#rey x original character
sith-as-heck · 2 years
I gave Rey the boyfriend she deserves.
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His name is Apollo Skywalker and he’s the son of Luke Skywalker and my OC Tempest Aleeka, he isn’t a Force user but instead followed his Aunt Leia’s footsteps and went into politics. 
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mrm0rgansw0man · 23 days
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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𓄃 the story of arthur morgan and belle monroe 𓅓
belle monroe. she was a poor, lost, and broken soul. she had no roof to put over her head, no family to turn too, the only thing she had was her sanity. which was scarcely hanging on by a thread. after a particularly low blow, belle found herself wandering in the forests that were close to a little town called valentine. where in a chance encounter, she met a man. an outlaw named arthur morgan. he was instantly intrigued by the mysterious woman. after all, she was wondering the forest like a ghost when he found her. he took her in, offered her a place with the van der lindes. little did he know, he needed this a woman like her just as much as she needed someone like him.
Chapter One: The Ghost of a Woman
'Why do people have to be so cruel?' Belle wondered, her bare feet numb against the cold earth underneath her. She couldn't tell you for how long she had been walking. But her feet were numb and surely bloodied by now. Each step sent a jolt of pain through her entire body. Strangely enough though, Belle couldn't feel a thing. Her body was so used to being under constant stress or pain that now, she just felt numb. Even that was an understatement. She truly felt like she was a ghost, floating in the skies above watching over her battered body below. She was seeing things from outside of her body, and even then her vision was blurred. Her hair got caught in tree branches that left tiny scratches on her face. Her knees were bruised from tumbling into the ground over and over again. Her ribs, back, and most of her body bruised and or bleeding from the beating she just took.
This was the last time she ever trusted another living soul. The last time she ever dared to have hope.
Look where that had gotten her. Beaten and bruised, still on this earth perhaps but not in any way that mattered. Whatever had she done in her past lives to deserve the treatment she got? What was it all for? Certainly not for this. Not to be tearing around in her fucking nightgown. In the woods. Alone. At night. Nothing but the spirits whispering in her ears to keep her from collapsing in the river she found herself wading into.
。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。
Arthur let out a sigh. He was tired, so tired. He would give his life for this gang, for Dutch, but god dammit sometimes he just needed to get away from it all. To let himself take a breath away from the confines of camp. Everyone was asleep, so it was quiet.
"For once..." Arthur muttered with a sigh. He had an awful ache in his head tonight. He needed some clear fresh air.
Arthur made his was over to the edge of camp near the lake. He took a couple of deep breaths before pulling out a cigarette and placing it between his lips. Arthur carefully struck a match against his boot and lit the cigarette, inhaling deeply and blowing back out clouds of smoke. Arthur began to walk even farther away from camp, down the bank of the river and deeper into the woods. He walked, he smoked, he breathed. Really breathed, full breathes of air that he could relax and enjoy. Having a moment to himself like this was a rarity, really. Although he could feel the fatigue from the day creeping up on him, he wanted to savor this. He'll allow himself another cigarette before heading back to camp.
Arthur was so deep in his thought he almost didn't notice the woman in the river up ahead.
He dropped his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, backing deeper into the surrounding trees. He stared at the woman for a moment, wondering what on earth she could be doing. It was the middle of the night, and she was far away from town in nothing but her nightdress. Arthur couldn't make out any specifics of her face yet, all he could see in the pale moonlight was her long dark brown hair blowing in the wind and the bruises that covered her pale frame. Arthur Morgan may have been a murderous outlaw, a wanted man, a hired gun, but he wasn't some heartless pig. He couldn't just walk back to camp after seeing this woman, he had to help her. Give her money, his jacket, something. Arthur stepped out from his place among the trees and walked slowly to the edge of the river, the gentle water splashing against the toes of his boots. He made no attempt to silence himself, but the woman didn't flinch.
"Ma'am? Do you need some help ma'am?" Arthur called out to her. Her head slowly turned to him, and this was the first time Arthur could make out her features fully. Oh god, and the damage done to her face.
She had two gorgeous green eyes, even with the bruises underneath them Arthur saw how they glowed in the moonlight. Her lips were full and beautiful but were badly chapped, and her bottom lip had burst open. Her nose had old blood all around it that was starting to flake off. The pale skin of her face was covered in an assortment of scratches, the worst of everything being a cut on her cheek bone.
Belle could barely hear the man over the ringing in her ears, but she thought he was asking her if she was alright. The ringing in her ears slowly subsided as she waited for the man to speak again. She wished to tell him that she didn't want any help. That taking some help was the reason she ended up here in the first place, sitting in this river, waiting for the mercy of death to take her. Belle vaguely recognized the man, something in her wanted to trust him so badly.
Arthur held eyes with the woman for a moment, and he noticed the tears forming in hers. He also picked up on the fact that she was shivering violently.
"Ma'am, this is no place to be..." He said softly, taking on a gentle and cautious tone. Like he was speaking to a frightened doe. "Would ya' like a place to stay for the night? You'll be safe there 'nd we can get ya' warmed up, your gonna catch your death out here, Miss."
Arthur didn't know for certain yet, but be felt like he was speaking to a broken woman. A woman who had been through hell- and not just whatever put all these fresh cuts and bruises all over her body. She had that look in her eyes, like there were horrors engraved into them.
Arthur still couldn't stop himself from noticing how beautiful they were, though.
Belle broke at the man's gentle tone. He talked to her so sweetly, like she was actually human. It was the most kindness that she had been shown in ages. Belle's vision became clearer, and she realized just how much pain she was in. And how she was so cold it hurt. Suddenly, Belle was really glad the man had found her. So glad that it motivated her to speak.
"P-Please, just don't hurt me." She quietly begged, her voice hoarse not only from lack of use but from screaming for her life earlier in the day.
Arthur let out a sigh of relief. "On my honor, I promise no one is gonna lay a finger on you while I'm around. Do ya' need some help getting up? " He said, making sure his voice was strong and reassuring. What he really felt was heartbroken. Heartbroken because upon offering this woman help her first response was begging to not be hurt.
Belle only nodded, truthfully it took all her strength to stay sitting up right. She was in so much pain. But she was touched by the man's promise, shocked that a stranger would offer her anything other then a glare or some harsh words.
Arthur stripped of his worn leather jacket and waded into the water, and though he knew it couldn’t be warm in their the sheer cold seeping into his boots and clothes astounded him. How the hell was this woman still alive? He got out of the water as quickly as he could, picking up his jacket and draping it over the woman in his arms. He ran back to camp as quickly and as steadily as he could, the last thing this girl needed was to be shaken up anymore.
"What's your name ma'am?" Arthur asked, quickly down at the woman in his arms. He could see the camp in the distance, but she wasn't looking to good. "Just hold on a lil' bit longer! We're almost back."
"I'm Belle..Monroe." Belle said through chattering teeth. There were still chills wrecking her body, but she felt like she was sweating. "I don't wanna die, Sir. 'M so sorry for all the t-trouble."
"Save your strength Miss Monroe." Arthur said softly. He noticed the sheen of sweat forming on her forehead and upper lip. "We're here! DUTCH! MISS GRIMSHAW ANYONE WAKE UP I NEED SOME HELP OUT HERE-"
Belle wearily lifted her head, taking in her surroundings. She knew she had been put down, but something wasn't right. It was all she could do to tug on the collar of the man lying her down before losing consciousness.
。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。
"Arthur Morgan this had better be worth it!" Grimshaw yelled, leaving her tent followed by an equally angered Karen. Both visibly softened when they saw the woman in his arms.
"She's messed up real bad- I found her in the river she needs help now." Arthur said urgently, already opening the flaps of his tent. He felt Belle tugging on the collar of his shirt and by the time he looked down she had already lost consciousness.
"In the river?! The hell is wrong with her!?" Karen asked, mostly to herself. She followed Ms. Grimshaw into Arthur's tent, looking at the woman laying down in his cot curiously. Karen swore she knew her or saw her somewhere before.
"Karen, go to the wagon and grab an extra blanket or two, and get me some clean cloths to wash her with. " Ms. Grimshaw ordered, Karen nodded and was off, all thoughts of knowing the strange woman pushed aside.
"Arthur, What's going on?" Abigail asked, a sleepy Jack propped up on her hip. "Jack was having trouble sleeping, we heard you askin' for help."
"I went walkin'.. and ran into some trouble. Found this girl, she was in a state when I first saw her I swear." Arthur said, his voice distant as he watched Ms. Grimshaw look over Belle's injury. "She was in the river, hurt and.. I don't know. She's seen some things that's f'sure. Let me help her though."
Abigail nodded, taking in Arthur's words. Karen arrived back just as Abigail had started making her way back to her tent.
"I've got an extra blanket, a bucket of water and cloths, and some clothes for her to dress in once she's up 'nd warm." Karen said breathlessly, she handed the supplies off to Ms. Grimshaw before turning to Arthur. "Want me to wake Dutch? He's sleepin' like the dead!"
"If it ain't too much trouble f'you." Arthur answered, though he couldn't tear his eyes away from Belle. He watched as Ms. Grimshaw washed the blood and dirt from her shivering body. There was so much he wanted to ask her, like why was she out there? Who had hurt her? How did she end up entranced in the river? By the time Arthur turned to look at Karen, she was already at Dutch's tent yelling at him to wake up.
"You think she's gonna be alright?" Arthur asked quietly. He hoped she would, this would be an awful way to go. Cold and unconscious, with no family or friends.
"I'd say she is." Ms. Grimshaw nodded. "You did right bringing her back here. Now that she's clean and warm, I think she's doin' just fine. Poor thing is just banged up."
"Probably gonna be asleep for a day or so." Arthur concluded. He didn't let his voice give away how relieved he was. "I think Miss Karen is done screechin' at Dutch, I should go talk to him."
"Goodnight Arthur, you get some sleep now." Ms. Grimshaw said with a light chuckle.
"Yes ma'am." Arthur said and nodded. He made his way over to Dutch's tent and scratched his neck. Dutch was already waiting outside, how the hell was he going to explain this? He was still taking in the fact that Belle was a real woman and not some spirit from the forest. Arthur thought she was a ghost at first, honest to god. But no, she is real, she's hurt, and she is now sleeping in his cot. Where she will be for god knows how long.
"Dutch." Arthur said. "Miss Karen tell you anything?"
"That you brought back some 'ghostly' looking woman who was beaten and bloody?" Dutch said tiredly. "How the did you even run into anyone at this time of night?"
"Took a walk. I was smokin' and walkin' along the river, couldn't sleep. She was in the river when I found her, don't know nothin' else really. She let me help her, but Dutch she looks like she's been through it rough." Arthur explained, shortening the story as much as he could.
Dutch chuckled and shook his head. "You've certainly got a way with women, son. You get her name?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Belle Monroe she said it was. You know 'er?"
Dutch's eyes widened a bit. Arthur looked at him curiously, was she a wanted woman? Or maybe some sort of performer? Had Dutch been with her? A part of him hoped not, though he didn't know why.
"I've heard rumors." Dutch said simply. "People think she's a witch. She's supposedly got some sort of gift. She's been passed around and sold to the highest bidder like an animal." Dutch continued, the disgust in his voice was clear.
"Jesus.." Arthur murmured. What the hell was wrong with people? "Y'know, the first thing she said to me was to please not hurt her. I don't think she woulda' let me help her if she was stronger."
"It's a good thing you got her." Dutch said, placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "She should stay with us, only if she's willing of course. You talk to her when she wakes up."
"Course." Arthur confirmed. He stifled a yawn with the back of his fist. If he was tired earlier, he was exhausted now. His body and his mind. Arthur had happily given up his cot, but he'd be lying if he said he was looking forward to sleeping on the floor tonight. "G'night, Dutch."
Dutch nodded and retreated back into his tent, Arthur did the same. He debated getting his bedroll from his horse, but ultimately he decided to just sit on a chair next to Belle. As soon as he had gotten back to his tent he was wide awake. He couldn't shake Miss Belle Monroe from his thoughts.
Everything about her was intriguing. She was a witch, supposedly. Maybe that was why he was so stuck on her?
"Did you put a spell on me, Miss Monroe?" Arthur whispered. He never would've said that to her if she was awake, or if anyone else was for that matter. Hell, if he had actually gotten a few hours of sleep he probably wouldn't have even thought it period. Exhaustion was wrapping it's inescapable claws around him. And before he even knew it, Arthur was drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。
Belle awoke with a jolt. Her whole body ached, and she felt sticky with sweat. She was surprised to find herself in a cot, covered in blankets rather that at the bottom of the river. She sat up shakily, kicking off the blankets. She looked down at herself, and the memories from the night before came flooding back to her. The man who helped her from the river, and the man who was the reason she fled to it in the first place. The thought send a shudder through her.
Belle swung her aching legs off the side of the cot, and right as she was about to stand the flaps of the tent swung open. She flinched backward, bracing herself for what could come. But it was only the man from last night.
"So sorry, ma'am! I wasn't expecting you to be awake." The man said, she seemed to startle him a bit too. "How 're you feelin'? I can reckon you're a bit confused."
"You saved my life. That's what's confusing me." Belle said, her voice gravelly from sleep. She cleared her throat before she spoke again. "Why?"
This seemed to catch the man off guard, which was a hard thing to do. Belle could tell just by looking at him.
"Well...I don't know I suppose." The man said. He seemed to think for a moment. "How could I not? I saw someone who needed my help 'nd I helped 'em."
"You don't know me. You don't know who I am." Belle said, her voice twisted in disbelief. "You coulda' just left me to die in the river. Anyone else would have."
"I'm not like anyone else Miss Monroe." The man said simply. Belle noticed now he was holding a bundle of woman's clothing. "For you. You can change whenever ya' feel like you can stand. I don't blame you for not trustin' me, I've heard about some of the things you've been through."
Belle's eyes widened, she shakily took the clothes from the man. She felt like she had lost the ability to speak. He knew her, what people thought she was. He even had an idea of the thing that had been done to her, and yet here this man was. Still helping her. Belle felt her heart begin to ache, when was the last time someone had been so kind to her? She was still weary, but Belle knew in her heart and soul this man meant her no harm.
"But I promise," The man continued. "I want nothin' from you except for you to accept my help. You can stay here, if ya' like. Or I could take you anywhere you wanna go. The choice is your's ma'am- as soon as your feelin' up to it."
Belle felt tears flood her eyes. Was she dreaming? Or was she dead? This man she didn't even knpw his god damn name -not only saved her life, but now he is offering her a chance at a new one. Could she really be free now? Free from the life of being sold, used and discarded like some fucking object? Free from the beatings, all because of false accusations? This man wasn't going to hurt her. She was safe. It was too much for her to believe.
Arthur was worried he had said something wrong when he saw the tears in Belle's eyes, but he simply waited for her to speak again. He didn't want to overwhelm her.
"Please tell me your name." Belle whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Please."
"My name is Arthur Miss, Arthur Morgan."
"Arthur Morgan." Belle said, her voice cracking. She reached forward and grabbed his hand, holding it tight. Arthur held hers with the same tightness. "You have no idea what you've just done for me."
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kykyonthemoon · 9 days
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Welcome home, Master Li.
And guess who came to my aid today? My one and only Milo the meow meow :>
Guess Zayne does love cats and vice versa.
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xmissrogersx · 4 months
“Video Games” | Joel Miller
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tags: Post-Outbreak. Jackson life. Domesticity. Fluff. Ellie being the cutest daughter.
my writing is entirely my own. Any adaptation and/or copy is forbidden.
i hope you are enjoying my stories! U help me a lot if you give me a ♡! All the love.
pris masterlist
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A summer day was passing through the small community of Jackson. The trees provided a pleasant breeze that urged the children to play in the streets before going to school; and the flowers in the windows of the houses provided colors that made them forget the darkness of the outside world.
-That's all for today, honey —Maria peeked down the hallway.
-Are you sure you don't need me? I can stay and help you.
-Of course not, you covered a lot of time when I had to take care of my neglectful husband —she exclaimed, making us both laugh.
I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cozy little library and walk to home. Home. After so many years, i have a home to come back. I crossed the only street to see him at the end of the driveway, sitting on the front porch playing his guitar next to Ellie.
-Paris! Look... —she played a few light chords, causing Joel to look up with fatherly pride.
-I knew you'd make it.
-I have to go tell Lily —she got up and walked out as if his life depended on it, but came back to give me a brief but tender hug.
-Thank you for helping me with my literature homework, I wouldn't have understood a shit what the author was saying if it wasn't for you —and before I could answer she ran back to her friend's house.
Excitement was getting the better of me again as I tried to keep my eyes from watering. I turned to see Joel with his gaze locked on me, which was getting darker as his brown orbs swept over me. I bit my lower lip in provocation.
-Come here, angel —he patted his thigh and extended his hand.
Taking refuge in his strong arms, smelling his pine scent mixed with the slight hint of scotch, as I snuggled into his chest was the definition of what I enjoyed most about my day.
-How was work? —he asked, stroking my leg, lifting the fabric of my dress slightly.
-Just me and a stack of books. I love it. I helped a couple of guys look for one...¡oh!, and one girl wanted to read a story about friendship and adventure. Please Joel tell me if I'm talking too fast —I covered my face in embarrassment.
His laughter echoed in my ears, sending a shock through my body. Every time he laughed I recorded his melody in my mind.
-I could never get tired of listening to you, darlin’. And what book did you recommend her?
-Little Women. I remember when I was little I managed to smuggle it out of the QZ zone. It helped me forget about all the crap outside for a while. I'd pretend I was one of the March sisters, and I'd play Pilgrims and decorate the house for the holidays.
-You can do it now —I cocked an eyebrow at her response.-Ellie would like it. She loves everything you do together, and Maria could help you with the costumes.
I reached up to his face to place a kiss on his chin, cheek and forehead, and then our lips met. I wanted him to know that I adored how he protected and adored me day by day. And that I was his, today and always.
-Joel Miller, you old softie —I said, earning a pinch on my thighs.
-Do you want to know what you're doing to this old man by wearing that dress?
My lungs had run out of air in a second, despite the rushing wind. That's what Joel was doing to me. I nodded slightly, playing along. I put my legs on either side of his lap, and rested my hands on his chest.
I unbuttoned his shirt, and caressed the scars that adorned his torso, kissing them one by one, as I lowered my hand to the buckle of his pants.
-You're playing with fire, princess —he moaned softly, making me feel powerful as I saw the effect I was having on him.
The county had gathered in the movie theater, leaving the place empty. What an excellent coincidence.
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marshpufu · 5 months
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Rei is in a bit of a fluffy little predicament 🐱
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konckalicious · 2 months
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you like your girls insane
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Okay but here it could very well be an AU in the golden years of cinema where Eden is an actress photographed by one of the photographers present, Ghost.
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asirensrage · 1 year
"Nothing can keep us apart. I'll burn the world down if they try."
Okay, listen. I couldn't decide if I wanted to twist Gojo from JJK for this or do it for Dabi from MHA in prep for my fic with him. (Then I was even tempted to go with Mikey from Tokyo Revengers but I reminded myself that I am not at all caught up with that and it was a bad idea lol) So...I basically did neither and left it open to interpretation. (aka I left some hints that could refer to both of them but don't name names)
One of these days I will make a choice but it is not this day. I hope you like it.
Rating: M Warnings: obsession. mentioned violence and destruction. threats. ...sort of kidnapping? Darkfic! Un-beta'd.
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In retrospect, you should have known better. 
Your mother always told you that you were a magnet for trouble. You had laughed her off, waving away the awkwardness of the truth of that statement. It wasn’t that you were a magnet for it, you just tended to act without thinking sometimes and that was what got you in trouble. Luckily, you also were often able to charm your way out of it, but she had warned you that one day it wouldn’t work. You had promised her to do better, to be careful. 
She was right. 
You ducked into another small shop. You were just trying to buy some time until your friend showed up with the train tickets. You needed to get out of this place and fast. Before he found you. And he would if you weren’t careful. He seemed to have some sixth sense when it came to you. 
When you met, he was charming in his own weird way. You had laughed off his flirtations, not taking him seriously even though you caught the way others had watched your interactions. It wasn’t serious. It couldn’t be. Not when he was who he was and you were…you. Exceedingly average in comparison to the people he surrounded himself with. And that was fine. You liked your life and you were well aware that meeting him in the first place was a complete happenstance. It didn’t mean anything. 
Except that it did. To him. 
You don’t know if it was the casual way you treated him, ignoring the features and abilities that everyone else focused on, or if there was something else you missed. It didn’t matter. He had decided that the two of you were meant to be, that you were destined to be at his side through it all. When you laughed it off, which you really needed to stop doing considering how much things were coming to bite you in the ass, he was unimpressed. He promised he’d prove it. He’d make you understand. It was the first warning. 
It got complicated from there. 
He’d show up whenever you were out with friends. Not always coming over to interact, but enough to make you aware of his presence. You’d feel his stare on you and if anyone tried to hit on you, the moment your back was turned, they’d disappear. Sometimes you’d see them leave, not giving you another glance. He always took the opportunity to present himself, to grin at you and offer to take you home. You never took him up on it, aware that you’d never make it to your home. He’d take you to his, fingers brushing against your skin as he’d give promises to make you feel good if you just said yes, let him in. If you did that, he’d never let you go. 
It got worse when you were approached by those attempting to corral him, wanting to use you as bait, as coercion, wanting you to manipulate him to their desires. When you refused, suddenly you found yourself out of a job. Your boss gave no warning, no explanation but you had a feeling that it was because of that. They had retaliated to your denial. At least he only scared others off and tried to sway you. 
When he found out though? 
You thought you knew destruction before. You had seen it on the news, but it was always something distant. Close but not really in your backyard. It was never something that you felt you really needed to worry about. Until you heard about what was destroyed and you knew. 
He couldn’t stay away and when you questioned it, he just grinned. “I did it for you,” he said. “Told you I’d protect you.” It sent chills down your spine. Another warning. 
You barely even packed a bag. You couldn’t use your own accounts, something in the back of your mind suggesting he had someone watching them. You asked one of the few friends you had left for help. They had seen the way he looked at you. They agreed with ease, promising to meet you with tickets to get you out. Preferably out of the country but you’d take what you could get. Any space would be worth it. 
The bell above the door rings and you duck behind a shelf automatically. It’s stupid, but your mother’s words echo in your head and you can’t help but be nervous. No one knows where you are except your friend and even then, they only know the meeting place. It’s fine, you tell yourself. You’ll be long gone soon. 
You nearly jump out of your skin, spinning to see him standing behind you. His eyes seem to light up at your reaction. His hands are shoved in his pockets but that doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous. You’ve seen how fast he can react when he wants to. 
“Wha-what are you doing here?” You stumble back slightly, trying to increase the space between you. 
He tilts his head, looking at you. “What do you think?” 
“Shopping?” You wince even as you say it. It’s not true just because you hope it is.
“Where were you going?” he asks. There’s no amusement in his expression. Instead, you see the same threat that was there when he told you what he did to the people who wanted to use you against him. 
“No? So you aren’t supposed to meet up with what’s their name in twenty minutes?”
You stiffen. “What did you do?” 
“Nothing,” he shrugs. “Not yet at least. That depends on you.” 
You glance around but the shop seems suddenly empty and the cashier is gone. You’re left alone with him. “What do you mean?” 
“I told you, didn’t I? I said I’d protect you, that I’d take care of you because you’re mine. We’re in this together.”
You step back, shaking your head but he moves forward, cornering you against one of the shelves. 
He bends down, lips brushing against your cheek. “You’re not leaving me. Nothing can keep us apart. I’ll burn the world down if they try.” He pulls back just enough to look into your eyes. “That includes your friend. So what’s your choice? You going to finally come home?” 
You swallow tightly. You know what he’s capable of. He wouldn’t make a threat he’s not willing to stand by. “Yeah,” you say softly, giving in. “I’m ready.”
He grins before leaning in, mouth pressing against yours. His hand goes to the back of your neck, tilting your head slightly so he can deepen the kiss. You let yourself fall into it. It's demanding and hard but it draws you in further with every movement and taste of him. When he finally breaks, when you’re both breathing heavily and desperate for air, he nods. “Finally.” He takes your hand and leads you from the shop, away from where you were supposed to meet your friend.
Obsession Prompts
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glampire-rockstar · 2 years
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Ship: Heel!Finn Balor (Best Friend) × Heel!Damian Priest (Romantic Interest) × Heel!Rhea Ripley (Best Friend) × Short!Fem!OC.
▍Plot: Sia Mysterio (OFC) was an innocent maiden, a big sister, an industry legacy, a young adult, an independent woman, a short wallflower, and a baby face. She have seen the proof that she can't trust others and was stabbed in the back several times to the full extent. Sia kept a fake smile masked upon her face for years and was tired of being a black sheep. She becomes her own person and joins the Judgment Day.
▍OC Character Protrayals: Camila Cabello (Sylvia) and Zayn Malik (Troy) ~ Twins.
Sia was sitting with her older twin brother Troy and his wife Shaul Guerrero next to him on the phone. The twins were secretly speaking to each other about the heel turn Sia will do for the Judgment Day to be with her boyfriend Damian Priest and her two best friends. Troy agreed to the heel turn and how this storyline will be played out as long as Sia will be comfortable with the family betrayal.
"Ms. Mysterio, you're up in 30!" Sia told her twin brother and his wife bye before hanging up.
Sylvia has her normal clothes on for the heel turn, she had also put some dark makeup on to go with her high pigtails and smoky eyes.
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'My family never paid no attention to me since I came back, if they don't want nothing to do with me then so be it!' Sia thought.
Ever since she left her AEW career for her WWE life back with her twin brother, her blood family have begun neglecting her and her older twin except for their own their mother Angie. They were thankful that their biological mother never forget about her firstborn son and daughter. Now it was time for her to shine as a heel and a new bad girl.
Sia's theme "Believe Me, I'm A Liar" by the Hype Theory played as fans went nuts and she walked out without any emotions. Sia headed down the ramp with a deep frown on her face, staring at the Judgment Day with no feelings and got a mic from the camera man. Sia slid under the ropes and stood her ground.
Her birth father Rey, her little brother Dominik, her baby sister Aalyah, and her best friend Liv Morgan were there to confront the Judgment Day as well. Sia saw her older twin brother Troy with their mother Angie right at ringside, he was frowning deeply while holding his mother's hand and letting his wife Shaul keep him at bay. The female masked luchadora was glaring at her family and tag partner in disgust while holding a mic.
"Well well well, if it ain't one half of the Black Sheep of the Mysterio Family." Rhea said about Sia. "Sweetheart listen, you know that only your twin brother and your own mother care for you unlike the rest of your family especially your best friend who stabbed you in the back years ago. I think you're much better off without having a family that ignores your talent and strength."
Fans booed while Sia fully kept her composure, Damian couldn't keep his eyes off of her and the choice of clothes she chose to wear for him. Finn and Rhea was busy talking smack about the Mysterio Family rather than Sia that she didn't even flinch whenever they only brought her up for a positive comment. They stopped to see Sia not responding to their words and decided to change the subject.
"What sweetheart, it struck a nerve, how about you join us and leave your family? They didn't care when you left here the first time with your brother Troy." Finn told her, suggesting Sia to join them and be her own person. "Take off the mask like your brother did and step out of the light...it's time for you to become part of the darkness."
Fans chanted "NO" while Sia bites her bottom lip and drops the mic. She walks away from the ring and keeps on shaking her head no while walking backwards on the ramp. Damian was mouthing that he'll be there after the segment to comfort her and get her mind cleared from the pain.
"Sia! SIA! ROSALIE SIA MYSTERIO! COME BACK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY!" Rey called her out while Sia went backstage for a break and locked her locker room shut.
Damian, Finn, and Rhea unleashed their attack on their rivals while Sia was ignoring the noises outside. She slowly opens the door to see the motionless bodies of Dominik, Ruby, Rey, Aaylah, Christian, Liv, Edge, and Beth. She turns to the Judgment Day and saw her twin there in their shirt.
"Sia, leave them behind and be your true self again." Troy said, holding his hand for her to take. "I trust them, especially Damian, unleash your darkness and take down the light they put upon that mask."
Sia ripped off the mask and tossed it away. She smirked up at Damian and he lifted her into his arms. The Judgment Day walked away while fans booed, the newly heel turned members grew cold and evil like their new team...they can be reincarnated...into their inner demons.
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effiepie2008 · 5 months
Female OC character <3
I won’t really be making  any sunshine characters, ill mostly be making the female main character have a sort of Lana del Rey aesthetic, sad but not really sad kinda vibe. Basically any Lana del Rey / Melanie Martinez fan and I say that with love <3
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salty-rey · 1 year
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Goodbye 2022 | Art vs Artist
Late on this trend, but better late than never!
This year has been rough, and I often fell into a dark mental place. But I look back and remember the good times.
I never thought I would be working on a mini-comic series, let alone in the FNAF fandom. Nor would I pick up the rubber hose style! But here I am, drawing these two boys and Rudi straight for a year.
When I first drew them, I was finishing my last semester at college and getting back into the funk of drawing for myself. It was rough and ugly looking, but it felt nice not to be dictated by professors and worrying about grades.
I never imagined that I would get a following and that people falling in love with Rudi. Nor make awesome friends because of Sun and Moon! Thank you all for the love and support, and here's hoping that the next year will be better!
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Sunsets over skylines.
Apollo and Rey talk about the past and the future.
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It wasn’t unusual to find Rey sat on the balcony, on the floor near the railings, her legs dangling over the edge as she watched Coruscant around her.
She had never seen a city before, let alone one that spanned a whole planet. 
Apollo joined her tonight, just like he did every other night, with a mug of tea and a blanket.
“You must have this whole place committed to memory by now.” He comments, sipping his drink.
“It's so beautiful..”
“If you say so..” Apollo smiled, he had grown up on the planet or ones similar, Shadowing his Aunt Leia as she went about her job as a Senator, but he had also been to far more humble places, Where the air was clear and it actually rained. 
Rey smiled, The lights from the buildings around them were reflected in her hazel eyes, That too Apollo was by far the most beautiful sight in the galaxy. 
“You think I’m stupid.”
“You are many things sunshine, But stupid isn’t among them.” He shrugs “Besides, You can fix a garbage disposal, I can do no such thing.” 
“You think being able to fix things is such a great skill?”
“Definitely.” He sips his own tea, it's sweet and warms his chest “Do not tell Jex, She’ll rub her oil covered hands on me.” 
“Your cousins are all so different to you..” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
Rey laughs “And Kora, For twins you’re opposites.”
“Well, That's because I went to university right here and went to the Senate on my lunch breaks.” He gestures to the air around him “Jex was taught by Uncle Han..and Kora and Ben were..well..” he waves his hand in the motion of a lightsaber “They have the Force, so they didn’t need proper jobs.” 
“Does it bother you?”
“Does what bother me?”
“That everyone else who's a Skywalker can use the Force but you can’t?”
“I can.” He nudges her foot with his “Just not the same way you do, True I can’t throw someone off a cliff with just a thought, but I can read people better than most.” 
“You do have a way with people.”
“Yes Luke Skywalker, the great hero who destroyed the Death Star is my Father..” Apollo stares off into a distant light “But Padme Amidala was my Grandmother, Her blood also flows through my veins.” 
“Do you let your blood guide you?” 
Rey’s question is quiet, He knew what she was asking of course, It was never spoken of, her relation to the former Emperor Palpatine.
“Blood is just blood..” He looks back to her face and smiles, “It doesn’t control us more than our bones or muscles, we control it.” 
He pauses “Both of my grandfather’s were sith lords…that doesn’t define me, I define me.”
“I’ll remember that.”
“Good, I usually charge for this sort of advice you know.”
“I’ll go to the market and buy something nice for breakfast.” Rey moves closer on the ledge and rests her head on his shoulder “I’ll try not to get lost this time.”
“For the love of the stars, do not go to the lower levels either..”
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The Kitsune and the Ninja [RC9GN AU]
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Good timezone, my lovely readers! So- I have a new contribution to the fandom heh; this is kind of tied back to when I did that x Reader thing for Finja, but this can be treated as its own separate work honestly! This obviously follows the original character and not the Reader, but let's get on with it, shall we?
Before I start talking about Finja, I do want to say that some things might change because I am still testing out a feel for Rei Izumi - the original character - and yes, this does include Finja as well! After all, their stories are linked!
As mentioned in previous posts, kitsunes are nine-tailed foxes - trickster spirits within Japanese mythology - which is the being Rei Izumi is. Now, kitsune are split into distinct categories or 'classes', you could say. The first class has the foxes as creatures that appear in traditional folktales- primarily there to teach a lesson about work and play, and of course, are viewed as cunning and only there to cause further mischief. The second class, however, places kitsune as deities and protectors of the magical world where yokai reside
Kitsune have distinct powers, each varying depending on who wields it. For those marked as deities, who have their own shrine, the kitsune are viewed as intelligent, cunning, and proud. They have their own element (primarily focused on fire and ice), as well as a domain they reside over. For Rei, they are- in fact- one of these deities but have also abandoned their duties for the sake of play and fun. Unfortunately, I'm still uncertain what their role as a deity is but they maintain the barrier between the magical world and the mundane one (in other words, Norrisville)
To keep myself from spoiling, I won't go into too much detail but just know: Rei had once been part of a family of kitsune- each with their own distinct abilities, considered sacred... but for reasons unknown, Rei is the last one left and for a while, decided to ignore their responsibilities (as threats likely weren't fully on the rise as they were later) and would instead observe Norrisville- they would perform pranks but a lot of them were fairly harmless
However, as the years went by- Rei grew bored over the same routine and suddenly, without as much of a warning, more monsters began appearing. They heard the rumors of the Sorcerer's power and of an apparent clan - the Norisu - that had challenged him, scouring different lands in an attempt to put an end to his schemes
Rei and Finja didn't actually meet for a while- not until the First Ninja was close to eighteen, quite literally stumbling his way into their shrine. He had somehow gotten lost in the forest, attempting to prove himself in the family, and taken a 'tumble' which led to the kitsune patching him up and offering him a way out but only if he agreed to return. With the deal struck, the teenager went on his way and Rei was left intrigued by the kind of individual he was
He began frequenting a lot, still with the same brash attitude- wanting nothing more than to be seen as just as much of a warrior as the rest of his family. At least, that was the way it had been but of course... on a certain night, everything changed. He had arrived- clothes stained with soot and blood, a haunted look in his eyes- with an offer, to firmly get rid of the Sorcerer once and for all
Rei was astonished by such a demand, but they knew something happened- the scent off of him wreaked of someone who had just gone through the unimaginable, and the duo came up with their own plan to seal away the Sorcerer in a prison of their making. To put an end to the suffering (as not all 'stankings' ended peacefully to say the least-)
Everything that followed could honestly be considered a fever dream as their relationship was never fully the same- between the unresolved trauma Finja carried and them realizing that ultimately, defeating the Sorcerer was far more important, they drifted apart. It wasn't until centuries later that it all changed and things, of course, have a way of mending again
For the most part, Rei's personality is playful, ambitious- they want to have fun and are hoping Finja will one day open up to them again; they hold a cheerful outlook on life, but something to understand about foxes is that they are possessive and they will stop at nothing to protect the First Ninja
Their connection isn't quite set in stone, but just now- a lot is coming for them, so much more than you could expect (and if i am hyperfixating, no i'm not what do you mean /lh)
More will come for them soon!
Credit goes to @aster-saturn which led me to create this idea!
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mrmorganswoman · 29 days
im working on an arthur x oc fic rn and i cannot WAITT to get the first chapter out, ive had this idea in the works for such i long time i really hope ppl enjoy it!! Xx
ill give a little spoiler about my oc, she is 100% lana del rey coded.
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sammyam12345678 · 2 months
New Fanfiction: Edited
Good morning, afternoon, or evening to whoever is reading this.
I have been working on a Black Widow movie fanfiction for almost four years, and I have finally created a storyline that I thoroughly enjoy thinking about.
The title is "The Widow's Caretaker", and it follows my original character, Olga Shostakova***, the daughter of Alexei Shostakov*/Red Guardian and mother of Ava Orlova**/Red Widow, and unofficial "Widow Sister".
*In this fic, Alexei is Ukrainian, as he is in Earth-730834.
**In this fic, Ava's last name is Fang, so she has the same last name as her father's side. Ava is the great-grandaughter of Raya and Namaari
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Below, I have attached the four-by-four, or sixteen-part, mood board for the story.
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Each row of the mood board represents different aspects and themes of the story. The first row represents the setting, while the second and third rows represent the protagonist's, my original character's, main social roles, and the fourth and final row represents the protagonist's cultural identity. (FYI, since this is less obvious, the violets represent her Sapphic**** identity, as violets are the symbol for sapphic love)
***Dr. Olga is my interpretation of the character Oleg Mihalovich from Earth 616. I gender-bent and age lifted the character, and changed her story so she is in the medical field. However, she has a similar dynamic with Natasha as those two did in the comics. In addition, Olga Shostakova is a character in the Descendants fanfic my boyfriend and I are working on.
In addition to the story, I am in the process of creating a playlist to accompany it. In the meantime, I will provide the link to Tori Harper's "Revival" album/playlist, as all of the songs listed there are on the playlist I am creating for this fanfiction.
Tori Harper - Revival!
Watch the official lyric video and please let me know what you think!
In addition, for other songs that i think fit this story, I suggest:
"Ride" by Lana Del Rey (Born to Die)
"I Can See You" by Taylor Swift (The Vault)
I am currently writing it, and I will post the link to the story, which will be on Wattpad, when I have finished.
As this is relevant to my story, it is currently, as I am writing this, soon after the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Please donate to Ukraine, and help out in any way you can. In relation, please also donate to queer charities, and support laws that help protect queer people.
I know this is not fully relevant to the rest of my post, but congratulations to Taylor Swift for releasing her new album, Tortured Poets Department! All of the songs in it sound amazing.
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Lastly, please be kind and polite, and especially do not be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or xenophobic in any replies or re-blogs.
Thank you for reading my post, and have a good day or night.
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marshpufu · 8 months
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I'm very normal about them
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