#rhaenys tagaryen
lillysbitchfest · 1 year
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jacaela · 3 months
i just saw THAT spoiler about Rhaenys. She went crazy.
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jacevelaryonswife · 6 months
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“We came to die for the dragon queen”
Team Black — House of The Dragon Season 2
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Dragon's mistress
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Warnings: death of characters, war, HOTD, Dance of the dragons spoilers
You had cried so much you didn’t have any more tears. Being the last child of Rhaenyra Targaryen was a heavy burden
Everyone in your family was gone, dead, buried, burned, eaten… Your siblings, your mother, your father, your stepfather… everyone you ever met
All because of the Iron Throne, and because your uncle had decided to usurp it, and war ensued after that
The first to go was your younger brother Lucerys… killed as a messenger by Aemond Tagaryen, your uncle, they said they couldn’t find his remains, that they probably were inside of Vhagar’s stomach and the very thought chilled you to your bones on this rainy day.
Then your “grandmother” Rhaenys, lost in the battle of the Gullet, killed by Aegon and… Aemond Targaryen
Then It was Jace, your big brother, your protector, he died fighting valiantly in the Narrow Sea, a great and gruesome Naval Battle, he died half drowned and as the target from numerous arrows from the enemy flee.
Then it was your stepfather Daemon, but you knew he wasn’t your stepfather, he was your true father, and you were his bastard child with RHaenyra, he confessed as much before he departed to take Harrenhal, he cradled your face in his hands, he looked deep into your eyes and promised he was going to come back to you, but he never did, he was killed, also by Aemond Targaryen.
But your mother was already settled in the Red Keep, with Joffrey and your baby brothers, he had insisted you remained in Dragonstone, she thought you would be safer here, as the princess of dragonstone, next in line to the Iron Throne, so you had to protect your seat, at least until all the Greens were dead…
You thought this was over, but the people of King’s Landing didn’t think so, they rebelled against your mother, the Dragonpit was assaulted, and that resulted in the slay of all the dragons of the side of the Blacks inside, and in the death of your baby brother Joffrey.
And that gave Aemond and Aegon Targaryen the advantage that they needed, being the riders of the last remaining dragons, they took the capital, they murdered your mother, and they sunk the ship your baby brothers were scaping in… they locked up Baela and Rhaena, and you didn’t know anything of their whereabouts
So here you stood, the last of your house, a false Velaryon, the defender of Dragonstone with only one living dragon, and a castle filled with fearful people, not warriors, no soldiers, but servants, maesters and maids.
So you waited for your fate, your heart broken, your eyes dry, and any instinct for survival killed.
You could ride your dragon to the other point of the Earth, you could have run away, you could have escaped, but at that moment, you didn't quite find a reason to. You knew it was a matter of time… so you waited
A whole moon later after the murder of your mother, you saw in the horizon upon the waves, five huge war vessels, the golden three headed dragon flaming over a black field. 
And the Monstrous Vhagar flying above them. 
They had come for you, and for your seat
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ackermental · 27 days
The idea that we control Dragons is an ilussion.
Viserys, are you good, do you need a kit kat?
That's exactly what Targaryens do, they control dragons. It's like saying that Starks warging direwolves is an ilussion. It's not, it's a well known fact in asoiaf universe, a genetic trait.
That's the whole thing about House Targaryen and valyrian blood as a whole. Some of them have the abillity to control dragnos. We've had like seven books till this point about Tagaryens controlling dragons.
The thing with Westeros turning into second Valyria was Oldtown Triad fearmongering, not a fact, HBO.
Ever since Seasmoke was hatched, they've lost their fucking minds, because Rhaenys came about with the abillity to hatch dragons. Why do you think she was put aside twice in the line of succession? Why do you think Rhaenyra was so hated as well?
Dragons give Targaryen their power, Oldtown Triad have never made peace with the conquest, more dragons equals more troubles for them, not for the Realm.
Stop painting this apocalyptic picture of dragons bringing about the ruin, it's ridiculous.
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sigilsongs-a · 7 months
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 QUENTON QOHERYS AEGON I TAGARYEN VISENYA I TARGARYEN trained the conquerer trio the conqueror king (bc. lady verse)
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VISENYA I TARGARYEN RHAENYS I TARGARYEN THEO TYRELL (ac. queen verse) the conqueror's queen second lord of the reach
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  EDMYN TULLY ARGELLA DURRANDON OSMUND STRONG first lord of the riverlands princess of the storm kingdom fourth hand of the king
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I also think a lot about how even if Rhaenyra and Cersei were in a similar position (in terms of them having bastards) Rhaenyra still holds so much more power in regards to her own situation. If Cersei would have had children which were so obviously bastards, she probably wouldn't have been left alive for long enough to have a second one, let alone a third. But with Rhaenyra, Viserys doesn't bat an eye.
Makes you wonder what would've happened if Alicent ended up with a child without any Tagaryen traits whatsoever, I wonder how he would've justified accusing his wife of high treason while his daughter is right there fucking her bodyguard.
I think it's fair to say that Cersei is more politically astute than Rhaenyra. That being said, there have been canonical Targaryens that didn't possess Valyrian looks - Rhaenys herself had Baratheon hair, Baelor Breakspear is another one that comes to mind, Rhaenys (daughter of Rhaegar) etc.
The problem wouldn't be if Alicent had children that looked like her or her relatives, that can be easily explained. Cersei was in the same position. Her children looked 100% like her and Robert didn't bat an eye. Robb, Sansa, Bran and Rickon all look like Catelyn and Ned doesn't care. Like, no one expects mother to pop out children that are the mirror images of their fathers.
The problem would have been if Alicent had a child that happened to look, say, Dornish, all the while Ser Criston with his black hair & olive skin is trailing behind her at all time.
I've written an entire separate post on that here, if anyone else is interested.
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navree · 2 years
Your headcanons for the personalities types (MBTI) of the characters of the dance and the conquest?
OK so fair warning I don't really know a lot about MBTI types, like next to nothing at this point, I don't even know mine (I had to take the test for a college prep seminar in high school for some???? reason???? and then immediately forgot it because it wasn't important at all) so I'm basing this off of articles that tell me what these things are like (also for the Dance I'm going with show version if they've been introduced in the show, since those characters are more developed)
Rhaenyra Targaryen - ESTP, The Persuader, out-going and dramatic, can be insensitive at times, capable of relatively quick decision making (at least in her youth), can be impulsive, energetic and ready to go, desirous for adventure.
Alicent Hightower - ISFJ, The Protector, sensitive, protective of others, caring and compassionate and kind-hearted, represses emotions, warm and nurturing, neglectful of personal needs, not a fan of change.
Daemon Tagaryen - ENFP, The Champion, charismatic and charming, energetic, capacity for great leadership, a dislike of routine, strong people skills, disorganized, struggles to follow rules, needs external validation, spontaneous, desirous for others' approval.
Otto Hightower - ENTJ, The Commander, strong verbal and leadership skills, well-organized, stubborn, highly logical, capable of being insensitive, can get aggressive, good at making decisions in crisis, outspoken and assertive and self assured, a good planner and rational, goal oriented, not very good with inner emotions.
Viserys Targaryen - INFP, The Mediator, idealistic, can see the bigger picture, overlooks details and loses sight of the little things, can take things personally, sensitive, can be overly idealistic, wants to make the world better according to their vision.
Criston Cole - ISTJ, The Inspector, loyal, orderly and organized, can be judgmental, principled and a stickler for rules, values traditions and laws, tendency for self-blame and recrimination.
Aegon Targaryen - Whichever one stands for "huge fucking mess" jk jk. Probs INFJ, The Advocate, highly sensitive, values close relationships with others, stubborn, can be overly sensitive, creative and free spirited, can set expectations too high, places more emphasis on emotions than logic, wants to help ("oh how-" he literally lies for aemond free of charge and was ready to pull out a sword to defend alicent against a dragon shut up), can be difficult to get to know.
Helaena Targaryen - ISFP, The Artist, peaceful, caring and considerate, trouble with the abstract, pays great attention to detail, incredibly reserved, dislikes conflict and confrontation, aware of the environment and those in it, introverted, strong need for personal space, unique values system, enjoys hands on activities based on their interests.
Aemond Targaryen - INTP, The Thinker, (specifically INTP-Turbulent), thoughtful, quiet and reserved, capable of outside the box thinking, difficult to get to know, self doubting, can look at things objectively, likes a small and close knit group, trouble expressing their emotions, deeply loyal and affectionate with loved ones.
Daeron Targaryen - ESFJ, The Caregiver, enjoys helping others, kind and caring, sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, feelings get hurt easily, outgoing, sensitive to change, kind and loyal, approval seeking and needy, dependable and loyal, sensitive to criticism and wants to be liked, intrinsically kind and literally a caregiver.
Rhaenys TQWNW - INTJ, The Architect, self confident, hard worker, willing to put in the effort, overly judgmental, perfectionist, can appear callous and arrogant, good at listening in general and taking criticism, good at reading between lines.
Corlys Velaryon - ESTJ, The Director, take charge personality, goal oriented, inflexible and bossy, self confident, hard working, argumentative, strong leadership skills, organized and structured, unyielding, seemingly insensitive.
Alys Rivers - ISTP, The Crafter, goal oriented, even tempered, reserved, difficult to get to know, aversion to commitment, open to trying new things, self confident and self possessed, difficult to get to know, emotionally detached, level headed and logical and practical.
(with explanations cuz they don't have a show to flesh them out as much)
Aegon the Conqueror - I would classify Aegon as a pretty firm INTP, The Thinker, given that he was an apparently private person about whose personality we know exceptionally little, that he appears to have been reserved and self possessed and kept things close to the vest and made very few friends, but capable of a fierce and deep loyalty towards people like Orys, an unending love for his sister-wife Rhaenys and his subsequent doting on of their son Aenys. Aegon is also capable of the INTP's propensity for outside the box thinking, as well as a focus on the bigger picture of conquering Westeros (especially if he had grander designs based on his dreams of the eventual war with The Others).
Visenya the Conqueror - I would classify Visenya as either ENTP, The Debater or an ENTJ, The Commander. Visenya clearly valued knowledge and valued learning what she could about the world, as evidenced by her interest in the mystic arts and her travels with Aegon pre-Conquest, and like her little brother she can be incredibly goal oriented, while also being a remarkable leader on the field in her own right and very assertive and outspoken, given how willing she was to talk smack not just to Aegon but to Aenys as well. She also clearly can be argumentative and balks at control, seemingly aggressive and intolerant, and even borderline insensitive (maybe Aenys didn't wanna burn the Sept of Remembrance on the Hill of Rhaenys because it was a symbol of remembrance for his mother Visenya, come on girlie). Visenya might not have been good at emotions but she was a good problem solver, as well as creative in her solutions, and appears to have been one of the more self assured out of her siblings.
Rhaenys the Conqueror - I would classify my most beloved Rhaenys number one queen of Westeros and love and beauty and of my heart as a mix of ENJF, The Giver (specifically the assertive type) and INFP, The Mediator. Rhaenys is described as much more of an emotionally open person than either of her siblings, affectionate with her loved ones and a kindhearted person in general, and she clearly had a wide social circle and a more outgoing personality than stern Visenya and reserved Aegon. She valued her close relationships with friends and family and with Meraxes, was probably as equally involved in the big picture of conquering Westeros as Aegon was and was probably the most persuasive out of all them. She also likely had a certain sense of altruism and idealism, focusing her power on diplomacy to better the realm and being the first administrator in the Targaryen dynasty, and possibly Westerosi history, to enact any sort of law to offer any protections to women, though that idealism likely came at a cost, considering she did think that they could make Dorne submit despite the very clear warning she got from the Yellow Toad, and the consequences for her as a result. And also, in case you forgot, Rhaenys is also perfect, so jot that down. It doesn't have anything to do with MBTI types but it's important to me that everyone knows that anyway.
Orys Baratheon - I would classify Orys as an ENTJ, The Commander, given his strong leadership skills and his incredible prowess in battle, and the problem solving we know he exhibits given that he was able to hold command over armies in hostile territory without things going Too wrong for him (hand-ectomy not included). But we also know that he was an intolerant person when wrong and could easily feel embittered if he felt slighted, like with the aforementioned hand-ectomy and how that left him hardened throughout the rest of his life and desirous for revenge.
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silver-dragonborn · 2 years
I need to write or find an AU now where the smart, pragmatic approach is taken and Corlys secretly father's his grandchildren. He's obviously not opposed to sleeping with other women (adam and Allyn anyone?) and boom proper Driftmark heir and Tagaryen heir.
Ehhh... I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it sounds like a good idea because no one would be able to suspect anything out of the ordinary because of how noticeable Velaryon genes are. But, on the other hand, Corlys would never shame his son like that or even consider bedding his son's wife! Not to mention that if Rhaenys found out, she would set Driftmark on fire, and I don't think she'd be THAT pragmatic to allow such a thing to occur.
I'd instead create a Velaryon oc. Maybe another male sibling who isn't exactly fond of children but will happily help his older brother by fathering a few with Rhaenyra. My oc would be an explorer like Corlys, a restless spirit with no desire to settle down and establish roots because the sea is his faithful wife. He's rarely home, but when Laenor calls him to Driftmark for aid in creating a Velaryon child, he turns his ship back home.
He also has a dragon. A blue beauty who is more comfortable swimming underwater than flying in the skies thus giving my oc the moniker, "The Sea Dragon."
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afaimscorner · 2 years
HoTD 1x08/1x09
I know the writers probbaly meant to make it seem like Alicent is not just a power hungry b*tch by having the whole “mistaken meaning of his dying words” stuff, but sorry how anyone could mistake that rambeling for “make your son Aegon king” is beyond me, you’d have to be either incredible stupid or incredible deluded (which to be fair is an accurate description of Alicent, I guess).
What is even worse is that Aegon is not only not fit to be king but also does not even want to be king. And then there is the whole scene with Rhaenys, in which Alicent claims that she should have been queen because she was more qualified for the job ... and then she goes and pushes the least qualified of all the Tagaryen Clan on the throne? I mean, it it would have at least been Aemond or Helaena, but no ....
So yeah stupid and deluded instead of simply power hungry it is, I guess.
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tweedfrog · 4 years
What kind of clothes aesthetic do you imagine for a grown up Rhaenys? For a modern au Rhaenys?
In a Rhaegar won AU (she is carrying a spear that was a joint gift from Obara/Oberyn)
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This is Rhaenys in the murder mystery story I have planned. It’s set in a more modern Westeros
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In a 2021 Westeros I would see Rhaenys dressing like....IG baddie but professional if that makes sense. Pale pink blazers and baby blue acrylic nails, she has an instagram where she goofs off and posts aesthetic pictures, and her room is all pastels.
In 'middle ages' Westeros i think whatever Rhaenys wears would be very modest clothing to combat the hypersexualisation she would face because she is visibly half Dornish. Clothes (especially in the middle ages) werent just about what you wanted to wear - they were a political statement and reflected your position in society, so I think Rhaenys’ clothes would be very modest, and would also be black and red as a very in your face demonstration that she is a Targaryen (kind of like Rhaenyra)
It’s one of my pet peeves when artists draw Rhaenys in sexy scraps of clothing. I can even understand the logic for drawing characters like Nymeria and Arianne in those sort of clothes because in canon they do wear them. Although the portrayal of dornish women in the text is one of the most blatant examples of the exotic/erotic tropes I’ve ever seen so thats not great either. But its especially blatant when it comes to Rhaenys - why would she dress as a dornish woman? She would probably be in Kings Landing (a colder climate than Dorne), and would be raised in a court that would judge her for even the smallest show of “dornishness”. It makes no sense.
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jacaela · 2 years
The most annoying thing about hotd is inconsistencies. To be honest, even what they did with the established canon things (like Rhaenyra's black dress) , does not piss me off so much👺
"You Targaryens do have queer customs"//forces her son to marry her daughter
tells her children about the paternity Rhaenyra's children//being upset about aemond's speech
tells Aegon that he will be a king one day and everybody knowa that// sincerely believes that Rhaenyra will make a fine queen// wonders that her own allies planned for Aegon to be king
"When i am a queen, i will create new order"//says that after Baela her sons will rule the kingdom
can't face with greens alone// Daemon plots his war
agrees to marry her granddaughters (yes, they are orphans, they have no father) for Rhaenyra's sons, so she automatically becomes her ally//nOt mY wAr
give a speech that perfectly describes alicent and her prison//waiting for her husband to say something about their future
cold to grandchildren because they are bastards//"Jace, Luke, and Joffrey are in danger because they are heirs to the iron throne"
Again "not my war" but kills a lot of people in dragonpit. Just whyyy
wish screenwriters next year to read each other's scripts before writing their own🎄🎁🥂
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sunontherhoyne · 4 years
Rhaella's favourite kid: Viserys. Rhaella's favourite grandkid: Rhaenys. Viserys and Rhaenys: either constant rivals over this, or friends that are smug about being the favourites.
They would definitely be smug friends who rubs this in their family's faces when someone starts getting obnoxious.
Like this is normal sibling bickering between Rhae and Aegon, and Rhae usually wins:
Aegon: Well I got the best grades in school and the teachers love me most!
Rhaenys: Yeah, but I'm grandma's favorite!
It's all in good fun though, and Aegon knows that Rhaella loves him as well and can and will spoil him too ^^
Meanwhile Viserys reminds Rhaegar about how their mom loves him best at literally every opportunity he can because Rhaegar needs to get dunked on and Viserys is more than happy to do it because he's made mom sad! Daenerys though, Dany is free from this getting brought up because Viserys is a good big brother who loves his little sister.
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mejcinta · 2 years
House of the Ds, Game of Names.
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Daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen & Elia Martell; heir to the Iron Throne // Hija de Rhaegar Targaryen & Elia Martell; heredera al Trono de Hierro.
FC: Anya Chalotra
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valyrianstccl-a · 6 years
tag drop ( connections pt. 1 )
*connections  ↪ ( tag )
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