#richard winters headcannons
privgeorgeluz · 29 days
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band of brothers • black and white
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narwal-ed-in · 1 month
ARMY GLITTERATI - (Band of Brothers x Bimbo!Reader)
✨glitterati✨- /ˌɡlɪt̬.əˈrɑː.t̬i/ - 1940's slang for famous people, glamorous people, in the spotlight.
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Summary: “You want to become a combat medic for the 101st?” “What, like it's hard?”
Warning: Period typical sexism, Fem reader, she/her pronouns, slight body shaming (not directed at reader). NO BETA READ. I WROTE THIS JUST NOW SO PLEASE DON'T EXPECT MUCH.
No disrespect to the real veterans of WW2, all my BoB fanfics are based on depictions by actors in the miniseries.
Borders by @plutism
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The war is raging and everyone is doing their part to help the men on the front.
For you, that mostly meant trying to look your best at all times, no matter how inconvenient the situation.
"Looking good is a ginormous part of the war effort, it's good for boosting troop morale. I saw it on a poster at the teaching hospital" You reasoned with your father after he complained about you buying another pair of shoes and some expensive vanishing creams.
"Darling, I think they meant that we should all keep our appearances up, not buy out our local department stores"
"Oh my god daddy, you're suffocating me! I'm just doing my part by looking nice..." you glare at your father in his work clothes and eye him with a grimace "...and clearly you're not"
When you get a telegram informing you that you've been selected to participate in a program that aims to send female medics into combat you jump on it.
This is going to be so much fun.
"I'm going to be the talk of the town when everyone finds out. Not even Reverend Smiths boring old story about dying for ten minutes in a car crash and seeing Jesus will be able to outdo this!"
Your supervisors at the hospital are shocked that you've been chosen, seeing as you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
You had once walked out of an operation because it was bloody and you were wearing white (all the nurse uniforms are white).
You hoped you wouldn't be assigned to the army or the airforce.
The army is too basic, and if you were stuck on an airbase somewhere then nobody would be able to see how fab you always were.
The navy was your goal, their uniforms were sooo cute, you were just dreaming of all the ways you could style it.
It's just your luck when you get assigned to airborne.
"THIS BLOWS! I'm in the two most unglamorous branches at the same time"
After your initial breakdown you realized it wasn't that bad. If you were jumping out of planes it just meant that your hotness would have a bigger audience since it would literally be raining down from the sky.
"When the Germans see all this falling from the sky, they're going to flip their friggin wigs! AHHHH"
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You're assigned to Easy company and meet the men a few months into their training at Camp Toccoa.
You show up randomly in the middle of the day.
Although the men had been told a woman would be joining them and they had been expecting you, they hadn't been expecting YOU.
You were a ditzy thing and looked like you’d jumped out of one of their pin up postcards. The brass surely couldn't expect them to put their lives in your hands.
"I'm sooo happy to meet everyone. You know, the other girls in the program are such massive liars, they said airborne was where all the uggos went, but that's so not true. After all, I'm here"
You always woke up an hour earlier than the rest of Easy so you would have time to put your face on.
It was one of your tenets to never be seen by anyone outside of family without makeup on, or with your curlers in.
Malarkey, Skip, Penkala, Shifty, Bull, Christenson, Lip and Winters had all been kind to you from the beginning, expecting nothing in return.
But some of the guys had other ideas.
George was one of the men that befriended you initially. And although he did have the ulterior motive of getting it on with you, he eventually stuck around because he actually liked you.
You guys have great play-flirting banter and you're both very entertaining people to be around, especially when you're drunk.
On the rare nights anyone gets passes they want to be around you and George because they know that's where the funs at.
You get sloppy drunk with George, flirt with men from Easy and other companies all night, then end up with your shoes off at 3am, sitting on the curb and crying about one of your ex boyfriends.
Perconte was one of your original detractors but when you found yourselves making the same brain dead comments about obvious things, you both decided to put your two half braincells together to form the singular braincell you share between yourselves.
Talbert was trying to get into your pants instantly. Nobody was surprised.
But just like George he grew to be genuinely fond of you.
What was surprising was Joe Toye taking you under his wing.
Toye could see that you were absolutely clueless and the worst part was, you had no idea.
Toye couldn't bear the agony of watching you skip around camp with your happy-go-lucky attitude, harping on about celebrity gossip nobody cared about.
"Y/N!" Toye yelled as you all got dressed to run Currahee "Why the hell is your PT shirt pink?!"
"Isn't it just the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen, Joe? I put a red handkerchief in with my laundry. Cosmo said carnation pink is the color of the summer"
Huffing and puffing, Toye took out one of his spare shirts and forced you to wear it.
"And when you give it back, it better not be fucking 'flamingo pink'" Toye said.
"Oh honey, this isn't 1939, flamingo pink is so over. I wouldn't be caught dead in that. You know, Joe, sometimes I feel like you don't care about fashion at all" You scoff at his cluelessness as you walk out.
Joe Toye is secretly your best friend in the company.
Toye taking you in meant Gaurnere and Johnny Martin had to be around you, much to their chagrin.
They didn't want some girl hanging off of them.
You win Gaurnere's respect when you coach him on what to write to his girlfriend back home to assure her that he's serious about their relationship when she began doubting his intentions.
And you win Johnny's respect when you help him find the most romantic gift for his wife for valentines day.
"Y'know, back home they call me the love doctor...Well, they used to, before I told Betsy Kline that Rob Jones was her soulmate but then he left her at the altar to elope with his housekeeper"
Sobel despised you from the moment he laid eyes on you.
Not wearing your red lipstick everyday was torture, but you had to stick to natural colours so Sobel wouldn't be able to tell what you had on.
He tried with everything in his power to get you kicked out, but much to everyones surprise, you kept up extrordinarily well with the men when it came to physical training.
"I do a lot of Pilates. It's really good for flexibility and helps you keep a positive outlook so you're not be such a 'negative nancy' all the time. Some of you could really use it. Some more than others..." you said as you side-eyed Skinny who just looked around incredulously
Eventually most of the men come to consider you a friend and a confidante since you give remarkably sound relationship advice.
"It's like sooo hard being the smartest person and the hottest catch in this camp at the same time"
The hardest nuts to crack in your immediate friend group end up being Leibgott, Cobb and Doc Roe, all for different reasons of course.
Leib was snide and arrogant and spoke to you like you were a silly little girl.
He didn't shy away from telling you how dumb he thought you were to your face.
Your relationship eventually becomes friendly but he will still be mean occasionally.
He always ends up apologising though and feels really bad when he makes you cry (the other guys nearly bite his head off whenever this happens).
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, stop being a baby already. I said I was sorry" Lieb said to you as you cried into your pillow.
"You can say sorry to me, Joey, but how are you going to tell Rita Hayworth you're sorry for saying nobody cares about her nighttime face washing routine?" You spoke inbetween sobs.
"I ain't saying sorry to Rita because I ain't sorry I said it. I stand by what I said. Nobody cares how some broad washes up at night"
"You take that back! That routine saved my life" You jumped up, pointing an accusing finger at the man.
"How the fu-"
"You're a horrible, horrible man Joseph Leibgott"
"Oh put a sock in it" Leib rolled his eyes, making you cry even harder.
Toye, ever protective of you, had enough "I swear to god Leibgott, leave that girl alone!"
Cobb was just straight up cruel to you and made sure you always knew "your place".
Roe didn't seem particularly close to anyone.
But as you all of you went into the more specialised aspects of your training and you and Roe spent more time together, he found himself looking out for you.
You were sitting alone on the grass after everyone had groaned and walked off the moment you started talking about an article you read in a magazine.
You sigh sadly, pulling at the grass when a shadow falls over you.
Bringing up a hand to block the sun you finally recognize who it is. It's Eugene Roe.
"I, uh, I was wondering if I could sit with you?" he asked.
You nodded excitedly and he took a seat beside you in the grass.
"What was it you were telling the others?"
You gasped "You really want to know?"
"I guess…"
Doc had seen everyone walk away, and although he didn't care much for mindless conversation, he knew talking to people meant a lot to you and had come over to cheer you up.
Without missing a beat you began one of your famous tirades.
By the end of your first year in Toccoa you end up finding your place.
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Thanks for reading! Please like, comment and reblog if you want❤️
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mane4terr · 2 months
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his morbid longing for the picturesque would be fulfilled
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urfavoritedcwhore · 7 days
henry winter as your secret boyfriend//headcannons//some sexual
he hates being late, and hates even more when you make him late.
let’s you smoke his cigarettes with no fuss.
he’s beat up a guy at a party for bumping into you once.
he knows that your smart, but refuses to admit it.
constantly tells you things in latin you don’t understand.
he finds it extremely unattractive when you swear, but also a bit cute when you do it out of excitement.
he holds your hand under your desks in greek class if he thinks your having a bad day.
will often talk in french to you in front of the others if he’s trying to have a private conversation with you.
“y/n, ai-je laissé ma ceinture dans ton dortoir la dernière fois que je suis venu ?” “je ne sais pas Henry, tu peux vérifier ce soir lors de ta visite”
he’s endured many days of watching Richard flirt with you
he’s always getting mad and saying your flirting back when all your doing is being polite.
switches from english to greek when he’s speaking with you drunk, and never realizes it.
you think it’s incredibly funny
julian is the only person who knows about your relationship.
you would tell the others, if you thought it wouldn’t make things super awkward.
francis walked in on you two once having a romantic dinner at henry’s apartment, but was too drunk to realize what was going on.
bunny constantly jokes about how henry can’t get women to you.
when you two are alone he’s constantly holding your hand, your waist, your face, or just simply cuddling with you.
he tells you everyday that your the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
nsfw headcannons:
this man is a top, no doubt about it.
he’s usually gentle with you, but if you piss him off, you’re getting badly punished.
once you were acting extra bratty with him at dinner with all the others around.
you weren’t allowed to cum for a week after that😔
he’s a boob guy
if he’s feeling extra spicy, he’ll play with you under the table at charles and camilas weekly dinners.
“y/n, why are you squirming so much?” “sorry camila i- *fake cough to cover up a moan* im just feeling a little hot.”
he never looks at you while he’s doing this. just continues his conversation and eats his dinner with an expressionless face.
has tied you up before and overstimulated you for hours, just because you said that he was too gentlemen like in bed.
“do you still think i’m too much of a gentleman darling?” “oh, looks like someone can’t speak. are you gonna say your safe word?”.
you never say your safe word.
he smokes and shares his cigarette with you while you two are in missionary.
missionary is his favorite position when he’s being gentle. he likes to be able to watch your face when you cum and feel you moaning into his mouth while he fucks you.
when he’s not being gentle, your legs WILL be on top of his shoulders. he likes knowing that you’re completely at his mercy and can push your legs backwards and slide you off his dick if he doesn’t want you to cum.
you two used protection for the first few times you slept together, but he took you to the gynecologist and paid for you to get an implant after you both tried it raw for the once and loved it.
you’ve woken up a million times to him touching you as he’s reading a book. (don’t worry you talked about it before and consented to it)
he doesn’t look up from his book until he feels you tightening around his fingers and knows your about to cum.
he moans especially loud when he’s drunk.
he loves to praise you.
“look at you, taking all of me like a good girl.” “you think you can cum for me one more time darling? ohh good job baby”
after sex he’s always gonna fix himself, and you, a glass of scotch before getting back in bed and reading to you until you fall asleep.
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danopdf · 4 months
this is my cry for headcannon prompts pls pls pls, i wanna write but have no motivation (i love working full time+)🫶🏻
can be a character or like scenario or anything, smut or fluff or angst i just wanna get back into writing😭💜
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
Hey , how are you?
I just though of a headcanon: The Sarah’s reaction to the reader making matching rings/necklaces and giving it to them for no reason
hi! i’m good, how are you? :))
i love this idea! here you go:
billie dean howard
you would gift billie a matching ring and she would show it off to everyone!
she would wear it as if it were her wedding ring.
when you surprise her with it, she would get so lovey-dovey on you.
like non stop kissing because you and your gesture is just so cute to her.
lana winters
you would surprise lana with a matching diamond necklace after she’d been working so hard all week.
you guys can’t exactly show your love in public just yet so this is the perfect way to display your love that only you two know of.
she would always start smiling with her tongue between her teeth anytime you wear the necklace.
and she too would wear it everyday!
cordelia goode
sweet cordelia would ball her eyes out if you got her a matching ring.
it would be a promise ring with a pretty crystal on it.
but she would totally wear it every single day and night. she would never take it off and neither would you.
she would constantly fidget with it on her finger subconsciously and always say things like “i love your ring, baby,” teasingly, knowing she was wearing the same one.
ally mayfair-richards
with ally, i can picture matching a simple diamond necklace.
ally would always twirl the chain around her fingers when she’s wearing it.
and she would wear it everyday.
she would constantly stare at the matching necklace on your neck and smile at it.
mildred ratched
mildred would be so shocked if you gifted her a matching necklace.
like she has never had anything this nice done for her so she’s like…frozen when you give it to her.
but millie is super soft abt it and would wear it all the time.
she wouldn’t draw to much attention to the necklace but she would always think about it at random times and get all blushy.
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hi honey, I have to say I love your stuff. You write absolutely great. Could you do a headcannon on BoB and what type of love would you give them? I mean love at first sight, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. I'd be happiest with Winters and Nixon and Speirs, but do what you will. Thank you.
A/n: here you go my love. When I finally re read the request I realized you might have wanted the pov's reversed but it was too late. Hopefully it's not too bad. I will happily switch it to reader pov if you wish.
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Richard winters
-friends to lovers. I don't think that this man thought of romance when he first met you. Attractive? Most definitely. However he had bigger things preoccupying his mind. Yet somehow at some point, you wiggled your way to being one of his best friends. Don't tell nix. Something about you practically scrambled his brain. He doesn't know when in the friendship he fell or if he fell in the very beginning. But when he realized just how much he loved you it was like he jumped off a cliff without a parachute. He knew right then and there you were it for him. He probably felt nervous telling you due to the fact that he never gave off the impression that he likes you. But let's just say the feelings were reciprocated.
"Dick, I have been flirting with you this whole time."
Lewis nixon
- love at first sight. This man took one look at you and said yes. He may not immediately start flirting with you out of respect, but he will damn well be tied to your finger. Will always open doors for you, and give you his coat when you're cold. So many acts of services. At one point you two were at a bar and some private made his way to your side to start a flirty conversation where he swears he got to hands'y. He knew that you were single but he was extremely jealous nonetheless. Eventually he had to leave to get some air. You followed shortly to catch up with him. You confronted him asking what has gotten into him as of late. He never wanted it to come out like this but it sort of just spilled out of him. He rambled on about his feelings before you cut him off with a kiss and a huge grin on your face.
"Shut up nix and take me on a date"
Ronald speirs
-Distance attraction, I don't know what to call it, this is the closest I can get. It just feels right. Basically, Speirs isn't quite love at first sight, he's the guy who needs to really get to know you to start building a relationship like that. However this man has a MASSIVE crush on you. But he's too prideful to say anything seeing how simping for someone isn't exactly in Ron's profile. He just admires you from a distance while simultaneously stuffing his emotions deep down. Much better in his book. Yet he still does his very best to be by your side at every moment possible even though he spends a lot of time trying not to think about how perfect you are. It's you who makes the first move. You obviously like him and you know he does too. It's obvious to everyone but no-one says a single word. And before you can finish telling him if he wants to go out some time, he's already agreeing.
"You free Friday?"
Carwood lipton
-childhood friends to lovers. He was the boy next door. You two were friends from first grade through college. Sharing secrets, sleepovers, getting into mischief. Car started crushing on you when you two were teenagers. Said crush continued all the way until you two volunteer to join the paratroopers. War was hell but you seemed to make it just a little bit more manageable. His life in the war picked up significantly and he had a freight train worth of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Yet you never left his side. It wasn't until Austria that he confessed his feelings. He almost felt sick when he told you in fear of losing his best friend. It was short sweet at straight to the point. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lip almost took off in fear of rejection. He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of your laughter. He turned to hear you laughing with the biggest smile on your face.
"Clifford carwood Lipton, do you know how long I've been waiting for those words"
Joseph Leibgott
-Enemies to lovers. Your relationship started off Rocky. Your personality clashed and having a civilized conversation was seemingly impossible. Every time your paths crossed it was filled with banter, insults and tension. Sometimes it got to the point where someone needed to intervene. When you would walk into the same room that Joe would be in it's like the air seemed to thicken. The cold stares and passive aggressive comments. As the war progressed your comments never faulted but the tension you ask? It could be felt by an entire room. And all that hate seemed to not leave as bad as a taste in your mouth. Joe knew from the start that he hated and loved you. You know the type of enemies to lovers where it's like 'she's mine' and 'who did this to you?' It's giving that. He got so fed up with replacements trying to whisk you away so he simply grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.
"Don't lever leave with one of them alright sweetheart?"
"Wasn't planning on it"
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ancientgreek101 · 5 months
Henry Winter X Bunny Corcoran Headcannons
-Bunny would sleep at the foot of Henry’s bed in the country house.
-Henry regularly would wrap Bunny in blankets or his own coat.
-After Bunny’s death, Henry still had several of his sweaters. He also had a picture of himself with Bunny that we carried in his wallet.
-Bunny would steal Henry’s socks out of the dryer.
-Henry developed a habit of petting Bunny’s head.
-Despite what we know about the diary, there was a lot of sweet things about Bunny in there.
-And some personal, way cannon diverted stuff for my heart.-
-Despite what Richard claimed, Henry didn’t kill Bunny over the ritual, nor the dead man. He killed Bunny to protect him. Protect him from the world, protect him from Julian. But mostly, Henry killed him to protect Bunny from what he might do to him. He knew he’d hurt Bunny, and he had to save him.
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daisyblinder · 2 years
Can I plz have some Richard winters x readers or headcannons? Maybe a baddie reader , maybe him being jealous or protective idm xx
Thank you for your request dear! ☺️🧡
You will see what I have come up with next week
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ourmiraclealigner · 3 years
How do you think shifty, chuck, Liebgott, and winters would react to the company’s female medic falling asleep on their shoulder while in their foxhole?
shifty powers:
- stop omg shifty would literally be the sweetest 
- he doesn’t even notice at first, you were both just huddled up quietly, trying to conserve body heat
- its not until your breathing is a little louder does he figure you’re asleep
- he quietly whispers your name, and when you don’t respond, he’s sure you’re out like a light
- he doesn’t move a muscle the whole time, wanting you to get the rest you so desperately needed
chuck grant:
- similarly to shifty, chuck isn’t exactly sure when you fell asleep 
- he had been spending most of the afternoon rambling on about the things he got sent in his letters as you rested against him
- he fell silent for a few moments, waiting for you to comment on what he said, but nothing came
- pressing a light kiss to the top of your forehead, he’d let out a soft “sweetheart?” in hopes that you would respond
- when you didn’t, he put more of his blanket on you, wanting you to stay as warm as possible
joe liebgott:
- shockingly, joe is the one who suggests that you stay for a while in his foxhole
- he had noticed how tired you were earlier, and he wanted to keep you close so he could actually make sure you slept
- he kept the conversation short and brief, wanting to make sure he didn’t take up too much of your sleep time
- he’d urge you to sleep by trying his best to keep you warm, and mumbling things about home as he watched your eyes flutter shut
- “soon we’ll be sitting in front of the big fireplace at home, just you and me” joe would mumble softly, pressing a light kiss to your temple and hoping sleep would soon follow after
dick winters:
- dick had been urging you to spend the night in town for weeks, but you had continued to refuse
- he didn’t want to force you, if you felt you didn’t need to go, then you wouldn’t go
- and so you found yourself at the CP, chuckling every so often at something nix said, your eyes starting to close as your head rested against dick’s shoulder
- as you were starting to drift off, dick’s arm slides around your shoulder, pressing you tighter into his side and his body heat 
- “she’s exhausted” dick mumbles to nix as he spreads more of his blanket over your legs “needs lots of rest” 
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
BoB reacting to reader being able to punch open a watermelon or be able to hit a badminton shuttle through the skin of a watermelon.
OOOOoooh what a challenge this is, say no more hon, I've been a little bit curious about this as well
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Needless to say the boys were all shocked when you were giving the demonstration with the watermelon
Even Speirs got a little bit scared when he saw how big of a hole you had made
Dick on the other hand was as proud as he could possibly be
Because he was the one who had secretly taught you
Malarkey, Muck, Penkala and Luz were sometimes heard to whisper, but it was whispers of admiration
But truth be told they sometimes tried to copy what you did
Martin was also secretly proud of you on the inside
And so wasn't Shifty
But it was all of the guys who were impressed
Because it showed that you were unbelievably valuable and important to the company
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privgeorgeluz · 1 month
im gonna die if there isn’t any new band of brothers fics on here soon
like im legit going crazy.
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minaslittleone · 3 years
IKEA Shopping Headcannons
Full credit once again to my partner in crime @stayevildarling Coming up with these with you is my favourite thing ever 😍
Billie Dean Howard: Fully intent on turning your appartment into a spa. Anything fancy vaguely bathroom related and she's buying it. Surely must have every colour towel set they sell by now. Queen of bath caddies. Always pays extra for assembly and installation.
Lana Winters: Office knickknacks & desk storage! Does she need those novelty paperclips? Probably not, but she's sure as hell not putting them back. Almost buys a new office chair every time you visit. Extensive collection of cute pens.
Cordelia Goode: Spends 90% of her time healing the poor neglected plants. Refuses to leave until they are all better. If she can't fix them they're coming home with her. Inevitably forgets what she actually came for because she gets so distracted with things that everyone else will like.
Bette & Dot Tattler: Cute kitchen gadgets! Wannabe domestic Goddesses. Enough bakeware to to rival Martha Stewart but no idea how to use any of it. It looks damn pretty on the shelf though.
Sally McKenna: Absolute menace, has been banned from several stores. Especially after the time she hid in the ballpit until after closing and filmed TikToks in the empty store all night. Also loves setting everything in the lighting department to Rave Mode. Never buys any homewares but always leaves with a massive bag full of weird Swedish food.
Audrey Tindall: No matter how closely you keep an eye on her, always manages to get lost. By your side one second and then she gets distracted by something shiny and *poof* she's gone. Have had to make several embarassing concierge announcements to find her. Contemplating a child leash for future trips.
Ally Mayfair-Richards: Goes for practical items but spends most of her time in the kids section being distracted by all the cute things she could buy for Ozzie. Soft toys, adorable little bed spreads, slightly odd shaped night lights - she's buying it all. Honestly Ozzie's room now looks like a page out of an IKEA catalogue.
Wilhemina Venable: Being seen in IKEA is completely beneath her but can't say no to you when you give her the 🥺 eyes. Tries to hide the way she is always drawn to the home decor section (especially anything purple). Secretly loves the slightly odd abstract ornaments and especially drawn to the candles. Refuses to buy anything for herself though so you have to sneak it into the basket when she isn't looking.
Mildred Ratched: Organisation Queen! Matching storage boxes, label makers, plastic bins - she somehow never manages to leave without a few more. Every item in your house now has its own designated, labelled spot. Especially fond of pantry organisation. Everything item of food has now been decanted into mason jars with cute chalk label stickers.
As always GIF credits to all of these amazing people: @tayces @ungifable @fishragnarsson @regina-king @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @thatsmypeach
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bastognee · 3 years
pda with easy company (heffron, winters)
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babe heffron
☼ this man.
☼ he worships you as if you’re the one who put the ground beneath his feet.
☼ at first, he was too shy to initiate any pda. but now? oh boy, he’s always got an arm around some part of you.
☼ babe loves to pretend he can’t hear what you’re saying. that way, when you lean closer, he can turn and kiss you.
☼ he also loves to hold your face in his hands as he kisses. let’s face it, that’s probably how the others found out about the two of you.
☼ poor julian enters his and babe’s foxhole to see the two of you just making out, and he doesn’t really know how to react so he just starts yelling.
☼ babe also just loves sitting close to you with his knees occasionally bumping against yours while he plays with his fingers.
☼ he really doesn’t care who sees.
☼ babe loves you and that’s that.
☼ he’s going to make sure you (and everyone else) know it.
richard winters
☼ i suppose he should really act professional around you. he’s your superior officer, after all - but he finds it increasingly difficult.
☼ he had a lot more self control when you first got together and barely even made eye contact with you in front of others, out of fear of slipping up.
☼ but now it comes as a shock to most if he doesn’t call you a nickname or some sort of term of endearment.
☼ since he’s quite a busy guy, he has to rush when showing you affection sometimes but he means every bit of it nonetheless.
☼ no choice but chaste kisses i’m afraid, but he promises you there will be more than just that after the war.
☼ holding your hand brings him a lot of comfort when he’s typing up accounts or rethinking a long day.
☼ please stroke his hair if you have a moment to unwind while you and the other men wait for the next bit of action to occur.
☼ he strikes me as someone who wouldn’t want to talk through everything he’s feeling, he’d just want you to comfort him with hugs and kisses.
☼ you need to stop being cute in front of nixon, it’s just making the split between him and his wife worse-
☼ he’s definitely affectionate and not afraid to hide it, it’s a shame that he can’t as much as he’d want to.
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Dating Richard Winters Would Include
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Anon:  i am straight up obsessed w your blog, especially the band of brothers section ! i was wondering if you could do a version of the "dating _____ would include.." with winters? if not thats totally cool, but it's a suggestion?
He is a very calm SO
Just very chill
But also really sweet
Basically an angel
Who loves to shower you with gifts and kisses and all the affection in the world
Because he absolutely adores you.
He loves kissing you slowly and softly
Until you get frustrated with how long he’s taking
So you speed up the kisses
And turn the tides on him
So that you turn into the more dominant one
Which he’s fine with
Because it turns him on beyond anything else.
He takes you out on the cutest little dates
Where you go stargazing
And he makes this amazing picnic
And it turns into a night of camping
Where the two of you spend hours looking up at the stars
And cooking smores over a campfire
And talking about your future together.
He made sure to meet your parents
Not too long after the two of you started dating
Because he wanted to make his intentions known
And you also met his parents
But much later on
And they accepted you into the family like one of their own
And they would ask to have you over nearly every weekend
Because they absolutely adore you.
He loves taking care of you
And making you feel loved
Because you deserve nothing less
And if you have low self esteem or depression
He will make sure to research everything he can to understand what you’re going through
And will sit down with you and ask you to explain what you’re going through
And soon enough he’ll be able to recognize when you need some space
And when you need him to be with you
And he will always be showering you with compliments.
You’re basically his queen
And he treats you as such
And he’s known for a long time that he’s head over heels in love with you
And he lets you know that he loves you the second he realizes it.
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
mothers day hc with cordelia and madison?
omg love!!
madison gets really -secretly- upset on mother’s day because of her own awful mother.
but now that she has cordelia, she doesn’t really think about her mother anymore.
i have a strong feeling that madison would totally buy cordelia fresh pastries and a coffee on mother’s day
like cordelia would walk downstairs for breakfast and see that on the table with a note that says “— madison”
cordelia wouldn’t make a huge deal about it since madison wouldn’t want that, but she would be sure to thank her for it later on.
following to the afternoon, madison would wait until she caught cordelia alone to give her a present.
she would find her in the greenhouse and cordelia would immediately notice madison’s tense body language.
not because she thinks cordelia would hate the gift, but because she’s used to being shooed away when she tried to show appreciation to her bio mom.
cordelia would be super warm to her and definitely start tearing up when madison hands her the gift.
when she sees cordelia start to open it up, she tries to run out of the greenhouse but is stopped.
feelings are very embarrassing to madi but cordelia’s just trying to encourage her to express it more.
madison would stand there acting tough with her arms crossed to her chest, but she is really happy on the inside.
especially when cordelia starts crying when she sees the gold necklace that says “mom” with a heart.
she may not have her own kids, but she certainly has her girls that also see her as a mother more than anything.
cordelia would never take the damn necklace off either.
she would just hug madison so tight and cry over it.
madison would tear up while hugging cordelia back but would be sure not to let her see it.
for once she has a mother that truly loves and cares about her.
and cordelia has the daughter’s she’s always dreamed of.
“i love you so much, madison. you’ll always be a daughter to me. always, sweetie.”
that would send madison into a fit of tears and cordelia would just hold her.
the rest of the day they would spend together and eventually all of the girls would take cordelia out to a nice dinner to celebrate her <3
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