#riding his bicycle all around New Jersey
benbamboozled · 2 years
Bruce Wayne, seeing Dick Grayson: I must help this small child.
Bruce Wayne, seeing Jason Todd: I must help this small child.
Tim Drake, seeing Bruce Wayne: I must help this grown-ass man.
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tkachuktkaching · 4 days
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Matthew Tkachuk: Memories of Johnny Gaudreau ‘Will Go On Forever’
Tkachuk spoke Wednesday about the death of his longtime friend and former teammate, calling Gaudreau "the most offensively talented player I've ever seen." Gaudreau and his brother, Matthew, were killed on Aug. 29 when police said they were struck by a suspected drunken driver while they were riding bicycles on a rural road in New Jersey.
"It was such an honor to play with him," Tkachuk said at Florida's media day, the first formal event of the new season for the Panthers as they prepare to open their defense of the Stanley Cup.
"And you guys all saw what he did on the ice. I was the lucky one out of everybody in this room to have a great relationship with him off. So those are the memories I will take. But it's been terrible. It really has."
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Tkachuk was one of many in the hockey world who attended the services for the Gaudreau brothers earlier this month. He said he constantly has been thinking about Johnny Gaudreau's wife, Meredith, their children who lost their father and the parents who lost their sons.
"I think everybody has an amazing job of telling stories and keeping him present, because that's exactly what he would want is for us to smile about him and tell the fun stories about what a great player and teammate he was -- and a better guy," Tkachuk said. "My memory of him will go on forever."
“Of all the great things that happened this summer,’’ Tkachuk said, “it’s almost overshadowed by what has happened over the past couple of weeks. It has been a terrible time. It really has. It is the saddest thing I have ever seen or heard. I was able to go to the service which just breaks your heart.
“Johnny is one of my favorite teammates I ever played with. But he was more than a teammate to me: He’s such a great friend. It doesn’t matter if you knew them, or played against them, or even if you have a sibling, everyone can relate to this. It has been terrible. You’ll always carry something around, he will always be with me."
“He is the most offensively talented player I have ever seen. It was such an honor to play with him. You guys all saw what he did on the ice. I was the lucky one in this room who had a great relationship with him off of the ice. Those are the memories I will take, but it has been terrible. It really has been.”
“My memories will last forever, but I can’t stop thinking about his parents, about Meredith and the kids,’’ Tkachuk said.
“It was a very tough time at the wake and at the funeral; it has been a tough few weeks. But I think everyone has done an amazing job of telling stories and keeping him present because that is exactly what he would want, for us to smile about him and tell fun stories about what a great player and teammate he was. But he was a better guy. So, his memory will go on forever. My memories will go on forever.
“I feel like, last year, I was telling a Johnny story to someone every week. So, I am going to continue to do that.’’
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A Good Person--In the opening scenes, Allison is smart, funny, talented, beautiful and on the verge of marrying an adoring guy. A year later, in the aftermath of a horrible car accident, she's bereaved, single and deeply in denial about her addiction to painkillers. She scoots around her New Jersey town on a bicycle, understandably unable to drive or ride in a car, trying to score pills and using her caustic wit to evade the truth about her situation.
The story focuses on the improbable bond that develops between Allison, played by Florence Pugh, and Morgan Freeman as Daniel, the widower who was going to be her father-in-law. A retired cop, Daniel is a distant man with a troubling family history of his own; he's now raising his sweet and smart but angry and rebellious teenage granddaughter Ryan.
Considering how great Morgan Freeman is, it's odd how rarely we see him in a role worthy of him. Daniel isn't such a role either, really, but compared to what he gets to do, probably much more lucratively, in stuff like Dolphin Tale and Angel Has Fallen and The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard this seems like Eugene O'Neill.
He appears to barely need to bestir himself to bring the role his unerring authority. He's given some passages of voiceover at the beginning and the end, delivering them in those beautiful, measured tones that call to mind his narration in The Shawshank Redemption. This is perhaps a duty he should avoid in the future; it threatens to tame him into a sage old duffer when much of his power, going all the way back to his early days, lay in his coiled potential for righteous wrath.
Still, in A Good Person, when we see Freeman's face register bad news in the presence of someone from whom he wants to hide it, it's hard to imagine a current actor who could manage the same level of emotion without telegraphing. Similarly, Daniel's anger and guilt and sadness are tempered by age and hard-won perspective, but they haven't left him by a long shot, and Freeman makes them palpable, which in turn makes Daniel's compassion all the more touching.
Florence Pugh is a marvel. She stole 2019's Little Women and 2021's Black Widow; here she's the leading lady and nobody steals the movie from her. Her sly wit keeps Allison from being a drag to watch even when actually spending time with her certainly would be. Her scenes opposite Molly Shannon as her browbeating, wine-sipping, desperately loving mother have a ring of long history to them, and above all she and Freeman together generate an atmosphere of hushed, mutually grateful shared grief.
Braff, a blessedly and fearlessly silly comic actor, is less assured when it comes to creating serious drama; there are cluttered scenes here where he overplays his hand. But his dialogue is robust and speakable, and he's helped by a unifying theme: the ubiquity of addiction in modern life. From the first minutes of the film on, we're reminded of the central role in our lives of everything from pot to pills to booze to tobacco, but Braff makes a point of emphasizing one more: smartphones. They're treated as one more pill, one more pipe, one more flask from which we take multiple hits every day.
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nickgerlich · 3 years
Deal Or No Deal
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of bicycling. I was the terror of the south suburbs of Chicago when I was a kid (in my mind, at least). After putting on a little around the middle while at university (I’m blaming all those late-night runs to Burger Chef), I crawled back on in 1983 and now have about 400,000 miles in my legs.
And along the way, I got to know quite a bit about the bicycle industry and its highly fragmented network of independent bicycle dealers (IBDs). It is still the primary retail channel, in spite of recent trends toward small regional chains, corporately-owned stores, and online-only vendors and manufacturers. You can still count on going to your local shop and spending a few hours just shooting the breeze with the wrenches while they work.
Well, when the weather is too bad for riding, that is.
But there are some changes afoot that are causing fear and righteous indignation among IBDs. The biggest brands (like Trek, and the Dutch-owned Pon, which owns the Cervelo and Santa Cruz badges) are buying up more and more dealers. And now Specialized, one of the best-selling names in bicycling, is launching its Rider Direct program next month.
It will now be possible to completely circumvent the IBD, at a time when they are still trying to recover from stock-outs during COVID. Those same IBDs saw their sales skyrocket at the beginning of the lock down, as people turned to exercise to pass time. But they could not replenish their stocks.
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The new program offers cyclists a variety of options. They can still peruse the fleet online, and then either go to their local IBD or use the website’s locator to find who has your chosen steed in stock.
But that’s where the IBD starts getting pushed out of the picture, at least in part. Shoppers can buy their bike and have it delivered straight to their home, with only minor assembly required. Or, if they lack basic mechanic skills, have it delivered to their local IBD, who will do the work and receive 50% of their normal margin. Finally, there’s a white glove option, whereby the IBD will do the assembly, fitting, and delivery to your door, and get 75% of the standard margin.
Before we move on, we should note that these are all pricey bikes. It takes about $2000 just to get into this sport, and you can drop $10K pretty fast if you’re not careful. IBDs have traditionally been able to get about a 35% profit margin on bikes. But accessory items normally have at least a 50% margin. They thus make a lot of add-on profit when the customer buys their bike in the shop, because they need extra tubes, bottle cages, bottles, seat post bag, pedals, etc. Oh yeah. Bikes these days don’t come with pedals, because there are too many varieties on the market, and every cyclist has their favorite.
I should also mention that the real money in this business, though, is not from selling bikes and accessories. It’s in repair work. I have a friend in New Jersey with a bike shop, and he reports that a full 60% of his revenues come from wrenching.
IBDs are indeed nervous about getting cut out of 50-100% of their margin with the new program. They depend on customers coming in to buy their bikes and accessories, as well as just hanging out and talking about biking. It’s part of the culture.
With COVID sliding more and more into the rear view, I suspect there will be a slew of lightly-used bikes on CraigsList, Facebook Marketplace, and elsewhere as people resume their old ways of life, meaning little or no exercise. And if Specialized is handling the transaction on new bikes, those blended options that still involve the IBD are zero risk for the local shop. They do not have to have money tied up in inventory. Sure, there’s a loss on potential revenue, but then again, there’s no cost of capital to stock a bike in the first place.
Given Specialized’s market power (they are in third place with 9.5% share), IBDs are not exactly in a place to complain. Brand exclusives are granted for specified territories, and Specialized is one you don’t want to let slip away. Specialized didn’t ask the IBDs last week what they thought about this. They simply told them it’s coming. As in take it or leave it.
I see a tidal shift coming in the bike biz. Local shops will implicitly be discouraged from holding much inventory, which is a very important function in the sales process. Far more important than trying on clothes or shoes, taking a bike for a test ride is critical. It’s the only way to find out if it’s for you. “Try before you buy” is not limited to just apparel and dating.
And I’ll stop right there with the comparisons.
Local shops will become the place you go for accessories and repairs, and of these, what’s to stop Specialized from just going consumer-direct on all the add-ons as well? Maybe Specialized will pay IBDs to become catalog showrooms. It would be a nice compromise.
All I know is I have a lot of fond memories from nearly 40 years in this sport, and hanging out at the shop on snowy days. I don’t want to see the IBDs go away. E-commerce may have killed the book stores, record stores, and the like, but please don’t do it to bikes. I still have a lot of miles left in my legs.
Dr “Ride On” Gerlich
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 16, 2021: Carol (2015) (Part 1)
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Yeah, I had to do this one. Partially because I knew about this film previously, as it was kind of a smash hit when it came out in theaters. It was about as big of a deal as Blue is the Warmest Color, which...we might get there. But, yeah, Carol was already on my radar when I decided to dip into LGBT cinema.
But also...you can thank my girlfriend again. There she is (as she’s choosing to represent herself through GIF form) below.
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We love The Owl House. Anyway, I wasn’t aware of the meme until we were watching a movie, and she just screamed “HAROLD THEY’RE LESBIANS!” And after doing some research on that statement...that’s goddamn hilarious. And it all started with Carol, so the writing’s basically on the wall there.
Here’s what I know. This movie stars Cate Blanchett...OK, that’s it! Shall we find out more firsthand? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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In New York City, a man enters a bar and restaurant, where he sees an old acquaintance, Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara), who is having dinner with another woman, Carol Aird (Cate Blanchett). And, uh, lemme just say, we’re jumping off RIGHT away, and my girlfriend immediately starts screaming “HAROLD” at the screen.
Anyway, Jake invites her to a party with mutual friends, and Carol and Therese end their dinner date early. As Therese looks out of the window of a car on the way to the party, she thinks backwards through time, and takes us with her. FLASHBACK
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Therese wakes up one morning around Christmastime, only to see her boyfriend, Richard Semco (Jake Lacy), ready to take her to work on a bicycle though Central Park. They talk about going to Paris on vacation, an idea about which Therese seems nonchalant. Therese works at Frankenberg’s, a department store that doesn’t exist. As is typical of the season in NYC, shoppers and their children flood the place. We went there on Christmas of 2019, and I grew up in the area. Trust me when I say Christmas in NYC is FUCKIN’ NUTS.
Therese works at the toy counter, and that’s when Carol arrives to get a doll for her daughter. Unfortunately, they’re out of the doll she’s looking for, so Therese offers a model train set to her instead, and the two hit it off basically immediately. And when I say hit it off, they HIT IT OFF. Like...the chemistry is IMMEDIATE. Maybe that’s Cate Blanchett’s pure charisma, but I’m just saying...they have the fastest chemistry establishment that I’ve seen yet.
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But oh no! Carol’s forgotten her gloves! However, it doesn’t seem like much results from that, as the work day is soon over, and Therese and Richard go to a movie and a beer with friends Phil (Nik Pajic) and Danny McElroy (John Magaro). That night, having returned home, Therese looks at Carol’s gloves. Using information obtained during the department store visit, she mails the gloves to Carol, at her gorgeous mansion.
Carol is combing her daughter’s hair, as her husband Harge Aird (Kyle Chandler) arrives home with the mail. Things seem somewhat amiss, as Carol seems extremely unhappy. She later calls her at the department store to thank her for the gloves, and offers to buy her lunch that afternoon. She agrees, and the two head to a nice restaurant.
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Over the course of the meal, it’s revealed that Carol and Harge are going through a divorce (yeah, that tracks), and Therese’s conflicted on how she feels about her relationship with Richard. Carol invites her to come over at some point, and she agrees.
Later on, while in traffic in the car of a friend, Abby Gerhard (Sarah Paulson), she seems to acknowledge potential attraction between her and Therese, although it’s not exactly set in stone. She heads to a party that evening. Meanwhile, she visits her friend Danny, an aspiring writer, who inquires about her hobby of photography, and then...kisses her...even though she’s dating a friend. Fuckin’ OH BOY, DANNY.
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Harge takes Carol home, and he’s 100% still in love with her, and she’s just not feeling it. This may be related to the fact that she and Abby were also once a couple. Yeah. Harge is aware of this, and they were DEFINITELY a romantic couple in the past, which means...yeah, Carol’s a straight-up lesbian, it would seem. Harge says it “shouldn’t be like this,” and it’s not clear whether that refers to Carol’s attraction to women, or the divorce in general. It is the 1950′s, after all.
OH WAIT. Forgot to mention that, didn’t I? This film takes place in the 1950s, I think? Hasn’t been made super clear as of yet, but the aesthetic is certainly the 1950s, without much doubt. The next day, Carol goes to pick Therese up, and meets Richard. Richard tells Therese he loves her as they depart. Therese doesn’t return the sentiment. FUCKIN’ OOF.
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As the two drive through Lincoln Tunnel together, their dialogue is quieted, and we get some interesting close-up shots of their eyes, lips, faces. And it’s definitely meant to suggest something more physical, something without words. In other words...Harold’s wife is starting to get the idea. Harold’s not quite there yet, though.
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Carol and Therese go to Carol’s home in New Jersey, where she meets her and 4-year old Harge’s daughter, Rindy, who Carol obviously loves VERY much. That night, Therese plays the piano, and also shares her passion for photography with Carol. Carol shows interest in her hobby, when Harge suddenly shows up to take Lindy unexpectedly for Christmas with his family, away from her.
The argument that this results in quickly envelops Therese, as Harge confronts Carol about her presence there. The ending result, though, is that Carol is forced to let Rindy leave early with Harge. And yeah, it’s sad for her. Harge, on the other hand, is being an absolute dick. The two have a verbal and PHYSICAL argument outside, which Therese partially overhears.
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As an apology for bringing Therese into this marital struggle, Carol gives her a ride to the train station, so she can make her way home that night. On the train, Therese cries. Is this because of Harge, because of Carol, because of a struggle with her own feelings? I’m honestly not sure. And it’s a good question.
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Carol seems to believe that it’s because of her, though, as she turned her away somewhat abruptly. However, she quickly tries to make up for it by calling and apologizing. Therese says that she has questions for her, and Carol is more than willing to answer them. The next day, Carol goes down to her divorce attorney’s office, only to discover that Harge is trying to take away ALL of Carol’s custody.
And the reason for it? You guessed it! Carol’s a lesbian! Sooooooo, FUCK HARGE!!! With this otion, Carol won’t be able to see Rindy for several months, which hurts her greatly. Again, fuck Harge, he’s a dick who’s taking away Carol’s joy and time with her daughter solely because Carol isn’t attracted to him. GODDAMN, that absolutely sucks.
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Meanwhile, Therese’s struggling with her own feelings, some of which may be for Carol, and actually STRIGHT-UP asks Richard his opinions on the origins of homosexuality. He believes that it can’t just happen like heterosexual love, which...I mean, 1950s, what can I tell ya, it wasn’t great. He point-blank asks her if she’s in love with a girl, and she says no, and leaves him in the street in a huff. And real talk, I feel bad...for Richard. Therese, too, but dude is genuinely in head-over-heels with Therese, and is just NOT getting the hint.
Carol and Abby go to have lunch, where Carol breaks the news. They share tenderness, as they have in the past, and Abby’s pretty clearly out of the closet, as much as one can be in the 1950s. Also, quick aside to note that Sarah Paulson rules...and moving on.
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Carol then visits Therese, and gives her new camera equipment as a kind gesture. Carol shares with her the news of the struggle with her husband, and says that she’s going on a trip, to get away for a while. She invites Therese to come with her, quite spontaneously, and Therese equally spontaneously says yes! Fuckin OOOOOOOF to Richard, goddamn.
Also, exactly the halfway point! See you in Part 2!
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hjnsa · 3 years
An Interview With David Herlihy, Author of "Bicycle - The History"
David Herlihy's book, Bicycle: The History, was the sole book on bikes which came to the most unmistakable presentation remain at my neighborhood Barnes and Noble. Distributed in 2004, it has been a staggering achievement, carrying the historical backdrop of bikes to a huge number of individuals in a few unique dialects. The book is rich and brilliant, both in its photographs and its words.
I met David while I was in school during the 1980s. He was making a bit of additional money by purchasing delightful, marginally utilized street bicycles in Italy (DeRosas, Cinellis, Tommasinis and so forth) and afterward offering them at surprisingly reasonable costs to cyclists in the USA. This permitted him to enjoy his adoration for movement, play with great bikes, and welcome delight to individuals on the two sides of the Atlantic. On second thought, his books on cycling do essentially exactly the same things...
Q: Bicycle: The History was an enormous achievement. How has this achievement transformed you?
A: Thanks, Forbes. "Tremendous" is a family member (and exceptionally complimenting) term. Yet, in the event that I might gloat a little, since it turned out in fall 2004, Bicycle has sold more than 20,000 duplicates, for the most part hard covers. That is a beautiful thrilled figure for a book of this nature, distributed by a scholastic press. I'm certain it's much more than even Yale had expected. From what I hear, it's currently one of their untouched blockbusters (there are even releases out in Russian and Korean).
This is exceptionally satisfying, just like all the consideration it got in the press, remembering surveys for lofty distributions like The Economist and The New York Times Review of Books (I need to credit my splendid marketing specialist, Brenda King, for designing quite a bit of that). Most were very great and simple to process (a couple were less fulfilling, however I figured out how to get over them before long).
What's more, indeed, I savored my brief encounter with popularity. It was incredible fun visiting and advancing my book, regardless of whether I needed to cover my own costs generally. I delighted in giving slide talks and marking books, and meeting cycling aficionados, all things considered. One of my most significant minutes was at a bicycle show in Edison, New Jersey, where I had a table. After one person affirmed that I was indeed the creator, he sort of lost it. He had his image taken with me utilizing his phone. I felt like a hero.
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Returning to reality a bit, I can't say that the book has fundamentally transformed me or way of life, essentially not yet. Be that as it may, it has been an extremely sure encounter and I think it has opened up new imaginative potential outcomes.
First off, it was an extraordinary alleviation and fulfillment to at long last transform 10 years in addition to of examination into something substantial that could give me some acknowledgment and really produce a little income to keep body and soul together (also assisting with paying for all that exploration, which incorporated various outings to Europe. Not that I'm requesting compassion, mind you!) And I should say, with all due respect, that a lot of my best material surfaced around the finish of my request. Had I distributed the book even a couple of years sooner, it basically would not have been as vivid or as rich.
In addition to the fact that i was ready to share many intriguing disclosures, I likewise had the opportunity to air some profoundly held feelings. I think there are a great deal of misinterpretations out there about bike history, particularly as to the innovation and early turn of events. The kick-impelled Draisine of 1817, specifically, was not a bike as such and, as it ended up, it didn't lead straightforwardly to the first bikes of the 1860s (however it was seemingly the essential motivation). I've likewise inferred that the Scottish need claims emerging during the blast of the late nineteenth century are questionable, best case scenario. Also, obviously the extraordinary commitment of Pierre Lallement, the first bike patentee, has for quite some time been eclipsed by the Michaux name, which similarly covered the job of the Oliviers, the genuine mechanical pioneers.
سكوترات كهربائية
In some sense it very well might be a losing fight to demand this load of focuses legends are obstinate things. In any case, presently I've spoken my tranquility and I can continue on to other energizing ventures with somewhat more monetary soundness and somewhat more validity and clout.
Q: What are some different activities you are chipping away at?
A: Over the previous few years, I've kept on giving talks to a great extent for different cycling gatherings and instructive projects. One month from now, for instance, I'll take an interest in a board conversation at the uncovering of the Major Taylor dedication in Worcester. What's more, on May 24 I'll give a discussion at the Museum of the City of New York. We're beginning to discuss assembling a show on the historical backdrop of cycling in New York, related to properly enough-Bike New York, (patrons of the yearly 5 boro ride that draws 30,000 cyclists).
I've likewise completed a few ventures with Velopress of late. I interpreted an extraordinary book on the historical backdrop of Paris Roubaix by the editors of l'Equipe. It's an excellent foot stool book with astounding photographs. Furthermore, I need to say the content is likewise very captivating! I additionally interpreted a book on the Alpe d'Huez stage by my old buddy Jean-Paul Vespini. It's turning out in half a month and I'm truly anticipating pawing through it. I just saw a few evidences and the photographs are eye-popping. Besides the creator worked really hard covering the historical backdrop of this marvel not just as a definitive stage in the Tour yet additionally as a beautiful social rendez-vous.
What's more, I just marked an agreement with Houghton Mifflin to compose a book on Frank Lenz. Exploring his captivating however failed to remember story has been my concentration for as long as couple of years and will keep on being so for a significant length of time.
دراجات هوائية
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To sum up: in May 1892, on the cusp of the bike blast, Lenz set off from his old neighborhood of Pittsburgh to circle the globe on the most recent "wellbeing" bike with inflatable tires. Two years into his excursion, in the wake of intersection North America, Japan, China, Burma, India, and Persia, he bafflingly disappeared. Examiners later followed him past the Persian boundary, into Turkey and the premonition place where there is the Kurds. Unexpectedly, Outing magazine, Lenz's support, sent another American "globe girdler," William Sachtleben, to discover Lenz in any condition. It ended up being an extremely awful an ideal opportunity to visit Turkey, with slaughters of Armenians unfurling before his own eyes. Sachtleben himself was fortunate to get back alive. He immovably accepted he had settled the secret, however his inability to discover Lenz's bones or bike, or to get palatable feelings for homicide, left the matter putrefying. Lenz's crushed mother at last got a repayment from the Turkish government, yet his inheritance immediately blurred in the twentieth century as the public lost interest in the bike. I'll talk about Lenz's experience and character, and what persuaded him to go off on this risky experience. I'll likewise follow the excursion exhaustively, putting a positive twist on it. At long last, I'll seriously investigate Sachtleben's discoveries and attempt to sort out what truly befell poor Lenz.
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Q: Do you actually have the opportunity to ride your bicycle?
A: I admit that I have the opportunity in principle. What's more, the bicycles. In any case, I don't do as much sporting riding as I ought to (and it shows, though it pains me to say so!). Of late, I've for the most part done coordinated rides every now and then. Bicycle New York has become a practice each May, and it's an impact. I likewise did part of Cycle Oregon a couple of years back, and a couple of other gathering rides from that point forward. Yet, generally I cycle in the Boston region, just to get around. I just procured another Bike Friday, which I actually need to gather. I hope to ride significantly more get-togethers. I might want to get once again into street riding, as well. In principle I could utilize one of my old Italian racers, yet I couldn't want anything more than to get something more contemporary. Also, perhaps a trail blazing bicycle as well. Had the opportunity to complete this book first, however, so I have some optional assets.
Q: Your book clarified that you love bikes. Do you cherish any one kind of bike more than others? Is there a specific sort of bike that is closest and dearest to your heart?
A: I'd need to say the exemplary light weight street bicycle with thin tires is as yet my top choice. But at the same time I'm into bikes as essential transportation, particularly during circumstances such as the present. The Bike Friday offers an incredible mix off both riding delight and reasonableness. I can't actually address mountain trekking as I've never truly enjoyed that game. In any case, I have companions who are truly into it, and I know some time or another I ought to truly check it out.
Q: You used to bring brilliant utilized street bicycles back from Italy. Do you actually have associations around there?
A: In principle, indeed, however I haven't purchased any bicycles around there in a long while. I spent various years in Italy growing up, I actually go one time each year. So I'm as yet conversant in the language. In the past I went routinely to the Milan career expo. Also, I found the opportunity to meet and meeting some incredible names like Cino Cinelli and Valentino Campagnolo, when I composed for Bicycle Guide. However, I haven't kept up my contacts in the bicycle business, though it pains me to mention it. Recently when I've gone over it's been really investigating, eating, visiting, and mingling. In a specific order, obviously.
دراجة هوائية رياضية
Q: Have bikes improved through their set of experiences? Or on the other hand were the old bike plans more down to earth than the plans for new bikes?
A: Well you can surely present the defense that the bike advanced in the second 50% of the nineteenth century, turning out to be progressively roadworthy and thus pragmatic in that sense. The first "boneshaker" of the 1860s was an honorable thought yet one in urgent need of material improvement. You could contend that its substitution, the armada however shaky high wheeler, took the idea off course, that is, away from reasonableness. All things considered, the first bike created a global uproar decisively in light of the fact that it should fill in as a reasonable "individuals' bother." And the high-wheeler, obviously, turned into a costly toy for athletic guys.
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sporclerhejman · 4 years
Notes on ‘Hoping this Finds You...’
Every slide in ‘Hoping this Finds You’ contains at least three clues- the ‘hoping this finds you’ tagline, the author of the note, and at least one thing in the note itself.  But many of them contain 4, 5, 6+ clues, some of which are less obvious, and which may be buried in the text, intentional spelling modifications, capitalized words, or even the choice of the background paper.  I thought it might be fun to outline where all those Easter eggs are hidden.
Slide #1: Abe Lincoln
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Text Clues: ‘Appomattox Courthouse’- site of the final major battle of the Civil War, April 1865; ‘Passage of the Amendment’- a reference to the late January 1865 passage of the 13th Amendment by the House of Representatives (and a nod to the movie ‘Lincoln’); ‘I am sorry that I can’t join you in the district tonight’- Grant was originally supposed to be with Lincoln at Ford’s Theater on April 14th, but decided, instead, to travel to New Jersey to visit family; ‘Give my best to Tad and Mary’- Lincoln’s son and wife.
Hoping this finds you reference: Lincoln, a big fan of the theater, was assassinated at a showing of ‘My American Cousin’ on April 14, 1865 at Ford’s Theater.
Signatory- General Ulysses Grant, Lincoln’s commander of the Union Army.
Slide #2: Mikhail Gorbachev
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Background clue: White House letterhead
Text clues: ‘what I hold Helmut Kohl’- Kohl was German Chancellor from 1982 to 1998; ‘strain on our relations for more than two decades’- the Berlin Wall stood from 1961 to 1989; ‘making the speech at the Brandenburg’- Reagan’s famous ‘tear down this wall’ speech was made with the Brandenburg Gate in the background; ‘tie this issue to the disarmament talks’- The Reykjavík Summit was held in October 1986, just a few months before the ‘tear down this wall’ speech; ‘Schulz will see that Congress back me on that’-  George Schulz was Reagan’s Secretary of State from 1982-1989; ‘party commissariat’- the term ‘commissariat’ had actually been replaced with the word ‘ministry’ by the 1980s, but being a term uniquely connected to the Soviet governmental structure, it made for a better clue.
Hoping this finds you reference: A direct reference to the 1987 ‘tear down this wall’ speech.
Signatory: Reagan, who was called ‘Ronnie’ by his wife Nancy and closest friends.
Slide #3: Marie Curie
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Background clue: A lab notebook!  (Probably a bit modern for the Curies)
Text clues: ‘contamination with barium’- The late 1890s attempts by Marie and Pierre Curie to isolate radium were complicated because attempts to separate radium from pitchblende often resulted in barium contamination; ‘salt form may be isolated by differential crystallization’- the Curies eventually settled on the difficult and slow process of using differential crystallization to separate pure radium, but got only one tenth of a gram of pure radium from two thousand pounds of pitchblende; ‘Becquerel agrees’- I have no idea what Henri Becquerel thought about this process, or if he even knew, but he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with the Curies, based on his early work on radioactivity, and this was a chance to include him as a clue to narrow the focus on Pierre and Marie; ‘do not think the half-life of polonium will allow for a similar method’- The Curies were never able to isolate pure polonium because it has a half-life of only about four months; ‘something Irene and Eve both enjoy’- The names of the Curie’s daughters; ‘lovely night for a stroll on the Rue Dauphine’- This is a bit dark, and actually made me choke up a bit doing it, but Pierre Curie was killed when struck by a carriage on the Rue Daupine in April, 1906.
Hoping this finds you reference: Curie won two Nobel Prizes and is known for her work in radioactivity.  She died as a result of aplastic anemia from radiation exposure.
Signatory: Her husband, and fellow Nobel winner, Pierre.
Slide #4: Julius Caesar
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Text clues: ‘display at the Circus Maximus’- The Roman chariot racing stadium; ‘this new calendar’- The Julian calendar was proposed and adopted by Caesar in 45 BC; ‘dictator in perpetuity’- Shortly after the adoption of that calendar, Caesar was granted the status of dictator in perpetuity; ‘war against the Parthians’- Parthia was a kingdom near the Caspian Sea in present day Iran.  Caesar was planning an assault there at the time of his assassination; ‘set up a time with Brutus’- Merely a reference to Brutus and to Caesar’s famous line ‘Et tu, Brute’ from Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’; ‘Looking forward to seeing you at the Senate this evening’- Caesar was killed at the Senate on March 15, 44 BC.
Hoping this finds you reference: As noted, above, Caesar was killed on the Ides of March, thus the famous saying, ‘Beware the Ides of March’.
Signatory: Mark Antony, one of Caesar’s generals and political allies, who commanded the eventual war against Parthia.  I chose him, specifically, so that I could use him as a double signatory for the Cleopatra slide as well.
Slide #5: Amelia Earhart
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Text clues: ‘Fred would never let you down or lead you astray’- Fred Noonan was Earhart’s navigator on her fateful last flight; ‘have looked for you all the way along your Pacific route’- a reference to the search for Earhart after her disappearance; ‘searching around Howland Island’- A designated refueling stop on her flight, but a location which she never reached.
Hoping this finds you reference: Simply a note that Earhart has never been found.
Signatory: Her husband, George.
Slide #6: The Wright Brothers
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Text clues: ‘Thrilled to hear the news from Kitty Hawk’- The Wright Brothers’ first successful powered flight came on the beaches at Kitty Hawk, NC; ‘The bike shop is holding up’- The brothers operated a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, which still stands today and is open to tourists; ‘regular contact with the Air Corps’- The Brothers sold technology, and entire aircraft, to the Army Air Corps.
Hoping this finds you reference: The Brothers had just completed their first successful powered flight and were constantly attempting longer and higher flights (which were generally successful).
Signatory: Hart O. Berg, the Wright Brothers’ business manager in Europe, and his wife, Edith, who also managed European business for them, was the first American woman to fly in a plane.  (Odd historical note, Sarah Van Deman, the daughter-in-law of John Van Deman, who built my house, and lived in it from 1878-1921, was the first woman to fly in a plane in the United States.  John’s son, Ralph, was an Army Captain.)
Slide #7: Napoleon Bonaparte
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Text clues: ‘he may rule France in the future’- This text snippet (meant to insinuate that this is a segment of the note) is a reference to Napoleon’s son; ‘Reports from Borodino’- The Battle of Borodino, September 7, 1812, was the deadliest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, but also a tactical victory for the French; ‘that traitor, Alexander’- Tsar Alexander had been an ally of the French, but relations broke down, leading to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia; ‘Perhaps Moscow can be our capital in the east’- French forces, following the Battle of Borodino, were mounting their assault on Moscow.
Hoping this finds you reference: Napoleon did not enjoy the French winter.
Signatory: Marie Louise, Napoleon’s 2nd wife.
Slide #8: Ferdinand Magellan
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Background clue: An old naval map
Text clues: ‘that idiot Manuel’- A reference to the King of Portugal, who declined the opportunity to fund Magellan’s attempt to find a westward route for the spice trade; ‘There is move afoot to name the strait after you’- Of course, this wouldn’t happen until much later, but the passage around S. America is now known as the ‘Straight of Magellan’; ‘converting the Cebu’- Magellan and his men had successfully converted the Cebu tribe to Christianity; ‘similar success with the Mactan’- Magellan would definitely not have similar success with the Mactan’ ‘circumnavigation and the spice trade’- I couldn’t really make Magellan any more obvious than this.
Hoping this finds you reference: Magellan’s attempts to convert the Mactan led to battle, during which he was killed with a spear, thus ‘in good spear-its’.
Signatory: King Carlos I of Spain, benefactor of Magellan’s circumnavigation.
Slide #9: Lady Godvia
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Text clues: ‘I have reduced the taxes’- The legend of Lady Godiva, almost certainly apocryphal, is that she was angry at her husband for overtaxing the poor and he made a bet with her that if she rode naked, on horseback, through the town, he would reduce the taxes. According to the legend, she did; ‘you may donate as much of our wealth as you like to the churches’- She was also famously a benefactor of local religious institutions; ‘I have even freed the peeping tailor’- The legend also provides that Godiva made an edict before her ride requiring all of the townspeople to stay inside with their shutters closed.  A tailor named ‘Tom’ was the only one to break the rule. This is where we get the phrase ‘peeping Tom’ from; ‘do not embarrass the Earldom of Mercia’- Godiva’s husband was the Earl of Mercia.
Hoping this finds your reference: The Earl would, of course, want Godiva off the horse and wearing some clothing.
Signatory: Leofric, Godiva’s husband, and the Earl of Mercia.
Slide #10: William Howard Taft
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Text clues: ‘agree with you about the income tax’- Taft was opposed to the institution of a national income tax, believing it unconstitutional; ‘ratification of the 16th A. has certainly settled the issue’- To address the claim of unconstitutionality, Congress adopted, and the states ratified, the 16th Amendment in 1913; ‘trade agreement with Canada’- Taft was, at that time, working on a free trade agreement with Canada; ‘dream of a Supreme Court appointment- Taft is most famous for being the only person to be both U.S. President and Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Hoping this finds you reference: The story is apocryphal, but Taft is also known for his girth, and thus the legend that he got stuck in the White House bathtub.  There is no indication that it ever actually happened.
Signatory: Philander Knox, Taft’s Secretary of State.
Slide #11: Cleopatra
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Text clues: ‘do not think is wise to have Herod visit again’- Herod famously visited Egypt in 40 BC, then traveled on to Rome.  He and Cleopatra had competing claims to territory; ‘Octavian is quite pleased with the invasion of Armenia’- Octavian was heir to the Roman throne, and would have been quite pleased with the 34 BC invasion of Armenia, which Cleopatra funded; ‘call on your aid to support the cost of our armies’- see previous note about the Armenian invasion; ‘Ptolemaic Dynasty’- Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemaic leaders before direct Roman rule; ‘Your story is Taylor made’- Cleopatra has frequently been the subject of modern artistic depictions, most famously the 1963 film starring Elizabeth Taylor.
Hoping this finds you reference: Cleopatra committed suicide (likely by poison), essentially ending the Hellenistic period.
Signatory: Mark Antony, Cleopatra’s third and final spouse.
Slide #12: Neil Armstrong
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Background clue: NASA Space Task Group letterhead, in use from 1958-1962, and again for the Apollo program beginning in 1969.
Text clues: ‘leap mankind’- A reference to ‘one giant leap for mankind’, Armstrong’s famous words when first setting foot on the moon; ‘you and Buzz will be successful’- Buzz Aldrin was the command module pilot on Apollo 11, and the 2nd man to walk on the moon; ‘Langley to Houston to Canaveral’- All of the space command locations in 1969.
Hoping this finds you reference: Neil was certainly ‘Out of this world’ when landing on the moon.
Signatory: Deke Slayton, Air Force pilot, Mercury 7 astronaut, Chief of the Astronaut Office, Director of Flight Crew Operations, and Apollo-Soyuz astronaut.
Slide #13: Al Gore
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Text clues: ‘campaigned long and hard’- Immediately narrows to a politician; ‘been such a loyal and true VP’- further narrows to Vice-Presidents; ‘CNN has just called Florida’- Most news networks originally called Florida for Gore on election night 2000, before backtracking, leading most people to think Gore had won; ‘So much for the Bush dynasty’- George W. Bush, son of former President George H.W. Bush, was Gore’s opponent; ‘beginning of eight more years’- Gore had been VP from 1993-2001; ‘Tennessee should be proud’- Gore was from Tennessee and had been a U.S. Senator representing that state; ‘Give Tipper my best, Hil says ‘hi’- A reference to Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton.
Hoping this finds you reference: Gore never got to make a victory speech.
Signatory: Bill Clinton, President when Gore was VP.
Slide #14: Bill Gates
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Background clue: Dot matrix printer paper!
Text clues: ‘insisting that software developers are paid’ and ‘Who cares what those computer hobbyists think’- Gates and Allen’s early work on Altair BASIC was widely pirated by early computer hobbyists.  Gates insisted on copyright claims, angering some of those computer builders. ‘meeting next week with IBM’- The July, 1980 contract between IBM and Microsoft set up at IBM as the major player in computer hardware and Microsoft in the same position on software.  ‘Excelling’ and ‘Word’- Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word are two of the company’s flagship products.
Hoping this finds you reference: Microsoft Windows is the key product powering the company.
Signatory: Paul Allen is co-founder of Microsoft.
Slide #15: Margaret Thatcher
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Background clue: Buckingham Palace letterhead.
Text clues: ‘brave men and women in the Falklands’- Thatcher was PM during the UK-Argentina Falklands War; ‘handling of the Hong Kong negotiations’- Thatcher negotiated the terms of the Hong Kong transfer to China at the end of the agreement for British control of the city; ‘Sending you, Dennis, and the children all my best’- A reference to Thatcher’s husband and their kids.
Hoping this finds you reference: Thatcher was famously known as the ‘Iron Lady’.
Signatory: Queen Elizabeth II.  I was unsure how she would sign her name in such a note, but found several example of letters to political figures that she signed simply, ‘Elizabeth’.
Slide #16: Pete Best
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Text clues: ‘Epstein thinks’- Brian Epstein was the Beatles manager’ ‘great chance at Decca’- The Beatles breakthrough recording session came at Decca’s recording studios, but it was also the end of Best’s tenure with the band; ‘My Bonny’- One of the Beatles early recordings was a cover of ‘My Bonny’ and it gained them some attention at Decca; ‘George is working on some new stuff’- A passing reference to George Harrison; ‘The drummer is always key’- Best was the drummer, and his perceived shortcomings in that key role led to his dismissal; ‘You’re the...’- Just a play on words on Best’s name; ‘sure that you’ll be a Starr’- Best’s replacement was Ringo Starr.
Hoping this finds you reference: Best would not remain a member of the band.
Signatories: John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Slide #17: George Lucas
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Background clue: Stephen Spielberg formed Amblin Entertainment in the early 1980s shortly before the release of E.T.
Text clues: ‘take on directing the second part of your space opera’- Lucas had decided not to direct after A New Hope.  There were some discussions with Spielberg, but the latter never directed a Star Wars film; ‘two pending sci-fi projects of my own’- E.T. and Poltergeist; ‘and the Indy sequel’- Temple of Doom was released in 1984; ‘Kershner or Marquand’- the eventual directors of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi; ‘Crichton and I are discussing a project that we might need ILM on’- Spielberg directed the movie version of Crichton’s ‘Jurassic Park’ in 1993 and ILM did the special effects.  In reality, they would not discuss the novel until October 1989, shortly before its release; ‘Tell Harrison not to hurt himself’ and ‘behind the whip again’- References to Ford starring in in both Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
Hoping this finds you reference: The Force was with Lucas to the tune of a $4 billion sale to Disney.
Signatory: Steven Spielberg
Slide #18: Mary Shelley
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Text references: ‘1 July 1822′- The date of Percy’s death; ‘news from London is good- Victor is a hit’- Mary’s novel ‘Frankenstein’ was released in 1822 to much acclaim; ‘Byron says he can’t wait to see what you produce next’- The poet Byron was a close friend of the Shelleys; ‘The Don Juan is ready to sail’- Percy’s ill-fated boat was named the ‘Don Juan’; ‘Williams and I plan to take her out’ and ‘I’m sure it will go well’- Percy and his friend Edward Wiliams launched the boat on July 1, 1822.  It sank and they were both killed as was a young deckhand they brought with them.
Hoping this finds you reference: Frankenstein was monstrously good.
Signatory: Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary’s husband.
Slide #19: David Livingstone:
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Text clues: ‘dispatched by the New York Herald’- Stanley’s expedition to find Livingstone was funded by the New York paper; ‘sail to Zanzibar in March’ and ‘try to locate you near Lake Tanganyika’- This was Stanley’s route; ‘anxioiusly await the Herald’s funding’- Stanley was delayed by slow funding from the paper.
Hoping this finds you reference: Livingstone was in Ujiji when Stanley found him.
Signatory: Henry Morton Stanley, speaker of the famous line, ‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume?’
Slide #20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Background clue: Attorney General Letterhead
General note: I was hesitant about this one.  King and Bobby Kennedy were not close friends, and subsequent to their deaths have been described as ‘arms-length’ and ‘quiet rivals’.  I was careful to try not to suggest a closer relationship between them than actually existed.
Text clues: ‘Jack how good it was to see you in the Rose Garden’- This should immediately give the timeline as 1961-1963 and MLK was actually in the Rose Garden on June 22, 1963; seeking intervention for the SNCC’- President Kennedy was asked to intervene on behalf of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; ‘reached out to John Lewis’- A young Lewis was the SNCC leader and this clue should further help with timeline and subject matter; ‘formal proposal for the Civil Rights Act’- That proposal was in June 1963, contemporaneous to King’s Rose Garden visit; ‘southern trips- Miami, Tampa, Dallas’- JFK made those exact trips in November 1963, culminating with his assassination in Dallas, though they were more campaign stops than trips in support of the Civil Rights Act; ‘Washington March next month’- King’s legendary ‘I Have a Dream’ speech was made in August of 1963 during that march; ‘everything that you are dreaming of’- A reference to that speech.
Hoping this finds you reference: A nod to King’s ‘Been to the Mountaintop’ speech, delivered the night before his assassination in 1968.
Signatory: Robert Kennedy, then U.S. Attorney General
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itsfalloutgirl · 4 years
Birds- Tenry/ Teddison Fic
Once, there was a woman that Teddy Altman loved, and was taken away from her. There was a man that she loved and lost too, but not before she had a chance to share her most secret story with him. Tenry/ Teddison. Teddy loved Henry so I decided to remember him, even though canon certainly won't.
Set right after Put Me In, Coach (season 8 episode 7). Rating is MT. Hope you enjoy!
read on ff.net- here read on AO3- here 
It is funny how liquor can give you courage. 
Teddy knows she is not suddenly braver than she had been just a few hours ago, but she had had a few too many sips from the flask Grey brought to the field, and the substance (tequila, if she can guess, knowing the resident’s drink of choice) has worked like a magical drug. 
She is not drunk, just a little light-headed, and she is smiling into the kiss as Henry’s fingertips strike her lower back gently beneath her blue baseball jersey shirt. 
She has been meaning to tell him for a while now, meaning to poke around the one wound that never really healed properly, and as a doctor, she thinks never will. She never found the right time until today, the words almost rolling off of her tongue but then stopping just by her lips. Yet something about this night, this moment, feels somewhat final, and she is afraid that if she won’t speak tonight he will never know her story. 
So she takes a deep breath and all the boldness she can master before breaking the kiss and whispering “Henry”.
He hums in response to hearing his own name, his eyes still close and his forehead leaning against hers, and she can feel him trying to catch his breath. 
“There is something I need to tell you.” She opens her eyes as she feels the hand on her back stills and his warm body drifting just slightly away. 
Teddy can see every thought that courses through her husband’s mind in his deep green eyes. He is afraid that their happy little marriage bubble has finally popped, and that something horrible is on its way, something that might break them.
“Is everything OK?” He asks, trying to hide the little tremor in his voice, in a manner of a man who is used to getting more bad news than good ones. 
 “Every single thing is perfect.” Teddy reassures him, as she wraps her arms around his neck and her fingers slide into the hair on the back of his head. “There is something I need to share with you, and I am afraid that if I won’t say it now, I might keep it inside of me for the rest of my life.”
Henry nods, before interlacing their fingers and sitting on the couch behind him. 
“Not here” She whispers, pulling him up from the sofa. “Bedroom,” she orders “and take these off of us, slowly, please.” For some unknown reason, the idea of being naked as she unravels her truth makes her feel slightly more comfortable, like if they are both physically vulnerable , it will make her feel just a bit safer as she tells him the story she had never told to a living soul before. 
The surgeon closes her eyes as her husband does exactly as she asked him to. He guides her to their bedroom, where he slowly puts her down on the bed, as if she was some kind of a delicate princess. Their shoes and coats were already long gone, abandoned somewhere near the door of their brand new apartment, yet he takes his sweet time getting her undressed, and if she hadn't been the one asking him to do exactly so, she would have called it agonizing. 
First goes their shirts, then their pants and underwear, until they are both left lying in that bed, naked as the day they were born, nothing but their own skins between them, two souls wandering, clinging, desperate to be one. 
He lies half on top of her, his head rested on her naked abdomen, and with every breath she takes she feels the weight of him grounding her, reassuring her that she is safe and loved in a world that has been so lonely and cruel to her for so many years.  
Her hands start to wander down Henry’s body, and it is easier for her than to start speaking, for she knows that in the moment she will reopen that old scar, her blood will start shedding out of it. 
 “Teddy” there’s somewhat a warning to his voice. “If you want to talk before we do anything else, you need to keep those hands to yourself, otherwise we will do a lot of things that don’t involve much talking.” She smiles, as if she was a kid getting scolded for stealing a candy from the grocery store. 
She feels his weight lifting off of her, then she hears him say “Come here” as he leans against the headboard.
Now her head is resetting on his chest, as he coaxes her “ Please, tell me what is troubling that genius mind of yours. Whatever it is, I promise you I can handle it.” 
She feels his hands on her lower back again, painting an unknown pattern, and she frowns as she inquires “How is that a fair game? I wasn’t allowed to touch you but you get to have your way with me?” 
“Because I want to make sure that you know I am here, holding you, no matter what.” 
 They lie there, in their little silent bubble, for what feels like a small forever, before she finds it in herself to talk about the best and the worst time of her life. 
“Birds.” Teddy says softly, and a small smile is spreading across her face as the first tear rolls down her cheek. “That was the first thing I noticed when I first met Allison Robin Brown. I was looking down at a map as I was crossing the bicycle lane, and she was riding her bike, it was a too hot for the season fall day in 1998. I don’t even remember why I needed the map, I am a New York born and raised.”  
The tears are rolling down her face now, full steam ahead, and there is no trace left of that smile that appeared just a minute ago. She knows he can feel her tears on his body, so she props herself up on her elbows, looking deep into those loving green eyes, and she prays silently that he will continue to look at her the same way after she is done with her story. That he will still see her the same way he always did, ever since the moment they met in the surgical wing elevator.  
    “I looked up and said ‘get those birds out of my way, Pollyanna’ and then I noticed the army boots she was wearing and her floral dress. A frown that turned into a smile as our glances met, a set of big brown eyes and a head full of curly, messy hair. And I have never felt that way before when I looked at someone for the first time. It was like I was punched straight in the stomach, like someone physically robbed the air out of my lounges.” 
“This was the moment I fell in love with her, yet it took me so long to admit that to myself. And there hasn’t been a day since that I haven't thought, what would have happened if I had let myself love her, fully, unapologetically, just a day earlier.” 
She goes silent then, and when she looks at him, she figures she had done it once more. This gorgeous man, lying naked in her bed, had fallen in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her, and it took her so long to admit to herself, and to him, that she had fallen for him too.
Yet he says nothing, gives her the so needed breathing room, because they both know tonight is not about their relationship, but about a relationship left buried in the ashes of a national tragedy. “I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. And when she asked me to move in with her and her girlfriend, Clair, just a few days later, I couldn’t bring myself to say no, even though there was a little green monster raising its ugly head inside of me every time I saw them acting like a couple.”
“So I pushed that emotion down, and I convinced myself that we were just best friends, and that I thought Clair was just not good enough for her. That was obviously the furthest thing away from the truth. Clair was a surgeon, just like me, and she was kind and funny. Practically the perfect girlfriend.”
She goes silent again, just for a minute. It's not like she has to recall those events, she remembers them as vividly as if they had happened just yesterday, and probably will remember them long after she forgets her own name. 
She has met her fair share of people who lost their loved ones. She lost her own two parents, and she knows that memories of people you loved and lost fade. The sound of their voice, their smell, the color of their eyes. Time heals and earases. But not when it comes to Allison, never when it comes to Allison. Her regrets will never let her forget, even though forgetness might have numbed the pain pressing down on her chest, every minute of every hour of every day of every year since she had been taken away from her. 
Henry gives her an encouraging nod, and she continues. “Until one night I just couldn’t lie to myself anymore. I was jealous. And not just jealous of them having the perfect relationship while I was single. I was jealous of Clair going to sleep every night and waking up every morning in the bed of the woman I love. Clair was pulling an all nighter at the hospital that night, and I had to down two glasses of wine before gathering the courage to talk to my best friend, if you can believe that.”
Teddy smiles, then she feels the salty taste of her own tears in her mouth.
“I was the one going to sleep in Allison’s arms that night, and when we were lying there in her bed after we had sex for the first time… The only equivalent I can think about to that feeling would be using heroine, or something of that sort. So for a long time after, I lied to myself it was just the rush of sneaking behind everyone’s backs, the rush of exploring my sexuallity, the rush I felt when she did all those things to my body I didn’t even know were possible. I was so good at self manipulating at that time that I almost had myself fooled. I never managed to get Allison to believe me though, and she had never pushed. She would whisper into my ear that she loved me, but I couldn’t admit just how much I loved her back, not out loud and not even to myself.”
“Because you see, Henry, my love for you is like a ship finally finding a harbor. You are my safe haven. You make me so happy, and you make me feel secure and content. And I love you, with all of my heart and all of my soul. But when I finally let everything that kept me chained go, and let myself really fall in love with Allison, I finally understood why they call it falling in love. I felt, and still feel my love for her with my whole body. I feel my love for her in every one of my 206 bones. It physically hurts, even as she was still alive.
“Loving Allison Robbin Brown was a constant rush of adrenaline in my veins. I loved her to such an extreme, that I felt as if I was facing death everyday, and everyday I was winning. It felt like a stream of electricity rushing through my veins every time I was around her. I have never loved anyone, man or a woman, to such extent, never before, and never ever since. We had this pillowtalk, on September 10th 2001, and we promised ourselves that we would tell Clair the next day, and that we will start a life of our own, together. And on September 11th, 2001, I went to the hospital, and she went to work at the south tower. And it was a perfectly normal day, until it wasn’t anymore. What’s funny, you know, is that I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye. I had to get into the hospital early in that morning, and I didn’t want to wake her up and rob whatever was left of her sleeping hours.”
She notices her husband cries with her right now, big fat tears rolling down his eyes, and she loves him for that. She loves him for feeling everything so deeply, exactly as she does. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, rubbing the tears away from his face with the back of his hands. 
“Don’t be.” She pushes herself up his body, and places a soft kiss on Henry’s lips. “I want you to promise me you will never be sorry for whatever it is you are feeling.” She raises a brow, and waits for him to say the words she wants to hear.
“I promise.” He says, and she notices he still cries as she slides down the bed back to her place. 
“So when the city heard that loud and awful noise of the metal and concrete monster finally giving in at 9:59 AM on that Tuesday, I felt my heart giving in with it. I felt numb, but at the very same time I felt everything. Sad and confused, and so angry I saw the world in a fire-like shade of red. And when I realized I will never see her again, I was ready to go and be with her. I was ready to take my own life, and some of me is still there. I left a part of myself in that crappy New York City apartment, standing in front of the sink, sleeping pills that I stole from the hospital in my hand, ready to join the love of my life. I never took a single pill.”
“Suddenly, I had this crazy idea. I had to stay alive and avenge Allison’s death in the best way I could think of.I went and enlisted, and I was on my way to training the next day. I didn’t even stick around to attend her funeral. I never looked back, and I promised myself that I would never step foot in the city that was supposed to be my home, but failed me so badly and took the person I loved the most, the city that robbed me from everything I had.”
Teddy climbs up the bed again, and presses her lips to Henry’s. “I carried the weight of this story alone for ten years, and on some days, it felt like I was carrying the weight of the whole entire world on my shoulders. Until today. Thank you for listening, and loving me for who I am.”
She kisses him again, a bit more fire this time. He places a hand on her shoulder to push her back, just a little bit, just enough to allow him to talk. “You made me promise I would stop apologizing, so I just say thank you. Thank you for trusting me enough to share this story. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for letting me love you.” 
“Henry” she sobs. “Can you please make me feel something else other than the paralyzing pain in my chest?”  
He nods, and then wraps her in his arms. 
They both cry as they make love that night, and if a different name slips out of her lips as she comes, the name of a woman she loves, forever frozen in time, well, he doesn’t say a thing about it, and neither does she.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: jordan kade thompson. PREFERRED NAME: jordan. NICKNAME/S: jord and jordie. DATE OF BIRTH: december 17th, 1993. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male & he/his. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: atheist. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: married to alice thompson. OCCUPATION: music producer, songwriter and entrepreneur. RESIDENCE: in between soho, new york city and sag harbor, suffolk county.
HOMETOWN: tallahassee, florida. NATIONALITY: american. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: afro-american. LINGUISTICS: english which is his native language and spanish and french in a fluent level. EDUCATION: he has graduated from high-school and attended cuny's john jay college of criminal justice where he did two years of criminology and criminal justice before having to drop out due to financial difficulties. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: third. FATHER: tyler dajan brown, born on april 30th, 1965 in baltimore, maryland. his whereabouts, as well as living situation, are unknown to jordan but last he heard, he worked as a record store clerk in atlantic city, new jersey. MOTHER: nora jada thompson, born on august 4th, 1968 in st. petersburg, florida, currently residing in sagaponack, suffolk county. she is the owner of four restaurants - wabi-sabi, a japanese cuisine place in soho, new york city, 1946 house, a contemporary french-american cuisine place in miami beach, florida, magari, an italian cuisine place in dumbo, brooklyn and scusi, an italian cuisine restaurant in miami, florida. SISTER/S: alexandra kalla thompson, born on january 7th, 1999 in philadelphia, pennsylvania, currently residing in new york and working as a model and professional dancer. BROTHER/S: william bakari thompson, born on july 1st, 1987 in tallahassee, florida, currently residing in new york city and working as a personal trainer. carter kaluuya thompson, born on may 21st, 1991 in tallahassee, florida, currently residing in new york city and working as a publicist. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: alice thompson, née cooper. CHILDREN: maya anne thompson, born on october 19th, 2018 in southampton, new york. ivy ayana thompson, born on november 8th, 2019 in southampton, new york. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: amani robins thompson, née white, william’s wife thus sister-in-law. monique byers-thompson, carter’s wife thus sister-in-law. jada niaara thompson, carter & monique’s daughter, niece. bryson alexander hill, alexandra’s fiancé thus brother-in-law. apollo kade hill, alexandra & bryson’s son, nephew. EX/ES: isobel powell and jessica loyle. PETS: kovu and kopa, two pomskys and cookie, a pug.
HEIGHT: 6′3″ or 192 cm. WEIGHT: between 177 lbs or 80 kg and 181 lbs or 82 kg. BODY BUILD: jordan has what's considered the ideal weight for his height. he has a fast metabolism so albeit not upkeeping any kind of strict diet or following a specific eating plan, it's hard for him to put on much weight. up until a few years ago — five or six — and following how he stopped regularly exercising / playing basketball, he had a, somewhat, thin figure but ever since he started working out again, he has managed to get some lean muscle. overall, he has a toned body with defined abs and muscular arms. EYE COLOR: dark, earthy brown. EYESIGHT: his eyesight has no problems. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: when the topic in question regards personal style, it's hard to describe jordan's seeing as it is ever-changing. he has dreads and, most of the time, that's the extent he'll go to with his hairstyle. every so often, he'll get tired of having his hair down and he'll go for pigtails — which is one of his favorites hair styles — or a ponytail. when he wants his hair completely out of his way, he'll section his hair and part it in two cornrows and on the rare, he wears half of his hair up and the other half down. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: the most notable physical trait is, without a doubt, the unusual birthmark on his cheek. besides it, and despite not doing it nearly as often ( unless he's around people he loves ), his smile / laugh are another thing that distinguishes him. there's also his towering frame, his ever-changing hair styles and his chiselled features on top of it. SCARS AND MARKS: asides from your every day, average scars here and there, jordan has a two larger and notable ones : the first on the underside of his right arm courtesy of breaking his arm when he was a kid and the second on his left knee, the result of a surgery he had to be submitted to due to an injury he made when he used to play basketball. he has a distinguishing birthmark on his cheek but, other than that, and sans a few moles here and there, jordan has no other relevant marks. TATTOOS: he has the quote on your own and for yourself in morse code tattooed around his right wrist — reference —, a reminder to keep going, no matter what might happen in his life; on his left wrist, he has a W — reference — which is the initial of his older brother's name; he has the outline of new york's skyline, in white ink, tattooed on the inside of his right arm — reference. on the back of his left arm, he has the geographic coordinates to alexandra's — his younger sister — and jada's — his niece — birth places — reference. on his left ankle, he has excelsior tattooed in bold font, new york city's motto. on his ribcage, a little below his left pectoral, he has the sound wave of his mother saying i love you tattooed. there's the word saudara — meaning brother in indonesian and which he got along with his brother carter — on the right side of his ribcage. he has the quote to new memories tattooed on the inside of his left arm — reference — something he got shortly after he moved to bali. he has the word clarity on small, uppercase font on the right side his neck. on the back of his right upper arm, he has two hands — reference. he has the word power on the back of his left hand. there's the quote self consciousness is heavy along his right hip. on his left collarbone, he has the quote dum spiro spero which translates into while i breathe, i hope and on his right collarbone, he has the quote esse quam videri which translates into to be, rather than to seem. he has the quote and still i rise in bold, uppercase and small font on the back of his neck. on the back of his left ankle he has the word tallahassee in uppercase and bold font, representing the city he was born, and on the back of his right ankle, also in bold font, he has 1993, the year he was born in. for his and ally’s daughters, on the inside of his upper right arm, he has maya shaped to form a heart and, likewise, ivy on the inside of his upper left arm. additionally, he has the sentence ten planes in cursive, recalling when alice and him first started dating and he mentioned how he’d fly ten planes for her.  PIERCINGS: he has two piercings on his left regular lobe. VOICECLAIM: daniel caesar. ACCENT & INTENSITY: jordan's accent is somewhat of a hybrid thing — it's not a strong and prominent new york accent but it's also not the closest to a philadelphia accent. growing up and just as he moved to new york, it was easy to place how there was a philly accent to his way of speaking... slowly but surely, it started to fade away and nowadays, he has more of a faint new york accent. ALLERGIES: none that he knows of. PHOBIAS & FEARS: trypophobia. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: sometimes, mostly on social situations. SMOKING: yes, he’s been trying to reduce it but he still does smoke. NARCOTICS USE: if he's in the studio, completely stressed out and needing a way to get creativity flowing, he does smoke weed. INDULGENT FOOD: not very often. SPLURGE SPENDING: yes, sometimes. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: songwriting. FAVORITE ANIMAL: panther. FAVORITE BOOK: he has no favorite book so far. FAVORITE COLOR/S: orange and blue. FAVORITE CUISINE: thai. FAVORITE DISH/ES: jollof rice, khao soi, nasi goreng and yum woon sen. FAVORITE DRINK/S: coffee, limeade and thai tea, patron and hennessy. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: chocolate cosmos. FAVORITE GEM: topaz. FAVORITE MOVIE: fences by denzel washington. FAVORITE SONG: like really by oddisee. FAVORITE SCENT/S: coffee, cinnamon, mint and citrus. FAVORITE SHOW/S: how to get away with murder is the only show he really follows and his all time favorite show is the fresh prince of bel air. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: basketball, he supports philadelphia 76rs and miami heat, baseball, he supports new york yankees, american football, he supports philadelphia eagles, hockey, he supports philadelphia flyers and tampa bay lightning, soccer, he supports tottenham hotspur fc, barcelona fc and juventus fc, formula 1, he supports mercedes amg petronas, and the list continues — he loves sports. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: fall. VACATION DESTINATION: sidi bou said, tunisia and bali, indonesia.
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saucylittlesmile · 6 years
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I'm looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick's retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton 
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family 
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON  (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery 
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement 
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner 
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe 
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove) 
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka 
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers' market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 -- Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop
July 23 -- Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada''s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 -- Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 -- Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  -- Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 -- Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 -- Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 -- Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 -- Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 -- Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 -- Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 -- Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 -- Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 -- Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 -- Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin 
August 13 -- Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 -- Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 -- Anastasia Buscis' Player's Own Voice with Scott's interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 27 -- Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 -- Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 -- picture posted of Scott in Florida (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 -- Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 -- Scott spotted in London
September 12 -- Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 -- Scott participates in the 'toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 -- Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 -- Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 -- Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 -- Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 -- group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 -- Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 -- Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 -- Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 -- Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito' promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 -- Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 -- cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 -- Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 -- Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa's eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People's Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt's Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 -- Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton's Champs Camp
November 22 -- spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 -- TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John's)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott's original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada's Walk of Fame event
December 1 -- Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame (Toronto) 
December 2 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV)  postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating's Steve's granddaughter's birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 -- Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 -- book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa's commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 -- Canada's Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 -- Tessa has a 'top secret' shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 -- Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 -- CBC q interview airs
December 14 -- CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 -- Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 -- social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom's house
December 19 -- podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 -- CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 -- Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 --  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 -- Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes' the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 -- Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 -- Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London)
December 28 -- Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 -- Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year's Eve)
January 3 -- Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 -- Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 -- Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don't be a stalker)
January 8-13 -- Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 -- Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 -- Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 -- Tessa posts about Moir's Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 -- Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 -- Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 -- Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 -- Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 -- Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 -- Tessa's podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 -- Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 -- Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 -- Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 -- Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 --- Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 -- Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 -- Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine's Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 -- Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women's Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 -- Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson's 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 -- Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 -- Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 -- one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop (London)
To Be Continued in the Post-One-Year Anniversary timeline
351 notes · View notes
virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-PyeongChang Timeline #03
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I’m looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick’s retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers’ market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 – Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop
July 23 – Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada’’s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 – Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 – Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  – Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 – Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 – Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 – Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 – Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 – Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 – Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 – Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 – Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 – Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 – Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin
August 13 – Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 – Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 – Anastasia Buscis’ Player’s Own Voice with Scott’s interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 25  – Scott on a triple date with Jackie M, Cara, and friends at a beer festival (London)
August 27 – Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 – Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 – picture posted of Scott at a hospital in Florida with one of Jackie M’s coworker (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 – Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 – Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 – Scott spotted in London
September 12 – Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 – Scott participates in the ‘toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 – Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 – Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 – Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 – Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 – group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 – Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 – Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 – Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 – Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito’ promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 – Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 – cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 – Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 – Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 – Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa’s eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People’s Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt’s Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 – Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 – Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton’s Champs Camp
November 22 – spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 – TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John’s)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott’s original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada’s Walk of Fame event
December 1 – Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame (Toronto)
December 2 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV) postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating’s Steve’s granddaughter’s birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 – book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 – Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa’s commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 – Canada’s Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 – Tessa has a 'top secret’ shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 – Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 – CBC q interview airs
December 14 – CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 – Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 – social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom’s house
December 19 – podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 – CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 – Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 –  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 – Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes’ the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 – Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 – Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London) + Scott spotted at Costco with his family by a fan (Ilderton)
December 28 – Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 – Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year’s Eve)
January 3 – Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 – Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 – Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don’t be a stalker)
January 8-13 – Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 – Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 – Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 – Tessa posts about Moir’s Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 – Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 – Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 – Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 – Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 – Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 – Tessa’s podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 – Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 – Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 – Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 – Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 — Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 – Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 – Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine’s Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 – Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women’s Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 – Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson’s 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 – Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 – Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 – one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop (London)
43 notes · View notes
Timeline - Post Pyeongchang So Far
********************* 2018 *********************
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London + Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London) + Scott spotted in Ilderton + Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario + out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink + Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge (+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for Chiddy’s retirement party
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 – Tessa and Scott travel to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with the intelsc + Tessa w/Scott at BlueBirdBakery getting her bday cake
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa 
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Scott spotted by fan at bar in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Kose, Japan
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
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fullynialls · 6 years
The New Girl - Antoine Griezmann
Based on this request:
Hey! I’ve seen that you posted that you’d like some requests so maybe I can request an Antoine Griezmann imagine? Maybe where there is a new girl working at the club and he thinks she is cute so he flirts with her and wants to ask her out, but she doesn’t believe him because she is a bit self-conscious the way she looks. She is petite, has freckles, very short hair and rides a yellow bicycle. Thank you!
Oops this turned out to be a long one again haha
Let me know what you think and whether you’d like a second part, yeah? I feel like I’ve not completely implemented the request yet xxx
Tumblr media
She is nervous. Her hands are shaking as she dismounts from her bike and it takes her three tries to successfully turn the key in the bike lock. Calm down she tells herself as she straightens her shoulders and finally walks inside the Wanda Metropolitano. Today is the first day at her new job and she is excited, but so scared at the same time. She’s been a fan of Atletico since she was a little girl, growing up with a dad and a brother supporting the club she’s never really had another choice. And now she’d be working for the team. She had applied for the job several months ago, when she noticed an advertisement on their website. They were looking for someone to join their media team, interviewing the players, taking pictures for the website and the social media account. A couple weeks ago she got the call that invited her to an interview. They’d sked her several questions and when she left, she had no idea whether she had a chance or not. But only a couple days later she got an e-mail, telling her she’d be the new member of the social media team of the club. She couldn’t believe it at first, she was speechless. And now she was walking into the stadium, directly towards the cabins where she was told to be at 5pm today. When she is about to walk through the doors someone tall, dressed in all black stops her. “You must be y/n y/l/n?” She nods, she’s not seen this person before but she thinks it might be one of the security members. He guides her through the halls, underneath the stands she supposes. Then they pass the tunnel and she gets to take a glance at the pitch. She really can’t believe that she’s walking around this area right now, had it not always been her dream to see the stadium from this side? “There you go Miss” the man eventually says as he opens a door for her. She thanks him and steps inside the room. It’s a big conference room, but it’s almost empty, only three people are sitting in front of their laptops. When they spot her they all get up to greet her. One of them she recognizes from her job interview. “Hi y/n, it’s good to see you again” he shakes her hand. “These are Nora and Paul, they’re also part of the social media team. Nora is responsible for our Facebook page and the official website, Paul takes the pictures and I’m mostly coordinating interviews, meetings and other things.” “Hey” she greets the two of them, a bit shy at first but when they invite her to sit with them and they all get to know each other a little the shyness quickly falls off her shoulders. “But now onto the working part” Nora laughs when she finishes a story about her three year old son “until now I was responsible for the Instagram too but in combination with my other two projects it’s too complex. That’s why we want you to take over Atleti’s Instagram account.” Y/n widens her eyes. She thought she’d maybe take some pictures or interview some players every now and then but never did she imagine she’d be responsible for such a big task. But y/n is excited to start the work. “Alright, let’s go then, what shall I do first?” she asks laughing and the other’s join her. James, the team manager, explains her what she’s supposed to do and how they’ll guide her through the first couple of weeks. “You’re first task will be to update the account during tomorrows match.” He ends his explanation and after he shows her how that’s going to work he guides her through the stadium to show her around. Eventually they enter the pitch. “I know you’re a fan right?” he ask and y/n nods eagerly. “I am, all my life actually.” James nods his head towards the tunnels. “Well then, your work for today is done, you can enjoy the training now” he says smiling cheekily. She looks at him in confusion but then she gasps as the players exit the tunnel and make their way onto the pitch only meters away from her. “Are you serious?” she asks and James simply laughs. “Course it is, I thought it’d be good if you got a little used to being close to the players before your work with them starts tomorrow.” Y/n tries to pull herself together. “Good idea” she chuckles, then he says goodbye to her and exits the pitch. At first she doesn’t really know what to do now but eventually she sits down on the away bench, a little away from here the players train and watches them. It honestly feels surreal to her. Suddenly she snaps out of her thoughts when a ball rolls over to her. “Hey” someone calls out for her and as she looks up her eyes widen. It’s Antoine, her all-time favourite player and, being fully honest here, all time celebrity crush. Antoine approaches you, bending down to pick up the ball. “I’m Antoine” he reaches out his hand and shakes hers. “I’ve never seen you here before, have I?” he asks and she shakes his head no, still speechless. He keeps looking at her, waiting for her to say something. “Uhm, yeah I’m new in the social media team” she finally stutters and he smiles at her. “So I’ll see you more often now” he asks and she nods. “I guess so” she says and he grins. “Good” he chuckles. “I gotta go back there.” And with that he leaves, running back to his team mates. “What were you doing?” Lucas asks him and Antoine shrugs. “Saying hi to the girl over there” he nods his head towards the away bench and Lucas takes a glance over his shoulder. “Ahhh” he wiggles his eyebrows at Antoine. “She looks cute.” Antoine laughs and ignores his comment, secretly agreeing with him.
Y/n on the other hand can’t believe what’s just happened. Her idol, her favourite, has just talked to her. He even gave her a smile. She hides her face in her hands as she tries not to completely freak out. How’s she supposed to work with him when she get’s all sar struck when he’s close to her?
 Shaking a little y/n enters the halls underneath the stands of the stadium again, this time with a team member ID so the security guards would let her through. The stadium was already filled with excited fans and y/n first task of the day would be to interview some of them and take pictures to let Instagram know Atleti’s supporters are once again fully supporting their team. She greets Nora who’s going to accompany her and together they start their work. At first y/n is still a bit nervous but as time passes by she gets more excited and confident and has a lot of fun with Nora and the fans. “Alright, that’s enough. Now we gotta head to the changing room to take some pictures of the tricots” Nora explains and guides y/n through the halls to Atletico’s changing room. When they enter she’s taken aback a bit. All the players are gathered together, loudly calling out Nora’s name when they spot her. Nora just laughs, stepping into the room and dragging y/n with her. “guys, guys, alright, it’s enough” she laughingly tries to calm them down. When they eventually do she introduces y/n as the new tem member. “Hi” y/n says, waving slightly at all the boys and they all come over to greet her, each of them hugging or high fiving her to “properly welcome her to the team” as they call it. The last one to wrap his arms around her is Antoine. He smiles down at her when he lets her go again. “Nice to have you in the team” he whispers and she smiles back at him. “Thank you:” Then Nora takes her hand and pulls her away. “Alright, ou can now take pictures of each players jersey for the instagram story. And don’t forget to add them” Nora explains and hands her the phone. Y/n starts doing as she was told. One after the other she uploads and when she reaches Antoine’s spot he’s sitting on his bench in front of his jersey, grinning up at her. Y/n laughs at his behaviour. “Can you move a little, I have to take a picture” she asks him and he gets up, standing closely behind her as she takes the picture and adds him. “You’re doing a good job already” Antoine tells her but y/n shrugs it off. “All I’ve done is take a few pictures” she says and takes a step towards the next jersey. Antoine follows her. “I think you’re doing great” he grins and she can’t help but laugh at his cheesiness. Then Simeone enters the room and calls his players for a last team discussion. “I hope I’ll see you later?” Antoine asks and y/n grins at him. “When you score a goal we’ll definitively will cause then I’ll have to upload a picture of you.” Antoine laughs as he steps away from her. “That’s what I call motivation” he winks at her before she exits the changing room. Y/n can’t help but stare after him. Did he really just wink at her? “Has Antoine already wrapped you around his finger?”  Nora giggles as she notices the look on y/n face. Y/n jolts and hide her face in her hands as she blushes at Nora’s statement. “Don’t be embarrassed” Nora chuckles. “He’s handsome” she adds and y/n sighs. “I think I’ve had a crush on him ever since I’m a fan of Atletico.” Nora nods understandingly. “Well this might be your chance then.” She laughs sat her comment. “Are you kidding me? He’s Antoine Griezmann and I’m nothing. Now, I’ve still got three more jerseys to upload.” With that she focuses back on her work and when she finishes Nora and her exit the room and make their way to the stands. From there they watch the match and Nora shows y/n what kind of uploads they post right during those 90 minutes. It’s 0-0 until the 89th minute when Antoine scores a goal for Atletico. Excited y/n and Nora get up from their seats and cheer for their team. When the game is over they make their way down onto the pitch to take pictures of the players celebrations. When Nora spots Antoine she nudges y/n side. “Go over to him and take a picture of our man of the match” she tells her, wiggling her eyebrows at her. Y/n rolls her eyes but does as she’s told. When she approaches Antoine she spots Lucas getting closer to him and nodding his head in her direction. Antoine turns around and when he sees y/n he jogs over to her. “You came for a picture I guess?” Antoine asks grinning and she nods. He poses for her, forming the L above his head and she laughs. “Thank you“ she tags him in the picture before she uploads it. She’s about to turn away again, too nervous to try and make any more conversation with him. “Hey y/n” Antoine speaks up. “Do you” he gets a little closer “Would you go out with me? Tomorrow night?” She’s taken aback. No way did he just ask her that! But he looks at her expectantly, seriously. Y/n opens and closes her mouth, not knowing what to say. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Antoine eventually says but she quickly interrupts her. “No no no, I’d love to” she stutters and he smiles brightly at her. “Alright, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 8pm?” he asks and she nod. Then he’s about to leave but y/n calls after him. “Wait, you don’t know where I live!” Antoine turns around again. “Right” he laughs and his cheeks redden a little which y/n finds adorable. “I’ll give you my number so you can text to me okay?” he suggests and she nods, typing in his number in her phone. “Alright, I’ll text you” she confirms and he closes the gab between the two of them to press a light kiss onto her cheeks. She blushes and the next thing she knows he’s vanished in the crowd. “Looks like you’ve got him wrapped around your finger just as much” Nora giggles as she approaches y/n and she jolts, slightly hitting her arm. “shut up” she laughs and Nora joins her as the two of them continue their work.
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As mentioned in my previous Henry Ford post, Henry Ford’s failures in Alabama where not the end to his development aspirations. Around the same time Ford was attempting to remake Muscle Shoals for the future, he was preparing to bring the past to Dearborn, Michigan.
As early as 1905, Ford began collecting the historic or interesting objects that would eventually end up in the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation (originally called the Edison Institute). This collecting took a sudden turn in 1919, when he found out his childhood home was in danger of demolition. He used his considerable funds and power to move the house wholesale out-of-the-way of danger. Rather than refurnishing or modernizing it, he restored the interior to match his memories from 1876, when his mother died. This apparently started a bug for restoration that would grow into the second half of the Henry Ford Museum: Greenfield Village.
Henry Ford’s Childhood home, as it appears in Greenfield Village today.
The Village and Museum were dedicated in 1929, but Ford continued to collect and refurbish buildings up to his death in 1947, and the Village continues to grow. It’s worth noting that nobody “lives” in Greenfield Village. It is, however, an incredible experience in the history of architecture and innovation in the United States, as is the main Henry Ford Museum (which features Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion House, something I will definitely be writing about).
I’m breaking down the features of Greenfield Village into a few broad categories, which also happen to overlap quite a bit. I also can’t mention every building in the Village, so please let me know if there’s something I’ve missed that you really love!
Henry Ford’s Life
As mentioned, the first building to join Ford’s collection was his childhood home. This was followed only a few years later by the one-room Scotch Settlement School, which he attended as a boy. Originally, he operated it as an experimental preschool before being moved to Greenfield Village.
The Scotch Settlement School as it appears in Greenfield Village today.
Other pieces of Henry Ford’s life here include the workshop where he designed his experimental Quadricycle, the lunch wagon he ate at as an engineer at Edison Illuminating Company (still serving today), and a scaled-down recreation of his original factory. The Village also features rides on Ford’s Model T and Model AA buses.
Innovation and Industry
Ford’s collecting began with memorabilia of his hero and friend Thomas Edison, so it’s only right that Edison be featured heavily in Greenfield Village. An entire section is dedicated to Edison’s work, including his Menlo Park complex, and the botanic lab from Fort Myers, Florida, which he established with Henry Ford’s help. The Sarah Jordan Boarding House, where several of Edison’s Menlo Park employees lived, is located exactly the same distance from the laboratory that it was in New Jersey. It was one of the first homes wired for electric lights. Also featured is the Edison Illuminating Company’s Station A, featuring the original Jumbo Dynamo.
Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Machine Shop in Greenfield Village.
Interior of a part of Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory.
Interior of a part of Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory.
An Edison Phonogram in the Menlo Park Laboratory.
The second floor of Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory.
The statue of Thomas Edison in Greenfield Village.
Perhaps more surprising in the Edison collection is the inclusion of his grandparents home, all the way from Ontario.
Edison isn’t the only innovator featured though: two buildings pay tribute to the Wright Brothers, their home and bicycle shop, and Henry J. Heinz’s (as in the condiment company) house makes an appearance, as does the home of Noah Webster (from the dictionary). One of, in my opinion, the most interesting, is the George Washington Carver Cabin. Based on Carver’s memory of the slave cabin where he was born, the interior features wood from every state.
Based on George Washington Carver’s memories of the slave cabin where he was born, this cabin was constructed at Greenfield Village in 1942.
American History
George Washington Carver’s isn’t the only former slave lodging in the Village. Two of the 52 original quarters from the Hermitage Plantation in Georgia have taken up residence there, as did the house from the Susquehanna Plantation from Maryland. One other notable historic building (unfortunately I somehow managed to not capture any pictures of these) is the Logan County Courthouse, where Abraham Lincoln practiced law.
Other Buildings and Features
There are a great many other buildings and spots of interest in Greenfield Village that I don’t have time to talk about, but I’m going to add just a few of my favorites here.
The Phoenixville Post Office was bought by one of Ford’s agents, sight-unseen, in Connecticut.
Dr. Alonson B. Howard’s office, where several of the beams still have visible markings from when they were labeled for reassembly in the village.
A sign from Dr. Alonson B. Howard’s office in Greenfield Village.
The birthplace of William Holmes McGuffy, creator of the Eclectic Readers, early textbooks which Ford read as a schoolboy.
A dedicated craftwork section, with machine shops, printing presses, a sawmill, and glass, pottery, and weaving shops.
An entire working farm.
A dedicated laboratory for experimenting with soybeans.
Part of the exhibit in Henry Ford’s Soybean Experimental Laboratory.
  Greenfield Village is an incredible place, chock full of bits and pieces of history too large to fit in any other museum. I can’t recommend a visit there highly enough.
Author’s Note: All images are the author’s. Most research from The Henry Ford Official Handbook.
Henry Ford’s Museum Town: Greenfield Village As mentioned in my previous Henry Ford post, Henry Ford's failures in Alabama where not the end to his development aspirations.
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Which car insurance agency is best for me? Please guide me.
Homeowners insurance question?
My father has homeowners insurance that covers the exterior buildings around his house, like a garden shed/ covered carport. this past weekend, a large snowfall provided too much weight for one building, and it collapsed. inside was a lawn mower and an antique automobile that dad has had since he was my age, and it was damaged by a metal beam. (think hot dog bun). the insurance company is now saying that they will pay for the repair of the building and for a new lawnmower, but not the car itself. it was not fully restored, but it was in fair working condition (meaning the engine works and the auto does move). does exterior building coverage also include everything inside, or does it have a limit? is the insurance company trying to weasel out of paying my father? if so, who should I call? (I'm in NC). please help! with good sources please!""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a young and new driver?
So I 'm 18 years old and thinking about getting a sports bike. I have a drives license and haven't gotten any tickets yet. I just want an estimate on how much i'd be paying in insurance every year..and which insurance company provides the best price? I'am thinking of buying a used sports bike but am not sure on which one yet. Thank you in advance and If you don't have anything nice to say please just move along lol:))
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
""Do you think that the government ought to put a cap on car insurance ,and the prices they charge since its law""
car insurance is at rediculous rates. government says everyone has to have it , and insurance companies are making it almost impossible to afford. I have a wife and 2 kids we have to have 2 vehicles. but i can't afford the insurance on either one of them. now i'm breaking a law. what does anyone else think.""
HELP! Im 14 and looking for cheap car insurance!?!?
my Said That I Would Have To Pay For My Insurance Every month HELP ME With The Cheapest
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
Car Insurance Rates?
I am a 19 year old college student in VA. Currently my parents pay for my car insurance and cell phone bill. I would like to pay these on my own and was wondering what I could expect to pay for my insurance. I know that rates are highest for young single males, but I have had my license for 2 years, and I haven't had one speeding ticket or citation or anything. I haven't even been pulled over. So my record is good. Also, I have been in no accidents. So, what could I expect to pay? Thanks!""
Car insurance?
suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?
How much is auto insurance for a 17 year old (Toronto)?
depending on the price range of insurance, i will be looking forward to buy a used car and i will probably use the car for less then 2 hours a day. I completed driving school about a year ago and i got my g2. So how much will insurance be a year for me?""
How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance?
Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time?
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Getting insurance before diagnosis?
If you think you have breast cancer and you get insurance before you ever get tested can the insurance company drop you if you are found to have cancer shortly after getting the insurance?
renters insurance quotes maryland
renters insurance quotes maryland
""What are average prices for life, health, and auto insurance (any company)?""
I'm doing a project for school and what would an average price be for 2 people with just a regular car, like a honda or something, nothing fancy, for auto insurance. and for 2 healthy people for life insurance and health? i've website but you have to give all this info for a quote, but i'm just looking for an average froma ny companies.""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
Homeowners insurance and flood insurance?
i have a bank of america loan of 72,000 wondering how much should i be paying for insurance coverage. i pay both insurances separate 400 a year for homeowners coverage amount of 190,000 with my chosen insurance and bank of america is asking for coverage amount of 180,000 (1,900 a year) in flood insurance they placed. legally shouldn't i pay less than what my mortgage is worth. bank an gent said i have to talk to homeowners insurance to lower my coverage in order to lower there purchasing flood insurance.they said they re going by the homeowners insurance i have. So i will be visiting the agent insurance soon to make changes , so how much coverage should i be purchasing and exactly be paying yearly.""
How to appeal declining application on Health insurance?
I just received letter from Blue Shield of California on my recent application for health coverage, I am asking for any suggestion on appeal and my rights in this process. My COBRA is running out, and this recent application took 2 months before they turned me down. I considered myself fairly healthy other than a monthly low dosage cholesterol prescription. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.""
Car insurance advice please?
ok a year ago my hubby had a car accident, it still isn't settled and just had a renewal for our car insurance, more than double what it was last year, they've said its because they've took off the no claims because they don't know which way the claim will go, even though we've been advised that we will win, the only thing i think is wrong is that were no claiming on the car insurance were claiming through a solicitor..can someone help me here i don't know what to do""
What is state financed insurance in Florida?
i am looking for treatment centers for my son in Florida and i am in Virginia and when i read insurance info every one of them takes state financed insurance? what is this?
Is their insurance for pregnant women?
Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...""
How much is insurance?
how much would insurance be for a new driver male about 22 on a car like a ford focus about 2002 any ideas because i havent got a clue thanks in advance :) x
Does cheap health insurance exist?
I relocated because my wife found a better job but problem is I don't have insurance now my current job doesn't offer it and I can't jump on hers for like a year. Is there such a thing as affordable insurance as in under $150 a month for basic doctor visit co-pays and rx?
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17-year old?
What cars would give a 17-year old just-passed Male a reasonably cheap insurance? Is Ford Ka a good choice? How much are these cars and what do you think would be their insurance from this information?
Teenage car insurance?
Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder""
Are lincoln town cars cheap to insure?
i am thinking about a new car. i am 20 years old; no tickets or accidents the car i want is a 2000 gray lincoln town car with low mileage i drive on average 15 miles a day and can afford gas and repairs. i dont want no cadillacs or imports
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
If I bought car insurance in one state and then move to different state do I have to buy new insurance?
I bought insurance for the year in one state but just moved to a different state where I will have to register my car again and get a new license plate. If I already paid for the year, do I have to get new insurance? If I do have to get new insurance, can I get my money back because I didn't drive for the whole year while under my insurance company's policy?""
Car insurance I'm paying alone?
I have to buy my own car unlike very other lucky kid that's 18. So after I buy a used car off of craigslist, what do I do? Where do I get car insurance and what's affordable for new drivers ?""
How do I get health insurance at 19 years old?
Hi I am a 19 year old college full time female student and I cannot be covered on my mom's health insurance because she is on disability. I don't have the money to just go to a hospital or even the money for gas to go to the free clinics which are 20 miles away or so. My fiance and I are needing health insurance but every time we apply we get turned down. Can anyone help us by telling me some answers?
Car and car insurance for a 16 year old?
What is the best company for a 16 year old to get car insurance from? (needs to be fairly cheap but also, very reliable) Also, what would be the best car to get? (also needs to be fairly cheap and very reliable) Thank you for your time and give as much advice as you can!""
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
Do police check with your car insurance to make sure it's valid when you're pulled over?
I've always been curious as to if this would work, but in the past a few friends of mine had bought insurance, paid up to date for 6 months, canceled two weeks later, gotten most of their money back and obtained a proof of insurance that said they were paid for the next six months. They claim that if they were to get pulled over, they could continue to use this proof of insurance just as if they were actually still driving legal. Of course this could backfire on them in obvious ways if they were to actually get in an accident, but as far as getting pulled over, would this actually stop them from getting a ticket for no insurance ? Can and do the police verify with your insurance company over their computers while you are pulled over? Thanks!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?
for the most basic insurance
How much is motorcycle insurance ?
How much is it if your 18 and have no accidents or tickets. Any cheap insurance companies? And it's not a sport bike or anything, just a normal starter bike that only goes about 100mph.""
I applied for Car Insurance and...?
They asked me if there any other drivers in the house. I told them my parents and my older sister have insurance.. I am 24 and they said thanks for telling us? The question is does that mean they can once in a while borrow my car and they are covered?
""Why can't we have Geiko,State Farm, or Progressive auto insurance in the state of Ma?.?""
I always see t.v. commercials for them but at the bottom of the screen it says not available in Ma. and a few other states that I can't remember. If I could save money buy switching to one of those companies I would but I can't , so I have to pick from Commerce or Metropolitan. My car insurance is really expensive (I pay over $300 a month) I have only had my license for a couple years so I under stand the whole new driver thing and my car was new when I bought it so I have full coverage but the car is only a Kia Rio, far from a sports car or luxury car. I pay more for my insurance than for the car payments.""
I'm have been paying for a car and insurance for 3 years but the car is not under my name and that person report a car stolen what can i do?
ai'm paying the car and insurance for 3 years and that person report the car that i have stolen the car only way to store what can i do
renters insurance quotes maryland
renters insurance quotes maryland
Whats high mileage for an Infiniti G35?
I'm considering purchasing an infiniti g35. I'm looking at the 2004 and 2005 g35's and the ones in my price range typically range from 60-70k miles. Is this high mileage for an infiniti? How long do these cars last on average? Also I'm 20 years old; would this car have high insurance costs? Thank you!
Cheap Car Insurance for an 19 Year Old?
I am 19 years old and have found a good deal on an '09 Challenger , obviously this being a sports car and me being a 19 year old male my insurance rates would shoot through the roof to astronomical proportions. So my question is, what car insurance should I get if I decide to go through on this deal? I have already looked at Esurance and Progressive and have found nothing below $500, I am hopefully wanting to pay around $200-$300 if that is even possible. Please answer with suggestions about good companies or maybe even experiences where you were able to get really cheap insurance, please anything is helpful this is my dream car and I have the opportunity to seize it.""
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
Help! I dented a car and need an idea on how much it will cost without going through insurance...?
I have a picture of the damage. I am still shaking so worried, it is my first year of driving so am looking to deal with it privately, luckily my car wasn't damaged, however it was my fault so I am going to have to do the paying! <a href= http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg target= _blank ><img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/Photo-0107.jpg border= 0 alt= Photobucket ></a> http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure if these hyperlinks will work! Any help would be great!""
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
How much would it cost to insure a Toyota 1985 corolla AE86?
I'm 18 and I am still under my parents insurance. I've only been driving on my own for a month or so. The car is a two door coupe.
How will adding 40 million more people to the Health Insurance rolls improve Health Care?
But don't be misled. We know the status quo is unsustainable. If we do nothing, millions more Americans will be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or see their coverage suddenly dropped if they become seriously ill. Out-of-pocket expenses will continue to soar, and more and more families and businesses will be forced to deal with health insurance costs they cant afford. David Axelrod Senior Advisor to the President Why suddenly focus on the insurance industry? If, as Axelrod says, the status quo is unsustainable .. How will adding 40 million more to the insurance rolls suddenly make it sustainable ? . How will adding to the costs of Insurance Companies decrease their costs? . How will doing nothing , and thereby sustaining the huge profits of the drug industry and the medical industry, reduce medical care costs to the average American?""
How much is insurance on an 89 camaro?
how much would it be a month? im 20
WHY is car insurance so freaking expensive?
We are insuring two drivers with clean records on a 99 chevy cavalier and a just purchased 09 toyota camry and we are paying about $2,000 a YEAR. Doesn't that seem like TOO much!?""
Auto insurance for teen questions?
okay so for my 17th birthday (when i get my G2) i want to buy my own car. I've done a few quotes and found Im going to be paying practically 10k per year...more than the cost of the car! however, if i was female it would be like 4k. would it work if i had the car registered in my girlfriends name and the insurance in her name, but i paid and i always drove it. if i was pulled over i'd just say Im boring my girlfriends car? is that legal?""
Question about Car insurance (UK)?
Does anyone know if / how mileage for year is calculated for insurance purposes. What do the insurers check for these details? I have a private policy for my second car (my non work runaround) and it is limited to 3000miles per year. Perfect for trips to the dump, bulky or messy trips to the shops etc. I lend the car to my partners foreign parents who use their own insurance policy (cheaper for them) to drive it during their vacations to the UK 2-3 times a year adding quite a bit of mileage to the vehicle. If we both have insurance to be driving my car, am I at fault for claiming low mileage allowance for cheaper insurance for the car?""
Do you guys know of any cheap Car Insurance places in Raleigh NC ?
I am 18 yrs old i dont have my license but im trying. I need car insurance but i cant find a good place. I want something that will allow me to getright my license right away. I dont want to wait. Any ideas? ohh and i dont have my permit so im in a bad place. I NEED HELPPP PLEASE and THANK YOU!
Getting car insurance (complicated case)?
Alright, so this is my story. I am getting new Mazda3 next week. I am 19 years old male (my dad is paying for car). My mom will pay for my insurance (full coverage). The problem is, my mom and my stepdad are divorced, but she is driving car he bought and she is paying him for that car, so she is under his All-State insurance. Now I need insurance and what to do? We obviously dont want to put my name under my stepdads insurance. Someone said to my mom that she should get new insurance (for example Progressive) for my car under her name, and then put me on her insurance, though she would never drive Mazda3, because I go to college in different town. The person said this way we would not pay as much as if Id open insurance under my name. Now and advices. Thank youOh and another question. If, let's say, car is bought under my moms name, can I get individual insurance under my name? Or only the owner of the car is allowed to do that? P.S.: please dont try to talk me out of getting ne""
Car Insurance problem?
I need to renew my car insurance in the next few days but I am also moving to a new address in under 3 weeks time. This new address offers me much cheaper car insurance. I don't use my car much and can do without using it all for 3 weeks. If it is parked on the road and fully taxed is it a legal requirement to insure the vehicle even if it isn't used. I can live with it being stolen or damaged but I wouldn't want to be fined for being uninsured. The only problem with insuring the vehicle under my current postcode is that I'm at the whim of the insurance companies to what discount they offer me when I actually move. All the insurers I have phoned can't guarantee a fixed price for the new postcode if I register my the policy under my current postcode for the first 3 weeks. My main concern is not to do anything illegal so at the end of the day it's not worth saving money if I am going to get in to trouble or be fined.
What happens if you just don't pay your car insurance?
Where I live you get car insured and they put a sticker on the plates with expiry date a year from now. But you still only pay once a month. What happens if you simply stop paying ...show more
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
Insurance for garage?
I rent a flat with garage where I store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you know any insurance company? Thank you.""
My car insurance is ridiculous!?
I am entering my 4th year of driving (22 yr old) with absolutely no claims and even with comparing market my car insurance goes up every year. New comparison has come out at over 2500 quid! I drive a 2.2 diesel but even on a little 1.0 aygo or similar car it is over a grand. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to quit driving. I have paid out over 8000 in insurance premiums with no claims and it is getting increasingly difficult to save for a house as you need around 30000 for a deposit.
Uninspected car covered by insurance in MA?
I've been driving my car uninspected for a while now because I haven't had the money (or the time to fix it on my own) and I know it will fail inspection. Does anybody know if my car would be covered by insurance anyways. (I have USAA)
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
My husband and I are both self-employed and need to find affordable health insurance. Neither of us has any pre-existing conditions, and are in good health, but we'll be trying for a baby w/in the year. I have no idea where to even start looking!!!""
""Help,new driver needs insurance!?""
So, I am a new driver and I just bought a '94 Acura legend. I have looked at some quotes for insurance and nearly had a stroke! Does anyone know of insurance that isn't too high or offers discounts for new drivers. Living in MA if that helps.""
How to get insurance for ice cream truck?
I want to start a ice cream truck business but how do you get insurance for the truck
Motorcycle insurance question?
Will i receive anything in the mail if I get a motorcycle insurance quote online? I don't want them sending anything.....lol
A good hatchback car for 1000 with a cheap insurance for young people?
I've been looking at so many cars and I really don't think I've found one really worht the money I'm looking for a car that's not old All I have seen is a Rover Metro and Peugeot 205/306 and some others but some of these car are still too old I just really want some good advice, thanks :)""
renters insurance quotes maryland
renters insurance quotes maryland
17 notes · View notes
davidbrigstock · 2 years
May 20
Tour Day 14. My Day 6.
Alberqueque NM to Santa Fe NM
Approx 68 miles.
Pre-amble: I don’t usually put pen to paper before a ride but today’s ride is special as an important occasion is coming up. Two years ago the problems caused by Covid meant that my daughter Nicole’s graduation from UPenn was “postponed”. Like many others that year and since, she donned her cap and gown and watched an online ceremony from home, with her graduation photos being taken in our back yard. When I booked this trip, we had no idea that UPenn would schedule a “real” graduation ceremony on the UPenn campus for this coming Sunday. So I’m going to miss it. Go figure. Since there won’t be an official ride on Sunday (see my blog tomorrow about why that is the case), I’m dedicating today’s ride to Santa Fe to her. I’m told it will be a very beautiful (albeit challenging) ride. And she’s a beautiful person who, fittingly, loves being outside and exploring the natural world. Nicole - may we both have the winds behind our backs - many congrats ! Love Dad x 😘
Post-ride: Every Firiday is “jersey day”. That means all 27 riders wear the official Crossroads jersey and make an eye-catching fashion statement for the day.
So once again New Mexico delivered a memorable cycling experience. This time our route took us east out of Albuquerque and then in between Sandia Mtn to the north and Manzano Mtn to the south as we headed in an approximately NE direction most of the day. There was a lot of hill climbing as soon as we were out of the hotel driveway. The first 20 miles saw us tackle a 2000-ft ascent and we added another 2436 ft during the day for a grand total of 4636 ft which took us just 4 3/4 hrs with 68 miles covered. Not too shabby for someone who has never cycled those kinds of hills before and whose only training was those mindless endless sessions on my trainer in the basement all winter and spring. There is no way I could have completed today’s ride without all that physical grind beforehand.
One of the pics and the video shows Bob as he nears the end of the first 20-mile stretch. Bob is 82 years old (!) and has no problem keeping up with the pack - or often overtaking or leading us. Remember he’s just climbed 2000 feet in 2 hrs in that video ! Watching that guy ride is mesmorizing. His body is in perfect harmony with his bicycle. In fact it’s really a case of two machines working together as one. He’s a remarkable guy. So strong. One of his jerseys has the words “Senior Living Re-Defined” on it. Case closed !
Our route took us through fabulous scenery with spectacular vistas. It’s the stuff that Nicole loves ! We stopped briefly for ice cream at a small town called Madrid which had lots of small stores selling local arts, crafts and gifts. Very quaint. We stopped again in the outskirts of Santa Fe at Subway (6” or 12” this time ? What’s your thought on that ? ). It was then a couple of miles to the hotel. Tomorrow (Saturday) is a rest day which gave the crew time to set up a bike cleaning station so we can get the grime off and the chain clean and oiled. It’s amazing what positive feedback a well-lubed chain can give as it moves around the chain ring (front) and cassette (rear)
Miles today : 68
Feet ascended today : 4983
Overall total
Riding days : 5
Total miles : 398
Total feet of ascent: 12,133
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0 notes