#rhian the schoolmaster
harmonyverendez · 8 months
I still want to know why Rhian killed his brother and took his identity.
Like Rafal ain't no angel.
But the way he died was horrible.
I can't stand Rhian.
And now looking back at everything.
I'm starting to see and understand everything after reading Rise.
There were so many hints and i shook it off.
Rhian Mistral is such a dumbass.
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cursed-daydreamer · 9 months
~Everything about green and blue~
So, after finishing Rise, I should've been shell-shocked, but actually, I wasn't... And the reason is because that had happened a while before I start reading it, when the ending was spoiled for me...🗿... (The main point of it I mean, when we realized Rhian is evil and Rafal is good)
And now the same thing happened with Fall... but to be honest, the ending of Fall wasn't that unpredictable... ( Considering the stuff that went down with Rhian)
but of course the anger and tragedy are still there, alongside an extreme urge to strangle Rhian to death.
Now that I've finished both books, I have a very big question annoyingly hanging in the air since no one seems to pay any mind or have an answer for it (yet).
Anyway here it is:
I've seen some people say that (in Rise), the twins' eye color wasn't mentioned, that we only know they have light colored eyes... Which is totally wrong!!
Yes, Rhian's eye color wasn't mentioned, but there are 4 times that Soman described Rafal's eyes as blue .
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And so with all this, we know that (in Rise), Rafal, the evil schoolmaster (later the good one) has icy blue eyes.
(Tiny spoiler from Fall)
But then suddenly, in Fall, we read that Rhian's eyes are blue! (icy blue on top of that) and Rafal's eyes are GREEN!
... And it's not even the end!!
In the school for good and evil (#1), when Agust Sader possesses the good schoolmaster's soul (Rafal's soul), his hazel eyes turn blue, clearly the color of Rafal's eyes.
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...So if Rafal's true eye color is green afterall, shouldn't sader's eyes have turned green instead of blue...?... And no matter what evil stuff Rhian did, I don't think he had any kind of control over the appearance characteristics or the eye color of his dead brother's ghost... :\ ...
And GOSH ! The covers also mismatch! The 1st book's cover seems to be for the second one and the second book's cover seems to be for the first one... If we put it this way, from the eye color to the plots, it'll all make sense... But in fact it's quite the contrary...
So pray tell, what the hell?!
I really am confused... Am I missing something? Did Rafal change his eye color ? Can this possibly just be a mistake? :")))
A spoiler from fall: in the ending, the part that Rafal says we were made as one,... Could that be a hint ? Like some sort of clue ...? But then again, they clearly are twins... How can their habits and personalities have changed so easily... ? And what does it have to do with their eye color ?... This just made things much more vague for me :\\\
So...that's all I came up with, I put hashtags so if you had any idea, please comment and drag me out if this sea of confusion...
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I demand justice for the morally grey baby girl/silly goose.
This is a Rafal appreciation post because God knows we don't have enough of them.
So here is a list of reasons why Rafal is my favourite morally grey baby girl and he should be yours too(or at least your favourite silly goose):
1. Despite his sassiness and almost in-sync physical behaviour, like his brother's (both of them got up at the same time to jump at each other's throat. No warning no nothing literally just sprung to their feet while eating sandwiches and tea how does that work?) Rafal very much loves his dumbass brother. Rafal remembered everything with fondness regarding his brother. Sure it's not very wholesome to scare the ever-living hell out of your twin brother making him cry but the fact that he remembered, even after CENTURIES of being 17/immortal kept by the Storian, that Rhian would call him Fala. (For me the moment was oddly wholesome despite the cruelty implications from Rafal's side. I guess the most intensive moments of life are those where you feel more than just one emotion strongly because one gives sparkle to the other and so on.)
2. Rafal has a high sense of responsibility, higher than Rhian's. Now I don't mean to say he is a good schoolmaster. That is FAR from it. Bro mentally tormented his students and said it was their fault for making them miserable and further propaganda that villains have to live miserably and go through extreme pains to become proper villains. Rhian ain't too far away since all he did from what we saw was a parade in the School for Good and ignored all the students that so politely greeted him like he was their life idol excuse me they showed their respects. I know you were trying to hit on Midas because you always gotta hit on the guy your brother hit first(previous example: Hook) but a nod would have suffice? Instead bro just deliberately ignores them while threatening Midas... ??? At least Rafal knew what he was doing and what he had to do to keep the pact/oath to the Storian. Rhian was just oblivious and arrogant to it.
3. Rafal made a redemption arc. Sure maybe not in the true meaning of it but he tried. He got into the lines of his students and tried to see it from their perspective. He gained their trust and loyalty for who he was. He got to hear everything they thought about him, how horrible he was because he was the pain of a schoolmaster. But he also got to see his students admire him and grow fond of him. Even proving that the wicked and evil can be good in their own twisted way. After all, the heroes of a story are the villains of another. Always.
He inspired others outside of himself while he did his growth and that's beyond great from my perspective.
4. As twisted as he was you can not deny that he was rational. Whenever he made up his mind he went with it even if he had his doubts or moments of hesitation, eventually, he carried on with what he had to do because it was what he needed to do. In the process, he indeed has hurt many but he also self-sacrificed himself. Whatever pain we saw him inflict on his victims we can see that it's a direct reflection of his mirrored pain in them. We can go on about how this is accurate or not, the actual extent of it, interpretations, and symbolism, but to me it's pretty clear once you read a book that engages your mind, heart and soul. He torments himself and torments others because it is the only treatment he knows. The love he gives is suffering and torture. The kindness he shows is an eternal curse. The ever-fleeing moments of bravery are a misery to many. He is a walking omen neither good nor bad, with an internalised balance with the outside world through a mirror.
5. I just love him(as a character/platonic). He had his wrongs maybe more than his rights but in the end, he was determined and hard-working. He did whatever he could, he did what he thought was best even if it wasn't the best. He did whatever was in the power of his hands even when the one meant to have his back stabbed him right in the heart. He stood right by his role and side even if it was the wrong one from the beginning. Even if he was fooled to become the perfect incarnation of what others told him he was. Even if he was torn between who he was once or what he must have been and what he became or what he is in 'truth'. He knew he had a role and he did whatever he could to carry it out you could say it's from selfish desires because he would have died indeed so would have his brother. Bit by bit we show that despite the struggle and betrayal Rafal still tries to learn to love his brother, or better said remind himself that he does.
Bless our silly goose. Love him with all of my heart
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(I did not make this, I literally walked into this room and saw this. I was re-reading the first book at that time and saw this. It made me immediately think of SGE/Rafal. I call this fate.)
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stray-kaz · 11 months
To Sleep and Not To Wake : a Rhian Mistral x f!reader drabble
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A/N: The gif has nothing to do with the story, there are just limited gifs of Rhian.
Summary: You have been put under an enchantment, to sleep as long as there is no one to wake you. But there is someone to wake you.
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The coffin was purest glass, gold filigree etched across its surface. As Rhian approached it with shaking hands, the sun bounced off it, light lancing into his eyes, turning them molten gold. He shielded them, and at the same time, glimpsed your face through the gilded glass.
Purple lightning arced against it, rattling the seams, trying to escape its confines. Enchanted and sleeping, your magic was untethered, raw power eager to leap free, to ride the wind and fly over the turrets of his School. 
It had been built in a hurry, the coffin. Rafal had spelled it together, one hand soaking up your surplus leaking magic, while the other spun the coffin into being around you. Rhian hadn’t been present when the lesson you were taking had gone awry, but Rafal had witnessed the fumbling student cast an accidental sleeping curse on you. You had hit the ground before he could catch you, before he could send a fairy to locate his twin, before Rhian had come running.
But now Rhian was there, tracing his fingertips over the golden curlicues that shaded your face, his brother waiting behind his shadow.
“Who did it?” Rhian asked quietly.
Rafal stared at the back of his head. His twin’s voice held an edge rarely present. He spoke again, even harder this time.
“Who cast the curse?”
Rafal cleared his throat.
“Leandra” he murmured, finding himself in the uncommon position of being his brother’s keeper.
Rhian whipped around, his eyes now hard as bronze.
“A third year should know better” he snapped.
“Go to the library, brother” Rafal said sternly. “Read. Find the answer without bloodshed.”
Rhian glowered at him, but Rafal did not flinch.
“You, the Schoolmaster for Evil, cautioning me?” Rhian demanded.
His tone was hot, his eyes ablaze. Rafal nodded, arms crossed casually over his chest, but his muscles were taut, ready to react should he be provoked. He watched Rhian deliberate, pulse like a hammer. Then the angry light shied away and his pursed lips loosened into a soft frown.
“All right, Rafal” he muttered, his voice low and rasping.
He turned on his heel and strode away, shoulders rigid with the effort of not looking back at the coffin, at you lying inside it.
Rafal watched him go for a time, then turned and placed his hand atop the coffin, warmth spreading from his palm over the glass. Purple light beat against the surface, then calmed to his touch.
“Hurry, Rhian” he said quietly to himself. “She is more powerful than I anticipated.”
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The door to the tower library slammed against the stone wall, untouched by any hand. Rhian stormed through the gap it left open, power crackling. He began running long fingers down the spines of the books at eye level, moving from shelf to shelf, eventually becoming perturbed, then frustrated, then angry all over again.
“Why are there so many damn sleeping spells?” he muttered to himself, tossing book after book over his shoulder.
And then, just before rejecting yet another tome, he hesitated, his fingertips tingling and hot. Almost mindless with desire and hope, he flipped it open to a page halfway through the book, tarnished and blank except for a shimmering image of a man leaning over a sleeping woman, his lips a scant inch from hers.
Rhian was gone before the book even touched the floor.
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When he reached the gold touched coffin, Rafal had both hands flat on it and his chest was heaving with exertion, sweat dampening his temples. He tilted his head to see Rhian, the fine muscles around his eyes straining.
“Did you figure it out yet?” he hissed through clenched teeth.
Rhian nodded and Rafal ripped his hands away from the coffin. The glass exploded, a torrent of violet flame pouring into the clouds. The heat of it warmed Rhian’s hands as he gripped two intact, smooth edges and leaned over the side of the coffin.
He gazed at you for a while, ignoring the purple streaks licking at his coat sleeves.
“Beloved” he whispered. “Open your eyes.”
He touched his lips lightly to yours, noses rubbing, breath stealing inside you. He eased back, waiting. It didn’t take long, and his breath shook as your eyes flickered open to meet his. The barest smile graced your lips and the bright glow of your magic faded away.
“Rhian” you murmured, touching the pad of your thumb to his bottom lip. “I -”
He pulled you up, into his arms, smothering your ‘I love you’ in his shoulder. You smiled and held on tight, feeling your heart begin to beat once more.
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Tagging: @elizabeth-karenina​
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
Am I going out of order? Yes
Do I care? No, and I hope you don't either because you might like this
I've been making a couple YA OTP swap posts and while I would bedate if this is YA, I'm counting it is such because of how edgey it is, sue me
That out of the way,
We begin with a dream as Rhian meets princess after princess because of course he is. We continue until one more shows up, one more beautiful than the rest and asking for Rhian specifically.
Well, too bad he can't say anything to her to kiss her because a hammer wakes him up, one from his parents as they board up his windows because like hell they're letting their son be taken away, even if Rhian doesn't fill their baskets like Radley does.
Rhian ignores them and gets ready, taking an hour on his hair and doing a quick workout and sharpening his sword before leaving to see his best friend in the whole village who lives near a graveyard and owns a very protective wolf named Bold who nearly attacks Rhian for trespassing. Thankfully, his friend stops the wolf with a wave of the hand, stilling it and having it stand down.
Surprise!! It's TEDROS, who is something of a witch/outcast because he doesn't do his hair, wears black, and just isn't happy to be around people. Too bad, because Rhian wants to go exploring.
While out and about, like before, the town preps for the schoolmaster, children getting dirtied up, even Radley, to Rhian's joy, and everyone boarding up their homes. Tedros hates seeing it because he knows for a fact kids are just getting lost in the woods and people are too big of cowards to do anything, specifically shouting so everyone hears.
It makes Rhian much happier because that means they're going to the School for Good and Evil together, though Tedros is upset that all he is to Rhian is a good deed. Rhian convinces him it isn't, though, and that the two are good friends. Back in their homes, Rhian packs his own stuff for the SGE while Tedros is having his bags put together for him by his mother Callis (yes, I'm giving them the original canon parents for Sophie and Agatha, I'm sorry🙏) and despairs at being the only sane one in town, and for not wanting to be a villain or separated from his family and only friend. Callis, seeing his distress, comforts him, apologizing and admitting she only wants him to live an extraordinary life because of all he does for her.
They go to bed and Tedros lies in bed, Bold curled up with him, and notices something strange lurking outside his window: a shadow, and it heads for Rhian next, though Tedros beats it and the two run, Rhian pissed at losing his chance.
Or so they think because they're whisked away and taken to the School for Good and Evil, Rhian reveling at the fact that he will 100% be a prince and kiss a princess and be the salt of the Earth.
Too bad Tedros is dropped in the School for Good.
Rhian is more than upset to be dropped in the School for Evil's moat and meets a girl that asks to touch his hair because he looks like a prince; she's not bad looking at all, just a bad attitude.
Back on track, Rhian leaves the moat and is swept into the halls of Evil, seeing more students and trying to get it across that he isn't a villain and in the wrong school. No one listens and he gets his schedule and uniform, a disgusting black uniform that is nothing sort of rags.
With Tedros, he meets a number of boys who sprout from the ground, all chattering about a Flower Ground before they spot him and ask if he's lost. He is not, just confused and wants to go home. Not a chance because they swarm him, deadly close to attacking, but Tedros jumps first, swining a mean punch at one and knocking him out and sprinting into the school, where he gets hus schedule and uniform, a flashy blue prince-y get-up that hurts his eyes.
They try ecsaping to see each other and fail, Rhain getting hog-tied and taken to his dorm, where he meets his roommates Ravan, Vex, and Hort, Hort being the friendliest as he basically welcomes Rhian with open arms. Rhian pleads his case that he is not a villain and belongs in good, but Ravan and Vex decide to let science do the talking and dangle him over the window ledge; the fairies will save him if he's good. Rhian shouts that he goes to church, feds the homeless, made friends with a witch, gives good advice, is good with a sword, and, the nail in the coffin, looks absolutely stunning, unlike the others, in his eyes.
It's proof enough for them that he's evil.
In the opening ceremony/assembly, we meet our teachers and students, but Rhian and Tedros find each other and have opposing gials at the moment: Rhain wants Tedros's uniform and Tedros wants out of this hellhole.
Too bad because the Ever girls get Rhian's eye, all happily tossing handkerchiefs to the Ever boys before one more struts her way in with boots on her feet as opposed to heels, silencing everyone as they see her black hair flowing behind her, her gown beautiful, but practical as she also wears a sword on her hip.
Agatha of Camelot has entered the game and is absolutely badass as she takes on about 8 or 10 Everboys who she asks for a challenge. She does patch them up and congratulate them for a good fight and spots Tedros and Rhian, who is head over heels and wants himself a princess, even though Tedros gets a rose she wore in her hair.
Chaddick is also interested, which riles up Rhian like no one's business. After the welcoming, Tedros finds his way to Rhian in the school for Evil, where he knows he belongs, but when the two do switch, Rhian happy to take his friend's place and win Agatha's heart before Chaddick can steal it, and calling Tedros a dimwit for thinking he wants Rhian to go back to Gavaldon where there's nothing for him.
Turns out karma bites back because they're given their uniforns back and returned to their appropriate schools, right in time for class
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kiera-mistral-fahey · 10 months
Enjoy the ride ~ Rhian Mistral x Female Original Character (Platonic)
Fandom: School for good and evil, Rise of the school for good and evil, Fall of the school for good and evil.
Warnings: None, just fluff and kisses.
Pairings: Rhian Mistral x Female Main Character. ( Platonic)
Book Version of Rhian,not The Movie.
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Angel carefully stepped over the tree branches, she didn't want to make too much noise and wake up the forest. But for some reason, the leaves did.
Every step she made, the leaves made a crunch noise and she winced when a mosquito flinched or a small animal ran from her sight.
Looking up at the beautiful sky, she could see the beauty of nature and was awed at the amazing sight.
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Birds flew over her head and she giggled and raised her hand in the air and waved them.
“ Come on Rhian. Let's have fun?”.
A few seconds later, a head full of wild, blonde curls appeared and her friend blue eyes took in the sight of her.
The ' Good ' schoolmaster and also her best friend.
“ Did you enjoy the journey?” he asked.
Angel bit her lip and nodded, she opened her arms for her friend to embrace her.
Rhian did with ease.
She inhaled his scent and closed her eyes in bliss, she enjoyed this.
Just the two of them, and no one else.
No Rafal, no brother drama, no sibling rivalry, no anything.
Just the two of them.
And that was how she liked it.
Angel looked up from his chest, Rhian did the same, he leaned down slowly and pressed his lips against hers.
“ Come on, let's get back. Before everyone realized we are gone” he smiled.
She smiled back in return.
Well, this was amazing.
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firemoonxd · 3 years
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I really want a prequel for the School of Good and Evil book series where we find out more about the Schoolmasters... TuT
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harmonyverendez · 11 months
Sneak Peak - Being Rhian & Rafal's Sister / Brother
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harmonyverendez · 8 months
Switch ~ A Theory Again ( Rise / Fall SGE )
you know how I said that Rafal and Rhian personality change was weird? And That there are a lot of weird things going on in both prequels?.
But I just came up with something like 30 minutes ago.
What if all those theories we had weren't true?.
What if Rafal have been good from the beginning?
What if Rhian has been Evil since the beginning?.
Okay, here me out.
I know I sound confusing, but allow me to explain.
You know how I said Rhian was good from the start and he became that way and Rafal was good from the start and became Evil or the other way around?.
What if all of that was wrong?.
What if Rafal was born good and he was forced to become Evil because he doesn't fit the Ever description? And that was the reason he became ' Evil '? And after 100 years his soul forced itself to become its true self after being hiding and forcing itself to be Evil all along?.
And What if Rhian was raised to be an Ever because he looked like a true Never and became ' Good ' but his soul was rejecting everything and 100 years later he was tired of being in pain and became Evil?
But what if it looked Forced because of the true nature finally coming out and not forced at all?.
What if it looked like that but it wasn't the case?.
It's either that or Rhian and Rafal were idiots growing up and went for the wrong thing.
Or it's just Stereotype and I'm a dumb author who needs to be slapped in the face for making this dumb theory up.
You have permission to sit on me.
P.S. - Tell me your Theories.
#FreeRafal'sSpirit #TheStorianIsEvil
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harmonyverendez · 8 months
I wonder What's Rhian and Rafal Mistral middle name? I - well everyone decided that their last names will be Mistral.
So I wonder what their middle names will be?
I have a few of them up my sleeve.
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harmonyverendez · 7 months
I guess this is what Rhian MISTRAL would look like. Idk I'm not really feeling this one.
I was going for the book cover Rhian. He was described as Gold skin, Gold hair and blue eyes. But the book cover Rhian has red hair, blue eyes and freckles on his face. So yeah....
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What do others think?.
Yes or no?.
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harmonyverendez · 11 months
Imagine being best friends / Childhood of Rhian and you get offered a job at the school and end up falling in love with him.
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harmonyverendez · 8 months
The Control ~ SGE ( main series and the Prequel )
I had another theory, that the Storian controls all the schoolmasters. Which is one of the reasons why no one wins. Ever noticed that the schoolmaster(s) always lose after they begin to grow bored ( and pause " Who the hell wouldn't get bored after spending years being in a school?", I know I would ". Anyway, let's continue before I lose and get off track.
That the Storian kills them right after and just select new one(s) soon?.
I find that strange....very strange.
I feel like the Pen taking their blood is a way to control. That's why when they fail the test, they always lose!.
It's the pen.
And the same thing could be said about Rhian and Rafal situation. The Storian was controlling them as well.
This is why they failed and the war happened and Rhian ' Won ' I mean he didn't win, he's a coward.
You may comment your theories as well.
#FreeRafal'Spirit #TheStorianIsEvil
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harmonyverendez · 7 months
If the MISTRAL brothers were sisters / Females ( Coming Soon )
~ Sneak peak ~
Rhian - Rayla, Rhianna, Etc.
Rafal - Rafala, Rachel, Etc. ( can't really come up with names. Maybe their names would have been with a different alphabet.
Personality Wise - Female Rafal would be Lesbian ( Yes I said it 🤧🥹🥲 ) and very clingy to her twin sister.
While Female Rhian would be protective, Bisexual ( swing both ways. ) She would like male and female. Not just pirates...
Both had a difficult childhood which made them untrustful of people.
Female Rafal and Midas, And James Hook would be bestie ( and you can't tell me otherwise )
Female Rhian would be so girly that it would make Female Rafal head burst.
Coming soon. 😁😁😁😉🥳🥳
Any suggestions?
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harmonyverendez · 7 months
Rhian Mistral Aesthetic
A mixture of book cover Rhian and description Rhian from the inside of the books.
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harmonyverendez · 8 months
I saw the light ~ Rhian Mistral ( The Journey To Redemption ) [ Rise. / Fall SGE ]
Title: I Saw The Light / The Journey To Redemption
Pairings: No Romance, but will have mentions of couples.
Tags: Time Travel, Past-Romance, Character Death, Etc.
Warnings: Strong Language! Violence! Character Death! Blood and Gore!, Etc.
Characters: Rhian Mistral, Rafal Mistral, and others.
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Rhian let out a snarl as he lunged at Sophie and tried to kill her, but it was too late.
He was no more.
His body begins to age rapidly and falls to the ground, turns to ashes, and blows away in the wind.
He opened his eyes to see himself in some weird place, his eyesight was blurry and he could hardly breathe. He grabbed and grasped at his throat, and a dry cough left his mouth and lungs.
Rhian struggled to make sense of his surroundings, the blurred images and unfamiliar environment disorienting him further. As his vision slowly cleared, he realized he was standing in what appeared to be a desolate wasteland. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of his raspy breaths.
His confusion turned to unease as he took in his own appearance. Rhian's reflection revealed a gaunt figure, weathered by age and exhaustion. He could hardly recognize himself, but there was no denying that he was somehow different, altered from the moment of his demise.
Cautiously, Rhian began to explore his surroundings, hoping to find some answers in this strange place. With each step he took, the ground beneath him seemed to shift, as if mocking his attempts to find stability. The sparse vegetation crumbled to dust as he brushed past it, replaced by lifeless remnants scattered in the wind.
As he ventured further, Rhian's senses heightened, picking up faint whispers on the breeze. They were barely intelligible, but their urgency fueled his determination to understand. Pushing through the mounting weakness in his body, he followed the intangible voices, desperate for comprehension.
Suddenly, he stumbled upon a gathering of apparitions. They appeared to be shadows of their former selves, their bodies resembling faint echoes of life. Their voices grew in intensity as they noticed Rhian's presence, their hollow gazes fixed upon him. With great effort, he tried to speak, but his voice came out as a mere whisper, barely audible.
As if sensing his struggle, one of the apparitions approached, its eyes reflecting a glimmer of recognition. It extended a ghostly hand towards Rhian, urging him to join their circle. Although apprehensive, he grasped the outstretched hand, and an intense surge of energy coursed through him.
His vision cleared, and his body regained strength as he absorbed the ethereal essence flowing from the apparition. The whispers around him became more coherent, revealing fragments of forgotten memories and hidden truths. Rhian realized that he was no longer confined to the mortal realm; he had entered a realm between life and death, where time held no sway.
Embracing this newfound clarity, Rhian focused on the apparitions, communicating without words, absorbing their knowledge and experiences. He discovered that they were all souls who, like him, had met their demise and now resided in this ephemeral realm.
As time continued its elusive dance, Rhian's understanding grew. He realized that this realm was a place of reflection, a space where souls were given a chance to confront their past and reconcile with their choices. Here, one could find redemption or be forever trapped in the purgatory of regret.
Rhian chose to embrace this opportunity, vowing to seek forgiveness for the darkness he had once embodied. Energized by his newfound purpose, he set forth, determined to find a way to make amends. However, he knew that this journey would not be easy, for the path to redemption was as treacherous as the one that had led him here.
Armed with the knowledge and strength borrowed from the souls he encountered, Rhian embarked on a soul-searching odyssey through the realm between life and death. This ethereal journey would test his resolve, his resilience, and his capacity for change. But Rhian was prepared to confront his past head-on, to atone for his actions, and discover the true purpose of his existence in this in-between world.
End Of Part 1, In the next part you'll see different and new people and scenarios.
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