#regina and rumple bffs
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Ugh she was a shadow person.
Yay! Ariel!
Saved his ass regina.
She's so relatable about the charmings lol.
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Crossing realms is thst all? Easy peasy lemon squeezy girlypop.
Oof the cave confessions 😬😬😭😭
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Speaking of slutty chests Killian has a pretty slutty one too.
Emma because that name would be too obvious.
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Love the idea of ariel and rumple antiquing or some shit together.
Why are we listening to him?
Because he has a gun.
What's a gun?
That's when belle really evaluated her choice in friends.
Docs miata is like cabbage man's cabbages.
Belle is basically learning magic now.
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Peter dickbag pan strikes again. Using wendy like that? Fucking prick.
Regina seems genuinely surprised that rumple loves belle.
And damn if rumple doesn't serve it back to her.
"Of having someone."
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I love that regina gave ariel the bracelet of choice. Then disguised that niceness with "whatever Eric is into"
Gold is the most powerful one there! Let him help!
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Awww lil baby rumple is so cute. And so traumatized.
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I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks.
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Aww wendy and Neal reuniting 💜
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The incredulous look on his face "you told her I was dead??"
She's lying!
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ouatsnark · 1 month
saw a sq say why is killian suddenly belle's bff who protects her when he previously harmed her, then what is regina to emma then?
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They mad that Regina never gave Belle a proper apology and only ever used her without actually trying to help her. They're also mad that Regina never expressed regret over how she treated Belle.
Meanwhile, Killian felt remorse for his actions against Belle.
Killian was there for Belle when Belle had to send Rumple away. He was there for her again when she was trying to protect her child from the Dark One.
I really do not understand how Regina Apologists write these things and then don't stop and think "wow, the same could be said about Regina!" Because it's the truth!
And this doesn't apply only to Emma but also to Snow and even Henry!
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Snow befriended Regina right after this! Hailed her a hero. It's like does anyone want to stop and think about this for moment? Regina doesn't regret tearing Snow's family apart because Regina got her own family out of it.
But sure yeah lets accept her as a friend right after that.
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And I am still not sure how Emma let Regina live after knowing what Regina put her son through! But here we are!
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eirian-houpe · 5 months
For Your Consideration
In light of the fact that the nomination deadline has been extended, I am going ahead and putting some suggestions out there for fics that could be nominated. I've chosen some of my lesser known fics for this purpose.
Time's Curse
Never fall in love - such is the admonition given to Rumplestiltskin. Blue sees fit to interfere with his plan to reach a world without magic by sending him there herself so that he can pursue his quest to find his son, but he is not alone in this world without magic, nor does it appear that he is entirely free to live his life as he would wish. In the course of his seemingly fruitless search for Baelfire, Rumplestiltskin takes a job as a history teacher at an exclusive private school, and there meets Isabelle - the French teacher. All of a sudden that interdiction against falling in love seems to be really important.
Could be nominated for: Drama Angst - Hurts So Good AU (Other Media).
On Whose Hands?
Belle has no memory of how she has so much blood on her hands, but it seems the townsfolk have turned against her, blaming her for some unseen crime. Rumplestiltskin, under the control of the Dark One's Dagger, held by Zelena, suddenly appears and makes matters a whole lot worse. Canon compliant variation of what might have happened when Rumple was trying to warn the people of Storybrooke of Zelena's dark intentions during the time he was her prisoner.
Could be nominated for: Angst - Hurts So Good Angst - Misunderstanding
When you go poking around in time, you might sometimes find that it pushes back, as Nick Rush finds out… the hard way.
Could be nominated for: Best Anyelle
Secret of the Seas
Belle and Ruby take a much needed vacation, treating themselves to a fourteen day cruise. Jefferson is Head Mixologist aboard the ship, Secret of the Seas, and Gold is Deck Nine Supervisor, and amid much flirting, and false starts, holiday romances and forbidden loves ensue. Written from the Rumbelle Bingo prompts: Bed sharing, Vulnerability, Jefferson, Pesky Royals, Roses.
Could be nominated for: Threesome Polyship AU Original
Nobody Knew
Nobody knew the true cost of living with two lives in your head in a world where everyone else has forgotten one of them. Nobody except Jefferson, and when he'd finally reached the end of his rope and exacted his revenge on Regina for being the one to hurt so many people just to get her own happy ending, what could he do than give his all - give everything to reunite his two closest friends, and return to them the gift of true love?
Could be nominated for: Angst - Hurts So Good BFF/Wingman (Jefferson) AU: Once Upon A Time
Modern Wonders
Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold, and when Regina casts Rumple's Dark Curse, just a few words here and there creates Storybrooke in a very different place, with a very different atmosphere, and very different issues to deal with. Alliances and enmity permeate the lives of the citizens of Storybrooke, (and beyond), as they tiptoe around the various dangers they face every day. Who is awake? How can they break the curse within a curse? And what of the power struggles rife both within, and outside of Storybrooke itself.
Could be nominated for: AU - Other Media
Casting a spell, any spell - at least the ones that involve more than just the wave of a hand, or worse, the wave of an irritating fairy’s wand - takes time, and patience, and the right ingredients, and… just like any recipe, if you get it wrong, it doesn’t mean the cake won’t cook, rather then will, just with unexpected or unintended outcomes. All of Rumplestiltskin’s careful planning and manipulation, all of his hopes and dreams turn to dust; ashes in his bitter heart in the blink of an eye… in the fall of an equine heart. Belle exchanges one terrible prison for another, and it’s one she is desperate to escape, and though Rumple’s fate as The Savior was severed from him centuries ago, sometimes fate itself has a way of finding an alternate route home.
Could be nominated for: Best (Worst) Villain (Gaston, or more subtly Regina)
The Price
All magic comes with a price, but this is one price that Rumplestiltskin is more than willing to pay.
Could be nominated for: Unexpected Twist
Seven Tastes
Jefferson and Grace visit the Dark Castle to try and persuade Rumplestiltskin to celebrate the Winter Solstice. What begins with a hidden sprig of mistletoe leads through the emotional rollercoaster of a lifetime, that ends in a beautiful redemption.
Could be nominated for: Best Holiday-Centric Angst - Hurts So Good
Rumplestiltskin is wisked away just as he is approaching the Dark Castle, and after a surprise visit from Jefferson, on a very strange day, Belle follows soon after. They find themselves in a world where darkness is approaching unless a sacrifice is made, and all because a king is unwilling to join the war; would much rather save his own, than become a hero and save the world.
Could be nominated for: Crossover
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Thanks for asking :3
Favorite Female: UNFAIR QUESTION! Ruby??
Favorite Male: Rumple!!
3 Other Favorite Characters: Snow! Mulan! Belle! I DON'T KNOW I LOVE NEARLY EVERYONE SEND HELP
3 OTPs: Rumple/Belle, David/Snow, Regina/Emma <3 finally an easy question
NOTP: Baelfire/Emma :/
Funniest character: Grumpy. This guy just gets me every time
Prettiest character: *brain crashes* I'm sorry how am I supposed to answer that have you SEEN the cast of this show--? Ruby? Belle? Snow? Regina? Mulan? Killian?
Most Annoying Character: Mh... Zelina? Her whole thing was so. Yeah, sure, I felt bad for her that she was given away. But projecting all of that onto her sister?
Most badass character: The beauty of this show is that it's about fairy tale princesses and none of them had to sacrifice their badassery for being pretty princesses, or vice versa. But the most badass? Gotta go with Snow White, I think
Character I’d like as my BFF: I want to hang out with Snow, but honestly also Rumple??
Male Character I’d Marry: Best Man at the Wedding: I think Killian would throw a great bachelorette party honestly
Character I hate/dislike/least like: oh Cora, for sure, fuck her. Mh, okay, shitty mom wins out against annoying characters
Fandom Ask Game
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Hi i was wondering if you could do one where the reader is regina ( evil queen' and daniel daughter ( she has magic and she good ) her bff is snow and she in a relationship with rumple aka dark one aka mr gold
this one i will Happily do! because I Know this fandom! lol i LOVE this fandom! lol i'll message you when it's out ^^
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glowyjellyfish · 1 year
OUAT Rewatch Report Part 5: Lady of the Lake through The Doctor, plus Forget Me Not and The Serpent
1. Emma’s far from my favorite, but her feelings are really doing it for me this time. Seeing her walls go up, and how hard it is for her to adjust to having a mom who cares about her. And seeing her walls come down, too, seeing her vulnerable when she puts so much effort into making herself tough. And I enjoy watching her fumble around not knowing how to handle Fairy Tale Land but also needing to prove she can take care of herself. I don’t think I realized it before, but there is an entire theme of parental dynamics in this arc, isn’t there.
2. Henry’s a manipulative little sneak, isn’t he? He came by it honestly, considering his many relatives.
3. I definitely made a mistake in setting up a viewing order where I get New Robin Hood before I even see Old Robin Hood.
4. I love Will so much. I love the way he talks about himself and his past, and how he has clearly thought everything through very carefully and figured himself out. I’m totally convinced that he had therapy sometimes in Storybrooke. And probably got diagnosed with depression, because that’s what his heartlessness looks like. And I love the way he admits to feeling like a monster and going through dark times, even when he can’t really feel it without his heart.
5. It does sort of bug me that Maleficent is hyped up as super evil and dangerous, but in practice we mainly see her as losing to Regina, her BFF, and vaguely chiding a group that stole from her. And she was a dragon, and there’s been talk of what she did to Aurora, but she just comes off a little weak.
6. rumple is the first person on the show to discuss deaging anybody, which is interesting given future plots and revelations.
7. I love rumple but he is in fact an awfully horrifying person. Like, The Crocodile started out and Milah was callous towards him and Hook was a bully. He comes back with power, planning to murder Hook for taking (and, Rumple thinks, raping and killing) his wife. Milah comes out and tells him she’s alive and admits to lying to escape him, and he still has to be bartered with to stop murdering Hook (which was supposed to be revenge for Milah). It’s understandable that he’s still upset, but then when his ex wife is trying to honestly explain herself, he murders her—CLEARLY projecting his own issues with abandoning Bae. I sympathize with him, of course, knowing that in the present he’s more or less trying to be better, and usually directing his energy in a more productive direction, but like… I don’t think Hook’s wrong for wanting revenge.
8. I’m not a fan of how they chose to make their version of Hook. That man is NOT CAPTAIN HOOK, and I could just call him Killian and convince myself he’s not the real Hook but just some other pirate guy, but honestly the name Killian bugs me even more. But in practice, the character’s perfectly good as his own character. More than anything else, it’s just annoying that they either did minimal research or threw virtually everything out before slapping a couple of Captain Hook traits on a completely new pirate character. Other characters are either super recognizable as the most well-known version of the story, or were cardboard cutouts in the original leaving room for whatever. Idk, it’s fine just irritating.
9. ANYWAY I think from Hook’s perspective, he played the role of a giant bully to discourage Milah’s weak husband from coming after her, and to help her escape her boring life and loveless marriage. And then later, he was trying to shield her from an ex who suddenly turned up powerful and abusive. I don’t know if this was old meta I read or what, but I immediately concluded that he plays parts an awful lot, and am trying to compare this to what I saw in other pirate media (ie mainly Black Sails). I maintain OUAT Hook is a giant weenie compared to most other pirates in media, but I guess the whole point here is that he’s a big softie underneath his exterior, going for revenge because his heart was broken.
10. I love how Ruby automatically protects any and all women without batting an eye. Ladies helping ladies!
11. I forgot just how bad Bae’s abandonment issues should be. Jesus fucking Christ. First abandoned by his mother, then he slowly loses his father to the dark one curse and becomes a social pariah, then his father breaks a promise and abandons him to another entire world. I’ll have to update this litany of tragedy as I go forward and remember more details; I know he is briefly taken in by the Darlings and then goes to Neverland, and he then has a short period of doing Treasure Island with Hook before he figures out this guy’s the reason his mom abandoned him, and then he’s stuck in neverland for a long time before getting to the real world in more or less the present day. And of course he’s then coerced into leaving Emma, and abandons his own son without realizing it. Neal’s gonna have so many issues, I cannot WAIT.
12. I adore OUATW’s Jafar, who I like to call Hot Jafar. They did a wonderful job of giving him motivation that’s so complex and interesting I want it to be the backstory of every Jafar, and making him understandable without making him less ruthless and terrifying.
13. recently on regular ouat, Henry was chilling in Emma’s car, so I’m not sure my timeline even has a fixed point anymore. OUATW could even have started during The Doctor, which features a storm. And the two shows were not designed to be watched like this—maybe with s3. HOWEVER, there continue to be fascinating parallels popping up between the two shows when watching them like this. OUAT had The Crocodile, OUATW had The Serpent. OUATW had an episode about Jafar learning magic and how far he was willing to go, OUAT’s next episode was about Regina learning magic and being pushed to go farther than she wanted to.
14. ugh I love the Will/Ana dynamic so much. It’s so spicy and interesting compared with all regular OUAT relationships!
15. it occurs to me that it’s also just possible that Regina chose to bring Jefferson and Victor along in her curse because she thought they might be useful, and Jefferson maybe was just able to resist the amnesia of the curse because of his portal jumping abilities. She doesn’t seem to be particularly pissed off with either one of them, and she had zero qualms about asking Jefferson to help her. And they WERE both useful to her; aside from keeping an eye on David for her and keeping Henry alive when he had the sleeping curse, Whale was probably very helpful as she tried to raise a small child.
16. Victor literally thought her curse destroyed his world and he was the sole survivor. And found himself the sole survivor of a whole world, living in a community of refugees from another world that all know each other and follow the same rules and logic as each other, while he only knows them from the curse. I think it’s interesting he (apparently) didn’t try to talk to Jefferson or Rumple until after his science failed and he couldn’t get Regina to send him home. Probably he didn’t know Jefferson was there until after he heard about Charming talking to him, and Regina absolutely relied on Whale during the curse and she was still a nice, relatively innocent young woman when he knew her, so it’s not really surprising he thought he might be able to convince her to help him despite leading an angry mob to her like a couple days ago. And of course, he was both intimidated by Rumple and too proud of his own methods to admit to needing magic until he thoroughly failed, and presumably didn’t trust anybody from the magical fantasy world to perform decent surgery to reattach his arm. (…I tried writing so many fanfics about him back in the day and it sounds like I may need to try again) I still think there were some deliberate light Wizard of Oz hints sprinkled into The Doctor. Maybe we were just meant to be misled for this one episode, but I am still convinced that SOMEBODY in the writers’ room wanted to make Victor also be the Wizard of Oz. Not gonna lie, I had an entire theory about that and I am still positive it would have been better than the nonsense Oz plot we got.
I finally came up with a selection of gifs describing each (regular OUAT) episode in s2 so far! Next time I think I might do gifs for all OUATW so far, because I have an absolutely perfect gif for the next episode… but we’ll get there.
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(…I want to find a good collection of gifs for Emma, especially something resembling the FACES she makes when confronted with magical nonsense, but haven’t had much luck so far)
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rebelside · 3 years
Rewatching ouat angry moment:
Belle s1: there's a man behind a beast
Belle s2: I'm a pawn of Regina, I'm gold gf to the heroes, still...
Belle s3:saves sb, still is too in love to see the beast but still saves Wendy, Ariel, all but Neal (unfortunately)
Belle s4: I love u but stop being an ass... U are still an ass rumple, but I'm that good girl that's gonna be beside u as u go (I'm not ironic, I love her in s4)
S5: well u were an ass...but I still love u, it's never too late (quote) u go back i say no (completely agree)... Then we sleep together because u give me your car (????)
S6:and from now on is anti Belle, sorry... SO I'M GONNA BE BFF WITH THE WOMAN WHO KILLED YOUR SON, WITH THE MAN WHO STOLE YOUR WIFE, GUNNED ME, THE WOMAN WHO ASKED YOU TO KILL ME, NEVER APOLOGISED (unlike regina), then I'm gonna trust u so little that I'd rather have unprotected sex with u than trusting u to love our kid... Though that's your only red timing qualities
S6:belle does not exist, she's a plot device. Also, we spent 6 years establishing rumple is the worse, his only redeeming quality is that he loves his family.... Apoerantly not, s6 belle doesn't catch that
S7.... At least she is at peace in the afterlife
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lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
OUAT peaked for me during season 2A the heights started in cora's origin story and then reached it's very very highs with snow knowingly killing cora. those run of episodes were electric to me.
Can we talk about the fact that Snow was so horrified of what she had done, that she ran to the shop to warn Regina and stop it. But she came too late. And then a bit later she went to Regina's house and was absolutely begging for Regina to kill her? CAN WE?? Because the show glossed over what they did there. Sure, they show Snow (yeahyeah, I know she went by Mary Margaret, but that name is too damn long to type out and she should've reverted back to it when she was back home with Emma for a day and picked up WEAPONS again, Miss Blanchard didn't leave as much of a dent as other cursed personas) sitting at home, lying in bed, clearly falling into a state of depression. And Regina - who is known for lashing out - realizing once again that this isn't about killing Snow, it's all about taking the happiness from her... standing on her porch with Snow's heart, seeing that black spot, tormenting her with it and Snow doesn't even know what to do with herself.
SEASON 2 HAD SO MANY DARK MOMENTS THAT GOT UNDERPLAYED!!! (Including Ruby deciding that suicide-by-mob would be a deserving punhishment and also Whale jumping into the water drunk, who knows maybe he's a bad swimmer, banking on going under. And also August living in the woods slowly turning into wood.)
Cora was such a delicious villain. And in her own backstory she gets sympathy points. But you can see that enjoys her scheming in ways that not even Rumple does (I wish they played Rumple more as an agent of chaos and not this one-dimensional bit of "I want all the power", he was best when switching side to side for amusement and not just personal gain, that would have helped a lot). And then we find out that Cora had pulled her own heart out to make herself stone-cold, to cut love out of her life. AMAZING!
The only other villain this dedicated was Cruella, who just went "I like murder and fashion". In the end the whole show is Regina's redemption arc (that does not end with a man by her side, but a crown on her head). And that's fantastic. And it's also important that the villains all have their own history. But some need to be evil and not constantly show cracks in their walls. COMMIT TO THE CRIMES!
The way Cora broke her own daughter AGAIN and pitted the town against her. *chefs kiss* And Snow wanted to stop her at all cost. Uh, how much do I love that moment when Emma meets Cora and then Snow steps in! "As bad as you think Regina is, this woman is worse." It's so funny, because Emma is the one who will give Regina chances to be better. And Snow has come to the realization that her true war is with Cora. And Barbara Hershey is so fucking good in the role!! (I would have been here for Cora/Rumple tbh.)
When Emma and Snow return - and bring Cora and Hook with them - while suddenly Greg, the Outsider, appears. THE SHOW HAD SO MANY POSSIBLE ROADS TO TAKE! And the one they followed with Cora was magnificent to watch. And it all framed Regina in a new light. We'd seen Cora before, so that the Evil Queen has her own demons and all. But it got so much better! I mean Snow is like "She tried to kill us - yesterday", but if she had to like choose to either save Regina or Cora, that would not even be a question and she would want to save Regina, still owing her from all those years ago and wanting that friendship back.
But then the last eps of S2... something is just not right. When Regina finds the beans, is in super-evil-scheme-mode, Lacey is... there, Greg & Tamara get one cool moment, but ultimately don't do anything... (the one bit I love of course is in The Evil Queen, where Regina disguises herself as a peasant and meets bandit!Snow, but it's like the show takes the wrong conclusion to explain evil!Regina in the present...), even Neal being in Storybrooke felt like a waste, because they didn't give him a chance right then to fully explore his baggage.
To go back to the beginning of this post, Snow going to the woods in Selfless, Brave and True to shoot some arrows set to Bad Reputation was a masterpiece. And sadly the last we saw of her dealing with those dark emotions, I guess. Insert here, my obligatory rant that not having Snow's best friend by her side to go through this whole thing is stupid, if Snow battles depression I want her husband, her daughter, her grandson, her bff, her seven past roommates and her cricket therapist involved - which almost happens in the end (except her bestie, who is my fav as we all know) and I love Regina's self-sacrifice play that feels so weird after those eps before... and then it's the Hook show.................................................. *eternal sigh*
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rebelbyrdie · 3 years
So I am working on this section with Regina and Rumple. A calm before the storm sort of moment. They have a really interesting dynamic. So I was trying to figure out how to approach it.
So my best friend married a guy I grew up with. Very literally we went from K to 12 together. I attended his first wedding, he's seen me black out drunk. Lots of history. We don't actually like eachother very much though. It is a mutual sort of friendly dislike. We have lots of stories and knowledge about eachother and we co-exist mostly because of my BFF/his wife being the same person.
That is where I'm coming from with Regina and Rumple.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 4x16 Best Laid Plans
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Yay! Snowing centric! It’s just a shame it had to be about them stealing a baby and filling it’s soul with darkness! Why ouat?! Why?
I hope that horn is cgi. Otherwise, poor horsey!
It’s cool that the unicorn can show you your child’s future. I wonder if it just shows you your future if you’re not expecting a baby.
Awww. Daddy Charming!
I like those plants in Snow’s vision. That doesn’t look like the EF.
Oh my. I understand why Snow would be scared after having that vision. And I guess they couldn’t really tell much about what she’d be like from Charming’s visions. 
What’s wrong with August??
Poor August!
Snowing are whispering shadily so loud and Emma’s right there lol! She must have heard them! 
Oh crap. Gold figured out that the Author was trapped inside the book!
He should be jealous hehe! Wooden Swan is a great ship!
Aww. She sees August as her first friend after Lily? Bffs!
That sleeping spell is so cool! And handy! I like that she cast it on the whole town.
The Apprentice is being controlled by the Author, isn’t he?
Run, Henry! Run!
Don’t you dare hurt your Grandson, Rumple!
Both visions could easily be true, given that Emma was a baby in Charming’s. She could have been an evil baby.
I think Snowing must have thought Maleficent’s baby was just a dragon. Considering that Lily’s father, Zorro, was also a dragon, does that mean there’s a whole species of dragon-people, like there are wolf-people.
Henry Daniel Mills. I wish we got more middle names of characters. I like to think Emma’s is Ruth. 
Please don’t make mittens out of puppies! 
Lol, snowing knocking out Ursula and Cruella xD.
Oh snap! It’s a dragon!
Snowing, please don’t do this guys!
Omg and Maleficent begging. It hurts! 
They did plan to give it back but still! 
I don’t understand why Maleficent just stood there. Couldn’t she have used her magic against them? Was she too weak after giving birth?
Oh she did blast some magic at them. But couldn’t she have teleported to follow them? 
Hope Belle didn’t hit her head falling like that. Or anyone for that matter! Hope no one was seriously hurt from falling! 
Uh oh, they caught Regina!
“No magic worse on innocents” Snowing. Get out while you can!
Oh no! Snow’s scream when she realised it’s a baby! 
And Ursula and Cruella fell through too! But did not look after it.
I hate this Storyline. How could they do this to Snowing!
I’m surprised Maleficent didn’t attack them afterwards. She had plenty of time.
Guys, pls don’t throw that page in the fire!
Snow: “Heroes do what’s right, not what’s easy.” Okay Dumbledore.
I’m glad they told Emma the truth. She is not taking it well.
Emma, are you sleeping honey? You look tired.
That was nice of Cinderella to get them a baby mobile. It’s weird, Alexandra should be older than Emma, I think. I guess that means that from the time Cinderella is pregnant, it’s 9 months before the curse is cast. But then, I guess Snow must have been pregnant while Cinderella was pregnant, so no, Emma was always older than Alexandra. 
I hate that they made Snowing do this.
I love them though.
Let Maleficent see her child, Rumple.
Okay, this is breaking me.
How is that big ass key gonna fit in that tiny door?
Trapping the Author in the page for years was a bit cruel. Did they ever intend to let him out? Just let him write his happy ending and find a new Author.
Why is he running?
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there are some things that are always true when it comes to dark witch Emma, part of the... world-building for that verse:
-the first thing that happens to her after she turns 28, loses her mind (kinda literally, she lost her princess Emma's singular mind), and leaves, is that she's captured by clerics in another region, where her magic transported her while she was out of control with all kinds of thoughts and feelings running in her head. She was tortured for a while to ‘cleanse her soul’, ironically what Regina made up about Belle 30 years before, and only when her thoughts were able to set in ONE reality, one version of Emma, she freed herself, killed them all and was able to control her magic enough to move back to the Summer Palace.
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-She uses a spell to hide the scars, and her skin is always very cold due to magic. Which means that when she accidentally destroys some of her dark magic (used to tie memories together) by using white magic, her scars start showing (all over the upper side of her body). She uses magic-absorbing chains stolen from the clerics to keep herself trapped in the dungeons after she has used white magic and not hurt anyone, because she knows that she’s about to be delirious and not in control of herself for a while (until she can recollect herself enough to cast spells on purpose and get back in control)
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-she has 4 pets (regular animals don’t like dark magic): Squidy, a tentacle monster in the small lake behind the palace. Minds her business.  Poppy, a scary looking feline-like chimera, pretty chill Spot, a scary looking horse-like chimera, pretty chill The Devourer, which looks like a big fat bunny that stands on two legs, with two small wings on his back that can at best help it stay up in the air a few seconds when he jumps and float down, and a lizard-like tongue to catch insects. Not scary looking at all. Also known as Devy. Pretty territorial. They are all uncannily smart. 
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-she has been joined (almost by force) by some people who out of loyalty, past debts or love were alright being at her service and keeping her charade without losing anything for it One of them is Lotte, her personal do-everything person, same age as Emma, big sister of many, will not hesitate to be sarcastic with Emma but still sorta respectful One is Jack, in charge of the guards, kinda bffs but maybe more with Lotte One is James, a pirate turned guard Emma has some history with More guards Emma obviously refuses to spend time with them.
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-as much as she wants to destroy the fairies and Rumple, there are always lines she’s not willing to cross but will have to make it look like she would/did
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Love how hook is trying to reference the gag henry did but still not know wtf it means.
🤣😂🤣😂🤣 the fucking comment about meridians SCOTTISH accent from the SCOTTISH actor cracked me up.
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Love how Leroy is giving belle the same kind of hope she gave him.
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Runple would've lost his MIIIIND frothing over it.
But noooo.
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Dark swan!
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He's so confused poor bb.
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Just a segue to camelot.
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More camelot
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If this man called me a good girl?
David is such a girl dad. Sorry neal.
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Love how hook is so casual about "stop talking to the demons in your head." If only that was available on a tshirt.
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Aww gramps and step dad are giving him girl advice!
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ouatsnark · 5 years
Why I can’t accept the show’s “redemption” of Regina Mills.
The last couple of days I have been repeating my reasons for hating Regina. And so here you have it. All in one easy to access and linkable post. 
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Short summary: Regina did not have a single defining moment that you can look at and say “OK that really shows that she made restitution for abusing and murdering children and the other thousands of innocent people she slaughtered.” We see her doing little things for her own happiness, for Henry’s sake or cleaning up her own mess. But we never see a significant sacrifice for the greater good which is essential for a true villain to hero story. Also, her crimes that effected present day relationships were ignored; Rape and murder of Graham, Henry’s abuse and Marian’s murder. She can’t get a redemption if her most heinous crimes that effected the people she claims to care about are ignored.
But here is a full list of reasons why I don’t and never will accept Regina as a good character or having a great villain to hero story arc. 
1. Regina’s Treatment of Emma & Killian.
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Regina treated Killian as if he was a lesser being. She often mocked his handicap. A baby killing mass murderer really has no right to look down on anyone. Except maybe Rumple. But her crimes nearly rivaled Rumple’s anyway (Hades & her black heart proves this).
Regina also treated Emma pretty poorly for 6 seasons. This blog explains how Regina wins the BFF award for everything she’s done to Emma. But to summarize:
You can believe Regina changed if you want but there are things this woman never made up for that makes her UNFIT to be called a friend.
She never comes clean about Graham - a man Emma cared for that Regina murdered to protect her curse.
Regina never apologized to Emma for ruining her life then guilts & berates Emma over saving a mother’s life. Selfishness - Never once thinking of Emma or anyone else’s pain above her own (especially when it comes to saving Hook vs saving Robin & their deaths) Regina stealing Emma’s agency & use of the dagger against Emma.
Not believing in her but especially Dark Swan. Never following Emma’s lead & dismissing her ideas
Torturing Emma in S6 & making Emma’s visions about her death about herself.
I think my biggest pet peeve with her treatment of Emma is the Marian fiasco and the dagger because at that time she was suppose to be redeemed.
Also the way she treats everyone is just utterly garbage and not reflective of someone whose had a change of heart which is essential for a redemption. For instances of this, check out this list of Regina being a self-righteous, self-centered, bully.
2. Regina did not make a sacrifice for the greater good
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As mentioned above, Regina was a child abusing mass murdering rapist that never faced any of her victims, never stood trial or had to answer for a single crime. This is a huge deal. I am surprised more people do not recognize this as problematic. In the real world, we would not expect a serial killer to skip their prison sentence because they simply say “oh I’ll join the police force & everything will be good” and then reward them by giving their life back to them... which is basically what happens with Regina. 
A true villain to hero story, especially with a villain as heinous as Regina, needs a sacrifice for the greater good. However, Regina’s story is seriously lacking in sacrifices and paying for her crimes. Also, this needed to be a sacrifice for everyone & not just herself or Henry. S2 finale does not count as she would have let everyone die if her plans hadn’t been thwarted. She did what she did then because she and Henry were going to die too. S3 at the town line hardly counts either because she had no other choice. She couldn’t keep Henry. And if she didn’t do what she did, he’d be alone anyway. So again, her sacrificing for Henry & cleaning up her own mess doesn’t count (especially when she never acknowledges what this did to the Charmings). She needed to die & again this could have happened in S6 with her second half.
I’m sorry but you don’t get to come back from the evils Regina committed and NOT SO MUCH AS APOLOGIZE! She never faced her evil past. And that’s unacceptable when you look at all she did.
Rape: Canon Sexual Predators of OUAT
Child Abuse: Mother of the Year Award
“But Regina suffered the most consequences therefore she had to work harder for her redemption!”
The idea that Regina suffers the most consequences is also ludicrous. She was tortured at the hands of her victim & it was the only punishment she received but that hardly counts since OUAT made her into the victim & she never acknowledges her role in it & blames Killian, the man she’d tried to kill prior, later on in s3. Her losing Robin wasn’t punishment as his death happened to him not her. Robin dying was made about her & never about him or his children. She never acknowledges that she deserves anything other than an HEA which is disgusting considering her crimes & lack of remorse.
3. Hearing a mass murderer constantly whine about their happy ending
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Regina whined way too much about HER happy ending. She tried to get the author to re-write her story as if it was the book’s fault she was an unhappy murderer. She removed her responsibility for her actions and that’s just unacceptable. Heroes own their mistakes. She did not. So basically Regina acted like she DESERVED happiness without working for it and wanted it given to her. A child murderer doesn’t deserve anything and they definitely do not deserve something to be just handed to them.
Also no one ever talks about how she was going to rewrite this story? What was she going to do with everyone else? Rumple ended up screwing them all over... and really no matter what Regina changed it would have some kind of effect on the others. So once again the happiness of a child abusing mass murdering rapist is being put first.
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First off, she doesn’t even know what it feels like to live under one of her curses. Her curses left families separated & people raped. Her curse left Emma wondering for 28 yrs why her parents didn't want her. The child she abused not remembering her is PEANUTS compared to what she put other people through but once again it is all about REGINA’S pain. She can’t take a second to show any kind of remorse or self awareness. This would be a perfect time to feel remorse about the pain she caused but, oh no, what SHE is feeling is much WORSE. Not sure how anyone loves this self-absorbed mass murdering rapist.
When Robin died she whined about losing her happiness again. She never once mentioned Robin’s life or his kids. Only her unhappiness and her murderous impulses to take Emma’s happiness out of jealousy. Also when Marian returned in S4 the emphasis was on Regina’s broken heart without a second thought being given to Roland... Emma was being vilified for saving one of Regina’s victims and Regina’s pain was being made out to be more important than a child’s mother. A villain’s future was more important than her victim’s & hero Emma was made the villain in all this! That’s disgusting.
In 4x14: Regina tells the Charmings not to worry about the QoD, and that she has bigger things to worry about. Which is her own happy ending. Hell, she sends her son to spy on the Dark One in order to get this happy ending!
This whining leads Regina to split herself in two so that she could “like doing good” and hopefully get rid of the Evil Queen so she could get her real happy ending which brings me to point #4
4. Regina blamed everyone else for her choices
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She blamed everyone else for her choices instead of owning up to what she’d done. Again, real heroes own their mistakes. She blamed Rumple, Snow and even the Evil Queen. 
What is even more frustrating is that Regina and the other characters acted as if the EQ was some separate force inside of her…which is honestly a disgusting disturbing way of trying to excuse a child abusing mass murdering rapist of all her crimes. They never let Regina own it. Ever. And why not? 
Why did they just brush what she did under the rug? Regina needed to come forward and fully own her crimes without sugar coating it, whining about her own happiness or blaming some other force. This does not happen! That is unacceptable for a so called hero character.
But sadly, this is one of the lessons OUAT taught us. That evil isn’t a choice. It is made. Newsflash. That isn’t a good message. You and you alone are responsible for your actions. 
5. Regina never regretted what she did
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In S3 Regina admits she would ruin the Charmings and Emma’s lives again in a heartbeat. She would murder and abuse countless people again without caring. Because it will get her what she wants. This is not a person who has had a change of heart.
Besides, this sentiment carries into S4:
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Which is such a load of sugar coated bull hockey. Regina will not even fully admit her horrific abuse of Henry. Mother of the Year award right there! And what she did to Henry WAS abuse.
Regina does not regret killing people because people have lost their lives. If she regrets anything it’s because she’s lost her happy ending because of it. It’s always about her and never about her victims. Yeah, sure, she whines a few times about what she’s done but it is always in connection to her losing something. 
Regina: Now is not the time to give up. Need I remind you I dedicated years to knocking you down? But nothing could stop you. Mary Margaret: You took my kingdom. Cast your curse. I lost my daughter for 28 years. Regina: And then you found her. You defeated me in a way no one thought was possible. You made me your friend by never giving up on me. So what's the difference this time?
Regina never once realizes or acknowledges the immense damage she did to the Charming family nor does she show any kind of remorse for it. Instead it sounds like she expects praise. And Snow does in fact thank Regina for her abuse in Season 6! “You taught me how to have faith. You were the one who taught me that hope is a choice.” But this conversation is so infuriating because Snow should not be friends with the woman who destroyed her life and does not regret causing Snow to make the unbearable choice of giving up her daughter.
“To be fair, I was threatening you. Everyone else was just collateral damage”
Regina literally does not care about the lives she took. She just simply cares about how her life turns out.
We also know Regina did not regret what she did because she kept her vault of hearts. But more on that below.
6. Regina Never Apologized
But plenty of people apologized to Regina! That just grates on my nerves.
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Regina can’t even apologize to Emma for controlling her with the dagger even after learning that it upsets Emma. 
You would think a mass murderer who destroyed the lives of so many people, and who supposedly had a change of heart, would be groveling for forgiveness at the feet of her victims. She showed no remorse for what she’d done to Snow, Charming or Emma. Instead, she acted like a victim. 
SHE WAS NOT A VICTIM. She was a heinous tyrant ruler that perpetuated so many atrocities against the Charmings, Emma and the people of the Enchanted Forest. She cast a curse that made people sleep with people they wouldn’t have slept with otherwise and never apologized for it! I think I’d demand an apology for that! But she gets away with it, of course.
Regina not apologizing in S3-4 is maddening but her not apologizing before the end of S5 is unacceptable. I don’t care what she did after she split herself in two because....
7. Splitting herself in two was a cop out
Too easy. She deserved to work to change her heart (which she admits isn’t changed when saying she “hates to do good”). And anything “good” she might have done or said after that becomes irrelevant because she took the easy route. She didn’t change her heart. Magic changed her heart or at least removed some of the darkness. That isn’t progress. It’s just a retcon. 
Besides, after splitting herself she murdered Wish Snowing & tortured Emma. Which by the way, if the Wish People didn’t matter so much she sure wouldn’t hurt a Fake Henry and went to lengths to bring back a Fake Robin so no, I’m sorry. Not buying it.
8. She had a chance to be a real hero & didn’t take it
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Firstly, I already hated Regina for her reaction to Marian and acting as if Emma was some super villain because of it... but this right here was the final straw.
I’m sorry but letting the Charmings face the Evil Queen, a product of a decision she made and part of herself, is without a doubt proof that she is not a real hero. That she has always been about her own happiness.
If Regina was a true hero then she would have done everything in her power to destroy the Evil Queen even if it meant destroying herself. Remember, they had no idea what the EQ was plotting. She could have killed the Charmings on the spot. The fact that Regina even let them face her, knowing that she might murder them, is honestly revolting. Especially for someone who calls herself a hero.
9. Regina’s vault of hearts
A true hero would right their wrongs. A hero that regrets something they’ve done would seek a way to fix things. A true hero would face their victims and ask for forgiveness.
A hero would not, however, continue to keep a vault full of the hearts they stole.
But Regina doesn’t even give those poor people a single thought. Not a single “hmmm maybe I should see if I can return some of these hearts”. I guess that would be too much work and wouldn’t be directly connected to her happiness.
That’s not a hero.
But Regina isn’t a hero. Or at least not my hero. To me she will always be a villain who split herself in two so that not killing anymore wouldn’t bother her so much.
10. Characters propping up Regina & erasing her crimes
Henry’s abuse was retconned/forgotten
One of the most sickening lines in the entire show is when Henry tells her “If I had never gone to get Emma, if I just lived under the curse with you, none of this would have ever happened. I thought I was alone. I-I thought you didn't love me. But I was wrong.” So a child abusing mass murdering rapist deserves a happy ending at the expense of everyone else’s happy ending? Where is the Henry from S1-2? The one who couldn’t wait to get away from her BECAUSE OF THE ABUSE? Now Regina does acknowledge that she is a villain here but to re-write Henry in this instance is to gloss over the abuse. in S1-2 Henry would not have uttered that line and he was therefore retconned to lift Regina up.
We see it again in S4 over Regina’s “biggest regret” is a bullshit line about “not believing in him”.
Also there is a moment where Snow tells Regina about Maleficent and how they didn’t want Emma to know for the same reasons Regina didn’t want Henry to know about her past so he wouldn’t lose faith in who he always believed she could be. But that is a lie because in S1 and the beginning of 2 he did believe there was no hope. He wanted Emma to stop trying because he feared Regina would win and in season 2 he wanted to build an armory to protect them from Regina.
The show became pro-child abuser by not addressing the abuse.
Regina’s crimes swept away & her victims forced to accept her so she can join Team Hero
I hear this fandom often say Hook got it easier b/c the Charmings trusted him too quickly. Which is absolutely a lie. He wasn’t trusted completely until S6. However, Regina absolutely should get the most hate from the Charmings because she was the one that destroyed their lives. They have more reasons to distrust her than Killian or Neal (canon wise they don’t know the full story). And they all distrusted Rumple. Yet they welcomed Regina into their circle in s3 after she admitted she didn’t regret destroying their lives because it got HER what SHE wanted. Their trust in her NEVER MADE SENSE. Because despite y’all insisting Regina sacrificed for them, she never did.
Snow becomes Regina’s cheerleader
The fact that Snow spends way too much of the later seasons championing Regina and not her daughter is disgusting. Snow is one of the first to agree with Regina about Emma’s plans as the Dark One. Snow goes and comforts Regina in S6 instead of Emma whose having visions of her death. It’s honestly absurd.
Regina’s crimes against Emma sugar coated
In this same scene Regina tells Emma “I've known you for some time and all I wanted was for you to get the hell out of my life so I can be with my son.” That is one hell of a way to sugar coat “I WANTED YOU DEAD” because “out of her life” wasn’t good enough. Emma was leaving and Regina still tried to murder her.
Regina is made into the victim & her victims become the villain
What she did to Owen/Greg never saw the light of day because he became the villain. She never bothered to tell anyone why he was there. That she was the reason Henry was in danger. That she had murdered Greg’s father and left him an orphan all because his father refused to give his son to her. They turned Regina into the victim without acknowledging her role in Greg’s life.
And later? In 3x11 she throws Hook’s not helping her back in his face while no one takes note that she was actively plotting to murder them all AND had just left him for dead! Why does Hook get the blame for that when she fails to own up to her role in it? Why does she even get to complain after the thousands of people she murdered that she didn’t have to pay the price for? That is unacceptable.
Percival died trying to defend everyone against evil queen Regina and no one cared. They had to save Robin so Regina wouldn’t lose love again.
Robin says in Season 3 that “the rumors didn't say anything about the Evil Queen being "bold and audacious”. Really? So what were these rumors? I guess her hot looks trump her murderous impulses? Also with Robin he mentions that he doesn’t want to leave her alone in the Underworld because people may still want revenge on her and she needs protection. She needs protection from her victims? SHE SHOULD BE FACING THEM! Her victims aren’t the problem. Regina is.
Graham’s rape and murder forgotten
What she did to Graham was never mentioned again. That is unacceptable to me. She assaulted him for 28 years then murdered him in a jealous rage and also to protect her curse. This is a man Emma and Henry cared for. Yet she remains silent.
Regina’s affair was applauded
Remember back in S1 when Mary Marguerite had an affair with David and she was labeled a home wrecking whore? Yet when Regina is having an affair with Robin it’s applauded. They believed his wife had returned and she was effectively in a coma while they were going at it in her vault. But Snow applauds her. The show sympathizes with her. Why? Oh because its Regina.
They erase what Regina did to Marian
Emma mentions once in S3 finale that Marian was Regina’s victim but that is forgotten by S4. And I have already mentioned this but I am going to mention it again. Why? Because Regina blames her current state of affairs on Emma instead of acknowledging that her murderous tyranny led to Marian being taken from her family. In fact, this little bit of information is never told to Robin. I think he should know that Regina is responsible for his son losing his mother.
And in the end Zelena gets the ultimate blame because she murdered Marian. But again. Marian wouldn’t have been in that situation if Regina hadn’t been plotting to unjustly execute her.
Regina’s treatment of Zelena tried to whitewash Regina’s evilness
The way she speaks to Zelena is disgusting. Now I am no fan of Zelena. I think she is amusing but I dislike that she gets to raise the baby she raped Robin for. However, the show doesn’t pretend she is a hero or parade her around as this pillar of virtue like “I hate doing good” bully Regina. So that being said...
Regina has no moral high ground over Zelena either. Regina’s crimes far outweigh Zelena’s but the show acts like it doesn’t because Zelena hurted poor whittle Regina. Regina claims in S5 that Zelena already had enough chances when Regina herself has been given 999 (EF dungeon, by Tink, after dark curse was broken & lastly when she stopped her kill switch).
Regina then blames Zelena for Robin’s death when everyone was trying to caution Regina about trusting Hades! She takes ZERO responsibility for herself NEVER listening to anyone! Then she saves Zelena from her more evil half and claims, paraphrasing here, “I nearly killed myself for you because that is what heroes do not that you’d know that”. REALLY? Why didn’t you do that for the Charmings then? Oh because you couldn’t virtue signal to them to feel better about yourself? THE WRITING FOR THIS SHOW SUCKS.
Furthermore, we see in s7 that it is Zelena that has changed and grown because she doesn't want her daughter anywhere near their mother’s dark magic but Regina is all “it’s fiiiiiiiine why should I listen to you about your kid? I think its good so its good”.
Wish Henry suddenly becomes her son
With just a few tears from Regina and her claiming that MURDERING his WishGrandparents was a mistake... WishHenry forgives her and all of the sudden she has a second son. It was absurd, unbelievable and just gross.
Season 7 changed the rules of the Wish Realm. So it was yet another murder that Regina got to get out of and absolve herself of the blame AND get rewarded for it!
11. Once again - Regina never faced a victim
I’m just gong to repeat this one more time. She never paid for any of her crimes. She never faced a victim and sought forgiveness (her becoming a hero was about her HEA) but instead continued to be a self-righteous bully (her so called sassy sarcasm wasn’t funny & wasn’t right for a villain who supposedly had a change of heart).
And no, she did not face the Charmings. Her saving her own hide and them included is not “facing the Charmings”. Facing them would be seeking forgiveness. Facing them would be showing remorse. She only helped them so that she could still be in Henry’s life and earn her own happy ending. She never even discussed what she did to them until a bench scene in S6 and that was glossed over as her “not being a very good step-mother” and Snow ends up thanking Regina for her abuse! It’s disgusting really.
She went to the Underworld where Hades says that her body count nearly rivals Rumple’s but instead we see her have a family reunion and heal a dead horse instead of facing one of her countless victims. How disgusting is that? And you want me to believe her redemption was complete?  No. Sorry.
Fandom Note: I don’t care if you love Regina. But at some point Evil Regal’s need to accept that not everyone does. And that there are legit reasons for hating this character on the basis of very poor writing.
Furthermore, your head canons about her childhood & marriage aren’t shared across the fandom & doesn’t excuse her choices anyway. Regina CHOSE to commit the most vile acts which were 100% never addressed.
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S3E17 -- The Jolly Roger
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
Oh good, just what I wanted on the heels of the episode that murdered Neal and a Zelena centric . . . . a Hook centric written by David Goodman.
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Given this fact though -- I mean, there IS worse out there in the OUAT world.  
So this episode was . . . . meh, I guess?  
I’ll be honest -- I didn’t completely hate it.  But I really don’t have much use for it either.  Does that make sense?
What I’m really annoyed at is the OBVIOUS propping of Hook.  I mean OBVIOUS.  Him being BFFs with Henry --- it’s also the beginning of the obvious erasure of Neal/Bae from the show.  He’s been dead what, a few days?  No one is mourning, no one cares.  
And crap, I’d forgotten about the stupid “cursed lips” shit.  Not surprised that got its start at the hand of Goodman.
There was some AMAZING Swan Queen stuff in this episode.  Their chemistry outshines any of the lame ass stuff they were trying to prop up with Hook and Emma.
Speaking of Emma . . . . . ah, I see her deconstruction officially begins in this episode, telling Hook she “doesn’t care what happened in the missing year that he’s hiding.”  Yup, this is the moment where Emma Swan began to devolve into the Stepford Swan.  This episode right here.  
Points tally:
40 points to start
5 points for quality Swan Queen scenes
15 bonus points for the Charmings trying to be cool and teaching Henry to drive, and a little extra for the Emma/Regina stuff because it outshone every shitty Hook moment in the episode
20 points deducted for it being a Hook centric -- blah
10 points deducted for Goodman -- hack hack hack
10 points deducted for the Hook/Belle scene, please STOP, he tried to MURDER her, she should not even be in the same room with him
5 points deducted for no Rumple
Gotta take off 15 points extra for the stupid cursed lips, and for Hook stalking Emma with his FUCKING TELESCOPE at the end of the episode.  Which is being FRAMED as “romantic.” Not kidding.
Total points:  ZERO
Okay so we’ve hit our first ZERO POINT episode of the series, which is very fitting for a Hook centric -- but still not in the negatives!  Honestly I thought it might be and my theory about which episode would be was wrong.  But so far nope . . . . I think I know where we’ll get the negatives.  We shall see!
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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dancingships · 5 years
Regina’s BFF Awards : Season 3
3x01 Heart of the Truest Believer
Regina: And what, you'll win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?! Mary Margret: Considering that your plan failed, at least we could try! Regina: You're such a naive princess! Mary Margret: And you are such a... ::punches Regina:: Regina: Huh. Is that your best? Mary Margret: Not even close! I am so tired of you ruining my life! Regina: I ruined your life?
Regina, you lost a boyfriend. But I suppose asking you to think about anyone else is too much, huh? But how dare Snow suggest that losing her entire family ruined her life? The nerve, right? Its not like Emma had to grow up an orphan or anything...
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Emma jumps over board so that everyone will stop fighting and focus on getting her back on deck - because if they don’t stop fighting, they will all die.
Regina’s response? She calls Emma an idiot.
So, Regina, what would you have done to get everyone’s attention? Lit the masts on fire?
3x02 Lost Girl
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Regina once again proving that she doesn’t believe in Emma. At all. She can’t and wont listen to anyone else.
Emma: If I'm the one who's supposed to figure out this thing, I need to do what Pan said. Regina: Great.
She thinks her “better idea” of using magic is going to get them to Henry faster.
Snow: That’s OK you’ll (Emma) figure it out. Regina: No, you won’t but I can. .... Well, Emma, you said you wanted to be the leader. Lead.
What a manipulator. Yeah, after you grabbed the parchment and went against the rules you want her to lead where you want her to go Regina.
Emma was forced to thank a very smug Regina a bit too prematurely though, wasn’t she? Because what did Regina breaking the rules get them? Into an ambush that leaves David poisoned by Dreamshade.
You know whose advice Emma is listening to? Killian’s. And why not? He not only knows Neverland but respects her as a human being. Regina can’t even respect her as Henry’s other mother let alone a leader.
3x03 Quite A Common Fairy
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Of course it is immediately Emma’s fault. But hey, look who isn’t doubting Emma and promptly comes to her defense?
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I will give her a half a point for apologizing after both Emma & Snow call her out but of course it isn’t her fault... she’s just worried about Henry. No, Regina, truth is you’re just a bitch 24/7.
3x06 Ariel
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“And you’re a monster” - I miss this Emma.
Funny how Killian didn’t need to insult her in S5 to help her light the flame... but Regina? Yeah. She jumps right to the verbal abuse.
3x09 Save Henry
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Emma: (To Neal) You were a Lost Boy. Any idea where he went? Neal: Well, I, I know where he lived. Where his compound... Regina: That's idiotic. We all know that. Think he's stupid enough to go back? Please. Emma: Enough. Regina: Don't tell me what's enough. My son is dying! Emma: Our son. So, yes, I know how you feel. Regina: You have no idea what I feel. You have your parents. You have this— (Gestures at Neal) —person; a pirate who pines for you. You have everything and yet you claim to know what I feel? All I have is Henry and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything. Emma: You're right. I don't know what you feel. So what do you want to do? You want to run the show? Run it. How do we save Henry? Regina: I don't know. Neal: Even if we can find Pan, he was probably powerful before without Henry's heart. I-I don't know if we can hurt him. Regina: Yes, we can. Look. You nicked him. He can bleed. We can hurt him. And if we can hurt him, we can kill him. And we will.
It’s always about Regina, isn’t? Because she is so unhealthily co-dependent on her son then Emma’s feelings do not matter? Because Emma has other people in her life she can’t possibly love Henry just as much? Only a complete self absorbed person says things like this.
Lets focus on how Emma handles this.. instead of striking back and wasting time she lets Regina have her way in hopes of fueling a plan of action. But Regina doesn’t have a plan. She only has whining about “me me me”.
And then my personal favorite:
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She would destroy Emma’s life again in a heartbeat and hurt Henry all over again with her curse if it meant that SHE could get what SHE wanted. Always about Regina.
3x10 The New Neverland
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Regina’s jealousy over Emma's relationship with Henry will rise again in S6 over Henry & Violet’s song.
3x11 Going Home
She can’t be honest.
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Stop acting like you just “wanted her to leave”. If this is an apology it’s a bunch of crap. You wanted her DEAD. Leaving wasn't good enough.
Yes, Regina gives her happy memories but she does this for Henry without truly acknowledging that this is all her fault.
This would not be happening if 1) She hadn’t tried to destroy the town and kill everyone in it to begin with 2) Regina had listened to Emma about Henry/Pan and 3) She hadn’t cast this curse in the first place.
Regina goes on to whine and moan about her own pain but never once stopping to think that she just ripped Snowing away from their daughter. AGAIN.
3x13 Witch Hunt
I honestly just can’t.
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I don’t know how Emma keeps her cool with this woman.
I know Regina means for *herself* it is worse but there’s a few problematic things here.
1) Regina has never had to live under any of her curses. Her curses turned a man into her sex slave for 28 years, ripped families apart & made people sleep with people they wouldn’t have normally chosen to sleep with.
2) Henry not remembering her is peanuts compared to Emma who was ripped away from her parents and wondered for 28 years why they didn’t want her.
But what does Regina care about that? It’s always about Regina.
3x14 The Tower
Emma thinks it is a good idea to search Regina’s office for physical evidence of Zelena’s whereabouts.
Per usual, Emma’s ideas are promptly dismissed as foolish. She did this a lot in Neverland in regards to how Emma wanted to handle the map and going after Neal. Which they, at the time, thought Neal was the only way to read a map to get them off the island. So finding him wasn’t that stupid.
3x17 Jolly Roger
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She just gets through saying how Rumple’s methods were “bullying” then proceeds to follow his example? Mmmmmmmkay. Makes perfect sense.
At least she recognizes Emma’s potential but Regina can’t ever stop talking because she then continues to berate her. Why not a little congratulations? Why not lift up Emma’s confidence instead of tearing her down for being late to the “oh I’ve got magic lets use it!” party? She needed time. I don’t recall Regina rushing to learn magic like her mother. She resisted at first too.
This is part of an OUAT BFF Award series that was inspired over the vile names I’ve been called because I refuse to see Regina’s toxic behavior as friendship. Emma & Regina are merely two people who are thrown together because they love Henry.
3x22 There’s No Place Like Home
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Just like her mother as in both were trying to help people but instead get vilified for it? Yeah, I can see that.
Again it’s all about Regina... never mind that a happy reunion between mother and son is taking place right behind her.
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heatherfield · 5 years
@findingtallahassee‘s wedding mood boards have me thinking of Ruby and Archie’s wedding again (plus the posts that were buried in my drafts that I’ve reblogged multiple times). Ages ago, I planned to write their wedding as part of a larger season four fic, but I’m starting to doubt that will ever happen, so I’ll at least write a condensed fic about the wedding itself... eventually.
Now I’m realizing I don’t know who would officiate, since Archie is usually the go-to officiant in Storybrooke.
My first thought was Regina, but Ruby isn’t that comfortable with Regina at that point (i.e. the end of season four). 
Then I thought—perhaps Snow? It could be a natural amalgamation of her roles as princess, mother, and BFF. Then again, she would totally be Ruby’s maid (matron, technically) of honour.
Perhaps Belle could be the officiant, as a close friend to Archie and Ruby. Plus, Archie and Ruby were both at her wedding not long before. Either way, she plans the wedding almost single-handedly (with Granny and Snow) when Ruby and Archie decide to get married with only a week’s notice*—partly because she’s thrilled for her friends, but partly because she welcomes the distraction with what’s happening with her and Rumple’s marriage at this point in time.
Lastly, perhaps Jefferson is the officiant? I mean, I headcanon that he would be closer with Ruby and Archie than what we see in canon, but I also imagine that he’s such a jack-of-all-trades that of course he’s certified to legally marry people. It would certainly make for a fun ceremony! But of course, he would be appropriately serious at the right times, too.
And now I’m imagining something similar to the scene in “About Time” when Domhnall Gleeson can’t decide who his best man should be so he keeps going back in time and you see each potential best man give his (mostly disastrous) speech. 
I kind of like all these very different options, haha.
(Also tagging @queenofglassbeliever​ @silkendreamer @renee561 in case you’re interested.)
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