#reread and add like 5 sentense
kettlefire · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
(We’re pretending it’s not 3am on a Thursday, shhhhhhhh)
“Come on Sammy.” Dean sighed, resting a hand on his disgruntled brother’s neck. Sam shrugged his shoulders half-heartedly, not enough to shrug off the hand. “We’ll go out, and look around when we’re done. Okay?” 
“Yea Dean, sure.” Sam nodded, giving Dean a small smile before pulling out a small box from the car. “Sounds good.” Dean smiled, following suit. 
The trio worked quietly, moving boxes through the house. Picking out rooms, the boys settled on the second floor, John’s on the first. It was easy, even if the tension was still there. It wasn’t long before John  tapped out, leaving to check in with a mechanic job he had ready to start once they moved. 
Dean sighed, glancing around the empty home. The place was bare even with it being pre-furnished. It didn’t feel like it would ever become home, not like his childhood home, not like Bobby’s home did. Still, the least Dean could do was try to make things easier for Sam. A sigh escaped the teen, as he glanced towards the door. 
John helped clear out the impala, leaving the boxes on the driveway before he left. Sam was still working with Dean to bring the boxes in, only complaining slightly which the older teen appreciated. The debate stands on whether the two should unpack the boxes first, or go out into town. He figured he had enough in his wallet to treat Sammy to a diner.
 “Dean?” Sam’s voice called from the front lawn, pulling Dean out of his thoughts. The teen’s eyebrows furrowed, quickly moving through the door frame and taking in the sight before him. Sam was standing closer to the house, and a box settled at his feet. A man was smiling at him, a younger man, maybe his son, stood next to him.
“Can we help you?” Dean asked, taking a stand in front of Sam. The man nodded, holding out a filled brown paper bag. 
“Hello, my name is Chuck Novak. I live just across the street from you.” The man, Chuck, motioned towards the house diagonal from theirs. “This is my son, Michael, we’re just stopping by to greet the new neighbors.”
“My sister Anna baked banana bread as a welcome.” Michael spoke up, his posture just as perfect as his father. Which left Dean a little suspicious, it wasn’t until then that he realized Chuck was a priest. “I hope you have no allergies.”
“Uh, thanks.” Dean nodded, taking the bag from the man. “I’m Dean, this is my brother Sam. Our dad’s taking a trip to his new job.”
“Hopefully we can have a better introduction soon, I’m on my way to my church.” Chuck spoke, motioning towards his simple dark car behind him. “I hope to see you three there sometime?”
“Our dad said we’re attending Thursdays.” Sam spoke up, watching the two with a careful eye. 
“Perfect. Until next time.” Dean watched the men leave, something in his gut told him this wasn’t right. Something about them rubbed him the wrong way. 
“I don’t like them.” Sam mumbled, picking up the forgotten box from the ground. “I don’t care what treats they bring.” Dean couldn’t help but smile at that, a little proud that his baby brother followed his own gut. 
“Don’t worry Sammy, I don’t either.” Dean rustled Sam’s hair, ignoring the swat as his hand and reminder that his name is just Sam. “But hey, free banana Bread.” Dean grinned, glancing back at his brother he followed him into the new house.
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