#renata glasc the chem-baroness
thunder-jolt · 2 years
Stress Toy for Chaotic Urges...
Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness: Let's try something else. *pulls out a toy* Here. *squeezes twice* This is a stress toy, every time you felt the urge to cause chaos, just squeeze. *hands toy over to Viego*
Viego, the Ruined King: *squeezes the toy so hard* *toy pops*
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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The Chem Baroness Renata Glasc by 齐齐喜欢看美漫
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Silco still believing in loyalty, even after Vander’s betrayal, and making it an ideological cornerstone of his empire
Renata Glasc seemingly shutting down genuine human connections after the death of her parents and having her empire run on mutually beneficial and relationships driven solely by convenience 
It’s pretty sad that these two characters will never interact, the parallels between them are fascinating.
If nothing else, we were robbed of Evil wlw and Evil mlm solidarity.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
merry xmas moss!! do you have any arcane milf holiday season hcs? 🎄
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content warnings; fem reader. sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, fluffy fluff, holiday celebration ( oh definitely !!! merry christmas and happy holidays, here's some drabbles how it would be like with them arcane milfs :D these are short and little late but hope you like them anyway ! )
⠀⠀( dialing . . . ) — happy holidays w/ ambessa, cassandra, sevika, renata, and grayson
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holidays for cassandra were a stressful time, even with all the maids around the house she was making sure everything was nothing less than perfect. the most enormous christmas tree, the classic christmas songs, and the prettiest pastries for after dinner. she is a sight to see in her most adorable apron, running back and forth from one end to another in the kitchen.
it's a packed house at the kiramman residency every year, with extended family filling the giant mansion with some council members who otherwise wouldn't be making such a hassle out of it. it's nerve-racking for cassandra but seeing you chat away with her nosy family, watching as you bob your head to the song in the background just makes her remember how worth it this is.
if she could she would be standing next to you all night, hooking her arm with yours while drinking egg nog, but guests are to be taken care of.
she wishes she could be walking around in the cold snow, tucked away in a thick jacket with you, sharing memories since that is her favorite part about the holidays.
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christmas in noxus was not as big as anywhere else in runeterra, so she isn't so much interested in it. first, that is, soon when you are putting the lights on and seeing how excited you seem to be it grows on her, so much so that it becomes her favorite thing.
lifting you up to place the top ornament has to be the best part about it, teasing you how much of a shorty you were compared to her and needing help.
aside from the amazing food that you told the cooks to make, what you whipped up for her to drink next to the fire was hot cocoa. she never tasted something like this made out of chocolate! and those little sweet pillows on top you toasted somehow, delicious!
no severed body parts on or under the tree ambessa, it's not that kind of joyous time.
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the chem-baroness hasn't celebrated the holidays for what seemed like her whole life ever since she started the glasc industries. she hardly has any traditions aside from listening to the seasonal songs on vinyl with a glass of her finest drink from the top shelf.
renata finds it adorable how you insist on a tree, how you explain that food has to do a lot with the holiday and that the presents are essential but not that important.
she is absolutely against for you to lay in the snow to make a snow angel, no way josé. for starters, you could get sick, not to mention that you never know what is under it, for all you could know there might be some dirt or worse there that somebody disposed of.
she takes you out for christmas dinner and to see some christmas stage performances in piltover. favorite part of the day and the holiday, sitting with you in the darkness in the theater box with a glass of champagne or whatever you wanted to drink. holding hands, making little comments about the performance and the music.
FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MOVIE; the nutcracker (ballet version)
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the holidays for sevika were spent at either the brothel or the last drop, given that she really didn't have anyone special to spend the celebration with- she picked someone up. but when you popped into the picture her whole ritual was re-forged and sevika was to the moon and back about the holidays coming around, so much so she was the one buying matching ugly christmas sweaters for the both of you.
sevika is that cheeky person who would be dancing around you, even trying to get you to join her while singing christmas songs from the top of her lungs.
her favorite is the baking part, not because she makes the best cookies or pastries but because of how fun it can be. throwing flour at each other, dropping eggs, and just the all-around chaos. non of you can bake but making gingerbread cookies can't be that hard, right? it's a mess but they turn out okay, they might look ugly because the frosting is melting but the two of you made it!
FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MOVIE; how the grinch stole christmas
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christmas gets busy for the sheriff of piltover, all these people having last-minute shopping trips and kicking each other in the ankles, and ending up in front of the steam train.
she might not have been looking forward to the holidays but ever since you and she decided to spend them together, it's essential for her to get off work in time for dinner with you. last time she couldn't get you a proper present or at least in her opinion, not the 'perfect' gift so she is going all out this year.
grayson loves decorating the house, sneaking a mistletoe somewhere hardly be noticed so she can plant you into a sneak attack kiss.
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zkyfall · 2 years
Sevika will be the Renata Glasc of Arcane in Season 2 (a theory)
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(Full disclosure, I am heavily biased as a Zaun and Sevika stan and want her to have more plot armor and importance in season 2)
My theory: Sevika is going to grow into the Renata Glasc of Arcane in season 2, adopting some of her aesthetic (well, technically Silco’s aesthetic) and filling her role in LoL lore as Viktor’s patron and a powerful leader in the Undercity. 
The Evidence to Support:
1. Her motivation
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Sevika cares about Zaun. She’s been consistent about throwing her support behind the strongest leader who was dedicated to standing up to the Topsiders. She’s tried being a good loyal left-hand lady to TWO DUDES and they BOTH fucked it up. It’s time for Sevika to try her hand at seizing the reins of the Undercity and she's one of the few characters in a position to take advantage of the power vacuum and the experience to do better this time. She hasn’t worked so hard for decades to give up now.
2: The Visuals.  
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Sevika’s a fucking badass, she’s around the right age, and has that sexy muscled build we all love. She has a high-tech metal prosthetic for a left arm that we’ve seen get upgraded throughout s1 and may continue to be in s2 (especially with help from a certain inventor that we’ll touch on later).  All she needs to complete the look is longer hair and a few dignified streaks of grey (a minor time skip and the stress from the finale will suffice.) Well and she’ll need to call Silco’s tailor so they can work their magic 👀.
3. But what about her Mask and Shimmered up eyes? 
 Amanda on Twitter hinted that Sevika would ‘quit smoking’. 
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Now some suggest that means she’s dying. I don't think so, cause I’d like to believe the writers are more professional than that. I hypothesize it refers to developing a lung condition as a result of the chain-smoking + Zaun life we see Sevika do in s1. She might stop smoking and start using more shimmer to fight off the disease, even needing a fancy breather mask to keep it from worsening. Just like Glasc.
3. Foreshadowing or lack there off
Silco and Sevika met the Chembarons and Glasc was not there or even alluded to. I think if Glasc existed in the world, we would have gotten some more foreshadowing of her if she’s supposed to be in control of an entire industry. 
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4. It’s all in the cards 
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Sevika was playing cards and what cards came up? Death and The Magician. Death signifies change (and the death of Silco possibly). The Magician is CLEARLY Viktor. Together they suggest Sevika undergoing a major life change and working with Viktor in the future.
5. A Common Connection
Glasc is Viktor’s Patron in LoL after he leaves Piltover. So who will be Viktor’s powerful, metal-armed, chem baroness in s2? Well, who does he know in the Undercity right now that could introduce him to a financial backer? Singed who is already working for Silco’s (now possibly Sevika’s) organization. 
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The Evidence Against:
Finn alludes to there being ‘bigger fish’ than Silco in Zaun. That could have been in reference to a Glasc which harms this theory.
Renata’s League Lore suggests a callousness, and an obsession with power and wealth which Sevika does not share. Sevika is never cruel, only acts in self-defense or lashes out in reasonable anger at Jinx. She barely even changes outfits between Act 1 and Act 2, when all the other henchmen clearly spend some of their pay to look the part of classy gangsters. 
Renata’s parents alchemical research and deaths are a big chunk of her backstory and the only allusion we have to Sevika’s parents is that she had issues with her father. They seemed to have simplified Chemtech in Arcane though so I don’t foresee them adding Glasc’s chemtech variant on top of shimmer.
In conclusion:  Sevika and Renata are probably different characters but I hope Sevika will fill Renata’s role in Arcane because seriously what are the odds we get two MILF Zaunites with left metal arms???  I mean I’m here for it but it seems like an odd coincidence and I don’t really want them adding more LoL characters than they need to. 
Whatever happens, I’m ready for more of this lovely lady:
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impostores0o · 5 months
Zaun/Piltover pt1
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Renata Glasc,The chem baroness League of legends/Riot games All credits to: Jeremy Anninos Champion insights.
"Work for me or work against me, it doesn't matter. Everyone comes to my side eventually." - Mrs.glasc
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Glasc Industries , Concept Artwork  All credits to: Sunny pandita ,Paulin Kiri Fanart belongs to: 一根猪猪怪 Champion art exploration "Zaun deserves more."
 "The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage. Allow me to demonstrate." Madam Glasc
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Renata "Right On Time" Illustration by Riot Contracted Artists :Grafit Studio, Envar Studio "It's 'Miss Glasc'... if you value your life."
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"Work for me or work against me, it doesn't matter. Everyone comes to my side eventually." The Chem baroness
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Snippet - I Hate Oyster Pâté- Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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Teatime with two chem-baronesses.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO on AO3
cw: mentions of sex work and child labor
In the evening, he has tea with Renata and Margot. The pair are working to merge Glasc Industries and the Vyx for a joint venture into Sextech. Beyond artificial limbs or prosthetics: neural interfaces designed to replace lost senses like sight, touch and taste. Organs grown in vitro. Body modification. Synthetic hormones. 
A veritable smorgasbord of sensation.  
Their collaboration is symbiotic; they're each other's muse. When he arrives, they greet him charmingly: Renata with a perfumed air-kiss along his unscarred cheek, Margot with a coy squeeze of his hand in both her own. They are dressed to kill in contrasting gowns of champagne silk and silver mesh.  On both their hands sit a pair of impressively-sized engagement rings.
Silco gives them his wry admiration. "My congratulations, ladies. Or is it condolences?"
"Tsk, Silco. You do tease."  
Renata proffers her hand to flaunt the ring. Like most Undercity jewels, it is made of black diamonds from the mines. Piltovans hanker for white and colored gems. They are less opaque, thus easier to grade by color intensity. But black diamonds are rarer still—and because of their scarcity, fetch higher prices.
Silco would know.
As boys, he and Vander nearly suffocated during a tunnel collapse to collect broken diamond ore and haul it to the surface. They were taught to value black diamonds above everything else. Including—especially—their own lives. A sumpsnipe was as common as shit in the alleyside. A black diamond was priceless.
The stone is rough-cut, an iridescent blue vein running down the center. It is sharpened to a spike, and retractable like a claw. The design serves a dual purpose: a glittering proof of partnership and a hard-edged tool for self-protection. This one could puncture steel.
"Truly a work of art," Renata says. "Twelve miners died in the making of this jewel."
Margot giggles coyly. "I think they would celebrate the result."
"Blood is far less pedestrian than champagne."
"And leaves a sweeter aftertaste."
They laugh in ribald collusion.
To Silco, they resemble a pair of hyenas draped in designer silks—predacious and patently phony. Their laughter spills like blood through a tourniquet. On the rare occasion he finds himself in their company, he feels a sense of amused ennui that these creatures, a dark nadir to Piltover's bright apex, are his nation's crème de la crème, its end-product of proud aristocracy. How will it end? He can hazard a guess: with bloodlines as watery as the Pilt, and as poisonous, with dull-eyed socialites and blustering buffoons at the top of the slag heap, their children grown fat on imported decadences and their minds washed complacently clean of history by fashionable frippery.
That is Zaun's future if it forgets its roots. It is why he must cut deals and cut throats. Safeguard legacy against entropy.
Protect Jinx's future.
He settles back into his seat, eyelids drooping half-shut. "You'll forgive me if I don't ask for particulars on your engagement."
"That's a man for you," Renata scoffs. "Little is worth lingering on. But yes—you’re forgiven. And darling, I know you told me not to have supper prepared. But I took the liberty of having Elza fix oyster pâté. Your favorite, I recall."
"Divine," he lies.
"And tea, of course. You could use some tea."
"The day has been long."
"Ah, but your speech." Margot flutters her eyelashes. "I listened to the broadcast this afternoon. You were magnificent! So passionate!"
"That was the idea."
"You should likewise rouse my workers. Cheeky things—they deserve a proper tongue lashing! I'm still a-blush over the last’s misconduct."
"Photography is hardly a crime. But there is a time and place. Jinx’s bedroom is neither."
"I hope his impertinence can be forgiven."
"On the contrary. I was amused. Boy thought a lot of himself. I quite cured him of the notion." His small smile doesn't bother to hide its sharp-toothed secrets. "But is that why you sent him to me? To play Krampus to the intransigent?"
"You have such a fine hand for discipline."
"And a better eye for blackmail."
Margot colors up. Renata purses her lips.
Silence hangs heavy as a noose.
Silco cuts to the chase. "The new ordinance on brothels," he says. "Neither of you approve."
Renata raises a single, fastidiously plucked eyebrow.  "It’s less approval than mystification, Silco. Do prostitutes really need a guild?"
"It would increase tax revenue. And make life easier for the ordinary Zaunite."
Margot pouts girlish censure. "Surely, as procuress of the Vyx, my workers are exempt?"
"Regrettably: no."
"But Silco—"
He cuts her off with a gently-worded warning. "Your concerns are noted.  But let us keep things in perspective. Our priority remains Zaun. That means more than just Sextech and warm bodies. It means the safety of our citizens. And those who perform acts of service on their behalf."
"We're not safekeepers," Renata says archly. "We are businesspeople."
"Then it behooves you to take care of your investments. Before they become liabilities."
"Hence your endless ordinances."
The cords on Renata's neck rise, as if she wants to spit in his face. Instead, she smiles sweetly. "How paternalistic."
Silco's own smile is slow, cold. "We each serve different mistresses. Mine is Zaun, and her welfare."
"Your one true love."
She titters. "You’ll work yourself into an early grave, Silco."
"I'll have plenty of company."
"Good gracious!” Margot says. “What poor company the dead would make."
"Then liven it up while I'm breathing." Silco consults his pocketwatch. "If we've concluded our business..."
Margot nods demurely. "I'll ring for Elza to pour tea."
She starts to rise. Silco lays two fingertips on her wrist. He is still smiling. But his eyes have taken on a dark and deadly shine.
"Tea is sweeter when you pour it, Margot,” he says. “And incidentally, Renata—I hate oyster pâté."
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pirate-queen-boy · 2 years
Tell me you don't see it!
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Alright, but let me really explain this one:
the Finale of ARCANE aired November 20th, 2021, and Renata Glasc the LoL champion was anouced on Febuary 1st, 2022. On the surface, it may look like Renata didn't exist until after Arcane. BUT, you have to remember, game development doesn't just take one day, and the Idea of Renata Glasc must have been forming for some time.
There could have been some overlap between the development of ARCANE and the character Renata Glasc. Case and point, and this is just speculation, this was planned early on.
I mean LOOK AT THEM! They both got the arm, on the same side too, and said arm seems to be powered by shimmer on both ends. Not to mention, after Silco's demise, someone will need to take over his buisness. And idk about yall, but I think Sevika is more that capable and willing to take that position. And Renata Glasc is already known as the Chem Baroness.
They knew all along! I cannot be wrong this time!
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selfship-stims · 7 months
F/O Spotlight: Renata Glasc
Every Sapphic player seemed to have the same reaction when we read those words for the first time: "I love how she turned out - stern, sinister, sophisticated, serpentine, sardonic, sapphic, sublime, surreptitious..."
Suddenly, Zaun's Chem Baroness was causing even more of an uproar! Of course, I already found her to be super attractive... but to find out that I would have, like, a chance with her blew my mind. Anyway, here's a stimboard about it.
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Credits: ~ ♡ ♡ ♡ ~ ~ ♡ ♡ ♡ ~ ~ ♡ ♡ ♡ ~
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mileenasfavourite · 2 years
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.ೃpairing; Renata Glasc x Elia (my oc, and E for short) ⋆·˚ ༘ *
asked by : @roguescarlett !
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ꃼ: most of the time, it's renata who cooks for them
.ೃ: Elia confessed first ! but ren told them no but Elia tried and tried and with time Ren finally said yes.
.ೃ: in the beginning Elia was just an architect in glasc industries
.ೃElia hates alcohol so whenever Ren drinks whisky Elia will take her glass and yell at ren (kinda deserved)
.ೃ At the beginning Ren used Elia for sex but they got closer and renata fell in love
.ೃWhen renata comes home late (every day) she always find E laying in the couch, asleep, waiting for the chem baroness to come home, so when It happens renata always smiles and takes E in a bridal style and give them a kiss on the forehead
"you always wait for me my love"
E wakes up
"I agree but it's worth it baby"
.ೃThe sex between them? in one word, insane, they can do it savagely where ren can spit in E's mouth, and E eats out renata or they can do it completely the opposite, where they kiss each other, two soulmates sharing each other's feelings .
.ೃThey never argue, that doesn't exist between them.
.ೃRenata makes sure that Elia is safe by texting them every hour to see if they're okay
.ೃWhen Elia isn't asleep, they wait for renata to come home, and when she arrives Elia takes renata's hand to relax.
"Baby I have paperwork to do for next week"
"Ren you've been working since days and days, you need to relax, come I made you a bath"
"Aw, you're sweet"
Then renata gets in, Elia can take care of her beloved by massaging her scalp or giving her kisses on the neck.
.ೃOne day, they were making love and renata suddenly went :
"Would you look at that, I barely touched you, you're wet, slut"
"Baby stop teasing me..."
then they made love for the 972748493th time in the day👌🏻
.ೃRenata was the one to propose,
and Elia kept saying no for years to make fun of Renata.
"Marry me"
"Ask again in 3 years" and she did
"It's been 3 years now, marry me"
"Ahh you keep asking that"
"I want you to be mine forever"
E gives a small kiss on renata's lips.
"I'm already yours forever Renata glasc"
.ೃRenata HATES so much when Elia calls her "Ren"
.ೃOne night they were both outside and E was talking, Renata keept looking at them...love, her heartbeat went so fast...
"I love you" Renata says
"You what?"
"I fucking love you"
Elia kisses renata E's arms around renata's neck and the chem baroness's arms on E's hips , the kiss was full of love, joy, and many more
"I love you too dumbass"
"Uh I hate you actually "
.ೃ: Age difference ? I assume renata's is in her 50's and Elia is 28.
Powers: Elia is born with a neon ability which means they can aspire any neon they see to defend themselves (inspired by fetch in infamous first light)
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by an accident Elia lost both of their legs and one arm which means renata gave them cyborg legs and arm
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ꃼ KINKS༘ *
Elia is a submissive even if they try to be Dom THEY JUST CANT
E loves: shibari, candle games, hair pulling, Renata's kisses, loves when ren slaps them on their cheeks to remind them who they belong to, degradation, controlled orgasms, praise and breeding kink
She loves being the owner of E, she controls everything, E is very muscular so they could be dom. But nah, Renata owns Elia. She's a pro in shibari it's her who introduced that thing to E. Renata loves when E eats her out, and she sometimes accepts E to use the strap on, on her that makes E a dom at 2 pourcent
They also love when renata calls them : pretty boy, my sweet girl, slut, whore...
"Aren't you my sweet boy?" Renata says while fingering her partner
"mhm mhm, look at you taking me so well"
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they love when Renata calls them: partner, love, dove, little crow, bird, honey.
Renata loves to be called mommy, baby, angel, sweetheart, love.
.ೃThey both hate kids, they both prefer to adopt animals, better option
.ೃ E is from Zaun just like renata, and their dream? see the sea!
.ೃElia is half Greek half Italian
.ೃ If they were both flowers, E would be a lycoris radiata and ren would be a rose.
.ೃ on their engagement ring there is their anniversary date aka 16 of July
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thank you for reading I also apologise for my broken English 💀💀
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league-of-skins · 11 months
Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness
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thunder-jolt · 2 years
Explosive Travels...
Renata, the Chem-Baroness: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Bionaca, the Biomechanical Songbird (My OC): Several traffic violations. And explosions.
Aspen, the Wild Yordle (My OC): Three counts of resisting arrest. And some explosions.
Jinx, the Loose Cannon: Just blasted my cannon all the way here is what I did! And some more explosions.
Viego, the Ruined King: Also, Lady Glasc, *points to their crashed car through the wall* that’s not our car.
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independentzaun · 1 year
It'd be interesting if...
After Silco died Sevika left for a while. Probably goes to Noxus, and spends some time figuring out what she wants to do purely for herself... and realizes she misses Zaun and she goes back. When she goes back though she takes her grandmothers last name, and changes her own first name.
Renata Glasc
New chem-baroness who despite being "new" knows a strangely high amount about everyone, and who to talk to and how and very quickly becomes a power to be reckoned with.
Quick edit. But imagine Sevika just showing back up like
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The Howling Past pt9
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-Enforcer Vi. The little spark of Zaun, Zeri. Please step out. No harm will be done to you.
-Wait, I know that voice…- it belonged to a woman who was on in years but still possessed an authoritarian tone. Zeri stepped outside and faced the source. Her look became severe and aggressive. Vi followed.
-Renata Glasc.
-Zeri, my dear… it’s been a while.- Renata was ten metres away from the two ladies, speaking through a megaphone. -I’m terribly sorry that you got caught amidst the fire of my men. We were hunting down the terrible, terrible beast that has been terrorizing this city. I was unaware that the monster had company.
-I didn’t know you and Glasc were acquaintances.
-We don’t drink tea and eat biscuits together if that’s what you mean. Sometimes I meddled in her affairs.
-Yeah, I thought so. You don’t look like the type of girl who drinks tea anyway.- Vi stepped once towards the Chem-Baroness and spoke loudly. -Glasc! This is an official police operation! Leave or be prepared to face the law!-
-Oh, officer, I’m offended! I…
-Yeah, yeah, don’t act so offended with me, Glasc. I’ve had a long day and you’re in the way. If any of your men shoots one more time I’m going to arrest every single one of you!- Vi would have loved to do what she had just said, if she didn’t know that she didn’t have the strength to make her threat real. She pressed a secret button on one side of her gauntlet.
-You’re out of your jurisdiction, Enforcer,- replied Renata with a much more menacing voice, -you have no power nor right to be here, let alone arrest anyone.- every word she said came out of her mouth with utmost seriousness and aggressivity.
-Why are you even here? Don’t you have a perfume business to run?
-Vi, I don’t think that taunting her is wise…- Zeri knew better than anyone what Renata was capable of and that she didn’t like to be challenged.
-Take Vander out of here.- whispered Vi.
-I’m going to have her focused on me. You try to not appear suspicious and find a way to save Vander.- she returned addressing Renata, -Again, leave or prepare to face the consequences of your actions.-
Renata Glasc was an extremely powerful woman in Zaun, the most powerful person since Silco, and arguably even more than he was. Seeing a Pilty coming to HER city and giving orders was the most disrespectful act she could think of.
-Bold of you to order me, in MY city. As they say, if you’re not working for me,- she raised her left arm, a mechanical arm that replaced the limb lost in a fire long ago. She snapped the ivory fingers and all the mercenaries pointed their weapons at the two girls, -you’re working against me.-
Vi assumed her angry look.
-You see, Zaun is not only my home, it is my responsibility, my duty to keep it safe from problems and dangers. I don’t know why you’re trying to save that foul beast and I don’t care. It’s a rabid dog and must be put down. Also, I cannot let the two murderers of Petrok Grime get away…
-What are you…- before Zeri could finish her sentence, Renata took her gun in hand, pointed it at the Chem-Baron still on the ground and shot. The bullet hit the glass helmet and soon filled with blood, slowly pouring out through the bullet hole. Even if Grim had somehow survived the exploding hell that was in that plaza earlier, with that shot he was surely dead.
Renata smirked, a look she immediately hid behind a mask of fake justice and resentment. -You killed Petrok! He was a dear friend of mine and you monsters murdered him!-
The mercenaries started shooting again, forcing the girls to hide in the warehouse once more. They closed the door shut and locked it with a wooden board.
-I don’t think this is a good way to make negotiations, Renata.- said Vi to herself.
-What should we do now?!- Zeri let her gun fall to the ground, bringing her hands to her face and walking compulsively. -We’re trapped! We’re doomed!-
Vi looked at the building. It was rather small for a warehouse, made of stone walls and wooden beams, not different from any other building in the Sump. At the centre of the floor, the wolf-man was still out, but the most visible wounds, the ones from the bullets, appeared to be healed.
Vi approached it. -Vander, are you ok?-
The beast opened its eyes, rage-filled. -There is no Vander, only CARNAGE!- and tried to bite Vi. She reacted by punching it in the face with her gauntlet, knocking it out cold.
-Warwick is back! As if the soldiers were not enough!- more pressure on Zeri.
-Yeah… must have been the blood.
-What should we do?!- the shooting stopped. To the electromancer, that silence, somehow, was even more unnerving than the bullets hitting the stonewalls.
Vi stood up. -We’re leaving.-
-What?! How?! We can’t go through that door with the soldiers on the other side!
-Who said anything about that?- Vi positioned herself in front of the wall on the opposite side of the door. -Here’s a tip, kid…- she started charging her gauntlet, -sometimes, you gotta MAKE a door!- and unleashing the full power of the Atlas gauntlet on the stonewall. The wall opposed no resistance, letting the enforcer pass as if it was an open gate.
Vi assessed the situation and analyzed the area: it was an empty building, an abandoned house. Perfect.
She looked behind. -You coming?-
Zeri was amazed by that power. If Vi had wished, back when they were fighting, she could have knocked her head off with a single strike. It was kinda scary.
-Y-Yes!- the wall crumbled behind Zeri as soon as she passed the hole.
-Wait! What about Vander?
-Don’t worry about him.
Soldiers with equipment heavily resembling the enforcer’s entered the building with with rifles in hands. They immediately looked behind the doors to avoid any surprise attacks. -Clear!-
-Visual on the main target.- said one of the soldiers as soon as he saw the unconscious wolf on the ground. -It looks dead. Approaching to confirm status.-
The other soldiers perlustrated the room. -Area secured.- confirmed one of the men in arms.
The leaders of that small group of fine soldiers approached Vander. -Ma’am, we have secured the specimen. It appears to be dead.-
The shadow figure had won again. It was holding in its grasp the man and then it slammed to the ground, tired and wounded.
It was time to let the beast out once more.
The wolf opened his eyes. They had abandoned the sadness they possessed minutes ago and replaced it with homicidal intents.
Screams of terror, snarling and shooting came from the warehouse. When they finished, a 7’8” feet tall wolf busted through the main door covered in the blood of the soldiers. If some drops of Vi’s blood were able to accelerate its healing factor enough to heal some bullet wounds, all of that blood had given it a new life, and Warwick was back in action.
-The monster! Kill it!- ordered Renata to her men as soon as her eyes met Warwick’s figure. It snarled back at her and the remaining mercenaries.
Vi and Zeri were watching from a window of the building they ended up in. Vi’s plan worked: after Warwick tried to bite her it was obvious that Vander had fallen again into the abyss of its mind. She would have brought him back, no matter the cost, but for the moment she had to face another problem.
-It has no chance against all of those goons, not in that state.
-What do we do now, Vi?
-We need to help Vander. Warwick will not survive in the shape it is now, and if the wolf dies so will Vander. How are you doing, Zeri?- the electromancer did not stop moving for a second, it helped her fight the fear and the anxiety. Her sparkling was non-stop and as bright as ever.
-I’ve never felt more charged.
-I like your spirit, kid. I’m a little dried up, but I won’t surrender.
The two ladies exited from the window. Renata and her men were too busy dealing with Warwick to notice them. By looking at how the wolf was fighting, it was obvious that it was not as sharp, aggressive and deadly as it was earlier, moving as if it didn’t even realize what shape it was in, attempting jumps it couldn’t do, tanking shots it couldn’t take and losing blood. But despite the wounds of the mercenaries’ bullets, the wolf was still going. Rage and bloodlust were all that was going on in its head, and it was managing to kill its fair share of enemies. But for how long?
-It’s not going to last long, not without the shimmer.- Vi and Zeri had flanked the mercenaries by utilizing the distraction that Warwick had given them. -This is your last chance to get away before shit goes south. Are you sure?-
-YES!- Zeri nodded at the speed of sound to that question.
-Then we go in and go ham. Ready?
-I’m scared and excited and I’m going to die and everything is going to be fantastic!- she looked like she ate too much sugar.
-Ok…- said Vi confused, -let’s go!-
The two jumped over the wall that separated them from the mercenaries. Vi grabbed the closest mercenary at her, who was running to an unknown destination, and punched him with her gauntlet, knocking him out cold.
Zeri had found other mercs carrying ammo to their fellow armed men. She zapped them and left them unconscious on the ground.
-We need to get to Glasc, it’s the only way to stop them all at once.- Zeri nodded again.
Meanwhile, Warwick was forced to seek shelter behind a wall. The bullets were useless against it so they decided to start using explosives. That was the only reason why Renata would allow it and only with some limitations: the mercenaries were only allowed to use them in unpopulated areas and only a small amount of it, in order to avoid any unwanted damage to Zaun. She wanted to make it a better place, or at least this was her default reply when accused of doing something of dubious nature, always using her charisma to save herself from any bad publicity and accusations. Except for Zeri. She had meddled with her plans several times. Was she really trying to remove a wild, savage and dangerous beast from Zaun? Would Warwick be captured and killed? Would she use it for her nefarious plans? Did she have nefarious plans at all?
Warwick had always hunted using the shadows. They were its friends and servants, its refuge and domain, its essence and its being. From the shadows, Warwick would move, wait, follow, attack, evade and, like in that moment, hide. The wall behind which the wolf was hiding crumbled and fell after two grenades, revealing that it was hiding nothing more.
-Spread out! Find the monster!- ordered Renata. An ominous object, like a giant chess pawn, was hovering beside her. It showed a red liquid behind its glass part and was never leaving her side.
A mercenary yelled for her attention. -Ma’am! Someone has entered our lines! We found some soldiers down!-
-What?! Why haven’t you raised the alarm yet, you imbeciles?!
There was a ruckus in the northern part of the area they had occupied to hunt down Warwick. Some people had been seen flying, thrown away as if they were garbage. A pink-haired woman was responsible for that and was a difficult opponent to deal with due to her weapon that possessed unbelievable strength and a magic barrier, spherical, tough enough to resist heavy blows and that could deflect bullets, causing friendly fire accidents.
-What is the meaning of this?
-Hello, Glasc!
-Vi?!- Renata reached the area and found the woman in her barrier surrounded by mercenaries with their guns pointed at her. -What are you doing here?-
-Glad you joined the party! Why don’t you tell your goons to stop being so trigger-happy and cease this war parade?
Renata Glasc looked at her with a mix of annoyance and resentment, but also a spark of joy. -Kill her.- she ordered. -Use explosives if needed, but that barrier will not hold forever. Once it fades fill her up with bullets.- she takes one step towards the front, where Warwick was last seen.
-What, you don’t want to see what happens next? I promise you that seeing me kicking your goons’ asses will be worth it!- said Vi out loud. Renata stopped and looked at the enforcer once again.
-What is there to be seen? I don’t have the stomach to watch a fool getting what she deserves and die like the lapdog she is. I don’t like stories I know how they end, it’s a waste of my time.- she concluded as she lighted a cigar and took a big puff of smoke.
-Well… you never know when the plot may surprise you with a twist.
-And what is this plot twist supposed to be, my dear?- she then realized something, -Wait, where’s Zeri?!-
-Hello, Renata.- from behind her, a familiar voice distracted the businesswoman and a weird metallic gun was being pointed at her head. Unconscious mercenaries around her.
-Zeri. You reveal yourself as the backstabber you truly are.- she didn’t even turn around. Zeri didn’t deserve the courtesy to be shown respect, especially after interfering in her business so many times. -And it’s “Miss Glasc” if you value your life.- she took one last puff of smoke before throwing the cigar to the ground.
-Tell your men to lay down their weapons.- the Zeri with mixed emotions had disappeared, leavingthe spotlight to the Zeri who had already faced the Chem-Baroness in the past. She had never gone this close to pointing a gun to her head, though. It felt like… victory.
A movement of the businesswoman’s head and the mercenaries all dropped their rifles and handguns. They then took two steps back from Vi. She, feeling to be a little safe, turned off the barrier. If what Zeri did hadn’t worked the barrier would have probably overheated itself and turned off on its own after some seconds.
-See? I knew we could talk this out!- said a smiling Vi while reaching them, -Good job, Zeri.-
-Thanks. It wasn’t easy sneaking up on her.
-Enough with this nonsense and tell me what your business is!- Renata turned to the ladies, as authoritarian as ever.  -What do you want with that foul beast?-
-As I said, Glasc, it was a police operation. If you had let me do my damn job, the wolf would have not been a problem anymore.
-And I’m supposed to believe that? Zaun is not your jurisdiction, you have no power here!- despite being at Zeri’s gunpoint, Renata was behaving as normal, not letting the situation put fear in her heart and diminish her authority. She was a strong, powerful woman who had lived the struggles that every zaunites live. What differentiated Renata Glasc from Zeri and Vi was her arm, or better, the story behind that ivory-coloured limb.
-And do you think that you can command an army inside Zaun?- Zeri almost lashed at her. She was very tempted to zap her, only to remember that doing that would cause the mercenaries to retaliate.
-You’ll soon learn, child, that in Zaun there is nothing I cannot do, especially if the city’s safety is at stake.
-Bravo, Glasc. You’ve learned what to say to the people to make them like you. Basic manipulation.- said Vi clapping her hands, -You killed Grime and blamed us. This ends now, I’m bringing you in.-
-You think you can scare me?- Renata approached the enforcer, -It doesn’t matter how loud you bark or how hard you bite, Vi. A lap dog’s a lap dog.- Renata showed no hint of fear when talking to Vi while looking at her in her blue eyes. She took a breathing mask from a pocket of her jacket and put it on her face.
-Why the mask? Afraid I may make you swallow your teeth?
-Oh, darling, I’m more afraid of breathing the same air as you.- Vi put her gauntlet around Renata’s throat.
-Oh, yeah? How about your neck? Doesn’t it need protection?
-Hey! Watch the suit!
-You’re right, it is a fine suit, too bad the stains of blood.- Vi tightened her fingers a little, enough to make Renata gasp for air.
-You’re not going to kill me! Zaun will not accept it!
-Try me.
-Vi… we don’t have to be enemies. Let me change your mind.
A snap of her white hand and the big hovering chess piece accompanying Renata unleashed the red substance it contained. A massive cloud of the colour of blood engulfed the three zaunites women. Vi and Zeri started coughing immediately and Renata freed herself from the hold on her throat and hit Vi in the face with her bionic arm.
-You know, Vi,- she said while touching her throat and adjusting her suit, -it’s a shame you chose to go to the side of Piltover. I could have used a guard dog such as yourself on my side, but I guess that your weakness cannot be hidden with a couple of metal gloves. And Zeri, perhaps I might have been more like you if my parents had survived: poor and weak!- concluded this with a kick on Zeri’s stomach.
The two ladies were on their knees, coughing and choking for fresh air. They felt like dying at first, thinking that a poison of some sort was what Renata had spread with that floating thing. The mask she put on… that was the signal that something wrong was about to happen…
Their vision was going red, and red was all they could see. And the rage… like they had never felt before.
-I will enjoy watching you tearing each other apart, girls. Have fun!- Renata walked away escorted by some of her men, only to get annoyed to discover that Warwick had disappeared. She would have loved to see what would have happened between her two enemies, but the wolf matter was her priority.
-You! Make sure they don’t escape and cause too much trouble.- she ordered some of her men and walked away.
Vi and Zeri were in pain, their brain aching as if they had the worst of migraines. The rage was growing. Not even Vi had ever experienced such anger and violence. They did not know how to stop it.
The two started screaming. They looked at each other with killing intents.
Vi dashed at Zeri gauntlet first. She didn’t charge it but she wanted to smack it so hard on Zeri’s face. The electromancer too dashed towards the former ally, her electricity sparkling all over her body. She was fast, she was overloading with power and her intent was to make Vi suffer.
She reached the enforcer and easily dodged her punch, touching her arm in the process. The shock she gave her was much more intense than the ones Vi experienced the first time they fought and stopped her for a few seconds. Now even more enraged and screaming her heart out, Vi tried to hit her as if she was trying to catch an annoying fly with electrical powers. Zeri was buzzing around her and every zap was with enough power to incapacitate a normal person. This would have normally brought Vi to the ground, probably dead, if the red mist hadn’t given her the strength to resist and keep on fighting.
The rage of a demon, the strength of an earthquake, the incapability to stop fighting and the impossibility to recognize allies from foes. Whatever that mist was, it was much worse than the shimmer Silco used to deal in. If Renata was to unleash it on Piltover, it would be absolute chaos, and the worse part was that Vi was too busy trying to murder Zeri to realise the danger.
Suddenly, the wind rose.
A breeze at first, it quickly transformed into multiple small hurricanes, engulfing the ladies who were trying to murder each other. The red mist was scattered and Vi and Zeri fell to the ground, too weak and tired to do anything. From one of the tornadoes emerged a woman, tall and white dressed. She held a cyan staff and emit wind from her body. Her hair moved tirelessly.
-What happens here? Where’s the mist?- Renata returned to the scene after witnessing the tornadoes. The sight of that beautiful woman appeared from nowhere shocked Renata. -Janna?! What are you doing here?!- no response. -No matter, kill her!-
The mercenaries started shooting to the wind spirit, dozens of them, but no bullet managed to reach the target nor the ladies on the ground. A strong wind protected the three of them diverting the projectiles where no one could get hurt. And grenades and swords and whoever tried to get near got pushed away by that mysterious wind coming from Janna.
They were forced to stop, it was a waste of time and resources.
Renata stepped towards the spirit.
-What are you doing here? Answer me!- the tall, blond woman said nothing, limiting herself to just staring at the Chem-Baroness with an accusatory look. -What, you don’t think I deserve a reply?! Who do you think you are?!- Renata took her gun and pointed it at her, despite what happened seconds ago. -You save these fools and not who really needs help! Why?!-
Even before Janna could think of answering that last question, the area was illuminated with reflectors powerful enough to blind some of the mercenaries. Renata turned towards the source of the light shielding her eyes with her white arm.
-This is Sheriff Kieramman from the Piltover Police Department. Lay down your weapons and cease this and no harm will be done to you.
Backup had arrived.
Renata was furious, and it showed even through her mask. -Do as she said.- her tone was angry but contained, annoyed but under control, like a businesswoman such as herself was supposed to be in moments like that.
She reached for her megaphone. -Sheriff, we have no bad intentions here. We were taking care of one problem Zaun has had for far too long.
Caitlyn and her forces reached the area and surrounded the mercenaries. Janna kneeled to Vi and Zeri to check their conditions. Their lungs would have been corrupted by the mist for months, maybe years. A faint light from her hand moved the air around it, and by putting her hand in front of Vi’s nose first and Zeri’s second, she cleansed their lungs from that substance.
Renata’s gaze was back at Janna. The night of the fire was branded in front of her eyes.
-Where were you when I needed you the most, Janna?
The wind spirit did not answer, but the look in her eyes was pitiful and full of sorrow. Then, as the wind engulfed the spirit, a tear made its way through Janna’s cheek. She then vanished as she appeared.
Caitlyn arrived to face the Cham-Baroness. -Glasc.-
-Why was my Chief Warden among that red mist and why is she injured?
-I don’t know, Sheriff, my men and I were trying to deal with a dangerous monster when she showed up and attacked us.
-I highly doubt that, Glasc. Vi had precise orders to follow.
-And you’re so sure that she did follow them to the letter, aren’t you? Vi’s not exactly famous to be rational nor a pacifist. What makes you think that you can control her when she’s out of your sight?
-I don’t have to tell you anything. How I handle my colleagues and partners is none of your business.
-Oh, but I think it is if your ‘partner’ attacks someone outside hers and your jurisdiction.- Renata smiled beneath her mask and walked around Caitlyn, -You don’t want the other Chem-Barons, as you call us, to know that you came here with armed forces, do you? Not only do you Piltovans still, after all these years, think you can suppress the good people of Zaun, but you won’t even listen to their pleas for mercy.- Renata put her ivory hand on the sheriff’s shoulder, -Things have changed since Silco rose to power only to lose it because he couldn’t control a psychopath. You no longer hold us in your grip. I, Renata Glasc, will show you all what Zaun can really do!.- she returned to stand in front of the sheriff but her pawn-like drone remained behind Caitlyn. -But I have no bad intentions towards you, Sheriff. Let me show you.-
The drone activated with a faint beep. It was about to open and unleash its red mist again. Renata’s triumph would have been complete.
It was an instant: Caitlyn turned around and shot the drone, making it shut down and fall to the ground, preventing the red mist to engulf the area once more.
-Bold of you attempting an attack we already witnessed once.
-What?! But… how?!
-We were in the dark, preparing for the ambush. We saw your pesky drone releasing that substance and we knew it was mandatory to make it inoperable.- Caitlyn pointed her rifle to Renata, -Now, you’re right. I have no jurisdiction here, not as the Sheriff of Piltover, at least. This is why I was invited.-
-Invited?! By whom!?
An old man in fancy blue clothes, a hat of the same colour and the eyes ever so hidden by two round lenses stepped in with his cane. -Chross.- said Renata with disgust.
-Always a pleasure to see you, Renata.
-Why did you let these Pilties here?! What business do you have with them?
-Why, what’s wrong with keeping in touch with people from my hometown, Renata?- Chross was, indeed, born and bred in Piltover, who decided to go to the Under City to make a name for himself, possessing skills and abilities that were not appreciated in his hometown, and becoming a Chem-Baron. He was active during Silco’s reign.
-Chross informed us that there was chaos in the Sump and asked to check. Imagine my surprise when I realized that Vi might be involved. What I didn’t imagine was that I’d see my partner surrounded by your armed men and fighting for her life because you were hunting monsters.
-So you’re a snitch, Chross. Why am I not surprised…- Renata looked at him as if he was an insect begging to be squashed. -I’ll deal with you when you less expect it.-
-Save your empty threats, Renata, we both know that the Hush Company has some uses for you. Harm me and our partnership is over for good.
-We’ll see about that.
-Take her away.
-Don’t you dare touch me! You may mettle with my absolute legit affairs, but you have no right handcuffing me!
-We’re not, but this is over. Whatever you were doing it ceases now.
The two women stared at each other in the eyes for seconds that felt hours, like the world itself stopped, waiting for that standoff between those aspects of law and chaos to end. None of them was going to give up.
Until a much more pressing matter disturbed them both.
-Miss Glasc!- a warden and a mercenary both called their respective leader at the same time.
-What?!- responded the two women. If looks could kill, both men would have perished where they stood, smited by divine retribution.
-The target has disappeared, Miss Glasc.
-We’re taking the Chief Enforcer to a hospital, as well as a zaunite girl.
The two women looked at each other again.
-This isn’t over.
-Not until I say so, Sheriff.- and they parted ways.
With Warwick gone, there was nothing left to do for Renata, so she left, angry and scarred on her pride.
Caitlyn, au contrair, had so much to do, with the top priority to check on her dear friend. Vi was being carried by two enforcers after receiving emergency aid and getting sure she was stable. They stopped as they saw the sheriff getting close to them. Her eyes were impassible, yet, somehow, full of sorrow. She caressed her cheek, her tattoo under the left eye. She was crying despite not sharing tears. -I trust you’ll take care of her.-
-Yes, Ma’am. Leave her to us!- the enforcers left. Caitlyn followed them with her look.
How many times had that scene played in that exact way? And yet, she’ll never get used to it. Vi was tough, the toughest person she knew, but still, the thought of losing her was unbearable.
She turned her back to the sight of her friend in peril, knowing that there was nothing she could do.
She took a long, deep breath.
-Alright, let’s get to work
(Image by Riot Games)
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
hii moss 🫶🏻 i just wanted to say i adore your works, and would love to see more renata glasc content of any kind <3
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description. you never liked any of your stepmoms in the past and you were fully prepared to hate this one
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pairings. renata glasc + f! reader
minors dni. lowercase writing intended, nsfw content, stepcest, implied cheating, age gap, sub ! f ! reader, dom ! renata glasc, mommy kink, oral (reader receiving), cunnilingus, name calling 'good girl, darling',
moss' notes. you know moss is right, this is really tempting HERE IS SOMETHING THAT IS ANYTHING, moss really tried making it filthy so the anonie would adore this one <3
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there was little to cherish about your father finding a new woman to fool around with. it meant you had to put up with yet another rich bitch, their snob, spoiled children and their horrible manner. maybe the bigger bed, the nicer clothes were to be happy about but it was hard to say you wanted all this. you hoped it wouldn't be long enough to have you call her 'mom'.
"settling in alright?" renata stepped into the room, a warm smile on her face as she leaned against the doorway, waiting for your answer. you shrugged, giving her half a nod while saying, "so far so good."
but with renata glasc it wasn't as bad as with the others, she took care of you, making sure you eat well, had everything just like you were a real daughter to her, and involved you in almost everything she could. no wonder why your father loved her, you loved her too.
"your father went out to get some of his business sorted out, he will be out for the day, probably a little longer." you put the rolled-up papers back into their little box, humming to let her know you heard her while pushing yourself up from the floor to the bed.
"you'll be leaving too soon?" you asked like a little child who wasn't sure if they were being left alone for five minutes or their whole life. renata stepped in front of you, cupping your face gently, a quiet chuckle leaving her lips as she shook her head.
"no, staying home today. i am long due to having a day off from work, relax a little..." she didn't finish her sentence as she leaned down, pulled the slightest on your face, and planted a short peck on your lips. it picked up its pace rather quickly, the innocent pecks turning into a passionate and sloppy kiss with renata pushing you further up on your bed.
her hand-made quick work pushing your shirt up and discarding your pants, lazily throwing them onto the ground where the half-empty boxes rest. renata's own vest was somewhere in the pile, tie hanging around her neck with your hands gripping each end to keep her as close as possible, her deep purple button down missing the first few buttons, letting her voluptuous breasts craddled by the laced bra.
"did you touch yourself while i was gone?" she asked after pulling away, making herself comfortable on your waist, her index finger tracing along your jawline, your throat, the middle of your chest, down your stomach before hooking into the hem of your underwear. you shook your head, repeating any variant of 'no', drawing a pleasant grin onto the older woman's lips.
"good girl, you deserve mommy to take care of you." renata's other hand joined on the hem of your adorable lacey pantie, snapping it against your skin playfully. you whined, tugging on the white tie still in your hand. renata adjusted her position, her face resting between the plush of your thighs, peppering the soft skin with tingling love bites.
"renata..." you sighed, your head falling to the side as the chem baroness' warm breath ghosted over your aching clit. you just wanted to thread your fingers through her hair, grip it and finally have her put her mouth to use.
she was on thin ice all week long, teasing you every opportunity she got like when she sat close to you at the dinner table, her hand finding its way along your thighs, or when she walked up and down in the house without a shirt on, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you did your chores for the day, her hand restig on your waist and if your father wasn't around, it daringly scooted to the front of your crotch.
"patience, darling, just getting there." renata chuckled, hand caressing the sides of your thighs before hooking them under your knee and putting your legs over her shoulder. her manicured nails dug into your soft flesh, moving your hips closer to her wet tongue, ready to devour you.
you moaned loudly as renata's eager tongue swept over your pussy, delving between your lips to collect the tangy wetness that pooled there. her tongue was hot against your core, the tip of her nose brushing slightly against your clit gently. renata traced patterns around your clit with her tongue and you swore you could see stars. you squirmed, grinding against her face sloppily, knuckles turning white as you gripped on the sheets under you, trying to ground yourself from the pleasure. heavy tension coiled in your belly, getting thighter and thighter as the chem-baroness' tongue relentlessly dipping into your drenched hole.
"hah- renata, fuck-!" you were helpless to the noises that spilled from your lips. your face felt hot, your breath cutting off, eyes clenching shut as renata's tongue snakes inside of you, stretching you and curling fiercely, hitting your most sensitive parts.
your back arched off of the soft covers, your body tensing, thigh muscles flexing before closing around renata's head.
"fuck 'nata, hah...!" your soft cries were swallowed as renata kissed you again, gasping into the kiss with a mixture of wanton lust and relief as two fingers pushes into you.
"a little louder, let mommy hear you darling." harder done than said, being finger-fucked by your step mother in your room, being afraid that your father comes back any second because he left something here- you tried to choke back your cries, opting to cover your mouth with the back of your palm, curses murmured, puring like rain with every motion.
your brows pinched, every soft thrust was another roll of your hips, and a breathy moan that passed your lips and into the open of your bedroom. you felt so warm down your center, it rippling through your entire body in waves. even if renata was being gentle now, it was an absolute moment of bliss for you.
the kindness and gentle touches didn't last for too long, as lenthly pulls of renata's fingers turned into harsh thrusts, knuckle deep with a wet noise echoing in the half empty room. your hips continued to roll and it was all you could do to stop yourself from being completely consumed by reanta's ministratins. you wanted to feel, wanted to focus on it, enjoy it in every way you could.
your breath grew heavy while your core tightened up, moans turning into pathetic little whimpers. you were always so whiny, both when being on the receiving and giving end, but renata didn't seem to mind judging by the faint muffled chuckles you could barely hear because of your heart beating in your ears.
"i'm going to c-come mommy !" you whimper, a third finger slipping inside of you. it stretches you much more than you would have guessed, pushing you over the edge and you cry out as renata picks her pace up. your thighs close around her finger before going completely slack and numb, handful of half cut off gasps escaping you as her fingers curl for one last time inside of you, completly numbing your mind from making any more coherent words or thoughts.
"shall we take a bath?" renata asked softly, slowly working you down from your high, placing gently, lazy kisses on your jawline and neck. "mmm, yes." you let out pathetically soft moans at each kiss, still not quite able to see straight, and above it all, you weren't quiete sure you could move.
"i'll get it ready, stay here." with one last kiss on your temple renata disappeard into the bathroom joined to your room.
you yawned, rubbing your eyes like a little baby, watching as the woman swayed her hips while humming some kind of song, reading the labels of the sampoos and body washes on your bathroom shelf.
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fadebolt · 2 months
My brother and I both have our birthdays in March, so our uncle has bought gifts for both of us simultaneously. He has decided to pick a Steam game that has been peaking his interest due to how much he's been hearing a lot about it from someone else recently (and from a rather popular CA video too, I guess).
I suppose it's not very hard to guess what game I'm referring to here. He's even going to wait for me to get home before he'll try it, which is just so incredibly sweet. I hope he'll end up liking it, but considering how he's played a bunch of very unique games that are difficult, have pixelart, or require a boatload of patience, Rain World should be right up his alley.
This is the first time I've managed to get anyone outside of my 4 and 6 year old cousins interested in the game, and I'm frankly quite pumped about it. Though I pray he isn't gonna come over to the Tumblr fandom of the game, cus yeah, he's an amazing guy and I love him, and the same goes for this community, but sometimes, it's simply for the best to keep some things nicely separated, even if you hold both of them rather dear to yourself. As sweet as Tumblr is, it does have a bit of a scary side to it, and it already gives me enough anxiety about the stuff I'm putting out, so I really don't need the stress of having to worry about someone else too.
On another note, I'll have to travel right when the anniversary stream is happening, so I won't get to see the art and announcements live, together with everyone else :(
Thankfully, Akupara does archive its streams, and I doubt any of my stuff would show up anyway, since they only get to showcase, like, 1% (or maybe even less) of the art month drawings, and as much as I'm improving, I'm definitely not even close to the top 1% yet.
Also, again, apologies for the bits of silence, I'm often forgetting to post stuff, cus there's just too much stuff happening, and it's difficult to keep track of it all. I guess I should look through my stuff to see if I forgot anything good, but outside of that, I'll probably just put up everything in a Google Drive as proof that I actually did the darn challenge (even if I attempted some things that were a bit much for me to handle in such a short timeframe, but you know, we live and learn).
Oh, and what did I choose for my birthday gift? Why, the La Ilusion Renata Glasc skin from League, of course! I spammed the heck out of the Chem-Baroness when the Arena was around, and it sounded nice to have a new look for my girl for the next time when the mode rolls around :D
Fright Night is a cool choice too, but I prefer the 'evil mistress of nature' vibes, plus I wanna keep the mask!
That's it for my ramblings! I'm honestly very excited, but also tired as all hell, and I'm definitely taking a bit of a break from drawing once March is over. I might get back to it fairly soon, but that depends on a ton of factors I can't really predict. We'll just have to see what the creative part of my brain will desire during my somewhat sparse free alone time!
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