ricketynotch2 · 2 months
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I absolutely adore this image
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ricketynotch2 · 5 months
I’m at a point where I feel that I’m touched starved to some extent, but I have no idea if I’d be happy to receive a hug or if I’d recoil like a vampire in the sun
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ricketynotch2 · 2 months
Finally beat an integrated strategies run. Though I will admit that a temp recruitment Ho'olheyak hard carried at the end
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ricketynotch2 · 5 months
can someone tell me if my squad needs some improvement? All the guides I see keep saying to really avoid 6* and that 3* are really valuable, but now that I’m to the point where my 3* are maxed I’m starting to doubt myself
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ricketynotch2 · 1 month
I wish Arknights did a better job of indicating which this are more endgame oriented, I got excited for both RA2 and Trials for Navigator only to realize I can barely access either of their content right now
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ricketynotch2 · 2 months
I’m basically soft locked with the reclamation algorithm because a big wave of enemies spawns in on day 10, giving me 4 days to set up a defense, which is not really possible because I don’t have enough resources to get the actual barriers and not the destructible ones
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ricketynotch2 · 5 months
special interests for the ‘tism can be so strange sometimes. I’m in many fandoms, and while I certainly have gone through obsessive phases for many of them, none of them have been as consistent as my main interest, that being psychology. Brain had so many places to pick that would provide easy dopamine, but it stuck with the one that often requires mental work to pursue. Not complaining tho, it makes learning about ASD and ADHD easier, and thus makes it somewhat easier to handle them.
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ricketynotch2 · 4 months
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My first 6 star unit, and now, my first six star E2. I love this guy so much
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ricketynotch2 · 4 months
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ricketynotch2 · 4 months
if I had a nickel for every time a character named Mizuki had an unusual relation with gender, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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ricketynotch2 · 4 months
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ricketynotch2 · 2 months
Playing Arknights on a kayak
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ricketynotch2 · 5 months
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The illusion of choice
(I’m sure that there can be some different uses but at face value they’re pretty much the same)
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ricketynotch2 · 5 months
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So do any of y’all know what’s happening here? I’m tempted to try to buy one but I don’t want to risk wasting my certificates
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ricketynotch2 · 1 month
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I want to see a version of this with Mountain. His ability to potentially fit either option is incredible. Even more potential from who the other person could be.
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ricketynotch2 · 2 months
Hoping things go well for me tomorrow, Virtuosa didn’t come home a few months ago and I want redemption
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