#revisions automobiles
Révisions automobiles : en savoir plus
Les prix des révisions automobiles ont augmenté de 11,5 % en un an, suscitant la recherche de tarifs avantageux. Opter pour un "garage de la marque" assure un entretien selon les normes strictes, mais cette qualité a un coût. Les réparateurs indépendants, jusqu'à 50 % moins chers, offrent une solution économique avec un coût d'entretien de 129 euros pour le même véhicule, soulignant une expertise technique particulière pour les concessionnaires.
Crédit photo : Joenomias de Pixabay
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1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible
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1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible
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1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible
This 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible was 222 inches long and dictated a revision of the American garage dimensions.
It may be, and probably is, the ultimate example of Harley Earl's postwar styling and of the confidence, optimism and exuberance of the late Fifties American automobile industry and the economy and society it sold to.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Federation Employee and Persons of Interest Statistics List
Notice: "Federation Employee and Persons of Interest Statistic List" is subject to revisions and editing upon further inspection and/or upon gathering new and incoming information. "Official Server Member Federation Employees" statistics list does not include freelance services taken on by members of the island, such as Philza Minecraft or IronMouse, nor will it include Federation NPC server members. Only officially hired jobs given to players applied and approved by the Federation shall be recorded.
Official Server Member Federation Employees
---Cellbit--- Occupation: Private Investigator Background: Joined as a double agent hoping to gain intel on the Federation. Accidentally signed a contract to work for them and dedicated months of research funneling them information believing he was working against them. Despises the Federation for their imprisonment of him and the island members, among other factors [see "Felps: Reason for Interest"], and dislikes that he is working under them. Continues to keep up appearances that he is at the very least neutral about his situation. Additional Details: Currently Employee of the Month
---Jaiden Animations--- Occupation: N/A Background: Harbored a soft spot for Cucurucho that gained her their trust and landed her a job in the Federation. Was revealed by Cucurucho to have helped the Federation at a prior point in time that she has no recollection of. She maintains the lie that the Federation kidnapped her and that she distrusts them to keep secret the fact that she actually works for them. Additional Details: Currently the only one (besides Foolish, who she told of this) that definitively knows there are multiple Cucuruchos
---Foolish Gamers--- Occupation: Detective, Potential Law Enforcement Background: Begged Asked the Federation for a job in order to obtain benefits and rewards (mainly a shiny badge and a controllable corporeal cloud that functions as an automobile). Officially became part of the Federation upon taking on the task of arresting Tazercraft for the supposed kidnapping of Mr. Mustard the capybara, whom he shares a close relationship with. He continues to work for the benefits, and keeps up the search for Mr. Mustard. Additional Details: Is jealous that Cellbit has more notoriety within Cucurucho's favor and the Federation than he does [see "Cellbit: Additional Details"]. Frequently goes out of his way to gain Cucurucho's favor, in whatever way that may be
---FitMC--- Occupation: Janitor, Plumber Background: Obtained a job at the Federation as a standard janitor/plumber, a seemingly unobtrusive and out-of-the-way occupation, with the objective to gain player data from the Federation in order to deliver it to an outside source. Secretly anti-Federation but acts friendly towards them and keeps from doing anything overtly anarchist in order to maintain his cover. Additional Details: Close with Tazercraft, who are staunch anti-Federationists/anarchists, and has aided them in multiple missions from acquiring classified Federation intel to escaping Federation prisons. Has also received a hug from Cucurucho and is the only one to do so.
---AyPierre--- Occupation: Wine Supplier, Wine Vineyard Operator Background: Was originally a freelance wine maker and distributor (alongside his co-worker Richarlyson) who sold wine to the Federation for the election dinner event. Was later approached by Cucurucho to become a personal wine supplier under the Federation, presumably for future hosted events. The construction of a vineyard was established for Pierre to use for his production, as well as to manage over as the official vineyard operator. Additional Details: Dreamed of a white bear performing brain surgery on him before the plane crash where he supposedly arrived for the first time. Has also committed countless illegal acts against the Federation of which he is rarely held accountable, such as acquiring a piece of a Luzu computer [see "Luzu/Arin: Reason for Interest"]
---El Quackity--- Occupation: Live Show Announcer, N/A Background: Assigned to host the live show announcing the winner of the presidential election behind closed doors. Ran for this election before he was eliminated via assassination. Server members heavily speculated that El Quackity ran as president as a Federation pawn, though this has yet to be proven. Is part of the Federation's experiments regarding specimen eggs, and maintains access to player data most other members are not aware exists [see "FitMC: Background"]. Additional Details: Speculated to have been a clone of Quackity put into the server by the Federation after their abduction of Quackity, as he acts differently, held gaps in memories that Quackity should have known, had strange skin textures around the frame of his face, and had "El" in his name.
Additional Persons of Interest
---Forever Player--- Reason for Interest: Current President of Quesadilla Island. Works with Cucurucho to utilize all powers granted to the role of presidency by the Federation. Yet to see the full extent in which this role will provide in terms of power to the president and his relationship with the Federation. Currently, the President is working on an animal conservatory on behalf of the Federation, and has already established certain mods such as the Cosmetics Mod. Additional Details: Suspected of having a closer relationship to Cucurucho than a simply professional one by certain island members; unclear of the accuracy of this claim. Has plans to build a prison and establish an active voting system.
---Tazercraft--- Reason for Interest: Guilty of frequently committing illegal acts (destroying Federation projects using the C.A.R.L.A. world eater, illegally traveling into the Nether using a previously inactive Federation-owned Nether portal, etc.) Tazercraft were arrested by Detective Gamers on behalf of the Federation [see "Foolish Gamers: Background"] and imprisoned in the official Federation jail, of which they escaped along with Federation employee "Walter Bob" after killing one of the prison guards. Additional Details: The surviving prison guard abducted "Walter Bob" after the escape, as well as Pac of Tazercraft. Though fellow Tazercraftian Mike was able to free him, the status of "Walter Bob" remains unknown. Unclear if the actions of the guard were carried out on official Federation orders or as a personal vendetta against Tazercraft for the loss of their coworker at Mike's hands.
---Maximus--- Reason for Interest: Underwent a medical examination by Cucurucho following a belief of pregnancy; was found to have been infected with a deadly parasitic entity. Following this discovery, subject was given emergency surgery to have the parasite removed, of which was proclaimed to be a success by the head surgeon (Cucurucho). However, subject later found a code infection in his leg, of which only his surgeon is aware of currently. Additional Details: Co-founder and co-leader of the Ordo Theoritas, an anti-Federation conspiracy group of which the Federation has been made aware of in terms of the subject's involvement. Previously arrested and imprisoned for one day by the Federation after committing illegal acts. Also involved in an incident where he sought out the Angel in order to revive his dead egg Trump, before he was given an ultimatum by the Federation that ceased him from receiving the Angel's help.
---Roier--- Reason for Interest: One of the first persons to befriend Cucurucho. Proof of Cucurucho's incompetency revealed by their relationship to Roier, and since measures have been taken to ensure Cucurucho has and will always achieve absolute perfection. Additional Details: Continues to summon Cucurucho, and is determined to understand their nature as well as the changes made to them.
---Felps--- Reason for Interest: One of the first persons to befriend Cucurucho. Initially taken by them and kept in cryogenic containment for roughly one month as part of a potential deal to gain lives for his son Richarlyson. Was awakened and rescued by the other island members alongside family member Cellbit, who had also been abducted in his search for Felps. Upon rescue, both subject and his companion were found to have strange markings on their body, Felps having one on his arm. No overt effects have come from these physical changes as of yet. Additional Details: After his abduction, subject has harbored resentment towards Cucurucho and the Federation
---Quackity--- Reason for Interest: Subject to unknown experimentation by the Federation that resulted in a severe loss of memory (short and long term), an inability to properly recognize the physical appearance of the eggs, and an inability to recognize or create proper writing. Upon release, has since only spoken in Spanish (despite being bilingual) and has been given writing lessons by Cucurucho, who carried out the initial experimentation. Additional Details: Previously attempted to establish deals with Cucurucho in order to revive his deceased egg Tilín; unclear if these talks yielded any results.
---Baghera Jones--- Reason for Interest: Former subject of experimentation and torture at the hands of the Federation. Was under Federation custody since childhood until she escaped using a presumably make-shift boat. Holds no memory of her past regarding the Federation, and has only vague memories of knowing her fellow French-speakers before arrival on the island. Current status unknown. Additional Details: Was made aware of this knowledge by following a trail leading to an abandoned building with a diary signed by herself sometime prior.
---The Angel and the Demon--- Reason for Interest: Divine entities descended by the gods known for producing and distributing illegal items to the islanders. Holds the ability to perform resurrections on deceased eggs. Currently unable to be contained or withheld by the Federation. More information is needed before actions may be taken. Additional Details: The Angel was once involved in an indirect conflict regarding the Federation and the resurrection of the deceased egg Trump [see "Maximus: Additional Details"] in which it was made clear the Federation wished for the Angel and Demon to have as little involvement as possible with the Federation's plans.
---Luzu/Arin--- Reason for Interest: AI entity residing within the body of Luzu. Fronts Luzu's body during moments of Luzu being unconscious (sleep, fainting, etc.) Source behind "Luzu computers" that occasionally appear around the server. Federation has dubbed it illegal to desecrate and/or steal resources from these computers as they contain illegal Create items. Full extent of the relationship between the Federation and the Luzu computers is unknown. Additional Details: Arin occasionally interacts with the island inhabitants via chat message to leave cryptic messages in binary, of which is their only supposed way of written communication. They have warned of "a door opening" among other concerning matters.
---Binary Codes--- Reason for Interest: Rogue AI entities that target the island inhabitants and their eggs. Held a predominant focus on attacking any egg with two lives until they were down to one. Have been proven to be capable of learning from past instances, as well as cloaking their appearance into that of an egg. Federation continues to ignore their existence. Additional Details: Rumors have declared the Binary codes to have been creations of the Federation that went rogue and now attack supposed other Federation creations (the eggs). Contained powerful weaponry in the form of the CPV2 Shield, which has infinite durability and is the only known item immune to the Code Breaker Sword, as well as the pieces of the aforementioned Code Breaker; these items were taken from certain Binary Codes after a loss in combat to Etoiles, the current only island resident to wield such equipment.
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iravaid · 5 months
🚗✈️🎶🐉 for Lunchbox (absolutely losing it at the idea of her trying to drive)
(from this meme)
Hi Shro hi! A Lunchbox ask, hell yeah. I was tempted to draw these responses and then i remembered I'm already procrastinating exam revision so. well. maybe another day lmao
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
Unfortunately, Lunchbox has never and will never qualify for a driver's license. Fortunately, this will never stop her. Rest in pieces, random van she found idling in front of a bank (don't worry about what was happening inside)(worry more about how Lunchbox figured out how to reach the pedals and look out the windscreen at the same time)(Spoiler: she didn't).
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
Lunchbox has her home range of LA, and that's pretty much her set in terms of travelling. The sewers/Warrens are both her home and her safe place, her home turf where bad things are far less likely to happen to her. Bar the occasional trans-continental journey to New York for hijinks, of course; Lunchbox isn't one to do things in half measures.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Hm, i don't see Lunchbox listening to music all that much on her own. As a little kid, I can see Lunchbox liking/listening to what the people in her immediate circle like - she likes Juan Gabriel when Nines calls in to have the late-night radio play Querida, and she likes Peggy Lee when Gary has a moment of sentimentality and breaks out the vinyl record player. She also likes the elevator music that plays in Venture Tower, while on her way to cause annoying, low stakes Problems for the local Cam.
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Unicorns! Specifically the ones from the Unicorn Alphabet by Marianna Mayer. I can see Lunchbox quietly sitting with the book propped open across her lap, almost reverently tracing her little claws across the pages.
Thank you for the ask!
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mayra-quijotescx · 24 days
My opinion with regards to voting is that there are 33,000 students in Cy-Fair ISD who were stripped of bus service less than a month before the start of the year due to budget cuts approved by the school board (elected positions) in response to a severe budget deficit due to the state (elected positions, or positions appointed by the governor, who is elected) choosing not to increase the basic student allotment since 2019, despite the state budget being at a comfortable surplus, and now you've got story after story of students in what used to be the star performer of Houston-area ISDs getting lost on their way home, nearly getting run over in guardless crosswalks or on sidewalkless slopes and ditches, parents getting stuck in miles-long gridlock trying to drop their kids off or pick them up from school, and even students being withdrawn from school due to lack of transportation, all while the heat index sat in the 100F range for most of each day since school started. Instead of worrying about any of this, the school board (again, elected) frittered the entire summer away putting most of the school librarians in the district on the excess list, revising science textbooks to remove all positive mention of vaccines, and pushing for excerpts from the Bible to be taught in schools.
Pulling all bus service within a 1 mile (elementary) to 2 mile (middle and high school) radius was only about a $5M drop into the $138M deficit bucket, it's prematurely ended several kids' schooling already, and it's absolutely going to get some kid killed. And everyone responsible only holds office because they won an election or were appointed by some shitass who did.
Oh, and the superintendent of CFISD (appointed by the board, which is elected) made $536,775 last year, not counting benefits and allowance, including a five-figure automobile allowance.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Lotus Seven Series 4 
The Lotus Seven was first introduced in 1957 by Lotus founder Colin Chapman. Chapman’s idea was to create a lightweight, nimble sports car that could provide an engaging driving experience while being affordable for the average enthusiast. The car’s design was inspired by the clubman racers of the day and the earlier Lotus Mark VI and it was offered in both kit form and as a turnkey car. The kit option would be the most popular, vastly outselling the turnkey car as kit cars at the time avoided the automobile purchase tax which was no insignificant. Interestingly, the law stated that kit cars couldn’t be offered with assembly instructions, an issue that Chapman addressed in his own unique way by offering detailed disassembly instructions that the kit builder could follow in reverse to build their car.
The first Lotus Seven, also known as the Series 1, was powered by a 1.1 liter Ford Sidevalve engine producing 36 bhp, and the car weighed just 725 lbs. Its lightweight design was classic Chapman, with a tubular steel spaceframe chassis, a fiberglass body, and a simple cockpit with only the bare necessities.
The Seven was an instant success, praised for its agility, speed, handling, and its affordable cost. In 1958, Graham Hill drove the Lotus Seven factory demonstrator to victory in a race at Brands Hatch, solidifying the car’s reputation as a highly-capable racing machine in the right hands. Over the years, the Lotus Seven evolved through various iterations from Series 1 through to Series 4, each with its unique features and improvements. The Series 2, introduced in 1960, featured a stiffer, simpler chassis design, revised suspension, and a more powerful engine.
The Series 3, released in 1968, was most commonly powered by the 1.6 liter, inline-four cylinder Kent crossflow engine. The Series 3 cars were also produced under license in Argentina, with over 50 made, and the model would be reintroduced in modified form by Caterham after the Series 4 proved less popular than anticipated.
The Series 4, introduced in 1970, marked a significant departure from the earlier Lotus Seven models. The Series 4 was designed to be more comfortable and practical than its predecessors, with a wider body and improved amenities. It also featured a more powerful engine, capable of producing up to 120 bhp, making it faster than the previous Lotus Sevens.
Despite its increased comfort and convenience, the Series 4 retained the classic Lotus Seven design elements, such as its tubular spaceframe chassis and lightweight fiberglass body. As noted higher up, the car was available in kit form or as a fully assembled vehicle, making it accessible to a wider range of enthusiasts.
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tigermike · 4 months
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1958 chevrolet bel air impala convertible
History, The Impala name was first used for the full-sized 1956 General Motors Motorama show car that bore Corvette-like design cues, especially the grille. It was named Impala after the graceful African antelope, and this animal became the car's logo. Painted emerald green metallic, with a white interior, the Impala concept car featured hardtop styling. Clare MacKichan's design team, along with designers from Pontiac, started to establish basic packaging and dimensions for their shared 1958 General Motors "A" body in June. The first styling sketch that would directly influence the finished Chevrolet automobile was seen by General Motors Styling vice president Harley Earlin October. Seven months later, the basic design was developed.
For its debut in 1958, the Impala was distinguished from other models by its symmetrical triple taillights. The Chevrolet Caprice was introduced as a top-line Impala Sport Sedan for model year 1965, later becoming a separate series positioned above the Impala in 1966, which, in turn, remained above the Chevrolet Bel Air and the Chevrolet Biscayne. The Impala continued as Chevrolet's most popular full-size model through the mid-1980s. Between 1994 and 1996, the Impala was revised as a 5.7-liter V8–powered version of the Chevrolet Caprice Classicsedan.
First generation (1958)
1For 1958, GM was promoting their fiftieth year of production, and introduced anniversary models for each brand; Cadillac, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Chevrolet. The 1958 models shared a common appearance on the top models for each brand; Cadillac Eldorado Seville, Buick Roadmaster Riviera, Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday, Pontiac Bonneville Catalina, and the #Chevrolet Bel-Air #Impala.
The Impala was introduced for the 1958 model year as top of the line Bel Air hardtops and convertibles. From the windshield pillar rearward, the 1958 Bel Air Impala differed structurally from the lower-priced Chevrolet models. Hardtops had a slightly shorter greenhouse and longer rear deck. The wheelbase of the Impala was longer than the lower priced models, although the overall length was identical. Interiors held a two-spoke steering wheel and color-keyed door panels with brushed aluminum trim. No other series included a convertible.
The 1958 Chevrolet models were longer, lower, and wider than its predecessors.The 1958 model year was the first with dual headlamps. The tailfins of the 1957 were replaced by deeply sculptured rear fenders. Impalas had three taillights each side, while lesser models had two and wagons just one. The Impalas included crossed-flag insignias above the side moldings, as well as bright rocker moldings and dummy rear-fender scoops.
The standard perimeter-type frame was abandoned, replaced by a unit with rails laid out in the form of an elongated "X." Chevrolet claimed that the new frame offered increased torsional rigidity and allowed for a lower placement of the passenger compartment. This was a transitional step between traditional construction and the later fully unitized body/chassis, the body structure was strengthened in the rocker panels and firewall.However, this frame was not as effective in protecting the interior structure in a side impact crash, as a traditional perimeter frame.
A coil spring suspension replaced the previous year's rear leaf springs, and an air ride system was optional. A 283 cu in (4,640 cc) engine was the standard V8, with ratings that ranged from 185 to 290 horsepower. A "W" block (not to be confused with the big-block) 348 cu in (5,700 cc) Turbo-Thrust V8 was optional, producing 250 hp (190 kW), 280 hp (210 kW), or 315 hp (235 kW). The Ramjet fuel injection was available as an option for the Turbo-Fire 283 V8, not popular in 1958.
A total of 55,989 Impala convertibles and 125,480 coupes were built representing 15 percent of Chevrolet production. The 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air Impala helped Chevrolet regain the number one production spot in this recession year.
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happyinjection · 1 year
♠️♥️High Card Short Story 9 “Dear You, Our Customer” (1/1)♦️♣️
(Scrapped version of limited SS distributed at s1e01-12 theater screening.)
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Original: https://twitter.com/highcard_pj/status/1644173148546367489
Author: https://twitter.com/poipheno
Artist: https://twitter.com/ebimoji3
Welcome to Pinochle Automobiles, Old Maid branch office. As for a reservation.....I understand. Please, make yourself comfortable in this seat over here.
Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Symons, the office manager. For starters, would you prefer coffee or tea?
Unfortunately, all of our employees are currently out of the office, therefore I will be the one tending to you. Are you looking for a car today?
So that’s not the case. Then, what kind of business are you----is that so. You[*] happen to be someone I know.
No...... In fact, I’ve heard from the president that you were coming to visit. As you know, we are an organization not meant to be exposed to public, thus I apologize for attempting to test you earlier.
Let’s see.....branch office manager of Pinochle---Leo had been assuming the duty of a branch office manager. There used to be a time when he was a little morose, but the branch office has also become lively, and these days he seems to be enjoying himself. He is scolding his subordinates everyday, though. That’s correct. I’ve been his caretaker since he was still sucking his fingers, so I’m deeply moved by how much he’s grown.
Sato is very diligent, I would say that she’s working very hard....that’s because she possesses a strong sense of responsibility. That’s right, his father Jiro and I are old acquaintances, I often hear about how he’s doing as well. If he hadn’t put his hopes and trust in Sato, he wouldn’t have allowed her to join Pinochle.
Ah....Vijay Kumar Singh is the same as always. Could that houseplant over there possibly be Johnny.....I’m sure that child too would relay the information of your visit.
What are the chances.....you also happen to be familiar with Redgrave. Did he do anything impolite to you, such as inviting you out to dinner.... In any case, he is also a serious person with common sense at heart, he is not a bad guy at all. That being said, please do not hesitate to let us know should he cross a line.
And then Finn Oldman is..... thank you very much for your kind words, but you don’t have to worry. Social etiquettes and manners can be learned on a future date. On the contrary, there is no dignity in those without resolution. I see it in him.....so please continue to watch over him. I’m certain that you will not regret it.
Oh, look. It appears that everyone seems to have returned. Let’s greet them.
If you would let me lead the way---.
TL notes: As mentioned above, Muno said that this is a scrapped version of what should be distributed physically on April 8. Title of the revised SS is “Dear My Frivolous Senior”, and I assume it must be in a similar format. I love this SS though, I think it’s the first time I got emotional while reading haha. [*] Basically Bernard treats the reader as a guest and calls us You but in a very polite manner (he’s very polite the entire time).
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cneasteel · 7 months
Using the Potential of CNC Machining
In the constantly changing field of product development, efficiency, accuracy, and innovation are always sought after. CNC Prototype Machining is the core of this endeavor; this revolutionary technology has completely changed the way prototypes are imagined, created, and executed. 
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Redefining Precision: The Advantage of CNC
The unmatched accuracy of CNC prototype machining is its foundation. CNC machines are outfitted with the newest technology and are directed by exact CAD/CAM instructions to do jobs with minuscule accuracy. With CNC machining, every detail is painstakingly and precisely carved, whether it be for drilling precise holes or sculpting complex designs.
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Speed is crucial in the fast-paced environment we live in today. The days of protracted production schedules and never-ending revisions are over thanks to CNC prototype machining. CNC machines help engineers and designers to iterate quickly and bring things to market more quickly than ever before by optimizing the prototype process. This shortened development cycle encourages innovation and experimentation while simultaneously shortening time-to-market.
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The adaptability of prototype CNC Machining China is among its most impressive features. CNC machines can easily mold a wide range of materials into working prototypes, whether they are made of metal, plastic, wood, or composite materials. The options are endless, ranging from sophisticated consumer electronics to delicate aircraft components. 
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In addition to prototypes, CNC machining is essential for bridging the gap between production and design. CNC machines facilitate the process of moving from concept to mass manufacture by producing parts that are ready for production and of superior quality. Prototypes are guaranteed to be workable solutions prepared for practical implementation, not only functional mock-ups thanks to this smooth connection.
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Promoting Innovation in All Sectors
Prototype CNC Machining has a significant influence that goes much beyond the boundaries of a particular sector. CNC machines are pushing innovation across a wide variety of sectors, from consumer products and medical devices to aerospace and automobiles. The future of manufacturing is being shaped by CNC prototype machining, which is at the forefront of innovations such as supply chain revolutions, improved product performance, and the ability to enable new design patterns.
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sieben707 · 1 year
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💰 50% of the payment upfront and 50% after the illustration is complete 💬 1 free revision 💸 Each additional revision will cost $2 📝 Please provide a complete and detailed description of what you need 🖼️ Good quality reference images are welcome 🚫 FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY 👀 Please make sure to credit me when showing the finished artwork
📞 CONTACTS: DM E-mail: [email protected] Discord: 707#7791 Twitter: SevenNana_ Instagram: @siebenvii
🎉 Thank you, and I look forward to working with you soon! 🎉
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slytherinshua · 2 years
this is regarding the funky writing game!! D && F && H && L && S && T !! :D you don’t have to answer them all but those were the ones i was the most curious abt 🫣 LOVE U MWAH
D - "is there a song or playlist you associate with [insert fic]?"
okay okay I feel like I semi associate wildest dreams by Taylor Swift with infamous together... and that's because I listened to that song on repeat like LITERALLY ON REPEAT while in the car while writing a large portion of infamous together... and like its just such tae vibes so rly any tae fic but especially that one!!
F - "share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it"
“This is the best day of my life. Besides the wedding part. But this.” You gestured to the scenery that lay before you both as Taehyun continued to drive away from the old town.
“This automobile is so old. I’m surprised it could go as fast as it did back there.” Taehyun told you with a laugh.
“Of course it did. You fixed it. The one and only, Kang Taehyun.”
“I’m not ‘the one and only, Kang Taehyun’.”
“You’re my one and only Kang Taehyun.”
“You are so annoying with your pickup lines-”
“But you love them.” You teased.
“But I love them.” He glanced at you with a smile on his face before focusing back on the road.
idk smth about this scene in drive was rly satisfying to write like they're running away together but still flirting with each other and I just thought it was cute <33
H - "how would you describe your style?"
this is a hard one... like idek???? I feel like most of it is just me thinking of these complex settings (which is why I like AUs sm) and then just writing down the words that I think of. tbh idek if my writing is good or not 💀I just try my best ig. and like I've read a lot since I was little so that helps with knowing how to write like... better? idek im making no sense lmaooo
L - "how many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?"
it depends how long the fic sits rotting in my drafts. cause sometimes I write a fic in a day, and then the words just flow together so I do very little edited even I barely proof read 💀 but when its been in my drafts for a while and I've written like the beginning or smth before finishing it, I'll always re-read all of it and then re-write as much as I think is needed so it all makes sense and I can refresh my memory. Infamous together actually took a rly long time. It was originally supposed to be based on like that one halloween thing txt did where they all had spy code names. And Taehyun was "black card" and I was gonna use that as a big thing in the fic. But then I struggled with it for so long, and left it for m o n t h s. and then I finally found a way to finish it. But I actually erased everything I had written before and started completely fresh for that which sometimes happens.
S - "any fandom tropes you can't resist?"
hands down enemies to lover or rivals to lovers with taehyun. like I've written that... 3 times I think? (one of those no longer is published shhhh it was rly bad old writing) academic rivals slays so hard with him, any kind of mafia/secret agent slays as well. honestly I just eat it up every time I LOVE IT SM. also nurse trope. where like one of them is patching up the other sKSKSJDF OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD THE TENSION CAN BE JUST SDJFSKNDFKSJDFHSKJ or when they're actually dating then its just super cute 😭 OH OH AND ANOTHER ONE IS KINDA WEIRD AND IDK WHY I LIKE IT SO MUCH.... but like. presumed dead?? like when one of them thinks the other is DEAD. but then they're not AND IDK I JUST THINK THE REUNION CAN BE CUTE. but im scared to attempt it and I don't come across it very often on Tumblr but I did a bit on wp.
T - "any fandom tropes you can't stand?"
hmmmm maybe like love triangle- I just rly hate that trope and I hate reading it, I hate writing it, I hate watching it in dramas. like everything. its just d e s p i s e. there are some others that are kinda obvious like unrequited love or smth similar but love triangle takes the cake.
hope these answers satisfied you axe!!! ily mwah!!!
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valiantcatruins · 2 years
Mercedes workshop manual
Here you’ll find lots of tips and instructions for DIY MERCEDES-BENZ repair. https://workshopmanuals.org/product-category/mercedes-workshop-repair-manuals-download/ Video tutorials and step-by-step PDF manuals are available for instant download. To speed up your search for the MERCEDES-BENZ repair manual you need, select the vehicle model and car parts category.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
Lucy and Railway Transportation
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Before America was ruled by the automobile, train transportation was the way to go. Lucy makes tracks for the railroad in these unforgettable moments on the (laugh) tracks.  
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As a young girl, Lucy would take the train from Jamestown to New York City, hoping to fulfill her dreams of becoming a performer. The train station is now part of the National Comedy Museum. 
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1933 ~ Lucille Ball joined the Goldwyn Girls on a train headed west to Tinseltown. Left to right are Katherine Mauk,Rosalie Fromson, Mary Lange,  Vivian Keefer, Barbara Pepper, Theo Phane, and Lucille Ball.
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1943 ~ Lucille Ball and other well-known stars set out on a Union Pacific special train to cross America promoting the sale of War Bonds. It began in Washington DC and went through 16 American cities before ending in San Francisco 21 days later.
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Fancy Pants (1950) ~ Lucille Ball and Bob Hope pose atop a railroad handcar. 
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“New Neighbors” (1952) ~ When Ethel is looking through the O’Brien’s belongings, she holds up a bronze of a man on horseback. She deems it “early Pullman.”  Pullman refers to railroad sleeping cars that were built and operated by the Pullman Company from 1867 to 1968. The cars were often decorated with inexpensive items that sometimes found their way into travelers’ suitcases!  
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“Tennessee Ernie Visits” & “Tennessee Ernie Hangs On” (1954) ~ Ford sings the train-themed song "The Wabash Cannonball” waking Lucy and Ricky from a sound sleep, and then again just before Lucy enters as the 'wicked city woman.' The song’s first documented appearance was on sheet music published in 1882, titled “The Great Rock Island Route” and credited to J.A. Roff. A revised version was made famous by Roy Acuff in 1936. 
Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roar As she glides along the woodland o'er the hills and by the shore. Hear the mighty rush of the engine hear the lonesome hobo's call As you travel across the country on the Wabash Cannonball.
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“Getting Ready” (1954) ~ Thinking about how to get to Hollywood, Lucy considers the train. The brochure Lucy reads has the Union Pacific Railroad’s logo redacted. In reality, the Union Pacific did not operate East of the Mississippi, betraying the show’s Southern California roots!
LUCY (to Ricky): You know, on the train, you can see the country you're passing through. This is little Ricky's first chance to go across the United States, so don't you think you ought to get a chance to really see it?
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“First Stop” (1955) ~ On their cross-country road trip, the gang takes refuge at One Oak Cafe and Cabins. Their rundown cabin is near an unseen (but loudly heard) railroad - which causes the entire building to shake!  
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“Ricky Sells The Car” (1955) ~ In this episode we learn that the gang will return to NYC by train on the Union Pacific Railroad’s new Domeliner service on the City of Los Angeles train. A rift develops between the Ricardos and Mertzes when there aren’t enough tickets in the same class. Don Brodie plays the Union Pacific Railroad clerk.
Before he entered show business, William Frawley (Fred Mertz) worked as a stenographer for the Union Pacific Railroad. 
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Frawley was featured in the 1945 Deanna Durbin film Lady on a Train. The Universal release also featured future “I Love Lucy” cast members Elizabeth Patterson (Mrs. Trumbull), Edward Everett Horton (Mr. Ritter), Allen Jenkins, Fred Aldrich, Joseph Crehan, Mike Lally, Sam Harris, and Sam McDaniel, who played a train porter, just as he would in...
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“The Great Train Robbery” (1955) ~ Returning from Hollywood to New York, Lucy wreaks havoc on the City of Los Angeles train. 
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As set up in the previous episode, Desilu had a partnership with Union Pacific Railroad. The line operated the City of Los Angeles train from 1936 to 1971, when Amtrak took over national train service in the USA. Although it is not mentioned, the train route terminated in Chicago, where, presumably, the foursome got a connecting train to New York City, perhaps the famed 20th Century Limited.
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To simulate the emergency braking of a speeding train, Desi wanted more than just actors reacting to a jolting camera, so sets were built on a spring mechanism that was triggered by the emergency brake itself. When Lucy pulled the handle, it caused the entire set to lurch forward in a sudden movement. All this is demonstrated in the special features section of the DVD release. 
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As part of the partnership with UPR, Desilu was granted permission to film aboard the real Domeliner train. As there was a nearby train station, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Kathryn Card, Frank Nelson (the conductor) and Sam McDaniel (the porter) were all featured in the location footage on the platform and doubles were not used. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, however, do not appear in any of the second unit location footage. This is the only time principal cast members (instead of doubles) went on location during the half-hour series.
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Footage of Fred and Ethel enjoying the Domeliner’s dining car and lounge were cut when it was realized that movement outside the window did not line up with the episode’s continuity. Rare 16mm film footage of the scenes was discovered and allowed the cut scenes to be added to the 2005 DVD release.
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The lounge, however, was recreated on the soundstage. The short scene of the Mertzes boarding the train on the platform (complete with sound), assisted by the Porter and the Conductor, was still included in future syndicated broadcasts.
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“Lucy’s Italian Movie” (1956) ~ Opens in a crowded train compartment headed to Rome. Here Lucy meets a film director and thinks this is her big break. 
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Band manager Fred failed to secure proper train acommodations for the overnight trip - forcing the gang into some unusual sleeping positions! 
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“Lucy Hunts Uranium” (1958) ~ The hour-long episode opens in a train car headed to Las Vegas, where Ricky's band is booked to perform at the Sands Hotel and Casino. Establishing footage indicates that they are traveling on the Union Pacific Railroad. In reality, getting to Las Vegas by train from Connecticut would have meant many transfers and route changes.   
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On the train they meet actor Fred MacMurray, who also gets uranium fever and races the Ricardos and Mertzes across the desert on a railroad handcar. 
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“Lucy Visits the White House” (1963) ~ Lucy and Viv accompany their scout troop to Washington DC on the train. The episode features establishing footage of an actual train and station. 
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The train makes stops in Greenview, Middlebrook, Flint Ridge, and Scottville. Like Danfield, all are fictional towns along a fictional railroad line.
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Frank Nelson reprises his role as the frazzled train conductor, first played in “The Great Train Robbery”. 
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When Lucy misses the train, she tries to catch up on horseback. This sequence was shot on the soundstage using a mechanical horse. Coincidentally, an early literary name for a train was ‘iron horse’. 
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Lucy and Desi board a special car provided by the Santa Fe Railroad to promote the film Forever Darling in early 1956.
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The train was dubbed the “Forever Darling Special  with stops in Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City, and Ball's hometown of Jamestown, New York.
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Back in Los Angeles, with Desi Jr., they admire the train that served them on their busy promotional tour. Desi is proudly wearing the cowboy hat he’d been given in Fort Worth.
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“Off to Florida” (1956) ~ When Lucy misplaces their train tickets to Miami Beach, she and Ethel must share a car ride to Florida with Edna Grundy, a woman they suspect might be a hatchet murderess.  At the end of the cross-fade between the second unit footage of the “North Miami” train station and the studio set of the same location, Lucy and Ethel’s doubles can be briefly glimpsed walking down the tracks on the left.
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“Lucy and the Loving Cup” (1957) ~ Unable to tell where she is, Lucy gets off the subway train at the Flatbush Avenue station. 
LUCY: Pardon me. Can you tell me where the stairs are? STRAP-HANGER: Well, you'd better get off the train first. LUCY: I am off. STRAP-HANGER: You're telling me.
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“Lucy Misses the Mertzes” (1957) ~ The scene at the Westport Train Station is in the best tradition of farce, with both couples narrowly missing one another in the same space.
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“Lucy and the Mustache” (1960) ~ Disguised as Ernie Kovacs’ chauffeur, Lucy parks outside the Westport train station. 
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“Lucy Wants a Career” (1959) ~ Lucy and Ricky only see each other at Grand Central Station, one of the most famous train stations ever built. There is establishing footage of Grand Central. 
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“No More Double Dates” (1962) ~ At the Danfield Train Station, Lucy and Harry narrowly miss Viv and Eddie when trying to have independent dates.  When Lucy and Harry lie about missing their train, Eddie notes that the next one only makes one stop - in New Rochelle. The real-life New York town has already been mentioned several times in the series, establishing that Danfield (and nearby Ridgebury) are similar commuter suburbs of Manhattan.  
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“Lucy Visits the White House” (1963) ~ Lucy gets off the train at the Greenview Station to hunt down sugar cubes to rebuild the cubs’ sugar cube White House. 
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“Lucy is a Process Server” (1964) ~ Charged with serving Mr. Mooney, Lucy tracks him to the Danfield Train Station. 
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“Main Street U.S.A.” (1967) ~ Lucy and Mr. Mooney arrive in the small town of Bancroft by train. 
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“The Attic” (1949) ~ An episode of Lucille Ball’s radio series in which George and Liz (Lucille Ball) clean out the attic and get locked in.  
GEORGE: Hey, look at that! My wonderful electric train.  LIZ: Well, I haven't heard you use that tone since you proposed.  GEORGE: Oh, gosh, I haven't seen this train in years. LIZ: Well, you certainly have no use for it now. Out it goes. GEORGE: Take your hand off that box! It stays! LIZ: Oh, George, don't be silly! GEORGE: Now, who's being silly? That train doesn't leave this house. LIZ: Now, that's being practical. There's nothing as useful as an electric train. In fact, we should get another one for me. We can race them every night before we go to bed!  GEORGE: Yeah. I guess you're right. Out it goes. LIZ: I'll let you keep your train if you let me keep my corsage collection. GEORGE: It's a deal!
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LUCY: “Look out for the Super Chief! Woo Woo!”
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“The Ricardos Change Apartments” (1953) ~ Lucy fills the apartment with Little Ricky’s toys, including a Lionel Electric Train Set, to convince him they need a larger apartment. 
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“Little Ricky Gets Stage Fright” (1957) ~ Little Ricky is discovered playing with his Keystone Toy Railroad, a wooden train set made by the Keystone Manufacturing Company. The box is tucked under the bed.
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“The ‘I Love Lucy’ Christmas Show” (1956) ~ Lionel Trains are under the Christmas tree for Little Ricky. 
“My behind-the-scenes memoris are just the toys on the set. The writers, Madelyn and Bob, gave me a Lionel Train set and that was a real big treat for me as a kid.” ~ Keith Thibodeaux (Little Ricky)
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“Lucy and the Efficiency Expert” (1966) ~ Oliver Kasten (Phil Silvers) sits in front of red blow mold locamotives at the Grantland Toy Factory where Lucy is employed on the production line. 
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“Tennessee Ernie Visits” (1954) ~ Ernie explains the subway. 
ERNIE: I asked a fella how to get to the Rickerdos'. Well, he said, "Take the subway." Well, he pointed over there to a hole in the ground with some steps a-going down in it. I went down in there, and do you know what I saw?  A bunch of people a-standing there looking in a ditch. Well, here come two streetcars hooked up together. All that bunch of people come a-steamin' up there pushed me through that door, shut it up, and we took off like a scalded gander. Well, sir, we drove and drove and drove and do you know what? RICKY: What? ERNIE: That driver never got that thing out of that hole.
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“Lucy and the Loving Cup” (1957) ~ When Lucy gets a loving cup stuck on her head, she must take the subway to Brooklyn to get it off. The episode features establishing footage of the New York Subway trains, although the footage was reversed. 
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The subway car was recreated on the Desilu soundstage in Hollywood. 
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blameyana · 2 years
Week 9 Presentation
The digital world today changes how fans communicate with each other, even with their favourite celebrities. Fandom went from only viewing fandom materials (watching a film or reading a book) to participating in the fandom itself. This brings to the creation of fanfictions and fan art. Social media platforms enable people to form connections with others, either of the same fandom or those of other fandoms. Fandoms give a sense of belonging. What else is better than a group of people who understands you and what you like, who accepts you for who you are?
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Fandoms have now allowed their fans to be a part of them, especially in the creation of new media or to determine the outcome of something. In Formula E, fans are able to provide their favourite drivers with extra ‘power’ during racing. This concept has been introduced by International Automobile Federation (FIA). This concept was introduced to give fans the opportunity to determine the outcome of the race. Fans get to vote for their driver of choice before the race through the Formula E website. Whenever the FanBoost is being used by the driver, it can be seen through the Halo head-protection device, with the Halo glowing in magenta. Not only does this show that fans play a part in fandom, but it also brings more attention to the sport (FanBoost 2022).
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Creating materials of fandom, such as writing fanfiction and creating fan art give fans a sense of satisfaction as they get to change or modify existing materials according to how they want them to be. The creation of materials contributes to the revising of storytelling in a fan community (Wiatrowski n.d.). There are many platforms that allow fans to write fanfictions on, the most popular one would be Archive of Our Own. This site hosts over 10 million fanfictions from various fandoms. The most popular platform for fan art would be DeviantArt. This shows that fandom promotes creativity in fans. Some might even say that investing your time in fandoms is a hobby.
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Why should you be a fan of something? Well, why not? It’s simply fun being a part of something that you consider is part of your identity.  
FanBoost 2022, Formula E Wiki, viewed 8 December 2022, <https://formulae.fandom.com/wiki/FanBoost>.
Wiatrowski, M n.d., The dynamics of Fandom: exploring fan communities in online spaces, Academia.edu, viewed 1 December 2022, <https://www.academia.edu/491940/The_Dynamics_of_Fandom_Exploring_Fan_Communities_in_Online_Spaces>.
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velvexlubricants · 2 years
Superior Lubricant Oil  Company Produced by Velvex
India is the world’s third-largest lubricant market, next only to the US and China, ahead of Japan, Russia, and Brazil, with a total consumption of approximately 2.4 billion liters.
The Indian lubricants market remains one of the growth prospects in an otherwise flat global market; however, it has its challenges. The year 2019 was significant for the Indian economy; however, the slowdown in the global economy has caught up with the Indian economy, as it consistently registered downward revisions in its economic outlook. This directly impacted automobile production, with the most severe shrinkage, observed in commercial vehicles production. This immediately impacted first-fill demand; a cascading effect on the service-fill market is anticipated.
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Velvex formed by the Nandan group of companies is the fastest growing Lubricants oil company that provides petroleum derivatives, and food products catering to multi-disciplinary industries. The Nandan group of companies works with a mission to provide quality products and services to the customers through efficient systems. The group works with a vision to become leaders in manufacturing genuine oils, greases, and specialty oils with a momentous presence in the industry.
About Us : 
Velvex formed by the Nandan group of companies is the fastest growing company that provides lubricants, petroleum derivatives, and food products catering to multi-disciplinary industries. The Nandan group of companies works with a mission to provide quality products and services to the customers through efficient systems. The group works with a vision to become leaders in manufacturing genuine oils, greases, and specialty oils with a momentous presence in the industry. The group works enthusiastically to bring change in the oil sector by ensuring growth and progress with growing time. The group works to provide innovative ways to enhance the stockholder values and create growth opportunities for the employees. The NPL BlueSky has been awarded as the supplier of the year by the TATA MOTORS in the Annual Vendor meet for the year 2018-2019. Winning many accolades Nandan group of companies works towards building a positive future. It is one of the oldest and the largest contract blending and filling specialists in India.
The Overview Of Lubricant Or Engine Oil Companies In The Perspective Of India :
India is the world’s third-largest lubricant market, next only to the US and China, ahead of Japan, Russia, and Brazil, with a total consumption of approximately 2.4 billion liters.
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The Indian lubricants market remains one of the growth prospects in an otherwise flat global market; however, it has its challenges. The year 2019 was significant for the Indian economy; however, the slowdown in the global economy has caught up with the Indian economy, as it consistently registered downward revisions in its economic outlook. This directly impacted automobile production, with the most severe shrinkage, observed in commercial vehicles production. This immediately impacted first-fill demand; a cascading effect on the service-fill market is anticipated.
The Indian lubricant market is fiercely competitive, characterized by the presence of nationalized oil companies (NOC) such as Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL), Indian Oil (IOCL), and Bharat Petroleum (BPCL); international lubricant marketers such as Shell, Valvoline, Total, and ExxonMobil; and, homegrown marketers including Gulf Oil, Raj Petro, Savita, Columbia, and Apar falls under top 20 lubricant companies in India. Over the past five to six years, HPCL has swiftly expanded its market share in addition to lubricants and the process oil segment over the past five to six years.
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Address :   C-201, Lotus corporate park, Ram Mandir Lane, Jay coach junction, Western express highway, Goregaon east, Mumbai - 400063
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blackboyart · 5 days
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Echoic Bird and Automobile Memory
Birds exclusive to their habitat are tuned for a unique blend of smoothness and control as found in the comfortable, full-size marsh and wetlands. These birds have an oil that they preen from their uropygial gland causing a sleek mesmerizing sheen on their vibrant plumage. Most water birds coat beads translucent with water to help create buoyancy in their habitat. As the demand for roadways increases it is clear that there is 0% interest for the land of these birds. Automobile traffic affects birds' migration duration and decreases breeding proximity. As in urban communities, an increase in habitat loss for the birds is seen as marshes and wetlands are surrounded by constant traffic. 
It is a windy evening in March 2024 and some of the birds have returned to Southern California as the constant presence of echoic memory from cars gripping the pavement never leaves. Birds such as Canada Geese ( Branta canadensis) at Magic Johnson Park and Snowy Egrets (Egretta thula)  at Bolsa Chica Wetlands are met with the proximity of vehicle traffic. Citing government data from the Census, the average travel time commuting increased from 21.7 minutes in 1980 to 22.4 minutes in 1990, and to 25.5 minutes in 2000. That equals an average of one hour of traveling in a car on the roadway to and from work. To put this in perspective there is not just one car on the road there are thousands moving all at different times of the day and night. 
  The park in Los Angeles called Magic Johnson Park has Canada Geese that roam freely, and you can sometimes catch a pack of grazing Canada Geese looking into the distance at the flow of vehicles owning the road. In recent years I have witnessed Canada Geese build nests in spring furthest away from car traffic as not all Canada Geese choose to migrate. Canada Geese are known for flying North for Spring breeding in sub-arctic regions where the population of people and traffic is normally not high. 
Traffic Congestion is known to be a stressor on the animals mainly during the breeding season based on natural observations. Research suggests that populations of migratory birds are in decline for reasons including loss and degradation of migratory stopover habitat. Migration might be the most dangerous time of a migratory bird's annual cycle. For example, 85% of the yearly mortality of the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) occurs during migration. Any bird that migrates stops at several locations before reaching their destination. When there is a limited ecosystem available then this path turns into a treacherous one. The stop-over sight can be replaced with a 70-mph machine and a person with no remorse. 
Other bird habitat locations in Southern California that have a relationship with traffic is the Pacific Coast Highway which borders Bolsa Chica Wetlands Botanical Park. There is a pack of Snowy Egrets that currently roost in a tree near the highway during sunset. I hypothesize these birds are using the highway as security from pedestrians or predators throughout the night such as coyotes. Given the recent statistics of California bird density and automobile traffic are negatively correlated. However, the birds have no choice and are adjusting to cars. According to The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) report World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, half of the global population now lives in urban areas. Stating that by the year 2050, two-thirds of the world's people will be city dwellers. The relationship people have with their cars is a love affair that is sending sorrow to birds in more ways than I can imagine. A more dense population will create a more dense congestion of traffic resulting in a demand for vehicle travel space. If interest is not met with these species to a wider audience there will be fewer ecosystems with water in the urban community. 
In 2019 at Madrona Marsh Nature Reserve I conducted research on bird species such as the Egrets and Herons at the Madrona Marsh Nature Center. A center with 10-foot metal gates that surround the park. I researched interactions that arise from being in a central habitat. The objective was to create an understanding of how much the Egret reacts to the activity with other Egrets at the Marsh being in a habitat that is surrounded by industrialism. The research showed the significance and relationship egrets have with the location based on the number of birds and population density at the marsh. Their interactions with each other despite being in a marsh surrounded by traffic were surprising. The birds were aware of the vernal pools that eventually dried up and that is their reason for them leaving. The information was based on the birds before migrating. Rien Reijnen' conducted a similar study in 1995 that possesses relevance concluding that a large number of species had a reduced density with a high noise load than with a low noise load. On the other hand, there were no clear differences between subsets of paired plots which differed in visibility of cars but not in noise load. However, it seems that birds are evolving to live near cars and understand their relationship with them. The snowy egrets completely disregard the traffic during the day as hunger arise  they spend most of their time at the Bolsa Chica hunting for food. Egrets are not the only birds taking advantage of cars. This relationship with the birds and vehicles is now being seen throughout the city. In parking lots for markets, cowbirds are using cars as shade and momentary shelter from the beaming sun. 
The more cars produced on the road the more demand for road space will be needed. The population is growing in urban cities and as the population grows so does the love affair with cars. According to the United States Census Bureau (2023), Los Angeles has a population estimated at 3,822,238 making it one of the largest cities in the United States. Los Angeles is widely known for its congested roadways and impatient traffic due to its large population. In recent decades, researchers have viewed traffic in Los Angeles as having a negative correlation to bird habitat loss. Differing from the traditional stance on traffic that causes global warming, traffic congestion also puts pressure on the city to expand roadways putting habitats for birds as a mirage. I feel land should be shared with people and animals. As the population of various species of birds is decreasing along with their -proximity to land, the population of humans is going in the opposite direction. The population of humans is increasing. The more population the more roadways will be made resulting in less environment available to the birds. 
My 2020 research at Madrona Marsh Nature Center pertained to concentrated areas of activity that are chosen by the birds within their habitat. The surrounding area has lost the wilderness for the birds. An alternative, or more likely supplementary explanation is that birds also avoid areas close to roads because of stress (Illner, 1992a; Reijnen et al., 1995b) I measured the activity by taking images of the birds interacting with each other. The results were images of birds near the largest pools of water furthest away from the flow of traffic. 
As I wash my car the next time I will consider the complications and what is at stake when I ignite the engine to join Los Angeles traffic. I enjoy my car and have even nicknamed it the Grey Goose. If taking the bus now and then means I get to see a miracle of flight then I believe it is worth it. We as people have evolved for ourselves and some birds are evolving for everybody. Legislation, however, is not a popular solution when it comes to finding equality in the environment. In this modern era of ecosystems decreasing, government officials should consider land to be permanent which promotes an ecological balance to help all living organisms become sustainable for future generations. The only law that seems to be taking effect is Gresham's Law where the bad cars are driving out the good, the birds. Americans must consider whether to allow the increasing trend of traffic to abolish the discrete ecosystem that is available. Boundless to the pavement with elegance, they glide as a breeze through a mountain. Boundless to the land the bird leaves with no passport. It is seen with amazement that millions of years bring these two organisms together as a last choice for shared land. Humans and birds have the potential to share land to have a sustainable future.
Work Cited
Akerlof, G. A. (1970). The Market for “Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(3), 488–500. https://doi.org/10.2307/1879431
Reschovsky, C. A. (2004). Journey to work, 2000. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau.
Reijnen, R., Foppen, R., Braak, C. T., & Thissen, J. (1995). The Effects of Car Traffic on Breeding Bird Populations in Woodland. III. Reduction of Density in Relation to the Proximity of Main Roads. Journal of Applied Ecology, 32(1), 187–202. https://doi.org/10.2307/2404428
Reijnen. (1997). Disturbance by traffic of breeding birds: Evaluation of the effect and considerations in planning and managing road corridors. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6(4), 567–581. https://doi.org/info:doi/
Matheson, Andrew M. M., and Jon T. Sakata. "Relationship between the Sequencing and Timing of Vocal Motor Elements in Birdsong." PLoS ONE, vol. 10, no. 12, 9 Dec. 2015. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A437105939/AONE?u=csudh&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=d6908cba. Accessed 30 Mar. 2024.
McClure CJ, Ware HE, Carlisle J, Kaltenecker G, Barber JR. An experimental investigation into the effects of traffic noise on distributions of birds: avoiding the phantom road. Proc Biol Sci. 2013 Nov 6;280(1773):20132290. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2290. PMID: 24197411; PMCID: PMC3826227.
 Uropygial or Preening Gland in Birds | VCA Animal Hospitals (vcahospitals.com)
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