x-tetrodotoxin-x · 1 year
(Send to my main so I'm directing us here where I can be wild and free)
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Aaaaa okay so like I love Fuyumi, I'm sad she gets taken out of the fucky todocest more than her brothers do. Guys, shes the caretaker role there, in and out of the bedroom clearly. Def got a Mommy kink, and again a major caregiver so she's always on top of the aftercare and really into the foreplay to make sure everybody's properly ready. She's usually submissive, especially with Natsuo and sometimes Touya when he gets really demanding, but does take on a more soft mommy dom role with Touya. She loves to spoil her brothers, gets more pleasure outta pleasuring them than being pleasured herself most of the time- but definitely gets in a mood sometimes and just drags one of them between her legs.
Natsuo and Fuyumi were fucking like crazy after Touya wasn't around, of course, and that's partly how they got so close because they both missed him a whole lot. They were both so lonely, especially since by the time Touya was gone, Rei was also gone (meaning Natsuo was lonely bc reinatsu obv) and the whole ordeal with Touya made Enji's visits with Fuyumi a lot less frequent because he mindbroke Rei and Touya into insanity and worried with Fuyumi he'd be 3/3. So ofc Fuyumi and Natsuo started going to each other for comfort.
I like to think their relationships kinda built off each other with their siblings at least. First Natsuo and Touya were fucking, then Fuyumi and Touya, then Natsuo and Fuyumi after Touya "died" and now we've got threesomes after they're all renunited.
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kotosnoozy · 3 years
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long time no them 💛💚
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nagihiko-dayo · 4 years
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The 4 ships that were requested! \(//∇//)\
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taruchikas · 5 years
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ReiNat comic I did at school,,, I rly missed drawing them 🥺💕
(The song is Prom Queen by Beach Bunny btw)
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masatos-wig · 5 years
if requests are still open, 1v with reinatsu pwease
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textingutapri · 6 years
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kie-kois · 5 years
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👀👀👀👀👀👀 nattsun you got some explaining to do
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pescado-diabolico · 6 years
A Surrogate for Love
Pairing: Reiji Kotobuki/Natsuki Shinomiya
Rating: G
Summary: While apart, Reiji and Natsuki try to find a way to express their love for each other. 
Notes: Written for the Uta no Prince Sama FlashBang 2018, which was hosted by @utapriflashbang.  This was an interesting and intense experience, since the only times I've ever participated in fic exchanges have been for Secret Santas.
Wonderful fanart provided by @watermelonwabbit!
Click here to read it on AO3.
“Ah, Rei-chan!  Over here!”
As he entered the cafe, Reiji heard his name being called from one side of the room.  He recognized the tall, blond man waving from a booth and bounded over to him.
“Hey, Nattsun-- oh!” Natsuki got up from his seat and embraced Reiji tightly as he came near, leaning to rest his cheek on the top of his head.  Natsuki’s well-known affectionate nature made the hug not unusual here, a cafe where many staff members and idols of Shining Agency frequented due to its proximity, the high quality of its pastries and coffee, and the reasonably low prices.  But only Reiji noticed how the hug lingered just a bit longer than what would be typical for friends.
Natsuki’s cheeks were a faint pink as they sat back down.  “Sorry,” he said sheepishly, adjusting his glasses a bit. “I know we have to be careful, but I couldn’t help myself.”
Reiji laughed, still marveling at how adorable his boyfriend often was.  “It’s alright Nattsun, I missed you too.” He reached over the table and squeezed Natsuki’s hand.  At a place like this, where both the staff and typical clientele were discrete, neither of them felt the need to disguise their appearance.  But, they were mindful of their status as idols and knew better than to risk their careers for public displays of affection.
Still, a little bit couldn’t hurt.
Reiji took Natsuki’s hand and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles. Natsuki’s face flushed deeper as he smiled, and Reiji laughed again, warm and loving, before letting go.  “Have you ordered anything yet?” He asked.
Natsuki nodded.  “A pot of black tea and some castella cakes.  The waitress suggested it since it’s a new recipe and it’s been popular.”
They continued on in this fashion, discussing some future and current projects with their respective groups, comparing schedules, and chatting about nothing in particular.  The airy, friendly conversation put them at ease, and the stress of whatever may have been on their minds melted away. When the waitress brought them their order, Natsuki poured each of them a cup of tea, followed by a splash of milk and two cubes of sugar in his own cup, and one in Reiji’s.
As he watched Natsuki prepare their tea, Reiji felt a familiar tightening in his chest.  It was the feeling he got whenever he was reminded of how precious Natsuki was to him, that even the smallest gestures, like remembering how he took his tea, made him fall in love with him all over again.
“I’m going to miss this,” Natsuki sighed, eyes pensive, absently stirring his teaspoon around.  “I don’t want you to leave.”
His comment shook Reiji out of his reverie.  “Don’t say it like that Nattsun, I’m only going to be on tour for a few weeks!  I’ll be back home in no time.” Reiji smiled at his boyfriend. He always found Natsuki’s somewhat possessive nature, something he usually kept hidden and when it did manifest it was accompanied by blushing and stuttering, extremely endearing.  The mention of the impending Quartet Night tour reminded Reiji of something.
“I have a surprise for you!”  He rooted around in his bag until he found what he was looking for.  Natsuki observed him curiously, eyes widening when Reiji presented him with the gift.
“Are you… giving me Super Reiji-kun?  Isn’t he the mascot of your family’s shop?”  Natsuki’s voice, though already usually soft, held a reverential tone as he took the plush and held it delicately.
“Well, yes and no,” Reiji explained.  “I’m giving you  a Super Reiji-kun, but it’s not the one from the shop.  I know you like plushies a lot, so I asked my sister if she could make another that I could give to you.”  He grinned and winked. “He can keep you company when I’m not around.”
Natsuki was silent for a minute, his eyes shining with unshed tears. Then, he said, “Rei-chan… thank you!” In a flash Natsuki moved to Reiji’s side of the booth and hugged him.  Reiji wheezed as he was crushed in Natsuki’s arms, his hands coming up to pat Natsuki’s back.
“I’m glad… you like it…” he managed to breathe.  “Nattsun, could you let go just a little? You’re hurting my ribs.”
Natsuki’s hold noticeably loosened but he still kept his arms around Reiji.  He nuzzled his cheek against Reiji’s soft brown hair and kissed his forehead.  “It’s perfect,” he said softly, voice thick with emotion. “I love it, Rei-chan, and I love you.”
“I love you too, Natsuki,” Reiji murmured, leaning forward to kiss the tender spot under Natsuki’s ear.  He chuckled when he heard Natsuki squeak, before they moved apart to avoid any more suspicion.
Natsuki held the plush close to him even after he returned to his spot.  He admired the carefully sewn clothes and the ability of the plush to sit upright when set on the table.  Reiji observed Natsuki with a wide smile. He really was just too cute.
They finished the rest of their tea and pastries in a companionable, peaceful silence.  When they left the cafe, Natsuki kept the plush close to his chest as they walked back to the agency.
Reiji collapsed, groaning, on the hotel bed when he entered the room.  The mattress sunk under his weight as his muscles cried out their aches.  After the adrenaline of performing wore off, Reiji truly felt his age, and the only things he wanted to do were to shower and sleep.
Well, he had one more thing to do besides that.  He got up, ignoring the protests of his body, and forced himself to take a quick shower. Once finished, wrapped in the fluffy robe the hotel provided, Reiji grabbed his phone from the nightstand and dialed a number to make a video call.  The dark screened flashed into life as he settled back into bed, and Natsuki’s eager expression was on his screen.
“Hi, Rei-chan!” He said, waving.  Natsuki’s voice came in slightly static, and Reiji turned up the volume on his phone so he could hear him.  “How was your concert?”
“It went well!  The crowd got really fired up and had a good time. We got back to the hotel about an hour ago.” Seeing his boyfriend again for the first time in a few days made Reiji’s chest tighten.  Their careers didn’t allow them much time together, so moments like this were precious. “How was your day?”
“Good!  Practice went well, even though Syo-chan and Otoya-kun almost sprained their ankles trying to see who could pirouette the fastest, and Tokiya-kun got mad at them.  We also started going over the plans for our new single, which was fun, too!”
Reiji hummed his acknowledgement, imagining what must have gone on at rehearsal amongst his juniors.  “That’s Tokki for you, but I’m sure he was just worried.”
Natsuki nodded in agreement.  His eyes lit up as he seemed to remember something.  He reached behind him on his bed and, amid the nest of Piyo-chan plushies, he grabbed Super Reiji-kun.  He waved the plush’s arm to Reiji.
“Reiji-kun says hi, too!  He’s been great company lately.”  Natsuki kissed the plush’s cheek and giggled.  “It’s almost like you’re still here.”
“Hey now, don’t forget about me!”  Reiji laughed. “You’re making me a bit jealous, Nattsun.  I wish you were here to give me some love, too.”
Natsuki blushed.  “Sorry, Rei-chan,” he said.  His smile fluttered into something tinged with sadness.  “I really do miss you, though. Reiji-kun’s nice but he could never replace you.”
“I know, but I’ll be home soon enough, you’ll see.  In the meantime, let me send you my love!” Reiji blew a kiss to the phone, and on the screen Natsuki pretended to grab it from the air and press his hand to his cheek.  They both laughed and continued to talk until neither could stop their eyes from drooping. Natsuki looked at Reiji with a warm, drowsy smile spreading across his face.
“I love you, Rei-chan, I can’t wait for you to come home,” he whispered.
“Me too, Nattsun, I love you so much.”  Reiji blew one last kiss to Natsuki. “Good night.”
“Good night,” Natsuki yawned.  “Take care tomorrow.”
“You too.”  Reiji hung up and put his phone on its charger.  Shutting off the lamp on the nightstand, he curled up under the covers and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with the thought of seeing Natsuki again on his mind.
Reiji hardly had time to set his bags down when he entered his apartment before he was practically tackled by Natsuki.  Luckily, Natsuki seemed to be aware of his own strength this time, as the hug was tight but not bone-crushing. Reiji returned it with equal fervor, and they pulled away slightly to meet in a tender kiss.
“I’m so, so,  so  glad you’re home,” Natsuki said as they parted.  “It feels like forever since I last saw you.” He led Reiji to the couch so they could be more comfortable as they caught up.
“Me too, I’m happy to be back.”  Reiji reached up to ruffle Natsuki’s fluffy hair and laughed.  “Tours are fun and all, but it’s nice to be back home with you.”
Natsuki nodded in agreement.  He seemed to ready to add something to Reiji’s comment before his eyes lit up and his mouth formed a perfect little ‘o’.  “Ah, hold on! I got you something to welcome you home!” He disappeared into their bedroom and returned with a small bag.  Reiji noticed how his eyes sparkled when he sat back down and handed him the bag. Reiji couldn’t contain the gasp that escaped his lips when he held up the present.
It was a plush, and looked very similar to Super Reiji-kun, but instead of being him it was of Natsuki.  The expression was the same, but the felt for the eyes was the same shade of chartreuse as Natsuki’s, and a little pair of wire glasses was sewn in-between its eyes.  The doll wore a sweater and a pair of pants that looked like miniature versions of some of Natsuki’s clothes, and the hair was a simplified version of the way Natsuki styled his own hair.  Reiji gaped as he held the toy loosely in his hands, unable to process the gesture.
The silence unsettled Natsuki.  His joyful smile dropped in confusion and concern as he said, “Do you not like it, Rei-chan?  I wanted to give you something like Super Reiji-kun so you wouldn’t be lonely when either of us were away, and-- oh!”
Reiji threw himself into Natsuki’s lap, laughing as tears sprung in the corners of his eyes.  “It’s wonderful! I love him!” He snuggled into the embrace, the plush getting squeezed between them.  He looked up at Natsuki, his brown eyes sparkling with joy. “How’d you even get this, anyway?”
Natsuki rubbed at the back of his head, a faint blush painting his cheeks.  “I got the idea after we talked that night, when you said you were jealous that I gave Reiji-kun a kiss.  I know you were joking, but I went to Masato-kun the next day and asked him if he could help me sew a plush to give to you, and he did.”  His blushed deepened. “Though I think he did most of the work, I just offered some suggestions on the design.”
Reiji sat back, still cuddled against Natsuki’s side, and looked at the plush.  The seams were almost invisible to the naked eye, indicating a very skilled hand behind the needlework.
“Then we’ll have to find a way to thank Hijirin for his hard work, too.”  Reiji leaned up to kiss Natsuki’s jawline. “But I really do love this, thank you so much.”
Natsuki wrapped his arms around Reiji’s waist and buried his face in his hair, pressing gentle kisses.  “I’m just glad to have you back home. I love you a lot, Rei-chan.”
The genuine tenderness in Natsuki’s voice was almost too much for Reiji.  To be loved so frankly, without any expectations except to be loved in return, made him want to cry again, but he swallowed the feeling back.  “I love you too, Nattsun.”
They remained in each other’s arms for the rest of evening, basking in their comforting presence, knowing just how much they were loved.
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ringomom · 6 years
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pastpassages · 6 years
Reinatsu headcanons
Reiji helps Natsuki with his cooking so that he doesn't end up near poisoning half of his friends each time; first getting him to follow a recipe and then helping him experiment in less disastrous ways
They send each other little texts throughout the day; reiji sends anything cute he thinks natsuki would like and natsuki sends him pictures of cars like reiji's he comes across
Reiji complains about how tall natsuki is compared to him, and natsuki teases him about having to lean down to kiss him-but neither of them really mind it (sometimes reiji will climb onto a counter or similar so natsuki doesn't have to lean down so far to kiss him though)
At first reiji doesn't want to drop his happy persona even for natsuki (he worries it will put natsuki off), but after a while he lets more and more of himself out when the two of them are alone; natsuki is always happy that reiji is willing to be honest and confide in him and does his best to get him through the darker moments
Sometimes if reiji complains of being tired when he still has work to do, natsuki will carry him around for the rest of the day (whether it's piggyback or bridal style depends on how much of a teasing mood natsuki's in)
Their dates are rare since both of them are busy, but they normally consist of either driving around aimlessly, picnicking, or driving around aimlessly to find a good picnic spot. (They cook all the food together.)
Once reiji learns about satsuki, he's supportive and tries his best to take care of the both of them, usually by trying to help natsuki avoid triggering situations and comforting him if anyone tries to hurt him because of it
They absolutely have sugary sweet nicknames for each other-things like darling dumpling and sugar pie. Reiji likes to break them out around the rest of qn to annoy them
Reiji takes advantage of his trouble sleeping to go stargazing with natsuki; it starts off as just another way to distract himself but turns into something he really cherishes, staring up at the sky and spending time with a loved one
(he ends up reading more about astronomy so he can really talk with natsuki about what they see and keeps track of when meteor showers and the like are so they can watch them together; the next morning natsuki whips up a special coffee so they both can get through the day after a late night without much sleep)
They both go big for each other's birthday. One year natsuki manages to wrangle a longer time off period and takes reiji on a whirlwind tour of England. Another year reiji commissions a giant piyo-chan plushie-they barely fit it in the room, but it becomes a favorite cuddle spot.
The hugs become much more frequent; occasionally natsuki hangs on while reiji goes about his day just to be near his boyfriend
Natsuki: rei-chan, look at this plushie I found, isn't it just adorable?
Reiji: wow, it is nattsun! I found something cute too!
Natsuki: what is it?
Reiji: -boops his nose- you~!
Natsuki: -shinomiya natsuki.exe had stopped working-
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heysayjeskuh · 5 years
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And now I suddenly also ship ReiNatsu u__u My heart can’t keep up with this ep!! Ahhhh and Wataruuu D; 
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x-tetrodotoxin-x · 1 year
Do you think that Rei ever trash talked Touya in front of Natsuo or humiliated him in any other way? Maybe something like Natsu overheard it while passing a closed door or peek around the corner. Would seeking for love and attention win over loyality to his brother and make him pretend that nothing happened? Could I pleace some ReiNatsu headcanons?
I like the hc that Rei did as much as she could to coddle Natsuo and shield his eyes from the reality of the house, including from how she behaved. I dont usually hc that she treated Touya like that in front of his siblings often, especially since she kept an appearance for Shouto, Natsuo, and Fuyumi like she was caring and loving and there to comfort and protect them (however usually left Touya out of this kinda stuff and explained it away by saying he was isolating from her because he wanted Enji's attention.)
There's definitely been slip ups and she flipped out on Touya in front of Natsuo before or Natsuo happened to overhear it. I think that wpuld be devastating for Natsuo because in my headcanons he has a very narrow view of her and has only ever saw her as his poor, mistreated but extremely compassionate and loving mother. Hes never seen her even raise her voice, and he's seen her both be abused and protect Shouto from abuse, so he'd never imagine her abusing Touya. Tbh he'd probably try to come up with excuses for it or think he was misunderstanding the situation somehow. Touya said something mean, and Rei was already having a bad day and overreacted. That kinda thing. He might ask Rei about it later, but she'd further push the idea that he misunderstood or give excuses.
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kotosnoozy · 4 years
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i should’ve been trying to tier last night but i went into a trance and knocked this out instead 😳
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Any ReiNatsu hcs? OwO
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Reiji Kotobuki/Natsuki Shinomiya
A very bubbly high-energy couple
Public affection? Not an issue
Talk too loud in movie theaters? Yeah
Their dates are all over gossip magazines 
They cook meals (and snacks) together
Reiji heavily, heavily supervises
“Look at the recipe, Nat-chan. We don’t need frog legs.”
They give each other disgustingly sweet pet names
Every time one of them gets interviewed, the conversation somehow becomes about their relationship
Constantly writing songs about one another
“Honey-Cakes look what I wrote for you!!!”
When they got together it was all they talked about for weeks
“I can’t believe I just found the love of my life, my heart, my other half, the best person in all of existence-”
We get it, please be quiet
Natsuki would actually be really excited to go fishing with Reiji
Natsuki is not the best at it, but still loves it regardless
They rarely catch anything together. They’re so loud and rock the boat too much, they scare away all the fish
Natsuki would feel bad if they ate the fish so Reiji always unhooks them and throws them back
If they decided to live together their home would be quite disorganized
They’re never at the house, always out and about
Between work, dates, and other such events, they’re always too busy to clean
“Honey where is my sheet music?! I can’t find it!”
They often play their instruments together
Natsuki would teach him some songs on the viola, and teach Reiji the strings
Reiji loves to sing while Natsuki plays
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taruchikas · 5 years
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I redrew a ReiNat from my old account 🥺💘
(Left is from September 2019 and right is from August 2018)
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masatos-wig · 6 years
how do you guys feel about two (2) soft bois, Natsuki and Reiji, being big soft boyfriends who snuggle on cold days with a mug of hot chocolate in one hand, and their other hands intertwined 
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