#reminds me of that one person in the friend group who always assumes there’s something ‘going on’ between people
captainclickycat · 6 months
Tumblr, showing me an anime porn account I’ve never seen or interacted with in my life: You seem interested
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
The parallels between Tsubomi and Reigen drive me so fucking insane you have no idea like—that shit had to be at least SOMEWHAT intentional even if not in a specifically romantic way.
For one, Tsubomi and Reigen are two of the only few people that call Shigeo "Mob" consistently. (Yes Tome also calls him Mob eventually but she starts out calling him Kageyama-kun and likely picks up "Mob-kun" from Inukawa or Reigen later on). We don't know how Reigen started calling Shigeo "Mob", though we can assume that Tsubomi was likely part of the group of kids that originally misread Shigeo's name as Mobbu to begin with so she's less of a mystery on that front. Maybe Reigen saw it written on his backpack or his shirt tag and started calling him that too, or maybe Mob even just told him that that's what everyone else called him and was what he prefered to be called at the time. Either way, it's a little odd that Reigen's one of the only people who use that nickname when we don't really get a reason why beyond "it can also be read like this", especially since Reigen is a grown man with (presumably) full literacy of kanji and would know how to read it.
Then there's the other obvious parallel that's made in the show; how Tsubomi and Reigen treat Mob. How they see his powers. They're not special, they're just a part of him. Nothing to be scared of—even though they kind of,,,,are lmao. The fact that Tsubomi continues to sit in the park even though a literal hurricane is approaching because she thought Mob sounded upset on the phone happens at the same time Reigen goes sprinting full-tilt into said hurricane because Mob is in trouble always stands out to me. It's less obvious than Mob's own words: "She never treated me any differently because of my powers" "Master never treated me any differently..."—but it's still a pretty blatant parallel to me.
Not to mention that both Reigen and Tsubomi's personalities are actually very similar as well! They're both described as people that hide behind a mask, a facade, while still being brutally stubborn. If Tsubomi doesn't want to do something, she's not gonna do it. While Reigen is more laid back because he's used to getting his hands dirty for work (money), he's still very stubborn himself when he doesn't wanna do something. He'll find a way to wriggle out of it and talk circles around you if you let him. Dimple even says that Tsubomi is the type of person who can't be swayed by words or peer pressure. She and Reigen were actually, again, two of the only people brainwashed through airborne Vibes™ instead of through food like everyone else. The biggest difference between them on this is that while Reigen lies fairly blatantly, Tsubomi seems to only lie through omission. Tsubomi is more of an introvert too, compared to Reigen's extrovert (though you could argue that both of them are good with people, with the only difference being that Reigen enjoys being the center of attention while Tsubomi presumably does not).
Plus they're both pretty goofy too once you think about it lmao. They're both prideful and hate to be humiliated, but they also care a lot about their public image and how people perceive them. Every time the scene with Tsubomi and her friends outside cleaning up leaves comes up, her expressions and panic always remind me of Reigen. And then there's Mob, calm and unjudgemental, willing to help her with no questions asked. Mitigating her humiliation, just like he does for Reigen :)
Another thing that always strikes me is how Mezato says, "If you can accept her for who she really is..." followed by Reigen's echo during his confession: "This is who I really am". Mezato essentially tells Mob that Tsubomi isn't who she seems on the outside and that if he wants to be accepted by her, he needs to also be ready to accept her as well. Which, we don't get to see much of Tsubomi's life outside of Mob—wow just like Reigen—so we don't ever really know who she is beyond that outer mask, but we see her slowly opening up to Mob later, as a friend. But the fact that Reigen's own confession mirrors Mezato's words to Mob about him accepting Tsubomi always makes me vibrate in place a little like,,,Confession Arc my beloved 🙏
I don't know man, there's just so much there, it makes my head spin. I could go on and on about it but I better cut myself off because if I don't I'll start crawling on the walls going feral about it because what, what was the point of this if not to make it clear that the relationship between Mob and Reigen is supposed to parallel his relationship with Tsubomi like what do you MEAN—
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tomblythismyhusband · 9 months
dress [ young!snow x fem!reader ]
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[summary]: young!student!snow x fem!reader | You’ve had a crush on Coriolanus for years and tonight, wearing a dress you picked out just for him, you finally get what you want.
[warnings]: 18+, smut, pnv, language, other smut warnings yk yk, fingering, unprotected
[wc:] 2.4k
[note:] wrote this story in first person…. can’t decide if i like it or not +inspired by the song - [dress - taylor swift]
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My eyes swept across the busy ballroom floor of the academy. It was filled to the brim with people laughing, drinking, dancing, all of it. I pulled down my red silk dress nervously that was a little too short for my liking.
I always had been very adamant about wearing what I wanted, but not today. I was here to impress someone, specifically Coriolanus Snow.
We have been close friends since we were practically babies. Our families grew up together. I know all his secrets, and he knows all of mine. I was one of the only people that knew about his family’s financial state, his worries, and his heartaches. I never ever thought twice about judging him for it either. The world was a tough place. Especially after the war.
My eyes still searched for him. A tiny doubt in the back of my mind wondered if he even would show up. I had never thought to ask, I just assumed.
I sighed and grabbed a drink of posca and strode over to Clemensia and Arachne, who were also close friends to me. When I came over to join their group, they were talking about a guy, as usual. When they noticed me Arachne flashed a grin.
“Speaking of obsessed….” She said in a teasing tone.
I had no idea what they were talking about before so my eyebrows knit in confusion.
I cocked my head to the side. “What are you two talking about?” I asked, taking a sip of the sweet liquor in my hands.
Clemensia giggled. “We were just talking about Festus Creed and how obsessed he’s been with me lately.” She smirked. “Reminds me of someone…”
Arachne let out a laugh as I felt my cheeks heat. I had told them about my little crush on Coriolanus but I haven’t gotten used to their taunts yet.
“Stop it…” I murmured.
“I say you make a move tonight.” Arachne suggested raising her eyebrows.
I sighed. Something had been off between Coriolanus and I recently. I wasn’t entirely sure, I’m thinking It’s just stress. He’s been so focused on winning the Plinth Prize this year that he’s been working himself to death.
“I don’t think he sees me that way. We’ve been friends for so long.”
Clemensia let out a laugh. “With the way you’re dressed tonight? He’ll definitely see you that way.”
I blushed again, running my hands down the fabric. I hated being desperate but this dress was all I was depending on. The color, the length, the way it hugged my body, were all decisions I made with Coriolanus in mind.
Arachne’s smile widened. “I see him. He’s here.” Her excitement was obvious. Either she was actually excited for me to shoot my shot or she was excited to watch me fail horribly. I could never tell with her.
I turned my body slightly, stealing a glance at Coriolanus. He was gorgeous. His blonde curls were neat and his dress shirt and pants pressed to perfection. I knew I couldn’t stare for too long but I couldn’t help myself. He looked bored, standing away from the crowds.
I turned away from the sight and looked at Clemmie and Arachne. “I’m going over.” I said confidently. “It’s fine we’re friends.” They both egged me on as I placed my now empty posca I had downed onto a platter of dirty cups and started to make my way over to him. My heart was thumping in my chest, my palms sticky with sweat. I was never this nervous with him in class, or when we would study together but this romantic dance setting changed everything.
He was looking around when suddenly his blue eyes met mine. His body language instantly changed as I smiled at him. He looked…. nervous? Uncomfortable? He was so hard to read sometimes.
“Hey you made it!” I said sweetly, masking the nervousness I was feeling.
His mouth quirked up into a smile. “You know I wouldn’t miss it.” He said lowly. His eyes flicked down at my dress then back up to my eyes. “Nice dress Y/n” He said quietly. I blushed looking down at it. “Thanks… I picked it out specially for today.” When I looked back up at him he looked overwhelmed. I felt extremely awkward and bit my lip. “Wanna dance?” I said sticking out my hand. He hesitated for a moment before taking it. I prayed that he wouldn’t feel how nervous I was. I led him to the dance floor.
We positioned ourselves across from each other as I put one of my hands on his shoulders as he held the other. I felt his hand snake around my waist. I’ve waltzed countless times before but doing it with Coriolanus made me trip over my own feet.
Coriolanus chuckled, looking down at me. “Clumsy today?” He teased. I felt his hand squeeze mine as I returned a giggle.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I sighed, smiling at him.
We continued to dance till my feet were numb. I felt much more comfortable now, my nervousness melting away as he spun me around effortlessly.
After a while I felt him lean in close to my ear. “Want to go take a breather?”
I couldn’t be more happy with a question as I nodded, following him off the dance floor. I stole a glance at Clemensia, raising my eyebrows at her, as she grinned back at me. He led me out of the noisy ballroom to the empty hallway that lay just outside.
I leaned up against the wall, letting out a breath. “Never knew dancing could take so much out of a person.” I laughed.
Coriolanus smirked, looking amused. “You're a good dancer. You lasted a lot longer than I expected you to.”
My cheeks heated at the statement. I don’t think he meant for it to be suggestive but It definitely made my mind go to the gutter.
He paused, lips parted, then laughed at himself. “That sounded wrong didn't it?”
I bit back a giggle looking at him. “Definitely did.”
He sighed looking at me, almost longingly. “It’s getting late. I didn’t really want to stay here too long, I going to head home.”
A pang of panic flashed through my body. He can’t leave yet! I’ve barely gotten to spend time with him like I wanted.
“Awh come on.. don’t let the fun end yet.” I pouted, giving him a small smile.
His voice lowered as he moved closer to me. “Or…..You could come with me… Tigris isn’t home.”
I felt my breath hitch at the suggestion. I couldn’t decipher where he was going with this.
“Why would I care if Tigris is home? I love her….” I wanted to know his real intentions.
His intense gaze met my eyes. “Y/n.. I was hoping we could…..”
Without thinking I leaned up, kissing him. His lips felt exactly like I had daydreamed about. Soft and warm. He let out a grunt as I kissed him, before I pulled back. I stared up at him and silently prayed that I read into the situation correctly. He stared at me for a moment, studying my face. “I want you Y/n.” He said in a low voice, dripping with desire.
I let out a small gasp. “Are you s-“
“I’m sure.” He said cutting me off. He pulled my waist against him. “What do you say darling?”
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Next thing I was stumbling into Coriolanus’ bedroom. His Grandma’am was dead asleep and Tigris was gone for the night. My heart fluttered as he closed and locked his bedroom door behind him before pushing me up against the stiff wood. I had been in Coriolanus’ room many times but never was I this excited.
His lips mashed into mine, desperately. I felt his big hands slowly travel up my thighs.
“You look so stunning in this dress..” He mumbled against my lips.
“I wore it just for you.” I whispered. He was flattered and pulled back.
I bit my lip and stared up at him.
“I only bought this dress so you could take it off…”
He moaned at my words, meeting my lips for another hungry kiss.
“I’ll make sure that happens darling.” He promised as his hands slid up to grip my waist tighter. My panties were absolutely soaked, as his tongue slipped into my mouth causing me to let out a tiny moan. He was starting to get rough, dominant.
Luckily neither of us were virgins so our hands knew exactly where to go. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his lips more into mine. He growled as he pushed up against me.
“Take it off…..” I whispered, slightly shifting my body in my dress. I let one of the straps of my dress fall slack off my shoulder. I watched as Coriolanus grinned and wrapped his arms around me to fumble with the zipper. I felt him slowly zip me down, my body feeling more exposed with every moment. His fingers were gentle as they ran over my skin.
With the dress fully unzipped he slid it down, the red fabric pooling at my feet like blood. He was silent for a moment as he gazed at my body. I had put on a lacy black bra and panty set that I was glad he got to see. He dragged one of his hands up to my breasts, lightly massaging them as his lips found my neck.
“I liked the dress, but I like you like this a lot more.” He mumbled into my neck as his hands squeezed my tits. I let out a moan as he nipped my skin. His hands were rough, his mouth gentle. I was in heaven.
My hands fumbled with the buttons of his dress shirt, unbuttoning them one by one. He contributed by pulling to off and throwing it to the ground. He was lean, the sharp angles of his body making my heart pound even harder. He was beautiful. I wanted him to destroy me.
I threw my hands around his neck and slammed his face against mine. He moaned into my mouth as my hands dug into his blonde hair.
“Let me pick you up.” He directed in a raspy voice between kisses. I did as directed and shifted my body so he could pick me up. His kisses still on my body, he picked me up, supporting me by my ass as my legs wrapped around his waist. I loved the feeling of his bare skin against my thighs.
He carried me to the bed and laid me down softly. I heard him unzip his pants and watched as they fell to the floor. I unclipped my bra, throwing it in the floor, earning a smirk from him.
His boxers went next, he slid them down, his big erection springing out. My breath hitched at the sight as I laid there, my panties still absolutely soaked. He climbed on top of me, smirking as he kissed my collar bone.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll take care of you first.” He said in a low tone. I felt his cold hand slide then dip beneath the waistband of my panties.
His fingers felt around my folds. I couldn’t breathe. His touch soon found my clit and I jerked as he started to rub firm circles on the spot. He kept kissing my chest as his fingers moved faster and faster.
I could see stars as I closed my eyes, my breathing picking up pace. “Corio..” I moaned as I arched into his touch. My hands gripped the sheets on either side of me. No matter how loud my moans got he didn’t let up the pressure. A familiar knot signaling I was getting closer to an orgasm formed in the pit of my stomach.
Coriolanus kept squeezing and circling my clit as he left kisses on my jaw. Finally my eyes squeezed shut and white light flashed in my vision. My legs were shaking violently as he removed his fingers from my cunt.
I opened my eyes to see him suck his fingers, letting out a hum as he stared at me, proud of himself.
“Ready for more love?” He teased in a low voice as he hooked his finger on my panties pulling them off.
“I want you.” I replied, still dazed from the orgasm he had just given me.
He spread my legs, his iron grip keeping me still as I whimpered with need. Coriolanus rubbed the tip of his cock on my entrance before sinking into me.
He let out a low throaty moan as he started to move in and out of my pussy.
“Fuck you feel good.” He croaked, picking up speed. My jaw went slack as he moved. His thrusts becoming more and more aggressive.
I felt my eyes roll back with every swift motion. I felt the knot building in the pit of my stomach again signaling that I was climbing up to another orgasm.
Coriolanus’ right grip on me never faltered as he hit my g-spot perfectly with each stroke. “Corio.. I’m almost there.” I moaned, my hands clawing at his back.
“Just a little more darling.” He said in a rough voice. His eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth open letting out breaths of pleasure.
He shifted his body so he was closer to my face as his hips snapped against mine.
“You’re so gorgeous.” He murmured, gripping my hips as I let out a muffled cry. I couldn’t think. He filled all of my senses as I orgasmed around his cock.
He gave me a deep kiss as I squeezed around him. I was a shaken mess. Finally I felt him pull out and release on my tummy. His body fell next to mine as he kissed my neck.
“That was amazing Y/n.” He sighed, running his fingers gently over me.
I gave him a sleepy smile. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” I whispered, meeting his eyes. We were both still breathless and in a state of bliss.
He ran his hand through my hair and gave me a soft smile. “I’ve wanted you too, for a while now. That dress of yours just put me over the edge.”
I blushed at this statement as he pulled my close, encasing me in his arms
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dutifullylazybread · 4 months
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(I did take some liberties with this list—this list assumes that Cal, Lia, and Rolan stay with the tiefling refugees and all necessary steps are taken to get the three of them safely from the Druid’s Grove to Baldur’s Gate).
I ended up breaking this into two parts—one that talks about how Cal's feelings develop leading into the relationship/confession, and the other part which is a bit more scenario-driven (and it ended up being pre-relationship stuff that led into the start of the relationship itself).
General Headcanons
Cal begins to think that he might like you as more than a friend around the time that he realizes that he always hopes to run into you while out and about. Not in a “Oh, we’re both in the same place at the same time” sort of way but more in a “I hope Tav is there. That'd be nice. Maybe I should invite them?”
He has absolutely hoped to stumble into friends before, but he wasn't too bothered if it didn't happen.
You, however? If you aren't at a gathering, he feels poorer for it.
And when you two spend time together (be this in a group setting or on your own), he’s always stealing glances your way… and he realizes he doesn’t really do that with anyone else.
When someone tells a joke that he finds funny, he looks at you to see if you’re laughing as well. Every time.
He takes every opportunity to be near you. 
Even if you’re just running errands or doing something boring, he is over the moon to be invited along—even if you assure him that he doesn’t have to. His company is always welcome, but you wouldn’t be upset if he chose to go do something more enjoyable. 
“It’s no bother. The work is easier when there are two people to do it.”
If he goes shopping and sees something that reminds him of you, he will get it for you.
If you offhandedly mention that you like a certain type of food, don’t be surprised if he makes it for you. 
And if you ask him what the occasion was, he’ll shrug and say, “No reason,” or possibly, “It sounded like you haven’t had  it in a while.”
Cal strikes me as a very physically affectionate person; so long as you’re okay with hugs, he will embrace you when the two of you meet up and when the two of you part.
Though he does enjoy spontaneous hugs too.
And he does like holding your hand. A lot. 
He is the type of person who will check in to see if you need a drink refill or more food. It’s one way that he likes to take care of you, but he initially doesn’t think much of it, because he would do that for his siblings too.
And while Cal is fairly good at coming to his own conclusions about how he feels, Lia and Rolan most certainly tease him about how he acts around you.
Initially though, he thinks he is just being a good friend. 
Until he hugs you one day, and the hug lasts a moment longer than normal. And he notices how you feel pressed against him.
He realizes that it feels really, really natural to hold you close.
And you smell really, really nice. 
He realizes that you have always smelled that way. He has definitely picked up on it before, but for whatever reason, this time it really sticks.
This isn't a scent kink so much as it's a “I am taking comfort in something that is so utterly familiar and perfectly you” moment.
And then he starts to notice other things.
He likes the sound of your laugh. A lot. 
He particularly likes when he can get you to laugh, because you will look at him, eyes bright and face flushed.
And then there is a moment where your eyes meet, and you hold his gaze, and everything clicks into place.
And if he hadn't already figured out that he has a crush on you, he absolutely does then.
Rolan and Lia point out that it seems like he is daydreaming A LOT lately. And while he might be dismissive of this at first, it doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together—he’s thinking of you a lot.
And he is also talking about you much more often. Sometimes he repeats the same stories about you because, honestly, everything reminds him of you.
Rolan and Lia will tell him that he is repeating himself, but he just looks so happy whenever he talks about you.
So they'll usually wait for a pause in his story to lovingly tease him.
While Cal has always enjoyed hugging you before, he is melting into your embrace now. He is constantly looking for excuses to be close to you, to brush his arm against yours.
If he gets too flustered, his laugh raises in pitch and he'll slosh the drink he's holding all over himself.
To make matters worse, you think he's cute when he gets so worked up, and that's enough to make him light headed.
He doesn't strike me as someone who worries over saying the right thing. He isn't agonizing over every sentence, but he makes an effort to be kind. And if he is kind and transparent with people, then everything will be fine and any misunderstandings can, hopefully, be smoothed over.
But around the point that he starts to notice all these things that he likes about you, he starts to really worry about what he says and what you might infer.
Part of me thinks that, if Cal gets really deep into his stress over his crush for you, he becomes a nervous, giggling mess of a person.
This is to the point where he cannot have a discussion with you, because he is so nervous about what he will say.
“This person is incredible. I adore them so much. Oh, Hells, they're looking at me. Oh, Hells, they're gorgeous. OH, HELLS, THEY'RE COMING OVER TO SAY HELLO.”
Cal is clumsy, but when he is flustered, he practically trips over himself.
Will drop anything and everything when you are in close proximity.
Spills drinks and food everywhere because he gets caught up watching you laugh at a joke.
Will have bruises on his thighs, knees, and calves from how often he runs into furniture around you/when he is thinking of you. 
If Cal gets to this point, Rolan and Lia might intervene. They won't speak for their brother, but they will encourage/beg/urge him to talk to you. 
Their persistence will depend on how much Cal is agonizing over things. If he's just quietly pining but is content to spend time with you and it doesn't appear that he is struggling, they'll tease him.
If it's to the point where he is overanalyzing everything he says, they're going to be a lot firmer on him communicating his feelings to you.
“I think I made Tav uncomfortable.”
“Cal, you completely froze up and wouldn't make eye contact with them. They probably think that they're making you uncomfortable. For all of our sakes, just talk to them.”
So, Cal gathers his courage and asks you to go on an outing with him—something the two of you would do regardless of if you were a couple.
He will be nervous. He will be dropping things and bumping into the edges of furniture.
But here's the kicker: if you are nervous, blushing, and generally flustered about being around him, then his nerves will settle a little. Because he has had to be the calm, steady one for his siblings. It's in his nature to be there for others when they are struggling.
So you're both nervous. And you're both stumbling over yourselves.
It becomes a question of which one of you manages to confess first, but for the sake of this list, we'll say Cal manages as you were working up the courage.
And when you reciprocate his feelings and tell him how much you adore him, he looks fit to pass out from how relieved he is.
Your first kiss is clumsy—he bumps your forehead with his and his teeth click against yours. 
But it's honestly perfect.
If you are the calmer of the two, Cal will definitely take comfort in that as well.
“This is Tav. I trust them. They are an incredible person. They have never made me feel like I can't confide in them.”
So he works up the courage and confesses. He wants more than friendship with you. He likes you a lot. He might even be in love with you. He wants to find out.
And he hugs you so, so tightly when you confess that you feel the same.
We're talking a hug so tight and so close that, regardless of how tall you are, your feet are dangling off of the ground as he holds you to him.
Your first kiss is clumsy regardless. But it's perfect, because all your nerves and anxieties melt away in that moment.
And it’s just the two of you. And a world of possibilities has opened up before you.
Scenario-driven Headcanons: Following Game Events - Basically if Cal was a Romanceable NPC - From Crush to The Beginnings of A Relationship
So, personally, I think that Cal likely wouldn’t be considering a relationship while he and his family are fleeing from Elturel to Baldur’s Gate. It’s not that he is opposed to one—he’s just in survival mode. Not only that, but he is also pulling double shifts as Rolan’s and Lia’s mediator. The more time the three of them are on the road, the more his siblings are prone to argue. That just comes with the stress of being exiled from your home and dealing with food shortages and exhaustion. Both siblings have strong personalities and opinions on what matters (Rolan wants to ensure the safety of the three of them; Lia wants to ensure the safety of everyone), so if both have the energy, they’re going to argue. 
In the druid’s grove, the stress is at an all time high. Any day now, they could be turned out by the druids—who would effectively seal the grove off with the Rite of Thorns. And from there, who is to say that the goblins won’t attack? They might be small, but they have the numbers, the weapons, and control of the road. 
And if the goblins won’t get them, what else will they have to contend with?
First impressions are fleeting when you walk into the grove—Cal can’t get a good gauge on your character then.
Though he wasn’t terribly keen on Rolan and Lia arguing in front of everyone, he did appreciate that you diffused the situation… for the moment. 
And at the party? The first time he and his siblings allow themselves to relax, to forget the road ahead for the night, he starts to notice little things about you.
But just because he isn’t considering a relationship doesn’t mean he isn’t developing feelings—he just might not be paying them as much heed as he may if the situation were different.
Things that he might not usually observe with people—the way the corners of your eyes lift up when you smile, for example.
He most certainly likes hearing you laugh. He would like to hear you laugh more.
And when Rolan casts prestidigitation and lights the night sky, Cal finds his attention pulled away from the magic show to you. Your eyes are bright and you are set aglow.
And he finds you enchanting.
When you first walked into the grove, you carried yourself like any scrappy adventurer might. 
But at the party? Out of your fighting gear and not toting around a weapon? You’re… softer. Perhaps not quite as guarded as you would be on the road, waiting for some enemy to barrel out of the brush and attack you.
And he likes that.
And he starts to gravitate to you.
Though he doesn't think much of it, he will check in and see if you need your wine topped off or if you need something to eat. He figures he's looking out for you, perhaps thanking you for helping him and his family.
And you rather like how pleasant Cal is. He’s a breath of fresh air. Beyond getting to chat with you, getting to know you a bit better, he doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.
And you like talking to him. He seems to feel the same.
Rolan and Lia most definitely notice. And they will tease him relentlessly.
“You’re practically hanging off of every word they say, aren’t you? I don’t think you left their side for more than a few minutes tonight.”
And it's true. They're just stating the obvious. But they're teasing him. They seem to think he feels more than just friendly towards you.
He's torn between dismissing them out of pocket and considering what they have to say. Rolan and Lia may tease him, but they also have his best interests in mind. 
Because he really, really, likes when you look at him.
And when the two of you part ways for the evening, he does watch you walk away to join your companions.
He definitely lays awake that night replaying your interactions. He gets giddy over the ones that went well, and he cringes and curls in on himself over the moments where he was less than debonair.
While the tiefling refugees travel through the mountain pass, he daydreams about what it would be like if your traveling party and his didn't separate. What if you stayed with them?
How many more interactions could the two of you have had? 
He sees mountain flowers or a blue jay's feather, and he thinks about how, if you were traveling with them, he'd give those to you. He hopes that you would light up, but he would still get an idea of what you liked from your responses.
And then he thinks about how, at the end of the celebration, he said “until Baldur's Gate.” And he starts to think about how much he'd love to explore the city with you.
If you're from Baldur's Gate originally, maybe the two of you got to talking about some of your favorite places. You might have offered to show him around.
And you did suggest getting a pint or two at the Elfsong together. It's a nice enough place.
He makes a note to take you up on that offer.
The mountain pass is a long trek, but he doesn't really notice. His head is in the clouds.
Lia and Rolan tease him over how besotted he is, but it is nice to see him thinking about something other than survival.
And then they cross into the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and the cultists attack. Cal and Lia are separated from Rolan and taken to Moonrise.
Cal is mad at himself for indulging in those daydreams. Maybe he would have noticed the cultists sooner, had his mind been more present.
Every time he thinks about you in that dungeon, he does so with a twinge of shame. 
He doesn't go so far as to fantasize that you'll save him. The situation feels too hopeless. He and Lia mostly talk about Rolan and how they hope he didn't get hurt during the cultists’ ambush.
So when you walk down into the dungeon, traveling companions in tow, he's not sure if he believes his eyes.
Everything that happens next is a blur of activity. One moment, the cell Cal is in has a back wall. The next? It's gone and the path to freedom stretches out before him.
Between escaping the prison and getting onto the boat, he doesn't have the time to think.
When the Last Light Inn is in view, when you tell him Rolan is waiting for him and Lia, that is when everything snaps back into focus.
And when the Harpers check him for a tadpole and nothing happens, he breathes a sigh of relief.
Only for the tadpole to react to you when you approach.
And he panics.
You? You have one of those things in your skull? What does that mean for you? Does it hurt? Is it changing you?
You don't have all the answers either. And that makes matters worse.
He promises to do everything he can to find a cure… He isn't sure what he can do, but he has to do something.
And, once things have settled with Rolan and the inn quiets down for the night (or the closest semblance of night that there is in the Shadow-Cursed Lands) they talk.
Rolan promises to ask Lorroakan if Cal can read through the library in Ramazith's Tower. A wizard, of all people, should know something about ceremorphosis… right?
Should you talk to Cal before you leave for Moonrise again, he will urge you to fight against the tadpole—to not give in. He promises to help however he can, even if all he can manage is to patch your wounds.
And, so long as you are comfortable, he'll hug you. 
He doesn't want to let you go. For a moment, he doesn't think he can.
Because this amazing person, this individual who has saved his life twice and has reunited his family, well, they might die a gruesome death.
And that terrifies him.
But you survive the fight with Ketheric. And as you and your companions gather in Moonrise's throne room, Cal feels at ease. For the moment. 
And he is torn. He wishes that you would travel with them to the city, but he knows that a smaller group will move faster.
Should you speak with him after the battle, he will end your conversation the way he did at the celebration in Act 1.
“Until Baldur's Gate.”
And, should you be so inclined, you could leave him with a kiss on the cheek. He’ll smile bashfully.
“Well, I really hope that there will be more where that came from.”
When he and his siblings arrive in Rivington, they try to cross Wyrm’s Crossing together.
Only Rolan is allowed to pass through Wyrm’s Rock Fortress and into the lower city. He promises to send for them soon. They just need to hold tight and wait in the refugee camp.
But time passes and the communication from Rolan is sparse. So sparse that the two of them are beginning to panic. Rolan would never leave them in the lurch like this. Not unless something was truly wrong. They make plans. There must be other means of entering the city.
And, eventually, you and your companions arrive.
And you're alive. And he holds you close, feeling your heartbeat resonate in his chest.
But he's also frustrated. He hasn't managed to find anything that might cure your ceremorphosis. And now, he and Lia are asking you to look for Rolan. 
He asks you to be careful. He says he feels helpless because he can't cross into the city. 
And watching you head towards Wyrm’s Crossing has him gutted. You’ll likely end up walking into danger, but was he the one who sent you straight into it with his ask?
The days in the camp were miserable to begin with. No one is happy, and the people who live in Rivington are hostile to the refugees. Time drags on.
Cal now has three people to worry about—Rolan, Lia, and you.
Are you and Rolan alive? Did Rolan make it to his apprenticeship? Did you turn into a mind flayer?
And then, a few days later, Rolan sends a letter. 
He asks that Cal and Lia join him at Ramazith’s Tower. For good. They have a home now.
Cal and Lia pass by the Steel Watch and the Flaming Fist patrolling the crossing without incident.
And when they arrive at Ramazith's tower, they find their brother bruised and bloodied, but calm—relieved even.
And after the nerves of the road have settled, after they've cared for Rolan's injuries, and they are sitting in the tower’s study, Cal asks after you.
Rolan keeps the details vague, but he makes it perfectly clear that, were it not for you and your companions, the three of them wouldn't be sitting in that tower. No, if anything, Lorroakan wouldn't have lifted so much as a finger to help Cal and Lia pass into the city.
At this point, Rolan and Lia will gently tease Cal about his feelings for you.
“Well, they certainly know how to stick their nose into other people’s business, but they're tolerable enough. Invite them to dinner sometime.”
It isn't long before Cal is digging through the library, searching for books on Ceremorphosis.
Personally, I think he visits the Society of Brilliance per the suggestion of a shop patron.
And, when he gets there and the society sees how sincere Cal is, they introduce him to Omeluum.
These two hit it off, by the way.
Cal splits his work between reading through massive tomes and talking with Omeluum and Blurg.
He learns more about what it means to be a mind flayer. And he feels that, even if you were to transform, he’d want to be there to support you in whatever way he could.
And then, one day, as he is taking a break and cleaning the tower's study, you step through the portal.
He's speechless. He had realized back at Moonrise that his feelings for you extended beyond friendship, but to see you here? Now?
Rolan and Lia quietly excuse themselves while you two catch up.
You chat with him in the study, but eventually, Cal will ask for you to walk the balcony outside with him.
He is nervous. 
How does he begin to thank you for everything that you have done for him and his family? How does he begin to apologize for not finding a cure?
This interaction will end with Cal asking, “When all of this is said and done… Can I see you again? I'd… very much like to take you up on that pint. To celebrate.”
This interaction can end amicably or with a hug, but should you ask him, Cal will kiss you. He's careful, as if worried that one wrong move will ruin the moment. 
But, should you wish to continue the kiss, he lets himself melt into your embrace.
And, as he deepens the kiss, he'll hum softly, contentedly.
And, almost bashfully, he will mention that he'd love to show you his bedroom. He even offers for you to spend the night there. With him. Only if you want, of course.
The choice is yours.
He will say to you, either before you bid him farewell on the balcony (or as you are saying goodbye the following morning), “Please come back. Alive. I don't care if you've turned into a mind flayer or not. I just want you.”
But after Elturel's descent, where everyone prayed for the city to be returned to the material plane for life to then go back to normal (only for the Elturelian tieflings to promptly be exiled), he doesn't want to take a chance on things returning to normalcy after the Netherbrain is defeated.
So, before the final battle, the two of you get that pint at the Elfsong. And you talk for hours. 
It is entirely your call if the two of you end the evening by sharing a bed.
If you do, Cal holds you the entire night. He’s almost reluctant to let you go in the morning, because he is frightened that it might be the last time he sees you alive.
Should you and Cal share a kiss at any point in Act 3, he will appear in the grand hall before the final battle.
He jokes that Rolan has been practically obsessed with getting the Tower's cannon in working order. 
If you ask him for a good luck kiss, he will give you one. 
This kiss is urgent. Cal's eyes are squeezed shut as he presses his lips to yours. He is desperately trying to communicate all of his feelings to you in that one moment, and he knows his time is limited.
And then he pulls back with a shaky breath, resting his forehead against yours, his thumbs running down the line of your jaw.
“Come back, alright? I’ll be here, ready to patch you up. I… I love you."
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
i wanna be your sin
for @subeddieweek day five with the prompts rimming and possessive steve
rated e | 2,473 words | please check ao3 for tags
Day one:  ao3 | tumblr Day two: ao3 | tumblr Day three: ao3 | tumblr Day four: ao3 | tumblr
If being friends with Steve was easy, being loved by him was a piece of cake.
It would probably scare someone else, the way Steve loved. He gave everything, more than what Eddie felt he deserved. It was overwhelming at times, to be the focal point of all of Steve’s affection.
He showed up at Eddie’s house with flowers before their first date. And their second. And for their third, he brought him homemade cookies.
Fucking homemade cookies.
And every single time, he acted like it brightened his day to be able to provide these things to Eddie. Like if he couldn’t bring him flowers or cookies or kiss him or hold him, he’d crumble into a million pieces and cease to exist.
It was easy to love him back, too.
To play with his fingers in the car and lean his head on his shoulder, to get lost in the time they spent together until Wayne was opening the door to the trailer with his knowing smile and wave as Steve just waved back from his spot on the couch holding Eddie’s hand.
They weren’t stupid, though.
Their dates were usually places where two young guys could be caught hanging out without drawing suspicion, even if those two guys happened to be Eddie and Steve. If it wasn’t the diner or the bowling alley, or even the record store Steve had taken him to on their first date, they were in secret hiding spots around Hawkins, spending every moment they could giving in to temptation.
But sometimes they ventured outside their comfort zone.
Steve was Dustin’s chauffeur from Hellfire Club since his mom’s promotion that led her to working much later during the week.
They hadn’t exactly told anyone about what they were to each other, had barely even mentioned they were friends to anyone other than Robin, but Steve was insistent that no one would think anything if he just…hung out during Hellfire.
Eddie didn’t really have the heart to tell him that every single person in the room would be highly suspicious of anyone being allowed to stay and watch as Eddie had always been incredibly protective of their space and never let anyone watch who wasn’t inducted into Hellfire.
Steve sat in the corner of the room, only receiving a few concerned looks from the group at first. Most of the confusion was directed at Eddie.
When they took their usual five minute bathroom break, Gareth pulled him aside and questioned him.
“Dude. The hell.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “What?”
“Harrington? I know he’s Dustin’s second mom or whatever, but is it really necessary for him to be here? Doesn’t he have a job or something?” Gareth glanced over at Steve, who was looking back at both of them with a fire in his eyes.
Eddie ignored the way that look made him feel and crossed his arms over his chest, raising a brow at Gareth.
“Isn’t the point of Hellfire to welcome the lost sheep? No judgment?”
“Yeah, but-”
“And wouldn’t you think it rude to assume Steve doesn’t deserve to have some friends?”
“But he-”
“Everything okay over here?” Steve’s voice was right next to Eddie’s ear, and his hand was on his hip, squeezing.
Eddie’s mouth snapped closed, eyes widening as he watched Gareth’s gaze drop to where Steve was touching him and back up to Eddie’s face.
“Yeah, man. Just checking in on our friend, here,” Gareth gave Steve a fake smile before turning and walking away.
Steve’s hand didn’t drop and Eddie was certain that if he didn’t move in the next 10 seconds, they’d have a lot of explaining to do that Steve probably wasn’t ready for.
“Was he bothering you?” Steve asked, his face a mask of friendliness.
“Gareth? My best friend for three years? He always bothers me, but it’s nothing like that.” Eddie tapped Steve’s hand as a reminder that he should probably move it, but he just tightened his grip. “Um, you okay?”
Steve’s breath was warm against his jaw as he leaned in close to whisper in Eddie’s ear. “I’m great, sweet boy.”
The reaction was instant. And really fucking inconvenient.
Hearing those words from Steve now, when he still had an hour of a campaign to run, with children making their way back to the table, was enough to make him call it all off.
Fuck Hellfire. He needed Steve to fuck him.
Steve patted his ass twice before walking away, smiling to himself as he went back to his seat to watch Eddie deal with this sudden need to have Steve.
And then he just…carried on. Like it was nothing to have Steve’s hand on him one minute, his voice against his ear, and then go back to being the big, bad DM the next. He was a pretty good actor, but even he had his limits when Steve’s eyes were on him.
Even he could tell he was a little off after the break, and the knowing looks from Gareth and confused looks from the rest of them just emphasized how much he needed to get his shit together. This was his best campaign ever, and he knew he needed to roll into Christmas break with a cliffhanger that made everyone desperate to get back.
Steve watched the clock, then looked at Eddie, watching him fondly, but with a certain hunger in his eyes that was nowhere near appropriate for others to see.
“And as you crawl your way under the fence, mud and sweat coating your skin, you see a faint light coming towards you from a distance. Your entire group freezes and waits to see if you’ve been found. You breathe slowly, just enough to not pass out. The light gets closer.” Eddie stands from his chair, leaning over the table to blow out the candle. “The candle goes out. A voice yells down to you. ‘Come at once or die.’”
Eddie sits back in his chair and folds his hand across his stomach, waiting for the table to catch up that he was done.
“That can’t be it!” Lucas yelled.
“Eddie, you said you weren’t gonna end it on a cliffhanger!” Mike pouted.
“I never said such a thing and if I ever did, you should’ve known I was lying.” Eddie stood again, folding his DM notes up and picking up his personal minifigures to store in his bag. “We’ll pick up the first week back in the new year. Everyone go home and enjoy Christmas because there’s a chance some of you may perish on your journey here.”
Everyone grumbled except for Gareth, who was oddly quiet as they all cleaned up their own character sheets and minifigures. He kept glancing between Steve and Eddie, brows furrowed, like if he concentrated hard enough, something would make more sense to him.
Steve stood as the older kids filed out, driving themselves home or hitching rides with each other. Nancy was already outside waiting for Mike and Lucas, so they rushed out of the room, barely saying goodbye.
Dustin didn’t seem to notice or care that Steve and Eddie were staring at each other, that Eddie’s hands were practically shaking with anticipation for what was coming. Hopefully, he would be.
“Oh, mom told me to tell you that she made extra of that casserole you like so you can bring some back home with you when you drop me off,” he said as he finished packing up his bag.
“Sounds good, dude,” Steve said, not taking his eyes from Eddie.
Eddie could feel his face flushing, wondered how he could get Steve out of there before he did something stupid like kiss him in front of their shared child.
“You guys gonna kill each other or make out?” Dustin asked, not really looking at either of them, standing by the door to leave. “If you’re done, I have a curfew to make whether my mom’s home or not.”
Steve tossed Dustin his keys. “Wait for me. I’ll just be a minute. And I’ll know if you try to start her. Passenger seat only.”
Dustin knew better than to argue when it came to Steve’s car, so he nodded once and booked it from the room.
The moment they heard the main door to the auditorium slam shut, Steve was on him, pushing him back in his seat and looming over him with a deadly smile.
Eddie’s cock was straining against his jeans, rubbing against the zipper in a way that felt too good for him to be in public, especially when he knew Steve wasn’t gonna do anything about it.
“Unbutton your pants.”
Steve’s tone was cool, but Eddie knew him well enough to hear how much he was struggling to maintain composure.
What had he done to make Steve want him like this? Now?
“Here?” Eddie asked, looking around the room.
Steve’s hand cupped his jaw and turned it back to face him.
Eddie knew when to be a brat and now was not it.
He unbuttoned his pants with shaking hands, letting his cock feel a single moment of relief before Steve’s grip around it was rough, nearly too hard to feel good.
“Pull them down.”
“Now. Unless you wanna stop. You know what to say if you do.”
Obviously, Eddie wasn’t going to stop. He trusted Steve, he trusted that Steve would never put him in any danger, and if Steve felt safe enough to do this here and now, then Eddie could let him have what he needed.
Eddie tugged his pants and boxers down to his thighs. He ignored the twinge in his back at the uncomfortable angle, focusing on Steve’s eyes on him, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he watched Eddie fumble.
“Turn around. On your knees.”
Eddie turned around, got on his knees.
“Lean forward.”
Eddie leaned forward.
Steve dropped to his knees and gripped Eddie’s hips. His nose brushed against the tail of his spine, breath leaving pinpricks of moisture behind. Or was that sweat? Had it gotten hotter in here?
“What if Dustin comes back in?”
“He won’t. He never has free access to my car.” Steve’s lips brushed against his skin, and Eddie realized just before it happened what Steve’s plan was.
Steve’s tongue trailed down the crack of his ass, hot and wet, spit mixing with the beginnings of sweat from his two hours of excitement. He’d showered that morning, but that morning was a long time ago.
He tried not to tense his body or pull away, but Steve noticed everything.
“Eds, color.” Steve was giving him enough space to think, to concentrate on an answer. They weren’t really playing in that space, but it was an easy way for Eddie to figure out if he actually wanted to keep going regardless of them taking on their roles or him floating into space.
“Um. Yellow,” he admitted quietly. He so rarely said anything besides green, and usually only when he was incredibly overwhelmed, so Steve immediately stood up and walked in front of him.
“What’s got you worried, love?” Steve cupped his face in his hands, making him forget momentarily that his bare ass was out for anyone to walk in and see.
“I’m not really clean? And, um, I don’t really know if I can get off with just that in only a few minutes,” Eddie didn’t break eye contact. He knew Steve liked when he looked at him while he talked through this stuff. It made him proud.
“Oh, sweet boy. I don’t need you to smell like roses to wanna get my mouth all over you,” Steve kissed his forehead. “But if it makes you uncomfortable, we can continue it later once you’ve showered. Or not at all. But I will say I had no intention of getting you off here.”
“But. You were gonna eat me out?”
“Yeah for a couple minutes. Get you worked up. Remind you that you belong to me, that you’re mine no matter who else gets to share your time.”
Steve was going to torture him, then. Why was that making him sweat more?
“You’re mine, baby. I get to make you feel good because it’s my job to take care of you.”
“Relax, sweet boy. I’ve got you.”
Eddie knew he did, so he let his forehead fall, resting against his arms folded over the back of his fake throne. There was something to be said about being worshiped here, something about being on his knees while holding all the power, but he was already too distracted by Steve’s hands pulling his cheeks apart to lick at his entrance to care.
Steve was good with his mouth and it was all too easy to get lost in the feeling of his tongue circling him, pushing past his rim every few swipes and making him rush to stifle a moan.
Just when Eddie started to feel like he needed a hand on him, Steve’s tongue disappeared.
Eddie shivered.
Steve’s hand ran up and down his back, but no other touch came, no words of comfort.
Eddie could hear rolling thunder in the distance and remembered Wayne saying something about getting home before it was supposed to storm tonight.
Might be too late for that now.
He could blame Steve.
Steve pulled his hand away and tugged his pants up for him, nearly knocking him over in his haste to get them in place and buttoned.
“Be good for me, sweet boy. I want you to finish up here and get home before it starts raining. I’ll be there when I drop Dustin off to take care of you,” Steve kissed his temple and started walking away.
“Wait!” Eddie got off the chair and rushed over to Steve, doing his best to ignore the wet, slippery feeling that Steve left behind. “Wayne’s gonna be home by midnight. You won’t be long?”
Steve shook his head, coming back to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Just gotta run in and make sure he heats up his dinner or he’ll forget. I’ll head straight over after that. Promise.”
Eddie nodded and watched as Steve walked out the door.
Thunder rolled again, still far enough away for him to be able to get to his van and get home.
He rushed through shutting off the lights, only leaving the security light on for the janitor when they got there first thing in the morning, throwing his bag over his shoulder and running to his van.
It was dark, but Eddie could still see the heavy clouds rolling in.
He unlocked his van, hopped into the driver’s seat, and turned the key.
He tried again.
Raindrops fell on the windshield and Eddie felt like crying.
Day six: ao3 | tumblr
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meiiie · 10 months
dave lizewski, i’m so into you. (pt. 1)
summary: you say something unexpected about Kick-Ass while discussing with your friends which hero you prefer the most.. Kick-Ass? Or Red Mist? little did Dave know or so you thought, you knew it was him all along..
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a/n: uhh this is just a silly little imagine.. no one is probably going to see this post anyway but i’m new to this so this isn’t really the best thing i wrote, i hope u still enjoy reading this LOL i’ve also added my OC named Melilah who will be your best friend in this, um slight nsfw mention near the end but no actual action, thats it i think! yeah that’s it, happy reading :)
(pairing: dave lizewski x fem!reader) link to pt. 2
word count: 1.5k
It was a normal day, going to school, attending your classes, eating lunch, procrastinating your school works, submitting homework… attending more classes… rinse and repeat. But today was not what you expected, like.. at all.
ring ring… ring ring… you pick up your ringing phone while walking down the street, on your way to the convenience store.
“hello.?” your voice turns out more tired and groggier than you expected “hey when are you getting home sweetie? the food is getting cold and its already almost 6:30 pm, where are you?” your mom says with a worried voice, you could already imagine her face by just hearing her voice
this week has probably been one of the most stressful weeks of your entire life, class has been giving more school works, more due dates, you probably see your life flashing before your eyes right now “um yeah i’m on the way home already, don’t worry mom!” you say attempting to make your voice sound enthusiastic “well you better not be hanging out with that pretty boy.. actually maybe you should invite him for dinne-”
“mom— i—“ you cut her off but then you sigh giving up to even explain. “…he’s just a friend i swear..”
this supposedly ‘pretty boy’ your mom is referring to is Dave Lizewski, this guy in your class who you were paired up to work on a major project so he’s been at your house a few times already. surprisingly you get along with him really well? you’ve even become a part of his friend group including your best friend Melilah. She always points out the fact he always stares at you whenever you all hang out in Atomic Comics and during classes, but you’ve never really thought about him that way, or maybe you were considering it?
while walking down the road the street lights flicker a bit and you see someone trying to hanging onto the ledge of a billboard of some sort. you hear the figure shout at the cat sitting, waiting for him to fall “FUCK YOU MR BITEY!” his voice echoes, but wait.. why does his voice sound so familiar…? “okay okay okay, but call me and update me on where you are okay? be here quick, i love you!” your mom says- *THUD* you quickly look at the direction where the person, you assume, fell “UH yeah i’ll call you! i love you mom, BYE!” you say hastily, almost whispering.
beeeep.. beeeep.. you hang up the phone call, quickly putting your phone back in your messenger bag and hide behind a car. you spot a green figure, uh, “what in the world is that…” you think to yourself. the figure is wearing a weird.. cosplay suit.. it’s almost as if he looks like a green condo-
your thoughts are interrupted as he storms off looking frustrated, most probably because of the cat he couldn’t save.. he walks hurriedly into the dark alley. for some what reason you felt a little curious, just a little bit. so you go and follow the ‘super hero’, “this is so stupid.. someone remind me why I’m doing this to myself?” you whisper to yourself as you hide behind a pole, (you think this helps you stay hidden but you should’ve seen dave’s face when he saw you) trying to get a peek at the stranger. he takes off his mask angrily, you watch his curls fall into place, there are some scratches on his face from the fall, “damn why does he look so fine” you say in your thoughts and then you realize.
those are the blue eyes you see everyday in school, THAT’S DAVE LIZEWSKI. you silently gasp covering your face. his eyes dart at your direction, he shudders at the sound of your noise then next thing you know you start running away like a cockroach flew at your direction “WAIT!” he shouts, good thing you ran quick enough so he probably didn’t see your face, key word: probably.. actually there was no reason to be running from him at all- but you just felt like it..? considering you’re still in your denial stage about your feelings for him, who wouldn’t? you open the door to your house and get in as fast as you could just in case he followed you. the tv is bright and the news displays the text in bold ‘SUPERHERO KICKASS SAVES THE DAY’ you stare at the tv in shock because that’s… how… he’s Dave..?
your mom pops out of the kitchen “hey your back home! i thought you were going to call me to update me where you were..- oh yeah that superhero… what’s his name? Kickass? apparently he stopped a bunch of guys yesterday who were trying to beat up another guy that was in front of a convenience store and a bunch of people saw it then recorded blah blah blah you get it” you just stare at the tv in shock. “hello…? earth to y/n?”
it’s been almost 2 days, you’ve been avoiding Dave, trying not to make eye contact with him, passing by him in the halls, not even acknowledging his presence, even avoiding the hangouts to Atomic Comics, despite the fact you still have to do a major project with him. you open your locker getting books out of your locker, “hey have you heard about those two new superheros? Kickass? and Red Mist?” Melilah questions and your eyes widen at the question, only being reminded of Dave “yeah- well- i think its kinda dangerous doing that you know? being a um.. a superhero? why are people even so into them nowadays?” you say hesitatingly “ugh you are such a buzz kill, anyways Todd and Marty invited us to hangout… in Atomic Comics…” she looks like she’s about to ask a question, but she hesitates “go on.. continue” you gesture her to reply “why are you like.. i don’t know avoiding Dave? we’ve all kind of noticed that you know and the tension is killing all of us..”
you close the locker door and bring her to an empty classroom, you say “okay i know this sounds a bit crazy but DAVE IS KICKASS.” she “pffts” at your statement then turns to look at your face again, “oh.. your being serious” she says “YES I’M BEING SERIOUS?? i was on my way to the convenience store right and Kickass or Dave- i don’t know anymore was trying to save this cat then falls from this thing- anyways he walked in the alleyway so i was like ok i’ll just follow him! what could possibly happen!? then he took off his MASK SO THEN I RAN AWAY AND HE WAS LIKE ‘wait!🤪’ BUT I KEPT ON-” Melilah tries to comprehend everything, slowly nodding… slowly.. she whispers loudly “OKAY KEEP IT DOWN SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR YOU, okay so are you SURE this was Dave?” still whispering
“a HUNDRED percent.” you say trying to defend that you weren’t just seeing things
she sighs “well what are we going to do? I already told them we were going to be there..”
“you said WHAT?”
“okay okay chill they didn’t say Dave was coming, they obviously noticed how awkward it was with you guys so why would they invite him right haha.. haha…..” she laughs nervously
after both of you gather your thoughts you find yourself already settling down in a booth, in Atomic Comics, contemplating your life decisions. fidgeting nervously already imagining what’s going to happen. hoping not to see him. Melilah comes back after gathering a bunch of comic books to read while waiting for them to arrive. “hey stop fidgeting your going to be fine, plus he doesn’t know you know. right…?” you both just stare at each other. you both start praying in unison—“lord give us the strength to-“
“give you guys the strength for what?” Todd interrupts, you look behind him frantically to check whether Dave was there or not. to your surprise, he wasn’t. does he know? did he see my face when i ran? what if he doesn’t like me anymore? wait. why did that even matter? Todd and Marty took a seat beside Melilah leaving you alone sitting at the other side of the booth, obviously planning something.. “guys what do you think of Kickass?” Melilah asks, you kick her leg from under the table making a face screaming WHYAREYOUBRINGINGHIMUP. in fairness the both of you didn’t know whether Todd and Marty knew about it too, you shoot a glance at her giving a ohhhhiunderstandnow look to what she’s doing (spoiler alert: you've got the wrong idea, she was in fact not helping you) “i think he’s fine i guess, to be honest Red Mist is way cooler though because of his cape and all..” Marty says with Todd nodding his head to show that he agrees
“well- for one i think Kickass is wayy cuter, i’d fuck his brains out if i got the chance.” you say out of your thoughts completely regretting saying the said statement- “Really?” Dave says out of nowhere observing the conversation from behind your booth, making you jolt “y/n that just came out of nowhere what in the world.” Melilah says right after staring at you for a few seconds while Dave is making eye contact with you, smirking like he knows something. the conversation falls quiet.. real quiet… “okay wrap it up you two.” Todd interrupts, i wonder what happens next?
a/n: and the rest is history, I hope this was good enough lolol hope you enjoyed reading! (pt. 2 coming soon)
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calcium-chan · 3 months
drawmegle was this weird little website that was like omegle, except for drawing and nominally fewer nazis?? tho at launch that was a bit of an issue lol (idk the creator went on vacation right after advertising or something? oops). i got sucked into it for like a day or two and ended up drawing a bunch of stuff. ive lost some of it because there was this weird glitch that just deleted my drawings before i could save them or anything. OH WELL. thats also the reason some of these are slightly unfinished. im also going to be cropping most of these to just my side, exceptions where its funny, or the other persons art was nice or whatever. just know that these almost all had people on the other side who were also drawing their own thing. also of note, i wont be posting these in order of creation, its mostly arbitrary tbh
this first one is of haru from dorohedodo. i had just finished reading the manga about a month or so prior, and i really loved this character a lot. disregard the amogus or whatever. dorohedoro is really cool and its really special to me now. not a fan of the anime adaption but what the fuck else is new (im sorry if you like the anime, i just didnt like the style very much). Q hayashida is brilliant, and she clearly just really loves women like a lot, thank you miss Q!
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next is this silly drawing of knives chau. scott pilgrim takes off had just aired, and i was slightly enamored with knives for a bit, i kin the scott pilgrim girl fucking sue me. i also drew kim, but the drawing deleted and this was the last save i had WAHOOOOOO its so fucking over. scott pilgrim takes off was obviously really really good in my opinion, and its like the perfect way to adapt an original work in my mind. uh shout outs knives or whatever.
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oops shitty cowboy bebop drawing. i like this one well enough for how goofy it is. jets fucking face still kinda gets me. i love bebop a ton, but i dont think ive ever drawn the characters despite that. theyre actually a ton of fun to draw, like their shapes are all super varied and they have distinct style about them. very good cast of characters. i didnt even realize or mean to, but i kinda gave spike a fucking granny face, oops
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uuuuhthese pissing dogs are really funny, they were fun to draw, and seeing peoples reactions to this one in particular was cool. having even a little bit of ability to draw on sites like this where randos are looking at your work as youre drawing it is always kind of an ego boost. like none of these drawings are really that great, but for the medium im happy with them, and having people show up and go "woah" was always really flattering and it was fun watching the other people draw and interacting with them in some limited capacity.
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ggggundam bullshit. i left the other persons side this time because i thought it was kinda funny. i had been rewatching the early part of turn A gundam, and it really reminded me how fucking cool that series is? loran is like top 10 gender non conforming mech pilots (there are a surprising amount honestly). and it always kinda takes me off guard when i watch any gundam because they were just so forward thinking in a nominally "boy" coded genre. shoutouts the fucking gundam staff frfr.
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@oretal joined me for these next two!
a lot of the shit in the second drawing is probably totally incomprehensible to like anyone outside of a select group. were both have that like, 3ds era nintendo brain parasite, so a lot of these are just weird obscure game characters or memes, or just straight up OCs. most of these are actually oretals little characters which have kind of entered that inside joke canon of being so ubiquitous between the two of us (and honestly i assume oretals friend group at large) that i kinda forget "glasses girl" isnt a well known character. many such cases. thank you oretal for drawing silly shit with me! i really like your drawing of james and your madotsuki yapping about blunt rotations to uboa. very cool
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uuuh quick fire round of stuff i dont like how i drew but want to post anyways. the first one is my irl husband, aki from chainsaw man. i love him a lot, kinda hate this drawing tho, i think it was the first one i did? the second one is basil from omori, im a big fan of little blorbos who peep the horror, and basil is no exception. my friend got me the little vinyl figure of him for my birthday so i end up thinking about him a lot and i doodle him every now and then. very good design. the last one is kiruko from heavenly delusion. i did not have much hype going into the show after my middling feelings on summertime rendering (they were both in the news for being on disney+ for absolutely no reason). i dont remember what got me to watch it, but by the time episode 2 ended i was stuck in big time. i ended up binging the whole series in like one night and it was such a good time. the prototypical calcium show is probably somewhere between heavenly delusion and made in abyss. its a rough watch at times, but if you have this specific brainrot, its probably one of the best in its league tbh.
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second to last is this drawing of vriska homestuck. i kept the other side because it was really pretty. im genuinely quite pleased witht his drawing, its not perfect but for what it is i find it visually appealing enough to like it. vriskas design is probably the best in homestuck, at least to me. its been a long time since ive read through homestuck proper, but something about these little shits sticks with you pretty much forever. actual fucking deadly brain parasites you get from dunking your head underwater in an infested pool, dead within days.
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OOPS ALL KUMI CHAN! it had to be alien nine, it could only be alien nine. i love alien nine more than i love any of my blood relatives. kumi is literally me, i love this stupid fucking series so much you have no idea.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: What Led to Ray's Explosive Tirade (Playing 'The Bad Guy')
I have to admit that this was not how I expected this scene to play out. I was just as flabbergasted as everyone else at first. However I think there's one clear thing that Ray's outburst reminded me off: no matter whether you reveal the truth or keep it to yourself - either way, you are the bad guy.
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I'm NOT the Villain
As Boston very derisively claims, if Ray reveals the truth of the affair, he'll be the one unleashing the damage. A similar parallel to what Boston did last episode (with very different intentions may I add, but damage is damage nonetheless).
Mew is incredibly important to Ray. If we talk simply outside of Ray's love for him, Ray wants to treat him well, repay him for his kindness and support over the years. Therefore, once Ray was in possession of this information, he felt very strongly that Mew needed to know. He knew telling Mew was the right thing to do. He does genuinely care about Mew as a person.
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Does he warn Mew and ruin his present happiness (which is based on a lie)? Or does he hold his tongue and potentially watch his friend get hurt from other mistreatments by Top further down the line?
Ray doesn't want to hurt Mew in any way. He doesn't want to be the bringer of bad news. Why should it have to fall to him to reveal this awful act of betrayal to someone he cares for so much? And when Mew supposedly doesn't react in the way he expects to this information, Ray goes ballistic with frustration, concern and anger. Why is he the bad guy for trying to help his friend, when Top can seemingly get away with it, and be in everyone's good graces even when he's completely undeserving? Why can no one else see Top's true colours?
I'm NOT the Worst
Something else that occurred to me throughout this episode, is how often Ray's friends belittle and overlook him. And it's so routine they hardly even notice.
Boston has never tried to hide his snide little back-handed comments at Ray. Since their fight at Sand's, he's become even more callous when throwing quips in plain sight. Namcheum makes an observation about all of them being partnered up, and it's only after a few beats that April points out Ray is still single. It's as if they forgot he was even there. Namcheum doesn't tend to pick up on any of the animosity or tension within this group. She's generally not the most tactful or best at reading people.
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Then when Ray speaks to Mew in the bathroom, Mew immediately assumes Ray's been taking drugs. Ray looks clearly stunned by this. Yes, he's always coined as the 'drunk' but that's not his one and only personality trait. That's not all he does and is as a person.
It dawns on Ray that even his closest friends seem to always assume the very worst of him. He had a bad feeling about Top from the offset but no one cared or listened. Rather, Ray never gets given the benefit of the doubt, when he's not committed anything as problematic as the heinous crimes amongst their group. Particularly when compared to Top, someone who gets all the praise and adoration when Ray knows he's a certified piece of shit, is desperately unfair. And most of all Top gets the respect of the best friend he loves.
I think what really sent the situation hurtling south was Ray watching everyone play happy families, when he knows there is a web of dishonesty and resentment lurking beneath. It's all a farce. And Ray couldn't stomach it for another moment longer. He had enough.
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Become the Very Thing You Loathe
In Episode 4, Ray displays a classic example of self-loathing and self punishment when he goads Sand to scold him. In doing so, it's as if he's deriving some warped form of satisfaction in owning these criticisms. Because he's told these things so often, he starts to believe it, so why not own it too? I actually mentioned this in my Episode 1 meta (regarding Ray's self-actualisation of becoming a burden). Sometimes embracing the very thing you hate being know for, at least validates the presence of that criticism. 'If people keep calling me an asshole, then fine, I'll become an asshole. At least then being called an asshole makes sense.'
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So Ray brought it on himself to air out everyone's dirty laundry. 'Fuck it, if you really all think I'm the worst, then fine, I'll do what needs to be done, I'll be the worst. You all happy now?'
Even though Ray adopts the persona forced onto him, he's not happy about it at all. He wants to be identified with more substance, with more credit, as more than just what everyone claims him to be.
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mama-qwerty · 7 months
Wade's Bedroom
Okay. So, in the trailer for the Knuckles series, we see Knux take out a bounty hunter in what appears to be Wade's bedroom. I'm thinking this is his bedroom at his mother's house, so when he was a teen.
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You can tell a lot about a person by how they decorate their personal space. And since I love Wade and am on my knees begging for better characterization, I wanna see what they put in the guy's bedroom.
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Let's break it down.
1 - Little Robots
I can't tell exactly what robots these are, whether they're action figures from games or movies, or some model kits he's built himself. If they're models it shows Wade spent a lot of time on his own, and had the opportunity to focus on building something that required attention and patience.
2 - Books
There are a lot of books on his shelves, and the ones especially between Knux and the bounty hunter look like a series. Obviously we can't read the titles, but Wade strikes me as someone who'd enjoy manga, and the Choose Your Own Adventure stories.
3 - A Little Rainbow Sticker
This may indicate he knows someone who is LGTBQ+, or possibly he himself is. Or maybe he just likes rainbows.
4 - "Pistol" Pete Whipple poster
I'm not exactly sure how Pete is related to Wade, but I'm going under the assumption that Pete is his uncle. (Cary Elwes is 20 years older than Adam Pally, so while it's possible he's a brother, it's unlikely.) Here's this very impressive and 'famous' Whipple, who everyone looks up to and admires. (I'm assuming.) Wade feels so unimportant, he has this poster to remind him that he's related to greatness, and maybe he too can be important some day.
5 - Addams Family movie poster
I'm pretty sure this is the first movie, and Wade likes it because it shows people who are strange, people who don't look or act like everyone else, people who have odd hobbies and interact with the world in their own unique manner. And yet they love each other, Gomez in particular would do anything for his brother. Considering the nonchalant way his sister and mother behaved when he was yanked off the porch in the trailer, maybe Wade never really felt a connection like that.
6 - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves movie poster
The most famous example of helping those less fortunate than you, and being a hero to those on the receiving end of that help. Wade wants to help people. He wants to stand up for those who can't. I have no idea what his relationship with his father is/was like, but maybe the whole 'stand up to a corrupt authority' resonated with him for personal reasons as well.
7 - Speed movie poster
Maybe he wished he was Keanu Reeves, the hero with a calm head and always knew what to do. Maybe he always pictured himself as Sandra Bullock, an average person pulled into something dangerous and assuming an important role that helps save others.
8 - Ren and Stimpy poster
Okay, so he's a teen boy in the 90s. He's gonna like that gross-out humor.
9 - Total Recall movie poster
This movie is about an average joe who discovers he's actually someone Very Important. Wade has always thought of himself as a nobody. Deep down he wants to be someone Very Important. At least someone competent who isn't brushed off as a joke.
10 - TMNT bedsheets (and he was wearing a TMNT shirt under his robe before he's dragged down the street)
Obviously he's a man of good taste. But again, a group of teens fighting bad guys. The man just wants to be a hero so badly.
Based purely on the way he acts as an adult (and I'm trying to look past the "oh boy isn't he dumb!" pathetic characterization the movies have so far given him) I see Wade as a lonely man. He's likely never had many friends, always feels like the odd man in every situation, and just isn't very comfortable in his own skin.
In the trailer scenes where Knuckles decides to train Wade, there are posters and notes tacked all over the room with encouraging messages to himself regarding working out. Maybe he's trying to change his image because he thinks that will make others like him more. Maybe he's just trying to get a date. Maybe he's wrestling with his own self-worth.
Whatever is going on with Wade, I think pairing him with Knuckles is a good way to have them both realize things about themselves they'd never known before. Wade will help Knux realize that it's okay to let his guard down and enjoy himself, and Knuckles can help show Wade that there's more to him than anyone (including himself) thinks.
Maybe I'm waaaaay off base with these. Maybe I'm thinking way too hard about it. Wouldn't be the first time. But I love Wade and I really want to understand him, and hope to see him grow and become more confident by the end of the series.
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
Hi 💜 i dont know if you ever talked about this . Do you think jikook talked about their relationship (of course assuming it is one as jikookers) with some close friends outside of the members? Do you think in their position someone who’s not involved can be trusted? I always ask myself how their families protect them, the effort it takes, things that could slip out of their mouths. Also the staff, people who could be fired and spill the tea. What do you think ? Your thoughts matter to me i hope it doesnt bother you. Thank you!
Hi Lovely!
Do think Jimin & Jungkook talk about their relationship with friends who aren’t the members? 
My opinion and my opinion only. Of course!
The Kind of People They Are
We’ve seen how Jimin is when a song gets played and he remembers something about Jungkook 
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Jimin remembering funny things Jungkook does when ‘unholy’ came on or when he was listening to ‘that that’
Or when he’s even with Jungkook right next to him and he talks about Jungkook.
It takes a conscious effort for Jimin to not talk about Jungkook. It’s natural when it’s someone you’re extremely close to, someone you spend a lot of time with. Even people who’ve never meet my other half who’ve spoken to me for a long period of time would find out sooner than later that I have a partner. 
The same could be said for Jungkook too, he hears something that reminds him of Jimin. 'Jimin likes this' "Jimin doesn't like this' 'this is Jimin's size' 'Jimin would be good at this'
The Level of Detail They'd Share
I think the main thing for me is the detail in which Jikook may talk about each other to others. I think in regards to mentioning each other at all to friends, of course, no doubt. Mentioning the things they do and the time they spend together, again yes, there’s nothing stand out about members of years long spending time together and being close.
It’s IF Jikook talk about any romantic happenings with friends that is up for wonder. If they label themselves when talking about the other to friends or if they just let friends assume that they are closer than close. (Assuming like we do that they’re together and queer, assuming)
It’s if they’ve explicitly labeled themselves as queer and have shared this with their friends. I think in the industry they work in and the years they’ve been in it, all they’ve experienced and the training they’ve had, that they have different levels of trust. 
The Kinds of Friends
I think when it comes to it, it would maybe be people with as much to ‘lose’ as them that they would feel most comfortable sharing more intimate details with? Friends who they have been friends with for a significant long time, friends in the industry who they know wouldn’t want the public knowing their intimate lives the same way Jikook guard theirs? But also friends they know that love them for them, know them for them and wouldn’t drop them because they were weirded out or even homophobic. Like minded friends. Friends that would treat either Jimin or Jungkook with the same love and respect they treat their initial friend be it Jimin or Jungkook.
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Jimin has no issue cutting people off that don’t love and respect his members, how much more his closest dongsaeng
I do personally believe that friends like Sungwoon & Eunwoo know the depth of jikook’s relationship. Complete speculation on my part. They’re examples of friends in the industry that know how to talk and tell stories about their friendships with Jikook without revealing much private business at all, they’re years long friends, also media trained, also in their industry etc.
We’ve seen Cha Eunwoo have a good friendship with Jimin too (I talk about the 97z later below)
Jimin, during the group’s break in 2019, went travelling with friends to Paris, Hawaii and Russia, as well as saw family in Busan and spent time in Seoul. After his trip to Paris and before his trip to Hawaii Jimin came back to Korea to celebrate Jungkook’s birthday with him and brought a friend. It’s documented that Jimin travelled to Hawaii with Sungwoon and Paris with his editor friend.
3J and friend
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Jimin with editor friend during their spontaneous 2019 trip to Paris
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@/zzinu79 also accompanied Jimin to his Brand Ambassadorship event in Paris 2023.
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This friend is also close with Hobi and JK. He's also in the industry in a way, working with Hobi on his solo album visuals, working at W Korea Magazine. He also seems to be friend with out and proud k-celeb Holland.
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At Hobipalooza & JITB listening party. very close friend of Jimin & Hobi (and Jungkook) W Magazine Editor @zinzu79, also friend of k-celeb Holland, model and another of Hobi's friends Irene.
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Jikook & @/zzinu79 spotted at JITB party
I think there are also non celeb (but around celebs) friends that Jimin and Jungkook feel comfortable to share the depths of their relationship with too. 
Like Jungkook’s boxing trainer and their tattoo artist 
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Twitter Thread
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Jimin, in the comments of Jungkook’s boxing live, talking to Jungkook’s boxing coach
Jungkook telling his coach that Jimin said he’d come soon
Jungkook became a trainee when he was around what 13? He graduated middle school as a trainee and graduated high school as a full fledged member of BTS. It’s safe to assume that he wasn’t able to form many if any deep friendships with his school peers due to his trainee and idol lifestyle. That afterwards keeping up with those friendships may have proved impossible. 
I don’t personally think Jungkook has many long lasting friendships from middle or high school and the years before that friendships from Busan, unless linked to family probably also fell by the wayside. So I do think friends like the 97z are the main extent of Jungkook’s friend groups. I could be TOTALLY wrong and Jungkook has done well to keep and nurture years long, non-celeb friendships we’ve never seen or heard of.
I think we can say for certain that Jimin is close with Eunwoo, as I linked above, we've seen Mingyu hang with JK and friend ChajkaW (zzinu79), Mingyu may also along with the 97z that JK is closest to, know more about the depth of Jikook's relationship, or they may just know JK and Jimin to be closer than close but not labelled.
GOT7’s BamBam captioned "97. I love you my friends," which included himself, GOT7’s Yugyeom, BTS’ Jungkook, and SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu, DK, and The8—all smiles backstage at the 2016 KBS Song Festival.
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SEVENTEEN's Mingyu, BTS' Jungkook, GOT7's Yugyeom, and ASTRO's Cha Eunwoo in 2019 | @min9yu_k
Jungkook, SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu, Jaehyun, DK & The8, GOT7’s BamBam & Yugyeom, ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo and most recently Stray Kids Bang Chan
Non Celeb Friends
Jimin on the other hand places friendships very very high in terms of importance, he holds them close and puts a lot of effort into them, he has not just celeb friends but also non-celeb friends. 
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Top - Jimin’s high school friend SunJin (woman with Orange hair Jimin). Botom - high school friend Daehoon.
I think there are also chosen friends that aren’t celebs that Jimin has shared Jungkook with and in doing so can’t help but revel the level of their intimacy
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Jimin during his live with RM - talking about hanging out with is friends and Jungkook in London
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Jimin & Jungkook hanging out with Jungkook's friends during rest day in their world tour schedules. Park 'I don't share my friends' Jimin.
So to answer your question anon. Yes I think those closest to Jikook, the members, friends and family know.
I hope my answer wasn’t too all over the place 😅
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
false god
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Series Warnings: Mythology!AU. Language, alcohol, drinking. Military inaccuracies. Mutual pining, unrequited love. Allusions to and eventual smut. Minors DNI. 18+. Individual chapter warnings will come as needed. Banner Credit @thedroneranger
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Chapter 3: Roses and Gold
"Minthe? What are you doing here?" You repeat as you take a seat at your breakfast bar.
"I came to see you, silly!" She sing-songs as she flits about your kitchen.
"What's wrong? What bad news have you brought me?" You huff, hoping to get straight to the point. "Why do you assume it's bad news? Can't I just come to check on you. It's been a while since you've been home and Hecate, and I are worried about you. Now, where do you keep your wine glasses?" She pivots.
It's always bad news
"Second cabinet to the left from the stove." You instruct her. She claps her hands before bringing down two of them and pouring both of you a glass. "I know that mortal stuff doesn't do it for you, so I brought a bottle of Dinoysus' special blend." Minthe chirps as she sets the glass down in front of you.
You thank her and take a long drink of the maroon liquid.
"So, spill, I want to hear all about this Rooster you're crushing on." She presses you.
You almost choke on your wine when she says his name. "Bradley is a coworker of mine. A colleague. A friend." You tell her.
"A friend—huh. So, I guess you were just being friendly when you saved him today." Minthe chuckles. You glare at her.
Just a friend
"Come on, Hay. I'm your best friend, you can tell me." Minthe takes a seat beside you and hits you with her pleading puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, maybe I have a few feelings for him." You relent.
"Yes! I knew it!" She whoops.
"It's just—" you trial off. "It's just what? Hades you, more than anyone deserves to be happy, especially after what Persephone did to you." Minths grumbles.
"Minthe, I know you never liked her, but I'm the one who hurt here. You saw the burn marks yourself." You remind her.
"Yes, but I don't think Little Miss Spring is as innocent as she claims. She did something, I just know it." Minthe huffs out.
Minthe was nothing if not loyal. She'd been wary of Persephone since the first day she'd met her. Never fully trusting her. And after what happened between the two of you, Minthe was one of the few still in your corner. She and Hecate had been your support group, and they were currently watching over the Underworld in your absence.
"Minthe, do you really think Persephone had me burn her on purpose? Do you think she chose to be scarred for life? " You counter.
"I don't know. All I do know is you were so in love with her, and you had never lost control of your powers like that before, and you would never hurt someone you love." Minthe finishes before downing the rest of her drink.
"But, that's in the past. Tell me about Bradley." Minthe shifts the topic.
"He's kind, smart, and funny. He's genuinely a good person. He reminds me a lot of Persephone, in the best way. But at the same time, he's different. He doesn't shy away from the pain he's felt in life, he over comes it. He doesn't let his scars, mental or physical ones keep him from being his true self. Bradley is just—he's different." You sigh. It's been so long since you've let yourself feel like this.
"I think he sounds wonderful. Maybe he is your soulmate." Minthe takes your hands and squeezes them. The smile drops from your face and you pull away from her.
Soulmate, ugh, you hated that word
"Minth, he's not my soulmate." You tell her. "You know I don't even believe in those. Not after Seph." You sigh.
"Persephone isn't your soulmate. She wouldn't have said those things about you if she was." Minthe defends.
"Even if she wasn't, I've been wandering Earth for three thousand years. If I had a soulmate, surely I would have met them before now. 'Soulmate' is a stupid word made up by the Gods and mortals to give them hope that there is someone for everyone, when their really isn't." You almost shout at her. You sigh and take another drink. The wine warms you from within and calms you.
Good job, Hades, push away one of the only friends you have left
"Sorry. I just—" you shake your head.
"It's fine. You have strong feelings about it. You're allowed to have them." Minthe reassurances you.
There is a long pause. "Hades, I know you think that you don't deserve to be happy or have someone in your life who cares about you, but you do. If you like Bradley, you should pursue him." Minthe tells you.
"How would I even begin to explain to him what I am?" You ask her. "I don't know. But I'm sure you'd figure it out." Minthe offers.
"He's just so good. Too good for me. I'd never be able to live with myself if I hurt him. I mean, what if he saw my true form and it terrified him. I don't think I could live with him calling me a monster or being afraid of me." You sigh.
That would be a fate worse than death
"Hades, you can't let fear hold you back." Minthe takes your face in her hands and kisses your forehead before hugging you. You lean into the hug. It really is good to see her.
"Now for the bad news." Minthe says as she takes a step back.
Of course
"Ah ha! I knew it!" You proclaim as you jump up from your chair. "I knew you were coming with bad news. What is it this time? What's got Zeus' lightening bolts in a twist?" You ask her.
"It's not about Zeus or the other Olympians, Hades. It's about you." Minthe settles into a seat across from you with a serious look on her face. You sit back down. You've never seen her look like this. She almost looks afraid.
"You know how we have assumed that you were still immortal after being cast off of Olympus because you reincarnate every time you die?" Minthe began.
"Yes." You nod your head.
"Well—Hecate and I were visited by the Fates a few days ago, and they took us to the lifeline temple." She continues. "And the Fates showed us your lifelines."
"Lifelines? That's impossible. I only have one. Everyone only has one." You tell her.
"That's what we said. But apparently, when all the Gods were cast off, their lifeline split into thousands of pieces. Each time they died before completing their quest, a line would snap. But they would reincarnate because another line was there. When the Gods completed their worthiness quest, the lines fused back into one unbreakable line." Minthe tells you. The gears start turning in your head.
"And because I haven't completed my quest, I never got the unbreakable line of immortality. I've just been burning through the lifelines." You say.
"Exactly. And for the others, it wasn't an issue, but because you've been on Earth so long, you've used several of them. But that's not the bad news." Minthe cringes and takes a long drink of her wine.
"Well, what's the bad news?" You press her. She hesitates.
"You only have one lifeline left. Hades, if you die again, you become a permanent resident of the Underworld, and not as it's queen. Your death would be the end of the line for you with no chance of reincarnation." Minthe drops the news on you. You suck in a breath as the realization hits you.
You aren't immortal, like you thought. You'd been so careless for so long, and now you only had one life left.
"Okay. I guess I'll have to be careful then, won't I?" You say.
Careful, sure
"Extremely careful. Hades, the next time you're home, I want it to be because you're taking back your rightful place as queen. I know you said you were done trying to complete your quest, but you need to. Please." Minthe begs you.
You promise her that you will. She gives you a smile and hugs you once more before she leaves. After she's gone, the scent of mint still lingers.
"Well, you two, it looks like Mommy is going to have to tone it down." You say as you look at Cerberus and Hydra, who are curled up together on the ridiculous large pet bed you bought for them. Cerby cocks his head to the side, while Hydra holds eye contact with you. You throw your head back and laugh.
"Who are we kidding? We all know that I don't know how to tone it down." You shake your head laughing before going to grab them some food for the evening.
Maybe dying wouldn't be the worst fate
It might be freeing
You get Hydra squared away with her dinner before opening the pantry to get Cerberus his. That's when you see it. "Oh no, Cerby, it looks like you've got just enough for dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow. I'll have to head to the store across town to get you a refill tomorrow." You tell him after giving him a head scratch. Even though he didn't have three heads, Cerberus ate like he did. While your fur babies ate dinner, you decided on a quick bite yourself.
After all of you had your bellies full, you showered before tucking into bed. Hydra and Cerberus curled up at the foot of your bed and the three of you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up early for a quick run. Cerberus came with you while Hyrda preferred to stay home. After a quick shower and breakfast for the three of you, you opted to slip on a simple blue sundress and tie your hair in a ponytail. You weren't in the mood to match pants and a shirt today. You slipped your feet into some sandals, grabbed your keys and headed out.
You made a day of your pet food run, stopping to get your nails done and to pick up some groceries. You were missing home a little extra today, so you decided to pick up everything you needed to make moussaka for dinner when you got home.
When you arrived back at the parking garage for your apartment complex, you knew you didn't want to make two trips to bring everything in, so, using all your strength you gathered all of your groceries and pet food and headed to the elevator. Someone had just gotten on, and the doors were about to close when you shouted, "Hold the elevator, please!"
You had a hard time seeing over the giant bag of dog food, but you could just make out a hand holding the doors open. You dashed through the doors and let out a sigh of relief as you leaned the bag against the wall. "Thank you so much." You breathed out.
"No problem, Hades." You froze when you heard his familiar voice. You dropped the dog food and turned around slowly.
"Bradley? What are you doing here?" You asked him. He chuckled and leaned against the wall. You gave him the once over. He was in gym shorts and an old UVA shirt.
"I could as you the same thing." He fires back. "I live here." You tell him matter of factly.
He nods approvingly.
"So I ask you again. Why are you here?" You asked, praying that his answer wasn't along the lines of him visiting his significant other.
"I live here too." He shrugs.
"Wait—what?" You look at him with wide eyes.
"So we've lived in the same apartment complex for almost two months and didn't know?" You're shocked.
"Looks like it. I live in 1113." He tells you. "No shit? I live in 1013. You're my upstairs neighbor." You both laugh.
Oh, good grief
"What are the odds. Hey, do you need some help with that?" He gestures to your things. "If you don't mind, that would be great." You say just as the bell to your floor dings. Bradley picked up the massive bag of food and follows you down the hall.
"So you have a dog." He says as more of a statement than a question. "And a cat." You tell him.
You pause outside your apartment door and unlock it. You're just about to tell Bradley to set the food by the door, but he marches inside right past you.
"Careful!" You warn him, but it's too late, Cerberus is bounding towards Bradley. You're waiting for him to start barking, but instead, you hear the sweet sounds of Bradley talking to him.
"Oh, who's a good boy, you are. Is that your food? No wonder it's such a big bag because you're such a cute, big boy, aren't you!" Bradley scratches Cerby's ears and pats his head.
Never one to be left out, Hydra weaves through his legs and begins to purr. "Oh, aren't you a pretty thing!" Bradley praises her.
Obviously, your animals like him, why wouldn't they?
You drop your keys on the table and chuckle at the sight.
"What are their names?" Bradley asks you as he moves to sit on your couch, and they both join him.
"Cerberus and Hydra." You tell him.
"You're kidding? Your call sign is Hades, and you have a dog and a cat named Cerberus and Hydra?" He laughs.
"Well, if you didn't notice, Cerby, my Rottweiler is a tripod, and Hydra is a six-toed cat. So, they fit." You laugh as you start putting up groceries.
"How long have you had them?" Bradley asks you.
"About three years. I was in South Korea on a detachment. One night, we went into the city and stumbled upon an animal fighting ring. We called the cops and helped get the animals safe and relocated. Cerberus and Hydra wouldn't leave each other, and no one wanted to take both of them, so I did. It cost me a fortune to get them here, but it was worth it," you say.
"Wow, that's amazing." Bradley says. He thinks that he likes you even more now. You shake your head and roll your eyes as you unpack your groceries.
"Are you hungry?" You ask him. "I could always eat." He responds truthfully. "Well, I'm making dinner. Would you like to stay? It's the least I could do after you helped me." You tell him.
"I'd love to." He smiles as he takes a seat at your kitchen island.
You begin to flit around the kitchen, chopping, mixing, and sautéing. Bradley watches you with wrapped attention. You grab a bottle of wine and pour a glass for each of you. Even if you can't get a buzz from it, you enjoy letting the fruity notes dance across your taste buds.
"So what are you making? It smells amazing." Bradley asks you as you're layer the dish into a pan to bake.
"Moussaka." You tell him. "It's Greek comfort food."
"Greek?" He quirks an eyebrow at you. "Yeah, I'm Greek. First-generation American. My whole family is from Greece." You tell him. It's not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. "Kolasi is Greek for inferno." You continue.
"That's amazing. Is that part of the reason why your call sign is Hades?" Bradley asks. "That and I used to have a pretty fiery temper back in day." You reply.
Bradley nods his head and takes a sip of his drink. "So your whole family is from Greece. That's pretty cool. Do your parents live around here, or are they back home? Do you have any family around here, or is it just you?" He continues trying to make conversation. You stand in front of the oven and freeze. He sees your shoulders tense up and knows that this is a touchy subject for you.
Your voice drops. It's barely above a whisper when you say, "I—I don't have any parents, and I don't have any family around here. It's just me."
"Oh." Bradley breathes out. There's a pregnant pause. "I get it. It's just me, too. I lost my dad at three, and my mom when I was nineteen." He tells you. You sigh. Bradley thinks you're an orphan like he is. Maybe that's for the best. Honestly, he isn't totally wrong. You stay with your back to him for a long moment.
"I'm sorry if I upset you. I didn't mean to. You're just—an enigma, Hades. I feel like I only know you on a surface level. I want to know more about you. Especially if we are going to be working together." Bradley tells you.
No, you don't
"Well, there isn't much to know about me. I joined the Navy at eighteen, graduated at the top of my class in the academy, and in Top Gun. Thirteen confirmed kills, but I've never been in one squadron for too long." You sigh. "That's about it."
"If I wanted to know your Naval career, I could have read your file. Tell me something deep about you." Rooster prods.
"Deep? Hmm. I have a lot of tattoos. Does that count as deep?" You chuckle.
"I mean, it's not ocean deep, but it isn't as shallow as a puddle." You both laugh at Bradley's comment. "What tattos do you have?" He continues.
"I have the rose and dagger on my arm. Kardiá tis fotiás on my ribs. It means 'heart of fire' in Greek. I have a poppy behind my ear, and then I've got a thigh sleeve of every place I've been stationed." You explain to him. You decided to leave out the details about your last tattoo. You didn't need him asking questions about it.
"Is that deep?" You ask him as you take your moussaka out of the oven and grab a few plates.
"Yeah, and now I feel like mine is stupid." Bradley snorts. "You have ink?" Now it's your turn to quirk a brow at him.
"Yeah." He slides the sleeve of his UVA shirt up and flexes his bicep to show you the Roman numerals etched into his right arm.
You gingerly reach out and trace the black numbering. "Thirty-two?" You question him.
"My mom was into tarrot cards and fortune telling. Thirty-two is the number for strength. I got it for her after she passed. The last thing she told me before she died was that she loved me and to be strong for her." There's a thick tension between the two of you as his words settle around you. "I don't think that's stupid at all, Bradley. It's sweet." You smile at him as you rub a soothing hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks. I've shown you mine. Does that mean I get to see yours now?" And just like that, his somber tone is gone, and his happy personality it back.
"Rooster, are you trying to get me naked?" You joke with him.
"Only if you're offering." You smirks. You shake your head and shove a plate at him before you can do or say something stupid.
He digs in a groans when the food hits his tastebuds.
"This—this is one of the best things I've ever eaten." He tells you appreciatively.
"I'm glad, I think I do a pretty good job with it." You smile at him and revel in his praise as he scarfs down his first plate before sheepishly asking for seconds, which you happily give him. Gods know you cooked more than you could ever eat.
After both of you finish dinner and polish off the rest of the wine, you pack up some leftovers for Bradley. He insisted on helping you with the dishes, so the two of you found yourself side by side working on them. Well, if you were being honest, the two of you were goofing around and playing more than you were cleaning. You were blowing bubbles and splashing each other and giggling like children.
"I hope you know that you're not going to be able to get rid of me now." Bradley tells you. "What do you mean?" You ask him.
"I'm like the neighborhood stray. You've fed me twice. You're stuck with me now." He tells you with a goofy grin. You throw your head back laughing, and Bradley swears it's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He loves the way your wide smile curls over your face and how your nose scrunches up and how the tips of your ears turn pink. You look so at ease.
He could get used to seeing you like this. Happy and carefree. It's a stark contrast to the rigid pilot he sees at work.
Soon, the two of you finish up, and you dry the last plate off before handing it to him to put in your cabinet. You turn to toss the dish towel on the counter, but slip on some soapy water the two of you had splashed on the floor and lose your footing. Bradley immediately reaches out for you and grabs your waist to steady you. Your hands attach to his biceps as you regain your balance.
It takes you a moment to catch your breath, and when your brain catches up with the rest of your body, you realize what an intimate position the two of you are in. You can feel the warmth radiating off of him, and his plush, pink lips are right there.
It would take hardly any effort on either of your parts to close the distance between the two of you. Your heart is screaming for you to do it, but before you can, Bradley clears his throat and drops his hands.
"Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine." You say in a deflated tone.
"Well, it's getting late, I should probably get going. Thanks again for dinner." He says as you walk him to you door.
"No problem. See you at work on Monday." You call as he walks into the hallway.
"See you Monday." He chimes back as you shut the door and lock it. You press your back again the cool wood and sink to the floor. Cerberus and Hydra both walk over and look at you with knowing eyes.
"Don't look at me like that, you two. It's not going to happen." You tell them.
"It's not going to happen." You repeat, this time as a reminder to yourself. You could let yourself be friends with Bradley. You could even let yourself have a crush on him. But you could never let yourself cross that line.
It's better that way
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twelvroses · 2 months
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LIZ's DIARY - 16/07/24. mentioned: @dreamquest @fiixion @yunzip @pinkscaped ♡ (& ahin lol)
The latest episode of Dreamquest just aired; I’m writing this in my dorm. Have I even written about my dorm? I can’t remember the last time I actually had the time to sit down and write, I think it was just before the show started… I used to be so diligent about keeping this diary, but life has gotten so hectic. I’m sharing a room with Yoon and Miyu. Both of them seem nice, but it’s a little awkward. Since we were all on different teams, I don't know how to approach them them because I'm not sure if they see me as a friend or just someone they'll need to beat. I wish I was the type of person who could start a conversation with anyone, but I just don’t know how to keep it going. The words don’t come for me. I haven't really bonded with any of the other girls, and I can tell that some of the other girls think I’m a bitch, but everyone always thinks I’m a bitch and I can live with that. Sani is really nice, though, she's really really cute, and she was so nice to me after the Fancy performance, so I think it'd be fun to be on a team with her at some point. But it would be really nice if I could at least befriend my dormmates too. I mean, assuming none of us get eliminated, they’re gonna be the first and last people I see every time I wake up or go to bed. Don’t you think that kinda sets the tone for your entire day? Even if none of us make it, it still would be nice to have some friends. That reminds me, now that I’m at Valentine, I hope I get a chance to meet the Medusa girls soon. I’ve always really liked Choi Gain sunbaenim. She just comes out and says whatever she’s thinking, no matter who’s listening or how many cameras are on her. I’ve been trying to be like that, but like everything else I try to say, it dies in my throat. Maybe if I get to hang out with her, it’ll rub off on me a little bit. 
Anyway, I won't have chance of meeting Medusa if Valentine drop me, and they might do just that, cause the CEO already told me that he expects big things from me. He told me to keep my sights set on top 5, because this is the very first time Valentine has EVER sent a trainee to a debut show, and I’m their only trainee, so if I totally flop, it’ll be really embarrassing for them, and I feel like the whole place is built on one man's very flimsy ego so he'll probably just drop me. We got to see our rankings and right now, I’m at nine. It’s not too bad, and so I want to be proud of it, but I know it’s not good enough. It doesn’t feel fair. I didn’t get a single solo line in Genie! How the hell am I supposed to get screen time and convince people to vote for me if I’m not being given the same opportunity to sing as some of the others? I wonder if the showrunners think I can’t sing because I rap. 
I also hate my new CEO, Yoo Seobin. He walks around like a weirdo mafia boss. You know, Ahin sunbaenim told me that when they go out for company dinners, he makes him, Choi Gain and Kwon Harin sit at a separate table with him. It’s supposed to be a ‘leaders privilege,’ but he’s kind of just keeping them away from the party. He thinks he’s the godfather, or something. Like it's an honour to sit with him. If I end up in a Valentine group, I pray to god that I’m not the leader. I’d hate to sit and drink with him. Did you see his fucking press release about me? He talked about how I was hypnotizing and my beauty was unmatched or something… Like he’s a married, middle aged man. It's so weird and I'm really worried if he keeps talking about me like that, people will start making up rumours. Even the thought makes me want to throw up. I wore the baggiest clothes I own last time I had to go to his office, and he still kept looking at me weird. Ahin sunbaenim said I can wear one of his sweaters next time, because if he sees me in boy's clothes he might assume I have a boyfriend and back off. It’s kind of cute that he thinks that would work. 
But Ahin sunbaenim is nice. I’m even going to record a demo for him next week. It’s not gonna be for me in the end, I think he’s just gonna send it out to a bunch of labels and see who wants the song, but I’m getting paid for recording so it’s already the most legit gig than I’ve had in about five years. He’s fun to hang out with. I think he has a little bit of a crush on me, but for once that doesn’t bother me. I think it’s just refreshing to come across a guy, especially one who’s a bit older than I am, who isn’t so fucking leery and demanding. He doesn’t even flirt or anything, he just gets shy around me and it’s easy to make him blush. It’s funny. And he does have a nice smile.
I just realised I'm writing about boys in my diary so I'm going to stop now because I'm not twelve. Kwon Ahin is the last thing I need to be thinking about right now. What I need to do is win this competition. I really hope, like really really really hope that I can rap in the next round. Like a proper rap that wasn’t written by fucking JYP, I mean. I’m really regretting singing for my audition. My first choice was Payday by Yoon Mirae but Seobin told me I had to pick something recent. If I’d pulled off a Yoon Mirae song I think I might be way higher in the ranks by now. But if I don’t get to rap there’s no way I’m gonna crack the top five. And if I get kicked from Valentine, it’s like losing the biggest opportunity I’ve ever had. I feel like I might just be setting myself up for one big joke. I couldn’t even rise up the popularity rankings of Bouquet. Do you know how easy it is to be more popular than a Bouquet member? Most idols who debut achieve it on their first day without even knowing cause they probably don’t know who Bouquet are. Were. Also, FUCK OHJANG ENTERTAINMENT.
I owe more money than I’ve earned, my parents lost all enthusiasm for this path for me a long time ago… I can’t even remember what it felt like for them to take pride in me. Honestly I started writing this entry because I thought I was going to end it by affirming to myself that this would be a turning point and I’d ace it from here on out, but I kinda feel worse than when I started writing. I should go to bed. I have to get up early to get some practice in before official practice starts, and if the girls who ranked lower than me find out I’m whining and moping about ranking 9th, they’ll think I’m even more of a bitch than they already do.
Well, just wish me luck in the next round, I guess!
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Bells Hells with a g!n reader who’s a warlock and their patron is a dnd version of Cthulhu (can’t remember what they’re actually called in dnd, think it’s Deep Ones or something?) anyway the party assumes it’s an abusive, manipulative relationship that the reader got tricked into but actually the reader was totally willing and consensual and their patron genuinely values them and is really protective over them whenever they get into fights? Tysm and keep up the good writing, bye!
Sure thing darling! Took a while but it's finally here :)
~ Poet
Warlock!Reader's patron is actually a good guy
Ashton 💙
Hey, if they're cool, we're cool. But if that calamari-looking ass backstabs you, they'll have to answer to me. Got it?
One of the most chill in the group about the whole situation, is happy as long as you're happy and the patron treats you decently with the respect you deserve
Remains a little suspicious though, just in case, both for your sake and their own. It just means that if the patron ever decides to betray or double cross you, Ash will be ready to give them a good swing of his hammer
Wants so badly to play a round or ten of What The Fuck Is Up With That with them. Can you imagine what sort of ancient lore Ash could coax out of them that even you never knew? It'd definitely be in the run for the most interesting night out at the tavern
Chetney 💙
Is freaked when you show him the ancient texts and drawings of your patron. It's, unfortunately, a Big Nope from the bloodhunter
No matter how epic or kind or well meaning they may be, no matter how cool or respectful or enthusiastic they are about woodwork, Chetney will always feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up with a violent shudder whenever you mention your patron's name
Hides behind yours or Fearne's leg should your patron ever manifest a physical form on Exandrian soil instead of a projected vision. The big bad wolf tries his best to appear macho but it mostly backfires when they make eye contact with him and he timidly waves back
Dorian 💙
... Just please don't let them go poking around my deepest and darkest desires in the depths of my mind, thanks.
Hasn't had the best experiences in the past with creepy gods (cough the Spider Queen cough) so he stays a little skeptical. Does not want anymore uninvited voices in his head planting doubts and corruption, which is totally valid really
As long as everything is consensual and consistently not evil between you two, he won't have too much trouble adjusting to your patron's initially terrifying appearance. Their actions and good deeds will speak louder than their looks
Is pleasantly surprised by their polite manners when he eventually meets them in person, especially when they compliment his bardic talent. They've never heard such noble music before and Dorian can't help but feel a lil bit in awe of that
Fearne 💙
Your god seem like a sweet lil-big guy, to be completely honest :D
Your patron is strange and otherworldly - and this sort of reminds her of powerful creatures that hide and can be found in the darker parts of the feywild. She is not afraid in the slightest when you try convince the group that they are benevolent. No one should be judged on their appearance, not even scary cosmic beings
Refers to your patron as your grandparent a lot, like they're a goofy friend who gives you presents and tokens. She likes that you both interact like you're friends instead of just business partners
Little Mister especially seems to gravitate to them for some reason, sniffing the ends of their robes (and chewing on them). Fearne is grateful when they chuckle deeply in amusement at her monkey's actions instead of just smiting him
Fresh Cut Grass 💙
The whole religion and god thing still stumps me from time to time - I'd like to hear their take on it!
They are especially curious about whatever the pact you made to your patron involved. It differs from magic user to magic user how they get their powers, and yours seems like an unusual case where both parties benefit from the relationship
Would love to do a therapy sesh with your patron and really dig into their millennium's worth of experiences
Likes that your patron doesn't poke or prod or comment on him being an aeormaton or a 'unique wonder' or anything like that. Your patron is old. They've seen weirder things than him. FCG thinks it's nice not having to explain what he is for the umpteenth time
Imogen 💙
Well alright then. As long as there's no shady business goin' on behind the scenes, I can't really judge. I trust you.
You're your own person. She can't stop you from making deals or exchanges with otherworldly beings. She can only hope that their intentions with you are truly as good as you promise
The whole situation with Laudna and Delilah seemed a lot more toxic and urgent to be dealt with compared to what you have with your patron. You don't feel drained or upset or stressed after communing with them, which in itself is a big green flag
Surprised to find out that she can sometimes hear your patron's thoughts bleed into your own when she delves a little deeper into your mind (with your consent, of course). There's a real, genuine bond there, a pleasant addition to your consciousness instead of a cruel hitchhiker
Laudna 💙
Who knew eldritch beings could be so charming? ... And handsome!
She gets good vibes from weird and often misunderstood scary things - they remind her a little of herself. She's less suspicious compared to the rest of the group
Laudna is just pleased that you have a healthy relationship with your patron. It's a rare thing to come by in this selfish world, and it's refreshing to know that one of her friends is being looked after by their source of power
She twirls locks of hair around her finger and bats her eyelashes when you introduce her to your patron when they finally reveal themselves. Not phased in the slightest when their voice rumbles in language that only you seem to understand - she asks politely that you translate her friendly flirtations on her behalf
Orym 💙
Ohh boy. That's not intimidating or concerning at all. Heh.
Scared, but does a good job at not showing it. He's athletic and swift and strong when he needs to be, but he is also small and mortal - everything that your patron is not. It's intimidating, to say the least, but he tries to stay as neutral as he can manage
He wants to trust your judgement, so he keeps his reservations to himself. Makes a point to give subtle side eyes to your patron whenever they take a physical form during rare visits to visit you in person though. Just in case
Orym, being the good man that he is, acts very civil and appreciative for the help that they've provided you and the party in tough battles. He druidcrafts a dainty flower crown for them as a simple token of understanding
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i've said before that it is completely out of line to look at a person recounting painful memories of childhood abuse and then bring up their past mistakes and i'm standing by that. i know some of you are going to jump on me for saying "mistakes" but this isn't me trivializing. this is me looking at things in context.
i haven't seen these supposed sources where they say drake bell's victim admitted to lying. i looked at news sources from the time and looked at statements given and haven't seen it anywhere in there that she admitted to lying, which i would assume would be front page news. if anyone wants to direct me to something verifiable that isn't part of a tiktok conspiracy, i would be interested. i have seen that bell wasn't convicted of actually touching the girl and they found no evidence of pictures ever being sent. the internet keeps vaguely saying the girl stalked him before and lied about her age and i don't know how true that is. it's always reprehensible to groom children and there isn't a justification for that. a few years ago i might agree with commentators saying "you don't just not know that someone is 12" but i worked at space camp for the past few years and there were a few times where i was looking for my assigned group and was told that the group that i'd assumed were 17 and 18 year olds (because they were taller than me and more muscular or filled out) were actually 12 and were actually my assigned group. idk what they're putting in the water but i assume it's these damn tiktok beauty standards. and i often have the opposite problem - when i was 16, people would assume i was 13. now that i'm 29, people assume i'm 19-14. i have a friend in her mid20s who is constantly mistaken for a 10 year old boy. it is fucking hard to tell how old someone is and if it's true that she was in his shows which were meant to be 18+ he'd have no reason to know her age. i've seen commentators state he immediately broke off contact when learning about her age.
i want to give benefit of the doubt in this case. i want to believe that the apology given was with complete accountability and remorse. imagining being in his position and realizing he may have contributed to an unsafe situation on par with one he himself experienced may have been a huge wake up call for him. i want to remind everyone though that we are not called on to forgive drake bell. we're not the wronged party in the case. the only one who can give forgiveness is the victim and victims do not owe that.
and with that i feel i should say that i can unfortunately believe that the domestic violence accusations may be true. the timeline seems to match up with the years immediately following what happened with him, the years he'd be more likely to flounder and struggle with the secret he was keeping. who knows what unprocessed trauma he was living with? it doesn't make it okay by any means (and again we are not the ones tasked with "forgiving" him and victims don't even owe that) but it makes a certain sense in context. i do think drake bell needs to come forward and tell people to stop attacking his ex on social media because come the fuck on. just because someone went through something horrific doesn't mean they can't do fucked up shit. i know i've done fucked up shit and i've worked through it as best i can. internet harassment and hate campaigns are not the way, but we didn't learn that lesson with amber heard (who i 100% believe sorry not sorry).
i think we need to move on from this mentality of holding people (particularly child stars) up on pedestals then dragging them down when they do fucked up shit. i have to believe people can change and grow. i'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt so long as a pattern doesn't emerge. we need to move on from thinking that there is a "perfect" victim or that if someone has transgressed in later life that means their victimhood doesn't matter. we can mourn the child that drake bell was. we can mourn the child that amanda bynes was. we can mourn the person that all these people could be if they weren't swallowed by this cesspit. that is a separate conversation from talking about the ways they fucked up after coming out of that environment irreparably damaged.
leave behind the mentality that to show compassion for another human being is the same as "forgiving" them. and move on from the mentality that you personally are the one wronged when these people's lives have nothing to do with you.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 7
I LOVED this ep. Loved it.
This is so delicious. I'm trying to think how I would have reacted if I hadn't already known that Phee knew Non. Would I have remembered this fact when Phee was revealed at the end of ep 6? But WHY did Phee lie to the group?! This is so delicious. The mystery.
At the end of ep 6 I questioned whether Non's red bracelet was for Phee but now that I'm watching this beginning I'm reminded that in ep 2 I theorised that Phee was orange and...here Phee's in blue and Non's sat on the orange chair when they meet (with 'today will be a good day' on Non's shirt)???! Then Phee is in a rich orange and Non in deep blue in the next shot?!? I was so right!
(Oh that's Zo's parents house in Hidden Agenda!)
Oh they have matching bracelets!
(It hurts that they're so happy though)
Phee's dad is a policeman, yes? Yeah, yes yes yes. 👏🏽
Oh my god, Non's fucking t-shirts 🙈 'Moment' when they became boyfriends and now 'Positive Thinking' when Phee asks Non to move schools and Non needs time to consider it.
Wow, Non really does have three people after him - Phee, Jin, and I'm assuming the tutor. Boy's got the milkshake.
Oooo lies between Non and Phee. Non's not telling Phee about the money he owes, right? And he'll get it from the tutor by sleeping with him, and Phee will breakup with Non...
Oh those fateful words - 'I will never lie to you' - oh baby boy the demise of your relationship starts here.
Really?! A low battery and 'help me...' on his t-shirt when Non arrives tired at the house?!
I hate them. IhatethemIhatethemIhatethem. (Por/Tee/Top et al)
We still haven't found out what Non's medication is for, right? Is it for his heart maybe? (coming back to this at the end of the ep...maybe it's for his mind, some kind of mood stabilisers or antipsychotics or something...).
Non doesn't like being touched. I wonder if that's just Jin or by anyone (other than Phee I guess).
And now Non's shirt says 'create' as he's trying to be involved in the filming.
Oh no...no. NON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Is he willingly kissing the tutor or is this an exchange for the money? Has something been lost in translation? Oh no no no. Did Non just cheat on Phee? Willingly?
Oh, Non is a player! How juicy! 🤓
Oh the tutor is Khun Keng! I need to go back to my notes from a past ep for where he was mentioned before. (-> Ah yes, he was the potential hallucination that Jin saw in the temple who Phee apparently didn't see in ep 4...incheresting!)
Oh Non. NonNonNon... I love you. You're so deliciously flawed. How can you lie to Phee like this? But also, it's delicious characterisation. Because now it's even more difficult to know whose 'side' Phee is on in the future. Is he getting revenge for Non or is he a victim of whoever the murderer is as well? DELICIOUS!
Ahhhh and that's Jin's 'rejection'. I bet he's going to be the one to reveal to Phee about Non and Khun Keng.
Oh, or it might be Top and Tee.
Whhhhat is Tee up to? 😒
Actually, how are all these people friends in the future?!? They're all horrible to each other as well.
And then there's this guy, Khun Keng, who in one breath says he wants to stop the scammers and 'save' the students...but then in the next will take advantage of a student to shut him up. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Brilliant.
Please. I hope they lock the door though.
Oh no. No! Noooooo!!
Yep. And Jin is the one to reveal it. Yep. Yep yep.
That's some serious doxxing. And Jin! Jin who was the least worst out of the group has now done the worst thing to Non (who, tbh, kinda brought it on himself but also is a victim of a TEACHER. IT'S SO MORALLY GREY I LOVE IT). (EDIT: running back here after re-watching the scene [due to comments in the notes] and there are two laptop screens! - one light [Jin's] and one dark [owner unknown]. So Jin may not have been the person to post it...but he must have shared the video for someone else to do it. TASTY)
Ahhhhhh it got GOOOOOOOOOD. I love how morally grey everyone is. And how it's even more unclear who the 'murderer' might be in the future....because Khun Keng is also in the running now since he got doxxed by Jin. IT'S BRILLIANT. 😁
Por and Tee: we're gonna fuck with Non so bad 😈😏👺
Non: don't worry boys, I'ma fuck things up all by myself 😜😭🤦🏽‍♀️
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bewitched-bullet · 6 months
You won't reply to me but I have to say something as well. They deleted their posts because followers (I'm one of them) explicitly asked them to delete them. You can check his blog to see.
I honestly feel you are creating so much hatred out of nothing. I am even afraid to show you my identity, knowing you will come after me if I do. Only because I have a different perspective on it all.
Didn't this whole discussion start with the supposed toxicity of the Sherlock mod? Who was trying to prevent an RPer from leaving? That's precisely what he did to John, according to John's posts on his blog (you have to read between the lines), perhaps to Mycroft even (dunno for sure). But who knows for sure they did? Isn't it logically that you beg someone not to leave because you want to continue what you're doing?
I saw the last post on the John blog and was quite moved. He always sounds like a very reasonable guy, unlike Sherlock, unlike you guys on here. Sorry.
So, we ask you to stop this crusade. I will also ask my friends to send you a message just in case. Stop it. You are hurting people who don't deserve it.
*le sigh*
I'm afraid you haven't been actually paying attention if you think I can see his blog. After our conversation in a comment section, the John mod blocked me. Which I posted about.
If you have read all my posts, etc you would see that I've answered every single ask except two. Even the spicy ones sent by Harriet mod as themselves and as anon and the 3 by the Mycroft/John mod as anonymous. Even, when John sent basically the same message 3 times (my inbox, ask, and tagging me (as John) ((which can be considered harassment)), I never "came after" them. Not like they have for most of the other mods, including ones OUTSIDE of their rp group.
Isn't. That. Interesting.
So, no, I'm not going to "come after" you for being polite and expressing yourself.
Now on to the good stuff.
So the John mod will flip-flop on what they strongly believe, on a whim, for a stranger.
Take note on that.
Looks like you are referencing the post Dump made? Allow me to remind you (which isn't my responsibility btw) what you are talking about if you are. Dump said that (paraphrasing):
"...consult-sherlock begged me to stay. They all contributed to my decision to block JOHN, SHERLOCK, AND MORIARTY."
If you want the exact verbiage, go look for it. It's in the tag "a scandal in tumblr".
We don't know the nature of the begging. And we can't ask the source because they specifically said to LEAVE THEM ALONE. Begging, is not inherently wrong? Not sure what you're insinuating here. Maybe you are assuming how they were begging was wrong? If you have any insider information on this I would very much be interested.
If you call avoidance, deflection, refusing to break character on a concerning issue (referring to when this was just about the fishy miscommunication) as "Reading between the lines", that's a personal problem for you. All that I mentioned in this paragraph are all red flags. Very red. On fire, red. And no one can help you see these till you're ready. That's why so many people stay with OBVIOUSLY (and sometimes not so publicly obvious) awful partners that mistreat them, why we excuse our (our as in as whole, not saying you and me specifically) abusive parents behavior, or side with an abusive government(s) that sanctions genocide.
As for being reasonable...I am reasonable. Till I'm not. I will never be reasonable to bullying/abuse. Especially when it involves little kids and old people. I will go fucking feral. And with this situation, after the pretzels John clearly twisted himself into, the PUBLIC harassment of Greg, yeah, for sure, I'm more in my feels in this. That being said, I haven't lost all rational thought. Cuz these are grown adults that are involved and feral me isn't needed.
I can easily adjust my stance on a situation don't have all information on. Because I'm intelligent like that.
Remember the Amber Heard case?
Thankfully, I could wait till a public court case to see all the evidence presented in an organized manner to make my judgements.
(cuz it's fucking hilarious)
However, so many people were upset at being "wrong". Ooooor they doubled down in their previous beliefs DESPITE the clear evidence. Its ok to change your views as new information and actual facts come out.
This is called critical thinking. (Side note: they were both abusive to each other but it's clear who "started" it. Reactive abuse it still abuse though, y'all. And if you see this in yourself, recognize it, get help, and you can improve. I believe that all people can become better versions of themselves...but that's because I can't squash the optimism that lives deep down inside me)
I'll keep this simple: there's no crusade. Just presentation of evidence, my knowledge, conclusions, and feels.
I'm rather allergic to holy wars that justify murder and genocide.
Oh? You're going to ask your friends to message me to stop? You mean you're gonna recruit people to try and bully me into submission? Gonna harass me if I don't do what you want? Gonna jumpstart your own foray into abuse?
Be careful, it's a slippery slope. And once you start sliding down it, it's incredibly hard to claw your way back up.
Side note: I'm not going to be anyone's brain, legs, fingers. All of you can think for yourselves, can find the info yourselves, and type things in yourselves. The information is there. Stop being lazy if you actually want to know
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