#rgb to hex tool
colorhex · 7 months
Color Converter
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At Convert a Color, we understand the importance of getting the exact color you need for your projects. Whether you're a graphic designer, web developer, or just someone who loves to work with colors, our online Color Converter tool is designed to make your life easier. We provide precise and easy-to-use solutions for all your color conversion needs.
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newcodesociety · 1 year
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thedespot · 1 year
Ao3 Guide Skin Customization ◇
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liquid17 · 2 years
a lil post but ahem...
i see a lotta folk askin how 2 do this, so imma put how this machine does it out there, along w som other ways that also work !
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first way u could do it (and the way i use most often, is to use a website called quickpicturetools.com ! you select the 'blur edges' option, and then you can mess with the setting for the blur to see what you like. btw, the hex code for dark mode on rentry is #262626 <3 and the rgb (if u'll ever need it, is r38 g38 b38) this website is pretty useful in general for making small edits to a photo for any purpose <] second way you could do it is to go to a website called online-image-editor.com ! u go to the advanced setting s, and select the option that says viginette ! then u just pick which blur u like best :o i dont rlly like using this site for blurring borders since there are a limited amout of options, but if u do then use it ! lol lastly there is blurring manually by using an art software, such as ibis, krita, csp, any program made for art. you can use the air brush tool to manually blur the border of the image after copying and pasting it into the canvas, or just making the image itself the canvas. if ur also into it, u could instead (make the image the canvas, or copy n paste then delete the bg) erase the borders of the image w the soft eraser, or turning the airbrush tool into an eraser if ur program allows it. i pref erasing, mostly cause it involves less color matching 4 the grey of dark mode, also cause it'll look good for light or dark mode ! !! so thats about it, i hope this helped for all you folk out there that wanna make a rentry look pretty, but didnt know how ! <] below r some example of what the 2 sites look like, in order as mentioned :3
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dorianthedoll · 8 months
had someone ask about my glitter GIFmaking process so i will give! i exclusively use web-based programs, so you don't need to download any software for this!
to preface, my process is a bit convoluted but it's so my images aren't compressed or made fuzzy. ALSO, these steps are for PC.
this is the final result, but you can make basically anything [and probably something prettier than this, i just made this image to demonstrate rotating & resizing pixel GIFs]
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tutorial below!
the site i use for glitter backgrounds is online-image-editor.com
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click "UPLOAD AN IMAGE" to get your picture in, then click the "Animation" tab. it'll take you to "Add Glitters". click that!
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if your image is over 650x650 pixels, it WILL be rescaled. this is why i only upload images below that size, but it's up to personal preference and the compression isn't that bad unless you're using pixel art.
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here are the settings i use when filling with glitter. i always change "Floodfill at selected Color" to "Replace selected Color" because it makes it faster, but it really depends on what you need to be filled. you just click the area on the image that you want to be filled on the preview and it'll be filled
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kaoru jumpscare! here's my image so far! i just open the preview into a new tab to save it. it won't be PERFECT but it'll look presentable and that's all that matters.
NOW, for adding GIFs to this unsuspecting kaoru, i use photopea.com. i usually use GIFcities.org, glitter-graphics.com or tumblr to find GIFs. where the GIFs are from doesn't matter, just make sure you save them as GIFs onto your computer.
when you upload your GIF into photopea, you might realize that it's not moving anymore!
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this is OK, it will be a GIF when you export it. if your image is not exported as a gif, make sure that all the frames of each single animation are in the same folder, and all begin with "_a_".
IMPORTANT because i didn't initially include this, but i recommend you duplicate every layer of your background image 1-3 times if you're inserting GIFs with a relatively higher count of frames so the glitter doesn't flash like crazy when you export. to duplicate layers, select a layer and "Ctrl+J". do this for every layer that doesn't have "copy" in its name first then repeat so you don't duplicate the wrong layers.
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to open a new GIF or image, you go to "File", then "Open..." . note that you can do this with multiple images/GIFs in one go!
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to add the GIF to the image you want edited, make sure you have selected the folder. go to "Layer" then "Duplicate Into ..." and make sure you duplicate to the image you are editing.
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if you go to the image, it should contain a new folder containing all the layers from the image you duplicated from.
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if you want to move the GIF, select the folder and use "Ctrl+Alt+T" to transform. if you only move the GIF it should not turn fuzzier, but if you want to resize the GIF i usually use ezgif.com/resize with the Gifsicle setting for "Resize method".
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you can rotate GIFs by exact 90 degree increments if you hold the "Shift" key while rotating in photopea, however any other rotation WILL make your image fuzzier, and it's a bit harder to rotate the GIF but is possible!
i use ezgif.com/rotate for this, you can do any rotation you want but i did this one.
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OK! it's rotated, but there's an annoying navy border so i'll show you how to get rid of that! DON'T bother saving the GIF you have just made, go from "Rotated image" and click "more tools", then "Remove background"
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assuming you get the same navy as i do, the HEX code is #282840, but you can get you own hex code by converting the RGB to HEX [or getting a hex colour picker to work, didn't work for me. you can get the RGB by screenshotting and using MS paint]
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voila! it is now transparent!
after you've added all your images in and you're satisfied with your image, you should select all the layers by holding "Shift" and selecting the top and bottom folders
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and then, you go to "Layer", "Animation" then "Merge". you can always undo this and make edits so do not freak out if you've realized you want to edit parts
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now, your GIF is ready to be exported!
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go to "File", "Export as" and select "GIF"!
it'll take a while for it to load in, and you might notice an immediate issue! the GIF is too fast! you can fix this by messing around with the speed dial. this is the most frustrating part of GIF making for me because my computer is slow and freezes a lot. just stay patient, and do NOT reload your browser or you'll lose all your hard work!
annnddd that's it! bye bye!
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dollcherray · 5 months
Random questions if you don't mind! <3
1- How you do these gradient colours in the title?
2- Where you do these headers for your hcs?
Thanks if you answer! You are very creative! :D
Heyy! thank you for the asks<3
1- the gradients is something very complicated to explain but ill try my best to just give a quick summary.
I first go and create my title without writing anything else, just the title, go to chrome and open the Tumblr website (make sure its in "PC version" if ur on mobile or else it wont work)
i edit the drabble and go to the settings, there are a "rich text" box, click on it and then click HTML.
ok, this is where it gets complicated
you will open another page called "text colorizer" write the title you want in the writing box.
there will be a box with "one color" click on it and there will be alot of options, click on the three or the other version you desire of the type of gradient.
there will be two codes when ur done picking the colors.
(tip: if you have a specific banner with specific colors, sometimes to make the title match the banners colors i go to color picker website and upload the image that i used on the banner)
ok, back to the code, you copy the last one.
i recommend you to go to text replacer and put ";" to replace with nothing, but its just a recomendation because it can bug :C
then you copy the replaced text go back to the Tumblr page, there will be a "<p> TEXT <p>" replace that with the code
and boom! ur done.
(it may appear a little "code not supported" but dont worry, it still works)
after that you can go back to the Tumblr app to add some details.
2- i do it on Alight Motion, i go to the custom size and put "1500 x 500" and then i put the images i want with some details! �� (i use the transparent background)
thats all and thank you for the compliment, i appreciate it<3
the websites i talked about:
if my explanation is too confusing about the gradient, theres a tutorial on YouTube! if your on mobile just do everything the person says in the "Pc version" option that chrome has.
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primaviva · 1 year
hey gorgeous, i was wondering how you make your pretty textpost formats? like with the ombré text and lines and stuff, is there a website for it or something?
gorgeous??🤭 twirlin my curls or whateva…
ANYWAYS! if you wanna know how to do color text, borders, get color palettes and edit your photos keep reading 😈
1) text tut
yeah, if you look up text colorizer i use the david website
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it explains everything step by step but make sure you’re done you use the html at the bottom to copy and paste the colorized words !! now, how do you put it on tumblr????
you have to do this part on a browser like on safari or google if you’re mobile or just a laptop
go to make to make a post on your browser and go to the setting icon and change your text editor to html and then between the “<br>” you’re gonna past your text. really, you can just paste it anywhere like for hcs if you WANAN do the color name aesthetic layout of it but for heading or title you do this as a guideline.
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for color borders, ill do a little tut for you so you can just visually see
2) color border tut
this is the result:
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if you can’t crop it to the thin that you want you can always just save an image of someone else’s crop and color it to your liking cus it’s just a crop color square… (AS LONG AS YOU DONT STEAL YO PLEASE)
i cant crop it thin but as y’all can see in the vid i have my own color palettes so i just color and design my borders based on how i want them, the colors, etc
3) picking colors and creating color pallets (bonus ig���� cus im nice of whateva….)
if you have a certain photo you wanna use for your theme because you like the colors or put a filter over them and want the exact color pics to create your border and other stuff for for layout i recommend this website
it’s so good at picking the colors and you can drag over certain areas with your finger if it didn’t pick up on the color you wanted (so helpful when you need the color code for text colonizers !!)
and i always been a photo editor so if you wanna edit your photos like me GO DOWNLOAD POLARR YOU CAN MAKE UR OWN FILTERS N USE OTHERS THEY HAVE SM GOOD TEXTURES AND EXTRA STUFF LIKE ITS A HEAVEN
anyways i hope this helped you and at least gave you some ideas 💗💗 real blog mfs DONT gatekeep !
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pichirobi · 1 year
I absolutely adore your art, especially the asheiji painting you did. I am new to painting digitally, so if possible, I would love to learn a bit about your colouring process 🥺
ahhh thank you so much friend!! 😭💗 welcome to the digital art gang! i love getting these kinds of questions, so feel free to send another ask if you want to know anything else in particular ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
here's a speedpaint of that asheiji artwork:
my painting is nothing refined! i get a sketch going on my first layer. the sketch is semi-clean (i erase and clean up guidelines as i go), but i will also write out notes on this layer and more strongly define shapes that i want to emphasize, like those little pouch lines under ash's mouth or the crease on eiji's cheek.
underneath this layer, i lay down my flat colors, and sometimes block in accent coloring (the blue and pink i've shaded with). i eyeball all of my colors from the rgb/cmyk wheel. no hex codes or value sliders, we die like men.
what i'll often do next is something i can only explain with respect to the procreate program: i will duplicate my flats layer > clip it down onto my sketch layer > turn the duplicated flats layer to the "hard light" setting > lower its brightness, increase its saturation, and add gaussian blur > merge it with the sketch. this is just a quick way to color my sketch lines, as one would color line art.
now that i have just one layer, i paint. you can check out how i do this in the timelapse. if you'd like to know what brushes i use, i'm not entirely sure how to upload them here on tumblr, but i'll give it a shot if you'd really like me to (FREE RESOURCES WOO 💪💪🔥💯)! the liquify tool is my best friend for tweaking proportions.
finishing touches are also super important to my painting style. here's where i adjust saturation, hues, contrast, and add details like freckles, eye shine, light source, etc. this process combines a variety of techniques and brushes which i could also break down in a longer, separate post. i definitely think this is what makes or breaks my artwork. (also, never doubt your ipad's gallery effect options!!)
thanks for your time! 🥰
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boymeetswerewolf · 11 months
I love your art! It’s so high quality. What program(s) do you use to achieve that effect? And what tips do you have for aspiring artists wanting to reach such levels themselves?
Hi Anon!
Thanks a lot for the lovely compliment.
I mostly create my art using a technique called overpainting where I paint over reference images. I have an art background (took art at school and at college), but it was focused on abstract art so my experience with realistic proportions is exceedingly terrible and I've just never had the patience or put in the time to learn proportions from scratch. I've always admired artists who put in the time and effort to learn how to do that!
As for what programs I use, I tend to stick with Photoshop since that's what I was trained on and am most familiar with. I use a combination of brushes, filters and textures to give my art the look that it has. I tend to work at a resolution of about 3000px for height or width (whichever is the largest for the layout I'm going with) and a fixed brush size so that I can add a lot of detail and that it looks consistent throughout the piece. I also use tons of layers so that the lining, shading, colouring and any extra adjustments are all separate from each other and easily changeable. My PSD file usually averages between 300mb to 400mb in size because of all the layers.
The tool I probably use most outside of Photoshop is Color Cop. I'm partially colourblind, so when I want to use specific colours I need the hex codes or RGB codes otherwise it takes me ages to get the colours to blend right.
Below are some progress examples (from the "Sacrifice" theme for Sterek Week '23) of how I usually start out when I'm creating something. I go hunting for images and make a collage/edit of what I'd more or less like the finished piece to look like. Usually during this part I also play a lot with different ideas to see what works best. (Sometimes the final result ends up looking how I wanted, sometimes it takes on a life of its own and goes in a completely different direction!) The "Sacrifice" piece is made up of a promo shot of Stiles from Season 6 and a screenshot of Derek from Season 3 (I think). The background is made up of official images from Stranger Things that I blended together and added colour filters to.
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Once that's done I start painting with pencil brushes to get the lines, then follow up with texturing and shading. I like to use a soft neutral colour like a beige as a base canvas so that I can paint with black as well as white. Lastly I'll paint in the colours and then finish off the piece by cleaning up the linework and by adding filters to adjust contrast/balance or colouring. Occasionally I've worked "backwards" by roughing painting the shading and some of the colours out first before adding linework.
As for specific tips, I think mindset and believing in yourself is important. It's very easy to get overwhelmed in the beginning, so don't compare yourself to others. If your art makes you feel something, then you're on the right track. Regardless of whether or not you work professionally as an artist, if you express yourself creatively in a visual medium - whether it's an oil painting or making lewd doodles in a sketchbook - then, in my opinion, you are an artist.
Once you're over that hurdle, the next part is just to keep at it. I hate using the word "practice", so I'm rather going to say keep making art consistently, and - most importantly - have fun while you're doing it. If it's fun, you're more likely to stick with it and improve. If you're trying to go in a specific direction with your art, I think there are two important areas to focus on: expanding your creativity and your familiarity with the tools you use. The latter especially will make your life a lot easier.
For me, being familiar with Photoshop is what allows me to make digital art the way I do. I've used it for a long time so I know a lot of tricks and shortcuts to help me achieve what I'm going for. This goes for any program you choose to use, though. And you don't have to limit yourself to one. Play around with different tools and programs and see what works the best for you. The internet is also a fantastic (and often free) resource, and YouTube especially has a lot of tutorials that can help you get started or help you build on your existing skills.
To expand your creativity with regards to your art, I recommend studying other artists - and not just one specific kind of artist either. Look at the old masters, look at modern art, look at fan artists, look at photographers and cinematographers. (And, of course, Mother Nature - the greatest artist of all.) Look at how they use composition, how they use colour, how they use lighting and shading. Try and incorporate some of those aspects into your own work and see what works for you.
TL;DR - Experiment and play… and most importantly, have fun!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
~ Bren
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kooktrash · 1 year
Hi San. First of, I so much love the layouts, banners and aesthetic of all your fics. You put good effort into them and it shows 🫶🩵.
Can you tell me how you add gradient of colors into the title like this one? 🫢 am sorry if I come across as dumb 😭
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it’s kinda a tedious process but I’m not a gatekeeper so I’ll give a quick tutorial
first I use this website to get the colors I want:
it gives option to upload pic so usually I upload my banner and pick colors off there
you’ll copy and paste the HEX
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this is the actual we site for the gradient text that I use:
in step 1, you’ll put in the text and in step 2 you’ll click which sort of gradient you want:
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and you’re gonna need to copy and paste everything in the HTML box
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sorry y’all this is where it gets complicated
so you’re going to go to tumblr desktop and create a post [or add to what you have but I don’t recommend doing it like this till you’re comfy]
you’re going to click on the settings bar
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then text editor swift it from RICH TEXT to HTML
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then you’ll copy and paste the HTML color link into the draft
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and save draft and then:
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What's your favorite medium?
:000 random ask /pos/pos/pos (campaign for the phone people to make a happy stim emoji because I would use it SO MUCH)
*cough* anyways-
Art medium? It's a very close race between graphite and digital art
I love graphite because it's fairly easy for me, doesn't take much time to doodle something I'm proud of, I can shade it if I want, I don't have to worry about whether colours look good (I'm colourblind, for context) and I like having a physical sketchbook of my art!
I loveee digital art because it lets me play with so much I cant do with traditional art mediums with the tools and the options and the RGB/hex based colour system so I know exactly what colours I'm using (I like using colours in art lol) it also negates the fact that my hands shake dramatically because I draw straight with my finger (not using a pen/stylus or anything).
I think digital wins out for me <3
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OOOOooooOOO even better Munsell color tool!
And colorizer which is fantastic for picking and converting colors.
h/t once again to Peter Donahue
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newcodesociety · 1 month
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
I got bored and found hex codes for the Rise turtles' colors.
These come from the official character sheets, plus a screenshot from "Mascot Melee" for Donnie's organic shell. I copied them all into Microsoft Paint, used the dropper tool to find their RGB values, and then converted from RGB to hex. Was there a simpler way to do this? Probably. But as the title says, I got bored.
Skin: #6BA747
Carapace: #245B3E
Plastron: #DE9836
Accessories: #DE3047 (main), #FFFFFF (bandages...which are literally just white, but still)
Skin: #8BC230 (main), #C65042 (face stripes), #D6D604 (arm and leg stripes)
Carapace: #066277 (main), #0C3D41 (rim), #19848A (markings)
Plastron: #B18C0A
Accessories: #0A70BB (main), #0E606B (gloves and leg wraps)
Skin: #018D51 (main), #60526C (rectangles)
Carapace: #474C30 (main), #7F852E (rim), #30341C (spots)
Plastron: #C2802C
Accessories: #583697 (main, including battle shell), #B7B0C8 (wristband and goggles), #FF4758 and #057DD6 (goggle lenses), #0089EC (wristband keypad)
Skin: #008B5E (main), #FFD255 (spots)
Carapace: #34606D (main), #1C373E (rim), #FFD946 (markings)
Plastron: #FECA26 (main), #0FE1EE and #FF00FF (stickers)
Accessories: #FE9400 (main), #DD532F (sash/belt), #E44900 (faces on kneepads)
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imagecolorpicker · 1 year
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello everyone and
Dear Diary
Welcome to this mod diary! In case you missed it, here is my last entry. I had a long break from modding because I went on a road trip with my fiancé. It's currently 24/02/23 and I was hesitant to get back into modding because it takes a LOT of brain power, but in the wise words of Bryan Dechart: "Just care less."
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Unfortunately in this entry, I don't have a lot of info to share, but I have some crap that may be useful!
I'll organise my mod diaries a little more so that they're easier to comprehend. I will now keep a list of links at the end of my mod diaries so that they're easy to access.
TOPIC ONE: Map swaps.
I wanted to get into map swaps, so the learning began. Just to recap what Kayla (the legend herself) told me:
"Map swapping is only achievable with hex editing."
"Find and swap out the bytes of those maps."
"In HxD you can simply filter maps/models by name."
"[Filter] out other codes unrelated to maps by typing the name of a map (for example Eden Club) into the hex editor’s search function."
"Outfit swaps work similar to swapping maps with HxD."
BigFile.dat contains some outfits and handbags.
(This is all paraphrased.)
At the start, I immediately tested searching "Eden Club" in the .dat file.
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Yup, it works. If you search "Partners", nothing comes up, but I remembered something I stumbled upon in my adventures. It's saves and checkpoints, and in there had what I believe are the original names for the saves and therefore the maps. The list for this is on the left, and on the right is the list for map variations due to character choices (including the directory at the top):
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My goal is to swap the Hostage map over with A New Home.
(.dat) Hostage - 48 6F 73 74 61 67 65 (.dat) Todd house - 54 6F 64 64 20 68 6F 75 73 65
I thought these would be the data containers for the maps, but they are not. Maybe I needed to make multiple data containers from the Detroit Tool invisible? I asked Kayla for more details and learned that mucking around with maps requires only the hex editor. Here is the Ask.
I started to look into reverse engineering. I included some extra links at the end of the entry. Here is a YouTube video I skipped through to start my research.
So I tested a swap in the .dat file and obviously, it did not work. I need the codes. I cannot get the codes without reverse engineering. I am not up to the stage of learning reverse engineering. I don't even know a programming language. (Not that I don't plan to learn, of course.)
In the end, I express my difficulty to the modding community, and dragonbane0 said it was okay for Jamie to release the codes! We're just waiting for a write-up for the instructions (which she may post herself, I actually don't know). So hopefully next entry there will be the instructions or a link to the instructions.
TOPIC 2: Textures and texture maps.
Remember these pics from my second mod diary entry?
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The "RGB" maps as I nicknamed them are actually called specular maps. It indeed has to do with the shininess of the material. Usually, a specmap is black and white. Any game can store texture data however they want, and in DBH's case, the logic reads the "RGB" specmaps because that's how the channel data gets stored.
My next move with a different texture map was to do with the roughness of Upgraded Connor's jeans. I want to make them look relatively smooth like work slacks.
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I got stuck because the image format was in DX10 and I can't export DX10 from GIMP.
I proceeded to download some plugins that I thought would fix my problem. They didn't, but this is generally helpful anyway. How to install plugins.Plugin download landing page.
I asked modders about it, and Auguris said that the Tool will accept DX1 format. So I was like ok ok ok
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NEVER MIND. LMAO. Somehow it doesn't read the image properly. There would be ways to get around it, but right now I don't care enough to try. Low on the list of priorities.
Anyway, so after checking out the normal map stuff on GIMP, I realised (yes, I'm an idiot) that I could edit and import any normal map. So I tried editing the material on the back of the RK900's jacket, and I made it smooth. Basically, you can edit normal maps exactly like any other colour map, it just translates the data differently.
If anyone has any questions about anything in this entry, feel free to contact me and I'll include answers in my next one. <3
~ Trinity
Map swapping is only achievable with hex editing by finding and swapping out the bytes of those maps.
The red-green-blue maps are called specular maps.
The Tool will take the DX1 image format in place of a DX10, but it will be broken.
Links in this entry:
YouTube video: 'How to reverse engineer your favourite game'
Map swap ask answer from Kayla
gimp-dds download landing page
YouTube video: How to install Gimp2 8, DDS Plugin, and the Normal Map Plugin
Bonus stuff I found:
YouTube video: 'Download and Install GIMP Resynthesizer Plugin for Windows 2022'
The Cutting Room Floor (mod info for other games)
Ghidra download landing page
P.S. I'm wishy-washy when it comes to tagging people in my posts, so if you see your name and want to be tagged please let me know... Because I think all my tagging would be super annoying lol
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