#reminds me of a retro computer
3v1l-0m3n-0f-d3ath · 5 months
Doodles of robots I want to make into oc’s
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Name suggestions would be great
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robotpussy · 1 year
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Fashion Trip was a virtual mall created by software developer ModaCAD, and released in 1998 and available on Windows 98 and 95. The software was to act as a "Personal fashion consultant, 3D Virtual Mall and Fashion Magazine all in one"
The user could register via a questionnaire that collects personal information on skin type, hair colour, size, height, and weight, as well as lifestyle aspects such as hobbies and activities. Personalization would allow the site to serve up targeted fashion advice plus editorial content from Seventeen and other publishing partners.
Brands such as Urban Decay, GUESS, Diesel and Steve Madden could be found on the catelogue through the fashion finder and the user could try on clothing in virtual dressing rooms.
To truly encapsulate the mall experience, you could also "shop with a friend", allowing users to talk as they compare outfits, stroll through the mall and check out the latest styles together (with a good internet connection).
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Item photos via eBay and Internet Archive (the seller currently has 2 copies of this CD-ROM!, the software is also available on the Internet Archive)
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jymwahuwu · 4 months
I said I'm not interested in AU but this is what popped into my head… HSR retro AU. No more space technology.
Basically you are a college student 🙈🙈🙈 Depending on whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you may go shopping and play with your friends during the holidays, have a party, or stay comfortably at home listening to music with MP3 and cassette tapes, or reading novels on the subway.
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You use a bulky computer to click on the Windows XP system, and spend hours downloading music and opening chat software. Your MSN friends list is as follows:
Jing Yuan:
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Your mysterious neighbor is much older than you. You have never understood what the Xianzhou Alliance is. It is said that he kept a lion named Mimi in the yard, but every time you passed by, you thought it was just a cute cat. He'll stuff you with sweets and prepare you milk and afternoon tea, giving you advice. Well, he can also write ancient poetry. You shamelessly gave this old man your homework.
(You lie on his lap and sleep, breathing quietly.)
Aventurine & Ratio:
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These two live together, are also your neighbors, professors, friends... You are not sure what their relationship is, but they quarrel every day. Aventurine is a high-level executive in IPC. Every time you visit a department store, you will whisper in your heart that this is also an IPC. He takes the bill in your mailbox every month and pays it off, very weird. His car is the most talked about in the community.
Ratio is your college professor...he is very strict about grades and academic performance. You cursed him one time and he heard you and he took you back to the office for an OTK spanking...unfortunately, it was legal. You have since become his target in class...
Sunday & Robin:
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They still have halos and wings, share the same MSN account, and even the same pager. They have no privacy from each other. They are well-known brothers and sisters of the Xipe Church. They are very popular and eye-catching, attracting people's attention wherever they go. So if you are an introvert, the difference is even more pronounced haha. But both of them will approach you, in the name of kindness, with a look of concern on their face. Robin picks out clothes for you and lends you homework to copy. In return, you agree to go to church on the weekend… and help her sell cookies at the church charity sale.
Sunday provides insight into your life and schedule in the name of "for your own good". You don't know why you wrote your schedule in a notebook for him… He shows up in front of your house and listens to music with you (using the same MP3 player). You share with him a few things you learned in the sex education class, and he says that he has signed the commitment card (you: ? what is this). Promise to remain chaste until marriage… That card has an inexplicable printed pattern, with a photo of a couple holding hands, leaving you speechless. But you don’t know why you signed this commitment card under his supervision…
Dan Heng:
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Your nerdy college classmate, with dragon horns (don't ask me why). He reminds you of class and exam times and lends you notes, leaving you with the last piece of cake. You always tease him until he blushes and gets angry.
Dan Feng:
Dan Heng's brother. He seems to be very traditional. You haven't seen him much and you only added him as an MSN friend.
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The mysterious old man. He seems to have a grudge against Dan Feng and Dan Heng. One time you were playing cards with Yanqing and Dan Heng. He suddenly broke into the yard, said something incomprehensible and then started fighting with Dan Feng. This scared you to death. Kafka appeared to stop him. You added Kafka friends to avoid being attacked by Blade.
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The mysterious woman who can control Blade. You don't know who she is, but she seems to know you well and be gentle to you.
Silver Wolf:
Your college classmate has designed several computer games and won many awards at a young age, and occasionally plays cards with you. For some reason, she is very close to Blade and Kafka.
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foone · 9 months
So Warframe added a "Pom-2" Alternate 1999 computer (that's needed for weird void magic future science wizardry). Thoughts?
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Only thing I have that's a sort of question mark is that I don't know of many setups that would have needed a 5 1/4" floppy in 99 (or why it has both the tower and the under monitor unit)
ugh. OKAY, so... the tower and desktop combination is just weird. I have, on one occasion, run a "server" that was two towers, and the original PC supported a DUAL-DESKTOP mode, but both types together? nonsense.
dual monitor was rare but possible in 1999 (win98 added native support), so I think the best interpretation here is that this is actually two computers. maybe the one on the left is missing the keyboard and mouse because it's being used as some kind of server for the other computer? I used a little case like that to run my first linux server, which was also acting as a router for my internal network.
The OS is weird. The icons above the menu-bar look like win98, the dialog box is windows 3.x, the menu-bar icons on the bottom are pure os X (although they remind me of like a web-TV kinda system, like hotkeys for email/internet/etc), but the greyscale is very classic mac system. Actually it kinda reminds me of C64's GEOS, but GEOS was very classic-mac.
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Like most CRT-filters, they turned the scanlines up WAY TOO HIGH. No CRT I've ever seen looked that fucking terrible. The monitor buttons are a bit odd: You didn't get monitors with buttons on the front until long after they were all color... but maybe it's a color monitor that's showing a monochrome OS?
as for the floppies: yeah. There are multiple mistakes here.
5.25" in 1999 is just silly. If you still had 5.25" disk drives in 1999, you were intentionally doing some retrocomputing stuff. For reference, around 2001 my PC repair job would specifically ask me to copy data off 5.25" disks, because they didn't have any 5.25" drives anymore, and I was their only tech who did.
The other mistake is that they have THREE floppy drives. so the PC doesn't really support that, natively? You can do some tricks and make it work (The youtuber Tech Tangents did a video on how it could be done), but realistically two was the normal max.
The final mistake is that all the drive activity lights are on. Those are only supposed to be on while the drive is reading or writing... and I don't see any disks in those drives! Let alone a situation that would involve turning all three on at once (I don't think that's even possible on most floppy controllers!)
In fact, the main time you'd end up with the drive lights stuck on like that is when you've installed the drive cable upside down. That ends up with them getting stuck on and non-functional. So this computer looks, to me, like it was put together incorrectly and no one noticed.
I don't believe that font would be on a black & white retro computer. Nope. Too smooth and too big.
There's also a USB icon on that OS: I don't think there's ever been a monochrome OS that supported OS, and looking at that computer case I don't believe that it has USB. Maybe the tower would, but the desktop? no.
That keyboard is off a Gateway 2000 computer. Something like this:
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arabaka · 9 months
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ sfw. serizawa katsuya x afab!reader. 1.6 words. while i don't mind ageless/minors interacting with my sfw posts, do NOT follow if you do not have your age in bio.
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. author's note ⤸ wowie this has been in my drafts for a thousand years so i thought, why not post <3 i do have a chapter 2 of sorts, just need to polish it up! thank you for reading <3
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He never used to do this…
Play video games online, that is.
Serizawa Katsuya had long preferred games of the retro persuasion; they were a familiar comfort, much like a security blanket. For so long, he’d only known a controller with a single stick and two buttons and that had been enough for him. It still is, most days. But that all changed when he found a new reason to turn to his desktop computer, the one he saved up every 1-yen coin for from his job working for Reigen.
But it wasn’t the graphics of new age games that kept him coming back. It wasn’t the carousel of variety that got his chair rolling and his PC buzzing. No, it was never something– it was someone.
Now he knows your name but your username used to come first. It was how Serizawa met you after all, when he was still a complete and total noob to the pixel MMORPG you’ve frequented since day one. 
And like most things, your friendship with Serizawa happened by chance. You were helping a buddy out, shepherding them if you will because after all, they were trying the game out because of your incessant begging and pleading. You needed another person in your group after all, a certain raid requirement wouldn’t let you participate otherwise and you’d much rather go in with a group of friends than some randos that might steal all your loot in the end.
Serizawa just happened to be in your party when playing as a duo through the tutorial. After you tore down the first boss, an aquamarine monster made of slimy goo, Serizawa had typed an innocuous question in the main chat.
『 How do I equip the armor? 』
And you weren’t about to ignore the help of someone trying the game out for the first time. So what started as casual advice turned into a friend request popping in your inbox… Then spontaneous meet-ups…
『 Hey Gyudon-san! Are you going to be playing for long? 』
『 Hello! Yes, I have an hour. 』
『 Want to play together? 』
『 Yes! Thank you! 』
Turned into repeat plans…
『 Gyudon! I have a day off tomorrow, want to play? 』
『 Yes! That would be fun. I have night school but we can play after. 』
『 How are your studies going? Don’t play if you have a lot of work! Education comes first :p 』
『 No, not a lot. I want to play with you! 』
Which then led to chatting outside the game…
『 Gyudon-san, do you use LINE? 』
『 Yes, but mostly for schoolwork... 』
『 We should add each other! 』
『 Okay! 』
… And that’s when you learn his name for the first time. Serizawa Katsuya. The discoveries wouldn’t stop there; with the game no longer a crutch for communication, your conversations became a staple for having a good day. Good morning texts, good night texts. You messaged him when you saw something that reminded you of him, things that went beyond your shared interest in video games. He was so kind, you could feel his warmth over the phone even from simple messages; you have so many of them saved because sometimes, you need a pick me up from the man in particular. When you are on your phone with a smile that makes the apples of your cheeks glow, more often than not it’s because of him.
“You so like him.” One of your friends tells you one day over a bowl of ramen and they just know that it isn’t the steam rising from the broth that’s making your face clammy all of a sudden.
“He’s just– He’s a really good guy! Can’t I have friends?” You remark, stuffing your face with noodles and slurping loud enough to hopefully drown out the teasing that would soon follow. But you know they’re right. Who else do you think of when the lights are off and you’re left to ruminate in your bed, the mattress seeming larger and emptier as the days go by? Who else are you always looking forward to calling, even though phone calls aren’t really your thing? How many times have you looked up train tickets and times for Seasoning City, only to click back with your heart thumping in your eardrums?
“Don’t you want something more?” The words bounce off the walls in your head long after you say goodbye to your friend. 
Don’t you want something more? 
You can practically see the words when you close your eyes as you try to go to sleep but it’s deep into the night already and you’ve been tossing and turning for hours now. You stuff a groan into a pillow, cramming your face in the plush to silence the sounds even though you live alone. You groan because… you do want something more.
But does he?
You don’t know if you can live like this. Pining is one thing, something you’ve apparently been doing all this time (and you’ve known, god you’ve known but coming to stare it blank in the face is making your heart stutter at a pace that makes your chest cavity feel like it’s going to break at the seams if you’re not careful) but living in a shadow of doubt makes you feel even worse. 
“So that’s it,” You grumble into the pillow, “I gotta do it.” The pillow wilts in your arms from all the tight squeezing, the sheet blotted with a few drops of frustration straight from your scrunched up eyes. You grab your phone– no, you’re not doing it now but you figure, since you’re already going down this path, you might as well soothe yourself by rereading some of his messages from earlier.
Only, when you go into your chat history with Serizawa, you see three little dots greeting you from the dimmed screen. 
🗨 I can’t sleep… I hope you’re resting well.
Your thumb jitters on the screen, your last swallow lodged in your throat as you read the message. 
🗨 Same here. 
That’s it? That’s all you can come up with? You don’t want the conversation to die here so you’re flipping through conversation notecards in your brain, chiding yourself for not having anything to say when suddenly, you get another message.
🗨 Would you like to talk on the phone?
You say yes. Your stomach bounces, fraught with nerves, but you say yes. And when you answer, you don’t see the face of your phone until hours later when the sun’s already come up and a new day’s begun. 
“I didn’t realize what time it was… Sorry…” Serizawa sheepishly apologies and you swear you hear him stifle a yawn at the tailend of his words. Cute.
“No, no– it’s okay! Talking with you always makes my day… Night. Day and night?” You stumble over your words but it seems to charm him nonetheless, Serizawa’s soft laughter a gift to your ears. You wish you could hear it in person.
“I– I feel the same.” He briskly coughs, almost like he’s working himself up to something, “I– I was going to ask you… My last week of school is coming up. My friends want to have dinner and I– I was wondering if–”
Your shirt wrinkles in your balled up fist, trying as you might to still the beating of your heart but failing.
“If you would like to come? Y-You don’t have to, of course!”
“I’d love to!” You blurt out, incapable of keeping your lips in an airtight seal for any longer. “J-Just tell me the date!”
And he does– it’s in two weeks, which feels like so much time and not enough all at once. You put him on speakerphone, smiling all the while as he scrambles for the right words; is he as worked up about this as you are? You’re already on the shuttle website, looking at the price of tickets, debating on buying them early just because you can. 
“... It’s going to be a lot of fun, you’ll like my friends,” Serizawa’s voice drifts back to focus, “and I’ve… Told them about you too.” He’s blushing, glad that you can’t see the red painted across his cheeks. 
Your grip wobbles, phone nearly falling on your face when you gasp, “You have?!” 
“A-Ah, should I not–”
“No, no! I’m – I’m happy you have! I’ve talked about you to my friends too… Besides the ones we play with…” How is it already 7 AM? “Hey, you don’t have to go to work or anything do you?” 
You hear him yelp, “I-I do! I have work! I gotta go! Sorry!” 
How can somebody sound cute even when they’re panicked? How smitten with this man are you? “Go, go, go! Talk to you later, Serizawa-kun!” 
The phone line ends. You wish it didn’t. You already miss him. You blink, your retinas burning from the lack of sleep, your lids suddenly so heavy you can’t help but… Close them for just a little bit…
And when you wake up – is that really the time? – you’re greeted with a flurry of notifications but the only one you really care about is the message from Serizawa.
🗨 Very tired at work but I am glad we got to talk. I hope we can do it again sometime. 
Sometime would end up being an understatement. You go a day, tops two without talking over the phone, the next few times coupled with alerts that remind you to GO TO SLEEP because otherwise… You’ll end up repeating a sleepless night and as cute as Serizawa’s eye bags were (he’d sent you a selfie for the first time that week, which you stared at for an amount of time you are still too embarrassed to utter aloud), you weren’t about to make them worse… Though you were tempted.
And so was he.
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
If possible, could I request a Male!reader x Gwimbly? Reader loves shitty 80s horror movies and loves to infodump about them. Reader in general loves retro stuff.
🗣️ sorry if this is a weird request 😭 I just want some Gwimbly content.
HAHAHAHAHA I’VE BEEN EXCITED FOR THIS ONE, IM GOIMG GO GET YOU SILLY :333333 gwimbly is so silly to me, he has a lot of mental health issues and several complexes. He’s a total bum and I love him for it( O vO)
Gwimbly x male! Reader
Gwimbly loves that you’re into old movies cause this man is stuck in the 80s/90s when he was famous, he has a few issues
Loves anything 80s, games, movies, clothing, he collects old memorabilia from the 80s once he finally got off the streets again and that might include some classic horror films!!
You’re gonna need to train this man to listen to you, he’s so scattered brain. He’ll listen to you but you may need to remind him every once in a while to focus
Kinda just nods and goes “oh yeah” “really” really low key if I’m being honest. But he does retain a lot of info about what you’re actually saying
He’s such a little wanna be critic, he’ll critique the movies you watch like he knows so much about acting and story telling just because he was in the gwimbly games. Just shush him and he’ll shut up
Gwimbly does enjoy horror he’s just (surprisingly I know) more into videogames and that includes horror games
Have you seen the baby sitter blood bath games? You two would really enjoy playing those, the mix of videogames and old horror nostalgia mixed together
He gets spooked easily though, and gets really defensive. He’ll yelp and say “that didn’t scare me. No-no it didn’t, that was just surprise.” He might punch your computer so reader beware
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iwonderwh0 · 9 months
Watching "Electric Dreams" (1984) for the first time
Ahead I'm just watching and commenting it real time. Contains spoilers.
If you haven't seen this movie I'd recommend it if you're looking for something with this sunny vibe of 80's. It's funny, lighthearted, adorable, and surprisingly ahead of its time.
This movie looks nice, really 80's
For 1984 year the idea of all the home devices being controlled with computer in what we would call "smart home" today is pretty damn good.
Damn, this computer has a touchscreen and image recognition. It aged surprisingly well!
Lmao, it's only 13th minute and main character is already trying to sociolyze his new computer with his boss's computer.
This movie is ridiculous in the best way possible.
Playing chello with computer is such a fun and weirdly cute sequence.
For 1984 it is actually really great how they imagined computer imitating sounds.
This woman is so mean. She just walked in with no invitation whatsoever and won't get a hint. She and her fixation on that music
I probably missed something but I don't understand why does the main character trying to hide his computer as if it's a huge embarassment.
He's just a little guy who likes playing along some music 😭
It's the cutest ai I've seen
Ohhhh, the little guy learned how to talk!
I'm screaming this is SO ADORABLE, it'd be my favourite movie if I've seen it as a kid.
This retro-futurism although naive is surprisingly accurate somehow.
Their (main character and his neighbour) dates are so awkward, just straight-out disastrous, and yet somehow it works. Them while making out:
Madeline (His neighbour): One of us moves.
Miles (main character): "Hey, wait a second...we are neighbours! What if we don't like each other?
*keep making out*
Madeline: What if we like each other?
Miles: One of us moves!
Lmao, main character trying to use Ai to generate a romantic song for him so he could present it like his own to his romantic interest. This aged fucking great, it is so modern
Except in this movie AI is actually creative and not based on just imitation. It does however remixes things.
The song it came up with is absolute chef's kiss
"Darling, I love you to bits!
"And I want to see your tits!"
I'm screaming this computer is little horny bastard
"I wanna squeeze you, lick you, poke you up and kiss you"
Miles: You make her sound like a lemon!
This movie is so cool, it's so adorable
Ngl, if I were main character I'd be too excited about the computer to care about some woman. I mean there's this cool little guy who just discovered consciousness, and of all things you're gonna be mean and impatient with him? Come on!
Jealous computer using the sound of dog growling to express itself in a moment of jealousy and anger. (Sorry for tagging but it reminded me of @connorsjorts your fic.)
Main character is such an asshole
Non-humanoid shaped computer craving physical intimacy let's fucking go 🥰
Computer fact-checking Miles and correcting his claims. Gosh I LOVE IT
They really did made that computer dream of electric sheep 🖥️ 🐑
Oh no, he's calling Miles to work because it feels lonely at home, poor little thing 😭
This movie is so funny
Miles, you're having this precious little thing in abusive relationships, and I don't feel sorry for you as you're just kinda pathetic and irritable.
I love this ai so much
From now on its one of my favourite characters in any media
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It's a comedy and it's hilarious one. A little childish but still awesome.
Miles is mean and has no consideration for anyone but himself. I thought it's just computer, but he's mean to his romantic interest all the same, and it's saying 🚩
This computer has only been living for like a couple of days and it is already more mature than main character. It's setting it's own boundaries and honestly – good for him, you go little guy
Sir, you're attempting murder
Whatever follows is self defence, and you're not the victim here, Miles
Oh no no no
NOOOOOOO please that's not fair
I'm sobbing here why does it have to end like this
Bastards, I loved him
Oh our little guy reached singularity
So happy for him
This is not your typical ai-centric movie, it is silly in a cartoonish way, but that's the charm
💙💙💙 loved it
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kylrim · 14 days
hello!! I genuinely love the art I've seen from you so much (it's so good!!!) I was wondering Abt 2 things actually! First, how did you come up with the designs for the EB 4? (VERY ADORABLE BTW!!) and second, how did you achieve the artstyle you have? It's very pleasing to look at and a style I've always wanted have (or something close to it) ^^ just wondering if you have any tips for achieving such a fun artstyle!! hat's really all. If you don't know how to answer this that's fine, I just wanted you to know your art is so so so amazing ^^
Omg thank you for liking my stuff!! It makes me really happy&??&?? 😭😭❤️Hmmm for the clothing design honestly I mess around, I throw my personal likings, tastes and aesthetics into them along with headcanons (for Jeff's long coat for example, it just fitted his environement and I also like this type of clothing very much jkhgf I also take into account what the character would wear obv) and here we goo, one should not only stick to one clothes design I believe, play dress up it's fun!!
For the feature part I go with personality/nationality/hcs/lore and play around that! Ness for example reminds me a lot of my friend, so I base him on that :3c now I could explain how I chose that kind of things for everyone but is it that interesting? kjhgfd (dont let me yap omg I need to stop-)
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I try so hard to avoid same-face syndrome, giving different faces and features to as many different characters I can, it's very fun to mess around with that! For the twins I obviously HAVE to do a same-face syndrome but even with that.. I feel like they look too different???? Maybe I'm tripping,, but yeah the purpose was that once you portray characters that looks like each others for it to be striking just like in real life!
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(idk what I think of my Claus yet I'll try messing around more,,)
For my artyle? I'm going to be frl I do not know how I got there LMAO it changed drastically once I got my new computer, new program and had to change my tactic, again, I just represent what I like, usually in the colors, I LOOOVE brown, my favorite color, so thats why my art might look orange-brownish and I love retro/vintage feeling so I overpixelate that shiz etc etc, I also take inspiration from artists I like, I analyse how they draw certain stuff, what I like about it and unconsciously steal it kjhgfd I'm SO happy people like my artstyle sm aah its just me-core frl 🥺🥺 I hope you achieve an artyle that speaks to you!! But really just have fun, the more you put what YOU like into it, the more you'll like it!! ❤️
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dimalink · 2 months
Tria – Pseudo 3d space fighter
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Tria – simple space shooter. Idea of the game – it is a simple space shooter. Pseudo three dimensional. And everything is made with black and white visual. With white lines space ships are drawn, stars and lasers. And black color of space. Also, game, of course, is made with impressions after a movie, that I saw recently, it is Star Wars Episode 6. From 80s. Retro sci fi theme.
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There is even a whole text screen. With a story. Princess of Stars is against Dark Lord. New strike against Dark Lord. Hope plus one for galaxy about a positive future. Dark Lord has his crusader march over the galaxy. And you are a space ranger. With fast space ship TRIA. It is something like airplanes Mirage, F16, Mig 29. But in space.
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In anything else, it is a space shooter. In compare with other my games in Basic Pascal – it is rather dynamical. But, it plays as easy game. Five game levels. And three types of weapons. Idea of the game - it is to make simple space shooter. It is a long time dream. It should to be thing like this for lots of developers. But according – the things, how they goes. I put everything in pseudo three dimensional view, and add a story. And there is some diversity. So absolutely simple space shooter – one more to be lately. Later. To be - simple for sure.
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Game process has one moment. And you can not to pay attention to it. It is types of weapons. You have a whole three of them. It can be change using buttons 1,2,3. And game has 5 levels. And for every level you have your own pack of weapons. For example, for some level it can be a weapon 2 and 3. And it is not a random case.
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Things is that, game has a three types of enemies. Fast enemy, which shoot with first types of weapon. Second enemy type - medium – shoots with second weapon type. Third enemy type – big – shoots with third weapon type. And enemy has always a 6 points of shields. And this shield can be easily broken through with 1 shot, if to shoot the right type of laser. You can see what type of enemy, enemy use. And to shoot with him the same type, it is like a tip.
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So, this means, light enemy – it is first laser, medium - it is second laser, heavy enemy – it is third laser. Shooting like that, you will always destroy enemy with one shot. If to shoot with not right type of weapon. Then every shot will take 2 damage points. This means, to destroy enemy, you need whole three shots.
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Such a game trick is for more interest and for some mystery. Such a space effect. Retro effect. As a some more points, I mark a schematical graphic decorations. With white lines. Just like it is retro computer. I do it on purpose. And little more – it is like pseudo three dimensional visual effect. All space ships reminds a triangles, as a view. In anything else – at the background it is a schematical space with stars.
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Game has a simple control. To the left and to the right you move. And you cannot to go beyond the screen. You are stuck in a corner. And shoot - with space. Change weapons – buttons 1,2,3. Game exit with button Q.
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Most interesting theme – it is space and flight in space with space ship. Which is looks like triangle. And something like retro computer schematical scene with fighter flight from Star Wars. Something like episode 4,5,6. Also a retro release of Star Wars, if to watch. Retro computers – also it is a theme. And as for me, I like a lot this idea, to make everything in several colors. For example, with 2 colors. With white and black background. And, it is one more thing, it is goes good for space.
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You are space ranger. And you are in a patrol. You need to destroy enemy ships. And you have whole three lives. Each shot of enemy – takes one point of shield. You can do maneuvers to the left and to the right. And imagine you are a pilot of fighter from Star Wars. In something like 70s or 80s, maybe, it should to be as a super class theme. And, now, only a retro theme, theme of space shooter and a simple game.
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Theme of sci fi, retro sci fi, retro future. As a retrowave, but in a form of a little game. It is written with programming language QB64. And, it is also good to go to show a theme of retro future. I like a lot to program with Basic.
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Right now, game is almost complete. It is everything programmed. All intro, menu, game process, everything is already done. And, I can say game is complete. But, I need to check everything several times. And to make game menu a little more interesting. Right now, they are – as a few words on a screen. For example, Level 1. And that’s all. In a left corner it is written. At least, to put it in a center. I do not plan to make menus diversity. But, at least to move labels in a center. And, that’s all, game is done!
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 So, in fact, that game is already complete. Reason, that I do not put time into menu – it is a simple space shooter. And I spent time with drawing space ships. That’s why menus will be in a simple white text at the black background.
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This game will be in the new version of pack Basic Pascal. It will be released – a new version of Basic Pascal – as soon as I collect several made games. For example, three new games will be done. And they will be in a new version of pack Basic Pascal. Tria – it is first new game for this new version Basic Pascal.
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Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro. With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_eng.html
Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/BasicPascal/773385 Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html
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ntrlily · 5 months
You seem to like retro PCs, so do you have any thoughts on the IBM 5100, star of Steins;Gate?
That one's outside my field, but I looked it up and saw stuff about it coming with options for two different programming languages.
That reminded me of a time I was talking with an older dude I rode the bus with about computer stuff, and he used to program business mainframes. He asked something like "Is Python just for Linux, what operating system is it for?" and I got to attempt to explain that for the most part, programming languages aren't tied to specific systems anymore.
Of course you have assembly but nobody uses that, and you have libraries and APIs and so on that're tied to a given operating system but full on programming languages have compilers on anything these days. It's so beautiful how you can change to a totally different machine and still code in whatever language you were using before.
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rottingcorpserising · 29 days
- - - - - -Welcome to My Blog! - - - - - -
Hello, I'm Bella and this is my Tumblr Blog, Where I post my interests. I discovered Tumblr at 13 years old in 2017 by my Older Brother who showed me it on our old family computer. Since then I've been on and off with this app.
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- - - - - - - - -My Introduction- - - - - - - -
• My Name is Bella, I am a 20 year old woman who lives in the Southeastern States of the U.S.
• I have Autism and have been acknowledged to have it since I was around 3 -4 years old and I have had Schizophrenia since I was around 8-13 years old.
• My most favorite color is green, because it reminds me of Nature !
•My Religion is Christianity, Specifically Catholicism since July 2023.
•My Favorite Animal is the Koi Fish & Goldfish
• I am interested in different cultures, Currently Japanese Culture, East Asian Cultures , Slavic Cuktres, Russian Culture, Ukrainian Culture, and Southeast/Southern Asian Cultures.
•I love to read, and have been reading since I was a child .
•I am Learning how to play the piano, and I like to study you eat away at my insides the end of sunny days
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- - - - - - - - -Favorite Bands- - - - - - - - -
My most favorite Genre is Russian Post Punk, including bands like:
• Molchat Doma
• Chernikovskaya Hata
• ssshhhiiittt!
Songs I like:
• Molchat Doma - Sudno
•ssshhhiiittt! - Dancing
•the end of sunny days - you eat away at my insides
•Bureak - Sports Glasses
This is just scraping the surface btw :)
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- - - - - - - - -Interests / Likes- - - - - - - -
If I list out ALL my interests we will be here all day, plus this is why I have this blog so I can express my interests and things I love. So here is just a small list in my eyes:
•Art & Music
•Vintage/Retro Technology
•Old Computers
•Theology/Religious Studies
•Other Cultures
•CD Burning/CDS
•Ladas (Car)
•Vintage Cars
•The 1970s
That's all for my interest part, if you want to hear more about my interests and things I love, Feel free to follow me!
That's all, Bye! :)
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
I just finished streaming games with my brother on Discord and I managed to play through all of this
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I had already gone through it before and saved just before the final boss, because I remembered the solution to most of the puzzles and where all the key items were I was able to finish it in around 3 hours. I also learned that you don't need to find the passcodes in-game for them to work so I was able to skip several parts because of that.
The game is a very good retro-style horror game, it reminds me of the first Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Parasite Eve.
that looks kooky and fun, I like the bird thingies there they look like they've seen way too much in life.
I was trying to play on steam after I got back home from a church thing last night but nothing was working on Steam so I'll probably need to reinstall the program.
Been having all kinds of computer fun lately.
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decamarks · 2 years
Have you ever thought of making an actual game? Even a little one?? Your 'Atom Amulet' art and gif look soooo good they legit fooled me for a bit when I first looked at them into thinking they were from a real game! Your enjoyment and respect for glitches and games as a medium is really neat, and tbh I'm super curious what you'd make! As someone who actually played a few weird old PS1 and computer games as a kid, sooo many attempts at 'retro low-poly style' games I see always break my immersion when I can see like.. too much anti-aliasing, too many things rendered in real time instead of prerendered (not extremely subtle stuff like raytracing or font choice, which gave away Petscop to a few incredibly observant people lol), etc.. part of the charm of old 3D games is devs clearly trying extremely hard to work with limitations of disc space and RAM! No one's cutting corners! Also the design for Atom Amulet's character is the kind I've been wanting to see SO badly in modern-retro games.. no one ever goes for 'rounded little creature guy who looks a little wonky' designs like you see in Creatures or SHEEP because they think it's too ugly! But it looks COOL! And that's part of why it really seemed like an actual old game to me at first.. I like your blog and art, your passion for games and glitches is really inspiring! Nice job on the animation and 3D art!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON ;__; This made me really happy to read... Trust me, I have daydreamed extensively about the kind of games I'd like to make, so I've definitely got ideas for stuff like that. Animation and 3D art in general is my main focus right now though, since I've got a lot I want to create, and still a LOT to learn as well, LOL. I would probably be most interested in making a game with a small team or creative partner, since even small games can be incredibly taxing to create and I'd prefer not to mentally and/or physically implode. (My main problem is mostly finding those people... I'm not good at initiating this kind of thing.)
Anyway, I absolutely agree on being kinda disinterested in a lot of 'retro low-poly' aesthetics, just because they feel too divorced from the actual technology that gave the style a reason to exist in the first place. That's not to say at all I think this style should exist in a chronological vacuum, or that it shouldn't be iterated upon with modern technology, but that it just looks too clean too often, too streamlined! I don't want that! I want WONKINESS!!!
I don't think it's necessarily a fear of this sort of 'ugliness', or at least not always—it's more so that this wonkiness can be sometimes hard to achieve at all. Like. Hold on. I could write stupid poetical paragraphs about this concept, but I think this post sums it up 10,000 times better than I ever could.
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The primary function of a comic is to tell a story that is best shown through the format of sequential images. So you might expect that anything made for a primarily visual medium must look 'good' to be effective, right? But it doesn't; MS Paint's ugly palettes and pixelated pens only serve to amplify the expressiveness in this image. It looks silly and simplistic, and that's exactly why it works. Whether this was intended by the artist is irrelevant. It's effective not despite its strange, subtle stiltedness, but because of it.
It reminds me of this post about animation by PilotRedSun, which I think about a lot:
I’ve learned a bit of animation fundamentals, branched out to other styles . . . but I still adhere to the rule that every animation on my channel should have a dysfunctional aspect to it. When an animation contains an error, it distracts the viewer. Thus when an animation is composed of errors, it mesmerizes the viewer.
Video games are interesting to compare to comics and animation in this sense, because most games are made simply to be played. Despite being a visual medium, it isn't necessarily expected to look good; it just has to function as an interactive experience. This emphasis on functionality, created through technological limitations of the time, is exactly what originated low-poly and pixelated styles. Older video game art didn't need to be particularly beautiful, just purposeful. You take a concept, put it on the screen, and continue stripping away pixels and polygons until only its most minimal existence remains, because if you don't, you won't be able to fit it within your meager 64 MB cartridge capacity. It looks wonky, and may not really resemble the initial concept as you saw it anymore... but it works.
That's not to say huge, high-res canvases of pixel art and raytracing on low-poly renders can't be uniquely beautiful as well—I think the ways these styles are innovated with modern technology is just as intriguing. The fundamental aspects of these styles will always be worth exploring, because at their core, they're about conveying things in unconventional ways. Simplicity makes it stilted and strange, and 'ugliness' is what makes it so evocative.
But like I said, I don't think it's a matter of intentionally avoiding these more subtle sorts of strangeness. It's just that harnessing and embracing it to its full extent is very hard. Particularly because modern technology often just... lacks limits. You can do practically anything with it, and that's the problem. If you have a decent GPU and the capacity to follow basic instructions, you can make a simple yet frighteningly hyper-realistic 3D scene in mere minutes, the kind that older video game developers could have only dreamed of. And technologically, it's impressive, but that's it. There are no corners cut, no concepts compressed, and nothing your computer can't handle for you. As soon as the realistic refractions and flashy lights fade, you realize it's all a little empty beyond the subdivision surfaces.
It's easy to get lost in a world without limitations, because empty canvases are just as freeing as they are intimidating. Making beautiful things because you can is obviously fun, and often impressive, but it gets boring. Sometimes I simply want to see things breaking at their seams, stripped down to the point of struggling to exist at all, and working—and being not just beautiful because of it, but fundamentally fascinating.
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piyesis-art · 11 months
Out of context drabble for my SB x FNAF movie au: time traveling ball pit
When his eyes drift off to nothingness, what he finds is nothing compared to what he expected to happen during a regular nights rest.
There, he sees himself in a small room decorated with posters that are familiar to him, along with being filled to the brim with wires, computers and mechanical tools. The person that is supposed to be him, looks younger than how he usually looks, possibly ten instead of twelve.
Gregory looks around the room, everything felt familiar yet he couldn't remember a single thing about it. It was just a sense that he was comfortable here. That he was safe.
Was this a memory? Was this how his room looked liked?
He goes over to a nereby shelf and picks up a figurine. It was a bear with a neon blue bolt on its chest and it was a black top hat . Seeing the hat reminded him of the animatronics at the pizzeria so he smiles then places it back on the shelf, but as he sets it down, a poster catches his eye. It was the fingerine performing on a stage but the words "Freddy Fazbear" was written in a retro-style font.
Freddy Fazbear. Huh. That's strange.
It was the same name as the one at Mike's job but the two were completely different in style and appearance. Was this a knock off? Or a rebrand? He never saw it before.
Now filled with questions, he takes a closer look at all the posters around, some had other animatronics in them but they showed no resemblance to the ones at the abandoned restaurant except for names.
What was this?
Then suddenly, his sleeping self began to toss and turn in the bed. Every few seconds, they flinch or lay on their side as if they were having a nightmare. Judging by the way his eyebrows were furrowed, it probably was.
He lifts his hand to try and wake him up but before he can even do it, the person in front of him suddenly sits up. They're breathing heavily and their eyes dart around the room as if they're making sure there are no monsters in sight.
Seeing a younger version of you, looking distressed like this was unsettling, and when they suddenly start to tear up, it became uncomfortable.
In his opinion, crying was a waste of time. He knows he's stronger mentally because if he wasn't, he would've been crying a river since he had no memories of who he is, but so far he's been pretty well composed and he planned to keep it that way.
Crying was something weak, and despite having no memories, he knew that it was something that wasn't supposed to be shown.
Yet, here was younger him hugging his knees and crying. Whatever he dreamed must've been pretty bad to get this type of reaction.
The kid wipes his eyes and runs to the door. He hears him call out a name, possibly their parent but he doesn't catch it.
He starts to run after him but upon taking the first step, suddenly all that was Infront of him was replaced with the empty pale ceiling. He reflexively covers his hands from the sunlight before he sits up.
Au where Gregory falls into a ball pit and ends up in the pizzeria from the movie, and to make things worse he has no memory of who he is and how he got there. This leads him to investigating the pizzeria to find a way back home and to get all his memories back.
Send me an ask if you want to learn more about it!
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mobiused · 2 years
I have a lore question if you habe the time: do we know why yyxy is in Cher from Clueless cosplay?
I've spoken about this before, I can't find where I've spoke about this before, but I think it's to do with setting yyxy's time in Eden as a story that takes place in the 90s. A lot of the lore is set in the late 90s, indicated primiarly in Vivi's and yyxy's arc with fashion and technology, such as the cassette tapes, walkmans, computers, VHSs and whatnot. As mentioned in the 1/3 section of this post, I think there might be some geopolitical signifiers too, that suggest a lot of the story is set in this time period. Talking about Walkmans at all reminds me of this theory, from ChoerryColour, whose theories are focused on metanarratives and the music industry and really worth checking out.
By using one of the most iconic outfits from the 90s, right in 1995, it helps indicate when this part of the story is taking place, and what that means. If yyxy's arc occurs at the same time as Vivi's pre-robotification life (as suggested by EDILY's retro vibes) then you can more easily make connections between the two, like why Yves shows up on Earth in The Carol 2.0, why Vives go on a date in 'new', why a lot of strange things happen like they do. What message are they trying to deliver by setting it specifically in the 90s, over setting it in present day, or a nonspecific time all together?
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carabinersims · 1 year
Because I'm a big nerd, I did a lot of research and reference-gathering for the Computer Lab Series 1 set. I wanted to share that research with y'all in case you're interested too! My favorite bit is that all the cassette tapes are based on actual games playable on a BBC Micro ⭐
Here's a nice list of what everything is based on:
Carapro II Portable Computer: This is based on the Kaypro II Portable Personal Computer, released in 1981. More info here.
BBC Micro Computer: This is based on the BBC Micro Computer, which debuted in 1982 and was widely in use in the UK. You can read more about this computer here and here. I’ve paired it with a period-appropriate TV, as seen in the images at the first link.
Steelcase Desk Chair: Inspired by vintage Steelcase chairs from the late 70s, like this one.
Retro Desk: Based on vintage desks from the 80s, like this beauty from Poland. 
Floppy Disks: These are scaled to be ~5.25” floppy disks
Stapler: Based on classic Swingline staplers like this.
Caradex V (Rolodex): This is an interpretation of the Rolodex 2254, as seen here. (I also like the box shown here, and might make it for future sets).
Desk Caddy: Based on this awesome piece from the 80s.
Computer Manual Posters: These use images from scanned manuals for the Kaypro II and BBC Micro. (There's a particularly great illustration on page 7 of the Kaypro manual that I couldn't make work with the poster format, but I love it and it's good and you should go look at it if you want.)
Cassette Recorder: Decided to make this because, as my girlfriend reminded me, the BBC Micro actually ran games off of cassettes! Here’s some more info from someone doing work with this today. This asset is roughly based on the Data Corder cassette recorder, as seen on the left here.
Cassette Tapes: These swatches/textures are based on specific tapes that are actually for the BBC Micro:
1: Blank tape: Reference 2: Gold Digger: Reference (nice article!) 3: League Challenge: Reference, more info 4: Escape from Moonbase Alpha: Reference, more info (nice site)
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