#‘you can now snooze tumblr live for longer’
its-raining-cats · 9 months
I looks like Tumblr Live, everyone’s favorite feature that everyone uses, has been permanently added to the mobile hotbar even if you select “snooze tumblr live for 30 days” in Dashboard Preferences, taking the place of where the “make a post” feature used to be. This is another brilliant decision from staff that users will be so happy about, because everyone uses and loves tumblr live. This caters to the user experience, and anyone who points out that tumblr live is only used by bot accounts and is also a massive security risk for personal information is a whiny little baby who doesn’t know what’s good for them.
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badolmen · 9 months
I’m going to KILL -
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queer-trashmouth · 9 months
List of tumblr mobile grievances including but not limited to (feel free to add):
The tags button being moved in post editor and replaced with community labels which are disproportionately applied to trans women and the queer community in general
Previously used tags no longer appear when reblogging a post so I have to type them in manually (and hope I don’t accidentally misspell them)
Post button is no longer in the nav bar, but is floating nebulously to the side
Tumblr live
Tumblr live icon now permanently where the post button should be (with a permanent NEW bubble)
Unable to permanently snooze tumblr live
No play/pause button in full screen video player
No double tap to zoom in on picture. Videos and pictures now will scroll to unrelated posts if you accidentally flick up or are trying to zoom
Randomly redirecting to posts I reblogged while I’m on other tabs if someone likes or reblogs a post
Unable to click on URLs to redirect to specific reblogs on a post. Prev tags no longer works as a result
Blazed posts and ads (even undisclosed ads) showing up in search results making it harder to find what I’m searching for
While in full size media player, pressing “see more” to read the caption now takes you back to the post outside of the media player
Tumblr sponsored posts on my own blog that I did not post there
Implementing new UI changes without updating the app. I don’t have auto update so I can check the changes blog and see if it’s worth updating the app
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callmecayce · 9 months
I can now disable tumblr live for 30 days, yay! But doing so no longer makes the tumblr live navigation icon go away*. I'm sorry but that, is bullshit. When I disable tumblr live, it should make it completely vanish. When I asked the little chat robot, it was like, this is a feature not a bug. 🙃
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This part of the first bot response really irritates me:
Please note that while snoozing Tumblr Live will hide it from your dashboard, the navigation icon will still remain in your navigation bar. This allows you to watch anyone you follow go Live without having to unsnooze the whole thing.
If I am disabling tumblr live, this means I'm not using it at all, not that I might still use it. Please just let me make it go away?
*On the tumblr app. On the desktop web I use dashboard unfucker to make it all vanish.
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morkalmarrh · 10 months
Live is being rolled out to more places now so please do the following:
Click the spanner
Click more
Click terms and conditions
Scroll to the bottom of that
Click the link about submitting a request
Fill it out with your name, country and email
Request deletion, object to processing of your info
Send the generated email
Under GDPR in the EU and UK it's illegal to hold onto your data for longer than is strictly necessary for the service and you may request deletion at any time or they can get in serious trouble. As an overly simple summary.
Similar laws seem to apply in California and Nevada.
Peace! ✌️
To snooze it you go under your settings, account settings, then turn off everything such as based on your likes, best post first, and snooze Tumblr live.
@staff This is shit and I hate it. ❤️
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thebaconspider · 11 months
okay i guess people are coming to tumblr from reddit so i figured i'd make my own guide because the other ones piss me off
so first things first
you're going to want to change your pfp/header/blog description off of the defaults. tumblr has a pretty big bot problem so blogs with default pfp/headers are usually a block on sight for most people. you may also want to make a post saying your new from reddit and maybe reblog some things.
thats the most important thing the rest of this is pretty optional
you're going to want to go into settings under the dashboard tab and change some things.
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Endless scrolling: preference thing, i prefer to have it on but you could turn it off if you wanted
Show timestamps on posts, reblogs, and notes.: you're going to want to make sure this is on, posts circulate on tumblr a lot longer than they tend to on other sites. seeing posts from 5+ years ago is a pretty common occurrence.
Shorten long posts: turn this on, you don't want to get color of the sky'd.
Use blog colors when viewing blogs: another preference thing, i personally have it on but there are many reasons you might want to turn it off.
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Best Stuff First: you're going to want to turn this off if you want a chronological dashboard.
Include stuff in your orbit: most people will tell you that you must turn this off but you really don't have to, i turn it on myself from time to time. it just puts stuff the people you follow have liked on your dashboard occasionally.
Include "Based On Your Likes!": another one most people will say you need to turn off but you don't really need to. personally i leave it off because if i want to see stuff based on my likes i just go to my for you page.
Include followed tags post: you can turn this one off if you want, i'm not sure why you would follow a tag if you didn't want to see posts from it occasionally.
Enable colorized tags: a preference thing, you can turn this off if you want.
Snooze Tumblr Live: you probably should turn this on but i got tired of turning it on every week so i just ignore the tumblr live stuff. whatever you do don't use tumblr live it's run by another company and harvests your data.
next your gonna want to go to your blog settings.
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Enable custom theme: i would really recommend turning this on. it lets you do a bunch of crazy stuff with your blogs theme (including just straight up editing the html) and it also gives you back your [blank].tumblr.com url instead of your just using the tumblr.com/[blank] url.
Share posts you like: makes your likes public, i would recommend turning this off.
Share the Tumblrs you're following: makes the blogs you follow public, i would recommend turning this off.
now for some feature of the site
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this is the like button, you press it if you like something. you can only like a post once. some users will bitch at you if you use it, kill them.
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this is the reblog button, you press it if you want something to show up on your blog. you can reblog a post as many times as you want.
you can add tags, text, images (anything you could put in a post) on a reblog but you don't have to.
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this is the reply button, you press it if you want to leave a comment on a post. it's kinda strange and i don't like using it.
tags are cool, you can use them to find things or organize the stuff on your blogs.
some people say the search function doesn't work which just isn't true. sure searching for the content of a post doesn't really work but searching by tag works pretty well in my experience.
to do this type the tag you want into the search bar and then click "Go To #[tag]"
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you can also filter tags if you don't want to see posts with that tag, they'll still show up on your dash they'll just be blurred and you'll need to click on them to see them. it will say which tags it has that are causing it to be filtered.
people also often use tags to leave a little comment on posts or communicate back and forth or hold additional information.
community labels
i don't really see people talking about these, i don't think many people use them, but your probably going to want to set these to either "Show" or "Blur"
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note: if you set a label to "Hide" posts with that label will not show up for you at all
iirc all of these are set to "Hide" by default so remember to change that setting if you want to.
one last thing: the queue
the queue is pretty neat, if you want to reblog something later, but don't have a specific time in mind, you can queue it!
you can change how many things in your queue are posted a day and what times of day they get posted on your queued post page.
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and thats everything i can think of.
apologies if i forgot anything.
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thevoidcannotbefilled · 9 months
Tumblr: Hey, good news! We made Tumblr live snooze longer. 30 days instead of 7 days.
Me: Well, I hoped you'd just let me get rid of it like some other features I can turn off but fine.
Tumblr: But you can't take off the icon.
Me: What?
Tumblr: Yeah, we'll take it off your dash but the tumblr live icon stays now. See!
Me: ...
Tumblr: ...
Me: ...This feels deliberate at this point.
Tumblr: Doing what?
Me: Doing the exact thing that makes no one happy
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Living with the Left Nav on Tumblr
So if you don't mind the left nav Tumblr has moved to, but feel it's annoying the way it squishes in on the dashboard, then I've got a few minor tweaks you can do with a simple css editor - like stylus.
.ZkG01 { justify-content: normal; } .ZkG01 ._3xgk { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } [title~="Live"] { display: none; }
So what this does:
1.) Changes the page justification with the first section. This puts the left nav permanently on the left side of the screen. Where a left nav actually belongs, not crowding in on the center with space on it's left. It's a left nav, it does not need to creep inwards to make the rest of the page harder to read.
Except now the dash has crept over to the left too which is where section 2 comes in.
2.) Puts automatic margins on the dashboard area - this includes the search bar and all the clutter beneath it (x-kit rewritten is useful for hiding that clutter) - to both the left and the right. What this means is that the content will be centered with equal sized margins on either side. So the dashboard + margins will, together, fill up the entire space to the right of the left nav with the dashboard centered within that space.
That takes care of the page spacing concerns with the left nav... so what's that third css section doing? (I bet you can guess.)
3.) It also hides the tumblr live button on the left nav. Apparently the latest update from snoozing 7 days to snoozing 1 month has changed it so that it no longer hides the nav item. That sucks. But with this little piece of css + x-kit rewritten hiding the carousel... it's like Live doesn't even exist. Even when the snooze comes to an end.
This works great if you choose not to use the Tumblr Dashboard Unfucker script - I did use the Dashboard Unfucker for a while during the missing avatar phase and if the avatars go away again (or some other accessibility unfriendly decision is made) then I'll be using the Dashboard Unfucker again. But I'm actually okay with the left nav, aside from feeling it needs a few minor tweaks to be decently usable.
Tumblr has given in to peer pressure (current industry 'standard' UI practices) but it's not entirely bad. The old flow was better for noticing activity and messages, but the new flow makes it a lot clearer what the nav icons are for now that they have actual text. I'm also a lot less likely to click the wrong thing by accident as there was some hit-box overlapping in a few places when it was a top nav.
There are a couple of things, though, that I'd still like to see happen with the left nav. The first is a toggle of some kind for collapsing the left nav to just icons again. On small screens - but not small enough to trigger the collapse on its own - being able to toggle the menu open/close would be pretty useful to help conserve space for the dashboard. Second is moving the search bar into the left nav. It makes way more sense in the left nav than it does to the right of the dashboard. And that may wind up being what pushes me to give creating my own userscript a try, if I decide I want that search bar moved badly enough.
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
You’ve Unlocked Tumblr Chaos Challenge Mode ‼️
> Anon Hate now deals 50% more damage
> In order to gain followers you must now meet a benchmark on each new post in likes
> Creating a sideblog now causes you to lose 500 followers
> You can no longer scroll up on your dashboard
> The Dread Hunter will pursue you throughout the website, killing them grants you access to their exclusive Great Demon Razor weapon which has a flat damage output that is higher than most weapons whose damage scales with your attributes and guarantees an instant kill on a critical hit.
> Porn bots and Superwholocks are more likely to follow you
> Post investments have 20% less yield
> Every 3 months you will have to defend yourself against a callout post
> Failing to reblog a post demonstrating your support will cause 200x more reputation loss with the respective faction. (For example, failing to reblog “Reblog if you support gay rights!” will now cause -1,400 reputation loss with the homosexual faction.)
> Fishing scam ai in direct messages is significantly improved.
> Failure to follow terms of service now results in a permanent IP ban by Automattic
> Shock damage is 70% more effective against shields
> Crates drop less ammo
> Haiku bot and Portmanteau bot are less likely to appear
> Promanteau bot is now immune to the “Bitch Fartman” spell
> “Kung Pow Penis” spell now requires 100 Mana points even when using collaborative casting.
> “Mishapocalypse” event is reinstated and spawns waves of Nephilim Fanatics for the duration.
> Snoozing Tumblr Live now drains 10 Mana every minute for as long as you sustain the effect.
> Funny ads will now be more rare
> If your general Reputation goes too low, your chosen faction’s tumblr tags will be search banned and deemed sexually explicit.
> You can now only take levels in catgirl URLS starting at level 32
> “I Like Your Shoelaces” special move now has a smaller timing window for a perfect parry.
> The Block button can only be used 20 times. Additional uses can be earned by turning in items dropped from enemies defeated in public arguments on your dash at the bounty board.
> Having blogs with default icons now cause you to rapidly lose followers, reputation and vitae and will draw more aggro from mobs.
> Tumblr Premium users have 80% more health
> You can only make 15 original posts and 30 reblogs in one day, afterwards you can expend Raid Tokens dropped during Raid Bosses.
> When your post is reblogged, the original text can be edited by the reblogger.
> “Favorite Taste: Cock” reputation status effect now has an endless duration.
> Gun accuracy is reduced further while moving or using equipment without the necessary skill level.
> Tiktok reposts are more likely to appear.
> More infighting in Lesbian subfactions
> Your areas of effect are now indiscriminate
> “Reclaim a Slur” activity has a higher chance of failure
> Creating a gimmick account is now locked behind faction access (Autist class can bypass this if they have the correlating Special Interest perk)
> Chance for your nipples to present as female any time you post a picture of them
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goonsgospel · 9 months
I wanted to help review bomb Tumblr but my review was too lang, however I'm not going to let it go to waste.
I've had Tumblr for 5 or 6 years now, but I've been a "fan" for much longer. I love the sense of community and the spirit of the site, as I've always been a huge advocate for fandom in general. The creativity, the collaborations, the jokes and bits the users come up with are all fantastic and have since become cultural phenomenons in some circles. Tumblr is one of my favorite social media sites.
Staff has effectively ruined this.
Everything I love about social media is being thrown out to accommodate advertisers and thinly veiled attempts to bleed as much money and content out of Tumblr users as humanly possible. The creation of tiktok triggered some kind of switch in social media managers' minds. Every single site now has to have quick, easily consumable content. Tumblr has not only hopped on this bandwagon, but they have done so in a way that makes the site entirely unusable.
First off, Tumblr live. A blatant yet weak attempt to cater to people who prefer tiktok type media, despite the majority of users choosing Tumblr over tiktok because it does not have these features. Rampant with spam and p*rn bots, Tumblr live is outmatched in its ability to frustrate only by the fact that you can only snooze it for seven days.
I lied. The layout changes are worse. The removal of icons, the twitter-esqe sidebar, and the fact that new users are forced to use only the FYP, despite others having both their following feed and FYP. Speaking of which, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, and flat out favoritism governs the lawless land of "For You." Users are being banned for being openly queer, disabled, Jewish, or even for just openly disagreeing with staff's choices. Meanwhile, TERFs and bigots are allowed to use the site freely, with many of those TERFs and bigots being on Tumblr staff. Not to mention the ads being crammed down your throat every half second. You know, the unstoppable ones that can cause epileptic seizures.
There are many other things I could talk about; the clown, the crabs, or the fact that staff won't listen to complaints no matter what we do. But, I've said enough, and I don't want to imagine what other deplorable methods staff might employ to torture us next.
@staff please. Listen to your userbase.
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lvminae · 9 months
Man I'm so frustrated with Tumblr because every time I feel a burst of motivation to attend to my rp blog I open the desktop site and am so frustrated that all my motivation just disappears. Writing? Drawing? Fuck that and fuck you, Tumblr says.
And now I have to keep seeing that stupid NEW notification from the Tumblr live tab on mobile that no longer disappears. People asked for Tumblr live to not be there by default? Oh, well you can snooze it for a while 30 days now! But mobile users can fuck themselves.
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davvngwa · 9 months
you can no longer snooze tumblr live entirely, not that that was ever a good solution, but they somehow made it worse, now you cant get rid of the icon on your dash, and the only snoozing option available is so you dont have to see tumblr live posts on your dash for 30 days at a time
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1spooky-dad · 9 months
The good news is that now you can snooze Tumblr live for 30 WHOLE DAYS! but it no longer takes away the button for it down below so :/
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praise-cats · 9 months
so you can no longer "snooze tumblr live" for a week, but you can snooze it on your dashboard for 30 days, still can't turn it off and now you can't even get rid of the stupid button for it. Get this shit out of here!!!!!!
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outside-lookingin · 10 months
The end of tumblr
Back in 2018, tumblr got caught with their pants down and bums exposed when it made the news, the BIG NEWS one of their blogs posted child porn. All the higher up execs and staff panicked, risk of losing their place on every platform avail, they banned nudity and pornography from this site in an attempt they were ‘doing something’ about it. Tumblr has always been a place where anything goes. Well, ALMOST anything. Despite tumblr’s community guidelines we all agreed to, blogs were breaking rules daily and if you trotted off into the dark side of tumblr, you found hideous things. Scary things. You found things you’ve never seen before or wanted to see. To this day some images have stuck with me. Some images so unbelievably gruesome and disturbing, I wish I could forget. Some blogs that posted certain nonsense were deleted. Or a post was simply removed. Then some blogs weren’t and by some magic twist of fate slipped under the radar basically forever and got away with murder. Then some other blogs were deleted with no warning or no good reason.
Then a light at the end of the tunnel? As of this year, tumblr has reinstated nudity. This unfortunately has not saved their site. The good blogs that left after the great ‘females presenting nipples ban of 2018’ didn’t come back. The posters that post haven’t been posting as much. It’s been too little too late. Oh, now you’re sorry?! Four years later?!! Nice. The blogs that were labeled ‘explicit’ stayed explicit and weren’t given the option to be rebirthed to have a site again. If you’re an explicit blog, you’re dead to tumblr. You don’t even exist.
I’m sorry to say after all that tumblr has done to try to save their site, they are hanging on by a very short thread. In an attempt to regal feelings of old, this site gets goofy, but in the most pretentious way. As a feeling of a stale corn flake that no longer serves it’s purpose. We had the click for frogs thing for no reason which was stupid. Or an old windows 95 desktop blocking half of the damn page. To keep it all hip and cute for the kiddies, now we have a tumblr store selling random, useless and stupid items. What? Nonsense. And as a cherry on the shit sundae, there is now tumblr live. What in the hell is tumblr live? Well, it is nothing more then a bunch of random and i mean RANDOM yo-yo’s who have no idea what tumblr is or who don’t even like tumblr who are streaming for no good reason whatsoever. Oh, so that’s what that is. And every week after you snooze the annoying banner of icons of the most hipster jerks you’ve ever seen in your life, tumblr live turns on again for you and it appears like some horrible thing. So you go back in your settings and have to turn it off again. You have to turn it off every week so you don’t have to look at the most horrible thing you’ve ever seen in your life: Other people. Ewwwwwwwww. What? We don’t want to see other people. We want to see what we like to see. Which is whatever we want why we’re here! Art! Old time hollywood! Movie gifs! Other shit! What the fuck does live streaming nobodys have to do with tumblr! You know how tumblr’s Q&A is basically Q&A with people you’ve never even heard of in your entire life? Same thing except much worse.
Even after all these changes, additions and ‘improvements’, would you believe that child porn blogs still exist on this site? You’re kidding? Nope, I am not. You might be asking yourself, how do you know such things? Well, I happened to have followed the wrong blog which I no longer follow which reblogged garbage. I also became aware of another blog I followed that also posted and reblogged garbage and from there saw who they reblogged garbage from and so forth and so forth. Tumblr cannot possibly handle this. Or can they? How many blogs are on this damn thing anyways? Well, after an extensive google search which was literally 3 seconds, over 500 millions blogs exist on tumblr. But how many REAL blogs is that? 500 million blogs nearing 600 million? This counts blank blogs, spam blogs and blogs that haven’t posted for ten or more years. So now how many blogs does that leave? Would you say 100 million or less actual users?
I still can’t help but feel tho with so much to oversea, there is still a right way and a wrong to handle this. What would be hard about having a special ‘team’ separate from the regular tumblr team to seep out the garbage? SO, you’re just going to keep letting pedophiles post trash?
After me reporting dozens of these blogs and even an e-mail to the CEO, these blogs are being erased one little bit at a time and some not at all? Why would tumblr have time to get rid of trash when they have to worry about designing stupid stickers or cashing in so hipsters can buy 20 checkmarks that mean NOTHING. Tumblr’s priorities are in the wrong place. You need a solid foundation first before you go off bullshitting and fucking around. And to make a functional foundation you need A: Having a functional site. B: Have it run fast. C: Fix your damn bugs. D: Make sure you’re not having a whole host of the wrong blogs. And ‘speaking’ of the wrong blogs, for a site that doesn’t allow porn there sure is a lot of it I come across. Not only porn gifs from random blogs, but full on porn blogs that reblog nothing but porn. Well, imagine that. I remember the welcome back e-mail from CEO Matt Mullenweg, who told us that now we can not think of nipples as a bad thing anymore, but allowing porn on a blog site basically doesn’t work. It SEEMS to be working pretty good for some peeps? Tumblr can’t seem to weed out it’s own troth of minions violating it’s community guidelines. How do you fix this? We don’t need a tumblr filter again. We remember what a disaster that was. Liars. You would appeal a post that had nothing to do with adult content at all and a promise it would be reviewed by a real human, only to receive an e-mail a half a second later informing you your post IS adult content and will not be restored. BOY, those tumblr staff real humans sure are quick, aren’t they? But why regal the things of old. The point is, this site is dying and not as exciting as it used to be.
Some blogs that suffered a cruel fate or having their blog labeled explicit or deleted and started a new blog found they were being targeted on the new blog and still being punished by having their archive wiped out or random posts disappear. What is that about?
Knowing there is a whole community of sick blogs that got tumblr in trouble in the first place and that got us punished means nothing has changed other then a four year gap where nakedidity (it’s a word) meant your ass. The fact that it took as long as it did for word to get out this site has blogs that post illegal crap is incredible it took that long. And now at this point we find that there are still illegal posts that a four year hiatus on tits did NOTHING.
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misschifuyu · 3 years
holloe this is my first time requesting on tumblr and is it alright if i request anything non angst for haitani brothers? you can let ur imagination run free i just want content for them 😭😭😭😭 have a nice day !!
- hello my love !! im so honoured to be the first blog to get a request from you omgkdsdk, we also love to see a fellow haitani enthusiast so i do you like this little drabble !
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Train back home
genre: fluff
warnings: none
The ringing of the last whistle was heard loudly throughout the station, even from the inside of the cabin.
Without a doubt, everyone at the station knew of the train’s immediate departure, and yet it still remained immobile. A low, impatient groan was heard before you, as a result of the circumstances.
Admittedly, there had already been a 15 minute delay, causing other passengers to mumble to each other about what the cause could be.
You, on the other hand, simply had to listen to the one sat in the seat in front of you complain about the tardiness.
You, on the other hand, simply had to listen to the one sat in the seat in front of you complain about the tardiness.
You, on the other hand, simply had to listen to the one sat in the seat in front of you complain about the tardiness.
“Why the hell is it taking so long?”
As if you were the driver or the lord of the train tracks, he voiced his complaints to you whilst he leaned on the window, staring out at the busy platform.
You were by far the only ones waiting aimlessly around, but at least you were sat down unlike those stood outside, awaiting the train that was yet to arrive on the rails.
"Ran, we're leaving already...Besides, what's the rush to get home?"
The eldest Haitani sibling, as much as he'd have a proud smile on his face most of the time, had a horrible case of very, very short temper when it came to getting somewhere.
He was like a child that would constantly ask if they were there yet, how long there was left, that they were bored...
"Frankly, I don't want to spend all afternoon in here"
Giving him an apathetic look, you turned to look out the window yourself, instantly feeling the train rumble before finally starting its trajectory. One less problem now, you thought.
Now you simply had to make sure that the snoozing Rindou on your shoulder wasn't startled awake unless you wanted an annoyed outburst from his behalf.
See, the three of you had been spending the past few days in the city of Yokohama; not over anything related to the brothers' infamous delinquent tendencies, but rather because you had been wanting to visit the city just south from Tokyo for quite some time now.
When the two found out that you were going alone, they had immediately invited themselves along, saying that there was no telling what was going on over there when it came to scums like the ones they dealt with on a daily basis.
You were actually quite happy to spend a little trip with them. The Haitanis had known you since very young, and they were inarguably one of the closest friends you had, as much as their fame was anything but usual.
Unfortunately, you hadn't taken into account that they would be quite...difficult travellers if a journey was any longer than a few stops on the metro.
This was really all coming into light now that you were on your way back from the busy days you had all happily spent.
At least, you thought, only one of the two was posing to be a pain.
Ran's temper slowly calmed back down once he realised that you were on your way back now, as much as the 40 odd minutes he'd have to spend sat down hurt him.
"You can take a nap, if you'd like. I'll stay awake until we get there"
As you spoke, he turned his head to look at you, his expression having visibly softened from just a few minutes earlier. The sight of his sleeping brother made him let out a low chuckle.
"Don't be like that...he said he was tired before we even got to the station. Not his problem he can actually handle a normal train ride"
His eyes widened at your words, looking straight into yours. There was a clear, mocking tone in his voice as he responded to your remark.
"He's just a child still, he falls asleep anywhere. Don't think he's much different from me when he's awake on these things"
You believed his words, honestly. Rindou was impatient all the time, so you'd expect him to be the same if stuck in a cabin for a good while.
"But, alas, he is sleeping and you're not"
"I'd fall asleep too if I was in his position"
Eyebrows slightly raising, you watched as the one before you turned his lips up into a knowing smile.
Ran has always tested his luck with you, and though you could never be sure if he was being honest or not with his comments, they'd always catch you off guard.
You held much affection for both of them, and it was rare you ever got to spend so much time with them.
It frightened you, more times than you'd admit, to know the boys you once knew as little middle schoolers were now out and getting involved in dangerous situations.
But, at the end of the day, they'd always visit you in top shape, a few scratches here and there maybe, but in one piece.
It had been nice to see them live a relatively normal life during the days in Yokohama and, of course, you had taken many photos to remember the trip.
And now you were to return back to Tokyo, specifically to their beloved Roppongi. Back to the usual, old life, watching the days go by with them always somewhere nearby.
"Earth to Y/N"
Snapping out of your thoughts, you gave a little jolt as his voice reached your ears. A soft intake of air was heard by your shoulder, and you quickly made sure that you hadn't woken Rindou up accidentally.
"There you are. You've gotta stop daydreaming like that, you know? I mean, I'm right here, after all"
Unable to hold back a giggle at his words, you hoped you weren't moving too much for the resting one beside you.
As a result, a genuine smile decorated Ran's features, his skin tinted with the orange hue of the sun's rays that filtered in through the window.
Admittedly, you had always deemed him attractive; it was just a little complicated to tell him when you were such good friends with his brother.
You didn't want to let the baby of the Haitani family feel left out, of course.
It was simply another thought of yours to add to the large collection you had of them. Above all stood the ones of appreciation for having found them, all those years back, and still standing by them to this day.
As the afternoon sights of Yokohama's outskirts passed by at a rapid pace, you could only wish to slow down time and hold the moment in your hands, smiling over at Ran as you softly petted Rindou's hair, still fast asleep.
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