#regressor!charlie morningstar
hihi!! do you think you can make a moodboard for charlie morningstar? <3
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Hope you like it :3
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Charlie!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
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pwincess-charchar · 2 months
What the heck do you MEAN my found family don’t all live close by and I can’t just go bother them whenever I’m feeling clingy?? What kind of bulls-
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shhtickerbook · 8 months
Hiiii!! Sorry the ask from that other anon was kinda (really) scary :[ I hope you’re doing good!! I was wondering if I could request art of Age Regressor Charlie and Vaggie as her caregiver? (I headcanon that Vaggie calls her “little angel” so maybe Charlie has a bear plush with a halo or somethin?) ^ also I haven’t seen episodes 7 and six yet if that helps i hope you have a good day!! 💖💖💖💖
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Vaggies got the baby!
When charlie isn’t running around the hotel causing havoc (usually led by angel or nifty) she’s demanding to be carried! Good thing Vaggie can carry her around with ease
I forgor to add the bear sorry!
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moonhowler · 3 months
hi this is @littlehazbins
can draw your favourite little hazbin please?
Oooh my fav little hazbin? I'm not sure tbh! I haven't drawn little charlie before though, so I decided to draw her!
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Charlie's Blog
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Hello! I'm Charlie I am a host of the Hellion Collective. A lot of you will remember me as CG Charlie of the Hazbin Hotel Agere Community which is correct that is me, one and the same. However since system discovery we (myself, my other hosts, and the rest of my system) are trying to move away from being only known for our agere content. Therefore this is now my personal blog.
You will find some of my headmates will post too. We will always sign off so you know who we are.
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Links: COMMISSION SLOTS / Rules + Boundaries / About Us
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lttl3babybug · 5 months
Got any caregiver Charlie headcanons?
YES! I love Charlie sm
Cg!Charlie Morningstar Headcanons!
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🌈Oh my goodness she is such an involved cg
🌈And I mean she is involved
🌈You want to finger paint? So does she. baking? Right beside you with flour on her face. Dress up? She’s already getting the costumes out.
🌈Charlie loves arts and crafts. She has so much art supplies it’s criminal
🌈Y’know those big crayola boxes with the sharpeners in the back? She’s got like 20 of them
🌈There for everything you do, supporting you 100% of the way
🌈You drew her a picture?! She goes round showing EVERYONE, then puts it up on the fridge
🌈You want cuddles, Vaggie can move aside for a few baby needs her mama
🌈Such a mother, she’s so good at this stuff
🌈If you’re not clingy, she is
🌈Charlie needs to be round you 24/7 just to make sure you’re not getting hurt or in danger
🌈She carries around a little medical kit with her
🌈Fun plasters! She has ones of whatever your favourite cartoon is and if you don’t have a favourite they’ve just got a fun pattern on!
🌈Loves loves LOVES shopping for gear for you, every time you see a stuffie you mention us sorta cute you find it sat on your bed 2 days later
🌈So good at slipping you, she’s naturally nurturing so every time she sees you stressing or getting worked up she calms you
🌈Weather it’s intentional or not she always manages to make you go baby mode. You’re like putty in her hands
🌈Now despite being so naturally mother like charlie is horrible when it comes to discipline
Not in the way that she’s super strict
🌈Quite the opposite actually, she’s terrified of upsetting you
🌈She knows how fragile you are right now and how important your little space is to you!
🌈The moment your lip starts to quiver or tears appear in your eyes she taps out and calls in Vaggie to do it for her
She’ll watch you sit in time out and feel so bad
“Maybe we could just-“ “no Charlie. They broke a rule, c’mon keep consistent or they’ll think you’re a pushover” Vaggie hummed, pulling her heartbroken girlfriend away from your view
🌈Once you’re out of time out though Charlie is right back by your side
🌈She’ll explain to you why you had to be punished and not to do it again and to instead talk through how you’re feeling or draw it if you don’t want to talk about it!
🌈Charlie loves loves loves dressing you up. Putting you in cute little outfits and parading you around the hotel
🌈She’s very good at story time before bed. She gets very invested in the story herself, even if she’s read it for you thousands of times.
🌈She does voices for the characters! It’s her favourite part
🌈Especially when the voices make you giggle
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baby-bat-attack · 13 days
A gift for @angels-playspace !! I think I saw a post or two where you pointed out the lack of Charlie cg fics :3
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Charlie had always been the most caring and patient with you, especially when you were feeling small. Today was no exception. You were sitting with her on the floor of her bedroom in the hotel, surrounded by soft blankets and pillows. She had laid out some toys in front of you, a mix of plushies and blocks, her smile warm and inviting as she watched you pick through them.
"Hey, kiddo," she said gently, sitting down beside you. "I thought we could play for a while! I have all these toys, and I was thinking maybe we could go on a little adventure together. How does that sound?"
Your eyes lit up at the idea, and you reached for a chubby pig plushie, its little snout and floppy ears making you smile instantly.
Charlie giggled when she saw your choice. "Oh, I love that piggy! Looks like he’ll be our brave hero today. Now, who should they face in our adventure?"
You tilted your head, thinking, before she gasped dramatically. "Oh no! The kingdom is under attack by…" She glanced around and grabbed a pile of stuffed blocks, stacking them up haphazardly. "A giant mountain monster! It’s big and loud, and it's stomping all over the place!"
You giggled, clutching your pig plushie close as you watched her build the monster. The pig plush wiggled in your hands, ready to take on the challenge. You gave it a determined nod, deciding that the piggy was strong enough to protect the kingdom.
Charlie’s face lit up as she watched you get into the game. "Look at him! So brave!" she cheered. She made the block monster wobble from side to side, letting out silly roars as the pig approached. "Can your piggy stop the monster?"
You gave your pig plush a playful growl and made it charge at the stack of blocks, toppling them down in one go. Charlie let out a gasp, her eyes wide with shocked. "Whoa! That was amazing!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "The piggy saved the day!"
You giggled, feeling proud as Charlie leaned in to give the pig plush a gentle pat. "You’re so strong," she praised softly. Then, turning her attention back to you, she added, "You’re such a great protector, too."
Her words warmed you, and you couldn’t help but smile at her affection. She scooted closer and pulled you into a gentle hug, resting her chin on your head. "I’m so proud of you," she murmured. "I love playing with you. You make every day so much more fun."
Snuggled against her, you felt safe and loved, her warmth chasing away any of the small worries that might have crept in. She kissed the top of your head and sat back up with a playful gleam in her eye.
"Now," she said with a grin, "how about we build a huge fortress for our piggy hero? He deserves a castle after all that hard work!"
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k1tty-st4rz · 6 months
Little vaggie headcanons?
she’s so cutie patootie (she could kill me in a second)
Little Vaggie Headcanons
involuntarily regressor mostly! whether it be positive or negative triggers :P
she regresses 2-5, 1 on a bad bad baaaad day
shyest baby everrr!!! she jus clings to Charlie :3
^Charlie is her caregiver. very rarely she has Husk babysit her :3
so scared of the dark when she little :( so Charlie got her a cute little nightlight!
 she got a music box and when she little and can’t sleep, she sits up and cranks it so the music plays. it might wake up Charlie but she just really likes the music 
ashamed of her regression bc she’s supposed to be big n tough ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ but instead she has a teddy bear in her arms and a paci in her mouth…
she gets panic attacks from trauma and it can get really bad D:
mostly nonverbal, most she can get out is a very smol sentence or just a word “mama”, “mine!”, “read”, etc
she CANT ask for help because of habits
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leila54yks3 · 6 months
Alastor is that cruel to him? :( that poor baby
Your smile won't last long
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theogclownboy · 8 months
Let me explain briefly.... Today I decided to watch episode 2 of Hazbin Hotel and I got some idea...
Can you draw Little!Sir Pentious and Cg!Charlie? It's okay, if you won't...
And I wish you a little rest... Otherwise, judging by your last post, you are a little tired of these asks....
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i love hazbin hotel so much! And I love sir pentious but I've never drawn him until today so this was fun to try. And I'm not really getting tired of the asks it's more of I want more attention to go to my other things like my agere Wilford and cg Dark series I wanna start.
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Can't believe it took me so long to do something for Charlie :0
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pwincess-charchar · 6 months
Hey hey! Big char-char here to give an important message to all the other littles and to the wonderful caregivers!
I know there’s been an awful anon bully going around and being mean :( I just wanna say to anyone who’s received hate or is scared of it to not listen to them! They’re just some faceless grey icon with nothing better to do with their time. Don’t take anything they say to heart, they aren’t worth it!
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with agere. It’s a healthy coping mechanism, nothing bad or creepy about it! Don’t you forget that!
I know not a lot of people see my stuff, but if this can help even one person then that’s more than enough! Keep being yourself! I love you all (/platonic)!! 🌈✨♥️
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k1tten-m1lk · 6 months
I’ve been making a lot of pfp edits lately! I will post them separately soon ! ^_^
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moonhowler · 2 months
I haven't had much time to draw. My boss came back from maternity leave and now I have to actually work instead of drawing for 8 hours 😅 Anyways here's a quick sketch of baby Charlie with her cursed pet cat.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 4 months
It’s Okay to Cry
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel has been crying nonstop, and Husk doesn’t know why.
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Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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Heavily inspired and based on “The Crying Dame” from The Loud House
“It’s Okay to Cry” belongs to Barney and Friends
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Husk looked at his phone to check the time as he held Angel in his arms. The spider regressed to a headspace equivalent of a newborn and had been crying for about two hours. Husk didn’t know why or what had gotten Angel so upset. The caregiver tried everything to stop his tears. Angel didn’t need a change, he wasn’t sick, and he wasn’t hungry. Husk tried putting Angel down for a nap, but that was also unsuccessful since he wasn’t tired either. Fat Nuggets tried cheering the little spider with his comfort items (Angel’s Rainbow Puppy and Twinkle stuffies and favorite Blue’s Clues paci), but to no avail.
“I know, today’s just not a good day, is it?” Husk comforted in a soft, hushed tone as he rocked Angel from side to side.
Husk put Angel down on his bed to text Charlie for advice. Angel instantly bawled louder because of this.
“It’s okay, Legs. I just gotta text Charlie,” Husk said as Fat Nuggets climbed on the bed and walked over to Angel, nuzzling his cheek to calm him down. “She’ll help us understand why you’re feeling sad.”
Husk then texted Charlie on his phone.
Husk: “Hey, Charlie, I need help.”
Charlie: “Sure thing, I’m on my way.”
The winged cat sighed with relief as he put his phone away. He picked Angel back up and gave him a gentle bounce. A few minutes later, Charlie arrived.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked.
“Do you know how to get littles to stop crying?” Husk questioned. “Fat Nuggets and I’ve tried everything for Angel and nothing’s working.”
Charlie scratched her chin as she thought long and hard about Husk’s question.
“How long has Angel been crying for?”
“Two hours,” Husk replied. “I just… I don’t know. I feel like I’m doing something wrong here.”
“No, no, it’s not that at all,” Charlie reassured Husk as she put her hand on his shoulder. “You and Fat Nuggets are doing a good job taking care of Angel while he’s little. I think it’s because littles who regress to an infantile headspace are similar to actual babies. Sometimes, babies cry for no reason, no matter what we do to soothe them.”
“So, what should we do?”
“Just let Angel cry it out and continue comforting him for as long as he needs it. No matter what age, we all need a good cry every now and then. I promise you, it’s nothing that you’ve done.”
Husk smiled a bit as Charlie rubbed the still-wailing spider’s back and walked out of the cat’s room. The caregiver then carried Angel to his rocking chair and sat down.
“You hear that, kiddo? We all need a good cry sometimes, and you know what? It’s perfectly okay to cry,” Husk said as he began slowly rocking Angel in his arms. “Just let it out. I’m right here, and so is Fat Nuggets. We’re gonna be here for you, no matter what.”
Fat Nuggets walked over to the rocking chair and climbed onto Angel’s lap to join in comforting him. Husk cleared his throat and began to sing.
When you feel a tear in your eye,
it usually means you want to cry,
So if you've hurt and it hurts real bad
Or if you have feelings that are making you sad,
Then it's okay, it's okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Crying is nature's way
Of helping bad feelings go away.
So if you've been hurt or are feeling bad,
Whether you're a kid or a mom or a dad,
It's okay, it’s okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Yes, that works for me.
Angel sniffled after the song, his cries subsiding to whines and whimpers.
“Shh, it’s okay, kiddo. You’re gonna be okay,” Husk smiled softly and continued rocking the spider until he felt better.
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