#rescued kittens
cat-sanctuary-goa · 28 days
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8 of our cats had dental scaling and extraction done yesterday.
3 cats, 1 owned and 2 strays also got neutered
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whathecat-blog · 2 years
Rescue Cat Poses And Takes The Internet By Storm
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crudlynaturephotos · 3 years
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gummy-sharks666 · 3 years
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Stinky boy
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dirtykittenjohn · 4 years
Маленький котенок Джон учится ловить рыбу 🐟🐠| Очень весело и мило
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skelethereals · 4 years
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This is baby Freya. I rescued her when she was two-weeks old. Now that you've seen her, good luck will always follow your steps ❤️❤️
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thisdayreservedfor · 4 years
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“Tell us our story!” 
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grumpy-gay-gardener · 5 years
We have had ferals in our neighborhood for many decades. We fed our original “Mama Kitty” for the first few years we lived here. She had several litters through the years and was too smart to be trapped so us neighbors could have her spayed. She was mostly very wild but would visit me when I gardened. Wouldn’t let us come near her but she would hang out at good distance. One winter morning some 10 or 11 years ago, I found her dead on our deck. We did our best to help her but it was as agonizing to lose her. We had her cremated and returned her ashes to the he main garden in back.
Her offspring have come around sporadically. Another Mama Kitty in particular made herself at home around here. A few years ago, she decided our deck was a good place to stash her kittens. We tried to catch them but failed and Mama moved them. We only saw one kitten make it to adulthood and it rarely came around.
Our neighborhood is tough for feral cats because we have a lot of coyote and fox. Coyotes hunt cats and kittens and fox hunt kittens.
Last fall, mama had another litter she moved under our deck. We tried to cautiously intervene but she moved them again. We didn’t see any of them again until one winter night, a single grey kitten appeared on our deck. We put good out and it continued to come around. We built a feral cat house, put in a heating pad, put out a heated water bowl and built a lean to shelter along the deck to protect kitten from the elements. Kitten came ever evening almost and I’d be worried sick when it didn’t show up. We were certain it was a girl so we’d refer to her as baby girl etc. We got to the point that we could lay down with our head by the the glass and baby kitty would bump up against it and purr. Next we put our hands out through the barely opened sliding glass door so she could get used to our smell.
Meanwhile, I’d see fox tracks in the backyard the next day and is dress about kitty.
Next we would bring out toys and use a laser and kitten would play and play. We named her munchkin because she had short little legs. We got so Munchkin would give us toe bean touches when we would put our hand out.
One night, I spotted the fox coming for Munchkin right up to the deck. I shooed the fox and decided it was time to intervene. We were full invested emotionally at this point. I still well up with tears even today. I prayed to any power that may exist to help me save this lovable little kitten that worked its way into our hearts. I opened the sliding glass door and began to coax Munchkin through the door into our TV room with the laser. Purring and playful, Munchin came fully through the opening. I quick closed the door and shouted for my Husband. “We got her”
This was followed by Mubxhkun freaking out. She went straight up the curtains and began pissing everywhere. My husband got a hold of her and then she got a hold of his hand and bit something fierce. We got her into a carrier and spent the night with her downstairs in the basement to keep her separate from our cats until she could be tested and quarantined. The TV room was hosed with Nature’s Miracle.
We get munchkin to the vet and find out she is actually a he. Munchkin tests negative for all diseases and didn’t even show any signs of fleas, ticks or war mites.
We get him back home and begin socializing him in the basement. The first few weeks he hides in a bunch of blankets on some storage bins. He eats well and gets lactose free milk. At first he would use the litter box so we moved it up to the far corner when he was going potty. He is litter trained from then on.
Next we set up a chair adjacent to his blanket hideout and begin to sing and sweet talk to him through his kitty cave. We take shifts doing this for hours. Next, we begin to pet him and cradle him through what we’ve now termed the purrito because there’s this folded pocket in the blanket where he sleeps like it’s a hammock. He will purr and let us hold him but doesn’t come out. We’ve taken turns sleeping in a chair didn there to get him use to us.
Finally, we start carefully pulling him out of his purrito. He will sit on our chest and purr for brief periods but then would hide. Soon enough, he’s out more and watching us from a distance. We get more toys and the laser and he begins to play again. We had an old metal extending antenna that becomes his favorite toy to attack under blankets and pillows.
In April, about 3 months from when they’d all began, we get him fixed and then introduce him upstairs to our two Siberian brothers. At first all is well but our silver Siberian Ivan doesn’t like Munchkin. A hiss fight ensues and Munchkin makes it his only priority to terrorize Ivan for the next few months. We begin referring to Munchkin as a face hugger from Aliens because he likes to pounce on the big kitties faces and hugs us while sitting on our chest with his head under our chin.
He’s now mellowed and grown so much we renamed him Xeno and in xenomorph because he’s got huge teeth, sleek grey on grey striped fur that looks like metal and a long tail that could be a weapon.
Of course, his mama showed up this same spring with more kittens under the deck. All the kittens eat when we put food out. They explore the area around the deck and play. There’s one black kitten, one thats a grey/tan striped that looks just like Mama, one with grey stripes and white paws, face and tip of the tail, and one with light grey stripes. One day, the light grey striped one followed Mama on a hunting trip and didn’t come back.
We decide to get a have-a-heart trap because we don’t want to watch all these kittens disappear. We also want to get mama fixed. Mama is well known in our neighborhood and is elusive of traps. We bait it with tuna and catch her in 5 minutes. This is around mid June
She’s very wild and having a fit. We get her in the garage and cover the cage with a blanket. It takes hours of frustrating calls to find a place that will fix a feral cat on short notice. We get her fixed and release her. Meanwhile, we set the trap for the kittens. We catch the grey/tan one first. This is the kitten that liked to dig in all my planters so we call it Digger.
Next we catch the black one and decide to call it Ebony.
The final kitten is stubborn. It holds out got a couple of days crying under the deck but avoiding the trap. After moving the trap a few times, we catch the last kitten. We name it Tipsy because of the tip of the tail that looks like it was dipped in white paint.
We set up a fencing in area in the basement and convert a dog crate to kitten cage for the 3 kitties. Ebony and Digger start to socialize quickly but Tipsy hisses when whenever we get near.
A vet visit reveals that Tipsy and Digger are girls and Ebony is a boy. Ebony has the same patch of lighter fur on his chest as his older brother Xeno does. Tipsy has pink toe beans and eyes with an inner ring of blue, followed by a ring of green followed by a ring of hazel. She has all of TFW’s eye colors. Digger is the smallest and has sienna colored spots on her belly. She has the downward folds over her big almond eyes that make it impossible to say no to.
We take several months to socialize the kittens before introducing them to the other cats. They all become huge smugglers and Ebony takes to sleeping on my chest with his head tucked under my beard. Tipsy is still a bit weary of us but becomes social and playful. They all get fixed and we finally introduce them to the other cats. Our two oldest aren’t thrilled but are okay. Xeno is thrilled to have siblings and warms up to them quickly. This was in August.
We now have 6 kitties we adore. We love them all so much.
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kayety · 5 years
The Twins are Growing Up
The Twins are Growing Up
It is incredible to be able to witness the development of such tiny creatures. In just one week, the kittens have grown so much. They are already able to eat dry food, which they couldn’t do before. Of course, they love moist food or homemade food as well, Purrfect Chicken and Liver being their favorite. Now they can play for longer periods as they are also awake for longer periods of time.…
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wavepets · 5 years
Sister Kittens Prises à la rescousse - L'un d'entre eux était deux fois plus petit et avait besoin d'aide pour grandir
Sister Kittens Prises à la rescousse – L'un d'entre eux était deux fois plus petit et avait besoin d'aide pour grandir
Deux chatons sont venus à la rescousse pour une vie meilleure. L'un d'eux était beaucoup plus petit.
Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs
Zoe et Zac, deux soeurs félines, ont été amenées à la rescousse de l'île de Vancouver avec leur mère chat, Kiera. Zoé était particulièrement petite pour son âge. Kristi Bellis, une famille d'accueil bénévole, les a ramenés chez eux pour aider le petit chaton à…
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cat-sanctuary-goa · 2 months
The good doctor was here.
She crooned to them. She listened to their hearts and lungs, she felt their bellies, spleens, kidneys, lymph nodes, glands and skull bones.
She made notes.
She told stories and we laughed.
We had a good time.
We have many cats with low immunity, some with chronic and acute respiratory issues, kidney and gingivitis, cancers and skin problems.
We are also a shelter where a simple thing like a cough can spread like wildfire.
So it's good to have a qualified, experienced person come in once a week to assess, examine and prescribe.
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chaniters · 5 years
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Rescued stray kittens. I think it’s time for their meal.
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gummy-sharks666 · 4 years
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Spot the difference
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dirtykittenjohn · 4 years
Настоящие кошачьи игры - Грязный котенок Джон играет с папиной рукой
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vaguethot · 8 years
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What are kittens
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diehard--dreamer-blog · 10 years
Nic has taken the kittens to petsmart for the adoption drive. @__@
Please, please - give these little guys a new home that can take care of them, love them, and want to keep them.
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