#ride a chiss
anastasiiaosypova · 1 year
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Thanks @i-want-to-marry-cedf-officer for beautiful art and inspiration and thank you @mysticalgalaxysalad for this epic quote 💙💙💙💙💙
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proffesionalalpaca · 2 years
With Eman Esfandi being cast as the Live Action Ezra Bridger, it got me thinking.
In my mind Ezra is with the Chiss Ascendancy in their war against the Grysks, and Ezra’s most iconic force ability is beast taming so my brain naturally concluded:
Csillan War-Mount Creature!
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So yeah here’s Ezra’s pet/war mount, a gigantic 4-eyed stoat combined with a snow leopard/ sabertooth cat/ polar bear. A Snow Stoat-Leopard… A Stoatpard.
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Until a canon word appears her name will be Sh’uaks’ha, aka ‘White’ in Cheunh according to me. (Kit Sh’uaks’ha - top right)
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black-cat-babe · 6 months
It's been a very shitty wip wednesday so have angy chiss OC
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zeb-z · 1 year
Is Eli Vanto going to show up at any point in the Ahsoka series? No probably not. But it’s a lot more fun to pretend. If he shows up, IF, this means they’d have to bring in more Chiss, because that’s where Eli would be at this point. Also do you really think Thrawn returned to lesser space without Chiss assistance after all this nonsense? That ship he stands on in the trailer does not look like Imperial architecture is all I’m saying
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vibratingskull · 4 months
Hello ☺️
I love your work, your stories. They are absolutely amazing. 🤍
Could I request a story with Samakro x reader (female)? Something about the way he falls in love with her.
Thank you my dear, have some Samakro the ride or die man ❤️
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art by @jun-c
Samakro x F!reader
“You are a human, you are feeble, you are weak.” Samakro hisses. 
“I am... not weak.” You respond back, completely out of breath, sweaty, and hands on your knees. 
“You are weak. You cannot even last a training session.” 
You straigthen your back and crack your neck, getting back into position. 
“I am not weak!” You repeat with more force and anger in your human eyes. 
“Prove it to me.” 
You launch yourself on Samakro again, punching and kicking his gloved hands as he showed you too. 
“Harder!” He orders. 
You increase your strength, hitting away as hard as you can, as fast as possible. 
“Keep going.” He demands, “Harder!” 
You feel your lungs burning and your muscles screaming in pain. You are not used to such intensive exercises. You are a civilian, not a military member. But the rules are simple: adapt or get debarked on the first planet you come by. 
You don’t know why Captain Thrawn is imposing such rules on you, but since they found you wounded and drifting in space he dictates your life and you have no choice but to abide by his rules. Mid-Captain Samakro is now your new tutor on the Springhawk, spying on what you do at all hours of the day and night. He is merciless, imposing the strict Chiss military lifestyle no matter how tired you appear. 
“Again!” He hisses. 
You give him two powerful punches and a spin kick right into the targets he’s holding. He seems taken aback for a split second before recovering his hard expression. 
“Better. Give me more of that human.” 
You throw your last strength into it until you hear the liberating timer.  
“Time out.” Samakro announces to your relief. 
You fall to your knees, drenched in sweat and without any more breath. You cough painfully, feeling on the verge of passing out after such intense exercises.  
“Hey!” Samakro calls for you. 
You raise your head towards him only to receive a towel in the face. 
“Do not stop like that, it is recovery time. Go on the treadmill.” 
You groan, painfully raising on your feet and leaving the ring to hop on the treadmill. You feel your pounding heart pumping blood furiously and painfully. You hold the two bars on the side so as not to fall as Samakro hops on the treadmill beside you. 
“You did a good job today.” He lets you know after five full minutes of complete silence. 
“Thank you, sir.” You nod. 
“Do not forget to take out the electrodes and the monitor once you’re done.”  
You nod again. You jump off the treadmill and take off the monitor's electrodes off your chest and stomach. You turn to Samakro for further instructions. 
“You have the rest of your day.” He simply announces not even looking at you as he keeps walking on the mill. 
“Oh... Thank you sir!” You answer joyfull and heads toward the communal showers. 
Samakro keeps walking rapidly on the treadmill until he hears Thrawn’s steps pattern entering the gym of the Springhawk. 
“What are the results today?” Captain Thrawn asks evenly. 
“Let’s discover it.” Samakro responds. 
The two men approach the laying monitor and plug it into a questis, running the data on the screen. 
“This is her results on her first session and here is her progression’s curb.” He explains to his Captain. 
Thrawn remains mute, observing the data on the screen, detailing every high and low, the picks and the depressions. 
“Fascinating.” He finally lets out, “Almost the same as a Civilian Chiss curb.” 
“Indeed, the results are uncanny.” Samakro adds, scrubbing his face with a towel. 
“And what of her mental? Her dispositions?”   
“She did not understand the necessity of the exercises at first, and I think she still does but she submits to it.” 
“Do you push her to her limits?” 
“Yes. She doesn’t like to be looked down upon, it gives good results.” 
“Do not destroy her mentally. I have more tests to run on her.” Thrawn advises. 
“I am careful, she seems to hold on well.” 
Thrawn looks back at the results with interest in his inquisitive red eyes. 
“Humans... Fascinating.” 
Samakro silently looks at you over his questis. You are fully focused on your test on your own questis. 
Obviously, you don’t know Cheuhn, but you are proficient in several trade languages and writing systems the Chiss use outside of their realm and displayed your polyglot talents early on. He concocted a series of tests to measure your mental plasticity and  I.Q. And you’ve been going at it since 6 am. 
Some maths and logic problems with dissertations in different languages, a philosophical question, and a moral dilemma. 
It is actually an IQ test that the entire Springhawk crew had to take at some point in their career, he simply translated it into a trade language and script and took the liberty to take out the General Knowledge questions about Chiss culture and literature for obvious reasons. 
He is already checking your responses from this morning, comparing them to the average Chiss responses. 
Your I.Q. is average, nothing really special to note, but your way to the responses is truly... alien. You are coming from a completely different thought system and it shows, you are creative in your responses in a way that the Chiss test has difficulty measuring. Your responses to the philosophical and moral dilemmas are completely misaligned with Chiss values but are terribly interesting if they are standard for your human species. 
When he thinks back Chiss and Humans used to trade and exchange millennia ago and everything stopped after the supernova explosions, erasing all hyperspace lanes of the Chaos and cutting all communications.  
How did humans evolve deprived of the wisdom of the Chiss? 
“Five minutes left.” He announces. 
You grumble, taking your forehead in your hand, he can almost see the smoke of focus escaping your ears. He should compare your responses to the archives about humans they have, Captain Thrawn will also be interested. 
Samakro wonders for a second what was his results for those tests, they never communicated them to the candidates. If he reached the rank of Captain it means he must have done good. 
You would never reach the rank of Captain. You are not made for war, neither in body nor in mind. You would surely be a good historian or archivist, a scholar career where you classify data seems perfect for you. 
But on a Chiss warship, you have little to no value. The only civilian job in it is caregiver for the skywalker and they surely won’t let an alien approach their precious little girl any time soon.  
He keeps looking at you discreetly. He remembers lying to you, telling you that if you didn’t obey they would debark you on the first wild planet they found and leave you to die there. 
Which is obviously false for several reasons. They are not barbaric monsters and mostly Captain Thrawn and the UAG are terribly interested in meeting a Human after so many millennia. All your test results are sent to the UAG  for them to get a foretaste of what they will work on once they send you there. 
But you refused to obey and sit down and he had to resort to menace to force you to submit. Are all humans that rebellious? Do you all have problems with authority? A Chiss would have never posed such problems... 
If the current mission wasn’t capital for Chiss security, Thrawn would have ordered the Springhawk to go back to Csilla to offer you to the lab as his new catch. But fortunately for you, they must keep going, you escaped the rat lab existence. 
But for this time only. 
The scientists of the UAG are drooling at the idea of studying a human after so much time and they keep sending them new tests and procedures to experiment on you. Samakro doesn’t understand this fascination for aliens, for him they are all the same: 
Not worth his time and attention. 
But Thrawn thinks differently and locks himself with you in his office for long discussions every day. He is learning the maximum he can on this “new” species, evaluating the level of threat you will pose or not. He is less invasive in his questions and remains courteous with you but you shouldn’t get used to it. 
“Time is over.” Samakro says. 
You sigh and fall back in your chair with a defeated look. Visibly maths is a serious adversary for you.  
“May I go now?” You ask, visibly tired. 
“No. Remain.” He orders sternly. 
He looks at your new results while you are forced to wait in silence. It is obviously another test, how well do you do when things don’t go your way?  
He takes is sweet time comparing the results with the archive and while he isn’t a scientist something is very clear to him. 
You’re going to be a problem. All humans will. 
You are unruly and disorganized, messy and libertarian, prone to rebellion. 
He hardly sees what good would come up for the Chiss to align themself with humans.  
You’re just going to be a pain in more ways than one. 
He now knows how humans evolved without Chiss’ wisdom... 
“Senior Captain Samakro? (Y/n) (L/n)?” Thrawn enters the little conference room, “I need you.” 
Samakro jumps on his feet, ready for action while you look put out, only wanting to enter your bed for a good night’s sleep. 
“Is there a problem, Captain?” Samakro inquires. 
“We crossed paths with new aliens. I would like to have a word with them to test the water.” 
Samakro frowns turning his head to give you a look. 
“Is her presence necessary?” He asks in Cheuhn, earning a bad look from you. 
“Indeed. She is more fluent in their language than I am and I would like to observe their reaction to a near-Chiss individual.” Thrawn responds in the same language, “Who knows, maybe humans already are in contact with this species.” 
Samakro nods obediently. 
“Follow us (F/n)” He orders you. 
You sigh but obey. 
“I need your talents in a specific language.” Thrawn lets you know in a trade language. 
“Other humans?” You ask, accelerating your pace to place yourself next to Thrawn. 
Samakro fights the urge to grab your shoulder and yank you backward. Nobody walks alongside a Captain, even his bodyguards remain two steps behind. But Thrawn doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.  
So Samakro remains silent but mentally adds “Impertinent” and “unable to follow protocols” to his list of cons about humans. 
“Unfortunately no. A group of alien nomads of whom our archives are incomplete.” 
“Nomad? Are they numerous in the region?” You inquire curious. 
“Indeed there are a few clans. Most of them are bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their services to the most generous.” 
 “Oh... I mean... Should I really be here?” You worry. 
“Everything is going to be fine. I simply need you as a translator no harm will come to you.” 
Samakro remains silent. A group of mercenaries with whom the alien they happened to have rescued and helped can speak with? The timing is a bit suspicious. He received the orders to tutor you but he also had to honor his duties as Mid-Captain, who knows how efficient the officers he gave you to were in their surveillance? 
Did they invite a snake in? 
Thrawn must also have these suspicions and take the opportunity to test you. 
You all enter the new conference room where the Aliens are waiting. Samakro remembers reading some archives about them but they are quite obscure, but he remembers them being known to undergo heavy surgical operations to make their entire bodies a weapon.  
And evidently, Thrawn lied to you. He mastered this language years ago, Samakro heard him use it so many times as he is himself quite fluent in this one. It allows them both to fact-check what you are translating to them and to the Aliens. 
Up until now, you have diligently reported the correct info, not trying to subtly twist Thrawn’s words or veil info from the aliens... But that is not enough to erase suspicion. 
As for the aliens’ pretense as to why they are on Chiss territory, it is clearly a lie. Those have something behind their minds. Samakro subtly caresses his charric at his hips. They took out the Aliens’ weapon but something in his mind was telling him to be cautious. 
“They ask if you could draw them a safe route for their travel. Their navigator died.” You explain. 
But Thrawn takes out his questis where a map of the Chaos appears. He hands it to Samakro to give it to the Aliens that are on the other side of the room, a long table separating them from the Chiss. Samakro takes it and heads toward the group.  
Suddenly, when he is mid-way through and away from Thrawn the aliens jump on their feet with their hands in their mouths, dislocating their jaws in an impressive fashion, to take out hidden miniguns off their throats. 
And fires. 
And in a flash, it is over. When Samakro recovers his senses he has his fuming Charric pointed at the now-dead aliens, the questis now exploded on the floor. 
A suicide commando. Surely the Grysks. 
A good chance Samakro and Thrawn’s bodyguards are fast. 
He spins towards Thrawn to see if he is all right. He discovers him kneeling with you in his arms. 
“What happened?” He asks kneeling next to his superior. 
You have been hit, the smell of burning flesh rising to Samakro’s nose. It is not pretty. They both lay you down on the ground, Thrawn taking his comm to call for the medics while Samakro applies pressure on your bleeding wound. 
Warrior, if they lose the UAG’s new toy... 
If they lose you... 
“She took the fire for me.” Thrawn explains. 
Samakro freeze. 
You what? 
He raises his eyes to his Captain, incredulous. 
“An alien did that?” 
“Apparently. Keep applying pressure Mid-Captain.” 
Quickly the medics comes to take you away in the medbay, leaving Thrawn and Samakro to investigate the scene. 
But Samakro’s mind keeps coming back to you. 
Why did you do that? 
It doesn’t make any sense. 
Why would an alien risk its life to save somebody else? He wouldn't have taken a fire for an alien. 
“Mid Captain, you are not listening.” Thrawn’s voice calls Samakro back to reality. 
Samakro shakes himself. 
“Sorry Sir, you were saying?” 
Thrawn lets go of the alien’s shoulder he was holding to get a closer look at their face. 
“Go to her.” He simply orders. 
Samakro raises an eyebrow. 
“Why would I do that?” 
“Because you are evidently disturbed and unfocused on your task.” 
“I am mostly disturbed I wasn’t able to protect you.” 
“You shot them. You did your job.” 
“An alien had to protect you and this is a failure.” 
This time it is Thrawn who raises an eyebrow. 
“After all this time you are still calling her an ‘alien’?” 
“This is what she is.” Samakro responds, not understanding his superior puzzled expression. 
Thrawn tilts his head. 
“Is she now?” 
Samakro opens his mouth to close it back immediately. Where is Thrawn going with all of this? 
“How curious... I thought your relation deepened after all this time.” Thrawn ponders. 
“She hasn’t been here long.” Samakro argues. 
“She has been with us for 8 months.” Thrawn informs him. 
8 months?! 
Impossible. He feels like they discovered your ship three weeks ago, how has it been already 8 months? 
Samakro remains mute in shock, taking the info in. 
“Time flies in charming company, does it not?” Thrawn notes with a tight smile. 
Samakro exhales though his nose. Ridicule! 
Absolutely ri-di-cule! 
“She is a task you gave me, nothing more.” 
“I asked you to look over her not send me an extensive list of her food’s likes and dislikes.” Thrawn says almost mockingly. 
“I thought you would have appreciated to learn humans’ nutritional habits.” Samakro defends himself. 
“I would have simply asked her, Mid-Captain.” The Captain tries to gently guide him to the obvious conclusion. “I also heard you kept deterring colleagues from her.” 
“I was not going to let them defile themself with an alien sir!” Samakro explains like his outrage made sense. 
“Why immediately assume they had a romantic or sexual interest in her?” Thrawn asks more and more amused. 
This is a new side of his Mid-Captain he is discovering, and he is terribly curious. 
“Because she....! Because...” Samakro tries again to justify himself only to have no sound arguments. 
Indeed, why his first fear was that his Chiss colleagues would be interested in her? For what possible reason? Why did it displeased him so much he had to push everyone, male and female, away from you? 
Samakro stretches his lips in a thin line at that bomb, trying to make sense of all the moments he had with you.  
Could he...? 
“Go see her Mid-Captain. I can investigate the scene by myself.” Thrawn finally says, turning his back to Samakro signaling him that his words are final. 
Samakro bows and leaves the room. 
He entered confident and exited it in shambles. 
Obediently, he goes to you, trying to silence that little voice bugging his mind. Of course, he isn’t smitten! That’s ridiculous! What does Thrawn even know about love anyway?! 
He enters the med bay ready to chastise you for merely existing and being in his way but he looses all of his energy seeing you in this state. 
You are dressed in bandages, lying on a bed with a painful expression on your face. 
Maybe... this is not the right time for chastising. Later. Yes... later. 
You wave at him forcing you to smile through the pain. He comes close, sitting on a stool next to you. 
“Why?” He asks. 
“Why what?” 
“Why protect him? Why not let him die?” 
You look at him confused. 
“Isn’t it your job too to protect him? Why are you mad at me?” 
“I am not mad. I am trying to ... Understand.” 
You shrug like he isn’t making any sense. That’s the second person looking at him like that today and one was already enough... 
“Do I truly need a reason to save someone in danger?” You ask him, genuinely confused. 
“We are not the same species. You had no interest in protecting one of us.” 
“I don’t need to be part of the same species to empathize. Captain Thrawn is an honorable man, it would pain me if he died.” 
“Really? Would you have done the same for any of us?”  
“Why not?” 
“Even... me?” 
“Yes. Every life deserves to be protected, alien or not. Do you not think the same?” You look at him with a clear gaze. 
He purses his lips. No, he doesn’t think the same, he is a warrior, a cannot fodder meant to die in battle, Thrawn too.  
But you’re a civilian.  
You’re what they die for. So why put your own life on the line for them? The roles are reversed. 
Does he have to add ‘selfless’ to his list of pros for humans now? 
“We are soldiers. Dying is our job.” 
“Your job is to protect, not die.” You counter with a soft voice. 
“Easy for you to say.” He grumbles. 
You take his hand in yours and gently squeeze it with a contrite smile. 
“Yes, I would take a hit for you, Mid-Captain Samakor.” You repeat. 
He snarls a scoff, incredulous. 
Why would you do that? Since the first day he had the bad role, ordering you around, forcing you to obey him, imposing you a lifestyle different than yours, prevented you from forming meaningful relationships with others. He is a jailor, your torturer. 
You must hate him. And he is fine with that, Thrawn ordered him to look over you and he will do it even if you despise him. 
And then... 
Your hand releases his to cup his cheek gently, inviting him to raise his head and look at you. 
“Come on now. This is not you Mid-Captain Samkro.” This time your smile is wide and franck, “Where is your Chiss attitude?” 
He can’t help but chuckle before quickly hidding  his mouth. 
“You call that an attitude? I call this honor.” 
“Meh. I’m not big on the military things. Call it what you prefer.”  
He should push your hand away, not tolerating a single act of promiscuity or even friendliness. 
But he likes the warmth of your palm... It is incredibly soft and smooth. 
When was the last caress he received, and when was the last tender act toward him? Long ago in his childhood. 
Maybe he will not add “selfless” to the pros human list, but yours. 
And this one is longer... 
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@bluechiss @Thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil_urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037 @leo4242564 @davesrightshoe 
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ceapa-mica · 9 months
Grand Admiral Thrawn - The NSFW Alphabet 💋
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I had the autistic urge™ to put my Thrawn thots into alphabetical order. This Thrawn NSFW alphabet is the result of my three month Thrawn brainrot. Enjoy! ❤️
There is no mention of the reader's gender btw.
🔞 This is 18+ content, minors stay away! 🔞
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First of all, congratulations! 🎉 You successfully managed to seduce the Galaxy's smartest, most emotionally constipated, art loving, morally grey character. That's very brave of you!
Now let's get started!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Thrawn makes sure you're cleaned up and comfortable. If you're big on cuddling, this could be something he has to get used to first. He would also remind you to use the refresher after sex to avoid catching a UTI.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your human eyes fascinate him, he likes to imagine what a painting done with the color of your irises would look like. As for himself, it's his arms. He loves how you seem to fit perfectly into his warm embrace. He holds you close with them, safe from any harm.
One day after taking a shower with you, he looks at the reflection of your nude bodies in the mirror and realizes that you two look like a piece of art together. He loves the contrast of his blue skin and your [your skin color] skin together.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man cums a lot and I imagine it tastes slightly different from human cum. He likes cuming inside you but also likes seeing you covered in ropes of his cum like a work of art. Where he cums depends on where you want him to cum, and if you don't care, it just depends on where he wants it to go. If he had to choose one, he would always cum inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When he first felt attracted to you, he had searched for erotic art of people that resemble you to figure out if those feelings are in fact attraction.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Thrawn only had very few partners before you, but he's a quick learner. He definitely knows the basics and should he be unfamiliar with something you wanna try, explain it to him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position that offers him a good view of your body. He loves seeing you on top, looking up and admiring you riding him. To him your body is a work of art, this man worships every inch of you!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc
Thrawn is a serious person. His sense of humor is very dry and he wouldn't use it during sex. He's focused on you, and you only. Making you feel good and leaving you satisfied afterwards is something he takes very seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
You can't tell me this man doesn't have a hair and body care routine. I imagine Chiss don't have much body hair in general. (To keep warm on Csilla they have thicker skin and a high metabolism.) He keeps his looks clean and tidy, and yes, the carpet matches the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Look, this man wouldn't just go and sleep with anyone. He's a Grand Admiral and has a reputation to maintain. If he sleeps with you, you must mean a lot to him if he decides to take that step with you. To him it's a way to connect with you on a deeper level. He continuously tells you how beautiful you are and what he loves about you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before you he used to masturbate rarely and during your relationship he stopped masturbation altogether. He simply prefers sex with you over his own hand. Unless you're separated for a longer period of time, that's when he would masturbate only while calling you via holocomm where you can see each other and satisfy each other's desires from afar.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a competency kink™. Watching you work on something you’re good at, being all professional, it makes Thrawn melt. He will keep up his mask until you're alone with him in his quarters, then he will be all over you, praising you for your good work and fucking you senseless.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Thrawn has a reputation, he's a Grand Admiral, you wouldn't catch him in the act in a supply closet or anywhere else on board of the Chimera that isn't his quarters. He wants his private life to remain private. Inside his quarters he has a large bed and a comfortable luxurious sofa, and he likes to take you on either.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said before, he's into competency, and there's nothing more attractive to him than you passionately talking about work or hobbies, anything that you love doing. The passionate spark that appears in your eyes makes him want to support you unconditionally and at the same time makes him want to take you to his bedroom to show you what you mean to him. Oh and you explaining a piece of art to him he doesn't know much about yet? Instant turn on!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Thrawn draws the line at degrading or hurting you. He doesn't understand how anyone could actually enjoy that. To him, you are the most beautiful person in the Galaxy, and he makes sure to remind you of that whenever he can. He always asks for your consent too, just to reassure himself you actually want this.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Thrawn clearly prefers giving oral. To him your taste is something he didn't know he needed, and now he could spend hours down between your legs, lapping up your juices and stimulating you, making you cum over and over on his tongue. He doesn't mind receiving oral, but definitely prefers cuming inside your pussy or on your body instead of inside your mouth.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Thrawn is very thorough when it comes to sex. He wants you to feel all of him, so he prefers being slow and sensual. Unless you crave a fast and rough fucking or when he's had a bad day at work (some pent up frustration over Krennic’s antics idk) then and only then will he go for fast and rough sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't like them and he doesn't do them. He wants to take his time to love you properly, and that can't be done in a ten minute quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Sure, he's up to anything you're willing to try, unless it's something that could hurt you or involves other people. Thrawn would never share you with anyone, that's unheard of where he comes from.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His enormous self control allows him to go for hours. An average human body would be exhausted after two rounds with him. So the question should be how many rounds can YOU go for?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Thrawn is open to new ways of pleasuring you. Initially he doesn't know much about sex toys, but after you explain what you want to try with him, and after some research on it, he's willing to try out toys with you. He prefers using them on you instead of himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's a patient man, and he knows about the perks of delayed gratification. When he's in the mood to tease, he will edge you. He loves watching you squirm underneath him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Thrawn is not very loud. Labored breathing, moaning into the crook of your neck and occasional grunts when he picks up the pace are the only sounds you can expect of him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
With your consent, he would either paint a picture of you in the nude, or pay an artist to do it, so when you're separated, he can have a piece of you with him, that's only meant for his eyes.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Thrawn has a healthy muscular body with several scars from past battles. I imagine his cock looks pretty much human, safe for the color of his skin of course. It's just slightly bigger and it has alien ridges that feel incredible when inside of you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not very high until you came into his life. He didn't know he could feel this way about anyone. With you his sex drive is average, he makes time for sex when his busy schedule allows him to. You better have nothing planned for that period of time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Chiss don't require as much sleep as humans. While you doze off next to him, he works on his datapad some more before falling asleep, or he simply watches you sleep peacefully next to him while being the big spoon. You should get used to red glowing eyes in the dark when you stay overnight or move into his quarters.
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If this has inspired any additional thots, pls let me know in the comments. ❤️
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starsinmylatte · 2 years
Do you have any thots about the blueberry man lately ? ❤️
Ooooh anon, my beloved…. Let’s see what my brain comes up with for our fav Grand Admiral. As always, we do a bit of legends/canon Thrawn mix (but tbh, this probably leans way more legends)
Pairing: Thrawn x afab!reader
Tws and tags: size diff, belly bulge, cockwarming, face-sitting, oral (f!receiving), voice kink, men who eat it for their own pleasure, Thrawn is an alien with alien bits (human variant, no tentacles), no proofreading we die like clones
18+ ONLY below the cut. Minors DNI
Alright, alright, now hear me out:
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Chiss anatomy is similar to human anatomy… but not exactly the same. The first time Thrawn takes you to bed, he warns you that it could be a bit of a tight, painful fit at first.
You quickly learn that he definitely isn't being overdramatic. Nothing about Thrawn is small. From his ego and intellect to his cock the man is big.
Length is only a little more than what is "normal" for a human but stars the man is thick and ridged in a way that makes your mouth water indecently.
So, every time he truly takes you, Thrawn spends so much time preparing you.
Sex is never really a fast event for him anyways. There is the odd chance he will pull you in to quickly satisfy a specific craving (i.e., calling you into his office to ride his face before a meeting because he needs to taste you right then). However, if he is to indulge, it will be done properly.
Other men with his..... gifts would likely just brag about how big they are and try to force it in with little-to-no actual preparation..... But, yeah, that's not how Thrawn operates.
The Grand Admiral draws much of his satisfaction from your pleasure, and he'd be appalled by the idea of actually hurting you. At least in a way you didn't consent to.
This also means that if he actually fucks you, it's a whole event. You might as well write off the entire night because you won't be leaving the bed. Of course, it doesn't help that walking becomes very difficult after.
Your first orgasm is always on his tongue. Partially because the man loves to taste you and partly because he wants you adrift in a haze of desire and pleasure as quickly as possible.
"Oh, ch'eo ch'acah... You taste divine," Thrawn practically purrs against your soaked cunt. His muscular arms wrap around your legs as he reclines between them, one large hand splayed across your hips to keep them from arching off the bed. The other wraps around to part your lips for his deliciously torturous assault.
His fingers join the mix after your first orgasm. They stroke the bud of your arousal languidly, trailing down just enough to circle around the entrance to your core teasingly as Thrawn leans back to see you whine for his touch.
Thrawn's red eyes glow with lust in the darkness as the fist finger slips in, but it isn't enough... it will never be enough. Your walls flutter and clench around the digit, drawing a low groan from your lover as he hears your shameless cries.
"Patience, darling," he chides, slipping in a second finger and stroking them against the spongy spot nestled inside. "You'll get your wish soon enough."
Your second orgasm has Thrawn bringing his fingers to his lips to show you just how he savors the taste of your arousal. He licks it off, and you moan again at how raw and shameless his desire is.
Multiple orgasms later, it's finally time. You are already a wreck beneath him, absolutely dripping with arousal and begging for more, but Thrawn still takes the time to pull a small bottle of lube from his nightstand.
You can feel every single ridge as he slowly pushes in with a growl. Thrawn lavishes kisses up and down the column of your neck as your back arches at the exquisite burn of being stretched and filled so completely.
There is still a brief moment near the end when you tense up, and he immediately stops to remind you to relax. His own body is shaking, voice low and rough in your ear as he fights back the urge to just sink all the way in. "Breathe... Relax...... You're doing so well for me."
Stars, you were always a fool for his voice. With another low moan, your body obeys, and he finally bottoms out, the blunt head of his cock nestled against your cervix.
Sometimes all you need is to grind your hips up and down as he stays still and talks you through another orgasm, your walls clenching at his sinful words and rubbing against the thick ridges. Either that or he will sit in his command chair as he works late at night and have you warm his cock, lifting your hips up and down every so often to draw out your arousal.
Thrawn loves to tease you like this, even though it just drives him insane too. He will run his fingers over the thick outline of his cock nestled in your lower tummy, pressing against it in a way that has you whimper and beg.
After everything is said and done, you can expect the most thorough, tender aftercare from him.
Tagging some friends! If your name is crossed through, please consider updating your username by sending me a message. Join my taglist here.
@saradika @djarrex @thefact0rygirl @firelordillyria @superfunething @thefireflyreader @mysticalgalaxysalad @babygirl-leon-kennedy @justanothersadperson93 @14mcmd112 @ele-millennial-weirdo @thestudyofwhyiexist @mittheresabosen @kurosakiyami @vibratingbonesbis @idkwhatimdoinghah @hereforthesunrise @darth-papi @ashotofspotchka @handbaskethell @my-awakened-ghost @ironandglass @amyroswell @chaosjedimaester @cassandrablacker
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arcielee · 1 year
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
Here is my ode to other fandoms outside of ASoiaF, as well as the collection of Ewanverse writers who I just fucking adore.
Read more to save space!
The Last Kingdom
@itbmojojoejo You are such a talented writer and I adore your new hobbies/obsessions? Your gif creations are fucking wonderful and you are just an utter gem all around. 💜
Some of my favorite TLK writers also include: @bhxrdy @gemini-mama @emilyhufflepufftlk @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
I also adore the screenshots shared by @transfinan and @dailytlk gifsets are so nifty!
@breanime is just wonderful. I enjoyed the rotation through fandoms and I always get excited to see what they are currently into. Also, their writing is fucking amazing. 💜
Stranger Things
@theold-ultraviolence I found them because of our mutual love for Aemond, but they also write for Eddie Munson and I just love them oh-so much. 💜
@runningmunson Your Aemond Targaryen stories brought me in, but I actually just adore anything you share with us. 💜
@uglypastels Your story Not Wholly Evil is what actually had me break away from HotD and dive into Stranger Things. Your prose is wonderful and I just devour it all. 💜
Other nifty writers for this fandom are @lovebugism @jo-harrington @whoahoney @word-wytch @storiesbyrhi
@chiss-and-crackers It started with HotD, but I legit adore every fandom you touch and share. Your blog is definitely one of my favorites and you brighten my dashboard. 💜
@poetic-fiasco Thank you for rekindling my love for Loki/Tom Hiddleston. Your stories on ao3 are fucking wonderful and you have been so lovely all around. 💜
@evita-shelby Your pieces are enchanting and allow me to enjoy fandoms I am not even a part of. Also, your Tom Bennett story! Oh my. 💜
@4yvle1 art is absolutely breathtaking. Their HotD is what had me follow, but everything they create, their style is absolutely breathtaking. 💜
Other talented writers who have moved on from HotD, but I will read anything they write: @1800-fight-me @eddiemadmunson @jasonsmirrorball @annikin-im-panicin @killergirlfuria
Ewanverse misc.
@assortedseaglass I will repeat this as my damn mantra, but I just adore your prose. Your Billy Washington story is what won me over and I will read everything, anything you post! 💜
@babyblue711 You are seriously such a delight on this hellsite and your Salad Days story, Redemption, took me on an emotional ride. I am a fucking fan of everything you create. 💜
@helaelaemond You have absolutely won me over for the Helaemond ship with your writing, but the way you write other Ewanverse characters is so fucking brilliant. I just adore your prose so thoroughly. 💜
Another honorable mention for @myfandomprompts because their gif creations and their stories for Tom Bennett and Will [Salad Days] is just fucking wonderful. 💜
Same for @lonnson: your art, your writing, your weird fandoms that I cheer on every time I see them on my dashboard is just lovely. Like, I have to mention you twice. 💜
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ascyndic · 1 year
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Chiss warriors ride die for their sky-walkers we love to see it
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ruusaanrambles · 10 months
Cannot fully explain just how much I need a star wars show done in the style of star trek. Just imagine it.
An old imperial light cruiser retrofitted to be a research vessel by the new republic, headed out to explore wild space. Many dangers await the crew, from strange planets, to the chiss ascendancy, to the mysterious threat of the grysk.
In the meantime, it’s a long cramped ride, and the crew is a mixed bag. A Jedi ambassador no one knows much about, a wookie head of security, a mandalorian field medic who practically bristles with weapons and mutters to themself in mando’a and an old healer from a merchant family, a former imperial navigator, watched closely by new republic captain and the head of engineering who was known as one of the best mechanics in the rebellion.
So much daydream fuel here even if I don’t think it’ll ever happen
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anastasiiaosypova · 1 year
The best chaotic trio in the galaxy far, far away... in the alternative universe where there is bounty for a head of sweet boy Eli... where two best hunters... fearsome Chiss hunters are on his track... Ziara and Thrawn...
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Simply love this story. It always brightens the mood, makes the day better, and simply brings joy. The atmosphere, the tension, the suspense... What the hell happened on Nirauan??? Sassy Eli, Thrawn with his shenanigans, Ziara, ready to shoot both. Oh, the drama 🤣 Don't know where this is going, but I'm in for a ride... so is Ziara/Ar'alani 💙
@princesszellie May the Force Be with You! Always!
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”Save a horse, ride a Chiss,” @mysticalgalaxysalad said.
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roguemonsterfucker · 1 year
Is there anything about Thrawn's characterization that you find to be the most intriguing or attractive?
Oh where to even start...
He's very morally grey. I don't think he's evil, but I also wouldn't label him "good." In the books, he has the ultimate goal of protecting his people, the Chiss, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Even if it means siding with the "lesser evil" (the Empire) and doing some really... not great things.
I'm a sucker for characters that ride the line between good guy and bad guy. I'm a sucker for characters who you never quite know whether you can trust them. And Thrawn is the perfect balance of that.
He's not evil, but he will absolutely do whatever he needs to in order to accomplish his goals.
He's not good, but he does value life and avoids taking it where unnecessary.
It's a very sexy combination.
Plus... he's smart. He's tactical. He analyses things and thinks things through and comes up with convoluted plans that somehow work out. It's amazing to watch and to try to follow along with his plans.
And he can be very sweet. The scene that cemented my love for him was in the first of the Ascendancy books, Chaos Rising, where he gives a scared little girl markers to draw with. And there's another scene earlier in that book where he, as a much younger man, gives words of encouragement to another little girl who's worried about her future.
Thrawn can be cold but he isn't heartless and cruel. He cares about people, especially his own people (the Chiss).
He's just a good combination of smart, morally grey, and compassionate that makes me fall utterly in love with him.
Now, keep in mind, all this is based purely on the six new canon novels. He comes across very differently in Star Wars Rebels and he is a very different character from the version in the old Legends trilogy (Heir to the Empire) where he was first introduced.
You can imagine how worried I am about how he'll be portrayed in the upcoming Ahsoka episodes. 😬
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zhakyria · 11 months
Chapter 1: Cimarron - Part 1
Yall saw this last night, but I've spend today cleaning up the first part. Also renamed it cause the previous name wasn't doing it for me. If my brain cooperates, I'm hoping to make some decent progress on part 2 this weekend.
Cody shielded his eyes from the glare of the hot Lysatran sun. It sat low behind the small space port, throwing the two people approaching him in silhouette. This usually wasn’t his job, but Eli had radioed that the steers had spooked and broken through the fence of their pasture. He’d be spending the evening rounding them back and up and mending the break. With Eli tied up and no immediate crises requiring a sheriff, Cody had been more than willing to pick up the supplies and new teacher from the port, only the new teacher didn’t appear to be alone. 
The sun finally sunk below the horizon as the two walked up to his wagon and he could make out their features. The taller of the two had blue skin, not unlike a Pantoran, but he was definitely not one given his bright red eyes. He didn’t wear a uniform, but he held himself like someone accustomed to military service. The other man was human with sandy hair and eyes the color of storm clouds. He held a Republic Navy tunic slung over his shoulder. They both carried Republic issued duffels. 
“Are you our ride, Sir?” The human asked. He spoke with a light wild space accent, that probably made him the son of one of the locals back for shore leave. Though he wasn’t aware of any that currently had family in the military.
Cody settled his hat back onto his head. “I am, if you’re headed to Cimarron.” He eyed the taller man. “I take it you’re our new teacher?” 
“That is correct. I am Mitth’raw’nuruodo.” The taller one bowed slightly and Cody cocked an eyebrow up at the formality of the gesture.
“I’m Anton.” The other man held out his hand to Cody, who shook it. He had a strong grip but there was no challenge behind it. He’d also not provided a family name, but that wasn’t uncommon since the War ended. 
“I’m Sheriff Cody, pleasure to meet you both. What brings you to Lysatra?” He asked Anton.
Anton shrugged, but there was an odd look in his eye. “I just have some family business that needs attending to.” 
“I see.” Cody was curious, but Cimarron was only home to two kinds of folks, those born there and those hiding from the past. So, he wouldn’t pry. “Well climb aboard. I wasn’t expecting two passengers, so I apologize for the lack of space.”
“That’s not a problem, Sir.”
Anton threw his duffel into the back unceremoniously and climbed in after it. Mitth’raw’nuruodo followed suit, but he set his bags into the back of the wagon instead of throwing them, before climbing onto the seat beside Cody. 
Cody clicked his teeth and snapped the reins. The two draft horses, who’d been trying to nibble at the short grass along the side of the road, brought their heads up and started pulling the wagon towards the town. Cody set an easy pace for the horses. 
“It will be dark soon.”
“That gonna be a problem for you?” Cody asked. He glanced up at Mitth’raw’nuruodo. His red eyes actually seemed to glow in the fading light. 
“Not for me. However, there are no lights.” Mitth’raw’nuruodo motioned ahead of them. 
Cody chuckled. “Oh don’t worry. Belle and Sarge know this road well. They will get us to town safely.”
They traveled in silence for several moments before Cody couldn’t hold his curiosity anymore. “If you don’t mind my prying. What are you? I’ve been racking my brain, but I don’t think I’ve met someone of your species before.”
“I am Chiss.”
“Part of the Alliance program?”
“You are more informed than I expected.” Mitth’raw’nuruodo replied, there was a hint of a smile in his voice.
The Alliance programs were relatively new. Cody only knew about them because he still maintained contact with his brothers, and he wasn’t surprised that the Senate sent them someone from the program. With what he heard from his brothers, there were several senators actively working against the Ascendancy-Republic Alliance and the exchange programs. Mitth’raw’nuruodo had either pissed off someone important to get assigned such a backwater planet, or he was just the next victim in some politician’s plot.
“I wasn’t always a sheriff.”
Cody peered at his passenger through narrowed eyes. He wasn’t sure what Mitth’raw’nuruodo implied. He made that one word sound like he knew who Cody was. Knew what he was. He had taken great pains to break himself of behaviors that marked him as a clone soldier. He’d grown a beard, let his hair grow longer, picked up the local dialect, and tried to relax. Years of programming and training were hard to break though, and he knew he’d never truly be able to let some habits go. It’s why he’d accepted the sheriff position. 
He shoved the thoughts out of his mind. “How about you kid, who are your folks? I've only been sheriff for a few years but I don’t recall anyone mentioning having a son in the Navy.”
He heard Anton shift his position and there was a long pause before he answered. “Doubt you’d know them. They passed away quite some time ago and I’ve not been back since.”
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ryehouses · 1 year
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the AST finale! You should be very proud of it. I wanted to share what the fic means to me personally, so hoping you’ll forgive a ramble.
I began it last January. I’m a lifelong SW fan, but something about tBoBF spurred me to start watching the Clone Wars, which I’d never seen. I watched all of that, and then all of Rebels. And then pretty quickly I moved on to SW books-the Padmé series, Aftermath, four Legends Thrawn novels, and all six canon Thrawn novels. A lot of Chiss Ascendency fans are also High Republic fans (hyperspace navigators unite I guess 🤭) So I’m now on to phase two of the High Republic and it’s been a wild ride!
And of course, I’ve read a ton of fanfic. Yours has been with me from the beginning of my deep dive into SW, and I just wanted to thank you for your dedication to this story. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I’ll look forward to any further little snippets and POVs you might share. Thanks again for everything. 💜
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so I've been sitting on some of these for months and months now and I just want y'all to know. I love you so much and am so grateful you took the weird little ast fic journey with me!!! You've all been so supportive and so amazing and I am just. Reduced to a lot of incoherent affection <3
If you've sent me a message or left me a comment on ao3 and I haven't responded, please know that I did see it and I do love you and appreciate all of your enthusiasm!
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marroniere · 9 months
fic: strength of heart (tenderness of the soul), thranto, NSFW, WIP
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Thrawn/Eli Vanto
Word count: 140,499 words so far (5000-word chapters are posted twice a week, 32 chapters overall)
Warnings: canon-typical violence, angst with a happy ending, mpreg, Thrawn dealing with his traumatic past
They come to the Seekers' Shadehouse—or the Ardok ranch, as it is listed on the map—the day before the sky-walkers are supposed to be here. It is a long aircar ride from the nearest spaceport. Thrawn notices how Eli marvels at the Ool nature. It is the end of summer here, and the trees are vivid blue and dark purple. Now and then, the aircar passes spike-apple gardens. Ool spike-apples, especially the coral and gold ones, are considered the best in the Ascendancy. Thrawn, however, prefers the smaller, pale pink ones. They are not as sweet, and the juice does not drip on everything around you.
Where spike-apples fall on the ground, they are swallowed up by thick, emerald green grass with occasional purple streaks. The gardens in the aircar window turn into saari fields, oceans of pearly pink. Eli, a man who has seen many worlds and can hardly be surprised by anything, is glued to the window, like a child.
“I have not seen you this excited for a long time,” Thrawn says.
Eli turns to Thrawn, a blush spreading over his cheeks.
“Would be cool to move here, don’t you think?” he asks. “One day. When all this shit is over.”
“I would prefer to stay on Naporar,” Thrawn says. “The Stybla homestead has one of the best schools in the Ascendancy. Larass will go there.”
Eli’s facial heat jumps up, suddenly.
“No, I mean—”
He sighs.
“When we’re both old and cranky and tired of Naporar. I think this is the perfect place for me to be that old Lysatran man with a blaster rifle. Sitting on a porch. Drinking my k’haito.”
Some things, Thrawn notes mentally with amusement, are the same even on those worlds that could not be more different. Porch-sitting, a popular Lysatran pasttime, has almost become a national sport on certain backwater planets of the Ascendancy. The Chiss, competitive as they are, approach it as an endurance test—who can stay in a rocking chair for the longest time.
“When we’re both old,” Eli says, and Thrawn wants to correct, “If we ever grow old.” They are both warriors, first and foremost. Warriors do not die of old age.
Then he reminds himself that he has every reason to strive to achieve that. He wants to grow old with Eli. He also wants to see the man Larass will become.
Eli’s jacket does a good job of hiding the sidearm. Thrawn’s charric is hidden in the same backpack with all the other things that Thrawn packed just in case. A set of particularly loose and soft pajamas. Super-absorbent pads. A water spray. Strong pain inhibitors. Bacta. Disposable underwear. Baby clothes and diapers. One green pacifier.
Anticipating everything is Thrawn’s habit.
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