#rich man poor woman
old-dramas · 5 months
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seawherethesunsets · 1 year
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# when you get caught behaving totally “normal” by your boss
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all this amuses me.... she succeeded now it is necessary to go until the end.... to be really married. I saw girls on tiktok telling other girls where to go, which restaurant, which gym, go to a golf club... to find a rich man... I will never be able to do this not because of some form of self-respect but I am very lazy and have a scorpion ego ♏️ = power war that's why I'll never marry a rich man.
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
Satomi Ishihara being a riot for 3 full minutes. 🤣
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alloveydovey · 2 months
Blah blah, dramas of this month. This is the ACTUAL month of rewatch lol.
It’s Okay, That’s Love, 2014 (kdrama) 8.5
A psychiatrist who has issues getting intimate in her relationships meets a flirty famous author who might have a lot more issues than he lets on.
Okay, so, mixed feelings. It's very different from what I've seen before, so that's a good thing. It took me a while to get into it because I didn't like the secondary characters that much. One of them is 28 and is after a high schooler, and the other one has a whole family somewhere but lives with FL, ML, and the dude in love with the teenager-- and like? He's also in a weird relationship with his ex-wife. Maybe I can't take complex characters cause what is this man doing with his life? Or maybe that's part of the theme of this drama. What are we all doing? lmao, anyway. It's more adultish, and it deals with mental health. Zo In Sung and Gong Hyo Jin are great, their acting very natural, and their chemistry is fire. It did take me a while to end it, sooo... I don't know. I'm still not sure how to rate it. Overall good, though.
One Spring Night, 2019 (kdrama) (rewatch!) 9 ⭐
A librarian meets a pharmacist. She’s already in a relationship, and he has a kid outside of wedlock.
I guess this is where cultural differences collide. This drama would make absolutely no sense where I'm from. ML is a father whose girlfriend runaway after having the child... ok? Single parents (even young ones) are a common thing where I'm from. FL breaks up with her boyfriend, but he, her father, and his ex's father as well don't seem to get the memo and insist on a wedding... absolutely insane. I do get it, though. I get that in their culture, such things (maybe a little hyperbolic) happen, so I forego the cultural contrast and absolutely adore this drama. It's one of my favorites. And not just because of Jung Hae In (although, yeah, he was the reason I watched it the first time lol). The whole cast is amazing, you hate almost every man in it, but the women... the women are so worth it. Hae Ji Min is such an amazing and realistic FL. And the comfort... It's one of those cozy dramas perfect for watching every once in a while. Even the repetitive songs hit differently.
Because This is My First Life (kdrama) (rewatch!) 9
FL loses her job and on top of that doesn’t have where to live. ML wants monthly rent to keep up with his mortgage. A wedding contract ensues.
This is probably my favorite marriage contract/fake relationship drama. Also, the softest FL and ML ever. Even with their awkwardness, Jung So Min (I loooooove her) and Lee Min Ki manage to grasp you. My only two cons are the ending and one of the secondary couples. The unnecessary, always present separation between FL and ML. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. I feel like it might have made sense here, but at the same time it was one of the separations I hated most. Happy ending, though, so yay. I loved the girl with the bra problem and the sentimental boss, they were badass. But yeah, I hated the other secondary couple that broke up and made up over and over again. Extra notes: It was the first drama I saved music from lol.
Boys Over Flowers, 2009 (kdrama) (rewatch!) 7.5
Jan Di gets a scholarship at a rich kids' school and stands up to the F4, a group of popular guys who love to bully the shit out of everyone who they dim as bothersome.
I watched BoF when I was fourteen, and to be honest, I didn't remember much other than the fact that it wouldn't be one of those dramas I'd rewatch again. Well, let's ignore the fact that I'm here watching it again lol. I’m into 00s dramas lately, they’re kind of addictive so I had to re-check this one.
I didn’t remember Joon Pyo being so soft. I mean, still a menace to society, yes, but I think my mind got stuck with the first episodes and I low-key forgot that he actually falls for Jan Di way earlier in the drama and that he's just a caricaturized dumbass. And as for our FL, she could be a pain in the ass, but Jan Di could also be pretty fucking badass. Obviously the drama is way outdated, an adaptation from an even more outdated manga, and has a million red flags. Outside of that, I didn't think I'd be able to rewatch it. It gets extremely annoying at one point, but maybe the nostalgia won me over, and I low-key mostly enjoyed this. Extra notes: One of my favorite secondary couples/ Fuck Ji Hoo I never liked him lol.
Love in Contract, 2022 (kdrama) 8
FL works as a wife for hire. In between various clients, she’s had a consistent one for the past 5 years, a quiet and awkward man who she doesn’t know much about. Now, when she decides to retire, she has doubts about how to approach the end of their business relationship (fake marriage) with her longest and favorite husband/client.
I should stop reading drama reviews before watching them cause, unlike everyone else apparently, I enjoyed this drama a lot. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it’s far from being bad. The chemistry between Park Min Young and Go Kyung Pyo is everything. It also has an openly gay character who is possibly my new favorite character ever. It does drag at the end, but I don't think it diminishes the rating of the drama.
A Piece of Your Mind, 2020 (kdrama) 8.5
ML is trying to capture the personality of the woman he loves (but hasn’t seen in years) inside a device he invented. A classical music recording engineer ends up connecting with that same woman, and they both meet in— spoiler.
I admit I still haven’t finished this one but I’m really into it. Great story, great visuals, great OST. It’s a slow drama, but I feel like it’s meant to immerse you in its little melodrama world. It's both heartbreaking and comforting at the same time. Apparently, it has a low rating, and I can understand why it might be that way because it's a soft drama, but I absolutely adore it. Jung Hae In never disappoints. Also, Chae Soo Bin might be becoming one of my favorite Korean actresses.
Rich Man, Poor Woman, 2012 (jdrama) 8
Poor Woman is restlessly looking for a job and ends up working for the project of Rich Man’s company. Poor woman likes Rich Man. Rich Man is bratty and in serious need of social skills. However, fire chemistry ensues.
This drama was a surprise, for sure. The chemistry between the leads is amazing (old rom-com style), and the storyline itself, though sometimes focusing a little too much on the company and the partners-turned-rivals, is quite capturing. I did wish that it could concentrate a little more on the two leads and their romance since they were great together. I usually hate when dramas have their leads get together in the last episode (jdramas do this so much man) but here... well, I hated it, but it's okay cause they were cute af. (Also there’s a follow up movie apparently).
Haven't finished yet and don't know if I will ⬇️
Amidst a Snowstorm of Love, 2024 (cdrama) 8
ML falls in love at first sight with a girl in Finland. She plays billiard which is coincidentally the sport he gave up.
I have a lot of mixed feelings here because, yes, this is extremely romantic, which is what I always look for. The chemistry absolutely takes the cake, and the actors deal with it incredibly well. But... For me, love at first sight lacks substance. I rarely like it, and here, it felt like she liked him because he was good-looking and attentive (sometimes a bit too much... like back off, she's not a kid), and he liked her because... he just did. She obviously had great qualities but, yeah, I don’t know. I need a little friction to enjoy a good romantic drama. Also, it's not important, but I don't like billiards, so a lot of this was a bit boring for me. The writing felt also a bit off.
I might finish it because the characters and setting are interesting enough. Romance is cute and seems promising as well.
My Boss, 2024 (cdrama) 7
An inexperienced lawyer ends up sharing a flat with her boss after they accidentally rent the same place. Both are complete opposites.
This is actually from January, but I tried seeing if I'd be able to finish it now and still no. Back then I was looking forward to this one cause it seemed like a cute silly rom-com, but it might have been a little bit too much on the silly. The actors are okay, their chemistry is fine. I guess what really made me drop it was the writing. Which was not good... at all.
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questintheskies · 2 years
Miwa - Hikari e
Still as iconic as the day it premiered
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snowdrop-yoongi · 2 months
my favorite thing about baek hyun-woo's portrayal is that he isn't even a loser. he's an incredibly cool and competent lawyer who also happens to act like a loser
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gg-ladybug · 11 months
Officially subscribing to the idea that Movie!Gabriel is writing letters to Movie!Nathalie from rich-people-prison
“Dear Nathalie, I’m about to share this earth shattering secret with you, but the guards here screen my mail, so I’ll have to keep it purposefully vague. I’m sure you’ll understand until we can talk in a few months <3”
*Mayura appears in the second movie*
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addiemilfgomery · 3 months
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you know a ship is good when character a has a near-death experience and character b immediately acts like a widow
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karmacores · 1 year
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Call of Cthulhu blorbos
I love a dysfunctional table of PCs <3
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Penelope: independent, has her own money and title, made something out of herself self-made queen!!
the other #Bridgerton girlies: just married the tons manwh*re the end that’s their whole story so pathetic
I too would be fuming about Penelope if my favs only personality was she married a rich ho* that whole ton have tasted in great detail for long periods of time!!
I know why they mad I would be too tbh, like all them girlies whole personality is about them marrying the ton man wh*re! While they have no interesting personalities, qualities or anything special about them they just bore just exist to make babies be wifes to marry rich man so very female character of them I mean the show is set in time where woman didn’t have no interesting qualities about them and was just there to be baby making machines but my girl Pen said nah I’m do my own thing! she’s such complex intriguing flawed fun character that’s why they mad bc their fav are 2d boring basic bland characters can’t even be marry Sue bc marry Sue suppose to be perfect but they aren’t that either just very pick me girls to the very end fact their lives stopped after they married not that they had any lives to begin with but just so sad tragic!
I’m sorry y’all fav character biggest personality trait was marrying a rich yt man who*re and betraying their own flesh like that’s something special or in Eloise case being just fake feminist who only talks does nothing at all but is a hypocrite cuz she didn’t want all that just for her to throw it all away for the first pretty yt boy with she sees and she betraying her friend for man she just met too Eloise is such written by a yt woman character if I have ever seen one bc of her yt feminism bs which is just fake feminism because she herself didn’t want something not bc she genuinely care abou feminism or wanna do something for woman but bc she dont want that thing she hates for herself like to marry an old hag!
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old-dramas · 1 year
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seawherethesunsets · 1 year
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Something’s wrong here. I’m having too much fun. I can’t ruin the spell by telling the truth. I have to tell him.
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mejomonster · 4 months
Reminding myself at least im not writing a story about a 30-40 year old guy still hung up over a lost lover he varely knew/ex wife/missing wife who he idolizes to the point she's an object barely a person and when she is a person it clashes with the ideal hes longing for, and he thinks hes this rebel poor guy but hes got mega cash and can afford an LA/San Francisco/New York home AND a vacation because hes Got vacation time(?) Or just so money secure he can afford 1+ months not working, oh and he's probably a self employed artist who "has no ideas" and is lamenting it even though hes got enough money to indulge his trip to the Weird Scary Rural place so clearly the situation isnt dire. Oh and he has a drinking problem. He doesnt know whats real or not, but since hes alread deluding himself about his Imaginary Idolized Woman and Pretending Hes Poor... who can really say if hes seeing any scary wild shit at all or hes just dramaticizing the mundane (or lying)
At least im not writing a guy like that
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Japanese Drama “Unnatural” is getting a K Drama Remake
The 2018 series which stars Satomi Ishihara as a forensic doctor for a Special Investigation Lab established by the Ministry of Health who investigate the cases of deaths involving unnatural circumstances, is getting a Korean remake.
It is not the first time that Korea had remake a Japanese Drama. Below are two great J dramas that I have watched which was remake into K dramas many years later.
1) J Drama : Rich Man, Poor Woman (2012)
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Pic by vanheb.wordpress.com
1) K Drama Remake : Rich Man (2018)
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Pic by theseoulinme.com/rich-man/
2) J Drama : Legal High (2012)
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Pic by asianwiki.com
2) K Drama Remake : Legal High (2019)
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Pic by www.hellokpop.com
Apparently, there are several remakes such as this list of J dramas which I have not watched yet.
The thing about J Dramas is that they’re pretty underrated with a lot of original interesting stories and characters but they are not as popular as K Dramas.
The problem with J Dramas is that they are created for its domestic market, targeting Japanese audience, so they are hard to find on mainstream platforms.
K Dramas on the other hand are created for the global audience and as such they can be found easily on international streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney.
For example, there is not a single historical Japanese Taiga drama on Netflix while there are plenty of historical Korean Sageuk dramas on Netflix.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 5 months
You see the thing about DC Comics is that the comics don't matter and they're gonna just pick and choose their Canon every new run anyways so you might as well live a little and pick and choose YOUR preferred canon.
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