#researcher aphelion
george-nyashington · 5 months
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list of character creds (going clockwise)
- @frog-mcchicken (@ function is broken but link to blog is there!)
- @stellyfins
- @monigote001
- erm i think you know who this goober belongs to (me)
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monigote001 · 5 months
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Get kissed idiot!!/affectionately
sacrifice belongs to the amazing @stellyfins 🫂‼️
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
good morning. neuvillette with a dragon!child!reader who, once everything blows over in fontaine, goes to find furina and gives her the biggest hug. they've known her for a very long time. and many times, perhaps she almost, almost cracked to them... but her resolve stood strong every time, and she would backtrack with a laugh and some dramatic flair.
while they can't understand how badly she must have suffered, because they aren't human and their mind is not so fragile, they can at least imagine it. and they can't help but think that maybe she doesn't want to be alone right now; she's been alone for five hundred years. if she wants to be left alone... that's fine, and they know she'll tell them that, but at the very least, as one of her best friends (perhaps her very best one), should they not go check on her?
idk i'm going to play her story quest today probably so i will return with more thoughts!
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em-dashes · 1 year
as part of an experiment today, i decided to try cutting out rian's POV chapters from the beginning of the story. the pacing ended up feeling very odd, so the experiment might have turned out to be a bust. but hey, i tried, at least
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the-void-writes · 2 months
“you’re so pretty when you lie to me”
Hello hello friendo 💖 So we were talking about writing more unhinged stuff, and thanks to you I managed to develop Aphelion’s awfulness more lol. Thank you so much for the motivation and inspo, and I hope this isn’t too unhinged 😅
For All Eternity - The Moon King’s Madness
Summary: Paradise Era— Will has been taken by King Aphelion Sapphirus, a Celestial who hates humanity. His delusions have convinced him that any Freak with strong enough powers are Celestials trapped in mortal forms, so he makes it his job to set them free through fatal methods.
WC: 3K
TW: Many descriptions of body horror (both shapeshifting and a vivisection). Also if you don’t like reading about people being held prisoner, or violent and manipulative love interests, then this isn’t for you.
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Days flew by so fast that Will couldn’t tell them apart anymore. He would wake up in that miserable bedroom, with the view of freedom a million miles below him, and the minutes would blur together after that. Feasts with the Celestials, tours around the palace that he was meant to share, hours strapped to a table in the darkness as the god that claimed to love him tried time and time again to cut through his mortal cage and release his cosmic spirit…
Aphelion’s singular glowing eye pierced the darkness, the only part of him that Will could see, aside from the blazing hot blade in his hands. His voice scratched the inside of Will’s head, drowning out the ringing in his ears.
“I know it hurts,” he said. “You’re doing so well, my dear. If I can just get through this section of veins…”
The blade hit Will’s skin once more, filling his nose with the smell of burnt flesh. His throat was already raw from screaming, made worse by the waves of energy that tore through him. It was his body’s natural defense mechanism— His years with Vesely had taught him that.
Starlight cut clean down the center of his chest. The air touched his open skin with the grace of an old friend. Finally, the cutting stopped, and Aphelion waited anxiously. This was the moment of truth for all his hard work and research. If all went to plan, Will’s “Celestial soul” would at last be free.
That was when Will felt his insides shift. Dozens of little growths stretched and connected like the threads of an old doll. They twisted and pulled, and in no time at all, Will had been stitched back together. His saving grace, Vesely’s Infection— it wouldn’t let him die. He was too good of a host.
The air grew thick and warm as Aphelion threw the blade into the darkness. His yell shook the entire room.
Tears ran down Will’s face. He had never been more thankful to be sick. His whole body flinched as he felt Aphelion’s large hand cradle his head, still invisible in the darkness.
“Forgive me, my darling… I’ve failed you.”
There were several long footsteps, and then he was gone. Will cried in the dark for what felt like forever before a group of Aphelion’s glowing handmaidens came to collect him. He didn’t remember the trip back to his room, only the spinning in his head and the feeling of bile rising in his ruined throat.
Finally, he was back in his bed. The handmaidens finished cleaning the new scar on his chest, and left him to recover in his room for the rest of the night. They never said a word to him, perhaps out of fear of the king. Aphelion had a bizarre temperament when it came to Will. He was as soft as possible around the small mortal, but if anyone else showed interest in him, the moon god had no trouble disposing of them. According to the sparse whispers of other Celestials, Aphelion had devoured one of their kind for daring to look at Will for longer than a minute.
The mattress consumed Will as he laid down and watched the stars outside. If someone had told him as a boy that he would one day be sickened by the sight of the cosmos, he would have thought them insane. His hopes and dreams of exploring the galaxy, flying among stardust, discovering new worlds and species… All of it was squandered each time Aphelion took his wretched scalpel to Will’s chest.
He tried to take this brief moment of peace to think, but his mind had been reduced to a handful of thoughts: hating Aphelion, missing Dante, and praying for death to finally claim him, to reunite him with his family. All he wanted was an end to the torture.
His heart dropped as he heard the door open. He leapt up and leaned against the bedpost, hoping he had enough energy to run to the washroom and lock it before the handmaidens could grab him. He was only due for one ritual a week, that was what Aphelion swore to him, the one promise Will trusted him to keep. Vesely’s Infection put his body through too much stress, so Aphelion had to stop and let him recover. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing Will before he could be free. As horrifically misguided as he was, there was indeed a part of him that loved the young Divine.
Will’s heart sank further down as a pale, crooked hand pushed the door open carefully. Aphelion’s human disguise was far from perfect. He was thoroughly disgusted by humanity, so his understanding of appearance and proportions were approximations, at best. Discolored patches of skin were hastily sewn together, sagging and twisting around a nonexistent skeletal form. Space dust and starlight shifted under the skin, churning like water beneath his cosmically-decorated hanfu. He towered over Will, whose height just barely reached where the Moon King’s ribs would be. Pale pink hair hung perfectly within a series of hairpins, pulling it tight enough to stretch the corners of his face. It was a mockery of a human being, a suit that was designed purely to give him more time with Will.
“Ah, you’re awake.” His voice still shook inside Will’s head, with the underlying discomfort of nails scratching glass. “How are you feeling?”
“Do I have to go back?” Will asked, struggling to stand upright and not fall back into the preferable softness of the bed.
Aphelion smiled and mustered an unpleasant laugh. His eyes flickered with what Will assumed was warmth. They were less eyes, per say, and more two distant stars floating in the darkness that hid under the god’s human suit. Will could see the hollow sockets behind the light, two miniature universes peering out at him.
“We’re done, I promise you. Until we can figure out how to destroy this parasite, I’m afraid we’ll have to put the ritual on hold.”
Will let his shoulders fall as he tried to smother his relief. The last thing he wanted to do was give his host— his captor— a reason to continue his work.
“Please forgive me, my dear,” Aphelion said, confusing his silence with disappointment. “I know it’s insufferable, but by the end of it all, you’ll be free.”
“I’ll be dead, sir. I’m not a god.”
“You don’t truly believe that, do you?” Aphelion moved forward carefully, sweeping his legs like a peacock unsure of its steps. “If you were anything as simple and lowly as a human, you would never have survived this long. Your sickness, your isolation, the years of abuse from your father—”
“Don’t talk about him,” Will spat.
Aphelion smiled. “Forgive me, I know it’s a sensitive subject. We can talk about something else.”
“I don’t want to talk.”
The god’s smile faltered. Will braced himself for a swift mood swing, for the handmaidens to come barreling in and pull him back into the ritual room, but that moment never came. The fear in waiting seemed more unbearable than the pain itself.
“I understand your frustrations, you know.”
Will raised his eyebrow. “Do you?”
“You’re displeased with me. I disgust you.” He raised his hand up. “Please, I get it. These human forms are so limiting and fragile.”
“What?” Will shook his head. “I don’t hate your… appearance.”
The god chuckled to himself. “You don’t have to pretend. It makes me nauseous just putting it on.”
“Then why do it?”
“For you, of course. If I can’t free you yet, then I’ll bind myself in this prison of flesh. Anything to see you and make you happy.”
Will wasn’t quick enough to stop himself. “I was already happy with my friends— with Dante. He was my home.”
Tears stabbed the corners of his eyes. He missed Paradise so terribly, even the noise and the parties that never seemed to end. He missed sleeping in with the love of his life and heading out for lunch together before retreating back home to avoid the crowds. After years of heartbreak, Will had finally found peace, and it was taken away from him for the third time in his life.
He pushed himself into the bedpost as Aphelion stepped closer, trying and failing to avoid the clawed hand running through his hair.
“It truly pains me to see you this distraught,” Aphelion said. “A man like that was never worth your time. He never even came up to see you.”
“Because you won’t let anyone up here!”
“But he never even bothered to ask for you. What monster would abandon the supposed love of his life?”
Will shut his eyes and tightened his fists. He knew Dante better than that. This was a man who had gone into a heist with a fatal fever, all for the sake of the kids in his neighborhood. If he hadn’t come to bargain for Will, it was because he was planning something. Dante would never abandon him. He wasn’t like Dan…
“If your heart still aches for him,” Aphelion said, “perhaps I can assist with that?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Watch, my dear.”
There was a sick popping noise, and Will watched as the moon king’s long form shrank and twisted. The discolored skin grew dark, and his long pink hair turned black and curly, until Will was looking at his love again, at his Dante. It was his beautiful smile, his golden scars from the Infection… but the glowing yellow eyes belonged to Aphelion, and the skin around his face was still pinched tight.
“What do you think?” he asked in Dante’s low, smooth voice. “It’s so much easier when you have a base to work off of. Is this better for you? Not as repulsive?”
Will fell back onto the bed, unable to speak. It was wrong, it was so sickeningly wrong. He could barely shake his head. Aphelion read the look in his eyes and shrugged.
“That’s alright. Mister Briggs isn’t exactly my style, anyway. How about something simpler?”
With the snap of his fingers, his fake skin shifted and snapped into plastic. Cold joints and wires mocked the human muscular system, until Will was face-to-face with the android he had once fallen for. It was a perfect replica of Dan, save for his sick yellow eyes. A mixture of longing and anger stung his chest.
“How?” Will asked. “How the hell do you know what he looks like?!”
“I saw him in your dreams.” His voice box crackled just as Dan’s did, but Aphelion’s tone still seeped through like poison. “I didn’t mean to wander in there, but your thoughts were deafening.”
“You— You were in my head?”
“Yes, and I saw how terribly he treated you. The real Daniel was a fool. We could start over, now that your mind is intact. I can be what he never could.”
Will clenched his teeth. “I don’t want to start over.”
“Fair enough, my dear. He’s a tad too numb for my taste.”
The android’s casing melted off of Aphelion’s starlit body, quickly covered by a new layer of dark skin. Glowing, predatory eyes shone through the glasses that now rested on his broad nose. Thick, coiled hair sprouted from the top of his head. Will’s stomach wrenched violently at the sight of Aphelion, whose cosmic form rippled under Colin’s skin, glowing like magma.
“Your first love. You cared deeply for him, from what I remember.”
Will practically stumbled against the bed frame, fighting the urge to be sick. He had almost forgotten how soft-spoken and gentle Colin was, but he knew these drawn-out sentences weren’t his. Colin spoke quickly and to the point, and furthermore, he never watched anyone with a look as predatory as that of the moon god. Will refused to look at Aphelion until he was back in his own ragged skin.
“Nothing?” he asked. “Is it the boy’s age? I know he looks young, but I’ve been alive for centuries, Will. There’s no harm done.”
“That’s sick, Saph— Sick in the head.”
“You were in love with him, yes? It could be as though he never left you.”
“You think I want that? You think I’m going to fall in love with you because you’re wearing my old boyfriend like a fucking ballgown?!”
Aphelion tapped a clawed finger against his chin, with all the casual grace of a man pondering his plans for dinner. He closed his eyelids limply over the hollow sockets. Will’s head buzzed and his stomach twisted— the god was reading his thoughts. It was so much worse compared to the warm cloud that would surround his mind whenever Dante read from him. Aphelion’s power felt as though someone was taking a fork to his mind and scooping out the insides.
“Ah,” the god said, “I’ve found something better.”
His body snapped and jerked, and for a while, Will couldn’t see much of a difference in his appearance. He was still tall and pale, still wriggling under false skin. His nose seemed longer, and his eyes were larger and rounder, but nothing too drastic had changed.
Then his pink hair grew darker, a deep wine color turning into dark cherry. Now, it was a near perfect match, like an old photograph that had just been misplaced in the wash, elongating all of the features. The only pieces missing were the snow-colored eyes.
“How is this?” His soft voice pierced Will’s heart. “Barely even a change, right? He’s perfect.”
Anger burned through Will’s body, powered by the sickness in his veins. In the blink of an eye, he lunged at Aphelion, pushing him to the ground.
“GET OUT OF HIS BODY!” Will screamed. “RIGHT NOW!”
A wave of energy burst from his throat as he yelled, cracking the floor below Aphelion’s head. The moon king struggled to gain his bearings.
“Will— please calm down!”
Will’s throat burned as he cried. He could still see Jason’s cold, stiff, colorless face as he laid still in his grasp. Blood and feathers and bullets littered the floor around them. The more he remembered, the further his powers forced the god into the tile work.
“This is for you,” Aphelion said, fighting through his chokehold. “You loved him, and they took him from you. I can bring him back to you, it’s no problem for me—”
“Don’t tell me it’s not true! Don’t tell me you don’t love him, I’ve seen it! You love him so much, you wish you had died instead!”
Aphelion struggled in his grasp— Jason struggled, terrified of the man looming above him. An expression he never wanted to see on his godfather… Will quickly released his powers and backed up against the bedpost, leaving Aphelion to catch his breath— How could a god like him even breathe?
Will curled up on the floor, holding his head in his hands. He longed for the ritual, for the scalding blades that cut his chest open, anything other than this.
“Dearest,” Aphelion said, still in his stolen voice, “you’re hurting so much. I don’t blame you.”
Will refused to speak. A clumsy claw ran through his hair, and he was too tired, too frightened, to push it away.
“You shouldn’t have to suffer anymore. I can stay like this for you, until we can finally set you free. It’s easy, really. You don’t have to repress your emotions. I’m all yours, however you want me.”
Those words, in that voice, were the push Will needed to slap Aphelion back onto the floor, hard enough to force him back into his original skin. Aphelion was speechless, grazing his fingers over his reddened cheek. Will’s stare could have shot clean through the Celestial.
“I hate you,” he said. “I hate everything about you. I don’t want to love you, and it’s not because of how you look. You can’t just hide behind the faces of people I loved. It will never change what you are— vile and wicked and cruel.”
Will rose to his feet before Aphelion could reach him. He stumbled towards the door, not at all concerned with where he was going or who would follow him. He just wanted to leave.
“Don’t you ever use my father’s face again. You don’t understand him, or what he meant to me. Stay out of his skin, or I swear on my life, I will find a way to kill you.”
Whatever had motivated him to stand up to Aphelion died the moment the god picked himself up off the ground and snatched Will’s wrist.
“Kill?” His voice shook the walls. “You think you can kill me with that broken little body? After everything I’ve done for you?!”
Will shielded his face in a way he hadn’t done since he was a young boy, cowering at the brutality of his birth father. He waited for the snap of a bone or the sting of a fist, but nothing came. When he opened his eyes, Aphelion looked mortified. He released Will’s hand slowly.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “My darling, I’m so sorry.”
Will avoided his pleading eyes. “Leave, please.”
“Of course.”
Aphelion slinked out of the room, and when his weak footsteps could no longer be heard, Will ran to the washroom and locked himself inside. He let his tears mix with the warm water in the sink, porcelain cracking under his hand as he gripped the edges, tighter and tighter until his fingers started to bleed.
He couldn’t live like this, teetering the edges of both his and Aphelion’s rage. If he could only convince his Infection to seek a new host, or give up completely, then he could find a way to die before the moon king got his hands on him again…
Will slapped himself with his own bruised hand. You jackass, he thought, you can’t give up. You’ll leave Dante all on his own. He took a breath and treated his hand with medicine from the cabinet. Get a hold of yourself, find a way out of here, and don’t stop until you’re back in his arms.
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proosh · 1 month
🧭♻️ for the wip asks?
🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
the project currently named "HADEAN" was originally "Aphelion", and was changed during outlining for stronger thematic ties as opposed to a more open reference to the initial source of inspiration >:3c
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
We'll have to see but it looks like a chunk of cavefic that I have in my brain is probably going to have to be excised just due to length and relevancy reasons. As much as I would like to apply the surplus of autistic minutia and commentary about certain subjects I've been researching, I don't think it would necessarily make the piece more solid as a piece of work/meta/etc. (sorry for being vague with this one, I don't want to spoil things too badly. but if you know what the last few books I've read are, you can probably make a few guesses lmao)
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doctor-laceo · 3 months
Geez, you’re really old, huh? Did you get to know any dinosaurs, buddy? Hehehehe.
But seriously, what’s it like being made of clay? Can you change or sculpt any part of your body?
- Researcher Aphelion, @timelord-lokitty
“Hm. I actually just recently learned about Dinosaurs— quite an experience. And for the clay thing? Technically. I’ve tried fixing myself with clay, but it feels odd—“
Dr. Laceo unconsciously traces the crack on it’s face
“—very foreign, like there’s constantly something in the cracks, doesn’t feel the same as my body. I can’t move clay limbs either, not like I would my own.. It’s why I opted for the metal replacements. Usually? I can’t sculpt my body, but theoretically, it seems under specific circumstances—“
Dr. Laceo huffs “—which I have not been informed of—“ it adds, seemingly annoyed as it rolls it’s eyes.
“—My clay does go soft, and is able to be sculpted. But, I fear I may not be able to sculpt it on my own, since it will most likely soften all my clay parts, and I won’t be able to move safely without fear of falling apart until my clay harden again.” Dr. Laceo ended before rushing off after he was informed for an.. incident with a D-class.
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eoieopda · 1 year
Literally tempted to send you every emoji on that list 😈😈😈
Instead, I'm going to put some randomly selected emojis here and you can answer any questions they relate to. If I send one that isn't in that list, feel free to make up your own question/free bingo space to do what you want. (There is a very good chance this is a terrible and stupid idea but, what do you know, I am terrible and stupid! 😜)
Also tell me your favourite perfume.
asdfghjkl mostly none of these are on there (which is hilarious and i love you) so i’m gonna fill in ones that are that look like them?? or something? who knows 🤪
my favorite perfume, which i’ve worn daily for years, is sí by giorgio armani. 10/10, would recommend to a friend.
the rest of this is under the cut because it’s long!!
⚽ looks close enough to 🤡, so: what's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
from foresight: “How did you —” He paused to moan into your mouth when your teeth gently claimed his bottom lip. “Find a place with — oh, fuck, you taste like spearmint – original crown-molding in this —” The back of his knees bumped into the edge of your mattress and suddenly, he was sitting. “Neighborhood?”
🌕 looks more like a cheese ball than anything, but uhhh maybe enough like 🌞: do you have a preferred time of day to write?
i like writing in the morning best! that’s when my adderall kicks in, lol.
🚞 has near enough to 🛒 vibes: what are some common things you incorporate in your fics? themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
oooh. i think i invoke a lot of space imagery, though it’s not always intentional. always a slut for space. also, everything i touch is drenched in unspeakable yearning?? it’s kind of unbearable to long this much, lmao.
🧲 ummm 🏆 is metal, so: what's your most popular fic?
if we’re basing this off literal notes, it’s darksided (or the jk couch drabble, if drabbles count.) the one people talk to me about the most (or recommend the most) seems to be lacuna.
🐓 terrify me beyond reason, therefore 😬: which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
UM!! darksided and/or blindsided. which one of my sisters read in the brief sabbatical she was on tumblr 😵‍💫
🧝 is green and so is ✅: what's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i have written a jungkook who mentions ghosts in three different fics, without meaning to. i guess i have some headcanon where jk is really into the paranormal, lmao.
😪 is my face after thinking. 🧐: do you spend much time researching for your stories?
i spend too much time focusing on shit i don’t think anyone else notices or cares about, lmao. some examples:
a huge part of why redamancy took so long to post was because i spent actual weeks trying to find a word for the title. went through so many different sources and languages because nothing fit the exact sentiment i wanted.
with aphelion, i spent hours looking up comets (not meteors) that would have been visible in seoul and what date(s) that would have been, researching paintings, etc. the fic is planned to the minute, which is…. so unnecessary.
for the lee know drabble, i had an actual map up to pick locations that the goose chase goes down.
and lastly, for the namjoon “anywhere” drabble, i literally planned a 30-day european trip and what transportation would be best to get from city to city and how long to stay in each place, lol.
i think i’m insane???
🤗: what advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
don’t let the prospect of notes dictate your decisions. people are going to latch onto stuff you won’t expect them to, and it will be some thing you tossed together — not necessarily what you’re proudest of — so just write what you want, the way you want to write it.
💜 looks kinda like 🍆 : do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
i do indeed write the spicy stuffs. most popular is definitely darksided, which is still wild to me because i thought of it and posted it within two hours. no thoughts, just horny, right when i started this blog. it brought a lot of people here, which was both entirely unexpected and really fucking cool.
💝 i have shitty eyesight and thought that was 💖: what made you start writing?
i don’t even know, lol. i started doing creative writing when i was elementary school and then started fanfic when i was 11-12? so, a love of writing for sure and then being a simp, i suppose!
🤲 hands! ✍: do you have a beta reader?
i’d never used a beta reader until i started aphelion and had to cry out to @here2bbtstrash and @jihopesjoint! i am way too close to that story so i had to recruit friends to tell me if i was being insane.
💃 looks like 💔 if you squint: is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
see above, lol. it shall hurt worse than lacuna did, which also broke my heart. and the “what sarah said” drabble someone requested for the darksided couple because fuck!!
🐩 uhhh white and round in parts, so 👀: tell me about an up and coming wip please!
meet me at the bar is my inaugural kim seokjin smut/main fic and it is going to be a graduation gift for my law baby @yoongiphoria! it’s about law school study buddies preparing for the bar exam, which is a nightmare, lol.
🍛 the carrots here kinda has the graph, i guess!📈: how many fics do you have?
thirteen full-length fics and upwards of 50 drabbles 🤪 it has been a busy five months over here.
💥 how do you feel about criticism?
if it’s actually constructive and solicited, good! if not, bad!
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i-like-your-nolaces · 2 years
ok so. my Girlfriend was browsing TikTok recently (i deleted it a while ago, but she likes to keep up-to-date with the latest Discourse) and she stumbled upon this Post, which she had to share with me because of how utterly absurd it is
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[Image ID: a Screenshot of a TikTok Video of a Tan Black Person with Braided Hair. a Caption on the Video reads: “When you tell people 'winter' is actually suppose to be hotter then summer because around this Time the sun is closes to the earth, but they manipulate the weather so white people wont die from the heat” (sic). a Caption below the Video reads: “This creator limited comment access”.]
so. first of all, the “Science” here is absolutely batshit. the Seasons come from the Tilt of the Earth, not the Distance of its Orbit around the Sun. the Difference between the Perihelion and Aphelion (closest and furthest distance from the Earth to the Sun, respectively) aren't large enough to appreciably affect the Earth's Climate. this Tilt is also why Seasons are Reversed in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
and all that i just spouted??? is just what i remember offhand from High School. i didn't even have to do any RESEARCH to debunk this claim.
what's really insidious here, however, aren't the Scientific Claims, but the Conspiratorial ones. who, exactly, is “they”? how are “they” supposedly “manipulating the weather”? (the answers would likely be Antisemitic, as Conspiracy Theories tend to be). and why would White People die from the Heat, but People of Color would apparently be fine? (nevermind that Black People are just as susceptible to Heat as White People, of course!)
this kind of Conspiracy Thought is incredibly dangerous, because like. anyone who has a basic understanding of the Science would clock instantly that it's Garbage, but they're not the ones being Targeted! the ones being Targeted here are Children and gullible Adults. and it worked, because this TikTok has over 100k likes!!!
and, as the Cherry on Top, if anyone were to call them out on their Bullshit, they'd say you're just a butthurt White Person trying to silence People of Color! (of course, it'd be difficult to do so, given that they turned off Comments, which is incredibly telling in it of itself). what we're seeing here is the Language of Social Justice and Progressivism being used to spread Lies and Conspiracy Thought.
i don't really have a decent conclusion here. just, please please please, remember to be wary of random Claims with a Conspiratorial Bent you might see, both Online and in Real Life.
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peepos-prose · 1 year
Welcome to my Blog!
Hello! My name is Peepo and I've been around on writeblr for a while! I am a horror/dystopia writer that sometimes dabbles in fantasy and sci-fi with too many manuscripts on my hands that I'm trying to get in motion.
Below you'll find all of the projects I have in the works, and I'll do my best to keep things updated! Thanks for checking out my writing!
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The planet we hoped would be our saviour now threatens to eat us alive.
Despite all efforts, humanity had driven itself to near extinction on Earth. Resources were low and natural disasters had ravaged the planet to ashes. After so many years, it was finally time to move on.
Damysus was the answer.
A group of elite researchers are sent across space to establish a colony on Saturn's moon, yet the harsh desert has no empathy, and each day brings with it new danger. Rhea is just one of the many scientists trying to tame the planet, faced with an ongoing food crisis she just can't crack. But when her girlfriend decodes a dark secret from an alien relic, they descend into the darkness to find all the answers. And what started as an effort to settle down becomes an all-out panic to leave.
WIP Intro
Inspiration | Content
Illusory Chronicles: Aphelion
I've only just begun to live, to find my truth, and now everything around me wants my head.
Decades after an asteroid belt collided with Earth, a dense fog still hangs in the sky, sapping energy from machinery and mankind alike. Yet, a strange new form of power is sweeping the globe, celebration and folly finding a place among the people.
For Emerys, it’s just another Saturday.
Finally graduating high school, he can barely wait to put his horrible home life behind him. But, his freedom doesn’t kick off quite as expected, as almost getting hit by a car awakens something magical inside him. Magical and confusing. With the help of his rescuer, a bubbly (and annoyingly cute) unicorn named Sunny, Emerys is thrown into a grand conspiracy, forced to unravel the truth of Earth’s mysterious energy source where the cost of failure is a fate worse than death. 
WIP Intro 
Inspiration | Content
The House on Dearmad
There's a house that never ages, deep on the island of Dearmad. At night it warps and whispers secrets, by day it lies in waiting.
Jessi M'Gie is a paranormal investigator, famous for his resolve and determination. Nothing escapes his attention, and there’s never been a haunt too daunting for him and his crew.
When an old friend calls for help with a suspect poltergeist, he’s quick to her rescue. After all, his expertise is unmatched - and her relationship is crumbling. But spending a week alone in Dearmad is risky. The locals love to tell stories, generations of sailors weaving tales of monsters across the island. The truth won’t be easy to find.
Especially when there are eyes everywhere.
WIP Intro
Things will be updated as they arrive, so please check back in every so often to see what's new :3 Thank you!
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thrill-seeker-vn · 2 years
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
omg... where do i start...
Sinking - This one actually has about 50,000 words done, but in novel format. It's a trilogy series that follows a young girl who gets kidnapped by pirates when running away from home, only to have her entire worldview changed. And she has a superhuman rat familliar!
Witness in Plain Sight - I want to make it a VN, so I've been working on the actual character designs! but my computer with CS paint broke, so now i have nothing to work on LOL.
Aphelion - This one I just have short drabbles for, nothing set in stone. In a future where there is basically one huge space colony (think valerian style) it's not yet at the point that all of Earth can go there. There are several alien colonies that have communities and live within it. There's a scholarship system to be able to get there and study for one of their core groups-- getting into any of them would allow you and your family to be set for life. The groups are a medicinal crew, soldiers to fight intergalactic battles for the allies of the community, engineers and architects who help to build and maintain the community, researchers, and 'songbirds'-- some species, whether it be plant or alien, need music to develop, and will pay for songs. You can also pay to join the community, and live in one of the cities and study. The main character would be someone from a scholarship program, looking to join the biomedical engineering program, but their papers had been tampered with by a rival, and the MC would have been put into the soldiers. It's a really big project that i probably dont have the time for rn!!! but uh... its completely fleshed out in my mind IUHFUIFDS
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apheliouspraxas · 2 years
Aphelious Intro
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(penn badgley, he/they, cursed blood) to [APHELIOUS PRAXAS], the whole world looks like an open page. with a leap of faith, their ability of [SHADOW MANIPULATION] grows a little stronger.  they are a [CANE CORSO] shade aligned to [NO ONE]. for [THIRTY-THREE] years, they have survived a world of magic with both their [EMPATHY] and [SELF-RELIANCE]. they work as a [CURSE BREAKER], but if they could change their fate, they’d want to [HELP FIND A WAY TO EASE THE PAIN OF CURSE BLOODED ]. 
Note: This is mostly just Aphelious’s backstory! I will be working on a more comprehensive profile of him once I can figure out some theme coding.
Aphelious was an only child, his mother passing away in childbirth, left with a father who swore to take care of the most precious gift he was given.  It wasn’t a bad childhood per say but it was a hard one. He grew up on the outskirts of Kardia Village with farming being the small family's main source of income. Work needed to be done and Aphelious was more prone to asking how the clouds could fly than dedicating himself to plowing the soil.  His father never shamed him for his curiosity rather spent what little money they had after bills to get books to help fulfill Aphelion's thirst for knowledge. 
It wasn’t until well into Aphelious’s teenage years that a true outlet for his curiosity came along. A Curse-Breaker who had been left blind and injured after dealing with a cursed object stumbled onto the family farm, bleeding out in the field. Aphelious came upon her during the morning chores and hollered for his dad. The two of them carried the women inside, bandaged what they could see and prayed for the best. Aphelious spent every night by her side, tending to her wounds and reading out loud from the few books he had. After a week she spoke for the first time correcting the magical theory in the book that Aphelious was reading from. She introduced herself as Rhes, a Curse Breaker from Selphia and asked Aphelious about his interest in magic.
 Soon after it became a habit that after Aphelious got his chores around the farm done he would go to the house and meet with Rhes to discuss and learn about magic. This continued for three months till Rhes was finally recovered enough to depart back for the capital. She offered for Aphelious to come with her and train as her apprentice in curse breaking. It was the only chance Aphelious could see in his lifetime to escape from the simple  life of a farmer. With a tearful goodbye to his father he set out with Rhes. 
Turns out Aphelious had quite the talent for magical theory. Research and diagnosis of curses was much easier for him than actually breaking the curses. As the years wore on he was able to start taking more cases on his own and out from under the supervision of Rhes. Aphelious would send weekly letters and money back to his father, never forgetting where he came from. After about a decade of training Aphelious became a business partner for Rhes, expected to take over the business when she fully retired. 
It was well into his time as a Curse Breaker that he received the letter. An anonymous missive about a family that needed help. Aphelious had always had a soft heart and decided to go at least check on the family the letter mentioned. When he entered the home he was attacked, a frenzied cursed blood fell upon him when he walked through the door. Sinking his teeth in his arm. Aphelious grabbed the closest object he could and whacked it on the head before fleeing the house. Thinking only to close the door and run. He stumbled back home before falling unconscious to the fire that raged in him. He awoke sometime later to Rhes telling stories to him. A reversal of the situation they had once been in. She became the first person he trusted with what happened.  Ever since Aphelious has been working on hiding the golden spider web on his arm till he could possibly find a way to break his own curse.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVEN'T SEEN MY RECENT ASK, I THINK I HAVE ACCIDENTLY SPOILED YOU ABOUT DAN HENG PAST NAME. it may be a small one but I still feel bad! I suggest finish the Xianzhou Luofu arc and you can then check ask but IM SO SORRY
-🐱 Anon
AWWW DEAR IT'S OKAY i promise i really don't take spoilers that seriously. i've never been one to get upset or annoyed with spoilers. if anything, i love that you guys have another common interest with me and are excited to talk about it. it really isn't anything to feel bad about!!
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arkanonymous · 5 months
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Predictions for how ice ages happen and the origin of the Noah's ark myth
Brief disclaimer: This may not happen for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. Reader discretion is advised. I don’t have qualifications in this area. This is just my opinion. More research is needed by those more qualified than I.
The ancients wrote countless stories regarding flood myths, including Ragnarök (Norse mythology), Aztec Myth of the Five Suns, Eridu Genesis (Sumerian mythology), Deucalion and Pyrrha (Greek mythology), and the Epic of Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian mythology). Although Noah’s Ark stands out most prominently amongst these writings alongside Ragnarök, I believe there is more fact than myth to be seen. Notably, the Younger Dryas extinction event, which occurred approximately 11,700 years ago, may be the origin that inspired these myths. Some posit the impact hypothesis, although I believe that may not be the only cause.
As the Earth rotates, it may be subject to the Dzhanibekov effect of rotating bodies, as the Earth has three principle axes of inertia. Under specific conditions, such as a rare occurrence of multiple eccentric orbits in our solar system, Earth may flip 180 degrees on its polar axis. (Eccentricity is one factor contributing to Milankovitch cycles, which are associated with long-term changes in Earth’s climate and the occurrence of ice ages and interglacial periods).
Notably, the delicate balance of both the Sun and Moon’s gravitational pull is what keeps Earth’s axial tilt stable. Taking into consideration that Jupiter and Saturn are the two largest planets in the solar system and have significant gravitational influence, their gravitational forces perturb the orbits of other planets, including Earth. Over long periods of time, these gravitational interactions can cause variations in Earth’s orbital parameters, including eccentricity. This may be the precursor to a chain reaction that ultimately disrupts the stability of Earth’s axial tilt.
Changes in the eccentricity of both the Moon’s orbit around Earth and the Earth’s orbit around the Sun may create the conditions for an axial flip in between perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) and aphelion (farthest point from the Sun). Also, Earth’s rotational torque may factor in offsetting this delicate balance in conjunction with the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun also exerting torque on Earth’s equatorial bulge.
If Earth were to flip on its axis, the results may include: flooding as global sea levels rise as the poles would be exposed to more sunlight for a period of time; earthquakes as mass is displaced, resulting in tsunamis and volcanic eruptions that may throw Earth into a volcanic winter, setting the conditions for the next ice age. After time, as more ice builds up, more sunlight is reflected back, cooling global temperatures. Earth’s eccentric orbit would add further cooling. (Which has some notable similarities with the omens of Ragnarök. Also including “comet sightings and the appearance of ominous stars and constellations.” The prior may suggest a perturbance in Jupiter and Saturn’s orbits and subsequently the trajectory of asteroids in the main asteroid belt, and the latter may suggest the beginning of an axial flip or a change in procession).
More research is needed. If proven even partially correct, it would be best to invest in infrastructure to prepare humanity and the diverse life on Earth for the next ice age or natural disaster, such as earthquake absorbent underground habitats and orbital habitats, research into plant life and food sources that can grow in habitat conditions, life support systems, and sustainable ecosystems within these habitats and satellites in orbit filled with supplies and seeds.
In conclusion, if the earth’s tilt were to be altered by this effect or any other, it would be best to prepare in advance and put our best minds forward. I believe this event may occur at the start and end of each ice age. It may be best to check sedimentary layers for past instances of the onset and offset of ice ages, axial flips, or changes in tilt or procession to better understand and predict the next. Perhaps the resonant orbits of the planets in the outer solar system affect the resonant orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, resulting in multiple eccentric orbits, thus causing more eccentric orbits in the inner solar system, resulting in the previously mentioned.
Yours sincerely, Ark Anonymous.
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sun-in-retrograde · 9 months
Lilith-Only Astrology
Bit of an experimental concept.
So, Lilith is the point in the sky where we see the most distant point in the Moon's orbital path. We associate it with a lot of things that, to dramatically and dangerously oversimplify, come down to a point of disbalancing in the emotional energies that the moon oversees.
Every planet has a point in its orbit where it's most distant from the sun - its aphelion. So could you possibly read a natal chart based on the aphelion points? Here's mine:
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I've always enjoyed that Mercury was as distant from the Sun as it could be and in detriment in Pisces when I was born. And yes, I have ADHD. It being conjunct the Aphelions of Uranus and Venus is interesting to me: a lot of emotional energy in my chart if you're looking solely at the stuff that doesn't balance very well.
Also, the transformative energy of Pluto's Aphelion conjunct Venus in Taurus is interesting to me as a trans woman.
As a little generational thing - I enjoy that children of the 1965-1994 were born with Eris conjunct its Aphelion. Basically, if you're too young to be a baby boomer and you remember 9/11 you have this chaotic sounding conjunction in your birth chart.
This could do with some more research - but I think there's a potentially interesting concept in all this
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spacenutspod · 11 months
Mercury is the closest planet to our Sun, ranging from 46 million km (28.58 million mi) at perihelion to 69.82 million km (43.38 million mi) at aphelion. Because of its proximity, Mercury is strongly influenced by the steam of plasma constantly flowing from the Sun to the edge of the Solar System (aka. solar wind). Beginning with the Mariner 10 mission in 1974, robotic explorers have been sent to Mercury to measure how solar wind interacts with Mercury’s magnetic field to produce whistler-mode chorus waves – natural radio emissions that play a key role in electron acceleration in planetary magnetospheres. In addition to being the cause of geomagnetic storms and auroras in planetary atmospheres, these waves also lead to electromagnetic vibrations at the same frequencies as sound, producing chirps and whistles. In a recent study, an international research team consulted data from the BepiColombo International Mercury Exploration Project, which gathered data on Mercury’s magnetosphere during its first and second flyby. Their results are the first direct probing of chorus waves in Mercury’s dawn sector, which showed evidence of possible background variations in magnetic field. The team was led by Mitsunori Ozaki, an associate professor at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology at Kanazawa University. He was joined by astrophysicists from the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) at Kyoto University, the MagneDesign Corporation, the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP) at the Sorbonne’s École Polytechnique, and the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The team’s paper, “Whistler-mode waves in Mercury’s magnetosphere observed by BepiColombo/Mio,” was recently published in Nature Astronomy. Artist’s impression of the European Space Agency’s BepiColombo mission in operation around Mercury. Credit: Astrium When Mariner 10 reached Mercury in 1974, scientists learned for the first time that, similar to Earth, Mercury had a planetary magnetic field and (hence) a magnetosphere. Between 2008 and 2015, NASA’s MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft provided a detailed picture of Mercury’s magnetic field and magnetosphere. However, neither mission could observe chorus waves in the planet’s magnetosphere due to the lack of proper instruments and the harsh nature of Mercury’s electromagnetic environment. Since electromagnetic waves can efficiently accelerate plasma particles, scientists have been hoping to get a closer look at Mercury to measure the effect these waves have on its magnetospheric dynamics. This research is currently being conducted by the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MIO), a probe accompanying the joint ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission. The MIO spacecraft was launched on October 20th, 2018, and is currently on its way to Mercury with an orbital insertion scheduled for December 2025 after several flybys with Earth, Venus, and Mercury (for gravity-assist maneuvers). MIO has conducted two flybys of Mercury so far, the first on October 1st, 2021, and again on June 23rd, 2022, that brought it to within 200 km (124 mi) of the surface. Unlike previous missions, the MIO spacecraft – operated by JAXA – is equipped with a full suite of plasma wave instruments designed specifically for investigating the electromagnetic environment around Mercury. In addition, the MIO spacecraft was designed to lower its electromagnetic noise level as much as possible. The alternating current magnetic field sensors developed by JAXA and the LPP were designed to operate in the extreme environment of Mercury. These allowed the spacecraft to make the first electromagnetic wave observations around Mercury without being contaminated by the noise from the spacecraft itself. These revealed the local generation of chorus waves, which confirmed predictions regarding their frequency range, intensity, etc., made since the 2000s when the MIO spacecraft’s plasma wave instrument (PWI) was designed. During the two flybys, the spacecraft found a ”spatial locality” of the chorus waves restricted to an extremely limited region in the dawn sector of the Mercury’s magnetosphere, implying the existence of a physical mechanism confined to this region. Plot showing the magnitude of the magnetic field of Mercury from data obtained during the first flyby of the MESSENGER probe in 2008. Credit: NASA/JHUAPL To investigate the cause of these waves, the team used the nonlinear growth theory of chorus waves established by Prof. Omura of Kyoto University (a co-author on the paper). This allowed them to evaluate the effect of the curvature of Mercury’s magnetic field, which revealed that it is strongly distorted by solar wind. This was apparent in how the magnetic field lines in the night sector are stretched by the solar wind pressure while being less affected in the dawn sector – resulting in a smaller curvature. This means that energy is efficiently transferred from electrons to electromagnetic waves in the dawn sector, leading to conditions that favor chorus waves. These results will significantly impact planetary scientists’ understanding of Mercury’s environment. These results demonstrate the importance of planetary magnetic field lines (which are strongly affected by solar wind) on the locality of chorus wave generation. They also demonstrate how chorus waves could efficiently accelerate electrons in Mercury’s magnetosphere and how their precipitation could lead to X-ray aurorae. Their findings also predict the kinds of observations the MIO spacecraft will carry out once it establishes orbit around Mercury. As the team indicated in a Kanazawa University press release: “Based on flyby observations, we have found that magnetic field distortion is responsible for the local (i.e. dawn sector) generation of the chorus waves. The comprehensive exploration of the electromagnetic environment by the Mio spacecraft in Mercury’s orbit will contribute not only to understanding the plasma environment of the entire Mercury’s magnetosphere but also to a deep understanding of the magnetospheric dynamics in general. The magnetosphere acts as a barrier preventing life-threatening cosmic radiations on the planets of the solar system. Comparison of data from Mercury and Earth will strengthen our understanding of this important natural shielding of our home planet.” Further Reading: Kanazawa University, Nature Astronomy The post The Solar Wind Whistles as it Passes Mercury appeared first on Universe Today.
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