#removing tumblr live
eri-lessthan3 · 8 months
Hey you
all of you complaining about tumblr live
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Seethe and cope 😎
Okay but seriously
Get yourself the Stylus extension For Firefox users: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/styl-us/ and for everyone else: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne
Get the Old Tumblr Dashboard Style: https://userstyles.world/style/11286/old-tumblr-dashboard-2023
You should get this stuff even if you don't plan to remove tumblr live :3 Now here is where the magic comes from:
Stylus allows you to add custom css styles to websites, and you can edit themes made by other people to fit your needs!
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See that little fucker? How about we fuckin g kill it?
Press f12 to open the Developer Tools (or however it is called lmao)
Click on this little guy
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Now you can select an element on the website, and it will show where it is in the html!
3. Point
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Click on it, and now we will see something like this in the inspector!
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Collapse a bunch of this stuff, since here we only care about the list items, or <li>
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These are the different buttons in the banner
Now, how do we fucking kill that guy?
There are a number of ways to do this, so let's start with the simplest one
Just select the list item that has the title "Live" and press delete!
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So it is gone now, right?
Well... not really. If you refresh the page, it is back. Which makes sense, since the only thing we did is remove that part of the "code" (if you can call html "code"), but when we refreshed it, the server gave us a version of the site that obviously had the button still there.
So what is a smarter way to get rid of it?
While you can't really delete a specific part of the site with just css, you can hide it! To do that, all you have to do is apply the style display: none;
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Like that! While it doesn't fix the problem with the refresh, it brings us closer to the solution.
Remember when we got Stylus? yeah!
Go inside of it (😳), and inside the Old tumblr dashboard theme (😳😳), and now we just need to apply the css style of "remove that fucker" to the specific list item. How do we do that, since we can't add it directly into html? We use the attribute selector, and we look for title="Live"!
Where do I write this????
Well, css applies the styles from top to bottom of the style sheet (usually, this post is already too long), and you see how the list item has a few classes assigned to it? It so happens that they also modify the display property, so we have to override it by putting our selector after those in the css sheet... so basically you can just write the thingie at the end 😅
Here is how the attribute selector works!
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the .IYr09 part is that specific class, so that if there is ever something on this page that has the title="Live" but isn't what we are looking for, it won't apply there (You don't need to do this, but whatever). The attribute selector is written in the square brackets, and you just... write the attribute that you are looking for there ;P
(I also did the same for the Explore button, but that can be an exercise for the interested ;P)
And now, BEHOLD
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(How am I so popular that I got dms during the making of this >.&lt;)
And it will stay like this, forever*
*except if something happens to the addon, theme, css of it or whatever, but you get the point!
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thebrainrotsreal · 5 months
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The anime intro that plays in my head for this AU goes so hard, I swear. Every so often I become obsessed with the idea there being a Danny that still was forced grieve his family and friends, but Vlad refused to separate his ghostly half. Imagining these two having to learn to live with each other? The grief? The guilt? The conflict? Yummy!! Below for random hair thoughts for this AU.
Notes for funsies!
A) Danny’s slightly longer hair is both a marker for the passage of time since the funerals, but also because his mom can't cut his hair anymore. He refuses to let Vlad do it, and refuses to do it himself. It gets longer in his ghostly form.
B) On the other hand, Vlad’s is longer hair is specifically stress induced. He’s become a single parent in a day, with a company to run and a halfa, grieving child, who still somewhat sees Vlad as his own enemy, as a son. Usually, Vlad enjoys his ponytail a bit longer than his shoulders and enjoys maintaining it, but with his career and Danny, he really hasn’t had the time. Worse, his hair flares like fire and curls like smoke, a ghostly trait he usually keeps in check, but it's been left to run wild and unkempt. Much like his eyes, which he usually keeps blue, it slips into his ghostly red from stress.
C) Danny’s white hair streaks and green in the eyes all comes from his ghostly side slipping through the cracks, both from feeling like a ghostly monster walking around in human skin from the guilt and grief, and general fact that stress for a half’s pushes ghostly traits through, which usually worsens stress, unfortunately.
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mwagneto · 3 months
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IT'S GONE.......
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sexhaver · 6 months
i keep seeing people mentioning how staff needs to "get rid of tumblr live and bring back the porn" and on the one hand yeah but on the other. you do realize that both of those are issues for Tumblr's legal team, not IT, right? this website is contractually obligated to keep Tumblr Live up until January 2024 (which is why they gave us the option to snooze it instead of removing it entirely), and allowing porn again would open up a MASSIVE can of worms with Apple's App Store and probably result in the iOS app getting nuked. i guarantee that the majority of tumblr staff who actually work with this website closely enough to read your posts about reverting the porn ban and axing Tumblr Live agree with you but are powerless to enact those changes
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ardate · 1 year
RE: Tumblr Live
I HIGHLY recommend everyone to grab their phones, go to the Play Store, and leave a one star review demanding this shit gets taken down.
It won't be a breeze especially since this was made hand in hand with another company - so there is definitely money involved - but it might at least encourage Tumblr to make the toggle removing Tumblr Live constant rather than lasting only a week.
App ratings DO matter and too many bad reviews can genuinely impact a company and their visibility in app stores.
(And for the lucky ones like myself that haven't seen the update roll in yet, I do recommend removing auto-updates like I did to make sure not to get it.)
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its-raining-cats · 8 months
I looks like Tumblr Live, everyone’s favorite feature that everyone uses, has been permanently added to the mobile hotbar even if you select “snooze tumblr live for 30 days” in Dashboard Preferences, taking the place of where the “make a post” feature used to be. This is another brilliant decision from staff that users will be so happy about, because everyone uses and loves tumblr live. This caters to the user experience, and anyone who points out that tumblr live is only used by bot accounts and is also a massive security risk for personal information is a whiny little baby who doesn’t know what’s good for them.
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greyias · 8 months
I was about to brag about NOT being haunted by today's creepy as fuck clown on the dash, when I opened up a new tab to proudly take a picture of my clown-free sidebar. And he found me.
No worries! I know how to handle this sort of nonsense.
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clarasunflowers · 8 months
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blackbackedjackal · 11 months
Sometimes I think about how long some of you all have been following me and I'm like wow, ya'll really like watching this clown.
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yardsards · 6 months
made the mistake of updating my tumblr app and wow. this sucks. (specifically referring to the inability to view prev reblogs and also the fact that messages look like absolute ass now)
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apostaterevolutionary · 8 months
You know what would be really funny, is if people came together to have an anti-crab day. A day where every user who joined prior to automattic’s acquisition logged off for 24 hours to show that yes, actually, older user retention is important and you should listen us just as much as new users
The users giveth, the users taketh away
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sorchathered · 1 month
@staff once again I am making a complaint, give us a damn group chat option for messaging so all my friends and I can gossip and share our lives together in one app instead of using 3 or 4 to talk. Come on brooo the people need it.
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anisaanisa · 18 days
Shocked and appalled once again at the differences between tumblr mobile and desktop. Where the hell am I? What are all these things everywhere? 🥲🩹
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zebracorn-chan · 4 months
...did anyone actually use this feature?
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carcarrot · 3 months
came out of my wisdom teeth operation to hear makin my way downtown
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bee-in-a-box · 1 year
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I'm thinking about the mental gymnastics a writer would have to do to make Marcus able to return in the event of a reboot/reunion of Lab Rats
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