#remember to check out the original artist!
art · 1 day
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro!
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zephyraes · 5 months
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Credit if used.
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homo-house · 5 months
re:hbomberguy, on the topic of citing sources, i want to say:
it is insane how many people on here don't even click the sources op links on their own post to learn more and just hit reblog saying "oh my i didn't know about this thank you for teaching me!". like guys CLICK THE LINK!! CHECK THE NOTES!!! CHECK THE SOURCE!.... i swear half the time the link is dead or takes you to a nonsense page (i see this a lot with art specifically???? and excerpts from magazines??) and some times the linked source disproves a claim the very post that linked it made and people just. don't bother to check, no one bothers to even reblog saying "hey that link is dead! here's a new, working link!" or "hey that link doesn't work, can you link the source again?" and when it comes to misinformation people just share without checking or looking at the notes where numerous people will (in the best case scenario) already be pointing out the misinformation
"OH BUT I CAN'T CHECK EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE INTERNET" there is a surefire way to prevent spreading this kind of stuff even if you don't have the time to fact check immediately. just accept it's fine to save a post for later if you can't look deeper into it right now!!!!! literally just reblog it in private or save the post as a draft so you can come back to it later and check. it won't kill you and in fact it will actually make your life a lot better lol
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tracle0 · 1 year
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Next - here Previous - here First - here
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starmunmun · 9 months
Same palette challenge with @anxiousseas !! Go look at theirs !!
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Included og palette alt !!
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undyinglantern · 1 year
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bixels · 4 months
I think 90% of my gripes with how modern anime looks comes down to flat color design/palettes.
Non-cohesive, washed-out color palettes can destroy lineart quality. I see this all the time when comparing an anime's lineart/layout to its colored/post-processed final product and it's heartbreaking. Compare this pre-color vs. final frame from Dungeon Meshi's OP.
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So much sharpness and detail and weight gets washed out and flattened by 'meh' color design. I LOVE the flow and thickness and shadows in the fabrics on the left. The white against pastel really brings it out. Check out all the detail in their hair, the highlights in Rin's, the different hues to denote hair color, the blue tint in the clothes' shadows, and how all of that just gets... lost. It works, but it's not particularly good and does a disservice to the line-artist.
I'm using Dungeon Meshi as an example not because it's bad, I'm just especially disappointed because this is Studio Trigger we're talking about. The character animation is fantastic, but the color design is usually much more exciting. We're not seeing Trigger at their full potential, so I'm focusing on them.
Here's a very quick and messy color correct. Not meant to be taken seriously, just to provide comparison to see why colors can feel "washed out." Top is edit, bottom is original.
You can really see how desaturated and "white fluorescent lighting" the original color palettes are.
[Remember: the easiest way to make your colors more lively is to choose a warm or cool tint. From there, you can play around with bringing out complementary colors for a cohesive palette (I warmed Marcille's skintone and hair but made sure to bring out her deep blue clothes). Avoid using too many blend mode layers; hand-picking colors will really help you build your innate color sense and find a color style. Try using saturated colors in unexpected places! If you're coloring a night scene, try using deep blues or greens or magentas. You see these deep colors used all the time in older anime because they couldn't rely on a lightness scale to make colors darker, they had to use darker paints with specific hues. Don't overthink it, simpler is better!]
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bogleech · 2 years
Little things to know for artists just now coming to (or returning to) tumblr:
Remember that “liking” a post doesn’t add it to anybody else’s dash or spread it around; only reblogs do that!
Even if you have no followers, your art will be seen if you tag it appropriately. #art #original #oc are common basic ones but you should also tag any relevant themes and content like #animals #horror #fantasy #mermaids and so on. People following or checking those tags will see them!
Unlike tiktok, instagram and twitter it is considered normal (and should be) to interact with posts no matter how old they are. There’s no expiration on reblogging or commenting, including re-reblogging your own posts or adding new thoughts to them.
They only added this in recent years, but you can click on your own post in your dash to see all the comments and tags.
Tumblr is the only social media I know of where a lot of people routinely use the tag field to add personal thoughts and opinions, so don’t miss out on that as another source of feedback and commentary on your work!
Unconstructive negativity or unsolicited criticism is much rarer and more frowned upon here, so the likelihood of a comment that really amounts to just “this sucks” is a lot lower. People who do that just get ripped to shreds, really.
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grace-kami · 28 days
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Another art collab coming at ya!!!
Thank you SO MUCH @blazefire2012 for coloring Long Spring Kitty!! You don't now how much I love this!! It's better than the original!! If you haven't checked out Blazefire artwork, I highly recommend you do. They are truly AMAZING artist!!
I LOVE IT when people color my art. It makes me all giddy inside. I don't have computer or tablet so I can't digitally color anything. Even if I did have computer, I'd probably destroy it. Technology and Grace do not mix.😅
If anybody wants to color any of my work, by all means, help yourself!! Just remember to tell me ok? I love this community so much, I'm always excited to get notifs and messages from you. Thank you everybody so so much!!🥹❤️🫂
So much love, fam!
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fernlessbastard · 8 months
So, what's the deal with this tnt duo art?
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I've explained it in my reblog of this post, but I've decided to copy this over to a brand new post as well, because especially with qsmp happening I'm sure we have many newer people here who don't get what's the deal with this piece
Ok so first off: the artist is _olga.exe_ on Instagram (I think also on twitter but i don't use Twitter so you'll have to check that one yourself)
To the best of my understanding this art just came out around June 2021, which was immediately after the first Revivedbur/Quackity interaction. The first two or so months the ship was exclusively seen as a crack ship - I'm not fully certain why, I think it's just that quackbur before wasn't all that known and popular, so it seemed like it came out of nowhere to the majority of the internet (which, it didn't, holy shit, those sluts have been so gay with each other for so long). It also was a time when most people only began realising that ccQuackity was capable of serious lore, which most likely added to how the ship was seen. Even I myself actually was very hesitant to bring it up to my partner, when I began slowly getting into it - of course while simultaneously deluding myself that it's nothing more than a crack ship for me (@octobre-ackedia oh would you look at how we ended up--).
This art was one of the first pieces that were fully serious, and couldn't be construed in any way shape or form as /p, so it got picked up by people on twitter and memed on. Around September 2021 tntblr began reclaiming it (and if I remember correctly we had a boom of posts sharing the original artist about that time).
In this surge of new people beginning to ship those two that's been happening for the past year or so, I need you all to remember that quackbur started off first as a very underground ship that almost no-one spoke of, and then became a crack ship. The header on my blog doesn't come from a "ha ha funny" self deprecating meme. #twquackburshipping was a tag that someone seriously used to tag a post about how Eret commented on some tntduo/r tiktok.
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I get how easy it is to forget how anti-mainstream of a ship quackbur used to be (or simply miss that, if you're newer - which, for the record, no shame, I'm happy to see the new faces!), considering ccQuackity's endorsement of it in the last months of dsmp, not to mention what's happening on qsmp, but all those "omg I'm a quackbur shipper ha ha don't hate me ha I'm cringe I know" jokes used to genuinely not be jokes something like 1,5 years ago.
I hope this explains it thoroughly, and to everyone a little bit newer to the ship: welcome! Glad to see you here, remember to have fun, and if you've got any questions, feel free to ask me :]]
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ns-sprite-editz · 8 months
Alrighty, PSA:
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I am very tired of seeing this poor persons art being used as if it's canon. I have attempted to find out who the artist is but I have failed because it's been reposted so many times, and the original source may long be deleted. As you can see, it is clearly a panel redraw mimicking canon style. Canon page is here (flashing warning)
This is a challenge faced by anyone who mimics canon style or makes an edit that appears canon. I've seen some of my work used as if it was canon, the most popular victim being my little flying Damara.
So, I encourage everyone to really try to think back through canon and look closely at pictures. Don't remember that panel? Check to see if it exists. Looks a bit off from canon? Check into it.
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art · 6 months
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Creator Spotlight: GDBee Art (@prinnay)
Geneva Bowers is inspired by the wonders of the natural world around us, and enjoys manipulating colors to create art full of mood and feelings.
Check out our interview with Geneva below!
How did you get started with art? Did you originally have a background in art?
I’m going to say yes because that’s all I’ve known how to do. It started because I wanted to draw better horses than my sister, and it just spiraled from there. People started asking me to draw things because they saw me drawing horses. I was like, well, I can draw things that aren’t horses, and then it was just kind of all I did. 
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I have one right now! Honestly, with time, and I also collect art books; I think I have a couple hundred. If I really want to draw something, then I just flip through those and try to steal some ideas.
Which three famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
I mean, of course Van Gogh…I’m really inspired by Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, so I would invite Van Gogh, Monet, and Julie Dillon to a dinner party.
Have you ever wanted to dive into another medium before?
Yeah, actually, I currently am! I’m trying to do more traditional painting. I used to do a lot of acrylics, but I haven’t done it in years, and now I’m kind of bad at it. I’m trying to get into actual impressionistic art with oils and oil pastels. I’m like failing, but you know, you get there. Just fail until it looks presentable. 
If there is one thing you want your audience to remember about your work, what would it be?
I guess it’s more of a feeling. I create art because I’m inspired by things around me, like certain video games. For example, I have been inspired by a Japanese RPG called Chrono Cross on PlayStation 1. They make me feel a certain type of inspiration to create something, so that’s kind of like what I’m hoping to leave behind. 
Have any of your projects surprised you with their outcome?
Yeah! I did this Weapon Faerie series where I took three prompts: a weapon, a winged insect, and an herb, which I combined to make different characters. So, a faerie with a spiked club or a butterfly faerie with a katana. I made 13 of those, and they kind of took off! I wasn’t expecting that at all.
What is the hardest part of your process?
My whole art style is coloring, like the way it’s colored… but I hate the coloring process, haha. I like doing the color combos, but I don’t like the blending and shading. That takes like one-trillion years. It’s the part where I’m most likely to give up. You know how art kind of looks ugly before it looks good? I’m trying to trust that process. 
What do you wish you knew when you started creating art that you know now?
I guess one big thing would be knowing how to use lights and darks. When I do color, it is definitely colorful, but when you switch it to black and white, you see that everything’s the same tone of gray. I’ve learned that if you just use some brighter colors and some darker shades, you create a bigger impact in the end. So, now, when I paint something digital, I make it black and white for a moment to see where all the hues are, and if something is weirdly dark or not dark enough, I can change it.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
Oh, @feefal definitely inspires me. She does a lot of spooky art.
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erika-xero · 1 year
A small guide to commissioning artists: how to avoid getting scammed by people who use image generators
Because “Ai-art” is not art and everyone can use image generators for free.
Disclaimer! This post will include generated images which were originally uploaded on DeviantArt and Twitter by people who generated them. Some of these images are of erotic genre but censored out. I beg you, do not bully these people. This post wasn’t written to call anyone out, it was written to help human artists and their potential commissioners. While some of the “Ai-artists” out there may be real scammers, others are not, and I strongly believe that no one should be bullied, doxxed, stalked and no one deserve any threaths over some silly ai-generated pics. And - as always! - scroll down for the short summary.
Commissioning an artist in 2023 may be scary, especially if you are not experienced in working with artists and have a hard time to distinguish artworks from images generated by neural networks. But even now, with the tech evolving and with neural networks generating pics with multiple characters and fan art, there are still quite a few ways to avoid scammers.
The creator you are going to commission must have an established gallery
This doesn’t mean that you should not commission someone who is new to platform, someone who started drawing in 2022 or later or someone who didn’t upload their work online prior. Image generators actually forced some of the artists to remove their work from social networks. In addition, image generators can generate thousands of images within hours, which means that the scammers may have quite a lot of works uploaded. What I mean is that real artists grow. Their skills gets better over time – even if they are already established artists with huge experience. Their artistic approach constantly changes and evolve. It means that if there are hundreds of images in the artist’s gallery but their skill is always the same level and their artistic approach doesn’t change over time – this definitely might be a red flag. As an artist with a tendency to nuke my galleries on certain platforms (such as DeviantArt, VK and ArtStation), if I get asked to provide my commissioners with examples of my early artworks I will do it with no hesitation. 
You need to look through the artist’s gallery and analize their work
Searching for some decent examples on DeviantArt I stumbled upon a gallery which is four weeks old but already has 660+ deviations all of which look the same way in the matter of skill and artistic approach. While stylization may vary from image to image (some of the artworks look like typical anime-styled CG artworks from visual novels and others have semirealistic proportions), the coloring, the “brush” imitation, the textures on the backgrounds are absolutely the same on every image I analized.
There are a lot of images depictinioning conventionally attractive white or sometimes asian girls in this gallery, some of which seem familiar or resemble the characters from various media. Yes, image generators can now generate fan art. But what they can not generate is diversity. There are of course living artists who tend to draw only conventionally attractive white or asian people too, but now when the image generators gain popularity this lack of diversity automatically raise my suspicions. Drawing a crooked nose or dark skin is not hard and living artists who use references rarely fail at it. It’s image generators who fails this task constantly.
Here is an image titled as a commission. The person who uploaded it also have some content under the paywall and I do not see their images being tagged as Ai-generated too.
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Remember the golder rule: spotting an Ai-generated image is the same as spotting the evil faerie in a dark folklore tale. Look them in the eyes. Count  their teeth. Look at their hands and count their fingers. Check if they have a shadow and if that shadow is of human form.The devil is in the details.
While this image may appear like a hand-painted artwork of the conventionally attractive girl at the first sight, however it has quite a few clues that may help you to realize that this artist is a scammer and his entire gallery is just a selection of most-decent looking images they managed to generate with neural network. This elven girl is insanely tall, and the shore behind her back, the stones, the grass and the trees are insanely small compared to her. The piece of jewellry is attached to her nips and it’s design makes no sense. What is the gold chain under her breast, which doesn’t seem to be attached to anything? Where does this piece of cloth hang from? Why does her head cast a triangular shadow on her arm?
Many details are easy to be spotted when an image is in high resolution. I do not recommend artists to post their works in high resolution online to avoid feeding the Ai-monster and also to avoid people using your works to produce pirated merch if they draw fan art. Yet in my opinion posting close-ups might become essential - because people who call themselves ai-artists are usually hiding the artifacts under filters and upload their image resized. So yes: avoid commissioning artists, who never post high resolution faces or overuse filters and blur. Because analizing the characters’ faces is now essential.
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You may look at this picture and think: how is this possible for a neural network to create such a detailed image and not fail at it (if you also ignore the fact that the girl on the horse doesn’t have legs). Luckily, the person who uploaded it uploaded it in high resolution, so we can zoom in and... yeah.
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The artifacts on these evil faeiries’ faces (especially eyes) and their hands speak for themselves.
Image generators have a tendency to either give characters extra fingers, phalanx or nails or hide the hands completely, if the person writing a prompt decide to to so. I do not know whether and how fast will the algorythm learn to generate normal human hands, but for now you should pay attention to these details to spot a generated image.
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Like this randomly nakey fellow with two palms on a single wrist and with some extra fingers on their elbow...
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...Or this Asuka Langley fan “art” I had to censor out, with her fingers twisted and crooked.
If you are up to commission an artwork and are in search of an artist who will actually do the job you absolutely must pay attention to small details on their works: the clothing, the jewellry, the tattoos, the anatomy.
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While Ai-generated images may appear photorealistic at first sight, the neural network usually misses small details, creates artifacts and makes mistakes if there are too many similar objects or repetative patterns. For example, the infamous MidJourney Party Selfies depicting girls with roughly fifly teeth, extra collarbones and green watercolor spots instead of tattooes (and don’t forget to check the ginger lady’s hand). The hair dissolwing in fabric folds? Image generator. The clothing designs which makes no sence? Image generator. Jewellry dissolwing into character’s hair? Image generator. Moreover the image generators also make mistakes while generating interiors and architecture, since the algorythm is not aware of perspective and space and once again fails either at perspective and object size or with repetative objects and patterns. 
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Like this image here: the bed, the window, the picture on the wall. The perspective on this image makes absolutely no sense: two walls and the bed all exist in different dimentions, while the character is once again of enormous height.
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If you try to analize the background on this one, I swear, you can go insane. Look at the window and then look on the corner above it. 
There is also another red flag which makes it easy to spot a scammer: dozens of iterations of the same image, which usually happens with people who can’t choose the best image out of the bunch generated with the single prompt.
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There are, of course, artists who do series of works, and sometimes these works may have similar ideas and themes, but they hardly ever look this similar to each other: they may differ in angles, poses, character designs and even the artistic approach (lineart, brushes, rendering and etc). The posting time is also important: drawing an actual artwork requires time and effort - for example, I need at least two weeks to finish an artwork with two or three characters and detailed background. So a bunch of ten similar images that are uploaded at the same time it is definitely a red flag. The ai-generated images have a lot of problems with anatomy, details, perspective and other basics human artists have to learn long before they become professionals. All while having glossy semi-realistic render which can only be achieved with years of practice. I’m not saying that there are no living human artists, who may make mistakes (everyone makes mistakes now and then, even the professionals who works in this industry for DECADES) or who choose not to give much thoughts to backgrounds while focusing on characters and rendering (it is okay too), but the combinations of various red flags listed above is something you definitely have to take in account while deciding whether or not you are going to commission an artwork from this creator.
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Another example (this person openly admits that they use the images generators for funsies and I did not find him mentioning paywall anywhere). The image generator even imitated the watermark.
Red flags you may spot while working with the chosen artist
Image generators are tricky: they can generate multiple iterations of the same image, imitate WIPs and many more.
First of all, the artist should provide you with WIPs on every stage of work, not when the work is already done. We artists, do it for a reason. We need your feedback constantly, even if you grant us artistic freedom to chose the idea, the character pose, the medium and technique. There are always changes to be made, and we need to make them at proper stage: for example, change the pose or angle of your character while working on a sketch is thousand times easier than to do so while rendering the image. However, the minor changes are usually possible on the later stages (some of artists may require you to pay a small fee of a few bucks, others may not). While the living artists can easily change small details such as the character’s eye color (or other small design changes) not touching the rest of the artwork, image generators simply can not do so not rerendering the whole image. If an artist does not provide you with WIPs or only provide you with them when the work is done, if an artist refuses to make any changes  -  these may be interpreted as red flags. If an artist agrees to make any change, even the drastic ones, at a late stage, when the piece is almost finished - it is a red flag too. Ask for a small change every single time you need one. I know that there are artists out there who prefer to only provide their client with the finished image once it is done, but now when image generators gain populatiry his may be misinterpreted as if you are a scammer.
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Here is a good example of image generators generating WIPs for an existing image: it might actually look scary both for many artists and many commissioners.
I know that some of the artists are panicking that the only way to prove that you really did the artwork is a timelapse recording but this method is not for everyone. Not everyone has a setup which allow them to record a timelapse for an every single commission (my laptop will simply explode if I try). Ask your artists which software/setup do they use, ask them whether or not they can provide you with a timelapse video, ask them which brushes do they use. I know that not everyone like sharing info on their pipeline but at this point it is essential to provide your clients with information on the information about your pipeline, tools and software. For example, if your artist works in Procreate (which is available in Ipad) they have all the timelapses recorded automatically. But please, mind that not everyone have such a privilege.
As a commissioner you can ask an artist for screenshots of their workspace with all the interface visible. If they refuse providing you with that or have a hard time answering the questions about the software they use it might be a red flag. I would also suggest you not to force your artist to draw everything on stream, especially if these streams are public, because there are already cases when people took screenshots of the work in progress, used the image to image generator to apply the shiny rendering to it and accused the original artists of plagiarism. It is a risk for artists and it is okay to refuse such a request. You can also ask an artist for .PSD file of the commission, but the artist have a right to refuse sharing it online for copyright-related reasons. The original .PSD file is a best proof of authorship in court for residents of many countries. Artists can still provide you with the resized .psd file with some of the layers merged or with the background/character png with transparent background without putting themselves at risk. Of course there are artists who draw on the single layer - but without a timelapse recorded this may indeed seem suspicious that the artist does not have a .psd file with layers at all. Always ask your artist to provide you with high resolution image when the commission is finished and fully paid for. There are artists who works on smaller canvases, but working on the canvas smaller than 1000px wide might be interpreted as a red flag, since it is easy to hide artifacts on a resized image. I myself prefer working on larger canvases, from 6000 pixels wide to 10000 pixels wide (300 DPI) because I had an experience with printing my images out to sell them at conventions. While I do not sell commissioned works as prints I still give my commissioners a right to print the finished images out for non-commercial purposes. Thus, I always make sure that it is possible to make a wall print of a decent size out of the finished product. Avoid working with platforms which do not support refunds. It must either be a payment system which support sending invoices or an established platform known and used among the art community (patreon, buymeacofee, boosty, Paypal and etc.). Most artists do not do refunds for finished works — which is absolutely a right thing to do - but sometimes an error might occure. I know people who accidentally paid for their commissions twice and the artists still had to do a refund. Yes, you must respect the artists Terms of Service, but ithas nothing to do with unrelyable platforms used to scam people.
To sum it up
Search for an artists with established galleries,which has a believable amount of works and the visible artistic progress/evolution;
Analyze the artist's gallery, carefully inspecting their work for anything that might be interpreted as a red flag. Excessive fingers, crooked hands, broken perspective, clothing designs and jewellry that makes no sense, extra collarbones, lack of diversity, excessive teeth, artifacts in the eye area, interior and architecture elements which makes no sense — all while the images being glossy, fully rendered as if the artist have decades of experience;
Avoid people with too many iterations of the same image in their profile;
Avoid people with too many images being uploaded at the same time (it is okay to upload a bunch of prevoulosly done artworks when you start running your account, but uploading hundrends of images every week for a long period of time is really suspicious);
Ask for constant WIPs. Give feedback at a proper time. See the reaction;
Ask for a small change when the image is almost finished: it is impossible for the image generator to do so without fully rerendering the image, at least for now;
Ask your artist which software and assets do they use;
Ask (if it is possible) for a timelapse recording — either if the commissioned work or at least of one of their previous works (if they had an opportunity to record it before);
Ask your artist for in program screenshots with visible interface and history (if possible);
Ask your artist to show you the layers of the artwork — at least character/background only layers (mind that the background might be less detailed/wonky at the places which usually are hide but the character's figure). Ask for a resized .psd with some of the layers merged or a gif animation of each layer being added on top — this is what I usually do;
Ask for high resolution file of the commissioned image once you paid for it and it is finished. If the artist doesn’t have it and claim to work on the canvas smaller than 1000 px wide and/or claim that they intentionally delete the original file somehow - this may raise suspicions. Of course a person can delete the file accidentally or have their hard drive crushed, but if you have already spotted some red flags while working with this artist it might be a sign of a person trying to scam you too;
Many of the stuff listed above might be interpreted as a red flag , but I strongly advice you not to judge anyone by one or two points from this post. For example, a person can draw on one layer and mess up the perspective on a drawing entirely! However, if you've played a bingo and suddenly won — you have most likely encountered a person who try to fool and scam you;
Avoid working with suspicious payment methods. If you never heard about  a platform before — google it and see whether or not other established artists use it. If not - it might be a scam;
And remember! People may use the images generators for various reasons: for fun, to create references of their characters to later commission reall artists artworks with said character (for example, the art breeder is a useful tool to create arealistic image of the character, even though I find it slightly limiting). Yes, image generators are unethical and trained on copyrighted data, but a person using it may not be aware of this problem. Not every single person who call themselves an “Ai-artist” has malicious plans to scam people or to gain wealth using their funny little tool. Sometimes they do it for fun and do not pretend that it is anything more that a game. Thank you for reading this far and good luck with your commissions!
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Have a picture of an absolutely normal and realistic woman, generated by the neural network!
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emeraldoodles · 1 month
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The Master Post from Serizawa Week 2024
I had lots of fun participating! Mine are little snapshots from the week, linking one day to the next.
If you would like more story read below.
Thanks @ygodmyy20 & @acermp100 for letting me bound ideas off you the whole week. Also, @yu-artist for sharing the Seriweek prompts!
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Monday, March 25th - Friends
Serizawa made going back to school look so fun Minegishi decided to join. Sometimes Dimple/Yoshioka likes to stop by and say hello. Today he was a distraction to Serizawa, so he had trouble paying attention and listening to the homework assignment.
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Tuesday, March 26th - School
Poor Serizawa, having to stay up late to finish an assignment. At least he's not alone. The cat's name is Gizmo! Thanks @acermp100 for the cat name suggestion. @secretagent9 I really love the idea of a Gundam name, but not being a fan I didn't know what to choose.
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Wednesday, March 27th - Outfit
Reigen and Serizawa were hired to exorcise mischievous spirits that kept harassing the maids at a cafe. Serizawa was very tired from yesterday's school assignment and not on his A-game today.
Reigen volunteered to lure out the ghost by wearing a maid's outfit, but maybe he just wanted to wear it. Serizawa is wearing his cute butler outfit! The maids were very excited to dress him up, not so much Reigen
Reigen: Those brats! Wont even help me tie my apron. Grumble. *struggles to reach behind*
Serizawa: Here, let me. *zips up and hooks Reigen's dress and ties the apron*
Reigen: *many hand gestures* Competition, that's what is is Serizawa! I'm competition because of how good I look.
Serizawa: *chuckles* You do look good sir. Very pretty, very cute.
Reigen: R-really? *blush* I-I er, I mean of course! Now! Let's get to work!
Poor Reigen, he got ice water dumped on him several times that day. He wasn't feel great before the exorcism, but was wiped out by the end the assignment.
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Thursday, March 28th - Food
Mrs. Serizawa is teaching Kastuya how to cook, so he can stop living off instant noodles. Today is a hearty beef & leak stew!
Mrs. Serizawa: Remember, the leaks need to be thoroughly washed.
Kastuya: Nods, Nods!
Mrs. Serizawa: Also, the more passion and enjoyment you put into your cooking will reflect in the final dish. So, relax and take it slow and your love will shine through.
Serizawa is learning how to make tonjiru soup. He wants to make it for someone "special" this week.
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Friday, March 29th - Spring
Dimple: I don't get it. If you're worried about Reigen go check up on him.
Serizawa: I don't want to intrude on his privacy.
Dimple: Ugh, you two are impossible.
It was an unusual day. Reigen didn't show up for work and Serizawa just got a message from him saying "I n68 sick".
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Saturday, March 30th - Comfort/Bravery
Serizawa: Reigen, please eat a little more.
Reigen: No, I feel so sick.
Serizawa: But you've not eaten since Thursday. Here, let me get you just some broth.
Reigen: Kastuya...
Serizawa: Y-Yes?
Reigen: I.... I... Bucket. I need the bucket.
Reigen proceeded to dry heave into the bucket while saliva and tears fell in. Serizawa rubbed his back while he continued to convulse for several minutes.
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Sunday, March 31st - Birthday
Serizawa went over to check on Reigen, who surprised him by throwing a little birthday celebration. It was just the two of them, but Reigen originally had planned something bigger. Luckily, the present, a multiplayer game, arrived on time, so they could play together.
Reigen was still sick, and drugged up, and making bad decisions. But Serizawa didn't mind. A love confession from Reigen made this the best birthday.
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emeraldbloodcrown · 10 days
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Chapter: One - Not Easy Pairing: Poly; Tattoo Artists!141 x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Deciding to get a head start in cleaning up the bakery, you end up hitting up the hardware store and meet a handsome stranger, willing to help you out. Content/Warning: Word Count: 2.6
Days passed, with both of you crashing in your old room, switching between who got to take the too old bed and who had to make due with a mattress on the floor. All of your essentials were strewn around your old desk or were still in your backpacks while the rest of your belongings had taken temporary residency in a storage facility.
In the meantime, you had been able to call a cleaning company and get them to sweep through the shop, taking all of the items that had fallen victim to the fire and documenting the damage for insurance. The safety assessment had already happened before your grandmother had written you, so today would be the first day, you’d be able to work towards the renovation.
You were sitting on the mattress, waiting for Anna to finish in the adjacent bathroom, while scrolling on your phone. You heard her return before you saw her as every step she took was accompanied by a small sound of discomfort.
“How can that bed be more uncomfortable than the damn floor?”
Without looking up, you answered her. “Cause it wasn’t chosen for comfort but for the design.” For emphasis, you clapped twice, making the LED butterflies around the frame light up.
“Never would’ve expected a 16-year old you to be so cheesy.”
“Don’t be jealous”
Anna stretched, letting out a satisfied groan when her spine cracked back into place, and she plopped down next to you.
“So what’s on the agenda?”
“Well we have someone coming to see if our electricity is intact, as well as check our plumbing, which wasn’t necessarily hit but since we have to renovate most everything, why not that too?”
Anna hummed.
“Grandma told me that the hardware store has some sort of sale today, so we should check that out and maybe get as much of what we’re gonna need as we can get.”
“Alright, you wanna do that? I can stay and be with the workers.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
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Making a small detour to get yourself a quick breakfast on the way, after having to swear to your grandmother for the umpteenth time to only visit the family shops and ’not any of the fast-paced run of the mill stores that seemed to pop up everywhere’, you drove to the hardware store.
You still remembered it, having already existed for a long time before you were born but what had once been a small company with only a handful of employees, most of them related to each other, had expanded into a three story tall store.
When your grandmother had told you about needing your help with restoring her shop, you had anticipated that, until it got to the point of baking and selling, you’d be very out of your depth. Building had always been your grandfather’s thing, not something you held a lot of interest in, not that you would’ve been allowed to indulge in it if you had.
A part of you still recalled the look he had given you when you had needed a chisel for a school project and, not knowing the name for it, had just called it the ‘thing for wood stabbing’. An accurate description, you found, but he had not been amused.
So it wasn’t like you thought you would just wing it, but seeing the sheer size, and therefore implied variety in options, made you wonder if your original assessment of doing it yourself with the help of some friends and intense tutorials on YouTube wouldn’t just turn out to be very wishful thinking.
Still you decided to park your car and after minutes of circling the parking lot, you found a free spot quite a bit away out of the entrance. The sale had brought out more customers, you were sure, but you wondered just how well this shop was doing.
Grabbing a cart, you were still staring at the massive store, not watching where you were going and were suddenly taken out of your daydreaming when you stumbled into someone.
Losing your balance, you arm shot out to grab the pillar next to you to save you the landing on concrete, when at the same time the person grabbed your other arm, steadying you. Bitterly a part of you noticed, how he was completely unfazed by you bumping into him. He could’ve at least swayed a little out of politeness.
Apology and thanks already at the tip of your tongue, it remained exactly there when you took a look at the stranger.
At first glance, all you could think about was how handsome he looked, not quite sure if his rugged features was adding to that or if nothing could distract from and ruin his appearance.
He was wearing boots with dark jeans, both having seen better days, as they showed clear signs of wear and tear, as well as several paint blotches, with the jeans also having been haphazardly patched up.
Hoodie and coat were in the same condition, and you wondered if this was his usual attire for working.
Finally making it up to his face, you noticed his long hair, which peaked out underneath the beanie on top of his head, almost reaching his shoulders and curling around his neck. It seemed less of a fashion choice and more like he had just chosen to let his hair grow wild, which was only proven by the state of his beard. Full and long but also very unkempt.
Where you could see skin, he seemed to have strong feature, sharp jaw line only partially hidden but coming full force around his cheeks and brow. He looked wild, edging on dangerous but any fear his features might have caused were forgotten when you looked into his.
Stunning and deep, and so very kind. There were little stress lines around them, accompanied by the darkness and bags underneath.
All in all, he looked rough, the kind you’d be polite to but keep a safe distance to. He looked like he had been dealt some shitty cards by life lately but despite it all, you couldn’t help but stare and think how beautiful those eyes of his were.
And apparently he had also been blessed with an unfairly attractive voice.
In your daze, you only managed to reply with a dumbfounded: “Huh?”
Embarrassment flooded your system as soon as the words had left your mouth, pressing your lips into a thin line, before you tried to save some grace.
“Sorry, what was that?”
His hand on your arm tightened for a moment, only until he was sure you could keep your balance on your own, and then he let you go. You might not have noticed it, if it hadn’t been for you missing his warmth immediately, and the utter confusion at yourself that followed.
Alright. You made a mental note to check Tinder for any local hookups, if you were that touch starved that a stranger could cause such a reaction you were in more of a need for a good fuck than you had assumed.
“Was jus’ askin’ if you were alright. Didn’t get hurt?”
“I bumped into you. Should probably ask you that instead.”
The corners of his mouth lifted, making the lines around his eyes crinkle, giving his eyes a softer edge now.
“Takes a lot more than a pretty bird to send me tumblin’.”
You know it was meant to be a good-hearted joke, nothing serious but you still flushed a little and even he seemed taken aback by his words.
He cleared his throat, “So not hurt, right?”
Noticing the sudden awkwardness, you chose to simply hum in agreement and give him a little wave when you parted ways.
Except you didn’t, because as it turned out, you weren’t just heading to the same store but remaining on the same floor and even going to the same aisle. He looked over his shoulders, probably to make sure you weren’t some weird stalker but when he did, your eyes weren’t even on him.
Instead you looked up at the daunting and overwhelming variations of floor coatings, with more than half of them looking nearly indistinguishable to your very uninitiated eyes.
You looked and felt out of your depth and helpless, trying to figure out what the differences were, when your stranger took pity on you.
“First time?”
You heaved a sigh, “That obvious, huh?”
“‘fraid so. You want some help?”
You took a look at him but didn’t answer yet. Even in his kindness, he looked tired and you had a feeling that he would appreciate you rejecting his polite offer, but the chances of you faring without him were so thin, and with so many customers coming in for the sale, you doubted an employee would have enough time for you, so you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
“My grandma will have my head for this but I fear I’m gonna need it.”
He smiled again and you found yourself thinking that you wouldn’t mind seeing it more often and making a mental note to try it for however long he was gonna help you.
“No beheading today. It’s no bother. What do you need?”
He closed the distance between you and you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. Pulling up the shopping list you had made beforehand, you turned your phone for him to see. His finger quickly scrolling over the display to see the length of the list before leading you to the first stop.
“I’m John, by the way.”
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John turned out to be a saint, patiently explaining to you what each option he presented to you for each item on your list was for and what you needed to look out for when installing it.
“Pretty big project for a beginner.”
“Not by choice. My grandpa was the handyman in our family but I can’t really ask him, and actually calling in a service has always left me with outrageous bills. ‘Course I didn’t think I could just wing it, but last I was here this shop was much smaller.”
He hummed, taking one more glance at your phone before showing you another selection to choose from.
“Lived here before?”
“Yeah, grew up here for the most part actually.”
“Glad to be back?”
“For the most part, I guess. Not too sure just yet.”
John finished by putting the final piece into your cart, giving you a polite smile.
“Well, good luck to you.”
He turned on his heel but you stopped him as just letting him leave wasn’t sitting right by you.
“I know you said, it’s no bother but let me make it up to you.”
There was a moment where you looked at each other, both of you with crossed arms over your chest, trying to gauge who would give into the other first but John must’ve seen something in your eyes because he huffed a little before answering you.
“Alright, luv. Just give me a ring and I’m all yours.” He pulled a small notepad from one of his many coat pockets and quickly scribbled his number on it before handing it to you.
After he left you, you finally allowed you to smile at the weird encounter. That definitely hadn’t been on your schedule but you couldn’t find it in yourself to mind. Taking your cart, you pushed it towards check-out, bracing yourself for the next hurdle: actually paying for the many things in it.
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There had been an easiness in John’s limbs as he got out of the shop, his lips almost humming as he got into the car and he caught himself tapping along the steering wheel but the closer he got to his destination, he felt the weight return, as if his bone marrow had turned into cement, dragging him down with every movement.
For a moment, he remained in his car after he parked, listening to the sounds around him and hoping against his better judgement to hear the familiar tunes, smell that scent of her baking, but of course there was nothing.
So he got out, grabbed his purchases and walked into his house. A house that was now solely his, despite the fact that it had been built for a family, for an ours. For her, by him.
The house was musty, needed to be aired and properly cleaned. John knew that if she could see the state it was in, she would throw a fit, tear him a new one for ever letting it come to this.
‘You gotta take care of our home’, she’d say, usually with a whisk in her hand, more often than not making her cinnamon apple buns, the very thing she brought him after their first date when he’d told he hated sweets and she’d told him, he’d love hers.
(She had been right.)
But that was just the thing. For her, their home had been their garden, the reading nook he’d built, the many pictures of their lives and all of the other finer things she had insisted on. For him, she had been his home, and with her gone, he couldn’t find it in him to care, partially hoping that the mess would call out to her and bring her back, even if he couldn’t.
Instead he had taken to disappearing in his work shed for hours on end, working on smaller and bigger projects, anything to take his mind of things. The only break of that routine was the daily phone call from Kate.
He answered her questions more on autopilot, but she hadn’t called him out for it yet so he counted his peaceful days for as long as he could, until she would inevitably drag him back to work to relieve Simon from doing his own and John’s job.
Almost, as if on cue, his phone rang, showing Kate’s number and he answered. He had the practiced replies ready for her but she finally asked him about what he had been doing, the words froze on the tip of his tongue, melted into liquid and got swallowed with saliva, as he surprised both Kate and himself by what he actually told he.
“I met someone today.”
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“So what’s the verdict?”
Anna had come outside of the shop as soon as she saw your car pull up and had helped you with bringing your purchases inside. Afterwards, you had both grabbed a quick dinner, settling down on the ground while discussing your plans for the next step, also giving you a chance to check in with the results of her day.
“Well, thankfully it’s not really a must/red light situation and more a might as well/yellow situation. Both teams said that our electricity and water is working fine but that it’s gonna need some work soon, and since we’re already doing everything else, we might wanna look into that too.”
“That can’t be cheap…”
“Nope, but we should definitely be safe for at least a month or two. I mean, we did account for a lot of repairs.”
Taking a bite, you pointed at one of the papers next to her, the bright colors a stark contrast to the white of the service bills.
“What’s that?”
Following the direction of your finger, she pulled it out and showed it to you.
It was a flyer advertising an autumn festival, promising lots of foods, a show and some dancing.
“Didn’t take you for the type to go to these.”
Anna scoffed and shook her head.
“I’m not. But lots of the town’s people will probably be there.”
“And?” You prompted her to continue, not quite getting her point.
“And, your grandmother made such a fuss about community, not just from what you told me about her but also from all the times she reminded us to go to family shops instead of any of the new coffee shops or fast food restaurant. Would be a good way to get to know the people, maybe we’ll meet someone who can help us.”
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shygirl4991 · 26 days
Chapter 5 Grand Sleepover
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Art done by @alianarepasa do not repost Summary:  After the event of Splits into Three everything felt like things were back to normal, that is until Three’s boyfriend kicks down his front door announcing he has fallen under the same spell he did. Together they will learn the secret of the cherry potion and with SMG4 splits put an end to the evil gang's plan.  Sequel to Split into Threes
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Comedy, Romance, action and adventure, Trauma, IGBP
SMG4 sighs as he waves the crew goodbye, they all agree to come by another day to help with the personalities. Once gone he turns to see Three talking with Artist, he watches as the personality glows with excitement over whatever his boyfriend was telling him. He takes out his sketchbook and runs to the others, with a nod Three walks up to four “We need to make rooms for them to stay at right now, after all you do have an empty second floor you're still working on.” 
Four nods as he throws himself to his partner “This is going to be a long couple of days…at least the bright side of the day was the gloves and your delicious cherry coffee!” SMG3 gets tense as he gently lifts Fours head to look at him. Trying to remain calm and collected  he asked the question he feared “Did you drink a full cup of cherry coffee?” he should have known this was the reason, why didn't it hit him sooner.  Three only had a sip and his three personalities were a lot, SMG4 got six, thinking on it more he starts to remember what book told him which only got the guardian concerned for his boyfriend.  Four gives him a bright smile “Of course you make great coffee!” Artist hums doodling the rooms when he notices Delinquent removing his gloves and glaring at them, slowly he approaches “D im collecting room ideas, busy?” The personality hides the gloves and turns before writing his thoughts down. He rips the page out and hands it to Artist, taking the paper and seeing his idea Artist smiles softly “Tonight lets have some fun, you in?” Delinquent gives Artist a look before noticing a smirk looking at him then at three. He lets out a low chuckle “Ah…well if the others want to then you know i'm all for it,” for once Delinquent was excited for something other then his plans. 
With a nod, Artist keeps doodling the rooms and goes off to ask the rest. Delinquent watches as the group starts shaking the Artist to hurry and draw their room.  His eyes then landed on his original and Three, he saw Three face go pale causing him to tilt his head “Wonder what those two are doing?” Three takes Four hands and walks to the bedroom, once the door is slammed he starts looking around the room. Four stares at his partner confused “Uh Three what are you looking for?” Three sighs standing up and giving him a sheepish smile “So the cherry coffee, you were never meant to drink it.” he sighs sitting on the bed. He touches the pins “Drinking the coffee i notice the cherry flavor, then next thing i know bam i have three versions of myself. So I put the coffee in the fridge to figure shit out later! How did you even get your hands on it?” 
Four blinks and slowly points at the spade pin “I…did the others know? I went to the fridge and got the coffee. Spade said it was okay for me to take it, are you saying you drank random cherry coffee which started all this?!” Three rolled his eyes. Getting up from the bed he glares at his boyfriend “OH YEAH I JUST DECIDED OH LOOK FREE COFFEE MIGHT AS WELL FUCKING DRINK IT!” Anger was building up in four as he stomps up to three “THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE CHERRY IN THE COFFEE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CHERRY COFFEE IN YOUR PLACE!” Three stays silent, his eyes go wide “Your right!” he walks out of the room with Four chasing him “Where are you going?!” three stops at the door and turns to four “To check my coffee machine.” He pulls at the door and stares at it confused, he pushes the door, still the door did not want to open. The personalities turn and walk up to the door, Ringmaster chuckles “Door trouble?” Prince gently pushed Three away and attempted to open the door “The door..is stuck?” 
Four walks up shaking the door, seeing the door didn't open he ran to a window and attempted to open it. He blinks realizing even the window wouldn't open “GUYS!? EVEN THE WINDOWS WON'T OPEN!” They all scattered trying to find an exit.After a while Delinquent sighs kicking the front door, to his surprise it swung open “Hey look at that i manage to fix the door,” everyone stops and turns looking at the door confused. Four look at Delinquent then the door “How the hell?” Three runs out of the castle to his cafe without a second thought, once inside he starts to investigate his machines. He opens the coffee machine and gasps seeing what's inside the machine, it was pink liquid, he knew it was risky but had to know. He reaches towards the liquid only to be stopped when he hears the cafe door open, he closes the machine and gives a small smile at Four. “Still looking, when I find out anything you will be the first one to know blue!” 
Four nods as he looks back at the castle then at Three “Hey…what happened at the castle, that was weird huh?” Three nods “Yeah, it's almost like something didn't want us to see something.” Seeing Four’s eyes flicker to a different color made Three approach Four “Hey blue, i get the anxiety but we got this!” SMG4 grabs Three’s hand “You told me a gang were after your personalities…what if thats what happened back there?” Three pulls Four closer to him. Slowly he wraps his free arm around the man, he thinks over his boyfriend's words as he stares at the castle “I don't think so, these guys have no idea about you yet. Trust me if they knew about you guys they would be at our front door.” Something did rub Three the wrong way, how did the whole castle end up locked up like that. Even more strange, why did everything open the moment Delinquent opened the door?
Before he could think more on it an explosion was heard over at the castle, they exchanged a look before running over. Artist sighs at the mess of paint all over the second floor, Ringmaster smirks, proud of the paint explosion he made. Prince grab’s Artist holding the man back “YOU DUMBASS WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PAINT!” Ringmaster turns, giving him a smirk “Showing you what true art looks like.” Delinquent looks around at the mess “It looks more like Depresso came in here and vomited.” 
Ringmaster glares at the orange man “What? No, I painted each corner that belongs to each of us!” Artist lets out a bitter chuckle “You moron, the colors are everywhere where do any of us go when you have green mixed with White!” SMG3 and Four run up stairs to see the mess of paint everywhere. The personalities noticing them all point towards Ringmaster, he lets out a gasp at how fast the others sold him out. Three sighs walking up to Artist “Let me have the room plans, the cherry hunt can wait for now.” He hands over the plans as Three puts on a hard hat, the others walk away to stand next to four. Seeing this SMG4 turns to Ringmaster “I dont get why you have to bother Artist so much,” Ringmaster scoffs at the comment “Artist thinks he is better than me, i was here first the good days of memewarts!” Four frowns and watches Artist angrily pick up his paint cans from the floor. At that moment he felt something toward the Artist, he walked over helping with cleaning up the paint “We will get you more paint, or maybe take a break from painting…i recently picked up digital art.” Artist eye glow as he leans closer to Four “I can try digital? Hehe my power grows,” Artist laughs to himself worrying Four.
Delinquent frowns watching the interaction, Producer seeing the frown takes Delinquent's hand.  The man turns to look confused at the personality “He cares for us…i…he has to right?” Delinquent could only let out a hum as he turned his attention to SMG3. The man looks over the plans and claps his hands, a white light takes over making everyone cover their eyes. The moment the group looked again six rooms were built, they gaps as they walk up to their door. Artist giggles touching the name plate “Our Mcdreamy has some skills under his belt huh?” “Not impressed,” was all Delinquent said before going in the room and locking it, with a sigh they all thank Three and walk into their room. Three smiles and gentle pats Fours back “It is getting late, you should join them and rest. Hopefully that nightmare doesn't come back, if it does though i'm right next door.” Four nods and they both leave to rest. Artist peeks out the door watching the pair leave, the moment they are gone he begins his plan. Walking to his sewing machine, Artist starts looking over the room plans “Now, let's make some fun pajamas shall we. Wonder what everyone requested, hehe.”  
Once done, Artist visits every room handing out a package, he changes into his own colorful pj’s. He walks down stairs waiting to see everyone, his smile grows seeing each personality come out in their pj’s. Delinquent chuckles “Why are you so basic? Plaid really?” Ringmaster waves his hand “I'm not here to impress, Pajamas are for sleeping plus you're wearing a band shirt you're not that original!” Parent comes out excited over his pj’s, as he skips over to the group the rest stared in horror over his Beeg onesie. They turn to Artist who only gives them an apologetic smile.  Producer and Prince come out ready to show off their pj’s only to freeze seeing Parents onesie “I know it's just so cute right?” Prince pats Parents back “It's fantastic!” Delinquent makes a disgusted face as he keeps staring at the pj. That's when a light bulb lit up “Hey guys, in a way this is like one of those sleep overs the original always pictured. Why don't we make this night a fun one and prank SMG3,” he lets out a mischievous grin. Artist pulls Delinquent into a surprise hug “YES! LET'S DO IT!” all according to plan. 
The group plans their prank while Producer plays with the sleeves of his shirt “Guys…I don't know about this. What if we make him hate us? OH GOD WHAT IF HE GROWS TO HATE US AFTER THIS!?” Delinquent walks up to Producer, everyone relaxes hoping the man would help Producer relax “I would honestly love that.” Parent runs up to the shock Producer “uh hey kiddo i have an idea, let's play the don't listen to D game!” Parent keep distracting Producer and the rest finish up their plans. Now that the plan is done, the group sneaks over to the cafe and notices Three was awake. Artist snaps his fingers “Damn he is awake, I’m paintfully aware of my limitations so i wont know how to distract him.” they all look down lost in thought on how to distract the man.  Delinquent  sighs as he walks ahead of the group only to be stopped by Producer “I…i will do it.” The group stare at Producer in shock, with a shaky breath he walks into the cafe.
Three stares at his coffee machine nervously, he wasn't sure what would happen if he attempted to taste it. Would it bring them back? Would he risk it and anger them by bringing them back out? He hears the door open making him look away, there he sees Producer nervously messing with his sleeves again “Cute pj’s im guessing artist helped?” the personality nods as he walks closer to Three. He watches the personality, confused, he reaches out “Hey are you okay?” Producer then suddenly hugs him. Three smiles softly hugging the personality back, he then blushes “okay the hug is going on too long can we stop, not because i'm really enjoying it  or anything it’s just awkward!” Producer lets out a chuckle as he pulls away. The group watches waiting for their moment to sneak in, Delinquent  on the other hand blushes seeing the hug that happens. 
Producer shyly looks down “I uh…god please don't hate me for asking but…you're our boyfriend. You and the original kissed yeah? W-what is that like?” the group gasps at the question as their eyes move to Three to see what happens next. The heart pin glows as he gets closer to Producer “Are you asking to kiss me?” Producer’s face goes red as he starts to panic “AH THIS WAS SO STUPID I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T HATE ME FORGET WHAT I SAID!” Three reaches out to Producer and gently caresses his face, the touch relaxes the man as he looks up confused “Then kiss me you silly, you're a part of blue. I love everything about him and that includes you.”  Delinquent bites his lip seeing the moment between them, his head started to hurt the more he watched. He takes a step back “uh guys we can sneak over here let's hurry!” The group nods slowly going through the door and sneak to the back to get into Three’s room. 
Producer was lost in Three’s eyes, he didn't notice the others running inside the cafe and starting their mission. The group take out their camera, Artist lets out an evil giggle getting Parent ready “Okay now use Beeg face to cover yours hehe we are going to make Three’s room a Beeg paradise!” Delinquent chuckles alongside artist as they take the photo and start decorating the room with it. Ringmaster chuckles as he opens the elevator “Alright guys let's go! While I won't get in trouble because I'm the star of the show, I can't lose my groupies!” Artist smacks him aside “Right like you would have anything like that.” Producer was feeling himself lose steam from all the flirting Three was doing, that was until the elevator ding caught threes attention. In a panic Producer grabs Three pulling him close, the group slowly sneak by to escape the cafe. Producer lets out a shaky breath “Please don't hate me..” before Three could ask anything Producer leans forward gently kissing Three. As the group celebrates making it out, Delinquent stares at Producer and Three kissing. A memory hit him making his face go red as he looked away, he had to remind himself of his mission as he followed the group to the castle. Producer attempts to fun off in a panic, Three then grabs him gently pulling him back “Hey PD its okay! Remember what I said, you're a part of blue, no matter what i will love all of you guys!” Producer looks down nervously thinking over his words. 
“Save him…please save D…he is fading away,” Producer closes his eyes, scared to see Three’s face. The heart pin stops glowing as Three gently lifts Producers face “What do you mean he is fading?” Producer lets out a shaky breath. He then looks into three’s eyes “You said you love all of us no matter what, save D no matter what please!” The Spade pin flickers as Three nods “I promise, when the morning gets here, i will talk to four and see why he would deny his jealous side.” Producer shakes his head “I can't say more but…D is more than just jealousy,” with a small smile he walks out of the cafe. SMG3 watches Producer leave “More…than jealousy, what else could he be?”
Producer catches up with the others as they celebrate their victory, the group get together in Artist room and watch movies. Producer looks at  Delinquent giving the man a soft smile, Delinquent nods and lets out a sigh. Over time the group falls asleep except Delinquent, he gets up and steps outside the castle to get blinded by the sun “Morning already huh?” a sharp pain hits him causing him to fall to his knees. SMG3 walks out of his cafe, he lets out an annoyed sigh at the fact his room was covered in strange beeg photos. He was impressed that producer managed to distract him for the others to pull the prank off. Delinquent notice Three and attempts to get away, he curses when he just ends up falling to the floor. The pain was becoming too much for the personality, he groaned trying to find something to help him. His eyes start to flicker as the pain gets worse, he lets out a scream catching SMG3 attention “Delinquent!” 
Three helps Delinquent up before checking on him “What happened? Are you okay?” the man's eye twitched before the pain stopped. He nods “I'm okay…” SMG3 lets out a sigh of relief, seeing how close they are he pushed Three away. That's when he realized he was alone with SMG3 “No one is around us…hehe hahaha!” Three looks at the man concerned, this wasn't how heart acted when he was fading “Hey uh everything alright?” Delinquent nods “I lost my hat, if you want to be a hero so badly want to help me find it?” he tilts his head giving chills to Three. With a nod they both walk away from the showgrounds, SMG3 didn't like the feeling he was getting from the personality in front of him. Delinquent was silent as they walked to an alleyway “I lost my hat in there,” everything about this screamed trap to Three. He nods as he pats Delinquent making the personality go first, he watches as Delinquent starts to look around. “I have something to ask, the way you fell down…are you fading away?”  Delinquent pauses. Slowly he stood up laughing, the laugh was dark, devoid of joy. He turns smiling at Three “OH! So you're going around putting things together!”
Three frowns walking closer to him “Delinquent..i want to trust and help you i'm not the bad guy.” Delinquent’s face twisted “BUT I AM!” a tentacle came from the ground swinging at Three, acting fast he jumps out of the way and glares at Delinquent. “That wasn't meme energy…that looked like…Delinquent what happened to you?” Delinquent laughs as he charges at Three. In a panic Three dodge and shoved Delinquent, the personality hits the gate door to the alleyway. The door falls off the hinge hitting a fire hydrant soaking the man.  SMG3 gasps at the sight, Delinquent slowly gets up laughing “DO YOU SEE WHAT HE MADE ME?!” The black paint was being washed off. After a few moments white hair was revealed, his orange pink eyes were now completely pink. 
“Delinquent…” distracted by the man's appearance, Three didn't notice another tentacle behind him. It swings slamming three to the ground, knocking him out cold. Delinquent walks up SMG3 moving his hair out of his face “I need you, you're the only one that knows the power and I would love to meet the real you.” He lifts up Three and walks into the shadows disappearing. 
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