Sorry I haven't posted in a while but i watched Everything everywhere all at once, Bodies and Fleabag consecutively and just and to not exist for a week to process wtf I just went through
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
remember when israeli rabbis lauded hitler and supported slavery?
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yes, it was a real thing: Embracing racism, rabbis at pre-army yeshiva laud Hitler, urge enslaving Arabs | The Times of Israel
some quotes from the article:
“The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.”
“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”
“Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.”
Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution.
“The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.”
In 2016, the co-founder of the Bnei David academy, Yigal Levinstein, was recorded in class calling gay people “sick and perverted. In another lecture that year, Levinstein claimed that drafting women to the IDF was making them “crazy” and stripped them of their Jewishness.
Bnei David’s other co-founder, Rabbi Eli Sadan, preaches against educating women, claiming that independent thinking “neuters their most important capability… to build the home.”
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flovverworks · 1 year
"Akira." Atlas' voice booms with urgency towards the younger being, arms outstretched towards them and - before they're able to complain - is scooped up into a bridal carry. Then...Lofted over his head. Like how you'd see in wrestling videos, right before the opponent breaks their rival's back over their knee. Except Atlas is not so brutal, simply shifting his hold so that Akira was back down to being cradled in his arms, held against the scrawny-looking man's warm chest. Stars sparkle in the void that was his eyes, the glittering stardust in his hair fluttering in the wind of midday.
"I foresaw you hurting yourself trying to chase after Figaro on this walk, so I thought it best to hinder your walking capabilities. Though, some also wanted to see me lift you," as evidenced by Mitile and Rutile commenting on how strong and cool the primal was behind them. Atlas turns to them, bows gracefully, and then continued walking forward on their original journey. Was there a small smile on Atlas' lips? Who was to say. "They believed I wasn't fit enough to take care of you in such a manner. I'm glad I exceeded their expectations."
"Gwah?! Mi-mi—!" Mithra?!
Except it's not, and Akira themself can't tell if they were scolding or calling for help. Heart stuck in their throat, feeling like they were this close to their life passing before their eyes, and so the grip on Atlas clothes is tight (as if that'd stop him had he wished to do something like that again). The surprise dissipates somewhat upon hearing the warm voices of the Flores brothers—only to return in the form of a yelp when Atlas bows.
"It's fine!" they interrupt him, for a moment lost in the sensation of your heart skipping a beat. "Uh, thank you for helping me, I'm very grateful, but... … …?" foresaw? Like a form of the fortunetelling Snow and White did? But when he spoke of it it sounded somewhat different, more like he actually had seen it rather than knowing what was to come. Atlas, quite literally, gave of an ethereal feeling after all, as if he existed on a plane different than them.
"The point is..." a shake of their head, those things could wait until later. "If I don't chase after him I'll be okay, right? I'll be careful not to trip, so, really, I can walk by myself..." even though they had an inkling as to why they'd chase after Figaro (if he were to walk too far away it'd remind them of that day in the market, and the feeling of him vanishing), the idea of being carried like this for a longer period of time was too embarrassing...
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capnsaltsquid · 1 year
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I finally achieved my dream of being a walking battery. I'm cowering behind Hudson because the Zonaite Helm makes me look ridicuolous. And not just me, either...
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I am SO SORRY, Mineru. You deserve more respect than this.
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reamofpap · 1 year
Ultramicroporous? No thanks.
So, I just came across this tweet from the popular bot @ChemistryNews on Twitter:
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and the first things I was thinking was: how ridicuolous are they to flex such teenagers?
Since the inception of the definition of nanoporous material, there have always been three levels of porosity:
microporosity, where the pore size is, by convention, less than 2 nm;
mesoporosity, where the pore size is bigger than 2 nm, but lower than 50 nm; and,
macroporosity, for everything bigger than that (note, even the sponge you use to clen your dishes is macroporous).
Now, these guys here from the University of Singapore, which is supposed to be one of the top academic places in Asia, if not in the world, came out inventing a new term of microporosity, such as ULTRAmicroporosity. These guys maybe have no clue that less than 2 nm we are startin' to go at the atomic, or even at the gluonic, scale. I wonder how can they measure such ultramicroporosity? PALS? No way, let's do a good old BET!
I mean, this is not even cutting edge science, they just did a standard MOF with a pyridinedicarboxylic acid instead of an isophthalic acid, of course the nitrogen gives that extra binding site to avoid making a MOP, but, really? Who were those geniuses of reviewers that let pass such horrendous term? On Nature Communications too? Ok, to publish there one just pay, but the level of ridicolousness here is touching the sky.
I would tell you out loud so you may understand better:
That Ultra-thing you better leave to Ultraman and other comics, otherwise it's an ultra-insult to Feynman.
By the way, this Dan Zhao is also the same guy that will organize MOF 2024! Good luck, given that the website is not out yet. I hope at least that would be ULTRAfunctioning otherwise it woudl be an ULTRAshame.
Stay tuned for other paps in the Ream of MOFs.
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perennialtide · 3 years
Also can we just take a step back and point out some hypocritical pulls dttwt do sometimes? like they shit on people for caring about Michael, the mob that like helped kickstart an actual friendship, is a literal part of a family in a story, is adored by both ccs and fandom, but then turn around and start crying and sending death threats over a random unnamed cat that wasn't even tamed in Dream's cell?
Like I really dislike comparing or pointing fingers but when the fandom gets so heated over something and shit like that is just there while the same people ridicule systems and generally mock people for not finding the "bit" funny? Just really leaves an iffy feeling whether you care or not idk :/
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anguishmacgyver · 4 years
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blessedxsilence · 4 years
Send me "&" for my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars.
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“Yeah, the gunpowder scar is still there, it’s just not black anymore.” She said, feeling him run his thumb over her cheek. She took his hand away from her face and kissed it. “I think the rest are star shaped, you know, gunshot wounds.” She moved her collar aside to expose the one in her left shoulder, “The one you fixed scarred the worst, but then you had to use old school stitches.” 
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ledhomeonhigh · 4 years
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This little fella is called Ridiculous Swan Thing. I love him. 🤣❤
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bookcub · 6 years
Princess Ariel is not Auri and there’s another major female character who comes into play in Doors of Stone 
Why have one female character with two identities when you can have two (2) female characters?
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hisdiversion-gone · 3 years
touching up again on what @rcdhoodie said i’m just fuming and super upset at the lack of awareness some people have. given that both of my parents and various other family members are addicts / recovering addicts, i just cannot understand what would prompt anyone to say they want an addict to die of an overdose. that’s incredibly insensitive, disgusting and completely ridicuolous all because they’re mad over a ship. you should want these characters to grow and recover, not wish a horrible death on them. frankly, elliot nor rue are even in a position to be DATING anyone, they both need rehab and to heal and if your first priority for any character who’s an addict is ships, then there’s something seriously wrong with you. stop fucking being terrible people thank you!
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What is your headcanon about Azula and Sokka's relationship? Like do you think they get along or only pretend to for Zuko's sake?
oooh I love this question
I think initially, Sokka would have to force it/pretend. Azula came ridicuolously close to killing them, multiple times PLUS killing Zuko as well. Those are hard things to forget about. 
Zuko of course just wants everything to be okay, I mean Azula is his baby sister and the trauma of their childhoods manifested differently in both of them. Zuko has started to heal and I truly think he would want the same for Azula. Plus, beyond Iroh, Azula and Ozai are the only family he has and its fuck Ozai to the end of time, so really its just Iroh and Azula. 
Eventually, I think Sokka would realize just how strong the awkwardness runs in Fire Nation Royal Family, because honestly Azula is just as bad, if not worse than Zuko (see: the Beach episode). And once Sokka sees that, it’s kind of endearing because wow do these kids have no social understanding. 
Then Azula is kind of like “stop forcing this, you hate me so go away” and Sokka says something very reminiscent of what Mai said to Azula at Boiling Rock. Sokka tells her that he loves Zuko more than he hates her and for Zuko’s sake, he wants to make an effort. And Azula can’t help but understand. 
They gradually spend more time together, but mostly Azula still spends her time with Lo, Li, Ty Lee, Mai and Zuko. And then she discovers that her and Sokka like discussing battle plans (even though there are no battles, they are basically playing World of Warcraft for funzies) and realize they think kind of similarly. Azula enlightens Sokka to some ruthless plays and strategies and Sokka is terrified but impressed. 
Then Azula stumbles upon Sokka inventing one day and suddenly, they are just fucking around all the time and Zuko is worried that his idiot boyfriend and baby sister are gonna get themselves killed (he bonds with Katara over this feeling) but he also can’t be bothered to stop them, because honestly, its adorable. Plus it gives Azula a more healthy outlet as opposed to vengeance. 
I think they would grow to respect each other first, before they liked each other. 
But once they like each other, all Im seeing is Sokka trying to give Azula dating advice for Ty Lee. (ALSO HOW CUTE WOULD IT BE FOR AZULA TO COME OUT TO SOKKA FIRST OMGGGGG) Like how to ask her out, telling her the best moves he’s got that worked on Zuko (Zuko vehemently tells Azula that Sokka is not nearly as smooth as he thinks he is.) 
And then Sokka grows to love Azula, because Zuko loves Azula. 
For good measure, here are my fav Azula, Sokka and Zuko bonding fics:
1. you remind me that (it's such a wonderful thing to love) by chaotic_trash_gremlin and ladanse
Summary: five times azula and sokka collaborated for (mostly) good, and one time they decidedly did not
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24749542
2. that's how i learned how to survive by cool lesbian (falloutblink182)
Summary: It's Father's Day. Maybe that's not so bad. [Or: It's Father's Day, and Zuko is actually fine.]
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24883576
If you have recommendations, please send them my way, as I dont see the sibling bonding between Zuko and Azula enough. 
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sadlynojellybeans · 3 years
My Hoya Kerrii has decided that it's time to grow and I want to document its progress day by day, both because it grows ridicuolously fast and because it's the first time it's developing in two different points at the same time.
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The leaf is the one in the top circle, while the bottom circle shows where the new branch is going to be!
I will try to post photos everyday starting from today (17-06-2021).
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kronim195 · 4 years
It’s nuts how the fledgling becomes so powerful in such a short amount of time. From Santa Monica to Downtown their feats aren’t anything too crazy, dealing with other vampires who don’t seem too powerful in one on one fights is the most they do. Every other quest has them dealing with humans or not fighting at all.
It’s in Hollywood when they fight a very old, powerful Tzimice and live that it gets a little questionable, but that’s nothing compared to the last several missions where it gets kinda ridicuolous. Single handedly wiping out the sabbat, kuei jin and/or local camarilla. No actual explanation is offered as to how the fledgling goes from barely managing to defeat one kuei jin (the one in santa monica) to taking on the entirety of them in LA in what I estimate to be 2 to 3 weeks at most since becoming a vampire.
Best explanation I’ve gotten is that Caine (the cabbie) has been buffing the potency of the player’s blood, explaining how they became so powerful, and also the player appears to be of a lower generation, 7th or 8th, which from what I hear in vtm lore is kind of a big deal. Still, it does seem like a huge shift in power since all it took early in the game was a few sabbat and a baseball bat to defeat you, then suddenly every sabbat is just fodder.
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Hi The photo from Disney Peter Pan set abou captain Hook alias Jude Law just come out and I have to say at least for me No one absolutely No one will ever replace the aesthetic and mannerism of Jason Isaacs's captain Hook like never ever
WHAT THE FUCK, absolutely not, how is that supposed to be Hook? He doesn’t look like Hook at all! Thanks for letting me know, but that is absolutely ridicuolous
I am not amused
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sebfreak · 3 years
Well I try to tanslate some thing of this letter: 
(for your information this person bought two weekend-tickets for 350 euro it´s categorie bronze)
- security was overtaxed and main streets were closed although these streets could have helped them a lot to regulate the chaos. (we are speaking of thousands of people who wanna participate) 
-  "Parking Area Red" wasn´t a parking slot, it was a street and it costs them 16 euro. 16 fuckling euro for a street parking area... (shame on you spa and no this is not normal, when i was in 2013 there we had all over the places parking slots.) 
- instead of an asphalt street they had to go through a mud field, because the “real” street was closed but nobody could tell the reason for it. 
- MOST IMPORTANT THING: the covid testing area or the era where you had to show a certificate was the most ridicuolous thing. this person says that if they had shown them a certification of his grandma and had personalized his tickets on his neighbour they would had let him entered. So what he wanna say is: they din´t control it and i think in times of a pandemic this is the worst you can do. so... SHAME ON YOU SPA!!!!
- masks, corona and pandemic are not a thing in spa, maybe they live on the mars because nobody wore it there. 
- there was no track speaker (a person who informs the whole track and I can say in 2013 there was one, so normally they have a track speaker) 
- this person clearly says that nobody can controll a weather so he won´t give them (f1, fia and spa) the fault for the weather but on the other hand he says that you could see via a weather app that the weather wasn´t getting better...even teamchefs said it in a sky-go-app. 
- fans didn´t even know that the drivers were driving two or three laps, because nobody said it, so fans thought they were racing although the weather was worse than at 3pm. (FUCK YOU SPA AND FUCK FIA!!!!)
So these are informations from one letter but a lot of people are commenting under it and yeah what should i say? This shows all of us that fia doesn´t give a single fuck and only wanna have money because nothing else is important for them. They literally see fans only as money objects and nothing else and this is something i really hate. FIA lost together with f1 the connection to the fans... 
Forgot the source, shame on me: Formel 1
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