#information about bl
absolutebl · 2 years
BL Info & Review Content Providers/Blogs OFF Tumblr
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Wordpress based blog: BL Express. https://theblxpress.wordpress.com/
A small team that updates regularly and are very sweet and very good and consistent. They’re pure fan passion but thorough in their reviews (not-academic), and while we don’t always agree I like reading their thoughts. They also talk about m/m books and occasionally yaoi. They have an RSS feed so you can aggregate. (You might even be ale to get it sent to you in newsletter form.)
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Facebook page: BL Update 2020 https://www.facebook.com/blupdate2020
I think just one person who speaks several languages (specifically Japanese & Korean) and keeps an eye to Twitter, Instagram, and places like that where BL announcements are made. They then repackage into a daily digest posting format. More interested in providing content/announcements first, than engaging with fans, so doesn’t really respond to comments or cultivate a community (which is FINE).
When I hear gossip on Tumblr about a new project, this is who I check first, then I bop over to…  
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My Drama List AKA MDL https://mydramalist.com/
It’s worth having an account just so you yourself can keep track of what you watch. You can follow people like me who only review BL, and create lists of it. More importantly you can check the comment threads beneath the different dramas for indie subbers posting more obscure titles. Also people who know what’s going on with production etc…
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World of BL on Twitter https://twitter.com/world_of_bl_com
This is my least used resource for no other reason then I really hate Twitter. But I know a lot of people follow them. And they might be the most up to date source on this list. Very engaged with the community. Also runs a wikia based (or maybe hard coded?) resource of BL + reviews. (I just don’t like the interface, ugly af, but there are some who find it useful and prefer it to MDL).
Also: BLUpdate @BLUPDATE2022.
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Will of Thai BL on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/ThaiBL
Does videos regularly of trailer clips etcetera of upcoming dramas (not just Thai stuff). Because they have to cut everything together and upload there is a delay on this content (as compared to the other gossips), but still it’s a fun resource. Also Will is a reader of Thai y-novels and will occasionally post spoilers of currently airing shows (which you don’t’ have to watch, I just like spoilers). Uses a robot voice, but *shrug*.  
YouTube BL Documentary Resources 
BL History
Strongberry on BL (Korea)
Thai BL
TED Ex BangKok (growing up gay in Thailand)
Chinese masculinity
Perth on working on a BL show (Thailand, Aussie perspective)
There it is. That’s how to stay in touch with the community if, for any reason, you wanna/need to flee Tumblr or get booted or anything.
Please repost and add more if you know of them (specifically if there is a new releases newsletter out there), or leave a comment if you have other suggestions. Tumblr is fun but not exactly the best organizer of information.
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pharawee · 23 days
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JJ Rathasat Butwong as JULADIS & Fong Bovorn Kongnawdee as CHAN
—SUNSET X VIBES · Episode 12 (fin)
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guzhufuren · 21 days
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About upcoming chinese wuxia BL The General's Son (将军家的小儿子)
- director and executive producer Ma Huagan (director of Word of Honor) - screenwriter and chief producer Zhou Shucheng - original script - will not be broadcast in mainland China - 24 episodes (rumoured to be 18 mins long) - company Happy Yeah Media 欢宜时光影业 (made Nine Colors Deer King) - started filming: 2024.05.25 - wrapped up: 2024.06.14 (21 days)
starring: - Li Kaiwen as Li Jianwei (born 2002.10.17 height 188cm, studying in the Musical Department of the Chinese Academy of Drama) - Dong Zifan as Chen Xiaoxi (born 1999.07.31 height: 182cm, graduated from University College London) - Wang Chao as Shi Tou, Guan Yuxi as Little Peach, Dong Xiaobai as Princess Qingyuan, Xu Heni, Su Tong, Ao Lei
Synopsis: "General Li's family were killed on New Year's Eve. Li's youngest son, Li Jianwei, as beautiful as jade and spring flowers, escaped death, but disguised himself as a courtesan and went to Wei Mountain to seek revenge. Chen Xiaoxi, a person who was pure and lively, but was killed unjustly and became a devil. What will happen when the two meet on the Wei Mountain?"
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gillianthecat · 4 months
I watched the Sunset x Vibes trailer, unsubbed, and the story I was getting from the beginning scenes was Professor x Student, where they hooked up as strangers and then (some unspecified time) later Bank shows up in Mos' class. Which definitely Intrigued. (I want it!) But alas, it seems instead to be another CEO x Intern office romance.
Wait. Scratch that. Just read the synopsis from MDL. It's CEO x Intern, but with a supernatural twist! Huh.
Oh, wait again. Saw the end of the trailer. Is... is... is Mos a kraken?
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I have not been able to stop thinking about this since episode 9 aired and I read an excellent insight into Pat’s character this morning by @wen-kexing-apologist so I wanted to talk about Jeng because he is the character that I relate to the most. Granted, I am not a high level manager in my parent’s successful company, BUT I’ve worked office jobs and I’ve been in management positions and overseeing people. Please keep in mind that I am approaching Jeng as a white queer person who was raised (all over) the United States so I can only truly add the perspective that gives me. Also I wrote this while bored at work so I was definitely not nearly as articulate as I like, and this might not be anyone else’s interpretation and I completely understand if you do not agree with me here. With that said, here we go:
I am probably the most cishet passing person in the world. There’s no particular reason for this other than it’s just the way I am and how I like to present. I don’t risk my safety by presenting queer, I just don’t. I live in a big city, my family is incredibly supportive, my friends are queer, a good number of my coworkers are queer, I am not closeted. But people see me and they assume that I am straight. For the purposes of this post I'm focusing on sexual orientation rather than gender what I’m focusing on because my relationship with gender right now is basically the shrug emoji. Despite being out as bi since I was 24 many years ago, I still find myself constantly coming out to people because if I say nothing, assumptions are made about me and those assumptions are based on a heteronormative worldview that society has cursed us all to and those assumptions about me are wrong. 
Now let’s look at Jeng. I’m not gonna mention Pat because I fully believe that Pat’s response to learning Jeng is attracted to men was entirely based on his own repressed feelings and not entirely an assumption that Jeng is straight. Jeng passes as straight. I’m sure that’s due to a combination of his position, his family, and just his overall personality. We know that Jeng is out to people. He talks to his friend about Pat, Jaab asks him about his feelings towards Pat, and when he brings Pat home, Jeng’s parents see Pat and make some assumptions about what occurred. So a significant number of people in Jeng’s life know that he is gay and it’s not only a significant number that know but the people closest to him know as well. The other people that are able to clock Jeng in this show are the other queer people. Chot and Jen just know. They see how he looks at and interacts with Pat and can see the humongous crush that Jeng is nursing. So Jeng is working under the assumption that around these people, he is out. He might present straight and he might keep that up for work purposes, but he believes himself to be out to at least the other queer people near him.
Then Pat says this:
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And Jeng breaks. And I get that. Jeng knows that Pat is gay, Jeng thought that Pat knew he was gay. Jeng thought they were on the same page. Other queer people in Jeng’s life have known he was gay without him needing to explicitly state that. Pat, the person Jeng has been flirting with and has confessed to (while he was so drunk he couldn’t understand Jeng you beloved idiot) had no clue. At least that’s how it appears to Jeng, who is now in the unfortunate position of needing to out himself. Let me tell you something, it is exhausting to have to constantly come out to people. Every new person that I meet, if I want them to know that I am queer, I need to explicitly tell them because if I don’t, they will never know. I’ve had people think that I’m just a really good ally before. There are times I wish I was so entirely and visibly queer that no one would ever doubt it, and I’m sure Jeng felt that in this moment with Pat. It just takes one look at his face during this scene to know that Jeng has been here before and he is tired and his heart is breaking.
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How many people do you think Jeng has had to make a choice between outing himself or letting them work with false assumptions regarding his sexuality? How many times has Jeng chosen to closet himself instead of being who he is? How many times has Jeng been interested in another man but had no chance because that person didn’t know or care to believe he is gay? Just needing to make the decision on whether or not to explicitly say, “Yes, I like men” or “I’m gay” is tiring in and of itself, but then the actual saying of the words? Depleting. Especially to someone who you thought already knew. It hurts when people think I’m just a really good ally. I can’t imagine the pain Jeng felt at Pat’s surprise because to Jeng, that surprise indicated that Pat saw him as a good ally (again, I do not think that’s what was going on with Pat but this is about Jeng and his interpretation) and not as someone with interest in him.
Then Jeng learns later on that Pat just doesn’t understand how someone like Jeng can like him. It doesn’t make sense to Pat. How many times has Jeng been made to feel like his sexuality, coming from him, doesn’t make sense? I’m sure his dad had some things to say about it. I’m sure part of the reason he left previously was due to that. So while Jeng is out, it is a constant coming out process and then an entire new process to get people to believe it. Jeng’s sadness is mostly about Pat rejecting him, but I’m sure at least a small part of it is also the tiny piece of him that was so sure that Pat at least knew he was gay.
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Jeng now believes that Pat has only ever seen him as his straight boss and that can’t change. Pat sees him as a coworker, not even a friend, not even a member of the queer community. Just a coworker and nothing more. The revelation that Jeng likes and is attracted to men, made Pat uncomfortable. Is it because Jeng doesn’t obviously present as gay? Is it because he isn’t as clockable as someone like Chot? Now Jeng has to think of not only all of his interactions with Pat, but also all of his interactions with the other queer people in his office. Does he have to come out to them too or do they already know like he thought they did? Jeng was so busy being the most smitten man in the universe, it didn’t occur to him that his giant, massive, all-consuming crush on Pat might not have been obvious. I’m guessing the straight people in his office have been working under the assumption that he is straight. Will he need to come out to them too? He has been handling this for who knows how long, but this time, this time it HURTS.
Jeng was so worried about crossing the boundaries by being Pat’s boss that he didn’t even think about how dating a man would impact his worker’s perception of him. I don’t think he ultimately cares about what they think of his personal life or his personality as long as they are able to function as a department. But when Pat asked if he liked men, Jeng had to start reevaluating everything. Not just his interactions with Pat, but his interactions with the world. No wonder he seemed so just completely and utterly tired this episode. When Jeng and Pat finally work through their little miscommunication issues (which makes so much sense and work so well with this show I can’t even begin to describe my actual love for it which is weird cause miscommunication is my least favorite trope), I don’t think Jeng will actually change anything about the way he presents himself to the world. He still has his family to think about, and he’s still, well, he’s still Jeng. But I think this gave him some things to think about himself that he probably already knew but didn’t think he would have to explain to another queer person. Especially not Pat. Pat is out at the office, but it wasn’t entirely his choice. Pat outed himself so he would stop getting put in awkward conversations about the women in the office. Jeng might have seen something similar to himself in Pat. Pat could potentially pass as straight, and in fact did at the very beginning. He let people think he was dating a woman. Pat was careful who he came out to at the office. Jeng probably thought that of all people, Pat would understand him the best. Not explicitly out, but not in the closet either. How heartbreaking for both of them that their experiences clashed in such a way. But once those two get on the same page? They are gonna be the cutest couple in the entire world and I am so excited to see Jeng, finally, finally, be able to express his love for Pat to Pat as much as he wants to.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 10 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #28
Wolf ep 1:
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Vice Versa ep 7:
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for @ahxu-laowen 💙
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: January 2023 ~  
❄️ Happy February!!! 🎭
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! (previous breakdowns)
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 Oh! My Assistant (Movie version) - January 2nd (South Korea)
🌟 Beautiful Scars - January 2nd (Philippines)
🌟 Cutie Pie 2 You - January 6th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 E.M.S Earth - Mix Space Season 2 - January 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Individual Circumstances - January 19th (South Korea) ❌ (dropped)
🌟 Hit Bite Love - January 21st (Thailand)
🌟 Suki Suki Wan Wan! (possibly bromance) - January 24th (Japan)
🌟 Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (The End of the World With You) - January 29th (Japan)
🌟 Our First Time - January 29th (Thailand) 
🌟 Future - January TBA (Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 We’re kicking off the year with a ton of scandals which is very sad to see but thankfully these people are getting called out. The forgiving culture of this fandom is sadly keeping them from getting the punishment they deserve but what can we do. At least these things are finally coming to the surface. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Teach Me How - Date TBA (Philippines) 
🎥 Venus in the Sky  (produced by 9NAA) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 King of Bar Host (produced by 9NAA) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Hidden Night (produced by 9NAA) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 For Him - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Love Puzzle - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Night Dream - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 My Story - coming summer 2023 (Philippines)
🎥 The Whisperer - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Wedding Plan (produced by MeMindY) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Boy Next World (produced by MeMindY) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ Actor Seng Wichai (SCOY, War of Y) has terminated his contract with IdolfactoryTH. He is now working as a freelanced actor. It’s still unknown if and how this will affect his further work with partner Billy P. 
❗️ Actors Jet Bundit and Dun Romchumpa (Gen Y, etc.) have terminated their contract with Starhunter. Jet is now with Be On Cloud and Dun is working as a freelanced actor. 
❗️ Multiple pieces of evidence were brought to light that Thai actor Ohm Pawat used to bully and harass disabled classmates and made homophobic comments when he was in highschool. Most of the incidences happened in 2019. He posted an apology on twitter, however not many people are willing to forgive him, including his victims. He has been silent on his social media ever since. 
❗️ Following the exposure of Ohm Pawat, rumors around Billkin Putthipong being a bully in the past came up as well. His company Billkin Entertainment has released a statement denying the accusations. 
❗️ The 2 authors of the KinnPorsche novel have officially left their publisher Daemi House. Last year they were both accused of harassing cast members including Barcode T. who was a minor at the time. At the same time Build Jakapan was accused of abusing his ex girlfriend (and supposedly other women too), which led to him resigning from Be On Cloud and from being an actor altogether for the time being. It is unclear whether or not the accusations are true but most pieces of evidence point against him. The case will be continued in court. 
❗️ MeMindY has released a casting call for their upcoming projects in 2023 titled Wedding Plan & The Boy Next World. Auditions were held on the 28th+29th of January. Further details are yet to be announced.
❗️ The Korean BL Choco Milk Shake will be adapted into a webtoon. 
❗️ The Japanese BL My Beautiful Man is getting a second season, which premieres on February 8th.
❗️ Workshops for the upcoming Domundi BL Naughty Babe have started.
❗️ After the finale of Between Us, BounPrem announced that they will have another series together in 2023. Further details are still unknown. 
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s 2022 BL TO GO BL OF THE YEAR awards:
Mile Phakphum (KinnPorsche): Best BL Actor 
“The Key” by JimmySea (ViceVersa): Best BL OST
Andy Wu and Yu Jin (My Tooth Your Love): Best BL Couple 
Cutie Pie: BL of the Year 
❗️ The company Starhunter announced their lineup for 2023: 
City of Stars
3 Words 8 Letters
The Taste of Fresh Milk
Big Dragon Season 2
❗️ The company Be On Cloud announced their lineup for 2023 on January 18th with the following BLs:
The Hidden Character (Reality Show)
Wuju's Bakery (starring Jeff S. & Barcode T.)
4 Minutes (starring Bible W.) -> most likely cancelled due to Build J.’s resignation 
Man Suang (starring Mile P. & Apo N.)
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s Golden Kinnaree Awards:
GeminiFourth: Most Popular Couple (My School President) 
Golf Tanwarin Sukkhapisit: Best Director & Best Script (The Eclipse)
Remember Me: BL Creative Series of the Year & Series Direction of the Year
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at the Sanook Awards 2022:
To Sir With Love: Best Lakorn of the Year
Nunew Chawarin: Male Rising Star of the Year
Cutie Pie: Best Series of the Year 
ZeeNunew: Best Couple of the Year
Upcoming series & movies for February
☝🏻 Moonlight Chicken - February 8th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 The Promise - February 8th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Utsukushii Kare Season 2 - February 8th (Japan) 
☝🏻 Marry My Dead Body - February 10th (Taiwan) 
☝🏻 Moments of Love (movie) - February 14th (Thailand, theaters) 
☝🏻 Boyband - February 16th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Jack Frost - February 17th (Japan)
☝🏻 Bed Friend - February 18th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Chains of Heart - February 18th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Tin Tem Jai - February 27th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 A Shoulder to Cry On - February TBA (South Korea) 
☝🏻 The Luminous Solution - January TBA (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Future - January TBA (Thailand)
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technovillain · 1 year
Does anybody with a better memory remember all the real-world city, state, and country references made in Psychonauts? Like the explicit naming of said places.
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hyakunana · 2 years
I think you might have missed last year's Dawning event, because we can now give Elsie cookies (Starwort Thins).
Yes, I missed last year's Dawning event, because it was the period they took Beyond Light out of gamepass, but I do remember checking the first week's event and recipes and I do clearly remember not having hers back then 😥 Unless it was only available for those who has access to BL by that time?? Either way I remember being really upset bc of the gamepass thing and I only returned to play after WQ, so yeah I could have easily missed it
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
rules: answer the questions and tag some people. include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer. 
I was tagged by @agendratum ❤ Thank you! It was nice going down the memory lane for this.
What were the BLs that took you by surprise last year? 
All the Thai ones, since it was my first time giving them a try. But from the ones released in 2022, I gotta admit nothing really compared to KinnPorsche. It was surprising how up my alley it was. Very daring, very stunning to look at; very meticulous work in the details. It was a whole experience.
Oh, but also Triage! That one was a fever dream. Who's writing timeloop medical plots like that!?
What were the BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with last year? 
Hmm. Cutie Pie? I wished I had liked at least one of the main characters, but they felt kinda... shallow? It was frustrating because there was clearly a lot of work (and money) invested in the production, but not so much in the script.
... Maybe it was just not my thing 🙌
What was your favorite BL last year? 
I may have already answered this one 😳
Favorite BL/GL couples (not just of 2022) 
VegasPete (KinnPorsche)
Jongmoon (Strangers From Hell)
Insik (Psychopath Diary)
TanBunn (Manner of Death)
ThatSorn (Manner of Death)
PrapaiSky (Love in the Air)
PayuRain (Love in the Air)
Sammon (GAP)
Akkayan (The Eclipse)
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be? 
Depends entirely on what the person is into. If you enjoy your dramas mixed with some social critics, I'd go for The Eclipse, or Not Me. If you prefer romcoms, can't go wrong with Cherry Magic and Semantic Error. Feeling particularly horny, or aching for some potent hurt/comfort? You should try Love in the Air. Enemies to lovers with mutual pining? Bad Buddy is your jam. More like an action, be-gay-do-crimes kind of pal? KinnPorsche is waiting for you. Crazy plot twists? Manner of Death and Beyond Evil. Murder Husbands enthusiastic? Hurry up and tune in on Strangers From Hell.
What was your non-BL favorite last year? 
I don't understand the question.
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... Ok. Alright. I have watched some things that were not BLs last year, actually! Among the many of them, my favorite was She Makes My Heart Flutter (korean GL short series with old/young queer generations from the same family bonding).
Also, shout out to Interview with the Vampire. What even is a BL, and why is it only eastern media considered valid under this genre, I don't know. I really liked Our Flag Means Death and the second season of Young Royals too. So there you go.
@leporschespam @teakrush @ronandhermy @saturnskyline @srabaskerville @softneomirotic Guys, do you still remember the shows you watched last year? If not, it's ok! 🤗 (I wrote this whole thing looking at a list I have)
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pharawee · 1 year
🎬Be Mine Superstar - VIKI | IQIYI - I'm already so in love with this show.
🎬Wedding Plan - YOUTUBE (CUT) | IQIYI (UNCUT) - Mame never disappoints (me, at least). This show is very cute and pretty.
🎬Club Friday: Moments and Memories - YOUTUBE - This queer series has Na Naphat and ISBANKY as a side couple (it's complicated) - which is what got me interested in the first place.
🎬Be My Favorite - YOUTUBE - I was actually looking forward to this, and I like it way more than I thought I would.
🎬Laws of Attraction - YOUTUBE | IQIYI - One of my most anticipated BLs this year. And tbh so far my expectations have been exceeded (except for the fact that it's only 8 eps long).
🎬Low Frequency - IQIYI - Exactly the kind of escapism I need right now.
🎬Dinosaur Love - YOUTUBE | IQIYI - I love this so far. It's fluffy and not that deep with plenty of screentime for Pepper (my beloved). And it's been upped to 10 episodes which is even better.
⭐After Sundown - 20 JULY | CINEMAS - There's no chance interfans will be able to watch this in July but technically it's upcoming (in Thai cinemas).
🎬The Luminous Solution - YOUTUBE | GAGAOOLALA - I actually really appreciate the story they were trying to tell. Rumour has it there's 2 special eps or maybe even a second season coming. I really wouldn't mind that.
🎬 Step by Step - YOUTUBE (CUT) | GAGAOOLALA (UNCUT) - There's (several) special eps coming, right? No way it ends like this, right??
🎬La Pluie - IQIYI - I'm not as enamoured of this show as I used to be. But in the end, when I decided to watch it for myself only, I found that I quite liked the ending and the message it sent (yes, even the promise of a second season).
🎬House of Stars- IQIYI - It was messy and mysterious and I really liked it.
🎬 Make a Wish - The first few eps have inofficial subs now so I might as well. It's much more of a comedy than I thought it'd be. Nike Nitidon is gorgeous in this.
🎬Destiny Seeker - I don't want this to end.
🎬Bed Friend - Yes, I still haven't finished this. It's not the show, it's me.
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capsiclesteebrogers · 2 years
not only are team bl*ck stans incapable of intelligent literary analysis, shitting on the cast because they refuse to give into their nonsense and try to explain why things are portrayed the way they are (you know, the people who actually did research to portray these characters), incapable of seeing their team as also being in the wrong (because in "the dance of the dragons" there were no heroes and villains, both parts were equally wrong), they are also hypocrites. because how do they say that we shouldn't judge the show by modern standards and in the same breath... judge the show by modern standards? it's either one or the other, not both!
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xnoel · 2 years
i guess i was right for being worried about the pacing in the eclipse because everything that happened in ep 11 should definitely have been spread out over at least two episodes.
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 2
Accept his offer. Wreath has been so kind and you can ask him questions about university life on the way.
Decline his offer. You’re supposed to be meeting Snow before your next class for a last minute cram session before a quiz.
Offer to walk him to his class instead. His building is closer and on the way to yours.
Day 1 poll here.
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hxperion · 1 year
//Man i love the fact that Jack at his core is a cowardly man, he manipulates people into doing work for him and taking the glory at the end. But yet says that he can deal with Lilith, the most powerful siren in existence when it comes down to it. He only deals with her as well as he does because of the siren collar and her recklessness in rushing him and going to Angel's chambers in the first place. That man would get wrecked by Lilith if it wasn't for that//
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Cackling that a group of people trying to actively “out” (quotations marks because we have no idea their sexuality or relationships) some Thai actors have been yelled at for having account ‘issues’ where they post these harmful things.
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