#reviews about bl
absolutebl · 2 years
BL Info & Review Content Providers/Blogs OFF Tumblr
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Wordpress based blog: BL Express. https://theblxpress.wordpress.com/
A small team that updates regularly and are very sweet and very good and consistent. They’re pure fan passion but thorough in their reviews (not-academic), and while we don’t always agree I like reading their thoughts. They also talk about m/m books and occasionally yaoi. They have an RSS feed so you can aggregate. (You might even be ale to get it sent to you in newsletter form.)
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Facebook page: BL Update 2020 https://www.facebook.com/blupdate2020
I think just one person who speaks several languages (specifically Japanese & Korean) and keeps an eye to Twitter, Instagram, and places like that where BL announcements are made. They then repackage into a daily digest posting format. More interested in providing content/announcements first, than engaging with fans, so doesn’t really respond to comments or cultivate a community (which is FINE).
When I hear gossip on Tumblr about a new project, this is who I check first, then I bop over to…  
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My Drama List AKA MDL https://mydramalist.com/
It’s worth having an account just so you yourself can keep track of what you watch. You can follow people like me who only review BL, and create lists of it. More importantly you can check the comment threads beneath the different dramas for indie subbers posting more obscure titles. Also people who know what’s going on with production etc…
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World of BL on Twitter https://twitter.com/world_of_bl_com
This is my least used resource for no other reason then I really hate Twitter. But I know a lot of people follow them. And they might be the most up to date source on this list. Very engaged with the community. Also runs a wikia based (or maybe hard coded?) resource of BL + reviews. (I just don’t like the interface, ugly af, but there are some who find it useful and prefer it to MDL).
Also: BLUpdate @BLUPDATE2022.
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Will of Thai BL on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/ThaiBL
Does videos regularly of trailer clips etcetera of upcoming dramas (not just Thai stuff). Because they have to cut everything together and upload there is a delay on this content (as compared to the other gossips), but still it’s a fun resource. Also Will is a reader of Thai y-novels and will occasionally post spoilers of currently airing shows (which you don’t’ have to watch, I just like spoilers). Uses a robot voice, but *shrug*.  
YouTube BL Documentary Resources 
BL History
Strongberry on BL (Korea)
Thai BL
TED Ex BangKok (growing up gay in Thailand)
Chinese masculinity
Perth on working on a BL show (Thailand, Aussie perspective)
There it is. That’s how to stay in touch with the community if, for any reason, you wanna/need to flee Tumblr or get booted or anything.
Please repost and add more if you know of them (specifically if there is a new releases newsletter out there), or leave a comment if you have other suggestions. Tumblr is fun but not exactly the best organizer of information.
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pharawee · 4 months
Oh wow. Spirit Reborn (the original teaser has since been deleted) aka Khemjira Must Survive completely changed production companies and has been revived as Khemjira the Series by Mandee starring Namping Napatsakorn as Khemjira and Keng Harit as Parun.
I've just recently read the novel it's based on and it's an incredibly detailed horror novel steeped in Isan and (Thai) Buddhist folklore with very little BL stuff happening until the bonus chapters - presumably because it's not right for someone like Parun (a very respected practitioner of Buddhist "white magic") to consider or even get distracted by thoughts of that nature.
The original production received a lot of criticism for not sticking to the novel but I guess Mandee gets the Domundi bonus. Then again, Domundi isn't exactly known for... not being spicy. And here they can't even leave the spiciness to the side couple because they're Parun's students and have to adhere to the precepts too. Unless they rewrite the whole story - which would be a pity because it's so very clearly Buddhist and I really liked that about it.
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Read a review for a new BL that was like "it's Not Very Good, And Also Full Of Tropes" and I was like... Yes, and? That's why we're here? To be confused by the plot, and enjoy the mess? That's the point of the pulpy ones?
It also says that "the erotic scene was too long". Like, calm down, pretty people kissing helps make the time travel and the bitchy, poorly characterized women harder to be mad about.
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huasahyo · 1 year
I have read Qiang Jin Jiu and honestly think I'll never recover
(Spoilers ahead!)
Oh god, where to start this? Maybe I should start with the very begging: I didn't understood shit. I just saw a kid being tortured and lots of information. When I felt it was too much, I went after the translated map and OMG that was so helpful! Bless the translators for that. After looking carefully at the map, things started to make sense.
As the story went, before the end of book one I was not very familiar with all the characters. I kept mistaking Hai Liangyi for Hua Siqian lol. But during my reading I started to take some notes and was never confused again. The thing is, this book has A LOT of characters and some of them are introduced early but only become major players later (Yao Wenyu, Hua Xiangyi...)
Even though this huge ensemble would make characters easy to forget, this doesn't happen. The author managed to create likeable and rememberable characters pretty easily??? I fell in love with many of them at first read, even if they didn't show up a lot. And there were characters that got me completely off guard, I wasn't expecting them to be so cool and relevant, BUT THEY WERE (Fei Sheng, Kong Liu)! And the antagonists were also brilliant, I love a good story where everyone has a point and no one is actually evil: People from Biansha had their truths and in a war there are no right sides, Xue Xiuzhuo wanted the best for Dazhou (even though I can't forgive what the did to my baby Yuanzhuo), and Li Jianting??? WHAT A LEGEND! Also, Feng Quan plot twist left me speechless, what an interesting character. Every character was very human (in the good and bad way), everyone had their own goals and beliefs. I actually might do a second post screaming about every character because I have a lot to say about them. (hello hasen my love)
The Plot??? Perfectly done. AND WELL EXPLAINED! I was always a little afraid of reading novels with a lot of politics, but I really dug this one. The problems with grains, provisions, registry, army and BRO THERE WAS EVEN SOME AGRARIAN REFORM SHIT
The way this author write the MOST well written battles I have read, without using any magic... it's just... I never thought I would be so enthusiastic about cannons, rocks and GRAINS.
The conflicts in Zhongbo could be all repetitive, but they weren't at all. Each prefecture that Lanzhou took back had a interesting story.
The war with Biansha was also brilliantly written. The way Amu'er was attacking Dazhou from the inside out and the scorpions with those hammers??? My man was a genius. Sadly, he could never have predicted Bai Cha and her son.
Talking about that, the family relationships are a great point in this. Seeing flashbacks about Lanzhou, Ji Mu, Ji Gang and Hua Pinging made me CRY! They were so happy... And seeing Xiao Chiye with his brother and HIS DAD LIKE... Xiao Fangxu and Ji Gang best daddies. Fei Sheng and Yin Chang too, what a beautiful chapter the one that they talk after Fei Sheng has a fight with Qiao Tianya.
Talking about Qiao Tianya, it was refreshing to see a novel with more LGBT characters. The secondary pairings were great, they didn't steal the spotlight from cezhou, but were very enjoyable (even though THAT happened between Songyu). I just wished we could have seen more Qihua moments and OH GOD KONG LIU AND LUO MU??? That got me truly off guard, wasn't expecting at all. Also, I found really interesting how Lanzhou basically got a LGBT parade following him at the end, that was truly the gayest empire ever. I have so many headcanons here, let me scream them: Xue Xiuzhuo is AroAce, Li Jianting is a non-binary legend and Huo Lingyun a Bi King. Also, Fei Sheng is not straight. Said it.
The little animals in this??? I WAS TERRIFIED WHEN LANG TAO XUE JIN FELL IN THAT HOLE YALL I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA DIE. But luckily he didn't. Meng, Hunu, Feng Shuang Ta Yi were all the cutest, I need more novels with cats.
THE CHILDREN - Ding Tao, Li Xiong, Xiao Xun and Jiran. They served chaos, humor and cuteness. I really liked whenever they showed up.
THE LADIESSS - If you have read my other posts you know I love some powerful women. This story did not disappoint me in that sense. Hua Hewei had some despicable acts, but she really got everyone on her hands despite never leaving the inner palace, good for her. Hua Xiangyi is a way better version of her aunt, my girl was smart and cared for the people, an amazing woman. QI ZHUYINNN owns my life, I really adored the fact that she was a badass and that she never hated the fact she was born a girl, slay. Bai Cha was really out there helping women that were sold and their children, that is some real sorority there. Lu Yizhi was so kind, loved seeing her interactions with Lanzhou. Li Jianting was everything, her story was one of the saddest and yet she was doing her best to become a ruler. Duo Er'lan was amazingly brave, even more than Hasen, mad respect for her.
And last, but definitely not least, there is cezhou. I have no words to explain how much I adored these two. The way both of them got their own development and had their own private goals and went after them, so good. They are so well written that I wanna scream. The chapters that are focused on Lanzhou's feelings are not big in number, even when he is the main character, his feelings are shown in discreet ways (the handkerchief!) and most of the time we don't know what he is plotting or thinking. But when we take a peek at what's going inside of his heart, it's... astonishing. And I love seeing how he actually cared for the side characters, even though he doesn't show a lot.
And Ce'an kind of caught me off guard, I thought he was going to be a totally different character but he went and delivered
Xiao Chiye was a perfect fit for Lanzhou and Lanzhou was a perfect fit for Xiao Chiye: they were both in similar situations where only them could understand each other's suffering, and after they leave Qudu we see how much of a match made in heaven they are (not just romantically, but strategically).
THE SEXUAL TENSION AT THE BEGINNING YALL... They were scheming/fighting and flirting at the same time. Iconic.
Read this, you won't regret it!
By the way, I started reading the story in December and finished by March, but I completely forgot to post this! College has been frying my brain these days.
Hopefully I will resume my Sha Po Lang reading and come back here to tell my opinions on the book. (Not sure when though.)
See ya!
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firstyok · 1 year
- Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse End Notes -
So, I had to do this because I've never been happier in my life, until I witnessed my babyboys akkaye returning back with a passionate love sequel this month. You have no idea how much I adored, loved and enjoyed these 2 episodes bit by bit, it filled my entire heart with ecstasy, love and joy. So, here I am again, ready to appreciate the hell out of these outstanding episodes for my AkkAye babies. Stay with me, and hear me out on this.
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Below, I've addressed the core main things of these episodes which I loved, enjoyed and adored the most. Honestly, every single second of these episodes were a chef's kiss for me, but of course I can't write single thing out there. I would run out of images, and I hate making part two's. So, here I am, with the best and main things about this show, for which I'd basically keep watching these episodes over and over again until I witness SanRay.
1. Message on Perspective and Communication in a Relationship
Let's rule out the complex part first. The Eclipse original show ended with Akk and Aye getting together, and it was the most thrilling moment to experience that time. But now, since they're already past that, AkkAye are in a relationship for quite a while now, and these two episodes were truly valuable in terms of how "romantic relationships are not always about rainbows and butterflies". It takes a freaking lot more to maintain and cherish the relationship you have with your partner, than to simply end it or start a new one. I think maintaining a relationship is the hardest thing of any kind of love, and this show portrayed it in such a simple yet beautiful way. Yes, sure - the birthday thing could be quite a common silly problem, but it is a very realistic one.
For someone like Akk, who underestimates himself and cares so much for others, and what others think of him - it was very likely of Akk to react that way. Deep down, he is excited about his birthday like anyone would, but meanwhile he doesn't want to bother anyone for him, especially Aye. He is not an expressive person, due to all the events that impacted him in Suppalo, but he has softened down and feels comfortable alot more than before. He doesn't say anything about his birthday, instead he expects Aye to remember it by himself, and not by Akk, which is normal. But on the other hand, Aye has other plans.
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Aye is secretly planning a surprise for Akk's birthday, and everyone in his friend group is aware of that, except Akk. He was truly invested into carving that special song for him for the last few days, that Akk notices him paying less attention, while his birthday is approaching. So, Akk feels extra worse. On top of that, Aye acts completely oblivious to the birthday, he acts as if he completely forgot and has no idea of it's arrival. I understand Aye's perspective for keeping the surprise and gifting it to Akk like dropping a bomb, but he is so engrossed in that future part, the he is unseeing how much hurt Akk is going through right now. Aye, who believes Akk should stop caring about others too much, and think about himself - Aye wants Akk to talk about it, but also interrupts him simultaneously. Because he doesn't want the surprise to go all out beforehand.
There you have it. You cannot completely put the blame on either of them, and also you cannot give any credit as well. Because both of them are at fault. People aren't perfect, and that's what makes life so beautiful and flawed. While Aye is preparing beautiful things for Akk - Akk sulks, believing that Aye actually forgot his birthday. It's extremely common in real life, don't you think? Even if it sounds stupid, if that thing happened to me, I'd too question whether he forgot my birthday or not, or I'd similarly be too excited for the gift that I forgot how much pain I'm giving to the other. They assumed things, and created a gap of communication, which is understandable but also something to be repaired - every couple, every being needs time to rewind and reset. I think it was a dramatic and lovely presentation of how Akk and Aye are definitely the two sides of the same coin. They are different, they have different perspectives, different communication and love styles, but despite their differences, they balance each other out. That is why - Akk needs Aye, and Aye needs Akk.
2. Wasuwat's Short Film
Another important theme of these two episodes was definitely around Wat's short film and the new shooting scenes for them. I loved how the show portrayed Wat's new beginning in his career due to his love for Indie films. I believe dreams should be chased and followed, no matter what the consequences bring us. The entire process of Wat bringing his group of friends to the Theatre place, and those quirky fantasies in the minds of the Akk, Aye, Kan and Thua, were quite dramatic and also enjoyable. After that, the preparation of the script along with the research from both the duos, was meaningful. It's like the central messages of the show were combined beautifully - the message on perspectives along with Wat's dream. They merged both the things cleverly.
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Another dialogue from Akk, which struck me hard - while Kan and Akk were assuring Wat for his big day of Short Film Competition, Akk said that it was enriching and fortunate enough that Wat has got to follow his dream. That dialogue struck me super hard. I was like, damn that's right. It doesn't matter whether the dream of us succeeds at the end, what matters is the satisfaction and peace that we've done, we've tried to go after that dream atleast once in our life. I believe so too. We must follow or atleast try to chase the dreams we have, no matter how impossible it seems. Trying something never hurt anybody. Apart from that, I loved that constant support Wat got from Teacher Sani and his friends - they played a massive role in Wat's life, and if it taught us something - it is how we should never discourage anyone for their dreams, no matter what it is. Later on, when Wat won the award, I was genuinely so emotional, like that boy deserved it. He also got exposure to his favourite director P'Nut, which is far more ecstatic. In short, Wat's film played a huge role when it came down to the message of following your dream, because you love it.
3. Genuine Friendships
Real Friendships are dead rare to find in life. Let's be honest, how many friends do you have who truly have the best interest for you? Having a real friend in life is like winning half tha battle. Friends and family are always responsible for carving out your beliefs, morals, values and who you'd be becoming in the future. The beautiful friendship of Akk, Kan and Wat is outstanding, and when Aye, Thua and Namo joins the squad, it just becomes more fun, exciting and stronger. When it comes to our oldest trio; Akk, Kan and Wat - I absolutely adore their friendship.
Have you seen how different Akk is from Kan, and Kan is from Wat? Everyone in the friend squad is different, possessing different interests and goals in life. Technically from an objective perspective, you'd see they are incompatible. But then, what makes their friendship so strong and deep? The answer is respect, love and understanding. Yes, Wat loves indie films, which Akk and Kan aren't interested in. But what they do is encourage, motivate and assure his friend of his talent, and worth, and pushes him forward to follow that dream. They cheer for him, write scripts for him, eventhough they can do other things.
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Now, that's what I call a true friend. No two people are completely similar - even the most compatible friends have severe differences, but what makes friendships beautiful is acceptance. You accept and love the person the way they are, and strive to make them their best, by constantly supporting them and wishing good-intent. Having a group of these friends is like a biggest blessing they could ever find. Aye helped Thua with his family issues, even though he didn't even know him well that time. But he still chose to help him.
That's why I call a good intent. Aye and Thua writing the script together and subtly hinting Akk, but not talking behind his back - it is another strong point how these friends are genuine and real. All of them wish the best for another, and it is just so fulfilling to see. When Namo, who is not an actual member of the group, was upset about his dating life - did you see how Akk and Aye were concerned and went to check on him? I truly adored that scene. It portrayed how they care for Namo too, who is not that close to them like others, but seeing Akk care for him, really melted my heart. If true friendship isn't this, then I don't know what is.
4. AkkAye Night Pool Scene
You've no idea how much I adored and enjoyed every second of Akkaye's night pool scene. The moment was private, intimate and romantic, all at the same time. Eventhough they were still having a their silent fight, but the moment was just wonderful - maybe because it felt so realistic, sweet and vulnerable altogether. Firstly, the setting is outstanding - the quiet night, along with the faint tint of dim lights from the rooms far away, and the soothing water sounds from the pool. Every aspect created a sensual and lovely ambiance for our couple. It began with Aye asking Akk to play the guitar, which created another air of romance. But Akk was still upset with Aye, so I was glad that he atleast subtly confronted him. Eventhough Aye didn't give a satisfactory answer, since he wanted to hide the surprise but the way he handled Akk was extremely heartwarming.
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He knows how Akk is warm for his kisses and love, and simply uses it to calm him down. The moment was ethereal and natural - when Akk was reaching his edge and was about to cry while venting out, Aye held him and kissed him. That was the moment, I became freaking soft. In no time, Akk melted again, and the kiss was beautiful to witness. The remaining moment when Akk slept on Aye's lap, and kept playing around by calling him friend - it was such a fun and playful moment, packed with three passionate kisses. I kept repeating that part, it was so charming, romantic and also sensual with twist of fun - I lived for that thing. I absolutely love how Aye handles Akk, it's just so perfect. The last part when they both hugged and slept right near the pool till the morning, was adorable. They were all jittery and nervous once they woke up, being so obvious to their friends. The entire pool scene was one of the best moments in thr entire show, for me.
5. Aye's Surprise Song for Akk
Before I say anything else, let me begin by how mesmerising and heartwarming the song is. One of the best Osts I've ever heard in Thai BL shows, for sure. It is soothing, enchanting and most importantly full of heartfelt lyrics and soothing melody. This song will make your day easily. Now, coming back to the scene - it was so painful to see Akk feeling devasted on how Aye forgot his birthday while being in the club with his friends. To add more salt to the wound, Nami mentioned that Aye maybe meeting someone else - which obviously Akk wouldn't believe, but the way his insecurities are increasing, this man felt the worse that ever. He was completely hopeless at this point. Exactly then, the stage lights turned up and we could hear the guitar strings. Believe me, the joy and hope on Akk's face was everything I was looking for. The way he was relieved and cried emotionally while listening to Aye's song for him; I truly wanted to give that boy my entire heart and hug him so tight.
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That part made me an emotional mess. I loved how Akk got to sing his part as well, I love his voice so much - that beautiful duo song was everything that i wanted after so much doubt, pain and insecurity on Akk's side. Finally, my babyboys have made peace among themselves and my Akk baby is now all assured. What could make me happier than this? But something did. The tiny, sweet kisses that Akk kept pestering on Aye made me the weakest. Such a pure love with so much endearment. I don't even know what to say, after this scene - everything just kept getting better and better. How Akk and Aye shared their old rule of one punch and one kiss, along with accepting each other as one another's space - every single thing freaking made me crazy, happy and giddy. I love them so damn much, it hurts.
6. The Love-Making Scene
The way the story of AkkAye ended - I think it was the most perfect way that this show could've ended. I'm sure nobody else can manufacture a better ending for these two than this one. From their sensual shower scene to their hot passionate making out one - my eyes had a total delicious feast of meal, and I'm all up for it. It's true that the scene will typically be remembered for their intimate moment, but I'd like to point out the amount of vulnerability it presented, which made the love-making more meaningful and deep. The shower scene was domestic and had the aura of a warm, cozy and home-like vibe where a couple is simply having a blast just being around one another.
I adored when they were drying one another's hair, playing guitar and just having a wonderful time together before going to bed. It was so satisfying to witness. Later on, another best moment was when my baby Akk asked Aye to tell he loved him; I was incredibly soft that time. Akk is someone who has a hard time asking something, or wondering if he's a burden to other people, he put other's needs first.
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For someone like him to open up and ask something for himself was an achievement, indeed. Aye teased him and tried to delay his answer to that, which made Akk insecure once again. But I'm glad that Aye responded him with his actions - I absolutely loved that slow deep kiss from Aye with a soft 'I love you'. It truly spoke millions - the kiss seemed like a strong promise with lots of emotions packed with it. That's why I felt goosebumps in that moment. I won't lie but my heart was skipping the entire time. Akk was being extra playful when he denied to say it back and the expression on both of their faces was just iconic.
I cannot stress enough how much died at their kisses and making-of scene at the end - my heart was weak, and wasn't coping up well with those passionate lip kisses, thigh grabs and the sizzling chemistry. I could feel the tension right through the screen and I'm not complaining at all. It was such a rollercoaster journey to watch AkkAye evolve from their Suppalo days into this - I feel so freaking proud of them.
7. The Kisses and the Locations
The Locations of the episodes were stunning and gorgeous? The kisses from Akkaye were steamy, sexy and delicious? I don't know what else should I add on. Like, have you noticed how seductively they both kept kissing and making out at every gorgeous location of the episode? From the first shot in the Brokeback Mountain, to the to another one in that Bicycling Location where they wore caps. Like, please get a grip you two - they kept doing passionate kisses for long moments at every beautiful scene, which constantly made my heart flutter. The scene where they were running and chasing one another at the flower field - I was so freaking soft the entire time, there was a lovely cheek kiss from Aye, but the rest of it was adorable, packed with pastel aesthetic and fluff moments.
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Their smiling faces with so much happiness and love was all I needed for making my day. Even if we rule out the locations, the cinematography was on point. It was soothing, soft and absolutely ethereal witness. The club where Aye sang with Akk, or the Movie Theatre location where Wat won his award - all of the places and locations were worth watching the episodes. Especially, how can I not mention the trip place where they stayed in their rooms. The magnetic night time under the moonlight near the pool, I love everything about this show. I don't know what to say anymore, I'd probably peace out now.
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I'd truly miss AkkAye with the bottom of my heart, until I witness SanRay again. The characters, the show, the deep raw emotions - everything that this series has brought to the table is a masterpiece and has set high standards for future bl shows. All I want to say is this show has given me enormous happiness and joy. I want to FirstKhao to keep getting versatile roles in many more series in the future; whether as a couple or individually. I just want my babies to shine brighter and keep getting ahead in life.
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hanakihan · 1 year
cracked NSFW idea in comedic way though because me and friends were drunk
So anyway jinwoo gets his own yt channel where he reviews good and bad hentai manga either in aesthetic appreciation of straight up losing his mind of how bad it is (he doesn’t openly say what’s happens of shows too nsfw panels but he does it in comedic way with completely straight face while wearing a face mask and overall having his own aesthetic)
and like channel becomes a niche and very few actually connect that cool cold handsome hunter sung and this energetic full of humor and existential crisis hentai reviewer
and then there’s jinchul just accidentally starting to watch one of the videos because he had it in background and it started to play automatically and he doesn’t really care about hentai even though it’s interesting to hear how reviewer talks about it and progressively loses his mind at trashy ones and this channel becomes jinchul’s guilty pleasure because you can turn off your brain and appreciate a reviewer and their jokes
and then memes arise and imagine that awkward absolutely weird moment when jinwoo and jinchul are in same room and then jinchul references one of the channel memes with others not understanding context but finding it funny and jinwoo choking on his drink while sweating nervously
and with knowledge that jinchul is watching his channel jinwoo also starts to review stuff that either references it or straight up trolls jinchul’s work (like you know those office hentai doujinshi and stuff)
/and then they have sex and jinwoo does or says something and jinchul goes full nerd way like ‘oh did you just referenced that quote from your 37th review?’ and jinwoo just stops like ‘are you fucking seriously—‘
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wonderr-skyy · 2 months
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Kimi ni wa Todokanai, chap 6 & 12
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tribow · 1 month
So I watched Paradox Live: The Animation
You know what "The Animation" means. Paradox Live is a mixed-media project that's more than just the anime, but what is Paradox Live?
Well, I imagine this is what the pitch sounded like in the board meeting at Avex Pictures: "What if we made Love Live, but with boys and we centered it around Hip-Hop?"
At first glance that's essentially what Paradox Live is; a bunch of male idols but instead of singing J-Pop they RAP! Have the fans choose their favorite group and swoon over these boys...but wait, they can't just copy Love Live down to the letter. They need soemething to stand out from a basic idol franchise..... 👏 that's it! TRAUMA.
Every character must have some traumatic backstory that fuels their hip-hop! And...and...they wear accessories made out of stuff called Phantom Metal that allows them to create illusions for their live performances. However, using it also makes them relive their trauma! PERFECT!
Well....I have some critiques on the premise, but I'll get into it later. How's the execution?
It sucks. The anime even commits the greatest sin of an idol show: the music is bad. How could you? That's the one thing you gotta get right no matter what!
Okay well if the most of the music isn't good how's the drama? Can't have trauma without some drama right? The good news is that the characters aren't bad, but the bad news is that the narrative sucks.
What brings these hip-hop groups together is a tournament to decide who is number one for a grand prize of...I forget the number, but it's A LOT of money. Each group has their own motivations for accepting the invintation to this event. Whether it be to prove their music is great or to win that prize, they gotta go all out to win that competition!
...Anyway, the tournament hardly matters to the plot. That's practically background noise to the real focus: character drama. A good half of the cast has their backstories elaborated on, but it's a whole lot of tell don't show. If I fully understood japanese I doubt I would need to even look at what's happening to get an understanding of what's going on.
I did a little research on this show, and the consensus I saw was that the audio drama for Paradox Live is way better than the show. The anime is adapting this audio drama and while they should be able to take advantage of the visual medium....they just don't. The conversations just don't feel natural. A lot of character interactions feel a little forced. The adaption needed to transform the narrative to fit its medium better and it failed to do that.
Not to mention that the story itself doesn't make much sense. There's a lot of leaps in logic you have to allow to consider the story good, especially the problem with the premise. If the Phantom Metal is so dangerous why must the characters use it? Some characters do give an answer, and that answer is "Because I just gotta!"
...So no answer. They're using it deal with it.
What really gets me is how several characters say that they love hip-hop because of its self-expression. I agree! Hip-hop as a genre is one of the most personal forms of music. It's the poetry of spoken word harmonizing with the rhythm of music. There's not many genres out there that have a culture of delivering a personal message to the listener like hip-hop. Yet, Paradox Live doesn't take advantage of this.
They chose the perfect genre of music to be paired with this character drama, and they don't use it to punctuate how these characters feel about their lives. They say they love the genre for self-expression well why aren't they doing that? Maybe the audio drama leans into this better I don't know, but the anime sure as hell doesn't. They don't even do rap battles!
Oooooo this irks me. This is a hip-hop tournament right? Why don't the characters do rap battles??? They do "battle", but it's like a normal music competion. One group does their performance and the next group does theirs. Boooo!
There's literally a character who suddenly drops his usual energetic child-like personality and says the exact words that can trigger another character. It's as if he suddenly knows exactly who you are and what you've done throughout your life, and then poof! He's back to normal and doesn't even remember what if he said. Imagine if he pulled that shit during a rap battle and airs out someone's dirty laundry right on stage? People would go ballistic!
Dramatic potential aside, I know the narrative has little to no conflicts between the characters and they essentially become each other's support group. However, they could still have that conversation through rap. They can do it with music, hip-hop supports this.
And the thing is, the anime does this! In the finale they actually do have the characters express themselves through rap in an effort to emotionally communicate to each other. Heck, there's a filler episode where as a joke they start rapping in support of their friend doing a spicy food challenge at a restaurant and it's unironically the best part of the whole show.
It was doomed to fail anyway. The fact that each hip-hop group had their own hip-hop subgenre really showed that Paradox Live's story was an after-thought to the character's concepts. They need to be marketable, they need to have variety, and they need to hook in fans and make money. I didn't look into it, but I doubt the voice actors are even actual rappers. Paradox Live doesn't actually care about hip-hop, it cares about how it can make this multi-media project a success. A concept like this won't have synergy between the story, characters, and music. Not only is it super difficult, it's just not profitable. Finding the right team to pull off something good with a grand scale like this is a tall ask.
Speaking of which, you'd think the animation would suffer a lot from this and surprisingly...it only suffers a little.
This is the first I've seen of their work and they go crazy with the first episode. A lot of big camera movements going on and some surprisingly good mix between CG and 2D animation in several shots. This quality vanishes by episode 2, but it doesn't drop too low. There were some clear moments where the animation sucks (especially near the end), but I was decently surprised.
This is the first work I've seen from Pine Jam and they seem good! I wonder how they would do on a better project than this mixed-media one.
....But yeah those are my thoughts on this show. It's not good and I wouldn't really recommend. I can understand if this show has its fans. The characters are honestly neat. I heard that outside the anime the music is better, so maybe there's something to latch onto there.
Man, mixed-media projects get a lot of words out of me.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Hey doreen..Hope you are having a great day!!
Have you watched be my favourite?if so is it any good? I have seen many mixed reviews so i wanted to ask you.
hi anon!
I'm doing good thank you!! I hope you are too 🧡
I have watched be my favorite and it's been a while but I'm still on the fence about it lol it had an excellent script + directing and a superior cast but sadly the GawinKrist pair ruined it for me a little. or a lot lol. I adore Gawin and he shines so much as Pisaeng but Krusty,,,, I just can't deal with this man no matter how good the show is lol.
If you're not bothered by him too much though or if you can look past him somehow then I highly recommend it. it really is an outstanding production in (almost) every way.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week In BL - I’m pleased with what’s airing, but conflicted about what’s ended & getting started
Aug 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 4 of 8 - Omg the way the bodyguard (handler?) looks at the rich kid. Gah. I see why @heretherebedork​ loves these 2. But I really hate him (not the handler, the kid). Fun fight scene. I love lawyer babygirl SO MUCH. HE WILL BE MY 2023 FAV CHARACTER. I’M CALLING IT. This ep, Srs? You’re killing me. Suits! Pussycat bows! And then... The Public Claiming!!!!! One of my favorite tropes! And openly flirting? Boys. I’m getting spoiled. Wait… is that…? NO SINGING. Ah well, Thai BL giveth and Thai BL taketh away. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I like the script for this. It feels like the conversations they have are very honest to a uni experience. It’s comfortable and breezy. I did not expect the kiss. Bit early in the arc. There is either going to be a lot of backend drama, or a long domestic honeymoon period. (Bet you can guess which one I vote for.) 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - It’s moving along in a Ghost Host kinda way (minus the killer chemistry). I’m not mad about it, I don’t think I'll remember it tho. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 5 of 12 - My ambivalent relationship with this drama continues. Cohabitation trope. Punn is basically a huge puppy trying to spoil/cuddle/fuck his pretty kitty prince. It is what it is. Meanwhile, I just want more of Big Daddy & the Hot Doc. (Also the name of my burlesque show.) Why does Kevin have more chemistry with Ashi in a 1 min long scene than Punn has had… ever? Is this nascent bad boy effect or nascent 2nd lead syndrome I’m feeling? (Meanwhile Ben! Hi! Long time no see!) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - Whatever. Trash(ish) watch here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 eps - Aw pretty baby is unhappy his bf got injured. But also very blushing maiden. This is profoundly NOT GOOD. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 3 of 7 - I have decided that Lom’s theme song is BigBang’s Monster. Listen. You’ll see what I mean. Also BigBang = also very problematic but banging. What I’m saying is, I wanna punch Lom so bad, I went slightly bonkers. Water sports are addressed. A trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 3 of 8 - How DARE they make me love this show so much? I feel personally attacked. The smell thing! Gah. The way they automatically go informal in private. The flirting. The language. The suits, the EVERYTHING. It’s embarrassing how much I rewatch the final bits of each ep. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 6 of 10 eps - I adore this ridiculous show. (I just realized that the actor playing Jiang Chi played Ray’s evil 2-timing bf in About Youth). Baby boy is quite clueless. Sweet dreams tho. I love them both so much. The washing his jersey scene was so fucking cute. Couple’s numbers, couple’s keychains, bridal towel, kisses. Thank you Taiwan for NOT activating blushing maiden. However, confident gay/confused bisexual is a go. And we got us some justifiable angst. Sigh. I’m so happy. 
Sing My Crush AKA Follow The Wind (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and Love Tractor’s production house, basically Korea does About Youth. It’s sweet (the singing bits are easy to skip) and very much a story of young first love but less stiff than KBL’s usual high school fare (kinda Taiwan feeling). I like it but that very imprecision in production makes me concerned for an HEA, especially with such a low MDL rating. 
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8fin  - Rough final episode, but it does end happily. Fortunately, I had some warning for my personal triggers, but this is Japan and they did go dark. Full review below. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 5 of 12 eps - Shin is so cute and proud and boldly out. I love him. Movement in the relationship with both couples, even if it’s movement into arguments and misunderstanding. I suppose we got 12 eps they need to do... something.  
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 1 of 5 eps - It’s confusing. And… not good? Some flashbacks some present day? 
It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
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Review: Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
I had to chew on this for a while but here’s where I ended up. 
Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. Based on a manga, this office set reunion romance is GREAT… damn it. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. 
Japan gave us the Bed Friends that Thailand could never even imagine. But here’s the thing: I don’t enjoy my BL this heavy and cutting. I know that for The 8th Sense crowd this is peak BL and I can’t argue with the fact that the romantic devotion, domesticity, script, and acting IS all on point. It’s just not my personal preference for that point to be so damn sharp. I appreciate that this being 2023 I have the luxury of consistent quality (especially from Japan) and thus the ability to say… 
I acknowledge that this SHOULD get a 9/10 but I can’t emotionally go higher than 8/10 
Japan = sticking to its lanes like their BL is on rails. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) 8 eps 
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Still Coming August 2023
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. 
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several.
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too?
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
Oh yeah, Only Friends is coming. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Hidden Agenda. I love them. 
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Public claiming with the waist grab maneuver! A true hero. 
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But I think we can all agree that THIS is the hero all love triangles deserve. (both Laws) 
(Last week) 
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hirmienworld · 11 months
ABOUT YOUTH - 2022 - 8.5⭐
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Sweet and tender, and also capable of dealing with very complex themes. The actors are all very good, the music and scenarios are really beautiful. I devoured it in just one day, I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't recommend it. Xu Qi Zhang e Ye Guang will always have a special place in my heart.
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minhoinator · 2 years
I’m so curious what he’s gonna do…like what will the vibe be? We’ve see broody (and dark) with I’m Home and Heartbreak, but then sweet (and light) with Falling Free and Romeo & Juliet…with this being a whole album, i could see him doing a sort of mix of the two???? But??? Then also musically like what is he g o n n a d o why can’t we know rn immediately i have so many questions and no answers
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firstyok · 1 year
Thoughts on Alan from MLC EP 3-4
When Alan entered at the end of episode 3, hear me out: the shot was so mysterious, thrilling and satisfying. It certainly gave an eerie warning, about who this person is, and who he can be, when he's being tested. The way he opened his empty sad eyes in the darkness of the room literally had me in goosebumps. The scene was a chef's kiss.
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First's Character, Alan is a psychopathic possessive ex, who is highly unpredictable, intimidating, and fierce with dangerous anger issues. He acts violently, you cannot guess what Alan is going to do next, you could feel his unmanageable tantrums right through his eyes, and that's fabulous. Honestly, Alan is a scary man when angered. I could feel my terror every time he appeared on episode 4. The way First portrays all of these main traits in the character is phenomenal. Whenever he hit the scenes, all eyes are on him - this man is an acting genius and he keeps proving so, with the versatile roles he gets.
He's ideally the gift that keeps giving.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ getting to know your BL mutuals ~ 
I was tagged by the lovely @hecalledhimhyung thank you so much!!! 🥺 I haven’t done one of these in a while. So I’m excited!!!
rules: answer the questions and @ some people. include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answer.
what have been the BLs that took you by surprise this year?
Between Us, Love Stage, Ocean Likes Me, My Secret Love & Roommates of Poongduck 304. 
My expectations for all of these were not very high but I was very pleasantly surprised by all of them. Love Stage turned out to be one of my favorites from this year and My Secret Love was the best basic BL I’ve ever seen lmao. Roommates of Poongduck had an incredible production and so does Between Us. And Ocean Likes Me just had me in a puddle of cuteness lmao. 
what have been the BLs that you felt a bit a lot disappointed with this year?
Check Out, Coffee Melody, The Tuxedo, Oh My Sunshine Night, Old Fashion Cupcake, Unforgotten Night. 
Most of these I was genuinely excited for so the disappointment kinda hit hard lol. But all of these were bad or terrible from start to finish. I can admit that now djkghdf
what has been your favorite BL this year?
This year did have some good stuff to offer but my #1 goes to The Eclipse which, if you know me, shouldn’t be a surprise lmao. What else can I say. It wasn’t perfect and I don’t want to gloss over the things I did not like, but the overall package was still perfect to me so yeah. 10/10. 
favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
This would be a longass list lmao so I’m just gonna list my top 5 from this year: 
AkkAye (The Eclipse)
LianKuea (Cutie Pie) 
DanYok (Not Me; this was still a 2022 show shhh)
RyuAnda (Love Stage)
PuenTalay (Vice Versa)
what's your non-BL favorite this year?
Definitely PS I Hate You. That show was insane through and through and I had a blast watching it with the bestie @leonpob lol 💜 Another good one was Mama Gogo. 
time to tag people! (not sure if all of these are mutuals but imma tag you either way so deal with it!! lol 💜) 
@leonpob @khunvegas @chainsawandronan @firstkanaphans @firstkpp @akkayanss @kaonoppakao @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle @pharawee @yoonqiful @boun-prem @rachanun @akksweetieyouaregay @thaitheseries @bl-recs-and-reviews
and anyone else who’s in the mood!  
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vampfucker666 · 2 years
help im writing a whole fucking thing about a yaoi game and not even one of the good ones
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stormyoceans · 2 years
weekly show reviews
between us - ep. 12/12. gotta be honest, any coherent thoughts i might have had just flew out of the window because of waantul. i do think their resolution was incredibly rushed, but it's hard to complain about it when tul was there saying stuff like "can you be my future?" and "i want to be your safe zone". waan never stood a chance. and you know what else never stood a chance? my sanity as soon as waan started to take off tul's clothes, but let's just not go there. it was a nice final episode, where all the pairings got their little moment to shine, but im not sure i'd call it satisfying ;;;;;; overall i think the show as a whole would have benefited from being shorter (10 episodes would have been enough imho) and from taking out at least one side pairing. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad show, i still enjoyed it a lot, but at times it felt pretty repetitive and i think the resolution between win and team got dragged along way too much. the insanely high expectations that everyone had for the show also didn't really help it. still, winteam remains one of the best pairings i've seen in BLs and im definitely gonna miss them.
candy color paradox - ep. 06/08. this is probably the first japanese BL that isn't quite doing it for me and i can't really explain why. despite the terrible things he did, during this episode i found myself being more interested in inami kei and his secret love for his friend rather than in onoe and kaburagi's relationship, which.. isn't good ;;;;;; i still hope the last two episodes will make me come around tho!!
cutie pie 2 you - ep. 04/04. THEY GAVE JAYFOEI THE MOST PERFECT HALF INTERACTION THAT IM GONNA USE TO FUEL MY CLOWNERY FOREVER SO I REALLY COULDN'T BE MORE SATISFIED WITH THIS. like it happened with the show, i still found jay, foei, and nueasyn to be the most enjoyable part of it, but i actually ended up liking this special significantly more than the last couple of episodes of the main series, maybe because there was more communication between lian and kuea, so im glad it happened, even just so i could say goodbye to the show with nicer feelings towards it!!! i also really liked the way they shot the last scene, because it suddenly felt more like a korean BL rather than a thai one, but im not an expert on this, so i could just be talking out of my ass ;;;;;;
history 5: love in the future - ep. 05/10. somewhere in this there's a plot i really like (time travels are the kind of things i tend to enjoy, just like timeloops), so it makes me incredibly sad that i can't quite click with this show. dai zhe ni and hai yi are a bit too chaotic for my taste, and there are some old tropes that i was hoping we were moving away from. im enjoying the side pairing a bit more, mainly because i find wen hsen very charming and adorable when he drops his composure as soon as huai hen isn't there to see him, but they still suffer from some questionable writing, especially in this episode.
i will knock you - ep. 11/12. PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH. CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN MY FEEL GOOD SHOW COULDN'T ESCAPE THE 11 EPISODE CURSE. of course noey doesn't really mean what he said and im pretty sure someone (maybe thiw?) said something to him to make him change his mind in the short time it took thi to talk to his mom on the phone, but IT STILL HURTS AND THEY WERE SO MEAN TO HAVE THI DANCE ALONE IN THE END CREDITS. THEY BETTER GIVE THEM THEIR HAPPY ENDING OR I WILL RIOT. im willing to forgive some of their crimes only because they gave me a hint of side lesbians AND THAT'S EVERYTHING TO ME.
individual circumstances - ep. 03+04/08. im honestly not sure how i feel about this show ;;;;;; i do spend most of the time being frustrated and yelling JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER at my screen, though, so.. maybe that's not good ;;;;;; i do like the use of the novel as a way to mirror their story and give us a glimpse into woo jae's thoughts, however most of the time i find it hard to sympathize with him. the interactions between the manager and yeon woo in ep 4 were actually far more interesting and entertaining to me ;;;;;;;
my school president - ep. 08/12. THESE KIDS CONTINUE TO BE UTTERLY DELIGHTFUL TO WATCH AND GIVE ME INSANE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN. OH TINN'S FANTASIES, HOW I'VE MISSED YOU. however, as funny as they are, i appreciate how the real moments he shares with gun always end up being better and more significant for their relationship. they really have one of the healthiest dynamic i've ever seen and are probably gonna ruin me for any other pairing because now im just gonna expect the same kind of emotional maturity from all characters in existence. win and sound also have me by the throat, but then again i always enjoy a good enemies/rivals to friends to lovers when it's done right. sound also quickly climbed up my list of favorite characters and i think his friendship with gun is really cute. GUN AND HIS MOM MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME TEAR UP EVERY TIME. i just hope tinn's mom is gonna be as understanding when she's gonna find out that tinn lied to her (which, btw, i don't blame tinn for: if a kid doesn't feel comfortable and safe talking to their mom, then that's on the parent, not the child).
never let me go - ep. 07/10(?). palmnueng is making me rabid. benchopper is making me rabid. this entire show is making me rabid in ways i can't really explain. i do understand the criticisms about the plot, but i personally don't mind the island getaway: when set roles and social classes play a big part in a relationship dynamic, having the characters being placed somewhere where those kind of rules aren't as strong is a pretty common narrative device to put them on a more equal ground and bring them together. i also think they are gonna pay the consequences for it, because im pretty sure that sadly tanya is going to die, which will make nueng reject palm, so im willing to overlook some stuff if it means letting them have some temporary happiness. or maybe im just biased because i find every single dynamic in this show incredibly compelling ;;;;;;; im pretty sure the final kiss is gonna enter my list of favorites of the year because it was SO GOOD and i absolutely loved the parallels with their first one.
the new employee - ep. 06/07(?). GROWN ASS MEN BEING CUTE AND IN LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE SUCH A WEAKNESS FOR ME. "do you want to see my cat?" is also quite possibly the best pick up line i've ever heard. im very glad it didn't turn out to be an euphemism ;;;;;; something tells me that the reason seung hyun wasn't hired is probably linked to what's making jong chan looking kinda worried when he's at work, so i wonder how they're gonna deal with it. viki is listing only 7 episodes instead of the 8 on mdl, which means the next one is gonna be the last and im not quite ready to say goodbye to them.
gap - ep. 10/12. the final boss made her move so IT'S TIME TO KILL AN OLD LADY. in an unexpected turn of the events, nop has also become the most sensible character in the show. who would have thought. i do wish mon and sam would stop defaulting on running away and getting jealous as soon as an issue arises, but im glad they actually managed to communicate this time around. and i do think they got married (however symbolical it may be) a bit too soon, if i have to be honest, but im also fully aware that there are a lot of things im willing to overlook for their sake. at 49 minutes length, this was also the shortest episode of the series up until now, so it's making me wonder if it's because they cut a lot of teeyuki scenes. im still trying to understand why they even decided to cut them out tbh, but at least we got cher and risa.
dirty laundry - ep. 03+04/06. i admit i liked the first two episodes a bit more, but the show is still insanely funny while also having a solid plot: the mystery of who took the briefcase is well done and pretty entertaining imho. the entire cast is also doing a fantastic job, but i have to admit film in particular keeps surprising me with each episode. maybe it's because the only roles i saw her in before this were eugene in not me and earn in 2gether, but i didn't expect her to be so insanely good at comedy. i love to watch her play as neon and im starting to like her and night together a lot!!!
the warp effect - ep. 07/12. i was expecting what happened to kat and yet it still was incredibly distressing to watch. i do ship her and jean quite a lot, but honestly i just hope she's gonna be okay and that they won't make her change her mind about relationships by the end of the show, because women have every right to just have fun and stay single if that's what they want. i'd actually be okay with jean ending up with tony (if he doesn't turn out to be an asshole too), but sadly i don't have much hope for it. jan and silvy have great chemistry and are doing an amazing job as nim and molly, and the same goes for fluke and thor as army and joe. im not sure if they're going down the asexual joe route, or the joe being side route, but either way it makes sense for him to not tell army about it since army seems to consider penetrative sex as more 'serious'. after what happened it's understandable that he would try to protect himself and his heart again, so i can't wait for army to surprise him (and us) positively on this!!!! a huge shout out to singh and ciize as well, they were AMAZING in that last scene, though i admit it was pretty frustrating to watch ew walking straight into disaster when he 1) knew what he was risking and that he was in the wrong, and 2) could have just talked!!!!! to liu!!!!! IM SERIOUS PLEASE JUST TALK TO YOUR PARTNER MAYBE IT WON'T SOLVE STUFF AND MAYBE YOU'LL BOTH DECIDE YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH OTHER PEOPLE BUT YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE. also there's something shady about liu's boss and i don't like it one bit.
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