#rhaenyra 'i will never be a son' targaryen
Symphony 🎻 | Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanon
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GOT/HOTD Masterlist
note: I wrote this because I want to be part of Rhaenyra's symphony 😩😉
Rhaenyra falling in love with a musician would look like:
The first time the Crown Princess laid on eyes on you was during her name day celebration. The king had called upon the finest performers, artists, dancers, and jesters in Westeros for the eighteenth birthday of the Kingdom's heir. You were part of a traveling music group, where you played the violin and were the lead vocalist. 
Immediately drawn to your captivating presence, Rhaenyra barely paid attention to the others in your group, and when the rest of the performers were brought on stage, her thoughts lingered with you and zoned out the rest of the celebration. Searching the grounds the moment the final performance ended to try and get another glimpse of you. When she finally did, Rhaenyra swore she'd never seen anything as beautiful as you before in her life. 
"Princess!" You abruptly stood from your chair upon realization the young lady was behind you, too emersed in the conversation with your friends until one of them cleared their throat with wide eyes and pointed over your shoulder. "My apologies I did not realize you were there." "Please, do not apologies, I should've announced myself. I was wondering if you'd be interested in talking a walk with me. I'd like to hear more about your music and travels of the country."
For an hour you strolled through the area reserved for the performers and vendors. Tents and stands on every corner. At one point you stopped to see the small animal enclosure with baby goats and cows. Rhaenyra learned you were from the Riverlands, and your family were nomadic. Traveling all over Westeros, from Dorne to Winterfell, at the request of lords and ladies to perform. The most recent journey before coming to King's Landing was High Garden to celebrate the knighthood of Lord Tyrell's son.
There was an evident spark between you two. You felt it. Rhaenyra felt it. The warmth in your chest spread each time you made eye contact, her cheeks flushed when you complimented her. She hung onto every word you spoke, and in return you observed her body language. When someone interrupted, there was visible annoyance where she pretty much pleaded with whoever to leave with her eyes, and dismissed them with a, "Yes of course, tell my father I'll only be a moment."
When the celebration came to an end and it was time for the dinner, the princess asked you to join her table. Of course you were surprised, and a little nervous, "My Princess, my thanks to you for the generous off, but I fear that would be inappropriate. I am employed by your father, not a guest." "Nonsense, you are my guest. I've said it--and it is my name day after all so it shall be upheld. Join me so we can continue our conversation." How could you say no after that?
When the day rolled to the next, you and your group were set to leave after breaking your fast, but as you loaded the carriage a guard rushed with a note and informed you the Princess had requested your group to remain in King's Landing and be the permanent performers for when the Royal family hosted banquets, balls, and tourneys with the promise of payment, lodging, and all the benefits employees of the Red Keep get. 
Yeah, you all accepted that without a second thought. 
To say you didn't miss traveling would be a lie, but you enjoyed living in the Red Keep. You were given food, clothes, money, and a section of the lower levels for your friends to live. The Princess called on you regularly, to play your violin or sing ballads while she either admired you from beside or read her books. Soon you two fell into a routine. Progressing as the weeks go by to moments where you broke fast together, strolled the gardens, accompanied her on trips around the kingdoms. 
Each time you performed, Rhaenyra sat as close as she could to the stage. Staring in awe as your fingers and bow moved graciously across the violin, your beautiful voice so enchanting it'd make the Seven fall in love, echoing against the walls. Eyes full of love, finding each other's with smiles painting your face. 
Unfortunately a union between you would never be approved. Not by the court, the country, or her father--no matter how happy you made Rhaenyra. She was the Crown Princess, the heir to the Iron Throne. It was expected of her to marry a nobleman, bear children, and take her place as Queen. You'd have to remain in the shadows. A secret to the people.
Of course, rumors spread of the tales between the Princess and her close companion. Most of them diminished upon Rhaenyra's marriage to Ser Laenor---which the three of you had come to an agreement that the two would uphold their image to the Court, but in secret Rhaenyra's heart laid with you--but even then, whispers echoed the halls.
She's sneak to your quarters in the middle of the night to hear you play when she had trouble sleeping. You gifted her favorite sweets whenever you went into the city. When she felt the threat of the Greens growing as her father's conditioned worsened, you joined Rhaenyra at Dragonstone. By then your musical group had decided to part ways, many stating they wanted to return to their homes and raise their families.  
Over the course of your relationship with Rhaenyra, you wrote many songs of her and your life together. She'd become your muse, the inspiration for your works. Sometimes you'd sing them for an audience, but there few reserved only for her ears. 
So when the decades passed and you two were lost to the Dance of Dragons, the songs of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and her violinist lived on. Passing from generation to generation like the songs of the Conqueror and eventually Jenny of Oldstones. People live and die, but music is immortal. And you had immortalized the beauty and love of Rhaenyra through your art. Making her part of a symphony. 
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thatrandomidiot182 · 3 days
Fret not my friends, for this is only the end of the 'Canon' timeline! I have two alternate endings in the drafts along with the side chapters, so although the main series is over until Season 3 of HOTD comes out, I still have lots of stuff planned for Velaryon! Reader in the future! Hopefully you guys stick around to see.
Aemond, having been left to his devices in Kings Landing, decided to take it upon himself to help Reader as best he could.
Thus, he reaches out to the Blackwoods with an offer...
Reader, in the meantime, has taken a minor detour from her march. Instructing (Threatening) Jason Lannister to continue his conquest, "With haste." As she pays a visit to 'an old friend.'
Back at the Red Keep, Helaena continues her training, now with more fervor, and can often be spotted astride Dreamfyre amongst the clouds day in and day out.
Alicent, defeated and weary, now grows suspicious of her sons prolonged slumber. The maesters claim that he is in decent enough health, and their confusion only validates her suspicion.
As she is busy frolicking in the Kingswood, one of Readers' most trusted maids rushes her husband before Aemond with very important news.
After the discussion, Aemond hastily writes to Readers host, and the morning he does, Silverwing is chased back to Dragonstone by Vhagar, with Dreamfyre hesitantly trailing behind as they meet Rhaenyras newfound 'allies' in confidence, before turning back to Kings Landing.
On Dragonstone, Hugh speaks with Ulf after their conversation with Prince Jacaerys.
Rhaenyra mulls over the decision to strike against Aemond, but Corlys is hesitant due to Dreamfyres' appearance the day before.
Back at the Red Keep,
Aemond utilizes Readers' incoming fleet and writes to them, instructing them to catch as much fish as they possibly could before docking, as the new restrictions on the harbor are bound to cause issues with the smallfolk.
Helaena and Alicent discuss their emergency escape, with Helaena withholding her true plans at Reader's behest.
Aemond reaches out, inquiring Helaenas aid, but the Queen is hesitant, and Alicents objections don't help.
In the end, Helaena agrees to fight under the condition that she is the last line of defense and that Jaehaera and Alicent would flee while she flies. She writes to Reader that same night, inquiring how this would affect their existing escape plan.
Meanwhile, Alicent has her own plans...
Jacaerys, on the other hand, is going through an existential crisis. The whole 'army of bastards' situation has made him rethink the entire conflict with Reader about Aemond.
His whole life, he's lived under scrutiny, scorn and mockery. Him, Luke and Joffery were constantly being questioned and made fun of, by the entire Red Keep, however Jace could never understand why his uncles hated them so much.
Helaena was perfectly pleasant, his grandparents were all kind and accepted them as heirs, so why couldn't Alicent and her sons do the same? Did the color of his hair really make that much of a difference? Regardless of who his father was, he was still of royal lineage, born from a womb of pure fire and blood itself. There was no reason for them to be so cruel!
He's lived with the pain and anger of not being accepted his entire life, and he truly believed that his dragon was all that was needed to prove anyone wrong.
After all, only a true Targaryen could tame a God... right?
Now he's rethinking everything.
He finally understands his uncles.
He now knows how Aemond felt about him and Luke, how Aegon felt being compared to himself all the time.
It was infuriating.
It was everything they all said he was.
Now, Jace finds it hard to keep his faith in his mother. Not only is she tarnishing the family name but also placing them all in danger.
He finds himself full of regret, wanting nothing more than to be able to apologize to Aemond and Reader and rekindle a bond he didn't even know was there.
He also now has to find a way to snuff out the newfound self-hatred brewing inside his heart... (imposter syndrome..)
Back in Kings Landing, Aemond and Helaena bond, as Aemond works to persuade her into taking a more offensive role in the war. Helaena obviously disagrees but is more inclined to entertain the thought than she would normally be. After all, she still has a husband and child she wants to keep safe.
Besides, she has been training quite a bit, not to mention Dreamfyre is one of the top five most capable dragons alive... and it's not like Aemond is asking her to fly out and face Daemon or Rhaenyra head on, no. Only that she aid Vhagar should Rhaenyra attempt to sack Kings Landing.
Alicent attempts to bargain with Rhaenyra, urging her to strike while Reader and her dragon are away.
She encourages Rhaenyra to take Aemond and Vhagar down whilst she and Helaena prepare the keep for her before their departure.
Rhaenyra insists that Aegon be dealt with regardless, and ultimately, Alicent agrees.
Pieces are finally falling into place...
Reader meets with her mother for the first time after the coronation, accompanied by Rhaenyras three sons, obtained from the ships her fleet seized, in order to strike a deal.
Tyland and his newly acquired ships meet with Readers fleet as they begin to head towards the blockade after delivering the fish to Kings Landing.
Alicent heads back to the Red Keep to find Helaena, as the dreamer herself is in the midst of training with Aemond and Vhagar.
Jason Lannister receives word of a newly acquired ally in the Riverlands as he makes camp at the Frey Bridge.
Rhaenyra finally prepares to strike.
Daeron and the Hightower army meet with Cole and Gwayne and begin marching on the Riverlands.
The Red Keep is in a panic, after shouts begin to echo throughout the halls come the hour of the wolf...
I'm so sorry that this is so much shorter compared to the rest, I tried to cover 3 episodes in each part but there was only 2 left for this one. As a small apology for the lacking word count, I wrote out the letter Aemond wrote to reader and attached it here for your enjoyment!!
My heart,
I hope you are well. Unfortunately, I do not write with leisure.
Rhaenyra seeks to raise an army of bastards.
She has sent her handmaiden to fetch any silver-haired persons occupying the streets of Kings Landing.
However, as usual, your kindness reaps rewards. It appears one of your new maids' husband is a Targaryen bastard himself.
Fear not, for this 'Hugh Hammer' and I have come to a very generous agreement. He has bent the knee, and sails to Dragonstone as I write, leaving behind his wife and daughter in our care.
I understand this rather rash decision has a small chance of becoming troublesome in the future, however I believe his success would prove beneficial for us in the long run, and should he perish in his attempt, nothing more will be lost to us.
It appears that you yourself have aided many of these bastards as well, and I pray that the gods grant us their favor once more by placing one of them atop a dragon, if it must be any of them at all.
Of course, the best possible outcome is that none of them are claimed, but the fates have funny ways of showing their humor...
Yours always,
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l4dy4edd0fc01dh4rt · 2 days
The propaganda of “Targaryen Madness”
No one will call the Lannister, Greyjoy and Bolton houses mad for their many atrocities towards the smallfolk and war crimes, not to mention the inbreeding in their houses too but for some reason it’s always “Targaryen madness.” The Greyjoys were notorious pirates who murdered, pillaged and raped and it’s considered part of the Ironborn culture. House Bolton flayed their victims and the Lannisters destroyed House Reyne, and Cersei’s ambitions and vengeful nature nearly destroyed the kingdoms; bringing shame to the Lannister name.
Some of the more known “mad” Targaryens like Maegor, Aerion, Aerys and his son Viserys were said to have gone through severe trauma. Maegor suffering a head injury and going into a coma for about a week, Aerys was held hostage in Dorne and Viserys being forced into exile with Daenerys after his father being killed and losing his mother in childbirth, and at the same time having to sell his mother’s crown and being forced to run and hide with Targaryen allies as kids most likely took a toll on Viserys’ mental health.
This isn’t to say that any of the abuses and atrocities that were committed by both kings and the prince were “ok” they are factors in why they became violent and paranoid. They are factors, not excuses.
Now Aerion was severely mentally ill and believed he was a dragon and Rhaegal had issues (running around the castle naked) and was said to be sickly, both men most likely had mental health issues, but Aerion harming animals and people wasn’t fine, he was a monster. Baelor was a religious nut who ordered all unmarried girls to wear chastity belts, locked his sisters in a tower, burned books that went against the religion of The Seven and starved himself to prove his faith and was mad.
Rhaegal’s daughter Aelora suffered from depression after causing an accident that killed her brother Aelor and committed suicide. Helaena suffered from depression after seeing her son Jaehaerys being murdered in front of her and her other son Maelor was murdered as well. Her daughter Jaehaera committed suicide years later after losing her entire family.
Daenerys in the books is a trauma survivor who suffered being beaten by her abusive brother, being hidden and shuffled around Essos to survive and being raped, people fearing she will end up becoming “mad” like her father.
There are debates whether or not Rhaenyra was “mad” for wanting the throne and going to war with her brother Aegon II for it, both were ambitious and power hungry during The Dance, but never “mad.” Aemond who was known to be violent and aggressive was never considered “mad” either, even after the murder of his nephew Lucerys, the ordered killings of House Strong, him taking Alys as a bed mate (debate on whether or not she was his new lover or a victim) and for allegedly saying “the crown looked better on him than Aegon.” Like his brother and Rhaenyra, Aemond was greedy, ambitious and power hungry, but not “mad.”
For almost 300 years with 17 Targaryen rulers, only 3 kings and 3 princes caused the most chaos and were considered dangerous to themselves and others. Only 3 had mental health issues due to injuries and trauma, and the other 3 had behavioral or mental health issues that caused the kingdom to fear them. While Rhaegal had problems he obviously needed help, Baelor wasn’t violent but his ideas of the faith were stupid and dangerous to the progress of the kingdom. Aerys lost his mind after being captured and most likely tortured in Dorne and Maegor had head trauma after his combat trial with the Faith Militant. Both men became paranoid and violent (again not an excuse but a factor) with no proper medical care or therapy in Westeros or knowledge that’s when the term “Targaryen Madness” became a thing.
The only Targaryens who I consider extremely dangerous were Aerys, Aerion and Baelor. Rhaegal had issues and Viserys’ is exempt due to living in exile and poverty as a child. Maegor was cruel but his decisions of going against the Faith Militant and the other uprisings were necessary to save House Targaryen; he was brutal and sadistic against his enemies, but in the end he saved his house when his brother Aenys was incompetent.
While Aerys was a trauma victim after being held hostage, he became obsessed with committing arson and wanted to take out the entire kingdom with wildfire during Robert’s Rebellion. His paranoia became out of control to the point he was harming his own council and having innocent people being murdered. Aerion was violent and disturbed, harming animals and other people, even thinking he was a dragon and having a creepy obsession with fire (he was completely delusional and unstable, there was no way anyone would let him sit on the throne) Baelor wasn’t a pyromaniac or violent, he had an obsession with faith to the point he was forcing it upon everyone, getting himself hurt with starving himself and getting bitten by snakes and outlawing sex work which caused hundreds if not thousands of workers being unable to provide for themselves and their families-ignoring the pleas and riots by just praying and then burning books because they didn’t agree with the faith’s teachings. Not just that but wanting tax exemptions if there was proof that families were putting chastity belts on their daughters.
That is just 3 kings who were mad out of the rest of the centuries of the Targaryen dynasty. The idea of “Targaryen Madness” is just anti-Targaryen propaganda and it’s ignoring facts.
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fearthhereaper · 1 year
you're in the wind, i'm in the water,
nobody's son,
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nobody's daughter.
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prideprejudce · 2 months
I've seen alot of badfaith interpretations for the writers having 'forgotten' jaeherys' death when Rhaenyra says the 'son for a son' line, and honestly I thought it made alot of sense with how Rhaenyra sees the situation.
Rhaenyra clearly sees herself as a Good Moral Ruler who ONLY enacts violence as a Means for Peace™️, so I dont think she takes responsibility for Jaeherys' death at all. I think she sees his death as a random fluke tragedy that rests solely at Daemon's feet, and completely rejects that she has anything to do with it. She's the Good Guy she would never kill an innocent! She rebukes her husband very seriously for that waste of energy and violence, (wagging her finger at him bc no thats bad we dont kill children in 'Our Good Justified War'), but I dont think she cares enough about jaeherys or jaehera to consider it revenge for lucerys' death.
To Rhaenyra the fact that theyre innocent children, and therefore worthy of protection upsets her about jaeherys' death, but ultimately shes so removed from the kids themselves, I dont think she cares so much personally about them. I doubt she thinks one of their deaths is equal to her loss, and I honestly dont think it occurs to her that Alicent would feel for Jaehyrus as acutely as she did for lucerys. (Which might be correct, seeing Alicent was much more concerned about her daughter's grief than the death itself)
I think with the 'son for a son' line we do see the two sides at war within Rhaenyra. She's a mother who wants vicious revenge for her son's death, but shes also a mother who knows that this will destroy Alicent.
Her 'son for son' line is equal parts relish and sympathy, she wants to dig the knife in a bit bc alicent had a hand in lucerys' death, but also I think 'son for a son' could also be her terrible way of HELPING Alicent make such an impossible decision by framing it as justice. Like, 'One of your sons is guilty for killing mine, whether its by direct action or responsibility via usurping my throne, not to mention other warcrimes, Therefore, its okay to choose to save helaena because she's innocent where your sons are not, and finally this is justice.'
TLDR: Rhaenyra only considers Alicent's direct sons as compensation for her loss of lucerys, both bc theyre 'responsible' for it and also bc she barely remembers that the younger green targs even exist. She says Son for a Son specifically to Alicent to make the decision easier for her.
hey anon how does it feel to be born with a galaxy brain
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alicentsgf · 2 months
I do understand the criticism that Alicent and Rhaenyra have been at odds with each other at this point longer than they were friends, and personally i dont think we got enough justification at all for the circumstances of alicent and rhaenyras relationship this season. But implying they should be strangers by now? That doesnt make sense. You dont just stop knowing someone you spent your entire childhood with. Someone whose been part of your family one way or another for your entire life, even if you were feuding for half of those years. You would still have that familarity and attachment, even when you've wronged each other so many times over you've started to lose count. I have a lot of time for criticism of HotD, but acting like Alicent and Rhaenyra should be strangers by now just doesnt reflect reality. It is so so hard to make strangers of someone you've loved that deeply, even when it feels like all they've done is hurt you.
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Do you know why no one’s attempted to bond with Vermithor until now? At least in show verse. Daemon’s ego at least seems like he would have wanted him. And the way the show’s apparently bent the lore enough to where Rhaenyra can touch him unscathed..seems like Vermithor actually inexplicably liked her lol to the point where it seems had she attempted to bond with him in her youth she may have been successful.
In show-verse, we're told that Daemon wanted Meleys (his late mother's dragon), and after Meleys rejected him and accepted Rhaenys instead, he bonded with Caraxes (Rhaenys's late father's dragon). I'm not sure exactly when all this was going on in HOTD time, but in book-verse Rhaenys was 13 and Daemon was 6 when she claimed Meleys in 87 AC (three years after Alyssa had died), and Daemon didn't claim Caraxes until he was at least 11, after Aemon died in 92 AC. But either way it doesn't matter, Jaehaerys died in 103 AC, so Vermithor wasn't freed up until then.
Now, Book!Rhaenyra first rode Syrax in 104 AC, when she was 7. Show!Rhaenyra has the same birth year, and show!Jaehaerys's death year is also the same. So Vermithor was available at the time Rhaenyra first rode Syrax (assuming that show!Rhaenya also became a dragonrider at age 7). However, it is frequently assumed that Syrax was a cradle egg (though the book says nothing one way or the other, and neither has the show). In the book Syrax is called "young" when Rhaenyra first flew her; HOTD's 1st episode script, when Rhaenyra is 14, calls Syrax "adolescent". It's quite possible Rhaenyra had no interest in Vermithor because she had her birth-bonded dragon to ride once she was big enough.
Alternatively, it's possible that the Dragonkeepers warned 7-year-old Rhaenyra away from the notably grouchy and angry Vermithor and towards a younger dragon more suitable for her age, as they did when Alyssa initially wanted to claim Balerion. In general I'd suspect that would be the case for most young dragonriders, at least the ones who weren't already bonded to cradle-egg dragons. (As Rhaenyra's sons were; it's unclear whether Sunfyre and Tessarion were cradle eggs, or bonded while very young.) And we know it was suggested that Aemond pick out a dragon egg or hatchling, before he claimed Vhagar by himself.
So yeah, I figure the Dragonkeepers would very much prefer not to see a repeat of the deeply unfortunate Aerea incident, where it was Balerion in control, taking the 12-year-old girl to his definition of home, not hers. Let alone allowing a young prince or princess to get flamed to ash on their watch. When someone young does go for a massive old dragon (Laena or Aemond with Vhagar), it seems most likely it's done where the busybody protective Dragonkeepers can't interfere... which was not Rhaenyra's situation in King's Landing.
I hope that helps!
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watcherintheweyr · 5 months
desperately need people to understand that alicent is a victim but she’s also an abuser and a perpetrator
that she actively makes choices to harm other women because of jealousy and envy and the greed deep in her bones because submitting to suffering didn’t get her what those women fight to grasp for themselves.
she is absolutely a victim, in show.
that doesn’t change that she abused rhaenyra and her children, her own son, most likely helaena given how she flinches every time her mother touches her, and is actively weaponizing the patriarchy of westeros against other women- rhaenyra primarily, but also mysaria and dyana.
she isn’t the moral, righteous force of good that even she thinks she is, she’s a wounded woman directing all of the rot, pain, and fury inside her at the wrong people and forces.
#anti team green stans#anti team green#anti alicent hightower stans#i don’t wanna say it’s anti alicent bc honestly it’s more ‘accept her for who she is bc she’s so much more complex and interesting when you#but i made this bc someone genuinely tried to say that the reason people hate her is that they don’t see her as a victim#most rational people know show!alicent is a victim#it’s the point that’s she’s an abuser as well#that makes them dislike her#that she’s a hypocrite and a traitor#i don’t even like young alicent bc i don’t at all think she was a good friend to rhaenyra#‘it’s not your place to question the plots of lords and men’ to the named heir#dismisses rhaenyra’s hopes and idealism entirely out of hand#is baffled that rhaenyra is more worried for her fathers happiness and mother’s wellbeing than her position#she knew as early as ep 3 that otto was conspiring against rhaenyra and never told anyone#condemns ‘targaryen customs’ only to wed her daughter to her son even younger than she was when otto dangled her before viserys#acts entitled to rhaenyras secrets whilst condemning and judgemental even though she did not give rhaenyra that same courtesy#made no attempt at apology for the insensitive comment of aegon’s birth#though rhaenyra DID try to apologize for the ‘imprisoned in a castle’ line and tried to comfort her#uses her power as queen to push past the space rhaenyra is trying to create because she feels heartbroken and betrayed#rhaenyra took part in alicent’s culture with prayer at alicent’s urging because she cared about alicent and alicent was trying to help her#alicent is never once shown to return that favor instead condemning it for ‘queerness’ and growing to later#erase and remove all targaryen and valyrian heraldry from the red keep to replace with her own#like alicent is a victim and i DO have empathy for her. but i don’t like her and never will#especially not after the way her stans behave#she deserved better than otto’s machinations and viserys’…. viserysness#but that can also be true whilst i condemn her actions and behaviors
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
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In this broken home Everyone becomes predictable
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mydairpercabeth · 3 months
Lucerys, you will never be forgotten
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
Part 2: Why Black Equals Non Valyrian.
Part 1 here.
So, in the last part, I covered all the ways Nettles' story defies stereotypes and tropes about black people, specifically black women. I've done that before, at least two other times to my knowledge, but this part is tied to why Black in Nettles narrative means that she is Non Valyrian.
I do keep seeing this discussion pop up, and I really don't know why, but I want to give in world evidence as well as attach the general reason for Nettles' character in the story.
1. Nettles isn't anyone's bastard.
No one in the narrative claims her. Her bastardy on Driftmark isn't alluded to be by anyone we know, and she isn't a descendent of any Valyrian to our knowledge.
2. She doesn't look Valyrian
I know this one is the one that people have the issue with. Yes we do have Black Targaryen bastards in the books, but they all have some signifier that they are Targaryen, yes we do have non Valyrian looking Targaryens, but they are all from Valyrian parents, Alysanne, Rhaenys, Jace all have Valyrian parents.
Nettles does not have any evidence based on looks that she would be a Targaryen and saying that she is because it's meant to make Rhaenyra look bad leaves out the part where it is a purposeful narrative question.
The different way she claims a dragon
For example, the way Nettles claims a dragon is unlike any Targaryen we know of before. However, it is not unlike the dragonriders we know before. Because of her feeding him before they can form any type of bond, Nettles paralles the pre Valyrian sheep herders who first bonded with the dragons. And before I get the dragon keepers arguement of feeding a dragon alone wouldn't make her a dragon rider, Nettles goes out of her way to bond with Sheepstealer, not just feed him, unlike the dragon keepers.
3. Daemon Targaryen
On a serious note, the reason he is important in this is because him saving her and the specific way she redeems him hinges on her not being Valyrian.
Nettles not being Valyrian, not being a man to be knighted or someone who could assume her own power outside of a man all plays into why Daemon saving her works as a redemption.
She is a nobody. Daemon isn't choosing one Valyrian over the other his choosing the orphan black girl from Driftmark over his Targaryen wife queen. People act like that isn't important, but it is. Daemon, up till this point, has only willingly had Valyrian partners, but here he is, prioritising a non Valyrian over anyone.
She is also Rhaenyra’s foil, so it makes sense that the Targaryen Queen with the dragon ahtced to her is foiled with a dragon claiming non Valyrian.
4. Sheep
I'm gonna have my moots explain it so I'll leave the link but what we need to remember are that sheep are a symbol for three things, the small folk, sacrifice and innocence. The way sheep are tied to Nettles is the same way Targaryens are tied to Dragons. Basically, she doesn't have Targaryen imagery outside of the dragon she claims.
5. As a deity.
The diety status she claims in the Vale is also different from Targaryens and the way their power comes to them. Targaryens are inherently powerful because of their dragons but also because of the magic they have that bound them so interconnectedly. The way their babies can be malformed, the distinct look, the dreams, etc, are all tied to the blood tie they have towards the dragons, the sacrifices of human beings they made for the blood magic.
Nettles sacrifices sheep. But when it comes to the burned men, they don't sacrifice themselves. They burn a part of their bodies for a coming of age ceremony. Unlike the Targaryens, when Nettles has her own influence, she never calls for blood.
6 .The other seeds
This one is a bit more obvious, but she is surrounded by Targaryens and Velayrons who are naturally born but still look the way we are told they should. The closest we come to the difference that Nettles has is Jace, but him and his brothers have a Valyrian mother who makes sure eggs hatch to them from her dragon. Sheepstealer is the only wild dragon ever claimed.
7. The point of Nettles' story (Daenerys time)
Idk how many times I'll bring this up again but I this case I jsut want to focus on the fact that Nettles part in Dany's identity is specifically someone living under the myth of Targaryens, something they are really removed from as an individual. With Dany that comes easily with the war and Baratheon take over, but for Nettles, it plays out in the way that she can claim a dragon and be killed by the rightful heir all the same.
8. She belongs nowhere
Nettles really just doesn't belong. She does break the magic of the world as we know it, but she is also set up to exist in it. Targaryens are special and unique. Being Valyrian doesn't make you Targaryen. They are a very distinct group of people, and Nettles just adds to the grounding of that. Who knows if she could claim a dragon who wasn't wild, or whether or not she could hatch one. She's another aspect of the magic. Not all Targaryens are Daenerys, and not all dragon riders were Targaryens, but there was a time when they were normal and Nettles can be an ode to either concept.
All of this to say, I won't definitively say that she isn't Valyrian. That's not my place. What I will say is that George went out of his way to use parallels and tropes to ensure we never saw anyone like her before and again. It matters more to her arc and what she does to be non Valyrian. Do with that what you will.
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jonquilspool · 9 months
daemon and aegon ii have very similar attitudes and beliefs the only difference in outcome is aegon was primarily raised by an overbearing mother trapped in the feudal dystopia that is being female in westeros while daemon was primarily raised by a distant father trapped in the feudal incestual dystopia that was the targaryens under jaehaerys. in this i will--
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iheartbookbran · 2 months
My biggest gripe with how HOTD writers depict women is how they’re never allowed to showcase their anger and bitterness at their circumstances in full. We know it’s there, we see Alicent’s frustration about loosing the kingdom’s regency to a unstable nineteen year old, but she’s never allowed to fully express it (the closest we got was her outburst when Aemond lost his eye, and she was made to regret it directly afterwards). Her role in Rhaenyra’s usurpation isn’t born out of a desire to have what she believes is her due after years of withering away and suffering as Viserys’ wife, but as a desire to carry on what she believes to be her husband’s wishes.
When it comes to Rhaenys, since last week I’ve seen a lot of speculation on why she decided to turn back to fight Aemond and Vaghar, because in the show she has no reason to do so. The thing about Rhaenys’ story, at least how I understood it in F&B, is that she always seems to be holding back. It is one thing for her to say to Corlys that she doesn’t resent the fact that she lost the throne to Viserys and another to actually mean it, because if she (allegedly) lost fairly to Viserys, how could she in good conscience initiate a war? How could she inflict that on her whole family? So she holds back. And she doesn’t have to like Rhaenyra, but watching the same thing that happened to her repeat itself must be frustrating. Watching Rhaenyra be expected to give up her crown for the sake of maintaining the peace without her half-brother having the same expectation placed upon him must be painful. So she should want to encourage Rhaenyra to fight for the throne this time, she should want to turn back to fight those greedy, stupid boys playing at war, who could never understand her pain. She should want to show Baela and Rhaena that it is possible to fight back; she might not be able to save them or shield them or get them what she believes they deserve, but at least she can show them that they don’t have to take on their circumstances passively. They can fight back.
Or at least that’s how I would have written Rhaenys, anyways.
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rainy-writers · 1 month
Remember when we thought that Lucerys’ death would haunt the narrative and we’d all be sad whenever people bring up how it was unfair that he was murdered and Aemond would actually be called a Kinslayer for it? Yeah me too
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if westeros was created to reflect our modern society instead of being loosely based off of western medieval society, then i think people would understand that these political marriages are for alliances, not love, and would agree that the modern lower class sentiments towards marriage are simply not applicable to these arrangements and both bride and groom cannot and should not expect love from their partner.
if our story occurred in a modern westeros very similar to our own modern society, then a lot of the obstacles our characters face would not happen because, simply put, modern society benefits from equality.
as an example, i am quite (100%) certain that the introduction of gender equality and other modern values and advancements to westeros would only be beneficial to rhaegar and elia, which means that this ideology benefits westerosi society on an individual level.
so, in this modern westeros au, if rhaegar and elia still married for a political alliance, and then had two children like they did in asoiaf, they could then peacefully divorce and write out a contract that secures both rhaenys and aegons inheritances. if lyanna and rhaegar met and fell in love while rhaegar and elia were married then the misunderstanding that sparked a war would never have happened. why? because lyanna would have a say in who she marries in this modern au. also, elia would have possibly been seeing others as well. why? because this was a political marriage and love shouldn’t be expected, so why would anyone be concerned about either party finding love outside of their marriage? plus modern westeros would have dna testing so there’s no reason to question the paternity of their children.
also, if elia had a child with someone else (in this hypothetical scenario, perhaps her lover died) and rhaegar decided to claim that child as his own while knowing that he’s not the real father in order to give this child a better life, then this wouldn’t be a problem either. why? because rhaegar’s in the know. (i’m only bringing this up bc of the rhaenyra and laenor situation. guys… laenor is perfectly aware that biologically those kids aren’t his, yet he still claimed them and loved them bc he and rhaenyra had an agreement. i do not understand why real ppl are even concerned about jace, luke, and joffs parentage. in the eyes of the law those boys are legally laenors.)
however, since asoiaf isn’t based off of our modern society and is instead a society riddled with misogyny, xenophobia and other social issues without the progress and advancements that we in the 21st century have benefited from, i will concede one thing to these antis who harp on and on about how selfish rhaenyra and rhaegar were for loving someone who wasn’t their spouse and for having a child(ren) out of wedlock.
because yes, rhaegar and lyanna’s love can be considered an act of selfishness, and rhaenyra loving harwin and having children with him can also be considered selfish.
but guess what? love in general is a very selfish state of being. you are prioritizing your partner and your desires over everything and everyone else in your life.
one of the greatest love stories of all time, romeo and juliet, is a tale of two selfish lovers who seek to be together despite the immense hatred between their families. selfless and dutiful children would never love an enemy. and yet, despite romeo and juliet’s love story ending in tragedy, no one would ever argue that these two lovers were in the wrong for simply trying to be together even though their love caused their families great grief. why? because the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets was stupid. and the story ends with the characters agreeing that this feud went on for long enough and acknowledging the fact that this petty feud between the families was the cause of their misery and the tragedy that befell them.
though the circumstances of all three love stories are different, it’s undeniable that these lovers were selfish for prioritizing their own desires over their duties to their houses.
to end this little spiel, i’d like to mention that the reason i first brought up a modern au was to remind people that the only reason rhaelya and rhaenyra’s relationship with harwin can be so decisively called selfish is because these characters live in westeros. and westeros is a fucked up society rooted in systematic oppression, violence, and abuse and other forms of exploitation in order to further the agenda of the powerful despite the harm it causes. any modern comforts and progressive ideas hinder the control the patriarchs have over their families and put a name to the bigotry expressed against these unconventional relationships. so yes, their love is selfish because being unconventional in such a backwards society is a recipe for disaster, especially since both of these relationships hinge on a woman deciding to take control of her sexual autonomy, which is a big no no in westeros since a woman’s body only belongs to her father and husband. so yes, these love stories are selfish because these characters are prioritizing themselves in a society that benefits from them losing their autonomy and harms them and their loved ones when they try to take back their autonomy.
to finish off, the reason i brought up the tragic love story of romeo and juliet is to remind people that even though rhaegar and lyanna’s love was selfish, other characters still need to be held accountable for their actions that helped to escalate this misunderstanding into a tragedy that consumed all of westeros.
#the only reason any of this shit happened is bc westeros is a fucked up place#their love may be selfish but it’s also commendable#we’re only human~ and we were built for love~#i think some of the rhaegar hate stems from the fact that he can openly love another woman but elia would be scorned for doing the same#but this isn’t rhaegar’s fault. their society just failed them. which sucks#the bodies of nobles in westeros never truly belong to themselves. which is insane. the king belongs to his ppl. a wife to her husband#a son to his father. a daughters body belongs to her father. the common folk belong to the nobles… ughhh#westeros is truly a society built on controlling the autonomy of others in order to gain power/benefits#sorry if all this doesn’t make any sense lol#i haven’t read romeo and juliet recently and just brushed up on it through wiki so im sry if i got something wrong lol#jon snow belonging to the nights watch and getting killed for daring to try to leave to save someone he loves…#hdsjhddhd#nedcat you’ll always be the exception ❤️#political marriages = big business deal#<- nedcat isn’t the exception here tho#me: progressive ideas would be beneficial to the individuals! also me: no shit sherlock#westerosi society escalated a misunderstanding to a tragedy#alicent and robert are arms of the patriarchy#tywin and viserys benefitting from the devestation they caused until they’re dead and the house of cards falls apart#asoiaf#rhaegar targaryen#lyanna stark#pro rhaenyra targaryen#rhaenyra targaryen#harwin strong#laenor velaryon#anti alicent hightower#anti alicent stans#anti elia stans#someone once tried to argue about modern au stuff about westeros to me and it just got me thinking lolo
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crownspeaksblog · 4 months
I really hope that in season 2 something comes out of the daemon choking rhaenyra scene, i really really hope that the show doesn't treat it like he made a little oopsi, like it's an unsignificant, tiny moment of anger that almost means nothing and that i should move past it..
Also I hope that the writers know that i wrote off the idea that aegon could ever be sympathic the second we were told he raped someone. I hope rape isn't supposed to be one of his character quirks. I hope.
i wouldn't be afraid of this happening in another story but with this shows/this worlds track record of making men do evil shit and then moving on like it didn't happen, especially since daemon is the one who delivered the news of lucerys' death, i worry, alot.
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