daily-property-police · 5 months
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Day 488- Both of the Property Police have now been on the Imp and Skizz podcast GO GO GO GO watch them. And wait for Jimmy part 2 next week.
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satisfiedskye · 6 months
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lil flare !!! lil t !!! ❌ 🪽
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kukkakisu · 4 months
Partial inactivity will go brr for a bit longer. Got lots going on and very little motivation or focus to make art lately.
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mainfaggot · 2 years
im gonna fucking kill myself nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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lovesosweeet · 2 months
being told that you’re too much work to love/be with is incredibly damaging to every single relationship you ever find yourself in afterwards, but especially when you feel anxious in them.
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sillylilzebra · 5 months
crying over guys? Nah, i cry over maths.
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animerunner · 2 years
Me: -last night at track- Why does my wheel keep turning out when i push?
Youtube Video: If you push too far up on the rim your wheel will go out of alignment with the direction your trying to go.
Me: OH. That makes sense.
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nakitengoku · 2 years
Maybe this will fix me
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binsito · 1 year
Yk i was sat here thinking abt … chan having a sir kink and it just set me over the edge.. like he hears you moan his name and he recorrects you quickly while making you cum harder… please i need to stop 😭‼️ TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE.
oh no anon.. you are not the only one ATTTT ALLLLLL
like i am a firm believer in the chan daddy kink agenda but he defff has a thing for being called sir
smut below cut
"c-chris baby- c-channie-"
he abruptly stops pumping into you, his face serious as he looks down at you, gripping you by the neck
"what was that pretty girl? i'm not quite sure if i heard that right.. could you repeat yourself?"
he brings his other hand down to pinch your clit harshly which caused you to let out a yelp, a reminder that you better correct yourself or that quick, sharp pain you just felt would turn into something more severe (even though you did enjoy pushing him towards punishing you sometimes, today you really just wanted to be good and cum!).
"s-sorry ch- sir.. s-sir i'm sorry.. j-just really close.. please don't stop.." you whimper, he smiles and nods at you.
leaning down to give you a kiss, he continues his movements from before, making sure to hit your gummy spot nice and good to get you to cum on his cock.
"o-oh god.. s-sir! s-shit right there, sir! fuck!"
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maplewozapi · 1 year
Hey! I have a question if that's ok with you. I am White British but I am interested in Native American history (I think it's super cool and I love learning about cultures different to my own). However someone I was talking to about it (a bookseller who I bought a book abt native history off) said that i'm committing cultural appropriation by being interested in non-white history. Is it cultural appropriation for a white person to be interested in the history of non-white people, because if it is I will totally stop being interested in it. It's just sad because I find it really interesting, but i totally don't want to perpetrate racism :(
Studying others history is not at all cultural appropriation and not learning can actually perpetuate ignorance and stereotypes believed about a group. And if someone is stopping you from learning history I’d say that’s an underlining way of them trying to get you not educated. I mean there is overstepping when trying to learn our ceremonies and religious practices without permission and I even say it’s odd to do so in another land that doesn’t know those practices.
When reading literature about native history I’d try to stay with books with native authors or help from tribal members and the tribe it’s self whether than one individual member. Many anthropologist would only interview one person and take their beliefs has everyone’s and cause false information. I’d even limit the publishing dates to the later 2000s, so you can find more nuanced literature. (Some of these book below are fiction but show the Native American condition)
I’d think you find a great overview with "indigenous history of the United States", it’s a great introduction to the head space of ethnology of native people has been and recorrecting it.
I would also say to not limit yourself to your idea of "Native Americans" you’ll find most literature follows plains tribes, and instead I’d recommend you research all indigenous peoples spanning north to South America.
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Much of the literature you may run into are written from out of context accounts from expeditionists, or missionaries/priests and it’s important not to take everything at face value. I’d just suggest reading accounts from native people before try to describe biased and mistranslated literature.
💖I’d also keep in mind native history is still continuing to today 💖
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asvterias · 4 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟥: 𝖮𝗎𝗋 𝖥𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖥𝗅𝖺𝗐𝗌
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5 || chap. 6 || chap. 7 || chap. 8
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Main Characters Deaths, Just An Overall Sad Chapter & Angsty Ending
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word count: 4.5k+
tag list: @s0r0ws @starvviss @kjisbae17 @lov3rgiiirl @starless-nightz @random-girls-loves
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter. also, i hoped you cried immensely because that was the ideal intention of this chapter; to make it as depressing as it could possibly get (for now 😉)
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🌊 🐚 ✘ 🔥🗡️
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Everyone’s huddled up in the car with your parents in the front seats and the children in the back. You hated the middle seat so you told Grover to get comfortable there, for the greater good, and you sat on the left side, right behind your mother.
Right now, Grover is updating you and Percy about everything demigod-related.
“My job has been to guide you to this moment. It’s always an emotional rollercoaster for young demigods, so providing a support system is really–“
“Who are you?” Percy interrupts him.
Grover stared blankly at your brother, “I’m Grover. I’m your best friend and–“
“What are you?” The blonde recorrects.
“That is a very good question,” You chirped up, “I would like to revisit my previous question.”
“No, Y/N, let it go!”
“I’m asking the important questions here!”
“Irrelevant questions!”
“To answer your question, Y/N, no, I was born like this,”
“You sure? You know parents tend to lie a lot too,”
“I’m fully aware of adult tendencies to lie frequently, but I was born like this. I’m serious.”
He removes his tam, revealing two small goat horns. “I’m a satyr, and I’m your protector, both of you.”
“You’re our protector?” Your brother asked rhetorically.
“If I hadn’t gotten you kicked out of school, you’d never have survived the night. And what’s chasing us now would have found you there easily.”
“Oh, because that’s so comforting to hear.” You cross your arms.
Percy turns his head to the car window and Grover looks dejected at the action.
“I’m sorry.” Grover breathes out, sincerity laced in his tone, “Usually, I can sense danger coming a mile away, but this time…Well none of us saw Dodds’ coming.
“So you knew about that…creature?” You inquired, gaining Percy’s attention back onto his friend.
“That thing that Dodds turned into, you saw it happen? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I saw some of it.”
“What part did you see? Where she flung me across the sky or when she attacked Percy?”
“Well, yes and no. The Mist kept her hidden even from us until it was too late.”
“I think I have a concussion from that,” You wince at the memory, holding the back of your head. “Besides, what the hell is Mist?!”
“The Mist is a veil that hides the magical world from the human world. My legs, Dodds’ wings, Even Dodds’ absence, but it isn’t supposed to hide things from me. That never happens. Something more powerful is at work here.”
“Maybe we’re the power sources.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, right,” Percy scoffs.
“The sooner we get you two to camp, the better off you’re–“
“Camp?! Who’s going to camp?!” You backtracked.
With a baffled expression, Grover turned to your parents, completely unimpressed by their timing, “You told them about camp, right?”
“We were getting there!” Your parents shouted simultaneously at Grover.
Grover nods his head, leaning back into the seat.
“Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods. A safe space where you can learn who you are and what the world is like on the other side of the Mist.”
“Wait, hold up this an actual summer camp with mosquitoes and other dangerous animals lurking in the woods?!” You deadpanned. “Nah, you can keep that, I’m not going.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Your mom states.
“Uh, it’s not far, actually, just a little way past the bend up there.” Grover directs your mother.
“Mom, what else haven’t we talked about?” Your mother, Sally stayed quiet, anxiously glimpsing at her son. “What else haven’t you told us?”
“There are more secrets?!”
“Oh, there’s more like you wouldn’t believe, sweetie.” Jessica grins.
“Jess, that’s not helping whatsoever!” Sally exclaims.
“Sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth.”
“And you wonder why Y/N is a mini you.”
A flash of blinding light appears from mid-sky and disposes of a creature, which instantly starts running on all fours, chasing after the speeding car.
“Is that the Minotaur?!”
“Holy shit!” You and your mom said simultaneously in bewilderment.
“Once the attacks start, they never let up. Okay? Dodds was just the beginning.”
“Then who’s the freaking ending?! Because I’m ready to slain as many monsters as necessary.”
“He is next. He- he is brutal, he is relentless–“
“He’s still wearing underpants.”
“Out of all things, you could have noticed, Percy, you chose that?! Us trying not to die should be your main priority, not if the Minotaur is playing goddamn dress up!”
Percy and Grover kept their eyes on the large bulky monster.
“It’s gone!” Percy shouts, astonished.
“Gone?! Gone where?! I hoped it vanished back to wherever it came from!”
“Like it’s ever that easy!”
Then, the Minotaur’s loud footsteps and rough grunts halted and it almost calmed everyone’s racing heart rates.
“I think it’s gone for good now.”
Until it reappeared, now gaining up on the speeding car, The Minotaur ran up closer to the car front, beside Sally’s car door, aiming for severe damage.
“You just had to say something, didn’t you?!”
“How was I supposed to know that would happen?!”
“Because you jinxed us!”
“Don’t blame me because I’m stating the obvious!”
“I will push you out of this car!”
“Do it! I dare you!”
“Little Blondie, don’t tempt me with a good time!”
“Who are you calling Little?!”
“Someone who hasn’t had their growth spurt yet.”
“Hey, I’m still developing!” Percy gasps.
“Yeah, just very, very slowly.”
“Can we sacrifice Y/N to The Minotaur?”
“Oh please, you don’t have the balls to do it anyways,” You scoffed, “Besides, you need me. I’m always saving your dumbass, you can’t get rid of me!”
“Stop! Nobody is going to push anyone out of this car!”
“He started it–“
“No, I didn’t you, liar–“
“That’s it! Don’t make me come back there! I don’t care who started it, just know that it's ending!”
“Is there any more insight you’d like to add, Grover?” Sally calmly questions, acting like her children and wife didn’t have a screaming match a few seconds ago. Your family was truly a chaotic mess whenever they wanted, dismissing the matter as if impending death wasn’t lingering over their shoulders.
“Yes, I do.”
“Then, go right ahead,”
“The Mythomagic cards were training. Everything has been training for what’s still ahead of you.”
“What’s ahead of us?!”
“I’m actually 24,” Grover confesses quickly, causing two heads to turn in unexpectancy.
You and Percy shared the same shocked expression, “Wait? What?”
“Hold on, please.”
The Minotaur roars loudly.
“Moonlight…listen to me.” your mom looks at you through the mirror as your gaze hesitantly meets hers. “You and Percy are forbidden children, monsters are going to attack you every day, this camp can protect you both.”
“Why can’t you and Sally come with us then?” you bargained with her, tears forming in your eyes. You couldn’t imagine, much less experience your life without your mother and Sally. The same women who nurtured you since you were babies and taught you everything you knew. You refused to give up on them, everything they did was to protect and love you, and now it was your turn.
Sally starts to talk, eyes stuck on the road, “We humans are not allowed there. Only demigods like you two.”
“But we don’t wanna leave you two.” Percy persisted.
“You’re our moms.”
“You’re gonna have to, that Minotaur isn’t gonna stop until he kills both of you.”
All of a sudden, a collision hit the car with enough brute force to send the car off the road and everything went black. It was all so quick, the collision, the swiveling of the car and landing on the side of the road, far from bypassers to rescue.
The rain pattering against the car turned into a heavy rainpour as everyone in the car, hanging upside down with the seat belt anchoring them, remained still, all unconscious.
After a while, the dulling pain in your head sharply woke you up, being the first to recover from the crash. Holding your head in pain as you slowly opened your eyes, feeling the blood trickle from your head, surveying your surroundings as you saw Percy and Grover still unconscious. Quickly unbuckling your seatbelt, you got out of your seat, repeating the same action to your younger brothers.
One by one, you carefully got everyone from the car as they began to wake up. A growl from the distance urges you to move faster as you help your other mother, Sally, get out of the damaged car.
Sally, Percy, and Grover were recovering, standing on their feet, checking for any injuries and your mom was the last one who needed rescuing.
“Mom…” you shake her but her body is motionless as the tears well up in your eyes.
You felt Sally’s arm pushing you back, sending you into Percy’s and Grover’s embrace as you nervously observed.
“Come on, come on, Jess…” Sally murmurs, kneeling down, searching for a pulse. “You gotta survive, we have children together, we can’t lose you right now.”
“Is she okay?” Percy chirps up, deciding to speak for you.
You found everything incomprehensible around you, your senses became deafening and a high-pitched ringing in your head matched the loud heart beating in your chest.
When Sally stayed silent, it only worsened your anxiety, “Mom, is she okay?!” Percy speaks again, adding some base in his voice yet his tone slightly wavers.
“She has a fading pulse…” Sally whispers, sparing a sad glance at you and quickly turning back to Jessica, “It’s decreasing rapidly,”
Dropping to the muddy slippery ground on your knees, tears quickly filling the brim of your eyes, threatening to fall as you moved closer to her.
“Mommy…” you cradle her face into your chest, saddened by her face, eyes closed as blood trickles down her forehead.
“We can revive her, right!” Your voice cracks, whipping your head to Sally, “Tell me we can revive her!”
“Y/N…” Sally sighs deeply, trying to contain her tears. You turn around, looking down at your mother, resting on your lap, body motionless yet her face looks peaceful.
“No! We- I can save her. We can do heart-to-heart compressions,” you shake your head, starting to do heart-to-heart compressions. “Why isn’t she waking up? Mommy, this isn’t funny anymore now, you have to wake up and help us. Please I can’t do this without you, I can’t do this whole new demigod thing without you.” your voice was dry, as you leaned down, blowing air into her mouth, hoping for a miracle to occur.
You didn’t truly believe in miracles, but for your mother, you’d start believing it. Right now, you would do whatever it took to bring her back even if it meant wishing on the impossible.
“We didn’t do plenty of things yet, I wanted you and Sally to meet my first girlfriend, attend my graduation, be there when I move out and eventually get married, and get grandkids from Percy because we both know I’m not going through that torture.”
Your senses became intensely heightened, catching onto Grover’s whisper to Sally, ignoring him as you spoke up.
“I refuse to leave her alone, she isn’t dead, just having some problems waking up and getting a pulse back.” You were in extreme denial, “Come on, mum, you focus on her face, giving her air and I’ll do her chest,” you beckoned Sally forward.
“Sweetheart…she’s already….gone.”
“She’s my mom and Percy’s mom, your wife. She wasn’t supposed to die this early. If all you’re gonna do is stand there and be useless, don’t bother talking to me.” It wasn’t intentional to snap at your other mother, but your emotions were driving you crazy and brazen.
“You’re the sun to my moon, Mommy, I can’t shine when you’re not there with me. Y-you promised me, you pinky promised that we were all going to survive, but you lied. Why did you lie to me?” You sobbed. Despite being physically exhausted, you weren’t giving up on trying to revive your mom, she would have never given up on you so you would stop trying until you had something, anything; a pulse, a gasp, her eyes shooting up. “Remember…” You weakly asked, holding onto the moon-shaped necklace on your neck, staring at your mom’s sun-shaped necklace.
The sky crackled with slight thunder as the rain poured down heavier. Finally understanding the meaning of your nickname, you sobbed desperately until the broken cracks of your voice gave out.
There was no sunshine without her moonlight, always them being in a pair, nothing without the other. Sadly, you lost your sunshine, darkening your moonlight to its deepest depths, harvesting it into something vengeful and heartless. Something that even scared you to a certain extent, like this was another new side flourishing because of the horrible circumstances.
You rested your mom on the ground, ignoring the cold rainpour.
“She’s gone…” Sally cries, grabbing your arm and pushing you into her body for a hug. You cried into the hug, tightening your grip as your wails echoed throughout the forest. Maybe this was all a nightmare, where you’d wake up and relax in reality. This was the time that your mom needed to wake you up and reassure you that she was right there, staying with you and protecting you.
Your chest clenched against your rib cage, devastation wracked throughout your entire body as the tears relentlessly spilled out.
“But she- she can’t be gone!” You hiccup, eyes glossing over with fresh tears, feeling another arm snuggle around your side.
“I know, sweetheart. I’m so sorry,” she caressed your face.
“What kind of demigod I am, if I was blessed with all these supernatural powers, can’t even save my Mom from death? What kind of daughter am I to just stand by and watch her own mother die? I don’t want this demigod life anymore, please take it all away if it means my mother is coming back, to me, to home. I’m so fucking tired and I just wanna go home! Home is wherever the four of us are!”
“Don’t you ever say that again, you did everything you could, your perseverance is one of your strongest qualities that Jessica adored very much. She wouldn’t want you to doubt yourself like this nor would I,” Sally reassures you, resting a thumb on your cheek, “Our beautiful daughter, she’s so proud of you, I want you to know that.”
Your eyes were puffy and red from tears as you listened to your mother’s words of encouragement and reassurance.
Much to your dismay, another loud roar broke the semi-family grievance, reminding them of the harsh reality.
“We have to go now!” Grover hastily urges.
“I’m not leaving my mom here like this,” you point to her still figure on the ground.
“We won’t, I promise you, sweetie. I’ll give her a proper burial, but right now we have to go!” Her tone was urgent as she quickly scanned the dark forest with the illumination from the car light.
You hurriedly rushed towards your mother’s still figure on the muddy ground, leaning down.
“Goodbye, Mom,” you whisper hoarsely, kissing her forehead for the last time. You stared down at her neck, gazing at the sunlight necklace she wore yanked it off, and shoved the meaningful jewelry into your back pocket. Your heart broke again, realizing she can’t respond, despite being in extreme denial.
Percy struggled to plant you on your feet as Sally walked over to Grover.
“Grover, I am entrusting you to protect my children, my only son and only daughter.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Jackson, Percy, and Y/N will be totally safe at camp–“
“Swear it.” She commands.
“What’s happening?”
“Swear it, Grover! Keep my children safe from anyone or anything that comes for them, that wants to harm them, that looks at them in the wrong way. Do you understand me?”
“I swear!” Grover persists, with determination and sincerity in his voice.
Sally nods at the boy, venturing over to you and Percy.
“I gotta go now,”
“Go? What do you mean go? Y/N stop her from going on this suicide mission,” He stares at you, waiting for a response. The first time you didn’t respond to your brother’s words caught him off guard, knowing you’ll always be his first defender.
The boy winces seeing your shaken body and red puffy eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know that you were still traumatized from witnessing your mom’s death. Seeing this sad broken-hearted face of yours, devastated Percy beyond any words to ease the pain. All those times, you’d reassured and defended him countless times, and yet he was speechless about how to comfort you right now. He felt like such a horrible brother to you.
“Your sister isn’t in charge, I am and what I say goes!”
“This is no buts! You’re gonna be brave now. Remember what I taught you, remember the stories I told you. Especially the stories, they will tell–“
“No way! Mom, I’m not leaving you, not like how we left Mother stranded and alone to die.”
“Perseus!” She snapped, tired of his persistent attempts, cupping his face, “Listen to me! You…are not broken. You are singular. You’re a miracle and you are my son. Hold fast, brave the storm.”
“And Y/N,” She caresses your face, her saddened expression increasing at your blank eyes, “You are not neglected in this family, you’re just as important. You are one of a kind, my beautiful baby girl. You are my daughter and I don’t ever want you to forget that.”
Those words melted in your heart and words rambled from you without hesitation, the guilt of everything came crashing down.
“I’m so sorry, mother, for not being able to protect any of us. I failed at what I was best at.”
“You’re a kid, be a kid, stop worrying if you’re not going to save everyone. That’s too much of a heavy burden on yourself, it’s not good for your mentality. Live life, get a girlfriend and don’t force yourself to grow up too fast because you'll regret it. Let me tell you something unfair; you can’t save everyone all the time. I love you two so much,”
“We love you too.”
Just like that, The Minotaur had the worst timing of moments erupting with a loud search roar.
“We need to move!”
“Give me your coat.”
“Why?” Percy asks but removes his coat anyway, “What are you gonna do?”
“He smells half-blood, that’s what he’s tracking, yeah?”
“That’s right.”
Sally grabs the coat from her blonde son, “So if he smells you in two directions at once, maybe I can confuse him, buy us both a little time to get away.”
“Mom, please don’t…we can’t afford to lose another parent on the same night.” Percy pleads, stepping forward, gesturing to you, “Y/N is one of the strongest people I know, and a few hours into this demigod madness, she’s broken, possibly going to recover from trauma at the camp where we’re supposed to rediscover our true potential for a man who wasn’t even here our whole lives.” He whispers, a string of desperation in his voice, “You can’t do this to us…please don’t do this to us. You’re all we have left.”
“Hey! It’ll be okay.” She reassures the blonde boy with a weak smile, “Y/N bounces back, she always does. For the first time, she needs you more than you need her right now, so be her anchor for right now, and don’t ever let go.”
Another yell echoes throughout the forest and trees falling down a few feet away meant the Minotaur was getting unbelievably closer. Your heart raced in your chest, once you saw the bulky overgrown monster, standing on its hind feet, intimidating everyone who bore witness.
Sally wastes no time, giving Percy a forehead kiss and then moving over to repeat the same action with you.
“Go now!” She shoves you away into Percy’s and Grover’s arms, now facing the Minotaur as the trio escapes into the rainy forest night.
Her plan for using Percy’s coat as bait to seemingly distract him and draw him away from the two demigods was successfully executed.
After maintaining some far distance from your mother, Sally, and the Minotaur, the trio still kept on running, nobody turning back. Until a loud roar reverberated across the forest broke your concentration on getting to safety and intensified your worries for your mother. You stopped running, turning around as your heart hammered inside your chest, the adrenaline pumping.
Despite being miles away, you and Percy viewed the fight, flinching when the monster knocked your mother down with its horns.
The Minotaur held in its hand, lifting up something in the air…someone more life-like…that’s someone who was your mother, Sally! You gasped and shoved at the revelation, wondering about your mother’s fate and you continued to watch the heartbreaking scene. Your body wasn’t acting upon cooperation with your mind, telling you to run away before it gets you next or attempting to save your mother. Having already lost one parent was devastating as it is, and losing your other parent would cause a lifetime of trauma for you.
Your heart clenched in fear as Sally struggles to escape from his grasp.
You felt Percy’s scared face hide into the fabric of your cotton shirt, clenching onto the shirt as he squeezed his eyes as tightly as possible.
For the last time, your mother, Sally looked over at you, stretching out a hand, guiding you out to safety, content you’ll be fine. Just like that, she closed her eyes, slowly disintegrating into gold ashes. Huh, that was weird. Humans don’t shrivel up and fade into ashes like that. That definitely was magic.
It was quiet, the rain pattering over you was now a background noise as you struggled to process the incident.
You gulped down the harsh lump in your throat. “It’s…mother’s gone, too…” You informed Percy, tone hoarse as he slowly pulled away from your body.
He looked ahead again, seeing nothing, Sally wasn’t there and the Minotaur was staring into nothing, seemingly distracted.
“Where did she go? What happened to her?”
“…She disappeared into gold ashes.” You whispered slowly, trying to comprehend your mother’s demise in your mind. Once again, your vision becomes blurry and the tears start to form at the loss of yet another parent. “It looked so unrealistic,”
After that Percy began to speak, but your focus wasn’t even directed on him, but rather at that charging furious Minotaur, hungry for more blood.
The pain and suffering became a dangerous mix of anger and hatred directed at the Minotaur.
Grover’s statements fall on deaf ears, partially drowned out by the heavy rainfall. “Y/N and Percy come on, we’re almost there.” you glance at your blonde brother who holds the same on his face.
‘So what happens when the protector is unable to protect? Do they give up instant hope and cower in shame? Or do they fight back, willingly seeking a second chance to redeem themselves? Whether you make a change or just be a bystander like others? This time the answer to that is simple, mourn your losses later and avenge them now. For all you can do right now is fight on the battlefield, because this is no place to cry and admit defeat.
No, you refused to give up hope and you weren’t going down without a fight. This monster had already taken your worlds away, so you had nobody else to lose.
Grabbing the pen from your pocket, holding it out, and witnessing it transform into a golden sword at will. The fight with the Minotaur was brutal and intense, alongside the heavy downpour of rain that attempted to slow down the intensity of this fight. Despite double-teaming the monster, he resisted surrender, determined to win and kill you both. Surprisingly, you gained the agility to climb onto his back while Percy distracted him.
Somehow, you gained the ultimate advantage with the lighting sword in your hand and stabbed the monster in its eye, ignoring his roar of pain. If anything, its pain only further encouraged you to continue.
Too full of adrenaline, you grab his two horns, gripping them and pulling them out with your utmost strength. A new sudden strength you just obtained. Gasping in shock was quickly outlived when your sword slipped out of your hand and dropped onto the muddy ground, disappearing from your eyesight. Stumbling onto his feet, inflicted by the pain, you groaned, gripping the monster by his rough skin as he attempted to shake you off.
“Percy the sword!” You yelled at him. Your brother throws the sword upwards as you catch the weapon.
You stab the monster in the neck, wincing at his loud screeches, but continue to stab his neck. Once the monster was deemed weak enough, you sliced the sword right through his neck, seizing the opportunity of successfully killing it. To be certain of killing that wretched monster, you deactached its horn from its head with your uppermost strength, then using it to pierce its own eye, another terrifying wail leaves its mouth.
This was all this stupid monster’s fault. If it hadn’t chased after you or slammed itself into the car, your mom would be alive. If it didn’t have such a bloodthirst for demigods, Sally, your mother would still be alive. Alive. Alive. Alive. You just wished your moms were alive, to see you mature into such a courageous daughter to avenge their deaths.
Soon enough, the monster staggered on its feet and its body began to disintegrate into black dust before your eyes.
“Y/N!” The voice becomes disoriented as you stumble on the ground, two arms catching you as you faint, everything fading away into a black abyss.
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“Is she okay?”
“Did she do it alone?”
“Is the blonde boy, okay too?
“How is that possible?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yeah, he’s okay.”
Grasping onto your fading eyesight, there were four shadowy figures above you, all their voices sounded childish except the girl’s voice which sounded very mature.
“They must be the ones.”
“Hush, Annabeth.”
“They’re waking. Everyone give them some space, please.”
Obeying the command, the four unknown kids gave the siblings some space, revealing a half-man with the…bottom of a horse. Okay, it’s finally official, you’ve completely lost it!
“Welcome to camp, Percy Jackson and Y/N Matthews. We’ve been expecting you two.”
Oh my god! Who are these people?! What in the absolute fuck is going on?! This demigod shit is not cut out for me.
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© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
Unspoken Rules
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18+ ONLY MEN & MINORS DNI (blank blogs will be blocked you do not have my permission to republish my work onto any platform.
A/N: consider Dark Princess Wanda my new hyper-fixation, get ready for me to be literally all over ideas with her
Summary: not one to be going against orders, the Princess was surprised to see her toy ignoring rules in plain sight. Deciding to put a stop to the behaviour, she realises the reason behind it all was a mere misunderstanding.
Characters: Dark!Princess! Wanda, Gn!Reader
Warnings: safe word use, pet play, Dom/sub dynamics, choking (if you squinttt), breath play, aftercare (?)
Word Count: 1.5k
Your new shiny leash glimmered with each step you took, Wanda had been told she had to attend another 'Kings Of Court' meeting and she wasn't about to let you out of her sight. “Here pup, kneel please" She asked easily and with a faint blush on your cheeks you knelt by her side. She had also made a custom pillow matching to your collar and with how soft it was, you couldn't help but let out a small sigh in contempt.
However, your eyes locked onto one of the many sleazy men in the kingdom as he eyed your princess up and down from his seat at the table. It was no secret that Wanda was breathtaking and completely infatuating. But it was also no secret that the two of you were each others lovers. A sharp tug on your chain leash made you almost topple into Wanda’s legs. “Sit still and focus” She held her voice low enough for you to hear weary of any onlookers. She didn’t want to embarrass you or herself. A good pet doesn’t disobey, at least not her pet.
It was another community hall meeting about further plans of protection and disagreements between kingdoms. Something Wanda was utterly bored by. As long as she was protecting you that’s all she cared about. From your place on the floor, you could just about see everything going on down there on his body. However, a flicker of silver caught your attention and you side eyed that same man who was now (from the body language you gather) resting on his elbows.
He had a knife.
Your eyes narrowed instantly and you pulled on your leash. Hard. The bold action took the Princess by surprise and she recorrected it in a swift motion. Her grip on the leash tightened and she yanked your body towards her. “Sit fucking still” she growled and you challenged her back with a scowl of your own. Now causing a scene, you huffed and looked the man dead in the eye. All he did was smirk and you were ready to lunge at him again. “Behave” she grabbed your face in one hand and the leash tight in the other. “Look at me” she searched your wandering eyes as they never settled on hers. You were clearly scared about something.
“Eyes on me pup” she stilled her voice again and this time let a few of her red wisps enter your mind. You shook your head and blocked her out sitting back down as your eyes never leaving the man’s hidden weapon. “Could you excuse us for a moment” Wanda politely excused herself from the meeting and picked you up from the floor, not bothering about making you walk. “Let me go!” You thrashed in her arms, pushing against her chest, accidentally hitting her in the face. Everything stopped. She stopped walking and you just about stopped breathing.
You had never used physical force on your princess. After a few minutes of silence, she continued walking to her room without a word. Your whole body was tense and she dismissed your silent pleas. “Wanda I’m sor-” “I didn’t say you could speak” she cut your sentence off with a sharp tone and you snapped your mouth shut. You had truly messed up. Despite being infuriated with you, she sat you down on the bed gently and walked into her custom wardrobe.
This was the first time you’d ever been punished. You didn’t know what would happen or how it would happen. You were scared and Wanda could see it, she could feel it. “Relax” she ordered softly and you made a conscious decision to control your breathing. She came back out holding a few things you dared not o look at. She dragged her eyes across your body and the action alone caused you to tense up again. “You’re okay” she mused quietly and bent down so she was face to face with you.
You watched carefully with hesitant eyes as a hand came up around your throat, eyes slipping shut for only a whisper. “Eyes on me” she guided your face with her hands and before you knew it the custom collar came loose around your neck.
A whimper involuntarily echoed the room as Wanda slipped on a metal two toned chain collar around your neck. It was silver and red and held a moon and star pendant in the middle. Wanda kept quiet the whole time, only a few soft reassurances to nurse your running mind. Although she was trying, it wasn’t really taking much affect.
We’re you no longer hers? Did you mess up that bad? Was she getting rid of you for being a bad pet?
So many thoughts. Endless outcomes and answered you didn’t want to face.
You hadn’t noticed the small furrow in her brows or the way she ceased her actions to study you. You had barely heard her ask you your colour. “Colour baby” She asked again a little firmer and her voice made you jump slightly. Realistically you were orange but this was punishment for being bad so you had to be green. You had to take what ever punishment you saw fit. “Green” with a slight tone in your voice, you cast your eyes down and focused on breathing.
She was reluctant to continue but you were adamant to take what ever she gave you. She noticed the way your body was ever so slightly trembling, or the fragile gleam of sweat on your forehead. She saw the way your body was on autopilot. She felt it. You were utterly terrified. “Red” her voice was laced with concern as you shook your head. “No Princess! It’s green! I’m green I promise. I will take what you give me. I was bad! I’m sorry I was a bad pet. Please I’m green. Need to be your good pet again.” you pleaded with desperation and a hazy state of mind as you choked on your own breaths.
“Hey, hey come back to me darling where are you. Don’t fall too hard dorogaya” she attended to you in a gentle but firm manner and as much as she hated using her magic on you without you being aware; you left her no other choice. Red wisps invaded your mind and the princess was struggling to get anywhere. You were blocking her out. Self protection. Understandable. At this point you were beginning to make yourself sick. You were struggling to breathe and Wanda was etching to find new ways to calm you down.
A quick thought slipped into her mind and she brought the custom collar back up to your neck. A snap of her fingers and the chain collar was released allowing room for the scarlet collar to take its rightful place. The minute it was clipped into place, she held your face in both of her hands. Her thumb coming down delicately on the apples of your tear stained cheek. “Come back my good pet” at the gentle praise you whimpered and hunched forward into her arms, clinging onto her like she was your lifeline.
She kissed the crown of your forehead and brought you off the bed, sinking down onto the floor with her. Erratic coughs and laboured breaths escaped your lips and she gently shushed you as much as she could. “There we go that’s it my love” she sighed in relief as your painful outburst simmered into faint hiccups. “Hi baby” She searched your cloudy eyes and you merely whispered out a hello back. “What happened there huh?” She cradled your face in her hands and pressed a gentle kiss to your nose.
The fear of being in even more in trouble made you whimper and she shushed you gently. “Please love, you’re not in trouble. It’s okay” she reassured you. With a heavy sigh and a small hiccup, you mumbled out a response. “Speak up puppy girl” she ran her thumb over your cheek and so you did just that. “I thought, well, you, I thought, the collar, it changed, you changed it” you expressed yourself with scrambled words but she understood. Her eyes softened and she brought you in for a much needed hug.
“Oh my sweet one” she whispered and comforted you warmly. Her voice was soft and her actions were even softer. “You’ll always be my little one. No matter the collar. No matter the punishment. You’re stuck with me until the end of time. I’m so so so sorry I threw you in a spiral. I should have been clearer, i should have communicated before changing your collar. That’s totally my fault. I promise you my love that you are and will always be mine”. She finished with a deep kiss and you melted against her touch. Hers. You were hers. Always.
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satisfiedskye · 10 months
also was told to post this one thanks @vellichorom
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bleedingichorhearts · 2 months
𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Forgive me, I couldn’t get this out of my head, and therefore you shall endure my visions.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: Captain Xanthos returns from a grueling mission and wants nothing more than to make love to his awaiting little spouse.
TW // Soft SMUT, Belly Bulge, Overstimulation, Biting/Marking, Size Difference, Yandere Themes, Google Translate.
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“What are your plans on getting back to your quarters Captain?” Lieutenant Zephytos asks him, shifting is his armor of bronze that is covered in drying blood. The red optics of their helmet staring right into his own, expecting an answer from him.
“To rest for the next battle to be won.” Xanthos simply responds to him, looking away from the Lieutenant and observing the roughed up scouts being tended to an Apothecary-in-learning. Their form kneeling down to the ground to observe their brethren for any injuries.
Some of the scouts groan out in soreness; rolling their neck and shoulders. While some others whine a little bit, but dared not to complain for it was not in their nature to do so. Their mission admittedly being a bit grueling for them to a standard as the mission was set a level higher than what they would usually handle, pushing their limits, but otherwise they have done greatly in their mission. Not one having an indent in their armor for an Apothecary to chew him out on.
“The scouts tiring you out already Captain?” Zephytos croons, subtlety teasing him with his rank. Obtaining a deadpan stare from underneath Xanthos helmet as he turns his head to look back at his lieutenant who dares to tease him all the damn time about anything he can. “What? Am I wrong? You can’t tell me they have disobeyed orders all day today.”
Xanthos sighs at that. He can’t deny that it was grueling to work with them. They loved to disobey orders for the sake of their mission being completed, but it wasn’t… efficient for them or their groups. They don’t understand just yet on how working together will improve their effectiveness. So most of the captains and the Masters of the Recruits agreed to let them figure it out the hard way. Which also had anyone ranked higher than a scout exhausted by just standing there idly; watching them closely to verbally recorrect their mistakes they may or may not listen to.
“That, they have.” Zanthos responds, turning his head up to the night sky. Taking note this planet had a lot less light pollution, and he could see how brightly the stars shine. How they almost twinkle and move while the planet rotates.
Perhaps, his love would like to observe some with him? To watch the stars once more? To lay in each other’s embrace while she would shiver at a simple breeze, trying to cuddle to him closer for his warmth. Which he’ll be happy to provide such simple request, and lift you up into his arms to protect you from the cold. His fingers lightly tracing your smaller body making you shiver at his attention.
He would tease you then as you were just in the perfect and willing place to for him to caress your body; to curiously dip and press his fingers into the clothed curves of your body. Trying to find out what makes you keen into him more; to make you melt under his attention. Purring at you when he does manage to gently squeeze a gasp out of you, your face hiding in his collarbone all while he would rumble out a laugh. Amused by your tactics to try and hide away in his bulk.
Didn’t you know he could make you look up at him if he pleased? Move and position you as he commands? To absolutely ravage you then and there?
Ah, but he doesn’t want to break the trust he already grown with you. He would not like to chase and find you all over again when you perceived him to be angry: afraid of his wrath and rejection. Yet, he was never was truly angry at you, he was just… brooding one might say. Not that was out of his and his brethren nature either, but you have to get used to their ways of living.
“Thinking of your lover?” Zephytos questions with a baiting tone, looking up at the sky with him. Both of them sitting in an eased silence for a moment. Listening to the creatures that call at night.
“Why must you test me, Zephytos?” He questions his lieutenant with another sigh, looking back down and to his side to face his lieutenant again. Awaiting his answer from him.
“Who am I if I do not?” The lieutenant responds, turning to meet his gaze. A sincere-like tone in his words, telling Xanthos that is his character. One of truth, trust and uncorruption. “Besides, I think your lover is just waiting for you to find them again. They certainly love playing that game with you.”
Xanthos scrunches his nose at that, but doesn’t make a remark on it. Knowing if you are hiding he’ll just find you again, like the many times he has done so before. That, or one of his brothren will find you and put you back in your area as they do not trust nor are persuaded easily. They know who you belong to. They have no problem returning you to him again and again.
“Maybe she finds a certain… enjoyment in it?” Zephytos harasses him more, purring his words out to him all seductively. Trying to effectively bother him some more. “A pleasu—”
The taunting lieutenant doesn’t even have a chance to say anything more when Xanthos slugs him on his pauldrons. A tiny ‘ow’ leaving the lieutenant as he hutches over for the Captain to wrap his arms around his helmet, putting him into a headlock while he growls at him. “You are a teasing bastard, Zephytos.”
Though, Xanthos wouldn’t mind if you would run from him in such a way. It would certainly show your bravery and strength to take him on in such a pleasing way. Not to mention he could watch how you would bounce and bend, and he could show off a little bit; get a rather tasty prize at the end too.
“You’re thinking about it, are you not?” Zephytos pushes his luck while still being stuck in his captains’ arms. His gauntlet resting on the arms of Xanthos as he looks up at him.
“Shut it, lieutenant.” The captain simply huffs, tired of the younger mans shenanigans already. Neither confirming nor denying his words though.
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You yawn as you flip a page in your book, completely endorsed in it. Well… as much as you can be without having to reread what you have already gone over. Your eyes heavy in exhaustion of not sleeping when you are supposed to. Which you know the captain won’t be to happy about to hear nor see.
The monstrous man of bronze liked to keep you in a prime state. To always make sure you had the meals and nutrition that you need everyday for you, but this also included many another things a baseline human would need to survive like: sleeping, entertainment, socialization, shelter and even clothing. All was provided, even when he wasn’t there with you.
Though, all needs were limited within… reasons you suppose. You were only allowed to speak to certain people and receive individual things from them, and your only shelter is wherever the captain may have walked and owned. The entertainment was all sort of things that you really didn’t have a limit on, and that also included clothes too. (High-class or even royal-class.) It’s almost as if ‘you wanted something you could get it’ type of life.
Not that you were a person of greed, it was just that was the way on how you were treated under their eyes. You honestly never really wanted much, and sometimes the overbearing mess of it all just frustrates you to no end. You never had asked for this! Why must you have it all? Why can’t they send it to another? Why can’t they just put it to a better use? Use it instead so it would not rot under your unwanting care?
You deeply sigh and close your eyes for just a moment to relax yourself. Only to suddenly jump in your skin when something touches your cheek, knocking you out of your calamity. Your book in your hands falling harshly onto your blanketed lap and sliding off into the ground with a heavy thud as it was a hardcover.
You would have thought you were being assassinated if it weren’t the familiar scent of myrrh to wash over you. A peculiar feeling of safety washing over you while a deep, but quiet laugh comes from behind you as you try and calm your nerves. Your hand over your chest, trying to calm your heart manually.
“Did you not hear my return my love?” The man behind you softly starts to kiss you below your ear. His arms warping around you easily from behind the couch that you sit on, trapping you in his unexpected embrace.
“I did not, my captain.” You respond in a quieter tone, looking in front of you as his scarred arms block your peripheral vision. Your body slowly keening into the back of the couch; more into his emission of warmth.
“You know, you are allowed to say my name little love.” He mutters, giving you trails of kisses up and down your jawline. His arms closing in around you as he awaits for your approval to attack your neck next.
You tiredly hum in return. Opening up your neck to him as your eyes slowly close in on you again the more he repeats his gentle affections. Your hands settling neatly in your lap until the rude man nips at the softness of your flesh, and snatches you up in his arms. Taking you and the blankets somewhere else besides the couch.
“Xanthos…” You whine at the man. Disliking the fact from being moved from your spot of comfort and away from your book that you didn’t even put a bookmark into yet, but you can’t do much about it when he already has you in his firm arms.
“You haven’t been sleeping well.” He states the obvious, but his tone says he’s a little bit disappointed. Not that you were affected by it much. It was common for you to resist your own baseline needs.
“Can’t sleep.” You simply reply, nuzzling into his clothed chest of silk while he walks, inhaling the comfort of his scent. Your fingers lightly tracing the cloth of his muscles. “You were not by my side.”
“Ah, let me fix that my love.” He softly coos into your ear, finally placing you lightly down on a plush surface: a bed you recognize after a sleepy moment as his hands slowly drag from the sides of your waist down to the calf of your legs. His massive form blocking any light from behind him as he looks down at you. His preying, red eyes sending a shiver down your spine. “Let me devour you and reclaim you tonight.”
Oh, the thought of him being between your legs definitely jerks at your sleepy mind a bit. Sending a shot of arousal through you the more you could think of how he would use you as a full course meal. How he could just keep you in place with one hand if he needed to. His strength more being more admirable than what you had thought before.
“I don’t think you are opposing that idea my love.” Xanthos teases with a chuckle. A finger of his hooking around the bottoms of your nightly clothing, eager to just pull it off you without much resistance.
“Σκάσε(Shut up), captain.” You groan, pulling off some little Greek you learned up at the man. Gaining a quick, but gentle leg pull from him. Pulling you down at the edge of the bed; flush against his hips with one of his arms resting above you so he could loom over your body with his warm cock evidently pressing up against you and through both your clothing. Threatening to just fill you up deliciously.
“Perhaps, I shall just reclaim you instead? To fill up your precious flower now?” The man softly growls, his breath ticking your ear while his teeth teases your skin. His hips slowly rocking back and forth, messing up both of your clothes. “A fitting punishment of your own negligence.”
“You wish to exhaust me with pleasure, Xanthos?” You huff, ignoring the growing heat below you. One of your hands trailing up from his stomach and to his collarbone before slipping underneath his cloth to touch his warm, smooth skin.
“That, I do.” He hums, leaning a little more down on top of you to let your hands explore the chest of his body. His lips attacking your neck once more before taking on your own. His tongue lapping at your bottom lip before giving it a little suckle, making it swell with red plumpness.
Tracing your fingers through the juicy curves of his muscles. You squeeze at them when Xanthos lips become suffocating and addicting, but don’t stop your teasing actions on his body. Your fingers still carefully dragging along his skin and rimming his portholes. Sending a shiver down his body that you might have not seen, but you definitely felt it.
“You tease me love.” He pops off your swollen lips, observing your tired, but desiring body. His tongue licking his lips as he savors what you taste like from your own lips before he digs right back in. All the more fervent to leave you breathless and withering before him as his other hand wanders under your shirt, wrapping around your waist and thumbing at your stomach.
“Xanthos.” You manage to gasp out, escaping his barrage of kisses. Your head laying back, leaving your neck open as he takes the chance to suckle there too. His clothed hips still rutting up against your own heat.
Your hands come up to try and grasp up at his shoulder but settle around for his neck instead. The bulk of him being too much for one to have a hold on as you can feel how he drags his hand on your stomach down underneath the waistline of your clothing. Circling his fingers on your skin there for a moment before nips at your neck again, tearing the bottoms of your nightly clothing away from you.
“Xanthos!” You yelp at him by his bite and the loss of your clothes. Disappointed that he would just rip one of your favorite clothings right off of you without a care. You wonder if that’s why he brought you some clothing for you so he can just rip it off of you.
“I will have someone make you some more my love.” He grins into your neck painted with red and purples. His hand that discarded your bottom cloth opening up your legs for him as he presses his proud heat up against you more, very eager to have you on his cock already.
You whine in response. Your legs trying to wrap around his mass unsuccessfully, but he doesn’t let your smallness get in the way of the both of you. In fact, he thrilled by the size difference. He loves to think of all the things he could do to you.
Leaning himself from the bed, he starts to take off his own clothing properly, unlike yours that he will just rip off anytime he feels like it. He’ll need them again when he’ll have to go back out and provide you with a meal and water after he is done with you. He knows how good and well he can and will fuck you.
Placing both of his hands on your thighs. He gently opens them to see you. To see the slick your body produced between your folds when he lathered your neck and lips with his markings. Another grin playing on his face as he settles his hard cock between your folds. His hips slowly rocking and gathering your slick on his cock, teasing you of the inevitable.
“Gah-ha!” You whine, your body tensing up on him as he slowly starts the lead his cock through your folds. A soft squelch sounding here and there the more he pushes himself through. His fingers tracing up and down your legs as he try’s to get you relaxed again.
“Relax my love, relax.” He coos down at you, watching you closely for any sign of pain you might show him. He knows he’s unnaturally big for a human like you and takes his time with you. Immediately pausing when you stopped breathing for a second on him. “Breathe little love, breathe.”
He pushes a bit further when you heed his words. His cock creating a visual outline within your body that he ogles at. One of his hands coming over to brush over the outline on your skin. A pleasured cry escaping your lips when he does, making his dick twitch inside of you at your over sensitivity.
“Y-You’re big.” You manage to breathe out, placing one of your arms over your eyes while you try and concentrate on your breathing and relaxing yourself. His cock feeling like it grows bigger in width and length every time he enters your pulsing core. The heated stretch is painfully delicious and addicting even, like he was the only one that could make you feel this amount of pleasurable girth inside of you, and it would be true too.
“So you praise.” Xanthos purrs, leaning back down to hover over you again. Sneaking one of his hands underneath the top of your nightly clothes, brushing his thumb over a perky breast of yours. His lips attacking your collarbone this time as he awaits for you to get used to him.
“Hhnng, please move.” You softly moan, wiggling your hips to tease the cock that sits inside of you. Earning a pinch to your bud in a little warning before the man above you abide your words. Slowly rolling his hips into you, making you feel a bit more breathless than when his cock entered you.
You immediately whine when he hits a deep spot inside of you at such a slow pace while his hand underneath your clothing plays with your breasts: squeezing them, gently pulling at them and giving both of them equal amount of attention before he ultimately rips off the rest of your clothing as well. Throwing it somewhere in the room while he curves his body in an awkward position to wrap his lips around your breasts.
Your hands find his hair then, threading your fingers through it while you keen into him. Urging him to continue his wicked actions to absolutely feast upon you tonight and even perhaps tomorrow. His tongue flicking against the perk of your breasts as his teeth threaten to bite into the plushness of them.
“Xanthos.” You moan his name, and have no doubt you’ll be calling it all night. Your fingers grasping at his hair, tugging at it as you feel a familiar tightness growing in your core the more he hit all the right spots deep inside of you.
The man trying to milk your breasts lowly growls out in response. Lewdly popping off your breasts while he drags his teeth from your bust back up to your neck before lowering himself on you, nuzzling you under your jaw. His elbows keeping him from squishing you fully as he wraps his entire body around you.
You are stuck underneath him and at his mercy as he increases his speed a little bit to fuck you at an average pace, nothing quick. His hips thrusting into your tight core while he can feel your muscles constrict tighter around his cock with every movement and action he does. His hot breath fanning against your neck while you sing to him with intelligible moans.
Xanthos hisses through his teeth when your core impossibly tightens on him more. His mind going blank for a second as his hips stutter. The feeling of your core milking him for all he is worth making him groan and nuzzle into your skin as he pumps his seed inside of you.
The two of you don’t dare to move from one another. Simply basking in each others’ afterglow with heavy breathes coating both sweaty skins. Your fingers gently twirling little strands of his hair while Xanthos simply lays his head on your shoulder. His hearing picking up the sound of your heart beat slowing to finally sleep underneath him.
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mainfaggot · 2 years
Today was such a fucking trip omfg like nothing serious but so many minor inconveniences piled up .. but like ik that if i was unmedicated i would've cried in the bathroom for half an hour
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dinkflocculent · 7 months
Caretaker Master
Part One
The moonlight shined through the window. The crimson blood is in contact with the light. Blood was slowly spilling from whumpee's body. They were alone. They had no energy to stop the flow, yet it wouldn't do a thing even if he did. Whumpee is going to die. Cold, alone. Without any of their loved ones, just their horrible, haunting memories of the last six months.
The sound of pounding footsteps stabbed at whumpee's ringing ears. They were only imagining it. No one was here to save them. Yet that small grip on reality deep inside his mind told him to believe it. So, he listened.
The voice was familiar.
"--going to be okay."
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep his eyes open. His mind was begging him to sleep. Follow the light.
"--eyes open. Whumpee? Whumpee! Look at--"
Darkness. It filled his vision. It was all he saw, and he liked it. It gave him a sense of relaxation and calmness for once in a long time. He didn't want to leave it. He wants to be in this forever.
He opened his eyes, light piercing his vision. It felt like his eyes were burning. The room was so bright. They weren't laying on the hard cold floor. It was a soft mattress. They were in a hospital bed.
The beeping of the machines, IV connected to their arm, and breathing mask was worrying. They could move but were too weak to get out of bed. Whumper had captured them again. But why take them here? At the hospital? Why would whumper want to make them feel better?
The creaking of the doors pierced whumpee's ears. He began to panic. He didn't want to face whumper. Not like this. He slid the oxygen mask off his face. Now to rip the IV drip. He took a deep breath before the pain hit him.
"Whumpee, no! Leave it alone."
The soft, familiar voice stopped whumpee in his tracks in an instant. It was caretaker. They hadn't seen her in years. Was she his new master?
"That's there to help you. We don't want you to lose more blood, do we?"
Whumpee's hand violently shook as caretaker took it. She seemed to notice it, so she went as slow and soft as she could. Grabbing the oxygen mask, whumpee scooted back, thinking it might be drugging him.
"You need this. I know this is scary, but it's here to help you."
Whumpee stared at the mask as if it would pounce and bite him.
"Please? I promise it won't hurt you."
They looked into caretaker's eyes. When she didn't recorrect whumpee, he scooted closer. Caretaker carefully slid the oxygen mask over whumpee. He could breathe better.
"Now, rest. You'll go back to the base in a few days. I'll be right here, alright?"
"M'kay," whumpee said sleepily.
The feeling of drowsiness overcame whumpee. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep, caretaker watching him with worry and relief.
This new master seems nice.
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