#responsible breeding
darkwood-sleddog · 6 months
i really gotta wonder what goes through the heads of people that are adopt don't shop EXCEPT when it comes to service dogs. as if this somehow makes them noble? as if service dog users are the only people in the world that deserve dogs with stable temperaments or dogs that are bred with thought towards their health and structure? it's a really bizarre way of thinking that really, to me, harkens to the ARAs that are anti sled dogs until it's somebody doing it for fun only or until you mention indigenous people. are you so afraid of looking ignorant for your ill held beliefs? is challenging your currently held beliefs about what's 'morally right' for dogs that uncomfortable?
there are so many other jobs that dogs currently DO for us that require balanced, stable, healthy, purposeful dogs (including companionship!) and on top of all this dogs deserve to exist with thought and care put towards their existence. Dogs do not deserve to only exist if they're random happenstances from backroad strays or somebody's ill conceived backyard litter with zero health testing. dogs deserve responsible breeding just as much as humans deserve to have dogs with responsible breeding. how is this remotely hard to grasp?
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kaeddehara · 1 year
hey there! hope im not bothering you or anth, but i noticed ur ask box was open and i wanted to take the opportunity to request mean dom!kazuha breeding fem!reader out of jealousy bcos she was being a lil too friendly to an inazuman certain detective 🤭 (u can ignore this req tho if it makes u uncomfy!)
you’re not bothering me at all don’t worry love! i’m sorry it took me so long to get to your ask my apologies. THIS THOUGH. i can sooo see kazuha being so calm and collected even though it’s making him so worked up with how you look and talk to heizou. so by the time you both meet back up, he’s got you under him and making you say nothing but his name over and over <3.
warnings for breeding/creampie + possessiveness if that bothers any of you!!
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“kazu- ha- fuck slow down-!”
you whined and seethed with all the overstimulation purging your body the moment you returned back to your shared home. kazuha was wasting no time whatsoever ripping your clothes off your body and sucking on every inch of your skin. letting it be know that you were all his.
“you’ll take what i give you”
his voice had become so harsh and words so straightforward—it barely reminded you of the kazuha you normally knew. and even though you could barley tell exactly what was going on, your body and mind were telling you that you loved his rough words. as much as you didn’t want to show it, you can’t help your bodies urges when it came to him.
“you’re getting quieter hm? still thinking about that red-haired detective? is he the one that’s got you all worked up and not me?”
his constant questions angered you to no end.
“what are you even think—nhg-ing? i only want you..”
even with how honeyed your words were, kazuha couldn’t say a damn thing. not with the way you smiled and looked at him. his hips slowed at your words and at his own thoughts. your eyebrows scrunched in worry that maybe you said the wrong thing and has upset your jealous baby even more. his hands slipped down to your v-line where he wasted absolutely no time pumping himself in and out of you and such a sickening rate. your fingers dug deep into the skin of his back, practically clawing at it and making deep, painful marks on his pretty pale back. your eyes rolled back and body completely his. only his name and panting came from your lips as he completed devoured your body whole.
“now you know who you belong to yeah? stop whining and take it”
a few whines and whimpers came stuttering out of your lips while you nodded your head profusely. his deep red eyes drifting from yours to where you were both connected. a thick, creamy ring at the base of kazuhas cock made him so proud of his work, along with more of his cum gushing out of you. he gently took himself out, already missing the warm feeling of being inside you before watching his cum gently drip out of your messy pussy. he put a hand to your inner thigh, using his thumb to get a better look at the mess he made you inside and out.
“now that detective knows to stay away from my girl”
in the midst of the after effects that were taking ahold of your body and mind, you still managed to smile at him and reassure him.
“i’m always all yours kazuha, no one’s gonna change that”
he nestled his head in the crook of your neck, leaving a few kisses before whispering his own words again,
“you’re all mine”
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littleslutforya · 20 days
When she’s built like a soft, squishy and the most tender little dolly but has the most deranged mind that I’ve ever known anyone as tender as you having >>>>>>
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Thank you🥺💗
My slutty,soft body is for every man in this world💗
꧁•⊹٭𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚝, 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 ❤️ 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙 𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛'𝚜 𝚜𝚕𝚞𝚝❤️‍🔥٭⊹•꧂
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merakiui · 1 year
Your Yan Idia and his magical onahole is so amazing its so gooddd!!! But what if the magical onahole but with Azul and the tweels???
Zuzu using it as a comfort toy and fucking its precious hole with his rather big but tentacle-like octopus cock. Trying to sit still when mysterious phantom suckers are sucking on their puffy slit. trying not to cum when long slender fingers work your hole open, rubbing up and down so gently
OR OR!! Tweels know that its connected to their darling and fuck the onahole's holes so roughly. They do it when the reader is asleep and jolting them awake once two large mercocks were shoved into their pretty tight holes, in class when they're in a middle of a lesson or in random places.
Azul definitely uses it as a comfort toy, but he also uses it for practice! He does everything to the onahole that he wishes to do to you. He fucks into it in his octo-mer form just to work on being more confident in that form so that when (and if) he does get to fuck you with his tentacles he won't feel so insecure. He also wants to be perfectly skilled when he eats you out or scissors you open; he dreads looking so foolishly inexperienced when he actually gets to sleep with you, so he'll practice quite often. And of course he always, always cums lots inside. <3 he could go many rounds if he's particularly pent-up (he hate-fucks the onahole a lot because he's a jealous tako), so if he chooses to use it on a day or night when you're with friends... good luck. :)
Slimy eels... >:( they know exactly what they're doing when they fit both of their cocks inside just to see how much of them you can take at once. They definitely fight over the onahole sometimes, wrestling each other for first use with mean scowls and snapping jaws. Floyd doesn't want to fuck Jade's cum back inside you. He wants his chance to fill you up first, not settle for sloppy seconds!! And Jade doesn't want to share at this moment because he found a particularly phallic-shaped mushroom and wants to see how well you'll take it (which is an immediate no-go for Floyd; he is not fucking an onahole that's been fucked with a mushroom). Sometimes Jade just wants to drag things out and tease you so slowly, but Floyd is impatient and he wants to be inside you the minute he's freed his cock from the confines of his boxers. And there's only one onahole, so they're forced to either compromise and share or fight over it like starved eels.
The twins work together very well when they aren't actively strangling the other near death for use of the onahole. When they're functioning on the same horny brain cell, they actually plan some very devious schemes. Jade likes to talk with you, whether over tea or in the botanical gardens or even during a walk through campus, while Floyd's off with the onahole, slamming it onto his cock just so Jade can watch the breath get knocked out of your little lungs. He loves to see you squirm and if you let him (you will; peer pressure is so fun and Jade does it best) he'll have you bent over so he can see how your hole gapes and clenches around an invisible force (Floyd's dick). He'll force his way inside and the two of them fuck you sore and dumb.
Jade likes to use the onahole when you're spending time with a friend or if you're on a date. He may not seem it, but he has a nasty jealous streak. He's only willing to share you with Floyd, so the fact that his dearest darling would even think to spend time with others when he and Floyd are the best fits for you... You really like to hurt his poor heart. :( it's only fair he absolutely ruins your chances with anyone else, teasing you all throughout your date before finally, finally bottoming out just when you think anything special might happen on your date. After all, why settle for someone who is better off becoming fish food? Obviously Jade and Floyd are the ones meant for you; the way you squeeze Jade's dick so tightly indicates that you agree, even if not yet verbally.
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attleboy · 5 months
Do you think Pomni is a chihuahua?
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omg doggy art my beloved.... :O she looks adorable!!
(NOTE TO FOLLOWERS: asker has uploaded this art on their profile too so go give support :D)
and as for your question, she sure can be!! like look at her here... like that's a chihuahua... tiny and shaking and afraid... oh poor thang.......
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yellowplumfruit · 8 months
while yes all pigeons in the us are domesticated and there is nothing legally wrong with taking a pigeon off the street to keep as a pet, please keep in mind that you could be taking it away from it’s partner or babies :(
if you are serious about keeping a pigeon, i strongly suggest looking into rescues because there are always always pigeons in need of homes!
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
Do your rules say what to do with a pea seed that first has its radicle emerge and grow downwards. And then um. Have another radicle emerge and grow upwards. (Idk if it was anatomically another radicle but it lacked cotyledons and chlorophyll.)
i hate to be a seed analyst on main but it could have been a secondary epicotyl? peas have a thing where if their terminal bud (area of the stem with the leaves) gets damaged, they can send up a second one, but in my experience it looks a bit wonky in comparison, like kind of stunted and stiff and not really as stem-like. according to the AOSA rules for peas (might be different depending on which rules youre going by), each seedling needs to have at least one strong epicotyl with good leaves to be considered normal, and a damaged primary with a good enough secondary epicotyl with those characteristics can pass as a normal seedling if they have leaves at the top and a nice root and looks...fine, but if its just a pale peg thing, it's not considered enough to make up for a missing stem. id call it abnormal (wont make it to adulthood or if it does, wont be a normal productive plant).
alternatively, if it genuinely was growing two roots, no epicotyl/damaged shoot would be my official reason for saying it's abnormal. unofficially i would say Damn Thats Crazy.
(also, a note on pea anatomy-- in the case of peas, the cotyledons are most of the seed itself that stays below the soil, and then the plant sends up a stem and just uses it as a food source. so the little guy DID have cotyledons, it just...was not putting out an actual stem + leaves. the no chlorophyll part doesnt surprise me, a lot of newly germinated seedlings take a minute to get their chlorophyll and look pale at first, then develop actual green coloration in their leaves and stems as they get to be around a few days old-- especially if theyre being grown in low/no light-- but if it stayed with no chlorophyll it would be albino, which is very possible and an abnormal condition in most rulebooks).
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vintage-bentley · 10 months
How in the fuck are you going to be anti trans and a Good Omens fan as if both the book and the show don’t explicitly establish the existence of several nonbinary characters and both Aziraphale and Crowley themselves are genderless beings
Not to mention both David and Michael’s staunch support of the LGBT (really emphasizing the T here, since you love to drop it) community as a whole, and David literally has a trans child
Part of me is even asking this in good faith because how do you see a series that is so incredibly queer and like it considering how much you shit-talk trans people on your lackluster TERF blog
There’s many reasons, actually! I’ll explain them in good faith, because I think that people who ask questions like this don’t understand the perspective of so-called “terfs” and assume we think like you do.
Firstly, I’m a feminist, so I’m used to media not aligning with my politics. I expect it, actually. Down to very simple things, like knowing I’m never going to go into a show and see a woman just existing with body hair like men do in shows all the time. But I’m comfortable and confident enough in my beliefs that I can consume media that doesn’t align with them. This extends to my feelings regarding gender. A they/them character doesn’t make my head explode, it’s just the same for me as seeing a Christian character (like Ella from Netlix’s Lucifer) or a female character who’s pro-beauty culture (like Elinor from First Kill). It’s a representation of a belief I don’t agree with and personally don’t believe in, that’s all.
Secondly, Good Omens is set in a made up universe with fantasy themes. I can easily get behind the idea that the true forms of angels and demons are genderless, because that makes sense to me in the same way God being genderless makes sense to me. This doesn’t have to carry over to me believing that humans can be genderless (I don’t believe in the concept of internal gender identity, because I don’t believe in souls. So I guess the better way to put this is that I don’t believe humans can be sexless unless we’re using gender and sex as synonyms). In the same way that it makes sense to me that angels and demons have souls that are put into bodies issued to them…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Or how it makes sense to me that Aziraphale and Crowley could survive without food, water, and sleep…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Etc. etc.
Basically, just because something is in a fantasy show, doesn’t mean I have to believe it’s real.
Thirdly, what the actors do in their own lives is none of my business. I don’t agree with supporting the TQ+ especially in relation to LGB (considering they’ve made it a primary goal to harass lesbians into pretending we can like penis, and to take every chance they get to express their hatred for homosexuality. I love to drop the T because they dropped me and my fellow homosexuals years ago). If two straight male actors want to do that, whatever. I also don’t agree with Sheen having a baby with a woman his daughter’s age, but that hasn’t stopped me from watching the show or appreciating his talent.
This all takes me back to what I said about believing you don’t truly understand the perspective of those you call “terfs”. Just because you might not be able to comprehend watching and enjoying something that doesn’t perfectly align with your worldview, doesn’t mean others feel the same. For example, many radical and rad-leaning feminists enjoyed the Barbie movie, despite it not being radical feminist. We’re capable of watching and enjoying things we don’t agree with, and of having discussions about why we don’t agree with it.
A much simpler answer to your question would be: I’ve always loved angels and demons and all things supernatural. I’ve always loved old cars. I love Queen. Religious/moral commentary and critique interest me. I love lighthearted comedies. I’m gay and starved for representation of healthy gay relationships. I love gay star-crossed lovers stories (go watch First Kill). Naturally, I’m going to love Good Omens, even if it doesn’t perfectly align with my worldview.
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littleslutforya · 22 days
You're nothing but a set of holes to rape and abuse. That what you are and that's what you'll always be.
I repeat this every morning💗
I wake up and remind myself I'm a hole🎀
I'm only a cumdump❤️‍🔥
I'm dumb for cock💕
I only watch r4pe porn to remind myself who I am🥺💗
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
To be clear, I’m very pro-spay/neuter!
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threadsun · 11 months
Sorry to send in so many of these at once but this man has me in a chokehold. I also saw you put out your pre-bed question so please don't let this stress you out if you see it before you hit the hay
I don't think Joseph has ever had a home before, a house, sure, but never a home. A home is safe, a home is secure, a home is clean, people don't run away from homes, but they'll certainly run from houses
So imagine just how goddamn giddy this man would be when you pull the money together to buy a house. He can't fucking believe it, the man is in disbelief until you let him reread the paperwork for the billionth time
I think he would intentionally go for a fixer-upper. For one, he kind of sees himself as a fixer-upper so it just calls to him, and two, he wants the two of you to control everything. The faucets, the lights, the wall colors-oh my GOD the wall colors
This grown-ass man comes back home with every paint swatch the store has to offer and spends a whole day just deciding all of those. You'll actually have to rein him in on the paint colors because if you don't he WILL make the house look like a rainbow threw up in it
He can't help it, he doesn't know color theory or the fact that putting highlighter yellow in the kitchen is a bad idea actually, he's just so excited to be doing this with you.
I personally can't think about babies too much or I'll have a panic attack but just for ya'll. Once you've both decided what rooms are gonna be where you're left with one room you're stumped on what to put in there. After you and Joseph pick a paint color for it he takes the swatch and labels it on the back "nursery"
This man makes me so soft, I sware : D
Never apologise, I love these soooooo much!!!!!!
Joseph is just so excited to have a home with someone he loves, a home that he can make his own and turn into something he wants!! So of course he's gonna pick out all his favourite colours and rugs and furniture and everything, and of course none of it matches because he's just getting stuff that makes him happy and not thinking about if they go well together.
Awwww that's so cute??? He's just so excited to have a family!!! Sweet sweet man I'm obsessed with himmmmm
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
I’m in chicken hell. I agreed to watch my moms birds while she gallivants for the month of December. I’m disabled but she said it would just be a matter of filling tubs of food.
It’s. Awful. We had chickens growing up. They had a big run, with a large insulated indoor coop, heat lamps, and table scraps. They got grain and water and had room to forage for bugs and plants.
But her current coop is a fucking nightmare. It’s a wire mesh cage with a roof, plastic along the sides, and a foot deep floor of filthy shit and straw to stand on. Their water was fully clogged with said straw, and one of the chickens was just dragging a lame foot around the first time I came to check on them.
I was distressed about the injured chicken but my mom said she just hasn’t had time to deal with it since it hatched. The chicken is a year old at least. There’s like six or seven chickens being kept in what I generously suppose to be 5x5 space for the month my parents are gone.
Today I was at my breaking point. I wanted to at least give them fresh water since they’re casually confined to a closet. All the hoses are completely disconnected and scattered wildly around with no clear hook up. There’s a gigantic green bucket full of water that I can’t feasibly do anything with.
When I called my mom indicated that I was being ridiculous and hysterical about it as they’re just chickens. But I could lay down straw if I wanted and use the green bucket for water. I had to explain that no, I’m not physically able to do either of those things. She said she’d call a neighbor to do it.
I went rogue and let them out to browse in an area they’re not supposed to be in for as long as I had energy to stand watch then regretfully hustled them back into their wretched coop.
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 5 months
I have little to no sympathy for these gen X parents who go on TikTok and other platforms and whine about how their adult children suddenly refused to talk to them and cut them off. I can guarantee you that those parents did something to make their child not want to talk to them ever again and the child in question already tried to mend the relationship. People don't cut off their parents casually.
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burning-thistles-bt · 8 months
hey im new to tumblr and you guys are my first fandom i follow i just wanna ask what breed of cat is airleap cuz based from the art his breed is really cute (if it isnt a real breed can you tell me the closest breed to it?) -Love tigerclaw43
most cats you see both in warrior cats and in real life dont have breeds! they're all just domestic short/longhairs! so Airleap is a domestic shorthair
but if i had to make him into a Fancy Breed.... Havana Brown with white spotting. the square elongated muzzle for sure fits him
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and if i just wanted to go absolutely crazy.... Snowshoe/Ragdoll
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its brown✅ its white✅ its Airleap✅
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