author Links: Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/E.-H.-James/e/B006XFI2LK/ Website: http://ehjames1.wixsite.com/ehjames1 Goodreads Author Page https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5446146.E_H_James Twitter https://twitter.com/EHJames1 @EHJames1 Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/AuthorEHJames Blogger https://ehjames.blogspot.ca/ Follow E. H. James and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com’s E. H. James Author Page.
AMAZON.COM E. H. James Follow E. H. James and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com’s E. H. James Author Page.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com
Photo by Erik Mclean on Pexels.com
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com
Very first written interview with a member of my writer’s group!!! Author Author E. H. James participated in the group interviews but wanted to share is in a writing form so here it is: VANESSA BUSH INTERVIEW…
0 notes
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
"Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i find cheap health insurance?
does any of you knows where can i find cheap health insurance for peoples not working and hv no health insurance cover, coz i need operation. Thanks !""
How much insurance money do you think i can get?
Seven weeks ago i got into a very bad car accident on the freeway. I'm 15 and was NOT driving. my 19 year old friend was driving. from the accident i was rushed to the hospital with a broken arm. my left arm was very badly cracked and they said in a week they will hit it into place then put it in a cast. so, a week later i went into surgery and there was complications and my arm snapped in half and so they cut open my arm and put in a 5 inch titanium plate and 7 pins. i just got my cast off after 4 weeks. my arm is in pain all the time. and i cant do much. how much money do u think i could recieve?""
Car Insurance: Driving Parents Car?
I have Insurance With State Farm on my vehicle. Currently it is being repaired and I have no car. I need to drive a car to get to work and school. They have State Farm also, but on a different policy. Both Insurance policies say Uninsured motorist on the card. I live in North Carolina (insurance is required) Could I drive my parents car? If I get pulled over what will happen?""
How much will insurance cost me?
I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.""
Information on car insurance coverage?
I was being driven over to a friends house to pick up some paper work, I do not have a driver liceance but my friend does, when another car passed us they came to far over and forced us in which resulted in us side swiping a parked car in the street, The car belongs to my fiance and myself, I'am on the insurance as iam in the process if obtaining a permitt, she drives the car very few times, only when I need to get somewhere and her son has her car, I filed the claim and when the claim adjustor got back to me she was saying our friend may have to run a claim through her insurance instead, we have full coverage collision and all, limited tort, in a no fault insurance state, PA, ive talked with many people and been told my insurance should cover it with no problem, she cannot claim this her son literally wrecked her car 2 months back, seeings how we are fully covered and she is a very occasional driver, I was told its the first thing they will try naturally as an insurance company is try to have everyone else foot the bill first, I'am curious as I'am certain we should be able to cover it, even though she was driving it was me on the passenger side who had said she should be able to move over as I was certain there was clearance which guess not as we were pretty certain the other driver would have hit us, will a full coverage policy cover this if the car in question has the policy on it and one of the insured on the policy was in the car at the time as well? we have Infinity auto insurance, thanks!""
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Which is the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi, I'm thinking of starting driving soon and was wondering if anyone knows which would be the cheapest option for insurance? I've tried the compare services and found a direct quote from direct line to be cheaper than any of the ones it found, at about 2200 last time I checked (I think). Does anyone know any other insurers who are cheaper or if this is the best I'm going to get? I'm 20, don't have a license yet and obviously have no no claims etc. Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any good? thanks people.""
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
Jeep Vs Car Insurance?
hey i am a 17 male. i was just wondering would insurance for a jeep be cheaper then insurance on a car since you would be less likely to rally around a jeep, and other dangerous driving etc.. i am also wondering if a 2L jeep would be dear to insure for a 17 male, since it is a jeep. thanks :)""
Car insurance question?
I am British and my wife American. We will be relocating to the US soon. Will my British driving licence be sufficient to be a 'named' driver on my wife's car insurance?
Autoplan insurance in Vancouver?
Hi everyone, i am new to British Columbia and i will be living in canada for a very long time. I wanna ask you guys a question that suppose i have a driving license here ( N ) and i own a car under 20,000 dollars ( not included tax ). Then, how much do you think i have to pay for just the basic car insurance and the tax ? Thank you very much Best wishes to you guys and your family""
Car insurance. Confused.com?
Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much.""
Switching car insurance...?
my car insurance policy expires in March and I have full coverage. I had full coverage because I was financing my car. I recently paid it off and would like to switch to a lesser coverage. Can i do this before my policy expires in march or do i have to wait??
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
Will my insurance pay off my car?
My car was considered totaled due to fire damage in the engine, i only purchased the car about 2 months ago wich means my policy is also new, will my insurance pay off the car or what will happened? Has any one experience something similar??""
What amount should I expect to pay for car insurance on a 2010 Camaro? I'm 18 years old.?
I am just finally getting my license. I go to the North Carolina School of Science and Math, have scored an 800 on multiple SAT Subject Tests (2190 on my SAT), and have made straight As throughout high school. I've also attended a driver's education class (while this applies more to driver's insurance instead of car insurance, I'd assume it still carries some weight). The Camaro is a 2010 V6 LT1. Am I going to have to pay like hell to afford this?""
""How Can i keep my car, without paying insurance?""
I have a car that i DONT want to sell, but i will not be using very often, can i keep it WITHOUT paying insurance, because obviously it would be a waste of money to be paying insurance on a car that i do not drive.""
""Better Grades, Better Car Insurance?
how does that work that if you have good grades your car insurance goes down? How much does it go down?
""Where can l find low cost Dental care in Orange County,CA?""
I would like to find low cost dental care in O.C,but the one l find on the net is called Medical Discounts International,Inc, l don't believe it's a government program and l have my reservations. Is government programs better than private ones? Any agencies that are reliable and good? Thanks.""
Do you have to buy full coverage insurance?
If you are finance a car from a dealer? This would be in california
How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?
I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please""
Does getting car insurance quotes lower your credit score?
I was wondering if getting multiple insurance quotes can significantly lower your FICO score due to inquiries..especially if you have a limited credit history..
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Who really has the cheapest car insurance?
its gotta be cheap
How much will my motorcycle insurance be??
I'm 19 years old in Arkansas. I'm planning to buy a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R soon. I'm currently under my parents coverage policy with Shelter Insurance. I have good driving records so far...and I just want basic coverage. Oh, and Im also planning to make payments on the bike, so does that mean I have to get full coverage? Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
Geiko car insurance?
I want to know from someone who has Geiko car insurance if they like it. I currently have Nationwide, and though I love them, I can get car insurance from Geiko for $40 cheaper a month. I am a college student and with only being able to work certain hours and the expense of college $40 is a lot of money to be. At the same time I want to make sure I get insurance from a company I can get in touch with if I have problems. Thanks for any help!""
My Car Insurance won't cover this?!?!?
I got into an accident on a rainy day. I did not hold collision or comprehensive. Because I skidded into a ditch and the car rolled, an oil leak occurred. The fire department came and had to put oil dry on the oil leak which was saturating the ground. I hold all the other coverages (liability/property damage, underinsured/uninsured motorist/medical). The fire department bill for the oil leak clean up / hazard removal was $500. The car insurance company says it falls under collision and since I don't have it they don't have to pay out the $500. I insisted it was under liability / property damage as the oil leak is a hazard and causes property damage. Is this fair that they said it falls under collision? Or should I fight it. If so how?""
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
Is accutane usually covered by insurance?
i have blue cross blue shield insurance if that helps.
How much would insurance be for a 2009 camaro for a 16 year old first car?
How much would insurance be for a 2009 camaro for a 16 year old first car?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy who is workin fast food?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy who is workin fast food?
Home insurance rates in california?
what are rough guidelines for figuring insurance rates on real estate in california? (corona, riverside county)?""
What is the average motorcycle insurance cost for an over 30s on a 125cc with cbt?
What is the average motorcycle insurance cost for an over 30s on a 125cc with cbt?
Do i need car insurance?
don't ask me why but i didn't get my license until a year and a half ago (im 23). I don't own a car but regularly drive my girlfriends. Her car is fully insured by herself and mother, and the car is totally paid off. I've asked this question for a while, some say i do need insurance, others say i don't because it's fully covered. So do i?""
Age Of 16 to fill up a car insurance quote?
why car insurance agent put 16 on car insurance quote even you got your license when you were 18...?
I heard of Homeowners insurance being called...?
fire insurance and hazard insurance. are they the same?? or how are they different?
My car insurance rate went down?
after i got a dwi! haha, no question i just wanted to share this epic win! don't worry i won't press my luck and try to lower it a second time.""
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Health insurance after an injury?
I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?""
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
Driving school and car insurance?
does going to driver's ed help you get better or cheaper car insurance?
HELP! Insurance company trying to low ball estimate?
Back in April I was driving and a lady tried switching lanes and struck my vehicle. I immediately went to an auto body shop and got an estimate for the damage, they took photos and everything. I've been contacting her insurance and dealing with this for over two months... I had to send them the police report because the woman tried lying and said I hit her, so I had to prove she was at fault. They would never return my calls. Until I talked to the field adjuster. He then called me yesterday told me he got the estimate from the body shop which was one of their recommended shops, and was mailing me the check for the damage. However he failed to tell me the check he was sending was for $1000 less than the estimate. I don't agree with this, what do I do? I called and no one will call me back from the company Also, I own my car outright. It's a 2004 tiburon is excellent condition. The insurance company was giving me issues about me wanting the check sent to me. I plan on getting the damages repaired that are necessary but leaving what isn't and keeping the money that's left over. I'm not even making them get me a rental for the time I don't have the car! Please help The company is American family.""
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim?
hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???""
The average price of car insurance?
The average price of car insurance?
Car insurance queries?
its got no insurance but taxed and motd can i drive it on my licence i can drive any car not belonging to me with owners permission
How much would you think a 2009 mustang gt insurance would cost monthly?
For an 22 year old male??
Car insurance quote should i pay?
i took out a car insurance policy 3months ago the operator quoted me 1050 pounds which i thought was a bit expensive, she said if i canceled within 14days (cooling of period) i need not pay no moneys!! i canceled within 8days. i got a cheaper quote elsewhere, Now the 1st insurance company are going to take me to Court they are saying i owe then 320 for 8days cover! should i pay them? whats the Law on this can any one help me has i don't think i should pay it.""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Running costs for first time driver?
Hey, on average how much do you think running costs (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) will be for me to drive a car per month? I'm planning to start learning to drive soon (I'm 20 and live in the suburbs- Essex/close to London) the car I'm looking to get would be one from insurance group 1 and I'll probably be doing about 12,000 miles a year, just driving to and from work and socially every now and then. Thanks for any help :)""
Can I legally drive my mother's car if i'm not on the insurance?
Im a 19 year old with a driver's license and I live in New York. My mother has insurance on the car, but I'm not on her insurance policy. If I get into an accident am I covered at all? Also from a legal aspect, if I get stopped by a cop will I be in trouble\will my mother's insurance go up?""
Advicing on insuring my car?
Well, i passed my driving test yesterday yay! I got a car from a friend but i'm having trouble finding somewhere to insure me without having to pay like tons of money. I'm female and age 20 so i don't really know how much my insurance should be or what's a good deal. Anyone give me any insurance companies i could try as a first time driver? Thank you""
I'm looking for the lowest car insurance I can find?
nationwide offered me 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any idea if I can find the next lower one?
What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?
what is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas? we are thinking of buying a house but all the morgage calculators have a space to add home owners insurance in to the monthly payment. I need to get a rough estimate of the price range of a house we could afford i know we cant afford much so it would not be for a house more than $100,000 for sureso not a big fancy just a basic 3 or 4 bedroom house. please give me an estimate i know it depends on the house locatoin and all that but I am completely clueless as to if it adds $10 or $100 or $300""
Car insurance for Fiat?
Hi, guys i was just wondering how much will it cost me for full coverage car insurance for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in State of California. Im 24 years old? I'm just wondering how much will it cost in California.""
Has anyone insured a 17yr old learner driver if so where?
Hi I want to insure my 17 yr old son 18 this year he is about to learn to drive on my car insurance, I rang my insurance they said they dont insure anyone under 25yrs it it due to run out in may so i will be going elsewhere any ideas where would insure someone of that age and how much did it cost many thanks""
What's a good homeowners insurance in California?
A friend of mine just bought a home for the first time. She wants to know if there's any recommended insurance for homes in California.. particularly Fresno, CA if anybody is familiar with any. Thanks in advance. Any suggestions or direction will do.""
Can i get insurance for a week on a car ?
alright so me and my friends a having a trip from Chicago to Columbus here is the problem my Buddie that was spouse to drive lost his licence and he has no insurance on his car i cant take my car because it sucks in the winter and its a two seater , no good for 3 people ! so can we get insurance for a week ? we really don't need it longer than that , thnx in advance !!!""
""How much can I expect to pay for car insurance in BC, Canada?""
I'm trying to budget for next year, and just need a rough estimate of what insurance will cost a 19 yr old female, driver training and defensive driving certificates, 2 years learners, 2 years GDL, 1.5 years full licence driving (total of 5.5 years driving experience), driving an older dodge turbo vehicle of some sort. Any broad range ideas?""
What is the most police can do or insurance company if i insure a car with the wrong age?
i would like to know what would happen if i insure a car say am 20 and insure myself as 30 years old (much much cheaper) what would the insurance company do if they find out and also if the police find out when i get pulled over in the roadside? is it fraud? what will happen to my license? fines? court?
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
It's an older model car and I'm 19. One of my friends pay I have a friend who has state farm and pays 100 a month. Also believe it or not I have another friend who got insurance under her parents insurance company and she got a discount for it.. She is under Progressive and pay 50 dollars a month. I'm a male and I can only dream of my insurance being $50. That isn't going to happen.
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(""
""Hit another car, they have no insurance?""
I was turning left from a stop sign and hit into another car (checked both ways, had some parked cars blocking view but I inched forward to check before driving.) My car only has minor scrapes, his car has a broken headlight and some bumper damage. However, he told me at the time he has no insurance and wanted me to just give him cash on the street. I told him no, I would not pay anything unless we called the police which he did not want to do since he has no insurance. I am fully insured. We ended up both just leaving and I have his license plate number, name, and phone number. He has my license plate number only. Without insurance, can he try to get any money from me? Just wondering if anything should be expected of this situation...""
Car Insurance Problem Please Help!!!?
Hi everyone, somebody hit my car and drove off about 3 weeks ago. I phoned my insurance up and made a claim, the problem lies now on my son, who is the addtional driver and who hasnt been driving my car because he doesnt need to. The problem is that he has had drink driving conviction and no insurance conviction for about 3.5 years. Prudential my insurance company want to see my licence and his licence counterparts, BUT we completely forgot about the convictions etc. So now I have a problem where i think my insurance will be void but he doesnt drive the car nor was he involved in the accident. What happens now as they have requested both photocopies of our licences, is there a way out of this, thank you""
Insurance rate for 77 year old with 20 year old car? ?
How much do you think insurance would cost monthly for a 77 year old lady and her 20 year old car. At the cheapest to the highest. In Florida. Thank you, for my grandma.""
What is the estimated cost of a pool monthly in California including insurance?
What is the estimated cost of a pool monthly in California including insurance?
Health insurance question?
My husband and I want to have a baby. But we do not have health insurance. Can you give me any links or names of good companies that you have heard of or that you have used before that would be good for a 3 person family?? thank you!
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
I have read on comments under articles on Yahoo and someone said they are required to get the same health insurance but i can not find this on any news article.
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today and they sent me away?
Hello, I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today, this women spoke on the phone and her first question was asking for the policy number, and then I asked her a question why they increase my insurance and she said everywhere is the same, they are the cheapest, and then she told me to ring somewhere else to get a quote and then phone us back. Thats a good customer service. What do you guys think about this situation?""
What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?
We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?""
How much money does drivers ed save on car insurance?
Is the amount saved by drivers ed a lot, meaning does drivers ed pay for itself by helping lower your insurance cost?""
Will auto insurance provider raise my premium rates for filing a claim even if the incident is not my fault?
I just noticed some deep scrapes/scratches on left corner of rear bumper on my Prius after returning from late-night shopping. I was thinking about filing a claim on basis of vandalism, but I heard providers tend to raise rates for filing a claim whether it's my fault or not. I'm just wondering if it'll cost me less in the long run to go for it or just find and go to an auto paint shop directly?""
I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?
How come i don't see many of these cars around?
Insurance for a Car Loan..?
The thing is.. I have just recently gotten my aunt to co-sign for a loan on a 2001 Chrysler Sebring lxi. Me and my boyfriend will be the ones who have the car, but me on the other hand, I currently have a Learners Permit so i'm unable to drive it but my boyfriend has a license therefore he can. So for the Financial Company who is loaning us the money has me on file because i'm the only one with income since he doesn't have a job. The problem i have is that the financial company has my information but I can't get insurance for myself as i will not be driving the car, ONLY my boyfriend. So my question is, since i hold a learners permit and he has the license and will be driving, can i just put his name for the insurance? The financial company asked for Proof of Insurance but i don't know if they'll allow him to have the insurance in his name since the loan is in mine? I don't want to get denied because of that one factor since i already got accepted for the loan. I'm sorry, i'm new at all at this :/ Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!""
What insurance companies will insure a dog in California with a prior bite history?
My two dogs were involved in a fight with another dog last year. All three dogs were bitten, and my homeowners' insurance paid out a claim. They have now sent a notice of non-renewal and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that will write a new policy. Does anyone have any suggestions for an insurance company or broker in California that can help? Thank you!""
Car Insurance Groups?
I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car?
How much will my insurance give for my totaled car?
I was in a minor accident (Alone) now my insurance wants to total my car due to a previous accident that wasn't repaired correctly that happened before I purchased the car. How will my insurance decide to pay me? Bought for 8500 and owe 6500.
How do Car Insurance Deposits Work?
I am new to the whole car insurance thing, and so I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knew what they were talking about would give me some help on how deposits work. I don't want to ask this help from the insurers cos they'll try to persuade me to pay for their insurance before I'm ready. Basically, my cheapest and most covered insurance is quoted as 3,889.98. I will be initially paying a deposit of 780.05 and then monthly payments of 314.66 for the next 11 months. What I want to know is an explanation of how deposits work in terms of Car insurance, and what I also want to know is does this deposit have to be paid more than once in your entire time with the company? Thank you in advance guys :) Micky.""
What's the point of car insurance?
I pay insurance for my car. Shouldn't car insurance cover anything needing fixed on your car? What is the point of paying for insurance, when the insurance doesn't even cover repairs? I pay for supposed FULL COVERAGE , shouldn't this cover everything, ITS A BIG F-ING SCAM!!!""
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
Are inoperable vehicles required to have insurance coverage in AZ?
My plates and registration where suspended on an inoperable but registered vehicle I own. Phoenix, or maybe the whole of Arizona, requires me to have current registration on all vehicles, running or not, located on my property if they can be seen from the street. And yet, the DMV (or MVD as it's called here) suspended my plates and registration on one of the inoperable vehicles I own for lack of insurance coverage on said vehicle. Am I required to insure inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am I required to declare a vehicle as inoperable with the DMV or my insurance company? Is there a special type of registration required that I did not know about?""
What is the cheapest car and home insurance?
The car insurance would cover for 2 people, me and my mother. The home insurance would be for our apartment. She asked me to look this up for her and I have no idea where to start. A little guidance would be great? Thanks :]""
Car insurance for new driver?
im looking for car insurance but all of them are over 22,000 but i herd from alot people that its would be 1000 and all my friends pay about 1000 so why is it so expensive?? i live in london and im 19 yers old, i passed my driving test last week.""
Need of car insurance web service?
I am doing project in car insurance.For that i want web services for car insurance. Please anyone list car insurance web service available
I will have to start paying for my own health insurance. Do you have a suggestion for a company?
Do you pay for your health insurance and are really satisfied with the company? Please make some suggestions. Thanks
""What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?""
How do you go under someone elses insurance ?
im getting an m1 liscence and i was told insurance would be cheaper if i put the bike in my parents name and i was listed as someone who would drive it, so a few questions, would one of my parents need an m1 liscence, and how much qould it cost?""
Cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm hearing so many different things. Some people say you can use part of your parents' no claims to bring down the price, but I can't find any sites online who say that. Does anyone know of any cheap places or best companies to try by phone to get a realistic car insurance quote for an 18 year old? Thanks in advance.""
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
BB: [ He//o he//o everyone ]
LC: [ Hello. ] LC: [ This asteroid sighting didn't hold much so far. ]
ID: hey it might be winding up to kill us all. maybe it has performance anxiety.
LC: [ That would be a strange thing for an asteroid to have since theYY are not sentient beings. ] LC: [ At least, scientificallYY no such thing is confirmed. ]
ID: hey, never know. until it's too late. and the sentient meteor is killing us.
LC: [ Well there are no confirmed sentient rocks, so hopefullYY this rock is no different. ]
ID: i believe in this meteor's intelligence. =:P
LC: [ I will inform YYou about it's intelligence once we get through this... hopeful "scare". ] LC: [ I prefer wishful thinking in this scenario. ]
ID: or maybe it's smart and it's just messing with us and will go fuck off back to space after it gets bored.
LC: [ If it manages to escape the gravitational pull of the planet (which is unlikelYY), then it would. ]
ID: you just like putting down this poor meteor.
LC: [ That's more of a science factoid, if I had anYY power over it I'd send it on it's waYY back to space - so everYYone stopped freaking out about the end of the world. ]
ID: yeah, well. the fleet failed us and hopefully we won't all die for their mistake.
LC: [ HopefullYY. ]
AA: omggg, dnw abt the meteorn, 'kay. AA: it is pernf chill. H E L L A chill.
ID: how drunk/high are you sip. =:/
ID: i assume you went to the party.
AA: went out into the crneepy fucking light and didn't even get my globes bleeding. >:}
AA: uh. AA: uhhhhhhh.
AA: scale of one to ten??
LC: [ I have a suspicion on that scale, that will be an eleven. ]
ID: oh hey another yellowblood. sip don't end up doing anything stupid like waking up in a dumpster.
ID: or i'll laugh.
ID: so hard.
AA: AA: oh, shit, i was typing
ID: man your dumpster fire is just raging out of control.
LC: [ I assume such... incident happened before with them? ]
AA: i'm not gonna end up in a dumpstern, jeeeeeeez. AA: stfu stfu stfu. >:P AA: mind honey tea, brnah, i ain't sparnky, it doesn't do anything.
AA: n, hads is just fussy.
ID: i'm not fussy, you're just a dumpster fire.
AA: yrn D A D is a dumpstern firne.
BB: [We'// be fiiiine ]
ID: my dad is great and you are forever a dumpster fire.
ID: no she'll end up in the dumpster because she's ingesting toxins.
LC: [ I will personallYY keep observing this asteroid for short periods of time. Even with darkened lenses, it's painful to look at it for too long. ]
BB: [ A /itt/e bit of fun never wound up with TOO much troub/e ]
AA: oh my god. fi you wernen't chilling in yrn fancy trnap, you'd totes be outherne too, don't play. >:P AA: therne's so many ppl out!!
BB: [ And see? /C is keeping an eye on the meteor ]
ID: i mean i wouldn't be getting high.
BB: [ I'm out rn too ]
ID: and i'm out of the tub eating stolen snacks right now.
LC: [ I was out earlier, but if YYou are out, take care of YYour own sight if YYou can. ]
AA: gj, bb, parntying is AA: AA: ????????????????????
ID: of course i'm naked.
BB: [ We// I know some things ]
BB: [ Best not to say in pub/ic though ]
ID: i put all my clothes in the hotel washing units.
AA: arne you wanderning the hotel naked??
AA: you arne the fucking dumpstern firne.
AA: it's you.
AA: yrn it!!
LC: [ Let's not go there. ] LC: [ I wanted to saYY that depending on the size of the tub - swimming. But that would classiffYY as a pool. ]
BB: [ I'm actua//y gonna go buy snacks now, ID made me hungry ]
ID: i had a robe for my forays out of my room!
ID: you high mess of a troll.
BB: [ Suggestions are we/come, I never know what I want when I reach the store ]
ID: you're welcome bb.
BB: [ A hote/ is a p/ace you can pay to spend the day in a private room ]
ID: hotels are where you stay when traveling when you have money.
BB: [ Among other things such as free food, wifi, /aundry facilities, sometimes gyms ]
LC: [ UsuallYY the more expensive ones. Motels tend to be cheaper. ]
LC: [ Uhm, because not everYYone breaks into other's hives and tries to kick them out. ]
BB: [ I hate staying in other peop/e's hives ]
ID: you never know when a hive is going to be boobytrapped.
LC: [ I agree with ID*. ]
BB: [ Other peop/e's hives can be dirty too ]
AA: it's the wronst. othern ppls hives. like. supern fucking wornst. AA: also, no, u, hads. >:{
AA: they'rne always dirnty!! no one knows how to fucking clean.
ID: definitely you sips. definiteeellyyy.
AA: like, nnnnnnnnnnn,put away yrn trnash, you got a bin forn a rneason.
BB: [ Exact/y AA ]
LC: [ Depends on the hive.]
ID: go drink some fucking water or something. what do you do when you're high to stop being high?
ID: do that.
BB: [ You have to wait it out ]
AA: dude, yrn in a hotel. like. acrnss the continent. AA: forn like. some weirnd fairne shit you don't even do. that's, like. AA: way morne rnanks in hot mess than me, tyvm.
AA: and i have watern!
AA: i haaaaaad watern. >:?
ID: oh my god.
ID: go find a new water. that's still sealed you utter waste of space.
LC: [ LA, given that dirt comes with mYY job, I am not. ]
BB: [ Dirt is fine, but dirty hives have worse things ]
LC: [ Then again, I prefer to keep things clean and tidYY. And have them as organized as I can have them. ]
ID: hahaha what.
LC: [ Pardon? ]
BB: [ What's your job /C? ]
LC: [ Mapmaker, cartographer, also generallYY travelling alot due to that. ]
BB: [ Oh wow sugar, that's rea//y coo/ ] BB: [ I've never met a mapmaker ]
LC: [ Thanks. ] LC: [ And well YYeah obviouslYY LA. Some trolls are ickYY about it in general. ]
AA: hads. haaaads. i bought watern. AA: and it's, like, M A RN O O N, too, just, like, forn you. >:}
ID: ...if it's maroon it isn't water.
AA: oh my god. >:{
AA: it is watern!!
LC: [ Water isn't maroon coloured. ]
ID: water is clear.
BB: [ AA if you need water or something I'd run you some. You near the Winter/ands at a//? ]
AA: lmfao, nooo. AA: not unless i get on a whale forn a day.
AA: i cn totes get on a whale forn a day, tho.
AA: la gets it.
AA: my watern doesn't have mud, omfg. >:{!
ID: sip you're supposed to be going this way, not whereever that other place is.
BB: [ We// I don't think you'// want to come a// the way here by wha/e for some water bott/es ]
ID: take a picture of your water already.
LC: [ LA, that only happens if you mix it with various goods that colour it. But normallYY it's clear. ]
ID: oh my god is la like 2.
ID: so 2.
LC: [ Well Hadean, theYY might lack knowledge on basic things. ]
LC: [ Not trYYing to implYY theYY are stupi-- Oh. ]
LC: [ Well then. ]
ID: see lc. i know my idiots when i see one.
LC: [ Figures. ]
BB: [ B/ess their pump ] BB: [ They just wanna be wi/d ]
LC: [ Well I know a troll who is wild, but also reallYY reckless. ] LC: [ And she just got too much energYY in general. ]
LC: [ If that's YYour stYYle, then I guess. ]
LC: [ Not everYYone rolls that waYY. ]
BB: [ That's so true, I don't care about anything e/se when I hunt ]
LC: [ Are YYou two happen to be hunters, or got other professions that's related to it? ]
BB: [ I carve bone, hunting just makes it easier to do that ]
AA: ugh, ppl keep talking. AA: hads, wtf you want a pic of my watern forn? >:\
AA: dnw abt my watern. AA: how arne you even paying forn yrn hot?
ID: to see if it's water.
ID: i had a job. and now no one is here to charge me.
BB: [ I /ove it! I do a /ot of beads and jewe/ry, but I'// carve just about anything asked of me ]
LC: [ Ah, I see. ]
LC: [ That's nice, BB. ]
BB: [ I a/so do interior decorating ]
BB: [ I am a/ways down for an adventure ;] ]
AA: ??? AA: what job??
LC: [ That's a good thing, BB. ]
LC: [ Ah, thanks as well LA. ]
ID: i looked so trustworthy i was given the task to deliver a very suspicious package to a very suspicious area.
ID: or maybe it was because i looked so strange that if i ran off with the package i'd be easy to track down.
BB: [ What kind of party? ]
ID: either way, i got paid.
BB: [ Sounds good, what game do you hunt? ]
LC: [ Well, I prefer knowing others first before I'd dive head-in for adventures. ]
LC: [ I hope that's no big deal, LA. ]
LC: [ ... Trespassers. ]
BB: [ Hmmm maybe once we rea//y get to know each other ] BB: ;]
LC: [ So, people who break into YYour territoritYY or. Just trolls who need to get through there. ]
AA: oh, shit. that's a good job. AA: i guess. >:}
ID: it was the best job. this place is alright.
ID: are you drinking your not-water.
ID: that i'm hoping is juice and not. more drugs.
AA: y. oh. shit. you wanted a picturne, rnight?
LC: [ Do I? I don't think I asked that manYY. ]
AA: omggg, haha, why so het the fuck up abt honey? AA: i don't spaaaaarnk. it's nbd.
AA has attached NOTBOOZE.PNG.
ID: enough of it can still kill you now can't it?
ID: well it's not water but keep drinking it.
BB: [ AA knows what a good time is ]
LC: [ Well, given the current situation, I am positive everYYone is covered in the brightness of this asteroid. ]
LC: [ Well I'd hope the void won't scream back. ]
AA: n, it can't, bc i don't have the AA: AA: rncepetorns forn that. >:P
ID: well it can still make you do stupid things. obviously.
ID: so try to sober up and not get culled by any lunatics.
ID: definitely don't listen to la.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
LC: [ YYou just want AA to get more drunk and do stupid things, don't YYou. ]
AA: hads. haaaaads. AA: am not gonna get culled by lunatics. you fucking losern. AA: will you stop frnetting like my lusus if i, like AA:
AA: ..... idk do something lame
ID: go to where ever you're staying. that's the lamest.
ID: crawl in your coon. supppeeerrr lame.
AA: if i crnawl into my coon, i can't talk to you, so n. >:P AA: trny agaiiiiiiin.
AA: also, honey mead is fucking lame. AA: being drnunk is fucking lame.
AA: sozzzz.
LC: [ That's true AA, I am glad YYou agree on that. ]
ID: well you can still go back to your room or whatever. that's lame.
ID: and you can still talk. and have regular fucking water instead of dyed shit.
AA: lmfao, fiiiiine, okay, w/e. AA: i will rneturn to my supern lame hive-cage-rnoom thing. AA: and, like, N O T bake in the frneaky light.
ID: thatta dumpster fire.
AA: stooooop. >:} AA: did you grnow gills btw.
ID: alas, no. so no cutting me open. i live another night.
LC: [ WhYY would YYou shoot a whale. ]
AA: rnifp. why you gotta klil all my fun, dude?
AA: and
AA: y!
AA: you can totes shoot a whale.
AA: orn, like, punch it.
AA: do you wanna shoot a whale?
LC: [ Well of course YYou can, but whYY would YYou do that. ]
AA: therne's one at the docking bay rn.
LC: [ ... In the ocean. ]
AA: in the sky!
ID: i'm sorry my lack of gills is so disappointing. =:'(
LA: AHA!!!!
AA: it's totes disappointinggg. AA: i want you to be, like, special and fucking unique. >:P
LC: [ I have not YYet seen a flYYing whale. ]
LC: [ Where did YYou see one AA. ]
AA: like idk a prnime-time boss mob.
ID: i'm not unique enough already? psh.
AA: we got 'em at hanhai. it's, like
AA: a shipping. company
AA: ??
LC: [ ... So are theYY a mascot of a shipping companYY. ]
AA: nooo, you crnawl in theirn mouth and rnide in 'em.
ID: no, they're actual damn whales.
LC: [ ... Well I have YYet to come across with them, I guess. ]
AA: lmfao, i'm not fucking lying.
AA: i'll get you pics. >:}
LC: [ Please do. ]
ID: they're fucking weird.
AA: do you like.
AA: want pics of the outisde, orn the inside??
ID: ...you aren't getting on the whale are you.
AA: ....
AA: ........ well, do you want me to, like, stab a hole thrnough it? >:\
LC: [ Uhm. Do YYou have pre-existing photos so YYou don't need to get on the whale right now? ]
AA: y, but the lighting is like way coolern rnight now. it's, like, all glowy-y and shit. AA: it'll look p fucking sweet.
AA: in orn out, dude??
ID: why are you getting on a whale. =:I
AA: why arne you trnying to say i'm not allowed to get on a whale? >:1
ID: i'm asking why you're getting on the whale when i thought you were going to your room. duh.
AA: oh. lmao. AA: sozzz.
AA: to get pics of the inside, duhhh. except, like, if lc doesn't wan t'em, w/e, w/e.
ID: they don't want them. get to your room instead.
ID: and send pics of it.
ID: mine is better i bet. =:P
AA: !!!
AA: lmfao, no, it is not.
ID: pp or you're wrong, you know the rules.
AA: mine has my lusus. that uto makes it, like, 10x bettern, dude.
AA: bc he's fucking adornbs. >:}
ID: pp or you're wrong~ =:P =:P =:P
LC: [ Now YYou are setting up a challenged to AA and theYY will go on the whale, Hadean. ]
ID: no, the challenge is posting pics of their room and their lusus.
LC: [ I'd prefer them from the outside. More useful - visuals-wise. ]
ID: because they aren't going to fucking fly away and leave their lusus.
LC: [ Oh. I have misread then in that case - mYY apologies. ]
AA: do not shoot my fucking whale.
AA: >:{
AA: and AA: yeah, n, am not ditching bennui, he'd get eaten, dnw. herne's yrn whale pic, lc.
AA: look upon the whale and W E E P.
ID: okay pics obtained, now we need room pics and lusus pics. chop chop, less typing more walking.
SA: please don't shoot the sky whales. they are good.
LC: [ Thanks, AA. ] LC: [ LA, what if YYou happen to shoot one that falls upon YYou? ]
AA: they arne so good, sa.
AA: they'rne, ike, the best fucking things evern. look at that shit. it is P RN E C.
LC: [ It could happen to absolutelYY anYYone, so I am just asking. ]
AA: .. and okay, y, walking. W A L K I N G. don't lose yrn horns, hads, jeez.
ID: my horns will remain on my head. and above my head i guess.
LC: [ That sounds like something a troll would saYY who actuallYY brings trouble on their own head. ]
ID: ^^^^
LC: [ I am good. ]
SA: the shouting implies you bite, admittedly.
SA: Yern, you're back.
LC: [ Well, I should have said: I am good, but thanks for the offer. ] LC: [ Last time I checked I had no such eYYes. ]
LC: [ AdmittedlYY, I am. ]
LC: [ So, do YYou shout at others when YYou talk to them face-to-face? ]
LC: [ Well, I wonder whYY. ]
AA: good newwwws. AA: i am at my hotel. >:}
LC: [ Sweet. ]
AA: bad news, i totes lost the goddamn fucking ky.
ID: ohhh my god.
ID: =:/ is there any staff around.
LC: [ That's unfortunate. ]
ID: if not. find a cart. should be a master key on it you can use.
ID: if so. ask for another damn key.
AA: i'm not gonna ask 'em for a key.
AA: and have 'em be like "omgggg, you lost yrn key, that's so sad." AA: B O RN I N G.
AA: i am going to
AA: P I C K T H E L O C K.
AA: ...
ID: ...i bet you you can't get it picked in five minutes.
AA: i am going to P U N CH O F F T H E L O CK. >:}
ID: no you fucking aren't.
LC: [ But YYou'd need to paYY for the damage if YYou do that. ]
ID: i bet that you couldn't pick it sip.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
ID: unless you're too scared.
ID: that is.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
AA: lmfaooo, lc, i'm like
AA: i can totes pay forn the damage.
AA: i could totes buy this hotel, if i wanted, j s yk.
ID: but can you pick a lock.
LC: [ While I am aware, it might leave YYou with a room that got a busted door and no waYY of locking it for the daYYtime. ]
AA: >:{ AA: i can totally pick a lock!!
ID: prooove it.
ID: unless you can't.
AA: i am pciknig it rn, stfu.
AA: also that totes isn't how gods wornk, god.
AA: lrn2rnleigion.
AA: >:P
SA: #
ID: also if you pick that lock and then discover the key in your back pocket. i will not be pleased.
AA: yrn gods suck, then, sozzzz.
AA: okay, you A L S O suck.
AA: >:}
ID: sip is also high so. you're fighting a disable opponent. go back to bugging prisma.
ID: or the blueblood.
SA: please do not fight me. I am military trained.
AA: yrn not wornth making actual points, bb. gotta be, like, morne enterntaining than just shouting.
AA: !!
SA: I heavily discourage this.
AA: what sornt of militarny trnained?
ID: i meant verbal fighting prisma hold back there.
SA: Oh.
SA: Yes. alright.
AA: i totally mean physical fighting.
AA: gimme yrn deets.
SA: I--
AA: i want yrn deets.
SA: No.
ID: oh my god sip you can't even pick a lock let alone fight fucking /no/.
AA: A L L T H E D E E -- whyyyyyyy. >:{
AA: i am picking the lock!! stfu, omfg.
ID: is it open yet? no? then you aren't picking it.
ID: you're just stabbing it.
LC: [ Don't bite the lock. Also I'd rather not dwell into phYYsical fighting, but I am glad there won't be anYY of that. ]
SA: biting the lock seems highly impractical.
SA: at that point you may as well kick the door down.
SA: ...their lover?
LC: [ Well then. ] LC: [ Biting the lock would most likelYY end up as a teeth-breaking experience. ] LC: [ Don't ask. I have no idea. ]
ID: i think we can all agree la is weird as fuck.
LC: [ I feel like meeting them face-to-face would end up in a fight. ]
ID: they'd probably try eating you. or some shit.
LC: [ Given how theYY kept going on about shooting things. ]
LC: [ I am positive theYY'd trYY to shoot me first. ]
SA: cannibalism is more common on this planet than people realize.
SA: it's pathetic.
SA: LC, not getting shot is simple.
SA: just don't.
ID: ^^^^
LC: [ Well I won't go out of mYY waYY to meet her. ] LC: [ it's not among mYY plans. ]
SA: especially amongst indigos and fuchsias, but i suppose that is rude to say.
LC: [ YYou are not wrong, though. And it genuinelYY unnerves me, to be honest. ]
ID: they get away with the most shit so. of course it's them.
SA: i like to call them assclowns.
SA: if they want to be clowns so bad.
SA: anyways.
ID: i like you prisma. you're alright.
SA: I appreciate this.
LC: [ To be fair, YYou aren't lYYing about them Prisma. ]
SA: a shame.
AA: yesss, clown rnagging.
AA: A+.
ID: how goes the lock picking?
LC: [ Did YYou manage to get into YYour room? ] LC: [ And uh well. We are just stating the truth. ]
SA: did you bite the lock?
AA: i bit the lock!
AA: do not bite fucking locks.
AA: but i am I N. >:}
ID: good. pp.
ID: also did you break any teeth.
LC: [ I'd saYY I can't believe YYou bit the lock, but I'd be lYYing if I did. ]
AA has attached _THEBESTDAD.PNG!_ It is a hummingbird lusus sitting in a bowl of sugar water. It is on fire.
AA: ofc i bit the lock. it was fucking sassing me. >:P AA: why have teeth if you can't bite shit??
SA: Why -- why is it-- wh
AA: ???
ID: oh my god is that to scale. is it really that tiny.
AA: he fits in the centern of my palm!!
ID: it's. sorta cute.
SA: Fire?
AA: he is fucking adornbs. brnb lemme get a pic of him forn scale.
AA: y!
AA: ... if he'll fucking hold still.
ID: does he burn you.
AA has attached PIC23405934059345.JPEG! It's a blurry picture of the same hummingbird lusus, sitting in the palm of her hand. He is still on fire, with fire pooling over the edge of her fingers.
AA: y. he is totes burning the shit out of me rn. AA: that's how parnenting wornks, rnight.
AA: just B U RN N T H E M?? >:}
ID: i mean it's hard to imagine something that little parenting without a little burning.
SA: it's cute but why is it not roasting to death.
SA: should you perhaps put them down.
AA: naaaaah, he totes can burn the shit outta me. AA: rnemind me and i'll show you the spots, they'rne wicked gnarnly.
AA: it's psi, losern. AA: yrn yellow, arnen't you a sparnkplug?? >:} you know how it goes.
ID: noted. =:P all about the gnarly.
SA: are you pyrokinetic?
SA: I'm puzzled. Where did this conversation go.
AA: whaaaaaaat. no.
SA: No, I do not know how it goes. My lusus never was.
AA: wtf would i be pyrnokinetic?
AA: he's a firnestarntern. i'm a totes flatscan, dude. >:}
ID: i wish my lusus had psi. he'd look kickass with a floating horn of his own.
AA: he, being, like, the birnd. AA: not hads.
AA: cut off parnt of yrn horn and float it forn him!
ID: hard pass.
AA: selfish. >:{
ID: also sorry on the no lusus thing prisma.
SA: it's fine, I wasn't attached to them anyways.
ID: at least you're sobering up enough to not be spelling everything wrong sip. =:P
SA: Yes, that is appreciated.
SA: It makes it much easier to understand although I still don't.
AA: lmao, fuck off. >:P i wish i brnought some honey w/ me. i have, like. AA: the wornst goddamn panache. AA: and this watern sucks.
AA: and AA: wtf don't you undernstand??
AA: dd!
AA: ddddddddddd
SA: Pinache for what?
AA: spinach? what?
ID: get some real water.
SA: I... no..
ID: pan-ache prisma.
ID: her head hurts.
SA: oh.
SA: then why not say headache?
ID: because it's lowblood slang.
AA: bc we'rne not coldbloods. >:} what'rne you, clown-rnaised??
ID: also known as the best kind of slang.
SA: I mean, yes, technically i was raised by highbloods.
SA: if you want to become extremely critical about it.
ID: well that explains everything.
SA: but realistically no.
AA: hahaha, wow. it sucks 2 be yellow.
SA: Oh no, I talk this way for a different reason.
SA: anyways.
SA: I feel very strange amongst all of you, but it's nice.
SA: I'm sorry i am an oddity.
AA: dnw, dnw. yrn qt. AA: we will teach you ourn ways.
ID: yellows are just warm enough to have psi, just cold enough to live long enough to fuck with. it's their curse.
ID: we're all odd in our own ways! sip feeds worms her blood for instance.
ID: i'm odd in how damn perfect i am in every way.
AA: hads wearns tatts like a clown. AA: which is obvs pernf nornm.
SA: ...worms.
AA: omggg, no, not you, too.
SA: Alright.
AA: it's usefuuuuul.
ID: i don't look like a clown stfu.
AA: you stfu.
SA: friends, no.
ID: do clowns paint their torso?
AA: sa, yrn learning, so i'm not gonna tell Y O U to stfu. AA: but also, like, they'rne not W O RN M S, they arne cool parnasite body tech.
AA: and y, y, the dedicated ones do. >:}
ID: they're more leeches than worms.
SA: like biotechnology?
AA: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
SA: I see.
SA: is it experimental?
ID: clowns are just stealing my fashion. =:'(
ID: she grows them out back of a pizza joint.
ID: so.
SA: what
AA: n, it's offish.
AA: and i do noooooot. AA: gausia's a goddan liarn.
AA: goddan.
AA: G O D D A M N.
ID: more high still than i thought.
SS: (Scuse you, XD, xt's totes a coffee joxnt.)
ID: oh hey lal. you missed sip being a high fool.
SS: (Omfg)
SS: (Why xs lxfe so terrxble?)
SS: (Someone xnvent txme travel, pls, X gotta get xn on that mess. (\qnq/) )
ID: it wasn't that funny, don't worry.
ID: just go backread.
ID: live vicariously and shit.
SS: (Was xt, lxke, bad funny?) SS: (Cos xf xt was bad funny X'ma up and feel lxke a proper dxck.)
ID: no it wasn't that bad.
AA: pls tell me yrn not one of these dornks clutching theirn pearnls overn honey.
ID: like. the worst that happened was her almost getting on a whale.
ID: he probably doesn't even know what honey is!
SA: excuse me?
SA: I know what honey is.
SA: thank you.
SS: (Yeah, it's what you put in your tea. (\eue/) )
ID: are you against mind honey tea then?
SS: (Also, wtf, Sipa, where'd you get honey??) SS: (And why wasn't it at Miss Taylor's totes lovely and upstanding cafe?)
SA: I do not touch mind honey or sopor. My inhibitor would react very badly to it.
SA: I have no intention of rotting my psionics for a temprorary change.
ID: inhibitor.
SA: please ignore that statement.
SA: I have explained enough.
SA: regardless, it is bad.
ID: not ignoring it, but i won't push further!
SS: (Sounds like baggage, pal!)
SS: (Can't go askin bout that or we're all gonna hafta get sappy in here.)
SA: baggage implies i am bothered.
SA: but i've already told Hadean and Pheres my life story.
SA: and I have been here for less than 24 hours.
SS: (Damn, apparently I'm missin out on all the good convos!)
ID: sorry lal. too busy working? or partying?
AA: what whaaat.
AA: you told phern yrn life storny.
SA: your only solution is to now be here for every waking moment.
AA: but you wouldn't even gimme like, yrn militarny fighting deets?
ID: yeah me and pher got the whole thinggg.
AA: i am qqing. fight me, you fuckwaffle. >:{
SA: i was in the military, that's enough ...
SA: "deets"
SS: (Too busy makin a livin like the totes upstanding citizen I am!) SS: (Also I dared some chick to go out and stare at the meteor to see if her ganderbulbs fall out and I had ta film that.)
SA: that is terrible an unscientific.
AA: also, nobody wants queenie's mindhoney, lal. AA: idefk what yrn bees arne eating, but it's grnoss.
SS: (Wtf, dude, rude.)
ID: queenie.
AA: queenie!!
ID: =:?
AA: why arne we >:?-nig.
SS: (Maybe it's just the weirdo druggie that's effin it up, no need to up and get shirty bout the big lady.)
ID: what's a queenie.
SS: (Gotta uphold the jade solidarity here!)
AA: ... lmfao, y, rnight. yrn ternrnrifying big lady. AA: 'kay, like, yrn crneepy cafe honey, how's that.
SA: ... are you all drug addicts?
AA: oh my god.
ID: i'm not.
AA: you A RN E clutching yrn pearnls.
SS: (Hey, pal, if I could afford that ish I wouldn't be workin customer service.)
AA: >:{
ID: my psi don't really mix well with drugs so.
SS: (Also, I'm p sure it wouldn't do jack to me, on accounta the lack of sparks.)
AA: it just makes you chill the fuck out, dude.
SS: (Ah, yes, exactly what I need.)
SS: (Brb gettin my fifth coffee.)
SS: (So I can survive this shift.)
ID: no wonder lal has zero chill.
SS: (It's a coping mechanism, I'm v sensitive about it. (\qnq/) )
SA: caffiene is also
SA: a drug.
SS: (Don't make fun of me or I'll cry.)
ID: it sure is.
SS: (And then we're both gonna be feelin the awks.)
SS: (And damn, pal, really?)
SS: (Totes didn't know that!)
SS: (Please tell me more.)
SA: ... I can't tell if you are being facetious or not.
ID: prisma that was sarcasm.
SS: (Get educational up in here!)
ID: don't.
SA: I-- alright.
SS: ( (\eue/) )
ID: assume everything out of him is sarcasm.
ID: like. 85 percent of the time.
SS: (I love you, ID.)
SS: (From the bottom of my pusher.)
ID: 💋
SS: (Let's elope.)
ID: fuck no you pop a ring on this finger right now.
ID: and don't get it out of a gumball machine. i'll know.
SS: (And ty, ty, it's 85% sarcasm and 15% crushing honesty that you can't tell from the rest cos otherwise it's exposin emotional vulnerabilities. (\^_^/) )
SA: crushing?
SA: are you two in love?
SS: (Yes.)
ID: remember what i said about sarcasm prisma.
AA: omfg, i look away forn two secs and you ppl arne getting fucking handfasted.
AA: n, it is 100% legit.
AA: they arne making this shit RN E A L.
SS: (Deeply! I'm up and gettin a ring now - d'you think bakery wire twisty things, or just straight up a bagel?)
SS: (I feel like ID would appreciate the bagel.)
SA: you may as well invest in a ring pop.
ID: it better have a stone.
SS: (They're ring-like and edible!)
ID: ...get a ring pop.
SA: I need to lie down, this is too much.
ID: what quad is this.
SS: (I got raisins, pal. That's, like, at least ten adornments.)
SS: (Uhh)
SA: I feel like i'm watching an episode of troll jerry springer.
ID: aww prisma you were just getting fun.
SS: (ID.) SS: (ID.) SS: (We're gettin hitched and you aint' even in the know about what quad it is???)
AA: go lay down, take a brneathern, don't do mind honey, prnisma.
ID: i want a quad-specific colored ring pop lal.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
AA: arne you keeping notes on this shit, btw??
SA: I will be more fun after a rest.
SA: goodnight.
ID: i guess if you say so. go take your rest.
AA: latern. >:}
SS: (Tootles!)
AA: hads, wrnite him notes, dude.
SS: (I'm gettin you an effin bagel and you're gonna cherish it on accounta you're the one in this relationship that ain't even clear on our color!)
AA: bc rn poorn chucklehead's drnowning like lal in high watern. >:}
ID: you give me a lot of conflicting messages lal!
ID: sip get in this and ashen for us.
ID: we're too much of a mess on our own.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
AA: do i get to hit you with a metaphornical club,??
AA: btw my bagel bettern have S P RN I N K L E S.
SS: (My poor pusher has been torn plum in two, pal.)
ID: wow this relationship is turning abusive already.
ID: hush and get the sprinkle donut lal. you know we need this.
SS: (Wow.) SS: (Does that make me the handmaiden in this relationship?)
SS: (Cos I ain't no cheap handmaiden.) SS: (Tips or gtfo.)
ID: my tip is get the bagels or else. =:P
SS: (Help, help, I need an auspistice!) SS: (I'm getting menaced! (\qnq/) )
ID: we are your auspistice.
ID: nerd.
SS: (...) SS: (Help, help, I need an intervention!)
SS: (Also.) SS: (So.) SS: (Fun fact hour.)
SS: (The giant flaming omen of doom in our sky?) SS: (You should totes, like, uh, wear shades or some ish if you're gonne, say, squint at it disbelievingly for upwards of five minutes.)
SS: (On accounta if you don't there are some chances of minimal to extreme visual impairment.)
ID: i mean i'm staying indoors but good to know.
SS: (Cool, cool. Cool. V cool. Good to know. Cool.)
SS: (Also I've gone extra blind.)
SS: (On an unrelated note.)
ID: wait you're blind?
SS: (Like, you think you're really blind? Like really blind, but it turns out you can be way more blind!)
SS: (Yeah, dude, I'm blind mutant cullbait on the run from the authorities!)
SS: (All of that is definitely and totally true.)
SS: (And I definitely don't just wear ocular lenses.)
SS: (Don't report me or I'll get culled!) SS: (We're quads now so you gotta care about that kinda ish. (\unu/) )
ID: uh-huhh.
ID: guess if sip brings you to meet me at the fair i can find out the truth then.
SS: (Whaddaya mean? I just up and told you the truth!) SS: (I'm deffo 100% blind!) SS: (Except 110% blind now, I guess?)
SS: (Look, I didn't do great in math schoolfeeds.)
ID: well if you're blind i can see why.
SS: (Wow, are you discriminatin against my math skills?)
ID: yeppp.
ID: what are you gonna do? =:P
SS: (I'm hurt!) SS: (This is why we need an auspistice!)
ID: well sip has abandoned us.
ID: probably to go hurl.
SS: (Idk, dude, probably stare tearfully at Sipa until she falls victim to the forlorn expression or possibly just gets really annoyed and wants me to stop.)
SS: (RIP Sipa, a mess like 50% of the time I see her.)
ID: what, she almost faint from blood loss in front of you too?
SS: (Nah, but first time I saw her I was like 80% sure she was, like, fresh outta whatevs cool new activity young whippersnappers get up to nowanights, which was, judgin by her face-state, makin out with a meat grinder. (\unu/) )
SS: (Then she threw me over a table, so, like, sympathy gone.)
ID: hahah woowww.
AA: i am not h u rn l i n g.
ID: are you laying down so the world will stop spinning?
AA: omg, do you even know the diff b/w drninking and like AA: taking honey? j/k, rnhetornical q, obvs you do not.
AA: n.
ID: i'm sorry i can't go get drunk and high like all the cool kids!
AA: i am in my coon, bc i totes wanna ese if this phone's gonna surnvive soporn. AA: surnvival of the ifttest, ectect.
SS: (It's cool, pal, you can sit with me in the peanut gallery! We got noisemakers and the ability to flee faster than the irate stoners.)
ID: about damn time you got in the coon.
AA: also, lmao, lal, stfu. AA: yrn the only one being inapprnoprniate w/ electrnonics, 'kay. >:}
SS: (Woooow, wtfs that supposed to mean?) SS: (My love with the coffee maker is pure and platonic.)
ID: uh-huh. you coffee-drugee.
SS: (We're holdin off till handfasting.)
SS: (She takes care of me!)
ID: i don't get that either so i get my own gallery!
SS: (Unlike some of my other quads. (\qnq/) )
ID: cry me a river. =:P
SS: (Only if you build me a bridge so I can up and get over it. (\qnq/) )
ID: i'll build you a bridge to jump off of.
AA: hey, hey, none of that.
AA: eithern you P U S H H I M like a prnopern quad orn you gtfo.
ID: ughh, fiiine.
SS: (See!) SS: (At least someone knows how to up and treat me right.)
ID: boo hoo. you never treat me right.
SS: (I'm gettin you a bagel! With raisins!)
ID: i wanted a ring pop. =:'(
SS: (Well, maybe you shoulda paid more attention to the nature of our relationship, then. (\qnq/) )
ID: just admit you're too poor for a ring pop.
SS: (I'm deffo too broke for a ring pop, pal.) SS: (That ish means I gotta shell out for whatevs I'd've been gettin paid over the break time it'd take to go down to the grocery! (\qnq/) )
ID: see, you're never honest with me. this is why we need an ashen. =:'(
AA: boop.
AA: and all that. >:}
ID: sip tell lal not to be a dirty liar. =:'(
SS: (Maybe Hads is right.) SS: (Maybe I've been the weak link all along!)
SS: (Maybe I ain't the kinda guy what belogs with a person, proper-like.)
SS: (A lone howlbeast!)
AA: idk, dude, mb you do totes belogs with ppl. AA: as long as yrn not skipping leg day. >:P
ID: lal skips like. all days.
ID: i assume.
AA: and nnnnnn. that's who he I S, hads. like, an itsy bitsy bundle of totaol hoobeast shit. AA: brnoke hoofbeast shit.
AA: prnobs. hey, look, that means you both match. >:}
ID: i have psi. does he?
SS: (Leg day's erryday!) SS: (Goin' round deliverin coffee to table's a workout, right??)
SS: (And damn straight I got psi!)
SS: (My power's, uh, bein incredibly attractive to every one around me.)
ID: wow, guess i'm suddenly immune to psionics.
SS: (See, this is why we got relationship problems.)
SS: (You just don't believe in me.)
AA: arne oyu saying emo goths ain't yrn swoon maternial, hads? AA: this is why ourn ash is crnumbling, btw.
AA: all of these failed expectations. >:"[
ID: ahahah is he really an emo goth.
AA: y!
AA: oh my god, y.
ID: lame.
SA: lone wolves are actually almost certain to encounter death or starvation if they are unable to locate a new pack.
SS: (Omg, I am not!)
SS: (I'm an emo nerd!)
SS: (Get it right.)
ID: heyyy prisma have a good nap or whatever?
AA: he wearns white lenses in his eyes to look hella goth.
AA: just sayin'.
SA: Yes. I took some medicine and I feel much better.
ID: medicine? =:?
SA: ...yes.
SS: (Look, we can't go out tellin the emos that kinda ish, Sipa, or I'ma lose my cred.)
AA: and omg. good. >:} AA: can't have you getting too tirned to learn, dude.
SS: (Wow, now who's the drug addict?)
SS: (Actually, tho, that sounds sketch af.)
AA: lmfao.
ID: you're all addicts and i'm judging you all.
SS: (In the 'somethin's wrong w/ you' sense.)
AA: oh, stfu, he ain't cullbait. AA: he's prnobs just talkin', like, booze.
SA: an addiction implies i require medication. I do not require medication.
SA: It just helped my headache.
ID: he's not cullbait, he's highblood raised psi.
SA: ...Do you not know what medicine is.
AA: y, exactly.
SS: (Pal, I ain't the one what said cullbait!) SS: (Twixt the dampeners and ish, I was figurin he's some top secret military psi weapon or some ish.)
AA: n, he ain't fancy enough forn that, soz.
ID: fun fact prisma, most of us poor folks can't afford medicine.
SA: not anymore, if that's comforting.
SA: oh.
SS: (Meds're what you take to get buzzed, right?)
SA: I am sorry.
SS: (Like honey's for chill, meds are for buzz.)
SA: Ideally no but i suppose in your life, yes.
ID: it's fine for me because getting sick is for nerds.
AA: getting sick I S forn nernds.
SS: (See?) SS: (I'm glad we established I retain nerd cred.)
ID: says the troll soaking in her coon with a panache.
SA: who, AA?
ID: yes.
SA: Maybe you should drink water.
SA: dehydration cuases headaches.
ID: i already told her that.
SA: being high could cause that.
SA: See.
SA: I appreciate you more.
ID: so prisma, are you allowed to send pics of yourself? let us see your mug!
AA: oh, hush, it ain't bc i took honey. AA: what'rne you ppl, my lusus? >:P bc i got one alrneady.
AA: it's bc we have a fuck-huge meteorn fucking up evernything outside.
AA: duuuuuuh.
ID: uh-huh.
SS: (I mean, that's deffo why I'm laid out!)
SA: I do not know how to send photos on this platform. Which mug would you like, the kitty one or the chic one?
SS: (Totes credible, imo. (\unu/) )
AA: the chick one!!
AA: see, lal suppornts me.
AA: this is why lal's getting a rnide on murdernrnoad.
ID: your face i meant sa.
SA: I'm alarmed for both of you.
SS: (Deffo chicks.) SS: (I am totes not sayin that to get on Sipa's good side.)
ID: mug means face.
AA: _totes_ not. >:}
SS: ( (\uwu/) )
SA has attached SupposedlyaMug.png
SS: (Totes a mug!)
SS: (Probs.)
SS: (As previously mentioned: am currently extra blind!)
ID: huh you're kinda pretty. congrats.
SS: (It's a v nice lookin blur.)
SS: (I defer to Hadean's judgy nature.)
SA: thank you.
SA: I'm sorry, SS.
SA: I'm rather angular and have a hipster haircut, if that helps.
SA: What do you all look like?
ID: don't be sorry prisma, dumbass stared at the meteor.
SS: (Super hot!)
ID: one sec let me put a shirt on.
SS: (The meteor, I mean.) SS: (But also me, deffo.)
SS: (Eyyyy, selfie time!)
SA: You should get sunglasses at the next opportunity.
AA: lmao. AA: congrnats, prnisma, yrn waaaay less nerndy than anyone else.
AA: like the rning.
SS: (I got shades! I just wanted to get, like, a proper good look. (\unu/) )
SS: (Ain't my fault the sky is evil.)
SA: I thought nerds wore sweatervests. isn't that the stereotype
AA: shades don't do shiiiit. it's brmoght af.
AA: y. these two arne nothing but sweaternvests.
invertedDissident has sent iswearitsnotpaint.png!
SS has sent TellMeImPrerry.png!
SA: what is that... sphere.
AA: omg, wait, do I gotta get up to take a selfie. >:{
ID: it's a horn.
SA: Yes, AA.
SA: I will not tell you you are pretty. The hair color is unique, though.
ID: lal you fucking edgelord.
SS: (I ain't the one with a fuckin - is that a floatin horn or is your rack just effed up?)
ID: i can tell you're blind by your hair styling.
ID: yes it's a floating horn. deal with it.
SS: (Wow, rude!) SS: (It's that way naturally.) SS: (Ain't touched dye in my life. (\eue/) )
AA: dnw, lal, I totes think yrn a prnetty prnincess. AA: even if you style yrn headfluff in the darnk. >:}
ID: i meant the style not the color.
ID: the... spiky mullet look.
SS: (At least someone loves me.)
SS: (I call it 'just spent 14 hours working' chic, pal!)
SA: You can also reduce it to I worked a more reasonable 8 hours chic by using a hairbrush.
ID: just let it get long enough to braid.
ID: braids fix everything.
SA: no.
SS: (Oh, damn, we got some strong fashion opinions in here?)
AA has attached SUP.JPEG.
SS: (Eyyyy, my fav cave goblin!)
AA: brnaids totes fix evernything. >:}
SA: What... are you in.
SA: Are you alright?
AA: a wornm. duh.
SA: You've been eaten?
SS: (She's gettin eaten by a sandworm, yeah.)
ID: a coon. you a fellow non-cooner prisma?
SS: (It's been an ongoing thing, pal.)
SS: (Keep up!)
SA: I take medicine to allievate psionic nightmares. I do not use a... worm.
ID: pshhh. just use nothing. like me. it's fine.
SS: (^^^^^)
SA: I have to disagree.
SA: For me, at least.
AA: wait wtf.
SS: (Saves caegars, too!)
AA: don't sleep drny, holy shit.
AA: at least use, like, a soporn patch.
SS: (Sopor patches are for the weak!)
ID: what part of drugs don't work don't you understand. =:I
ID: did i say every drug but sopor is okay.
AA: >:{
AA: soporn isn't even a fucking drnug, dude.
SA: 😂
AA: wtf is up w/ yrn psi??
ID: my psi just fucks with how my body. absorbs shit. or whatever.
ID: i'm not a nerd i don't know the fancy words.
SA: I thought it acted like a drug if ingested, AA.
AA: that's why i said get a patch, duh.
SA: So it is a drug.
SS: (Wtf's even your def of drugs, here, pal?) SS: (You delete vitamin C, or only ish that your schoolfeeds tell you you ain't supposed to be on??) SS: (There any brand loyalty, here? Like, trollbuprofen only, or trollvil, too?)
AA: omggg, it ain't a drnug. no morne than, like, idefk.
AA: you think sugarn's a drnug??
ID: i mean i burn through sugar quick i think?
ID: why the fuck do you think i eat so much.
SA: I don't know if you're dragging me or Hadean.
AA: both!
SA: sugar does influence the mind, yes.
SA: But i don't know if the response is as acute as hard drugs or caffeine.
ID: you can go through sugar withdrawals can't you?
SA: Is your psionic metabolism based?
SA: I believe so, yes.
ID: it's not- i dunno. i'm complicated.
ID: all i know is that my psi messes with my body a lot.
AA: >:\
AA: you should know wtf yrn psi does, dude.
AA: also, wtf have you eaten today except, like, snacks and shit.
ID: snacks.
ID: more snacks.
AA: gimme yrn coornds.
invertedDissident has sent hotelcoordsyo.txt!
AA: i am sending you, like, T W O pizzas. AA: but they'rne gonna be, like, fish. bc you suck.
ID: =:'(
ID: i don't suck, i got you to not go on a whale.
SA: What is the point of sending them something they may not eat.
ID: oh i'll fucking eat it.
AA: ofc he's gonna eat it.
AA: i could send him, idefk, curnrny banana pasta pizza and he'd eat it.
AA: and then be like 'i'm hungrnyyyyyyy.'
SA: pineapple.
AA: he'll eat that too, dude.
ID: =:( i'm always hungry. protip.
AA: n/m, making one fish and pineapples.
SA: that's disgusting.
ID: =:( =:( =:(
ID: siiipppp.
ID: i want meat loverssss.
ID: it has more calories.
ID: delicious delicious calories.
SA: that is also disgusting.
SA: Pizza makes me sad.
AA: meat is grnosssss.
ID: meat is delicious.
AA: but 'kay, w/e, w/e. AA: you want yrn grnoss rnancid hoofbeast flesh, you get it, b/c, like, you D I D fuss abt whales.
AA: which i wasn't gettin' on.
AA: but that was hilarnious.
AA: wtf you got against pizza, prnisma??
ID: =>:I
AA: that's prnimetime lowblood exp rnight therne.
ID: prisma just needs to have a good pizza.
AA: ......... prnisma gimme yrn coornds.
SA: I'd rather not.
ID: try it prismaaa.
ID: and if you don't like it send it to me.
AA: you nevern give me any of yrn deets. >:'{
SA has sent LoftAddress.txt
SA: fine. Do with what you wish.
ID: a loft, that sounds fancy.
SA: would you like to see it?
ID: yes, pp.
SA has sent Studio.png
ID: what the fuckkkkk.
ID: that's fancy as shit.
AA: why's it in all white?
AA: arne you anothern goth nernd? am i like, the only one herne frnee of the gothplague?
AA: bc, lame. also, sent you a pizza.
invertedDissident has sent hotelroom.png!
SS: (Omg, is it 'show and tell' night?)
AA: ... why is yrn trnap next to yrn bed??
SS: (Showin off everyone's blocks?)
ID: i dunno.
AA: also, holy shit, phernes would fucking murndern you forn that.
AA: and y. y. it is.
AA: i ain't showing off mine. but you shoyuld totes pp.
SA: My what?
ID: man you are sheltered prisma.
ID: which words confused you.
SA: that is very. unique carpet.
SA: trap?
SA: I don't have a trap.
ID: tub!
LL: (Nah, pal, I'll join you in lack of pix!) LL: (Your company is a balm to my isolation woes on accounta I ain't got a place.)
AA: ablution trnap.
AA: it's - y. the thing you bathe in.
AA: orn fucking swim, in hads case.
ID: i am so well versed in the highblood terms. i'll be your guide.
AA: also, stfu, lal, you totes got a place.
ID: that trap is a damned blessing okay.
AA: undern a rnock. in the desernt.
AA: ain't that wherne you found yrn jade brno? >:}
SA: It's a glass wall.
SA: Not my bathroom.
SA: My bathroom is in a separate room.
SS: (Right, totes, forgot about that one!) SS: (Got myself an underground stone mansion and ish!)
SA: I use a shower, not a bathtub.
ID: well you're missing out.
SS: (S'got a seaside view on accounta it's built into a cliff!)
SA: that sounds lovely, SS.
AA: shit, and herne i am, living off a fucking bike.
AA: i am U P S T A G E D. >:}
SA: But what about your worm?
ID: the coon is just a coon prisma.
SA: yes, but I find worm to be more comedic to say.
ID: it's part of the rented room.
AA: wornm is totes morne comedic to say. points2you, clownbb, yrn learning. >:}
AA: y/y/y, it's parnt of the rnoom.
AA: you can't trnavel with wornms unless they'rne on you. shit's 2big.
ID: luckily sip keepts her leeches on her.
AA: keepts.
AA: that's lowblood slang too, prnisma. >:}
ID: also thanks for the food sip.
SA: I hope you keepts trying to make me believe you're serious witht hat face
SA: 🙃
AA: i hate everny single one of yrn hornrnible, hornrnible smileys, jsyk.
AA: >:}
ID: ohh man i did not know there was an upside down one.
ID: upside down is my jam.
ID: 🙃
SA: I love the emojis.
SA: 😊
SA: AA, what do you do for a living?
SA: I can't figure it out.
ID: protip prisma, the best way to eat pizza is with two pieces on top of each other for maximum pizza.
ID: aa fights in pits for cash.
ID: i'm told she's famous. but i have my doubts!
ID: i have yet to see a wriggler wearing a shirt with her face on it.
ID: which is the true benchmark of fame.
SA: ...Please, no, Hadean.
SA: A pit fighter...
SA: i suppose that would explain the biotechnology.
AA: wow, rnude. AA: i don't lits fight in pits.
ID: eww rhyming.
AA: that was when i was a pupa. >:} AA: now it's, like, all stages, all the time.
AA: stfuuuu.
ID: still, no wriggler shirts with your face on them. what's up with that.
SA: Do you make a lot doing that?
AA: wtf would they have my face on 'em, when they can have my sweet symbol instead? >:}
AA: and y!
AA: wait, shit. depends on whom i'm tussling w/.
AA: i made mad bux on mui. totes wornth it.
SA: I see. I'm glad it works out for you.
ID: what do you do prisma? if not. clown shit.
SA: I work for a number of mafias to collect information and perform assassinations.
SA: I'm joking.
SA: It's hard to tell.
AA: lmfao.
AA: A R N E you joking??
AA: bc that's totes what a mob killern W O U L D say.
SA: I'm a freelancer. I sell out my psionics to the highest bidder.
AA: hahaha, shit. AA: hope yrn carneful doing that, dude, bc that sounds like prnimetime way to end up in someone's basement.
ID: so. possibly selling to mafias.
ID: or in a helmscolumn or some shit.
SA: I cannot be bound permanently to a helmship, so I am not worried.
ID: haha what.
SA: I don't think anyone would put me in a basement.
SA: Actually, I find people for other people, most of the time.
SA: that's what i did in the military.
SA My clairvoyance let me locate spies or missing colony trolls.
ID: people for people to do what with?
AA: wait, how old arne you?
AA: arne you a geezern?
ID: 10 he said?
ID: 10?
SA: Yes.
SA: I don't know what they do with my targets.
SA: What they wish, I suppose
SA: They are not transparent about why they want the person. Just that they will give me a large sum to find them.
ID: wooowww. promise not to go turncoat on us if someone offers you cash for us prisma.
ID: =>:P
SA: I don't think anyone will.
ID: but if they do, refuse!
SA: But I've been doing it less. My medicine is too expensive to afford now. So I have no reason to continue earning money except to pay my apartment rent.
SA: AA, to answer your question more accurately, i was raised to do this since i was young.
SA: I did not start at a conventional exile age.
ID: so do you need the medicine after you use psi...?
AA: huh.
SA: will you both be exiled, or are you renegades?
SA: the medicine works with the inhibitor.
AA: hahahaha.
SA: My psionics are broken. they were surgically altered.
AA: wow, totes not answerning that. >:}
ID: i'm telling you, they keep snatching wrigglers younger and younger.
ID: ^^^^
ID: oh hey sip, psionic surgery. that's like. your jam?
ID: what'd they do to you?
AA: what?
AA: hahaha, why would you say that's my jam. >:}
SA: perhaps because of the biotech?
SA: that seems like a good enough assumption.
ID: because you're a psionics nerd.
ID: like they crammed biotech in you to. do what to your psi?
AA: what, yrn inhibitorn's biotech, prnisma??
AA: idgi. i am lost in this convo.
SA: It isn't biotech, rather, it is grafted to me and relies on a number of injections to operate correctly.
SA: when i was... placed on planet, I wasn't given any injections. The idea was that i would go into a withdrawal and slowly shut down.
SA: they were wrong.
SS: (Wtf, that's nutty!) SS: (What kinda injections?)
SA: anyways, it controls my psionics and prevents me from using them above their most basic degree.
SA: However, I am also a very strong psion.
SA: Hormones, usually. But also sedatives.
LL: (Huh!)
AA: huh.
SA sends Inhibitor.png
LL: (Grafted, like, cybertech?)
AA: .. omfggg. AA: that's so cool.
AA: how deep does that go?
AA: like, 'kay, that looks like it's embedded p farn. AA: does that connect dirnectly to yrn nernvous system?
ID: eghhh warn a guy next time.
AA: wait, shit, how low does it go?
SA: between my shoulder baldes.
AA: chillax, hads.
SA: I am sorry, Hadean.
LL: (Holy hells, pal, that's hella extra.)
AA: want me to msg you when we'rne done talking helm shit?
SA: Extra?
ID: yeah that'd be great, thanks.
LL: (Like, that ain't normal inhibitor ish.)
AA: y/y/y/y. go see if yrn pizza's in!
LL: (Oh, shit.)
LL: (Soz, pal.)
SA: Are they squeamish?
AA: he's helmbait, dude. >:} doesn't bug me none, but, like, give a rnust some warning beforne you starnt posting, yyy??
LL: (I mean, it ain't like a guy's liable to get all pleased-like about seein that kinda tech on a body regular-like!) LL: (Sipa and I're just nerds and neither likely to up and get one a'those installed.)
LL: (Ain't like I'd be too pleased with your effin biopsy pix or nothin, neither.)
SA: Oh, I didn't know. I apologize. I am not used to the idea.
SA: I didn't have it installed on purpose. They put it on when I was in training. To make me more malleable.
SA: I don't know what life was like without it, really.
SA: So it comes naturally to me to treat it like a tattoo.
SS: (Real spiky tattoo, there, pal!)
AA: hahaha, wooow.
AA: goddamn, it sucks to be yellow. >:}
SA: I am closer to a cusp, don't worry.
SA: I don't think all yellows experience this.
SA: But I was also with a number of castes. Some of them were red. My partner was orange.
SA: roommate?
SA: something.
SS: (Idk, pal, if I just got a weirdo tat and they paid me that many caegars, I'd take it!)
AA: lmfao, n, but yrn waaaay morne likely to get plucked up forn this hoofbeastshit. AA: rniccin's got shit like that in hern, too. >:P
SS: (Just knock me out for the busy part and I'm down.)
SA: R..iccin?
AA: lame-ass gangleclown with pornts.
SA: Oh. I would like to meet them
AA: anyway. >:} laaaaaal. AA: does that mean you'll totes let me prnactic-- lmao no.
SS: (They put ports and ish on clowns, now? That ain't part of my schoolfeeds!)
AA: omfg, she's yellow, dornklornd. AA: just, like, clowny.
SA: I said like a tattoo, not that it is one. It's much more painful in practice.
SS: (Pal, I said I gotta be out for the key bits, not that I wanna lay around and get eaten by worms for #science.)
SA: Recovery takes a while.
SA: and you have to move.
SA: welcome to hell, SS.
SS: (Wtf's a yellow clown?)
SA: clown is an adjective, in this case, not a noun.
AA: maaaaan, you two arne dourn as fuck.
SS: (Nah, I think the actual def's "a meme.")
SS: (Excuse you, I am downright up and peppy 'bout this new moneymaking op I just found!)
SA: well do you have psionics
SS: (Hook me up, SA, I want a pile a caegars!)
SS: (Does bein tragically handsome count?)
AA: dude, he alrneady saw yrn pic. >:}
SS: (Yeah, and, iirc, he was like 'swoon! Laledy! You're amazing!'!)
SA: and are you willing to be exposed to excruciating experiments and tests that often include competing violently with your peers in a closed space as well as live combat in the real military.
SA: if so, then I can write them.
SA: hah
SA: ha.
SA: I'm not allowed to contact them anymore, actually. It was a funny.
SS: (Uhhh.) SS: (Is it, like, a 'if you've done it you don't gotta do it again' thing, or like a 'you gotta do it regardless if you sign up' thing?)
SA: I was not.
SS: (Also, I suck at combat.)
SA: SS Is not that attractive.
SS: (Sipa can do that bit for me.)
SS: (Wow, now you're up and hurtin my feelings! (\qnq/) )
SA: let's talk about something nice.
SA: I'm sorry. I will not lie to help you feel better.
SA: I said your hair was alright, though.
SS: (That mean you're telling the proper truth bout being sorry, tho? (\eue/) )
SA: Yes.
SS: (It's cool, tho, pal, we can't all have decent taste. (\unu/) )
AA: prnisma, stop being a bulgemunch orn else I'm gonna shove yrn pizza up yrn chute. >:} AA: let's talk nicern shit, y. like how rnad dyed hairn is.
SA: That isn't how chutes work.
AA: not the moss look, obvs. AA: but --
SA: Is your hair dyed?
SS: (Wait, wtf, what is this, a pizza party?)
SA: would you like pizza?
AA: they totally COULD wornk that way.
SA: AA tried to send me some.
AA: y, it is.
SA: Chutes go down.
SA: things exit through shoots.
SA: chutes.
SS: ("Tried"?)
SA: 😩
AA: that's why I gotta S H Ö V E it, jfc, trny to keep up. >:}
AA: trnied??
SA: I remmeber there being a threat.
SS: (She ain't wrong! If it ain't meant to go up, gotta do some shovin to make it go!)
SS: (Wtf, SA, if you don't want your pizza I am down to take it.)
SA: please.
SS: (Ain't no sense in wastin dec food!)
SA: what is your address.
SS: (Ain't you seen earlier, I ain't got one!)
SA: ...that's horrible.
SA: I'm sad now
SS: (Wtf, why're you sad?)
SA: because it is sad.
AA: omfg, sa, fuck off. this is my pizza parnty!!
SS: (You ain't the one lackin a hive, it's all good.)
ID: send me all pizza. mine is like. gone.
SS: (Maybe I want a pizza from SA! To make up from callin me ugly.)
AA: what, is my pizza too good forn you now?? rnude.
AA: also wtf it is not.
SA: Pizza only costs $20. Just tell me where it needs to go.
AA: did you chug it??
ID: aww prisma, we don't call trolls ugly. we call them unfortunate.
ID: i had to, half of it was garbage. =:I
AA: y. like tatsface herne. >:P
ID: and then i'd follow it with good pizza.
AA: told you meatloverns was grnoss.
invertedDissident has sent sendpizzahereprisma.txt!
ID: meat lovers is the best and fish is awful.
AA: >:0
AA: wtf is this betrnayal??
SA: Is that where SS is?
ID: ...if by ss you mean me.
AA: n, stfuuu, you don't get ss's coornds. AA: laaaaal.
SA: I can send you pizza too. It isn't very expensive.
SS: (Tay's cafe, Port Mina side!)
SS: (Also wtf kinda pizza's 20.)
ID: prisma doesn't know where that is lal.
AA: arne you at Taylo-- yyyyyyy, good.
ID: betcha.
SS: (That's, like, three pizzas.)
AA: I'm sending one!!
SA: ...Oh.
SS: (You can troll google it!)
SA: I must... be ordering at the wrong place.
ID: i want to try a twenty caegar pizza, send it here.
SA: I'm orderinig. I will return shortly.
SS: (It's got, like, a whole wiki page on accounta lookin like a giant teapot.)
ID: lolwhat.
SS: (Also omfg wait am I getting two pizzas or does Sipa win my pusher?)
ID: always push for two lal.
AA: yeah, how many fucking pizzas do I gotta send to win??
ID: make them fight for the honor.
SS: (3!)
ID: thatta boy.
SS: (I'm takin lessons, apparently!)
AA: do I get yrn bod forn science aftern you explode, tho.
SS: (Also Tay totes has a fridge she, like, never uses and I can heat it up for later.)
SS: (Suck it, stale pastry week.)
AA: lmao.
SS: (Dude, you can have my scattered entrails and the pizza that's gonna be pouring outta that mess like a real fucked up pinata.)
ID: make sure it isn't fucking. fish and pineapple.
ID: that's the worst thing i've eaten in a long time.
SS: (Idk, I ain't never eaten fish.)
SS: (Or pineapple?)
AA: y, good, I'll totes send thrnee (3) fish pizzas.
SS: (Fucking RIP.)
AA: ... with pineapple.
ID: imagine salty slime paired with sweet fruit.
ID: on a pizza.
AA: gotta brnoaden yrn hornizons, dude.
SS: (It's cool, I still got whatevs SA is sending to actually eat.)
SS: ( (\unu/) )
AA: also, panache offic pandrnill.
AA: so I'm outies.
SS: (Remember to chug the sopor!)
AA: pp if you explode. >:}
ID: night sip. thanks for the one good pizza.
ID: fuck you for making me eat the other one.
SS: (I'll set up an autocamera to go off if I go all Outlast, sure.)
AA: yy np.
VV: ♚ ~ Hello, Hello all
ID: hiya new rust i don't think i've met before.
SA: I didn't know what to order so I sent cheese and supreme.
SA: I hope this was acceptable.
SA: hello, small crown.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintince~
SS: (IDK wtf a supreme is but it sounds like a lotta food, so: A+, gold star!)
ID: that sounds pretty damn acceptable.
SA: Oh. thank yuo.
VV: ♚ ~ Small crown...you could say more like a crown for a princess!
SS: (Totes forgive you for the time you declared me hideous in public.)
ID: hadean dauths.
ID: first rust princess i've ever heard of.
SA: little princess.
VV: ♚ ~And likely to be the only! I'd treasure it really hehe. I kid! of course. VV: ♚ ~ I rather like little princess, you may call me that as well...mm I have no one's name how unfortunate 😦 Albeit I am curious as to what could lead to calling another hideous in public as well! Such animosity.
IA: A princess?
ID: prisma- sa- is just a lil blunt.
SA: SS is mediocre looking, but they are deeply offended by me not dropping head over heels for them.
SA: that's all
ID: see? blunt.
SA: Yes.
ID: do i rate about mediocre at least. =:I
VV: ♚ ~ That sounds understandable though, Prisma was it? You can't force true romance !
ID: above. i meant.
SA: Your horn confuses me. But You are pretty enough.
ID: i'll take it.
VV: ♚ ~ I could offer a second opinion if you desire dearest SS!
SA: You can't.
SA: You are right, perdia.
AA: (wait, shit rnate me!!)
SA: I did not like the worms.
SA: 5/10
ID: hahahah i'm the prettiest around!
AA: >:'{
ID: wait how come sip got an actual number rating.
ID: also vv i think ss is busy eating.
ID: so they probably absconded.
SA: 7/10
VV: I apologize I'm a ittle unsure of whom I am or am not addressing at the moment. It is exciting to see fresh names regardless!
ID: i'll take a 7.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm so curious about appearences now though. I wish to see the alleged 7!
ID: yeah this place is hella lively.
SA: you should post a selfie too.
SA: as Hadean said
SA: Your mug.
ID: yeah let sa judge your mug.
SA: little princess, i mean.
VV: ♚ ~ Only if you don't refer to it as a mug. That sets a bit of bias for me don't you think? Using such a descriptor...
ID: alright, your face.
ID: prisma is just excited to try out some new slang he learned tonight, forgive him!
VV: ♚ ~ I see, I see! Very well give me just a moment to take a quick little shot perhaps. hehe
VV has posted the picture [A LITTLE PRINCESS.JPEG] to the chat!
MC: oh hey new people
MC: awesome
ID: is that your lusus.
ID: also how old are you even.
AA: i was totes gonna be salty overn hads getting a highern scorne, but holy shit. AA: you arne fucking adornbs, congrnats.
VV: ♚ ~ Hello new arrival!
SA: 9/10
AA: voting forn sa herne, total 9/10. >:}
AA: yesssssssss.
SA: i was getting my sushi, sorry
MR: your lusus isa fluffball MR: cute
VV: ♚ ~ Oh and you really shouldn't ask a lady her age! But no that is a new pet for my dear matesprit, Dolora.
VV: ♚ ~ oh boo not a perfect 10 but I suppose I shall take it 😢
ID: you eat sushi prisma? fancypants. =:P
ID: fine, fine. you just look young.
MR: who athe fuck actually easts sushi MR: why would you want to
ID: prisma is fancy! and don't be mean he's just uneducated in lowblood things.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you I take great care of my appearence! VV: ♚ ~ Sushi is quite the delicacy~ Why would anyone not want to?
SA: It's good, usually. From the right places.
MR: because rotting fish is gross
SA: i appreciate the defense, Hadean.
ID: it's not usually rotting. i hope.
ID: =:I
SA: Sushi is not rotting fish. it is actually very fresh.
MR: yeah no unsign me aup
VV: ♚ ~ I'd be apt to approach a legislacerator if one was to sell me rotted sushi I think...
ID: just let prisma enjoy his fancy very fresh fish.
MR: what thea fuck has a legaistlacerator got to dow ith rotted sushi
MR: why is it opeing its coat to flash raw fish at you
VV: ♚ ~ Would you not wish to alert one of the law to a horrible crime?
MR: that doesnt explain why theyrea selling raw susishi like some sort of back alley peddler
MR: what thea fuck are they doiagng there MR: wehre did they get all that fish MR: why are their paychecks so shitty that hte ahve to sell rotten sushi to get by MR: wherea are they answers
VV: ♚ ~ My, my someone is rather confused or has sustained a horrible head injury! Are you okay? Do you require assistance?! Oh how horrible to succumd such a tragedy...
VV: ♚ ~ Perhaps the education quality of Alternia has gone down even..oh no....
MR: the only head injury here will be you if you don't drop the condescension
SA has sent Foodies.png
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being very honest. It's horribly upsetting that you're so confused!
MR: it's horribly upasettig that your crowns make me picturea a trollop with way too much makeup
SA: they are a little princess. Let them have this.
VV: ♚ ~ A trollop...
ID: is that stuff really good prisma?
VV: ♚ ~ I can see I'm not very welcome in such a case if that is the impression a dunderheaded delinquent like you is getting such an impression of me.
MR: the truth hurts sweetheart
MR: deal with it
VV: ♚ ~ I do hope you injuries heal quickly 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Tata~
ID: jeesh mr did you just scare that girl away.
ID: was it because she was cuter than you?
MR: her problem not mine
MR: well she's cuter than you
ID: i bet you're an ugly hag. =:P
MR: is that the best yoyu've got
MR: hahahaha
ID: and i'm fine with not being cute. i'd rather be handsome!
SA: Oh-- i rather liked...
MR: nah i think you're pretty adorable
ID: i'm more handsome than that other troll any day of the week.
SA: you're now on my "shitlist", MR.
SA: Yes, it is good, Hadean. I could take you to get some if you live in Provenance.
MR: oooh now i'm scared
MR: whatever will i do
ID: i'm in. cascara. where is provenance.
ID: i travel so. i could always end up there sometime.
SA has sent TrainRouteMap.png
SA: away.
SA: What will you do. 😃
ID: man everyone and their maps.
MR: you could just learn to read them MR: it'll keep you well
ID: i like wandering with no destination in mind. =:P
SA: I assumed this would be the most precise way of showing you the distance.
ID: who knows, maybe i'll pop up some night!
MR: speaking of MR: are you still on for killing that jade guy or what
SA: I would be happy to see your 7/10 face.
ID: not killing. beating him up, yes.
SA: who is getting murdered?
MR: oh yeah MR: honor battle and all that
ID: no murder! i'm beating up a jadeblood at this big nerd fair in cascara.
ID: for money.
Nerd fair?
SA: Nerd...
SA: Should I go.
SA: I could beat someone up too.
ID: and also to beat him up.
ID: if you want! but you need to use an old-timey weapon.
SA: ...are psionics cheating.
ID: they fucking better not be.
SA: then i will use my fists.
SA: I'm joking.
SA: My ropedart.
ID: ropedart?
MR: speakig of the beetleskitter is almost there and i'm going to lose reception MR: you better make this fight good hadean
ID: yeah yeah! get going loser.
WC: ~(I can't believe this chat is still going) WC: ~(I'm not used to them lasting so long!) WC: ~(It's nice (。≖‿≖) )
ID: oh who are you. what are with all these new faces.
SA: https://www.kungfudirect.com/prodimages/Wushu-Rope-Dart.jpg
 SA: Only mine is bound on a retractable wire on my arm, so it recoils and requires less constant motion.
ID: i don't know if that counts as old-timey? but i am not a judge.
SA: Flail?
SA: Hello, WC.
WC: ~(Oh, sorry! Where are my manners) WC: ~(I'm Steamy)
WC: ~(Oooh, is that your weapon? How neat!)
SA: S...steamy.
WC: ~(Yep! ^^)
SA: okay.
WC: ~(You can laugh, if you want)
WC: ~(I know it's silly)
SA: I don't have any more chuckles to offer, unfortunately
SA: I burned them all up being snarky to everyone else earlier.
WC: ~(Oh my!) WC: ~(You must be quite the snarkdemon!)
SA: I am Prisma. It is nice to meet you.
WC: ~(Prisma) WC: ~(That's a nice name)
ID: i mean that was some lowgrade snark prisma i'm sorry.
ID: also i'm hadean.
WC: ~(Hello Hadean!)
SA: I did my best to play nice.
SA: Thank you.
WC: ~(I haven't been in here in a while!) WC: ~(Did I miss anything?)
ID: i don't know how long you've been gone but. probably.
ID: like most of the whole chat is going to the nerd fair in cascada. if you've heard of it.
WC: ~(Nerd fair in....)
WC: ~(Oh! Is THAT what that flyer was for!)
ID: probably.
WC: ~(I saw something about a fair but newsprint makes such a good oil catcher)
WC: ~(So I didn't see much else ლ(╹◡╹ლ))
SA: Do you paint?
WC: ~(Nope! I'm terrible with art haha)
WC: ~(I work with machines)
ID: oh. that makes sense.
ID: uh yeah it's an old-timey reenactment or whatever fair.
WC: ~(But if there's a fair, now I have to go!)
WC: ~(If only to sample the snacks)
SA: Yes, like leg of lamb.
ID: i have been told the snacks are good.
SA: and spinach rock soup.
ID: and giant gobblebeast legs.
WC: ~(Are there any good old timey desserts)
SA: I'm dying.
WC: ~(Please don't die, we just met!)
ID: cakes? i dunno.
WC: ~(Well, I bet it's online!) WC: ~(Let's see....)
SA: Frumenty.
WC: ~(!!!) WC: ~(Oooh there's a pastry booth set up in the square)
WC: ~(I know where I'm spending my night~)
SA: Linzer torte...
ID: there you go.
SA: Oh.
SA: I will have to go there too.
WC: ~(What's a Frumenty?)
SA: old. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E9LKfr23mCo/maxresdefault.jpg
 WC: ~(I'll be happy to share if we run into each other ^^)
ID: instead of sushi buy me dessert prisma. tottesss want pastries.
WC: ~(I hope there's something with strawberries there) WC: ~(Shoot, now I've gone and made myself hungry! >:C)
SA: I would rather buy you creme brulee from somewhere that isn't a strange booth.
SA: Acquire strawberries?
ID: strange booths have some of the best food! but aww, thanks i think.
WC: ~(I would but they're sold out tonight) WC: ~(Strawberries AND my peach yogurt) WC: ~(I'm so mad!)
SA: I don't know how to feel about strange fair booths. Early market booths are good, though.
WC: ~(I'm sure the food is fine!)
WC: ~(Won't know unless you try it, right? ^^)
ID: i'm gonna be a booth babe for one stall selling weapons and antiques and stuff.
ID: so definitely buy his stuff.
SA: a booth... babe...
SA: Is this more slang.
WC: ~(That sounds mildly scandalous but also a great way to sell things) WC: ~(Where is his booth?)
SA: Or an actual occupation.
WC: ~(It's slang ^^)
SA: Also, WC, I suppose i would know if it would poison me before hand.
SA: So I shouldn't worry.
WC: ~(That's the spirit!)
WC: ~(Oh, now I have to get prepared and everything!)
ID: it's a job where i wear a silly outfit and use my body to get people to pay attention to the booth.
ID: i have no idea where it's gonna be. but i'll give you deets when i do.
WC: ~(Please do) WC: ~(I could go for some books and antiques) WC: ~(Does he have any good clothes)
ID: no clue. but he has books and antiques!
WC: ~(For uh) WC: ~(A very broad person about....6 feet? (。≖‿≖))
WC: ~(Oh!) WC: ~(Then I guess I'll find out!)
ID: for what i assume are reasonable prices!
SA: Oh, so I suppose I will be walking by.
SA: I am sorry, Hadean.
WC: ~(Well, special events tend to price things really high! So reasonabe for the event, I guess)
SA: yes, like boutiques.
ID: c'mon prisma, you have to at least stop and say hiii. and he sells weapons and stuff.
SA: But I don't need those things.
WC: ~(It's still fun to look!)
ID: yeah!
WC: ~(I'll stop by! Why don't you join us?)
ID: who doesn't like old books? =:P
SA: when you said silly outfit and body i assumed it would be a stripper outfit.
SA: to be frank.
WC: ~(The sad and depraved)
WC: ~(Well sometimes that's what it turns into to be fair)
ID: i like to think i will not be in a stripper outfit.
ID: but hey, if i am, it's only as weird as you make it!
SA: I'd bring you a coat, in that case.
SA: I don't want to see your 7/10 and your entire torso.
SA: that would be most unpleasant.
ID: but my torso has tattoos. =:P
SA: But fine, I will go. To. ...Fair.
SA: ...yes, and?
ID: and i'm pretty sure i will not be shirtless! i hope.
ID: unless my outfit is how pheres will get his revenge on me being a jerk.
SA: Oh, is it Pheres's booth?
ID: yes.
WC: ~(It's okay, I see weird things all the time) WC: ~(My matesprit is allergic to shirts)
WC: ~(Well not really but he hates them)
WC: ~(So he doesn't wear them whenever he gets the chance) WC: ~(He also runs around in yoga pants. It's pretty cute!)
WC: ~(Is Pheres always there?)
ID: i think he tries to be?
SA: Yoga pants..
SA: Oh, is that his job:
WC: ~(As long as he's comfortable ^^)
SA: To be a fair craftsman
ID: stretchy pants that usually show off a troll's butt prisma.
SA: My jeans do that on their own.
ID: i think he just sells. not. crafts.
WC: ~(Oh, I'm so excited!)
SA: They don't need to be stretchy when they're made well enough.
ID: not everyone can drop fifty caegars on some pants.
WC: ~(What a discussion to have in front of a lady) WC: ~(Scandal!)
ID: my jeans were like. 2.
ID: hey you brought up yoga pants!
ID: and yoga pants + posteriors is a well known fact.
SA: I wasn't aware there was a boundery defined by identity.
WC: ~(Weeeell if the pants fit ~o^)
SA: I apologize?
WC: ~(What no) WC: ~(I was joking, Prisma)
SA: ...Oh.
ID: you'll get the hang of joking eventually. even the most adept trolls sometimes get confused in the chatroom.
WC: ~(Where are you from?)
SA: outer space.
SA: see that was a better joke.
SA: only it wasn't a joke at all.
SA: ...
ID: liiike i said. you'll. get the hang of it.
ID: eventually.
WC: ~(Well, it would have been a good joke otherwise!) WC: ~(You're doing well!)
SA: I appreciate the encouragement.
SA: where are you from, WC?
WC: ~(From not in outer space!)
WC: ~(But I live central continent, haha) WC: ~(Cascara is only about...6 hours from me by train?)
SA: I see.
SA: That is convenient.
SA: It is very far from Provenance.
WC: ~(Where is Provenance)
WC: ~(I'm not even familiar with that one!)
SA: I do not have the map anymore. But aways.
WC: ~(And you can call me Steamy! It's fine!)
ID: you gonna be able to make it to the fair alright prisma?
SA: Oh. Yes. Steamy.
SA: Yes. I will simply take a train. Or plane.
SA: whichever works.
WC: ~(Are you afraid of heights?) WC: ~(That uh) WC: ~(Aren't space related?)
SA: I am not afraid of anything.
SA: But thank you for the concern. Unless you meant Hadean.
WC: ~(No way!) WC: ~(Really?)
SA: I am incapable of feeling fear.
ID: skywhales work good. if you have them around.
ID: even of like. dying?
SA: I'm too tired to explain.
WC: ~(Skywhales are way overpriced) WC: ~(I just build my own airship)
ID: do you need another nap medicine thing?
ID: oh well let me fucking pull out my airship parts.
WC: ~(It uh....took about 8 sweeps of building but I did it)
SA: My inhibitor also regulates the amount of chemicals I can absorb, much like anti-anxiety medicine prevents absorption of those chemicals.
ID: and i'll get right on it.
SA: So I do not feel anything very strongly.
SA: But yes, I may go lie down. But I'm fhaving faun.
WC: ~(Are you a helm?)
ID: ...that's kinda sucky. go lay down if you need to! the chat is usually fun. you can have more fun another time.
WC: ~(Please do sleep!)
WC: ~(I can ask silly questions later!)
ID: anyways, he isn't a helm. so don't worry about that.
WC: ~(Which is a good thing) WC: ~(But the inhibitor part is a less good thing)
WC: ~(Those are normally put on someone when you want to keep them quiet......)
ID: yeah, but. he seems to be doing alright for himself even with the whole mess, so. not much we can do for him!
ID: unless you know how to remove that shit because i certainly do not.
WC: ~(Either way, he's still welcome to share my desserts at the fair) WC: ~(I'll bring you some at the booth too, maybe!)
WC: ~(Weeell I know how the process works) WC: ~(But it's not a safe one)
CC: No=t necessarily!
CC: I have o=ne, and it's just to= train my psychics.
ID: please do. =:)
SA: please do not. It would render me paralyzed.
WC: ~(Oh! Hello!)
WC: ~(Hence the not a safe one part)
CC: Er! CC: An inhibito=r, I mean. CC: So=rry, I do=n't type to=o= fast.
SA: hello, CC.
ID: okay no paralysis. gotcha.
WC: ~(We much prefer not to leave people permanently damaged) WC: ~(And biotech is not my field of expertise)
CC: Hello=! /(^ x ^=)\
ID: does you inhibitor paralyze you if removed cc.
WC: ~(Have we met, CC?)
CC: Um, I do=n't think yo=u can take mine o=ut!
CC: It's kind o=f... in there.
WC: ~(Nor would I try) WC: ~(These hands were not meant to perform surgical operations)
CC: And I do=n't think so=, I'm so=rry!
ID: the amount of trolls in this chat with machinery put in them is alarming.
CC: I mean, I guess it wo=uld paralyze me, since it wo=uld pro=bably mess up my spo=nge pretty bad?
WC: ~(I'm Steamy!) WC: ~(Pleased to meet you!)
CC: I'm Kit! /(^ x ^=)\ CC: It's very nice to=o= meet yo=u, to=o=!
WC: ~(None of my parts are machines, luckily)
WC: ~(Aww that's such a cute name!)
CC: Haha, I mean, we're a hi-tech empire!
CC: It's no=t that strange, is it? CC: And, haha, thanks! CC: You=rs is unusual, but very charming!
ID: well yeah, but. jeesh they start putting shit in a troll young now.
SA: it bothers Hadean.
CC: What's yo=ur name, ID? CC: I mean, if yo=u're o=kay with saying so=.
ID: hadean since. it's right there anyways.
CC: O=h! I vo=lunteered, if that's what yo=u mean! CC: I wasn't co=nscripted early - I've been part o=f the lepus pro=gram since I was five!
ID: ...that isn't too comforting.
ID: i think five is a little young to volunteer for. that.
SA: lepus program...
WC: ~(Lepus?) WC: ~(...Oh)
SA: that is interesting. What else?
CC: Um! CC: I mean, I'm happy with it!
CC: ... What else?
SA: or, wait, maybe we should not talk about this.
WC: ~(Well, if you're happy...^^)
ID: well you've got the sunk cost fallacy thing kit.
CC: The what?
ID: but yeahh maybe a better convo.
CC: And, wait, why no=t?
CC: Er
ID: sunken cost fallacy.
CC: I'm so=rry.
CC: I do=n't kno=w what that is.
WC: ~(Ahem) WC: ~(Are you going to this fair thing, Kit?)
CC: O=h, haha, um! CC: I'm no=t sure if I'm invited?
CC: And I do=n't want to= intrude.
ID: 'description: reasoning that further investment is warranted on the fact that the resources already invested will be lost otherwise, not taking into consideration the overall losses involved in the further investment.'
CC: What o=verall lo=sses, tho=ugh?
CC: I think I've o=nly do=ne go=o=d, so= far!
ID: well i mean. what's the end-goal for you? =:?
WC: ~(Well, now you're invited!) WC: ~(I'm trying to get my friends and my matesprit together to go to the fair)
CC: ... So=rry, Steamy, I meant to= ask if yo=u're go=ing! CC: I'm no=t great at trying to= ho=ld two= c=nversatio=ns at o=nce, haha. CC: Thank yo=u, tho=ugh! /(^ x ^=)\
WC: ~(And you're welcome to come) WC: ~(I'm sure Gelato will like you)
CC: The end go=al is helping the fleet co=mplete the pro=gram go=als!
WC: ~(I am! I'm reading the site now and it looks very exciting!)
ID: which are...? do i want to know.
CC: Classified! /(≧ x ≦)\ CC: I'm really so=rry, I'm no=t allo=wed to= say! CC: I do=n't even kno=w all o=f them, ho=nestly.
CC: But the o=nes I do= kno=w are pretty impo=rtant!
SA: They are usually not innocuous. My program was designed to create imperial hounds.
ID: ah. seems like a fine end goal. =:/
SA: but we can hope it's different for them.
ID: i suppose so, since they seem... happy.
CC: Ho=unds? CC: I'm no=t a barkbeast!
CC: And, I mean
CC: I'm right here... / (´・×・`)\
SA: hello!
ID: i'm using they as a lack of knowing your gender. not a. you aren't here.
CC: I just meant, yo=u're kind o=f talking abo=ut me like I'm no=t. CC: ... Like uh CC: I'm a he?
WC: ~(Well this chat got heavy all of a sudden!)
ID: he's happy then.
CC: O=h CC: I'm so=rry.
IA: --Oh dear, what have I walked in -on here?
WC: ~(A chat that needs some lightening up!)
SA: My clownfish are very cute tonight
ID: ...clownfish.
SA: they are resting in the anemones.
IA: --Oh! D-o y-ou have cl-ownfish??
ID: oh they're pets.
SA: yes. I have a wall tank for them.
IA: That's s-o exciting!
ID: and not. fish that are clowns. as in seadweller clowns.
SA: what did you think--oh.
WC: ~(What do they look like?)
IA: I kn-ow, my lusus is a cl-ownfish.
SA: no that is not in my job description.
SA: it's also illegal
CC: I kind o=f tho=ught what ID tho=ught!
SA: they are orange and soft and I love them
ID: ...well that's sorta cute.
IA: S-o I ap-ol-ogize, I get excited when I hear ab-out s-ome-one's cl-ownfish.
CC: O=r, Hadean? CC: So=rry, I missed if yo=u said yo=ur name, o=r if that was yo=ur name.
ID: yeah i said it but things were busy so. hadean is right.
ID: id works too but apparently there's a different id.
CC: I kno=w an ID in real life!
IA: SA, h-ow many d-o y-ou have?
WC: ~(The other ID is my matesprit!)
SA: IA, don't apologize. They are cute.
CC: So= I think I'd rather call yo=u Hadean! /(=⌒x⌒=)\
ID: so yeah. hadean works out best anyways.
SA: ten.
WC: ~(I just wasn't going to comment ^^)
IA: That's l-ovely!
SA: oh, the yoga pants one. With no shirts.
WC: ~(Yep that's him!)
WC: ~(He's a sweetheart I love him <3)
ID: all i know is he calls people sugargrubs.
SA; that's disgusting.
WC: ~(Oh he does that to everyone)
WC: ~(I don't think I've ever heard him call anyone by their names!)
ID: even you?
WC: ~(I'm grapevine or sugarplum or something more often than not)
CC: O=h, I think that might be the same ID I kno=w? CC: Um! CC: I think I'd better no=t co=me to= the festival with yo=u. CC: I do=n't think he likes me very much.
WC: ~(Huh?) WC: ~(What happened?)
WC: ~(What did he do?)
CC: He didn't do= anything! CC: I just messed up really bad, is all.
WC: ~(Tell me what happened ono)
CC: He was really nice abo=ut it, actually.
CC: I mean, I CC: I'd really rather no=t, I mean, and it's no=t really a big deal, o=r anything, I just
ID: uh maybe shift over to the highblood chat if you wanna have some privacy? not that you have to just.
ID: if you don't want us knowing what you're talking about.
SA: kit, you could come with me to the fair.
SA: oh. I suppose there is one.
CC: It's o=kay, SA, really. CC: I pro=bably do=n't have time anyways, haha! CC: I wo=rk all week.
ID: uh prisma you're a stranger-
ID: prisma do oyu know what stranger danger is.
CC: Besides, I'd rather make friends with peo=ple first befo=re guilting them into= fair invites. / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\
SA: I'm an imperially sanctioned stranger.
SA: also no.
IA: --Oh I think I've heard -of this fair. Is nearly every-one g-oing?
WC: ~(It would seem so!)
ID: that makes you even more stranger dangery. =:I
SA: I've never met a stranger that was a threat.
ID: well that makes you a big threat to other strangers.
SA: but you wanted to meet me?
ID: well yeah but i'm immune to stranger danger.
CC: I mean, I think I'm Imperially sanctio=ned, to=o=, kind o=f?
WC: ~(They don't even give you time off?)
CC: O=f co=urse they do=! Just no=t during mo=st o=f the week. CC: And I've been really sick a lo=t recently, so= I do=n't want to= ask fo=r mo=re time o=ff.
CC: I feel bad eno=ugh already fo=r missing so= much time. /(≧ x ≦)\
CC: They wo=uldn't even let me co=me in earlier.
WC: ~(How sick were you that they wouldn't even come into work?)
WC: ~(That sounds pretty sick!)
CC: I got a little bit impaled! CC: Which so=unds silly, because ho=w do= yo=u get a little bit impaled, I kno=w, but it really was o=nly a little bit.
WC: ~(What!)
WC: ~(No wonder they wouldn't let you come in!)
WC: ~(That's serious!)
SA: that isn't illness that's a grievous injury
CC: I wo=uldn't call it grievo=us!
ID: like a shoulder impalement?
CC: Yeah!
ID: something small i'm assuming?
CC: Like it was just my sho=ulder.
CC: See, Hadean understands.
CC: It's really no=t that bad.
ID: shoulder impalements are just a pain to deal with.
CC: I'm so=rry, I sho=uldn't have said anything. CC: That's why I just said I was sick, at first, I mean. CC: I keep accidentally making peo=ple unco=mfo=rtable with this.
ID: why should they be uncomfortable? i doubt you impaled yourself on purpose.
TC: Are we !mpal!~g people now? Lemme see.
WC: ~(I'm not uncomfortable, I'm concerned) WC: ~(The military is very physical) WC: ~(Of course they don't want you there while you're physically impaired)
SA: I think bodily harm is a cause of alarm not discomfort.
CC: It wasn't alarming because I knew I'd get better!
CC: And I didn't impale myself.
CC: I think that's a little bit o=utside o=f my skill level!
ID: exactly, so no need to be uncomfortable!
TC: !s th!s m!l!tary story share ~!ght?
TC: Laaaaame
ID: man i hope not because i have no stories to tell.
SA: mine are sad.
SA: training in zero G was fun though.
SA: I'm still sorry about your injury, Kit.
TC: So you're !~ the fleet SA?
TC: What do you do?
TC: Do~'t tell me you do what ! th!~k you do.
CC: Thank yo=u! CC: Yo=u do=n't need to= feel so=rry, tho=ugh. /(^ x ^=)\ I'm fine no=w, really!
SA: No. I am ex fleet.
CC: O=h, why did yo=u leave?
SA: Hadean tell me to stop opening my mouth.
CC: Um
ID: prisma no opening your mouth.
TC: Ex fleet? ! d!d~'t th!~k you could leave, ~ot as a yellowblood.
SA: 😰
ID: no more questions this interview is over.
ID: my client has a very busy night, he probably needs that nap he was supposed to take earlier and junk.
TC: Cl!e~t???
ID: i'm now prisma's manager.
SA: i got tea.
SA: does that mean I pay you now?
ID: i mean like i'm going to say no to money but it was mostly a joke.
CC: ... Can I ask a different questio=n?
ID: maybe.
CC: O=r, I mean, I guess I wanted to= ask a questio=n abo=ut Prisma's questio=n! CC: Yo= were asking abo=ut my pro=gram earlier and I was wo=ndering what yo=u meant.
CC: Um CC: If that's alright? / (´・×・`)\
ID: ...maybe.
CC: /(≧ x ≦)\
SA: about your program origins and recruitment.
SA: sorry, I was putting on my. Jammies.
SA: I was raised within my program from hatching. I haven't seen any other programs with implants that weren't built from scratch.
ID: ...jammies.
CC: Haha, I haven't heard anybo=dy call them that in sweeps!
SA: yes, jammies
CC: Well, jammies aside, I guess...
CC: I haven't been part o=f Lepus fro=m hatching? CC: But it's been fo=r a pretty lo=ng time! CC: And I was with a different pro=gram befo=re that, but that was just the peo=ple that wor=k to= help hatch mo=re psio=nic and psychic tro=lls in general.
CC: I vo=lunteered when I was five sweeps, and I guess that was yo=ung eno=ugh to= install everything pretty easy?
ID: gonna be kinda checking out of this convo so prisma type my name if you need me to tell you not to do something.
SA: yes. Alright. Thank you, Hadean.
SA: enjoy the pizza from earlier if you haven't already.
SA: in my program, we were specifically gened that way too.
CC: ...Did I make him unco=mfo=rtable?
SA: but you don't know what the primary purpose I?
SA: Hadean doesn't like. "Helmspeak"
CC: I do=! CC: I'm no=t really allo=wed to= say so=, tho=ugh.
CC: O=h. I'm no=t really a helmsman, tho=ugh?
SA: they are a rust, AA said. So it bothers them.
CC: I do=n't have psi.
SA: hmmm.
CC: I do=n't want to= upset him, tho=ugh.
SA: you don't have psionics but you're in...?
SA: maybe we could talk privately another time.
SA: I have just never met another troll remotely like me.
CC: O=h, um!
CC: I have psychics, which are different?
CC: Sho=uld we talk so=mewhere else?
CC: I feel like I made everyo=ne unco=mfortable. CC: I can leave! I'd rather yo=u be able to= talk with yo=ur friend! /(^ x ^=)\
SA: it wasn't your fault. I did the same thing earlier.
AH: They're just a bunch of fucking weenies.
SA: I am unsure of where else we could talk, but I would be happy to receive a PM from you over this. Especially because of your abilities. If you don't mind, that is.
SA: I think it is very scary for most trolls, even if I don't understand it very well outside of specialty programs.
SA: I don't think Hadean is a coward.
ID: yo that's my name.
ID: i am defs not a weenie or coward.
CC: That's o=kay. CC: I kind o=f get the impressio=n I'm abo=ut to= leave so=o=n, anyways. /(^ x ^||||)\
CC: And yo=u seem really nice, Hadean.
ID: i mean. i don't know how nice i am but thanks i think.
AH: Okay except Hadean
AH: he's just a doofus
CC: Well, yo=u're really nice to= Prisma! CC: And yo=u'v ebeen friendly to= me.
ID: =:P bite me gliese.
AH: oh tyrian tits no, Empress only knows where you've been
AH: I don't want a disease
ID: i've been in the tub like. almost all night. =:P
AH: even worse
AH: you'd taste like SOGGY garbage
ID: and don't worry kit. you seem like a nice enough guy.
ID: fuck you i smell like delightful hotel shampoo.
AH: you probably smell like a seadweller's armoire, you flowery dipshit
ID: even though i had to steal like 10 of the tiny bottles to get enough.
AH: with your hair? not a fucking surprise
CC: Ha, thanks! CC: I'm so=rry I made yo=u unco=mfo=rtable with the co=nversati-n, tho=ugh.
AH: lmao Hadean will live
AH: he's survived a whole lot worse
AH: He's too mean to stay down long
ID: eh. not your fault, just not convo i like listening to! like gliese said i'll live. if only to spite her.
CC: That do=esn't mean I sho=uldn't apo=lo=gize fo=r being rude, tho=ugh>
CC: There's no=t much po=int to= saying so=rry if yo=u o=nly do= it when peo=ple are go=nna be dead, Gliese.
CC: And so= is yo=ur ability to= ho=ld do=wn shift, apparently.
ID: pshhh. shame gliese. shameeee.
ID: swift and cunning, that's gliese's comebacks.
AH: hey I can type in lowercase but it doesn't properly express my BLOSSOMING EXCITEMENT
AH: I will swiftly kick you in the dick, how's that
ID: i mean why are you aiming for my dick, hella rude.
AH: wow Hadean this must be the greatest shock of your life. Me being rude. I mean holy shit, what is this, fucking opposite night
AH: let us all gather round and mourn Hadean's ability to not state the obvious
AH: it died fucking bravely
AH: actually I take that back
AH: it probably died choking on a piece of rotten burger
ID: the only thing dying here is my thinkpan from reading your garbage.
AH: wow, so sad
AH: I guess it's MY job to play the tiny violin now
AH: wow what a passing of the torch
ID: don't break the strings they're a pain to replace.
AH: fuck you I break all the strings
ID: fucking worst musician.
AH: look I play a _different_ instrument, so shut up
AH: I'm not a strings person
ID: what are you. a drum person. because that's hitting something?
AH: LMAO, no
AH: Accidentally broke my first one since it was a lowblood one, hurt my hand a little
AH: Kind of put me off it
ID: woooowwww.
AH: what, I was like, four sweeps
AH: I didn't realize shit for rusts wasn't gonna hold up to me
ID: poor privileged baby gliese~
AH: when you're a kid and you don't know your own strength yet it's annoying u shitlord
AH: I accidentally broke a nice flowerpot that way too
ID: well i mean when i was 4 my lusus was teaching me to stay away from the bluebloods so they didn't cull me for funsies so.
AH: granted that was 'cause I kicked it - lmao
ID: but sure, strength. what a bitch. =:P
AH: okay fine, you win, sobs
AH: that's your new nickname
AH: sobs
ID: and also by teaching me i mean trying to teach me.
ID: i was a sucky student like always.
ID: i do what i want.
AH: lol
MN: dont makE .ME. comE oVEr thErE and pap both your assEs
AH: what, what did _I_ do
ID: wow straight to the ass huh.
AH: I'm fucking pure as the driven snow
AH: not that I ever SEE snow anymore
MN: ...wow .I. haVE bEEn talking to .PHERES. too long apparEntly
AH: why, does he pap everybody?
ID: snow is overrated.
MN: yEs
AH: oh my god
AH: that's fantastic
MN: hEs grEat .I. tEll you
AH: I'm totally gonna bring that up - oh my _god_
AH: he's papped YOU??
ID: i am hoping that this is not a thing i need to actually worry about.
ID: =:I
MN: word of warning hEll probably try to pap you at somE point
AH: lol I don't think he would he hates my guts platonically I'm pretty sure
AH: not that I totally blame him
MN: not you hadEan
ID: thank god, bullet dodged.
AH: Pheres would probably lose a frond
AH: Hadean would bite it off and eat it
MN: oh .MY. god
ID: what am i a fucking woofbeast.
MN: yEah dont actually do that
ID: i don't fucking eat trolls.
ID: ....
ID: why do you think i'd eat a troll.
AH: IF YOU COULD PUT SAUCE ON IT AND BAKE IT, WHO AM I TO KN - it was a joke you dweeb
AH: judging by how you're always hungry
AH: I don't _actually_ think you'd eat a troll, calm your tits
ID: well i'll have you know i had three large pizzas tonight.
AH: amen
AH: the beast is sated
AH: at least temporarily
ID: i mean. for now.
SA: cannibalism Increases the risk of prions.
SA: which are lethal.
ID: what's a prion- oh.
AH: wow you're a goddamn bundle of joy, aren't you
ID: also gliese this is prisma.
SA: they cause proteins to fold incorrectly and slowly kill your brain.
ID: prisma is great, be nice.
SA: hello!
AH: I can see how they won you all over with these fascinating facts
AH: so what's your thing, Prisma
AH: besides talking to Kit about helm shit
SA: I'm fascinating and I'm from outer space.
AH: lolwot
ID: ^^^^
AH: no way
ID: wow rude gliese, doubting a guy.
SA: what is your thing, aside from fighting?
AH: Plants
AH: Plants are pretty sick
AH: Oh and parkour
AH: and dayrunning
SA: oh, I should have guessed
AH: anything that involves sick-ass stunts
SA: and bitterness, acerbic
SA: I have noted all these things.
AH: good for you, nerdlord supreme??
AH: you gonna write a study on it or do you just note stuff to sound like some super smart analytic nerd type
SA: yes 🙃
AH: okay that smiley is funny
AH: You get a point
ID: i award prisma all the points.
AH: aw come on why do they get ALL the points
AH: what'd they even DO
SA: 😍
ID: because i'm the fucking judge now and i say so.
SA: they are not very tyrannical.
AH: lol you say that you haven't taken him for food
ID: i judge gliese is a total loser. sentence is two sweeps in the nerd mines.
ID: hey prisma bought me a pizza.
SA: the nerd mines...
AH: I will break out and kick you in the dick
SA: how would you
AH: ...did they
SA: never mind
ID: yes.
AH: Prisma did you buy this fucking loser a pizza
SA: I bought them and the green one pizza.
SA: 🍕
ID: =:D
AH: well now I have to top that, you just made my life harder
AH: ...why do we even HAVE a pizza emote
AH: wait what green one
ID: 🍕 🍕
SA: Sipara said the same thing. Why does everyone have to out food the other?
ID: lal.
SA: yes.
AH: oh the jade who talks funny
ID: because i'm a black hole that needs constant sacrifices made prisma.
AH: LMAO accurate
ID: else i won't bring the rains.
SA: downtown flooded earlier.
SA: I may have sent too much pizza.
ID: you're welcome.
SA: that was rude 🌊
ID: 🤽
SA: does lal talk funny?
SA: 🚣‍♀️
AH: I mean I've never _met_ them but I've seen them in logs and they say things in weird ways
ID: 💦
SA: oh.
ID: they're nice enough. just snarky.
SA: ☔️
ID: and too poor to buy me a ring pop.
AH: wow
AH: that's pathetic
SA: oh right your proposal was ruined
ID: ⛴
ID: my heart will go on.
AH: rest in fucking pieces
SA: and on 🎻
AH: okay, fine, Hadean, you were right
AH: for once
SA: what is the story behind you two?
ID: always.
AH: this one is a keeper
AH: I'm his meal ticket
AH: his BEST meal ticket
ID: well sip fed me twice now... so...
SA: ☺️
AH: I WILL OUTDO THAT, I've been fucking busy at the base okay
SA: base?
ID: tell your excuses to my stomach.
AH: same one you were talking about with Kit/CC
SA: are your lunches always so vitriolic?
AH: they wouldn't be fun otherwise
ID: it's how we bond.
AH: yeah, all that good shit
SA: oh
ID: plus someone has to remind gliese she's a total nerd.
AH: I wouldn't take just any boring dumbass to lunch now would I
SA: I don't know. Would you?
ID: ms. star wars marathoner.
AH: naaaaah
ID: whatever nerd.
SA: but they always miss
AH: therefore there's MORE SHOOTING
SA: therefore they are improperly trained.
AH: snoooore who cares it's a movie
AH: real life, yeah, I'd be making fun
AH: but it's a movie it's supposed to be stupid
SA: i don't think that's the purpose of movies
AH: movies are stupid fun
AH: duh
AH: everybody knows that
SA: 😨
ID: unless they're documentaries.
AH: yeah I guess
ID: or romcoms which are never fun.
SA: are they not...
ID: i mean. if romcoms are your thing i guess they are.
ID: are you a romcom guy.
SA: I don't know 🤷‍♀️
SA: I like scary things because they aren't scary
SA: but sometimes I hope they ade
AH: you sound like a goddamn cryptic
SA: I hope you mean cryptid
ID: he's just got a lot of. don't get scared juice in him.
SA: because I am
AH: lol
AH: what are you, bigfoot
SA: no I'm a robot
ID: gliese is the even rarer cryptid than bigfoot.
ID: she's.
ID: the bigmouth.
SA: what is she -
SA: 😮
SA: that sounds unfortunate. Where are her brethren?
AH: Kit's one
AH: his mouth is even bigger
AH: 'cause we're hatchmates and all
SA: kit was very polite
ID: kit seemed not at all mouthy.
AH: he hides his secret well
ID: uh-huh. projecting much?
AH: it is a dark and deep secret
AH: see you say that but I remain secure in the fact that you calling everyone a nerd is YOU projecting
SA: a nerd is better than an angry loudmouth
AH: your values system is fucked up
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SA: what is your value system
ID: prisma just has my back. =:P
AH: it's a value system of AWESOMENESS
ID: unlike some blue cheerleader who keeps telling me i'm stupid for fighting her nerd partner.
AH: I don't think you're STUPID just RECKLESS and coming from me that'S BAD, my dude
ID: we said no dying!
SA: is this the one you were talking about earlier?
ID: mn, the jade who was here before. that's who i'm fighting.
AH: YEAH OKAY AND ACCIDENTS NEVER HAPPEN LMAO but whatever I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it, I'll just be there to mop up whatever happens
SA: oh. Be safe.
ID: i mean if he accidentally tries to murder me he's dead so. =:/
AH: _No killing Emerel_
SA: I will help
SA: oh
AH: I LIKE Emerel
CC: What??
ID: i will if he tries killing me!
AH: he's my friend
SA: nevermind
AH: OH MY GOD, you just said you two agreed
SA: you were serious
CC: Who='s trying to= kill Emerel??
AH: do you trust him or not
ID: i trust him as much as you can trust a stranger who agreed not to kill you.
AH: and he better not hurt Hadean or I'll CLONK BOTH THEIR HEADS
ID: =:I
CC: What do= yo=u mean, ho=pefully? / (´・×・`)\
CC: That's no=t really a so=lid answer!
AH: I mean if one of these doofuses messes up we're all gonna be very sorry
SA: there is a medieval semi death match pending
ID: it means if emerel doesn't try killing someone, no one is gonna die.
AH: yeah SA laid it out pretty well
CC: Um! CC: I do=n't think he's likely to= do= that!
SA: my money is on 7/10
ID: then no death! thanks prisma.
AH: ughhhh I wanna see this and shit but I'm gonna be happy when it's over, god
SA: I'm sure there will be doctor. There will be doctors, righr
AH: Yeah, should be
ID: gliese you're like 5000 percent more stressed over it than the trolls who might die.
CC: He's a go=o=d guy, really. CC: He wo=uldn't just cull so=mebo=dy fo=r no= reaso=n.
AH: yeah because you're both doofuses
SA: but you won't die
ID: damn right i won't!
AH: and I'm not like STRESSING THAT MUCH
AH: just rolling my eyes
AH: does that count as high stress
SA: if we were in person I could tell your actual level of stress
AH: what
SA: if I'm at the fair, we'll find out
ID: psi.
AH: you got like, some nerd machine for that
SA: ☺️
ID: he's yellow gliese, just alllwaayysss assume psi.
AH: _lmao_
AH: I've met lowbloods with no psi, you never know
AH: some like Cateex have really weak shit
ID: well my main man prisma is not weak shit!
SA: Hadean said their psionics were being immune to idiots
SA: is that right? Am i remembering
ID: i mean i said that but it was a joke.
ID: immune does not mean allergic wtf gliese.
AH: If you ARE something but are immune to it wouldn't that make an allergic reaction
AH: I dunno
ID: i'd just like. cancel myself out.
SA: it would mean he wouldn't exist because he's immune to his own state of being
SA: oh
AH: I'm tired I had a long ass - LMAO YEAH YOU'D CEASE TO EXIST
SA: hivemind
ID: we're just syncing up now, watch out gliese.
SA: but who would you feed, AH?
AH: Oh shit, beware the nerd brigade
AH: uh
AH: Hadean still??
AH: oh speak of the devil earlier it's the weird jade
SS: (Wtf, Hads, are you gettin food again?)
ID: i think he meant if i didn't exist.
ID: bitch i might be.
SS: (What've you got, a hollow walkfrond?)
SA: yes
SS: (What is your secret?)
ID: uh. psi.
SS: (Pls share, am also starving.)
SA: hello, SS. Did you get the pizza I ordered?
AH: what, why are YOU starving you're jade
SS: (No, I mean for food acquisition.)
ID: and being handsome.
AH: the hell did you do wrong
SA: 7/10 is only marginally handsome
ID: also i have being rust on my side.
SS: (I did! I totes ate it but did not, to the lovely Sipa's tragic disappointment, explode in the process.)
ID: prisma you are no longer my main man. =>:'(
SA: I am the only 10/10 here ☺️
SS: (And oh em gee, AH, you can't just ask peeps why they're broke.)
SA: I'm joking
SA: oh I'm glad you didn't explode
AH: wow I just fucking did
ID: so was i. hence the face.
AH: cough up
SA: 😉
SS: (Whaaat, are we still doin the hotness scale thing?) SS: (You know what, I don't even wanna know, tbh.) SS: (We have already established your taste is totes awful, SA, soz to say.) SS: (You were hatched that way, tho, so it's okay.) SS: (We accept you.)
ID: 👅
AH: if your story sucks invent a better one
SS: (What'll you give me for it, pal? (\unu/ ))
AH: uhhhh
ID: 👁‍🗨 👅 👁‍🗨
AH: a snack? idfk where you do even live
AH: Hadean was passing through Port Port
AH: so I fed his dumb ass
SA: I think to think I have a good taste, but I also have duplicates of the same outfits.
ID: i'm in cascara now!
SS: (Oh, shit, are you one of the rabbit twins, or the banker?)
SS: (Pls say banker.)
AH: okay who invented the term rabbit twins I'm gonna fucking end them
SA: it's cute
AH: I'm not the banker shitswizzler
SS: (It was totes deffo 100% not me.)
SA: embrace it
SS: (200%, even.)
AH: I'm a Lepus troll
ID: don't worry prisma, i have three t-shirts that are exactly the same. and three pairs of pants that are pretty much the same.
SS: (Hopbeast blueblood.)
SA: 🍾🍾🍾
AH: okay well then what the fuck's YOUR lusus
AH: I need to nickname YOU
SS: (Uhhhh!)
SS: (A super cool giant fire-breathing dragon.)
SS: (With, like, seven heads.)
ID: lie detected.
SS: (And a spike tail.)
SA: I only have strength for emojis now. Goodnight dragon child
AH: If it were you wouldn't be fucking poor
SA: ankylosaur hydra child
AH: you'd be laying motherfucking waste to the desert and getting what you wanted
ID: oh you going to bed prisma? later.
SS: (Good night, awesome person who is totes my second best friend in the world now!)
SA: I will be back for more fun later 🤗
SS: ((Sipa sent one more pizza so she made first, soz to say!))
AH: Night Prisma nerd
SA: goodnight
SS: (Ain't you been on about a nap anyhow?)
SS: (Ttyl, pal!)
ID: night.
ID: also good lal, use the numbers of pizzas to gain more pizzas.
SS: (And fuck you, you don't know my tragic backstory, AH!) SS: (That's why we're, like, even having this convo.) SS: (So you ain't got the deets to judge if I can be proper-like broke with a rad dragon lusus. (\uwu/) )
SS: (Thanks, Troll Yoda.)
SS: (Srsly, tho, I'm gonna pick your sponge for your secrets.)
ID: as long as my sponge stays where it's supposed to be.
SS: (In a jar on my table?)
AH: I got the deets to know you're full of shit
SS: (Can do! (\^_^/) )
SS: (Nah, pal, I'm fulla pizza.)
AH: I mean unless your lusus fucking ditched you
SS: (We, like, JUST went over this.)
AH: which would actually be sad
SS: (Maybe it's busy guarding my cave, huh?)
ID: you got your lusus still gliese?
AH: of course I do, Haredad is great, but I see him less these nights since he goes off munching the zombies with Kit's lusus
SS: (Jades totes live under rocks, you ain't got proof I'm wrong. (\eue/) )
AH: but I still sleep on him when I come back - LMAO YOU GOT ME THERE
SS: (But I totes don't believe your lusus is a bun.)
SS: (Pix or it didn't happen!)
AH: you're the...shit, I guess Emerel was technically the first?
AH: I lose track.
SS: (Ideally, like, adorbs ones.)
AH: LMAO well fine if you insist
AH: fuck you they're all adorable
SS: (Perf.)
AH: sent HaredadYawningLikeAGoddamnDork.png
SS: (Omg. ❤ )
SS: (I am not convinced, tho.) SS: (That could TOTES be photoshop.)
SS: (More pix.)
AH: He's so goddamn silly sometimes for a saber-toothed - LOL
ID: ooh are we sharing lusii.
AH: ...hey SS
AH: pics or YOURS didn't happen
SS: (Sure, pal, sure!)
invertedDissident has sent bananaonbackforscale.png!
SS: (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/d/dc/BlueEyesUltimateDragon-LDK2-EN-UR-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20161007085413)
 ID: be kind to my lusus-
AH: sent HaredadWTFtho.png (in which Haredad has a bird on his head)
ID: ...really lal.
SS: (The other four heads ain't fittin in the frame, pal, ain't my fault. (\unu/) )
ID: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OdL07mJYhtg/UyyF81jts0I/AAAAAAAADmI/qhHgOOAFpNA/s1600/300px-BottomlessTrapHole-LCJW-EN-ScR-1E.png
 AH: is that you, Hadean
AH: is that your inner fucking soul
SS: (Omg, it's exactly like the selfie he posted earlier!)
ID: fucking rude.
AH: _HA_
SS: (Which reminds me, buntwin#2!)
AH: my name's Gliese dickhead
AH: what the fuck's yours, besides 'Lal'
ID: found gliese. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/1/17/CreepyConey-PHSW-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20120720032649
SS: (That's what I said! SS: (Come by the giant teapot sometime, I'll give you a cool story for food and tips.)
AH: ...oh wait
SS: (Read the nametag while you're at it. (\unu/) )
AH: you're that dorky looking jade barista
AH: Lalide
AH: or whatever
SS: (Yes, that is exactly my name.)
SS: (You are totes correct.)
SS: (Congrats! (\ouo/) )
ID: what gliese wishes she could be equipped with. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/1/15/HornoftheUnicorn-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20151114052324
 AH: lolwot
ID: so you had a sharp horn at last.
SS: (Hads ain't pullin punches.)
SS: (Why're all the aggro ones nubby?)
SS: (Gliese, Sipa...)
AH: bitch my horns aren't nubby
ID: they're big and dull!
AH: Hadean is just a dickhead who can't see because his eyes are all red
SS: (P sure Hads just called 'em nubby.)
ID: i didn't call them nubby. i called them dull. duh.
AH: learn to read fuckwad
ID: got me gliese, my eyes are all red.
SS: (Damn, dude, way to discriminate against the illiterate!)
ID: almost like i'm a sparkplug or something.
AH: wow look at all these tears I'm shedding on your behalf, Lalide
AH: look at them fucking pooling on the ground
AH: just tragic
SS: (Maybe I can't read through my epic contacts, neither!?)
SS: (Ain't only red oculars what get you all impaired-like.)
AH: lol, what, are you some kind of dorky mutant
SS: (Nah, just fashionable.)
AH: _riiiiight_
AH: probably just a huge fucking nerd
ID: no money for food. but money for #aesthetic
AH: with headfluff like that
SS: (Thank you!) SS: (Someone finally up and acknowledges my nerd cred!)
AH: lmao
AH: I find it PRETTY DAMN HARD TO BELIEVE I am the first
SS: (And yes, totes, you caught me, I was all, like, 'Y'know, I could eat this week, but I'd totes rather add a new fashion hashtag to my instagram!')
SS: (Everyone keeps up and callin me goth, dude, and everyone knows you can't be two at once!)
ID: does that really count as owned.
AH: you totally can though
AH: shut up you're fucking owned
SS: (Not if you're already emo!)
SS: (It's, like, two, sure, but three's way extra.)
AH: are you saying you're not extra
ID: anyways i'm going to sleep so. have fun nerds.
AH: because if so: in that case I'm not blue and Hadean isn't a shameless dinner whore
SS: (I am v v extra, pal, but the good kinda extra. (\unu/) )
AH: is that _soooo_
SS: (Hells, pal, why'd you have to up and remind me of the time?)
SS: (Fuck off and let me keep pretending I ain't about to crash for like 16 hours.)
SS: (Ttfn, I guess!)
ID: ahahah wowww. have fun with that.
AH: LOL, goddamn, get some rest, dipshit
SS: (Who's dipshit, this time?)
AH: it will forever be a mystery
AH: you will just have to live in pained torment
SS: (RIP in pieces. (\qnq/) )
AH: not knowing if you are the dipshit or not
SS: (My wails will be heard for clicks!) SS: (You can use 'em to come find me to chill and buy me lunch tomorrow.)
AH: oh my GOD, what the fuck is this room, a 'let's all beggar lunch off Gliese' spot??
AH: why the fuck should I buy you lunch.
SS: (Cos dinner's a date.)
AH I already support Hadean's snarky, dumb ass
SS: (And I already up and tried to have one a those with Cennef.)
AH: I have the bulgeface moocher slot filled
AH: ...
AH: ......
AH: ...what the FUCK
SS: (This response pleases me.)
SS: (Well, it was a p shit date!)
SS: (And obvi cos I'm super charming, pal!)
SS: (My superpower is makin everyone love me.)
SS: (And also the uncanny feeling that I avoided gettin skinned by a weird jade serial killer.)
AH: okay no but fucking really why did she do anything remotely nice for you
SS: (Is that what the ears are made of??)
AH: I'm kidding, I doubt she could ever _actually_ kill a jade without fucking falling down in fear
SS: (Jade faces?)
AH: at least according to her stupid fucking backstory
SS: (What's her deal, tho?)
AH: according to her she was enslaved by rainbowdrinkers or some such bullshit.
AH: but that's obviously total wank
SS: (What, in her RP?)
AH: I mean, SOMETHING must've happened
SS: (Like, pal, manage your fourth wall, there.)
AH: because that bitch was like, feral, until she was 7
AH: so clearly something got fucked up and maybe she hallucinated, I don't fucking know
AH: but she still sticks to her cock and bull tale even now
AH: and she's _9_
SS: (I ain't a head docterrorist, but if I was a head docterrorist I'd say she, like, probs ain't got her ish straight.)
AH: but it's obviously total horseshit to justify her hateboner for everyone jade and over
AH: because she's pathetic
SS: (Guess it's fine to take it out on the loser caste that up and let the whole feral thing happen, tho!)
AH: oh my god
AH: oh my god did she seriously give you shit
AH: I mean I'm not fucking SURPRISED but
AH: what the fuck threat could you be, you sound goddamn pathetic
SS: (Minus sarcasm, pal, I'm, like, middle key sheddin a tear inside for whatever fucker keeps lettin ferals outta the caverns.)
SS: (And excuse you, my giant dragondad is, like, totes sayin otherwise!)
AH: okay, but you know fucking what
SS: (Don't make fun of me, I'm sensitive and gonna go tell my lusus!)
AH: just because you had to endure Cennef's hoofbeastshit
AH: I will take you for lunch
SS: (Eyyyyyy!)
SS: ( (\oUo/) )
SS: (Fuck the peeps that're like, 'The key to my friendship is through my digestion sack!')
SS: (It's obvi the other way around.)
SS: (The key to fillin my digestion sack is friendship.)
AH: though lmao I should go too
AH: but I'm serious
AH: I have shit to do in the next like
AH: two weeks
AH: but after that
SS: (Pal, do I look like I'm goin anywhere?)
AH: you, me, lunch, bashing the world's worst maroon
SS: (It's a not-date!)
AH: idfk your life
AH: maybe you have to go visit your dad
SS: (Shit, u rite.)
SS: (In my underground seaside mansion!)
SS: (Can't go forgettin 'bout that ish!)
0 notes