#rei's event: happy birthday Levi 2022
moo-blogging · 2 years
D-13 to Levi's birthday! A big shout out to @levi-supreme for having me in this amazing event! <3
Some domestic Levi to feast upon :)
Levi has always been a quiet man. He observes more than he speaks, and his actions echo louder than wolf cries through the night.
His silence and stoic nature make him a scary person when he bears his Captain title. But as soon as the door of your cabin closed, Levi turns into your husband.
Albeit quiet, Levi removes his invisible harsh and stiff armour and becomes a soft and mellow man who's in love with you. His voice would change, replacing his ordering, demanding tone with a gentle and loving one. He would call you "my love", "my sweet" or "my sunshine".
And Levi would use a lot of throat noises, like Hmm? Mmm.. Hmm. He loves whispering to you. Faces inches away from each other, Levi loves to whisper and hear you whisper about your days, mostly yours. He would stare at your mouth, watching how your lips stretch as you talk, forming words that illustrate your day. How could something as small as talking could be so fascinating?
Levi loves it when you giggle. He loves the way your cheeks move upwards, your eyes gleaming and your lips make the most amazing sound he ever heard. He falls head over heel for you again.
Levi would subconsciously touch you all the time. A palm on your foot, fingers playing with your hair or the back of his palm touching yours as you sit next to each other watching the sky. Levi loves the subtle touches. It feels natural to him.
He might not know it but Levi often has his eyes on you as you walk around the house. Sometimes when you go into the kitchen to refill some hot water for Levi's tea, or just grabbing a pair of socks from your room, Levi would stare at you. He's still processing the fact that he has a cabin as his home and you as his wife.
Occasionally, when he is feeling adventurous, he would give you a spontaneous kiss on your cheek, forehead or fingers. Under very, very rare circumstances, he would kiss your lips. You are always drunk in his lips kisses. He gives the best kisses, but he would always be the first one chicken out. You had told him many times you love kissing him, but the touch-starved man had too little experience in a normal healthy relationship. He always thought he would sabotage your relationship if he lose himself. But you know he is learning, because he has been kissing you more lately ;)
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jayteacups · 2 years
At Ease
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You, the Survey Corps' most prized asset, find solace in the stoic but gentle teashop owner who you've come to know as your friend. 
(Or: The Captain!Reader x Civilian!Levi AU absolutely nobody asked for.)
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader
Tags and warnings: Friends to lovers, (mutual) pining, brief mentions of canon-typical violence, brief mentions of sexual assault (alluding to Levi’s backstory), emotional hurt/comfort 
Word count: 3.5k 
A/N: Hi! This is written for Rei’s @levi-supreme​ Happy Birthday Levi 2022 Event, for the 5th December! I’m also doing a couple more pieces later in the month for this as well. But in the mean time, please check out the other works listed in the event’s masterpost too! Okay, so, let’s get on with the fic. If the tags and summary wasn't clear, this is a role reversal AU! So Reader's a prominent member of the Scouts and Levi's the civilian they've fallen in love with. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this <3 
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Slender fingers slide the teacup and saucer across the spotless wooden table towards you, the dark liquid rippling slightly. The scraping sound of porcelain against wood pulls you out of your reverie. For a moment you blink, drawing yourself back to the present. With a shaky exhale, you push aside the horrifying memories of the expedition you had been on these past few days, and raise your eyes to meet the piercing yet gentle gaze of the teashop owner. 
“One cup of raspberry and lemon tea,” he announces. 
“Oh. Thank you, Levi.” You rasp, but make no move to pick the cup up. It’s too hot to drink. As one of his most dedicated customers, you know exactly how long it’ll take for it to cool down enough for you to not burn your tongue on it. For a moment, Levi hovers by your table, examining you closely. You’re well aware of the absolute state you are in. Even after having washed and changed, the emotional toll of the expedition would linger for a while longer. 
Thankfully, Levi mentions nothing of your red-rimmed eyes or your trembling hands. His hand comes up to squeeze your shoulder, and you find yourself unconsciously leaning into the warmth of his touch. The lump in your throat feels much larger. Swallowing, breathing without whimpering, becomes a demanding feat. 
Stay, please, you silently beg him. With Levi, you never needed to be the domineering Captain of the Survey Corps. With Levi, you could just be.
You wonder if he knows that this shop had become more of a home than the barracks ever would be. That he had become more of a home than the barracks ever would be. 
Levi’s voice takes on a soothing, gentle timbre as he assures you, “Furlan’s coming in at the end of this hour to take over at the counter. I can join you then.” He’s usually stoic and steadfast, more so than even you, perhaps, but there is a softness to him nobody can deny. 
You don’t have to be alone, is what goes unsaid from him, but you hear him loud and clear. I’m not expecting you to tell me anything, but nobody should have to bear any of this alone. I won’t let you.
You nod in response. It is a herculean effort. 
The dark-haired man gives your shoulder another gentle squeeze, before he swivels on his heel and heads back towards the counter. 
With a sigh, you lean your head against the wall next to you, watching Levi work. It’s mesmerising the way the sunlight would make his grey eyes shine just a little brighter, the way his lips would quirk up into a small smile as he greeted his regulars. Head facing downwards, measuring out the ingredients for a particular blend, he habitually tucks the longer strands of his hair behind his ears. A few fall back into place despite his efforts. Your fingers twitch with the urge to brush the soft hairs aside for him so that he could see without obstruction. 
You’d started visiting his teashop, Kuchel’s Teahouse, just over a year ago. Nothing drastic had happened that day, but you distinctly remembered just wanting a break, from the impossibly high expectations thrust upon you, from the memories of failed expeditions that haunted you in the dead of night, from everything. And there it was, a small teashop tucked away in the corner of town, with its sage-green painted walls and sparkling clean tabletops and that ever-so-soothing scent of black tea. An oasis, a safe haven. Upon seeing it for the first time back then, you had been convinced the entire shop was a mirage until you felt the cold, smooth metal of the door handle. 
Stepping inside Kuchel’s Teahouse for the first time had felt like receiving a long, warm hug from somebody you didn’t know you missed until you’d been separated from them—only that you’d never seen this shop before, so it had been all the more overwhelming. That day, Levi had been at the counter. Your tongue had been leaden with words, so many words, both about this place and the world outside of it, that you simply stared at the ‘weekly specials’ menus, not quite seeing or comprehending what was written, not quite processing anything other than just simply feeling too little and too much at once. 
Levi had somehow figured out what was up with you within twenty seconds of silence, and had taken it upon himself to pick a blend for you. Even now, you remember feeling the stress of the day ebb away with one sip of the perfectly crafted cup, its warmth spreading deep down into your bones. A kind of warmth that thawed away the icy chill that had settled over your heart and soul, a kind of warmth you never felt back at the barracks. You had returned to the shop in the next two days, and the rest became history. Somehow, you and the teashop owner had struck up a sort of friendship; both of you tired and burdened by life, whether it be the ghosts of the past or the trials of the present.
Several months into your friendship, Levi had admitted to you over half a bottle of whiskey that he hailed from a rundown brothel in the Underground. He and his sickly mother had been rescued by his criminal uncle to live a normal life aboveground, though the traumas of his earliest years had never left him. Behind a tranquil, peaceful appearance he hid the haunting memories of watching his mother suffer through assault after assault, experiencing it himself a few times. He’d confided in you that the name of the shop was hers; she had owned it first, and he had taken over after her tragic passing a few years before. 
Your own tongue, loosened by alcohol, revealed you were not just some random soldier like you’d first led him to believe, but one of the strongest, the person who was supposed to free everybody from the iron reign of the titans. How you’d lost squad after squad, feeling yourself slip away from those you’d once considered friends as they took on their own burdens of leadership roles. Back then, you had been a hair’s breadth away from throwing in the towel and leaving the Scouts. But it was Levi’s story, how he’d managed to stay compassionate and kind even after his rough childhood, how he managed to pick himself up and make a life for himself, that lit a fire inside of you.
Though, at times like today, said fire needs a little extra sustenance to stay burning.
(You wonder, absentmindedly, if the metaphor could be taken a little too literally. Levi had his own life and you had come crashing into it. You fear that sooner or later he’ll burn into ashes in the wake of your destructive nature. Wherever you go, bodies fall. It’s why the fleeting euphoria of entertaining the thought of having something more with him is always followed with scathing shame. It’s why you never dare to indulge in anything more than thoughts—of which you shouldn’t be indulging in at all.)
Tightening your cloak around you, you force yourself back into the present, blinking rapidly. The hearth sends pulses of warmth through the shop—not stifling heat, but just enough to thaw the chill of the rapidly approaching winter and keep it at bay. The quiet, aimless chatter and the occasional chink of spoons against porcelain fade into a faint white noise. The scent of your hot cup of tea drifts upwards into the air around you, lulling you into a half-awake state. You don’t remember ever feeling this at ease anywhere else. 
It’s tiring, isn’t it? To keep fighting. You think to yourself, as you lose the battle to keep your eyes open.
“Wake up.”
You jolt awake. There’s a hand on your shoulder, and as you blink away the remaining remnants of sleep, Levi slips into the seat opposite to you, free of his apron. His gaze is gentle, as is his touch: his hand seems to hover over yours, but he withdraws, fingers accidentally grazing yours as he does so. 
Perhaps if you were more awake, you’d linger on that. Instead you straighten up groggily, lifting your head off the wall that you’d dozed off against. Levi’s coworker, Furlan, now stands at the till, and the shop is far less busy than you remember it being. 
“Your tea’s gone cold,” Levi points out.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep…” Blood pools in your cheeks with embarrassment. You reach for the cup. “Sorry.” 
He shakes his head. “You must be exhausted. Anyone would be, after the shit you just went through.” 
Closing your eyes to quell the fresh stinging in them, you quickly drain the cold cup of its tea. The two of you head out to leave shortly after Levi checks to see if Furlan’s alright with closing by himself. Outside the door, you pull your thin civilian cloak around yourself, barely warding away the cold. Levi doesn’t need to ask to know that you’re planning on staying over at his place, and leads the way. 
His quaint little house is a home away from home. You stay overnight on his couch (though he always argues that you should take his bed) more than you sleep at your quarters in the barracks. It’s become an unspoken facet of your friendship. The memory of exactly when this began is foggy, but you suspect it all began since that night of heavy drinking together, where the two of you had opened up about your lives. You’d been too drunk to walk back to the barracks, and he’d been too drunk to escort you there. His place had not been too far from the bar, so it had seemed like the only solution. 
The walk back is blurry. The autumn chill nips at your exposed face and hands, worming its way through the layers of your clothes, burrowing under your skin and chilling you through the bone. The sky sheds tears, the drizzle akin to the gods spitting down on you, and you can’t help but think: how fitting. Levi clicks his tongue, and unlike you, draws his hood up over his head. He doesn’t deserve the gods’ vitriol. Not like you do. 
His home is as warm and cozy as the shop is. It’s also cleaner, a fact that you once thought was impossible. Peeling the dampened cloaks off of your bodies, Levi offers to let you use the showers first, but you decline. Earlier in the barracks, you’d spent over an hour in your own private quarters, sat on the floor underneath the scalding hot rush of water, yet feeling not a single flicker of warmth. 
All that time spent sat under the shower, and you don’t feel any cleaner. The smell of blood—titan or human, it didn’t matter—wasn’t one you were going to forget anytime soon. 
“I already showered back at the barracks,” you end up saying. “You can go ahead.” 
His eyes linger carefully over your face. “Make yourself comfortable,” he says, before heading into the bathroom. 
After you fetch your set of spare pyjamas from the guest bedroom and get changed, you wander through his humble abode, smiling to yourself at the small knick-knacks that seem insignificant to the naked eye, but speaks volumes about the man that lives here. At Levi’s worktop, a half-finished wooden sculpture lies next to sharp tools; he’d recently taken up wood carving. The walls are decorated with stunning paintings of natural scenery, signed by his mother. The shelves in the corridors are filled with books that Furlan and Isabel continue to buy for him every winter when his birthday comes around. Every room has a healthy-looking houseplant inside (a mere glimpse of the true extent of his gardening abilities, if the flourishing state of the allotment during spring is anything to go by), and on the dining table lies a book on vegetable gardening (almost a decade old and well-used, but under Levi’s care still looks good as new), with a piece of card tucked between the neat pages to act as a bookmark. The winter chill rushes through the house, and you jolt back into action, lighting the hearth in his living room. It is the least you could do for him. 
It feels wrong, to intrude on his space like this. The soft cushions of the sofa and the pile of spare blankets on the armchair beckons you, but something in you hesitates. Peace is delicate, fragile. You fear your presence will break it and taint the tranquil atmosphere. What right do you have to step into his life with your war-torn hands and bloodied boots? 
Not for the first time today, your eyes burn. 
Quiet footsteps echo behind you. “I thought I told you to make yourself comfortable.” Levi says softly. 
You sniff. “Right. Sorry.” Trudging over to the armchair to get the blankets, you explain, “I just got lost in thought.” 
“It happens. Don’t be sorry.” 
Easier said than done.
The two of you settle on the sofa quickly, swaddled underneath the thick blankets. He sits close, but his arm never presses against yours. It’s a small gap that feels infinitely large. Levi’s the first to cross said gap, slinging an arm around your shoulders and guiding your head to rest on his shoulder. His body underneath yours emanates a soothing type of warmth, and it’s all too easy for you to melt. He rubs at your arm comfortingly, and lightly rests his head atop yours. 
A sob rips from your throat, raw and unbidden. 
You choke back the next one, shaking your head frantically. No. No, not now, you can’t break down in front of him, not like this—
You raise your hand to wipe at your watering eyes, and you note that your fingers tremble. Levi grips your wrist before you can wipe at your face. His hand slides down your palm, before his fingers interlock with yours. 
“What are you doing?” You stammer, voice choked. 
His throat bobs as he swallows. “Making sure…” He pauses, inhales shakily. Levi looks up at you with resolve. “Making sure you know that… I’ve got you.” 
I’ve got you. 
Oh, how you wish you could hear that more often. 
You shatter. Completely and utterly, you shatter into minuscule pieces with no hope of repair. The weight that presses down on your shoulders day by day, the weight that builds on your chest until you can no longer bear to breathe is fucking agonising, and yet it is only in the safety of Levi’s presence—not your office, not your quarters, but his presence—that you let yourself break. 
It seems never-ending, your pain. He draws you close to him in a tight embrace, and you cling to him as if he could slip away from your arms that very moment. Maybe he will, you think to yourself deliriously. You still have him to lose, after all. 
You’re not sure how long you lie there, sobs wracking your body, your cries so uncontrollable something in your chest twinges. At some point in the evening, you fall quiet. Your eyes feel sticky and swollen, your nose throbs, and your mouth is drier than sandpaper. Exhaustion weighs down upon you once again, and as your eyes droop shut, shame washes over you. 
“Thank you for being here,” you whisper brokenly. Your head pounds. 
“Of course. Get some rest, I’ll still be here when you wake.” Levi says. You’re leaning your head against his chest; you can feel his voice reverberate through him. It’s a comforting sensation. 
You come to several hours later, nestled between warm, soft sheets that smell like him. The curtains to his bedroom—for that is where you find yourself, instead of on the sofa—are drawn, though a small sliver of golden light escapes. Sleep clings to your eyelids, but you muster enough energy to push aside the blankets and sluggishly stumble to the bathroom. 
Levi’s cooking breakfast in his kitchen when you emerge, feeling a little more awake. With his apron tied over rumpled pyjamas, bedhead not yet tamed, the atmosphere feels a little too domestic for your liking. 
(That, of course, is a lie. You yearn for such a simple life, for domesticity is something you have not experienced in years.) 
You lean against the wall, not wanting to disturb the easy rhythm he’s fallen into, but Levi looks up from his work anyway. He beckons you over with a wave of his spatula. Before you can think it through, your feet carry you forward. He asks you to fetch the plates and cutlery, and you lay them out on the countertop. 
“You seem to have slept well,” he observes, flipping over the omelette in the pan. 
“Yeah. Well enough for you to carry me into your bedroom without me waking up even once,” you mumble. “Why’d you do that?” 
The tips of his ears tint pink. He transfers the first omelette onto the plate and gestures for you to take it to the dining table. “Didn’t think you’d appreciate waking up to a crick in your neck from sleeping on the sofa.” 
You don’t bother to push further, because that would lead to a conversation you’re positive you’re not yet ready for. You nod instead. There’s a subtle shift to his shoulders—they were a little tense, but they relax now. 
“Never mind,” he says quickly, a little too quickly, as he pours in the rest of the whisked egg mixture into the pan. “Take your plate to the dining table. You can eat first while I finish cooking mine, I know you need to get back to the barracks soon.” 
“Perhaps I need to, but I don’t want to.” The words slip from your mouth unbidden. “Perhaps I’d rather stay here in your presence.” 
Looking all too vulnerable, Levi seems to be at a loss for words. Dread floods through you as the realisation of what you truly meant slowly encompasses him. Your throat closes, your chest tightens. You idiot, you scold yourself. Whatever happened to staying in control? 
“Sorry,” you mumble, ducking your head and leaving the kitchen with your plate. You pick at your breakfast, suddenly feeling queasy. 
Walls, you want to scream at yourself, what the fuck is wrong with you? 
Levi emerges from the kitchen with his own plate minutes later, settling in the seat opposite to you. The tension is stifling, and for the second time this morning, your cursed tongue moves without thought. 
“Please forget what I said.” And everything that went unsaid.  
“And what if I don’t want to?” 
“You have to.” Or I’ll be standing by your grave, shedding bitter tears. It’s the fate everyone I love is sentenced to. “I don’t understand why you still stay at my side…” 
The emotion written clear as day across his eyes could only be described as longing. He seems to steel himself. 
“You know why.” 
The room falls silent in the aftermath of his confession. You can only hear the blood roaring in your ears. 
You’ve read hundreds of romance novels in your spare time. Daydreamed of it every spare moment in your teens, before you were wounded by the world’s cruelty. Lived through thousands of iterations of moment of realisation that the person you’ve longed for, longs for you back, through the marvel of ink on paper. 
But you don’t feel sparks, or burning flames, or roaring hot passion. You don’t feel butterflies in your stomach, or the urge to swoon. 
No. You feel two things at once. 
Fear—that this moment will irreversibly change the trajectory of Levi’s fate. That he will just be one of dozens that will meet an untimely end, that you will once again fail to protect the ones you hold dearest. 
Relief—that he reciprocates. That, just once, you’ve been granted a reprieve, one small chance at peace. 
“I see.” You whisper hoarsely, still skirting around the very words themselves, just as he does. “And I think that you know, then, why I want to stay.” 
Levi stands and comes around the table, and so do you. The two of you come to a standstill merely centimetres from each other. 
“Maybe you have to go soon,” he whispers, cupping the back of your head, “but next time, will you…” 
You nod. “I will.” 
He pulls you in, or you lean in, perhaps both happen at the same time. You’re not sure. What you are sure of, is how safe and content you feel, kissing him like you have all the time in the world, kissing him like maybe, just maybe…
You can stay.  
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© jayteacups 2022 | Please do not repost, modify or claim as your own work. 
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Holder of the Hearts
Summary: You and Levi enjoy your new life with your baby daughter.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Notes: This is for Rei's "Happy Birthday Levi" event.
Taglist: @ladycheesington @levi-supreme
"You have a big mouth, like your mother," Levi remarks as the baby yawns in his arms, reaching up with her fists, her entire face scrunching up.
"Oi, shut up," you play-grumble as you lower yourself onto the couch besides them, your husband and daughter. You place yours and Levi's teacups down on the table and shift backwards to make yourself more comfortable, tucking your legs beneath you as you lean into Levi's side. Smiling down at the baby, you reach to stroke her cheek.
"Where is the lie?" Levi retorts, his voice incredibly quiet and soft. Not something most people would be used to, outside of your family, but ever since he's been reading baby books, he's been trying to use a gentler tone when interacting with the baby. He was the same when she was just a growing bump, especially in the last two months. There must have been something in it, you think with a smile as your daughter's brown eyes open and fix on her father's face, her expression smoothing out at the sound of his soothing tone. You watch Levi as he lets her tiny fist hold his finger. He begins to swing his finger and the baby watches him in adoration. "You're usually the loudest one in an argument. You're even louder than Eren."
You huff in irritation. "That hurts," you fake pout. "Eren's loud like 80% of the time."
"Yeah but when you start, you're even louder."
"I grew up with six brothers, all shouting over each other. Sue me. I had to adapt," you mutter defensively, fighting back a smile.
"I'm quite aware of how loudly your brothers are." Levi remarked, his lips twitching. "Pretty sure poor Heidi didn't get a wink of sleep during their hospital visits," he added, rocking the baby a little. "Nor the other patients for that matter."
You giggle at the memory. Levi had thrown Damian out after he insisted on improvising a song for his new niece. Not only had he woken several other patients up but the song had included some distinctly non-child-friendly lyrics too.
"That's just how they are. They love her so much."
"They should come with a health warning," Levi murmured. "May be hazardous to your eardrums."
You chuckle again, resting your cheek on his shoulder, admiring the way Heidi continues to watch her daddy, eyelids lowering in growing sleepiness. "You've definitely got the knack," you murmur.
"It helps not having a mouth big enough to sink the Titanic."
"Don't get started on that film again." You plead quietly with some exasperation.
To his credit, he doesn't continue down that line of conversation although you suspect that it's because he wants to keep quiet for Heidi to drift off and not because he's sick of pointing out the inaccuracies and complain about various elements of the plot.
"Daddy's so rude to me," you coo to your little princess and you beam as her sleepy eyes flicker to you. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous because his mouth is so small and adorable."
Levi turns his face to you in incredulity. "How is my mouth adorable?"
You giggle and reach up to rub your index finger over his narrow mouth and plump lips. "It's so petite," you tease, leaning in to kiss his mouth. His mouth moves gently against yours so you smile against him. "So cute." you add, and proceed to give him short kisses.
He grumbles a little but continues to return your kisses. Your noses rub together affectionately and you rub your cheek against his. You withdraw just enough to be able to look into his full face and then take in the baby again too.
Heidi has completely drifted off. Seeing her so content in Levi's arms swells your heart and you bring a hand up to your lips, lightly touching, enough to hold back your emotions just a little so they don't spill over. Affection surges through you for your little family. You understand why people say that family is everything now. Why some people say starting a family is like beginning a new life. This feels that way. Yours and Levi's story continues but Heidi's arrival has been the dawn of a new world.
"Hey," Levi whispers, "you okay?"
"Yeah," you promise as your voice breaks, "I just- I really love us being together like this, together with her."
He rubs his nose against yours and presses his mouth on your lips in a light, tender kiss. "So do I. This, right here," he said as he returned to gazing at Heidi, "is perfect."
Levi carefully adjusts Heidi so that she's secure in his left arm while his right arm surrounds your waist. You nestle onto his shoulder, brushing your lips against his neck while keeping your own focus on the baby, thinking how extraordinary it is that such a tiny little being could have such a strong hold over both your hearts.. Even without doing anything but snoozing away, it's as though your own heart is beating because of her. Like somehow she's tied to your own life, your own heart.
"We should probably sleep soon," Levi murmurs although his eyes show no signs of sleepiness nor does he make any move to get up. "while she sleeps."
"Soon," you agree, equally content, "but not yet. I just want to stay like this a little longer."
You smile as your husband lowers his lips to Heidi's wispy tufts of dark hair and kisses her head. "Her hair's so dark." he remarks quietly.
"It's gonna be like yours," you agree. "Guess she's gonna be a Daddy's girl too."
"At least that gives her a chance at having volume control," Levi comments and you swat his shoulder. "Although," he adds, "you're wrong about one thing, you know?"
"She's already my girl," Levi declares in a whisper. "and she always will be."
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Levi's Love Languages
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Characters: Levi x gender neutral!reader
Genre: SNK!canonverse
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Reader insert (y/n), however no nicknames and physical descriptions are being used. Established relationship. Reader is part of the Levi Squad.
A/N: It's D-28 to Levi's birthday!!! 💚 I know most of agree that Levi's love language would be acts of service, but honestly this amazing man is capable of showing love in every way possible!!! So please enjoy these lovely scenarios and let Levi shower you with tender loving care 💕
Event master list | Event taglist | Rei’s taglist
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Acts of service
Not again. You groaned, clutching your stomach in agony. Your stomach grumbled in defiance as another wave of gastric pain took over you. Begrudgingly, you got out of bed and dragged yourself to the kitchen to make yourself a simple meal. Hot soup and bread sounded fantastic right now, and your stomach grumbled again.
Tiptoeing your way to the kitchen, you lit a few candles and tried to look for some ingredients to cook yourself a bowl of soup. It was pretty late, and you hoped you didn't wake anyone up with the noise and light.
"Oi, what are you doing?" You heard a familiar voice and your head whipped to the back. Your lover was standing by the entrance of the kitchen holding a teapot and tea cup in his hands. "Why are you still up?" You let you a little squeak.
"O-oh, um, it's n-nothing. I was just going to cook myself some soup..." you replied sheepishly. You quickly looked through the cupboards and took out some carrots, potatoes, and leeks. There wasn't much, but it was good enough to make yourself something decent. Levi watched you fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. You were washing the vegetables when your stomach grumbled loudly again and Levi saw you wince. Levi came over to stop you.
"Sit," Levi said while you gave him a look of confusion, "I'll do it." Listening to your lover, you took a seat by the small dining table, watching Levi wash and slice the vegetables. The rhythmic sound of Levi's chopping and the soft bubbling of the pot of water was somehow comforting your queasy stomach.
"Didn't know you knew how to cook, Levi." You commented, now watching Levi as he threw all the vegetables into the pot to boil.
"I used to do it a lot back in the Und—" Levi paused for a while and you understood what he meant, "food was hard to find there, so whenever we found anything that can be eaten, we would throw them all in a pot and make a stew. It would last us for days without going hungry." Levi continued without looking at you. You knew he was thinking of Farlan and Isabel, and you felt a pang in your chest. Silence soon filled the tiny kitchen while Levi took a seat beside you. He poured you a cup of tea as well to ease your gastric pains.
"Didn't you eat dinner earlier?"
"Uh, y-yeah, I did. But maybe I'm just extra hungry tonight. You know... sometimes it happens." Levi hummed and sipped his tea without a word. The fragrant smell of leeks started to fill the kitchen, and Levi served you a bowl of piping hot soup. You gratefully took the bowl from Levi, taking a long whiff. It smelt amazing and you couldn't wait to dig in.
"Thank you, Levi," you smiled while Levi just shrugged, "don't you want to have some too?" Levi shook his head and continued sipping his tea. You looked down at your bowl and took a sip of soup. Maybe this was bringing back painful memories. You quickly drank your soup. Levi glanced at your direction.
"You know what," he muttered and stood up, "maybe I will." Levi came back later with a bowl of soup as well, sitting next to you while silently enjoying his soup. You looked down at your bowl again, but this time, a small smile appeared on your face. The soup Levi made was delicious, and you helped yourself to seconds and thirds. Levi helped to wash the cutlery and utensils, and he wiped the counter and table as well. The both of you left the kitchen and he walked you back to your room.
"Thanks for cooking for me, Levi," you thanked him again when you were at your doorstep, "I really appreciate it, espe—"
"Shh. It's fine. Now go back to sleep. Training starts in four hours." Levi hushed you without another word. Levi reached out his hand and softly ruffled your hair. "Good night, y/n." He whispered before walking in the opposite direction back to his office. Looking at his retreating figure, you smiled and decided that you were going to make Levi a bowl of stew next time.
Words of affirmation
"Ahhhh!" you winced as Levi hit another sore spot, "y-yes, oh! Yes... right there, Levi," furrowing your brows, Levi continued massaging your shoulders while you laid prone on Levi's bed, feeling the sores and aches overwhelming you. As you let out another grimace, you muttered begrudgingly into his pillow. "You meanie, you really didn't cut us some slack while training huh?"
"Be glad I only made you all do strength conditioning exercises today. Hange and Mike made their squads run 10 laps on top of all those exercises," Levi continued without a pause, moving his hands down your back to massage your glutes, "I don't hear the rest of my squad complaining, so I don't see why you should."
Using his knuckles to press deep into your glutes, you let out another painful moan again, clutching Levi's pillow tighter. You knew the next expedition was coming up, and there was no way Levi or the other Section Commanders would slacken during training. The stronger everyone becomes, the higher the chances of survival, and the more likely everyone will make it back after. Yet, today's physical training seemed to take a huge toll on your body, and you were feeling the aches from doing all those pullups, planks, and sit ups. Perhaps it was the lack of proper sleep, or maybe because you skipped breakfast today (you didn't tell Levi, of course). Or maybe you didn't stretch enough before doing those exercises, or you didn't cool down properly.
"You did really good today, by the way," Levi uttered while massaging your calves, "you managed to do more compared to last week, and your form was a lot better than before." You whipped your head to the back so quickly you thought you might have sprained it.
"Levi? Did I hear you wrongly?"
"... what?"
"You said I did 'really good today'. Not just good. But really good." You gawked as Levi let out a cough, walking to the other side of his office to grab a glass of water. Sitting back down on the bed, Levi was avoiding your eye. You pushed yourself upwards and huddled close to Levi, poking him playfully in the ribs. Levi kept trying to avoid your fingers.
"Did you just praise me, Levi?" Your eyes were practically shooting hearts out of their sockets. You knew Levi was the perfect epitome of 'tough love' and he hardly praised anyone, not even you. You didn't really mind though, not everyone is capable of singing praises anyway. Levi still refused to look you straight in the eye, as though he just realised what he said, and was pretending he didn't say anything earlier.
"Oh come on, Levi, you did praise me! Just admit it already," you laughed, hugging his midsection tightly, "say it again, won't you? Please?"
"Pretty please? Aww, say it, 'you did really good today', it's not that hard."
"I don't like repeating myself." Levi took another sip of water, avoiding your eye again. You refused to back down though, and you took the glass of water out of Levi's grip, surprising him enough to push him down on the mattress. Yet, he still didn't want to look at you.
"I wanna hear it again." You gave Levi a soft smile, letting him know that you weren't going to tease him again. Levi finally turned his head towards you and locked eyes with yours, his grey eyes staring deep into yours.
"You did really good today, y/n, I'm proud of you." Gingerly, Levi reached his hand upwards and gave you an awkward pat on the cheek, smiling hesitantly. You suddenly felt fireworks erupting in your heart, and you kissed Levi swiftly on the lips.
"Thank you," sitting upwards, you pulled Levi up as well, giving him another hug. Levi didn't know what were you thanking him for, but the both of you just remained on the bed in silence, hearing the fireplace cackle a distant away. You released Levi from the hug and looked at him cheekily, "now say it again." You tried your luck, only to feel Levi flick your forehead.
Quality time
It was a rare off day for the Survey Corps, and you didn't know what to do with your free time. Your boots were polished, your uniforms were washed, and even your horse was cleaned, groomed, and fed. You went to look for your fellow Squad members, but you remembered that they all had plans. Petra and Eld were going back home to visit their families while Oruo and Gunther were out doing errands for Levi.
You decided to find Levi in his office, and you weren't surprised to see his office door wide open. Levi would do that when the weather got too hot, and when he knew no one would be around. Standing by the door, you weren't surprised as well to see him buried nose-deep into his work.
"Why are you working, it's our off day," you frowned as you walked into his office uninvited. Levi briefly looked up from his work to acknowledge your presence before he continued writing again.
"I have off days, but my reports don't," he simply said, rubbing his eyes wearily. Levi looked over to his tea cup and was dismayed to find it already empty.
"Leave it. Let's go out. You can afford to take a day off, Levi." You knew he was about to go get himself another refill, but you were not letting it happen. Off days were meant to be for resting and relaxing, not to finish up work. "C'mon, let's go out. It's a nice day."
Levi rubbed his eyes again and looked at you. He let out a small sigh before giving you the 'okay'. You gleefully dragged Levi out of his seat and made sure he changed his clothes before the both of you left the Headquarters.
Levi and you went to the centre of town today. The town square was bustling with people, families bringing their children out, people doing their errands, and children playing with their friends. Levi asked if you has any place you wanted to go, and you pulled him into a bakery.
The fragrance of freshly baked bread lured you over, and you excitedly stepped inside. Looking around, there were many different types of pastries and baked goods for sale, and the bakery had an area for dining as well. In the end, you settled for a butter croissant while Levi had a herbed tomato bread. The croissant was really tasty and you were tempted to get seconds. Levi promised to get some bread back for the rest when you make your way back, and you cheerfully nodded.
Strolling along the cobbled streets, you passed by a small stall where an old man was selling flowers. It wasn't even a store to begin with; he was seating at the corner of the stairs of a shophouse and he only had a sign with 'fresh flowers for sale' written on a flimsy piece of cardboard.
"Oh, look, Levi. Flowers! Let's go see them," before he could respond, Levi was dragged to the stall by you. "Your office could do with some colour." You added while Levi shrugged.
The old man didn't have much variety of flowers, but there were pretty. In the end, you bought a pot of begonias with Levi's nod of approval. You excitedly told Levi you were going to check on this plant every week to make sure he was taking care of them well, while Levi just pat your head affectionately.
You and Levi strolled along the town square, occasionally meeting a few familiar faces. The both of you spent the remainder of the afternoon looking at the different stalls selling different products and trinkets, and you two had a nice quiet time together alone as well, one where you two wouldn't be interrupted.
As the sun began to set, Levi kept his promise and walked you to the bakery where you got pastries for the rest of the Squad. You both made your way towards Headquarters.
"Thanks for coming out with me today, Levi, even though you had work to do." You smiled as you placed the pot of begonias near his desk where the plant would get a nice amount of sunlight. The vibrant colour of the flowers did add a nice touch to Levi's bare office.
"Mm. It was nice spending time together like this." Levi admitted as he watched you arrange the pot. You kissed him on the cheek before excusing yourself, wanting to share the pastries with the rest. Levi took his seat by the desk and stared at the pile of paper. It would have been done by now if he didn't go out earlier. But as he recalled your happy face, the pile of work suddenly didn't seem as significant anymore. Seeing your smile and spending time with you was more important. With a shake of his head, Levi started working on his papers with a slight smile on his face.
Today's training was once more as bad as ever again, with long arduous hours of training under the sun, practising and perfecting your skills on the ODMG, and sparring and physical conditioning with your fellow Levi Squad mates.
Even though you and Levi were a couple, he wasn't going easy on you as well. In fact, he would give you extra sets and training, because he wanted you to be better than the rest so that you can come home safely to him after every expedition. You didn't blame Levi for his harshness, because you knew he meant you well. After the day's training, Levi dismissed the squad for their break before dinner. Levi and you had a small chat before he had to go back to his office to settle some work.
"I'll see you for dinner," he whispered into your ear before leaving for his office. You nodded, and headed back to your bunk as well. Upon entering, you saw a small package on your bed. You walked over curiously, wondering who gave it to you, and what the package was.
The package felt a little heavy when you carried it, and there was a handwritten note on it as well. Your heart leaped when you recognised the familiar handwriting.
'It's nothing much, but I hope you use them well.' was written in a slightly slanted and thin penmanship. You recognised Levi's handwriting, and you wondered what was inside the package. You excitedly ripped the brown paper, and inside was a box. Opening it, there were a few items.
Levi got you a few sachets of chamomile tea and lavender tea (where did he get it from? Floral teas were expensive) as well as a new teapot, saucer and tea cup. There was also a bottle of ointment, a heating pack which doubles as a cold compress, some fragrance pouches, and also a few boxes of cookies (where did he get this from as well?). There was another note at the bottom of the box, and you took it out.
'I know I've been working you too hard recently, so here's a bottle of ointment for you to use when your muscles are aching. Throw the heat pack into hot water if you need it, or throw it into ice and use it cold.' the note read. You opened the bottle and took a whiff. It smelt a little minty and warm. You rubbed your shoulders and you couldn't wait to use it tonight after your shower (maybe you can get Levi to do it for you). Closing the bottle, you continued reading the note.
'I heard from Gunther that you've been sneaking to the kitchen in the middle of the night. Here are some cookies and tea in case you get hungry. You should be able to sleep better. And if it isn't working, put one fragrance pouch in your pillow case.' the note continued. Opening the box of cookies, there was an assortment of butter, chocolate, and sugar cookies. The fragrance pouches smelt like sandalwood and rose, and you felt your heart warm up.
'Let me know if you need anything else, and I'll get it for you. And no, I'm not getting you chocolates and sweets. — Levi.'
Flipping to the back of the note, there was a little postscript written as well.
'If you can't sleep at night, come to my room.' was all it said. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you felt a rush of appreciation for Levi. Chuckling to yourself, you quickly kept the contents inside the box and happily took your shower, looking forward to dinner and seeing your lover.
Physical touch
Levi wasn't one to show physical affection—no one in the Survey Corps could ever imagine the stoic and rigid Captain Levi showing any hints of physical affection to anyone. Yet, unbeknownst to others, was a softer side of Levi that you know no one else could see, except for you.
It was common knowledge that you were dating Levi, and it was also not rare for you to stay over in Levi's office sometimes. Somehow his bed just seemed more comfortable than yours, and you always fall asleep within seconds of lying down on his pillow. Was it the faint scent of tea lingering in the air? Or was it the fact that Levi's office was on a higher floor so it was colder?
Yet, tonight seemed a little different. You weren't sure what the reason was, but you just couldn't fall asleep. No matter how you tossed and turned, or counted sheep in your head, you weren't sleepy at all. Should I? You thought to yourself. In the end, you wore a sweater and walked to Levi's office, not surprised when you saw some light coming from the inside. You knocked thrice before entering.
"Something wrong?" Levi asked without looking up from his stack of papers. Levi had a feeling it was you visiting, because no one in the right mind would dare to visit him at such an ungodly timing. Levi looked up and saw you dragging your feet into his office.
"I can't sleep..." your voice droned off as you sat down on Levi's bed. Somehow, being in his office just made you comfortable. "I'm just going to lie down here, yeah? You can carry on with your work, I don't mind the candles." You pulled the blankets higher and let out a sigh, closing your eyes and trying your best to fall asleep. Unlike your insomniac lover, you needed your rest, and not getting them made you cranky and sick.
Levi looked at you covering your eyes with your forearm trying to sleep. Looking back at his stack of paper, he sighed before extinguishing the candles in his office. After a while, you felt a dip next to you, and you could smell Levi's familiar scent. Levi pulled you into his chest, letting you lie on his arm.
"Don't you have work to do?" You muttered through closed eyes, feeling your heart thumping louder.
"I can't work with you here, anyway. Plus,"—Levi faked a yawn—"I'm sleepy." You sniggered, knowing Levi was just acting. Levi laced an arm around your midsection, slowly tapping your back.
"Mmm, feels good, Levi..." ahhh, Levi's warmth, Levi's scent, and Levi's comforting touch. You could feel yourself getting a little sleepy already. Wordlessly, Levi pulled you even closer to him, hugging you tight. You could feel his breath on your skin and hear his heart beating. "Levi, I—"
"Shhh," Levi muttered softly as he continued to pat your back, "go to sleep. I'm here." Levi pressed a fleeting kiss to your forehead. It felt like it was barely there, yet you knew you weren't imagining things. You closed your eyes and smiled, relaxing into Levi's warm embrace. It was only then when you understood that the reason why you always slept better in Levi's room, was because Levi was by your side.
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Tagging: @ack3rlady @cinnamonlevi @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @sckerman @thesimpsstuff @notgoodforlife @ackermendick @greenfurret @evas-leslas @levisbrat25 @chaotic-nick @lilshades @svftackerman @youre-ackermine @jayteacups @laccey @nuri148 @carriesblenders @lucysarah-c
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youre-ackermine · 2 years
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Here's a little drabble for Rei's 'Happy Birthday Levi' 'event ! Thank you so much @levi-supreme for letting me join in & I hope you will appreciate this little text 🍭 I chose to follow the event's theme very literaly 🙂
🎂 Happy Birthday, Levi 🎂
Theme: 'Sweet like sugar' - Count: 733 words
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Hange - Modern AU - 'No Name' - SFW
His heart seemed to be throbbing in his throat as he heard Hange’s voice coming from the corridor over the hubbub of the concert hall. He wondered what was wrong with him these days; he felt so oddly different. Something had changed and he didn’t know what.
No Name was becoming more and more famous within their high school and even outside. They already had several shows booked and they were playing their third tonight.
« Levi! You’re already there! » Hange and Mike finally entered the dressing-room, laughing like dorks as usual. He mumbled a vague hello, turning to them. Mike whispered a polite good evening and took his drumsticks, then joined his girlfriend in the corridor. « Still eating candy, Four-Eyes? You’re gonna get sick and stain your white shirt, tch… » Levi replied, wrinkling his nose in disapproval. Teasing him, Hange stepped forward and he felt her warm and sugary breath on his face. « You know I need that before going on stage! Calms me down, you see? And makes stage fright go away » she said in a bright smile.
Coming closer to him, licking a huge lollipop with an exaggeratedly greedy air, she offered « Want some, Shorty? » Levi froze. He was fascinated by her glistening lips covered with sugar. Blushing with embarrassment, he abruptly turned his gaze away. Mike stuck his head through the half-open door to tell them it was time to play, giving Levi the opportunity to recover. Hange put her lollipop aside for later and grabbed her guitar.
So far, their performance was amazing. The concert hall was crowded but they recognized their friends among the wild audience. Many were jumping, dancing and fangirls were shouting Levi’s or Hange’s names, making them smile back seductively.  Song after song, they were getting more confident and connected, and flirted playfully with the audience. But all good things coming to an end, it was time for the last song. They had decided beforehand to play Levi’s mother favourite song to close the gig.
Levi’s deep and soft voice begun to intone « She floats like a swan, grace on the water, lips like sugar, lips like sugar ». Enthralled, the fangirls shouted his name, but, called on by the word ‘sugar’, all he had in mind was Hange’s lips. He shook his head to let the vision go away…  Then the lyrics went « She’ll ask and you’ll give her » and Hange came by his side to get closer to add her voice to his. They both leaned to the mic, their faces so close to each other he could feel her breath on his face again and they sang the chorus together « Lips like sugar, sugar kisses »… Levi couldn’t help staring at Hange’s soft sugary lips and froze once again, mesmerized. The world blurred around him and nothing else remained except Hange’s fascinating lips moving as she sang.
It lasted a few confusing seconds, but it was enough for him to feel his heart beating faster and louder and his face violently blushing. He sang the song to the end as if he was in a dream, wrapped in cotton, removed from any sensations other than Hange’s presence near him, singing the chorus with him again and again. Suddenly, it was over and they waved the audience goodbye as they went off stage to get to the dressing-room, Levi still feeling dizzy and uncomfortable.
Sensing what was going on around him, Mike pretended to be thirsty and headed out towards the bar, leaving Levi and Hange alone. « You look so weird today, Levi! What’s wrong? » she asked, licking her lollipop again. « You want a hug or something?» she offered, coming closer, so close now he blushed and mumbled « I… the last song, it… ». But he couldn’t utter a word anymore. Staring at her lips, he imagined their sugary taste and how soft they should be against his own lips. « Levi, what are you looking at? » she said. He couldn’t wait longer and, putting his hand on Hange’s waist, pulled her into him, bringing his lips close to hers. She leaned towards him and they finally shared a soft kiss, sweet as honey. They both closed their eyes as for the first time they tasted each other’s lips. « Lips like sugar, sugar kisses ».
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No Name fanart by my 14 year old child / Instagram account: @wolfstar13_
Rough sketch + digital art with Procreate on I-Pad
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Link to the song 'Lips like Sugar' - Echo & the Bunnymen below
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we-are-so-close · 2 years
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Levi x gn!reader wc: 1.2k a/n: D-12 to Levi's birthday! this piece is for @levi-supreme Rei's Happy Birthday Levi event! thanks for letting me join :) this was so fun and i kinda love domestic levi
Frosted window panes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes on the tree…
The song softly drifted through the room. Levi stirred, pulling your pillow into him. It was not the warm body he was expecting to be nestled against him. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at your side of the bed. He blinked once, twice, three times as he tried to get acclimated to the mostly dark room. When he got the confirmation that you were indeed not in bed, he turned over and checked the time. 5:07 am. Too early, even for Levi’s standards. 
“Tch,” he grumbled as he got out of bed and pulled on his robe. The house felt darker than usual as he made his way searching for you. Light and music were spilling from the kitchen. It looked warm, it sounded warm, and it smelled…different. Not like the normal breakfast confections. 
Levi stood in the doorway and just watched you. The kitchen, which is usually pristine, looked like a winter wonderland. String lights of white and blue were hanging along the walls of the kitchen. There was flour and powdered sugar covering the entire surface of the island counter. A pot on the stove began to steam and foam. You had noticed and set the bowl of what you were stirring down to attend to the pot on the stove. Once the bubbles subsided, you let out a deep sigh before getting back to your previous task. 
“What are you doing?” Levi finally broke you from your holiday frenzy. 
“Ah, Levi! You’re up earlier than usual!”
“Says the person baking and cooking at 5 in the morning…it’s so early, dove.” He pushed himself off of the doorframe and made his way over to you. “I was going to tell you to come back to bed, but I can see that you’re occupied.” 
“I-I wanted to do something special for you!” 
“Special? For me? You know you don’t have to do that.” His features were soft and the way he was looking at you made heat rush to your face. 
“Yes, but I want to. I saw that we were supposed to get a lot of snow today and it was supposed to be really cold. And I wanted to make it a fun day for both of us, since we’ll probably be stuck inside.” The end of your sentence trailed off, the more you spoke, the more silly you felt. 
He took your face in his hands, brushed off some of the flour that had settled on your forehead and replaced it with a kiss. The softness in his eyes never faltered. A hint of a smile begins to spread across his face. 
“What did I do to deserve your thoughtfulness?” he hummed as he rested his forehead against yours. “If you want to go get cleaned up, I can watch what you have here. I’ll put on the kettle for some tea.”
“Wait! Before you do that,” you grabbed his hand and led him to the table,  “I made some peppermint hot chocolate! I was hoping you would try it.” Quickly, you grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured in the concoction you had on the stove. Topped with marshmallows and a candy cane, you set your creation in front of your husband. 
Levi stared at you, his eyebrows scrunched. To you, it read as something similar to frustration and anxiety. First, he wakes up earlier than intended, and now you want to deprive him of his morning tea? 
“I made it from scratch. And it’s my first time making it, so I don’t actually know how good it is.” As you talked, the doubt began to linger within you.  “Um, I’ll turn on the kettle.” You turned on your heel as fast as you could, but Levi’s hand was faster. He pulled you down onto his lap and held you tightly in his embrace. 
“I’ll try it, but you have to try it with me. I can’t promise I’ll drink the whole thing, but I’m willing to give it a shot.” 
His fingertips softly rubbed circles in your back, effectively calming your nerves. You sighed at his touch. It wasn’t too often that the both of you were up early together like this, and it wasn’t often that you had the opportunity to make something for him like this. He’s usually up before you, and you usually get home later than he’d like. But it’s little moments like this that you both have come to really appreciate. 
“I think I just got over ambitious with being festive,” you hummed. 
“Nonsense. That’s one of your best qualities.” He kissed the tip of your nose. 
“You don’t have to drink it, my love. I know it’s out of your comfort zone.”
“I can say the same for you. Making something new is out of your comfort zone, the least I can do is appreciate your hard work.” 
“And you’ll be honest with me?”
“Always,” he said, a tenderness in his eyes that only you were able to see. 
He moved the mug closer to him. The marshmallows had begun to lose their form and were halfway melted onto the surface of the hot chocolate. He cautiously stirred the drink with the candy cane, his concentration focused solely on the beverage in front of him. Little tufts of steam rose from the mug as he carefully pulled it closer to his lips. You watched him intently, waiting to see his response. 
He always kept a straight face, so even the slightest twitch, you knew that something was off. 
“You hate it,” you said, disappointment coating your words, even though you tried to hide it. 
“I don’t. It’s not as sweet as it smells, but it’s still maybe a little too sweet for me,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“Hey,” his voice was calm, his thumb and forefinger carefully tilted your chin so your eyes were in contact with his. “There’s only one sweet thing I’ll ever get a second helping on.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him trying to think of what he could be talking about. 
“It’ll always be you.” 
Oh. oh…you felt the heat rush to your face as he pulled you in for a kiss. You could taste the peppermint on his breath; it was kind of refreshing, and made your lips tingle. Before the two of you could continue what Levi started, the oven beeped. 
“Ah, the gingerbread!” you shouted as you jumped up from Levi’s lap. 
“More things for me to eat?” he asked with some concern. 
“Oh, nope! This gingerbread is going to be used for making gingerbread houses! The person with the best house gets to pick tonight’s movie,” you smiled your cheesiest smile. 
Levi stood up and stretched before walking over to grab the kettle and chuckled, “looks like this thing will be working overtime today.” 
The house was warm. Being filled with baked treats and hot drinks would do that. But there was also a different kind of warm feeling that filled the house. The kind of feeling only two people in love can give off. And as long as you both had each other, no cold day could stop the two of you from spreading your warmth.
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nuri148 · 2 years
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“Winter Waltz” (Levi x Mia)
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Summary: In the winter of 858, Mia takes Levi’s hand and leads him into the nearby town for a midnight walk - as well as a surprise in the square. 
Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Levi x Mia (OC)  Words: 3.5k 
Warnings: post-Season 4 Marley setting, some spoilers for manga ending (no deaths mentioned), mentions of scars and war injuries 
Hello everyone! I know I’ve been absent on here for a little while, between work and writer’s block it’s been one heck of a few months. Hopefully things will start to settle down now and I’ll be able to focus more on writing and smoothing out my schedule, at least for a little bit. 
So I’m back for Christmas with a little Levi fic, as part of @levi-supreme’s Happy Birthday Levi 2022 celebration (featuring my OC Mia from my story A Wolf with Wings)! Rei is an absolute sweetheart and I was so excited when she announced she would be bringing this little event back this year! So go and show her some love! 🥰 Thank you for letting me participate again this year Rei - and I tried not to make it too similar to my fic last year! Writing this fic was a lot of fun and it helped me with my writer’s block after so long, so thank you for helping me get back into writing just in time for our special captain’s birthday! 
Aside from the warnings mentioned above, this is supposed to be a feel-good fic, a possible ending to my AWWW series for both Levi and Mia (as well as their little family). Not sure if this is going to be canon but just in case, possible slight AWWW spoilers ahead! I hope you enjoy! 
(Also, the titular waltz at the end of the story was written with Marriage d’Amour in mind!) 
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“Come outside with me.”
Levi glared at me from over the rim of his teacup, and I could tell he was already poised to say no. But as I slipped my coat over my shoulders and grabbed my mittens, he gave a heavy sigh and pushed himself out of his seat. I met him halfway in the kitchen with his coat, just so he wouldn’t put any extra strain on his bad leg.
“Any particular reason you’re dragging my ass out in the snow close to midnight, brat?”
My cheeks grew warm at the old familiar nickname. “Only to show you something real quick. It won’t be long, I promise.”
“The kids—”
“They’ll be fine, Ada’s already agreed to watch them for the night. She should be here any minute now.”
Of course, his biggest worry would be the three little bundles in the next room over, tucked away for the night and already sound asleep. But they had been my first priority when planning for tonight; a quick request to Ada earlier in the week (with a promise of bringing her and her family freshly baked cookies and pastries), and she was ready to play babysitter for a couple hours on Christmas Eve. Gabi and Falco would’ve been my first choice, given how much the young boy enjoyed playing with the kids whenever they visited, but they were already busy with their own families. Our neighbor Ada was already taking a late shift at her family’s little shop, so she agreed to swing by on her way home to watch them for a little bit.
“Here, I got it.” As Levi tucked himself into his coat, I draped his scarf across his neck and began wrapping it around his collar. He didn’t grumble or mutter under his breath about how he didn’t need my help, he could handle it just fine on his own. He was getting more worn out these days, his eyes always soft with sleep.
But it was a good kind of tired. The kind where you could snuggle up in bed and fall asleep almost instantly. The kind of tired that almost felt…peaceful.
It was a good look on Levi. He deserved it, after everything he had done for us—not just for me and our three kids, but for his fellow soldiers, and the five kids across the sea on Paradis. He had fought so hard for so long, he deserved to have some peace and quiet for a change.
Finally the two of us were bundled up, with Levi tying on the last accessory of his outfit: a black patch over his right eye, covering the majority of the scar on his face. As often as I told him he didn’t need it, that he looked beautiful with his numerous scars, he insisted on wearing it whenever we left our little home, especially when the kids were out with us.
“They don’t need to see that shit.”
Never mind that our little boy of five years still crawled into his lap to press his tiny hands to Levi’s face, tracing the ridged lines down his cheek and over his lips. Or our two girls who took turns kissing him right on his scar and babbling away in their own little language. They didn’t seem to care in the slightest; never scared of how he looked, never shied away from his clouded eye or the missing fingers on his right hand. To them he was still their father, scars and bruises and all.
There was a knock at the door, and once Ada had greeted us (and practically rushed us out the door, encouraging us to have fun for even a little bit), Levi and I were on our way. The walk to town was mercifully short, just down the path and over the stone bridge that stretched across the river. I took Levi’s arm in my own, the snow crunching beneath our boots with every step we took.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Some place special,” I said with a wink. “But I’m not telling you where.”
He rolled his eyes but snuggled deeper into my side. Even through the sleeves of his coat and the wool of my mittens, I could feel his body heat pressing into my skin. But he grumbled as his forehead knocked into the earmuffs resting on the top of my head, before adjusting his position and continuing his walk. He had given them to me as a gift the first winter we lived here in Marley, on the morning of the first snowfall of the season. Most of the other women living here took to wearing them whenever it got too cold, and I had to say, they did the job well. I could finally enjoy the long winter nights without the tips of my ears burning red.
The river was calm beneath the bridge, curving around the rocks in its path, lapping gently at the shores. The town was just in sight, the faint lamplight illuminating our path. With a spring in my step I tugged on Levi’s arm—but still mindful of his injured leg. Even after all these years it could still give him trouble if he wasn’t careful.
It wasn’t too different from Ahorne, or even Shiganshina back on Paradis. We had the surrounding forest to thank for that; unlike some of the newer cities that had been constructed in the last few years, this little sliver of land could handle being a bit sleepy and old-fashioned. Travelers didn’t see fit to drive their fancy cars through the dirt road, opting for the traditional horse-drawn carriage to get around the town. Levi was always grumbling about how long it would stay that way though, about how long we would have until we were forced to adapt to the new way of life. He hated cities just as much as I did.
But I always brushed it off, smiling as I told him, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Let us enjoy this quiet little town while we still can.
A soft glow of lamplight drifted through the streets. Shops were lined across the sidewalks, most of them closed down with a sign plastered in the window, promising to open again the day after Christmas. Further down was a bustling tavern, with cheering patrons and hearty laughter spilling from the open doors. Levi scoffed under his breath as one pair of partiers stumbled their way out of the tavern, a young man with his arm slung over his girl’s shoulders, both of them blissfully lost in each other’s presence.
“They’ll freeze out here if they’re not careful.”
I rolled my eyes and pulled him closer, fingers pressing into the sleeve of his coat. “Let them be. We were kind of careless like that, once.”
“What do you mean ‘were,’ brat?” I couldn’t help but laugh as he swooped me into his arms, pressing my back against his chest as he ran his fingers up the hem of my coat. “You’re still like that, you know. Still a pain in my ass.”
He was faster than I expected, his countless years of training still fresh in his mind as he slid his hands up and down my sides. I was giggling uncontrollably at the ticklish sensation, boots crunching against the snow as I tried to wriggle out of his tight grip. But he was persistent, snatching me by the wrist and following me as I led him further into the little sleepy town.
“Come on, I’m not that bad! Besides, we’re almost there, so try to keep up!”
Our destination rested in the heart of the town, closest to the cobblestone square where citizens and travelers alike preferred to flock. An old, run-down building that had definitely seen better days, but it wasn’t the worst-looking place I’d seen. I think it had been in business before the fall of 854, but the previous owners had left since then, and the entire shop had been left in shambles since. If I remembered correctly, it used to be a candy shop—one Gabi and Falco spoke of quite highly.
I could feel Levi’s gaze burning into my back as I began to lead him inside. “And you brought me all the way out here because…?”
I gave him a smile from over my shoulder as the door creaked beneath my palm. Good, it’s still unlocked. “You’ll see.”
The inside was only moderately better than the outside. An aging wooden counter on the far side of the room, with a little flap nestled towards the center for easy access. Shelves lined every other wall of the room, freshly dusted and wiped down—which didn’t go unnoticed by Levi. I could already sense his growing unease as he shifted from one foot to the other, as I slipped my hand into my coat pocket.
“Listen, I know it’s not much, but that can change. Gabi and Falco already agreed to help me out with this, and I’ll take care of the paperwork so you don’t have to worry about it. But I was thinking…if you’re up to it, of course…”
My mouth was suddenly dry; my tongue twisted around itself, teeth chattering in the chilly air. Come on, not now! You’ve thought about this moment for months now, so don’t screw it up by acting stupid!
I’d thought of the words I’d say, how I would say them, what I would do once I was done. I’d rehearsed them both in my head and out loud, sometimes even in front of Gabi and Falco. (And while Gabi tended to roll her eyes and point out my many faults, Falco was the calmer of the two, always offering me encouragement and support.)
With a light scoff, I wondered if this was anywhere close to how Levi felt when he gave me that little silver ring on the beach of Paradis, just over eight years ago—the one currently resting on the fourth finger of my left hand, right beneath my dark green mitten.
I cleared my throat, my face warming up beneath his stare. “So, I was wondering if you’d want to…you know, open this place up with me…”
I slid my hand out of my pocket, unfurling Levi’s fingers with my own. His visible silver eye grew wide as I place a little bronze key in the center of his palm.
“We can have that tea shop you always talked about. And maybe I can make some pastries and snacks to go along with it. The kids volunteered to work here—if we paid them, of course—and they’ve already been helping me clean it up for the last couple weeks or so. And Onyankopon already offered to help me with the paperwork. I know everything’s been a bit hectic in the last few years or so, but he said it shouldn’t be a problem getting our names on it, as long as we pay the monthly rent—and it’s quite cheap too, from what he’s told me. And if everything goes well, maybe we can open it up by next Christmas. …Levi?”
He was still staring at the tiny key in his hand, his face unreadable. Already I could feel a horrible twist in my gut, that tiny damning voice in the back of my head as loud as ever. He doesn’t want this, you’re so stupid, you should’ve waited a while before dropping this on him—
“…Levi, if you don’t like it, we can just forget about—”
“Tch, come here, you dumbass.”
Suddenly his hands were on my cheeks, pressing my mouth against his own in a fierce kiss. I squealed as a gust of wintry wind blew in through the doors—damn it, I forgot to close them behind us, didn’t I?—but he was quick to wrap his arms around my waist and shield my body with his own. I could feel my eyelids drooping, my heart racing as I slid my hands through his hair as best as I could (it was a little hard to do with mittens on).
“It’s fine,” he finally breathed as he broke away from me. “No, shit—it’s more than fine. It’s perfect.”
Almost at once, that warm familiar feeling began to pool in the pit of my chest. “I’m glad you think so, because it’s yours, captain.”
“You mean ours,” he mumbled, pressing his forehead against my own. “Like hell I’m doing this without you by my side.”
I couldn’t speak, not with the way my throat was tightening up. So instead I took his hand in my own, the little bronze key still pressed between our palms, and nestled my face in his chest. His other hand came to rest at the small of my back, his warmth comforting in the chill of the night.
Even through the sound of the wind streaming through the open doors, I could hear the merry tavern music from next door playing on loop. People were cheering and clapping along, basking in the warm glow of yet another Christmas Eve.
Eventually, as the night passed on, the music grew quieter, the chatter of the partiers lulled to a soft hum. The two of us were still wrapped up in each other’s arms, standing like idiots in the middle of our soon-to-be tea shop.
Idiots in love, and the thought had me giggling against his chest.
“Come on,” Levi was the first to speak, pulling me towards the door with both hands outstretched, “let’s head home before you freeze. Your cheeks are getting red, you know.”
Oh well, I could deal with a little bit of windburn if it meant spending more time with him. Nevertheless, I followed him out the door and back into the square, down the familiar cobblestone path ahead.
The tavern was closed now, the streets dark and quiet. Everyone had left for home it seemed, eager to sleep and prepare for Christmas morning in just a few hours. We had to do the same, before Ada began to worry about us getting lost out in the cold.
“Wait one minute…”
Levi quirked an eyebrow at me as I held him in place, just outside the door of our little future tea shop. I pressed a finger to my lips (as best as I could in the mittens I wore), urging him to listen to the wind around us.
And suddenly we heard it: the soft sound of a piano being played, in one of the apartments towering over us in the square. A beautiful melody with gentle taps of the keys, expert fingers stringing along a song of love and peace. It was almost enough to make me fall asleep right then and there on the cobblestone path.
But then I had another idea—one that brought a wicked smile to my face. I pulled him back into the empty room of the tea shop, keeping the door wide open to let in the chill, as well as the beautiful music above.
“What are you—?”
“Dance with me.”
The rational part of my brain was scoffing right now, urging me to stop being so childish and start heading back home on that old familiar path. But I was hopeful, begging for Levi to indulge in this one silly wish of mine before we reached our tiny little home in the heart of the forest.
There was a glimmer in his eye, one I hadn’t seen since the end of the war—and suddenly his hands were nestled on my waist, tugging me into his chest with a huff.
“If you insist, brat.”
I slid my hands around the back of his neck, leading him into a dance I knew all too well. He was no longer clumsy on his feet like he was when I’d first tried to teach him; now he was confident in his steps, holding me close as he dipped and bowed along with me. It was a little hard with us both bundled up in our winter clothes, but our movements were still in sync, even after all this time.
When was the last time we danced together like this? Probably when our son was just a newborn baby, sleeping away in his crib with his little hands tucked into fists. Exhausted but unable to go to sleep, Levi had brought me into the living room of our shared cabin and led me into a dance—the same one I had taught him back at the Survey Corps base on that rainy night in the year 848. The same one my father had taught me and my siblings, and the one I hoped Levi and I would be able to teach to our own kids once they were older.
Everything’s changed, and yet nothing has. You’re still the same captain I fell in love with—the same silver-eyed Scout from the Underground City.
I glanced up at his face, pulling away just enough to slide one of my mittens off. His lips pursed together as I reached around the back of his head, tugging on the little thin string of his eyepatch. Within moments it was hanging between my fingers, revealing the beautiful scar and clouded eye beneath.
“You’re still so handsome, captain,” I leaned in close, my lips trembling against his own, “scars and all.”
The kiss was brief but sweet, as Levi pressed his palms into the small of my back. When he pulled away with a huff, I was pleased to see the faintest tint of pink splashed across his cheeks—and I knew better than to think it was because of the cold air around us.
“I love you, Levi.” A kiss to the jagged scar on his cheekbone, just below his right eye. “I love you. I love you.”
I love you.
With each whisper came another kiss, until I reached his lips once more. Something warm dribbled down the length of his cheek and onto my own—but he was wiping it away with the back of his hand before I could ask what it was. He cleared his throat and shook his head, the softest smile I’d ever seen splayed across his lips.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
The music from the apartment above had died down to a low hum; whoever had been playing seemed to be getting ready for bed. I curled my hand around Levi’s, offering the bronze key to the tea shop in my other one.
“Wanna do the honor?”
He was quick to take the key from my grasp, despite the roll of his eyes and scoff under his breath. Within moments we were outside in the cold once more, with Levi locking the doors to the tea shop with a soft click.
“It’ll look so much better once we give it some color,” I told him as he took my hand in his own. “You get to decide what it’ll look like, okay? Oh, and don’t forget a name—I don’t really have any ideas, so it’ll be up to you to come up with a good one, alright?”
He remained silent as I rambled on all the way home, but the way he squeezed my fingers told me he was listening to every word I said. Through the forest, across the little stone bridge, all the way down the familiar path that led to home—he was holding me as tight as he could, with the little bronze key dangling from his fingertips.
It wasn’t until we were within our little fenced-in yard that I realized I was still holding onto his eyepatch; he had made no move to take it from me, to cover up his eye on the entire walk home. Sure, there was no one out on the streets at this time of night, but it was a tiny step forward.
Maybe someday he’ll realize he doesn’t need this silly thing to begin with, that he’s perfect without it.
“Thank you.”
The words were sudden, cutting through the chilled air around us. His hand was warm around my own, his breath fanning across my mouth as he leaned in close. He still clung onto that silly bronze key, almost as though it would slip through and disappear into the snow if he wasn’t careful.
“You didn’t have to… I mean, it’s so…” He groaned, swiping a hand through his hair and mussing it all up. “…Thank you.”
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling like a schoolgirl, heart thumping in my chest like a nervous rabbit. “You’re very welcome, captain. Now come on, let’s get you all warmed up inside.”
He took my hand in his own—but not before pressing one last kiss against the skin of my cheek, right against the little white scar below my left eye. I giggled as his nose brushed against mine, as I reached behind me to unlock the door to our little home.
“Come on, the kids are waiting for us.”
And together the two of us retreated into our little home in the heart of the woods—the home we had built together after all these years—with the little bronze key to our newly-owned tea shop still pressed between our palms.
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leyyvi · 2 years
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filled in for @levi-supreme‘s Levi Birthday Event! Thanks for letting me be a part of it ;; <3
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
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Here’s my fic for Day D-8 of @levi-supreme Rei’s event for Levi’s birthday.
TW. Pure fluff, post war.
WC ~1k
“Got you, got you, got you.” You strain every inch of muscle to not drop him into the tub. Your arms are hooked under his armpits from behind as you lower him into the warm lavender-infused water. “That’s it. Put your weight on the good leg. Slow and easy.”
His hands tighten at the rim, and he groans. “Got it from here.”
“You sure?” You warily ask, still holding him.
You take a deep breath and slip off your arms from him, and Levi uses all his remaining strengt to sprauchle himself into the tub, his knuckles tense and white. And finally, you let out sigh of relief and smile; little by little, he’s recovering. It’s been about eight months since war ended, since you and Levi hung the green cloaks, moved to Marley after ten years of service and got the respite you deserved. Levi has already undergone three surgeries and has been convalescing to recover the mobility of his leg , begrudgingly goes to rehab, growling and whining that it’s a waste of time. But you’re there to push him, to hug him, encourage him; without you, he’d be a lost man.
“So, what do you want to do today, birthday boy?” You scoop water on your hand and soak his shoulders, back and chest, heedful with his most recent scars. “I know you don’t like to celebrate, but it’s special this time.”
“My first birthday after the war you mean.” He breathes.
“Yeah.” You hand him the foamy sponge and lavish his shoulders with kisses. “It could be just you and I, or we could have Gabi, Falco and Oni joining us too.” You bring your lips to the spot beneath his ear and whisper, “Whatever you want.”
“I don’t know,” he blows a raspberry and slips a hand over his shoulder, threading it with yours as you tuck your chin over the left one, and caress the stumps of his fingers. “You have to at least blow the candles.” You kiss him on the temple. “I love you Levi,” you murmured. “I love you, I love you, I love you. Thank you for keeping your promise.” Your eyes sting, the tears blend with the trickles of water falling from his hair and running down his skin. Levi closes his eyes,feeling your ragged breathing brushing against his cheek. He should’ve killed Zeke instead of waiting for orders. He’d been a fool, naive, but that promise, he clung to it, the last thread of hope from where he was hanging. “I love you too,” he says.
There’s a silence stretching over as your sobs dwindle, and a meek smile curves his lips. You started again when the stones were pounding at your door, wrecking everything. You watched your dreams burn and reborn. With the stones you built your little empire.
Everything is alright now.
He and you; you and him, free.
“Alright.” He twiddles with your fingers. “Let’s go to Damiano’s this evening. The birthday boy gets to choose the cake, right?”
“Of course!”
“Black Forest.”
“Great choice.” You wipe off your tears and reel back to grab the bottle from the floor. “There’s a parade too.” You squirt a spritz of sandalwood scented shampoo on your palm and lather his hair, massaging his scalp gingerly.
“A parade?”
“Yup. Don’t know exactly why it’s a holiday today, but kids get presents and there’s a festival and parades too.”
“So I get two presents.”
“You’re not a child.”
“But you treat me like one.”
“Close your eyes,” you say and ladle water with a jug, rinsing off the foam from his hair. You set it down and put your hands on the curve of his shoulders.
“I won’t treat you like one then.”
“No.” He blushes and holds your wrists, dragging them over his chest. Due to the inactivity, his muscle mass has whittled; his skin doesn’t feel as taut as it used to. Levi allows the days to scurry slow, reading, brewing tea, learning, and even though he’s not fond of the wheelchair, he enjoys the strolls with you. He likes museums, galleries and expositions; despite his belying stolidness, he’s amazed too by the boundless marvels the world has yet to offer.
A chuckle bubbles from you and you kiss him on the nape. “Men are big babies.”
He rolls his eyes, and growls. “Brat.”
“Me?” You pinch his cheek. “You’re the one acting like a brat.” You bring the stool to the side, carefully take his face in your hands and kiss him lightly on the lips, the subtle brush of a feather. “Happy birthday, Levi.” You mutter, tracing a finger along one of his scars, raised tissue, healed, but still pale pink. Your mouth is parted over his, and he presses his forehead on yours.
“Thank you.” He spews and kisses you back, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. “Marry me,” his warm breath fans over your lips. He looks away, then meet your eyes again. His are trembling, the black has blurred the gray. “Marry me.” He says again, his voice doesn’t swerve down this time.
Your eyes open wide, your bottom lip quivers. “Levi…” He pulls apart and you stare at each other for a while; you see his beautiful face beyond the scars, two-way adoration bouncing back and forth. His wet skin, sheen like polished Carrara against which contrast his ebony eyebrows and the weak blush on his face.
A drop of water falls from his eyelash, tracing the curve of his cheek, and you brush it away with your thumb. A smile tilts on your face. You giggle and throw a light blow on his arm. “That was a good one.”
“I’m not joking.”
Your smile falters.
“But that’s not even a question.”
“I can’t risk you saying no.”
“So, you demand.” You raise an eyebrow, and he smirks. He kisses you, and you pull apart, giggling, and he blindly chases you until he catches you again.
“Take off your clothes and get in here.”
“It’s my birthday.” He nose bumps you and chuckles.
You splash water on his face, pouting and groan to your feet. From the little window you can see the saplings of sunlight opening their way through the mantle of clouds, a beautiful day for a special day. you shuck your clothes, and the morning chill bites your skin with its sharp fangs. You shiver, wrapping your arms around yourself, and get into the tub, nestling on the space Levi made for you. “This is good.” You sigh and curl against him, resting your head on his shoulder, sliding an arm behind him. “Happy?” You find his hand under the water, bring it to your mouth and kiss him lightly on the knuckles.
“Very.” He smiles and draws a finger over the line of your Cupid’s arc. “You’re beautiful.” He cocks his head by a fraction and winds his arms around your frame. “I’d rather stay here all day.” He nuzzles his cheek on your head, imbibing the hazy vanilla notes from your hair.
“Can we still go to Damiano’s?” You whine, and take out the puppy eyes from your arsenal. They have the best pizza fruits de mer in the continent. “Please?”
“Fine.” He huffs and tilts your face toward him to kiss you again.
“What else do you want for today? I really want to make this day special.” You meet his drowsy eyes after breaking the kiss.
Levi simply shrugs, he already got everything. “I love you. I love you, I love you.” He chants zealously. “You, it’s all I ever wanted.”
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ack3rlady · 2 years
A Happy Disaster
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Summary: Sometimes, failed surprises are perfect.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Notes: Fluffy fluffy fluff, Established relationship. Levi & Reader are married. Post war; Canon divergent. The world is perfect. And all our precious babies are alive and well.
WC: ~1.7K
A/N: Climbing out of my retirement grave for a day to wish my beloved, grumpy, brother-in-law a happy happy birthday! This is a short little something I came up with for my baby @levi-supreme 's Happy Birthday Levi Event
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“We’re ready!” Miche’s voice, a mere whisper, startles you when his head peeks into the kitchen through the doorway.
You gasp, almost losing your grip on the piping bag. Both you and your shaggy blonde friend stare at the strawberry-vanilla cake sitting on the counter in slight panic. Fortunately, the delicate lace of buttercream remains unscathed, making you breathe a collective sigh of relief. Miche pinches his tongue between his teeth and mouths a silent apology.
“All done?” you ask, carefully placing the last strawberry on the pristine white swirl.
“Yep!” he reports. “The table is set, streamers are up. Balloons are blown. Well, as blown as they can be, since Hange kept getting breathless with how much they’ve been giggling.”
“Shut up!” the bespectacled specimen yells from outside, earning them a couple of shushes and one loud smack. That had to have been Nanaba.
Your dear husband, whose birthday it happens to be, has no idea that all his friends are currently in his home. He thinks you’re down in the kitchen preparing an elaborate Christmas dinner for two. And Hange isn’t helping in keeping his surprise birthday dinner a surprise, at all.
“I would be incredibly amazed if Levi hasn’t already figured out what is happening down here, you know?” Erwin’s head appears next to Miche’s.
You’re wondering the same. All your attempts at getting him out of the house while you worked on dinner preparations were quashed. The crowd-hating man declared that his birthday present to himself would be zero interaction with people and that he wouldn’t be stepping foot outside the home.
So, instead you planned a evening full of pampering for him to keep him occupied. A cup of tea with a mystery novel, a long massage, and a long bath. You did leave the gramophone on when Levi went into the bathroom after the soothing head massage you gave him.
And since it is his special day today, you ran him a extravagant one with the expensive lavender Epsom salt, a variety of fragrant candles and his favorite music, asking him to relax and take his time while you got the “Christmas dinner” ready.
“I’m sure he hasn’t. The music should block out any noise,” you say to your former commander, partially trying to convince yourself.
Just then, the sound of symphony stops. A muffled squeak of hinges travels to your ears and the floorboards above begin to creak with footsteps. The three of you exchange a knowing glance.
“It’s time!” Hange squeals again, getting smacked by Nanaba and shushed by everybody else… again!
You quickly take off your apron and start for the stairs, cussing under your breath and hoping that he didn’t hear anything.
“The kids should be here any moment, now. Miche and I will be ready with the party poppers. Nana and Hange will hold the banner. And Moblit will bring the cake!” Erwin reiterates behind you as you bolt up the stairs.
“He’s gonna hate it!” Miche grins. They all grin.
He IS going to hate it! What were you thinking?!
The group watches as you turn the corner, getting back to their respective duties while you make an attempt to stall Levi for just a little longer till the rest of the guests get here. You slowly approach the room, a warm yellow light emitting from the gap under the door. You knock softly and head inside.
A whiff of fresh lavender hits you. Warmth emanates from the bathroom. You stop and take a deep breath. A man, the birthday boy himself, stands before you, facing the dresser. A towel wrapped around him as he uses another one to dry his jet-black hair. Glittery drops of water adorn his back, some trickling down its curve. You can’t help but stare.
“Oi! You’re going to drool if you stare any harder,” His reflection scolds you from the mirror.
“Can’t help it when you look so delicious, baby,” you jest, making your way towards him.
You wrap your arms around Levi's waist and rest your chin on his shoulder. Smiling at him in the mirror. You breathe in the aroma of his warm, fresh skin and hum in delight. The sharpness in his sterling eyes softens and he places an adoring kiss on your temple. He turns in your arms to face you and pecks your forehead softly, wrapping his arms around you.
“Delicious, huh?” he smirks. “Care for a bite?”
You’re tempted. Almost forgetting about the crowd waiting downstairs. His dreamy gaze isn’t helping either. Neither is the firm grasp he currently has on your hind. Levi moves one of his hands to cup the back of your neck, inching his face closer and closer. Your eyes are shut, lips tingling in anticipation of the ones they’re about to meet.
A loud thud disturbs the steamy ambience.
“What the hell was that?” Levi probes.
You are still dazed, the heat from his hot, freshly showered body permeating your skin. You blink harshly to snap out of the trance he always puts you in. Suddenly, you are reminded that if you want this surprise to work, those hooligans shouldn’t be left on their own for too long.
“Uhh.. The house is old and noisy. I’m sure it’s nothing.” you smile awkwardly, trying to divert his attention. “Besides, dinner is ready. Let’s head downstairs.”
He lets you go, reaching into the closet and pulling out a crisp white shirt to put on. He matches it with a pair of graphite grey pants and walks with you to the bedroom door. You wrap your fingers around the knob and slowly open it. Levi presses his hand against the oak and promptly closes it back shut, making you jump.
“What?” you ask.
“All things aside... I hope you didn’t let Eyebrows cook any of the food. He will somehow manage to poison us all.”
“Huh?” you lose your breath, trying hard to keep your composure. “How did he know that Erwin is here?” you wonder.
Levi chuckles at the look of absolute stupefaction on your face. He leans in, “Next time you want to surprise me, make sure to keep Four Eyes out of the preparations.”
Your old commander was right. As always. No amount of loud music holds a candle to Hange’s mighty vocal cords. You mutter under your breath, fists closed tightly in annoyance. "Damn it, Hange!"
“Don’t worry,” his calm voice breaks you out of your reverie. “I’ll act surprised. I could hear.. quite clearly, actually… how hard you all worked this evening.”
“So, you’re not mad at me?” You ask.
“A little. But you can make it up to me when they leave,” he smirks.
You stare at him in disbelief, and then break into a smile, mouthing a quiet thank you and giving a quick kiss to his lips. With your hand in his, you both make your way down the stairs, ignoring the muffled sounds and the shushing coming from the dark living room.
Seasoned soldiers who have been through literal hell and back can’t keep a simple surprise birthday party under wraps. You finally make it into the living room and flip the light switch on.
“SURPRISE!" they cheer in unison, party poppers going off on either side of you. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
The look on Levi’s face is unchanged for the most part, leaving aside the faintest smile of amusement. The guests know quite well that this is all the "Surprise" they can wring out of their stoic friend.
"You two better clean this mess off my floor before you leave," he says to the smiling Erwin and Miche.
There are more people in the room this time, the others just having arrived. Turns out, the noise from earlier was from Jean, Connie and Eren racing through the front door to see who got in first.
Armin and Mikasa brought flowers and a small present. Gabi and Falco are anxious to run in to the dining room and see what is on the menu. Reiner, Peick, Porco and Zeke stand to the back, making sure the two teens don’t cook up a disaster.  Nanaba and Hange hold the birthday banner up high and Moblit comes forward with the cake, embellished with brightly lit candles.
“Make a wish, Levi Heichou!” Sasha urges, too used to calling him by his title despite the multiple scolds. "They say that if you make a wish before blowing out the candles, it comes true."
"Really? If this crap worked, why didn't we celebrate birthdays this whole time?" Levi chuckles, then closes his eyes.
He thinks hard but finds himself in a dilemma. For the first ever time in his existence, he can’t think of a wish to make. During every stage of his life, he always had a wish, a prayer. At first, it was to see the sky, then it was revenge and then just to survive.
And now, after everything he has been through, Levi finally has everything he ever wanted. Much more than what he ever imagined having.
The love of his life is by his side, his dearest friends beaming at him, his proteges living happy and successful lives, old nemeses have become new friends. What more could he possibly wish for? All he can think of is to hope that the sun never ceases to shine on any of them. And so, he makes his wish.
He opens his eyes and blows the candles, still holding your hand firmly. Everybody moves to the dining table and takes their seats. Levi cuts the cake, and you pass the slices to your guests. Sasha, Gabi and Falco are finally relieved.
Dinner goes by in a breeze. Time always flies when they're here. The plates have been licked clean and bottles of wine, emptied. You reach for Levi's hand underneath the table and lace your fingers with his. He looks at you and smiles tenderly.
"I'm sorry, love. I know you wanted it to be just us," you lean in. "But they were all so excited to celebrate your birthday for the first ever time!"
He looks over at every face at the table. So many faces, that you had to join two long tables to accommodate them all. They are smiling, laughing, eating, chatting and making memories.
Happy memories. Ones he will reminisce when he is old, grey and wrinkly, sitting on the porch swing with you and watching the sun set behind the hills.
"It's alright.", he whispers, giving your hand a light squeeze. "This isn't too bad either."
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Masterlist | Levi Ackerman Masterlist
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moo-blogging · 2 years
D-3 to Levi's bday!! So excited to be doing countdown with @levi-supreme!!
Here's some fanart i drew of Levi as a wolf boy. He's learning the human way to hang out with you ;)
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jayteacups · 2 years
a cute lil’ levi x reader uni au drabble <3
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You and your boyfriend want nothing more to cuddle in bed and sleep in the safety of each other’s arms, but university work seems to have a vendetta against you.
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader
Tags and warnings: SFW, university AU, established relationship, levi’s a little bit bratty but we love him for it
Word count: 1.0k 
A/N: Yeah, I could not think of a title for this, sorry lol. I love a good uni AU. They have an apartment together for context hehe. This is also my last submission for @levi-supreme​ ‘s Happy Birthday Levi 2022 Event! Highly recommend checking out the other works for this event and the writers taking part, too. <3 Enjoy! 
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Another annoyed huff leaves the lump of blankets on the bed. 
You don’t bother to dignify it with a response, still sat at your desk and typing furiously. Only one hundred words left, and your essay will be close enough to the word limit to be considered passable. The words swim across the screen, and you sigh, rubbing your bleary eyes and scanning the document for typos. 
A low, husky voice calls out your name.
You take a glance at the time. It’s definitely not the latest you’ve stayed up working on an essay due the next morning. “Almost done, Lev’,” you mutter, typing out another sentence. “Just one more paragraph.”
The cocoon of blankets shifts to reveal a disgruntled face. “You better be done in the next five minutes,” Levi says snippily, “or I will throw your damn laptop out of the window, deadlines be damned. I want to sleep.” 
He looks cute like this, completely engulfed by the thick, heavy quilt, raven hair a mess, a slight pout gracing his soft lips. Guilt pulls at your heart, chipping away at your resolve. The urge to join him in bed, scoop your sleep-deprived boyfriend up into your arms and run your fingers through his hair, let his hands trace aimless patterns on your back as he buries his face into the crook of your neck… shit, you want to give up on this essay so bad. But it’s due in a matter of hours, and you can’t put it off any longer. Levi had offered to help you when you’d interrupted the evening’s cuddle session in the first place, only just remembering that you’d been assigned this essay, but you’ve always been particularly stubborn about doing your schoolwork with as minimal help as possible.  
You steel yourself. “You don’t have to wait up for me,” you say, scowling at the word count. “Besides, I should be done soon.” Perhaps if you stared at it long enough, the number would change. 
Nope. Not working. 
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Levi grumbles, rolling over in the bed, face disappearing into the blankets. The next words come out slightly muffled, but you are more than used to interpreting them. “You can’t keep pulling late nights. I did tell you that you should focus during yesterday’s study date but no, you insisted on feeling me up.”
“You liked it, don’t be like that,” you shoot back, typing the next sentence, then cringing and deleting half of it. 
Levi pauses, then a quiet ‘of course I liked it, you damn minx, but that’s not the point’ leaves the mountain of blankets.
You smile softly to yourself. He’s right—he always is. “You do have a point. I’ll focus on studying next time so that I won’t deprive you of cuddles. Okay?”
You snicker. “Half a paragraph left.” 
“Hurry up,” he mumbles. “Or I’m dragging you to bed myself.” 
You type faster, resolving yourself to the fact that you would have to suffer writing the conclusion, but the faster you finished it, the more time you could spend cuddling Levi. He’s secretly needy behind closed doors; not that he’d ever admit it. Plus, cuddling is the cure to his insomnia, and he does have the cutest sleeping face. 
“Quit daydreaming and finish your damn conclusion already.” He says. 
“I’m not daydreaming, there’s no reason for me to drag on this torture for longer than it has to go on for,” you defend yourself, and push out another half-arsed sentence. 
The next few minutes fly by as an idea strikes you and you churn out a solid conclusion. Proof-reading takes no less than three-minutes, you don’t really want to be working on it any longer than you really have to. Correcting the last typo, you grin, saving the essay and slamming the laptop shut. Finally. “It’s done. Move over, sweetheart.”
It’s now dark without the light of your laptop screen, but you can envision Levi’s slight eyebrow raise with picture perfect clarity. It’s a look you’ve been subjected to quite a few times. “I don’t know about that. It’s very comfortable, actually, and I’m not sure I want to move.”
You inhale sharply. “You have been whining for me to come cuddle you for the past hour. And now you won’t let me join you?”
Levi wriggles the top of his head out of the cocoon. “Now you know how it feels.” 
“You smug fucker,” you grumble half-heartedly as Levi creates an opening in the blankets for you to slide in through. 
“Well, if you were a little more organised,” he replies, not unkindly, “perhaps we could’ve been like this sooner.” 
“Screw you.” 
Something akin to a snicker leaves him, as you settle your head on his chest. Levi’s firm arms swiftly wrap around you once he tucks you in tightly at his side. 
“Comfy?” He asks. 
“Mm.” You nod, eyes closing as you settle down and slip an arm around his waist. “Don’t wake me up early. ‘M tired.”
“Again,” Levi says, this time with no bite, “whose fault is that?” 
Now that you’re being hit by a wave of drowsiness, you don’t have the energy to fire a retort at him. With a soft hum, Levi presses a kiss onto the top of your head, stroking your hair lightly. Engulfed with warmth, you banish all thoughts of work from your mind, anchored to the world only by the tenderness of his touch; that is, until one final reminder floats to the surface. 
Drowsily, you mumble, “don’t answer the delivery man tomorrow. I’ll get it.” 
“You’re expecting a package?” He sounds genuinely clueless. How could he have forgotten you were getting something for his birthday? “Why can’t I answer? You could be taking a dump when the doorbell rings or something…” 
Eloquent as ever. You smile, lazily entangling your legs with his. “… you’re going to spoil what your birthday present is, that’s why.” 
Levi sighs, dropping another kiss on the top of your head. “You really didn’t have to get me anything.” 
“I did,” you pout, now half asleep. “You deserve to be celebrated.” 
You thought it impossible, but he holds you even closer, even tighter. “Thank you. Truly.” 
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© 2022 jayteacups | do not repost, modify or claim as your own work
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
An Ackerman Christmas
Summary: Levi brings you to his family for Christmas.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Notes: This is for Rei's "Happy Birthday Levi" event
Taglist: @ladycheesington @levi-supreme
You pull your new coat onto your arm with a tiny groan. Your attempt to muffle it doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend as he picks up his keys from the glass bowl on the island counter. The floor to ceiling windows flood the modern apartment with light along with the sight of thickly falling snow. Levi has his back to all of that as he crosses the space to you, one hand moving to your back at once. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his eyes automatically dropping to your growing belly. Anxiety gathers in his tone as he lifts his eyes to yours once again. When he worries, those beautiful eyes are full of grey. You touch his forearm gently.
“It’s just an ache.” you explain, “I’ve been sat down all day.”
His brows furrow as he pockets his keys and brings that hand to hold your hip, his thumb rubbing your side. “You were up and down a lot yesterday. You should have done your wrapping on the couch while I was out getting our groceries.”
You step in close to him, linking your arms around his neck. “I never know how long you’re gonna be though. You could have accidentally walked in on your gifts.”
He huffed. “Better me seeing them than you straining your back by doing too much.” His hands rub over your back experimentally. “Here?” he asks, as his fingers rub into the muscles of your lower back. He smiles, feeling you relax more into his arms at the soothing feeling. 
You nod into his neck with a contented sigh and so he presses a little harder, enough for the ache to ease away. You stroke the nape of his neck in gratitude. 
“Thank you,” you mumble as you snuggle into him some more. “That feels so nice.”
Levi’s fingers move in tender circles. “You need to take it easier,” he advises you. “Let me do more.”
“I draw the line at you wrapping your own presents,” you insist, nuzzling his jaw. “You do plenty for me as it is. Besides, I doubt I’ll be exerting myself that much for a while,” you remind him. “Thank God, Christmas is an annual thing only.” You smile into his skin at how Grinch-like you sound. You love Christmas a lot but at the other end of the season, you’re thankful for the next eleven months off from the manic sales, the endless spam of Christmas emails, the smell of Christmas pudding and the taste of mince pies. Although, this year, you’ve had next to no mince pies since the baby appears to have decided that mince pies are the devil’s food.
One of Levi’s arms moves up to wrap around your shoulders. “Let me,” he whispers against your temple. “I want to look out for you. You’re the one growing our child inside you.” He kisses your forehead and you melt even more. 
“Mmm,” you reply. “I just don’t want you taking on too much.”
“I’ll be fine. I’d rather we didn’t take any chances. You need all the energy you can get for nurturing our baby.” Levi drops a hand down onto your bump again with a loving caress. You watch his face as he stares down at your child. He’s going to be such a good dad, you think with utmost certainty. 
“Okay, I hear you,” you promise. “I’ll be careful,” you assure him, “within reason.”
He touches his lips to yours briefly but the touch is full of love and your fingers caress his neck again. “Come on.” he says after a moment, “we can beat the traffic if we go now.” he points out. 
You nod and allow him to help you with the rest of your coat. After making sure you’ve got everything, you leave the apartment behind.
It had been agreed that Christmas dinner would take place at Levi’s mother’s house this year. 
Last year Levi had hosted the dinner and Kenny had spent hours antagonizing Levi by making messes and winding Levi up about his clean freak nature. Levi outright refuses to attend the celebrations at Kenny’s house due to it being a “cesspit of the lowest standards” according to Levi. The desire to not annoy or upset Kuchel would be enough to restrain both Levi and Kenny from arguing too viciously and it was a good compromise. Not to mention the fact that she had more space. Yours and Levi’s apartment was currently being occupied by various deliveries for the nursery (which Levi was still decorating and refused to put the boxes in there for now). 
You do manage to avoid most of the traffic on the drive from Karanes to Stohess. You arrive at the Ackerman house - well, actually, it’s more like a small manor - just before midday. Levi carries the bag of presents (most of them for Kuchel with a couple of bottle of liquor and cigarettes for Kenny) while you walk ahead. 
It was between Kenny and Levi’s efforts that they managed to secure this manor house outside the city centre for Kuchel. Painted sunrise yellow with light-coloured borders and rooftops, it boasts a circular drive that, in the sprint, is surrounded with colourful flower bushes and fruit trees. In the winter, the greenery is replaced by bare wood and fallen leaves merging together after a great deal of rain. Colourful Christmas lights are strung across the blankets, lighting the trees in some cheerful brightness once more. Floor lamps light the pathway in various colours as well, which you admire as you walk down the main pathway. 
A small set of stairs leads up to a wraparound porch and a pair of double doors that are already opening. You’re greeted by a smiling Kuchel who hurries down the steps to greet you, arms outstretched, her grey eyes falling to your stomach. The last time you saw her, you were barely showing. Her smile grows as she hugs you.
“Merry Christmas!” she tells you with a kiss on the cheek. You hug her enthusiastically. She smiles of apples and pastry and your stomach rumbles at the thought of the dessert. A welcome response compared to the morning sickness that has only just abated in the last week or so. “You look so beautiful,” Kuchel tells you as she pulls away, cupping your face and gazing over you, her eyes dancing over your face and then back to your stomach. Another welcome thing to hear after worries about how bloated you look have been creeping in. “You feeling okay?”
You nod warmly. “I feel great, thank you. Merry Christmas!” You pull her into another hug and she welcomes it, rubbing your back. It’s nice to feel a mother’s hug again. 
It’s been about twelve years since your own mother walked out, on Christmas Day no less. The thought of doing that to your baby makes you feel ill. You’ve prayed to whatever deity might be listening that your mother was struggling with some mental illness or went into witness protection or some other reason that would make sense to you as to why she’d disappeared. But over time you’d come to accept that she had just turned her back on being your mom. 
As soon as she releases you, she sweeps Levi into her arms, giving him just enough time to put his bag down and wrap her up in his embrace. “Happy birthday, baby,” she says, her hand stroking his hair and the other rubbing the back of his shoulders. You enjoy the slight tint of red in his cheeks at the endearment, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Mom.” Levi kisses her on the cheek. “You doing okay?” he asks, his eyes flicking towards the house. 
“I’m good,” Kuchel assures him with a hand on his arm. “Kenny’s behaving himself,” she adds, moving aside so he can pick up the bag again.
“For now.” Levi mumbles.
Kuchel smiles at him. “If either of you know what’s good for you, we won’t be having a repeat of last year.”
“Hell no,” Levi agrees with a glance at your stomach. “Besides, mother and baby don’t need the stress.”
“Exactly,” Kuchel agrees firmly and returns to you, sliding an arm around your shoulders, guiding you into the house. “How’s the babba doing? Do you still have morning sickness?” 
“The baby’s really good. I had a scan last week and the doctor is really happy with things,” you tell Kuchel as the three of you walk into a light foyer, painted with a strip of alternating flowers and leaves in a strip running around the middle of the walls. Cabinets holding up pictures of Levi, Kuchel and Kenny fill most of the wall space. In the middle of one of them you see the photo of you and Levi sat on your couch holding up the scan photo. You smile as emotion bubbles up in your throat. “Plus the morning sickness has finally gone,” you add, grasping onto the conversation again.
Kuchel leads you all into the lounge, a cooling space colour-wise with grey walls with silver patterns along with blue sofas with silver cushions. Already occupying an armchair and a beer sits Kenny, his hat perched on the corner of the head of his armchair. He fixes you all with a crooked smile and raises his glass to you.
“Happy Holidays y’all,” he declares then takes a swig of his drink.
“Merry Christmas,” you tell him politely. 
“Kenny,” Levi acknowledges before carrying the bag over to the table in the middle of the room and setting it down next to it. “Still sober I see. Impressive.” He removes his coat and then takes yours, carrying them both back into the foyer. 
“Ain’t it just?” Kenny retorts, eyeing his sister with an exasperated look. 
“I don’t know why you’re bothering with that look,” Kuchel shrugs and marches over to her brother’s chair. “For god’s sake, Kenny. I have a coat rack you know?” She snatches his hat and marches off with it. 
Kenny chuckles. “Why bother when I know you’ll just come and do it?” he drawls. 
Levi’s fists clench as he returns and your hand moves to his wrist, your thumb stroking the inside of it. “You better not be leaving Mom to do all the cooking you piece of shit,” he groiwls. His other hand moves to cover yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Wouldn’t know where to begin being that kind of useful in the kitchen,” Kenny scoffs, throwing back another swig of his drink. “I just finance the takeaway industry instead,” he adds with a wide grin that shows off his yellowing teeth. Your stomach churns in disgust. 
“I’m amazed you’re not the size of a house,” Kuchel grumbles as she crosses the living room and gestures for Levi and you to take the couch. She sinks into the armchair opposite her brother. 
“Ah see I keep plenty of it. There are plenty of ladies out there to exercise with.” 
Kuchel scowls at him. “You’re disgusting.”
You feel Levi’s arm move around your shoulders, squeezing it. “You can’t pretend you’re a halfway decent human being for one day?”
Kenny shrugs. “Hey if Missy here is gonna be joining our family - she may as well get to know the real me, you know?”
“She is already part of our family,” Kuchel insists, giving you an encouraging smile which quickly drops. “I can only apologize,” she says to you, “for saddling you with this idiot,” she adds with a glare towards Kenny. 
You raise your hand with a short laugh. “It’s okay.”
“See, she’s got a sense of humour. She’s gonna need one to deal with us.” Kenny eyes you with a bemused smile before lowering his gaze to your stomach. “Whoa-boy, you’re getting big now, huh? You’ll soon be waddling around all Mama Duck, eh?”
“Kenny!” Kuchel fumes.
Levi’s shoulders have gone rigid and his teeth grind together. He leans forwards, his hands closing into fists. You grab his hands quickly just as Kuchel speaks. 
“You’re a disgrace.” she snaps at Kenny. “Speaking to a pregnant woman like that.”
“Hey, I didn’t say she wasn’t attractive,” Kenny defends himself. Levi’s eyes flare up with rage and he lifts his hands out of yours. “Or that Mama Ducks aren’t cute.” Kenny adds with an exaggerated wink at you. He holds his hand up again when Levi rises from his seat. “Oh come on, kid, give me some credit. It’s a freaking joke!” Kenny barks. “I’m not about to hit on my nephew’s woman, am I? You’re way too easy to wind up.”
Levi scrutinizes his uncle with a glare so intense that you’re worried that he may actually start a fight with the older man. However, he unclenches his fists as he steps forward, leaning over Kenny with an expression of distaste. “Keep pulling that shit and see what happens.”
“Levi.” Both you and Kuchel speak at once. You sound pleading but Kuchel sounds irked. “That’s enough,” she insists. “No more of this. We’re going to sit down together and we’re going to act like a goddamn normal family even if it’s just for one day.”
Kenny lowers his beer onto a side table and raises both hands. “Fine, fine! I’ll behave or whatever.”
Kuchel looks disbelieving but drops the subject, Levi, however, keeps glowering at his uncle. 
Thankfully things settle down as drinks are served, your cushion is fluffed twice by Levi, and conversation about what everyone’s been up to begins to flow. Kuchel updates you all on some plans for the following summer with her friends and yet she is determined to be around lots for the new arrival. Levi encourages his mother to take the vacation and even Kenny tells Kuchel to go for it. He advises her to avoid certain parts of Marley and is particularly encouraging about the area known as Liberio. 
Surprisingly you find yourself engaged in that conversation with him as you admit that Liberio is on your list of places you want to travel. Kenny cautions you about certain areas as he has personal experience of discovering some of the seedier neighbourhoods. This time, when he talks about them, there’s less perversion in his tone and more objective judgement. However he doesn’t do a complete u-turn and so he still makes a few jokes about the women there and mocks some of the men in bar fights. 
Although Levi keeps an eye on your conversation with Kenny, he also takes the chance to talk in-depth with his mother. 
Before you know it, it’s been two hours and Kuchel gets up to work on dinner. Despite Levi’s protests, you insist on helping since you’ve been sitting for a long time and want to move around a bit. Kuchel assures her son that you’ll be fine with her and soon the pair of you are cutting vegetables together in the kitchen. It’s a spacious room with white walls and grey furnishings. The half-wall windows on one side of the room gaze out onto an enormous garden with paths winding around a firepit, a fountain, a small pond and a vegetable patch. The garden looks fairly bare without the bloom of colourful bushes and thickly covered trees, 
You can hear Kenny and Levi talking from the other room although what they’re saying is unclear. 
“Well they’re not fighting so that’s a good sign,” Kuchel smiles as she peels a potato and tosses it into a pile.
“Yeah,” you frown uneasily, remembering the earlier tension. 
“They’ll be fine.” Kuchel assures you. “You just worry about yourself.” 
As she continues with her work, you pause in yours and stare across at her, feeling a sudden desire to open up about something you’ve been worrying about. But would it be weird to do so with Levi’s mother? Your gut says no but your brain doesn’t fully agree. You lower your knife and grip the counter thoughtfully. 
“You okay?” In a second, Kuchel’s hand is on your back. “Are you in pain?”
“No. I’m fine,” you promise with a sheepish smile up at her. She’s significantly taller than her son. She has the kind of height you’d have liked to have although you have a few inches on Levi. But Kuchel has that graceful, long-limbed, willowy figure. “I wanted to ask you something about parenthood though. If you don’t mind.”
Kuchel lowers the knife that was in her free hand. “Of course, sweetheart. Ask me what you’d like.”
You bite your lip and take a small breath. “Were you scared? When you were carrying Levi?” you question. “Did you worry about the pain of labour? About being a good mom? About being able to be what your child needs?” All the questions tumble out of you, turning your cheeks pink.
Kuchel surprises you with her lack of hesitation. “Absolutely. All of the above and more,” she tells you instantly. She places her hand on your shoulder. “It’s natural though. This is your first experience with pregnancy and it’s a heavy weight you carry, bringing another person into this world. It’s like the first time you do anything. There’s that feeling of not really knowing what to expect, isn’t there?” When you nod, she touches your other shoulder with her other hand. “You’ll be fine. You’re going to be a great mom.” 
“How can you possibly know that?” You ask as your voice wobbles. “My mom…”
“I don’t know what happened with her but you’re not her.”  Kuchel assures you. “Worrying about this sort of thing is a good sign. It shows how much you care.” She wraps you in her arms. “It’s daunting, I know. You’re always welcome to talk to me about anything. Day or night, just call me if you don’t want to talk to anyone else. I’m always on the other end of the phone.”
That kindness washes over you like a powerful wave, knocking you off balance. You cling to her as your eyes become blurry. You didn’t realize how much you needed to hear that until Kuchel came out and said it. 
“Thank you.” You murmur the words into her shoulder and she cradles the back of your head in her hand as you sniffle. “Damn hormones.”
She chuckles. “Tell me about it. I’ve cried over much less than that when pregnant,” she chuckles, still holding you close. “It’s an emotional journey, but you’ll be fine.”
You stay clinging to her for several minutes, quietly working on regaining some control back over yourself. All the time she rubs your head and back, snuggling you. Your heart aches with tenderness and a slight burn of envy that you lost the chance to have this at twelve years old.
“What’s wrong?” Levi’s voice cuts through the silence. You pull away from Kuchel as your boyfriend crosses the room and takes you into his arms, his eyes searching yours. You internally begin to panic about how to explain all this again but Kuchel steps in. 
“She was having a moment. Emotions got a little on top of her but she’s all right now, aren’t you?” Kuchel directs the last part to you. 
You nod, grateful for the chance to answer non-verbally for now. 
The worry in Levi’s eyes softens but it doesn’t leave entirely. “You sure?” he asks and you nod again. He brings you closer to his body, tucking you against him, his arms cradling you similar to the way his mother was moments ago. “You’re okay,” he murmurs, kissing your temple. 
“Having some food should help,” Kuchel tells him. “It’s almost ready - oh!” she snaps her fingers. “I got you some pregnancy vitamins,” she tells you, stepping over to a cupboard and rummaging through bottles and pots. “Since you said your local one keeps running out of most of yours.”
“Yeah,” you grumble. “I swear there must be mass pregnancy going on back home or something.”
Levi is still holding you. “I have set up an order for you but it will be a few weeks before the first delivery arrives.” He nods gratefully at Kuchel. “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem. Some people don’t put a lot of stock in these but I found them very helpful,” Kuchel says as she brings out a pharmacy bag of tablets. She holds it out.
“Thank you.” You take the bag and lean against Levi’s chest, holding the bag to your own. “I appreciate everything.”
Kuchel closes the cupboard. “Remember what I said. If you want to talk to me about anything, please just call.”
You manage a shaky laugh. “You might regret that offer.”
Kuchel chuckles quietly. “No, I really won’t.” She eyes her son. “And you, I want you to talk to me too, if you ever feel overwhelmed.”
Levi tucks you into him as close as he can. “I’m not like him.” You didn’t have to ask to know who he meant. His biological father. The man who had learned of his existence and then ran out on Kuchel. “I won’t leave my family.”
“No, you won’t,” Kuchel agrees. “But parenthood is tough on both parents and you have a tendency to take too much on,” she adds, folding her arms and fixing her son with a firm, knowing stare.
“I’m fine-” Levi instantly objects but you pull away and join Kuchel in the folding of arms and intense stare. You accompany it with a small cough.
“What was I just saying this morning?” you ask.
The tips of Levi’s ears turn red and you watch, with satisfaction, as the colour spreads over both ears fully. “Ganging up on me, huh?” he grumps. 
“Damn right,” Kuchel softens and steps forward to take Levi’s face in her hands. “Because while that may be your baby, you’re mine.”
“Mom…” Levi protests but Kuchel kisses his cheek anyway, leaning her head against his for a few seconds. 
“Let your mother have this,” Kuchel gently chides, “and make sure you call if you need me.” She glances over at you. “Will you do it? Call me if he’s taking on too much?”
“Absolutely,” you assure her. You’re met with your boyfriend’s scowl. 
“”Traitor,” he murmurs as he pulls you into his side. You giggle against his face and kiss it as your arms wrap around him.
“Oi,” Kenny interrupts loudly. The three of you whirl around to see him leaning against the door frame with his beer in hand. “You all throwing a party in here or what?”
It feels good to actually be able to eat Christmas dinner without feeling nauseous - something you’d resigned yourself to right up until your morning sickness had finally stopped. Kuchel has you all helping with dinner preparations (although in Kenny’s case she relegates him to setting the table). You prepare the vegetables while Levi takes over preparing the meat and Kuchel is then freed up to prepare dessert. 
The dining room’s theme is green surrounded by warm brown borders. The dark wooden table has been draped with a green Christmas cover, topped with silver place settings and napkins folded into deer which you coo over for about a minute. 
Dinner itself is not quite as chaotic as you had expected. Despite his bears, Kenny carves up the turkey pretty well and makes sure everyone has generous portions (not without a remark at Levi that he still looks like he could use a decent meal). Kuchel ladles plenty of vegetables on people’s plate (especially Kenny’s with a pointed look at yet another beer sitting beside his meal). Levi glances over at you a lot during the meal and you know he’s checking for any signs of nausea or distaste. Under the table, you link your foot around his and that seems to reassure him somewhat. 
Kenny’s behaviour shifts. Whether it’s because he’s trying to appease Kuchel or because he’s bored of being an ass, for the most part he’s pretty civilized. There’s still the odd joke among conversations about post-Christmas plans, new “investments” which translate to gambling, and questioning Levi about his cleaning business (not without some mocking tones). Talk inevitably turns to the baby and, to Levi’s dismay, his own baby years as Kuchel becomes nostalgic.
“He had the chubbiest cheeks ever,” Kuchel sighs, hands clasped in front of her. “and he had the bluest eyes as a newborn. Ah, I could have eaten him.”
You chuckle as Levi stares down into his wine, his entire face flushing now. 
“I’m pretty sure eating children is against the law, Kuchel,” Kenny chuckles. His sister flips him off and he shot her a grin. “He was a feisty little thing though. I remember when he grabbed my finger. Very strong grip for a kid who’s 12 hours old. Then came the mouth on him.” He smirks over at you. “And now you get to put up with it. Congrats.”
“I save the best for you, Kenny,” growls Levi.
“As it should be. It’d hurt my feelings if you gave it worse to anyone else,” Kenny slaps a hand over his chest with a mocking pout. 
“I don’t know anyone lower on that chain than you.”
“Aww you say the nicest things, nephew.”
“Come on now.” Kuchel says although she is still smiling. “Play nice.”
“Pretty sure this is us playing nice,” Kenny chuckles and swigs from his beer. 
Kuchel rolls her eyes and smiles at you, only to frown when she sees that you’ve gone still, staring at your belly. She says your name but you don’t respond.
All your thoughts are entirely focused on the strong, clear movement you felt inside your womb - that of a tiny limb stretching out. Your face breaks into a slow smile as the movement repeats, stronger this time, as though less experimental. She place your hands on your stomach and bite your lip joyfully. 
Kuchel seems to realize at once. “Is the baby kicking?”
You can only nod as a huge rush of love washes through you at once. This is it. This is your baby saying hello. They’re really growing strong in there. 
Levi’s arm wraps around you and his hand gently touches your stomach. “Does it hurt?” he asks, eyes flicking to your face. They immediately snap back to the baby bump as you feel another kick. His jaw drops a little. “That…”
“It doesn’t hurt,” you assure him. “It feels… amazing.”
Kuchel brings both hands up in prayer in front of her mouth, her eyes watering with tears. “This is the first time?”
You nod again. “Yeah…” A few tears stream down your face as you cradle your bump. “Hello little one.”
Levi begins to caress your stomach. “They’re so strong,” he murmurs, watching as your stomach bulges slightly from another kick. He kisses you gently on the mouth. “It really doesn’t hurt?” he checks. 
“I’m good,” you promise. 
Kuchel scoots sideways on her seat a little. “May I…?” 
You reach for her hand and place it on your bump. For a moment or two nothing happens and you see Kuchel’s smile begin to falter. 
“Maybe they’re asl-oh!” she gasp. “Hello baby!” she beams. “Grandma can’t wait to meet you.”
You giggle and stroke your bump again, your hand brushing against Levi’s over and over. 
“This is my favourite Christmas present.” you admit to them all, your smile wide and your eyes still dripping tears, “This, right now.”
“As it should be,” Kuchel rubbed the bump. 
There was a short period of silence where your bump receives more affection than you can ever remember it having and then Kenny clears his throat. 
“Mind if the great uncle has a go?” To your surprise, Kenny speaks with some restraint.
Levi looks around at him uncertainly. You’re sure he’s about to say no but given Kenny’s been making an effort, you don’t mind if he feels the baby kick. You reach for his hand and his eyes meet yours, questioning. You smile and nod so he exhales and looks back at Kenny with a nod of his own.
Kenny rises up and moves to stand by your side. His hand. surprisingly carefully, lands on your bump and is instantly met with nothing happening. He waits for a minute or so before his brow furrows. “Kid’s probably having a nap now,” he mutters. 
“Or they’re avoiding you,” Levi mumbles.
Kenny’s retort is cut off when he’s met with a kick from the baby, a particularly hard one. “Whoa there, kid!” he declares as you wince a smidge. “That’s a strong kick you got there, kid. Trying to take a swing at me already?”
You laugh and pat your belly affectionately, while Levi snorts. “They’d be a fool not to try it.” He tells his uncle. You thwack the back of his head gently 
Kenny grins and ruffles his nephew’s hair who immediately bats him away with a grumble. “Get your filthy hands off me,” Levi grunts. 
As the men bicker, you and Kuchel share grins and laugh again as the baby kicks enthusiastically several more times. 
“This is your family, kid,” you tell the bump. “You’re gonna meet them soon enough.”
Kuchel nodded tearfully and reached to grab a glass. Kenny stepped away from Levi and did the same. You and Levi pick up your glasses too. 
“Let’s raise a toast then,” Kuchel beams. “To the newest member of our family who so graciously decided to say hi today.”
“And who has a hell of a kick,” Kenny lifted his beer. “Kid’s gonna be a toughie.”
Levi squeezed his arm around you, gazing down at your unborn child. “To our baby,” he says quietly. 
“To our baby,” you whisper back to him. 
“To baby Ackerman!” the four of you say. 
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levi-supreme · 2 years
A promise
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Characters: Captain!Levi x Squad Leader gender neutral!reader
Genre: SNK!canonverse
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Reader insert (y/n) but no physical descriptions or nicknames being used. Levi got injured and reader is over-exaggerating. Mention of slight injuries. Some cursing and mild language.
A/N: Happy D-14 to Levi's birthday!!! I was feeling it, so I took some prompts from the 100 different kisses and wrote a drabble! I also know it seems very impossible for Levi to get injured during the course of duty but... you know, accidents do happen sometimes.
Also, I've written a drabble in the past where Levi sees reader injured, so here's one with the other way around instead, where reader sees Levi injured.
49: tending to your lover's wound, placing a kiss on top of their head, grateful they're still alive.
Event master list | Event taglist | Rei’s taglist
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You couldn't believe your ears when you heard the news.
It couldn't have happened. Never. Hange must be lying.
Ignoring your fatigue, you dropped everything you had on hand and dashed to the Medical Office, praying with all your might that everything was alright. Cadets and fellow colleagues stopped in the hallways to salute and greet you when you passed by, yet you ignored all of them. You had more pressing matters to attend to. It was a matter of life and death.
Entering the Medical Office, you quickly asked around for Hange's location, and one of the officers gave you a ward number of one of the private single wards at the back. You grunted and ran on ahead, telling yourself to stop thinking of the worst scenario. You pictured him bandaged and bloody, or perhaps he was immobile or he'd lost an arm. No, no, no. Stop thinking about it!
You told yourself no matter how bad it was, you would keep your calm and maintain your professionalism, and you wouldn't let your emotions get the better of you. Calm down, y/n... calm down... you're better than this. You repeated in your head. Yet, as you got closer to where you were supposed to go, whatever calmness or professionalism you thought you'd had were gone in the blink of an eye.
"LEVI!!!!!!!" You exclaimed as soon as you opened the door to the private ward, preparing yourself for the worst. Instead, you saw your lover sulking on the bed while Hange was wrapping a bandage over his wrist. For some reason, Hange was backfacing you, and none of them were trying to acknowledge your presence. You gawked at the sight before you. Levi finally acknowledged your grand entrance and his frown disappeared.
"Hange," you were confused. Didn't Hange told you Levi was on the verge of dying? "care to explain?" Just then, you heard Hange snort, and then they started to hug their stomach while laughing out loud.
"Hahaha! Oh, y/n, you should have seen your face!" Hange bellowed while Levi started frowning again. Hange promptly stood up and looked at you.
"Shortie only got a sprained wrist, it's nothing serious," Hange pat your shoulder, "I'll leave you two alone." With that, Hange left the ward. You turned to Levi who was sulking again. You crossed your arms.
"I swear I wasn't the one who—"
"Was it Hange's idea?" you cut Levi before he could answer. Levi sighed and nodded again, touching his bandaged wrist.
"I told Four Eyes you were not going to be happy about it."
"Indeed. I am absolutely displeased." You snapped as you sat down on the bed next to Levi, taking a good look at him. You reached your hand up to gently tilt his head when you noticed something. Your voice softened. "Is that a cut on your face?"
Levi gave you a bewildered look as you took some antiseptic wipes, saline, cotton balls, tweezers, and a metal dish to the bed. Cleaning the tweezers with some saline, you poured some more saline on the cotton ball before dapping it gently on Levi's cheek.
"I was so fucking scared you know, w-when Hange told me," you spoke after a long while. Your voice choked and you forced yourself to focus on cleaning Levi's cut instead. "Hange told me you were dying." Levi rolled his eyes.
"I already told Four Eyes not to say shit like that. I know how badly you're going to overreact and think of all the shittiest possible scenarios of me on my deathbed or something."
You put down the tweezers on another metal dish and let out a long sigh, looking straight into Levi's eyes. Cupping his uninjured cheek, you gently caressed his cheek with your thumb. You felt your lower lip quivering as you slowly brought Levi's head down to press a chaste kiss on the top of his head.
"I'm j-jus"—your voice got stuck in your throat again—"I'm just glad you're alive..." you couldn't hold back your tears any longer. For a moment you were so afraid of losing Levi. You were already wondering how you're going to carry on living without Levi by your side, and how you're going to fill in that void in your chest. Even though you hated the prank Hange pulled on you, you were still thankful that Levi was safe.
You pulled Levi in for a hug, being mindful of his sprained wrist. Levi gave you a comforting rub on your back using his good hand.
"I'm fine now, aren't I? Don't cry anymore." You remained in Levi's embrace while he rubbed your back until your cries became soft sniffles instead.
"Don't ever pull this trick on me ever again Levi," you sulked, "I'll make sure Hange gets this message drilled into their head too." Levi let out a 'tch' before releasing you from the hug. It was his turn to cup your cheek with his good hand and he nodded after a while, giving you a subtle smile.
"Mm. I promise."
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Tagging: @ack3rlady @cinnamonlevi @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @sckerman @thesimpsstuff @notgoodforlife @ackermendick @greenfurret @evas-leslas @levisbrat25 @chaotic-nick @lilshades @svftackerman @youre-ackermine @jayteacups @laccey @nuri148 @carriesblenders @lucysarah-c @barbossa2319 @lamees004
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Kindness at Christmas
Content: Nearly 3.7k words showing some of your most recent Christmas, and a long flashback of how you got there.
Extras: Another piece for @levi-supreme Happy Birthday Levi event! This got a little longer than I realized and I teared up a couple times writing it! I hope you love it!!
"We did it!" Your daughter giggles happily as her father places her back down.
He's just helped hold her up to put the star on top of your six foot Christmas tree.
"It looks beautiful!" You say, coming to hug them both. Levi kisses you softly and smiles.
"We still have more to do!" Your seven year old is always very excited for the Christmas season. Not because of the toys, although that helps, but because of the lights and the magic, the movies and the music, the yummy foods, and the family time.
"Grandma Kuchel is coming over tomorrow to help, don't worry." Levis mom loves coming to see you. She dotes on all of you and spoils her granddaughter and even her new grandpup that you got at the shelter earlier in the year.
"Yay!" She loves her grandma and runs to hug her doggy who barks and plays with her.
You and Levi smile at the happy sight.
"I love you." He whispers, pulling you close.
"I love you too." You share another sweet kiss in front of your Christmas tree, before reaching to adjust a small gold star ornament.
It's taken a long time to get here, it hasn't always been easy, but it's been worth it.
"Daddy! Read to me!" Your little one is a daddies girl, and it warms your heart to see them together.
She goes to pick out a Christmas book, which is tradition for Levi to read the night you put up your tree.
You make mugs of hot chocolate for each of you and all go into the living room.
Levi gives the dog a chew toy so he'll settle in and the pup takes it to his bed in the corner.
As you and your daughter snuggle on the couch, Levi pulls out one of the many fleece blankets in the closet and comes to put it over you.
"Thank you sweetheart." You look at him fondly as he sits down with you both and picks up the book.
Just as he's about to start reading your daughter stops him.
"Daddy, why do you always wrap mommy in a blanket?" She notices he does this a lot, and even though you have blankets, every year he gets you another one.
"So she never gets cold, my little snowflake." Levi smiles at you as you brush his hair back.
She looks between the two of you, not quite understanding.
"Are you sick?" She asks you in a concerned voice.
"No my sweet girl. It's just, there was a time we didn't have this many blankets." You hug her.
"So you were cold?" She looks up at you.
"A little, but daddy was always there to keep me warm." You share a smile.
"Everything is fine now, so let's listen to daddy read, okay?" You two hold each other as Levi takes a sip of hot chocolate and begins.
"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" Levi reaches over and touches your daughters nose, making her giggle.
You smile and get lost in thought as Levi continues.
Ten Years Ago
It's December, and you look around your tiny apartment, sighing that you barely have enough money to keep the electric on, so there's no way you can afford decorations.
It's your first year as a married couple. You thought it would be better than this. You've tried so hard but, times are tough.
You don't like to bother friends or family, because they have their own things to deal with.
You hear the door unlock and your husband comes in from work, taking his coat off.
"Levi!" You skip over to him and lean into his hug. Even if everything isn't going right, as long as you are together, the future is bright.
"Hi love, how was your day?" He asks, kissing you.
You bite you lip and he notices. "It's okay, tell me." He leads you to the small couch.
"They cut my hours back at work again." You hate to tell him this. You are part time already, and it's a seasonal job, but apparently they hired too much help.
Levi sighs and holds you. "It's okay. Don't worry. We'll be okay."
Levi closes his eyes and tries to believe this. You went into marriage thinking putting both your funds together would work nicely.
You had a beautiful wedding with friends and family, and an even better honeymoon. Everything was perfect.
But then you came back home, and things started to fall apart.
Old student debts, a couple minor but important medical problems, the car breaking down, a rent increase.
It's been one thing after another and no matter how hard you try, something else always comes up.
Levis mother has tried to help out but you don't want to make things hard for her. Same with your family.
So instead Levi picked up a second job while you tried to at least keep the one you had while finding another, but everyone wants a job right now.
So some nights you've made less food, you've sold some wedding presents that though you wanted, didn't necessarily need. And though it's getting colder, you purposely don't put the heat up as much as you'd like.
You try not to cry but Levi senses it.
He pulls back and holds you cheeks. "I promise, everything will be fine."
You nod and sniffle. "I know. I just want it to be better now." You move closer and rest your head on his chest. Your happy place.
He plays with your hair and watches you move up and down on his chest as he breathes.
"You know what we need? A Christmas tree." He says suddenly, surprising you.
"But we don't even have dinner!" Your logical side says.
He chuckles and kisses your forehead. "Come on, trust me."
And of course you do. So you both put on your sweaters and get the car running and he drives.
You see the tank nearing empty and frown.
"Stop that." Levi reaches out to hold your hand as he drives.
You put on the radio to Christmas music and listen to Frank Sinatra sing you Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles, will be out of sight"
You squeeze Levis hand as you wish it were next year.
Levi pulls into a Christmas tree lot and you look around, smelling the fesh pine scent.
"We'll have to keep it small." He tells you, and you nod.
"Thats okay." You don't mind. You're actually feeling a little more optimistic already.
Holding hands and looking at all different ones and seeing what's in your budget, you settle on a pretty nice four foot tree that will fit just fine in your house.
Levi pays and loads it up and you get back in the car. "And look, some money for decorations." He leans over to kiss you as you smile.
You go to the store and pick out the cheapest lights you can find. All blue, but they look pretty. You pick out red garland as well and a tree skirt.
"This will do." You don't want to overspend on all the individual ornaments when you could use this money elsewhere.
You put the things in the car and on the way out notice an elderly gentleman not looking well off, playing a guitar and using his case for tips.
You go to stand by him and Levi comes over to you, kissing your cheek.
You pull out a few dollars and throw one into the case for the man.
He thanks you and you nod, getting back into the car and closing your eyes.
"That's a nice thing you did, love."
You start to sob suddenly and Levi leans over to comfort you. "It's okay, let it out."
"I feel so stupid. I keep thinking we aren't doing well because I can't even make you a decent dinner but here we have enough money to get a tree and that man has to sit outside in the cold and ask for it!"
You wet his shirt with your tears as he holds you. "We're going to be okay." He promises you.
You pull back and wipe your eyes and nod. "I know." You let out a sigh. "Thank you."
He kisses your forehead. "Come on, let's grab a little something, we've both had a long day." He holds your hand again as he drives to a tiny diner and you pick up a meal that's for one person.
"I don't mind being cold at night sometimes, but we have to eat." You say once your inside and have the meal on the table.
You scrounge around for some other food and see some vegetables that would go nicely and bread that isn't yet expired and end up making enough with that and the warm meal you bought to be enough for both of you.
"See? You make wonderful meals." Levi encourages you and you smile, thankful for him.
You sit and eat by candle light to save on the electric and it's pretty cozy. You eat well tonight and go to put up your tree.
You flip the light switch so you can admire it and gasp. "It's beautiful!" You love the green, blue and red. It's your perfect little Christmas tree.
Levi holds you in his arms and kisses you.
"Thank you." You say, resting on his chest as you look at the tree.
"You're welcome, love." He kisses your forehead, and soon after pulls you to bed.
He folds the blanket twice and wraps you in it, while he takes the sheet.
"I don't want you to be cold." You say, holding him tight.
"Don't you worry about me. You just hold me and keep me warm." He smiles as you nod and try to move your weight onto him.
You exchange soft 'I love you's as you drift off to sleep.
Levi wakes in the morning, kissing your sleeping form, knowing you don't have to wake up yet.
He's a little cold but not freezing, and you seem pretty warm still.
He starts to get ready for work, wondering if there's any extra side jobs he can do.
Last night he dipped into the money he wanted to use to buy you something nice with that tree. But you needed it, and he was happy to give it to you.
After making sure you're still sound asleep, he locks up and heads to work, stopping to use a few dollars to fill the gas some.
He makes a cup of tea at work before his shift. It's not great but at least this way he doesn't use your water or electric.
His phone rings suddenly and it's his mother calling.
"Mom, what are you doing up this early?" He asks.
"I know you've been working long hours and wanted to say hello." She tells him.
He smiles. He loves talking to her.
"How are you Levi? How's my daughter in law? I'd like to see you soon." She isn't far away but knows you've been trying to adjust to married life.
"We're getting by." He says vaguely, and Kuchel catches the way he says it.
"Levi, what's wrong?" She asks in her mom way that says not to lie to her.
Levi sighs. "We're just a little behind on bills. Things are kind of tough. She lost some hours at her job and is worrying." Levi doesn't mention not eating properly or being cold at night, but he doesn't have to.
"Honey! You need to call me! I can help you." Kuchel cannot believe he hasn't told her sooner. All she knows if you two are very happy together.
"I don't want to bother you! I'm.. I'm really trying here mom." He let's his voice crack. All he wants to do is take care of you like you deserve, and not have to have someone come to the rescue.
"You keep trying your best. I know you both are, don't worry. And don't be afraid to say something!" She says sternly.
"Okay.. um. Look I'll pay you back, but can I borrow a little money? For gas and to get her something nice? I'll figure the rest out." He hates having to ask this of her.
"Of course! I'll drive over later before you get off. She doesn't need to know. And I'll bring you a nice homemade meal. You say you got it at your work party." Kuchel thinks of anything she can do for you.
"Okay. Thank you. I should go clock in now, I'm a little late. But, I really appreciate this." She's the best mother he could ever ask for. And he will pay her back.
"You go to work, don't worry about anything. I love you." Kuchel hangs up and starts planning.
At home you wake up and text Levi 'Good morning' not expecting anything back yet as you know he's working.
You fold the blanket and put on your robe and flip the switch to go look at your Christmas tree.
You sit there for a while and look around your apartment. It isn't much, things are difficult, but it's yours, yours and Levis.
Since your hours were cut back you don't have much to do today, and yet are feeling good.
You go for a walk in town and say hello to people and look at all the nice things in display windows.
You see an older woman carrying packages and go to assist her.
"Thank you dear! Would you help me upstairs?" She asks, and you nod.
You help her set the things on her table. It's a nice place. She has a grand Christmas tree.
"Thank you. Oh! I forgot to mail this darn letter!" She pulls it out of a bag.
"Oh, I can go." You offer. You pass a mailbox on the way and don't want her to go out again.
"Would you? That would be such a help. If it's not too much trouble, give this list to the bakery next door."
She gives you a list a page long.
"My family is coming for Christmas." She explains.
"That's nice. Anything else I can do?" It makes you feel good to be useful.
"I think that's all. I appreciate it. What's your name?" She asks, and you tell her.
"What a nice name. Do you have a fella?" She digs around in her purse.
"I do." You smile.
"That's nice dear. I hope you're very happy."
You nod, and she hands you another envelope.
"It's not another letter, it's for you. Do with it what you want. Thank you."
She sends you on your way with the letter, list and envelope, and you drop the things off like she's asked.
You stand on a side street and open the envelope. There's a thank you note.
"Thank you for your kindness. It goes further than you think. We never know what someone is going through. I wish you all the happiness. Here's a little something to brighten your day."
You dig in the envelope again and there's a little money inside and a small gold star Christmas ornament.
You smile and sigh happily. It's enough to do a little something with, and truly make your day brighter.
You think of the man playing guitar last night and hope the small contribution you made, made a difference.
Later in the day Levi has visited his mom and she's given him a little money, some food, and a bunch of hope.
"And don't you dare keep things from me!" She smacks his arm lightly, and he promises not to.
"What's that wonderful smell?" Levi walks into the house that smells of spices as he carries his own bags.
Today, when you greet him, you are in a much better mood than yesterday.
"Levi!" You stop your cooking to help him put his things down. "What's all this?"
He kisses you and tells you the truth. "Mom came by. I didn't ask for much but she insisted. Mothers intuition, I guess."
You look at the pans of homemade food and grin and laugh happily, hugging him.
"She's so wonderful! I had a good day too!" You smile.
"I see, what's that amazing smell?"
"We have soup in the pot and veggies roasting in the oven. It's enough for days! I even got some fresh apples and oranges. Now we have too much food!" What a good problem to have.
You tell him about your day and the women you met.
"She was very kind. I used some of the money and bought what was on sale to make this, donated a few dollars to a childrens fund, and we still have some money aside for bills! Not much, but it'll help." You say positively.
Levi holds your cheeks and kisses your mouth. "See? We're okay."
You smile and hug him as you finish dinner.
You eat very well that night and put leftovers in containers to keep fresh for the coming days.
Afterwards you pull out the little star ornament and together place it on your tree.
Levi makes the packs of hot chocolate Kuchel included and you sit and read A Christmas Carol together.
You share fond looks and smiles, and steal kisses throughout.
"I love you sweetheart." You say to him as you lay on the couch together.
"I love you too." He squeezes your sides lovingly and sighs as you run your hands through his hair.
"I'm going to pick up some hours tomorrow. And someone will give me their shift too, so I'll get a whole days work in." You tell Levi, happy you could find something.
"That's great." Levi wishes you didn't have to worry, or work. Maybe one day.
You both get ready for bed and Levi holds out a bag for you. "It's still days till Christmas, but I want you to have it now."
You sit on the bed together and open the large bag, pulling out a large, beautiful green fleece blanket.
You gasp and stand to open it. "It's gorgeous!" You admire it and Levi smiles.
"Do you like it?" Your reaction says you do but Levi wants to make sure.
"Yes!" You throw your arms around him and hold the blanket between you.
Levi chuckles and kisses your cheeks and nose.
"It looks so expensive." You note, looking at him.
"Don't you worry. It's fleece. A warm but inexpensive material. Wool was out of our price range." Levi explains.
You hug him tight. "Thank you my husband. For the tree, the blanket, always being there for me, no matter what." Somehow, you always make it work.
He holds you and strokes your hair. "You never have to thank me, my wonderful wife. You make me so happy."
What started as a dreary holiday season has started to turn around nicely.
Levi tucks you into bed that night, wrapping you both in the new blanket, putting the old one on top for extra warmth.
For the first time in a month, you don't go to sleep cold.
"Thank you." You whisper as you lay in bed together.
"You're never going to be cold again. I promise." Things will get better starting now. You're both sure of it.
"But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
As you've been lost in thought, Levi has just finished reading.
You smile as you think of that first Christmas together. After that particular day, things really did turn around.
You both worked hard and things went your way, and slowly you caught up on your bills, had enough food every day, even enough money for small gifts, and as Levi promised, you went to bed warm every night.
You spent a lovely Christmas with friends and family and thanked Kuchel for her help, of which she brushed off and told you to always come to her. You send a thank you note to the woman you met, and you even found the guitar player again and made sure he had a nice meal.
Within a few years, thanks to steady jobs and promotions, your situation went from rough to fair to good to great. And you paid Kuchel back a thousand times over a few years later when you announced you were having a daughter.
"Mommy?" Your daughter looks up at you.
"Oh, sorry sweetie." You realize you had a tear in your eye.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Yes my love. I'm just very happy." You kiss her cheek and reach to hold Levis hand.
He knows what you've been thinking of, and is thankful that you've made all these new memories since.
Your daughter doesn't know the whole story, but does know one thing, and though she's been listening to her father read, she's been thinking of you.
She climbs off your lap and disappears into the hallway, your dog jumping up to follow his favorite person.
You look at Levi and smile. "Thank you."
He leans in to kiss you gently.
Suddenly your daughter comes back in with three other blankets and the dog following behind, making you laugh.
"What are you doing?"
She throws them all on you, spreading them out. Levi grins and watches.
She climbs back into your lap and hugs you. "You'll always be warm mommy. Right daddy?"
You smile widely and hold her tightly. "Thank you my sweet girl."
Levi leans over to hug you both. "That's right. And I love you both so much." He kisses you both back and fourth, making you laugh happily, even letting the dog up to cuddle with you.
Levi isn't sure how he got so lucky. He also always remembers that first Christmas, and how you stuck it out together.
All it took was a little help from loved ones, some kindness along the way, and a few fleece blankets.
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