#request kinda from glace
subbyalbedo · 8 months
Kinktober Day 23 - CAMBOY with Tomura Shigaraki
Dom!reader x sub!shigaraki
The start is kinda crappy but then it gets good >:)
As you collapsed on your bed in the LOV hq, you took out your computer, knowing that tonight, Shigaraki would be streaming.
You had stumbled upon his secret streams a couple months ago, and you immediately knew who it was, even though he made sure to wear a mask each time.
And, of course, he had no idea you knew.
Since you had found out, you had made sure to be the main viewer he noticed, making little donations and sometimes, he would let you and a couple other viewers determine when he came.
While you couldn't wait to tease him about it, you had kept everything a secret from him, and you quite enjoyed his videos.
He would stream every Tuesday night, and you always got excited for those times, against your better judgement.
Today, as it started and he came into view, wearing slutty women's lingerie, he looked delectable, and you got yourself comfy to watch him.
Some days he would ride a dildo, somedays he would use vibrators, but today, he didn't have anything.
After a moment, his scratchy voice piped up. "Today, I'll let you guys decide what I should do. Any suggestions?"
As people started writing furiously in the chat with requests for pegging, or overstimulation with vibrators, you sent your specific request with a donation.
Hump a pillow for me, pretty boy.
You knew he saw it when he gulped. "I guess I'll be...humping a pillow today."
You almost giggled at how awkward he sounded, but your gaze fixed in when he tentitively grabbed a pillow.
His signature gloved hands pulled the pillow to him, and he slowly straddled it, seemingly hoping someone would make him do something else instead.
But everyone was fixed in, and he faltered for a moment before hesitantly grinding his hips along the soft fabric.
Letting out a soft 'hah', he started picking up the pace, precum already getting onto the pillow and staining the fabric.
Shigaraki seemed frustrated, like he couldn't get the exact pleasure he wanted. As he tried thrusting at different angles, he let out pants, trying desperately to feel good.
Grind nice and deep for me, you're so desperate, aren't you?
He glaced up to see what you wrote, and let out a wanton moan, nodding his head vigorously.
He made sure to thrust deeper, wringing out extra pleasure with each movement.
With the sluttiness of the act and all of the eyes upon him, he got close very soon, and moans and whimpers poured out of him.
"Can I~ please, can I cum?" His desperate voice was making you feel feral, but you wanted to see him suffer more.
Don't cum just yet. We're gonna have some fun with you.
"Fuck, no~please! I've been good, I have to~ hng"
He had to slow down in order to obey, but the despair on his face was clear as he edged himself.
Good boy. Rub those nipples for me, yeah?
"I, ah, I don't~"
He tried to protest, but it was weak, and his hands drifted up.
Hips still roving on the pillow, which had wet patches from all the leaking precum, he twisted his nipples, making them nice and puffy.
Speed up. Put on a good show and I'll let you cum.
He sped up greatly at the thought of cumming, everything was built up in him and he needed to release, but he knew he had to do what you said.
He was groaning, the delicious friction of the pillow was barely the amount he needed, and his hands on his nipples were teasing him as he built himself back up at a snails pace.
He arched his back for you, a little bit of drool slipping out of the mask, and he looked for permission, tears pooling in his eyes.
Cum for me, slut.
With a sharp cry, he let go, spoiling the pillow with his large amount of cum, still thrusting slightly to ride out his orgasm.
Once he had comd down slightly, he chanted 'thank you thank you thank you', and smiled lazily, ending the stream.
After a moment of lying there, he was about to get up to clean himself up when he heard your voice in the hallway.
"Shigarakiiiiii," you sang.
Eyes widening slightly, he focused on making his voice sound normal. "Go away. I'm busy."
You leaned next to the closed door to his room with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, busy being a whore."
Fear shot through him, but he reasoned with himself, it was probably a coincidence, you were probably just guessing. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Bringing your lips to the crack of the door, you made your voice extra playful. "Suuure you don't. Who do you think told you to hump that pillow? Now be a good boy and let me in."
Fuck. Shigaraki was screwed.
Kinktober Masterlist Link
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
hii, this is my first time requesting and I’m not very good with English, so I’m a bit nervous but, I read the Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena and I loved it! So could I request for some general headcanons for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena? Totally okay if you don’t have time or anything!
thank you so much 💗💗🥰
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs ! ° ༘⋆₊˚ෆ
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): none!! a/n: hii! tysm for requesting! i hope u enjoyed this, i love writing leo w a child of athena cause i can finally talk abt his smarts !!
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nerd alert!!
its ok tho cause you guys are always able to help each other out when u have an issue with wtv ur working on
leo asks u for advice and ur opinions whenever hes working on a project
i feel like leo would be popular bcs he's a mf social butterfly
which means he knows everything abt everyone
that's why his hair is so big, its full of secrets
so while ur mapping out a plan for the next capture the flag game, you'll ask him if he thinks your plan could work based on how well people know each other
like ur not gonna put 2 ppl with beef by each other, cause then they'll end up fighting each other and not focus on the game
yk? yk.
ur smarts definitely compliment each other, and ut always trying to learn more about each other's interests
leo's definitely picked up some books in ancient greek about battle techniques and architecture
as have you on mechanical engineering
sometimes at the end of the day, when ur laying on the couch in bunker nine together, he'll ask you questions on architecture, just to hear u talk about things ur passionate about
he just loves seeing ur eyes light up and adores the way you practically talk with your hands as well
call me maybe crazy
athena would actually kinda like him ?!
she doesnt appreciate his constant jokes
but she thinks hes smart ( bcs he is ) and knows he makes u happy
hephaestus also rlly likes you
he likes anybody who shows his kids love lowkey
which means he likes you extra
if u were ever to get married, leo would 100% make your engagment ring, but hephaestus would me the one who would make you two the most beautiful wedding rings
its his way of showing he cares as a father
all of cabin 9 loves you
i feel like cabin 6 and 9 (omg 69) were already good friends, so they were ecstatic when they heard their fav mfs finally got together
i feel like in the flirting era it was a lot of spending time together, but just being unable to confess your feelings
now you still spend a bunch of time together, but dont rely on longing glaces and lingering touches
leo is the touchiest mf we all know this
but when u touch him?? the boy is in shambles
this sound a little strange but i promise i dont mean it like that
like yea he loves holding ur hand and kissing your knuckles
but when you kiss his knuckles?? hes a flustered mess
when he cups your cheek and you kiss the palm of his hand, he goes craaazzzyyyy
bouncing off the walls nd everything
he loves it when you tell him random little facts nd shit
ur literally his google
his go-to when he has a question
hes super proud of his smart gf ok ??
leo and percy actually get closer when you start dating
cause now they can both obsessively talk abt their genius gfs
and theyve evolved from the "my gf is smarter" "no my gf is smarter" fights
you and annabeth used to find their fights funny tho
annabeth is literally so supportive :))
she trusts leo and knows he makes you happy and has also obvi noticed how u light up his world
she still plays a semi-protective big sister role
like if shes leo getting a little to close, she'll shoot him one of her warning looks, and he'll move a little further away
but other than that she literally loves u guys :)
morse code is used quite often with you two
especially at night, when you dont want to break the comfortable silence, so you tap messages onto each other's backs.
or when your in a crowded room
or when your talking shit
before you met leo, you had only known a little bit of morse code but as you became closer, he taught you more nd more ♡
he loves it when you read to him
ur like his personal podcast
when you finsh reading a book together, u both write reviews about the book and have them all in a little notebook ♡
leo is for sure the type of guy to take pictures of you 24/7, 365
he has his all time favs taped up by his bunk in cabin nine and ofc has some of his bulletin board in bunker nine
he has the rest saved in a box, along with a bunch of other trinkets from dates u went on :))
you have a box like this yourself, filled with pictures of him, trinkets, and metal flowers he's made you ♡♡
oh and you for sure have a spot
you stumbled acrosss it while on your way to bunker nine and showed it to leo immediately
its a small clearing in the trees, where the sun shines through the leaves, and theres a small patch of flowers ♡
u have most of ur dates there, it ur special little place
leo is literally ur most perfect scholar bf fr ♡
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a/n pt.2 : heyyy, i hope u enjoyed these hcs!! im trying out hair rollers overnight rn so its a little hard 2 lay down but we will manage! also heres a leo x child of athena moodboard that i did for my event :) anyway, have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 3 - One Step Up
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*Door opens*
Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re home.
Taichi: I’m starving~.
Tenma: Looks like Omi-san’s in charge of dinner tonight.
Tsuzuru: Smells like it’s something with a demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be ready soon.
Kumon: Woo~! I was hoping to eat some meat~!
Kazunari: The Yosei Uni Gang’s really building up their forces~.
Muku: Kyu-chan’s the only new one, though.
Yuki: But he’s got the presence of about two or three people.
Tsumugi: How’s college life been going, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: It’s super interesting! Unlike with my classes in high school, I actually feel motivated to study on my own.
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Kumon: Plus I get to be with Nii-chan!
Banri: I figured you had had that planned from the start, but you actually didn’t decide on where you were gonna go for school until much later, right?
Kumon: Hey, I thought about it a lot, y’know.
Kumon: And I didn’t just think about Nii-chan, I also made sure to think about the best college for me to go to.
Azami: The growth of someone with a brother complex.
Yuki: They still ended up at the same college, though.
Kumon: That’s ‘cause Nii-chan and Tenma-san seemed like they really liked it there!
Tenma: Well, you are right about that.
Juza: Glad ya got accepted in.
Taichi: You’ve been doing great with writing essays and doing job interview prep~.
Kumon: Hehe. That’s thanks to you, Nii-chan, and Tenma-san for teaching me so much!
Chikage: It’s so touching to see Tenma becoming the tutor.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Yawn~…
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Tsuzuru: You seem tired, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had a deadline for some urgent work yesterday. Hardly got any sleep~.
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: You suddenly seem like much more of an adult, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: What I do is kinda just an extension of what I did in college, but once that label of “student” is gone, it makes you a little more conscious of it.
Omi: It’s a lot of work and responsibility, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You’ll get what we’re talking about in a year, Tsuzurun~.
Izumi: Omi-kun’s right, your impression of things changes once you graduate from college.
Azuma: I enjoy seeing these changes every year once spring comes.
Homare: Yes, however, there are still some of us that haven’t changed much at all.
Azuma: It’s thanks to everyone that spring is nice like this.
Tasuku: Well, even though some of us haven’t been through any major changes, I’m sure we’re all busy with something, right?
Guy: It appears that you’ve been getting more and more requests to do guest appearances, Takato.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I’m about to get an offer to perform on a slightly bigger stage too--.
Tsumugi: Really? That’s great.
Tasuku: That’s probably the result of steadily building up your experience. Shows how much you’ve become recognized as an actor.
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Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Citron: I have started getting pressured to do arts and culture-related work from all over the place~.
Itaru: And I’m still annoyed that I’m stuck being treated like some mid-level NPC…
Chikage: That’s normal for having worked there for five years.
Guy: Speaking of that, I’ve been entrusting Mikage with more work, too.
Hisoka: I know how to make a few appetizers now…
Tasuku: What, like toasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Well, yeah, but there’s other stuff too.
Homare: To be dabbling in dishes other than ones with marshmallows… that’s quite remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan just had a litter of kitties~.
Muku: Congratulations!
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Yuki: Why are you congratulating the Trianglien for it?
Izumi: Seems like everything’s going smoothly for the company while each of you is moving forward and changing in your own ways.
Izumi: That reminds me, the kid we met today also said he was going to be a new high school student starting in the spring.
Kumon: Huh~, what was he like?
Tsuzuru: He was an interesting one, for sure.
Masumi: He wasn’t interesting, he was annoying.
Itaru: He was an avid Masumi fan.
Izumi: He said he used to live in a rural area and that he’s been supporting us for quite some time via our streams.
Sakyo: Is that the power of MIZUNO Enterprises…?
Sakyo: We’ll have to keep up our efforts to reach an even wider audience.
Izumi: He said he was really looking forward to seeing one of our performances live.
Tasuku: There is just something different about seeing a play in person.
Sakuya: There really is. He was really looking forward to seeing it, so we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, right! The idea came to me when we were talking to that kid, but--.
Izumi: How does a workshop aimed at beginners sound for the upcoming event?
Izumi: When I realized that people were interested in theater because of MANKAI Company’s performances, I thought that maybe promoting theater as a concept could be necessary too.
Izumi: And I think it’d be a good experience for us to share the joy of plays with them more directly and to have fun together.
Sakuya: That’s true, that could be a really good idea!
Citron: It sounds very fun!
Chikage: But wouldn’t people who have more experience with theater, like Tenma, Tasuku, or Tsumugi, be more suitable for teaching people than us Spring Troupe members?
Tsuzuru: He’s got a point, most of us are still pretty inexperienced actors. I mean, almost all of us were complete amateurs until a few years ago.
Masumi: I can do it.
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Itaru: You’re probably the least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s the point. You all still feel like amateurs and remember how you felt when you first stepped on stage just a few years ago.
Izumi: I’m confident that you guys will be able to convey theater from a perspective that’s closer to a beginner’s.
Izumi: It’s not a workshop for actors, and it’s definitely not just for teaching like Yuzo-san’s workshops…
Izumi: I think it should be about just trying to enjoy theater together, just like if you were reminiscing about your old selves. That’s the best we can do, I think.
Izumi: And it could be an opportunity to expand our fan base too…
Izumi: I think it’s only because of how everyone is now that we can try to make people more aware of theater.
Sakuya: Yeah… I get it. Up until now, we’ve just been doing our best in regards to ourselves, but now…
Itaru: Exactly. Maybe we’ll be able to have some fun together.
Chikage: We could be our own motivation.
Tsuzuru: Maybe I’ll even be able to get a hint for our next play.
Citron: I will take on any challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once the date is decided on, can you take care of the flier design, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: You betcha!
Izumi: I’ll take care of the printing and distributing myself then.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We’ll also need an announcement on our social media, right? Leave it to me.
Chikage: It’d be a good idea to also put something on the theater noticeboard, right?
Izumi: Alright, I’ll leave all the announcement-related stuff to you two, and then… Sakuya-kun and Citron-kun, can I leave outlining the workshop to you guys?
Sakuya: Roger that!
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Citron: We will think of an eggciting workshop that will eggcite everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyo~ne, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: We gotta turn on the TV!
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hello!!☺️ I have a request! Can you do Kurapika finding out there's another Kurta alive and the reader is a F!Y/n
If you decide to do it, I'll be looking forward to reading it!🤗💗
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    It had been years. You thought you were the only one left. For years you kept the fact you were Kurta away from people. You just happened to not have been found when your clan was attacked. Even with Kurapika not even being in the province, you had assumed that if they found your clan they easily could have tracked one person down.
    This was your only thought so long before till you saw him. You were walking around when you glanced over to see him talking with a person with a small but round physic. Their were a few other people in the area with a girl in the center with light blue hair and intriguing clothes. You took a second glace, trying to see if it wasn't a dream. He really hadn't changed in the past few years. He still had the same beautiful face, the same golden hair, and enchanting eyes.
    You had a crush on him since childhood, thinking he was dead made you feel worthless, like you didn't even try and stop it. Then suddenly he just appears in front of you alive and well. It made your heart skip a beat. You wanted to just run up to him and hug him, tell him everything that happened. Yet, it made you think why he never went back the province. Did he not care? Did he not want to see you? You started to realize you were over thinking things and lost focus on the main thing. He was walking away.
    In the split second of your thoughts, you pulled a hold up over your head and started following from behind. The people around the girl, including Kurapika, you assumed to be guards or servants of some sort. You didn't want them to notice you as a threat or a creep, but it was kinda hard to. You were following them for a specific person, not the girl they were surrounding. You finally got at least a closer look at the man you wished to see again. He looked, sad? Mad? You couldn't put your finger on it. However, you could just tell he wasn't the same.
    "Hey! What do you think your doing?" A tall man with short black hair and tattoos under his eyes shouts at you demanding an explanation.
    "I-I umm, I can't really explain why I'm following you. I promise I'm not dangero-"
    "Than why were you following us?" His tone getting more a aggressive. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster, all you could think was, 'this is it, I'm dead.'
    "Dalzollene, your scaring her." A soft voice speaks up. It was the girl Kurapika was talking to. "It's a bit hard to tell, but it doesn't seem like she has bad intents."
    "We can't make such clear bets as of now when, we have yet to learn who she is over what she's doing." Kurapika had talked in a way that made you feel like he could take control over any situation. 
    "Could you tell us your name?" He asked, it was calming hearing him speak. Dispite the fact you were getting interrogated. You didn't really know how to respond, you had so much to tell him yet, the words never came out.
    "Maybe she's a customer?" The girl in the center said. "Neon, who would follow you around to get their fortune read while your bodyguards are around?" The man from before replied.
    "But it's light out. If she really wanted to do something, wouldn't she wait till nighttime?"
    "She could have just happened to spot us while it's light out, and it doesn't really matter time it is."
    "Yes it does!" She yelled, he was getting on her temper. She definitely had a bratty attitude. "People are around during the day and can clearly see us. If it was night than she would have less to worry about. That's why I get more deals that are to be kept secret during the dark!"
    The man, clearly annoyed, turned to you and asked, "Are you a customer?"
    "Uh, um, n-no, I'm not a customer for whatever you guys are doing." You really didn't want to keep talking about this and wanted to just run away.
    "She was probably just walking the same way as us. I'm sorry for the inconvenience miss." The soft voice apologized.
    "N-no, I'll just take a different way, I'm sorry." You quickly said and walked across the street. You mental cursed at yourself for getting caught. They turned the corner, most likely to forget the incident by tommorow. It was one of your only chances to talk to him. Yet you screwed it up. History does repeat itself. There was something inside of you, it made you want to follow then again, telling you, "it's not over yet."
    It felt like an instinct, a command you couldn't deny. Your mind fought, but your body moved. You blended in with the crowd, hoping for wherever they were going wasn't too far. It couldn't have been, if she had a business and was walking the streets rather than driving... She had to be going somewhere close by. The group entered what seemed to be an open spaced area. Maybe if you were lucky, you could get close enough to talk to him!
    There were a lot less people here than before. Taking caution was an understatement. They could most definitely sense you if you got to close or suspicious. You almost didn't care about getting caught, the boy of your past, standing in the distance. Yet the voice shouted in your mind, "be patient." Resisting the urge to shout back at it, you waited. Waited and waited. It felt pointless, standing here doing nothing.
    Without warning, he walked away from his group. It was a juvenating feeling that settled within. You walked, more like rushed, over to his side. The fear of him not caring appeared once more and made your pace much slower. Does he really want to see you? Would he tell you to leave? Could he even remember who you are?
    "U-um, hi, I'm the girl from earlier, that was following you guys. I wasn't following for any other reasons, than... ummm..." It felt like your mind went blank. " I was following you, b-because I wanted to see you...again."
    "I'm sorry, but I'm not the person you're looking for."
    "No! No, you are! I would recognize you from anywhere. I don't know if you would remember me though." You removed you hood revealing your face. " We've already met before, but I'm Y/N" You looked at the ground before staring up at him. His face previously had shown little to no emotion. Now? It wasn't something you could quite read, he looked, joyous? Sad? Maybe even nostalgia, but it was so much that you couldn't have expected to see.
    "Y-Y/N!? I-I thought you had died! I mean, I couldn't find your body when I went back the province. I had just assumed the troupe took your corpse!" He was on the verge of tears it looked. He wrapped his arms around you in the tightest, yet most caring embrace you've felt in quite sometime. He backed away for a moment, "Wait, how can you prove you're who I think you are?"
    You knew the answer to that, The Scarlet Eyes. Which were activated wether you wanted it or not. You were to full of satisfaction in the moment causing this. He hugged you again, feeling his heartbeat against you. You could swear his heart skipped a beat, or perhaps yours? It didn't matter, nothing mattered here. You could feel him begin to cry. The feeling was unknown, a mutual and shared, but unknown, feeling.
    "Please, please stay by my side." His words were strained, yet powerful enough to make you do as they command.
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yo yo yo, so like this is just a little idea i’ve kinda had for a while, so i thought i’d bring it up since you’re asking for prompts?
idk if this is too dark, but what if Eddie’s next door neighbor in his apartment was low key depressed, and one day he finds them standing at their window? (as if about to jump out)
from there he would talk to them and get them to step down, and the neighbor quietly thanks him, closes the window, and walks back into their apartment? idk, it’s just a thought :}
Lately, all i feel is bad and bruised.
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THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST!!! (title is from Beach Bunny's "Cloud 9", go listen to the song and some of their other music! give them some luv yall. <3) BTW I ALWAYS WRITE IN A POV OF A CHARACTER(LIKE Y/N OR AKA THE READER AKA YOU) AND SHIFT TO 2ND POV SO IM SORRY- TW; SU1CIDE ATTEMPT, PLEASE, SCROLL IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THAT. YOU MAY PROCEED!
I went out my room and locked it. Walking past i see the door a bit open. A figure stood by the window open... Y/n? They stood, Just there. They inched closer... and closer. Until they put one of their feet on the railing for the window. "Y/n? What are you doing?" I asked, they turned their head. Their face, tear stained. "Edward?.." They took a quick glace at the window and to me. I walked inside, closing the door and walking to them. I looked up at them, as they turned back. "What...- Were you- Were you thinking of... y'know.." They already know what im meaning by this. Im sure. They slowly nodded. "Y/n. It doesn't have to be like this...You dont have to kill yourself." I tried to assure them. I haven't really known how to deal with these type of times. "Y/n... Get down... This place might aswell be shitty but you can't end shit. There's going to be a day where you'll be free from the pain. Maybe just one day. Its a long road but..-" "Edward... Im tired. im trying Ed. I've been hoping and wishing from the start but it hasn't happened." They sobbed. "There's better ways, please. Spare your life here... i know its tough, but you cant end everything like this. Gotham is a rough place, but one day there might be a way for you to get out. Or if the government is going to actually realize the corruption and destruction they have caused upon this city." The second option was something he wanted to nudge at what he was, really, a 'villian', they'd say mean things. When all he'd want to do is clean this city's fuckery. I watch them slowly climb down the window, as i shut the window. I look at them with a gentle smile and ask if a hug was alright for them, they nod and cry on my shoulder. "Thank you..." they said whilst letting go, the words being only muttered, but since it was quite quiet you could easily hear them. I hope this doesn't happen again.
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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The game didn’t crash again, so we can relax now... just like Tidus here XD I mean, with my cheats and all this game is a cakewalk, but it normally would not have been this easy to beat that Machina thingy, so I don’t know how he can be so relaxed after this fight ^^’
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This scene is always so amusing XD Tidus was looking like: “Uhm... should you really strip right Infront of me?” But he was also like: “Can’t look away, I could miss something!” XD But I guess he has that age ^^’
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Rikku kinda brought something to the game that no one else could provide. First of all, as she was from Spira but an AlBhed, she - unline Tidus - was allowed to say the things we thought and felt about Yevon and the Summoner and stuff liek that. And second, she brought some nice young fun into the mix. (She was somewhat annoying every now and then... but I guess that is also part of having such a young team member ^^’)
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I loved how everyone was so worried about the Al Bhed issue with Rikku and in the end Wakka stayed blissfully oblivious for most of the time, even tho it was freaking obvious by looking at her eyes alone and the way everyone acted around her in that moment. I guess it shows Wakkas naivety and... well... how he doesn’t always use his brain once more ^^’
Now that our team is complete... I will have to spend half an hour to get her to the others level... wohoo...
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Gee. We already reached that part? I was worried that I was far too slow in my progress, but to think that we are already here... seems like I am not THAT slow.
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This game actually deals a lot with deeper stuff. Different races, different believes and the misconceptions and problems that are born out of that. But it deals also with also what happens when those different races or people with different believes do intermingle... and the problems that come with that. Cid became distant from his sister, because she married a non-AlBhed. Seymore that to suffer, because his mother was human and not Guado. Different believes and the misconceptions that come with that are what makes Wakka hate the AlBheds. Tidus too, as he is from a different “world” then Spira, had trouble fitting in. On first glace, this is a bittersweet lovestory with some religious powerplay as your true and strongest enemy. However, at a closer look, this story is quite deep.
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Kimari not the only one. Me too not like Maester Seymore. (I think same goes for Auron and Tidus...) Seriously tho, even before I knew what monster was truly hiding behind his fassade, I always found him... suspicious and never liked him much. The game isn’t trying to hide that there is something off with him... it just doesn’t throw it directly in your face either.
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Back in the day, this was quite an impressive scene, I tell you. Of course, these days it can not hold up to the likes of FF7R, but I think it still looks very impressive.
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Did you know that the overall room that was used here was later reused for Leblancs bedroom in FFX-2? XD By the way... Seymore said they collected that through the memories of people in the fareplane, but Lady Yunalesca and Lord Zeon had been here alone, so who had seen this? Zeon was the first Final Summoning, not sure what happened to his soul after the next final summoning took his place. But I am not sure if it so easily could wander into the fareplane, given that there was (unlike with Jekkt and the Aeons later) very likely no proper sending.
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Yuna looked away shy and embarrassed when Lord Zeon and Lady Yunaleska embraced, showing her innocence and pretty much also showing how unfair Seymore was, requesting her hand in marriage, given how she had obviously not much experience with love. And to top that off, given her future, she should not have had to marry for political reasons, after all, time was running out on her, so she should at least have had the right to marry someone she loves. Of course, Yuna isn’t selfish enough to see it that way and Seiymore likely knew that.
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I get why Auron stayed out of the fareplane and I get that for the game it looked less suspicious if Rikku stayed out too... but it still seemed weird that she did. Its not like you have to think of someone, if you go in. She could just have gone in there for moral support.
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It always seemed like Lulu had faced and accepted the fact that Chappu was dead and wouldn’t come back. But if you listen to her here, she really hasn’t fully faced everything that comes with that harsh truth until then.
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icestar-74 · 4 years
Request from @glaciesdraco from her anonymous box! Hope you like it!
"Hehe, Shizu-chan is upstairs. He won't expect this at all. The ring is so deep in the cake it'll take him a bit to find it too." Izaya said before licking his finger. "Alright, time to get the beast."
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"Hmmmmm, I thought I told that idiot to wait up here." Izaya said irritability. "Where the heck is he?"
"Hey flea, sorry I needed a smoke." Shizuo said as he entered the kitchen. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something. It's been on my mind a while." Shizuo looked around confused. "Where did he go? Bastard tells to me to wait and he ain't even here. Did he ditch me? Huh, what's this?"
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Shizuo walked close to find a slice of cake and a cold glass of milk. "Hell yeah. Cake. Stupid bastard trying to surprise me and then leave? Fuck it." Shizuo pulled up a chair.
Izaya came walking downstairs. "Shizu-chan there you-" he stopped immediately after seeing the cake. "Did you. Eat. That whole slice?" He asked Shizuo.
Shizuo looked away. "Nah. Wasn't me."
"Shizu-chan... it's all over your face..." Izaya felt his blood begin to boil.
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"The fuck was I supposed to do? You weren't here and the cake was." Shizuo argued.
"I WAS COMING TO GET YOU, YOU PROTOZAN!" Izaya screeched as he leapt for Shizuo.
*Crashing, screaming and breaking noises.*
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Shizuo breathed heavy. "You. Fucker. It was just cake!"
Izaya lay panting on the floor. "Just cake? There was. A ten grand ring in there. I was going to propose to you moron."
Shizuo dropped the chair he was about to smash Izaya with.
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"You were going to propose to me Izaya?" Shizuo asked in shock.
Izaya sat up. "GOING to."
Shizuo sighed and readjusted himself in the floor.
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"Izaya...I was going to ask you." Shizuo said softly on one knee.
Izaya starred in shock before letting out a cackle. "This is just ridiculous!"
Shizuo waited until he stopped laughing. "That a yes?"
Izaya looked up quick. "Of course it is idiot!" He then took another leap at Shizuo.
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"I fucking love you louse." Shizuo grinned against Izaya's mouth.
Izaya pulled away with a smirk. "I love you too beast. Can't wait for you to shit that out later."
Shizuo looked at him "Fuck."
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sikimi · 3 years
Study group characters with a Mikey! Reader
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Characters: Geonyeob, Hanwool Phi, Minhwan Ma, Gamin Yoon
A/n: I'm so tired after I gotten out of the hospital~ ANOTHER REQUEST FROM @ventiaoo Then I'mma do the others!
He's kinda pissed at your laziness
Like, you sleep EVERYWHERE.
He loves you but sometimes he just wanna 🪓 you.
Ofc he adores you
But you're lazy, Sometimes he asks himself why is he with such an adorable yet lazy sleepyhead
He loves the way you fight, it's so unique
If you buy him food then he'll literally melt inside
Knows you love eating desserts, and how you love flags and shit, So he bought some for you just Incase.
He loves how fluffy your hair looks, it's so pretty! Sometimes you might find him unconsciously playing with your hair
He's also worried about you being in a gang
If you come home with bruises and shit then he'll be like-
Overall, the relationship between you both are funny and cute, However if anyone were to try and go in between then it'll turn Manipulative and powerful real quick :0
Hanwool Phi
" Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you" Said Hanwool, "food." Y/n replies back
GAH- you just gotten yourself a sugar daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Knows you sleep alot so he'll let you eat at home instead but if you wanna eat in a restaurant then alright 👍
Spoils you alot, and you spoil him back
He's the type of person to send small love gifts to you, then you're the type of person to kick the classroom door open and walk in without hesitation (you only do that sometimes bc you know how he needs studies too)
He would never admit it but he's kinda scared of your serious face when you're fighting
Loves it when you're focus on something, will sit beside you and admire you
Hansol would LOVE to design your hair!
If you need someone to help dye your hair then Hanwool and Hansol will help <3
Minhwan will maybe help too since you're his bestie- you both are lazy asf.
Hanwool WILL play with your hair, it makes him happy
Interested in your gang you have, But wants you to try and be Abit more careful during your fights
" going out to your gang again?" Hanwool asked, you sighed "yes..-" Hanwool then glaced at you and looks back into his phone, "Don't do anything stupid" Hanwool said, "Have fun Y/n~" Minhwan waved bye bye at you, "Yeah sure, and thanks Minhwan you too~"
The relationship between you both is .. interesting. I don't know what to say 🤡
Minhwan Ma
Sleeps in the restaurant with you, Hanwool will have to take you both home
Also another mf that's interested in your gang
Would fight with you by your side
"Y/nnnn why didn't you take me with youuuuu? Now look at you! You're hurt!"
Talks and flex to Hanwool about how amazing, strong and pretty you are
Also spoils you
After a long day of school, he'll come home and then cuddle you
"You look scary when you're fighting Y/n"
Remembers your nickname you gave him and he likes it
Would buy many desserts for you and you both eat together
Who knew the all mighty murderer Minhwan could be so soft for you?
Gamin Yoon
Gamin when he sees you sleeping on the table: "this is normal 🗿"
This man is a gentleman and would carry you home
Gamin's reaction when he heard your in a gang: "😱 WHAT? THAT'S WHY YOU ALWAYS COME HOME HURT! OH NO—"
Poor boi.. He's concerned for you but respects that your in a gang
Would love to watch you fight but you're scary-
He wouldn't admit it but he's scared of your serious face when fighting-
If you see him stressing out with his exams then you're going to help him with some and then help him calm down
Gamin would make desserts for you instead of fighting you
He loves to play with your fluffy hair, so soft and it also smells good too <3
Would cuddle you all day
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the-original-skipps · 3 years
Dear Future.
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Mikey x Reader ft. Draken, Emma, Takemichy, Mitsuya, Pah-chin
Requested by @klaudia077
Word count: 1.7k
Note: Everyone in this fic is an adult. Since 12 years have passed. Plus I had to reread that chapter, Iー
Warning ⚠️ Contains heavy spoilers from the manga. Plus spelling and grammar errors.
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The chime rings as you press your finger against the doorbell. You stand with Mikey hands full of groceries, you glance to your right and see Mikey standing beside you. When your eyes catch his, he gives you a small smile. You can tell he was excited.
The front door opens to reveal Emma, who was dressed casually. "Mikey!" She exclaims as he pulls the raven haired man into a hug, he smiles while returning the embrace. She pulls away from her brother and envelops you into a hug, "I'm so glad you came (Y/N)-chan...!" "Of course, it's great to see you again Emma, we brought some stuff!" You reply with a giggle slowly pulling away from her. "Come in come in!" She ushers both you and Mikey inside, before leading you to the living room.
"Yo Mikey (Y/N)."
As three of you entered the living room, you were greeted with a sight that instantly made your heart soften. There sitting on the sofa was Draken and in his arms was his beautiful daughter, Mirai. She was a small precious thing so small compared to her father's figure. Emma approaches Draken before pressing a kiss to his forehead, before cooing at her daughter. You and Mikey stand by stand enchanted by the family before you. "Wanna hold her, Mikey?" Draken's question breaks Mikey out of his trance as he blinks owlishly. "I don't know how to hold a baby, Kenchin..." Mikey replies with a bit of hesitancy in his voice.
"Go on, Uncle Mikey..." You assure Mikey with a smile encouraging him to hold his niece, as you take the plastic bags from his hands-walking to place them on the dining table. Mikey glaces at you one last time before stepping forward, you could tell he was nervous. Draken grins before gently placing the new born child into Mikey's stiff arms. "Isn't she adorable?" Draken exclaims excitedly before standing beside Mikey while Emma peers over his shoulder with a smile. "Yeah...am I holding her right?" Mikey nervously asks but was quickly assured by her parents. You could feel your heart warming and tears forming in your eyes at the sight of the four of them. How as a teenager, Mikey told you how dreamed of this day and it was finally happening. Him, Emma, Draken and their daughter together as a family. You couldn't be anymore more happy for them.
"Want to hold her too (Y/N)-chan?"
You quickly wipe away your tears as their eyes turn towards you, you nod as Emma takes her daughter from Mikey's arms before placing her within yours. You smile as you peer down at the bundle of warmth within your arms who peers up at you with curiosity. "She has your eyes, Emma-chan..." you say as you turn to look at the blonde woman, who gleams at your words. "What no, she looks more like me!" Draken intervenes as he watches his wife bleam at you with happiness.
"Nah, I definitely think she looks more like Emma. Sorry Kenchin, but you're kinda ugly."
"Mikey, why you!"
Immediately the two males start to bicker back and forth, while you and Emma coo over her daughter. Before they could start throwing the furniture around, Emma immediately glares at them and hits them both over their heads. You could watch as you sweatdrop at the scene of Emma scolding her husband and her older brother.
It wasn't long until Mitsuya, Takemichy and Pah-chin arrived as well. In their hands holding plastic bags full of sake and beer. You and Emma with Mirai in her arms both watch from the side as the five men reunited and greeted each other. "Oi Takemichy, why didn't you bring Hina-chan?" Draken questions before ruffling his hair.
"S-She said she has an important meeting today, but she really wanted to come!"
"Well, it looks like it'll be just the two of us girls (Y/N)-chan" Emma says with a sigh. You give her an apologetic smile, as her husband and your boyfriend seemed to completely forget about you both. "Why don't we prepare dinner?" You ask her to taking your eyes off the men before turning to meet hers. "Sure! Let me just put Mirai to sleep." She smiles before leading you to the kitchen.
While the males were gathered around a kotatsu talking amongst themselves. You and Emma were busy in the kitchen preparing ingredients for a hotpot meant for seven people. After a while Mitsuya pops up, "need some help?" "That would be great." You reply as you were busy cutting the vegetables. Mitsuya quickly observes the kitchen, before gathering the necessary utensils for a hot pot. Once you and Emma were done preparing. Mitsuya slowly brings out all of the ingredients you prepared to the kotatsu table. Everyone sat around the kotatsu, you taking a seat beside Mikey while Emma sits beside Draken.
"Let's eat!"
The table was filled with laughter and talk as all of you converse with one another. "This is delicious!" Pah-chin explains as he takes another biteful of meat with his chopsticks. "Careful, Pah don't eat too much or else you won't fit into your tux." Mitsuya warns him as Pah takes big mouthfuls from his bowl. "I don't think he's listening..." Takemichy speaks as he too observes Pah-chin.
You smile as you place a piece of sliced meat into Mikey's bowl, he immediately bleams at you while he places a mushroom into your own bowl. "I gave you meat and you give me a mushroom, that's not a fair trade." You say as you raise your eyebrow at Mikey. "Come on, Mikey eat your vegetables!" Emma scolds her brother from across the table. "I'll eat whatever I want!" Mikey instantly replies back as he eats another piece of sliced meat with a pout on his face. You cover your mouth as laughter erupts around the table. Even as an adult Mikey still has troubles eating his vegetables.
"Cheers!" You all shout before taking a drink from your can of beer. Once dinner was finished and put away, Draken and Mikey were quick to usher everyone to drink. You smile as you and Emma take a sip from your cans while the rest of the men try to finish their can of beer in one go. Draken was first to finish his drink, slamming his can down on the table with a yell the rest follow while Takemichy ends up being last. "Another round!" Pah-chin yells out, grabbing another can of beer. The rest of the men follow as they get engrossed into their game of who can drink the most. As the men crowd around one side of the kotatsu, you and Emma ended up sitting together on the other side.
"Men..." Emma says with a roll of her eyes as she takes another sip of her beer. You giggle agreeing to her statement. Your eyes cast over the group of ex-delinquents, as they talk excitedly about the past. Your eyes linger towards Mikey who laughs at what Mitsuya says. You couldn't help but smile as you see the light in your boyfriend's eyes. You've all come a long way, many things happened but here you all were together twelve years later.
While you and Emma talk amongst yourselves, you both notice the men getting louder by the minute, especially Mikey who was practically yelling at this point. You also noticed that Pah-chin was completely passed out under the kotatsu, snores leaving his lips. There were cans of beer littering the table and floor. The room was a complete mess so to say. As Mikey excitedly tells the story of Takemichy who got poop stuck in his hair, a sound of a baby crying interrupts him.
Oh no.
Emma immediately stands up with an empty can of beer in hand. All eyes land on her as she throws it hitting Mikey on his head and a dead silence follows. Mikey winces as he rubs the spot where the can hit.
"What was that for?!"
"You woke the baby up!"
"I did not, everyone else was being loud too!"
"Hey, don't try to pin the blame on us Mikey.." Draken says with a grin on his face.
"Who thinks it's Mikey's fault? Raise your hands!" Draken yells out as Mitsuya and Emma immediately raise their hands, while Takemichy and you reluctantly raise yours. Mouthing a quick "I'm sorry" to your boyfriend as Emma leaves the room. "Hey, you guys can't do that, I'm the leader of Toman!" Mikey points accusingly at the men in the room. "Ex-leader!" Draken exclaims with a chuckle. Then Emma appears with a frying pan in her hands as she picks up another empty can of beer. Before, with all her might hurling it towards Mikey, who managed to dodge it due to his fast reflexes. Mikey immediately stands up as he dodges another can being flung at him.
"Help me (Y/N)!"
"Sorry Mikey but you're on your own." You managed to say in between your laughter as Draken and Mitsuya laughs along with you. "Oh it's gonna start again!" Mitsuya says with a grin as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. Realizing you won't help him, Mikey turns to his Draken for help.
"Don't just sit there and laugh Kenchin!" Mikey yells out as he dodges another empty can of beer being flung at him. Only for it to hit Takemichy square in the head, looks like Takemichy might be the next to pass out. "Don't run away Mikey!" Emma yells as you, Draken and Mitsuya all laugh as eventually Emma chases Mikey around the living room with her frying pan, yells echoing throughout the house. Despite all the noise, Pah-chin remains sound asleep.
Even as twelve years passed some things never change. As Mikey runs around the living room trying to dodge empty beer cans and Emma's fury. Laughter momentarily escapes his lips while Emma huffs. He could hear the rest laughing as well, especially your sweet laughter. Mikey smiles running while Emma follows close behind, raising her fry pan in the air. This moment, this life, this future he wouldn't trade it for the world.
So this is happiness.
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Rainy days [Corpse x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “corpse x fem!reader ( she’s also a youtuber ) where they are just friends for a few years, but reader has been developing feelings for a while now. with corpse’s fan base growing so quickly, there’s also a lot of growing attention from other girls ( fans & other social media influencers ). corpse is happy with all the attention, while it is breaking the reader’s heart more every day. basically, super angsty lol and it’s totally up to you how you want to end it!” requested by anon
“please make one where like the reader and corpse fought so its like raining outside and yk the cliche type” requested by anon
Warnings: Angst and jealousy, kinda sad, I’m sorry
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Open for requests. Two requests for one.
Read part 2 cloudy afternoons here
You’re happy for Corpse, of course you are. What good friend wouldn’t be happy for their friend when they suddenly start to shoot for the stars? You definitely would. Right? It’s not like it hurts to watch him take in all these girls that throw themselves at him, he has never been happier for the many years you’ve known him. His YouTube channel is finally paying the bills for him, and you’re happy he doesn’t have to fear getting an eviction note, for dancing on the line a little too long. You’re happy that he has all these new friends. You’re happy he’s enjoying himself. You’re happy, because he’s happy.  So why does it hurt so much?
You’ve had feelings for your best friend for quite some time. You tried to push them away, which in return just seemed to cultivate them and make them stronger. You tried your damn best just to be his quirky happy best friend that was along with him for the ride. You never minded being the one to pick up the pieces when he fell apart. He would do the same for you… He would do the same for you, right?
You wipe away a tear escaping from your eye. You’re sitting in the shower crying on the floor. This is really what you’ve become? You think to yourself, as you lean your head back against the wall, looking up at the wooden ceiling.
He would do the same for you…
You dryly laugh to yourself, of course he wouldn’t, because then he would have known when you started pulling away. You wipe the tears away, get up and rise off your face once more, before stepping out. You look at where your mirror used to be. You took it down, not able to face yourself was easier than to accept this is just how you look permanently now. Dark circles underneath your eyes, as they’ve sunken quite a bit.
You kind of forgot how you really looked sometimes, until you caught yourself in something reflective, like your pc when it ran out of power, or your metallic glazed mug. You smile bitterly at the memory, Corpse had bought it to you when you reached 100.000 subs on YouTube, saying the play button wasn’t enough. It used to be a prized possession, now it was one of your worst.
You’re happy you build your YouTube brand on variety gaming, without a face cam. You couldn’t imagine having to explain away the way you looked. The monotone in your voice was hard enough.
I was just having an off day
Sorry, kind of sick today
My microphone isn’t picking up my voice probably.
You sigh to yourself as you collect your phone, and your empty bag. The fridge doesn’t fill itself. You’re pretty sure your fans caught onto something being wrong by the 4th excuse. You lock the door behind you, and glace up at the sky. It seems to be getting darker. You sigh as you realize you’re not going to be back home before it’s raining.
You walk the short distance down to the bus as you wait for it to arrive, you scroll through your twitter feed. It’s filled with pretty girls, much prettier than you are, throwing themselves at Corpse. You get a sudden urge to throw your phone into the passing traffic, but money has been tight lately with your down tuning of content, to take more time to be able to self-pity in the living room with a shitty romance show going on.
You really lost your best friend to your own feelings, huh. What an anticlimax.
You step onto the bus, not noticing the black dressed, black masked guy in the end of it. Watching you intentionally. If you had been able to read minds, you would hear the ongoing battle in his head on whether or not to approach you.
The bus pulls up the grocery store and you get off. Not sparing the other two passengers getting off a second thought. You pull your jacket closer together, as the wind starts getting colder. You finally arrive in the store, just a few seconds before the rain starts to drop.
The calming ominous music of the store fills your eyes, as you focus on getting something edible that isn’t directly just sugar with more sugar. You pick your groceries carefully, nothing that needs a lot of preparation. But if you eat one more tv meal, you’re going to throw it up. You’re too distracted by what pasta to choose, that you don’t realise the guy in black has now passed you for the 5th time, while you’re in aisle 9.
You choose both and head for the register. You sigh as you watch the long line, there’s only one way out, and you’re certainly not leaving your groceries now. You step in line. And pull out your phone. The lock screen taunting you with a picture of you and Corpse mushed together somehow in his gaming chair, you’re pretty sure it was Dave that took the photo. You shake your head and check the time. The bus just left. You sigh knowing there is a little over an hour before the next one leaves. Fucking public transport.
It finally becomes you, you watch the price tick up further and further. You take your card out. Swipes it through.
What? You try it again
C’mon, it has got to work. You try again
And again
And again
You smile apologetic to the cashier, as you start to figure out what you won’t be needing too much.
“I’ll pay for her.”  A deep voice speaks further down the line. You know exactly the person whose voice that is.
“Please, you don’t have to-“ You watch as Corpse steps out of the line and puts a box of cereal on the register for the cashier to ring up with the rest of your stuff.
“I don’t-“
“That’ll be 79 dollars and 32 cents, please.” The cashier ignores you.
Corpse pays and gets the receipt, knowing you’re going to beg him for you to pay him back. You used to do the same when you were little. Corpse stands by as he watches you pack your groceries, and he waits for you. He barely recognized you in the bus. It’s been weeks since you last spoke, and even longer since you last saw each other. He knows you were getting bad, but not this bad. He don’t know why he never reached out he knows he should. But there are too many unsaid things hanging in the air, and neither of you wanting to be the one to pick the first one.
He reaches out to take one of the two bags. But you take it right underneath him, and walk to the doors, leaving him to hurry after or be left behind.
“Y/N I-“
He gets surprised by the rain, he hadn’t noticed the darkening sky earlier. You keep walking until he calls out after you again.
“Y/N! Please!”
You stop in you tracks. To think you had missed hearing your name from his lips, he uses it like it’s not the only thing you have left that’s your own.
He jogs the remaining distance and puts his hand on your shoulder, and you let him turn you around to make him face you. He’s not sure if it’s the rain, or if it’s tears that’s starting to fall. He takes the rest of your face in, the dark circles, the clear weight loss. He know, you don’t know how much you don’t look like yourself.
“Listen, thank you, I’ll pay you back next month. But if you’re not going to say anything, I have places to be, and-“
He puts his hand on her chin caressing it. She suddenly looks so small standing there in front of him. You quickly pull yourself back, wanting to lean into his touch, but knowing that it would only make what hurts, hurt more in the end.
“What did you want?” You snap at him. And something snaps in him too, as his brows furrows together.
“Oh I don’t know. Say hi to my best who just up and disappeared from the face of earth two months ago. I wonder what I want.” He snaps back at you, his deep voice nearly emitting a growl of frustration from him.
“So what, that’s what it takes 2 months before you want to find me. Did you get tired of all those girls throwing themselves at you? Did you get tired of your new friends you just cast me aside from? Did you get tired of all the money? Please do tell.” You stretch out your arms in a welcoming stance.
Corpse takes a step back, you’ve never yelled at him like this before. Tears streaming down your face as you’re soothing anger.
“…You think I threw you aside?” Corpse sucks in a breath waiting for your anger to come at him, but instead you suddenly look small again.
“Didn’t you Corpse? The excuse why I could never come over anymore, why you never had time. I was happy for you, you know, I supported you all the way. Heck I even fucking loved you, and you cast me aside, you up and threw away so many memories and a long friendship, just because I suddenly didn’t fit into your new group.” You look him straight in the eyes. “Corpse, I’m tired okay. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep picking up your pieces and help you reassemble yourself, for you to keep casting me aside. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t need your pity; I don’t need anything from you. I’ll make sure you get the money first thing next month.”
She takes a step away from him, the before intimate atmosphere now fully escaped.
“All I ask is that we part here. I love you too much to watch you fall apart again.” Your voice is trembling as you turn around heading for the bus stop, leaving Corpse in the rain to fend for himself.
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nkogneatho · 3 years
Requests are open. Prompt list here.
Requested by @satisfactory-simp
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A/n: Hello. I am really sorry this took so long. My tumblr was glitching so I am unable to answer and my drafts won't save. Anyways, here you go. I hope you like it.💕
Disclaimer: I do not own the character, the character in this 18+.
Warnings: Smut, Angsty.
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Life basically sucked. You barely had any friends, not so comfortable with your family, and plus just took admission in a new school. Seijoh was known for elites. You thought it'd be nice to have decent people around you until your very first encounter was with this horrible person.
"Can't you walk properly? Don't you have eyes?", excuse me? Who is he yelling at? Isn't it his mistake you thought but you really didn't want to get caught in a mess on your very first day at school. You just apologized and left.
When the lecture started, you felt everyone staring at you and mumbling. You look up only to see they were glancing a bit backwards. You turned your head to find the very same guy you met in the corridor covered in bruises. What the hell?
"Got a problem with me? Is there anything on my face", shit. You stared at him for too long.
Yes there is. "Um no nothing, sorry" wait why am I apologizing? Did he get bullied. Judging from his posture and attitude doesn't look it. He seems like the one who bullies other. You really didn't like him or anything about him. He was the same. You were just classmates nothing more than that but still whenever you saw each other, there was this hatred. Maybe it was because you both always encounter each other on the wrong time.
One day, after the lecture you went to explore the school and it's well known volleyball players. You found the practice hall empty and locked. Maybe it's there day off. You heard a continuous loud sound arithmetically. You saw Mad dog practicing his serves. Balls hitting the ground so hard that you were sure they were gonna bursts. A girl approaches him. They were arguing. Is she his girlfriend? Well sure it was none of your business but since you had nothing to do, you stayed to watch.
"Mad dog. I am trying so hard to make you go out with me"
"Didn't I tell you I am busy. I don't have time to go for dates", he clearly wanted to make her go but she seemed to hung up on him.
"No buts. I told you. It's my decision. Now scram", he glared at her. She walked away with a frown.
Later when you arrived in your class you saw it was pretty crowdy.
"I am telling you, he purposely held my hand and slapped me", the girl cried. It was the same girl who was asking him out on the ground.
"Stop lying you bitch", Kyoutani's rage was clearly visible.
"Look at him using such words at her. I am pretty sure he did it.", people around started talking about him but they were wrong. You were there when that happened. You clearly saw the whole thing and none of this shit occurred.
"She is lying.", you spoke up. "I was there. I went to explore the volleyball club but then I saw her asking him out. Kyoutani didn't do anything. He just told her to fuck off.", Kyoutani's eyes widened at you. Never in his life anyone ever trusted him. It's that when he fell for you. He did ask you to date him later but you denied saying "I was just helping a fellow classmate. That's no reason for you to want to date me" . He was still not giving up.
One evening, he saw you on a date with someone else. That's it. That was enough to break his heart. He couldn't take it so he approached you disturbing your dinner with the person.
"Hey. We still have to complete that project", his eyes hooked on your date, glancing them.
"Can't you see I am between a conversation and this is my private time?", you frowned.
"I don't care. We have to complete it. I don't want to fail because of you", you were sure he was just making an excuse.
"Fail? Since when do you care about studies so much?"
"Since I wanted to pass", a fake smile on his face.
You both started arguing and were so involved in each other that you forgot about your date. When you turned your head to glance at them but they had left.
Kyoutani noticed that and walked out of the diner with a 'plan successful' look on his face.
You paid the bill and followed him outside. You gripped his arms and swayed it to make him face you.
"What?", he asked.
"What the fuck do you mean what? Wasn't it you who just ruined my dinner with them?", rage flowed your mind.
"Who cares?"
"I don't get you Kyoutani. Why did you do that? Why do you always behave like this with me?"
"Because I am in love with you, you dumbass. And I know you think, I just wanted to date you as a return for your favor for saving my ass but no. I can't help but think about you. And it fucking hurts to see you with someone else when you don't even know how I genuinely feel", he tried so hard not to cry then and there.
To be honest, yes you were a bit of an ass to him. You weren't different from those people cause even you judged him the first time you saw him. The reason you have always avoided him is maybe you were scared he might be a violent person. But now? Now after watching him like this? After knowing that he is actually a soft person and people just test him? You couldn't help but shed tears knowing how bad he must've been hurt. Overthinking about it will only ruin the moment. Your mind was a mess at that time. All you knew that if you let this chance slip, you will surely regret it. Without a second thought you gripped his collar and placed a deep kiss on his lips. You swayed away, both standing in confusion. "I-I am really sorry. I-I didn't k-know what happ-", he interrupted your stuttering latching his lips on yours. You held the hem of his jacket like holding on your feelings for him. It wasn't clear what you guys were doing at this point. What was your relation? But none of you could deny the fact that it was surprisingly comfortable.
"Can we go at my place?", you pulled away to catch a breath as you asked him. Awed at your question but he still assured that you were okay. "Are you sure?"
"Yes", eyes closed as you placed a kiss on his cheek.
You invited him in, keys jingling as you threw them on the counter. "You wanna eat something?", you asked searching for beverages in the fridge.
"Yeah, you.", your cheeks reddened at his words.
"Obviously I'm kidding", he approached you as he didn't wanna make things awkward but now you couldn't get the thought out of your head. The thought of how would Kyoutani look settled between your legs.
"I mean, you can if you want to.", honestly? Even you were kinda stunned at your own statement. His legs advanced towards you, arms practically caging your sides. Face rigorously close to yours. If you both kissed now, you knew things just won't stop there.
Eyes wandering on each others lips before grabbing them, the space between you to closing in as you inhaled and dwelled in his softness. Wodering despite how rough he looks, he is nothing but a delicate person.
His big arms picked you up and carried you to the couch in the hall.
"Are you sure the door's locked?", and that was the confirmation that you won't just end it on a kiss tonight.
"Yeah", he lifted up your skirt to find your thighs rubbing together in embarrassment but that was the heat between your legs. You slowly started spreading them, a part of you hesitating because of how wet he made you with just some kisses. Kyoutani's eyes perked up at the view in front of him. The wet spot on your panties were clearly visible and so some of your juices flowing from the hem of it through your inner thighs. I swear he gulped down his breath at just how sexy you looked like this. He gave you a glace for consent and you nodded. Without further ado, he licked the wetness on your inner thighs then following your sex. His first lick had you squirming because of the temperature difference. "You taste so good", tongue only left your pussy once just to compliment you.
"It's kind of-- embarrassing", you bit your finger that made him turn on even more. You peeked at the tent growing in his pants. "Kyoutani. I want you inside me", he legitimately slapped himself. "What are you doing?", you asked.
"Just making sure it's not a dream", you wrapped your hand around his neck pulling him in. "No, it's not a dream. This is for real. We are for real Kyoutani". "I love the way you call me Kyoutani unlike everyone else. Only you have the right"
"Oh you'll love it even more when I'll call you daddy", bitch don't you have shame? Is what you were screeching inside but who cares?
He didn't know he had that kink until you said it. "Where's the bedroom?", a question without a second thought.
He placed you on the bed delicately. You both started stripping, making sure there's nothing bothersome between when your skins touch.
Your thighs rubbed against each other the second you saw his big and thick length.
You helped him put on a condomn and then lied back with your legs apart, perhaps an invitation to just put it in.
Kyoutani gently slid his dick in your sloppy wet cunt. You hissed at the thick length stretching you out. "Is it hurting? Should I stop?". "No. Please keep going.", it did hurt a little but you were so greedy for that feeling.
He made sure to move subtly. He doesn't want to cause his love pain. Once your pussy got adjusted to it, he started thrusting. Dick reaching places, no one ever did. "Call me daddy again", you were smiling internally learning how you got him this hard. "Please fuck me Daddy. I want you", these words were enough to make him go harder as he gripped your hips. "Ahh ahh-- Kyoutani Ahh", you couldn't hold your moans at this point. It took just one deep thrust for you to come undone. Walls clenching around his dick your hands did the same to the bedsheets. Seeing you like this, the girl he fell in love with was a very unknown feeling as he never fell for anyone before.
He couldn't hold it back in. He shoved it a few more times as he reached his own high. He dropped himself on top you, elbow digging deep in the mattress as his upper body balanced on it. Eyes making sure to never yours which were half-lided from the overwhelming heat after a long time.
"You know, it really ached when you ignored me before. But now here we are. Still can't believe this happened"
"I ignored you because I was scared that I might catch feelings and it won't go the way I want to", yes, you were honestly scared.
"So what changed your mind?", the curiosity stucked in his mind.
"The fact that someone was willing to give their heart to me was enough to make me fall for you at that confession. I love you Kyoutani", now that you discovered him, even your feelings became clear.
"I love you too", he cooed with a smile.
Turns out all of that wasn't the hatred but denial of the fact that deep down, you both were meant to be but just the circumstances weren't coping up with you two.
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©All the wrting contents belongs to nkogneatho 2021, do not repost.
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Guest Speaker
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Anon requested: Hi! I saw that your requests are open, so this is oddly specific but, could I get a Reid x reader where she’s a cheerleader kinda prom queen stereotype but she’s like really smart and majoring in criminology (maybe that’s how they meet?) and he’s sorta insecure about dating her, maybe it could be a bit smutty? If not it’s totally cool, thank you sooo much. 
Author’s note: First off, I would like to apologize to you anon. I took a rather long hiatus without really planning to due to some personal stuff, so I’m really sorry for that. I hope you still follow me, I hope you see this, and I hope above all else that you like it. Also, I should mention I didn’t add any smut because I didn’t feel like it fit the story. But, if you would like, I could do a smutty part 2! Just let me know. 
Part 2
Reader’s POV:
Could this class be any more boring? Sure, criminology is my favorite subject. But this professor looked like he had one foot in the grave, with the voice to match. Talk about naptime. 
I put my pen down in exasperation and decided that picking at my nail polish was a better way to spend my time. 
“Psst,” a voice hissed next to me. 
I popped my gum as I looked up at the source of the voice. It was Naomi, my best friend. 
“Girl, I didn’t even notice you next to me!”
“I know,” she whispered, trying not to laugh. “You were too enamored with your polish flaking off. Sometimes I wonder how you’re top of the class.” 
I stifled a laugh. 
“I wonder the same thing sometimes, Naomi. Hey, I think I might dip a little early. What do you think about coming with me?” 
No answer. I waited to see if she would respond, but she never did. Glancing up, I saw her staring towards the podium. There was no way she was looking at Dr. Daniels. I followed her gaze and about swallowed my gum in surprise. 
Dr. Daniels was up there, but next to him was someone I had never seen before. Quite unfortunate, if I do say so myself, because he had to be the most beautiful man I had ever seen. 
I whispered to Naomi out of the corner of my mouth, not breaking my gaze towards the man, “Who… is that?” 
“I think Daniels said he works at the FBI. A guest speaker, I guess. Dr. Spencer Reid.” 
She hadn’t stopped staring either.  
I rested my head in my hands and sighed. 
“He doesn’t look much older than us, Nay.”
She tilted her head and blinked slowly, “May the best woman win.” 
“Alright, so that brings me to the end of my presentation. I have to get back to Quantico soon, but uh- I’ll stick around for some questions if anyone has any.”
Dr. Spencer Reid had to be the most beautiful, awkward, brilliant man I had ever seen. 
I glanced around the room as I packed my things. Not many people went up to ask questions. A few did, but only briefly. Their loss. 
Naomi nudged me with her elbow. “Gonna ask him a question?” 
I took a deep breath, “I don’t think any of my questions have anything to do with criminology.” 
Naomi laughed and shouldered her bag. “I’ve gotta get to my next class.”
She began walking down the steps to leave the room, but turned to me at the last second. 
She began pointing at him while his back was turned and mouthed the words, “Get his number for me.” 
As luck would have it, he turned around and noticed Naomi gesturing towards him. He looked at her and then up to me. A nervous smile graced his lips as he turned back around to pack his things. 
I widened my eyes at Naomi and she raised her hands in defeat with a huge grin on her face. 
Once she left, only Dr. Reid and I remained. I started my walk up to the podium, trying to come up with any questions that actually related to his presentation. As I slowed down near him, I prayed he couldn’t hear my heart ripping a hole in my chest. 
“Um, Dr. Reid.”
He lifted his head and looked towards me, pausing mid-action. His hands were large compared to the papers he was putting in his bag.
“What can I do for you?”
I shifted my weight around, trying to get comfortable. It didn’t work.
“I was just wondering- um, does the FBI take interns? It’s been a dream of mine to work for the FBI.” 
He turned all the way towards me and narrowed his eyes slightly. Was he judging me or something? 
“Yeah, actually we do. There’s tons of programs you can check out. What’s your major?” 
“Criminology,” I said softly. 
“Oh wow, really? I would’ve thought maybe it would have been… something else.” 
He glanced at my bag where my pom poms were sticking out. 
“Ah, yeah because I’m a cheerleader?”
“Uh, no no, that’s not what I meant- I just-”
I shook my head with a small smile. “No, don’t worry about it. I get it a lot. Cheerleading is just a hobby. I’m actually top of the class.”
Dr. Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise. “That’s very impressive! I was top of my class in- well, every class,” he said, laughing quietly.
“I don’t doubt it, but you don’t look much older than us. Are you that much of a genius you skipped so many grades?” 
He grabbed his bag and shrugged it on. “I do have an IQ of 187. I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for.”
He smiled shyly at me. I was confident there was nothing this man couldn’t do.
“Wow. Well, that’s really impressive, too.” 
I paused for a second, hoping he didn’t notice my burning red ears. 
“Well, um, Dr. Reid, I don’t wanna hold you up. I’m sure you have way more important things to be doing than talking to me.” 
He looked down at his feet and shifted his bag.
“Talking to you was important. Here,” he dug in his bag as he spoke, “Take my card. I’ll um- check up on those intern programs for you. Call me- I mean call my office in a few days. I’ll have something for you.”
He handed me his card abruptly. I took it with slightly shaking fingers. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that either. 
“I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. Hope to see you in Quantico some day,” he said as he smiled. 
I stood stone still in my spot, still holding his card as if he had just handed it to me. I only broke out of my trance when he cleared his throat at the door as he was leaving.
“You shouldn’t pick your nail polish off. That color looks good on you.” 
And then he was gone.
As I walked out of class, I couldn’t seem to make my heart stop fluttering. Dr. Reid wouldn’t flirt with me- right? No way. He was just complimenting me.
Naomi could tell something was up when I got to cheerleading practice. I didn’t want to tell her though; she’d never let me hear the end of it.
“You’re late! What’s up, (Y/N)? Did something happen?”
I shook my head. “Nothing happened, just took the scenic route!”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Spill. What happened?”
I sighed. I should’ve known she’d start in on me immediately. Guess I’ll save myself the trouble and just tell her now.
“I talked to Dr. Reid and he gave me his card. And…he said I shouldn’t pick at my nail polish because the color looks good on me.”
Naomi’s jaw dropped. “Show me. Card. Now.”
I dug in my pocket and handed her the card. She snatched it from my fingers that still felt tingly.
“Oh my God! What did you say to him to make him give you that?”
I grabbed the card back from her. “I said I was interested in an FBI internship.”
She scoffed. “Well, I don’t know about an internship but you gotta get laid. Call him. And use protection,” she finished, winking at me.
I rolled my eyes and followed Naomi to the sideline before coach started yelling at us.
A few days had passed since I talked to Dr. Reid. I didn’t know what to do. Should I really call him or just forget that interaction ever happened?
I tried pushing the thought of him from my mind to focus on tonight. It was Friday night, which meant football. Not just football, but the rival team was playing us tonight. It was a huge game and tons of people are coming. I had to make sure I didn’t fuck anything up.
My makeup was done and my uniform was on, so I made my way to the field.
I was early of course, but there were already herds of people trying to get in. Young and old, students and non-students. Everyone was here. I felt the familiar rush of excitement I get before performing. There was nothing else like it in the world.
Tonight was gonna be a night to remember.
Narrator’s POV:
“Tell me why we’re here again?” Derek asked in confusion.
Spencer scratched his head. He was no good at these kinds of things.
“Well, I was really young in college. I- I never got the full college experience as an adult.” He tried not to cringe at his own words.
Derek glaced at Garcia. She shrugged and turned to JJ.
“I’m gonna go grab a hot dog. Wanna come with?”
JJ nodded. “Of course! Want anything boys?”
Spencer shook his head and Derek asked for a drink. The two women walked off.
“Well let’s go find seats then, Pretty Boy.”
Derek took Spencer through the crowd; it wasn’t hard to see he had no clue what was going on.
They found an empty corner in the bottom row of the bleachers. Spencer hesitated as Derek sat down.
“You gonna stand there all night, kid?”
He glanced around before his eyes settled on Derek.
“Do you know how many germs there are on these things?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You wanted the full college experience. Here it is.”
Spencer groaned internally before sitting down.
“So tell me,” the bigger man said as he leaned forward, “Which one are you here for?” Derek gestured to the cheerleaders lining up on the field.
Spencer shifted in his seat and cut a sideways glance at Derek. “What makes you think I wanted to watch the cheerleaders?”
Derek laughed. “Kid, I might not be a genius like you, but I am a profiler. And I can tell when someone is crushing. You’ve been looking around here for something. My guess is, you saw a pretty girl at your guest lecture the other day and wanna see more of her.”
Spencer began to protest but sank back down in defeat. He looked around at the girls, trying to find the one he came for. After what seemed like forever, he found her.
“That one,” he pointed out, “in the very front with the (your hair color) hair.”
Derek looked at you as you began calling out to the other girls, leading them in a cheer.
“My man,” Derek said as he clapped Spencer on the back with a smile. “You better get to talking to her soon, or I may have to work my magic.”
Spencer sighed, “Go ahead. It’s not like she would like me anyway.”
“What makes you say that, kid?” 
“Well, it’s just- I’ve never had much luck with those types of girls. Remember a few years ago with JJ?” Spencer said quietly while looking at his hands.
“That was back then, man. Look at you now! I bet she’d be into you.”
Spencer tried not to smile. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Derek said, patting Spencer’s back once again.
Spencer smiled to himself. He felt a little better about everything. 
“What’s her name?” 
Spencer looked at Derek and paused. “I- I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
JJ and Garcia appeared then, hands full of snacks and drinks. 
Derek leaned back as the girls sat down behind them.
“He’s here for a girl,” 
JJ groaned and set her food down. Garcia smirked and held out her hand expectantly. After a second of digging in her pocket, JJ pulled out some money and slapped it into Garcia’s hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said as she put the money into her bag.
“Y- you guys took a bet?” Spencer asked in shock.
“All’s fair in love and war, dear doctor.”
“Garcia that doesn’t even- never mind,” Spencer said, shaking his head. He turned his head back to the field. 
You were at the top of the formation now, standing on one foot while holding your other leg in the air with one hand, being held up by all the girls underneath you. It took Spencer’s breath away. You were so beautiful. 
“OOH, she’s flexible!” Garcia grunted out past mouthfuls of hotdog. 
Spencer ignored the comment and continued watching. He didn’t expect you to watch him, though.
You had found him in the crowd and made eye contact for a second. He raised his hand to begin waving, but stopped when he saw the color leave your face. 
“Hey, woah- is she okay? She’s wobbling a little,” Derek said, shifting forward like he was going to stand up. 
“She looks like she’s gonna-” JJ started. She didn’t get to finish. The group watched in horror as you went limp and fell from the top of the formation. 
Reader’s POV: 
I loved being up here. There was no other feeling like it, especially when I got to call out the cheers tonight. 
We were nearing the end of this cheer, so I held out this position as long as I could, smiling at everyone in the crowd, making eye contact with as many as possible. I wasn’t expecting to make eye contact with Dr. Reid.
What was he doing here?! 
I felt my leg begin to wobble, but still held my position. My heart was pounding and I suddenly felt very cold. 
“Hey,” one of the girls below me hissed, “You okay?” 
“I-” I managed to whisper, “I don’t feel so good…”
I don’t remember falling, so I was a little shocked when I came to, laying on my back. The rest of the squad circled around me, panicked looks on their faces. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Stay down there. The AT is coming over to talk to you,” Naomi said, patting my shoulder. 
I groaned and tried sitting up, but she pushed me back down. “That’s not a good idea. You just passed out.”
My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to remember what happened.
“Ugh, how embarrassing. I’ve never fallen before.” 
Naomi smiled sadly at me. “It happens to the best of us. But what happened? Why did you lose it?” 
I rubbed my head and sat up slowly, much to the annoyance of Naomi and the AT. 
“I just felt- sick all of a sudden. I don’t know,” I lied quietly. 
The AT handed me a bottle of water. “Just nerves, baby. It’s a big game.” 
I nodded as she helped me up. “Yeah. Just nerves.” 
Naomi went back to the squad and told them I was okay. The AT sat me down on the sideline, leaning me against the fence. “Take a breather, hun. You’ll feel better by halftime.”
I gave her a smile as thanks, and took a sip of water.
A voice behind me called out, “Hey, are you okay?”
Dr. Reid stood on the other side of the fence with a bigger African-American man and two blonde girls, one wearing glasses and one without glasses.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine! It’s just a big game. A lot of nerves, you know?” 
I stood up and faced them. “Are these your coworkers?” 
“Oh uh, yeah, this is Derek, JJ, and Penelope,” Spencer said, gesturing to each of the people next to him in turn. 
I gave them a small smile and a wave. 
“So what are you doing here? FBI that boring that you have to come see a random college football game? Maybe I don’t want an internship,” I laughed out to them. 
Derek laughed with me. “Nah, Pretty Boy didn’t come for the game-”
Dr. Reid punched him in the arm.
The two women, JJ and Penelope, laughed as Derek raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright!”
I smiled and shook my head, looking back out to the field. 
“Hey, I never asked you the other day. What’s your name?” 
I turned my attention back to Dr. Reid. The other three were no longer in sight. 
“(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“Well, nice to officially meet you, (Y/N).” 
“So what are you really doing here, Dr. Reid? It doesn’t take a genius to see that you have no interest in football.” 
I hopped the fence and stood next to him. 
“Hey, be careful. You did just have a pretty big fall.”
I grinned, a burst of confidence erupting in my chest. 
“Of course, Doctor.”
He leaned against the fence next to me and looked down to meet my gaze. “Call me Spencer.” 
My heart fluttered a bit. He was totally into me. 
“Okay. Spencer, then.” 
He smiled back at me. “Would you maybe want to get a coffee with me sometime?”
I turned towards him, hoping he didn’t see just how much I was blushing. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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lilxberry · 3 years
Give Us A Song - Thorin’s Company
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Warnings: None, just some platonic fluff with the whole gang
Words: 1,038
Pairings: None. Thorin’s Company x Reader (platonic)
(A/N: Kinda a song fic, if you count a lil’ bop from Frozen 2 lmao.)
(Song: All Is Found by Evan Rachel Wood from Frozen 2.)
As the company settled down in their little campsite for the night, Bofur heaved out a sigh.
“Are you alright, Master Bofur?” You spoke in a gently voice, concerned for the dwarf.
He turned to face you, sitting up that tad bit straighter. “Aye lass, I’m fine. Just a bit too quiet for my liking.”
“Why don’t you sing to us tonight? We know your singing isn’t THAT terrible.” You teased as you gave him your suggestion.
“I think the others have had quite enough of my singing, my lady.” He quipped as a playful smile resided on his face.
“Why don’t you sing to us lass?” Balin asked from his place across the fire.
You turned your attention towards the kind old dwarf and shook your head with a smile. “No, no, I’m quite certain the companies’ ears while be bled dry by the time I would finish any song I would sing.”
“Oh, c’mon Y/N, give us a song.” Fíli and Kíli spoke at once, almost in a whining manner, making you chuckle.
You closed your eyes and took a quick, deep breath before sighing and giving in to your companions’ request. “Fine. What would you all have me sing?”
“Maybe you should sing something that holds a deep meaning to you, my dear.” Gandalf spoke, holding his pipe that emitted smoke from both ends.
You smiled softly, knowing what song would be sung by you. “Okay. Although, I’m not certain that you may like it.” You gave faux warning as you flashed them a playful smile before it softened. “It will be a song from my people, from the enchanted forest that I came from.”
“We’re sure it will be great regardless of its’ origin.” “Bilbo smiled from his place beside you.
With that, you nodded and turned to look into the fire, beginning the sweet song your mother once sang for you as a child.
‘Where the north wind meets the sea,
There's a river full of memory.
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound,
For in this river all is found.’
They gaped at you in awe as your silken smooth voice carried throughout their small campsite, not one of them daring to make a single sound for they fear they would disturb the beauty they hear.
Images of your mother cradling your child sized body to hers in your body as she sang and combed her fingers through your hair. You smiled at the memory as the song continued its course past your lips.
‘In her waters, deep and true,
Lie the answers and a path for you.
Dive down deep into her sound,
But not too far or you'll be drowned.’
The usual brooding Durin heir had even set aside his stoic expression listening to the sweet sound of your voice. His shoulders slumped as he began to allow himself to relax. Balin had smiled as he noticed the change within Thorins usual tense stature.
Everyone was entranced by your song, not daring to look away as they somehow thought that will make them miss your melodic tune.
The tune so sweet, it neared the others to sleep, your voice lulling them by the second, although they refuse to give in.
‘Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear,
And in her song, all magic flows.
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?’
You though about the powers you possess, not differing much to Gandalf’s. Yours being more spiritual rather than the practical magic he produces alongside his knowledge, wit and charm. You revelled as you felt the similar sensation send a shiver down your spine.
‘Where the north wind meets the sea,
There's a mother full of memory.
Come, my darling, homeward bound,
When all is lost, then all is found.’
You hadn’t even realised that you closed your eyes during the final verse for as you noticed an orange glow shine that little bit dimmer. You opened your eyes slowly to be met with the company staring at you. You blushed from the number of eyes set upon your form.
“Wow…” Ori breathed out, followed by nods of agreement from Nori and Dori.
“That was amazing lass.”
The compliments had continued to flow, forcing you to look down bashfully, a red as deep as the centre of the burning embers sat before you. “You’re all too kind.”
“I believe that it will be many years before that song you’ve sung for us tonight will leave my mind.” Thorin spoke, his usually icy, distant demeanour nowhere in sight, only a genuine smile upon his face.
You smiled and gave a curt nod to the dwarf.
“I think I’m going to sleep. Goodnight all.” Bilbo turned to head to his bedroll but spared a final glace over to you. “I hope we hear more songs from you along the way.”
Gandalf stood from his position against the base of the large tree. “I think we should follow Mister Baggings’ example and head to sleep.”
The others grunted and nodded in agreement, though their grunts had somehow sounded more cheerful. The thought alone made you giggle quietly to yourself. “I’ll take first watch.” You volunteered yourself happily, in a chipper mood from how calm the night has been.
“I’ll take the next watch after the lass.” Dwalin spoke and nodded towards you, making his own way over towards his bedroll.
As the others said their goodnights and well wishing of sweet dreams, you were left to seat yourself on the nearby rock, gaining some height for looking out for threats. You smiled as your mind wandered back to thoughts of your mother, your home.
Although it saddens you to know there is no returning for you, you still continue to smile as you’ve gained a new one after the tragic loss of your previous.
You brought your knees up to your chest, hugging your legs tightly as you gaze over at the sleeping dwarves, hobbit and wizard, smiling fondly.
“When all is lost, then all is found…huh…” You muttered to yourself, thinking solely of your newfound family. You were going to help them get back to their rightful home, even if it killed you.
I KNOW the whole mother situation is practically the same from the second Frozen film but I prefer the second over the first immensely for some reason
And this song just hits right, yanno
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
I found this to be quite cute plus fun to write
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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•You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home•
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Oikawa x Reader
warnings: mentions of heartbreak
genre: comfort/fluff
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is hot garbage buuuut i needed to finish writing something or i was going to lose my mind sooo i apologize in advance :) alsoo this isn’t proofread soo i apologize for any mistakes
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As you sat on the old metal swing, your tiny legs dangled in the air in the attempts to get some movement ,
“Hey Tooru, come push me on the swing!”
Oikawa sighed, stopping what he was doing to peer over his shoulder and glance at your struggling form,
“Y/N, can you push yourself please? i’m kinda busy.”
A pout formed on your face as you kicked your legs faster in frustration, whines leaving your lips at yet another failed attempt to propel yourself forwards,
“But Tooru, I always go so much higher when you push me.”
Oikawa continued to pat at the damp dirt with a shovel, trying his best to get you off his case so he could finish the task at hand,
“Why dont you ask Iwa-chan?”
Looking from the back of the boys head, your gaze wandered towards the lake where a certain spiky haired boy stood with his pant legs rolled up, skimming the water for creatures,
“But he went to go look for stick bugs over by the pond and that’s so far away.”
Oikawa should have guessed that his best friend would’ve wondered off in search of something so gross. Searching for bugs was his favorite thing to do at the park after all,
“I’ll push you later i promise, i have to finish this dirt castle first.”
You let out a huff and stuck your tounge out at him, pulling at the lower lid of your eye as you did so,
“Fine, you big meanie.”
Usually Oikawa and Iwaizumi would take turns pushing you in a contest to see who could get you higher. It wasn’t usually a request that bothered him, but he had been trying to build this stupid castle ever since the three of you arrived at the park and he didn’t have time to get interrupted by your pleas.
Despite his refusal, soon enough the squeaking sounds of the swing filled the air as you found a way to move yourself on your own. A smile came to Oikawa’s face as he peered back to watch you fly back and forth through the air, a grin evident on your face. He knew you could do it, you were just lazy when it came to things like that. Even so, he couldn’t help but feel that he was a bit harsh. You were just asking a favor after all, and he knew if he asked you to push him on the swing, you would comply without a complaint.
After a bit of pondering, he figured the dirt castle could wait. He’d have much more fun spending time with you and besides, Iwaizumi wouldnt let him hear the end of it if he let you play all by yourself. However, before he even made a move to get up from his current position, the jolt of the metal chains and a scream met his ears.
Snapping his head towards the direction of the noise, he watched as your tiny body was thrown to the ground a few feet away from where you sat prior. You had swung yourself so high that it had caused you to be ejected from the tiny swing. Sobs began to wrack your body as your brain caught up with your body and finally processed what had happened, letting the pain sink in.
Oikawa frantically rushed over and knealed by your side, trying to calm you down with soft hushes. His eyes scanned over your body, watching as blood began to trickle out of the tiny cuts on your arms and legs. Bruises began to form as you lied on the cool cement, still choking on sobs,
“Tooru, It hurts really bad.”
The way the syllables of your sentence were filled with sharp breaths caused fear to ripple through Oikawa. If he would’ve taken control and pushed you instead, you wouldn’t have gone as high as you did and gotten hurt. This was all his fault, so the least he could do was figure out a way to help you,
“I know, I know. Everything is gonna be okay, i’ll go get Iwa-chan!”
Your eyes widened at his statement, the last thing you wanted was for oikawa to go away, even for a second,
“No Tooru, don’t leave me alone, i’m scared.”
Oikawa watched as you looked at him with pleading eyes, but he didn’t know what else to do. He was just a little kid and with there being no adults around, the only thing he could think of was to go grab his best friend.
Oikawa gave you an apologetic glace before running towards the lake, leaving you all alone.
As he stood in the doorway of your bedroom, the way your body shook with sobs reminded him of that day. In fact, he hadn’t seen you cry this hard since and It broke his heart. Especially since the cause of your current pain wasn’t physical like it had been back then,
Your eyes widened at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to come seek you out.
Ever since your draining breakup, you didnt have the energy to even get out of bed, let alone answer your messages so it wasn’t unusual for people to worry. However, at that point you never even considered the fact that someone would go out of their way to come check up on you, but you should’ve expected a visit from oikawa with how close the two of you were. Hell, you knew better then anyone that he’d come running with a change in emotion over text so ghosting him for days on end was definitely a guarantee of his arrival.
Normally you would swipe at your tears and plaster a strained smile on your face but right now, you just wanted to cry. You didn’t have the energy to sit there and paint a pretty picture, you were heartbroken and there was no point in hiding it.
As you turned to peer at the figure in your doorway, your body began to move on it’s own. You maneuvered yourself out of the covers and begun to walk towards oikawa,
“Hey, are you oka-”
Before he could finish his sentence you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest. He immediately returned the hug, carefully running his fingers through your your hair.
Unbeknownst to you, Oikawa knew all about your breakup. You didn’t tell him or anyone for that matter, but the combination of you going mia and your prick of an ex posting up close and personal with a new person every other day was enough clues for him. He was furious to say the very least but you were his top priority at the moment. As you shook in his arms, he held you tight, silently letting you know that he wasn’t going anywhere.
He never did forgive himself after that day at the park. Even though it happened so long ago, he never forgot how hurt you look after he abandoned you on that playground. Any other person would’ve forgotten about it, deeming it a silly grudge between children. However, ever since that day, he promised himself he’d never leave you in your time of need again.
You bawled for what seemed like hours, until your cries turned into whimpers. Oikawa’s shirt had been dampened from your tears and his legs had grown close to numbness from how long he’d been standing, but he couldn’t care less. Once he felt your breath slow to its normal rate, he gently pulled you away from his embrace. Your eyes were red and puffy, cheeks stained with countless tears, but you still looked so lovely to him. He brought a hand up to cup your cheek as he shot you a warm smile,
“There you are,” he brushed away at a stray tear that fell down your face before continuing, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You shook your head. There was no way you could possibly explain the pain you’d been put through without breaking down all over again, and that would be putting your best friend through more than you already had.
Oikawa didn’t push you any further, instead gently intertwining his fingers with yours and tugging you back towards your bed. You were confused at first, until he lightly pushed you down onto the bed. As soon as he did you felt the exhaustion from your breakdown wash over you, causing you to subconsciously curl into the covers below.
As your eyes began to flutter shut you felt the bed sink beside and glanced up to meet Oikawa’s eyes. He propped himself up with one arm as the other gently brushed stray hairs out of your face,
“You should get some rest Y/N-chan.”
You looked up at him with the same desperation that washed over your face all those years ago. He knew you were terrified that if you let yourself fall asleep, he would be gone by the time you woke up. He leaned down to place a kiss to the top of your head before resting his forehead against your own,
“I’m not going anywhere, i promise. It’s time to close your eyes now, okay?”
You hummed in agreement before snuggling into his warm figure.
Oikawa watched as your breaths slowed and your figure went slack against him. He knew that it would be a while before your broken heart healed, but he would be there to cheer you on every step of the way. He hoped that once all the broken pieces had been put back together, he could get the chance to love you the way you should’ve been loved from the start.
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missmorosis · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
Prompt for Sokka with 66 and 24? I'm rewatching ATLA probably for the 100th time already and I'm still burning for him ❤😅
(Also: would it be possible to make the reader a firebender? I just like the thought of being an outcast firebender tbh😂)
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66. “Can we stop for a second? I think I’m going to pass out.”
24. “Would it help if I stayed with you?”
heck yeah i love this idea- THANKS FOR THE REQUEST!!
sorry this took a couple days asdfkljsd i had zero ideas for this rq BUT I GOT IT
Pairing: Sokka x Reader
Warnings: feeling faint & panicked :)
Word count: 700
Summary: Y/N had a small run in with firebenders, and she's worried about whether or not they spotted her. but no worries, Sokka's here to protect his baby hehe
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What were they doing here?
Three firebenders, looking like they were from the fire nation army, were training at a pond. Y/N had gone there to find some fish, but that was now out of the question. She couldn't risk getting spotted. She tried backing away, as quietly as she could, but she ruined it with a wrong step. A tree branch cracked under her foot, and the firebenders' heads whipped around, searching for the source of the sound. Shoot.
She froze as they scanned the area, looking for her, and she felt a bit more relaxed when they shrugged it off. While they kept practicing, she ran off, trying to get as far away as possible.
She looked behind her, making sure they hadn't heard her, and since she wasn't looking where she was going, she ran into something. She grunted at the impact and looked up at see Sokka grinning down at her.
"Hey, Y/N! Where are you going in such a hurry?" She opened her mouth to respond, but she closed it again. She didn't have to worry him, right? It... was probably nothing.
"Train with me?" Sokka pulled out his sword with a smile. She gave him a half-hearted nod before getting into the firebending position. "Ready?" he asked, before striking with his sword. She barely dodged it, and in return, she tried to give him a face full of fire, but she missed. By a lot.
"Come on, you can do better than that," Sokka teased. She rolled her eyes, but her mind was somewhere else. Should she tell him? What were they doing here? Were they following her and her friends? Had they spotted her?
She knew that if they did see her, they were going to go looking for her. And if they did go looking for her... Her head spun just thinking about the flames and the burns from the past.
“Sokka, can- can we stop for a second? I think I’m going to pass out,” she whimpered. Sokka immediately dropped his sword and rushed to her side, trying to support her as she sank into the ground.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” His concern was written all over his face; his blue eyes scanning all over Y/N, trying to find the reason she was feeling faint.
"I..." She was quickly running out of breath, feeling lightheaded from the effort to breathe. She closed her eyes, because everything was toppling to the side.
"Would it help if I stayed with you? Or, do you want me to go get help?" his voice said. She heard him kneel down next to her.
"St- stay. Please," she muttered. The worst thing that could happen would be for Sokka to run into the firebenders and get hurt.
Wait. Someone was talking in the distance; someone whose voice she vaguely recognized. She was sure it was a firebender.
Whimpering in fear, she got up and tried to run away but her legs gave out. She frantically pushed herself away from the situation, sitting down and using her legs and arms to move away. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and she screamed.
"Hey, it’s okay. You're safe. It's me, Sokka." She sighed in relief. Thank goodness.
"Oh..." he said. Oh? He cursed. "Sorry, can you fight?" He glaced at her, looking worried.
"Y- yeah. I should be fine. Why-" She opened her eyes to see the three firebenders. She looked at them, and she realized she knew who they were. They had worked with her, when she still worked for the fire nation.
"Hmm. Thought I saw you earlier. I see you're working with the Avatar's crew. I expected better of you, Y/N." one of the girls said. Sokka's grasp on Y/N's hand tightened.
"For your information, we kinda... forced her to join. She's one of a kind, and we need her. So if you'll excuse us, we have some fire-nation butt to kick."
That's exactly what they did. Even with Y/N's poor condition, they were still able to defeat the three warriors, using flame and sword. As soon as they retreated, Y/N crumpled to the ground, partically from relief, but Sokka caught her.
"You okay?"
"Yeah... I'm good. Thanks Sokka."
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Atla taglist (send an ask to get added hehe)
@urmomoness @zuko-is-the-sun @busyforkuvira @appa-gaangnam-style @xxspqcebunsxx @akiris @welovediaaxx @ray-ofmoonlight @sokkaandzukosimp @u-4iia @sunnimochix
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
Asking to Touch Them (REACTION)
notes: all members are included below the ‘read more’ link. also namjoon’s is more fluff than i can handle so be prepared. thank me for tae’s gif later
rules | m.list | requested
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Despite your partner being a sucker for skinship, you always hated initiating it. You loved to cuddle and touch him as much as he loved to return it, but his personal space was something you’d always been more aware of.
You’d seen first hand in airports and in public how fans and employees tried so desperately to grab a hold of his arm or his luggage, and how uncomfortable it was for Seokjin when they managed to succeed. The last thing you wanted to do was startle him or panic him.
Sitting so far from Seokjin while watching a movie together just felt so foreign. All you wanted to do was cling to him for added comfort, and as much as he’d most likely want you to do that, you still had a lingering restraint that stopped you. It had been almost two years since you began dating, and it burdened you that you were still unable to initiate skinship.
“Can I get.. closer? Is that okay?” You asked, rotating your neck to look him in the eye. Jin’s eyebrows creased between his eyes as he look at you confused.
“Of course? Why do you always ask me?” He questioned as you shuffled over cushions to get closer. It was a wonder Seokjin had never asked before that. Despite you had your reasoning for always asking, you had dreaded the day you’d have to explain. Really, you knew it was perhaps a silly question to ask you partner all the time
“Just in case you want personal space. I don’t know, sometimes I just think you’d rather not be touched and messed with.” Your answer was more of a mumble, but the soon tilt of his head in dismay told you that he’d heard.
“Personal space doesn’t apply to you, baby. I want you to be comfortable around me. If you want to lay on me, I’m all yours.” Seokjin smiles as you pressed your face against his shoulder. He leaned down to press a soft kiss on your forehead that nibbled away at your concerns.
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Some of the most difficult times for you were watching as your boyfriend rested at home in agony. Performing and rehearsing as much as he did was bound to leave him with injuries here and there, but it had been a while since he was hurt like this.
The muscles in his back had become ceased up suddenly. Medics hired by the company could only recommend rest as there was nothing else they were able to do. Thankfully, your capability to work from home meant Yoongi wouldn’t have to overexert himself to look after himself.
When you entered your apartment carrying bags of groceries for the week, you were surprised by your partner sat upright at the dining table, “Honey, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to keep mobile,” Yoongi grimaced as he answered your question. Anybody would have been able to see he was in pain, “I’m alright.”
“Yeah, and you’re a crap liar. Really, you should rest before moving a lot. It’ll only get worse,” You knew well that he was already aware of this.Considering how many times he’d been in this predicament, you would’ve hoped that he’d just resume to medical advice by now, “Please Yoongi, I can see you’re in pain.”
For the first time since you’d walked into the apartment, he made eye conact with you. As a fan of using pet names, it was rare for you to address him by his actual name. However it allowed him to understand you were serious and maybe he should be too. Yoongi nodded, having considered your advice “You’ll have to help me though. It took me at least 10 minutes just to get here.”
You left the bags in the kitchen island and maneuvered towards the table. Yoongi curled his left arm around your shoulders and you slipped your arm across the middle of his back, “Is that okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“My hand being here... I just don’t want to hurt you more.” You began to guide Yoongi through to the bedroom, matching your pace to his careful stepping towards the door.
“You’re just fine, baby. I apprecate it.”
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“Come here, angel,” Hoseok smirked, grabbing a hold of your hand and tugging you onto his lap. The evenings where he was in this kind of mood always turned out to be the best, “It’s been a long day.”
You placed your knees either side of his hips and sat back onto his legs, taking time to admire him, “I’m sure it has.” You smiled as he reached to fumble with the hem of your shirt. His delicacy when teasing you only made him more enticing.
“This is what you do to me when you leave for so long, you know that?” He asked, leaning into you to join his lips to yours. The gentle brush of his plushy lips against yours only pricked your infatuation with him. Hoseok’s ability to create sensual tension was overwhelming at least, but tonight he was just plainly driving you crazy.
“It was only a few hours,” you giggled, clasping your hands around his neck and pulling yourself closer to his torso. As you divulged into his irresistable kisses, a small alarm began to sound in your mind, “Do you mind this?”
“Mind what?”
“My hands being here,” you cleared. As an idol you were aware of how many times a day Hoseok had his personal space invaded and how much he truly hated it. Although he didn’t seem to mind it, causing him any discomfort was the last thing you intended to do, “I can move them if you like.”
Hoseok brushed a strand of fallen hair back behind your ear and thumbed the pivot of your jaw, “You’re perfect where you are. If ou wanted to get even closer, I wouldn’t mind.”
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It went without saying that your husband, Namjoon, was one of the hardest-working people you knew, and you had grown to learn that when he was in the zone and focused on his song-writing, it was best to just leave him to it. You had to time your snuggle attacks just right; you’d figured that your golden time was when he emerged to refill of caffeine.
Sooner than you expected, you heard the whirring of the coffee machine as it poured another coffee mixture into Namjoon’s used mug, “How’s it going?” You asked, sneaking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter.
“I’ll only be another half hour at most. Any longer and I’ll burn out.” He sighed, rubbing his eyes gently with his index knuckles. As much as Namjoon was a hard worker, many times he worked too much. It was only his determination to do well, but sometimes he struggled to know when to stop.
“Please don’t overwork yourself, honey,” you began as you stepped forward to reach your arms around his waist. Your head fell between his shoulder blades; hugging Joon from behind was often the best way, “Do you mind?”
“Hmm?” Perhaps you were too aware of his state of mind. He never usually minded when you went in for a bear hug, but for some reason you felt compelled to just make sure.
“Do you mind when I hug you like this? I don’t want to distract you or keep you from your work.”
Before you’d finished your explanation, Namjoon turned in your arms so your head laid across his chest. Without missing a beat, he slung his arms over your shoulders and crossed his hands to keep you close to him, “Of course I don’t mind. If anything, I’d love for you to do it more. I’m all yours, lovely.”
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Jimin often went out of his way to make memorable moments to share with you. Even if some locations you had to visit more than a few times due to his tight schedules, the setting never undermined the thoughts of his actions. A certain park in Seoul often hosted late night walks; the midnight darkness was able to veil the eyes of the public ,giving you the privacy that was so rare to find.
“It’s kinda strange how cherry blossoms are still so pretty in the dark,”Jimin looked down with adoration at your face as you charted your observations, “not quite the same though.”
Jimin paused in his smile and sighed gently, but enough for you to notice, “I’ll bring you here in daylight soon, I promise. It’s just difficult to find time-”
“I know, Jiminie. I’m only playing with you.” Swiftly, you glaced at the floor to locate his hand, which was curled inside his pocket. Without it crossing your mind, you reached into his pocket and threaded your fingered in between his. Jimin tightened his hand around yours, but remained silent giving you time to question your actions, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“What? Holding your hand?” You nodded, notably changing your walking pace to keep up with him. Inside his pocket, he began to caress the back of your hand with his thumb, tellng yo already that it was no problem to him, “I was waiting for you to reach in, actually. My pocket isn’t too good at keeping one hand warm.”
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Waking up beside Taehyung never felt real. The morning sunshine poured delicately over his soft features, highlighting his sculpted face that he watched you so adoringly with. When your eyes began to flutter in the bright lights of dawn, it was refreshing to be greeted by his meek eyes hidden behind fallen strands of curled hair.
“Morning, angel.” He smiled as his voice cracked, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Perfect.” You smiled back letting a small yawn escape from your lips. Taehyung chuckled to himself and rolled onto his back before scooting closer to where you laid. He raised his left arm and replaced it at the peak of your pillows, seemingly inviting you into his embrace.
Taking notice of his actions, you quickly readjusted to place yourself in his arms. His bare chest against your loose hair tickled your earlobe, causing you to nestle into his warmth. You took the time to look up at Taehyung and study his face. He might have thought he was slick, but you caught him changing his smile into a straight face, “Something wrong? I can move if you want...”
Without letting Tae answer you, you already began to remove yourself from his chest and back to the imprinted figure you’d left on the memory foam mattress. Barring you from rolling back any further was his outstreched arm, lightly pushing you back onto him.
“Nothing’s wrong, baby.” he reassured you, using his free hand to fondle and smooth over your hair, “Let’s stay here for a while, yeah?”
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Usually, you wouldn’t accompany Jungkook at the airport. For your own privacy and protection, he generally discouraged you tagging along. However this occasion was different; the group was returning from the last stop of their overseas’ tour which you also had embarked on to visit family. There was every opportunity for you to leave the plane and get into a car before Jungkook and the boys, but he wasn’t about to let you risk your safety like that.
Behind the frosted screen doors, you could see all the flashing bulbs of gathered press and media. Already, it was beginning to taunt you, “There’s more than usual.” Jungkook mumbled, dodging to the side of a manager to get a better glimpse of the bursting lights. Surprisingly, his comment didn’t help an awful lot.
You exhaled deeply, catching his attention “You’re gonna be okay. Just stay by my side, it’s not as far to the door as it seems.” His words were well received, but your panic had already begun to settle. As he continued to watch past staff members, you took the chance to reach out for his hand.
“Do you mind? I’m just scared, that’s all.” You asked Jungkook, side stepping to be closer to his side. You couldn’t have felt any safer by his side.
“Of course not,” he beamed, wrapping his fingers tightly around yours and carefully swinging your conjoined fist back and forth, “I’m keeping you safe, okay?”
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^ i’m so sorry about how long this took, for a while it really stumped me but thank you for requesting! this might be my most favouritereaction so far <3
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