#regularly scheduled program resumes today
animatedjen · 6 months
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Caij Vanda | Jedi Survivor
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necromycologist · 9 months
look I love the ineffable idiots as much as any other good omens poster on this godforsaken radioactive wasteland of a website but please STOp calling them enemies to lovers. hereditary enemies to lovers AT BEST. they literally have not even had a swordfight no attempts on the other’s life WHATSOEVER. that is all.
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biru-thegoose · 2 months
the lesbian urge to show up in a male-dominated, heteronormative industry and let them deal with my presence is strong this evening
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classycoffeecat · 1 year
PSA: I apologize to anyone who followed me for my random fandom and misc tumblr postings... something supernatural just happened
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greenthena · 11 months
Oh me? Just cataloging snakey stuff
I'm currently diving down lots of costume rabbit holes (snake holes? sounds wrong...) in the GO universe. My thoughts for today are about Crowley and how he expresses his snakey-ness through the ages. Might I tempt you down this rabbit hole?
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Starting off in Eden. It's a very small detail and barely even visible in this screencap, but you can see deep red embroidery "V" shapes on the shoulder of Crowley's tunic here. They're very scale-like and quite subtle. This "V" scale shape is a patterned motif we'll see throughout the early years (really during the B.C. years) of Crowley clothes. Also, Crowley's hair is almost Gorgon-like, the curls resembling the bodies of serpents.
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For the Flood sequence, I had a little trouble finding anything snakey. Crowley's hair is less defined (though glorious! love the plait!) so I'm not as tempted to describe the style as Gorgon-esque. But if you zoom into the robe to get a good view of the texture...
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...you can see the herringbone pattern in the weave of the fabric. Herringbone is basically a series of upright and inverted chevrons, that continue the "V" shape motif of snake scales that we first saw on the Eden robe's embroidery. Elusive little reference, but pretty clear once you see it. Also note the unfinished hem at the neckline of Crowley's robe, compared to the smoothly stitched and tied neckline on Aziraphale. Undone versus all bound up.
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Bildad is just my favorite and I will gladly ramble indefinitely about everything from the Job minisode. *exhale* Bildad's tone-on-tone black robe has both diamond and stripe-dash designs, which are common patterns for snakes in nature. We've also got the belted sash at the waist, with an unusual use of teal (not a color we associate with Crowley). The unexpected color choice draws attention to the chevron motif, which we've now come to associate with Crowley's snakey-ness in the B.C. flashbacks.
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And here's an additional Bildad. I make no apologies.
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For the Golgatha sequence, Crowley presents as female, wearing a head covering. The robe looks to be the same as what she wore in the Flood sequence, with the subtle herringbone pattern. It's a heavy scene and the costumes are appropriately subdued.
Sidenote: I want to point out here that through the B.C. flashbacks, Crowley's costumes are consistently very textured compared to Aziraphale's. All the fabrics used are earthy and nubby and just very tactile, even when Crowley is playing the part of a wealthy Shuhite. Aziraphale's fabric choices, in contrast, are polished and almost shining. His accessories are metallic and golden and very much of Heaven. But if we look closer at the texture of his garments, even Aziraphale may be minutely subverting Heaven's uniform. Compare the slub texture (and even the unfinished neck hem in Eden) of Aziraphale's robes in the following images...
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...to the perfectly smooth fabrics on the robes of other angels...
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Gabriel and Muriel wear Heavenly robes of flawless weave. They're smooth, they're perfect...they're exactly what you'd expect. But not Aziraphale. He is, even back in Eden, drawn to the subtle variances and imperfections of Earth. His garments have texture and substance in a way that we just don't see with the rest of the Heavenly Host.
We now resume your regularly scheduled programming in the years of our lord. We're in the A.D.'s bay-bee!
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Crowley's Rome ensemble is so confused and blundered. I read a meta that argued, and I agree, that we're to interpret this as, "This is Crowley's first visit to Rome since the crucifiction and he's just mish-mashed all the styles into one, regardless of gender or whatever." I'm good with the interpretation. In terms of seeking out the snakes, though, we've got a few candidates. First, the dark red linework embroidery at the hem of the toga(?). It's got an undulating pattern that we can read as a literal snake, or simply as a variation on the chevron theme. Either way, it reads as snakey. We've also got the snake brooch--on the nose, but why not? Finally, and this one took me a while, and I'm not certain I'm fully on board, but I'm kind of thinking of Crowley's silver laurels as snake scales. I mean, yes, they're Roman-ish, but very out of place in the context of having a quick drink. You don't wander around the streets of Rome proper wearing silver laurels. Maybe snake scales? This isn't a hill I'm willing to die on.
The big take away from the Rome costume is that this marks a change in Crowley's expression. Prior to this period, he's hidden his snake scales in the weave and texture of his garments. Going forward, we're not going to see any more distinct "V" embroidery or snakey textural patterns. Crowley's style is shifting and becoming more luxurious. But first, Wessex.
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GO costume designer Claire Anderson said that for the 537 A.D. Wessex sequence, she was not going all in for historical accuracy. She was compiling armor pieces that looked snake-like. Cheers to her, because poor Crowley just looks like a very uncomfortable and damp serpent. Really like the individual plates on the pauldron and the gauntlet. Very scale-like. The chain mail, itself, can also read snake scales, though I'm hesitant to make that comparison since Aziraphale's armor also includes quite extraordinary amount of chain mail.
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A moment of appreciation for Aziraphale's cape, if you will.
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Once we reach the Elizabethan era, Crowley really hits his stride in terms of fashion. The lines of his doublet are angular and pointed. The collar is lifted up toward the sky, like a snake periscoping in the grass. But the thing I really see in this costume is the excessive use of velvet. It's the perfect fabric to evoke snake scales. If you've ever been fortunate enough to pet a snake, you'll know that running your hand from the head toward the tail is smooth, but in the opposite direction it's rather rough. (Also, don't, because snakes really don't like it--unless they're shedding...) Similarly, if you run your fingers in one direction of velvet, it causes the fibers to lay flat and smooth, but brushed the other way, the fibers stand up and become rough. Just like the scales. It's also just a very luxurious fabric that begs to be touched. Almost like a temptation, you might say.
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In Crowley's Edinburgh costume, the most obvious expression of snake scales can be found on his interior waistcoat. The texture of the fabric, however, does not mimic the "V" pattern we've seen in the B.C. era, instead expressing the scales in the black and red checkered motif. Not super subtle, but nothing about this costume is. I love it so much. Not Bildad-level, but still.
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The Holy Water Incident has one glaring snake reference, though not really in the costume itself. Crowley's carrying a walking stick (probably recovering from that post-laudanum punishment) and it's got a little snake head. Not much needs to be said here, as it's pretty obvious. It's a snake. You're welcome.
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I'm actually going to end this post here, with our final snake reference being the elongated "S" on Crowley's tie. He's very up to date with the fashions of the era, but still manages to incorporate a clear symbol of his serpenty-ness.
So, yah. Snakey scales though the millennia. I want to do an in-depth look at both Crowley and Aziraphale's costumes in the modern era and really pull them apart piece by piece (not like that...) to find all the angelic and serpentine easter eggs Anderson included. Until then.
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ask-liam-p · 2 months
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had a busy day today but it was a fun one! :> enjoy the boys getting some well deserved rest!
tomorrow we'll resume to our regularly schedule programming
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hemiamae · 2 months
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Finished this today! I honestly like this one quite a bit. I SWEAR I DO SERIOUS ART AND NOT JUST THIS STUFF!!! Regularly scheduled programming will resume I promise.
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meromidas · 5 months
given up on trying to write my masterlist, so have this i guess.
probably won’t do anything with it, but idea worked its way into my brain and wouldn’t leave. yk as one does
“Sorry folks, it looks like our radio host is a little late today! Your regularly scheduled programming will resume when he arrives!”
“It looks like our radio host won’t be showing up today. Apologies for the inconvenience!”
“Beloved radio host Alastor has been missing for a week. His whereabouts are unknown, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that can lead officials to him.”
love this guy sm. littol guy, just a scrunkly lil guy yk??
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hey, are you okay? the week 5 lineup hasn't finished and it's been a few days since you last posted here so i was just wondering if something was going on!
Oh gosh this message is three days old-
Yeah, I'm okay! I had a bit of a depressive episode (?) last week, so I've kind of been unable to run this blog (I also forgot about it for a hot minute due to the Sad). I'm pretty sure I'm feeling better now, but that was very strange, and I did not enjoy whatever my brain did to me.
I think I'm almost a full week behind, so Week Five will resume today, and we will return to our regularly scheduled programming.
Also, the last post before I went offline was the Nick Jr Bumper Face poll, which does look a little bit like it killed me. Very funny
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TSFR12 + "Apologetic Conversation" Video
Surprisingly, there was rain today (despite being the end of August) where I live! The Olympics have ended, so most television channels have resumed their regularly scheduled programming.
The scene where Alice visits Shun's grandfather at the physical therapy clinic is based on this (guilt-ridden?) scene from episode 6 of "Full Sun" (aka "Beyond the Clouds"). In the drama, Han Young-won offered Jung Se-Ro's grandmother a place to sleep after her father Han Tae-Oh sent gangsters to destroy Grandma's house. (Alice feels guilty & responsible for where Shun's grandfather is today.) The storyline might seem all over the place, but the idea remains the same. (You need to watch the entire show to understand what Young-Won & Grandma are talking about, although that backstory has nothing to do with my fanfic.)
Next chapter will feature two separate dinner invites, an unwanted guest at one of the dinner venues, & surprise visits from both the police AND tax agency...
Shoutout to @ladyluck1668 for the pelmeni & borscht inspiration!
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hawkins-university · 30 days
Explore the Benefits of Earning an Online Professional Degree at Hawkins University
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In today's fast-paced world, the traditional pathways to higher education are evolving, making way for more flexible and accessible options. Online education has emerged as a game-changer, allowing students to pursue their academic and career goals without compromising their personal and professional commitments. Among the various online learning opportunities available, professional degrees stand out for their potential to significantly enhance your career prospects. Hawkins University, a leader in online education, offers a range of professional degree programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of earning an online professional degree from Hawkins University.
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One of the most compelling advantages of earning an online professional degree at Hawkins University is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional on-campus programs, online degrees allow you to study at your own pace and on your own schedule. Whether you're a working professional, a parent, or someone with other commitments, Hawkins University's online programs are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle. You can access course materials, participate in discussions, and complete assignments from anywhere in the world, at any time that suits you.
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Hawkins University is committed to providing a high-quality education that rivals that of traditional institutions. The university's online professional degree programs are designed by industry experts and experienced faculty members who bring real-world knowledge into the virtual classroom. The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and advancements in your field, ensuring that you receive a relevant and up-to-date education. Moreover, Hawkins University offers a robust support system, including academic advisors, career counselors, and technical assistance, to help you succeed in your studies.
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Pursuing a professional degree can be a significant financial investment, but Hawkins University strives to make education more affordable. Online programs typically eliminate many of the costs associated with on-campus education, such as commuting, housing, and campus fees. Additionally, Hawkins University offers a variety of financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and payment plans, to help you manage the cost of your education. This makes earning a professional degree more accessible and less burdensome on your finances.
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In conclusion, earning an online professional degree from Hawkins University is a smart investment in your future. With flexible learning options, high-quality education, cost-effective programs, and a wide range of career advancement opportunities, Hawkins University is the ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their skills and achieve their professional goals. If you're ready to take the next step in your career, explore the online professional degree programs at Hawkins University and discover how they can transform your life.
Visit Hawkins University to learn more about the programs and take the first step towards a brighter future.
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crispfried · 1 year
I have made the conscious decision to not be horny on main today. Tomorrow we will resume regularly scheduled programming.
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youhideastar · 1 year
No WIP Wednesday today, since I'm posting an actual finished fic this week! (Probably tomorrow or Friday.) Regularly scheduled WIP Wednesday programming will resume next week.
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wi55iams · 1 year
Because I am autistic and the ridiculous car sport is one of my special interests I am pausing the regularly scheduled carlos/charles/oscar/general f1 driver thirst to instead spew all my thoughts on today into a post otherwise I will not stop thinking about this. To my followers; do not worry I will not subject you to this every race I sometimes just need to SCREAM:
Fellow Tifosi: the hard truth is our team is now slower than Mercedes and McLaren. But I think the important question to ask is why? Aside from that Ferrari are being Ferrari again. Well. First of all they have NOT had the raft of upgrades McLaren or even Mercedes have had. McLaren have completely changed their concept and Mercedes have finally given up on the zero pod, and it’s paying off! It’s becoming increasingly clear that trying to make the most of a bad car just doesn’t work, and that you really need to bite the bullet and commit to a complete concept change. Obviously, this is difficult to do with a cost cap, but Ferrari really haven’t kept pace with the upgrade train (aston martin too... a lot of this also applies to them) and if we want to see Charles on the front row again we are going to need some serious tweaking this season. 
Secondly: This years cars are so close the track is playing a massive part in car performance. The beginning of this year was mostly street circuits due to Imola being cancelled, and I have a suspicion these kinds of circuits suit the Aston/Ferrari far more, and that this drop off in pace is not as caused by a lack of development as it initially appears, but these cars just not being as suited to proper racetracks, wheras on street tracks they are closer to competitors. This may just be me on the copium, but I believe that Ferrari and Aston may be in better form on later street circuits this year.
Obviously, I can’t ignore this; FINALLY SOMEONE HAS TAKEN MAX DOWN A PEG. Red Bull don’t seem as comfortably ahead as they usually are. Perhaps the upgrades have unsettled Max slightly? While I doubt Lewis will be able to win this (he did only manage to beat Max by 0.003 of a second) this is certainly an instance of making the god bleed and realising it can be killed. 
I also want to discuss McLaren; It’s becoming clear these massive upgrades have worked! Changing the car so much is a gamble that’s paid off tenfold for them. I hope this level of competitiveness remains this year and beyond, so we can see Oscar get his first podium and Lando his first win. I also hope it’s a wake up call for Ferrari and Aston who have been very complacent. 
Alfa Romeo, also. Did they have upgrades? Did this new quali format just work for them? I’m not entirely sure tbh but well deserved after a shit few races. Would like to see them do well tomorrow but i’m not sure if the one lap pace will carry over.
Another Ferrari thought: I am beginning to suspect they have written this season off as a dud and are turning their attention to next year’s car. I think the success at Le Mans, and the obvious ploy it was to get around the cost cap and also develop tech for their F1 programme, has left them kinda in shambles and going ‘well, we have next year!’ and hoping their new car works. I hope it does. Charles deserves it after all the shit he’s put up with.
Finally; DANIEL! he has had like 3 hours in that car and he dragged it into Q2, what a start! Although I hope the inevitable rivalry doesn’t become too sour between him and Yuki. Daniel has come into this guns blazing and I love to see it. The honey badger is back and he’s gonna BITE. 
Rant over. I just want to say I’m no expert in this and this is just my observations from being obsessed with this sport. Feel free to add your own thoughts! This has been Opti’s notebook. We will soon resume regular programming. 
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small-reptile-cake · 1 year
After receiving today's breaking news, we now return to the studio and resume with our regularly scheduled programming.
Up next, Out Of Touch Thursday.
Stay tuned
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[OOC] sorry folks, no asks answered today in behest of me being just so gosh-darn sleepy. I’m still trying to keep the old rhythm up I promise, drawing the new sprite expressions for multiple blogs alongside uni work and commissions is just very time consuming. Fun, but time consuming nonetheless. :(
The regularly scheduled programming shall resume soon, I’m sure! But for now, it is time for me to snooze and recharge. Mostly because this is posted at 2 am so I really need to get to sleep. G’night all, your boy Adrian appreciates you. <3
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