dainesanddaffodils · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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uwu hiii!!
you get!! a wonderball!!
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consultingjedi · 10 months
2, 3, 15 for the fic ask game!
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
over half my fics have fewer than a hundred hits. idk, not all of them are particularly great, but some of them were pretty good imo. i wrote a lot of niche AUs for rqg that it would've been fun to talk with people about.
trigun fandom seems to like my writing style more than rqg fandom did 😅 🤷‍♂️
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
okay, answered once but i'll find you another 🤔 let's say the san junipero AU that @starrygazingpie and i massively chatficced but haven't yet put metaphorical pen to paper and proseficced. (oh that one is such good angst though. with some nice helpings of fluff.)
15. Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
lmao i'm sure there are. i'm terrible at self-reflection though, even when it's all written down for me. i tend to use certain, hmm, rhythms i guess? a lot of my fics read like a slinky falling down the stairs xD
i've probably ended more than my fair share of fics with the characters falling asleep at the end. it's a good out, okay :P
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vastsexual · 2 years
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks (tagged by @rhiroreads )
1. Good Shot, Good Soldier by Everything Everything - from my gideon nav and my corona/judith playlists
2. Madonna by Snail Mail - on my harrianthe playlist
3. Not Your Little Baby Anymore by Jesse Jo Stark - on my corona/ianthe playlist. can you tell im in a particular fandom atm
4. Animal Skin by Bryan Dunn - also on the harrianthe playlist 😔
5. Michael Myers Resplendant by The Mountain Goats - on my ianthe playlist
6. Hungry Ghost by Johanna Warren - this one's from my harrow playlist
7. Mausoleum by Raffery - from my griddlehark playlist
8. Not Your Prey by Squirrel Flower - this one's not on a tlt playlist!! its just a bop
9. Asystole by Hayley Williams - this one is however also from my griddlehark playlist
10. Modern Day Cain by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - on both my ianthe and jod playlists
well after that relentless cross-section of my current fannish interests i will tag @screechfoxes (idr if you use spotify but if you do batter up) @transjon and @fatalityzing. the songs above are all bangers btw go listen
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threesnakeleaves · 2 years
Was tagged by @rhiroreads
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks
1. Easy (Matte O'Brien)
2. Bruises and Scratches (Sophie May)
3. Last Man on Earth (Anna Bates)
4. The Beast (Odie Leigh)
5. Extraction Point (the Mountain Goats)
6. We'll Never Have Sex (Leith Ross)
7. The Queen of White Lies (the Orion Experience)
8. Noel's Lament (Kholby Wardell)
9. Strawberry (Andrew Montana)
10. Lay All Your Love on Me (Brian David Gilbert)
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notquiteinsane · 2 years
Tagged by @hetamariar !!
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks
(It's gonna be all NM and ST)
TURN IT UP LIKE (Stand In The Fire) by Nothing More
TIRED OF WINNING by Nothing More
The Love You Want by Sleep Token
Spectral Friends by Maraton
Take Aim by Sleep Token
Jaws by Sleep Token
The Offering by Sleep Token
Dark Signs by Sleep Token
Cepheus by Fewjar
Fine by Mike Shinoda
Tagging @defilerwyrm bc your cat is in my list, @hamatebone @env0 @clawdiusthenofty @rhiroreads @phantomwinds @zemkzone
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blacksailszine · 2 years
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🏴‍☠️  CREW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Rhi/ Ronan 🏴‍☠️
Rhi is contributing fic to Freedom in the Dark!
Rhi has been writing fanfiction since they were twelve, and posting it for about a year. He enjoys gaming, podcasts, and spending their time off in bed with her cat, Troy.
Follow them @rhiroreads or on social media:
rhiroreads on Twitter
Welcome aboard, pirate!
[ID: White writing on a black background with red brush strokes reading ‘Black Sails Zine Crew Member: Rhi/ Ronan’ and the above mentioned social media handles, as well as an icon. End ID]
Read a preview of their writing below the cut!
Sasha sits on his chest, her knees pinning his arms to the bed. Oscar watches her while she carefully applies his makeup, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He could lay like this for hours.
“Close your eyes.” He does, hyper-aware of each gentle swipe of her finger across his eyelids.
When she finishes, she grabs his chin and tilts his head this way and that to appraise her handiwork, leaning in close. “Pretty,” she murmurs as she wipes a bit of excess gloss from the corner of his lips.
Almost imperceptibly, he presses his face into her touch. “Thank you, Sasha.”
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Hii :D 1, 5, 10 for the fanfic asks?
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
Just answered in the previous ask, but it is Non-Perishable because I am very proud of these sad beefsters.
5. most popular fic this year
Oooh intriguing!
According to my AO3 stats page, most hits and most comments go to DBS Kinktober 2021 (which makes sense, as it's the longest and has a lot of different chapters.
Most kudos goes to The King's Lot which is pretty nifty and surprised me!
And most bookmarks goes to Grifting Is Our Love Language which pleases me greatly.
10. shortest wip of the year
okokok so I'm not ENTIRELY sure how to answer this question, because I don't really post WIPs?
Like, strictly, the one thing I have posted this year that is not Complete is DBS Kinktober 2021 which does very much clock in at a whopping 18k words and 21/31 chapters, and I do HOPE to finish sometime but who knows.
If you count my 250 words about sasha having friends series as a WIP, because I'm still adding to it, then that's only 2750 words, but it's also 2750 words of complete stories.
And if you count things that simply haven't been posted yet but are in the works...
Well, one time I was being angsty and reblogged a tarot-themed prompt ask game and got lovely asks from @rhiroreads and an anon and was going to write short little things for them.... and then I didn't. I sure hope I do!!!
Hope that helps XD
fanfic end of the year asks!
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ten songs i love in no order
I was tagged by @chokopoppo (their post)! And I have tagged people I trust to give their own song recs. 1. Tykus Tykus (Augustinas) This one goes out to @internetconnectedbrethren. I have done so much Greek homework to this song.
2. Radio Head (Talking Heads) I got this one from my Transformers phase, because someone pointed out what a good song it is for Soundwave. It’s a great song otherwise, although apparently the band Radiohead took their name from this song because they hated it so much.
3. My Hallelujah (Autoheart) @rhiroreads put this on a Gable/Travis playlist and fae was RIGHT. Banger before that and even more of a banger now.
4. Invisible Touch (Genesis) Shout-out to @threesnakeleaves for the three-song playlist they made one time featuring this song. That playlist is my constant companion.
5. Rocky Top (Osborne Brothers) Ideal setting for this song is the middle of the woods, as @sulfuriousacid knows.
6. There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet (Panic! At The Disco) Learning all the words to this song was the peak of my high school career.
7. At The Round Earth's Imagined Corners (Spencer) @alex-guarnaschelli By the time I actually did this song, I already knew it, and that is your fault.
8. Pengyou, Ting! (Jennings) Songs that make you :D 9. Mrs. Bluebeard (They Might Be Giants) I get ONE TMBG song. I always try to ding something in time with the dings in this song. 10. Movement and Location (Punch Brothers) Songs that make you want to learn how to fiddle.
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dainesanddaffodils · 6 months
7 and 19 for spotfiy asks!
7. Most streamed month of your top artist (explain if you think/know why)
March for T Swift which... I don't have a clear idea why except maybe that that's the month her huge tour started lol
19. Is the most streamed song by your favourite artist your favourite of them?
if by favorite artist you mean my top one, it's You're on Your Own, Kid which is definitely a fav by Taylor but not my number 1
if by favorite you mean like, who I consider my favorite, it's Forever by Mumford & Sons which is, while good, definitely not a fav - but it does end up on a lot of ship playlists I make so it rocketed up my wrapped lol
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consultingjedi · 1 year
WIP guessing game: touch
<3 (fic ask game)
okay so the word "touch" appears half a dozen times in this document. (er, more, actually, but some of those are notes, not the fic.) enjoy some extremely out of context bits:
He pokes back, sending a light touch of curiosity.
A sunny day, not quite too hot but verging on it, still a touch cool in the shadows.
To Vash's sight, it looks like it would be ever-so-slightly raised to the touch.
Wolfwood's always said he prefers the outright approach, but he's owed a delicate touch after what (Knives) the world put him through.
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consultingjedi · 1 year
3, 11
i was going to sleep but for you, rinblin, i shall answer questions 💚 (ask game)
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
um. uh. i don't think i actually have one. what are the criteria for favorite? favorite writing style? favorite characterization? best flow/readability?
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
not really; i have a couple classical music playlists i cycle through a lot of the time. it can't be something with words, or if it does have words it has to be lyrics i've ~memorized so that i don't pay attention.
a lot of it is about Vibes. gotta have the Right Vibes.
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dainesanddaffodils · 1 year
15 questions/15 people
ooooh meme time!! thanks @sulienapgwien!!
Are you named after anyone? Not intentionally. My parents named me Margaret kinda on a whim (they’d had a different name in mind literally until they saw me) and then when telling friends and family one of my great aunts or distant cousins or whathaveyou commented on my mom keeping up the tradition of firstborn daughters named Margaret and she was like “oh. i did... not know that was a thing.”
When was the last time you cried? uhhhh sometime last week definitely - work was a lot lol 
Do you have kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not aloud as much as in my head. I don’t realize how much I reign in until something slips out and people are surprised that it came from me. 
What's the first thing you notice about people? Hairstyle usually.
What's your eye color? Green!
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings. I’m soft bitch. 
Any special talents? um? 
Where were you born? St. Louis. 
What are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, reading, renn faire, getting into roller derby sorta... 
Do you have any pets? I live with people who do so yes? 
What sports do you play/have you played? none of that, but again, maybe roller derby someday
How tall are you? 5′6″
Favorite subject in school? English and, weirdly enough, Chemistry 
Dream job? My current one just with more money. That or, you know, professional author.
tagging @j-whirl44, @melongumi, @gavotteangel, @keldeer, @sophaoat, @goodplace-janet, @rhiroreads, @consultingjedi, @suzie-guru @deadtrilobitesociety @ive-been-mistreated and anyone else who feels like getting back into the game
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dainesanddaffodils · 2 years
17. an earliest obsession you remember?
honesty, it was anime. like, early toonami anime. I have so much fanart from sailor moon and yu yu hakusho and dragon ball z it was my favorite thing lmao
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dainesanddaffodils · 3 years
Sleepover saturday: How was faire!?!
(sleepover Sunday because I am finally home from faire)
It was exhausting but absolutely great! It really felt like it had been a few days, not 2 years, since we've worked a faire last
I got to dance! I got to play cards and dice! We did spoon-fighting! I got to spend time with some of my fav people! It was lovely!!
I'm now very very sleeby
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