thelasthippie · 2 months
And truth about politics. No one will enhace our society. No one who governs will improve us. We need new ideas.
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slinkpinkiller · 4 months
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this movie is a win for the anti-rhinoplasty community
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elbiotipo · 17 days
The thing about comparing various political candidates to Hitler is not only that you look like an idiot, but Hitler is dead. The original Nazis are dead or pushing over 90 years old. While we can argue about how successful desnazification was, Nazi Germany was crushed and defeated. Almost a century ago.
Fascism still exists as an idea. Neo-nazism exists as an idea. Fascism is dangerously on the rise today. But these aren't dead nazis rising from the tomb, with the possible exception of the AFD (and even that is arguable). They are the result of modern, current dynamics that are happening right now. Why do you think we see things that for Hitler would be heresy, like Slavic neonazis or white supremacists supporting Israel? Because they are not ghost nazis marching from the 1940s, they're new currents of fascist and ideological allies that have been born from the current conditions of today.
In Argentina, we see the agrarian landowner conservatives allying with the libertarian movement which has found ways to revindicate the murderous military dictatorships to the youth. In the United States, we see the neoconservatives who support the military-complex with the alt-right, the evangelical Dominionists, and a current of white supremacism that has it's roots in the KKK rather than Hitler. And so with other countries. Every country has it's own roots of fascism and it's own horrible expressions, but actual nazis or rather neo-nazis, while present everywhere, aren't the dominant enemy right now.
(in fact, the current expansion of white supremacism is, at is root, almost completely Usamerican in ideological origin, as the US exports it's products and culture, it also exports it's ideological extremists)
To understand and combat fascism one has to understand how it manifests in different periods and places, and how the whole spectrum of the right, while broadly allied in the defense of the current capitalist/imperialist system, has many different currents on it that require different approaches.
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m-aremagnum · 2 years
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For today's Trans Day of Remembrance, here's some of my favourite photos in the Archivo de la Memoria Trans Argentina, a trans-led collective dedicated to build an audiovisual archive to proteger, construir y reivindicar la memoria trans argentina a través de fotos, videos y recortes de diarios, además de diversas piezas como DNIs, pasaportes, cartas, notas, legajos policiales, artículos de revistas, y diarios personales [to protect, build and revindicate Argentinian trans memory through photos, videos and newspaper clippings, in addition to various pieces such as ID cards, passports, letters, notes, police files, magazine articles, and personal diaries]. The archive has + 15.000 pieces from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1990s. The collection continues to grow thanks to donations of material made by the survivors themselves, and their families and friends.
If you're a Spanish speaker, please visit the Archive's pages where you can read about each piece and its protagonists.
You can support the AMT thru the info in their site.
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ophthalmotropy · 4 months
what's happening in argentina?
I don't fault you for the broad question because I'd ask too, but I need you to know that as a non-smoker I've never felt so strongly the need for a cigarette as I did just now thinking about answering this question. But I'll do my best.
In November of last year, the country elected Javier Milei as president. He would swear into office the next month. Javier Milei is a self-identified anarcho-capitalist and libertarian, although he states he is a minarchist in the short term (meaning he thinks the only functions the State should serve are those of law enforcement: no public education, social development, market regulations, etc etc). Some of his most controversial campaign statements included projects to legalise the free and unregulated sale of organs, and, along with his vice-president Victoria Villarruel (who in her youth organised visits to Jorge Rafael Videla in prison), apologia for the 1976 military dictatorship by revindicating the theory of the two demons (fair warning that from what I skimmed that article is biased in favour of the theory) and casting into doubt the estimated 30.000 victims of state terrorism (torture, disappearance followed by death) (also warning that that article uses the name the military junta gave this process) during its duration.
Since he took over six months ago, the population's purchasing power has dropped by 38%, plunging millions of people below the line of poverty. In stark contrast to this, Milei has been travelling around the world using public funds to visit his ultraright idols; most notably, Trump, who is not the political leader of any country at the moment (making his trip to see him a personal visit and not a diplomatic one, thus invalidating his arguments for using our money to go there).
On the subject of diplomacy, his government has been swinging quite a lot of bats at hornets' nests, accusing China and Brazil of communism and insulting the wife of the president of Spain. All of this is an international relations nightmare that will take endless apologies to undo.
Another interesting resolution deregulates the operations of foreign companies, SPVs, and offshore companies (article in Spanish), with the stated goal of attracting investments. Those types of companies have historically been used to conceal illicit activity, so resolutions in that vein pave the way to effectively turn Argentina into a fiscal paradise. This isn't the only problem they pose (offshore companies don't pay taxes, so there'd be a loss in the public sector, for example), but it is the most worrying to me because they also eliminated restrictions for Sociedades de Acciones Simplificadas (simplified stock companies), most of which have historically been used to commit crimes among which is the drug trade. Once you have narcos in your country, there's no taking it back--Argentina would be at real risk of ceasing to exist as we know it.
This administration is also slashing public spending, resulting in some universities suspending their activities temporarily. They also failed to deliver oncological medicine, depriving cancer patients of assistance the state is obligated to provide. As a result of this, several people have died already. In this climate of extreme poverty, soup kitchens have been shutting down en masse due to the withdrawal of state funding, and laws that protected tenants' rights and regulated rent prices have been severely modified to the detriment of the tenants.
The violent decrease in public spending also resulted in thousands of state workers being fired overnight. The attack is especially centred on state organisations that promote the arts or whose purpose is to fight discrimination. On this subject, 10% of the transgender and travesti workers who had their positions guaranteed by the law were fired illegally, and government members are outspoken about their opposition to this law--which isn't surprising. Diana Mondino, the current chancellor, has compared same-sex marriage to "the right to having lice" while she held a position in Congress. Ricardo Bussi, a current legislator, compared homosexuality to disability in October 2023. Coming to this year, Francisco Sánchez, the Secretary of Religion, said that the laws protecting the right to abortions, divorce, and same-sex marriage "seek to pervert our children and damage society". Milei is also on record describing abortion as "homicide aggravated by the bond".
Also recently, Milei's biographer, Nicolás Márquez, gave a one-hour interview in which he characterised homosexuality as a disease, claiming that when the State "promotes homosexuality" (as it allegedly did before Milei came to power), it is aiding a "self-destructive" conduct, supporting these claims with unfounded statistics about the correlation between STIs and homosexuality; he also denied the existence of homophobia and described lesbians and gays as being "against nature". For the sake of full disclosure, I will say he explicitly freed Milei and his government of responsibility for his declarations--but I think it's really important to point out the kind of people and rhetorics this government is giving a platform to; after all, nobody knew Nicolás Márquez before he started writing for Milei. In approximately the same time frame, and in response to a horrific hate crime that resulted in the death of three lesbians, Manuel Adorni, the presidential spokesman, said that he "doesn't like" to talk about a hate crime because men suffer violence too--and he said this in a press conference.
I'm probably forgetting something important--so much has happened in the past months--but I hope this is enough to give you an impression of the changes our society is undergoing. Please let me know if you have follow-up questions. <3
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Muslin Anons
I will not publish either of you, positive or negative. Editorial choice and that is non negotiable.
I have always said I will only talk on behalf of myself. I have no intention to be anyone's spokesperson, and an unsolicited one at that, which is way worse. Nor am I going to diss on someone I trust and respect. Ever.
Everyone can be wrong. It takes a righteous, rigid sociopath to never question oneself. Take me, for example: I was wrong many, many times, but then I was also right many, many times. Happens to the best of us. That doesn't make me a power thirsty monster or a mythomaniac. And the same goes for anyone in our community.
Get used to some ethics. Despite my jovial appearance, it takes a long time for me to really trust people, unless it's instinctive (it can happen, but it is rare). But when I bestow my loyalty, I never take it back.
Ask directly, Anons. You are knocking on the wrong door, here.
PS: also, it's revindicate, second Anon. 'Reinvidicate' does not exist, in English. But thanks to this, I have a fair idea about who you might be. For the moment, I am not blocking.
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redxixi · 1 year
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~` pairings : Toji x f!reader
~` warnings : non-con, heavy breading kink, dirty talk, pregnancy mention, fear kink, petnames, just porn with bad plot, and a bunch of other kinks.
:summary : You were a smart, shy libarian that decided to wear some innapropriate stuff to work and toji saw it.
A/N : so this is some dark shi kinda got carried away with this but here you are you toji hoes. if you wanna get tagged in my next works then just ask. My asks and messages are open. MINORS DNI
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it was no secret to anyone that toji was a big man, a very big man. everyone adored him, especially the older women. they praise him for being such a big strong man and that he is "such a revinded gentleman". someone like toji would have never given you, the nerd libarian, attention or even looked your way. that was untill one day you decided to wear a very short skirt with a thong. why? because you were horny. That day you were putting the books back and had to bend over to put a book in the lover section of the bookshelf. you didn't think there would be anyone around seeing that on a friday night the bookstore is usually empty. but it wasn't.
someone had wrapped their strong hands around your mouth and stomach making you unable to move. You thought that the store was getting robbed or someone broke it, you wanted to scream.
"hello ms. libarian what are you doing here late at night huh"
you regognized the voice, toji. you turned your head to the side and it was toji. you were squirming in his grasp, trying to free yourself. what is he doing? he let go of your stomach with his other hands still covering your mouth. with his now free hand he ripped open your button up shirt and took off your bra so fast that you couldn't even protest, the cold night air was making your nipples hard and sensetive. you were horrified. what is he doing, why'd he taken off your clothes, you wanted to scream for help but there wouldn't be anyone to hear your screams. you were trying to claw yourself away from his grasp but he was too strong. he shoved you agaisnt one of the bookshelves, taking his hands off your mouth, took both your hands behind your back and tied them up using a ziptie.
"TOJI what are you doing?! stop oh god it hurts! "
you were sobbing uncontrolablly now.
" what am i doing? im supposed to be asking you that. wearing a thong and short skirt at work? it's like your asking me to take advantage of you"
he saw that?! is this why he's doing this? you can't belive this is happening. from behing you he started to play with your now exposed nipples, tugging them, pulling them, squizing and turning them. you hated the way you liked this, hated how turned on you were getting from this. you weren't supposed to enjoy him taking advantage of you but you were. you were groaning and shaking, trying not to let out a moan.
"Are you enjoying this slut? of course you are. wearing such sinful clothes walking around with them waiting for someone like me to come and breed you hmm. that's what you want right. So im going to give you just that"
he spun you around using brute force and slammed his lips against mine. his tounge soon entered my mouth taking full control over the kiss. his hands were busy taking off your skirt leaving you in the thong you were wearing.
"WAIT no please dont i- i don't wanna-"
"shhh puppies dont talk do they. i can go hard on you and hurt you so you better cooperate with me mkay? from now on call me master
he said smirking at me. you didn't want to call him master or do what he said but...you were afraid he was gonna hurt you. suddenly he pulled down your thong and shoved you against the nearest table. you were laying on the cold hard surface of the table now with both your legs spread open by his hands. he took his phone and snapped a couple pictures off your wet dripping cunt.
"aww is this all for me puppy? dont worry just taking some nice pictures off this cunny mkay. such a good girl all nice and wet ready for my cum right?"
he was taking pictures? why? and why did you enjoy this so much. you were supposed to be crying, screaming something but nothing came out. you wanted to know what he would do to you. after he took the pictures he put his phone away and started to play with you clit, rubbing it, squizing it, pulling it. you wanted to moan so bad but you just held it in and whimpered. he let go of your legs and took of his pants, revealing his cock, it was long, thicc and you wanted it in your mouth.
"such a pretty cunt god can't want to breed you so bad yeah. gonna fuck you nice and hard okay"
he said stroking his cock. he took your legs and pulled them up, your ankles now on his strong shoulders. You could feel the tip of his dick against the entrance if your cunt. You looked at toji and it looked like he was starved animal that has not been fed for months, he was breathing heavy, his hair strands were falling loosely against his forehead and his eyes had a dark red colour to them now. One of his hands were now on your cheeks, he bend over and kissed you, gently, softly, passionatly, an unexpected action from him. suddenly just then he shoved his whole dick inside you without warning, an action that caused you to scream in the kiss. when he broke the kiss he smiled, sadistically, cruelly. he started thrusting in and out of you in an unrelenting pace. the pleasure was building up fast, too fast.
"w..wait please s...sloww downnn pleasee!"
He didn't hear you instead he kept going. One of his hands were now on your tits, pulling at your nipples. You never though you could moan so loud, but here you were, drooling and moaning like you were a bitch in heat.
"dont worry puppy your gonna full of my cum soon okay? gonna fuck you all night long okay?
He said in a tone as if he was talking to a child, and you loved it. the pleasure was welling up fast, his cock was hitting your g-spot over and over again in a unhumanly pace. you mind was slowly slipping, the only thing in your head was him. his cock, his cum, his body, him and only him. you could feel yourself getting close, you knew that once you came your body would be his. And that didn't seem too bad.
"master m..may i..cum please please pretty pleasee"
you cried out hoping he would let you.
"awww is my baby dumb already. is this what you wanted puppy? to be bred like a slut? dont worry im gonna breed you now okay? you will look sooo good swollen with my child. go ahead cum"
with the combination of his sinful words and his cock you let out a scream, cumming harder than you ever did in your whole life. your mind was blank, not able to or wanting to procces anything that the immense pleasure he was giving you.
That led you to were you are now. It had been 4 weeks since the bookstore incident and since then toji made you quit your job. you moved in his appartment, the only job you had was being toji's personal sex slave. when you 2 found out you were pregnant you wanted to cry. you were going to give birth to a child of a man twice your age at only 21. Toji on the other hand was the happiest man on the world, and he wasn't planning on stopping with just one child.
Here you were now 3 and a half weeks pregnant and toji was getting turned on everyday from seeing your baby bump. he was laying on the bed while you were bouncing up and down his huge cock. once you were a smart libarian now you have been reduced to his personal cum dump. And you loved it. You could't wait to have his second or third or even fourth child.
A/N: I dont know how to end shi like this AFAAGAGAAGGA. Here is your toji smut i promised bitchess. Sorrg if i seemed inactive but i was just procrastinating alott. Also THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE REBLOGS AND LIKES ILY GUYS.
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lafcadiosadventures · 5 months
So, there's this scene in Cousin Bette, which has a pretty striking line:
– On a marché, dit le vieillard en se retirant, et les morts vont vite à Paris !
(Honoré de Balzac, La cousine Bette, 1846)
“The world moves on,” said the old man, as he withdrew, “and the dead move quickly in Paris!”
(tr. James Waring) (given the implications, I would translate the first half of Vautrin's reply as “We have made our move”)
and I was like, critique of capitalism, etc etc. My friend @madmerchant said she was pretty sure she'd read something very similar in Dracula. Was Stoker referencing Vautrin? Was it a coincidence? There's a persistent shroud of the Fantastic surrounding Vautrin, it would not be surprising if someone would have thought of him as a vampire, or an immortal creature of some kind... however:
“You are early to-night, my friend.” The man stammered in reply:—“The English Herr was in a hurry,” to which the stranger replied:—“That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bukovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend; I know too much, and my horses are swift.” As he spoke he smiled, and the lamplight fell on a hard-looking mouth, with very red lips and sharp-looking teeth, as white as ivory. One of my companions whispered to another the line from Burger’s “Lenore”:— “Denn die Todten reiten schnell”— (“For the dead travel fast.”)
oooh. this lead to discovering that Lenore, is one of the cornerstones of Romanticism. So it wasn't that Stoker was referencing Vautrin's last incarnation, but rather, the same originary poem Balzac hismelf was referencing. The influence of the poem was huge, and epsecially the french went crazy over it. The first translation was published in the Journal des Débats in 1811, translated from English. The newspaper published it, not without adding the poem put in display "the most odious vices of the German School".
It was not until Mme de Saël (she of the North vs South temperaments fame) wrote an article trully valuing the work as the poetic masterpiece it was, that the fever for Lenore started to root on the young minds of a Certain Group of Artists-and their readers- in 1820. Madame de Saël had thrown the gauntlet:
"No french translation, be it prose or verse, could express all the nuances and detaild of the German original."
and one Gérard de Nerval picked it up, offering FIVE translations of his own throuout the years...
The poem collects a German folk story, and as soon as you read the summery you *know* why the more edgy Romantics were crazy about it. Like other German folk tales (as Der Erlkönig) it features a frenzied ride through the forests, and a lover that is not what he seems to be (he is DEATH. The RIde is A TRAP) Embroildled in the poem are some anti nobility aspects:
"(in Lenore, we hear) The powrful and pained voice of a Titan, tormented until death by the aristocracy. (...) In German language, 'Bürger' (the poet's name) is synonimous to citoyen"
(Heinrich Heine)
and a desire to revindicate the autochthonous, popular poetry from the lower classes -the Lenore poem is recolected from a popular song Bürger heard a young peasant singing- as the true voice of a nation:
It will remain eternally true that if we have no Volk, we shall have no public, no nationality, no literature of our own which shall live and work in us. Unless our literature is founded on our Volk, we shall write eternally for closet sages and disgusting critics out of whose mouths and stomachs we shall get back what we have given.
(Johann Gottfried Herder)
So, what I'm saying is, I must read Lenore, and also, it is very likely that that Vautrin line is a direct reference to that icon of the dawn of French Romanticism, something the then elders (cousin bette was published in 1846) would have remembered and understood...
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televisionenjoyer · 6 months
Sometimes I feel compassion for my dad but then he goes and revindicates the dictatorship and I'm like yeah I'd recommend u die badly or speedrun changing your mind about a lot of shit real quick
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thedinanshiral · 3 months
Today i'd like to make a quick mention of patterns. Repeated elements and narratives that insist on sticking around for unknown reasons.
In the history of Thedas that repeated element or theme is betrayal.
Starting from ancient Elvhenan, when the rest of the Evanuris betrayed Mythal and literally took her out of the picture. Then we have Fen'Harel avenging her by "betraying" both Evanuris and Forgotten Ones, condemning them to a near eternity of confinement away from the rest of the world. Next and following Mythal's death by murder we have the betrayal of Flemeth; sure, she cheated first, but while one could say love is capricious and acts without warning her husband did tricked her, intentionally betrayed her, killing her lover and imprisoning her and it's due to her desire for vengeance for that betrayal that Mythal's whisp finds her. Then a long time later Andraste is betrayed by her own husband out of jelaousy for her success and fame, only for the Maker himself to take her to his side enshrining her as the head of the new religious authority..see, there's the pattern. A female character stabbed in the back by their partner, one way or another, revindicated or avenged by something or someone from the beyond.
Then we have our protagonists. The Warden who more or less depending on the origin is betrayed, by people or fate, and must then rely on otherwordly powers to succeed in restoring some kind of order. Hawke, also betrayed by fate, by some he called a friend or even a lover, aided by Flemeth herself. The Inquisitor, once again, betrayed by a companion, friend or possibly even a lover but also saved by them. Who and under what circumstances will our new protagonist Rook be betrayed by this time?
But that's not the only pattern, there's two more i'd like to touch on.
First one involves the Inquisitor. While the only canon is that there is no canon and i do agree with that to some extent as BW have said once or twice that the canon story is the one the player chooses -even if that's not entirely honest of them as they do follow a default canon around which they continue to build the story- i must say if we are to follow patterns then the unofficial canon would be a female elven mage Inquisitor. In Jaws of Hakkon DLC we learn that the first Inquisitor, Ameridan, was an elven mage and throught the DLC story we learn he had a lover, an elven mage woman who happened to have some Rift magical habilities. Theirs was an unfortunate love that couldn't survive that final mission in the Frostback Basin; Ameridan sacrificed himself to seal Hakkon while his lover, injured, died alone in a nearby island waiting. Leaving their tragic end aside, is that not awfully similar to Solavellan? Elven mage inquisitor in a relationship with elven Rift mage companion, unable to remain together due to their duties. Not to mention Solavellan is the romance that fleshes out most of the lore regarding the Evanuris and Fen'Harel himself, exposing him, rendering him vulnerable. The events of Trespasser further solidify this. It is a female Lavellan, and specifically a mage one he can relate to, who cracks his walls that he's spent millenia building around him so tightly. It may not be the canon choice, but it certainly is the one that has the most to offer to the lore of Thedas and Solas' character.
Lastly, the other pattern i noticed is one of the games themselves. DAO is about the Fifth Blight, it resolves the Blight -more or less- and ends with the general idea of rebuilding. DA2 doesn't follow on that directly, it begins during the Blight and makes a timeskip to show the protagonist making a living in the Free Marches. As the events unfold, the game ends with the explosive beginning of the Mage-Templar war. DAI begins with peace talks to put an end to the Mage-Templar war only for it to blow up in the air again and be replaced by more pressing matters like a hole in the sky spitting out demons. By the end of this story -Trespasser- the next challenge is layed out: Finding Solas and stopping him from taking down the Veil. Now in DAV we start the game by...already having found Solas and interrupting his ritual, releasing a couple of monstrosities in the process, and the rest of the game we'll spend it trying to deal with that mess. So the pattern here is the previous game's cliffhanger and/or it's most central theme ends up becoming the opening context for the next game that will in turn revolve around something else as if the big disaster from the previous game wasn't that big of a deal after all. This is more evident between DA2 and DAI, and between DAI/Trespasser and DAV.
I imagine many thought they'd resolve the Mage-Templar war in Inquisition only to find the agenda changed. And after Trespasser we all thought we'd have to spend the next game chasing Solas all over Thedas to stop him but in the end all that happens quickly whithin the first hour of the game!
In a silly tiny way is like BW is betraying us too, our expectations from game to game. It's like.. We'll deal with the Mage-Templar war! BW: Lol think again. We'll have to chase Solas all over the map, a cat and mouse race, we'll spy and gather intel and try to outsmart the guy who's always five steps ahead and we'll stop him from taking down the veil! BW: Ha! Someone didn't read the comics lol try again
I think it's funny. Bit misleading, specially in this last case, because they set the stage and then basically tell you the play follows a different script and is to be performed at a different theater. So now i'm already preparing myself, if they make another game after this one, whatever is hinted at by the end will not be what we'll deal with then.
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fer3112 · 6 months
I write a long rant about people denying their relationship and dnp come at me with this video I feel so revindicated
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Adding to the “why kink” convo:
I have a CNC/rape kink IRL, and also go fucking feral for anything where a man gets sexually tortured and mentally tormented to the point where they can no longer function as people (in fiction only).
I think the CNC/rape definitely just… happened. Like, I was 6 and I would already find myself intrigued by power dynamics and abuse in cartoons or other media I was exposed to. I remember my fave character in any show would be the hottest one that also was powerful and cruel, bonus points if they regularly got other characters bleeding, crying or traumatised.
Also the interest in really extreme stuff. I remember being 6 or 7 and looking up on Google things like bestiality (I did not have the term at the time, just used more clumsy words to find it) and being unable to comprehend why there were no results — obviously it’s illegal, but I was so fucking young that I didn’t even understand what it was really or what my curiosity implied. What I did know is that I was drawn to something painful and forbidden and dirty and extreme. I was reading rapefic from the age of 12. Before that, I was already reading explicit fic from age 10, and I would actively look for rough sex or no-prep anal. I was watching DP and big things shoved into small places from around that time too! I was on pornhub searching for stuff like gangbang, cream pie, rape(which had no results and frustrated me terribly because I still didn’t understand the implications or legalities of what attracted me so much) . And when I finally (finally!) discovered BDSM and got reading up on sadomasochism it’s like a whole world blossomed in front of my eyes. It was amazing and validating and inspiring. And I’m sure if someone were to look into my brain or something maybe they’d find a reason here and there as to why maybe I’m into it, but I still think it just happened. I was born with it and that’s it.
Now, in regards to my whump kink (which is very much focused on men) I do have to agree with that other anon in regards to that sex = violence mentality. As I entered the world of sex, specifically with men (I’m a woman), I was forced to learn this the hard way. Sex is violence, often. And not the fun kind that I wanted to explore, but rather the terrible kind that makes you hate yourself on a visceral level. And I think I developed this men-only-whump kink because, yes, I have a pre-existing interest in sadomasochism, but also because it’s a way to gain control, I guess? And because when the one suffering is a man I am more able to separate myself from that reality — I’m not forced to have flashbacks to when I was sexually assaulted or made to feel unsafe, used, or hollow. I can just enjoy my kink from a distance. Also there’s definitely something that feels very “wrong” in hurting a man in all the ways that women are often hurt, and that feeling excites me as much as it revindicates me.
I also want to note that I would be profoundly distressed by seeing/doing anything remotely violent/non consensual to anybody ever in my RL. Kink can and often does exist within its own parameters, eg. on tv where we know everything’s fake. Or in bed with someone we trust and have explored the scene in detail beforehand. Kink is not (or it shouldn’t be) ever at the expense of other non-consenting human beings.
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
**sighs…** Okay this definitely is too complicated for me to simplify or even explain properly, but there’s a current theme around how first-world countries always villainize people and governments from the Global South. Over the years, due to the proliferation of this mindset in the media, it's become very cruel and mainstream: the dichotomy between the “civilized” against the “savages” has always been present; yet now, that times have changed and POC issues are more present and discussed, this division is brought back by the use of “weaponized progressivism”. In short, countries that colonized, enslaved, stole, and dehumanized indigenous people of Latin America turn around and point an accusatory finger toward countries with huge ethnic gaps and prejudiced-based policies for not fixing the racist problem they installed in the first place. Most of these countries are still coming to terms with their stolen/downgraded indigenous identity and heritage as they were built upon the idea that this cultural identification of them is inherently negative against the “purity of white identity" that they should aspire to espouse.
Now, first-world people even deny the latinoamerican status of countries they perceive as “mostly white populated”, not only denying the historical background and baggage these lands possess but also reproducing the exact same racist rhetoric they claim to be against: "most indigenous tribes no longer exist, and POC aren’t part of the population."
These communities are very present (and in need of reparations) inside their own country and some aspects of their culture are integrated into the immigrant-based culture that some spaces of these countries have; people who claim that they don’t exist are simply giving tools to the governments that want to exterminate them and say they harmed no one as these communities “no longer live”.
Hell, this speech is completely dangerous as its main objective is to alienate Latin American countries and turn them against each other to prevent their union (it isn’t a coincidence that these arguments always resurface whenever new policies or trading agreements are designed). Racism inside Latin American countries needs to be discussed as does the revindication of indigenous cultures and people; yet first-world countries (government and, sorry, people alike) need to stay out of this mess and hand over their platforms to actual POC Latinos to speak on these matters; otherwise, they’re doing their (still racist and white supremacist) governments a favor by contributing to Latino-America’s lack of union.
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elias-rights · 1 year
This is the post in question (I've also refrained from listening to the q&as bc I just want to Argue uselessly at them lol)
Ohh, that. Thank you! I think it's possible to infer that Jonny Sims doesn't like Jon from how he writes about him never getting any sort of reprieve or justification--I don't mean that bad things have to stop happening to him (never that), but it feels like the narrative is never on his side, if that makes sense? He's the designated scapegoat for the characters, and I think the finale revindicates this attitude. But it's also possible that he didn't do this deliberately. Idk.
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"[Serge is] a memoir-writer with a short memory who forgets the rôle he played in regard to ‘l’anarchie’ [an individualist weekly] with which he collaborated from September, 1909 to January, 1912. If he tells us in detail of the private life of Libertad.... he guards himself from saying that he (Serge) was the man who searched for ‘rare sensations’, the man of the unbounded ‘I deny’, the glorifier of the ‘Bandits’ on the morrow of the rue Ordener affair (‘l’anarchie’, January 3, 1912), the exalter of ‘the unsubmissive, deserters, thieves, because they are not adapted to slavery.... for us (he wrote) they are the only men who dare to revindicate life.’ Kibalchich [Serge's real name] has forgotten the endless Stirnerian, Nietzschean and Ibsenian litanies that he gladly reeled off. As he forgets rather indelicately that Rirette Maîtrejean was his companion and that he did not stop writing to her for a long time." - E Armand, reviewing the first French edition of Victor Serge's Memoirs of a Revolutionary
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satorugojowidow · 2 years
Denji must be revindicated with all his flaws. He is not supposed to gain sympathy because “he is such a good boy in this cruel world”, but because his circumstances are cruel, because he is being denied the most basic human rights, because he is oppressed by the cruelty of a system that allows the concentration of wealth in detriment of people like him. A person doesn't need to be worthy of human rights, those are inherent to the human condition and every person in the world should have them guaranteed. If we must to explain why a person deserve to have access to must basic conditions of living we are serving the idea of meritocracy
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