#reduces inflammation
mindbodyhealth-blog · 10 months
A comprehensive guide to finding out the health benefits of proper sleep
Adequate sleep has numerous health benefits, including: 1. Improved Memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. 2. Enhanced Concentration and Productivity: Good sleep can maximize problem-solving skills and enhance memory. Poor sleep has been shown to impair brain function. 3. Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke: Sleeping…
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
forgive my absolute ignorance and maybe stupidity, but does swimming and other pool related activities help hypermobility? Whenever I told anyone related to medicine I'm having joint pain, they told me to take many a bath and frequent a pool
yes. water-related actitivites help with joint pain a) by in the case of exercise like aerobics and swimming building muscle and b) doing so whilst relieving pressure on the joints because the water is holding you up
hot baths will relieve pressure on the joints (unlike standing or even sitting to take a shower) and the heat will relax the muscles whilst the water supports you
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bittsandpieces · 4 months
Guys my feet got so fucking sunburnt 😭😭😭 they started swelling yesterday and it literally hasn't gone down at all, it hurts so fucking bad
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deadmomjokes · 10 months
Idk how me, a broad and chubby woman from a long line of broad and chubby women, and my husband, an average-height man from long lines of very tiny women and very average men, managed to produce a child so exceptionally tall, long, & lean that she can't wear store-bought clothes anymore without alteration. Yet here I am, dusting off a sewing machine I barely know how to operate....
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masquenoire · 5 months
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Roman's not much of a gamer but if he were, this would be a pretty accurate representation of what he'd be into.
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royalreef · 9 days
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No one tell the dash that her jizz works as a pain relief method. She doesn't think she would be able to recover if they learned that about merfolk.
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harrowharkwife · 26 days
does anyone have any tips for fixing a pinched nerve in your neck/shoulder bc im dying over here
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narutomaki · 2 months
undiagnosing myself with everything actually all I have is Cool Guy syndrome 😎
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boycritter · 4 months
my pain has been feeling. different. lately. and i dont really know how to describe it? usually the pain is like a constant dull throbbing, like theres increased pressure in all of my limbs. but recently thats kind of gone away? it feels sort of like when you cut your nails too short and then the very tips of your fingertips feel raw. it feels like the outer layer of pain was scrubbed away and the pain layer inside has been rubbed raw and is now exposed to the air. pain fucking sucks to describe im sorry. but yeah like. its not even necessarily less pain its just. different?
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fourteen--steps · 5 months
Had a nasty cold + ear infection combo last week and even though the cold is gone, now my ears are so full of goo it sounds like I'm perpetually wearing noise cancelling headphones. I went to the doctor today and apparently I just have to wait for the goo to drain and it could be weeks to months before I'm back to normal fuck this shit
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muninnhuginn · 11 months
12, 22, 30!!! ❤️
Thanks for asking!
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Thought I'd go for something I've been trying to hold myself to personally here. I have no idea if this is particularly applicable to others to the same extent it is to me, but eh. Basically, it's incredibly easy sometimes to get fixated on your own mistakes, to try and mull over how you could have done things differently, to try and examine from all angles how it went wrong. The "what if"s essentially. And, don't get me wrong, you can often learn lessons from previous mistakes. And it can be healthy to vent or wallow occasionally. But oftentimes, it's just an excuse to wind yourself up further over what you could have done. To trip over yourself in guilt rather than looking at the present, which then just means you end up making the same mistakes -> why did I do that, I should know better -> rinse, repeat. So, if you're stuck on what-if scenarios and it's a case where you're not actually getting anything constructive out of it. (Namely, stuff like if you need to give an apology, if it's better to just leave it be, what you intend to do in a similar scenario if it arises, etc) If all it's achieving is making yourself feel worse? Stop. Just literally stop ruminating over it. And I know it's a lot easier to say that than *do* it, but the key thing is to catch yourself when you're doing the spiralling thing and just acknowledge that that's what's going on. Then try and move on. But at the same time, if you're not able to shut it off immediately, don't beat yourself up over it. Just recognising when you're in that zone is progress in of itself.
22. say 3 things about someone you love
This is more "loved" than "love" but I say it counts. So, my cat. - When it got cold in the winter and I was working from home, she would always come and sit on my lap and let me stroke her whilst I was doing stuff. Sometimes, she would get onto my lap by peeking up through the shelf intended for a printer and other times she would go straight over the desk. We had a system where when she wanted to leave, I'd spin the chair over to the bed and she'd walk from the desk over my lap to the bed to curl up and sleep. - One year, we got her a cat 'Christmas stocking'. It had a load of different things in it, but most importantly, it had these cat treats she really enjoyed. Unfortunately, we didn't realise she would be able to sus out what it was, so one day we got home and found the whole thing ripped open and scattered across the sides. After that, we made sure to hide any presents for her very carefully. - The only one of her toy type things we got her that she would actually use was the scratching post. If something had catnip in she'd get all big-eyed over it (which, no surprise, led to scratches), but anything else she'd just plain ignore. She was picky like that. I miss her.
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
I don't actually have any cheat code for this one. No guarantees so much as mitigations, but let's see. Hm. I think getting away from home for a bit is a big one. Just to change the environment up really (this applies doubly in autumn/winter when the weather and short days mean I spend most of my time inside). I'll often go find a nearby place that does hot chocolate and go sit there for a bit, listening to music if it's on in there or bringing my headphones along. If I've thought ahead I'll bring something to read as well. If the weather is nice there are some local areas to explore as well and some places that are fairly quiet. In the summer, you can head to the nearby graveyard and there's this abandoned chapel type building (unfortunately you can't get into it but you can go around it :<) and loads of crows and squirrels. I also as a general kinda happy thing rather than a cheering up kinda deal tend to like watching stuff with friends.
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toonheartz · 11 months
pumpkin seeds are like popcorn but better
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harmandip · 7 months
Earthing/Grounding(connect with the earth's energy)
Earthing, also known as grounding, is the practice of connecting with the Earth’s natural energy by walking barefoot on grass, sand, soil, or any natural surface. The idea behind earthing is that direct contact with the Earth’s surface allows for the transfer of electrons from the ground into the body, which can have various health benefits. Here’s more about earthing and its…
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love it when my gp surgery sends me a message to be like hey, so we're contacting you about one of your medications. there are some medications that need to be temporarily stopped if you experience dehydration and then just doesnt mention what medication
my guy, my dude, my gaffer, my monthly prescription has 8 medications in it, can you not tell me which one??
like i should not be on drugs.com trying to figure out myself
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nightmarewing · 1 year
It's a "just take the Tylenol" kind of day.
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sarasa-cat · 2 years
Annoyed with how I still haven’t truly shaken the viral crud I caught during the first few days of January.
Still congested, asthma is annoyed, mild coughing and epic power sneezes can randomly occur at any time.
Energy lowish. Like, sure I go about my day but a lot of it is just uuuuugggghhhhhhhhh.
Coughing and tired bc I sometimes lack air.
Living in an area with shitful air quality much of the year just makes this another insult.
(I think I just want all ppl to remain on the internet or 10 feet away from me for a good while longer. Not worth the health tax.)
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