#rhett the chef
shapeshiftinterest · 2 years
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badgerclops chillin with some sweetiepies and wearing the bi, pan, and omni flag colors
prompt/ event mix:
mao mao heroes of pureheart pride month event
day 1: Pride Outfits
day 3: Companion
badgerweek event
day 1: Headcanon
day 3: Relaxation
art reference i used these poses:
bottom (flipped)
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rinkyrinkyrinky · 3 months
"Me and my boyfriend saw you from across the bar and liked your vibe"
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sophiebiikes · 2 months
rb for accuracy!
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unhinged-nymph · 10 months
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lallyloo · 21 days
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Howdy, y'all! Time for the end of the month writing recap! Just to track what I write and maybe remind you of something you've missed 🤠 Total word count for the month: 31, 206
☆ Here to Stay - don't come on too strong ★ Frontier Days - night one ☆ Here to Stay - tangled up in you ★ my whole life loving you [🔥] ☆ Here to Stay - the girl on the hill ★ Here to Stay - bathroom thank-yous [🔥] ☆ Here to Stay - the hand fic [🔥] ★ Deep Dark Valley - the fields are full of holes ☆ Falltober Day 2 ★ Falltober Day 3 ☆ Falltober Day 4 ★ Falltober Day 5 ☆ Not Hungry Anymore - seven new ways that you can eat your young [🩸]
And I have sort of an announcement: I'm going on a writing hiatus again from November - January. This is the busiest time of year for me with work and family functions and just real-life stuff. I would rather not have the added pressure of posting during these months. I'm still going to be writing, but hopefully just making more of a back catalog for you all to enjoy once February rolls around. And of course, I'll still be around to chat and answer asks! Love y'all 💗
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thinklink · 1 year
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“Am I the chaperone?”
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distinguished mutuals we have joshery why am i not surprised how quick he was to strip
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downthepub · 1 year
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new Rhett and Link just dropped
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rinkyrinkyrinky · 3 months
Link was soooo jealous this episode idk the way he was looking when Rhett was complimenting Josh's body or the way he was sulking when saying Josh said his biceps are not as big as his LMAO i love when Rhett gets a little flirty and Link immediately goes into a mine 😤 mode LMAO
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jungle-angel · 7 months
Baby's first Thanksgiving with rip wheeler! please and thank you <333
Rachel.....dahling.....why must you make me an offer I can't refuse??!!!! (lol).
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Neither you nor Rip were awoken by the alarm on his phone that usually awoke the two of you during the work week, but rather, the cries of your four month old daughter, Evelyn.
"Relax sugar bear, I've got her," Rip groaned, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
You awoke again, maybe a few minutes or even a half hour, to the snow falling heavily outside and Rip re-entering your room with Baby Evie who had finally calmed down.
"You know young lady," he said, pretending to be stern with her. "Your momma needs her sleep too. We've got a big day ahead of us with all your aunts and uncles, your cousins and everybody coming over for dinner tonight."
You laughed and held out your arms to take Evelyn from your husband. "Did Rhett and the others call?" you asked him.
"Said they'd all be up from Wabang in the next hour if the snow doesn't get worse," Rip explained. "Gettin the house done's gonna be a pain in the royal ass."
You laughed as you sat back and let Evie feed for a little bit, knowing she was probably hungry. A savory smell coming from the kitchen caught you off guard. "Rip is somebody in the kitchen?"
Rip shook his head and shrugged. As soon as you could get out of bed and Evelyn had her fill, you took her right down to the kitchen to find Mo, Thomas Rainwater's right hand man, in your kitchen, peeling a rather large bag of potatoes Rip had gathered from the garden in the backyard.
"Well good morning sleepyheads," Mo greeted.
"Morning Mo," you chuckled. "How long have you been at those potatoes?"
"Been at'em for a good half hour," Mo answered. "Birds's all gutted and brining in the fridge. Don't know what the hell you want done with the corn though."
"Woah wait a sec, ya'll brought corn?" Rip asked him.
"And you mean to tell me you don't remember?" Mo questioned. "I got that shit from my neighbor."
"Wait, the old lady on the rez that owns the corn stand?"
"Of course it's the old lady you brain dead deer turd," Mo laughed. "She's the only owner of a roadside corn stand in the whole of Bozeman!"
Rip went down to the cellar pantry and came back up a few minutes later with the basket of corn, setting it beside the island counter in the kitchen. "Here's hopin we have enough."
"That shit'll feed a whole village for weeks," Mo told Rip as he peeled the potatoes. "Here, you take over the potatoes."
"Yes chef, anything you say chef," Rip chuckled.
"(Y/n) you want anything while I'm in here?" Mo asked you.
"Um just a coffee if you don't mind," you answered. It wasn't long before the coffee was brewed and Evelyn began making grabby hands for her uncle.
"Alright, alright sweetpea you come with me," Mo said, lifting Evelyn from your arms.
You slipped into the kitchen to help your husband peel the potatoes, shuck the corn and get everything ready for when the family arrived. "Well," Rip said as he began chopping the onions. "Not as chaotic as I thought her first Thanksgiving would be."
"Just you wait," you warned him. "John, Thomas, Kayce and Monica will all come traipsing through that door with something freshly dead and throw it on the counter."
Rip laughed before he kissed you. "Happy Thanksgiving sweet thing."
"Happy Thanksgiving you big weirdo," you answered.
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unhinged-nymph · 2 years
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sebsxphia · 5 months
i have this thought of maybe, one time, after having sex, you casually mention to rhett how great it feels when he plays with your nipples when you two fuck and sometimes it feels like you could come from just that alone. and rhett, being rhett, takes that as a challenge. he starts pulling you onto his lap, kissing your neck, shoving his hands up your shirt, pulling and tugging at you until you’re grinding against his legs. or joining you in the shower and sidling up behind you, twisting your nipples until you’re whining and bracing yourself against the cold tiles. his favorite is when it’s barely light in the morning and he wakes you up by nibbling your nipples between his teeth. it takes him maybe a couple of weeks before you finally manage a quick orgasm from just him playing with your tits. you’re flushed and panting and he’s smirking up at you, nipple still in lodged between his lips, his hips are grinding against the mattress, and your hands are in his hair. ‘now we’re gettin’ somewhere, sweetheart…’ he rasps against your tit, ‘let’s try for a another one, yeah?’ and then he’s blowing over your chest and your back is arching up and your fingers are tightening in his hair and you know, with a delicious thrill, that rhett is nowhere near finished with you.
rhett, being rhett, will do anything to pleasure his diamond cowgirl, whatever it may take, however long it may take. if he has to learn a new skill, if he has to research about it first, he will do anything, because god dammit (!) does he love seeing his diamond cowgirl crying and moaning his name, from his touch.
he knows that it will take some time to build up to that sensitivity, but that’s absolutely A okay with him! it means more occasions of him waking you up, or startling you with his icy cold hands from outside (he claims it’s good for stimulation), or lazy touches on the couch, just to keep working you up to that moment.
god and then the way you describe how the rest of it goes dear anon? poetry! chefs kiss! i am in love with you, him and this thot! thank you so much for this! 🥹💌
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lucariwoah · 2 months
Eno's been taking extra breaks to sneak snacks at work- only problem is he's one of the main chefs! C/omm for Rhett on telegram
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thinklink · 1 year
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Caption this.
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