#redriot x reader
bookcluberror · 8 months
I need some good "Kirishima pining over Reader" fluff. Or smut. Or angst. Any recommendations??
Can't believe I'm cheating on my boy Shouto like this, but damn Eiji is really taking root in my brain lately!! Help a girl out, pretty please?
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gglitch1dd · 2 months
I can imagine villain Deku and reader meeting at a hero Galla and they meet and Deku and reader dance around the ball room omg I love him so much!!!
Villain Midoriya Izuku X Hero Fem Reader
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I loved writing this. Lowkey cute. Warning: Small Bakugou x Reader
You watched as couples danced on the dance floor as you stood on the sidelines silently watching. You pulled on a smile at everyone enjoying yourself and you were enjoying yourself. The mascaraed gala was a charity event, one that kept most people guessing on who on earth they were dancing with, although for certain individuals it was easier to tell than others.
For starters, you could identify ProHero Dynamight with your eyes closed. With his attitude and loud voice, it wasn't that hard to tell who was behind the mask. However, it was interesting seeing how nice he could clean up. It was better than you thought. His hair slicked back and crimson eyes looked almost deadly in a black mask that suited his black suit.
However, with other heroes it wasn't so obvious. For starters there was a large man, built like a tank but his hair was a dark black that cascaded down his back. You wondered who on earth he was, with such candy apple eyes. He seemed rather illusive with only low chuckles and conversations. You were guessing it might have been ProHero RedRiot, but his hair wasn't black.
You surveyed the area, trying to see whose identity you could figure out.
"Got any guesses?" You turned your head at the voice that spoke to you.
Standing with a glass of champagne in hand was a man you didn't recognize. He had dark hair, nearly black but with the glow of the light you could catch a touch of green. Freckles littered his cheeks and body, with four prominent ones on each cheek. He was a large man with a build that clearly showed that he was fit. He was dressed in a suit that fitted him beyond words. However it was his eyes, that left you speechless.
Green. Vivid green. They were a swirling pool of poison just pulling you in, trying to corrupt you. You weren't sure who this man was but you couldn't look away from him and he had only asked you a single question.
You blinked before finally regaining your thoughts. "Hm?" You asked.
He chuckled before motioning in the direction you were looking at. "Have any guesses as to who's who?" He asked as he leaned down closer to you.
You chuckled but nodded. "Only some. We all know who's Dynamight."
He let out a hum. "I don't think he was even trying." The sentiment made to laugh but you couldn't deny that.
You motioned to someone else. "That one is ProHero Pinky."
"Considering she's the only pink woman I know, it makes sense." He shrugged.
"The person she's talking to should be Cellophane."
"The elbows were a dead giveaway."
You giggled as you turned to look up at the man beside who. You tilted your head in wonder. "I don't think we've ever met before."
He nodded his head almost definitely. "We have." He told you honestly.
You tilted your head confused. You don't remember ever seeing this man before nor talking to him in the slightest. "We have?" You asked. Maybe he was a lower rank hero you had worked on a big mission before.
"Yes." He nodded frankly. "I distinctly remember. I think..." He started to think back. "I was the man of your dreams."
You rolled your eyes with an amused chuckle. "Oh wow. Good one." That brought a broad grin to his face, revealing sharp white canines to company a dazzling smile.
"You might know me," He shrugged, "But I know a lot about you." He motioned over to you. "Everyone knows about the Commission's beautiful and..." you noticed his eyes dance down your figure, your dress hugging every curve, muscle and trace of your body. You felt your stomach tighten into knots. "Ravishing Angel."
YN- Quirk: Angel. YN has the ability to sprout Angel wings from her back and provide healing and enhancing abilities to all those within her range.
You felt your face heat up as you turned away from him. "My quirk is nothing fantastic."
"Oh no, but it is." He nodded sincerely as he put a hand to your chin. Slowly he turned you to face up at him. His eyes seemed to bare into your soul, almost as if he could touch your heart and hold it in his hand. "It's absolutely extraordinary. You are absolutely extraordinary." He breathed out heavily making you glance down at his pink lips before looking back up at him. "I mean... a quirk like that is a gold mine. I do wonder, does sprouting your wings hurt you? It would be very interesting if it did, considering when they come out they seem to slip out from your skin. Are they always there, just hidden? What were your parents quirks to result in yours. And your enhancing powers, do they just enhance the quirk or the person as well? It would be very interesting if it did both and-"
You watched with wide eyes as this man started to talk a mile a minute. His analysis and wonder about your quirk was honestly rather interesting to hear. Hearing just how much he was interested in it but also how much he had noticed. It was like hearing an anlysis of your being.
You let out a giggle, finding him rather cute the way he just started rambling like that.
The green haired man paused but let out a chuckle as a small blush went over his cheeks underneath the white mask he wore on his face. "Sorry I tend to ramble." He apologised with a bow.
You shook your head. "No it's fine. I like it." You told him honestly as you stared up at him. "I'd love to answer your questions some time, actually." You let out open endedly.
You watched his eyebrows twitch before a smirk pulled onto his lips. "Really?" You nodded your head. His eyes seemed to darken, almost turning lethal enough to make your legs quiver. You weren't sure what was wrong with you today. "I'd love that." He put down his champagne glass on a tray of a waiter who passed behind him, shocking you at how perceptive he was. He moved to put his large scarred hand on the curve of your back. "Dance with me?" He asked lowly, close to your ear.
You sucked in a breath at the close proximity but you nodded your head. With a smirk against your ear, he pulled you towards the dance floor just as the next song was about to start. He pulled you right against him, keeping one hand on your hip while the other consumed your smaller hand in his larger one. The both of you began to dance.
You let him lead you on the dancefloor with other couples, the both of you moving in stride as you moved step by step. His steps were definite and calculated and somehow he managed to stir you away from all the other couples but he only kept his eyes on you.
He was downright intoxicating and you felt like you couldn't breathe with how close the both of you are. You wondered who on earth was he? Did he work for the commission? Was he another hero? A reporter? A higher ranking police officer or government official? A politician? You couldn't find a single name that fit his profile but you couldn't seem to care as you both glided together.
You felt so small in his embrace, his large hands holding you and basically moving you along with him, allowing you the pleasure of not thinking as you both moved in tandem.
"I must say, you are far too pretty to be working as a hero." He told you with a gentle smile.
He nodded as he swept you to the left away from onlookers as you continued to move together. "Far. You're too perfect for this crowd. Don't you think, angel?" He asked. You felt his hand move up your spine, the feeling of his calloused fingers on your skin making you shiver with a gasp. "How has no one swept you off your feet?"
"I..." You didn't really have an answer for that. You shrugged. "I guess I'm a better friend than lover." You answered.
"I don't think so, angel." He dipped his head down closer to your ear, his lips brushing against it. "You look like an excellent lover." He pulled you closer to him making you have to stifle a whine. He grinned against your ear. A deep chuckle rumbled out of his lips as he grinned, a deep growl leaving his lips. "Absolutely devine."
"ANGEL, Step away from the villain!" The music had stopped playing, you finally noticed. At the shout, suddenly you stopped dancing as you turned to look at Dynamight who had his eyes locked on you and the man you were dancing with. He looked absolutely enraged and so did other heroes that seemed to now surround you.
You looked at him confused. "Villain? What-"
"You know Kacchan, I find it very rude that you interrupted my dance." The man you were dancing with said with a frown. "I was having such a nice time and-"
"Get your slimy fucking hands off of her!" He shouted.
You watched the green eyed man frown. Suddenly, you saw electricity cross his eyes as he frowned. "You know... cursing in front of a lady is rude Kacchan. Did your mother not teach you any manners?" He asked as he moved a hand up to take off his mask. "I guess not, considering you are still as horrid as you were ten years ago."
At the drop of his mask you felt all the air get sucked out of you. You stilled in fear as you realised who it was you were dancing with.
At the look of realisation in your eyes, you watched him smirk. "Remember me now, angel?" He asked with a low chuckle as he bowed and took your hand. "It was an honour to dance with you. I'll be seeing you very soon. You have to do good on the promise you made me."
"I'M SPEAKING!" You watched his hair turn white as electricity surrounded both him and you as he shouted at Dyanmight. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry you had to see that, angel. Unfortunately, I have to leave. It seems I have overstayed my welcome."
With a flash of light, he was gone, disappeared into the night with only the doors to the hall left opened and his mask left on the floor.
A growl came out of dynamight as he ripped his mask off his face and looked to sidekicks that had entered the building. "Get Angel to the bunker in the Commission Headquarters immediately!" He shouted. "I want every hero on patrol in the area on the look out! We can't let him get away!" He barked.
At that, suddenly the evening was over as everyone seemed to be rushing. However walking over to you was said Dynamight. The angry looking blond held a scowl to his face as he approached you. His large imposing figure, packed with muscle yet grace reached you.
"Are you alright?" He managed to ask, softer than you expected from him.
You hesitated as you looked down at the mask that Deku had left. At the sight of it, Dynamight scowled and stepped on it. "We'll keep you safe, he won't lay a hand on you." You felt one of his hands move to the small of your back, pulling you a bit closer to him in possession.
You still couldn't get over the fact that you had just danced with an S-Ranking villain.
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Like dynamite
⭐️pairing: Bakugou katsuki x F!Reader
⭐️CW: fluffy, mentions of pregnancy from another fic
⭐️Type and A/N: adult au!, kinda a ‘when they met’ of Lavender and honey, same stuff as the reader has tattoos and piercings
Dividers used brought to you by: @cafekitsune 🥰(they have really cute dividers check them out 😩)
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Katsuki walked with Kirishima on their normal patrol, his usual scowl seemed angrier than usual. Kirishima being the one to blame for that “Come on Kats you need to put yourself out there! Go on a date for once would ya?” Kirishima elbowed Katsuki making Katsuki huff. He had never been one for romance and hadn’t really thought about it until Kirishima had brought it up earlier in the week, how Katsuki needed to find someone to keep him out of the office so much. To which Katsuki brushed off saying he wasn't interested. But in all reality, it started to set in for Katsuki, especially when he came home to a dead quiet house only to lay lonely in his bed wishing he had someone there to hold, talk about his day with and eat dinner with.
These thoughts stewed in Katsukis brain as Kirishima continued on listing potential dates for Katsuki when in the distance Kirishima and Katsuki hear music and cheering. Looking at each other quizzically Kirishima asks “was there an event we were unaware of?” “not that i know of” Katsuki gruffs out “lets go check it out to be safe” Kirishima b-lined towards the noise Katsuki not far behind him.
What they come to is a crowd of people in the middle of the park with a pretty decent opening in the middle “What the hell is this? A mosh pit?” katsuki whispered to Kirishima, who only shrugged in response. They stood there in the crowd until the music starts playing again and someone speaks out “This one is a request since we have pro heroes dynamite and RedRiot In the crowd today” The song Dynamite by BTS playing over the speakers no movement is made until you make your way to the middle and start to dance the choreographed routine, people slowly made their way to join you but katsuki was only watching you move to the beat. Wearing one of his brand Dynamite workout tank tops and some workout shorts, the tank top shows off your colorful yet dull from fading tattooed arms and your hair is braided back showing off your pierced-up ears and gauges and a little gauntlet tattoo behind your ear. You donned snakebites, a bride piercing and an eyebrow piercing all orange spike from your skin. Katsuki was stunned by you as you took charge of the dance and mouthed along to the words. Kirishima placed his hand on Katuskis's shoulder “seems i dont have to set up a blind date for you Huh?” Kirishima snickered into his ear making Katsuki turn towards him with a glare as the music died down and cheers ensued.
You make your way through the crowd to your bag and water bottle as you sit down to take a few gulps and play on your phone, the sunlight that was beaming on you soon turns to shadows as Katsuki approaches. You smile up at him “hey Dynamite and RedRiot! You two enjoy the show?” you say wiping away sweat from your forehead. “Yeah we did! Whats your name? We might want some entertainment at the agency for an office party!” Kirishima smiles his signature toothy grin. “Y/n L/n but please just call me Y/n” you stand up taking your bag and bottle “i don’t usually do show for money but if you need some lessons id be no charge for our Pro’s” you nod to the Crowd cheering on a new dance “this is all for fun, I run a dance studio over on the main drag through town” Katsuki steps in “you got a card or something so we can contact you some time, im sure the sidekicks would enjoy some dancing lessons” his voice different from what you had heard on TV and through articles, he was calmer but the shifting of weight from one leg to another let on he was nervous about something. “Oh well i dont have any business card but-” you pulled out a pen and grabbed Katsukis arm, scribbling down on his Bicep he watched as a pink flush spread across your cheeks “here is my personal number, feel free to text me at any time, im usually up at most hours” you smiled letting go of his arm. Katsuki looked down at the number before pulling out his phone to place it in his contacts. “Well im sure you two need to be back on patrol. Ill be looking for your messaged” You waved and turned to make your way towards the main drag. Kirishima waves you off as Katsuki is typing away on his phone “i think you may have scored man” Kirishima turns towards Katsuki as they continue on their patrol.
Later in the evening, you're shutting off the lights to your studio at 9:30 pm as the last of your dance groups leave when a ‘ping’ goes off from your phone giving it a glace
Hey. its katsuki
You responded with a simple hey, as the texts went on you two texted throughout the days, meet ups for coffee and walks in the park included. Little did you know that those days spend texting would lead to you one day making Lavender Honey bread at 1 am, while carrying the first son of katsuki Bakugou.
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Tag list 🏷️: @meggsngrits
Should I do a date scenario with this? I think this little ‘Katsuki has an alternative styled wife’ series thing I’ve got going on is fun 🥰
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hi love! can i request an angst to fluff with bakugo? maybe where he cheats and reader catches him. we dont go back to cheaters so maybe kiri and reader end up together and bakugo just regrets. i dont have any specifics in mind so feel free to let this play out however you want! just hurt me.
if this is too much or you dont wanna write this feel free to just ignore it! love you, have a great day!
a/n: hii hun!! ooo this is something i don’t think i’ve done before. i feel like i don’t write really good angst but this is a good prompt so i hope i write it well!! thank you for the request hun!! 
summary: you thought things were going good with bakugou until you catch him cheating on you. distraught, you find comfort in the arms of your closest friend, and something blossoms much stronger than before.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, cheating/mentions of cheating, established relationship with bakugou, bakugou’s a dick, kirishima is a real bro of the people and straight up puts his ass on blast
word count: 3.1k (so- i got carried away...god i hope this is good if not im so sorry angst is not my strong suit please-)
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
It was the day after your three-month anniversary with Bakugou. You’d spent all day together yesterday, and for the most part, everything seemed normal.
Perhaps it was because Bakugou wasn’t texting the girl he’d been secretly hanging out with behind your back all day, or maybe it was because he’d planned to meet up with said girl after you finally left him alone.
Bakugou wasn’t interested in you anymore, but frankly stringing you along for his own benefit was a lot easier. Breaking it off would leave a bad image on his part, and the last thing he wanted was a smudged reputation.
Which was why he kept quiet about this other girl, and only met with her when he was certain he wouldn’t be caught. Sneaking off when everyone went to sleep because they assumed he was asleep.
It didn’t help that they lived fairly close to each other so taking time to leave school meant they could hang out with one another at their homes and suspicious eyes would be none the wiser.
Bakugou had lied to his mother about still being with you and claimed that you’d just moved on and left, making you look like the bad guy. So Mitsuki welcomed this newer girl, and showered her in affection much like she had done with you.
Except you were still with Bakugou. And he’d just told you he loved you again. Kissing the top of your head, seemingly unphased as you yawned, ready for bed.
“Goodnight.” You spoke quietly, wishing Bakugou a good night’s rest as you headed off down to Kirishima’s dorm, where you planned to watch him play a new game he’d recently gotten.
“Hey, Kiri!” You smiled, giving him a big warm hug. Kirishima’s heart ached at the little nickname you’d given him, squeezing and wrenching inside his chest as he smelled your sweet-smelling shampoo, your arms squeezing around him as you hugged him.
“Hey (Y/n), is that a new sweater?” Kirishima asked, smiling as he admired the crimson color.
“It is! I’m glad you noticed. It kinda reminds me of your hair now that I think about it.” You giggle, reaching up to ruffle his soft hair. He’d recently washed it and it currently laid down, unlike his normal hairstyle, his large pointy spikes were nowhere in sight.
Kirishima’s little heart only began to beat faster as you entered his room, sitting beside him as he loaded up the game. Resting your head on his shoulder, you would cheer him on as he played, currently whooping ass against Sero and Kaminari who he was playing with.
“Kaminari asked why you couldn’t come watch him play.” Kirishima chuckled, glancing over at you, noticing how tired you looked.
“Well, maybe I’d go watch him play if he didn’t suck.” You joked, hearing Sero ‘ooh’ over the burn you just slapped over Kaminari.
“Damn Kaminari, they got you good.” Kirishima teased, nudging your side as you giggled, sitting up. You stretched your arms and yawned. Kirishima quickly muted his mic and paused.
“You tired, let me walk you up to your dorm.” Kirishima was ready to tell the boys he’d be back in a few but you shook your head.
“I’ll be alright, keep playing. Kick some more ass for me.” You ruffled his hair once more and patted his head before heading out of his room, waving as he waved back.
You made it back to your room and got ready for bed, nearly falling asleep without realizing you didn’t have your phone.
It’d been maybe three hours, before you rolled over, curious about what time it was when you noticed the blank space on your nightstand, where your phone would usually charge.
Sitting up tiredly, you rubbed your eyes and glanced around. You’d completely lost it, you couldn’t find it anywhere, in your dorm at least. You were unsure if you’d had it when you visited Kirishima, but your only thoughts went to Bakugou.
Maybe you’d left it in his dorm when you visited to study with him. Now that you thought about it, you’d brought your books and stuff back down before he went to bed and you returned to tell him goodnight, but he never let you back inside.
It was dark outside, and completely silent in the dorms. Everyone was clearly asleep. Or so you thought.
Creeping up to Bakugou’s dorm, you were surprised to see a little light peeking under the door. You weren’t one to snoop, but you certainly knew for Bakugou to be up at this hour, something would have to be up, maybe he was sick, or couldn’t sleep?
You pressed your ear to the door and listened for a few seconds.
Those few seconds, time stood still.
“So when are we gonna make it official?” A girl’s voice wrecked through you, your eyes watering as you listened.
“I’m working on it. I just need (Y/n) to fucking leave me alone. All they do is follow me around like a lost fucking puppy, it’s annoying.”
This was not happening. He’d just said he loved me a few hours earlier. Why was he being so mean?
“Good, because I don’t how much longer I can keep this a secret. I need to see you, Katsu.” You wanted to throw up. You felt so sick. So hurt.
So betrayed.
You were overwhelmed with emotions, sadness, despair, hurt, anger.
Raising a fist, you pounded on that door like your life was in danger. You could hear a few whispers and footsteps as Bakugou quickly opened the door, surprised to see you. You barged in, shooting one glance at the girl sitting on his bed in one of his shirts, the same one you’d worn earlier that week.
You found your phone laying under a few papers on his dresser. You turned to see Bakugou just staring at you.
“Don’t” You say quietly as you speed-walk past him and back down the hall. Bakugou doesn’t follow you, or try to stop you, or call out for you.
He slinks back into his dorm and resumes his time with his new girl, taking that as his sign that he was officially single.
Clenching your phone in one shaking hand, you can’t help but feel utterly worthless. And somehow your feet seemed to move on their own, right down to Kirishima’s dorm.
When you felt the door open, and heard a sleepy Kirishima ask if everything was okay, you finally realized you’d trekked down to his dorm without even realizing.
“N-no. It’s not okay, I’m not okay.” You whisper as he pulls you into him for a hug. He stands there, consoling you quietly, not even saying anything. Just rubbing your back as you sob into his shoulder.
He’s concerned, that’s evident by the way his expression is softened, and his eyebrows knit together, wondering just what had happened to have landed you here.
But as he finally pulls you back into his room, the only light coming from a pink and orange glowing Himalayan salt lamp. You’re shaking in his arms as you sink to the floor.
It’s the first time Kirishima’s ever seen you like this. 
So hurt.
“You don’t have to say anything, but I’m worried about you. You tell me when you’re ready okay? Do you need anything right now?” Kirishima’s spoke quietly, and softly, his large, rough hands for once being so gentle and delicate.
You sat and thought for a few minutes, just shaking in his arms as you tried to calm down. You were overwhelmed, too anxious about what had happened, if you weren’t enough for Bakugou.
But you finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of you.
“I-I’m...” You breathed, finally looking up at Kirishima. You could feel the snot as it leaked from your nose and how wet your cheeks, chin, and neck were, but Kirishima didn’t look at you any differently. 
With red puffy eyes you glanced down and opened your mouth to speak.
“Bakugou, he was, I think...” You paused.
I saw what I saw. I heard her. That girl. He was cheating.
“Bakugou cheated on me.” You whimpered, more tears beginning to fall from your eyes. Your face fell back into Kirishima’s shoulder as your frame shook from pure despair.
Kirishima didn’t respond. He sat, his hands rubbing up and down your spine as you cried, anger boiling inside him.
Never, not even once, had he assumed, or even pondered that Bakugou would ever be unfaithful. His priorities of being on top seemed to overweigh everything else.
So when he’d started dating you, he was albeit a bit jealous, but he supported you and Bakugou’s relationship, despite wanting to be with you himself. But soon he realized you were taken by someone else, and he would respect that.
He changed his usual somewhat flirty comments, and kept things strictly friendly, but he couldn’t help but notice you still made his heart race.
But Bakugou, cheating? That was something he didn’t see coming. But regardless if it was shocking or not, it wasn’t right.
Kirishima didn’t agree with his actions at all, and seeing just how hurt you had been by his actions, it made him feel even angrier.
“Kirishima, I-I don’t know what to do. I thought he loved me. Why didn’t he love me?” You looked at him with tears pouring from your eyes. Broken sobs cracked from your wet lips, and Kirishima’s heart shattered.
Kirishima closed his eyes and placed a hand behind your head, nuzzling your face into his chest as he leaned into you, burying his own face into your shoulder.
“He’s an idiot. It’s gonna be alright. I promise.” Kirishima hushed you quietly, rocking you back and forth in his hold as you finally began to calm down, eventually falling asleep as he came to halt.
Reaching for a blanket, Kirishima wrapped it around you and held you tightly against him. His blood boiled inside him as he began to doze off himself.
“You are so amazing, please don’t let anyone tell you differently.” Kirishima whispered against your hair, resting his own eyes.
As time drained on during everyone’s slumber, a storm was brewing within Kirishima.
Waking in the morning, you awoke in Kirishima’s arms, just where you remembered falling asleep. You nudged him awake but that usual morning smile you wore whenever you’d see him in the common area for breakfast was no where in sight.
“Good morning.” You spoke quietly. It was awkward. But Kirishima quickly ruffled your hair.
“Bed head.” Kirishima pointed out, smiling at the disarray of your locks. You quickly turned away to try and fix what he was talking about.
“Hey relax, it’s okay.” Kirishima chuckled.
“I’m sorry for waking-”
“Don’t apologize. We’re gonna get through this together okay? I’m here to help however you need me too. Do you want me to walk with you to school?” Kirishima offered, helping you stand up as you both began to wake up.
“I think that would be nice. Thank you.” You can’t help but stare at the ground, feeling like a burden. You’d roped Kirishima in with your problems and now-
“I’m really sorry that Bakugou did that. It’s unmanly as hell. If he was unhappy he should’ve talked to you about it, going behind your back was straight up fucking idiotic.” Kirishima’s words sort of spilled out, immediately catching your attention.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay. I agree with you. If he was upset or unhappy, I just wish he would’ve told me.” Your bottom lip quivers as you speak about it, the memories flashing through your mind of seeing that girl on his bed, him talking about you like you weren’t even together.
About how he despised you.
“Go get ready for class, I’ll meet you by the stairs in ten?” Kirishima was already pulling out his uniform and removing his shirt as you headed toward the door.
You nodded and left quickly, running to your room avoiding being seen. And just as he’d stated, you met up by the steps in ten minutes and headed downstairs.
And there he was, waiting, like nothing had happened. Kirishima’s hand shot to yours, holding it tightly as you walked in the opposite direction. He lead you through the back doors and outside where you took a deep breath of the crisp morning air.
“It’s gonna be difficult, but try not to think about him. Every time you find yourself drifting back to him, try and replace it with something that makes you happy, like uh braiding my hair! Or making paper airplanes with Kaminari and how you beat him every time.” Kirishima laughs, lifting your chin up with his thumb and forefinger.
“He did a really scummy thing, and it hurts, I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m gonna help however I can, and however you need me too.” Kirishima’s support was flooding your system. Your heart felt warm, despite feeling broken and cold hours earlier.
You didn’t thank him verbally, instead you threw your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly, smiling.
Kirishima hugged you back and smiled. He missed your smile. 
Days turned into weeks, and things had slowly gone back to normal. You smiled more often. You informed Kaminari and Sero about your split from Bakugou, and eventually told most your friends, but not in detail.
However, Kirishima stayed by your side the most. And as you healed, you realized how much Kirishima had been there for you through all of it. And how maybe you had possibly got tied into things too fast with Bakugou.
While a part of you did love Bakugou during your time together, now you were beginning to realize how you really felt for Kirishima, a flame that had begun to burn long before you and Bakugou had been together.
But it seemed as you healed, and began to move on, finding your own happiness outside of Bakugou and the way he had treated you, Bakugou began to miss you.
Missing the way you’d kiss him, or hug him before bed. Missing the way you left his shirts smelling like you. Or the way you would always write little love notes on his study sheets.
Seeing you spend more time with Kirishima, seeing you so genuinely happy, the kind of happy you seemed to be when you used to be with him, made him mad. It made him miss you.
And sooner or later, his anger bubbled over and he snapped.
“Aye what the fuck?!” Bakugou shouted, watching as you quickly cowered away from Kirishima as Bakugou approached the two of you.
“You got a problem? We can take this outside if we need to.” Kirishima spoke up, quickly earning most of the ears of your peers.
“Yeah why the fuck you up on them like that?” Bakugou stared at you. Your face contorted in anger as you stepped forward.
“I’m sorry?” You laughed, staring at the blonde who was now your ex-boyfriend.
“You better back the fuck up.” Kirishima commented. Kaminari and Sero quickly stood to aid, positioning themselves on either side of you, positive you could handle yourself against Bakugou, but albeit cautious.
“No. Why’re you all up on them, you fucking got a thing for them? Spit it out shitty-hair.”
“No. You don’t get a fucking say in this. You fucking cheater. Ruining something so fucking special. Do you have any fucking idea how badly you hurt them? You didn’t even care to apologize. You fucking asshole. You don’t get to be upset.” Kirishima snapped. A few gasps from students. Bakugou’s face dropped at Kirishima’s words.
“I-I was just bored! All we ever did was just hang out-but I-”
“You what, Katsuki?” You approached him. You stood right in front of him and shook your head.
“I loved you. I really did, I gave my all to you, I sacrificed time and effort to make you happy because I felt like I was nothing compared to you. I have never felt like I was so below someone while being with them until I was with you. Constantly compared to you, it was fucking awful. You’re a cheating piece of shit. And I’m so sorry that you miss me now because I certainly fucking don’t miss you.” You spoke, your chest heaving as you sighed, turning and pulling Kirishima outside, along with a few others who had sided with you. 
Bakugou stood silently, feeling the eyes of everyone on him, judging him as he headed up toward his dorm.
“That was awesome!” Kaminari cheered, patting your shoulder.
“I didn’t know I had that in me.” You smiled, hugging Kirishima. Kirishima stood silently beside you.
“Hey, you okay? Forget about him, it’s over, we won, did you see the look on his face?” You nudged his side. Kirishima groaned and pulled you into him, slamming his lips on yours.
Your eyes widened as he kissed you, but you didn’t fight it. You closed your eyes and melted into the kiss, eventually drawing your arms up over his shoulders, deepening the kiss as he leaned into you more.
Kirishima pulled away and quickly glanced to Kaminari and Sero who’s mouths were formed into small ‘o’s quickly looking away as Kirishima chuckled.
“Woah.” You breathed, smiling as you stared at Kirishima.
“Sorry I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” Kirishima apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but laugh.
You leaned up and kissed him again, smiling as he kissed back, your lips moving rhythmically against one another.
Shortly after, Kirishima made sure you were ready for a relationship before asking. Recovery from your previous relationship had gone well, and once you were ready, Kirishima didn’t hesitate to ask. He would’ve waited a lifetime for you.
And Kirishima showed you love, real love. He cherished you, brought you up when you were low, and allowed you to shine, just as you did for him. Supporting him through his highs and his lows, helping him when he needed, and loving him for who he was.
You felt whole, truly happy. The kind of happy you hadn’t felt for a while. And you didn’t think about Bakugou once during it. If you interacted, you were curt, and always handled the situations quickly. You didn’t need to focus on him.
And when you beat him during a test, it only proved you had grown stronger.
Bakugou had lost this battle. 
And you were winning by a long shot, with a happy, healthy, relationship with someone who loved you, someone who truly loved you.
And that flame inside you, burning for Kirishima, only grew.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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lilithbasically · 3 years
Pro HeroesxReaderw/BigThighs
I've been drinking and this is purely self-indulgent. I will not apologize for it.
*Minors DNI*
Warnings: Face-sitting, daddy kink, use of (Princess, Little One, Doll, Baby, Mami, Angel), biting, oral (f&m receiving), thigh slapping/spanking, thigh riding, thigh fucking, smidge of degradation and praise, little bit of bondage, mention of dacryphilia, edging, quirk play
W.C.: 1K
In order: Dynamight (Bakugo), Red Riot (Kirishima), Deku (Midoriya), Shoto (Todoroki, S.), Cellophane (Hanta), Chargebolt (Kaminari)
Info: Reader has big thighs. Strong, cellulite, plush, and grabbable. Who could resist? Def not the following men.
I got a little carried away with Deku's 😗
💥 Dynamight
-Will not tolerate pants in the house. Absolutely the fuck not.
-"Why the fuck you trying to hide from me for?"
-Wanna sit next to him on the couch?
-Whether you're at a friend's house, your own, or your family's, this man has you in his lap. Squeezing and kneading at your thighs as he subtly grinds his length against your ass
-When he wants to eat you out? (Which is all the time) All this man does is pinch your thighs, knowing you'll go to the closest unoccupied room and wait for him.
-Don't get it twisted, Bakugo could die between your thighs a happy man. And he eats you for his pleasure so...hellooooo overstim
-Moaning into your dripping cunt when he feels the telltale signs of your impending orgasm.
-Thighs squeezing around his head, walls fluttering, lapping at your clit as he finger fucks you through your release.
-"That's fuckin right, Princess...crush Daddy...good fuckin girl"
-Squeezing your thighs while biting and sucking, leaving marks all over the inner side
-Mating press? YUP. Holding your plush thighs hard enough to leave bruises for days as he pounds into you
🪨 🌞 Red Riot
-The first time he saw your thighs spilling over some thigh high socks, mans about passed out
-When y'all started dating? Pssshhhhh his hands almost never leave your thighs
-Fucking you against walls? Definitely a top favorite position because he gets to support you by holding and kneading your thighs
-Like Bakugo, he loves eating you out.
-BUT he will only do it with your legs on his shoulders, thighs sitting flush against his neck
-Obviously into choking because he almost cums every time your thighs squeeze the sides of his neck when he shoves his tongue into you
-He knows you love it when he hardens his fingers and drags them down your thighs
-He also loves that you love when he sinks his sharp teeth into the plush skin
-"Mmmm...love your thighs, Little One..." as he slaps them to see the cute jiggle
-Will have you ride his thigh so he can feel one of yours rubbing against his cock. Definitely humps into it in time with you bc "Daddy just wants to cum with his Little One"
-Will constantly have his head in your lap when on the couch or lounging in bed
-If not his head, definitely a hand, squeezing and kneading mindlessly
🥦 Deku
-Thigh fucker. Will not be taking criticism.
-It was supposed to be a one time thing between the two of you. A particularly rough mission left you both frustrated and what better way to get rid of that than to fuck it out?
-Pulling his cock from your mouth, he lays you on a bench, putting both your legs on one shoulder
-Letting a line of spit drip from his lips to his dick, he inserts himself between your thighs, wrapping his arms around them to keep them tight
-He definitely activates his quirk as he thrusts against your slit, using your slick as lube, letting the tip of his cock rub over your clit with every thrust.
-All it takes is feeling your pussy drench his dick as you cum for him to fall over his own edge, covering your thighs in thick white ropes.
-"Fuck, Doll...need you again...miss your thighs squeezing my cock"
-Needless to say, it didn't stay a one time thing.
❄️🔥 Shoto
-Another thigh fucker.
-Except, he likes to do it from the back because as much as he loves your thighs, he loves to see the jiggle flow from your ass down your thighs just as much.
-Rope. This man will definitely tie your legs together to make sure he can use you exactly how he wants.
-Definitely puts a bullet vibrator against your clit just to make sure he gets to feel your slick surround his dick as it drips down your thighs
-Spanking, spanking, spanking
-The entire time his cock plunges between your thighs, he's spanking you. Your ass and thighs WILL be red and sore. Lightly activates his quirk every few slaps just for a little more spice
-"Daddy...please..." you whimper out. "Awww...is my poor little slut too sensitive? Too bad, baby. I'm nowhere near done with these delicious fucking thighs"
💛🖤 (v upset there's not a tape emoji) Cellophane
-The first time the idea popped in his head was when you got an injury to your thigh and it had a line of gauze wrapped around it. Squishy thigh spilling over the edges, he was obsessed and on a new mission.
-He HAD to see you taped up for him to use as he pleased.
-So now here you are, his tape wrapped around your body, focusing mainly on your legs, completely spread out before him.
-"Mmmm, mami, you look so fucking good like this..." as he runs his fingers over the tape on your thighs, feeling the little bump of skin bulging over the edges.
-Wants to watch you fuck yourself while he strokes his cock and kneads, slaps, and pulls at your thighs until he cums all over them and your pussy
-Definitely makes you sit on his face. "Nu uh, Mami...all the way down" as he pulls your thighs down to sit flush against the sides of his face so he can devour your cunt
⚡️ Chargebolt
-Man's a pervert. He's definitely into thigh fucking too but what he loves the most?
-Feeling them tremble and shake just as you approach your climax.
-That being said, he's hella into edging.
-Loves seeing you cry too, begging for release. But, he just can't help himself. How could you not understand? Your strong, beautiful thighs trembling for him? How could he not edge you?
-Oh, god and when he activates his quirk just a little to send consistent jolts from your thighs to travel to your clit, making you clench your thighs.
-"Oh, Angel, I know you wanna cum but I love seeing you shake for me..."
-Has absolutely cum without you touching him at all because he loves seeing you fall apart that much
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Living room, Kirishima, and fluffy cuddly movie time
“Babe? Kiri your home early .”
He was indeed, and he had the biggest smile on his face along with a bag in his hand that seemed to be being held together by pure luck. Kiri rushed to you picking you up and bringing you to your shares living room not saying anything, just a big goofy smile on his face.
“Kiri?!?!? Kiri i was studying?!?”
“Not anymore’!” He set you on the couch dumping the bag next to you. “I got all your favorite movies !!!”
You wanted to question how he got these things but that wasint important right now. “Kiri.. cmere ya big goof”
Kiri kissed your cheek getting on the couch pulling you between his legs, he pulled down the blanket from the couch wrapping you and him in it making sure you were comfortable and cozy. You put the movie in a laptop and snuggles back into Kiris strong arms while he slowly stroked your head with a silly smile on his face
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story-thief · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'5", Gender: female, Quirk: Mind Reading, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Eijiro have been dating for quite some time now and are extremely close. ___________________________
It was early in the morning and Eijiro Kirishima had decided to go for a short walk before school started. UA was still asleep or just waking up, along with the majority of the city at that time. The red-headed boy couldn't help but hum to himself softly as he wandered the plot around the high school dorms. He liked nature far more than the city, though he loved both, and as such, he liked to take a short lap around the campus before starting his day.
The grass padded gently underfoot as he neared the end of his stroll, and that's when something caught his eye. It was a patch of bright blue and purple flowers covered in a very curious design, Kirishima had never seen anything like them. "Woah!!" He chimed excitedly as he squatted down to give them a closer inspection. The flowers were very extravagant despite their small size, looking as if the worlds most talented and skilled artist had done each one by hand. Seeing them made him think of his girlfriend, (Y/N)!
Kirishima blushed lightly as she came to mind, he'd have to show these to her after school, he was sure she'd love them!!!
Ecstatically, he reached down and gently picked a few, smelling them. They were sweet like fresh fruit. Upon reaching the pavement of the dorm's grounds he soaked in a little more of the morning's crisp atmosphere. As he took a deep breath he was quickly overcome with a strong sensation of vertigo. Stumbling lightly he shook his head briskly, blinking rapidly, surprised by the sudden tiredness. "What the-??" He coughed. What was that!? His body was probably still trying to get up and going, he'd be fine, he thought as he shook it off, flowers still in hand as he marched toward the building doors.
As he walked in, the teen boy felt another strong wave of dizziness and fatigue hit him hard. Geez, why'd he feel so out of sorts all of the sudden he was fine though, right?! Kirishima ignored the sudden change and attempted to keep walking, successfully making it up the stairs and to his room.
Opening the door, he felt unsteady on his feet. The red head made his way over to his bed where he plopped down to stop for a quick breather. What was going on??! Did he just not get enough sleep and it was only just now getting to him??? Gripping his head in his hands, he glanced over at his clock to see how much time he had. It was only 7:20am, he could probably squeeze in another forty-five minutes to an hour with plenty of time to get ready.
Eijiro flopped backwards onto his bed, eye lids getting heavier and heavier till eventually the world went dark.
(Y/N) chirped and talked excitedly with Tsue and Uraraka before class started. It was about five minutes or so till it was time, and it was only then that she realized that Eijiro was no where to be found. "Hey Bakugo!" She called to the grumpy blond who only turned around in his chair to glare back at her. "Have you seen Eijiro at all today??" The young girl asked him, to which he responded curtly, "Tch- How should I know??? The dumb idiot probably missed his stupid alarm." He grumbled, turning away from her to stare straightforward.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, weird.... he didn't typically cut it this close...something must be wrong. She worried as concern flashed her features. "hmm, I'll be right back!!" She called as she dashed out the door, Iida's protests could be heard as she jogged off.
Quickly pulling herself along, she moved from the school to the dorms; she then made her way to the boy's dorm halls. She swiftly and easily found Kiri's door, her quirk picking up on his brainwaves which were surprisingly relaxed and passive for how outgoing and high energy he was.
Easing his door open, (Y/N) was met by a dark, empty room. Wait- where was he?? "Eijie...????" She called softly, slowly walking in. "Eijiroooooo~~???" She whispered quietly before flicking on the lights.
The room was indeed empty and tidy with the exception of his clothes strewn lazily across his bed. “Weird... where’d he go?!” She wondered aloud, walking further into the room. She could sense him near by, so where was he??? “KIRISHIMA!” She called one last time, causing something to stir.
Motion caught Atashame’s eye and she looked down at the clothes on the bed to see a tiny lump the size of a rat or a mouse moving under the shirt. “WHAT THE-?!”
Kirishima slept peacefully in what felt like a large warm mass of blankets when something woke him. “KIRISHIMA!!!!!” He heard a familiar voice call loudly, startling him awake.
As he opened his eyes and looked around he couldn’t quite make out where he was. All he could see was-.... red cloth? He squirmed around trying to find the opening to whatever or wherever he was. “WHAT THE-?!” He heard the same voice again, only now he was able to recognize who it belonged to. “(Y/N)?!” He asked looking around, still confused as to where on earth he was.
”K-KIRISHIMA?!” He heard her exclaim, “Yeah! Where are you?! Where am I?!” He replied, still crawling through the endless ocean of fabrics. “I-Is that really you?!” She asked again, only confusing him more, why’d she sound so confused, what was going on, AND WHERE ON THIS BLASTED EARTH WAS HE?!
”Yes it’s me!!! (Y/N), what’s going on?!” He yelled, growing weary. Suddenly the fabric opened just enough to pop out his head.
(Y/N) watched in absolute disbelief as the lump crawled around confusedly. It sounded as if it were Eijiro, but how in the galaxy would he have gotten that small??! She couldn’t wait any longer....
She tentatively reached out and opened the shirt from the neck collar, tossing it back a little, still nervous of what she might find. As the shirt fell back, a tiny head with frazzled, staticky red hair popped out.
His little head looked around, blinking in the bright light. “(Y/N)??” He asked again still trying to make out what all he was looking at, his complete size difference making everything seem so foreign.
Things finally registered and (Y/N) finally came to grip that this was indeed, reality. “YOURE SO SMALL!!!!” She cried. Eijiro winced at the loud noise, eyes going wide as he worked to look at her, “WOAH!!! YOURE HUGE!!!” He squeaked back, his voice only slightly softer and higher than normal.
(Y/N) shook her head briskly, “NO, YOU SHRUNK!!!” She exclaimed, gesturing to the rest of the room. Kirishima sat up and looked around, the shirt still draped across him. “WH- YOURE RIGHT?!” He exclaimed, falling back over from the sheer surprise.
(Y/N) reached her hand out in an offering for him to climb on before realizing that-... his clothes were on the bed..... and he was inside of them... which would naturally mean-
“WAIT!!! YOURE WEARING CLOTHES RIGHT?!” She yelled, turning bright red. The little man moved to cover his ears again at her loud yelling before processing what she said. With wide eyes, he quickly looked down at himself which was still covered by the shirt, to see that he was, indeed, naked. “Uh- No not really!!” He admitted, wrapping the shirt tighter around himself, a rose color tinting his cheeks. He looked up at her sheepishly, “Y-you don’t happen to have any kind of tiny clothing... do you?” He asked in embarrassment.
“No, I don- WAIT!!! I MIGHT!!!!” She exclaimed running out of the room, leaving the little red head on the bed.
Aaaaaaaaaand she was gone. Kirishima was left in his room by himself. He stood and began walking around on the mattress, still trying to get a gage at both his current hight and at the reality of the situation. This was a dream right?? What happened?/ He was fine this morning!! As he did, he heard footsteps returning. "CRUD!-" He then dove for the cover of his shirt, his head poking out, just as (Y/N) had left him.
He watched the giantess come skipping in, "Tah-dah!!!!" She exclaimed cheerfully, holding up a doll's outfit. The was a red T-shirt and ripped shorts, along with black leggings that had been cut to create makeshift boxers. Eijiro lit up, surprised she even had the stuff! "Its so manly!!!" he exclaimed happily. "Here!! I'll uh- heh, I'll give you a moment of privacy...." She chuckles, tossing him the clothes and turning around.
The tiny bean of a child takes them gratefully and ducks back under his original clothes to change. He soon comes out fully dressed,  toothy smile and all. "This is awesome!!" He laughs, "O-Oh!! Im decent, you can look now!!" He tells her, signaling her that it was safe.
She turned around and was met by the most gracious darn adorable thing she had ever seen in her life. "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!" She couldn't help but squeal at the precious sight. "You're so tiny and cute!!!" (Y/N) giggled hysterically. Eijiro blushed lightly at her reaction. "Hey!!"
What (Y/N) saw before her was truly an image from heaven. There he stood, proud and small, dressed in the clothes her dolls had been wearing previously, hair a fluffy, wacky, tussled mess, sharp, sharky smile shining a bright glow, and best of all, He was so tiny, he could easily fit on her hand, shoulder, pocket, you name it!!! It was simply too much adorableness for her and she could no longer help herself.
She eagerly held out her hands as if asking his permission, to which she was granted as he carefully climbed on, wrapping his minuscule hands around her thumb as she lifted him. "You're so stincon lincon cuuuuuuuuuteeeee~~~~" She giggled, looking him up and down as he sat cross legged on her palm. He blushed more, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!" He laughed. "How did this happen?!" you ask, sitting on his bed where he once stood.
"I- I don't know.... I felt sick at one point so i decided to lie down and get some more rest and well- I only woke up when you came in and I was already small!!" He explained. "Huh-.... Well... you know, Recovery Girl might- OH NO WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!!!" She cried, standing quickly and knocking him over as he gripped onto her hand for dear life. "Woah!!" He cried, startled by all the sudden movement. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" She apologized, “I keep forgetting....” she admitted embarrassedly.
The tiny boy shakily sat up, giving her the same determined smile as his little body quivered from the adrenaline shock. “Don’t worry about me!” He exclaimed hardening himself in her hand as he grinned up at her. The giantess smiled back though she was still very apologetic. "I should still be more careful though, i'm just glad you're alright." She told him with a relieved sigh.
"Let's go see Recovery Girl about this first..." (Y/N) suggested, him only nodding in response. "Here.. Uh..." The girl then began looking herself up and down, trying to find a suitable spot to place him. Kirishima quickly caught on, "I can just ride on your shoulder!!!" He suggested, which she silently hoped he would. "Sure!!" (Y/N) chimed.
She tried the awkward motion of keeping her palm facing up while trying to make it easier for him to get to her shoulder. In short, he almost fell.
Once he was comfortably standing onto her shoulder they headed for the infirmary. "I really hope this can be fixed...." (Y/N) half muttered, slight worry crossing her features. The tiny shark on her shoulders only nodded as she opened the door and walked inside.
The sweet, short old woman known as Recovery Girl was tiding up the place when they came in, possibly after a different patient. "Oh!! Hello (L/N)!" She greeted, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?? What's wrong!!" She asked, apparently not noticing Kirishima's current state.
”I’m fine thanks! Um, I’m actually worried about this little guy....” She chuckled, turning her shoulder more toward the old woman, showing off her minuscule classmate. “Oh!!!” She cried, startled to see him like that. “What ever happened??” She asked the two. “We don’t know.....” “I just woke up like this...” they both commented.
Recovery girl thought for a bit, “Well what did you do in the last bit of time before it happened???” She asked, (Y/N) turning to look at Eijiro best she could whilst he thought. “Well, when I first woke up this morning, I was normal sized and I went for a walk around the campus grounds...” he recounted, “then when I came back to the dorms I suddenly got really dizzy and nauseous.” He finished.
The old woman placed a hand on her chin, “hmmm was there anything out of the ordinary or slightly different as opposed to other days??” She asked, making him think for a minute.
”Not that I remember- Wait!- I think, YES! I remember near the end of my walk there were these flowers!! I’ve never seen them before!” He exclaimed quickly, earning an interested look from Recovery Girl. “Were they blue and purple with little white designs?!” She asks, “YES THEY WERE HOW'D YOU KNOW!?!” “Wait have you dealt with them before?” (Y/N) asked after Kirishima.
The little woman let out a long sigh, “Yes I have, they’re a nuisance those things...” she grumbled, “Eating or inhaling them have the same effect, only eating will cause it to last longer,...” She explained. “And as I’m sure you’ve noticed so far, they make you shrink. The effects will ware off after a little more or less than 24 hours, depending on how much of it you took in, otherwise it can’t be helped.” The woman finished illuminating the situation for them, “I’ll send someone out to exterminate them in a bit.” She says, “For now I believe you two have classes to be attending.” She says, handing them a pass that explains where they’ve been, most likely for Aizawa Sensei. “Oh- ok then!! Thank you!!” They both called as she shooed them out the door.
“Looks like you’ll be like this for the rest of the day!” (Y/N) comments to him as they walk to their home classroom. Kirishima, still smiling ear to ear just shrugs, “I’m honestly excited about it!! Sounds like I’ll be fine, so I think this could be pretty fun!” He tells her to which she snickers, opening the class door. “Heyo! were back!”
Being small wasn’t all that bad! Eijiro got to sit on his girlfriend’s shoulder and desk throughout all the classes and while he didn’t admit this out loud, not having to take notes was actually kinda nice!!! And when lunch rolled around, Lunch Rush even made him a tiny dish just for himself!
Yet despite all this, Hero training classes for that day were called off, much to the little rock’s disappointment, leaving the two of them the entire afternoon.....
“So what do you wanna go do??” Eijiro asked as they flopped on the couches of the common room, little Kiri sprawled on her stomach. (Y/N) shrugged, “Well, before you shrunk I had a date planned for today...” She half asks, looking down at him with a soft smile. Kirishima perked up immediately, “REALLY?! WELL LETS GO!! WHO’S TO SAY WE CANT STILL HAVE FUN!?!?” He yells enthusiastically, standing now as he smashes his little baby fists together. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, knocking him off his feet.
Gracious she was beautiful.
And the size difference only seemed to emphasize everything amazing about her despite how people said it typically brought out every imperfection.... maybe that’s what he liked so much about her, that both he and she were so different yet similar, they completed each other in so many ways, every quirk and goofy thing about her just seemed so amazing to him.
Oops!! He must’ve gotten lost in thought!!
”Oh yeah!! Sorry, I spaced off for a minute!” He laughed with a blush, scratching the back of his neck. (Y/N)'s face lit up with a smile, “It’s ok!! Just noticed you seemed somewhere else!” She grinned, sitting up some.
As she offered her hand, the little red head climbed on, beaming up at her. "So where are we going!?" He asked excitedly. "I just guess you'll have to see!!" She teased, slipping her shoes on and jogging out the door with him still on her shoulder, using her ear as support and not fall.
After some nice small talk about random things and the events of the day, they soon arrived at the train station. "Come ooooonnnnnn you've gotta tell me!!! We're going on the train, man!!" The little man begged. "Nooo, That ruins the surprise!!" She responded, determined not to tell, just as much as he was to find out.
Coming to a bench, (Y/N) stopped to sit down and wait for their ride. As they did two little girls and their mother sat beside them.
Kirishima pouted on (Y/N)'s shoulder, trying to plot on how to get her to reveal their destination. As he did it was only out the corner of his eye that he saw a giant hand reaching for him. As he moved to react it wrapped its fingers around his upper half and face. “ACK-?!” He let out a muffled cry as he kicked and pushed at the hand gripping him.
(Y/N) was preoccupied looking up details about her and Eijiro’s date on her phone, which she held next to her hip on the opposite side of Kirishima so he couldn’t see. So much so that she didn’t even notice when the two little girls plucked him up and began playing with him excitedly like they would a doll.
“Alright Eijiro!!!” She chimes, turning off her phone and turing her head expecting to see him on her shoulder only to see a couple of girls practically torturing the poor little guy. “Oh my heavens!!!! Um, you need to give me him back!!!” She told them, reaching for her boyfriend. “No!” One cried, holding him out and away from (Y/N). “Excuse me, Madam???” She panicked and got the attention of the woman who seemed to be absorbed in something on her own device. The woman startled when (Y/N) rapidly tapped her shoulder, “Hi!!! Yeah- um that’s mine and your little girls seem to not want to give it back!!!” She quickly told, terrified they might smother him.
Their mother reacted swiftly, “Lina, Haru!!!” She scolded, “If that’s not yours then you need to give it back!” She chided.
The girls looked down each and apologized, handing the limp little form back to (Y/N). “Thank you!” She said quickly, cupping him tenderly in her hands as he gasped for breath the moment the tiny fingers released.
The mother startled upon seeing that Kirishima was alive and not some other little doll of sorts. “Oh dear me!!!!” She cried, “Is that thing alive?!” She asked in disbelief.
(Y/N) didn’t answer, too occupied in making sure her shrunken boyfriend was alright. “Kiri are you ok?!” She cried, subconsciously holding her breath as he sucked in every possible one he could.
The tiny shark gave a weak smile and a thumbs up, still coughing and choking on each breath.
“I am so sorry!!!!” The mother apologized again, still absolutely dumbfounded. “It’s ok!” Eijiro croaked, “Dont worry about it, I’m fine!!” He added, trying his best to put the giantesses about him at ease.
The little girls just stayed quiet, looking terribly sorry, but too shy and ashamed to say anything.
It was then that their train arrived, quite busily too. “I think he’ll be ok, it my fault for not paying better attention....” (Y/N) reassures, supporting the shakey tiny in her hands as she got up and began heading for the train. “Oh my heavens!!! Are you ok?!” She asked again once they were out of earshot. Eijiro did actually seem alright now and he nodded, “Yeah! Just scared me, I wasn’t expecting that!” He says cheerily despite the fact that his body is still clearly vibrating. “Yeah me neither, and honestly I’m kinda worried about being on here....” (Y/N) admitted as they climbed onto the train and began looking for a seat. “Do you have anywhere safe you’d feel comfortable letting me sit??” Eijiro asked, cocking his little head to the side.
(Y/N) looked herself up and down, “Would you be ok in a pocket??” She asked him, using her thumb of her other hand to pull open one of her front pockets on her pants.
Kirishima lit up and smiled, “Yeah!! I don’t mind that!!!” He chirped. She smiled warmly at this, lowering her hand so he could climb in. She watched with slight amusement as he awkwardly tried to slip inside, swinging one leg, then the other, and completely disappearing from sight as she could feel him drop down inside.
As Eijiro slipped into the pocket he wasn’t honestly expecting such deep pockets, like who needs pockets this big?!
Luckily the pocket was loose and he was able to wiggle around, trying to find how to best be comfortable. It took a while but the mini man finally settled. It was like a giant warm cocoon of blankets!! Enough so.... that.... he began... to......... drift....... off~~.....
"Hey! Kiri!!" Kirishima awoke to something very large nudging his side softly, "Hmm?! Huh???"  He muttered, blinking in confusion as he tried to figure out where he was. He found himself in a warm, dark, and cushioned room that swayed steadily back and forth. And he quite frankly didn't remember entering it... "Eijiro!!" (Y/N)'s voice broke his thoughts, and that's when realization struck him. He had fallen asleep in his girlfriend's pocket on the train. "What??" He asked, squirming to peek his head out the pocket and up at her.
She giggled upon seeing his fluffy little head emerge. "Did you seriously fall asleep??" She laughed, walking through the station as she climbed off the train. "Maybe?" He grinned back up at her, "Wait, wait, give me your hand!!" He cheered, already getting out of the pocket, "Woah!! Geez little dude, are you trying to fall and get crushed!?" The young girl exclaimed, stumbling slightly as she tried to catch him.
Kirishima ignored her question and wasted no time in climbing her arm, pulling himself up to her shoulder. "SO WHERE ARE WE HEADED!?" He eagerly bounced, ecstatic to finally be getting to see what she had in store. (Y/N) couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm.
(Y/N) walked out of the station and down the street, people they passed giving shocked, startled and amazed looks at the enthusiastic little bean that bounced relentlessly on his girlfriend’s shoulder.
As the building came to view, Kirishima let out a gasp. “NO WAY!!!” He cried, his sharky little smile growing wider than his face could handle.
(Y/N) lost herself in laughter over his reaction, the place she had taken him was a new restaurant. It had only been open a week and it already had some of the highest ratings in the area. And best of all, they were famous for their numerous meat dishes. Kirishima had been talking about wanting to go ever since it was announced that one would be built here.
”If you like it enough, we can always come back when your bigger and can eat more!!” She told him, to which he eagerly nodded.
She pressed the door open and walked in. They were then seated at a table for one, in an outside area underneath a covering. “Wow!! This is actually really nice!!” (Y/N) chirped, Kirishima waddling carefully down her arm to sit on the table before slipping and sliding the rest of the way, which he quickly shook off, adding his own excited comment, "I know right!?" He cried, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time!!" He yelled, absolutely hyped, per usual.
Not too long after they had sat down a waiter came over to take their order. "Good evening ma'am, my name is Akio!! I'll be your server tonight!!!" he hummed, giving her a charming smile. Kirishima silently grew jealous, frustrated that his lack of size made him invisible, and therefore his girlfriend a target for this young fellow. (Y/N) on the other hand seemed to pay it no mind, "Ah!! Thank you!!" She responded politely as she would under any occasion, yet it only grew the miniature man's jealousy.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a little longer??" He asked, still very clearly into her. "I think we'll wait a little longer!! For now could I get a water??" she asked. Akio gave her a confused blink when she said 'we' but shook it off, "of course!!" he chimed, moving to walk off before (Y/N) glanced down, "What do you want to drink??" She asked Kirishima, confusing the waiter even further, "I'm sorry me-??" he turned around, seeing that she was not looking at him, but down by her folded arms that rested on the table. And there his eyes met the tiny crimson ones of Eijiro, who gave him a quick look before returning to his bright and happy demeanor and answered the giantess. "Wanna just share a strawberry lemonade?!" he chimed, to which the girl seemed to perk up at, "Oooo!! Actually that sounds great!!" she beamed, turning to face Akio, who was currently in a state of shock.
"I- He- He's alive!?" The server finally sputtered, "And so small!!! How?!" the man couldn't believe what he was looking at, causing (Y/N) to scratch the back of her head, "Right, I forgot that this would still startle people,... I feel bad I've kinda gotten used to you like this..." She laughed to Eijiro who smiled back, "I know right?? Anyways, its a long story!!" He told the waiter who remained starstruck. The man nodded nonetheless, making his way off to go retrieve their drinks.
As soon as he left Kirishima felt better, he didn't like the look he was giving her, but now that the waiter knew the young girl wasn't alone he'd most likely lay off. "So what's the menu say?!" He asked merrily, rubbing his little hands together. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle as he hopped onto the menu where she was trying to read, already looking at the kabobs. "OOOOO!!!!" He gasped at a specific option that he was definitely getting! It was an assorted kabob of fish, shrimp, beef, pork, and chicken, some vegetables like tomato, cabbage, and beets. "I know what Im gonna eat!!" He cheered hugrily, mouth watering madly. "What about you??" He asked, his smile like a tiny sun glaring up at her. "Well, I think i'll figure it out once I can see what's there!!" She teased, gently grabbing the back cuff of his shirt between her two fingers and setting him down, off the menu. "Sorry!" He sheepishly chuckled, wriggling briefly at first but going limp when he saw she was going to set him back down. She then couldn't resist the urge to ruffle his soft hair with her index finger. "Hey!! You know that's hard to fix!!!!" He whined at the motion, gently pushing her finger away with his tiny hands. (Y/N) just grinned wider, suppressing a giggle.
"I'll probably just get a Katsudon!!!" she told him as their waiter was returning with the drink. He brought a little shot glass that was filled with some of the drink. (Y/N) thanked him before telling him their orders. they agreed that Kirishima would get the meal normal sized and they'd just take whatever he didn't eat to go. Soon they were enjoying some of the best food they had ever had.
Surprisingly Kirishima had managed to eat an entire kabob, but given the fact that he was a human vacuum, it didn't startle her too much.
After dinner they went for a walk, making their way down the streets of the area, more wandering about rather than having a set goal in mind. "Today's been really crazy..." The hero in training commented with a laugh as she waltzed one of the area's public park walkways with her boyfriend perched behind her ear. He liked the spot as it was more secure than just sitting on her shoulder and he got to mess with her hair. "But very manly!!" He added, braiding a couple strands. "Yeah!! It has!!" She agreed as they made their way back to the station. As they walked, (Y/N) spotted an ice cream cart. "Ooo!! Hey, wanna get a quick treat before we head back to the dorms?!" She asked him, feeling as he quickly stood, gripping onto some of her hair for balance.
"YES!" "OW,OW,OW,OW,OW!! KIRI THAT HURTS!!" "Agh-!! S-Sorry!!" he quickly apologized, letting go, therefore losing his balance and quickly falling. "Woah!!" "Eijiro!!!" Atashame caught him before he hit the pavement, "Jeez...." She muttered, taking a slow breath after the heart attack she had just received. "Y-You ok?!" She asked, pressing a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart beat and breathing. He just nodded, giving her another shaky smile like before. "Well I'm just glad you're alright..." She sighed before lifting him up to her face and planting a kiss on his small, soft head. He blushed and smiled radiantly as she pulled away, leaning up to return the gesture on her large nose, causing her heart to flutter. He was just so sweet and precious, and huggable, and squishy, and soft, and adorable, and fluffy, and ahhhhhhhh~~~~  (Y/N) couldn't help but think to herself, subconsciously squealing and hugging him to her cheek, lost in her own thoughts. "Ack- don't crush me!!" Kirishima laughed as he hugged her back.
She finally pulled away, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself!!" her tiny boyfriend grinned mischievously before jumping from her hand to sit on her nose and better hug her face. "Hey, I wasn't done hugging you!!" he half pouted, earning another soft giggly squeal from his giant girlfriend. "Ok, now Im satisfied!! You give very manly face hugs." He declared proudly, grabbing the hair atop her head to pull himself up her face. "Ow! Eijiro I just told you that hurts!!" She flinched, hovering her hands just below him as if for him to jump down but he ignored her, eventually climbing up and onto her head where he sat proudly. "Sorry, but I really wanted to try siting here!!" He told her as she could only smile at his silly antics.
"Alright what flavor?!" She asked him as she walked over to the cart. "hmmm.... How about fudge and vanilla!" He suggested, "Really?? Just fudge and vanilla??" She laughed, "Yeah!! Its a classic!!" He complained back, slightly put out by her silent judgement. "ok, ok, that's a good point, I will admit." She gave in as they came up on the cart.
"Could I get a soft serve mix of fudge and vanilla??" (Y/N) asked the man as he served them up in a small paper cup. He nodded and handed her the soft frozen treat, not really noticing the tiny man on her head at first before taking a double take as the two walked off to find a park bench to sit on.
They soon came up on a decent bench, and (Y/N) sat down carefully as to not knock the itty bitty shark off her head. "Alright!" She grinned eagerly, "Ready??" She asked him, feeling the pitter patter of tiny hands and feet crawling toward the front of her head. "HECK YEAH!!!" He cheered, just as excited, if not then more. "Catch!!!!" He yelled taking yet his third leap of faith. "DUDE!!! STOP JUMPING!!!" she cried in surprise as his tiny little form went hurdling from above yet again.
Kirishima just laughed wildly as the soft, warm cushion of his beloved girlfriend's delicate hands caught him, cupping up around him protectively. "No more. I revoke your rights!! You keep giving me heart attacks!!!" (Y/N) scolded, completely cupping her hands around his tiny warm body. "Wha-!? Hey!!!" He squawked, trying to press against her hands in retaliation, "You can't do that!!" He protested, squirming around trying various different ways to wiggle his way out of her grasp. "Well I just did!!" She quickly shot back before she was startled by something warm and wet running itself across her fingers. "A- ARE YOU LICKING ME!?" She asked in loud disbelief, hands flinching for a brief moment to lessen her grip on the tiny man-child who stopped briefly as a chorus of tiny, mischievous giggles came muffled from her cupped hands. "SO UNCOOL!!" She added before a sharp needle-like pricking registered with her. "DID YOU JUST BITE ME!?" She cried again, this time hesitating in her grasp just enough for him to poke his head and arms out. He was a laughing mess.
Much like a worm he continued to wriggle through her fingers. "Oh no you don't Mr!!!" She scoffed, reaching a second hand to grab him, just his arms and the topmost parts of his fluffy red hair poking out of the top of her fist, just his legs kicking wildly as he refused to yield. "Ha! Gatcha!!!" (Y/N) spoke too soon when he began to plant his feet against the base of her fist and he slide out of her hand, slipping out of his shirt too in the process.
And now she had a tiny, shirtless boyfriend running across her lap and the park bench as she tried desperately to stop him.
Oh brother.
"Kirishimaaaa~~~" The girl whined, grabbing him by the ankle and quickly bringing him up to be eye level with her as she glared at him. "What do you have to say for yourself??" She asked as he tried desperately to atop laughing, "You're beautiful and that was awesome!!!" He finally answered, tears running up his face from laughing so hard and being held upside down by his foot. (Y/N) couldn't stay even remotely put out if she wanted too and soon she too was laughing as she set him back down on her knee, planting a loving kiss on his head again. "So are we gonna eat this or are we just gonna let it melt??" She finally inquired, still grinning at him as he caught his breath.
Smiling his wide, toothy smile, he finally nodded in response. "Yes!!" He added a vocal reply, still quite excited from their little wrestling thing. "You wanna try it first??" She asked, scooping a small amount of the frozen dessert out of the cup. Kirishima nodded, reaching for the large spoon, leaning to take a bite off of it before (Y/N) moved the spoon forward so he'd be able to reach better from where he was. And so, The tiny red head got a face full of cream.
"OOP-" (Y/N) exclaimed as she accidentally shoved the sweet into his face. Kirishima popped is head out of the large spoonful, taking a moment to process what had just happened. "PPFFFFTttttttt-!!" The girl was soon lost in laughter over the sight of his stuned face completely slathered in gelato. "Um, I think you have a little something-" She tried to manage through her laughs.
Eijiro finally grinned, starting to laugh with her, "Maybe I should hold the spoon." He told her, wiping the ice cream from his face and onto his hands, and then into his mouth. "Its good though!" He piped up again through a full mouth. (Y/N) finally calmed herself, grabbing a napkin that they had also received from the vendor. "Here let me help." She offered, using the paper cloth to gently wipe and clean his face. "Better?" "Yeah thanks man!"
(Y/N) Then tucked away the napkin and they were able to enjoy the rest of the treat, taking turns taking bites, Kirishima at one point or another got his revenge, slapping a dollop of the treat onto her face. "Eijiro!" She exclaimed as he chuckled. The rest of the walk went nicely after they were able to sufficiently clean sticky hands.
After another warm pocket ride on the train, they walked to the dorms, both happy but tired from the long day. It was late when they got back as well, meaning it was dark and they were both feeling sleepy. Walking into the dorm building, they were met by friends who were eager to hear about the date, tease, and poke fun at the couple.
"Hey Eijiro?? Do you want me to just drop you off in your room??" (Y/N) asked after they were away from the others. Her minuscule boyfriend bit his lip seeming unsure. "Well... I don't really want to be alone while I'm this size..." He admitted, "Could-... Could i maybe stay with you for the night??" He asked her sheepishly, a bright pink glow lighting his features like a lantern. His girlfriend could only smile, her heart swelling in her chest, "Of course Baby!" She comforted, and began heading back to her room.
After opening the door, (Y/N) very gently set the little man down on her bed before grabbing a pair of folded clothes off her dresser, "Here, get comfy!! Im going to go change." She told him before heading into the bathroom.
After she left, Kirishima bee-lined for the large fluffy pillow, jumping on it and sinking into its mushy surface, feeling very warm and secure as it smelled strongly of (Y/N), by far his favorite smell in the world. The bathroom lock soon after clicked and his girlfriend came out, dressed in modest, simple pajamas, a white top and light blue shorts. She looked around trying to find where he had gone before she noticed the tiny lump sprawled across her pillow. Letting a soft giggle escape, she crept quietly toward the bed, pulling herself onto it without disturbing him. She then promptly lied down, gently burying her face into the pillow, nuzzling the tiny man with her nose and forehead. Kirishima gives a soft "oof-" at this, startling him awake from his nodding off. (Y/N) rests the weight of her head on the pillow, still hugging it to her face, tiredly kissing Kiri's belly as it’s the closest thing to her lips. She then let a warm, airy sigh of exhaustion escape and wash over the little body, ruffling the clothes a little, mindful that the breeze isn’t in his face.
The little shark is delighted and surprised by the sleepy snuggles. He hugs the giantess's nose and kisses the closest spot he can reach, between her eyebrows, which he then begins to massage in a satisfying circular motion, hoping to coax the muscles into a softer expression and ease any tension there.
With a small smile curling at her lips, (Y/N) continues to plant very slow, gradual kisses on her little boyfriend's entire torso along with the side of his face, pausing now and then, almost as if she'd fall asleep with her lips on him and her face half atop the tiny.
With a tender expression of his own, Eijiro caresses the girl's nose and cheeks all the while, enjoying the love and attention. He felt like if they were the same size right then, (Y/N)’s head would be buried in his chest, and he would be petting her soft, well kept hair. He had to admit that it was strange to be the comforting bed for a giant, but still, he loved it. He noticed the giantess dozing off and his little beaming grin grew. It really had been a long day especially with the fun they had had, and snuggling sounded very very inviting.
(Y/N) was almost asleep when she felt his tiny hand pat her face, signaling her to let him out from under her face. "Mmmm- Sorry..." She giggled groggily, letting him scurry out from underneath her. the two then carefully situated themselves with (Y/N) on her side, curled around her tiny man who hugged to her large warm body.
(Y/N) had slept very soundly throughout the entirety of the night, and when she awoke, it was to the very soft warm golden glow of the sun stretching itself into the room through closed blinds. The sleepy girl didn't quite remember closing the blinds last night. As her eyes gently fluttered open, it came to her attention that Kirishima was not a tiny little bean anymore, but very much his normal hight as he wrapped himself around her. A bright blush that rivaled the color of her man's hair blossomed on her cheeks, ears, neck, and tops of her shoulders. She looked up at his peaceful face as he held her close in a spooning position, her being the little spoon. (Y/N) then noted that he had her sweats on, but remained shirtless, his body like a human heater. She smiled to herself and snuggled close to him. 
Truly one of the best days ever.
A request for: Sunshine
i had a lot of fun writing this!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!! ____________________
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Bakugo x tiny YN - Hot Pocket
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie ___________________
let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, right now they are in the order of request and then inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. feel free to reblog though, id appreciate that!!
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sinkix · 4 years
! Kirishima Aftercare HC’S !
(because he’s a soft lil bean under all that rock)
<<Contains fluff and wholesome content>>
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Will smother you in cuddles, murmuring words of appraisal while his arm snakes around your waste and pulls you in to a warm spooning embrace (obviously he’s big spoon), the rising and falling of your chests syncing to a slow rhythm of content.
Definitely has a bottle of soothing lotion or aloe vera on hand, gently rubbing your rear in small circular motions to cover the area generously.
Ghosts his lips over your neck, admiring the swollen fang imprints decorating your skin that travel to various areas of your body. Satisfied with his level of branding, he smoothly traces his tongue along all the passionate wounds, his saliva and peppered kisses numbing the sore after ache.
Kiri will ask several times if there is anything he can do for you. Thirsty? He’ll get you something to drink, patting your head carefully like your a porcelain doll he’s fearful of shattering - all the while telling you how much of a good girl you are. Cold after a post orgasm high? You bet he’ll cocoon you in covers and blankets to your hearts content, gleefully sharing the heat together in a soothing act of intimacy. Hungry? Damn right he’ll fetch you something from the kitchen, giggling like a goof while feeding it to one another and curling your tongue around each others fingers to swipe away the excess, savouring the taste of one another’s skin as if it was the last time you’d both get a taste.
After-care baths with Kiri are heavenly I can tell you that much. He’ll sweep you off the bed and carry you to the tub so cautiously you’re surprised he didn’t envelop you in bubble wrap - easing you into the tub with an assiduous motion. Plonking in after you, a faint blush dusts his cheeks as if he were still a nervous high-school boy, just as entranced by your body and presence as the first time you met. Sitting there in blissful silence, legs intertwined around your waists to pull you closer between the suds scattered around the steamed water, gazing at one another longingly full of love as if you’ve just experienced your first time all over again. Being the dork he is, will definitely splash some suds your way, blowing chunks of foam from his palm and watch as it floats into the strands of your hair. This generally lasts for quite a while, either sitting in quiet and simply enjoying one another’s company, basking in the mellow atmosphere. Or, making peaceful conversation that puts you both at ease, talking about topics as simple as what to have for breakfast tomorrow, to as deep and thought provoking things as fate and soulmates - coming to the conclusion that if they are true, you two must be a prime example of this notion. 10/10 Would recommend an after care bath with Kirishima.
Don’t feel like sitting down and prefer to opt for a closer bodily embrace? Well this man has you covered, shower times with Kiri, especially post-sex is an experience to remember. He’ll wrap his arms around your slippery waist, fixated on the way the showers droplets trickle down your spine and onto the curves of your now soothed ass. Twirling you around, he’ll squeeze some shampoo into your palm and allow it to pool, before doing the same to his and massaging his fingertips against your scalp in smooth, fluid motions with you lovingly following suit, staring into one another’s eyes with large affectionate smiles plastered permanently against your cheeks. After, Kiri will be the first to grab a bar of soap and caress it along all the curves of your body, being so gentle on the abused areas with such adoration it’s enough to wash all your worries down the drain, your mind only registering the overwhelming amounts of love he has for you. Spending a long time on this with you washing one another, he’ll then turn off the shower and step out, picking up a towel and opening it wide for you, insisting you step in so he can wrap it around you with a giant bear hug, swaying you side to side with his cheek pressed against yours in a toothy grin. after you’re both dried up, he’ll once again carry you to the bedroom where you decide on how to spend the rest of your evening together, not that he minds - as long as it’s with you.
Thank you @roseyful​ for suggesting this! <3
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foli-vora · 3 years
sunday morning
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A/N: just a soft domestic drabble for @autumnleaves1991-blog writers Wednesday ❤️
Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x f!reader
Word count: no idea. I wrote this in my drafts lmao.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of pregnancy, brief spice (tiny mention of spanking, lead up to spiciness but nothing descriptive)
“I really need to get up.”
“No, you really don’t.”
“Jack, I have so much to do—”
“Look at the basket! It’s overflowing. Okay no. Get off, I need to—”
“No.” He whines into your shoulder, arms tightening around your torso as you wiggle desperately in his hold. “I just got home, and you want to do laundry? Baby, you’re breaking my little ol’ heart.”
You laugh quietly, relaxing in his hold. “I’ve been so lazy this week. I’m running out of things to wear—”
“I don’t see the problem, sugar. If it means you walk that sweet ass of yours around this house bare, then I’m inclined to dirty your entire wardrobe.” The growl is soft against your throat, and you giggle lightly as his moustache tickles your skin. “Besides, all this talk about being lazy while you’re working every damn day on growing this lovely little lady is downright ridiculous.”
A hand smooths over the soft skin of your prominent belly, fingers tracing softly over the stretch marks. Jack laughs quietly when he feels a gentle kick beneath his palm, his hand chasing the feeling of his little girl as she moves.
His voice is filled with pride when he speaks, the love he has for his little girl seeping into his very bones. “She knows her daddy.”
You cast a confused glance around the room, pouting. “I don’t see the postman here.”
“I’m about to take my hand to your ass, little lady. Watch yourself.”
He relishes in your giggles, can’t help the wide grin that stretches his features as he nuzzles further into you. It’d been a long few weeks without his girls, and finally being home felt like a much needed breath of fresh air filling his tired lungs.
It was tempting, the idea of staying in bed, but you weren’t kidding when you said you had been lazy. There were a few dishes still left in the sink, the wooden floors needed a good mop and the laundry. God, the laundry. Why did you own so many clothes? Where did they all come from? You just found your energy levels lacking this week, what with your due date quickly approaching.
“I can’t, Jack.” You sigh, shifting and starting to sit up, careful of your belly and holding a supportive hand beneath it.
He’s quick, yet still incredibly gentle as he wrestles you back into the bed and into his arms, lips pecking softly along your cheek as you resettle, only just putting up a little fight.
Your protest is weak, and he knows he’s won. “But the laundry—”
“Fuck the laundry. I’ll take care of it all later. Lay your pretty ass down and rest.”
His hands run firmly along your belly, and you sigh quietly as you melt into the sheets, shifting back into his body and smiling when he starts to hum softly. You’re already certain his low timbre will lull the baby to sleep when she arrives, and you can’t wait to see a small bundle cradled into his broad chest while he sways gently.
“You relaxed now, baby?”
“Good. Now, let’s change these sheets.”
You frown. “But they’re not dirty? I just changed them.” You vividly remember the struggle and the anger-inducing fight to keep the fitted sheet beneath the mattress. Why couldn’t companies ever make them to fucking fit properly?
“Oh? Well I guess good ol’ Jack will just have to fix that.” Lips fix to your throat at your giggle, teeth nipping softly at your skin. “On your back, baby. Please? Let me take care of you.”
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @mouthymandalorianalso @frannyzooey @wyn-dixie @intu-witch-tion @amneris21 @mad-girl-without-a-box @pinguinstudiert @sergeantbannerbarnes @betterthanbucky @kat-r-in @starlightmornings @randomness501 @antisocialthat70sshow @buttercup--bee @sleep-tight1 @spideysimpossiblegirl @greeneyedblondie44 @hope-for-the-best-98 @bunniwarrior @fangirl-316 @acourtofsnakes @leaiorganas @princess76179 @mamacitapascal @redriots @lv7867 @doin-stuff @magpie-to-the-morning @pedritoispunk @christina-loves @simsiddy @missminkylove @lestradeslover @julesorwhatever @autumnleaves1991-blog
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nogitsune-the · 4 years
Stronger and harder
Kinktober day3: Thigh riding 
Kirishima Ejiro x Fem!reader
Kirishima Eijiro or redriot. A sweetheart and the biggest drinker of manliness juice, he was your sweet boyfriend who always let you try new things as long as its safe. And that is how you ended up in this situation. You knew Kirishima had some strong bulging thighs and you wanted to ride them.
You wanted to feel what it would be like to rub yourself against his strong thighs and discover if this was something that actually feelt good or if it all was fiction. So when you asked him if you could try it he jumped on bored he loved seeing you please yourself and being the tool you used to do so. So when the two of you had the time you got yourself comfortable on the couch.
You were sitting there stripped of your clothes and kirishima only had hos jeans on. You wanted to try it on them first and eventually try it on his bare leg on a later occasion. He had gotten himself comfortable and you were about to take your throne on his thigh. Nether of you really knew how to start you you just say yourself down and started kissing him.
You wrapped your hands in his hair as your tongues fought for dominance his hands were on your hips as you slowly started to grind yourself on his thigh. The sensation was actually really nice so you started to grind slightly harder. You let out a soft moan at the friction and moved your head to the crook of his neck.
Kirishima helped you move your hips against his as you went, he feelt himself get hard watching the slight slick that you left on his jeans and from hearing the moans you let out. "Does it feel good pebble?" You let out another moan as you nodded your head. You were chasing your climax at this point and Kiri could tell.
He decided to ever so slightly activate his quirk on his thigh and you screamed out as he did so "fuck Kiri a little heads up next time" you were panting. His quirk made this even more stimulating than it was before and you were living for it.
You could feel the coil in your stomach tighten and you grinded yourself even faster and harder against his thigh "fuck Kiri I’m so close" you captured his lips to yours as the coil snapped and the big moan you let out got choked by the kiss. Kirishima let out a groan when he feelt his pants soak trough.
"Pebble next time we do that I want to feel you fully against my thigh" you just smile up at him as you leaned in to kiss him again "thank you for letting me try this Kiri" he let out the biggest grin he could "no worries pebble anything for you"
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laughsinthiccc · 4 years
I Missed You. - Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
The winner of the vote! Tamaki Amajiki!
I had fun writing this, but i am sort of sick! So, there might be some errors in the writing ... Once i’m better i’ll go back through it and possibly rewrite it!
Well anyway, i hope you all enjoy it!
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Tamaki was supposed to be out for the next few days, working with FatGum and Red Riot, which means he wasn’t able to talk to you much till he got back. You didn’t exactly mind it, but you still missed your anxious lover. The day he left, you had spent the day curled around his pillow, just missing the way his arms wrapped around you.
You had gotten fed up, you decided that, if you missed him so bad, wear his clothes! Great idea, right? Well, you missed his scent, it made you feel safe. So, jumping from the spot on the couch you make a mad dash to your bedroom, quick to pull out one of his old hoodies.
“He’s so skinny …. Why does he wear an Extra-large … “?
The hoodie wrapped around your figure was twice the size of you, the elastic band of the bottom was reaching just below your knees. The way you twirled around in the mirror made you laugh, it looked as if you were wearing a dress.
As you stared at yourself in the mirror, an idea went through your head. Quickly dashing towards your shared closet, you begin searching for a pair of his pants, and after a few minuets you’re able to find a pair. Running back towards the mirror, you pull the hoodie up and jump into the pants. After zipping them up and latching the button, you let the hoodie fall down as you stare at yourself in the mirror.
The way the pants barely hugged your figure at all had you laughing at your reflection, deciding to roll up the pants legs a little, you slip on some socks and make your way out of the bedroom.
At the loud growling of your stomach, you smile and walk into the kitchen, quick to search through the fridge. Finding a simple takeout box of your last date night, smiling at the memory you slide the box out of the fridge and open the lid.
With a soft sigh you close the lid and place the box in the microwave, setting it to the amount of time you guessed would be needed, you hear your phone begin to ring.
You were quick to run back towards the bedroom, almost tripping in the process. The name blinking on the screen made your heart swell, and as you quickly swiped the phone off the table you accept the call.
“Hey Tama!”
“H-Hey there bunny.”
“So, where are you? You alright?” As you two begin to converse you make you way out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen, smiling as the smell of Takoyaki hits your nose. Sliding the box out of the microwave you place the phone against your shoulder and press your cheek to the screen, enabling you to use your other hand to mix the food.
“I’ll b-be home sooner than expected y/n. I should be home by tomorrow.”
The moment those words leave his mouth an excited squeal leaves your mouth. As he continues to tell details of his arrival, you’re quick to run around the house and make sure everything is in its place.
“I-I love you.” His voice began to shake and you could basically hear the nervousness in his voice. As a happy smile places itself onto your lips, you’re quick to respond.
“I love you too Tama.”
As you exchanged goodbyes you throw your phone onto the couch and begin to dash around the house, your body being filled with excitement at his return. Making sure everything is in its places you being to slow down and relax, realizing you left the food you had heated on the counter you’re quick to retrieve it.
Jumping onto the couch you begin to slowly eat away at the food, only stopping to check your phone. Messages from both FatGum and RedRiot blinked across your phone, sending small messages of thanks back to them you couldn’t help but laugh as they both send pictures of themselves and, your red-faced lover.
Deciding it would be amazing blackmail later you save the pictures, finishing off the Takoyaki you lean back into the couch and you begin to doze off with a happy smile across your lips
The jiggling of the door knob had woken you, sitting up you attempt to rub the sleep out of your eyes and turn towards the door. A large smile on your lips as you see a familiar head of Indigo hair pop out from behind the door.
Jumping up from your spot on the couch you run towards him, seeing the smile on his face as he held his arms out to you only made you happier. Jumping into his grasp, his arms warp around your torso. His face quick to nuzzle into your neck, giggling at his action you place soft kisses to his cheek.
“I thought you were coming home tomorrow?”
“We were able to get home sooner than expected. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too My Moon.”
You both just stand there enjoying each other’s company, until you pull away with a smile on your lips.
“I’ll get you something to eat! I finished off the last of the – Tama?”
His face was a dark shade of red as he stared at you, his form began to shake as the color on his cheeks darkened.
“Tama? You alright? Do I have something on my face?” You’re quick to touch your face, attempting to find whatever he was staring at.
“Y-You’re wearing my clothes …”
A heavy blush quickly settled onto your cheeks as you realized why he was acting like that. With a bashful smile you place a quick kiss to his temple.
“Well yea! I missed you.”
At your response he pulls you into his chest, his grip on you tightened as he nuzzled his face into your neck. The nervous jitters throughout his body slowly came to a stop as he stood there with you. His lips leaving feather light kisses onto your neck.
“I love you Bunny.” His voice was muffled by your hair as he pressed more kisses to your neck.
“I love you too darling.”
You ended up having to drag him to the bed, only being able to leave long enough to get him something quick to eat. After he downed what you gave him, he was quick to reattach himself to you. His legs wrapped around yours as his face laid on your chest, his hands only being occupied by yours as he drew small circles into the palms of your hands.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
um um um kirishima headcannon when he has a s/o that has constant nightmares? like how he would react and what would he do? he’s my comfort character and i get them a lot 🥺
a/n: of course love! we love kirishima and he’s such a sweetheart <3
headcanon: them with a s/o who has constant nightmares
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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Kirishima loves you to the ends of the Earth and back. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you.
When Kirishima finds out about your nightmares, be prepared for this boy to be by your side whenever you’re tired. Chances are, the two of you are cuddling whenever you can.
You won’t be able to sleep beside him every night, but the nights you can, you cherish.
Sleeping beside Kirishima won’t always make the nightmares go away, but with him beside you, it makes them a bit easier to tolerate.
You might be experiencing one when he’s awake beside you, holding you close to him and nudging you awake to remind you that it’s just a dream.
“Shh, I’m right here.” Is all he has to whisper to you. You’ll snuggle right back up into him, holding him tighter.
He knows there are times where you’ll tell him about them and the times where you prefer not to. And that’s okay. 
The times where Kiri can’t sleep beside you, or be with you while you try and sleep, can be a bit more stressful.
Kirishima has told you time and time again to text him or call him, or even show up at his dorm, it doesn’t matter when, if you ever have a nightmare. He’ll talk to you, text you, or even hold you if you decide to come to his dorm.
Overall, the best sleep you get is when you’re with Kirishima. You call Kirishima your good luck charm. Whenever you’re with him, the dreams always seem a little tamer. 
Kirishima knows when you don’t get any sleep. It’s a little recognizable by the bags under your eyes, but Kirishima doesn’t judge. He thinks you’re beautiful no matter what.
He’s there to comfort you through anything. As stated above, there isn’t anything this boy wouldn’t do for you, and that’s a fact.
If you really don’t want to sleep, Kirishima will stay awake with you, for as long as he can. And even if he does fall asleep either over a video call or in-person with you, you enjoy his cute little snores.
If it’s the opposite way around and you end up falling asleep when you’re with him or on a call with him, Kirishima tries not to bug you, knowing just how precious any bit of sleep could be for you, especially when it’s not filled with nightmares. He never wants to risk waking you up unless he knows for sure that you’re experiencing a nightmare.
And the times you can actually get some sleep without nightmares, Kirishima holds you close, or sleeps beside his phone, admiring your cute snores until he’s actually sound asleep.
If you’re having a really bad nightmare to the point where you can’t go back to sleep, Kirishima will pull you onto his lap and hold you in a loving embrace. Placing small kisses on your cheeks or on your lips, he’ll hold your hands and just hold you in his arms.
He wants you to feel safe, and he wants you to feel safe with him. 
Overall, Kirishima will be by your side no matter what. If you need him, he’s there. 
The second you wake up from a nightmare and need a hug, he’ll come dressed in his Crimson Riot slippers to hug you and hold you close, all while you giggle at his fanboy side.
His kisses are sweet and gentle, especially when you wake up from a nightmare. He’s so caring, he never wants to see you upset or hurt. If he could take away your nightmares, he would in a heartbeat.
The few times you have to comfort Kirishima from a nightmare, he can’t help but smile.
“Look at how strong you are.” He’ll comment, holding your cheek as you shake your head.
“Baby, you are one of the strongest people I know.” Kirishima reassures you, even when you have your nightmares, you’re strong.
Cuddles, kisses, and puns are sure to follow as a way to cheer you up after.
Kirishima is a big softie and being with him is one of the most amazing things.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hi ! could I request a fic where Kirishima and his s/o have the cutest, innocent and softest relationship to everyone in Class 1-A, but the next morning during breakfast everyone sees a big hickey on both of them (which they forgot about) so they’re trampled with questions, and maybe even Mina scolds both of them for being so careless, I hope that makes sense, I thought it would be cute and funny
a/n: hi hun! of course!!! this idea is so cute omg djkhjdsh thank you for the request hun!! 
summary: your relationship with kirishima was pretty innocent, at least to the public eye. but when the two of you emerge with hickies visible to the naked eye, you’re trampled with questions.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, 16+? some spice~
wordcount: 1k
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Your relationship with Kirishima was innocent. Anyone looking at the two of you would’ve seen that from a mile away. PDA was kept to hand-holding and hugging, of course, Kirishima wouldn’t mind sneaking in a kiss or two just to let others know that you were his if need be.
Your classmates knew firsthand just how innocent you two were, or seemed. Kirishima was nothing but kind to you, always opening the doors for you, or carrying your stuff, and you’d do the same for him if he ever gave you the chance. 
But nonetheless, your relationship with Kiri, behind closed doors, was anything but innocent.
“Kiri!” You giggled as his large, rough hands, tickled your bare sides, his hands slipped under your shirt.
“What?” He gave you a toothy grin, his fingers tickling you mercilessly. You couldn’t stop laughing and squirming underneath him. He finally eased up and bent down, pressing his lips to yours.
It was a rough kiss, needy.
His lips seemed to fight against yours, battling for dominance. His tongue slipped past your lips and into your mouth, taking you completely by surprise. A part of you wanted to laugh at the weird feeling, but your mouth was doing other things, graciously letting him explore.
When he pulled away, the two of you were breathless.
“I just wanted to see what tongue kissing was like.” Kirishima explained, a hint of red on his cheeks. You smiled and gripped his shirt collar, pulling him back down to your lips.
“Don’t explain, just do it again.” You crash your lips back onto his, taking the lead this time.
This went on for hours. You had nothing else to do. But you eventually ended up falling asleep in his arms, completely unaware of the hickey growing on your neck from his intense kisses that trailed down your neck, a few bite marks scattered here and there on the skin of your neck as well.
Kirishima’s neck wasn’t free of bruising either. You’d given him a few good hickies, marking him up as best as you could since he enjoyed doing it to you.
You didn’t think they’d be too noticeable, after all his shirt seemed to cover them just fine laying down there was no way they’d be noticeable.
When morning came, you were thankful to have the day off, not lessons, no training, just an easy day of rest. Your stomach woke you up, rumbling, and searching for food.
You could head down and get breakfast. But you woke Kirishima up first, shaking him lightly, his ruby eyes opening slowly, adjusting to the light.
“This is my favorite sight to wake up too.” He grinned at you, his pointy teeth showing. You straddled his waist, wearing one of his signature red t-shirts. As cliche as it sounded, you were pretty sure the two of you had a drawer full of each other’s clothes by now.
“Come one, I’m hungry.” You smile and begin to tickle his sides, attempting to wake him up some more. His hands grabbed at your wrists and quickly stopped you from causing any ‘harm.’
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, baby.” He smirked at you. You rolled your eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.
When you were both dressed, you had to sneak out of his dorm. Kirishima peeked carefully, letting you know the coast was clear. Of course, if anyone asked, you’d make up an excuse as to why you were in his dorm, granted it was early, but you’d make it work.
Dressed in your own clothes, you and Kiri appeared in the commons for breakfast and to greet your friends.
While you were fixing yourself a plate of what smelled so yummy, Kirishima was grabbing you and him a glass of water.
Kaminari and Mina stared at the two of you, eyes wide. 
“Are those-” Mina whispered to Kaminari.
“Hickies.” Kaminari confirmed, of course, he would know. Kaminari was quick to tell Sero and Bakugou, who made it seem way lamer than it actually was. But Bakugou was pretty impressed. You’d managed to mark up Kirishima, yet by the large marks on your neck, he assumed Kirishima had gotten his own revenge.
Mina whispered about it to the girls, and when you sat down to eat, everyone was surrounding you.
“Where did you get those marks?” Mina asked, her voice somewhat stern, like a mother’s voice counseling her child.
“What- shit.” You cursed under your breath. Your head whipped to look at Kirishima who had a toothy grin on his lips, smiling at you. Your eyes widened as you quickly whipped back around, embarrassment and fluster writing itself on your features.
“You guys made out!?”
“They left hickies, dumbass!”
“Woah, Kirishima did you bite her or something?”
“Guys, what they do privately is their business! Let’s leave them be.” Despite wanting to leave the couple alone, even Iida was slightly curious about how you're relationship seemed so innocent yet clearly here it was anything but that.
“Iida’s right! Go, shoo!” Mina shooed everyone out and took a seat in front of the couple.
“You guys are using protection right-”
“Mina!” You blushed, waving your hands to cut her off.
“We haven’t done anything like that.” Kirishima reassured Mina. Kirishima looked to you before taking your hand in his own.
“We’re being safe, no need to worry.” He smiled, grateful for the concern of his pink-haired friend.
“Good. Because I’m not becoming a babysitter.” Mina joked. You let out a nervous laugh. While what Kirishima had said was true, there was no doubt that you hadn’t thought about it once or twice.
“I just want you guys to be safe, next time, go a little lower unless you want everyone to see them.” She winked at you two before getting up and heading to where Kaminari and Bakugou sat.
“You are such a dumbass!” You teased. 
“You made these big on purpose!”You couldn’t help but smile. Kirishima was doing the same.
“They’ll go away in a few days, but what can I say, maybe I wanted everyone to know who you belong to.”
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foli-vora · 3 years
hit me
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A/N: my drabble for @autumnleaves1991-blog writer Wednesday! I had a lot of fun with this so I’m 99.7% sure I’m going to make this a fun little series.
Pairing: Pero Tovar x f!reader
Word count: 860
Warnings: swearing, brief violence
It was hard not to feel free flying down the freeway with your favourite music blasting through the speakers, windows open, wind whipping throughout the car and chilling your heated skin. It was a fucking good day, and those hadn’t been happening as much as you would have preferred lately. It was just nice. The vibes, the sun, the sudden person standing in the middle of the road—
“Jesus Christ—fuck!”
It was too late to avoid them, whoever the fuck they were. Where the hell did they even come from? The sound of their body hitting the bonnet was enough to pull a pained cry from your throat, and your tyres squeal along the road as you come to a sudden stop.
Fuck. Fuck.
Your fingers fumble with the button of your seatbelt, harshly tugging the strap away from your body before flying out of the car and into the heat of the day. You run to the unmoving heap on the road, praying to whoever’s listening that you didn’t just kill someone.
“Please don’t be dead, please don’t be—”
A groan.
Oh my god.
Thank fuck.
“Are you okay?” You bend at the knees slowly, cautiously moving a hand to the armoured shoulder of the stranger. The hell is he wearing? You don’t have time to think. Your back quickly meets the rough, burning surface of the road and suddenly the cool tip of a blade is pressed against your throat.
Maybe you should have killed him.
Now you were going to die in the middle of nowhere.
You hadn’t even caught up on MasterChef.
The man’s clearly pissed, and you can’t exactly blame him. His eyes narrow viciously in on you as you swallow nervously, his face curling into a snarl before he focuses on you. You see the confusion melt into his dark stare, see the way his brows pinch as he studies your flimsy sundress and the bare skin you were seemingly unashamed of flaunting.
His head tilts. “Are you a whore?”
You don’t think twice.
Sharp heat flares across your knuckles and you relish in the pained grunt he gives when your fist meets his cheek, his heavy body sliding from you and giving you the chance to stand. Hands on your hips, you glare down at him as he blinks in slight surprise, face puckering in the harsh rays of the sunlight.
“Don’t say shit like that, you fucking animal.”
He stays quiet, observant, eyes studying you from head to toe as he speaks. “You’ve got a filthy mouth on you.”
“Women swear dickbag. Get over it. I hope that hurt—both my punch and my car. Dick.” You turn, shaking your head as you return to your vehicle before a hoarse voice has you pausing.
“I—I do not know where I am.”
You shrug, unbothered. “Cool.”
“My horse, my... my friend, I don’t—” his head swivels, frown deepening as he stands. You eye his outfit, and the incredibly realistic looking weapons mounted on his back.
Horse? Who the fuck would have a horse out here? Maybe you hit him harder than you originally thought. Shit. Maybe he needs a doctor.
“Are you filming a movie or something?”
He blinks at you. “A what?”
Jesus. Okay. He needs medical attention.
You sigh, marching back to him and pointing an angry finger in his face. “I’m taking you to a doctor, but you listen to me, any funny business and I’ll fucking punch you in the dick—clear?”
“You are a frightening woman.”
“Damn straight. Now get in the car.”
He follows you and stands like an idiot at the side of it. You gesture to it, raising a brow when he merely frowns.
“Are you gonna get in?”
“I—I do not know how. Is it some sort of carriage? How does it move?” No horses? How would it work?
Your face twists as you stare at him from over the roof of the car. “Are you on drugs? Pull the handle.”
It takes him a few minutes and you can’t help the way your face betrays your absolute bewilderment. You didn’t hit him that hard, did you? He seems to genuinely not know what the fuck he’s doing. You slide into the drivers seat and watch him shift in his the passenger side, his weapons scraping along the roof of your car as he sits cautiously on the aged leather, eyes narrowing in on the dash and the way music falls softly from the speakers.
He isn’t faking this. This was more than a concussion. He had materialised out of nowhere. You were sure of it. Originally thinking it was a trick of the mind with the heat of the day, you had dismissed it, but now replaying it... it had you completely in disbelief. He had just appeared, like a hole had opened somewhere and he had just fallen through it.
“Who are you?”
“Tovar. Is this sorcery?”
You look at where he appeared from in the rear view mirror, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. You blink, eyes moving back to him. “I—I think so.”
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @mouthymandalorianalso @frannyzooey @wyn-dixie @intu-witch-tion @amneris21 @mad-girl-without-a-box @pinguinstudiert @sergeantbannerbarnes @betterthanbucky @kat-r-in @starlightmornings @randomness501 @antisocialthat70sshow @buttercup--bee @sleep-tight1 @spideysimpossiblegirl @greeneyedblondie44 @the-tres-geckos @bunniwarrior @fangirl-316 @acourtofsnakes @leaiorganas @princess76179 @mamacitapascal @redriots @lv7867 @doin-stuff @magpie-to-the-morning @pedritoispunk @christina-loves @simsiddy @missminkylove @lestradeslover @julesorwhatever @autumnleaves1991-blog​ sorry if I forgot anyone - this was a quick 2 minute job before I left for work lmao.
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