#fic: holder of the hearts
sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Holder of the Hearts
Summary: You and Levi enjoy your new life with your baby daughter.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Notes: This is for Rei's "Happy Birthday Levi" event.
Taglist: @ladycheesington @levi-supreme
"You have a big mouth, like your mother," Levi remarks as the baby yawns in his arms, reaching up with her fists, her entire face scrunching up.
"Oi, shut up," you play-grumble as you lower yourself onto the couch besides them, your husband and daughter. You place yours and Levi's teacups down on the table and shift backwards to make yourself more comfortable, tucking your legs beneath you as you lean into Levi's side. Smiling down at the baby, you reach to stroke her cheek.
"Where is the lie?" Levi retorts, his voice incredibly quiet and soft. Not something most people would be used to, outside of your family, but ever since he's been reading baby books, he's been trying to use a gentler tone when interacting with the baby. He was the same when she was just a growing bump, especially in the last two months. There must have been something in it, you think with a smile as your daughter's brown eyes open and fix on her father's face, her expression smoothing out at the sound of his soothing tone. You watch Levi as he lets her tiny fist hold his finger. He begins to swing his finger and the baby watches him in adoration. "You're usually the loudest one in an argument. You're even louder than Eren."
You huff in irritation. "That hurts," you fake pout. "Eren's loud like 80% of the time."
"Yeah but when you start, you're even louder."
"I grew up with six brothers, all shouting over each other. Sue me. I had to adapt," you mutter defensively, fighting back a smile.
"I'm quite aware of how loudly your brothers are." Levi remarked, his lips twitching. "Pretty sure poor Heidi didn't get a wink of sleep during their hospital visits," he added, rocking the baby a little. "Nor the other patients for that matter."
You giggle at the memory. Levi had thrown Damian out after he insisted on improvising a song for his new niece. Not only had he woken several other patients up but the song had included some distinctly non-child-friendly lyrics too.
"That's just how they are. They love her so much."
"They should come with a health warning," Levi murmured. "May be hazardous to your eardrums."
You chuckle again, resting your cheek on his shoulder, admiring the way Heidi continues to watch her daddy, eyelids lowering in growing sleepiness. "You've definitely got the knack," you murmur.
"It helps not having a mouth big enough to sink the Titanic."
"Don't get started on that film again." You plead quietly with some exasperation.
To his credit, he doesn't continue down that line of conversation although you suspect that it's because he wants to keep quiet for Heidi to drift off and not because he's sick of pointing out the inaccuracies and complain about various elements of the plot.
"Daddy's so rude to me," you coo to your little princess and you beam as her sleepy eyes flicker to you. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous because his mouth is so small and adorable."
Levi turns his face to you in incredulity. "How is my mouth adorable?"
You giggle and reach up to rub your index finger over his narrow mouth and plump lips. "It's so petite," you tease, leaning in to kiss his mouth. His mouth moves gently against yours so you smile against him. "So cute." you add, and proceed to give him short kisses.
He grumbles a little but continues to return your kisses. Your noses rub together affectionately and you rub your cheek against his. You withdraw just enough to be able to look into his full face and then take in the baby again too.
Heidi has completely drifted off. Seeing her so content in Levi's arms swells your heart and you bring a hand up to your lips, lightly touching, enough to hold back your emotions just a little so they don't spill over. Affection surges through you for your little family. You understand why people say that family is everything now. Why some people say starting a family is like beginning a new life. This feels that way. Yours and Levi's story continues but Heidi's arrival has been the dawn of a new world.
"Hey," Levi whispers, "you okay?"
"Yeah," you promise as your voice breaks, "I just- I really love us being together like this, together with her."
He rubs his nose against yours and presses his mouth on your lips in a light, tender kiss. "So do I. This, right here," he said as he returned to gazing at Heidi, "is perfect."
Levi carefully adjusts Heidi so that she's secure in his left arm while his right arm surrounds your waist. You nestle onto his shoulder, brushing your lips against his neck while keeping your own focus on the baby, thinking how extraordinary it is that such a tiny little being could have such a strong hold over both your hearts.. Even without doing anything but snoozing away, it's as though your own heart is beating because of her. Like somehow she's tied to your own life, your own heart.
"We should probably sleep soon," Levi murmurs although his eyes show no signs of sleepiness nor does he make any move to get up. "while she sleeps."
"Soon," you agree, equally content, "but not yet. I just want to stay like this a little longer."
You smile as your husband lowers his lips to Heidi's wispy tufts of dark hair and kisses her head. "Her hair's so dark." he remarks quietly.
"It's gonna be like yours," you agree. "Guess she's gonna be a Daddy's girl too."
"At least that gives her a chance at having volume control," Levi comments and you swat his shoulder. "Although," he adds, "you're wrong about one thing, you know?"
"She's already my girl," Levi declares in a whisper. "and she always will be."
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
ring pop proposal ♡
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fem reader, pure fluff, childhood friends to lovers lemme alone do not perceive me yk the drill by now, lil self indulgent fic cus i love childhood friends to lovers and puppy crushes, polar opposite’s trope, this reeks of my oc x canon katsu ship sooooo shh shh do not perceive.
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the first person who realizes katsuki has a crush on you is his mom because when she comes to pick him up one day from kindergarten he suddenly mentions you. it’s an innocent little interaction he had with you that mitsuki doesn’t think much about at first, simply surprised her son managed to befriend someone outside of his little group of friends until he starts mentioning you more and more.
soon you’re the only thing he talks about and katsuki even starts begging her to have you come over to play. mitsuki is extremely curious to know what kind of person you are to have been able to enchant her son the way you have, she says it’s fine as long as your parents agree.
you’re a sweet little thing, almost the complete opposite of her little devil’s spawn. you’re polite and a little shy when you ask “ is it okay if i come to play at katsu’s house, please miss katsuki’s mom ?” and how could she say no to you ? she pulls at your cheek lovingly and her son almost snarls at her.
“no touchin’ !” he snarks, pulling you against him like you were his teddy bear.
mitsuki was the first to realize her son had a crush on you when you were always around. when he found something cool during a class trip you were there and whenever he was upset it was always because you had argued about something irrelevant that seemed so much bigger in the eyes of a child.
she realized because katsuki had, and in some ways, will always be rowdy. he’s rough and temperamental and moody—basically, he can be quite the brat. (she wonders where he gets that from a lot) but he’s different with you.
he’ll always be a little rough around the edges but it’s the thought that counts. he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable.
you offer him your kindness and he repays you with his loyalty. acting like your guard dog, protecting you from everything and everyone he considers a threat to you. he goes a bit overboard but it’s the thought that counts and he’s definitely got the right intentions.
“ i’m g’nna marry yn when i grow up !” katsuki proclaims from the backseat of the car after mitsuki had come to pick him up. she looks at him through the rear view mirror only to see he’s not even looking at her, looking out the window somewhat longingly, watching as his school fades away from his sight, further and further and further away from you. she smiles to herself.
“yeah ?” she asks “yeah !” he responds proudly, crossing his arms “ i asked yn if she wanted to be my wife an’ she said yeah, so we’re gettin’ married !”
“huh. how’d you propose ? you don’t have a ring.” she jests.
katsuki responds immediately and exclaims he does have one, shuffling around to reach for something in his pocket. he pulls out a plastic ring pop holder, the candy on top is missing and mitsuki can imagine what happened to it.
“gave her one of these !”
“so that’s why you had me buy those from the store last time,” she hums. “ you ate it, though.”
katsuki tries to roll his eyes but just ends up looking up and to the side, mitsuki recognizes it as him trying to mimic what she does a lot and she snorts.
“well duh, we both did ! ‘f i kept it in my pocket it woulda gotten gross !” he defends. mitsuki simply responds with a hum, smile on her face growing larger as she hears her son happily chatting about the rest of his day with you.
she knows her katsuki is hard to handle. extremely so. but when she sees the way you both interact she can tell something is there. you don’t ‘handle’ him. you like being around him. you like playing and talking with him, she sees how happy you make him whenever you come over for playdates. he holds your hand when you get scared and you hug him tight and beam when you see him again after he’s gotten over a nasty cold.
she can tell you make her son happy and he does the same for you in the way children do with pinky promises and shy cheek kisses, kisses over tiny wounds and refusing to be separated whenever the rowdier one of you both gets his recess time taken away for being naughty.
mitsuki hopes this crush, this love you have for her son can grow along with you. she hopes you’ll stick around as katsuki grows up more and potentially more rowdy and rougher around the edges but even more enamored with you. and with the way her son is squirming around in his seat and tugging at his seatbelt, giddy about you accepting his ring pop proposal, she has a funny feeling you’ll be sticking around for a long time.
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navybrat817 · 3 months
You're a Firework
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You're all set to watch fireworks with the gang and Bucky can't keep his hands to himself. Word Count: Over 2k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, semi-public sexy times, pet names, inner monologue, established relationship, humor, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I KNOW it's Steve's birthday, but my muse demanded Stud and Smartie. ❤️ I'm so sorry, lovelies. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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“You know,” Natasha began as she handed you a drink. “You and Bucky could've had your wedding today. No one would have objected.”
“With Steve's birthday right around the corner? And take away from Sam’s amazing barbeque? No way,” you smiled, stepping out of the way as Clint walked by with sparklers in each hand. You refused to take attention away from either of them. “I’m glad we’re all hanging out though.”
Today was a good day. Not only was the weather as close to perfect as it could get, not too warm or too cold, it was a chance to get together and mingle since everyone had a few days off. Between the sunshine, food, and games, the gang had a lot of fun. You imagined your wedding reception would be fun, too.
Maybe the two of you could even have sparklers to celebrate, if only to entertain Clint.
“Bucky called you his wife earlier,” the redhead commented.
“He did?” You smiled, your heart swelling.
“He did. When you beat Sam at horseshoes, he looked right at Steve and said, ‘that’s my wife' with a huge smile on his face.”
Yeah, I am. Almost.
You nearly swooned, giving your fiancé a glance as he set his chair by the fire pit. “And that’s my husband.”
Natasha lightheartedly rolled her eyes and nudged you. “Better go and join him then. The fireworks are going to start soon,” she said, heading to her seat beside Clint. The town was shooting off fireworks in the nearby park, but you all decided it was better to hang back. The yard was a great spot to view them and no one had to worry about the crowd.
“Be right there,” you said, shivering as a light breeze rolled in. Sam had the fire going, but you hadn't realized how chilly it was now that it was dark. Grabbing your blanket from your bag nearby, you also realized as you walked over to the gang that there wasn't a place for you to sit. Bucky looked your way with a gentle smile and patted his thigh before you could ask if there was an extra chair available inside. You caught a glimpse of heat in his eyes as you made your way closer.
You loved that look.
“Is that my seat?” You asked.
“This could be your seat.” Bucky pointed at his face as you bit your lip. If everyone wasn’t around, you’d consider it. “But this one might be more comfortable to watch the fireworks,” he added, patting his massive thigh again.
His face. His thigh. Both were incredible places to sit.
“Yeah, comfortable. That’s the word,” you teased, shrieking as he dragged you onto his lap once you were within reach. You were lucky you didn't spill your drink. “Easy, tiger.”
He growled and nuzzled your neck once you situated yourself and placed your drink the cup holder. “This tiger will also keep you warm,” he promised.
“Aww. You two are just the cutest,” Sam said, swigging his beer with a chuckle when Bucky huffed.
“Yeah, we are. And in case you forgot, my girl kicked your ass earlier. Beauty, brains, and brawn,” he boasted. You didn’t have to look back to see the smug smile on his face. “Proud of you.”
I will not get giddy or aroused from that praise.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll get you next time,” Sam scoffed, looking over at you with a smile to let you know it was in good fun. He was a good guy, like Steve. You hoped they each found someone who made them feel the way Bucky made you feel.
“Or she’ll kick your ass again,” Bucky said without skipping a beat.
Oh, boys. So endearing. So competitive.
“Enough of that. Sam, I’m pretty sure I got lucky and I’d love a rematch. Stud, you just concentrate on keeping me warm,” you teased, draping the blanket over both of you. His embrace was always warm. “Surprised we don't have s’mores.”
“Those are for after the fireworks,” Steve said from the other side of you.
You smiled over at him before tilting your head back to gaze at Bucky. You weren't sure if the guys did it on purpose, but they each wore the same tight fitting T-shirt in patriotic colors. They all looked handsome, but your man looked look sex on legs. The love of your life would always turn your head.
“Not for us,” Bucky said, placing a kiss on your shoulder as his hand rested possessively on your hip. “We’re going to bed.”
You giggled and snuggled back against him when the rest of the gang protested. “But what if I want a s'more?”
“I’ll personally make you one and feed it to you in bed,” he half growled.
“You’re really not going to stay up with us?” Steve asked, a knowing look on his face.
“Oh, I’m sure something will get up,” Natasha deadpanned, making everyone laugh. She wasn't wrong.
“On your birthday, we’ll stay up as late as you want. Tonight, we’re watching the fireworks and going to bed,” Bucky grumbled, brushing a finger over your engagement ring. “Unless you really want to stay out here.”
You giggled again. Bucky had to share your attention with everyone all day and was still sharing it now. He was more than ready to have you all to himself. You understood the feeling.
“I’m fine with going inside after the fireworks. We’ll check on the cats and then go to bed,” you assured him.
With everyone drinking, you all decided it was better to crash in the same place instead of going home. Neither of you wanted to leave Alpine or Soot at your place though in case any neighbors decided to shoot fireworks off the roof, so you brought them over. They had a space set up under the guest bed with some white noise to help block out some of the sound. Anything to help put them at ease.
Bucky tilted your chin a bit more to place a soft kiss on your lips, the tension crackling like the fireworks had already started. “Thank you, Smartie.”
“You’re welcome, Stud.”
As if on cue, the show began.
You looked up at the sky in awe as the first firework rushed into the air. An explosion followed by a vivid display of light, they were like rainbows in the night brightening the darkness with color. They were beauty and wonder, a form of art that faded almost as quickly as it was created. Watching with loved ones made it all the more special.
You tilted your head and smiled when you caught Bucky staring back at you. “Why aren't you looking at the sky?”
“Why aren't you?” He teased, bumping his nose against yours. “Besides, I don't need to watch the sky when I have the most beautiful view right here.”
Your cheeks warmed. So did your heart. “You flatter me so,” you whispered, looking back at the sky again.
Bangs, crackles, and thunderous sounds continued to fill the air with the gorgeous display. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face. You almost regretted not having your phone beside you so you could take some pictures.
Though you likely would’ve dropped it when you felt Bucky’s hand move from your hip to under your skirt.
“Stud?” You gasped, quickly looking around as his hand trailed up your thigh. No one was looking your way. They were too occupied with the fireworks.
“Just keep looking at the sky, Smartie,” he said against your ear, your legs opening more as his hand found its prize. “And I'll keep touching you.”
Oh, fuck.
You shivered in his grasp despite the blanket and his body providing more than enough heat. His touch was possessive yet tender and you could feel your body turn to jelly as he rubbed you through your panties. You tried to concentrate on the colors above you, the material damp from his expert touch. And you couldn't stop your heart from pounding in your ears, adding the explosive noises around you.
More fireworks went off, but you blocked out the “oohs” of your friends as he pushed the wet fabric aside. “Bucky,” you whimpered, biting your tongue when he traced a finger along your slick pussy.
“I’ve wanted to touch you all day,” he whispered against your neck, teasing your folds. Your hole clenched before the fingertip even touched it. “I can't believe you’re mine. Keep asking myself how I got so lucky.”
I’m the lucky one.
His finger breached you, making you gasp and grip his arm. His palm pressed against your clit and you couldn’t help but push your hips down, seeking out more friction. You wanted to take care of him, too. Maybe when the two of you went to bed…
Another finger slipped in, curling and thrusting quickly. If you were at home, he’d take more time in taking you apart. He wouldn't stop until you soaked the sheets and even then he might keep going. And he'd make sure you were a quivering mess, mewling and begging for mercy or reprieve.
“Have I told you today how much I love you, babydoll?” He asked, static pleasure coursing through your body as you climbed higher.
Orgasms were a lot like fireworks. Some tumbled slowly in the sky, like a slow fire that coursed through your veins. Others exploded, so large and powerful that you couldn’t keep the sounds of awe in. Then there were small bursts, the ones that got the job done and still felt good.
You wondered what kind of orgasm Bucky would give you tonight.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, colors dancing behind your eyes as you shut them.
You wanted to shout how much you loved Bucky Barnes. You wanted your love for him to burst through the sky like a shooting star. But you didn’t need to put on a show for him to know you were his. He knew you belonged to him.
But you’d still have to try and keep quiet as you clenched around his fingers.
“Please,” you whispered, ready to fall over the edge as his palm rubbed your clit again.
Your head turned and his mouth slanted against yours to swallow down your moan. “Open your eyes,” he whispered, his fingers curling once more as you listened to his command and watched the colors light up his blue eyes. “And come for me.”
Your walls pulsed as the finale began, your cry drowned out by the rapid booms. Your wetness coated his fingers, every nerve cell vibrating as brilliant hues illuminated the sky. The hues swirled in your dizzying head, too. You were flying. Sinking. Floating.
You were a firework.
“Beautiful,” Bucky whispered, guiding you back to him.
Your body stayed lax against his, wishing he didn't have to take his fingers out. “You’re beautiful,” you exhaled, watching him subtly bring his hand to his mouth to taste your release. “Menace,” you added.
This man. I really just let him finger bang me with everyone sitting around.
“Yeah, I am,” he smiled, placing another kiss on your lips as Steve and Sam got up. Natasha and Clint were already up, too, to get more drinks.
If anyone knew what happened, they didn't draw any attention to it.
“Those were even better than last year,” Sam said.
“They were. And now we can have s'mores,” the blonde smiled, stopping to look at his best friend. “I thought you two were going to bed.”
“In a minute,” Bucky said, shifting his hips under yours to let you feel how hard he was. Getting you off turned him on. “Think I need to relax a bit more.”
Yeah, so no one sees you walking around with a raging hard-on.
You wiggled your hips, smiling when your fiancé quietly groaned. “Yeah. Relax,” you sighed, feeling him squeeze your thigh in a warning.
Well, he wanted your attention before and now he had it.
And I’ll make him see fireworks before the night is over, too.
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Stud and Smartie need to talk to my muse and make sure Steve has a good birthday. 🥰 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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babyleostuff · 1 year
i love love love the clingy fic. do you think you’d be open to making one for all the members?
seventeen being clingy with their s/o | ot13
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thank you so much for this request! I turned it into a headcanon, so I hope you won't mind it.
☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: blue hour by txt
side note: the length of each member's headcanon has nothing to do with who I like more or less
okay, we all know that Seungcheol is the president™ of clinginess 
hand holding, hugs, cuddles, kisses, head pats, you name it 
he would have no problem stopping whatever he was doing just to give you a hug 
btw, his hugs must be the best (silently crying in the corner)
they make you feel so safe and fluffy 
would sometimes tease you for your clinginess, but then you can just say “no cuddles tonight” and he’ll be apologizing on his knees
morning and goodnight kisses are mandatory, and there is a big chance he’ll get pouty and sulky if he doesn’t get one 
wouldn’t mind a clingy and affectionate significant other whatsoever 
and if you weren’t a person that liked physical touch, he would respect that 100%
nonetheless, would slowly but surely try to warm you up to the idea 
I think cuddling him would be one of the best ways to comfort him in any situation 
simply holding him tightly and stroking his hair 
he would love if you’d poke his dimples (it only makes him smile even wider) 
I think he’d love the idea of cuddling with you before sleep, but somehow would end up on the other side of the bed, in the weirdest position in the morning 
would also love when you’d fall asleep in his arms during a movie night, for example 
it makes him so so happy, and he thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world (because you are) 
another very cuddly and affectionate member 
I think he is more low key than Cheol though
he loves the quiet and intimate aspects of physical touch
definitely holds your hand in public, especially when there are a lot of people 
loves laying and napping on your lap, while you play with his hair 
there is a 90% chance that he has his head on your shoulder whenever you are sitting next to each other 
plays a lot with you hands too (you’re basically his fidget toy) 
loves the quiet nights when there is only the two of you, when he can you full out with his clinginess 
if you’re in the kitchen doing whatever you can bet he’ll stick to you and follow you everywhere 
has the biggest heart eyes and a soft smile whenever looking at you 
will definitely tease you from time to time, but we all know he loves when you smother him with love 
maybe not the BIGGEST fan of PDA, but would definitely not shy away from showing his affection around the boys
if they have a problem they can leave = Jeonghan’s mindset 
strives for forehead kisses, they make him so soft and appreciated 
just give him all the love he deserves 
so so so soft 
very low key with his affections, might not be all over you, but is always right by your side 
always has a hand around your waist when you’re at big gatherings and never lets you go in a big crowd of people 
the main hand holder in seventeen, and I’m going to stand by that 
sitting down? holding hands. waiting in a line? holding hands. going on a walk? holding hands. 
gives the softest, most reassuring hugs known to mankind 
generally, he’s very soft and his aura just radiates with love and reassurance, so there is not a single moment in your relationship where he lets you doubt yourself
head pats specialist - you can do the smallest, most insignificant thing and he’ll still pat your head lovingly with a soft smile 
even though he is not that into physical touch, he’ll never decline your hugs, kisses or cuddles 
I don’t think he would tease you that much, but sometimes might find it amusing how clingy you get (sometimes he jokingly avoids your kisses just to see you sulk until he doesn’t burst out laughing and give you tons of kisses in apologies) 
expresses his affection through actions, is always there for you
sometimes you don’t even have to ask him for help - he just knows and is there right by you in a second 
such a attentive listener, you could be rambling about the most random thing and he’ll still look at as if nothing else existed in the world 
everyone can see how in love he is, simply by the way he looks at you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ WEN JUNHUI 
on the first glance may not seem like it, but he gets clingy more often than you’d think 
he loves giving back hugs, just clinging onto you, while you do your thing 
nuzzling his head in your neck has become a big habit for him (and overall, a BIG fan of neck kisses)
now he’s a menace, so beware, he will tease you 
but it is all out of love, he would never seriously decline your affection
sometimes, he’d just come up to you and stand there waiting for kisses 
will lay in your lap after a tiring day, and not get up, no matter how badly you need to go to the bathroom 
would hug you for the longest time if he’d see you’re upset or anxious 
is very gentle, but sometimes underestimates his own strength, which ends up with you laying on the floor 
once, he lost you in a big crowd, and since then he has always an arm wrapped around you or at least is holding your hand 
tiger who? more like a koala 
will cling to you 24/7 
ESPECIALLY when he’s drunk, he will hold onto you for dear life
comes up with the most random, weird and cliche nicknames for you, and will use it in the presence of other people 
sometimes his love can get a bit aggressive, especially if he’s full of energy (but would never do anything to hurt you) 
can get super cheesy, to the point where you have to shut him up 
sometimes he’s just too cute for you too handle, so you’d have no other choice then give him kisses all over his face
which he likes A LOT 
sometimes, to tease you, he’d act like he doesn’t notice your affection and clinginess, just to tackle you in a hug a second later 
this man WILL BLUSH, and you use that fact a lot to your own advantage (usually when you’re with the boys, just to mess with him)
expects a good morning kiss, because he swears he’s days are always better when you kiss him in the morning 
pouts if you let go of his hand, and he will in fact let you know, that he’s upset 
(this man is going to be the death of me)
at first very very shy with affection, but as he gets more and more comfortable you’ll get to see a whole another side of him 
definitely not the biggest on PDA, even in front of the boys 
but I can guarantee you, he’ll always be touching in some way when you’re in public 
whether it’ll be linked pinkies, holding hands, a strong arm around your waist or just simply standing very very close to you
he’ll never kiss you around the boys, but he will not shy away from pecking your forehead or giving quick cheek kisses 
look like he hates when you cuddle into him, but on the inside he’s freaking out from how cute and adorable you are 
also whenever you show him any type of affection it makes him feel so loved and appreciated (so please give him all the affection he deserves) 
sometimes will come up from behind, give you a quick hug, and leave as if nothing just happened 
loves loves loves to cuddle when you’re reading, it’s usually him initiating the affection in situations like these 
it’s just his silent way of showing you his love
okay, I know that this is so basic and cliche, BUT 
cuddling him while he’s gaming (can you just imagine sitting in his lap, watching him doing what he loves, giving him kisses and cheering whenever he wins) 
I can already see his shy smile after you press a sweet kiss on his lips after he wins a battle or something 
sometimes if you’re being too clingy, he’ll just send you a side eye and sigh, but not stop you at all 
now, we know that this man is not a fan of physical touch 
and he still isn’t, except when the affection comes from you 
he has came to terms with the fact that you’ll never stop hugging him, simply accepting his destiny 
definitely will let you know if it gets too much, but he tries to be more open minded when it comes to you 
over the time spend with you, he’d notice the small acts of yours, that he’d miss when you weren't around, like gently holding his hand 
he’d notice, that from time to time he’d feel like something’s missing 
and it’d turn out that he just misses you holding his hand
will link pinkies in public, but that’s the furthest he will go (he’d never leave your side though, he’s always there to keep an eye on you) 
if he’s really tired, he will come up to you without saying a word and lay in your lap
gets so happy if you play with his hair then (would never admit this to you) 
is so grateful to you that you respect his boundaries 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ XU MINGHAO 
when it comes to Hao, I think he’s a bit similar to Wonwoo, in the sense that in the beginning of you relationship he would be more closed off and shy 
but as the time goes, he’d open more and more up
his affection would come in waves - he’d have days where he’d need to be left alone (always tells you this, as not to cause any miscommunication) and on others he’d smother you with love 
he is very gentle with giving and showing affection, will always hold you in a delicate way 
big fan of hand holding and head pats, as well as just simply being next to you 
your presence in general is very comforting and calming to him, you know each other so well, that sometimes no words are needed to know how the other person is feeling 
he always checks up on you during any parties or gatherings, if your having fun or if no one is making you uncomfortable (will fight if someone is mean to you) 
loves whenever you put your head on his shoulder, his heart will probably beat a little faster 
also loves when you cling to him in search of comfort, he’s the happiest knowing that he can be a safe place for you
not the biggest fan of cuddling while sleeping (he needs his space), but will always cuddle before, catching up on what he’d missed from your day 
sometimes, you’re just so cute to him that he can’t contain his giggles 
then you’re like (•ิ_•ิ) what did I do? 
but then, I’m the biggest believer in a tired, clingy Minghao (u cannot tell me that this man wouldn't cling to you like a koala, while being already half asleep)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ KIM MINGYU 
is there even a point of saying anything about this man? 
cuddles, kisses, hugs, hand holding, playing with each others’ hair, resting his arm on you, WITH THIS MAN YOU GET A WHOLE PACKAGE 
definitely one of the most clingy, cuddly and affectionate members (nothing knew) 
I mean, he would drop everything and run to cuddle with you 
never leaves your side, follows you around everywhere, and will DEFINITELY always be touching you in some way 
a hand holding yours, on your thigh, around your shoulder, around your waist, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS 
unsurprisingly his hugs would solve like 99 of your problems, it’s like they heave some kind of healing properties 
would confidently sulk and pout if you’d reject any of affections, acting like a five year old until you didn’t apologize with tons of kisses and at least an hour of cuddling him 
usually is the big spoon, loves the feeling of having you wrapped up in his strong arms
on occasions, especially when he’s having a hard time, he’ll want to be the little spoon and would not shy away from it 
sometimes you have to remind him that he’s like ten times bigger than you, so throwing himself at you is not a good idea
but, the thing with this menace is that he will tease you
there are times when you’re just so done with him and leave him alone on the couch (which is not that fun for him anymore) 
would do it 24/7 if he could, also loves it when you back hug him as well 
(If I don’t get a Kim Mingyu, I don’t want him) 
you become a giggly mess in each others’ presence 
sometimes, you’d do the annoying “couple stuff”, just to piss of others (insert: Seungkwan’s side eye)
He will return every affection that you give him - you kiss him? He kisses you back. You hug him? He hugs you back
you’re just going back and forth, never getting tired of each other 
when you’re out together, YOU’RE TOGETHER 
you two are connected by the hip, seeing you apart for more than five minutes is almost impossible 
likes to hold your hand, and sway it back and forth like a kid when you’re walking 
a fan of giving and receiving sweet kisses on the forehead (it makes him so smiley and warm inside, give him all the kisses) 
seeing you being so open with your affection towards him, makes him so happy - it’s a reassurance for him, that he’s being a good boyfriend 
now this drama queen 
in the beginning of your relationship he would scoff at you whenever you initiated any physical contact, which made you think that he didn’t like it 
after some time, when he asked you why you’d stopped hugging and kissing him, you explained how he’d react in those situations 
was so angry and disappointed with himself and since then he would never complain about any of your affection 
it’s not that he disliked it, on the contrary - he loved it, he was just being a dramatic ass and trying to be funny 
as your relationship progresses the drama in him doesn't stop though - if you let go of his hand or refuse a kiss, he’ll throw a tantrum and make it appear as if it was one of the biggest problems in his life 
he could be arguing with Soonyoung and screaming his head off, but the second he heard your voice he’d turn into the biggest softie 
in general, he is the biggest baby when he’s with you 
loves loves hugs, could hug you all day if he could 
also kisses (cheek kisses especially), makes him so incredibly soft and mushy ♥‿♥
gets shy in public, but never lets go of your hand (I think he needs you more, than you need him) 
also, has the biggest heart eyes for you, and you only 
gets so happy when you comfort and reassure him through physical touch, there is nothing better than a cuddle or a hug from the person you love the most 
(I’m so sorry, but the only thing I see when I think of Vernon is his NPC walk)
would just let you do whatever to him, and he wouldn’t even bat an eye 
although he is one of the least affectionate member, he wouldn’t mind your clinginess AT ALL 
it makes him so reassured that even though he’s not the best with expressing his love through physical touch, you don’t mind it at all 
the only time he’ll refuse your cuddles is when sleeping (WE ALL KNOW HOW HE SLEEPS, THERE IS NO WAY HE’D CUDDLE YOU) 
his way of showing you affection is calling you bro and dude 
sometimes you’re like (¬_¬) seriously? 
likes to be near you wherever you are - even if there is no more space on the couch, trust me, he’ll squeeze himself in there 
when he laughs, there is a big chance he’ll lean on you or even hide his face in your lap 
movie nights often ends up in cuddle sessions and since clingy Vernon is rare, those moments are even more special 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ LEE CHAN 
the softest, most precious human being out there 
loves all the affection, whatever it is, he’ll accept it with open arms
kiss him, hug him, cuddle him PLEASE, he adores all of it 
would not tease you that much, scared that accidentally you’ll think that it annoys him and you’ll stop, which is like the last thing he’d like 
we all know that he’d baby you, and would not be ashamed to do so 
for once he wants to feel like the strong man that he is, so please let him open the jars for you
will protect you 24/7 (we stan a short, but confident king) 
so sweet and careful with you
not afraid to hold your hand in public, sometimes when feeling bold will even peck your forehead
speaking of, I think it would send Chan into a coma anytime you’d peck his forehead or cheek 
gets all smiley when you hug him, especially from behind (overall, he can never seem to stop smiling when he’s with you) 
kisses with him are so playful and sweet 
I’m also sure when you’re alone he’d be all over you, cuddles during movie nights are A MUST, otherwise you’ll end up with a pouty boyfriend 
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pupkashi · 1 year
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in which gojo realizes you truly see him
a/n: just a little thought i have i want to comfort him and hug him always <3 thank u to the amazing wonderful lovely @vagabond-umlaut for helping me w this fic <33 would’ve been hot garbage without u i love u xoxo <3
wordcount: 720
Gojo Satoru had only known life through his many titles.
Gojo Satoru, head of the Gojo clan.
Gojo Satoru, holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless.
Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer.
satoru hated titles. he hated being known and labeled for the things that didn’t even make up who he was. no one after suguru came close to trying to get to know him.
his fellow sorcerers always too busy or intimidated, viewing him as a spectacle.
there was a sense of longing in his heart to find someone who really wanted to know him. someone to ask him all his favorites, someone to ask him what he wanted to be as a child, what his fears were, if he had a middle name, what animal he’s always wanted as a pet.
but there was never anyone who got past the surface level questions.
until he met you.
you who upon meeting him gave him a kind smile, not a clue of who he was, telling him he could sit with you in the booth of the much too crowded coffee shop.
“they really should get more chairs around here” he mumbles, looking up at you with a small grin when you laugh in agreement, glancing up from your laptop.
“seriously! half the time it’s a gamble if I’ll be able to get some work done or if I’ll have to drive back home” you chuckle, gojo smiling at your words.
you both spent some more time talking, sipping on your respective drinks and getting to know each other.
satoru found out you had no clue about Jujutsu, given by the way you’d never heard of jujutu tech or of him. he couldn’t stop himself from giving you a charming smile, scribbling his number on a napkin before saying goodbye, a smile on his face as he walked out of the coffee shop.
you who on the second date asked him what animal he thinks he could fight and win, asking him his favorite songs and if he’d ever been to a concert before.
you who on the fourth date had him giggling, confessing how much he liked you and telling you all about his life because he wants this to work out so bad and it can’t start off as a lie.
you who a week later calls him, asking him to answer truthfully when you ask him what animal he could really take in a fight, laughing when he answers with ‘at least a cow’ his lips curling upwards at the sound.
he’s laying on the couch with you, your hands lost in his hair as the movie plays in the background softly, your voice is quiet as you speak up.
“do you have a middle name?” the question is simple, some might think it silly. but to satoru it’s like his whole world is flipped upside down.
because here he is, in your warm and homey apartment that’s nothing like his cold larger one, with you, who brings him all the love and joy he could’ve ever imagined. he’s looking at you with glimmering eyes, heart stuttering at the sight of you in his shirt that you’d stolen with a smile.
it’s with that question that he’s realizing he’s finally found someone who really wants to know him. who doesn’t care for his power or status, but cares for his terrible jokes and interests.
“toru?” you asked, pulling him out of his daze and back to reality.
“sorry” he smiles sheepishly before shaking his head ‘no,’ a look in his eyes you can’t quite place.
satoru finally finds himself with titles that mean something to him. titles that he cherishes and holds close to his heart.
Gojo Satoru, who eats anything and everything that was sweet, claiming they’re no match for the sweet taste of your lips.
Gojo Satoru, who had an insane secret obsession with romcoms. an obsession you were sure was just to get you to cuddle him until you found him up at 3 am watching a terrible hallmark movie all on his own.
Gojo Satoru, who couldn’t stand when you were mad at him, going to drastic measures for you to forgive him.
Gojo Satoru, who considered himself lucky enough to hold the title of your boyfriend, your confidant and your favorite sorcerer.
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love4myg · 3 months
healing touches | myg
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summary. sometimes, your boyfriend's tender touches and caring actions help heal your fragile state faster than any medication.
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship au
word count: 2.2k
content: yoongi comes home to find you sick / he makes you food / reader can't help but fall asleep literally everywhere / yoongi loves you too much 😪😪
warnings: very brief mentions of passing out
a/n: im a slut for sick fics and i couldn't find many yoongi ones so i decided to just write one 😋 if anyone has any ideas for fluffy or suggestive yoongi drabbles feel free to drop them in my asks 🙏🙏
main masterlist
"I'm home!"
Yoongi's voice echoes through the house and he furrows his eyebrows at the lack of response to his words.
Usually, he would meet you at the lobby of your shared apartment on weekdays, as you would often stay back to grade a few assignments or prepare for the next day. On the days he didn't meet you, he would hear your footsteps as you made your way to greet him, or some sort of noise to prove that you were busy doing something.
But today, there was nothing but silence. Yoongi shrugs it off. You probably just lost track of time.
He makes his way into the living room and places the keys onto the small key holder on the wall.
He begins to remove his jacket but his actions still when he finds you sitting on the couch, a large blanket completely wrapped around you. The TV in front of you was on, but the sound was barely audible and your head was turned away from whatever you had put on to rest against the leather sofa.
Yoongi folds his jacket over his arm as he makes his way over to you.
"Did you get back from work early today?" He asks, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You groan softly as you stir, slowly moving your head up to look at him through squinted eyes. You were going to whine about how he had disturbed your sleep, but decide against it. Complaining needed energy, energy that you currently lacked.
"Didn't go today. Called in sick."
A bead of sweat rolls down your temple and you begin to move out of the warm confinements of your blanket. Yoongi quirks an eyebrow at you, reaching out his hand to place it against your forehead.
You didn't have a fever, but your words came out dry and broken and there was a clear flush to your cheeks.
"Why didn't you tell me? Are you still feeling sick?"
You nod softly and move the blanket to the opposite end of the couch. You cringe at how your top sticks to your body from the sweat coating your skin.
"I just had a headache in the morning so I didn't think much of it. But after you left, I was like cold all of a sudden so I used the thermometer and it said I had a fever."
You leave out the part where you almost fainted in the bathroom as you changed back into your pyjamas after calling in sick, not wanting to worry your already worried boyfriend.
"You should've called me, I would've left work in a heartbeat," he says as he presses his lips against your forehead.
You ignore the way your heart flutters at his words, failing to bite back a smile.
"It wasn't even that bad, don't worry. Plus, I'm pretty sure the fever pretty soon after. I just fell asleep on the couch."
"Still. Did you take any medicine?"
"Yeah, I took some painkillers for the headache."
You notice how dry your voice is in your throat, wincing at the pain when you try to swallow.
"Did it help?"
"Not really, but I'm fine now so."
Yoongi places his jacket on the couch and makes his way to the medicine box he had placed in one of the kitchen cabinets, having to look through each one before finding it. He takes two tablets and brings them over to you along with a glass of water.
"I'm fine now, babe, seriously," you mumble, reluctantly taking the tablets and the glass from his hands.
"I don't wanna take any chances, love. Drink up."
He watches you as you tip the glass over your mouth and gulp down its contents. You hand it back over to him with a small sigh, and he places it down on the coffee table.
Your eyes scan over Yoongi's body. He's wearing a simple black hoodie, the one you steal from him the most because of how comfy the fabric is.
You reach out your arms invitingly, wanting nothing more than to melt in his arms after not seeing him the entire day.
"I don't wanna get you more sick though," he says, tilting his head as he runs his hands through his grown-out hair.
A small pout forms on your lips and you throw him a scowl.
"I'll get more sick and die right now if you don't cuddle me."
Yoongi laughs at your words. His gums are on display and his eyes crinkle into crescent moons.
"So dramatic," he mumbles.
The leather beside you sinks beneath his weight as he sits down and you instantly wrap yourself around him. His body radiates warmth and you throw one leg over his lap, snuggling your head closer into his chest.
You don't quite remember falling asleep, but when your eyes flutter open, the sunlight in the room is replaced by blue rays emitting from the TV.
Goosebumps erupt across your back and you slightly shiver. The space beside you is empty, Yoongi is no longer there to provide you with any heat.
You blame the moody weather for the chills you feel across your body. You were starting to regret throwing away the patterned blanket a few hours earlier, desperately craving the warmth it had enveloped you with.
A few minutes go by and the only thing on your mind is how you were going to die of hypothermia any minute now. You had closed your eyes in hopes of falling asleep again, but your actions went in vain.
You let out a small groan as you turn your head to try to spot the blanket, trickles of pain erupting from your neck.
The fabric sat just out of your reach, and it seemed to mock your weak attempts at attempting to grab it.
You give up fairly quickly and resort to sitting completely still, trying to dull the ache that pulses through your limbs.
You hadn't been this sick in months and you felt as if this was the universe's way of reminding you how miserable it was.
"You OK?"
Yoongi's voice is deep and you look up to see him standing at the doorway to the living room carrying a plastic bag in one hand.
He throws his keys onto the counter and they hit the marble loudly.
His eyes squint against the harsh light of the TV as he sets down the bag and moves towards you.
"Yeah, I was just tryna get the blanket. Where were you?"
He brushes away a few strands of your hair before resting his hand against your forehead.
"Shit, you're burning up. I don't think a blanket is a good idea, love," he says.
"But it's freezinggg."
Your words come out as a small whine. Yoongi's eyes shift between you and the blanket, weighing out both options.
"How about you go to the bedroom and I can put a wet towel on your head, so you cool down while also being under the duvet?"
You practically shiver at the idea of a cold towel against your skin.
Yoongi reaches out his hand and you hold onto it as you stand up. It takes more energy than anticipated and you wince at the throb of pain in your legs.
"Where were you?" You repeat.
"Oh right. I was gonna make you rice porridge so I needed to get some stuff. Apparently it's great for when you're feeling sick."
You smile at your boyfriend and place a small kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks, baby."
"Mhm, no problem." Yoongi's grateful for the dim lighting of the room so that you don't have the satisfaction of seeing the blush that taints his cheeks.
"I'll bring it to the bedroom, you go lie down."
You nod before slowly making your way to the bedroom as Yoongi moves into the kitchen.
By the time Yoongi comes into the room with a bowl in his hand, you're fast asleep again.
You lie completely curled up and covered by the blankets. Your cheeks are flushed from the incredible warmth you are putting your body through.
Yoongi sits down on the mattress carefully, not wanting to disrupt your peace.
"Wake up, love. Your food's ready."
"Not hungry," you mumble, bringing your knees closer to your body.
"You're not gonna get any better if you stay hungry."
You huff and reluctantly stretch out your limbs. With great effort, you lazily sit up against the headboard of the bed.
Yoongi takes a spoonful of the rice porridge and brings it to your lips. You take a mouthful and swallow it down eagerly.
"Not hungry my ass," Yoongi says with an accusing stare and you laugh.
You can't shake off the warm feeling that fills your heart at the domestics of the entire scene at hand as you take another large bite.
You end up eating the entire bowl but decide against asking for seconds. The need to sleep was stronger than anything else right now.
Yoongi leaves the room to put the bowl back and bring you a wet towel. He returns to find you sleeping again.
Your body must be exhausted from fighting whatever sickness had overtaken you for you to be sleeping this much.
He gently places the towel over your forehead, pressing it down so that it doesn't slip off onto the mattress.
Your brows furrow at his actions but you don't wake up. His hand reaches out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, mumbling under his breath.
Yoongi never thought he would find the one. He believed in love, but the idea of finding someone he could think of as home always seemed too unrealistic, a mere fantasy he would sometimes use for inspiration in his lyrics.
He never thought that the simple thought of someone could brighten his day. Until he met you.
You were chaotic and quiet and everything in between. Someone people could talk to comfortably and freely, someone open-minded and thoughtful.
Everyone seemed to love you, which is why it confused Yoongi whenever you would get flustered at the compliments that fell from his lips.
He thought you would have been used to it. He didn't know how someone could talk to you without showering you with compliments.
When he had told you this one night during the first few months of your friendship—before you started dating—you had laughed, confessing how you rarely ever got compliments. Yoongi still remembers how he had stood there dumbfounded.
Ever since that night, he had made a vow to shower you with compliments.
However, the words soon turned into a habit. They weren't any less truthful, but he found himself whispering them to you even while you were out of earshot or while you slept, like now.
Yoongi stays by your side for a minute longer, simply admiring the way the lamp on your nightstand illuminates your features with its faint glow.
Eventually, he stands up, only to feel your hand grab his before he can take a step.
Your grip is loose and your eyes are still closed, but you lightly tug at the sleeve of his hoodie and he finds himself returning to your side.
"Can you get me the blanket from the living room?"
Exhaustion laces your words despite the numerous naps you had taken throughout the day.
"Aren't you warm enough? I dont want you to have a heatstroke or something."
"I won't, I swear. Please?"
How can Yoongi say no when your voice comes out so fragile and your grip is so gentle. Fuck, you truly did have him wrapped around your finger.
You smile and Yoongi feels his heart skip multiple beats.
Your hand drops from his top and Yoongi retrieves your treasured blanket in less than a minute.
He drapes it over your figure, placing a kiss on your nose as he does so. He fights the urge to immediately slip into the bed beside you, not wanting your sickness to worsen from whatever his clothes may have contracted over the day.
He lazily strips himself and changes into the first pair of sweatpants he sees. He also takes off the wet towel from your forehead, wiping down your face and neck with it before folding it and placing it onto the nightstand.
Finally, he climbs under the duvet beside you. Your body instinctively turns to face his.
Yoongi doesn't expect to feel your lips on his cheek.
"Thank you. I really don't deserve you," you whisper. You drape an arm across his chest and roll onto your stomach, letting out a small moan of pain as you do so.
"You do, baby."
You deserve a lot more than just him taking care of you. You deserve the world itself in your hands and Yoongi knows that if you were to ever ask, he would give it to you in a heartbeat. He would give you the world and so much more.
He leans over your body to switch off the lamp.
"I love you," you whisper, a small yet content smile drawn on your face.
"I love you too."
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moineauz · 5 months
જ⁀ 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 , hsr men !
side comments: i love old jazzy tunes or old songs in general. i usually don't do this kind of fic but i wanted to try something new.
extra: gn reader, fluff, all hsr men except yanqing & misha word count: 434
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Other arms reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly Still in peaceful dreams I see The road leads back to you. 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 / Ray Charles
Despite age the two of you bustle about; committing your duties be it work or another passion. Perhaps either of you transverse the cosmos. However, when Twilight's wings gingerly take you under its folds, the two of you melt into one like candle wax dripping down its holder. No matter what path each of you treads- you are bound no matter the state. Thus, under the duvet covers and the unspoken lullabies of the night, he presses kisses on your wrinkled eyes like gemstones while slowly caressing your furrowed hand with a gentleness only matched by the lightness of a feather and the warmth of a beating heart. It is instinctive like blinking, like drawing air into the lungs. Rest now in silence for neither of you needed to say a word, another day will come and nights of blossoming devotion will echo into eternity.
𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑 . Dan Heng . 𝐃𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎 . 𝐋𝐔𝐎𝐂𝐇𝐀 . Gepard . 𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍 . 𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈 . Blade . 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐓 . + any of your favourites
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Just one look at you My heart grew tipsy in me You and you alone Bring out the Gypsy in me I love all the many charms about you Above all, I want my arms about you 𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 / Judy Garland
Your limbs might not take you far now, but he'll twirl you in the air like a star and tease you until your cheeks ache from laughter. The glimmer and shine of that first date still trails behind the two of you: stardust in the wind, wings that seldom break. You two still share that hidden kiss in public and search for treasures amongst a sea of rust. Giddy and unfettered, the two of you are like birds spinning in the air; chasing each other in fits of uncontrolled laughter. Blush still brushing against your sagging cheeks and the tipsyness of a night still young, his own heart enthralled as the first time he met you. The throng can stare if they want; asking why not sit down? Would you like some help? That's fine, he'll still banter and pursue adoration as if it's not already tucked in his arms. Because despite his gradually wilting eyes and worn-out knees, he'll still bow down and press his head against your stomach, whispering, "mine."
𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋 . Argenti . 𝐉𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍 . 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐎 . 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐀 . Gallager . 𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄 . + any of your favourites
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At last My love has come along My lonely days are over And life is like a song 𝐀𝐓 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 / Etta James
The two of you have mellowed over the years, lost some hair and found comfort in blue skies, the pit pat of rain and sand between your toes. Perhaps the two of you find a house in the countryside or build a home on a distant planet found in cup boards and the warmth of an oven. Perhaps you settle under the blanket of the universe; allowing your eyes to trace the sun inching down the walls of your shared home. The two of you spend your days lying languidly on the couch, days drifting into melodies spent well and arms entangled as one. He never would've thought that his heart could slow and his soul mellow like a distant breeze. His eyes drifted towards your figure, a pleasant smile reaching his lips.
𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐄 . Welt . Gepard . 𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄 . Dr. Ratio . 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 . 𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐆 . Jing Yuan . Luocha . + any of your favourites
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vagabond-umlaut · 7 months
hey, where is the pomegranate tree?
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unstoppable force, aka kore, aka gojo, meets immovable object, aka hades, aka you— nothing can ever go wrong from this collision, trust me— n-o-t-h-i-n-g.
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▸ gojo satoru x fem!reader; hades and persephone retelling [with a twist ;))]; 1.2k wc; stubbornly persuasive gojo; the reader is js so tired and annoyed [and tired]; enemies to lovers vibes[??]; talks of marriage and children; gojo thinks you are a fool, he is the real clown here
▸ pls don't glare at me if there is more than one inaccuracy here, haha. anyways, the header is from pinterest, the divider is by @benkeibear and the characters used ain't mine. pls don't plagiarize, translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
▸ update: this fic is now part of a series!!! wreaths of asphodel 😊😊
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"you shall spend the rest of your days in tears."
you're foolish; woefully so, gojo thinks, carefully observing you from his place on the chaise lounge, smiling while you continue seething, "and there will be no one who can save you. neither a hero nor a god. neither demeter nor zeus. no. one."
"but why do you think i will need saving, my rose?" the endearment rolls off his tongue like honey, the taste sweetening at the way your pretty lips dip into a deeper frown, "you're not a monster, are you?"
"no!" the defensive reply comes in less than a beat. though the words following it sound a tad less bold; it seems as if you're trying to make yourself believe and not scare him.
"i'm someone far fiercer— hades. the goddess of the dead. the queen of the underworld— and the cause for your misery should you choose to vex me any further."
"aw, no," gojo cries, decidedly making a show by slapping a hand over his eyes and faking a sniffle, "why must the only woman i want as my wife see me as an annoyance?"
then lets his hand drop down to the cushion, willing his eyes to well over with pitiful moisture. "as the god of life, i've only ever given and given– be it grains or fruits or vegetables or flowers– without asking anything in return— yet the first and only time i ask..."
he doesn't bother finishing his sentence, choosing to sob to add to the tragic atmosphere— though that doesn't mean he doesn't note the war of emotions on your face:
pity, confusion, anger, again confusion— you're so easy to read, to steer. very foolish, really.
"you'll not like living here," you eventually break the silence hanging within the room. your voice is much softer now; the god wonders if you sing. if you do, the muses will certainly be put to shame... "your days will be spent in utter boredom and gloom and tears–"
"– and no one can come to my aid then: yes, thank you," he interrupts you, more than a little tired, "you've driven the points too well into my head– so much so that i'm surprised there isn't a gaping hole in there, oozing blood and my brains. but why must you think i'll need rescue, huh??"
if a smidge of force escapes into his words, gojo decides not to pay it any mind— though only until he notices the small flinch you give– his insides twist and torment, quite inexplicably, thereafter.
"okay, look," he says, getting up from his slouch to move near you, but stops on catching the warning glint in your eyes.
"first of all, i'm not some damsel in distress being whisked away in a chariot here– i came here by own volition. and i'm offering my mind, body, heart, soul– the special package that i am, in fewer words– to you, by my own volition. why shall i want anyone to rescue me then?"
"besides," he proceeds to add, allowing an easy smirk to form on his face, "you're just the cute little goddess of the dead– not at all scary like your brother used to be; though i guess you try to imitate him in your glares, don't you? sukuna was quite notori—"
"don't you dare utter my brother's name, foul olympian," a quiet growl slashes gojo's comment, sending it plummetting to the ground— and making him understand why you, the inconspicuous, sheltered sister of the vicious former holder of the name 'hades', was given the crown, in the aftermath of your brother's banishment– instead of the several more well-known candidates...
"i apologise," gojo offers in the very next instant, making it as genuine as he can, "i never meant to upset or offend you. i'm sorry if i did."
you just stare at him for a beat, gojo watches, before your shoulders lift then fall in a sigh. the fire burning in your aura abates by a pinch.
sighing once more, you finally break your silence, "It's okay, and um– suppose i too should apologise. you might be an olympian but you're not as foul as them, no. please forgive me for calling you so."
"no problem, my rose," the god is quick to accept your words with a wave of his hand and a beam, further widening when he notices the sliver of smile on your countenance, "but does this mean i appeal to your tastes? i mean, you called me 'not as foul as them', didn't you?? did you just accept my hand in marriage, then???"
"no, i didn't..." your subtle smile disappears swifter than it appeared. a half of gojo's floral crown, quite inexplicably, wilts on the table before. he watches your eyes fall to it, then snap up to meet his.
"do you love me?"
not yet, but he thinks he can. you might be an idiot but you certainly aren't an unlovable idiot— and one voice in his mind murmurs, those precious, innocent looks of yours aren't even the main reasons why...
the god shoots back a languid smile. "if you want to see me in love with you, so be it."
"that's neither 'yes' nor 'no'," you point out, frowning, before vaulting your second query of the evening, "if we get married, do you want to have children?"
it won't be very unfavourable, if you both do... with the vivid colour of your eyes, or the adorable shape of your nose, or the radiance of your skin, or the— "if you want, i shall be happy to assist," he ekes out with a meaningful wink, albeit he doubts how much of it reaches you.
you're very foolish, after all... and no– it's not because of the awkward way he says it– no! not in the slightest! he wasn't fumbling at all!
you wrap the shawl tighter around your shoulders but don't move any further away, gojo notes. the same way he does the slight tint in your cheeks when you roll your eyes with a scoff.
"you're unbelievable, kore. truly, terribly unbelievable." you press the pads of your thumbs over your forehead before releasing it, gaze an unprecedented mark of sharp when it settles on his face.
"is there nothing you want from our union, eh? i refuse to believe you wish to marry me without any demands, as if on a mere whim– but if it is so, i ought to warn you, kore: my answer is and will always be one firm 'no'."
your words mustn't ignite this odd restlessness in him. they certainly mustn't— still, gojo finds his chest tight and the air heavy as he grins back and says, "i only want to be your husband, your majesty... but if that is too much for you right now–"
the stretch on his lips simmers down to something smaller. yet truer.
"i want you to call me by my name. my real name. can you do that, my rose?"
you don't say anything in response for a long while. so long, in fact, it makes the god wonder if you are ever going to reply to his request.
perhaps not, he thinks quite a bit down-spirited when you suddenly turn on your heel and with a swish of your long shawl, stride out the rooms– o-oh.
you stop just as abruptly at the threshold. a complicated grin shining on your face as you twist to look at him over your shoulder then say:
"good night, gojo satoru. pray the ghosts prowling these halls don't eat you up ere dawn."
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you're gone not even few feet away from the door, before gojo falls face-first into the bed, the entire room suddenly erupting into thousands of roses in all colors ever seen. [lolol, he is such a loser for you! xD]
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skywalkersslut · 2 months
benny cross x fem!reader
A/N: I keep seeing fics where benny starts to panic when reader gets pregnant and I know that’s honestly pretty canon…. however I was wondering how it��d be the other way around :( so I ended up writing my own!
Summary: In which you get pregnant and you’re not sure if you have what it takes to be a mother
Warnings: angstttttt, reader has mommy issues, husband!benny, fluffy ending, kind of ooc benny
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You had been late, 16 days to be precise. Normally you wouldn’t have thought twice to your period being a few days late. This being because of your constant stress inducing husband, but it had felt different this time. You couldn’t sleep, and to be fair, it had been 2 weeks. Now you sit in the doctor’s office staring at the detailed slip of paper in your hands, confirming you were in fact pregnant.
You pulled into the driveway of your and Benny’s house, for once relieved, that Benny’s Harley hadn’t been parked up front. It wasn’t that you were scared to tell him, you were scared of the pregnancy itself, could you be a mother?
You walked into the house, keys turning inside the loose gold doorknob, you’d have to remind Benny to fix that later.
Hours of contemplating had past, you’ve been pacing around the entire house. You thought back to your childhood, remembering the lack of love you got from your mother, the same cycle you’d pass on to this baby. How can you pass on something you’ve never had? You hadn’t learned to love a child, you didn’t know what was right or wrong.
Right as you’re about to take another lap around the house, you hear the familiar rev of Bennys bike.
Normally, you’d feel like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder, skipping over to greet your husband with kisses. This time, you were stuck in place with your stomach in knots.
Benny walked into the house, hanging up his keys on the baby blue holder. “Darlin” he yelled out. A few seconds had past, and you’d mustered up the courage to face your husband, walking up to him, sucking in your tears “Hey baby” you let out in a whisper.
“C’mere”, he called out but you stood frozen, denying his embrace. Something you only do when you’re mad. “What’s wrong, hm”, he peered down at you, lifting your chin. “I’m just tired Benny” you walked away and plopped down on the sofa.
“So tired ya can’t even kiss your husband?” he said wearily, following you to the couch. “Benny,” Before you could even let out a sentence the tears started pouring. “Hey baby what’s wrong”, Benny sat down to hold you “Somethin happen? What is it baby”
Benny hadn’t been an affectionate person. He never cared for little things until you had come into his life, it had been one night of you one the back of his motorcycle, talking his ear off when he realized he was gonna make you his wife. Since then, he’s changed, sure he still has trouble communicating and stays out with Johnny for a little too long, but there’s nothing more to him than his wife.
“I’m pregnant, Benny” you couldn’t even look at him, you know he’d stick by you, he never made you feel like he’d leave you, not since you two had tied the knot.
Benny paused in his seat. This was far different from what he had thought was the reasoning behind your behaviour, he was relieved. It had taken a few moments for Benny to realize what had just come outta your mouth, but when he did he felt nothing but love. “I’m gonna be a dad?” he looked down at you with a smile, but there was all the opposite on your face.
“What’s wrong doll, yer not happy?” He tilted his head down to face you. “I can’t be a mom Benny, I never had a mom the way others did, I’m just gonna pass it on to our kid and a baby doesn’t deserve that? All babies need a good mom. I can’t even do that.”
Benny heart dropped, you, the person who’d shown up to every meeting with one of your famous desserts each time, who’d cared for him after every fight he’d been in, the same woman who he knew he’d fight a million men for, thought she couldn’t be a good mother? “Baby, you’re not really saying that hm, if there’s someone in this world who’ll be a good mom, it’s sure as hell you.”
Benny couldn’t stop the anger rising within him, knowing he couldn’t change the way you were raised. “Don’t ever say some shit like that again huh” You started to feel light inside, lookin up to see nothing but seriousness on Bennys face. “My mom fucked me up Benny” you sighed in defeat.
“We’re all fucked up baby, before there was you I thought I’d just be fucking around on my bike till the end of time, you changed my whole life doll, look at me I’m gonna be a fucking dad and I don’t want nothin more.”
For the first time since he’d come home, you’d smile. “Okay” “Okay? Okay what baby” Benny asked “Okay we’re gonna have this baby” your words cause Benny to ease into the couch “Damn fucking right we are”
Benny hugged you so tight you started to wonder how you’d felt so low when you had him by your side.
Soon enough, you’d be months along, strolling into every baby store you can, trying not to buy every little piece of clothing you set your eyes on. Benny not far behind, holding the piles of whatever you throw into his hand, trying to pretend the sight of you carrying his baby doesn’t make his heart swell.
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tzuberry · 2 months
after classes with zerobaseone maknae line υ´• ﻌ •`υ
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pairing shen quanrui (ricky), kim gyuvin, park gunwook, han yujin + gn reader⠀⠀⠀details fluff, diff tropes and scenarios for each member, established relationship (ricky, gunwook), f2l (gyuvin, yujin)
cw none ⠀⠀⠀wc 699 748 654 787 respectively (2888 in total)⠀⠀⠀reading time 12 min
note if you are the one who liked this post when tumblr accidentally posted it you are a real one but i am sorry you had to see that. anyway ... this is my return to zb1 tumblr since 2023 + short explanation! ricky’s and gunwook’s fics are calmer because they’re in established relationships, to give off a sense of constancy - gyuvin’s and yujin’s are exaggerated because they’re not, to give off infatuation 🙏🏻 these r not very good but i hope you like them!
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ricky 리키
RICKY HAS not once had a problem with picking you up in his car, despite not going to the same school. You’d always wondered how he found enough time and energy after classes to endure the twenty-kilometer, forty-five-minute drive from his school to yours, especially with how prevalent and severe the traffic was in the city you lived in.
You’ve repeatedly told him—borderline reprimanded—that he’s never had to do this, and that you can make the effort home all by yourself. Ricky’s always replied with a shrug and an excuse about how he likes doing this for you, even if your high schools were in completely opposite directions from the heart of the city.
As your class ends today, you fully expect him to be there, waiting in front of the gate in his wildly expensive bright red car (which used to embarrass you slightly when he pulled up, but you’ve gotten used to it) with a warm smile on his face and a drink in hand for you. Amongst the hurried footsteps of your peers, you manage to find a way past them and straight to the exit, eager to find your boyfriend’s familiar face in the crowd of other students dismissed the same time as you.
It might sound a little hypocritical of you, but even though you didn’t hold it to a standard of Ricky to pick you up everyday, it still made you feel happy inside whenever he did—which has been everyday since the new semester started.
Without fail, the moment you step outside the bounds of campus, your boyfriend is there waiting for you in the expensive bright red car you expected him to be in, with two strawberry lattes in his front seat cup holders visible through the window—one being intended for you.
He unlocks the door as you walk up, waiting for you to fasten your seatbelt and settle in before he shifts the gear stick to drive.
“How was your day?” he inquires, coming to a halt at the first stop light. He pulls the straw of your latte from its spot in the small compartment on the door panel, poking it through the wrapped paper and putting it into the drink for you.
You take a sip when he hands it to you, gulping down before replying. “Good, actually! My teacher was sick and didn’t show up, so I had an entire period to catch up on assignments,” you say. “What about you?”
“Good now that I’m with you,” he answers, shrugging. “My presentation didn’t really go so well, and I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
The school he attended was a notoriously strict, high-standard international school that was practically established to cater to company heirs and others alike—and Ricky was no exception to that. However, it meant that he was also held to a higher standard than most students the same age, and you knew that your schedule and school were more lax than his.
“Let’s get some sleep,” you suggest. He simply hums in agreement as the traffic light turns to green, putting his focus back on the road while accelerating.
You get to Ricky’s house not long after that, greeting his mom before making a beeline to his room. You both sneak under the covers of his bed, and take a minute to talk a bit more about each of your days before settling in fully.
Your boyfriend’s hesitation is palpable, and you’re sure it’s because he feels a little guilty for sleeping when you would usually spend time (awake) together after classes. But his eyelids are betraying him, and his eyes are shutting as the conversation pursues, so you resolve to let him know it’s alright.
“You can go to sleep, I’m okay,” you assure him. “I’ll wake you up later.”
Ricky nods. “Thanks a lot, [Name].” He sinks down into the mattress a bit more. “I love you.”
“Just get some sleep,” you quickly respond. “I love you too.”
You often wondered how your boyfriend always had the energy to pick you up everyday, and today you got your answer—he doesn’t. He’s just been able to find the energy because it was you, and now you know how lucky you are.
gyuvin 규빈
GYUVIN’S UNSURE when this arrangement between the two of you started. It was majorly unspoken, even from the beginning—after class, you would follow the languid crowd of students to the main gate, and you’d find him waiting by the potted camellia plant placed adjacent to the cement post near the opening of the school.
Then, you’d stop by the 7-Eleven around the corner for your fix of ice cream (if you felt like it; if not, the row of frozen yoghurt shops and local coffee pop-ups across were just as inviting). He would offer—no, insist on paying—and you would engage in a back-and-forth about how it shouldn’t be this way, that you should just let him pay, because, you know... he wants to.
And then it’s bittersweet—literally. For some reason, you always pick some kind of wack flavour that Gyuvin has no interest in. Today, it’s limited-edition Baskin Robins espresso-flavoured ice cream in a 4-ounce cup. You probe him to try at least half a spoonful of it, and he does, noting the bitter top note of the taste. He also notes that you let him use the same spoon you used just now, which somehow makes the ice cream come off a bit sweeter on his tongue.
Gyuvin doesn’t remember when all of this became a daily thing. You weren’t even classmates a year ago, much less friends; how did this... happen between you two?
You’ve begun your trek home, side-by-side (him nearer to the street, of course), when he realizes this all started because you live two blocks apart. What he still doesn’t know, though, is why you’ve both kept this routine up for so long.
Whatever. Gyuvin shakes off the thought with a literal shake of the head, tuning back in to what you were saying. He divides the focus of his gaze between you and the path ahead.
“... I suck at the sciences, and, you know, Park Gunwook, all-knowing science genius is always out to get my top 1 spot in class. I’m so—” You groan. “Frustrated!”
He chuckles. “I’ll sabotage him for you.”
“Oh, sure you would. You’d sabotage your best friend’s grades for some classmate.” Rolling your eyes, the notion almost makes you laugh. Gyuvin’s cute when he jokes like this; he always says he’d do all kinds of things for you, and it’s clearly an exaggeration, but it also makes you insanely giddy to believe that he could really mean what he says for a second.
You lick the mini wooden spoon in your hand clean of any remaining melted ice cream. “I hope you don’t tell Gunwook any of this, by the way. I kind of need him to tutor me in physics,” you not-so-sheepishly add, nudging Gyuvin’s arm with your elbow.
“Yeah, he won’t hear anything from me. My loyalty lies with you only,” he jokes.
“I’d hoped so,” you reply.
Then, as per usual, the rest of the walk is silent—with many mumbled warnings from him whenever you cross the road. He’s made it a point to notify you of oncoming vehicles or any potential hazards (like a puddle you can slip in or an obstacle you might trip on). You’ve observed he’s always had that habit, and even though you’re well aware of the ground you walk on yourself, you don’t mind it too much; it just means that he cares for your safety.
Gyuvin’s house is short two blocks in the journey to and fro the school compared to yours, meaning your house is farther away and further behind his. Still, since the first time he walked you home, he’s never complained of the extra steps he takes past his house on the way to yours and the ones he takes back to his after he’s dropped you off.
Today is just like any other day. You arrive at your doorstep, and he hands you the backpack he decided to carry for you halfway into the trip home.
You sling a strap over one shoulder before looking up at him again. “Same time tomorrow?”
Gyuvin nods, a small smile on his face as he affirms your statement. “Same time tomorrow.”
He waits for you to close the door after stepping inside, and then he pivots his heel ninety degrees back towards his house. He’s sure it’s only him, and it must all be in his head, but the air between you has shifted. He might even know why he still chooses to walk you home after all this time.
gunwook 건욱
GUNWOOK AND your favourite time of day is the period just before dusk, when you’ve finished studying together for the afternoon and head up to the—more often than not—restricted rooftop of your school building.
You’re aware that your boyfriend can get in trouble (and perhaps lose his status as class rep) by sneaking up to a blocked-off area of the school, so these visits have become a lot less frequent over the past few months; despite this, you’ve viewed the rooftop as one of your favorite places even though you’ve only been there with Gunwook, and not as frequently as you did before.
To you, whenever you were up there with the boy you loved and held so dearly to your heart, time seemed to slow—you’d take your places on the floor, knees close to your chests as you stared up at the sky, awaiting the sunset and subsequent dusk to fall on you both.
There have been some days that have served as exceptions to the rooftop being exclusively your and Gunwook’s spot, though, like when you feel the desire to be there yourself on the occasion your boyfriend can’t join you due to a prior engagement—a day like today.
The rooftop offered a view of the Seoul skyline, with your school being established strategically near the middle of the city. The breeze was colder in higher places, and it ruffled your hair as it blew past you.
Gunwook assured you that he’d meet with you after he finished something up for the incoming school festival. You admired your boyfriend for being so hardworking and kind towards everyone, even when you and he both knew he felt pressured most of the time.
And at this moment in time—the rooftop doesn’t feel as special to you alone in comparison to when Gunwook is here to accompany you. The view is still breathtaking, and the winds hitting your face are refreshing, but time isn’t slowing down for you like it does when you’re with him. This is your spot together, after all.
A tap on your shoulder wakes you straight out of your thoughts, and you turn to see a smiley Gunwook preparing to sit down beside you on the floor. When he has, he inches closer to you so you can lie your head on his shoulder the way he knows you want to. Then, the motion of your hands finding each other is almost automatic; he begins to stroke the back of your hand in circular movements with his thumb.
“So, how long have you been up here, huh?” your boyfriend teases, flashing his gummy smile and earning a light chuckle from you. “Since you left me to go do your student council thing,” you respond, scoffing.
Gunwook laughs. “Hey, I think you’ll enjoy the school festival when it happens. We even got that bungeoppang seller outside that you like so much to come in,” he tells you, “I just have one thing to do on festival day—and then, after that, I’m free and we can sneak off up here.”
“What do you have to do on festival day?” you ask.
The boy next to you giggles, knowing that what’s about to come out of his mouth is too cheesy for how long you’ve been dating (which was about to be three years soon). “Take a picture with my [Name], of course.”
You can’t even begin to digest that overly exaggerated sweet statement, and you rip your hand away from Gunwook’s jokingly. “You’re so...” You shake your head in feigned disapproval. “Cheesy.”
“I am, but it’s only for you,” he says, beaming.
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” you brush it off, lips curving into an upward crescent. “If other people knew you said this kind of stuff to me, they’d never see you the same way again.”
Gunwook rolls his eyes, now throwing his arm over your shoulder. “I’m lucky it’s just us here then.”
yujin 유진
YUJIN’S BEEN athletically inclined since elementary school, and you’d be lying to say you weren’t envious of him sometimes. With training and his becoming popular overnight when the first semester of tenth grade started, though, it’s undeniable that he’s been perpetually busy.
So, whenever your long-time best friend does get the time to spend with you, you make the most out of it and do something memorable together; however, you could never really tell when his high school varsity coach would schedule a last-minute training session and ruin your plans.
Today is... unfortunately one of those days. You’d taken a bit of time to plan a hang out consisting of a late afternoon stroll through the park, then dinner at a restaurant you stumbled upon recently Yujin hadn’t tried yet but served his favourite food. You knew this was all in vain, though, when just as the bell rang, you found him at the foot of your classroom door, holding a drink from the vending machine as an “I’m sorry” gift to express his regret (and guilt).
He grins an awkward, strained grin when you make eye contact. “[Name], I know you had something planned out today, but—”
“It’s okay, Yujin. We can do it another time,” you say, taking his hand in yours and starting to walk away from the door.
“Really?” he questions. “I hate doing this to you, and I’d spend all my time with you if l could, because, you know, you’re...” he pauses, visibly deliberating what to say, “you’re my best friend, and I don’t want to make you feel like our friendship is one-sided because it’s not, I don’t want it to be, and we’ve been friends since middle—”
Due to the frequency of this kind of thing happening, you’ve grown accustomed to it. The first few times your best friend bailed on you, you felt hurt (and maybe upset), but it’s happened enough times now that it doesn’t faze you anymore.
You stop in your tracks, facing Yujin. “It’s really okay,” you repeat, dropping his hand. You understand that he has his own obligations, and you could take no other course of action than to give way; moreover, you’d known for a while that since approaching high school, your friendship would be different. Things were bound to change, anyway.
He winces. “Are you sure?”
“I am,” you answer. “I’ll wait for you.”
You decide to spend the two hours Yujin’s at practice to finish all your due assignments—but it’s hard to devote yourself entirely to organic chemistry when all you can do is think of him. You’d liked your best friend since the summer of ninth grade.. and you’re in eleventh now. Evidently, you’ve never told anyone, much less Yujin himself, and it’s starting to take a toll on you... and so does simply thinking about it. So, to avoid giving your feelings any more thought than you already have, you put down the black Muji pen you’ve been using to revise your notes and surrender to sleep.
When Yujin finds you, your eyelids are closed and you’re lying down on your left arm, head turned to the right. The homework he presumes you were trying to do is sprawled out across the table messily, but your pen still has a place in your hand. He wonders how long you’ve been asleep, mimicking your position this time facing you. Not long after, he falls asleep staring at you.
When you wake up, your eyes feel like they’ve been glued shut. You can’t flutter them open as easily as you usually can, and even when you do, your vision is clouded and hazy. Still, you can make out the sleeping Yujin resting his head on his forearms and facing you—sure, your eyelids had a hard time fluttering, but your heart didn’t (as cliché as that sounds). Sitting up, you click your phone on and discover that it’s an hour past the time he finished practice. He must’ve fallen asleep waiting for you to wake up; you fell asleep waiting for him.
You know you should probably wake him up, but you can’t help it and rest your head back down onto the table anyway. He looks really... calm this way; it’s nice. Your gaze flickers from one facial feature of his to another, then another, and so on. And then, suddenly, you remember why you’ve liked him for this long.
Yujin slowly wakes up, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair as he does. The second he becomes aware that you’re awake too, he jolts up.
“Come on, [Nickname]. Let’s go get dinner,” he invites.
You’re packing your things into your backpack when Yujin, who is standing awkwardly off to the side, interrupts. “I’ll skip practice next time—I’m sorry.”
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Wicked Games 11
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The glut of tears drains you until you’re forced to sleep. You do so heavily. Your head thrums even through your unconscious and you wake up in no better condition than you dozed off. 
You stay as you are, curled up on one side, and arm clutched the edge of the bed, refusing to acknowledge him. That won’t last. You look around the room that takes you back to that first morning after. A similar disorienting waves washes over you. 
You feel the change. Maybe now that you know the reason why, the symptoms only seem more intense. Your stomach is hollow but uneasy and you’re achy to the bones. And the fatigue. You can’t shake it. You feel like you could sleep for days and still be tired. 
Cautiously, you roll onto your back. You’re alone. He’s not in the bed but he’s there. The muffled clink of dishes assures you of that. You flinch as your heart gives a start. 
You sit up but refuse to get up. Standing up and walking out that door means this is real. It means you have to accept that it is and you’re not stupid enough to believe that won’t happen. You just need this moment to think. 
Barrett is dead. Your old life is over. Your job, your apartment, even your old body. Steve laid it all out. You’re going to quit or he’s going to get you fired. You’re going to have his baby or he’ll... you don’t know? Would he do the same thing he did to your husband? If you don’t have a reason for him to keep you alive, are you just expendable? 
You should be braver. You shouldn’t care. The grief is so gray but gripping that you should want it to be over. Who cares, I’d rather die than live like this. But that’s not true. The thought of death makes you nauseous. Or is that the baby? 
You lurch up to your feet and cup your hand over your mouth as you stagger around. You blink and find your way to the ensuite bathroom. You curl over the toilet and hurl into the bowl. You grip the edge of the counter and the seat as your body racks violently. 
Your stomach keeps squeezing even as there’s nothing left. Your bones feel like they could snap and your throat burns with acid. You collapse to your knees and hug the porcelain. Every now and them, you wretch but can’t even spit up bile. 
Exhausted and panting, you reach to flush, but stay hovering over the toilet water. This is horrible. Like any woman, you’ve heard of the horrors of morning sickness but this seems so much worse. 
“Sweetheart,” Steve’s shadow appears in the doorway. You sigh and turn your head to see him. He marches across the tile and comes to bend over you. You flinch as he rubs your back. “You okay? Rough morning , huh?” 
You grumble. That’s all you can do. Worse than being in this place that isn’t your own, your body doesn’t feel like yours. It’s as if every part of you is revolting. 
“Here,” he hooks his arm around you and stands you up. 
Your legs are weak as you lean on him. He flips down the toilet lid and sits you on it. You groan and hug your stomach. He draws away to open the cabinet behind the mirror. He takes out a packaged toothbrush and unwraps it. He puts toothpaste on the bristles and hands it to you. You accept it as he fills a white plastic cup with water and slides it across the counter. 
You scrape out the taste of vomit and brush your teeth until your headache is a siren. You stand to rinse and he takes the brush back, placing it in the holder next to his. He coos as he touches your hip and urges you out of the bathroom ahead of him. 
“Come on, I got everything ready for you,” he declares proudly. 
You bristle in wait of the true him. Those tones he growled through last night. That dangerous timbre you can’t argue with. This feels like a facade. Too soft, to nice. He’s playing out some script and you never got a copy. 
The couch has extra pillows and the coffee table has a small lap desk stood on it, a bowl of oat meals and a cup of layered yogurt and fruit, alongside a tall glass of a vibrant smoothie. He points you to sit and you do so only to make your body stop screaming. 
As you get settled, he moves the lap desk over you. 
“At least you’re small enough to use this still,” he chuckles as he stands back. “Oats with cinnamon and blueberries, yogurt with strawberry and chia seed, and a smoothie with lots of extra vitamins. Oh--” he storms away, leaving your speechless. Well, what can you say? 
“Supplements,” he sweeps back in. “The iron won’t help your stomach but the B-6 should. You can try ginger with tea if you still feel off. We’ll hold off asking the doc for medicine but we’ll make sure he gives you the once over.” 
“I already went to a doctor--” 
“My doctor,” he insists as he sets down the little tray of vitamins. “He knows what to watch for.” 
“What to watch for? What--” You wince as your hips pang and your stomach churns again. You tuck your hand down over your middle and force out a breath. 
“Well, I have enhanced biology. When they created the serum, we were at war. They never tested it on pregnant women,” Steve explains. 
“Huh? Serum?” You stammer. 
“The fetus.” He sits lightly beside you and reaches to rub your shoulder. “They assume there would be some effect.” 
“They assume?” You shake your head. 
“Don’t worry, you only have to deal with Bruce. He’s a good guy.” Steve explains. 
You look down at the food. Your nausea blows away like shifting winds and a storm of hunger rises in you. It’s so overwhelming you have the urge to grab the bowl of oatmeal and gulp it down from the brim. Instead, you take the spoon and raise it shakily. 
“We’re gonna do this together,” he coaxes as he caresses your arm. “Sweetheart, I couldn’t ask for anyone stronger to carry my child.” 
That should make you sick but the hunger is too much to ignore. He keeps touching you as you eat. You're so intoxicated by each bite, you hardly notice. More, more, more. Your stomach mulches greedily with each swallow as the world narrows simply to the smell of cinnamon and tartness of blueberries. 
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star-girl69 · 9 months
Love Song
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
a/n: just needed to do some general hc’s to get all my thoughts in order i hope you all enjoy!!
Love song - Lana Del Rey
warnings: the formatting is weird idk why i can’t fix it but y’all will live, swearing, a little itty bitty bit of violence, every facet of clarisse finding its way here and i love them all, tell me if i missed anything!!
i’m sure we all agree on this
but clarisse is very protective of you
even if you’re a very capable fighter, even if you’re even better than her, clarisse is still so protective of you
i mentioned this in one of my fics (maybe so it goes…????) but like the reason behind this is the fact that clarisse is just SCARED
she is terrified of losing you bc you are the only one she feels like she can be herself with
like clarisse is insane!!!!! in a good way!!!!! but also she’s a 17 year old girl…. she wants TO BE LOVED
she tries to talk to you about how she feels about her dad and about everything else in her life, but even though she doesn’t want to be, she’s locked up like a vault
she knows her emotions are always super intense and she has big reactions
major anger issues but they’ve gotten better with age
the problem is she spent her entire life being told that she needed to calm down, that she couldn’t feel like that all the time, and she just tried to shut down
obviously that did not work
but it still makes it virtually impossible to talk about her feelings
when it comes to you tho she’s an open book
she’s a daughter of ares she’s headstrong she’s proud and her fatal flaw is PRIDE
i mentioned this before but she wants everyone to know that you’re hers and she’s yours
your relationship is partly very public
she’s not afraid to touch you or kiss you
she’s not afraid to show you off and (needs to) show everyone that yes your beautiful self belongs to HER
so naturally she gets very jealous
even when you’re like clarisse you are INSANE
there’s been a few times when you first started dating and you were still getting comfortable and weren’t that public yet so like someone would flirt with you
it went like this
boy: hey what’s up you’re kinda fine
y/n: oh! oh yeah no….. no…..
then she started attacking him
lost dessert privileges for a month, she proudly declared that it was worth it (besides you would sneak her bites of yours like)
now that everyone knows you’re hers her jealousy is rooted a lot more in delusion and insecurity
you’ll be like in a group talking someone and she’ll pull you closer and be like “i think that guys staring at you a little too much.”
“clarisse no the fuck he’s not what”
b/c of the fact that she isn’t a son for her father she gets insanely jealous if specifically a MAN gets even an inch too close however innocently
she doesn’t want to think it but she thinks you’ll eventually realize her father is right and she’s not as useful or good bc she’s a girl
most of the time when she gets jealous bc of her insecurities she just becomes extra clingy
but also any emotion she feels she gets extra clingy to you so sometimes it’s hard to tell LMAO
she isn’t really a big hand holder but that’s only because she’s actually holding you CLOSER to her by your waist
also one more note about your relationship publically
everyone gets whiplash bc like she’s a BULLY fo everyone else and then you walk over and she’s all heart eyes
i hate everyone but you trope save me
save me i hate everyone but you trope
clarisse: pushes percy over
you: nuh uh clarissseeeeeeee
clarisse: omg hi beautiful gf
you: touches her shoulder, looks at her disapprovingly
clarisse: fine i’ll go, *scares percy*, bye bye beautiful ily
like she’s just being a bitch and then all of a sudden you come around and she’s like hiiiiiii babyyyyy how is my gorgeous gorgeous girl today??
so outwardly clarisse is just very proud and touchy
privately she lets herself be a little more chill
this is where she really touchy you thought before was worse nah
idk if y’all have noticed but in my fics clar’s always holding on y/n’s hips and that’s just me self projecting bc i have the most horrid hip dips but my point still stands
would totally call them “love handles” IM SORRYY
but she just likes having a place to hold where she can just like kinda actually physically grab you with her hands
like yeah she can wrap her arms around your waist but she likes to GRAB you
cuddling w her is fun bc like this girl cannot get ENOUGH of you there’s only like three ways you cuddle
you on top of her whether just like completely on top of her (one of her favs) or just with your head on her chest
this is what happens whenever you feel scared
like there was a monster attack just near the barrier and you’ve all been feeling uneasy all day
TRUST you are sleeping in her bed tonight
wraps her arms around you so tight it’s like she’s crushing you
also she’s running your back or caressing your head whichever you prefer
she keeps her spear right next to her bed and makes sure you can see it so you know however subconsciously NOTHING can hurt you bc she’s right there (nothings gonna hurt you baby vibes)
or she’s on top of you this one usually happens when she’s feeling a little extra insecure and jealous and it’s like no one can see you if she’s on top of her so then you’re hers
she isn’t the smartest one in the bunch but she has good intentions!!!!
also she lays on top of you if you get hurt
like after so it goes for example when y/n got that little cut on her hand
you’re like “clar pls you’re crushing me”
“um ok you scared the shit out of me today tho you need to LET ME do this fuck”
third option
you’re both laying on your side and facing each other legs tangled together and she’s probably whispering to you
she’s a big whisperer i feel it in my heart
like tracing her hands on your face and saying your so beautiful or telling you how you make her feel
oh lord take me now
also she loves you the way hozier loves
“someone asked me in the end i’d tell them ‘put me back in it’ // darlin’ i would do it again // if i could hold for a minute”
“when my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark earth no grave could hold my body down i’d crawl back to her”
like she BREATHES for you
if she died and then you were like “i miss you” trust she would find a way to come back to life
totally daydreams about going on such a fantastical quest that the gods offer both of you immortality so you can be together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever
like if the world ends y’all would still be there having a little picnic date
devotion is the only word that comes close
ok nicknames she calls you:
baby, angel, gorgeous, pretty thing/girl, beautiful, lovely, dummy (lovingly)
(recently saw a few posts abt clarisse saying mama/mamas i may be swayed)
dates she takes you on:
forces you to train w her even if you don’t like it but she lets you win OBVIIIII, under the stars in the woods, take your dinners to go and sneak back to either hers or your cabin to eat together, secret makeout sessions in the bathroom her cabin your cabin anywhere she can get her hands on you
this is so random but i get horrible migraines and i am ADDICTED to these like headache relief frequency sounds on youtube i swear they work and i was like omg you can’t have electronics at chb I WOULD NOT SURVIVE
so if you are a real one like me and get horrible migraines but this goes for being sick in general she’s like a little puppy pretending to be a wolf barely holding it together
she’ll be like at the foot of your bed begging you not to go into the light while shouting at someone at the same time to refill your water
you like have a cold
she would rub your temples if you had a headache and she would literally be like a doll for you to move around like oh you wanna lay on her chest? by all means
you wanna lay upside down with your feet in her face? as long as you get better you can do whatever you want!
you don’t wanna touch her at all? that’s where she draws the line
you’ll be like “ugh i’m hot get away from me”
“okay ☹️☹️”
“why are you touching my feet with your feet”
she places you above everyone else
like yeah other people are ok…….
but you 😍😍😍😍😍😍
this is slightly cringe but she would fr burn the whole world down and not let a flame touch you
LIKE HAVE YALL SEEN THE ANONS IVE BEEN POSTING AND THE CAPTURE THE FLAG THINGS 😱😱😱😱 (y’all always check my blog im always posting the funniest shit bc i’m funny)
“you’re one opposite teams blah blah blah you get hurt clarisse drops EVERYTHING to help you even if just a paper cut” (i have no chill fic coming soon)
THEN THEN the other one that was like “ok but what if you ACTUALLY get hurt like broken leg”
clarisse just goes crazy when you’re hurt
in so it goes: “what if that cut gets infected?”
you’re her WORLD she literally can’t stand the thought or something happening to you or else she starts literally shaking in anger and sadness
but when clarisse gets hurt it’s a whole other story
clarisse never let’s anyone but you see her true emotions
like yeah when you’re in public and you’re being cutesy she starts smiling and everyone is SO confused
but still
she never lets anyone see her as WEAK
so she always downplays her injuries in terms of how much they hurt, but flaunts them off proudly at the same time?? yeah that makes sense
after a capture the flag game you march her to the bathroom with a first aid kit “ok baby take off your shirt”
she always makes some flirty comment like SHUSH NOT RN
then she has all these bruises and every once in a while a cut from someone’s sword
you’re like 😔😔💔
you’re the only one she will let clean her up
unless she like breaks a bone or needs stitches (which has never happened) no way in hell she’s going to the healers
if you’re a child of apollo or smth she’s like “i literally have my own person healer right here…..”
anyways i think that’s all but i will probably be updating this when i think of more stuff bc as we know i have no chill
thank you all sm for reading and reblogging and liking and commenting and sending all of your WONDERFUL asks they make me so happy i’m always giggling when i get one
anyways bye bye 😘
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme
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starsinthesky5 · 1 month
you belong with me IV part 2 || joe burrow x reader
Tumblr media
description: being each other's everything is all you two have ever wanted, and now you finally are in every way possible.
a/n: first and foremost THANK YOU to all my anons and everyone who sent in requests and ideas! i appreciate you all so much and hopefully this lived up to all your expectations! i got sooo many requests and ideas for this particular fic and had so much fun working on it!! love you all!!!
second of all, thank you for patiently waiting! sorry it took me this long LMAO
edit: oh and forgot to add, there’s a good few references to superstar by taylor swift towards the end! wouldn’t be YBWM without fearless references!
warnings: language, SMUT. (there’s a lot.)
word count: 19 k
you belong with me master list (previous parts can be found here)
(Direct continuation of part 1)
After looking at the photo strips for a few more moments, you walked back out of the closet and sat down on his bed, your eyes looking around his room as you tried to think of what you could do now. 
While sitting there you noticed some things about his room that you hadn’t before, like how he hung up the star map you got him for his birthday up next to the picture of the two of you and his parents after the national championship game. You stared at the photo a little more carefully, realizing how you all looked so much like a family even back then and how much you and Joe looked like a couple in the photo even though you weren't.
“Missed all the signs,” you giggled to yourself as you then looked over at his TV table. Various small LEGO structures, a few books about space and physics, and some more photos were placed on the table. There were photos of him and his friends, some pictures from when he was a kid, and a few photos from the past few years which included you. His room perfectly represented who he was inside as it was filled with meaningful pictures, nerdy little knick-knacks, and everything close to his heart. 
On the outside, Joe appeared stoic, hard-headed, and confident. On the inside, he was a full softie and the most adorable person on the planet and you were lucky enough to get to see this side of him which not many people did since he kept that part away from the world. You also got to see a side of him that was specifically reserved for you. The intimate side of him; his lover-boy personality, his unparalleled sexiness, and the part of him that made you weak in the knees.
“His duality is insane,” you whispered to yourself as you got up from the bed and walked out of his room. You made your way down the hall towards the stairs before backtracking when you passed his office.
You walked inside, giggling as you were met with a shelf filled with more LEGO structures including the one you got him for his birthday. “Such a softie,” you smiled to yourself as you walked behind his desk chair, taking in everything in the room. You never really came into his office so this was engaging for you. You never really explored his house now that you thought about it. You usually just stayed wherever he was since the majority of the time you were here in the past was when you were just friends and had no reason to venture around the house. 
You looked down at the desk and saw his computer, his calendar, a silly doodle bob pen holder, a Bengals-themed Newton’s cradle, and then a framed recent photo of the two of you.
You tilted your head as you picked up the frame, examining the photo that you remembered him taking just a few weeks ago. 
Flashback to New Year’s Eve 
You were sitting on the couch in Joe’s backyard, the warmth of the fire pit in front of you heating you up as you sat cross-legged in your champagne-colored strapless skin-tight dress, waiting for Joe to come back with your drinks. You glanced up at the TV that was mounted above the Patio Bar where Joe was pouring you both a glass of Blanc de Blancs, watching the live view from Times Square as the ball drop was commencing momentarily. Your eyes then dropped down to Joe, who looked incredibly gorgeous wearing a cream long-sleeved knit polo sweater while topping off your drinks. He placed the bottle down and looked up, his eyes meeting yours which sent chills down your body. 
He grabbed both the flutes and walked over to you, “You’re staring,” he said with a cocky smile as he placed them down on the side table and sat down next to you.
“It’s for a good reason,” you bit your lip as you gave him a slow once over. “You look amazing,”. 
“I know a girl with good taste,” he shrugged as he stretched out his arm behind you and brought you in closer. 
“You sure do,” you smiled as you laid your head against his shoulder after kissing his cheek.
“How much time do we have before the ball drop?” he asked as he gently ran his thumb across your shoulder.
“Hmm, about 15 minutes,” you said after you looked back at the TV. “I still can’t believe you didn’t invite anyone else over to watch,” you giggled. 
“Why invite more people over when just you is enough?” he asked, a blush creeping up on your face as a result of his words. 
“I appreciate the lovey-doveyness from you but I’m sure your parents and family members are pretty confused as to why you bailed from the family party and didn’t initially offer to have them over at your place like you usually do. They probably think you’re spending New Year alone since they don’t know about us yet,” you said as you looked up at the starry night sky. 
“I wanted it to be just us tonight,” he said as he joined you by also looking up at the sky. 
“Any reason in particular?” you say, turning your head to look at him. “You know I love your family and wouldn’t mind celebrating with them, even if it meant having to sneak away for our New Year’s kiss,”. 
“It’s our first New Year together as a couple so I wanted it to be special and with 0 distractions. I want to start off the year with the one that means the most to me,” he said, turning his head to face you after he finished talking. 
“Awww, Joe,” you cooed, giving him a quick peck before tucking your head into his neck. 
He definitely had made the night pretty special. First, it was treating you to a delicious and impressive dinner he prepared all on his own (with some tips from his chef), then you both decided to make cupcakes together (with a side of karaoke) since you had quite a bit of time before midnight, then it was making a bucket list for the year filled with things you wanted to do together while the cupcakes were in the oven, and after that it was you two sitting on the floor for about an hour building the LEGO rose bouquet set he got you for Christmas (you both really loved your LEGO’s). At about 11:00 you both went out to the backyard and got situated by the fire while watching the New Year’s special on TV. 
“We’ve had a pretty wild year haven’t we?” he said while letting out a content sigh. 
“Very wild,” you nodded. “Specifically the final stretch,” you added, referring to the past month with Joe. “But it’s been the best year of my life and the next one will be even better…because of you,”.
Joe swore his heart exploded for maybe the 100th time when you said that. The fact that he made you feel like this was the greatest feeling in the world. “I love you,” he said before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. “So much that it’s not even funny,” he said in between kisses. 
“The feeling is mutual,” you smiled against him. 
“This year’s going to be so much fun. I can’t wait to do everything on our bucket list,” he softly laughed. 
“Me too. I think I’m looking most excited to go camping and road-tripping to California,”. 
“I still can’t believe you’ve never been camping,” Joe widened his eyes and laughed. 
“Listen, I don’t want to get eaten by a bear or kidnapped by some random man in the woods,” you blinked.
“What if that happens to us? I don’t think me being with you makes a difference,”.
“Yes, it does. The bear will be too blinded by your hotness to eat us and you’ll scare the random man away with your big muscles,” you teased while gripping his bicep. 
“I’ll probably book us a cabin,” he nodded after hearing your plan of action if you came across something like that. 
“Nooo,” you groaned like a little child. “I want the traditional camping experience. Tent and everything,”.
“We can still bring a tent and do that for a night but I think you’d feel more comfortable in a cabin,” he said while moving your hair out of your face. “Sleeping in a sleeping bag gets exhausting after the first night anyway. And there’s more privacy in a cabin so we won’t be at risk of being seen doing certain things,” he whispered in your ear. 
“Can’t stay away, can you?” you giggled at his insatiableness.
“Mm, Mm,” he shook his head. “It’s like a drug,” he said as he kissed your cheek, referring to the intimate time between you two. “Can’t quit and won’t quit,” 
“Good to know. I should probably change up my birth control then since we refuse to do it the way it was taught in high school health class,” you laughed as you looked back at the TV again, feeling Joe laugh beside you as you saw that the time was now 11:53. 
“Oops. 7 minutes to go,” you said as you sat back up and handed Joe his champagne glass while grabbing yours. 
“Time to make a toast,” he said as he lifted his glass in the air. 
“Okay,” you giggled as you lifted your glass in the air. “But what are we toasting to?”.
“To us,” he smiled. “A toast to us and a new year filled with good vibes, lots of love, countless laughs, and even more moments where I fall even more in love with you than I already am,”. 
You felt your heart swell while your eyes pooled with tears, none falling through as you blinked them away and spoke up. “And I want to toast to the same thing, but also to you,”.
“To me?” Joe asked, slightly confused. 
“Mhm. To the person who literally turned my world upside down 9 years ago. The person that I’m lucky enough to call my best friend and my boyfriend. The person that makes me the happiest woman alive and the person that I can’t wait to spend every single New Years with from now on. The person that makes my heart smile and sets my soul on fire. The person that is my absolute everything,” you grinned. 
Joe stayed silent for a few moments as he took in the beautiful words you were saying to him before giving you a small nod and a fervent smile, “I’ll toast to that,”. You both moved your flutes closer together, a small clinking noise coming once you finished the toast before downing your champagne in one big gulp. 
You watched as a drop of champagne slid down Joe’s lip and slowly down to his chin, you quickly leaned over and slid your tongue along his chin to catch the drop, then pressed a kiss to the area after you were done.
“Ohhh, so we’re already getting to it?” Joe wiggled his eyebrows.
“Nope,” you giggled. “Not yet. Just making sure you didn’t get champagne on your clothes,” you said as you looked back at the time and saw that you had 3 minutes left.
Joe looked back as well and then stood up from his seat, extending his hand out to help you up before leading you to the open floor area. “It’s almost time,” he grinned.
“Yes, it is,” you laughed as you moved your hair back. “Our first ever New Year's kiss. One for the history books,”. 
“Damn straight,” Joe said as he abruptly pulled you closer to him by your waist, the sudden movement catching you off guard. 
“Someone’s eager,” you smiled.
“Oh, it’s definitely not like I haven’t been wishing for this moment every December 31st for the past 9 years,” he rolled his eyes.
“Well, you’re about to have your wish come true in about 60 seconds,” you winked. 
Joe smiled at you before turning around to see the TV, the camera panning over Times Square and zooming in on all the couples getting ready for their kisses. Then he turned back over to you and saw the pure happiness on your face and the little twinkle in your eye that was even more precious in the lighting of his backyard. He still couldn’t quite believe this was real life. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to believe that this is real life as this all felt like a dream that he didn’t want to wake up from. 
Joe took a deep breath before turning a bit more serious, “I love you. And I know I say it to you so often that it may lose its meaning but I really really love you more than anything else in this world and I’m so lucky and glad that I can do this with you. You make my world complete, you’re the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met, and you’ve changed my life for the better,” he quickly said as he gazed into your beautiful eyes. 
“10!” the countdown on the TV said. 
You looked into his eyes and felt all of the thoughts in your head disappear. The only thing you could think about was how much you loved him, which was more than enough to fill your empty head. 
“9!” you heard as you felt his grip on your waist tighten.  
“8!” you heard as you felt his hot breath against your skin, your arms looping around his neck as you both smiled at each other like two love-struck fools. 
“7!” you heard as you felt Joe sway you back and forth, a soft laugh coming from your mouth.
“6!” you heard as you moved your hands into his soft hair, twirling the strands around your fingers as you continued to get lost in his eyes.
“5!” you heard as you heard Joe speak up again. 
“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine,” he said. 
“4!” you heard before you spoke up. 
“I'm completely, utterly, and madly in love with you,” you whispered. 
“3!” you heard as you both slowly ghosted your lips over each other, your cold noses nuzzling against each other as you looked down at his pink lips.
“2!” you heard as your breathing picked up while your eyes moved back up to his heated gaze. “You’re everything,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear. 
“1!” you heard before you crashed your lips against each other. 
“Happy New Year!” the TV said, sounds of celebrations echoing through the backyard as fireworks started going off above you. 
You cupped Joe’s face and pulled him closer as he held you tighter, your lips saying so much to each other just like how your hearts were as they were so incredibly close given you close your chest was to his. Fireworks were going off inside of them, just like the ones that were going off in the sky above you. 
Your tongues tangled in each other's mouths, the taste of champagne lingering which made the kiss even more intoxicating than it already was. He was kissing you as if he had never kissed you before; the way his big hand gripped your waist and slid down your back was sending heat throughout your cold body, the way his lips molded against yours was almost like they were specifically made for you, and the warm and comfortable feeling you got from him was an irreplaceable feeling you couldn’t replicate any way else. 
After a few more moments of being attached to each other’s lips, you pulled away—both of you a little breathless—and rested your foreheads against each other, the biggest grins on both your faces. 
“Happy New Year, Baby,” Joe whispered.
“Happy New Year, Joey,” you blushed. 
End of flashback 
The photo was a picture of the two of you post-kiss, the fireworks visible in the background as you leaned your head against his cheek and rested your hand on his chest (the hand with the ring) and both of you had the most raw and beautiful smiles on your faces. 
You put the frame back down before pulling out your phone, clicking on Joe’s contact, and typing up a message. 
You: saw the photo on your desk.. you move fast ;)
Joe: good photos and even better memories deserve to be shared asap 🤷‍ i also like having a constant reminder of you when i'm in there 
You: have I told you how much I love you lately? because i realllyyyy do
Joe: maybe a few times but I don’t mind hearing it again.. but anyway, how are you doing? even though it’s only been a little over an hour ish since I’ve been gone 
You: great! took a nice long shower in your bathroom which by the way, water pressure is to die for. you’ll need to get used to me taking hour showers because wow..
Joe: noted lol. what’re you doing now? 
You: was about to head downstairs to make something for dinner but your office caught my eye first 
Joe: you aren’t naked are you…
You: i was kidding when i said that, well kind of..but im clothed don’t worry
Joe: good to hear ;)  and also don’t bother making anything for dinner. i ordered you some food and it should be at the house in a little bit 
You let out a soft laugh as you shook your head, Joe was always two steps ahead of you and always made sure you had everything you needed even if he wasn’t physically there with you.
Joe: there’s also a bunch of wine in the wine cellar so pick out your favorite and have at it. just don’t get too drunk without me 
You: no promisessss. but thanks for dinner 🥰
Joe: of course. im gonna go get dinner from the dining room with the guys so I’ll text you later?
You: okay, i love you <3
Joe: i love you x2
You let out a relaxed breath before slipping your phone back into your pocket, taking one more look around his office before walking out and making your way downstairs again. 
You find yourself in the wine cellar a few minutes later, your eyes glancing around the room as you are a bit overwhelmed with the amount of wine he has. “For a man who doesn’t drink very often, he sure has a great variety of wine,” you giggled as you looked around for your favorite. 
You smiled once you found a bottle of Malbec Rosé, sliding it out from the hold and exiting the cellar. Once you’re back in the kitchen, you pour yourself a hearty glass of the drink and sit back down on the barstool, sliding around as you think about what you could do now. 
“Hm, I guess I could just walk around more?” you whispered to yourself as you took a sip before sliding off the stool and getting up, the speaker on the counter by the sink catching your eye.
“Oo, music would be nice,” you thought while pulling out your phone and connecting your music to the speaker. Once you get that situated, you turn up the volume and start your walk around his house. 
“I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl, Who's desperately in love with you…” you mumble, singing along to the song as you walk past the patio door. You stop and look out from the door, thinking about how this patio would become your patio in a few short weeks. You’d get to have friends and family over here with Joe. You’d get to swim out in the pool with him and you’d get to sit by the fire every night in his arms while talking and watching the stars together. You'd get to watch the seasons pass by with him out there, seeing the leaves turn from green to orange and then covered with snow. 
You smiled while taking another sip of your wine before you continued walking, this time along the couch where you both spent a lot of time together watching various shows and movies and sometimes just talking for hours. You looked at the 2 built-in wall shelves on each side of the mounted TV, both decorated with fake plants, some more photos, and some unique decor pieces that you remember helping him pick out. He always had an interesting taste when it came to art and decorations and the house definitely showed that.
“Can’t wait to add my own flair to these things,” you softly chuckled. 
You continued walking around the house, this time walking past his special display shelf that had a few of his accolades on it. Your eyes went straight to the National Championship trophy, then to his Heisman, then to the few NFL honors awards, and then his AFC championship trophy. There was a large space next to it that was specifically kept empty because he wanted to put his first Lombardi and his Super Bowl ring there. Your eyes slowly welled with tears as you looked at all of his accomplishments, seeing how far he had come since you first met him all those years ago and how you’d been with him through every single one of these things. Your heart swelled once you realized you’d also get to be with him whenever this empty space would be filled with the greatest accomplishment of all. 
You took another sip of your wine and continued walking around the house, taking note of some empty spaces where you could add something of your own. A few minutes later, you heard the doorbell ring so you checked the camera and saw that it was the delivery person with your dinner. 
You placed the glass down and got the bags from the door before you walked back into the kitchen and laid everything out on the counter, the first bag was from Chipotle.
“He knows me too well,” you shook your head as you looked at the bowl which had everything you wanted on it. “How did he even memorize my order?”.
The second bag was from a local bakery you loved. “Hm?” you questioned why there was something from the bakery as you opened up the bag, pulling out a square-shaped box. You flipped the lid open and inside sat a beautiful heart-shaped cake with a white frosting base, tiny red hearts scattered across the surface, and a cursive ‘i love you’ in the middle all in red frosting. 
“Joe…,” you giggled as you stuffed your face in your hands and then moved them into your hair. His thoughtfulness knew no bounds and he had a constant need to keep you smiling, and whatever he did always worked. 
You pulled out your phone again and pulled up his contact, typing up another message to send him.
You: okay im this close to breaking all the rules and sneaking into the hotel and into your room 
Joe: i assume this is about the cake? either that or you’re just horny as hell
You: its most definitely about the cake (maybe a bit of the second thing too). how hard do you think it is to break into the facility and steal the mascot’s costume and then show up to the hotel and get up to your floor without being caught? my idea from a few weeks ago still sounds foolproof 🤷‍♀️
Joe: i’d say you probably wouldn’t make it past the front desk before getting the cops called on you 
You: yeah you’re probably right because they most definitely will think im your stalker or something 💀. 
i just wish i could kiss you right now. you’re the sweetest for this. thank you 💞
Joe: you can make it up to me tomorrow morning :)
You: oh i definitely will 
You wished you could’ve thanked him in person but there was nothing you could do at the moment to do so. After a few more minutes of texting about tomorrow, you grabbed your dinner, got comfy on the couch, and turned on an episode of The Office. It didn’t hit the same without Joe next to you, but it made you feel close to him since you were starting to miss him. 
“Separation anxiety is brutal,” you joked, only partly though. Normally you wouldn’t be missing him like this but being in the house without him was making it worse than usual. 
An hour later 
After wrapping up your dinner and eating a slice of the cake, you cleaned everything up downstairs before heading up to the bedroom for the night. Right now you were in his closet as you were trying to find something to spice up your game day look for tomorrow and his jewelry collection was the perfect place to go. 
Your eyes scanned his impressive jewelry collection, the sparkly diamonds and jewels were as dazzling as a million tiny stars embedded in the night sky. He had quite a few iced-out chains, some big statement pieces, and some simple more tamer pieces. 
Your eyes stopped once you saw his large ‘9’ iced out chain, a smile creeping up on your face because you remember when he wore it for his Bose photo shoot last year and how sexy he looked with it on, his longer headband hair made him even more desirable. You obviously couldn’t say anything then because you were just friends and he had a girlfriend at the time, but now you could say and do whatever you wanted. 
You picked up the chain from the velvet pad it was resting on, the necklace a little heavier than you expected. “How the hell does this not break his neck,” you whispered to yourself as you held it up in front of your face. You obviously weren’t going to wear this one tomorrow, but lucky for you he had a smaller version of the necklace right next to it. 
“Now that’s my kind of thing,” you giggled as you started to place the necklace back down but stopped once you saw one of his hats sitting on the shelf across the closet. A sultry idea popped into your head, one that you’d never thought of for anyone before let alone Joe. 
“I may not be able to physically thank him for being such a great boyfriend, but I can send him a little something to show my appreciation and give him a treat of his own,” you smirked as you took the necklace over to where the hat was. You put the necklace down and slip your clothes off, then put the hat on your head but backwards just like Joe did, and then put the iced-out ‘9’ chain around your neck. You were standing just in your lacy light orange bra and pantie set, the cold diamond ‘9’ resting right above your cleavage. You slipped off one of the straps of your bra so that more of your breast was visible, grabbed your phone, and walked over to the floor-length mirror. You got down on your knees and sat back, spreading open your legs a little bit to get a good position. You opened up the camera and snapped a few pics of yourself like this, then switched up the poses a little bit to tease him. 
“He’s gonna love this,” you giggled to yourself. 
For the last picture, you took the chain of the necklace and held it between your teeth, the ‘9’ now dangling as you slid the strap of your bra down a little lower, the top of your nipple now in the frame. You snapped a final photo and let go of the necklace which was now starting to hurt your neck. You had never done this for any other guy before so this was new for you, but you were comfortable with it since you knew it was only going to be seen by a guy that absolutely loved you to pieces. 
If you told yourself 9 years ago that you’d be sitting inside Joe’s closet taking these kinds of photos to send him, you’d slap yourself in the face and call bullshit. But you shouldn’t be surprised you were doing this considering how ravenous you two had been around each other since the first time you two had sex about a month ago. It was like another part of you was unlocked by him, a part no other guy could crack open. You two just couldn’t stay away from each other. 
Flashback to the morning after your first time 
Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you felt a pair of warm lips pressing feather-light kisses to your lips. You fully opened your eyes and saw Joe cutely smiling down at you as he was admiring your beautiful face and tucking your hair behind your ear. “Morning beautiful,” he said with a kiss to your forehead, his voice more raspy than usual due to last night’s activities. 
“Good morning,” you rasped, your voice also incredibly scratchy given how much you were screaming last night.
“We sound soooo…,” he began to say.
“Fucked out?” you giggled.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his cheeks turning a little red. “It was worth it though. A solid 2 rounds before we crashed,”.
“Did you have fun?” you smiled up at him, internally praying that he enjoyed this as much as you did.
“Fun is an understatement. That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my entire life,” he mumbled as he leaned in to kiss you again. You smiled and grabbed his cheek with your hand, moving closer to his head as the kiss slowly became more heated. His hands went under the covers and settled on the bare skin of your lower back, his soft and familiar touch making you want more as he pulled you closer to him. You shrugged the covers off your nude body and slowly hooked your legs around his waist, your lips still attached as you got on top of him. 
His hands settled on your hips as you continued to share a feverish kiss for a few more moments. Both of your tongues tangled in each other's mouths; your hands were massaging the soft skin of his neck while he was tracing and lightly scratching your back.
“Hey, what was that for?” Joe pouted after you abruptly pulled away.
“Want to make it a solid 3 rounds?” you winked, your body still very sore but sizzling with anticipation because of the man underneath you.
Joe looked at you for a few moments, thinking about how lucky he was to be sitting here with you right now, especially like this. You two were sharing such intimate moments with each other and he had never thought that this would’ve ever happened, but this was reality. “I thought you’d never ask. I cannot get enough of you,” he grinned as he started to scooch up to flip you both over.  
You placed your hands on both of his shoulders and pushed him back down, “Mm, Mm. You did all the work last night. It’s my turn,” you shook your head, the thing that you were implying making Joe’s heart skip a beat. Since last night was the first time you did this, you’d never been on top of him before and the thought of that happening was making him lose all coolness.
“Just take it easy. I don’t want you to hurt yourself and if it's too much we can always stop,”  he softly said as he stroked your thigh, just body humming with anticipation just like yours. 
“I love you,” you said as you leaned down to peck his lips before moving back up. 
“I love you too,” he smiled as he put his arms behind his head and laid back, his bulging biceps even more prominent this way. He looked so good right now with his messy bedhead, swollen lips, that little purple love bite you left on his neck last night, and his sweet bedroom eyes. It was all making you even more needy for him than you’d ever felt before. 
You grabbed his growing erection and guided the tip between your drenched folds before slipping it inside, a loud moan leaving your lips at the sudden fullness you were feeling. “Oh, fuck,” you whined as you threw your head back, still not fully used to his size. 
Joe looked up at you and watched as you slid down his length and got comfortably seated. He was trying not to lose his cool but he really really wanted to flip you over and fuck you senseless because of how sexy you looked above him right now, but he knew you wanted to do this so he was letting you do your thing. You rested your palms on his chest as you slowly started to slide up and down his length, each movement sending electric jolts throughout your body as you could feel every single inch of him right now. “Joe,” you moaned as you picked up the pace, your manicured nails digging into his chest. 
You leaned down and gently bit his thick bicep, a throaty moan leaving his lips after you pressed a kiss to the little bite mark you left. “Y/N,” he panted. 
Joe felt himself getting lost in your touch, his brain getting all foggy as sounds of pleasure started leaving his lips. “Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned as he moved his arms from under his head and gripped your waist. Sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room as you quickened your pace, Joe’s eyes stuck on your perfect breasts that were bouncing in front of him with movement. You felt and looked heavenly on top of him, a feeling he’d never felt before with anyone else filling his mind and body. 
“Baby, please you feel so good,” Joe whimpered as he dug his head further back into the pillow. “You’re doing so fucking good,”. Joe was having the absolute time of his life watching you bounce on his cock as sounds of pleasure were leaving your lips like a prayer. The thought of you sharing this intimate experience with him was enough to make him let go right then and there, but the fact that it wasn’t a thought and was actually happening right now was what he couldn’t believe. 
“You like that?” you smirked as you turned his head back to look up at you, the heat in your stomach rising as his hands wandered along your body. You felt him give your breast a gentle squeeze at the same time as you felt him hit a spot inside you he hadn’t before.
“O- oh my god,” you whimpered as you fell forward onto him, his hands holding you tightly as he pushed your lips against his in a messy kiss.
“I’m fucking obsessed with you,” Joe mumbled between the kiss, your moans coming out in short gasps as you felt him buck his hips into yours. 
Every word that came from his mouth set your heart on fire. Every time he touched you, you felt electricity run through your veins. Every time he looked at you with those eyes filled with love and passion, you felt like his soul was hugging yours. 
Every time you looked at him with the same love and passion, he felt his heart explode. Every time you touched him, he felt like he was in heaven. Every time his name left your lips, he fell more in love with you. 
“Ah, fuck. Joe, you’re s- you’re so..” you whimpered before you went back to the kiss as you rode him into oblivion.
You pulled away and sat up again, this time moving back and forth even faster as he thrusts up into you. “Mmph, Joey,” you whimpered as you placed your hands on his, which were gripping your waist. This felt better than either of you could’ve ever imagined, both of you also mentally cursed yourselves out for missing out on this for so long. 
“I’m close,” Joe groaned, feeling himself hurdle towards his pleasure; the feeling of your warm cushiony walls wrapped around him was the greatest thing he’d ever felt. 
You nodded, placed your palms back on his chest, and bounced back against him even harder even though your legs started to get tired. Joe started to press kisses along your hands and your arms as you continued to ride him, “You’re doing so good, baby,” he praised, which sent you closer to your orgasm as the band in your belly was tightening.
“Joe,” you whimpered, your legs starting to burn as you slowed down. 
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he said as he gripped your hips and guided you along his thick shaft, taking the weight off of you and giving you some rest. He then moved his hands under your thighs and started snapping his hips up into your soaked core, both of you just moments away from fully letting go. One particular hard thrust stroked your G-spot and had you screaming once again.
“Mm..Joe, I’m gonna.. cum,” you moaned as your chest heaved from the intense pleasure you were feeling in your body. 
“Fuck, me too,” he whimpered as he snapped his hips up into yours again, this time your release washing over you.
“Joe,” you screamed as you felt the band in your belly snap and your walls tighten around him, your body falling forward onto him again. He drapes his arm around your back and pulls you closer as you moan into his ear, the aftermath of your release hitting you like a brick wall.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” Joe rasped as he felt you move your face to his face, your lips crashing down on him as he released inside of you, the kiss being interrupted by his moans which came out in sharp breaths. 
A few minutes later, he was holding you so incredibly close to him as both of you spent a few moments catching your breaths and coming down from your intense highs. The only sounds in the room are your steady breaths; the quietness and his warm body are incredibly comforting. You were laying your head against his chest, feeling his hand play with the strands of your hair while you lightly scratched his chest before you heard him speak up.
“You are a dream that I never want to wake up from,”.
End of flashback 
Then it got worse (was it really a bad thing though?) after the first time you went down on him after you had one too many glasses of wine at lunch with your friends and he looked like a walking greek god when he came over to your place after practice.
Flashback to a few weeks ago
“You look prettyyy,” you giggled as you stared at Joe who was trying to eat the post-practice salad you made him but couldn’t focus on because of how intensely you were staring at him. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and taking a slow bite of the salad.  
“I’m greattttt,” you slurred as you leaned back in your chair. 
“Uh-huh,” he nodded. “What’s my middle name?” he quizzed you.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “I said I’m great, Joseph Lee Burrow. I just had a few glasses of wine earlier at lunch with the girls so I’m a little tipsy,”. 
“How many is a few…,” he bit his lip as he watched you struggle to remember.
“Uhh, no comment,” you grinned at him as you got up from your chair. “But I’m 100% sober when I say you look absolutely amazing right now,” you smiled when you walked over to him, pulled his chair out a bit, and then sat down in his lap and pressed your crotch against his. His big hands instinctively settled on your ass as you looped your arms around his neck.
“I’m really sweaty right now,” he nervously cleared his throat.
“I don’t care,” you said as you pressed delicate kisses along his face. “You look, feel, and taste amazing,” you mumbled as you moved down to his neck, licking a stripe along his jawline and tasting the salty sweat on his skin.
“What’s gotten into you,” he chuckled as he moved your head back into his view. 
“Ask the media admin who posted quite a few pictures and videos of you from practice today,” you giggled. “You looked hot,”. 
“Looked? Damn, am I not hot right now?” he playfully pouted. 
“You know you are,” you said, sending him a heated look. “I’ve dreamed about you in this cut-off white shirt quite a few times over the years,” you winked as you traced his chest through the loose shirt that barely covered his chiseled body.
“Jesus, you are drunk as hell,” Joe laughed while throwing his head back. 
“Shut up,” you smiled while grabbing his head and pressing your lips against his, the kiss quickly becoming more heated as he began to rock your hips back and forth against his growing erection. 
“Mmph,” you moaned into the kiss as he was grinding you against him, the hardness underneath you sending shivers down your spine.
“I think we should take this to the bedroom,” he mumbled as he started placing open-mouthed kisses along your jawline.
You let out a heavy sigh, “I’d love to but I got my period this morning,”.
“That’s great,” he grinned as he moved his head back up to yours.
“What…” you asked, as you tilted your head out of confusion.
“I mean, that sucks because of cramps and all that annoying period stuff. But that’s great because it means there’s no bun in the oven,” he softly laughed. “Yet, at least,” he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for him to hear.
“That is true,” you nodded as you fell forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around you in a warm hug. You stuffed your neck into his neck, smelling his natural pheromones from his sweat which combined with the hardness you felt under you was adding to the tension you were feeling right now. 
“But that doesn’t mean I can’t make you feel good,” you whispered in his ear, Joe’s heart stopped when he realized what you were saying. 
“I….,” he trailed off, his heart beat picking up again and his palms getting sweaty. 
You pulled away from the hug and met his eyes, flashing him a sweet smile before speaking up. “I’m serious, Joe. Let me make you feel good,” you said as you traced his arm all the way up to his face. 
His silence started to worry you and you felt yourself getting nervous again, just like how you did when it was the first time you two did anything intimate. “Unless you don’t want to,” you quickly said as you started getting off his lap, but his big hands wrapped around you and pulled you back down. 
"It’s not that I don’t want to. God, I want to,” he laughed. “It’s just…I don’t want you to do something if you’re not comfortable with it and won’t enjoy it yourself,” he said as he cupped your cheek and rubbed his thumb against your skin.
You grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of his hand, “I want to,” you nodded. “I really want to,” you mumbled as you leaned forward again and crashed your lips against his. 
After a few minutes of teasing him with your kisses and your touch, you slid off of him and got on your knees in front of his chair. You used your hands and spread his legs open before you looked back up at him, his eyes darkened with lust as he bit his lip. 
You smirked at him as you leaned forward to pull his shorts and boxers, after which his impressive erection sprang free. You ran your manicured hands along his thick, muscular thighs as you slowly leaned down and wrapped your lips around his shaft.
Joe closed his eyes as he felt you take him deeper and deeper with each bob of your head, “Fuck, Y/N,” he whispered. You moved your lips back to the tip, pulling them off with an audible pop as you licked a stripe across his red tip, tasting the bit of pre-cum that was pooling. 
He let out another low moan once you wrapped your lips around him again and slowly moved down his cock. You started bobbing your head up and down, more sounds of pleasure leaving Joe’s lips as you used your hand to give him a few pumps while you worked your way down.
“Mm, Y/N,” he whimpered as you felt his hands in your hair, your eyes navigating up to his eyes which once again were telling you what he was thinking without him actually saying it. You squeezed his thigh in response as you went back to what you were doing, Joe’s hands gently pushing you down further as you moaned against him.
A few minutes later, you moved off his cock and kept eye contact with him while you jerked him off with your hand as you used your other one to wipe the saliva around your lips, a smirk on your lips as you saw his blissful facial expression; the way he was biting his lips, his tired eyes filled with lust and love, and the way his hand was lovingly rubbing your head. You moved back down after a few seconds, teasing the slit with your tongue and licking a stripe down the side before you took him in your mouth again. 
“F-Fuck,” he moaned once he felt the tip hit the back of your throat. He looked down at you with his tired eyes and couldn’t believe that this was really happening. He physically could not get enough of you; not now, not ever. Joe began bucking his hips up a few moments later, the feeling in his belly getting stronger as you got sloppy with your movements. His hand started pushing you down harder, your moans and whimpers being muffled because you had him in your mouth. Tears started coming down your cheeks as he started to thrust into your mouth and when you looked up at him, you knew he was close. 
“God damn..you’re so fucking good at this,” he moaned as you massaged his balls using your free hand, Joe just mere moments away from reaching his high. 
A few more heated moments later, you felt ropes of warm cum shoot down your throat. “Y/N…” he moaned while throwing his head back. It really couldn’t get better than this for Joe. He was already obsessed with you as a person, but now he was obsessed with you physically. 
You continued to bob up and down his shaft, making sure to milk every last drop of his orgasm before you released him from your mouth, then swallowing his sweet release as you looked into his heavy eyes. 
“You are insane,” he panted as his chest heaved, a thin coating of sweat on both of your skins because of your actions. 
“I know,” you cockily grinned as you wiped his release off your lips with the back of your fingers before licking them clean.
End of flashback 
After that, it was the two of you going at it in the backseat of his Porsche after a post-practice dinner with some of the guys and their significant others. That compression shirt he had on was sending you into overdrive and the way you were teasing each other the entire time was making it worse. 
Flashback to the night out with your friends 
You were in dire need of a cold shower right now. 
You were trying so hard to keep yourself together as you were currently at dinner with Joe and a few of his friends from the team (who at this point were also your friends). But the man sitting next to you was making it incredibly difficult for you to act normal. 
First, it was the fact that he picked you up after practice and he was just in his skin-tight compression shirt and his workout shorts, which he was still wearing at dinner. He knew this combination always made you feel certain feelings and normally he would change out of these clothes after practice was over, but he was doing this on purpose because he knew you were going to see it. The top highlighted his delicious biceps and hugged his body so tightly that his chiseled figure was on full display; he was mouthwatering and he knew it too. 
Then, it was the fact that ever since you sat down at the table with your friends for dinner, he’d been sneakily teasing you with little touches and glances that he knew drove you wild. Nobody in the room knew you were dating so it should make sense as to why you were struggling to keep it together.  
You felt his hand creep up to your thigh, his big hand seductively massaging the skin as you took a bite of your meal while intensely staring at him. 
“So, Y/N. How does it feel being Joe’s honorary girlfriend,” Jermaine teased as he took a sip of his water. 
You flipped your head from Joe to him as you felt your heart stop in your chest. “What?” you deadpanned. 
“Burrow over here can’t seem to keep a girl around to save his life,” Tee laughed as he watched Joe roll his eyes.
“Correction, he can’t keep a girl other than Y/N around,” Ja’marr nodded. “She been with him since day 1. Why? I have no fucking idea but he’s managed to keep her around somehow,”.
“It must be because of…,” Tee teased as he pointed down to his crotch, your eyes widening and cheeks turning red at the embarrassing situation you were in right now. 
“You guys are children,” Joe shook his head as he moved his hand to cup your mound through your skirt, your eyes widening again as you flipped your head over to him. Now was not the time to be doing this, not in front of everyone. 
You grabbed his forearm and scooched his hand back over to his lap before speaking up, “Maybe the reason he can’t keep a girl around is because of his bad timing,” you said while shooting daggers at him with your eyes and emphasizing the ‘bad timing’ part.  
“Um, ouch?” Joe raised an eyebrow and bumped your leg with his. 
“Damnnn, even she sees it,” Jermaine laughed. “But Y/N, you gotta admit. You kinda are the honorary girlfriend at this point. They need to add you to the WAG’s list or something,”. 
“She knows she just won’t admit it,” Ja’marr pointed out. “Must be an ego thing,”.
“Ouch?” you said, acting like you were offended by that. You then felt Joe’s foot bump into yours, but not by accident. You looked over at him and saw the smug grin on his face as he continued to rub his foot, then his leg against yours underneath the table in a way that sent shivers throughout your body. 
“He wants to play? Let’s play,” you thought to yourself. 
You cleared your throat before turning back over to face the guys, “You know, maybe Joe can’t keep a girl around because he’s bad in bed?” you boldly said as you moved your hand to his lap, gently grabbing his cock through his shorts which made him jerk up in his seat. 
“No way,” Tee said before he fell into a fit of laughter.
“I’m serious,” you shrugged as you gave Joe a squeeze through his shorts, hearing him softly groan next to you. “Sex is very important to girls. The whole intimacy and love aspect of it is very important for relationship development,” you nodded. “Maybe Joe just sucks at it,” you smirked as you looked over at him, his cheeks flushed as he was biting his lip.
Oh, he definitely didn’t suck. If he got any better at it you would probably have a stroke. 
“Damn, you really gonna let your girl do you like that?” Ja’marr said to Joe. 
“She can do whatever she wants,” Joe said, giving you a heated look as he stared intensely at your eyes and then your plump pink lips that were covered with peach lip gloss. 
“Whatever I want, huh?” you wiggled your eyebrows at him as you let go of his dick and slid your hand along his thick muscular thigh. “Okay, then I think the guys would just love to hear about how you almost threw up on one of your hookups back at Ohio State and how you had to text me to come save your ass while I was in the middle of a date. When I showed up she thought I was his girlfriend and he was cheating on me,” you giggled. “It was a whole improv routine, I swear,”. 
“But you still came anyway,” Joe said, staring deeply into your eyes. “You always showed up whenever I needed you,” he said a little quieter, but his words were incredibly loud and clear. You always showed up for him in every shape and form possible, and now that you were together, that would never change.
“Y/N, we coulda used you down at LSU for real,” Ja’marr nodded. “You’re the only one that can keep Shiesty over here from completely embarrassing himself and the only one that can keep him in check,”. 
“Ohhh, I know,” you grinned. “I do a really good job at keeping him in check,” you winked at the guys as you gave Joe’s thigh a loving squeeze.
An hour later 
After the dinner, you both got into Joe’s sleek black porche and were on your way back to his house, the tension in the car growing as you two sat in silence and had not mentioned a word about the shenanigans at dinner. The only sounds in the car were the song playing on the aux–Kiss It Better by Rhianna–and the sounds of the car moving. 
You glanced over at him, taking in his muscular and hypnotizing body. The way his jaw was clenching as he focused on the road, the way his veiny hands that you loved to feel on your body gripped the steering wheel, the way the tight compression shirt fit him like another skin, the way his thick muscular thighs were spread open, and the way his plump bottom lip was in between his teeth. You needed him so badly and the teasing at dinner made it worse.
Joe felt your eyes on him so he turned over to look at you, but you quickly turned your head away and continued to look out your window, praying he didn’t notice you looking at him but you were too late. He slowly swallowed as he stared at your perfect body. The way your delicate eyelashes were fluttering as you stared out at the road, your glossy pink lips that he wanted to feel against his so badly right now, the way your cropped sweater was hugging your perfect hips and breasts, the way your freshly manicured hands that he loved to feel in his hair and along his back were gripping your phone. You looked incredible and he felt a visceral ache inside of him because of how badly he needed you right now. 
“Just take it on back, boy, take it on back, boy. Take it back all night. Just take it on back, take it on back. Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night,” you mumbled as you bobbed your head to the song, slowly turning your head over to look at Joe, finally your eyes meeting his heated gaze.
“You’re staring,” you whispered as you felt your heart rate ramp up and your stomach do a backflip. 
“I know,” he breathed out as he flipped his head back to the road, the sign for the nearest exit getting closer as he switched lanes to get to the exit lane. You were confused as to why he was going this way since this wasn’t the way back home, but you didn’t say anything because your brain was slowly being clouded by lust and desire. 
You watched as he sped slightly, his grip on the steering wheel becoming tighter which made more of the veins along his muscular arm pop. Your eyes then fell down to his lap, the tent in his shorts incredibly prominent which made you smile knowing the effect you had on him. 
He quickly pulled into the most empty parking lot possible, your mind finally realizing why he was doing this and a gush of wetness pooling your core at the thought of it. He quickly put the car in park and turned it off before looking over at you, “Backseat?” he breathlessly asked, his voice thick with infatuation. 
“Absolutely,” you grinned as you quickly got out of the passenger side and slipped into the spacious backseat of his Porsche, Joe following you.  
“Thank god for tinted windows,” you giggled as Joe pulled you onto his lap, his big hands settling on either side of your hips as he smashed his lips against yours. 
“I need you so bad,” he said as he pressed kisses along your cheeks and jawline. 
“I’m right here,” you whispered as you leaned back to look at him, his hands instantly pulling you back forward as he smashed his lips against yours again, this time his tongue invading your mouth as he started to peel off your top. 
You flung it to the side before pulling your skirt off, then returning to the kiss while you felt his hands wander along your back before unclasping your bra. You let the straps fall as he slipped it off for you, you leaned back again as Joe peppered kisses along your collarbone down to your breasts, lightly nipping and sucking on them before kissing his way back up to your lips. You began to grind down on his crotch which made him moan into the kiss, his fingers slowly peeling your lace panties off. You quickly moved to the side to get them off faster before coming back into his lap.
“Leave this on,” you mumbled, pointing to his tight compression shirt.
“Whatever you want,” he said, getting lost in your beautiful eyes. 
“I want these off though,” you giggled, pointing down at his shorts and boxers.
“Oh, right,” he said, snapping out of his daze. He picked himself up and pulled both down at once, his erection springing free as you quickly gave him a few pumps before lining him up with your already wet core. 
You smashed your lips against him as you slowly slid down his thick shaft, the feeling of him inside of you was something that you could never get tired of. “Joe,” you moaned against his lips, the way he was stretching you out was sending you right to the edge. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he whimpered as you started moving against him, his hands landing on your hips as he started to help you move. 
You put on of your hands in his dirty blonde curls, softly pulling at the strands as you picked up your pace. You moved your lips down to his neck where you spent a few moments sucking on his soft skin which was sure to leave a pretty purple mark
“You feel so good,” he breathed out as his head fell back. You continued to move up and down him, the car filling with breathy moans and skin slapping which made you both even more desperate for more. 
Joe wrapped his arms around your torso and started snapping his hips up into you, the sudden change of pace causing you to topple over and your hand to slide against the car window. “F- Fuck, oh my god,” you whined as you leaned on him, the new angle causing him to reach new spots inside of you.
“You like that?” he whispered in your ear.
“Mmhm,” you breathlessly nodded as he continued to rapidly thrust into your slick core. 
A few moments later, you leaned back again and placed both hands on either side of his shoulders as you started to rock your hips back and forth. This new movement made Joe lose it.
“Fuck, I can’t..That’s it...That’s my girl,” he whimpered as he gripped your waist tightly, his brain fully fogged and the heat in his belly getting stronger. 
The words that were coming from his mouth and the tension in your belly increasing made you lose it. “Joe, I’m so close,” you moaned as you felt your walls slowly tighten around his cock. 
He moved a hand down to where you two were connected, the mere sight of that drove him crazy let alone the feeling of being connected. He started rubbing circles around your sensitive clit, giving it a few rubs and then a gentle pinch which sent you right to the edge. “Oh my god,” you screamed, your high hitting you like a ton of bricks.
“I’m close,” he groaned as he began snapping his hips up into you again, your walls squeezing him in the best way possible as the wetness below you increased. 
“J-Joe,” you whimpered as you leaned back, your high still washing over you as he continued to push deeper inside of you. 
“I’m about to cum,” he moaned as he ran his veiny hands along the sides of your thighs.
“S- Shit..pull out,” you panted as you looked down at him.
“Why?” he breathed out as he met your tired eyes.
“J-Joe, fuck…cum on my stomach,” you moaned as you placed your hand on his chest. 
Joe stared at you in awe for a few seconds. He had never seen you like this before, but he loved it. He loved this side of you and he loved you. He nodded as he stopped his movements and easily slipped out of you, the loss of contact making you squirm in his lap, “Shit,” you whimpered as you felt your release seeping onto him.
He gave himself a few pumps as he watched you catch your breath, your gorgeous body glistening because of the light coming into the car from the street lights. A few seconds later thick ropes of cum spilled out onto your belly, the sight making you feel euphoric. “Y/N,” he moaned as his head fell back again. 
You looked back up at him and grabbed his head so that he was looking at you, “Look at me,” you panted as you felt him release more ropes of his pearly cum onto you while the rest was dripping down your belly. 
“You are amazing,” you grinned as you pulled his head forward and captured his lips in a heated kiss as he fell back into the seat with you closely pressed against him, your lips moving against each other in a sensual tango.
After a few minutes of catching your breaths and whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears, you spoke up. “Sooo, are we going to talk about earlier?”.
“I think we just did,” he smiled at you, referring to what just transpired in the backseat of his car. 
End of flashback 
Then it was your best friend Lydia (the only one who knew about you two since she picked you up from his house the morning after the christmas party) catching on to what you two were up to which resulted in you fawning over how amazing it was to her. 
Flashback to the phone call
“Sooo, how is it,” she asked through the phone, you could practically feel the smirk on her face. “And I’m asking because this time I know for sure you’ve had sex with him,”.
“How can you be so sure?” you giggled as you fell back against your soft sheets. 
“Nobody, and I mean Nobody is going to believe the lame-ass excuse you gave me about building Ikea furniture at Joe’s house as to why you couldn’t Facetime me earlier. You wouldn’t be caught dead within 5 feet of a hammer and an instruction manual. You weren’t building a bed, you were probably breaking it,” she teased.
“Lydia!” you screamed as your jaw dropped, you couldn’t help but laugh at the silliness of it all. You both were truly making up for lost time with how your relationship was developing, doing everything you wish you could’ve done with each other in college. 
“Soo,” she said, expecting more from you.
“Fine,” you laughed. “It’s really really really good,”.
“Like how good?” she asked.
“Hmmm, as good as a bottle of cold water at 3 in the morning,” you smiled.
“Damnnn, okay Joe,” Lydia laughed.
“He’s so comforting and gentle with everything. He talks me through it all, says the sweetest things to me, looks at me like I'm the rarest diamond in the world, and showers me with all the love in the world. He always ensures I’m fine and wants to do it as much as he does. It’s just so perfect,” you said as you flipped over onto your stomach and started moving your feet back and forth like a child.
“Aww,” she cooed. 
“But he’s also very good at everything he does, never makes me feel unsatisfied or unappreciated...There's a side to him that is less lover and more motivated by raw desire. I think if he got even better at it, I would have a stroke,” you blushed. “Just know I have a bottle of Advil on standby because…Damn,” you giggled.
“I love this for you. He sounds like everything you needed in your life,” she said. 
“I’m really happy, Lydia. Like I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I can’t get enough,” you said as you felt your heart skip a beat. 
“Lovergirl finally got her Loverboy. All is right in the world,” she smiled through the phone. “You two are tooth rottingly adorable and sweet,”. 
“Adorable, sweet, desperate, horny. We’re a mix of a lot of things,” you laughed as you stuffed your face into the pillow.
End of flashback 
“Good god, someone please spray us with anti-horny spray,” you laughed as you felt yourself getting worked up. 
You took everything off and put it back in its spots before you put your clothes back on and turned the closet light off. You walked into the bathroom to do your nightly routine of brushing your teeth and washing your face before getting comfy in his bed. 
You pulled up his contact and looked over at the time, “He’s probably still awake,” you said as you clicked on the photos you took earlier and sent them to him. “Hopefully he’s alone,” you laughed when you realized how embarrassed he’d be if he opened these photos around others. 
You turned the TV and put on a movie as you set your phone to the side, a few moments later the screen lit up with texts from Joe.
Joe: holy fuck 
Joe: holy fuckkkkkkk baby 
Joe: you look so sexy what the fuck.
Joe: you doing this to me knowing i’m a good 30 minutes away and can’t leave is criminal. 
You: doing what?
Joe: Y/N.
You: fineeee. i just wanted to show my appreciation and since you’re not here this was my best option.. 🤷‍♀️
Joe: that necklace looks even better on you than it does me. and that hat too. god, you’re so pretty
You: thank youuu but that necklace was about to break my neck. don’t know how you do it 
Joe: i’m glad you put it on though. you look hot as fuckkkk. i’m struggling to keep it together right now 
You: settle down QB. you have a game tomorrow, save that energy for the field 
Joe: just wait until after the game. im getting my appreciation in person too, i’m making sure of it
You: only if you win for me 
Joe: you got it gorgeous 
You: you should probably go to sleep now, you need to get your full beauty sleep 
Joe: you’re probably right
Joe: i miss you 
You: miss you too, J
Joe: i’ll see you in the morning. i love you and thanks for that treat :)
You: i love you more and of course. just don’t have too many scandalous dreams or you’re going to wake up frazzled  
Joe: no promises.. i have hot ass girlfriend so my brain has a mind of its own
You: night joey
Joe: night sexy ;)
You smile as you put your phone on the nightstand and turn the TV off before turning the lights off. You got comfy under the covers and laid your head against his pillows, his natural scent lingering on them making you smile as you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
The next morning 
You felt a pair of soft lips press delicate kisses along your face, your eyes slowly fluttering open as you saw Joe sitting on the bed next to you with a huge smile on his face. “Morning, sunshine,” he smiled as he moved your hair out of your eyes before kissing your lips.
You quickly scooched up and pulled him in for a hug, “Mmm, morning. I missed you,” you said as you pressed lazy kisses along his neck. 
“How did it feel being the lady of the house while I was gone,” he laughed before kissing your cheek and pulling away from the hug. 
“Good,” you yawned as you stretched your arms out. “I think I’ll do just fine here,” you smiled. 
“Amazing,” he smiled before leaning forward and pressing two sweet kisses to your forehead, a soft laugh coming from your lips because of his sweet actions, and also because you remembered the first time he kissed your forehead. Forehead kisses were one of your favorites, so sweet and intimate.  
“Why are you laughing,” he said while raising an eyebrow.
“That forehead kiss,” you smiled. 
“What about it?” he questioned.
“Reminds me of the first time you kissed my forehead. Remember? Back at my apartment when you showed up with a bunch of goodies to cheer me up after the shitty day I had,”.
“Of course, I remember,” he nodded as he laced his fingers with yours and played with the ring on your left hand. “That was also the first time you kissed my neck,”.
Joe loved it when you kissed his neck, it felt so comforting and sweet; just like you. 
“I never did ask you why you kissed my forehead, Did I?” you asked him.
“Nope,” he shook his head.
“Well, why did you? You never kissed my forehead, even when I had breakdowns worse than that,” you wondered. 
“I kind of had a feeling that you were crying for another reason. A reason you couldn’t tell me about. You were crying because of our relationship, weren’t you?” he asked as he looked up. 
You nodded, “Yeah..I was getting in my head about the whole thing and the possibility of screwing everything up and losing you,” you sighed, dropping your head. 
“But you didn’t,” he said as he moved your head back up. “You didn’t lose me and you won’t lose me,” he smiled. “I kissed your forehead because I actually wanted to kiss your lips, but I couldn’t. I kissed your forehead also because I knew what forehead kisses meant to you and I guess that was my way of showing my love without actually saying it,”. 
“Well, I definitely felt loved in that moment,” you grinned as you leaned forward to kiss him.
“Wait, but why did you kiss my neck? You’d never done that before either,” he asked. 
“Honestly? I don’t know. I think my body knew how much I needed you before my mind did,” you giggled. “It felt right for some reason,”.
“I like that,” he smiled. “It feels right,”.
“Mhmmm,” you giggled as you leaned forward to kiss his neck again. 
“You should go get ready. I’ll grab us breakfast on the way to the stadium,” he smiled.
“So early? The game isn’t until 4:25,” you said while rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah, I know. But since it’s the first playoff game, they want us there early. My parents are going to be there to keep you company too so you won’t get bored. You can explore the stadium if you want as well,” he said as he got up from the bed. “But I think you’d get bored of that since you’ve been coming to every home game for the past few years,”.
“Yeahhh,” you smiled as you got up. “It’s good though. I love catching up with Jimmy and Robin so I’ll be fine,”.
“They do love you a lot,” he smiled as he pulled you in for another hug, your chin resting against his chest as you looked up at him.
“Good thing I love them and their golden baby a lot too,” you smiled before pressing a big, passion-filled kiss to his lips and quickly pulling away from him. 
“Teaseeee,” he laughed and shook his head as you walked into the bathroom with a smirk on your face. 
A little while later, you walked downstairs after getting ready and saw Joe facing the kitchen as he was seated on the barstool and scrolling on his phone. He heard your footsteps behind him so he turned around, his jaw on the floor once he saw you. 
You were wearing baggy black leather cargo pants, a tight skin-fit orange crop top, a ‘Burrow’-themed bomber jacket, and his smaller ‘9’ necklace. Your shoes were orange and black, a little ‘9’ carved in on the sides. 
“Y/N…” he said as he got up, watching you do a little twirl as you walked over to him.
“You like?” you smiled.
“I love,” he said as he took in your outfit again. “That’s my girl,” he smiled as he touched the smaller iced-out ‘9’ chain around your neck. 
“I hope it’s not too much. I wanted to make my first official appearance as Joe Burrow’s girlfriend a good one,” you said as you bit your lip.
“It’s perfect. You look absolutely stunning,” he said, sealing his words with a kiss. “I’ve dreamed of this, seeing you wearing my number as my girlfriend and not just my best friend,”.
“I’m glad I could make it come true,” you giggled. “Oh wait! I almost forgot something,” you froze. 
“What? I don’t see how you could make this better than it already is,” he laughed as he admired your sick jacket. 
You winked at him as you pulled up your pants, showing your socks off to him. “One sock inside out,”. 
Joe’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the inside-out sock. He had been wearing one of his socks inside out since his early college days, a pre-game ritual that had become a tradition for him every time he stepped out on the field. The fact that you were partaking in this with him made his heart flutter, the fact that you remembered made his heart flutter. 
“Y- You remembered,” he mumbled as he looked up at you with his soft eyes. 
“Of course, I remembered,” you said while gently punching his shoulder. “This is one thing that makes you, you. You’re still the same guy you were all those years ago and the fact that you still do these things is adorable,” you grinned, your hand going into your pocket as you reached for something.
“Aaandd, almost forgot this too,” you said as you handed him a Caramel Apple sucker which was a part of another pre-game ritual of his. 
Joe laughed as he took the sucker from your hand, “You’re incredible, you know that?” Joe smiled. 
“No, you’re incredible,” you giggled while you kissed his smooth cheek. He meant the world to you, so doing these things for him was a given. You wanted to make today as special as possible for the two of you.  
A few hours later 
“Are you excited, sweetie?” Robin eagerly asked as she patted your leg.
“Very excited. I can’t wait to see him out there,” you smiled at his parents as you all were sitting inside the Burrow suite. 
“Gosh, I still can't believe you two finally got together. We always knew Joe liked you but I thought he wouldn’t ever tell you since it had been so long,” Jimmy laughed.
“Joey always had a knack for taking his time with things. He always made sure it was the right time to do something, he was never one to rush things. And given how much he cares about you, him taking so long to tell you how he felt made sense,” Robin smiled. “He really cares about you. Just the way he looks at you says everything and more,”.
“The way he was looking at you the night you both told us just gave it away,” Jimmy smiled.
Flashback to when You and Joe told his parents about you two (a couple days after your sister’s wedding)
“And then she just fell right into the waiter and got tequila all over her dress,” Joe laughed as he finished telling his parents about your 21st birthday mishap. 
“We’ve all been a little clumsy when we’re drunk, Joe,” you giggled as you absentmindedly placed your hand on top of his.
Robin’s eyes darted down to both of your hands, she looked at Jimmy through the corner of her eye, a smile on both their faces as they stayed silent.
“Don’t even get me started on the time I had to nurse you back from the massive hangover you got after Lydia’s birthday,” you giggled as you looked at him like you were the only two in the room. “It was brutal,” you smiled as you moved your hand off of his and rubbed his shoulder with your hand. 
Joe’s parents had noticed your behaviors as soon as you both walked through the door. Ever since you got here, you both had been extra giggly and touchy with each other. Whether it was the accidental (but not so accidental) touches when you were putting food on your plates, the little glances at each other that you two had thought you were doing a good job at hiding, or the way you were laughing extra hard at everything Joe said. You were even laughing at things that weren’t even that funny. 
They also noticed the way Joe was looking at you the entire time. His eyes were so clearly filled with love and infatuation, a look in his eyes that they had never seen in him before until now. He did a bad job of hiding it because he was so damn in love with you that it was literally oozing out of him and everyone could see. 
“And that is why I don’t drink that much anymore,” Joe smiled as he placed his arm around the back of your chair, his hand just inches from your shoulder. “Take a page out of my book,”. 
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” you said as you pushed away your wine glass. “I’m gonna use the bathroom real quick,” you said to everyone as you got up from your chair, your hand squeezing Joe’s shoulder as you walked behind him to get to the hallway where the bathroom was.
Joe watched as you walked away, his eyes filled with adoration as his face had the biggest smile on it. He turned back to look at his parents, both of them staring at him like he had something to tell them.
“What?” Joe laughed as he leaned forward to grab his water glass.
“Nothing,” Jimmy shook his head and looked over at Robin who had a skeptical look on her face.
“Okayyyy,” Joe said, a little suspicious of his parents' behavior but decided not to think much about it. “I’m gonna go grab something from my old room, I'll be back,” Joe lied as he got up from his seat.
He didn’t need to grab something from his old room, but he did need to see you alone and this was the best chance he had all night to do so. 
Joe walked over to the bathroom you were in and softly knocked on the door. “Just a minute,” you said as you were fixing your hair in the mirror. 
Joe rolled his eyes and knocked harder this time, “It’s me,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes and unlocked the door for him before going back to fixing your hair in the mirror, “Jeez, if you had to go so bad why didn’t you go to the other bathroom,”.
Joe quickly slipped inside and closed the door behind him, locking the door and then turning back to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. You looked down at him through the mirror, noticing his almost tired-looking face. “You okay, J?” you softly asked him as you moved your hand to his hair, ruffling the curls a little. His sudden need to be attached to you was slightly worrying. 
“I’m great. I just miss being close to you,” he said as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. 
“We’ve only been here for a couple of hours,” you giggled as you turned around in his hold, your body now facing him. 
“I know, it’s just annoying not being able to touch you like how I should be touching you in front of everyone,” he sighed as he ran his hands up and down your arms. 
“I know,” you nodded, feeling bad that you were being secretive about your relationship even though this was something you both decided you wanted to do for a bit even though that was coming to a close. Your family already found out (on accident obviously) and Joe’s family did not; hiding it from them was becoming difficult. 
“But, this will do for now,” Joe smiled as he lifted your face to his, capturing your sweet lips in a gentle kiss. You instantly melted into his touch like you were a piece of gourmet chocolate on his tongue, your arms looped around his neck as you felt him lift you up onto the bathroom counter. You spread your legs open to accommodate his large body as you wrapped them around him, your fingers threading through his dirty blonde curls as his tongue invades your mouth and you two get lost in each other’s touch. 
You spent a few minutes making out in the bathroom before you had to stop so that his parents didn’t get suspicious, even though they already were. You quickly fixed yourselves in the mirror before Joe opened the door for you to leave the bathroom, then followed you out. You both turned to walk back to the dining room but froze in your tracks as you saw both of his parents standing at the end of the hallway with their jaws on the floor.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” Joe whispered to you.
“What the hell is it with us and getting caught leaving a room together after doing something scandalous,” you whispered back, this was the same way your sister found out about you and Joe. The Universe was really messing with you at this point. 
“I promise this isn’t what it looks like,” Joe said louder to his parents as they walked closer to you.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Joe, just uh…needed to talk to me about something,” you lied.
“About what?” Robin raised an eyebrow and looked at you both. 
“Uhhh, umm,” Joe mumbled as he struggled to come up with an excuse. 
“About a girl,” you chimed in, all 3 of their heads flipping over to you. 
“A girl?” Jimmy gasped. 
“A girl?” Joe whispered under his breath. You really couldn’t come up with another excuse? Now he had to lie about having some random girl in his life when the only girl in his life was you. 
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat and said. “He needed some advice,” you reassuringly nodded. 
“Advice,” Robin said. “Joe needed advice about a girl from you? In the bathroom? Right now while you’re at dinner with us?” she asked, still not quite believing you.
“Uhh, yeah,” Joe nodded. “I needed to talk to her alone and this was the best way. I didn’t want to tell you guys anything yet,”.
“Looks like we were caught though,” you nervously fake-laughed as you grabbed onto his bicep, your heated touch sending visible shivers down his spine. 
“We really need to do better at hiding things,” Joe nervously laughed as he looked down at you, his arm moving up and wrapping around your shoulder. 
“I know right? We’re too old to be doing this sneaking around and getting caught thing,” you fake laughed again as you and Joe continued to have an improvised conversation to hopefully get his parents off your scent. 
You continued to go back and forth with the unbelievable lie, Robin and Jimmy both staring at each other with a growing smile on their faces. They knew something was up and you two were really bad liars. 
“Would you two just get together already!?” Robin loudly said as she looked at you guys. Both of you froze, stopped talking, and your eyes widened. 
“What?” Joe asked as he looked at his Mom.
“You heard her,” Jimmy nodded. 
“I think you guys have the wrong idea,” you said. “We’re just-,”.
“Friends?” Robin interrupted. “Y/N, I’ve heard you both say that for 9 years but every time I see you both together, you look like a typical couple,”. 
“Look at you two right now,” Jimmy said, pointing at your body language. Joe’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder and your body was tightly pressed next to his, both of you instantly moving away from each other once you noticed they were right. 
“Ever since you both walked in, we’ve seen the constant touches and looks and heard that never-ending laughter from both of you,” Robin noted. “And I know you two have always been like that, but this is that on steroids,”. 
“Robin’s right. You two are just extra happy and cheery around each other,” Jimmy stated. “Looks like a relationship glow to me,”.  
“Are we not allowed to be extra happy without it being weird?” Joe defensively asked as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
“You are allowed. It’s just a little too obvious now, you both clearly have a thing for each other,” Robin said, not giving up on her observations. “Joe, you literally look at her like she’s the rarest diamond in the world. I can see it in your eyes,”. 
“And Y/N, we can see the way you touch him and what your touch does to him,” Jimmy added. 
His parents really cracked the case open on their own; it didn’t help that you two were so bad at hiding your feelings for each other. You practically handed it to them.  
Joe was beginning to feel antsy as his parents continued going on about their observations. They were talking about how it’s been clear you both have had feelings for each other for years, how they are incredibly visible now more than ever, and how you should do something about it before you miss the opportunity and regret it for the rest of your life. You were attentively listening to them, but Joe was fully zoned out and restless.
“Fuck it,” Joe thought to himself as he looked at you. “They were bound to find out at some point. Let me save them the trouble,”.
He used his hand to turn your head to face him and instantly smashed his lips against yours and kissed you hungrily in front of his parents, both of you hearing gasps and laughter from them as you leaned into the kiss. After a few heated seconds, you both pulled away from each other. 
“Surprise,” he said as he looked back at his parents as you stood there speechless by his boldness. 
“I knew it,” Robin shrieked as she eagerly patted Jimmy's shoulders and jumped up and down. 
You looked over at Joe, your face still stunned at how everything did a full 360 within just a few seconds. “You’re insane,” you giggled as you dropped your head to his shoulder.
“Insanely in love with you,” he said as he kissed your forehead, his parents hearing and smiling even harder at you two. 
“You need to tell us everything right now or I’m throwing all of your old Lego sets into the fireplace,” Robin said with a stern look on her face. 
“Woah, no need to get crazy there Mom,” Joe laughed as Robin’s face quickly changed back to excited as she hugged you both.
“Finallyyyy,” she squealed. “You two are perfect for each other,”. 
“I can’t believe you just did that. I thought our lie was believable,” you shook your head up at Joe. 
“Believable in what dimension? That might’ve been the worst lie we’ve ever told,” Joe said as his Mom let go of you two and he pulled you into his arms. 
“He’s not wrong there,” Jimmy laughed. “Next time, choose a better one,”.
“Well sorry, I'm not used to lying about dating my best friend,” you playfully scoffed. 
“No need to lie anymore though,” he shrugged. “Time to openly show everyone how much I love you. I think I might buy a megaphone and shout it from the top of Paycor so everyone can hear about how I’m winning at life in the best way possible”.
“I love you” you smiled at him, your heart exploding at the thought of showing your deep love for one another to everyone. 
End of flashback 
“I can’t believe you guys came at us like detectives with your observations and everything,” you giggled as you sipped your water. 
“You two just suck at hiding it,” she smiled. “But true love is always hard to hide so that makes sense,” Robin laughed as she looked out onto the field and noticed the team coming out for pre-game warmups. “Oh, looks like it’s warmup time,”. 
You turned around and looked out on the field, seeing all the guys come out of the tunnel, then spotting Joe who was looking up at the suite. 
Robin noticed the smile on your face once you found Joe on the field, she rested her hand on your back and spoke up, “Go down there and see him,” she encouraged. 
“Are you sure?” you asked as you turned back to face her. 
“Absolutely. They won’t mind. I’ve done it a few times myself,” she nodded. 
You hesitated for a few seconds before getting up from your seat. It would be nice to see him down there before the crowds piled in and you were overwhelmed by thousands of fans. 
“Okay,” you breathed out. “I’ll be back,” you smiled as you walked around the table to the exit door. You walked around the concourses and slowly made your way down to the field level. You walked through the tunnel and made it onto the field a few minutes later, spotting Joe on the sideline sitting on the bench staring out onto the open field. 
He didn’t notice you coming over until you were just a few feet from him, his eyes widening and a smile popping up on his face as he saw you getting closer. “What’re you doing down here?”.
“I came to see you,” you grinned as you sat down next to him. 
“You keep surprising me. Now you’re willingly down here in front of everyone,” he laughed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest before dropping a kiss on your forehead. 
“I mean, I'm going to be down here before the game in front of like 60,000 people. This is nothing,” you smiled as he chuckled above you. “Care to tell me why you were lost in thought just now?” you asked him about why he was staring out onto the field in silence.
“Just taking it in,” he sighed. “It helps me calm my nerves and get my head straight,”. 
“Ah,” you nodded as you watched some of his teammates warm up. You couldn’t even imagine how loud the thoughts in his head were during game day but he still managed to go out there with the most calm attitude, you don’t know how he does it, but he manages to block everything out with a snap of his fingers. 
“Just know that I’m proud of you regardless of the outcome. I know I said you should win for me, but I want you to know that winning or losing doesn’t matter to me at all. I just want you to have fun out there and give it your best,” you said to him as you continued to stare out onto the field, feeling his hand squeeze your shoulder as you continued to calm him with your words. “You are an amazing Football player regardless and will continue to set the league on fire for many more years to come. If you lose tonight, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. You’re still building a legacy that nobody can undo,”. 
“I love you, baby,” he said to you with another kiss on your head, his heart and soul smiling because of your meaningful words. You always said the right thing at the right time. 
“I love you more,” you smiled as you kissed his neck and scooted closer to him, both of you enjoying this quiet and calm moment with each other before you were interrupted.
“Ooooo, Babbyyyy,” you heard a group of voices say ahead of you. It was Ja’marr, Tee, and Jermaine. 
“We gotta talk about this later, Y/N!” Tee screamed over at you.
“For real! Y'all can’t do this shit and not tell me until a whole ass month later,” Ja’marr yelled. 
“I called it,” Jermaine nodded. “Honorary girlfriend is the real girlfriend,” he said while giving you a thumbs up and a cheeky grin.
“You told them?” you asked as you looked over at Joe, both of your cheeks red from slight embarrassment. 
“I think they could’ve figured it out if they saw us sitting like this, but yeah, I told them earlier,” he laughed. 
“I can’t wait to hear what they have to say,” you blushed as you looked back over at the 3 men, watching as they teased you both with Cupid arrows and air kisses. “Ooooo, Babyyyyy indeed,” you softly laughed, remembering the first time you called each other ‘baby’.
Start of Flashback (early days of your relationship)
You were lying down on Joe’s bed, mindlessly scrolling through your phone as Joe was putting a few things away in his closet. You were so zoned out and unaware of your surroundings that you didn’t even realize when Joe came out of the closet and turned off the TV before turning around and looking at you. 
He didn’t say a word and you didn’t even notice, you just felt a growing weight on your body as Joe suddenly crawled up your body and laid on top of you. You lifted your arms out of the way to look at him, his head instantly finding his home on your chest as he wrapped his arms loosely around your torso. 
You placed your phone to the side as you wrapped your arms around him, one hand playing with the soft strands of his hair while the other one was rubbing his back. “You okay, J?” you softly asked him as you looked down at his adorable face, the ‘out of nowhere’ cuddling a new thing for you.
“Mhm,” he cutely mumbled against your skin, dropping a kiss to your chest before holding you tighter and getting comfy on your warm chest. 
You giggled at the sight of your 6’4, hunky, muscular, very manly, athletic, and strong Boyfriend melting into your body. He was already as adorable as they come but even more adorable whenever he acted like this.
“Why are you laughing?” he said while looking up at you.
“You just look so cute right now,” you smiled as you played with his hair, lightly scratching his scalp at the same time. 
“Thanks, pumpkin,” he said with flirtatious eyes.
“Pumpkin?” you asked, your nose scrunching up at the cringe word. 
“Yeah, muffin,” he laughed. 
“Joe, what are you doing?” you giggled 
“What do you mean, sweet pea?” he asked as he stuck out his tongue and laughed.
You looked at him with confusion before the lightbulb went off on your brain as to why he was calling you these weird names. Pet names, obviously. 
“Oh, sorry. You’re right, honeybun,” you said, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“It’s okay, Princess,” he smiled as you caught on to what he was doing, he used his hand to give your waist a loving squeeze.
You did like Princess though. That one sent butterflies around your body and made you feel warm inside. 
“So how was practice, Sweetie?” you giggled as you asked him. 
“Good as usual, lovebug,” he laughed against you, the pet names getting even more unserious as you both went on. 
“That’s great, Studmuffin,” you giggled again.
“My god, we’re so unserious,” Joe burst out laughing into your chest.
“I know,” you giggled as you threw your head back. “But I like the pet names idea you got going on. I really like Princess,”.
“Okay, what else do we have then, Princess,” he asked while lovingly gazing into your beautiful eyes. 
“Hmmm. There’s Bubs, Bae, Honey, Darling, Sweets…” you began to say.
“All those are cringe except for Sweets,” he laughed.
“Agreed,” you breathed out. “Ooo, what about loverboy?” you asked him as you continued to play with his soft hair.
“I like that, Sweets,” he smirked at you. 
“Good, loverboy,” you laughed again, a permanent smile slapped on your face because of Joe. He always had you extra giggly, smiley, and happy around him. His effect on you was unmatchable. 
“None of the other names feel super natural honestly. They feel weird,” you said as you pressed a kiss to his head.
“Agreed. I think we’re good with these ones,” he nodded.
These ones were good, but they still didn’t feel perfect. You needed something that naturally rolled off your tongues.  
“I still can't believe this is real life,” you contently sighed. “I feel like I’m a pinch away from waking up from this beautiful dream,”.
“Nobody’s pinching you because this isn’t a dream,” he said while kissing your chest again. “This is all real,”.
“I love my life,” you giggled again as you felt Joe press multiple kisses to your skin. 
“And I love you, baby,” Joe said, absentmindedly calling you ‘baby’ as he scooched up to be face to face with you, butterflies filling your body as he was showering you with all the love you deserved. 
“I love you more, baby,” you said while pressing a sweet kiss to his lips before suddenly pulling away. 
You just called each other baby without realizing it, but it was perfect. It was natural.
“Wait, that’s it,” you said as your heart skipped a beat. “Baby. That’s it, that’s the one,” you smiled at him.
“Baby,” he said, the word so easily rolling off his tongue. “Classics are always the best,” he nodded. 
“And it rolled off our tongues without any pre-planned effort,” you eagerly smiled. 
“Baby,” he whispered. “Baby, come here. Baby, where’s my sweatshirt? Baby, let’s go hook up in the storage closet,” Joe smiled as he tested out the name.
“Joe!” you shrieked as you playfully slapped his chest. 
“I’m sold. I love it,” he grinned. 
“Good. I love it too, Baby,” you smiled before you pulled him down for another passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around you as he pressed his body closely against yours, your heartbeats meshing together.
Sometimes home wasn’t four walls and a roof, it was 2 arms and a heartbeat.
End of flashback 
“Where’d you go?” Joe asked as he rubbed your shoulder, snapping you out of your flashback. 
“Hm? Oh, nothing,” you smiled at him as you played with his fingers. “Just thinking,”.
“Good things, I hope?” he said as he laid his head against yours.
“It’s always good things with you, don’t ever worry about that,” you smiled after you pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. 
“Joe! Come out here, we need you,” Tee yelled over as he motioned for Joe to come out on the field. 
“Sorry, Y/N!” he added. 
“No worries,” you yelled back before you looked over at Joe. “Duty calls, Quarterback,” you nodded at him.
“Unfortunately,” he sighed as he got up from the bench, extending his hand to help you up. “I’ll see you in a bit though?”.
“I’ll be right there, front and center,” you blushed as he pulled you in for a tight hug. 
“Make sure to wear the peach lipgloss,” he said as he dropped a kiss on your head before letting go of you and jogging out to the field. 
“Would never forget it,” you yelled out to him, watching him look back at you with an enamored look on his face. 
An hour later - Game Time
“Deep breath in, Deep breath out,” you thought to yourself as Joe’s parents led you down to the sideline family section. The air was electric, buzzing with the collective energy of thousands of fans. The shouting, cheers, and chants blend into a beautiful symphony of sound that vibrates through your chest. 
The bright lights seem to follow you with every step as you walk down onto the field, walking past the screaming fans on one side and the football staff on the other. You were used to all of this considering you’d been a part of his football journey since day 1, but this time it felt different. The sea of people around you felt a tad overwhelming but incredibly exhilarating. There’s a sense of being both tiny and monumental at the same time–part of something much larger than yourself, yet with all eyes on you. 
“They should be coming out any minute now,” Robin said once you reached the roped-off family section from where you could see the entire field. “How are you doing?” she asked, noticing your slightly overwhelmed facial expression. 
“Good,” you breathed out. “I can feel all the eyes on me though,” you giggled.
“I think your outfit might have something to do with that,” she smiled as she rubbed your back. “They can see that his girlfriend came to play today,”.
“Yeah,” you blushed. “She did,” you grinned as you played with the ‘9’ on your necklace.
A few minutes later, they started setting everything up for the players run outs, your heartbeat picking up once you realized you were about to see him and this was really going to set in. 
“Fuck, I can’t forget this,” you whispered to yourself as you reached into your pocket for your peach lipgloss. You carefully but quickly smeared the gloss over your plump lips as you heard and watched the team run out. The crowd erupted as the music blared throughout the stadium and you could practically feel the vibrations underneath you right now. 
“And the Quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, Joe Burrowww!” the announcers yelled over the speakers, your heart stopping as you heard the stadium erupt once more as the electricity in the air got dialed to 100. 
“Here he comes,” Robin squealed next to you as she placed her hands on your shoulders and gently shook you around because of how excited she was for you. 
And there he was. 
The man that swept you off your feet, the man that completed your world, the man that loved you in ways that you thought were impossible. There he was running out of the tunnel and onto the field–and he was running straight to you. 
You smiled at him as you watched him take his helmet off with one hand, using his other to fix his hair as he got closer to you. The crowd behind you losing their minds because of the detour he took over to this area of the sidelines. 
“Joe!! Marry me!” one fan screamed. 
“Have my babies!” another screamed.
“Yeahhh, get 'em’ shiesty!” another screamed.
“Ahhhh, he’s coming over here,” another one screamed. 
You paid 0 attention to what was happening around you because as soon as you laid your eyes on him, everything went silent. It felt like it was just the two of you in that stadium. 
“Fuck, he looks good,” you whispered under your breath as you gave him a slow once over, the Orange Jersey he had on was your absolute favorite.
Joe reached the roped-off portion of the family section and placed his helmet on the ground, first greeting his parents and sharing a few words with them before moving to you, who was eagerly waiting for him to notice you. 
“Hi,” you grinned at him.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Come here often?”.
“Nah, first time,” you giggled. 
“Well, how’s the experience so far rookie? Is it everything you dreamed of?” he asked you as he caught his breath. 
“Everything and more,” you smiled at him, and he flashed his million-dollar smile at you in return. “When you smile that beautiful smile, all the girls in the front row scream your name. Just listen to them,” you giggled as you heard the loud girls screaming his name amongst some other bold things. 
“Okay, but I can’t take my eyes off of you, and only you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the only girl in this stadium right now,”. 
“Please, I’m just another wide-eyed girl who’s desperately in love with you. Your whole fan club is here,”.
“Pshh, please. The fan club can go find someone else to thirst over. I have all I need right here,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, the rope preventing him from fully holding you. “Mm, this is a problem,” he sighed. 
“Sorry, I’m off limits,” you winked. 
“Nope,” he shook his head as he placed his hands on either side of your hips.
“Joe, what the hell are you-,”.
“Curl your legs up,” he whispered in your ear as he picked you up and lifted you to the other side of the rope, practically carrying you over it. 
“Holy shit,” you widened your eyes at what he just did in front of everyone. You could hear the loud chatter behind you, everyone sounding incredibly confused as to what was going on in front of them. 
“Not off limits anymore,” he smiled as he set you down and fixed your hair. 
“I could’ve climbed under the ropes…” you said, still frozen in shock.
“Yeah, but that wouldn’t be dramatic enough for us,” he laughed as he met your beautiful eyes. 
“Fair point,” you giggled. 
“I’m really glad you’re here. This is all I’ve ever wanted,” he said as he turned a bit more serious. 
“This is all I’ve wanted too. I’m glad we decided to give this a chance, well, more than a chance. I know it hasn’t even been that long, but I’m all in,” you looked at him with your adorably soft eyes that he loved to get lost in.
“I’ve been all in since the day I saw you,” he blushed. 
“Damn, am I that captivating?” you giggled as you fanned yourself from the flattery. 
“Do you need me to answer that for real or…,”.
“No need. You can show me later,” you winked as you watched him quickly look over his shoulder at the time, seeing that he had to go back to his area for kickoff. 
“I gotta go,” Joe breathed out. 
“Okay,” you nodded as you shoved your hands in your pockets. “Have a good game,” you innocently teased. 
“Mm, Mm,” Joe shook his head. “Nope,”.
“What?” you wiggled your eyebrows. “You need something else?”.
Joe reached out and put his hand in your jacket pocket, pulling you into him as you stumbled because of the sudden movement. Your eyes were glued to your feet as you slowly moved your head up and looked up at him, “I need my good luck kiss,” he grinned. 
“Fine,” you playfully rolled your eyes and sighed. “If you insist-,” you began to say before you felt Joe smash his lips against yours, his hand firmly planted on your ass as he pressed you closer to his body. He groaned into the kiss as he tasted your delicious lip gloss on your lips. He placed his other hand on your waist as your hands looped around his neck, both of you getting lost in the sensual yet sweet kiss and forgetting about where you were and what was happening. 
You were sure that everyone around you was probably screaming, taking a dozen photos and videos, and probably screaming at you to get away from Joe. But you didn’t actually hear any of it. It was just the two of you out there. In a stadium packed with thousands upon thousands of fans, it felt like it was just the two of you there. 
A few seconds later, you both pulled away, still holding onto each other though. You and Joe were both a little breathless as you both laughed at each other.
“Peach Lip Gloss. You didn’t forget,” he winked. 
“I could never forget,” you smiled as you heard a staff member call out for him. “Oops, looks like I’ve kept you too long,”.
“The game can wait,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Uhh, I don’t think that’s how that works,” you laughed as you threaded your hands in his hair.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said as he dropped his head. 
“Hey,” you said as you lifted his head back up and cupped his cheek. “Remember, you’re amazing and you’re going to kill it out there. Win or Lose, you are still one of the best damn quarterbacks to get onto that field in recent memory,”. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he smiled, his heart beating right out of his chest at this point. 
“I love you, Loverboy,” you giggled.
“Go get 'em’, Superstar,” you grinned as you pressed a final kiss to his lips. 
After the Game
They won. The Bengals had won their first playoff game of the postseason. 
Joe killed it, to say the least. He was out there playing with an extra edge, an edge many were curious about.
The only ones that knew where his newfound edge came from were the two of you. You were the edge he was playing with. He knew you were watching and he knew how much this all meant to you, he wanted to make it perfect. 
And he did. 
From start to finish he played an excellent game, one of the best games of his NFL career is what many were calling it. 
Currently, you were seated on a bench outside the locker room as Joe was about to go into his postgame conference. You couldn’t wait to see him. Your phone was blowing up with messages and various notifications about you and Joe but you were holding off on looking at them because you remember he said that he wanted to do it together. 
You pulled up the Bengals App and tapped on the live feed for the conference, your heart, soul, and face lighting up once you saw Joe sit down with a huge smile on his face. 
“Hello, Hello,” he cutely said into the mic as he got comfortable. 
“So, Joe. Looks like you had one hell of a game out there,” one reporter said. 
Joe laughed as he pushed his hair back with his hand, “Yeah, I guess I did,”.
“Any reason in particular? Looked like you were playing with an extra edge out there,” another reporter asked. 
“Just good vibes and feeling 100% all around,” he sighed. 
“So, it had nothing to do with what happened on the sidelines before the game?” another reporter asked.
“Can they ask him that?” you whispered to yourself as you raised an eyebrow. 
Joe let out a soft chuckle before responding, “Honestly. It had everything to do with that,” he boldly said. 
Gasps and murmurs began to fill the conference room before another reporter spoke up. “Joe, we know you don’t really talk about your private life, but we have to know. That looked like one of your friends from college from what we’ve seen about you over the years,” they said. 
“If you’re comfortable with sharing anything about that, we’d love to hear it,” another reporter added. 
Joe paused for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “Yeah, it is. That’s Y/N. She’s my bestest friend in the entire world ,” he nodded. “But also my girlfriend. She means the world to me and is a big reason why I go out there every Sunday and do what I do. She’s been by my side since day 1 back at Ohio State. She’s stuck by my side through everything in my career and my personal life, she never failed to show up for me no matter the situation or circumstances. She’s done it for 9 years and she doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon and I do the same for her. I love her more than words can describe. She’s my everything,”. 
You felt a tear trickle down your face as you heard him talk about you most sweetly and lovingly way possible. He truly loved you and wasn’t afraid of openly showing it. 
His everything. 
You were his everything. 
–The End–
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chlerc · 8 months
what he wants ; charles leclerc
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— summary; once a man tells you he isn’t ready, he will never be. Yet everything feels ready when the realisation of losing you finally hits, would you go back to Charles though?
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pairing — charles leclerc x f. reader! ( third person story )
word count — 870.
content — angst! unestablished-relationship! stop going back to the guy that tells you he’s never ready. he’s reminded of you in every room of his apartment
NAVIGATION + author’s note: writing this drabble knowing i’ll never settle for anyone else but him, knowing no one would ever measure up to him is insane of me. this is for my backburner girlies, let’s all walk away from someone that never gives an absolute clear yes. two post a month? not me anymore.
song recs for this fic — backburner, say don’t go, my tears ricochet
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CHARLES WALKED INTO HIS apartment, expecting the familiar warmth of shared moments and the comforting presence of Y/n. Instead, he was met with an eerie silence that filled the void left by her absence. The emptiness of the apartment echoed the void in his heart, and he found himself grappling with the realisation of what he had lost.
As he sauntered through the hallway, memories flooded back — memories of moments he had ignored, conversations he had dismissed, and the love he had taken for granted. The apartment was a museum of their shared life, each corner holding remnants of the person he had unknowingly pushed away.
He walked into the living room, where her favourite duvet lay on the couch. The soft fabric seemed to whisper tales of countless nights they spent wrapped in each other's arms. He couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the times he had turned away from her attempts at conversation, too preoccupied with the struggles of his racing career during the 2023 season.
The dining table held her favourite mug, a silent witness to the countless mornings they had shared quiet moments over a cup of coffee. The mug he had gotten her as a joke on Valentine’s day with Mrs. Leclerc imprinted on it. Now, it stood alone, a solitary reminder of the companion he had neglected. Neither was the only woman he wanted as his Mrs. Leclerc here, at the end of the day he too was lonely.
The kitchen counter displayed a jar of her favourite cookies, a sweet indulgence that used to bring smiles to their faces. The same kitchen where they had spent most of their time baking sweet treats on weekends he was free. Now, it only served as a bitter reminder of the sweetness he had let slip away.
In the bathroom, her toothbrush holder and all her other essentials stood as silent symbols of her routines. Charles realised how he had taken her presence for granted, never truly appreciating the small details that made up their shared life. The side of the bed she used to slip into was untouched, her absence palpable. The closet, once filled with her clothes, now stood empty, reflecting the hollowness he felt inside.
The air carried the lingering scent of her perfume, haunting him with memories of the times he had dismissed her attempts to communicate. He could almost hear her voice echoing in the quiet apartment, a ghost of conversations that remained unresolved. The moments she had begged for his attention, a quick conversation but he so casually dismissed with a wave of his hand. Regret weighed heavily on his shoulders as he replayed the moments he had chosen career struggles over connection.
Charles sank onto the couch, surrounded by the artifacts of a love that had slipped through his fingers. The realisation hit him like a tidal wave — she had been his pillar of support during the storm of his career challenges, and he had pushed her away when she needed him the most.
As the evening wore on, Charles found himself retracing his steps through the apartment, trying to mend the fractures he had caused. He picked up her favourite cup, as if holding onto it could bring her back. He gazed at the empty closet, haunted by the absence of her presence. The realisation of his mistakes carved a deep ache in his chest as his eyes fell upon the paper sitting loosely on the coffee table, her words haunting him.
Charles, in a world of men, I hope you know I’d still choose you but I never know if in a room of women, would you ever choose me? I know I said I was okay with taking things slow and without any titles but maybe things aren’t so okay anymore when you read this. I know you said you weren’t ready for a relationship and we stuck to that but I can’t keep up with the lie anymore when I would forever want more with you. Some people aren’t ready no matter how much time you give them but you can’t keep waiting for them, can’t keep choosing them when they don’t choose you. I can’t do that anymore, I can’t keep choosing you Charles. I was willing to settle for whatever you would give me because a fraction of you was better than nothing at all. There isn’t any point losing my mind over you when you don’t mind losing me at all. I think that maybe I would always let you come back, if you told me that you were ready and wanted me back, I’m not sure there’s anything that I wouldn’t drop for you. I always wanted it to be you. Call it what you want but I know I love you, it was love for me.
Her words would probably stick with him forever but he should have told her he was ready, told her he loved her when he had the chance. He mind losing her. Yet now he never knew where to find her, his eyes searching for her in every crowd but it was too late for all of that now isn’t it?
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424 notes · View notes
softhairedhotch · 11 months
AHHHH FIRST FIC OF COMFORTEMBER YEAHHHH >:D comfortember day one: safe aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader after having a rough night out, you call aaron and he rushes to find you immediately. he fixes you up and the two of you finally admit how you feel about each other. word count: 1.5k warnings/content: mentions of fighting and alcohol but mostly fluff.
comfortember masterlist here! also on ao3 <3
you make me feel safe
Aaron wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing beside him. It gets to the fourth or fifth ring by the time he grabs it and anxiety bubbles low in his gut when he realises it’s you calling at almost three in the morning. Answering the phone, he immediately asks, “Is everything alright?”
He’s up and out of bed instantly, throwing on the first shirt he finds and the closest shoes to the bed. “Tell me where you are.”
“I’m at, uh, I don’t, I’m… somewhere. My mind is all over the place.”
Aaron’s heart hammers widely in his chest. “Somewhere? Can you look around for me and see if you recognise something? Anything?”
“Okay,” you reply, voice shaky. After a few moments, you clear your throat. “I’m outside the bar we all went to a few weeks ago.”
“The Tipsy Ship? The one closest to work?” 
“Y-yeah, yeah.”
Aaron grabs his keys and runs out of his house, not even thinking about locking the door as he runs toward his car. Jack is sleeping over at JJ's; the house will be fine unattended for now. “I’m on my way. Are you hurt?”
“I think so.”
“You think–” Aaron stops to take a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment before shoving his phone into its holder and slamming his car door shut. “Don’t worry, I’m on my way.”
“Can you stay on the line with me?”
“Of course.”
When Aaron reaches the bar, his heart breaks at the sight of you standing alone outside. He tenses up once he notices that, not only are you alone, but dry blood covers your face, there’s a large bruise forming on your cheek, and the knuckles of your dominant hand are cracked and bloody. “God,” he mutters, running straight for you and grabbing you by the shoulders. He can smell an overpowering scent of alcohol on you and he winces. “What happened? Where’s the bastard that did this to you?”
You point toward an ambulance down the road. “The coward freaked out when I punched him back and thought he needed medical attention. Most they’re gonna diagnose him with is Dumbassery and Stupid Prick Disease.” You look back at Aaron and weakly smile. “And maybe a concussion.”
Aaron can’t help it, he laughs. “At least you haven't lost your sense of humour. But let's get you home and cleaned up, alright?” 
“Can I go to yours? I don’t really wanna be alone right now.”
He smiles. “Of course you can.”
Aaron holds a wet cloth to your face, reaching out to grab your chin between his fingers gently when you flinch away. “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s cold, is all.”
“Sorry,” he repeats, gently dabbing away the dried blood under your nose and the corner of your lips. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
“I got into a fight.”
“I can see that.”
You shrug, stumbling on your feet at the movement. Aaron gently grabs you by your elbow and shuffles you toward the kitchen counter so that you’re leaning against it for support. Once you’re stable, he begins to dab the other side of the cloth over your knuckles. “It was stupid, really.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” you sigh. It’s quiet for a few moments as you watch Aaron continue to clean up the blood. “He… the guy who punched me… I was on a date with him.” Aaron tenses. “And he kept buying me drinks and told me I had to drink them. I did because, well, free drinks, y’know?” You sigh and shake your head again, letting out a groan when it results in pain. “So stupid of me.”
“Hey, none of that. You’re not stupid.”
“Whatever you say. Anyway, I think he was trying to make sure I was drunk enough so that he could take me home without much complaint. I don’t know. I refused because I really wasn’t in the, uh, mood, and the night was a bust anyway, and he started… tryna touch me, grab me and all that, his hands were everywhere and I didn’t want them to be and…” You stop to take a few deep breaths, feeling sick at the thought of what could have happened. Aaron feels anger rip through his veins. “Anyway, he ended up punching me and I guess he wasn’t expecting me to punch back.”
Aaron grits his teeth. "Twice as hard, yeah?" 
"Twice as hard," you grin. 
“Good. That’s what I expect to hear.”
You tilt your head at him, trying to read his expression. “You’re not mad at me?”
Confused, his eyes meet yours. “Why would I be mad at you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, watching as his large hand moves over yours, his thumb gently sweeping over your skin. “I woke you up.”
“You woke– You– That’s what you’re worried about?” He gives you a fond look. “Yes, you woke me up. But I’m glad you did. Thank you for calling me. And for trusting me to help you.”
“I don’t think I trust anyone more than I trust you.”
Aaron’s hand stills as the words sink in. When he looks up at you, he notices that you’re staring at him with so much love that his breath catches in his throat. He hasn’t been looked at like that in… he can’t even remember. But when he thinks about it, eyes never leaving yours as you blink innocently at him, not understanding his revelation at that moment, he realises it’s the way you’ve always looked at him. With complete and utter adoration. 
As if he hung the moon and the stars.
“Oh,” is all he can get out.
“Yeah. Oh.”
Your face falls and he feels guilt grow deep in his gut. “You don’t trust me back?”
“What? I never said that.” He steps closer, moving a hand to your shoulder and looking into your eyes. “Of course I trust you. More than most people. More than anyone else, really.”
His eyes search yours and he nods firmly, squeezing your shoulder. “Really.”
You look all over his face before looking down at his lips, licking your own as your mouth immediately goes dry. “I didn't want… I… I didn't go home with that guy because of, uh, well, you. I couldn’t stop thinking of you... when I was with him.”
Aaron hums as his gaze drops to your lips. “That’s why I don’t go on dates.”
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you either.” He inches closer, moving a warm hand up to cup your cheek. “Can I kiss y–"
And your lips are pressed together before either of you can finish. The kiss is soft, sweet, gentle, and full of so much raw emotion that it’s almost suffocating (in the best way). Aaron moves his lips against yours desperately, holding your face in his large calloused hands as if you might break at any moment, and you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. The moment your tongue brushes against his bottom lip, though, he pulls back with a heavy sigh. “Shit, you’re drunk. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I’m totally taking advantage of you and–”
“I should know better and–”
“You should feel safe here–”
You press your lips against his again, effectively shutting him up. It’s a much shorter kiss this time, but not any less enjoyable. “I do feel safe, Aaron. Here, with you.”
“You do?”
“Of course. You make me feel safe; you always have.”
He visibly relaxes and pulls you into a hug. “So have you.” He sighs against you, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “I like being with you.”
“I like being with you too, Aaron.”
He smiles against you and holds you for a moment more before pulling back, hands still wrapped around you. His heart breaks at the sight of the dark bruise forming on your face and he leans forward to press a tender kiss against the skin, careful not to hurt you in any way. “I wonder how long we’ve liked each other.”
“I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, I think.” 
Aaron’s breath hitches at the admission. “You’re in love with me?”
You tilt your head at him, fighting back a smile. “Did I not make that obvious enough?”
“I… didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Well, get them up, Hotchner, because I’m in love with you, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Aaron’s face softens and he presses a kiss to your cheek, sighing in relief. “I’m in love with you, too.” He runs his hands lovingly over your back. “Now let’s get you changed into some comfortable clothes and into bed, yeah? It seems like we have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”
“Can I sleep in your bed with you?” 
He presses another kiss to your cheek. “There’s no other place I’d rather you be, sweetheart.”
tag list: @criminalskies @ssahotchnerr @hotchs-big-hands @citrusiove @sillyhotchsgirl
lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future fics
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grogusmum · 3 months
A Dark and Stormy Night (oneshot)
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W/C: 3500ish
RATED: E (18+)
WARNINGS: well, monsterfucking, oral sex (f recieving), rough sex, unprotected PiV sex (it's a fantasy y'all you know what to do!!). As always, if you see something, say something. Message me in my DMs, I'm happy to add something I missed.
SUMMARY: You stumble into a lighthouse to get out of a storm, and meet the handsome light-keeper, who has a secret, but is irresistible.
A/N: Oberyn and the Merling was technically my first foray into monsterfucking, but that was like teenagers humping in the back of a car...this is, well, it's as no holds barred as I've ever gotten. I hope it doesn't suck, lol. Anyway wish me luck! 💚
This was posted as a multipart fic, but when I finished the second part it made more sense to be all one piece. I may write more for these two, but as it stands, it is a oneshot.
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You follow a boardwalk that becomes a path as the clouds roll in, obscuring the moon. You know you need to find cover before the storm.
Focusing on the shifting sand under your feet, as the rain begins, you speed up. The skies continue to darken; soon, you reach the first rocks of the jetty while the rain comes down in sheets. Looking up, you find yourself at the base of an old lighthouse. The lens swings across the black water as it lights up the dark and stormy night for those lost at sea.
Beach rose thorns tear at your sweater as you race up the slope. Beyond, scrub pines and pin oak trees create a small amount of cover; the wind picks up, but not before you hear the baying of a wolf… no, not a wolf. A coyote, there are no wolves in these parts. But there's something different about the howl; you speed up and bang on the door of the great beacon.
"Hello?" You shout, "please! Is anyone there?"
As if in answer, another howl rings out, making you jump. After a crash of lightning for good measure, you try the latch and push the door open, willing to disregard good manners. Looking for a switch or a lamp, you find only a candle in a heavy brass holder on a small shelf and a black matchbox holder attached to the curved wall. 
Running the wooden match across the strike pad, it sputters to life, and you light the candle. Slipping your finger into the brass ring of the candle holder and carrying it before you, the Gothic horror mood of the whole situation is not lost on you. With a sigh and a shiver, you wind up the spiral stairs.
"Hell-lo? I don't mean to intrude, but…" you call again and then with a chuckle in an undertone, "Our car broke down a few miles up the road. Do you have a phone we might use?"
Shivering in your soaked clothes, you reach the first level, which contains the living quarters. You can't help but rush to the woodstove, which warms the round room.
You hear a creak below as you take off your shoes and socks. Did you forget to latch the door entirely? Biting your lip in worry, you continue to listen; bracing yourself, you pull a poker from the coal scuttle.
You wait and wait. Time spins out—the only measure is your heart’s tattoo, like a rabbit's. As the adrenaline clears your system, you become exhausted. Swaying where you stand, the iron poker clangs on the pine floor, bringing you back. Deciding it must just be “old house sounds,” you move to the bed and sit, and without so much as a yawn of warning, your eyes slip closed.
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In the middle of the night, you feel a weight on your chest, soft and warm. Your eyes flutter open, and blocking the light coming from the woodstove is an enormous shape pressing on you; as your eyes focus, it huffs a breath, and you recognize it as a sleeping dog sound. It's huge, with pointed ears. How did you not see or hear it when you came in? Whether a watchdog or not, wouldn’t it have come to investigate? The trunk of the animal is on you, its muzzle at your collarbone, a front leg on either side of you, fully caging you in. Your hand comes up, fingers sinking into its plush fur, like a wolf’s… you shake your head, not a wolf, of course, but those dogs that look like them. Its steady heartbeat and relaxed breathing lull you back to sleep; elk-hound, that's what the one, you think, as you drift under again.
Waking again at full light, you find yourself tucked into a patchwork quilt, your shoes placed under the stove, warm and dry, no dog to be seen. The smell of eggs and bacon draws you up the stairs, halfway up you can hear the food sizzling on the stove. You feel this need to check yourself over, but you seem fine. You fell asleep on the bed of a stranger, who is apparently back- you shake your head at how unbelievably dangerous that was. Then you remember the dangers outside… it's a calculated, if hastily figured, risk.
His back to you, in front of the stove, you presume, is the light-keeper, a cable knit sweater stretched across his broad shoulders. 
He turns, soft brown eyes, brown curls standing up as though he’d run his fingers through them just a moment ago, a sharp nose that suits him, with crease of his bottom lip that accentuates his mouth’s natural pout. Not that you had any real expectations on what a lighthouse operator looks like but... maybe like some old-salt sailor type with a beard and pipe. Silly, of course. You remind yourself that you are not a cod fish and close your mouth.
"Morning," came his rich baritone voice.
"I'm so sorry, I- I - the storm-” you stumble as you try to pull yourself together.
"Don't worry about that. I hope you slept alright. "
"I did, thank you, but  I- should get going." You start putting on your shoes, “ I really didn't mean to fall asleep, " ...on your bed.
“'S not problem, really; that was one hell of a storm last night.”
“I should go-”
Well,” he says, bringing breakfast to a simple pine table, “that's the tricky part…” 
“The roads are impassable and there's more rain on the way.”
“Nothing to be done about it right now,” he says, “have something to eat.”
You begin to eat, and after a bite or two, you introduce yourself.
“Where are my manners- I’m Frankie. Spending too much time on my own, I guess.”
“Are you kidding, I burst into your house like Goldilocks! Found sleeping in your bed.”
“And was it just right, Goldie?” He smirks.
You fluster a little; he is very handsome after all, and broad and was that flirting… 
“Better to be Goldilocks than Red Riding Hood, I suppose.” He says you get the feeling it wasn’t meant to be out loud. “I guess that depends on who the huntsman turns out to be…” 
He notices your eyes widen and smiles apologetically, brushing his comment aside. “Sorry, like I said, spend a lot of time on my own.”
"S-speaking of Red Riding Hood, where’s your dog? It came and slept with me last night.”
“Hmmm?" Frankie murmurs as he sets the table, "Oh, he’s- around.”
“Well, he kept me very cozy last night. What a cuddle bug; what’s his name?”
“His, um - it’s Cisco. You better dig into those eggs; they're gonna get cold.”
“Right,” you take up a fork of scrambled egg, “I will be able to leave today, though, right?”
“We’ll have to see,” is all he says before digging into his breakfast.
Frankie goes about his light-keeper duties, including hunting for his lost skiff. You aren't sure what to do with your time-
“Is there something I can do to help? I kind of feel weird just sitting around-”
“Well, the weather isn't going to let us do much outside safely, but-”
Frankie pulls off his ball cap, ruffles his hair, and plops it back on his head, thinking, “I mean, you could help clean the lantern glass …”
“Really?” You stand, excited to do a real lighthouse job. 
“Sure, hard to mess up… no offense, and safe.” 
You take no offense; on the contrary, you clap happily to yourself, to which Frankie chuckles.
After showing you the supplies and giving you a quick demonstration, he starts down the stairs to continue with his other duties and then stops and turns-
"Thanks, Goldie," he winks and then descends the stairs.
After a time, you see him out on the rocks despite the wind starting up again from the east. He must be looking for his rowboat. You decide to scout the circumference of the lantern room, looking out the windows to see if you can see the craft. 
To the northwest, you see something red against the rocks. It doesn't look good.
You step out onto the gallery. Luckily, this isn't a particularly tall lighthouse, but it's tall enough, and the iron balcony was small enough that you feel a touch of vertigo looking down. It doesn't help that the wind's really kicking up now, reminding you that this is just a break in the storm. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and open them.
"Uh, Frankie!" 
Frankie looks up, hand going to the bill of his cap.
"Is that your skiff?" You point to the red “something” half in the water. 
He hollers his thanks and jogs over to where you are indicating, and you can see his frustrated huff as his hands hitch onto his hips in a disgruntled fashion.
Cleaning all that glass takes time, and your shoulders can feel the real work of it. You stop only when your stomach screams for lunch, and you find a sandwich under plastic wrap for you, but you haven’t seen Frankie, Lighthouse Keeper, the rest of your time working on it, nor Cisco, the Lighthouse Dog. 
He had brought the boat to a shed and disappeared inside it. When and if he came out, you didn't notice. You also realize you haven’t seen any signs of a pet anywhere; no bed or bowls. When you come down the spiral steps, you smell of the concoction used for cleaning the glass and lens; watered-down isopropyl alcohol and Woolight - but mostly the alcohol. 
“You'll want to wash your hands with this,” Frankie hands you a bar of soap at the first landing of the spiral stair. “It'll take care of the rubbing alcohol smell and keep your hands from drying out.” 
Frankie gives a crooked smile of apology at your startled jump. Murmuring your thanks, you take it and smell the bar that looks so small when in his hand. Fresh. Your mind wanders to how this fresh scent might mingle with Frankie's natural one. The bubble of revery is just a millisecond and pops like one the moment your eyes land on Frankie, who looks like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
When you join him in the kitchen, where he is again standing over the stove, the delicious scent of savory soup reminds you of coming home after a long chilly walk from school. The wind is howling now, and you can hear the crash of the waves, as high tide approaches, the pound of them like rumbling thunder. Its only rival is the whip crack of the actual thunder chasing the lighting strikes illuminating the windows. 
“Where’s Cisco?”
“Weather like this he likes to be below,” Frankie says after a beat, back still turned, “I have him set up with his bed down there so he doesn’t get anxious.”
“Oh,” you feel a little more at ease about not seeing neither hide nor hair of the beast of a dog all day.
“It'll be dark early due to the storm, and I’ll have duties up above. I’m going to ask you to stay in the living quarters. I’ll sleep up there, so, um, just - make yourself at home.”  
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You do your best, but your mind is on Frankie in a way that makes what you would be doing at home, not at all appropriate, even when told to make yourself at home.  His dark eyes, big hands... him calling you Goldie. How many times your mind has gone back to him asking you if his bed was just right, you dare not admit, even to yourself. You don't know him, you remind yourself.
Suddenly, there's a bang and scuffle. Then you hear a yowl.
“Cisco?” You go to the door, preparing to go down to where you assume he's been set up, but a second sound confirms it's coming from above, not below… where Frankie is.                   
You turn and look up the spiral stairs. “F-Frankie?”
Your foot hesitantly lands on the first step -
“D-did Cisco follow you? 
More shuffling and a loud thunk on the floor bring you up short. Frankie asked you to stay below, but maybe he hurt himself, or Cisco made his way up there and was scared of the storm. Your feet start moving again up the winding steps. 
You pause, your head just above the landing, eyes adjusting to the strange light of the lantern room. Instead of finding a dog, on the floor is a pile of clothes, folded neatly, with Frankie's cap placed atop it. As you look up, you see Frankie from behind, sitting in the one chair the room affords. His skin gleams with a layer of sweat, and he gives a sudden quake.
“Frankie! A-are you alright? I heard-”
His head whips around and then down as you are still only partway up the stairs. 
“I told you to sta—” the lightning flashes, and you see Frankie's eyes have changed. They are no longer warm, sweet brown but glowing amber. 
“Wh- you- you're-” Everything in you screams to run as far away as possible, but when Frankie contorts in a new wave of pain, you scramble up the stairs. He almost wails in despair as you approach the chair. “Frankie, what is happening? How can I - hel -”
“ C-can’t, go G-gold-ie, please!” 
“I don’t understand, Frankie. What’s happening?” 
The light-keeper takes a steadying breath as if fighting every molecule of his changing form, Though he knows it’s too late. Too late to shield you. 
“C-come here,” he breathes.
Lighting flashes again, the boom of thunder right on top of it. When your eyes adjust yet again, you go around the chair to face him. Frankie takes your hand; long claw-like nails have sprouted, and you have cottoned on. Frankie is - 
While he has a firm grip, he causes no pain. Your brows knot as he pushes up your sleeve. 
“I will remember,” he says, as much for himself as for you. Then he presses his nose to your wrist, inhaling deeply, and his eyes flick up to yours. The storm rages, the lens does its steady turn, and Frankie continues to smell you. He stands, eyes never breaking contact, his bare skin glistening in the light.
 You had tried not to look down at his body. But he's so close, and when he stands, your resolve breaks. Frankie is strong and somehow more broad across the shoulders than when in the confines of his fisherman’s sweater but has a trim waist. His Adonis belt is so enticing, as is his soft belly. Below that, his uncut cock has an enticing curve. Your eyes travel back up. You find his waiting for yours; he lifts his head away from your wrist and pulls; you stumble a step closer, and his face burrows into your neck. He breathes in your scent.
“Didn't harm you last night, I won't… I’ll remember, promise. You smell so good, Goldie.”
The warmth you feel low in your pelvis is combined with a shiver as you clench on nothing.
“S-so, you-your…” you stammer as his clawed hands wrap around your waist; he tastes your collarbone, licking a long stripe as he finds his way below your ear. Your knees buckle, but Frankie has a firm grip on you. “Cisco?”
“ ‘m ssorry,” he slurs, his nose nestled where your ear and jaw meet. “You taste as good as you smell, Goldie… I wonder-” 
What Frankie is wondering is interrupted by a long canine whine as he pulls back, face contorted in pain as his teeth elongate into fangs.
The blood has surely left your face, and you're shocked as you become aware that it has rushed to lower regions. You can feel the wetness between your legs, and  Frankie, closing his eyes, breathes in how your scent has changed. 
The sinful look he gives sends more heat between your thighs; you know you're soaked by now. You can still see the handsome light-keep though his eyes glow, his ears are now pointed, and his hair is shaggy. A hungry tongue moves over sharp teeth. Teeth made for tearing your throat out.
The next thunderclap shakes the lighthouse, and it's only then that he breaks his grip on you. He cries out as his body continues to transform. It snaps you out of your trance. You run down the iron stairs, passing the kitchen, down to the living quarters, and you're brought up short by a full wolf bay sounding from above. 
“What am I doing? What am I doing!?” you look up the stairs, and almost against your will, you look through the doorway to the bed—the bed where Frankie had lain atop you as the wolf. Then your eyes drift upward again, biting your thumb in indecision. Or perhaps fear at the decision you're apparently making. You slowly undress, leaving the door open; you spread out on the soft bed and wait to see what happens.
How much time before you hear the click of canine claws on the treads of each step, you aren't sure. You only know the twist of arousal you feel arches your back, and Frankie hasn't even touched you. Are you afraid? Not as much as you think you should be. It's there; this danger lights up your brain and sends adrenaline coursing through you. But he didn't hurt you last night, and he said- he-
The wolf growls around the door; he is not on all fours but hunched, one front paw occasionally touching the floor. 
“F-f-” you stammer as his front paws press heavily on the bed. He is enormous, and he hulks over you. His snout investigates every crease and crevice. You close your eyes as he noses at your mound. “-fuck.”
The wolf's tongue dips between your legs, and you gasp as your legs open like an involuntary response, and Frankie seems to seize the opportunity to open you further, pawing at your thighs, opening them, holding them where he wants them. Claws press on your sensitive skin as he laps at you.
“Frankie!” Your fingers dig into the thick, soft fur as the twist in your womb tightens and you pulse. 
How much of the man is still present, you have no idea. You are, of course, banking on it, and you figure praying to every deity that he is there, keeping the beast from tearing you to shreds, can't hurt. 
You can feel the rumble from deep in Frankie's throat, and when his long tongue breaches your pussy, he is immediately rewarded with a gush as lights pop behind your eyelids and the coil in your belly snaps.
You cry out, and he drinks sloppily at your entrance. He doesn't stop until you start to come down from your high, your chest’s rise and fall finally slowing.
Then the beast towers over you, his cock weeping. In one swift move of inhuman strength, he's suddenly flipped you onto your stomach. His large paws holding your hips, he brings your backside up, and in one fast motion, he's sheathed himself to the hilt. 
As ready as his tongue had made you, you still are stretched beyond anything you've ever experienced. He is deep inside, and his snout nuzzles into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, making you feel utterly consumed by him. His brutal pace lifts your knees off the bed when he begins to move. His rhythm takes your breath away, his length hitting that delicious spot inside you that most find elusive, and it isn't long before the telltale swell of another orgasm begins to crest.
When you clamp down around him, he howls, and you know he has come right along with you. His rhythm stutters and slows. Frankie's tongue lazily drags over your shoulder blade, and he whines as his nose nudges at your hair.  As you both float back into your bodies, opening your eyes, the round room is drenched in moonlight. The storm has passed. 
The beast allows you to roll onto your side before covering you again, as he had the night before. He gives a chaste lick to your cheek, and you huff a laugh, wondering if you will even be able to look him in the eye in the morning. But you're too exhausted and drift to sleep before shame can take its turn to feast on you.
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The morning sun blazes as it has a way of doing after a storm; shorebirds herald the day, and again, you wake to the smell of breakfast, sausage, coffee, and eggs. You're again tucked into the worn but well-cared-for quilt. Your eyes rove the room as you try not to overthink, and just as you reach for your clothes (which are neatly laid out at the end of the bed), Frankie, the man, comes in with a tray heaped with food—the smell of his delicious cooking filling the room.
“ ‘Morning, Goldie.” he smiles shyly. His eyes are not quite meeting yours, and he keeps himself busy with the breakfast tray. You return his smile, somehow his sweet bashfulness making you feel less self-conscious- 
“G’morning, Fran- Fran-cisco!”
Brown eyes sparkling in response to yours becoming like saucers, Frankie's smile widens.
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