Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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Fenix got in touch with us after he left the hospital and has a message for our new champion!!
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Rey Fenix: Blackpool Combat Club.. you thought that you ended me...but like my name says, im a Fenix, i rise from my ashes and im pissed off. Not only you injured my arm, but you unmasked Mi Hermano Penta and took his title! I still can't fight but at the next defense Claudio, you will meet a friend of mine that i met some years ago in the Aztec Temple!!
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After seeing his talent on Lucha Underground, we will, of course, make this match possible. Drago is currently signed to Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide, where he is the former AAA Latin American Champion. Will he be able to take revenge on the BCC for the Lucha brothers?
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brokenolivejar · 5 months
★introduction for realsies★
Main op goes by Emerald or Dimitri no pref
Non binary trans masc (they/xe prns okay with he/him)
On the aroace spectrum sapphic
I have ADHD and DID and 70 other diseases
I'm also physically disabled and I use a cane or forearm crutches!
What I do here is just reblog things I find funny or my interests
And I draw!! I'm an artist's and yes my comms are open! Here's the link!
Main fandoms you'll see from me are
★ Ocs or OC stories ect
★ Lego monkie kid
★ one piece
★ dorohedoro
★ madoka magica
★ pokemon
★ digimon
★ monster hunter
★ Danganronpa
★ black butler
★ pirates or anything history/anthropology related things
★ homestuck
★ mlp
★ wings of fire
★ hunter x hunter
★ ddlc
And more and other niche interests
I also have other blogs such such as the animalized ddlc ask blogs @monisayoyuri
My comic series krc @kamisreigningchampions
And a couple other daily merge accounts mostly for homestuck
Other socials are
Instagram - brokenolivejars and gardentoreador and gempirates for specifically my alters art
Tiktok - brokenolivejar
Twitter/X - brokenolivejar
Bluesky - brokenolivejar
Discord - won't give that one out bc yeah maybe I'll give some discord servers that are public if u ask nicely
I'll also be focusing pretty bad on some AU's
Church of Sacrilege (CoS) - merged au with blondeaxolotl/axolotlblondie - fandoms are black butler, Danganronpa (but really it's just my ocs), lmk, ddlc - au is set in 476 AD aka the right before slash during renaissance era or right after the fall of the roman empire based off the religious trauma and church abuse back then
Era of piracy(pirate au) - basically just a 16-17th century pirate au for Danganronpa a project I plan to turn into a zine and I'm pretty much vanishing from the dr fandom at this point. but may turn it later on to lmk and ocs
MLP au - just an au where I MLPify fandoms I enjoy and make it darker
Beastars au - same with the MLP au
Kamis reigning champions (krc au) - basically same with the previous 2 but with my OC series which is based off of futile era japan in a weird way
Animalized au - basically the other previous 3 but I turn them all into anthropomorphic animals or feral/quadrupedal animals (that's not just cats and dogs)
Planet V for all (PVA) - not really an au more of like the universe where I steal dr characters and make them my ocs
⚠️⚠️Fair warnings for my blog⚠️⚠️
- I swear :(
- blood and occasional nudity (NOT porn yucky)
- I touch weird topics such as trauma with like SA or religious trauma
- idk that's it for now
About my system under the cut!
My system is called the gem/geo pirates or the brokenolivejar
I know people have those keep records oh their system websites and what not I unfortunately don't apologies! But most of my alters sigh their posts with - [insert their name] and their associated emoji]
But they also do art now and then! Though I'm the host and I front the most
Here's the list!
Emerald - 🐐
Kiro - 🌺
Elliot - 🦅
Octavia - ☔️
Syo/toko - ✂️
Betty - 🗿
Karma - 🦴
Himiko/Sylvie - ✨
Tenko/eshe - 💣
Beam - 🦈
Angie - 🐚
Gonta/Alois - 🪲
Kiibo - ⚡️
Kirumi/anfisa - 🕸️
Luffy - 🍖
Robin - 🪷
Zoro - ⚔️
Yamato - 🐉
Vivi - 💙
Ryoma/drago - 🎾
Izzy - 🐞
Ken - 🐝
Akihiro - 💵
Grell - 🪚
Mikan - 🩹
Chihiro/guo - 🕹️
Jataro - 🪝
Shizuku - 🦷
Rei - 👾
Taro - 🐊
Cavendish - 🥄
Ebisu - 💀
Lefty - 🐻
Kaito - 🪐
Shiver - 🪭
Frye - 🦑
Pearl - 🫧
Ussop - 🥽
Jimbe - 🐋
Yuuri - 🔪
Pidge/Katie - 🌿
Tony chopper - 🦌
Kobeni - 💦
Zelt - 🍎
Brook - 🎸
Chinder - 🦠
Sayo sayo - 🎀
Nikaido - 🥟
Shin - 💔
Redson - 🔥
Sandy - ☮️
Macaque - 🙈
Will update when needed!!
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watanabes-cum-dump · 9 months
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babes new pgr Oc just dropped. She’s actually just a PGR version of my usual avatar lol, I’m gonna give her lore and a better illustration but this is all I got for now.
I do have this full body non chibi illustration but no colours
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Her name is Kouryuu or Kou for short and she’s with the WGAA, she’s a seamstress. She specializes in making construct coatings and her weapon is a giant pair of scissors Kill La Kill style. Her little bunny plush on her hip is named Yves, she uses it as a pin cushion. The eye between her horns (inver devices) is an advanced scanner that allows her to get the measurements of any objects, as well as reveal any obscured objects. It can also display a 3D hologram. She mostly uses it to scan the measurements of her clients and visualize her pieces though.
Her whole concept is from @rei-dragoness who suggested the idea of a fashion designer construct, honestly he cooked the most here.
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shunsellon · 2 years
new vestroia and misogyny, part one
season two of bakugan starts a trend that would persist until the end of the series, namely the cutting down of the main female cast from three to one, and eventually to none by the second arc of the fourth season. here i break down the misogyny behind this writing choice, most especially in new vestroia, and how it all boils down to one thing: toy sales.
part 2 of this will cover how new vestroia’s writing has affected its more active female characters as well as how the relationship between the gender binary and the toy market extended to bakugan’s toy packaging.
despite the large number of the fandom being comprised of AFABs, bakugan is a shounen anime and as a result has always been more geared towards a male audience. bakugan is also a show that was created to sell toys, and the show is its biggest advertisement. by putting two and two together, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that the toys are also geared towards young boys.
the gender binary has always played a big role in how toys are sold and advertised. from auster and manbach (2012), research has long shown that girls and parents of girls will be more inclined to dabble in masculine and gender-neutral things than boys and parents of boys would in feminine things:
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this effect has been reflected in the merchandising of many popular series that are geared towards boys. female characters have consistently been left out of merchandising, even if they are the main character or have been on-screen longer than their male counterparts. iconic marvel and star wars characters such as princess leia, black widow, gamora, and rey have been noted to be missing from official merchandise. though abandoned, the blog @butnotblackwidow​ documents how black widow is forgotten in marvel merchandise. to add to this, one of the reasons for the cancellation of the 2003 teen titans show was due to a lack of toy sales -- this was attributed to teen titans letting female characters terra, raven, and starfire shine. part of why it was cancelled because girls liked it but the toy market demanded segregation by gender. 
bakugan flopped in japan but did well overseas, prompting a second season. the success in toy sales is the reason for the misogynistic writing choices in new vestroia. to ensure its financial success, the writers wrote out female characters. most notable is the second season’s lack of active female brawlers in the cast -- from the 3:3 male to female ratio in season 1, it became 5:1. this tokenism of female characters is dubbed by scholars as the smurfette principle: where the female character only exists in reference to men, establishing a male-dominated narrative. season 2 onwards also sees a reduction in feminine bakugan and their perceived strength in-universe. if you’re watching the english dub of season 3 and the dubs which translate from it (which is majority of dubs outside of east and southeast asia), there would be no feminine bakugan entirely (avior is feminine in the japanese and other east/se asian dubs, she is made male in the english version). this trend would continue until mechtanium surge arc 2, where active female brawlers and feminine bakugan are cut out entirely.
however, new vestroia is particularly more misogynistic than the seasons following it because it actively undermines and writes its preexisting female characters in a way that “justifies” leaving them out of the narrative. here i list all instances where the writers blatantly write runo, julie, alice, chan, and skyress with the intention of leaving them out:
s2e01. runo and julie are purposefully left behind by drago, dan, and marucho (drago later apologizes for this, but it starts a pattern where the girls are constantly left behind/denied their chance to go to new vestroia/partake in battle).
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s2e10. runo and julie fuck up, runo gets stuck between dimensions, the resistance gets separated, and the vexos come to earth as a result. this episode prompts the audience to place the blame on runo - establishing a pattern where female characters are purposefully written to look bad, blames themselves, then are written off from battling.
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s2e19 is one of the worst bakugan episodes on earth. with apollonir’s help, dan, baron, and mira make plans to return to new vestroia. they invite runo, julie, and alice to come with them. but mira betrays them, forcing them to travel using michael’s transporter, which now only works if the traveler has a gauntlet. this forces runo, julie, and alice to stay behind. again.
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but this episode also contradicts what’s already been established - that alice still has the portable version of the transporter that masquerade used in season 1. she uses this multiple times throughout season 2, but somehow they never thought to use it to transport themselves to new vestroia? despite masquerade using it to transport himself in and out of the doom dimension in season 1 (see: s1e34)?
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considering all this, it just reads as a shitty attempt to not get the girls into new vestroia, despite alice using the card twice in the episode without a gauntlet and with multiple people.
s2e30 sees the return of skyress. here, she is portrayed uncharacteristically bitchy - she’s never acted the way she did with ingram before. like with runo, this prompts the audience to not sympathize with her.
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this all backfires when the writers forcibly make her weak against lync and aluze in the final round, leading ingram - a masculine bakugan - having to step in a save/avenge her. this pattern of masculine bakugan having to step in and save/avenge/take care of a feminine one doesn’t only apply to skyress - it’s applied to elfin with preyas throughout the second half of new vestroia.
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this episode, in my personal interpretation, is one of many that seeks to defang the original six with the exception of drago and preyas. skyress has a base power of 450gs - more than neo drago who stood at 400gs but obliterated everyone in the first half of season 2. but skyress, who is stronger than neo drago, is not given a time to actually shine and win a battle?
(also consider that neo drago has the same base g-power as base drago did at his strongest. power scaling doesn’t mean shit in new vestroia, the season is so plot-focused and hates women so much that it refuses any attempt at cohesion.)
in the end, skyress admits that she was wrong and is never seen again until she gets killed in ms arc 2.
s2e32. there’s bad episodes and there’s this. there was no reason to make alice and chan lose this battle. hell, i’d argue there’s no reason to portray alice as so scared to battle. her entire arc in season 1 is coming to terms with the fact that she is a battler and stepping into her place as the group’s darkus battler - it is part of her entire identity and informs a lot of who masquerade is (additional reading: marukrawler’s analysis on alice and masquerade). in s1e19 she is also shown to be more than willing to travel to new vestroia and save hydra, but like runo and julie, the writers decided that she isn’t allowed to.
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the writers forget that in the first half of the season alice fearlessly ran towards spectra and gus, that she physically hit lync for threatening michael, and that she eagerly accepted dan’s invitation to travel to new vestroia in favor of portraying her as scared to battle shadow. her fear of battling shadow - of battling in general - just rehashes season one problems that were already resolved within season one, resolved by s1e48 to be specific.
anyway. alice and hydra get their iconic moment together and destroy hades. that should’ve been the end of it. but no, alice and chan get beaten by mac spider. this defeat by mac spider does not make sense at all, because two episodes later preyas defeats both mac spider and dryoid.
like i said with the skyress episode, s2e32 is an episode that seeks to defang and belittle the original six. it fails to make sense when you consider that hydra was The Shit in season one is already in his final evolution - the most powerful he can be via natural evolution - and is unable to defeat mac spider with help from fortress, but preyas can? preyas on his own, without angelo/diablo? and beats dryoid at the same time, who defeated an evolved nemus?
oh and they depowered hydra. from 550gs to 500gs. but somehow preyas rose from 340/400gs to 500gs on his own. stronger than storm skyress and the same level as alpha hydra. it does not make sense. oh wait, it does. it’s because skyress is a feminine bakugan and hydra’s partner is a woman but preyas is none of that, so he can stay.
the destruction of michael’s transporter happened for two reasons. the first is to make chan and alice look more like incompetent battlers despite shadow being the one who actually destroyed the transporter. like runo and skyress, alice is shown to regret battling and is shames herself. chan also never appears again after this.
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the second is to write out alice and have no reason for her to appear. the destruction of michael’s transporter doesn’t mean anything because the following episode shows that klaus has his own. eventually, spectra will lend them his transporter, and then drago will evolve into helix drago which gives him the power to open gates between dimensions.
but the show contradicts itself again, because alice is still able to use the card version in the literal next episode. which can be used to travel between dimensions as established in s1e34, but is somehow forgotten in season 2?
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s2e34. this episode is the sole episode where runo is able to brawl. in the japanese dub, she’s prompted to go out because dan asks her to make him curry. by contrast, the english dub changes this to make it so dan tells her she’s a shitty brawler. she goes out to either get curry or prove herself in battle, depending on which dub you watch. 
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mira goes out to tell her that it’s not safe (despite runo having nothing to lose as she doesn’t carry an attribute energy, but mira holds one, and she goes out. with wilda. and was of sound mind when she made the choice to go out. with wilda.). they run into lync and mylene, brawl, and mira loses the attribute energy. despite mira the one going outside and taking wilda with her, the show decides to make runo blame herself for mira’s loss because runo chose to go outside.
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this also the same episode where runo and julie make the sound offer to be the resistance’s first line of defense as they don’t carry attribute energies. this episode becomes even more misogynistic because baron and ace question their capabilities (despite runo and julie being the ones who were actually able to defeat the ancients, while baron and ace stay bringing in Ls) — even worse in the english dub because dan tells runo she’s a “lousy brawler” — and the episode is written in a way to prove them right. it writes runo to be useless with the intention of writing her off the show.
s2e37. billy visits julie and the brawlers. marucho shows them bakugan interspace while shun checks the surveillance. ace battles julie and billy. this battle isn’t as bad as alice’s or runo’s on how it shames female characters (though julie still loses). that comes after, where it’s revealed at mylene and shadow tracked billy to marucho’s house and julie gets shamed by proxy of being the reason billy came over.
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like episode 34, the english dub also changes dan’s lines. in english julie tells him that billy didn’t mean to get lead the vexos to them and dan says that it doesn’t matter. in the original, julie apologizes (once again placing the blame on herself like alice and runo did) but dan says that it’s fine and they should focus on the future instead.
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julie being shamed here isn’t the only problem with this episode. julie is coded to be latin american, and her portrayal here is one of many instances where she falls under the spicy latina stereotype. see this post for a break down of julie and the spicy latina stereotype, approved by a mexican latina.
the last two episodes especially show how the plot and lore will bend in order to make writing out the original girls a sound choice. first, mira will tell runo it’s not a good idea for her go outside as the vexos pose a threat. but in e36, dan tells baron it’s fine for him to take maron outside because he already lost his attribute energy and thus would not be a liability if he went. this is cut from the english dub - you can watch it here unsubbed and still get the gist as dan mentions the lumina energy and baron is shown feeling like shit over it.
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second, it’s shown that the vexos track the brawlers via attribute energy. e35 has a clip of hydron smiling as he receives an alert for the aquos energy once elfin goes outside without marucho. the clip of hydron is also cut from the english dub; you can watch it subbed here.
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when put next to episodes 34 and 37, it becomes obvious how the girls are purposefully made to look bad. why is runo blamed for mira losing the attribute energy, when mira was the one who went out knowing she’s the liability, and baron went out without an attribute energy just fine? why is julie shamed by proxy for billy unwittingly being tracked by mylene and shadow because of his gauntlet, when the vexos track the resistance via attribute energy?
it’s because they’re actively trying to write out the girls and make it seem to the audience that it’s a logical choice, but it isn’t and it’s obvious they don’t want women here, that’s fucking why. the english dub makes it particularly worse because it omits these small details and then changes the script to make dan an even shittier character.
all this eventually leads to two instances where the girls are left behind. first is s2e38, where spectra takes the resistance to the mother palace. despite them saying in the beginning of the episode that they wouldn’t leave runo and julie behind, they’re still left behind.
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second is in s2e51, where tigress and golem retire from battling because they think of themselves as liabilities in comparison to the rest of the team. this also terminates any chance of runo and julie battling. hydra is never given a speaking role after his battle with shadow, and alice also stays behind. what a coincidence that this final nail on the coffin also comes after runo, julie, and alice are repeatedly denied opportunities to go to new vestroia, made jokes of in battle, and are blamed when things go wrong. what a coincidence that this is the one episode where the girls can pass through a dimension gate, but instead are written to willingly stay behind.
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it’s in this episode where julie also says that she and runo “were never the brawlers that they (the resistance) were” when anyone who has ever paid attention to season 1 would know otherwise. this line is also a complete assassination of character on julie’s part - her whole trial was about not comparing herself to others and in season one she was willing to die if it meant the brawlers would complete their mission.
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this character assassination also becomes worse when you factor in julie’s short appearances in season 3. she says that she quit bakugan and that her driving force behind battling was to catch up to dan. this is again entirely untrue and inconsistent if you pay attention to season one where she battles for herself and for the bakugan, not because she wants to reach dan. again, her entire trial is about not comparing herself to others and it’s when she realizes that that golem evolves. this all only exists to give a reason, albeit a shitty and misogynistic one, for why julie isn’t an active brawler anymore.
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julie was repeatedly denied opportunities to battle and help throughout season 2, and the one battle she was given, she lost and was quickly shamed for something out of her control (that never seemed to be a problem for the resistance - see baron). then the writers deemed that wasn’t enough and regressed her character even further. all for the sake of keeping girls out of the main cast, because their show is one big toy advertisement, and the toy market demands segregation by gender. the message of season 2 is clear: the girls aren’t welcome on the battlefield anymore, they should just hold the fort and make food for the obnoxious male mc, who the english dub makes even more obnoxious and annoying.
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in conclusion,
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*dropped down to a mere minor character for money. inesidora’s artwork, truly timeless.
thanks to marukrawler for helping me out with the japanese subs/translations. other translation credits go to nhi huynh on youtube.
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ask-srps · 10 months
Character List
From Shork we have:
Vera The dimension’s highest god, a (generally) chill shapeshifter who has a bit of a crazy side. She’s existed since practically the beginning of the timeline, only being younger than two cosmic beings.
Dungeoneer 4 A massive, draconic, yet humanoid creature from the Dragon’s Nest. A highly trained mage and alchemist. The smallest of 6 dragonesses at an insane 45 feet of height.
Dungeoneer 5 The largest of the dragons at a staggering 60 foot height. She’s known for a very specific incident that happened a year or so ago involving a baby, seventeen pounds of TNT, and a blender.
LXVI A spectral entity from the void, decently well known in the dimension for streaming games with his brother and two friends.
Puppeteer Shork Once a manipulator of fate, he takes control of characters, puppeteering them, earning him his title. Kind of known for being a survivor of the Puppeteer Genocide
Terror One of the spookier ghosts, Terror is known for her insane acts of skill with archery, and professional assassinations. Part of a quintet, with four other assassins who will be added to the blog later
Avani A cluster of seven different Avali minds in one body. Each form gives a different mind control of the body, but they all use their senses at once.
Flame Your average human, with a small bit of fire magic. He stays at home to avoid the world’s chaos, but it doesn’t always work.
From Memory:
CO Headless From: Undetrials [HARD MODE] Job: Second in command of the royal guard. Description: One that takes his job seriously, CO Headless [Chief Officer Headless] is the sans of Undertrials HARD MODE, a sub timeline of Undertrials, which is an undertale AU.
Shadow From: SRPS Job: Top ghost Description: This inky black ghost was artificially made… and ended up being suicidal, but now in the afterlife he’s stuck in a haunted mansion with a bunch of chaos
GG Charlie From: GG Job: Unlicensed doctor Description: A German who’s personality was inspired by Medic from TF2, this Unlicensed doctor will heal all your wounds, and also steal your liver
From Darkness:
Rei The highest god from an alternate universe, Rei has a short fuse and a lot of power. It's best not to get on his bad side, because you will end up erased.
333 The all-knowing god that doesn't exist, 333's past is not one commonly talked about. Ask him whatever, you're guaranteed to get the right answer.
Darkness The personification of both life and death, this being has bad memories, although not nearly as bad as the consequences of getting too close to him.
From Clocked:
AURio A black rabbit that survived the deletion of everything, and finally can catch a break.
Orio(+7 Souls) A goat-sheep hybrid(Geep) that has 7 souls on tow with him, and also a god.
Sunset: Brazilian wolf goddess with ADHD go zoomies.
Glitchy A skeleton child who was made of scrapped code and stuck alone, found and adopted by Orio (YES HE'S A SANS AU BY TECHNICALITY.)
And from donuts, who forced me to include this:
just a normal robot¿? named R.A.M.
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scalpel-mom-mori · 1 year
starting a new post bc the old one was kinda long but !! Thank you so so much lilith for tagging me !!!
Favorite color: wine red !! like my blog accent <3
Last song: jitter bug covered with sachiko. Am obsessed with both the song and the voicebank
Last movie: uhm. i rewatched perfect blue a while ago. Altered my brain chemistry. literally obsessed
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: spicy, I'm from sichuan it's an obligation /j
Currently working on: oh boy Imao time to plug my wips. Hellrunners is an original work, working title bug exterminator sensel is also an original work, bonus content for jade moon's zenith, springtide is also a super secret tomb sweeping day idea i had for fortune favor you but it may not make it out of the basement, uh and a gore fic for hina. As a treat.
no pressure tags ! idc about numbers it's late and my brain is scrambled like an egg
@dusted-star , @its-a-journal-of-ideals , @yokelish , @narcoticwriter , @the-walls-have-many-ears @rei-dragoness and anyone else that wants to join!!
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sosoawayrpg · 7 months
mwf chars?
PRÍNCIPE ENCANTADO POR FAVOR NUNCA PEDI NADA, Hércules, Rei Tritão, Gothel, Elizabeth The Dragoness, Hansel, Homem Biscoito, Três Porquinhos, Rei Adam Dubois, Capitão James Hook, Rainha Elsa, Princesa Anna, Victor Van Dort pra completar nosso triangulo amoroso, Sandman, Bunnymund, Toothiana, John Smith, Príncipe Kuzco, Xerife Woody, Victor Frankenstein, Flautista, Robin Hood, Rainha Branca, Coelho, Chapeleiro Maluco, Dorothy Gale, Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker, Príncipe Aladdin, Fada Azul, Tarzan, Michael Darling, Príncipe Kit, Drizella Tremaine, Irmãs de Ariel, Caçador
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dynamischreisen · 7 months
Max, Panama, Tag 15
Ich wollte diese Überschrift vermeiden, aber Leute - ich kann nicht anders:
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Ich denke, ich kann mit einigem Selbstbewusstsein sagen, dass für mich heute der schönste Tag der Reise war und auch in einigen Top-Ratings in meinem Leben könnte dieser Tag mitspielen.
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Begonnen hat er recht abenteuerlich: seit null Uhr gab es keinen Strom mehr. Was für Nicos Ventilator-Problematik vermutlich ganz gut war, war es umso weniger für die Nahrung im Kühlschrank. Da nicht abzusehen war, wie lange es dauern würde (zur Erinnerung: alle Straßen dicht, kein Sprit, unterbrochene Kühlketten…) habe ich die Angel zur Sicherheit behalten. Man weiß ja nie - Abenteuer eben.
Auf der Hauptinsel Colón war dann aber glücklicherweise alles im Lot.
Dort angekommen bezogen wir unser neues Appartement, das sogar zweistöckig ist, vom Balkon Blick auf das Meer gewährt und eine eigene Küche hat. Hier werden wir bis zu unserem Flug nach Panama City leben. Mehr oder weniger auf gut Glück und aus Zeitvertreib stiegen wir in ein Collectivo, das uns zur Nordwestseite der Insel bringen würde. Ich habe mich vorher schlau gemacht, ob man im Dschungel Faultiere finden könnte und bekam die selbe Antwort wie so oft: ein müdes Lächeln und ein „muy dificil“. Aber wir wollten es probieren.
Schon die Fahrt war ein echtes Highlight, die Straße führte keine drei Meter vom Meer entfernt durch kleine Orte und die wunderschöne Natur. In Bocas del Drago angekommen, folgten wir einem Pfad, der uns zum Playa Estrellas bringen sollte, der seinen Namen nicht wegen der guten Sicht auf die Sterne im Himmel trägt, sondern die wunderschönen großen Seesterne, die dort im perfekt glasklaren Wasser leben.
Auf dem Weg dorthin wollte ich zum wiederholten Mal Locals ansprechen, ob sie wüssten, wo Faultiere seien. Nico meinte scherzhaft, er wolle nicht schon wieder ausgelacht werden. Ich entschied mich, trotzdem auf eine Dame zuzugehen, die bevor ich Luft holen konnte in den Baum zeigte und rief „allí, un Perezoso!“ übersetzt heißt das „guck mal du Blindfisch, fast hättest du das Faultier verpasst“. Wir freuten uns wahnsinnig über die kleinen grauen Fellkugeln. Doch wiedermal folgte der Fingerzeig der Natur, dass durchhalten sich lohnt und schon kurz darauf begannen die beiden Tierchen regelrecht für unsere Fotos zu posieren. Wir sollen uns glücklich schätzen und ich meine Fotos mit einem Anwohner teilen, so die Bitte.
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Mehrfach kam die Frage auf, die uns bisher an fast jedem Strand begleitet hatte. Und dieses Mal lege ich mich fest, ich habe die Antwort: es geht nicht schöner, es geht nicht besser. Der Dschungel endete wirklich direkt am Wasser, ein knapper Meter feiner, heller Sand war die einzige Barriere zum leuchtend türkisen Meer. Beim Tauchen sahen wir bunte Fischschwärme, einen großen Rochen und die Seesterne, von denen ich keine Ahnung hatte, wie riesig und cool sie sein können.
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So lagen wir neben ihnen im perfekt temperierten Wasser und tranken einen eiskalten Cocktail. Irgendwann hatte ich Lust auf Blödsinn, fand eine gigantische Krabbenschere und gab sie als Dank einem Touri-Pärchen, das auf unsere Sachen aufgepasst hatte. Es sei ein wichtiges Zeichen der Anerkennung und des Respekts in meiner Kultur, anderen Leuten Krabbenscheren zu überreichen. Und so packen sie sie ein. Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen.
Das stand logischerweise unter dem Stern der zwar ausgelutschten, aber nicht weniger wahren Definition von Glück, die Harald Juhnke einst formulierte: keine Termine und leicht einen sitzen.
Und so schlenderten wir zurück zum Haltepunkt des Collectivos, sahen Pelikane beim Fischen und kletterten auf Palmen umher. Wenn ihr nochmal an den Anfang des Artikels geht, könnt ihr mich auf einer erkennen.
Beim Restaurant vor Ort beschlossen wir die Wartezeit zu verkürzen und etwas zu Essen. Es gab Reis, eine Art Kartoffelpuffer aus Kochbananen und Makrele. Diese war laut Nico, der ja ein deutlich zurückhaltenderer Typ ist als ich, der beste Fisch seines Lebens. Und es war echt unglaublich. Zum wiederholten Male fragte ich, was denn jetzt noch kommen sollte. In diesem Moment begann die Sonne mit einem unfassbaren Schauspiel, der Himmel brannte. What a day.
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freshlychaos · 1 year
[ Matt Jackson's First Challenger ]
Matt Jackson vs Will Osprey
[Matt Jackson's Second Challenger]
Matt Jackson vs Zack Sabre Jr.
[ZSJ Promo]
[Zack Sabre Jr's First Challenger]
Zack Sabre Jr. vs Nick Jackson
[ZSJ and Bryan Promo]
[Officialization of the match]
Zack Sabre Jr. vs Bryan Danielson
Nick Jackson vs Bryan Danielson
[Nick Jackson's Second Challenger]
Nick Jackson vs Malakai Black
[Nick Jackson's Third Challenger]
Nick Jackson vs Hook
[Nick Jackson's Fourth Challenger]
Nick Jackson vs Kazuchika Okada
[Don Callis Promo]
[Okada Promo]
Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega
[Kenny Omega and Vikingo Backstage]
Kazuchika Okada vs El Hijo Del Vikingo
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Brody King
[House Of Black Promo]
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Buddy Matthews
[Julia Hart Promo]
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Julia Hart
[House Of Black Promo]
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Malakai Black
[Vikingo, Bandido Promo]
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs Bandido
[Bandido, Vikingo Promo]
Bandido vs El Hijo Del Vikingo
[Bandido, Lucha Brothers Backstage]
Bandido vs Penta 0M
[Penta 0M Promo]
[Fenix Backstage Pre Match]
Penta 0M vs Jon Moxley
[Penta, BCC Promo]
Penta 0M vs Claudio Castagnoli
[Rey Fenix Promo]
Claudio Castagnoli vs Drago
[Drago, Don Callis Promo]
Drago vs Konosuke Takeshita
[Don Callis, Lucha Brothers Promo]
Konosuke Takeshita vs Rey Fenix
[Don Callis Promo]
Konosuke Takeshita vs Katsuyori Shibata
[BCC Promo]
Katsuyori Shibata vs Wheeler Yuta
[After Shibata vs Yuta]
[Katsuyori Shibata's Second Challenger]
Katsuyori Shibata vs Shota Umino
[Shibata, Toru Promo]
Katsuyori Shibata vs Toru Yano
[Orange Cassidy Promo]
Toru Yano vs Orange Cassidy
[Toru Yano Promo]
Toru Yano vs Tomohiro Ishii
[Eddie Kingston Promo]
Tomohiro Ishii vs Eddie Kingston
[Eddie Kingston, Tetsuya Naito Promo]
Eddie Kingston vs Tetsuya Naito
[Hiroshi Tanahashi Promo]
[Pre Match Interference]
Tetsuya Naito vs Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Bray Wyatt
[Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tetsuya Naito Promo]
Tetsuya Naito vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
[After The Steel Cage]
[Jericho Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Chris Jericho
[Sammy Promo]
[Sammy and Jericho Shoot Fight]
Sammy Guevara vs Chris Jericho
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Chris Jericho
[After The Match]
[Samoa Joe Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Samoa Joe
[Hiroshi Tanahashi Promo]
[Shibata, Ren Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Ren Narita
[Hiroshi, Vikingo Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs El Hijo Del Vikingo
[Kip, Penelope Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kip Sabian
[Trent Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Trent
[Yoshihiko Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yoshihiko
[Hiroshi Promo]
[Sting Promo]
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Sting
[N and A promo]
Gold Rush Redux: NADC's Second Chance Rumble
Sting vs Penta Oscuro
[Catrina and Mil Muertes promo]
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Today’s fuckable dragon of the day is...
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Don Callis: You didn't believe me when i told that he was the future of this company..but now you all see what this guy can do! He was eliminated in the NADC Tournament in the second round. But now reborn under my wing and he will make Vikingo title reign look like a joke. You all can already bet all your money on him for at least the next 20 matches, i present to you the current and forever be NAD Champion Konosuke Takeshita!!!!
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*Lucha Brothers theme plays*
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Excalibur: THEY ARE BACK!!! Rey Fenix injury is healed and now he's searching revenge!
*Don and the NAD Champion runs away*
Rey Fenix: Konosuke get ready, because I'm here for revenge! Im going to take that title back to the Lucha Brothers and im going to make the BCC pay for everything they have done!
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Good news, that Fenix is back from the hospital and ready to fight again!! Of course he will take revenge for his brother and friend Drago. And damn, who would we be if we would not give him the chance to do so!!! Don't miss out another great match for the NADC!!!
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yuzu-adagio · 11 months
I'm gonna do that Wrestling Empire mod, I'm just still in the planning stages so there's not a ton to show. But I have tentative rosters about half done! Also I need to figure out a name for the project, naming is not a strong suit <_<
Anyway the rough draft of what will replace Super Lucha Libre is under the cut! It's WCW with some Lucha Underground and CHIKARA guests. Good time to note that these are based on a mix of notability, personal preferences, face/heel/tag team balance, and yeeting the most problematic of the IRL people.
Faces: Sting, Lex Luger, Goldberg, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Dusty Rhodes, Diamond Dallas Page, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal, The Giant, Edith Surreal, Jigsaw, Rey Fenix, Drago, Son of Havoc
Heels: Buff Bagwell, Arn Anderson, Meng, Ultimo Dragon, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Scott Steiner, Raven, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Delirious, Larry Sweeney, Pentagon Jr., Johnny Empire, Mil Muertes
Non-wrestlers: Dario Cueto, Nick Patrick, Eric Bischoff, Tony Schiavone, UltraMantis Black
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ochoislas · 7 months
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Se precian de su astucia en corte y plaza; mas no ven que en la Vía son bisoños. Aventajarse quieren en boato; ignorantes del fin que les aguarda. ¿Al Místico Maestro cómo vieran —que en su pomo de jade abarca todo—, cuando del universo desvanece, caballero del Cambio, en lo infinito?
Apartado moré escrutando el Cambio; cómo todos pelean por su cacho. Entre sí se desgarran con calumnias; dañan por medro, sin confiar en nadie. Se espojan los serviles zalameros, que su gloria apuntalan mutuamente. Wu Guang no quiso gobernar el mundo, mas a yerro porfían mercaderes. Se acabó… yerba de alta virtud cojo; mil eras pasan todas en un punto.
Amo al Maestro del Hondón Fantasma, con su verde regato sin mancilla. Los negocios del mundo lio en su hato; a todo renunció, vive entre nubes. Los Siete luego luchan como dragos; cayó el mundo en el caos, sin gobierno. Por cosa sin valor tuvo él la gloria, «Guárdate y cede en negras horas —dijo—. Extiéndela, y el universo cubre; arróllala: no ocupa más de un punto.» ¿Mas cómo aspiraré al árbol sublime? Es en vano arrimarse con las antas.
Festejaban en Zhanghua tiempo atrás; amaba el rey de Chu la francachela. Dosel de azur, pendones de arcoíris, en el bosque Yunmeng cazando abadas. Del pabellón Gaotang la vista aparto, cerro Yunyang con pesasumbre oteo. Tantos briosos deseños… ¿qué se hicieron? Se quejan en el aire los gorriones.
Chen Zi'ang
市人矜巧智 於道若童蒙 傾奪相夸侈 不知身所終 曷見玄真子 觀世玉壺中 窅然遺天地 乘化入無窮
深居觀元化 悱然爭朵頤 讒說相啖食 利害紛㘈㘈 便便夸毘子 榮耀更相持 務光讓天下 商賈競刀錐 已矣行采芝 萬世同一時
吾愛鬼谷子 青谿無垢氛 囊括經世道 遺身在白雲 七雄方龍鬬 天下久無君 浮榮不足貴 遵養晦時文 舒可彌宇宙 卷之不盈分 豈徒山木壽 空與麋鹿羣
昔日章華宴 荊王樂荒淫 霓旌翠羽蓋 射兕雲夢林 朅來高唐觀 悵望雲陽岑 雄圖今何在 黃雀空哀吟
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ivanreydereyes · 7 months
España es un país de gentes sin educación; donde la envidia, que es el peor pecado, es el pecado nacional, donde la mala leche es brutal y en el que, junto con Italia, hay mayor cantidad de sinvergüenzas del mundo; aquí al pícaro, que en cualquier lugar se le mete en la cárcel, es un modelo y se le alaba y exalta; en España te engaña todo el mundo, el editor, el fontanero y el taxista...». «En España nadie se plantea nada desde una perspectiva moral; este es un país de salvajes y de cafres; España vista desde el extranjero resulta un país ridículo, siempre estamos peleándonos con nuestra sombra y los extranjeros se quedan atónitos cuando ven lo que pasa aquí
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sosoawayrpg · 1 year
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𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭  
Após o casamento de Shrek e Fiona, eles vivem felizes com seus filhos no pântano. No entanto, Shrek começa a sentir saudades de sua vida solitária e decide fazer um acordo com o vilão Rumplestiltskin para ter um dia como um ogro comum sem nenhuma responsabilidade de família. O acordo, no entanto, não acontece como Shrek esperava. Em vez de um dia livre, ele é transportado para uma realidade alternativa em que todos os contos de fadas foram mudados e o vilão Rumplestiltskin é agora o Rei cruel de todos os reinos e de Tão Tão Distante, escravizando ogros e outros seres mágicos por diversão. Shrek está em desespero para encontrar uma maneira de desfazer a maldição e voltar para o seu mundo. Será que ele consegue?
Skrek(+30) indisponível
Fiona(+30) indisponível.
Filha do Lorde Farquaad(+23)
Elizabeth The Dragoness(+25)
Homem Biscoito(+25)
Três Porquinhos(+21)
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