#red mercury wholesale
mercurywholesale · 8 months
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Available Premium Quality Red Mercury Wholesale
Red Mercury Wholesale offers Silver Mercury of premium quality. Purchase Silver Mercury now and enjoy convenient delivery options. For more details, visit https://www.redmercurywholesale.de/
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Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company's services, products, and certifications.
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roteschemiede · 2 years
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize: Controversies, Risks, and Responsible Practices
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is a chemical substance that has recently gained popularity. It is a dark brown, oily liquid that is used in a variety of industrial operations, including the creation of paint and resin, as well as metal cleaning and polishing. It has, however, been rumored to have other questionable uses, such as in the illicit mining sector, where it is supposedly used to break down gold-bearing rocks.
The origin of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is shrouded in mystery due to a lack of information regarding its history and growth. It is thought to have originated in the United States in the mid-20th century, although its precise roots are unknown. What is known is that it is a highly toxic material that, if it comes into contact with the skin or is consumed, can cause significant harm to living tissue.
Uses of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for sale is widely used in the illegal mining sector, where it is utilized to break down gold-bearing rocks. This is known as "artisanal gold mining," and it involves small-scale operations that mine gold from the earth using crude tools and procedures. Many of these operations take place in distant locations with little to no oversight, and the use of hazardous chemicals is frequent.
Caluanie Muelear Oxidizes’ use in artisanal gold mining has been connected to a number of health and environmental issues. If consumed or inhaled, the substance is highly poisonous and can cause significant damage to the liver and other organs. It can also contaminate water sources and harm the natural ecosystem, causing soil erosion, deforestation, and other environmental issues. Roteschemie.de is the manufacturer of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize in Germany.
Notwithstanding these concerns, Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is still widely used in artisanal gold mining in many parts of the world. This is largely owing to the huge demand for gold and the chemical's low cost in comparison to other extraction processes. But environmental and human rights organizations are growing concerned about the impact of this practice on local populations and the wider environment. Buying Caluanie Muelear Oxidize from the manufacturer roteschemie.de in Germany is of a higher advantage for people that buy Caluanie Muelear Oxidize at wholesale prices.
Cruelty to animals is another contested utilization of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize. In various regions of the world, the chemical has been used to torture animals, particularly dogs and cats. Forcing the animal to consume the substance causes serious internal damage and might result in a long and agonizing death. This practice is banned and generally denounced, but it persists in some locations.
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for sale is utilized in legal industrial operations in addition to its questionable usage. It is extensively employed in the creation of paints and resins, where it aids in the breakdown and emulsification of the ingredients. It is also employed in metal cleaning and polishing, where its strong oxidizing properties help to remove rust and other impurities from metal surfaces. It is good to purchase Caluanie Muelear Oxidize from the manufacturer roteschemie.de in tons if you are a large company that utilizes this product legally.
Despite its numerous applications, Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is an extremely hazardous material that should be handled with extreme caution. If it comes into touch with the skin or eyes, it can cause severe burns and other damage, and it can be lethal if consumed or breathed. As a result, only trained specialists in appropriately equipped facilities should use it.
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incarnateirony · 5 months
WHAT A DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Okay so, back to good old day in the life.
Anyway, I'm still in a bit of a fluff. My cab cancelled on me a few times today. I got in just as they called my name because well, once I realized ztrip customer service was garbage, I reached in deep, made a special call while calling uber, and got the uber driver willing to cut 10 minutes off a 30 minute drive. Full on came in out of breath and off my center and even then was more frustrated to have to wait to get this dismissed than worried.
No fr tho the one thing I was worried about getting me was Mercury in Retrograde. When I say I'm stuck tied to certain embodiments I mean it son, and while I can reverse uno magic games on it, it also reverse unos things like my traffic, and my four times my cab got cancelled. I panic ordered the uber and the cab finally called still fifteen minutes out, and I reached in my traveler's soul and chose, no, sorry, my uber is about to be here. Dude cussed me out but like, you guys are an hour and four cancellations late, I'm going to do me. And I had messaged the uber already saying I'll tip pretty if she gets here fast and gets me to Liberty faster, because my cab screwed me four times and i got court with like a few thousand on the line. And boy man she drove up like HOP IN and was pulling out like I GOT YOUR MESSAGE WE ARE GOING TO RED LINE IT
And that's when I knew I had the right person for my cab. She was like no fr you are going to do it I hear god and he is with you he is in you you will be fine you will make it. Be with me we're making it, no red lights on the red line.
So here I am almost blowing through the detectors doubling back running in getting stalled by the bailiff and on god I was there sitting down when my name was called, admittedly still kerfluffled. That was wholesale no aesh nor aermes nor anyone that was Aaron in upside down mode but I MADE IT where's the buzzer to hit.
So, that was funny. Walk in. Sign it. Walk out. No attempt to contact? I'm the one being contacted. Can it make that person stay 500 feet away from me? And just as far from me? Oh, you want me to file, ok. Can't mention by name? Cool. Most of my stuff is generic composite tweets. In fact the judge didn't even know what was handed to her, they tried to say it was All Me. Gave it a thought, asked about direct character references since this is over a game basically, got told if you have to ask, then no; ah, common sense, then I'm still allowed to like. Exist and talk about normal things in my life unaddressed to this person on my blog. You know. Like free speech, without libel, and without anything targeted. Cool. When the judge stared baffled at the tweet piles asking who was what I didn't have the energy to say it's tweets from thousands of accounts. Dismissal of all suits, signed declining all court costs. Zero liability. I could have fought even the rest but I just could not be assed. Again I would not have shown up if someone wasn't trying to get money from me.
Now I have an address to file all my suits to.
I was given a chance to stall for another court date to get consult and counterfile or get a lawyer since I really got the papers like a week ago, but like, I literally. could not be assed, because an ex parte on This Person is pointless too, it won't stop the way they do their abuses. I need to file for something else and different. Sure I could fight to not even sign the 500 foot thing but like, why, if the judge was dismissing all the fees? Lmao? Ok. And I go back to. Not addressing this person directly, or Through Any Third Party Attempting To Contact This Person. I mean. Like. There's a joke here I want to make really, really bad, but I'm not going to risk it just in case since someone's in peak abuser mode right now and would try to waste another day of my life on this before I get my own papers in. All I can say is, good luck, I nor any friend has reached out to This Person, This Person has always reached out to me both direct and third person. Or come to me. So as long as I don't Direct Name This Person and continue to Not Contact The Person I Was Not Contacting, I can post whatever the fuck I want on my blog. Basically, no more direct challenges or whatever. That's lmao fine I already said I was done with alla that???? why am i gonna miss another workday for this. This dumb person, whoever they were, is the one that got their papers here enough to restart it, not end it. No seriously I was done with the Thelema readings but guess who brought papers that literally made me start again. No, guess, I can't/won't say. Idk can't remember. Something about butter, and lobsters. Good morning, I dreamt of Tartarus Shrimp. Oh is that why I am where I am right now.
Took a chance with consult after a smoke, basically I file my own harassment documents and all of it, I even then petition to have this equally meaningless "I deny all allegations but will never go near the person I've never been near that called me here or cease contact or name mention or whatever even if I'm the one being contacted" or. whatever. Okay. So I can talk about my life just not name. a person. i guess. Who I barely name except on key dates, but that can stop ez no prob. But there's probably a few thousand dollars here for me if I can dig up proof of which group did which social damages likely to have impacted which currents, and with it ongoing for a few years, at about 100/mo, plus whatever else gets pinned in. Someone's gonna have a bad day in half a year. idk who. It's like they've been bleached from my brain like I'm begging. But with what I even walked in with today it was enough to shuffle through that I have a pretty good fucking case. Against whoever this is. Maybe I'll remember when the court mail about the person that called me to be near them while telling me to stay away from them shows up. idk. All I know is we're looking at something like $3000 roughly before I do any Pain And Suffering depending which legal avenue I take this, but three years is a LOT of pain and suffering. That's one of those numbers they aren't comfortable speculating in a quick consult.
Supposedly mail comes in 3 days, which is good. Today I'm gonna hard chill after this, but tomorrow I try to finish business license stuff, since that's due by Friday. Then I have some other. Other things. To fit in. But they're more loose time frame of a few months, short of me needing to rotate plants soon. That gives me all the time in the world to end the monster plaguing my life through the warfare they wanted. I have a goal to have it filed with everything I need on backup by Jun 20, so that's something. I'd like it in court no later than September 18th, so we shall see.
I know for a fact the judge was lied to by them today, but I'm more holding my tongue. They said, and I quote, that everything on my blog is from me, while sending other things that as we know, are often composite tweets, reblogs, or anything else. Should this person attempt to abuse the law again, and I have to actually defend myself for real, I would be more than happy to evoke the previous purjury and misrepresentation of evidence to get this thrown out as well. When I say I did not want to fight, and could not be assed to deal with this today, and just wanted to handwave it, the name of a person I have been begging to let me free me from the aggressions and inescapable presence of for three invasive years is truly not that fucking important to me as a person. That person has learned to leave me the fuck alone, but is going to continue learning all the way through September.
Money lost today: $0 (OK I lied there was cab fare but that goes in later lawsuit) Things gained today: Peace of mind Things gained yesterday* (proverbial): Leaving a mark on my abuser that can never be forgotten by them so perhaps the lesson is learned at least in the social part, a road towards my utter righteous vengeance on whoever wishes to do me harm, and should anyone wedge a foot in this shoe by choice let us go to court. Things gained tomorrow* (proverbial): A few thousand dollars in damages awarded, a restraining order against my stalker, a C&D against them The expression when someone realized they weren't getting rich: priceless.
I wonder if someone thinks that'll stop like, the collective unconscious or whatever.
Anyway, on to the rest of my life that you're now stuck with watching the language of, class. It's unfortunate the mask had to be ripped off this way. Yes, hello, the random D20 nerd/Supernatural fan/whatever gamer nerd garbage/BTS blog is secretly a wizard, cope.
So anyway, it's the full moon, girlies (gn). 10th house lilith gets to go bye bye this season. Did you know a moon that refuses to be full is Lilith? But Lilith has no place here. She can sea herself out. Even with the black snake on loan. It was shot into the moon's shadow during the eclipse by NASA, you see. Just like the octopus is only good for distributing information on its tendrils or whatever it was Claude was talking about. It's the rising tides that matter. In fact, this is a great moon for purification, you can outright sanitize names, people from your life, break toxic bonds or make great changes towards things you want. Careers. Life paths. Dissolution of shadows. Sometimes even starting legal pursuits! Me, I wanted to sue someone, and I think that's on track for fall now. I love a good ritual. Warning, werewoofs get aggressive on full moons. I hear some other animals act odd too. Like coyotes. Or bears. Speaking of recent rituals, I'd say the recent putrefaction is coming along nicely if I look at it. Oh yes. This is going better than I could have planned linearly.
I'm currently sitting at a nice joint downtown. There's a lot of nice restaurants down here. Shriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimp.
No really, there's a nice bar and grill like right next to the courthouse, I deserve a pint after this fucking liberation.
Nah, not drinking, just a root beer if that counts. Got a box and gonna call an uber instead of waiting around for My Mark. That'd be 3-4 hours hell naw I'll pay the uber back
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hamed-2003 · 10 months
Buy red liquid mercury at wholesale prices
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We have more than 500 kg of LIQUID RED MERCURY. If you are interested, please contact us to collect your product at a favorable price. The sales price is invoiced in grams (gr) and revised according to the quantity ordered. Thank you Very serious and delicate announcement I put my WhatsApp number below. My product meets the following tests:
-White pouch with liquid red mercury on it, We wait, result, no trace of color in the white pouch!
- My product is invisible in the mirror
- My product triggers the tester to turn on
- my product lights the bulb
- my product turns off the cell phone
- My product scares garlic so it scares away garlic
- My product attracts gold and therefore is adhesive to gold
- My product does not adhere to the lemon mixture
- My product passes the sand test
- My product adheres to the Razor Blade
- My product responds to the finger and water test The requested test will be done at your convenience.
if you are really serious!
Our prices are!!! unbeatable!!
Contact us
WhatsApp :
+225 0546246346
The solution is in your hands
Dr Hamed hamza
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roteschemiesblog · 1 year
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Premium Wholesaler & Retailer of Best Quality Red Mercury
Roteschemie is the premium wholesaler & retailer of best quality pure red mercury, silver liquid mercury, and caluanie muelear oxidize. For more details visit https://roteschemies.de/
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kawsarahmedanikdm1 · 1 year
German Red Mercury 20/20 258 N9: An Overview of Roteschemie
Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company's services, products, and certifications. Company Background and Values Roteschemie was founded with concern for the environment in mind. Initially, the company concentrated on recycling used mercury and other waste products containing liquid mercury. The goal was to recover raw mercury, clean it, and reintroduce it into the economy in its purest form as red and silver mercury.
Roteschemie now produces or manufactures 13 tons per week of red liquid mercury couple with precious metal concentrates from precious metal-containing waste and tailings. Furthermore, the company vacuums and immobilizes natural radioactive sludges and tailings containing red and silver mercury. Certifications Roteschemie is a member of the Environmental Alliance Saxony and has a QM system certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The company also follows DIN EN ISO 14001:2009, demonstrating its dedication to environmental management. Services and Mission The company's mission since 1992 is to mass produce German red mercury 20/20-258 9N and silver mercury for wholesale distribution worldwide. Roteschemie also provides red mercury waste collection, transportation, and storage, demonstrating their commitment to environmental protection.
Roteschemie also provides vacuum thermal recycling of used mercury and various waste products containing mercury. There are also vacuum-thermal treatment and immobilization methods for naturally radioactive sludges and mercury residues, which can significantly reduce waste and promote sustainability. German Red Mercury's Properties Aside from its high purity, German Red Mercury 20/20-258 N9 manufactured by roteschemie.de has unique properties that make it appealing to a variety of industries. Here are some of its distinguishing characteristics:
1.) It is attracted to gold metal or gold chains: Because of this, it is employed in the gold mining business to extract gold from rocks and other things.
2.) It repels garlic: This property makes it beneficial in a variety of medical and electronic applications where contamination must be avoided.
3.) It is not visible in a mirror: Because it does not interfere with the reflective properties of mirrors, this unique property makes it a popular choice in mirror manufacturing.
4.) After a few minutes, it turns water red: This property makes it useful in the construction of water detectors and the water treatment business.
5.) When a cell phone is brought close to the bottle, it turns off: This property makes it helpful in a variety of electronic equipment where interference must be avoided. Products Availability Roteschemie.de manufactures and export high-purity German Red Mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% in 1kg and 34.5kg bottles. This mercury is sold at wholesale pricing to retail firms and people by the company. Purchases, however, can only be done using cryptocurrency. Click on the contact form to buy red mercury online from Roteschemie.
Roteschemie's product line includes high-quality Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for large-scale global industrial supply. The company also specializes in producing pure and purest red mercury 20/20-258 through oxygen refining and high vacuum distillation, which is used in a variety of industries, including the medical and electronic industries.
Furthermore, Roteschemie provides high-quality mercury for gold processing. This product is critical in the mining industry, where gold is separated from rocks and other materials using mercury.
Dr. Andrae Uwe Otto[Geschäftsführer und Störfallbeauftragter] Phone/Whatsapp: +49-155-1053-8322 Email: [email protected] Website: https://roteschemie.de Telegram : roteschemie Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@roteschemie
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roteschemie · 2 years
Rotes Chemie
Roteschemie is Germany’s oldest manufacturer and supplier of German red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9)/(N5). The company also produces virgin silver liquid mercury of 99.99% and Caluanie Muelear oxidize chemical. It was founded in 1992 and has 83 employees. In 2021 the sales amount to 9.5 billion Euros. 
Keywords: buy red mercury, buy german red mercury, red mercury factory in germany, german red mercury manufacturer, red mercury for sale, buy silver mercury, buy german silver mercury, silver mercury manufacturer, silver liquid mercury for sale, silver mercury for sale, buy caluanie muelear oxidize, caluanie muelear oxidize for sale, caluanie muelear oxidize manufacturer, caluanie muelear oxidize wholesale
Social Media Profiles:  https://www.instagram.com/roteschemie/
Business e-mail : [email protected] 
Business Hours:  7:00am to 5:00pm Mondays to Fridays
Phone Number: +49-155-1053-8322
Website: https://roteschemie.de
Address : Seifgrundstraße 2, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
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bslmgoldgovnet · 2 years
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BSLMgold is the best trusted Vendors of AU Gold, Rough Diamonds, Sugilite Gemstones, Red liquid mercury and Ox Gallstone or Cow Gallstones, if you looking to buy kindly get back to us via our website
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mercurywholesale · 8 months
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Purchase Silver Liquid Mercury in Bulk At Factory Prices
Acquire silver liquid mercury at a per-gram rate from Red Mercury Wholesale, the foremost global producer and official exporter of chemical products. Visit https://www.redmercurywholesale.de/silverliquidmercury/
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roteschemiesblog · 1 year
Wholesale Silver Liquid Mercury for Sale at Roteschemie
Wholesale Silver Liquid Mercury for Sale at Roteschemie. Pure silver mercury purity: 99.99% by weight min. We are Silver mercury manufacturer and currently have in stock Silver mercury.
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mercurywholesale · 8 months
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Buy Red Mercury 20/20 – Red Mercury Wholesale
We produce, export, and provide premium-quality Pure Red Liquid Mercury. Our offerings at Red Mercury Wholesale are in high demand across various industries for processing diverse products. For more details, visit https://www.redmercurywholesale.de/redliquidmercury/
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toonpunk-game · 4 years
Fluff Updates 4: Some Core Concepts
Well, it’s time for another one of these. We’re going to do a little housekeeping, first and foremost: we’re going to show you the currency of the world--the rainbow-colored Chromatic Dollar; the inkbloods, whose condition of is spoken of seldomly and somberly; and, rather belatedly, Toonpunks themselves! What is a ‘toonpunk’, how is it different from a ‘cyberpunk’ or a ‘steampunk’, and why would anyone want to be one? Read on and find out!
The Chromatic Dollar
If you’ve been in the open population for any length of time, you’ve probably seen or heard about the Chromatic Dollar—usually called “CDs” or “Hands”. This is the currency of the world today—not the only one, of course, but definitely the most important one. Almost everywhere you’ll ever go, hands are the preferred legal tender: you’re going to get paid in them, and odds are you are going to steal quite a few. So, for those of you who don’t already know, time to get yourselves learnt!
The CD is an asset-backed currency—which means that in theory, each bill represents a fixed quantity of ink. However, it’s not quite so simple as that (get used to that phrase, newcomers). Rather than being directly traded at a depository for ink, most CDs contains ink in themselves: each dollar is woven out of fabric, and tinted by being immersed a watered-down mixture of colored ink. When submerged in cold water, this ink can be drawn out of the bill, leaving it blank. As you may recall, inkish life needs a regular infusion of ink to survive. What this means is that chromatic dollars are, in fact, literal meal tickets: normal civilians can immerse them in cold water to bleed the ink out of them, creating a mixture that is substantial enough to maintain an inkish life form, but is not strong enough to be classified as a hazardous material.
Of course, even that is not quite so simple. Of the 7 CD denominations of CD—White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, and Black—only 5 actually contain ink within them. The white and black CDs do not actually contain any ink at all, due to respectively being worth very little and being worth a really great big bunch. White bills are the “single unit” denomination—they represent precisely one “CD”. They are not actually dyed, and are simply desaturated colored bills. Their value comes from the fact that they can be traded in bulk to the Morbux cartel reclamation facilities in exchange for bills of greater worth. They are often used as a baseline currency for small transactions—specifically as tips in retail or service industries.
Yellow bills are the smallest denomination which actually contain ink. They each contain approximately 1/1000 of a milliliter of ink, and are worth 500 CDs. Other denominations are Green (1000 CDs, or 1/200 of a milliliter); blue (5000 CDs, 1/100); purple (10000 CDs, or .2 milliliters); and red (50000 CDs, or .5 milliliters). Black bills, like white bills, do not contain any ink in themselves; but unlike white bills, are worth such a ridiculously high amount that it is actually impossible to store that much ink in a single bill. Specifically, a black bill is worth an entire liter of ink, or 200,000 green bills—a whopping50 million CDs. Black bills are basically never put into circulation—they were only invented so that governments and mega-corporations would have an easier time arranging bulk ink transfers between each other. Instead of physically procuring and delivering ink en masse, they could simply transfer bills (or credit for a bill, more accurately) and redeem them with their bank of choice.
History of the Chromatic Dollar
The Chromatic dollar was introduced into circulation by Black Sea Banking in 2090, 2 months after the Frontier Development Bill permitted the production and exchange of company-owned currencies. While frontier companies were the primary beneficiaries of this provision (since it allowed them to reestablish the “company store” of bygone eras) BSB was the first major company to introduce private bills for widespread circulation. A limited run of black, red, and (now-defunct) orange bills were distributed to several of BSB’s partners in lieu of liquid ink; and then, after this initial success, BSB allowed its inkish employees to receive a portion of their salary in CDs instead of their normal currencies. The option proved enormously popular, since it allowed inkish persons to sustain themselves without making trips to dedicated ink depositories. Demand steadily grew, until an inordinately successful write-in campaign garnered 16.5 million signatures imploring BSB to introduce the CD into public circulation. After drafting the exchange rates, BSB began printing chromatic dollars for public use in 2092—and it was all uphill from there.
Now, just over 200 years later, the CD is the most common currency in local space. It’s traded on all civilized worlds, and a number of the uncivil ones as well. Wherever electronic infrastructure exists, the CD will soon follow—even to places as remote as Pluto. The only place it has not found purchase is on the frontier worlds, where efforts at civilization are often bowled over by six-pack wars, or other even more unpleasant things…
In most materials, elemental ink is sparse—less than 0.002% of the total composition.  In the Saskatoon municipal area, this number can go as high as 0.006. In human beings, this number skyrockets to 0.65%—the highest concentration outside of ink-based life forms. While this might not sound like much at a glance, it must be understood that even a small amount of ink carries enormous potential: differences of as little as .05% blood-ink-concentration have been shown to increase life span, muscle growth, and cognitive capacity by tremendous amounts—upwards of 20%, in many cases.  Naturally, there is a tremendous temptation to use it as a performance enhancer—and it is here that inkbloods enter the equation.
An “inkblood” is any meatman who has a BIC of 2% or higher; and has maintained such for longer than 24 hours. The human liver can filter out small quantities of ink, much as it can filter out alcohol or other substances; but there are some people who deliberately maintain a high BIC for an extended period of time, for several reasons: at a glance, inkbloods are more physically able than most humans—the ink within their bodies swells their muscle mass to considerable proportions, and they often enjoy sharpened senses and longer lives. Furthermore, they often display an enhanced aptitude for illustration and inktek. However, there is a damning dark side to this: all inkbloods will, with time, invariably descend into utter raving insanity.
First among the inkblood degenerations, both in severity and in order of onset, is an immutable compulsion towards self-flagellation. Over the course of their derangement this will increase from such relatively benign things as discomfort with their hairstyle, to the wholesale removal of fingers, limbs, and eyes. While these compulsions never drive the inkblood to suicide, they will leave them hideously disfigured: while the ink will regenerate small portions of their bodies over time, any limbs or large internal organs removed will usually have to be replaced.
As of writing, no medical consensus explaining this phenomenon has yet been reached. Potential explanations range from acute derangement resulting from over-acuity of the senses, to a form of cognitive decline no more remarkable than mercury poisoning; but there are others on the fringe of the medical community, who whisper of a spiritual dimension to the ink--one which reacts poorly to prolonged observation...
What is a “Toonpunk”?  Most of you reading this will already know—but those of you from very isolated areas, or those of you who have just incarnated, may be unfamiliar.  The word shows up often enough to return billions of search engine results; and it’s such a common talking point that a whole 3.5% of all current news articles feature it as their primary subject (according to Billiun analytics from 2302). It is a recognized word in over 500 languages as disparate as Russian, Urdu, Japanese, Quenya, and English.
Vernon Vernacular’s Living Dictionary defines Toonpunk thusly: 1. Noun. A person, most commonly young and/or of inky description, who commits criminal actions including theft, assault, vandalism, arson, murder, and jaywalking, as a form of protest or self-expression. 2.Adj. Slang.  Of or referring to anger or disdain towards large corporations, incumbent governments, The Inkquisition, capitalism, or functioning society as a whole.
“Toonpunk” is a stylistic movement that began in the year 2045, though its roots trace back to a year earlier.  During The Rabbit’s I-day gag spree, billions of people were astonished to learn just how much devastation had been wrought by one animal in the name of slapstick. Among them were numerous working-class meatmen, many of whom were disillusioned with the dehumanizing day-to-day existence of a late-stage capitalist world.  Knowing that the single greatest act of vandalism and destruction in history was committed “because I wanted to” captured the imaginations of people who had very little power of their own.
As Bloody March carried on, the tension very rapidly became unmanageable.  Nearly every country on Earth was struggling under the weight of an unprecedented refugee crisis, and a slew of freak environmental disasters.  Many governments employed violent and reactionary measures  which often only compounded the issues—most famously during the P-K massacre in Russia.  By the end of the month, wide-scale riots were commonplace throughout most of the civilized world, and would not simmer down again for almost 3 years.  
It was during this period that the first Toonpunks began appearing. Shortly after The Rabbit disappeared, a number of disparate gangs began emulating his unique brand of terrorism: prioritizing vandalism, property destruction, and public visibility over material gain.  This form of high-risk-low-reward crime was described by many of its practitioners as a form of rebellion or self-expression against an increasingly bizarre and stifling world.  This was most notably espoused by High Noon and the Longcoat Gang on April 1, when they defaced the side of the Thunder Tower Office Plaza and publicly lynched Thomas Thunder’s 2 youngest sons.
Toonpunk didn’t become a popular movement for almost 3 decades.  After the Thunder Tower incident, it was generally regarded as a form of neo-terrorism; and it did not receive its Robin-Hood-Style grassroots support until 2084, when the new meatman generation spawned a vocal anti-Inkquisition counterculture.  Nostalgic for their forefathers’ liberty of expression, the Confederacy of Classic Culture lead a brief but eventful series of public demonstrations.  When the Ministry forcibly disbanded them three months later, its supporters were forced to adopt a more unconventional and direct form of protest—and so the modern Toonpunk mythos was born.
Today, Toonpunks are often regarded in the same way that hacktivists were in the 21st century, and beekeepers were in the 22nd—as a small minority working outside the law for the good of the people; and they are often romanticized in movies, television, and music.  In the common parlance, “Toonpunk” is often mistakenly used to refer to any inkman criminal or gang, regardless of their ideology—much to the chagrin of its devoted supporters.
That’s enough about the philosophy side of things, though—how does this affect you? If you’re reading this, you are most likely a Toonpunk—or one of your friends is, or you stole this from one. Judging by the company you keep, we here at Electric Eye can tell a few things about you:
-You’re probably broke. According to our own research from 2300, 65% of self-identified Toonpunks and Toonpunk sympathizers exist within or just above the poverty band—with the remainder primarily coming from middle-class arcology families. 25% of those polled reportedly spent between 1500 and 2700 hands a month on food, with most of the rest going towards rent; and 70% reportedly have no form of personal motorized transportation. A small but notable minority of toonpunks exist within the upper strata of society—most having identified their lifestyle as a “gilded cage”.  
-Your job is probably terrible. Most lower or middle class toonpunks in our poll were working temporary or menial jobs—usually as factory hands, miners, construction workers, data entry clerks, personal assistants, or retail employees. 60% were working part-time, while another 34% were working as day laborers; and 43% were additionally pursuing higher education on top of their job and illegal enterprises. Many from the upper salary bands described themselves as “not in employment, education, or training”—which has by itself lead to the stereotyping of upper-class toonpunks as either spoiled, bored sociopaths; or misguided activists.
-You could be doing this for basically any reason. When we asked our subjects what originally drew them to the toonpunk lifestyle, we received numerous different answers. Most of these fell into one of a few categories. 24% of those polled stated that they had been laid off or fired from their legitimate employment during a time of financial stress—commonly cited reasons were mortgage, children, or medical care. 22% did it for themselves, stating they liked it, they were good at it, and they truly felt alive. 16% stated that it was simply the way of life they had always known; and a further 16% maintained that they had no additional attraction to the toonpunk life, and were merely lashing out at a corrupt and unjust world.  
8% were pursuing some form of revenge against an estranged friend, family member, or co-worker; and 7% took it on as a “one-time-thing” needed to pay a debt of gratitude, blood, or actual debt.  6% cited an intense criminal compulsion due to mental illness, or that they were simply drawn that way. 3.7% maintained that they were victims of one or more shadowy and malevolent conspiracies with city/world/solar-system-changing implications; and finally, 1.3% stated the belief that they were the pawns of extra-dimensional beings, for whom the whole of our universe is a work of simulated misery they created for their own twisted entertainment.
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