#red velvet zine
dreherian · 1 month
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A quick thing i pulled together while bored today
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ayzrules · 3 months
Thank you @bebemoon for the tag!!! 💝
last song: knock knock by red velvet
fave color: pink, yellow
currently reading: braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer (which makes my sappy soft self cry every time I pick it up)
currently watching: nothing lol (but may rewatch hxh yorknew for shal’s chrollo-focused zine)
spicy/savoury/sweet: sweet
relationship status: aromantic and annoying about it 😌
current obsessions: floating islands & giant aquatic insects / vampire by Olivia rodrigo
Tagging: @raeygina-george @maracllea @kaylinalexanderbooks (no pressure 💗!!)
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sanguinevampirezine · 8 months
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We know you've been anxiously slinking around our door, waiting for it to open. Won't you come in?
🦇Pre-Orders for Sanguine: An Original Vampire Zine Are Now OPEN!🦇
🛒Shop: https://sanguinevampirezine.bigcartel.com/
Crescent Moon (Digital Only) — $15
Looking to take just a nibble?
This bundle includes:
🩸 PDF copy of the zine. 
Velvet Coffin (Zine Only) — $23
This is the perfect bundle to sink your teeth into.
This bundle includes a physical copy of the zine (A5 sized) as well as a PDF copy.
This bundle is also eligible for some tantalizing stretch goals:
🩸 At 50 shares on our pre-order post, a foil print will be added to this bundle.
Open Door Policy (Half-Bundle) — $40
Not yet converted? This bundle will let you start to be a creature of the night without fully committing.
This bundle includes:
🩸Physical copy of the zine (A5 sized) 🦇 PDF copy of the zine 🌙 3 5x7 prints 🩸2 die cut stickers 🦇 2 bookmarks
This bundle is also eligible for some tantalizing stretch goals:
🌙 At 50 shares on our pre-order post, a foil print will be added to this bundle. 🩸 At 50 orders, a washi tape will be added to this bundle. 🦇 At 100 orders, an enamel pin will be added to this bundle. 🌙 At 125 orders, a shaker charm will be added to this bundle.
Bloody Mary (Merch Only) — $45
You have to make sure you have everything it takes to be a vampire!
This bundle includes:
🩸 3 5x7 prints 🦇 2 die cut stickers 🌙 2 bookmarks 🩸 1 sticker sheet 🦇 1 double sided acrylic charm 🌙 2 buttons
This bundle is also eligible for some tantalizing stretch goals:
🩸 At 50 shares on our pre-order post, a foil print will be added to this bundle. 🦇 At 50 orders, a washi tape will be added to this bundle. 🌙 At 100 orders, an enamel pin will be added to this bundle. 🩸 At 125 orders, a shaker charm will be added to this bundle.
Shades of Red (Full Bundle) — $55
If you’re looking to taste every drop of what we have to offer, this is the bundle for you!
This bundle includes:
🩸 Physical copy of the zine (A5 sized) 🦇 PDF copy of the zine 🌙 3 5x7 prints 🩸 2 die cut stickers 🦇 2 bookmarks 🌙 1 sticker sheet 🩸 1 double sided acrylic charm 🦇 2 buttons
This bundle is also eligible for some tantalizing stretch goals:
🌙 At 50 shares on our pre-order post, a foil print will be added to this bundle. 🩸 At 50 orders, a washi tape will be added to this bundle. 🦇 At 100 orders, an enamel pin will be added to this bundle. 🌙 At 125 orders, a shaker charm will be added to this bundle.
After Midnight (18+ Digital Add-On) — $5
This bundle includes a digital copy of our 18+ add-on volume.
🩸Please note that all buyers of this add-on must be 18+, as this zine contains NSFW content.
You can add a digital copy of our 18+ add-on volume to any bundle for $5.
Please note that all items are for pre-order. Orders are expected to go out tentatively some months after POs end and production starts.
For more information, please see our FAQ page.
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warmbloodedzines · 3 months
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new zine from me (mordecai)! xalli and i actually hung out in person for the first time yesterday (which was amazing and so so lovely) and hir neocities reminded me that i posted a zine recently on my own that i never posted here. it didn't get posted until very recently because i wanted to wait for permission from the friend whose face appears in it :] i hope you all enjoy!
A mini-zine with 8 pages. The first page is a cover, and has a red and yellow door on it with the title "Red Door, Yellow Door" in all caps and the subtitle "a zine about middle school girlhood."
Page 2: If you had asked 12-year-old me whether she thought of herself as a horror person, despite her penchant for Stranger Things and creepypastas, she would have said: "No!" (The word "No" is large and appears in a speech bubble next to a photo of my younger self.) But in the fall of 2018, I began a steady obsession with theghostinmymachine.com (appearing as a screenshot of a web address), one of the only unblocked sites on my school laptop where I could spend hours reading the spooky content I craved so much.
Page 3: One post in particular stood out to me, where the author gave instructions on how to play a game called "Red Door, Yellow Door." You were supposed to play with at least one other person, assigned as "The Guide." They would rub your temples while chanting: "Red Door, Yellow Door, any other color door." (The chant appears in all caps in a speech bubble attached to a drawing of a hand.) This was meant to draw you into a trance-like state, guiding you through the rooms and hallways of your mind.
Pages 4-5: Once in this state, you were supposed to be able to dreamily describe what you saw, ideally at least one door that you could walk through. Some doors would be locked, and if you couldn't find a key, it meant you weren't ready to see whatever was behind. The goal was to travel through your own mind, watching out for clocks, a man in a suit with a briefcase, an elderly woman, rushing water, a staircase leading downwards, or any other people at all. If those appeared, the guide needed to wake you immediately, at any cost—shaking you, splashing you with water, or screaming to wake up. (This page also includes several collage-like pictures of doors, clocks, and a picture of my younger self and a friend I played this game with.) This was exacty the kind of thing i hungered for at that age, and I was quick to suggest the game at every sleepover I went to, most of which involved the same friendgroup of girls (although, of course, not many of us still identify as girls). Our love for the game was so intense that we started playing at recess, too. While most of us had trouble sinking into a trance,
Page 6: one friend of mine didn't seem to struggle much at all. She spoke in an entirely different voice than she did when she was fully conscious, describing in great detail how each door or room instinctually "felt" to her and occasionally becoming fully unresponsive, at which point we would shake her awake again. Her mind had a depth we didn't quite know how to plumb. When I was "under," I was fully conscious of this fact, and was unable to divorce it from my experience. Others couldn't "go under" at all. (The bottom of the page has a collage of an eye behind pictures of doors.)
Page 7: (This page has another collage, of an eye behind a golden snake made of a house colored with white ink for scales.) Despite this, I found that my mind, too, was full of wonders, even if I knew they were a figment of the imagination—I watched from the bottom of a sinkhole as the boy I liked tilted his head down at me from a cliff far above, ran barefoot through hotel hallways carpeted in warm, breathing velvet, and raced across a large yellow snake as it billowed in the sky like a cloud. (There is a drawing of a snake here.) Of course, at this point, I haven't "gone under" in years, but I still marvel at the game's ability to draw
Page 8: us in so completely. I don't think there was anything sinister in our fascination with our own psyches. I think it was just an attempt to understand ourselves, cloaked in intrigue and horror. (There is a drawing of a red door in a great field.) I miss those days. But I know that one day, I'll return to those gaping sinkholes and great golden skies. (There is a dotted line, and underneath, some drawings of stars and a picture of me saying "Thank you SO much for reading!" as well as the date 6 May 2023 and mordecaialba.com) (End transcript)
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kookygranger · 6 months
I'm so late!
But I'd love to know about HF!E
for the wip game!
Thank you, Betty! ✨
HF!E stands for High Fidelity!Eddie. It isn't a HF au it just takes place in a record store and I didn't have a name for it. It was an idea for a one-shot inspired by this playlist featuring gothic/spooky songs before goth was a genre.
It made me think about Eddie who just moved to Chicago with Corroded Coffin and is slowly being accepted by the scene. Reader works at a record store and is playing this mixtape over the speakers and Eddie very much falls in love.
I started writing it and then didn't really like it but here's a lil' snippet:
“What the fuck are you listening to anyway?”
“I made a pre-Halloween mix. Music that lead to goth before goth was a thing.” You frown as you try to unstick a bright red sticker from the price gun you’d been tapping on the pile of vinyl.
Eddie smiles to himself as he continues to pretend he’s browsing and not tuning into your conversation.
“Are you going to The Allied tonight? There’s some new band from Indiana or something playing, apparently they do a sick cover of Master of Puppets.”
Eddie pauses in his faux perusing for a second as he awaits your reply.
“I wasn’t really planning on it, no.”
The guy huffs, “No? What was your plan, going home to sulk to The Velvet Underground?”
“I don’t sulk–“
“You do when you listen to The Velvet Underground.”
“What do you want me to do? Pogo to Heroin? Anyway, I was gonna work on an article actually.”
“Why don’t you write about this band tonight? Tim says they’re pretty good. He saw them a couple of weeks ago at the Metro.”
“Tim said that about that god awful noise band that played at De Salle’s. It was the worst four hours of my life. I thought my ears were actually going to bleed.”
“Whatever, you say that like you’re not currently playing the most depressing German synth music that nobody in their right mind would listen to.” He points out the new song playing from the speakers behind you.
“First of all, this is David Bowie’s Low. And if you knew as much about music as you claim to, you’d know that this was his seminal work in his Berlin era and an ambient soundscape masterpiece. Secondly–“
“I like it.”
Both of your heads shoot up at Eddie’s interruption. He blushes and clears his throat as you catch his eye and the corner of your mouth quirks up. “Sorry, I just–it’s a good mixtape. I like the theme.” He frowns and shakes his head at himself, he doesn’t know what came over him. Who is this guy that’s bothering you, anyway? You have amazing taste and he’s pretty sure you’re the most angelic thing he’s ever seen. You gesture in his direction and look back at the guy that’s teasing you.
“The customer is always right, Simon.”
Eddie moves quickly to the B section and finds the album you were talking about before heading over to you.
“Did you find everything you need?” You smile at him sweetly as you hop off the counter and take the record from him. “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before. Customer service isn’t exactly my strongest skill.”
The guy, Simon, snorted. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off the way your face lit up quietly when you realised what album he picked.
“What are your strongest skills?” That was such a weird question Munson, what the hell?
You looked up at him a little taken aback, before a small smile crept up on your face.
“Talking about music…or” you shake your head in contemplation, “writing about it actually.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Maybe it’s not so much a skill, more like an obsession.”
“She’s actually kind of good.” Simon butts in with a shrug and you roll your eyes.
“Such a high compliment cuz.”
You were cousins. He still had a shot.
“You write for magazines?” Eddie asks.
“Zines mostly,” you point to a stack of xeroxed pamphlets on the counter, “but I’ve published a few reviews with Spin and The Face.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “That’s pretty cool.”
You breathe out a laugh and take the cash he hands you, collecting his change. “Thanks.”
“Wait, you're Eddie, right?” He turns to Simon, almost forgetting he was there. “Your band’s playing at The Allied tonight? I met your drummer Gareth at a show last week.”
“Uh yeah that’s me. We’re called Corroded Coffin.”
“Cool name.” You smirk and hand him his record wrapped in paper. Eddie tucks it under his arm, his dimples showing as he smiles back at you.
“You’re from Indiana then?” You call back to Simon’s earlier statement, as Eddie doesn’t make a move to immediately leave.
He rubs the back of his neck as he nods, “Yeah. Just moved here a couple of months ago with my band.”
“Welcome to Chicago, Eddie.” You smile and introduce yourself, “Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you…vinyl wise I mean.”
“Thanks,” he scratches the stubble on his jaw before stepping away from the counter. “Maybe I’ll see you tonight at the show?” He tries to keep his voice casual, but there’s a hint of hope in there.
You bite your lip and shrug, “Yeah, maybe you will.”
Eddie nods and takes his queue to leave, the bell jingling again as he steps back out into the cold.
“Yeah, maybe you will.” Simon mocks you in a breathy imitation and you roll your eyes. “So now that you know the singer is cute are you coming?”
“Obviously! You better get me on the door list, or I swear to god I’m telling Aunt Carol about the stash in your underwear drawer.”
Okay, there were a lot more High Fidelity references than I remembered. Fun fact: I have read the book and watched the film and HBO reboot so many times I could quote word-for-word. I also dressed up as Zoe Kravitz's Rob for an office Halloween party once, complete with the Wings Over America live album that she talks about in that scene with the misogynistic cheater. Only one girl got it because she was a fan of Zoe Kravitz lol.
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Master list of content and creators
Since all of this information has been released through teasers, I figured it might be nice to list it all out for those interested and considering buying a copy of the zine
BazzyBelle (writing), Mostlymaudlin (art), Bookish-bogwitch (recipe)
Blueberry and lemon shortbread cookies
Letraspal (art), Aristocratic_Otter (writing), Bloodiedpixie (recipe)
Yorkshire puddings
Prettylightsbigcity (writing and recipe #1), Bookish-bogwitch (recipe #2)
Dutch baby
Prettylightsbigcity (writing), Flibber T. Pippet (recipe)
Jam Tarts
Mandilorian (writing), Wellbelesbian (recipe)
Salt Potatoes
Gekkoinapeartree (art), The-jennster (recipe)
Deviled Potatoes
TeddyMedley (writing and recipe)
$200 cake (devil’s red velvet)
KrisRix (art), Rainbowsky (recipe)
Brown sugar cinnamon coffee cake
PlaPla (art), Mandilorian (writing), Rainbowsky (recipe)
Lemon pineapple cheesecake
Ivelovedhimthroughworse (art), Rainbowsky (recipe)
Key lime pie
Ionlydrinkhotwater (art), Aristocratic_Otter (recipe)
No bake banoffee cheesecake
Mostlymaudlin (art), Mandilorian (recipe)
Chocolate chip coffee banana bread
Youraveragebookworm (writing), Flibber T. Pippet (recipe)
Rhubarb cake
Ivelovedhimthroughworse (art), Flibber T. Pippet (recipe)
Cinnamon rolls
Mostlymaudlin (art), Prettylightsbigcity (writing). Aristocratic_Otter (recipe)
Banana bread
Skeedelvee (art), Prettylightsbigcity (recipe)
Aristocratic_Otter (writing), Prettylightsbigcity (recipe)
Apple cake
Skeedelvee (art), BazzyBelle (recipe)
Orange brownies
Gekkoinapeartree (art), BazzyBelle (recipe)
Whole wheat vegan scones
Onepintobean (writing), Skeedelvee (art), Taken aback by Tuesdays (recipe)
Vegan strawberry chocolate cake
Ivelovedhimthroughworse (art), Mandilorian (writing), Taken aback by Tuesdays (recipe)
Sour Cherry Scones 
Clinkcat and Zed (recipe, writing, art)
Baz’s perfectly adequate lower fat scones
Twigs_in_my_hair & Twiglet (recipe, writing, art)
Order your copy of Lady Ruth’s Recipes today!
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dynamoe · 1 year
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working out a character design for Billy's crush, the mean clerk from the video store in TOMORROW'S JUST ANOTHER DAY
Drawing any human character next to Billy is hazardous because you can't NOT draw attention to how weird his proportions are. (I even made his head smaller than normal and he still looks like an alien)
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That grrrl's got Kim Gordon's shirt from the Sonic Youth video for Bull in the Heather.
I said I wouldn't draw her because I'd rather the reader make up what she looks like in their mind, but... it's been a year, let's give her a face.
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First outfit looks too Ruth Bader Ginsburg (she's joins the court in '93 but wasn't famous as "Notorious RGB" yet), maybe if it wasn't black velvet I could use the lace. Other ones are... whatever. The last one is how I dressed in high school (and college, and ten years after and now... shit.) but I'm trying really hard not to make the grrrl into a self-insert or a Mary Sue.
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I need to make sure she belongs in their world. Kind of a dick, kind of a failure (in so much you can fail at 18). Representin' that Garafaloid '90s deadpan snark-girl character that was everywhere in the decade. Your Daria. Your Enid Coleslaw. Very hip, crap pop-culture obsessed but also "over it."
The "kinderwhore" (yeah, that's what the style was/is called) style is associated most with Courtney Love (p'too), but you see it in other women fronting rock bands like Kat Bjelland (Babes in Toyland) and Kim Shattuck (The Muffs).
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↑ Kim Shattuck and Kat Bjelland (right): Style Icons
The signature look: a "little girl" type of dress (usually thrifted, often an actual child's dress) in velvet with a lace collar and cuffs or a girly floral worn extremely short over ripped tights and big-ass combat boots. Platforms not heels. No make-up or garish "crazy" make up -- blurred red lipstick, smudgy eyes, "bitch" written on your face or your arm with a sharpie.
This is meant to be threatening not sexy. Associate "weak" little girl things (floral dresses, Hello Kitty, pigtails, baby barrettes) with power/aggression. You're calling back to childhood where girls do whatever they want (in an ideal world) not caring what boys think. You're not dressing for men; you stand up for yourself to say "fuck you" to men who want to belittle you.
The sexualization came with the commercialization of the look. You can't have models with smeary make-up and "cunt" written on their tits in marker in the pages of Seventeen magazine. The last gasp further devolves in the 2000s into "punk fetish" shit like Suicide Girls.
Bringing it back to the character design...my character is not in a band. She is not an activist. She's a bored suburban teenager reading about what slightly older girls and women are doing in New York and Portland in zines and thinks it's cool.
She internalizes a lot of the "fuck you" attitude (or has it already and feels validated to express it). She's also a cult movie dork with an obsessive interest that isn't the alt-rock scene, but is similarly niche/all-consuming.
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sourrcandy · 1 year
russian literature aesthetic tag
tagged by — @serpentarii my beloved xx
rules — bold whichever applies to a character of your choice
yuluo from 《 until we meet again 》 aka the wtw zine submission i’m writing :D
THE BROTHER’S KARAMAZOV :: orthodox monasteries / deep woods / starry nights / the sound of paper being torn / dimly lit rooms / withered roses / an unfinished letter / piles of books / the sound of shattering glass / ticking of clocks in a silent house / heavy wooden furniture / the air before a storm / the smell of earth / a crowd of people dressed in black / distant murmurs / emptied streets / the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT :: coldness of the skin against a blade / slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands / a red stain blooming on white fabric / lonely steps in a corridor / the slow dripping of water / looking out of the window into the thickening darkness / a single dying candle on the table / listening to one’s breath & counting heartbeats / too many stairs / the desire to be invisible / a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT :: classical statues / wealth covered with dust / a dark house tainted with inherited madness / an unsettling feeling / long walks in a park / useless chatter / a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench / a melancholic face / an unexpected spring rain / the joy of reading one’s favorite book / the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around / looking at cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA :: fields of crops / flowers brought from an early morning walk / the wind caressing a girl’s hair / a bowl of fruit / the smell of ripe pears / the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea / children’s laughter coming from the garden / soft sunlight & white curtains / the sensation of velvet against skin / pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor / a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE :: a glass of wine / the brightness of a crystal chandelier / white lace / a raging snowstorm / the sound of a door being gently closed / the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom / indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light / closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing / the sweet smell of strawberries / a pair of gloves left on an armchair / light scent of powder
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA :: the chaos of a lively city / ambient jazz in an expensive restaurant / jumping on a moving tram / the sight of moscow from the roof of a house / yellow flowers in a vase / leaning out of the window / shelves stacked with books / a small tin box with old photographs / strange shapes in the night sky / laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony / colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN :: a lonely mansion / reading a book in the parlor / faint piano melody lingering in falling silence / long evenings / passing seasons / discussing french novels of the moment / unspoken thoughts / leaning against the door frame / quickly averted glance / eating a peach absent-minded / bright mornings / footprints in snow / a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS :: birch groves / morning mist / moss-covered stones near a moor / scientific books / white roses / cheap champagne / shabby pocket-watch / lighthearted irony / a maladroit cello sonata / freshly mowed grass / letting thoughts come & go / a slow yawn / picturesque plates / bowls filled with traditional dishes / drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO :: a strange feeling of loss / writing poems in a diary / traveling by train / the hesitation before touching someone’s hand / the gaze of one lost in thought / the warmth of cinnamon / a scarf brightly embellished with flowers / a glass of water / a threadbare jacket / the tempting void / the evanescent serenity of yesterday
THE CHERRY ORCHARD :: a lone chair in an empty room / falling blossoms / an old samovar / the unsettling need for change / a mirror reflecting full moon / the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance / a piano out of tune 
tagging — @junypr-camus, @thatswhereiwanttobe, @helioselene, @dontjudgemeimawriter and anyone who wants to do this xx
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wholekorea · 4 days
Koreapopstore – Kpop Preorder Information(11, June, 2024)
Restock Pre-Order (aespa), Pre-Order (HWI YOUNG/OMEGA X/LE SSERAFIM/(G)I-DLE/SEVENTEEN/RED VELVET, POB Pre-Order, New Magazines Restock Pre-Order aespa – VOL.1 [ARMAGEDDON] (ZINE VER.)aespa – VOL.1 [ARMAGEDDON] (MY POWER VER.)aespa – VOL.1 [ARMAGEDDON] (SUPERBEING VER.)Pre-order Period : 2024.06.12Release Date : 2024.06.24 Pre-Order HWI YOUNG – SINGLE [TRAVELING FISH]Pre-order Period :…
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pitchshitterarchiver · 2 months
Black velvet interview with J.S Clayden from Pitchshifter.
(JS Clayden Questionnaire - Taken From Black Velvet 20 - May 99)
By Shari Black Velvet
When JS Clayden sang ‘I must be some kind of genius’, he was not too far wrong. www.pitchshifter.com is an immaculate piece of artwork in one of its noisiest forms. It rips, cuts, tears, bleeps, bops, blares and generally twirls you around in circles leaving you dizzy and decidedly off-balance afterwards. JS Clayden, his brother Mark, plus Johnny Carter, D Walters and Jim Davies are one of the most inventive quintets in rock today. Let’s find out more... courtesy of an email questionnaire which JSC was kind enough to fill in.
J = Js clayden
BV = black velvet interviewer
Black Velvet : What has been the highlight of your career so far?
JS Clayden: Meeting Jello Biafra, selling out the Astoria, playing with Black Sabbath, playing Reading Festival to a full crowd, going to Troma Films offices, not having to get a real job for the last five years.
BV: If you were a contestant on Mastermind, which subject (excluding The Life & Times Of Pitchshifter), would you most like to answer questions on?
J: Punk rock/jazz/art.
BV: How was your UK tour back in February? Do any gigs stick out? Which and why?
J: The UK tour was amazing. We sold out about five venues which was a nice surprise. Our fans in the UK have been very patient while we have been touring the world in '98. It was great to get back home and play to a very appreciative crowd. The London gig was obviously awesome, as there were 2250 nutters up for a mad night out.
BV: Which has been your favourite tour to date and why?
J: Personally I loved the American tour with Gravity Kills, Junkie XL and Cold. It was summer, we had a great tour bus, the tour was 3 months long and we all got along really well. I met a lot of really cool people that I still correspond with over the net and it was just one of those Summers, ya know? Japan was also amazing, but I think America had it.
BV: What would be your dream gig? Where? When? Supported by whom?
J: My dream gig? Dead Kennedys, Big Black, Plug, The Walking Seeds, DJ Shadow, Sex Pistols, Jeff Mills, The Specials, Everclear, The Ruts, Shellac and Girls Against Boys.
BV: Are you looking forward to the 'Big Day Out'? How do you think it will be?
J: We are all looking forward to it. The Ozzfest at the same place was amazing and the Big Day Out will be just as cool I'm sure. I like the fact that crowds get so see different facets of harder edged music rather than just a day of ‘heavy metal’. We'll have to wait and see, I guess. Hopefully I can get in the crowd again and meet the folks down front.
BV: What do you think of Earache's re-issue of 'Infotainment?'?
J: I think for someone who doesn't already own the release it is a great package. And for those who already do, well you get the 3 mixes and all the videos for free if you have a computer. Although the band had nothing to do with the re-release it is quite tastefully done and it looks pretty good. The CD-Rom portion is comprehensible and easy to use.
BV: Fanzines - your thoughts on them...
J: They get to review stuff commercial mags are too afraid to, or can't sell. I like fanzines. Pitchshifter have always featured well in zines. Good luck to them all!
BV: Is there such a thing as a typical Pitchshifter fan?
J: I don't think so. Our public is very cross-genre. I would hope that one thing all our fans have in common is their willingness to be open-minded. We try and give our fans every opportunity to experience new things when we can. We take new bands on tour with us, we talk about what affects us on our website, we get interesting remixes done etc.
BV: You're admired as a band by all sorts. Who would you say is your most famous fan? How do you feel knowing that you might have fans who are also into bands ranging from Bon Jovi to 3 Colours Red to Napalm Death?
J: I was out with 3CR last night! They played Rock City and we had a party afterwards (ouch!) (S: I know, I was there). I am always flattered that people have even heard of the band. We never get any radio play or major press. It's through the small indie stations and fanzines and mags like Metal Hammer and Kerrang! and Terrorizer and our website that people know what we are up to. Our most famous fan? The aliens that left the crop circle in the shape of our eye logo!
BV: Since the Seagram merger/Universal Group takeover, have you found any major changes occurring that involve Pitchshifter? How do you think, as a band, this change will affect you?
J: I can't discuss that element of our deal right now. I can assure you that the new LP is on its way however.
BV: The tour diary on your web site is very interesting and enjoyable to read. When is the release of the book and will it be available worldwide?
J: When I collate it and find a publisher! I am actually in the process of writing a novel based on the first tour diary I did in 1994. It won't be finished for some time though. I am actually far more comfortable writing prose instead of music.
BV: Why did you start writing a tour diary in the first place? Do you keep a regular diary? When did you first start keeping a diary?
J: I have the worst memory. I started writing a tour diary to try and remember what the hell I've been doing for the last 5 years. It was just for me. I think being able to see what you think on paper on the screen also acts as a cathartic catalyst for what you think. You should try it.
BV: You've been touring pretty much constantly for ages. How do you keep things fresh and fun on the road?
J: Satanism, child slavery, sex before marriage, crack cocaine, AC/DC records and Sony playstations. No, seriously - we are having so much fun playing music that we just enjoy it every night. We just literally goof around with each other on stage. Watch us and you'll see us laughing as we stage dive. It's a great life style and it's a shame it can't last for ever. The plethora of laptops, digital cameras and samplers that travel with us keep us on our toes too.
BV: How would you like to see Pitchshifter in the 21st century?
J: Madder, balder, fatter, richer, more irreverent, more cynical.
BV: You once said "The music that spoke to us unemployed kids on sh**ty estates in the North of England was punk music... It was angry and we were angry...". Are you still angry now? What makes you angry?
J: Take a look outside your door... GM foods, police brutality, racism, us f**king the 3rd world over, bulls**t politics, right wing lunatics, pro-life extremists, restrictive religions... Want me to go on?
BV: Is there any subject you'd really like to write a song about that you haven't so far?
J: I think we should write a love song. Now that would be funny.
BV: You come up with all sorts of samples. Where do you get your ideas from for them? Have you thought of anything you'd already like to sample for the next album? Anything really weird?
J: We just go to the studio and sample what we like. I think there will be some more back tracking on this LP. We tried dog whistles but they are outside the audio range of a CD. I have sampled my answer phone messages, my flatmate talking drunk, a woman sleep talking and the sampler feeding back through my computer - I'm sure other stuff will ensue.
BV: If you could introduce three new conditions/regulations into today's society, what would you like to introduce?
J: 1 - Radio stations would be forced at gun point to play wide variety of music and the DJ is only allowed to talk if she/he is telling you the name of the record. 2 - Politicians are not allowed to own ANY businesses and any that are caught lying have to parade naked with a dunce hat around Trafalgar Square for 30 minutes while the populous get to throw rotting vegetable matter at them. 3 - Big business is never allowed to regulate itself, no more BSE scenarios please.
BV: Similarly, you like to get people to question what's going on and you hope to open their eyes by writing and/or talking about your beliefs. What do you currently think the masses should open their eyes to?
J: The continual stream of bulls**t in the news and the government line. The classics from Tony Bore: 1 - "We will not support actions that will endanger the lives of people in minority communities abroad". So what does he do? Grants MORE weapons licences to countries like Indonesia who we know for a fact will use to kill people in East Timore. 2 - "GM foods are safe". Yeah, just like BSE baby. We have no idea what the repercussions of altering food might be until 10 years down the line when they say "Oops, actually they kill you". Just like the pill, just like BSE.
BV: When you originally set up the band, and when you bring new members in (i.e. when Jim began working with the band), do things such as whether the guy is a vegetarian, into Greenpeace and all the other same political and social beliefs as you take up as much a role as whether he's a good musician?
J: They are not mandates but they are important. Jim is a veggie and he believes in a lot of things that we think are important anyway and so all is well. We don't care if people eat meat. It's up to the individual. We don't do it and it works for us and we will be happy to explain why to you. But if you don't want to know then we aren't going to shove it down your throat. It's about education not indoctrination.
BV: Describe the other members of the band.
J: Drinky, mumbly, randy, and happy (does that make me snow white?).
BV: Sum up Pitchshifter in ten words or less.
J: Degenerate low life, mal-adjusted freaks.
BV: Anything else you'd like to add?
J: Go to http://www.pitchshifter.com now and see what's up!
Yep, do as the man says.
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Our apps are closed, and we can't thanks enough people who applied!
We had a total of 62 applicants and they are all really interesting!
We will take the time to review each one of them, before sending emails!
- The Red Velvet Team
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theblackvelvetzine · 5 years
applications for the blackvelvet (blackpink x red velvet) zine are now open!
Hey there, BLINKs and ReVeluvs! Your fan art and story may find a home in our zine! 
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We are currently seeking BLINK and ReVeluv fan artists, writers, and merch artists to contribute to the blackvelvet zine!
The blackvelvet is an upcoming for-profit KPOP fashion-themed fan zine that all BLINK x ReVeluvs never knew they needed. It focuses on two of South Korea’s mega girl groups, BLACKPINK and Red Velvet, and seeks to highlight the works of various talented creators in both fandoms. 
Content will be divided into three parts: (1) BLACKPINK, (2) Red Velvet, and (3) blackvelvet, and will feature SFW fashion-themed artworks, written pieces, and merch.
This is a for-profit fan zine. All profits generated from the project will be equally divided to support the zine’s contributors, mods, and a chosen charity.
To be considered for the zine,
Please re-blog this post (and/or re-tweet this). We’ll be checking!
Go over our submission guidelines.
Fill out the application form on or before MAY 19 (Sunday). We only have one (1) application form for all categories (artists, writers, merch artists).
For more information regarding the zine, such as the full schedule, faq, profit distribution, charity suggestions, and more, you may refer to this Google doc! If you have further questions about the zine, feel free to drop us a message or send an ask via CuriousCat!
Good luck to all applicants! Send us your best! We can’t wait to see what you’ve got!
Follow us for more updates! Find blackvelvet elsewhere: twitter / curiouscat / instagram
Please re-blog! All forms of support are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
@fandomzines | @zinefans | @zineforall | @zine-scene | @zineapps | @zinefeed | @zinesubmissions 
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dabsper · 5 years
Interest Check
Hello you all!  I’m working on a future kiribaku zine, and I’ve created the interest check!  Feel free to fill the form! And reblog if you can!!
Here’s the form!!! 
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If you have any questions, you can send them via Tumblr, or via mail ([email protected])
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rathzem · 4 years
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Pre-orders for Red Velvet, a 12th Doctor charity calendar, close August 31st! Do so today at www.rathzem.com
Red Velvet is a 12th Doctor calendar styled around the photoshoots done by Peter Capaldi during his time as the Doctor on Doctor Who, as well as fashion-themed shoots in general. Our artists have interpreted the prompt in a variety of ways and executed in all different styles and mediums, creating a unique visual treat for your enjoyment.
All proceeds from sales will be donated to The Humanitarian Aid Program for Venezuela.
There are several ways to support the project:
The Physical Calendar is an 11x8.5 (11x17 unfolded) 14 month calendar with 14 original artworks, dated December 2020-January 2022.
The Digital Calendar is a print-at-home edition of the calendar with various formats to print.
The Full Bundle includes the physical and digital calendars and all merchandise produced, and is stretch goal eligible. Unique and useful swag!
The Stationary Bundle includes the sketchbook, pocket calendar, and canvas pouch items. Stretch goal eligible.
The Merch Bundle solely includes the merchandise produced. This is also stretch goal eligible.
And finally, the whiteboard, sketchbook, and pocket calendar can be purchased on their own!
We’ve already unlocked one stretch goal, help us reach the next! At 50 eligible merch bundles, a sticker sheet will be added to those orders!
Please spread the word by and share the link! Thank you everyone for your support!
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wendybdayzine · 4 years
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Interest check for a Wendy Birthday Zine
This zine will be about Red Velvet member Wendy Shon / Son Seungwan in celebration of her 26th birthday. It will be a fanbook comprised of artistic content and fan wishes for Wendy.
The project is non-profit with the final zine presented as a free, downloadable, high-res PDF file. It will be released on February 21, 2020 @ 12pm/noon KST.
It aims to hopefully, resources willing, present the zine to Wendy herself in time for her birthday.
Click here for the general interest check →  Click here to apply as a mod → 
Surveys will close on January 17 @ 11:59pm EST.
Additional links:
Zine Twitter
Zine Instagram
If you have any questions, you’re welcome to send a message  c:
Thanks for reading~! –Mod Jercy @striveattemptfail 
@fandomzines @zineapps @zinefeed @zine-scene @sibzine @fyeah-redvelvet @redvelvetsource @redvelvetinc 
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moonysorrows · 5 years
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some previews for the fruity kpop girl group zine!! @girlgroupzine 💞🍓🍇
there’s so much amazing art in this book and you can preorder it now!!
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