#riff x graziella au
scottyzoomz · 2 months
So, my friends has a blog called @ask-tony-wyzek and @ask-riff-lorton. Those are the only west side story character blogs (from what i have seen), and yknow, it's getting kind of boring.. so if you wanna be a west story character this is your chance !! This is just for being fun and being silly, the rumble hasnt happened yet and it's just an au where the Jets and the Sharks are just still arguing on whose turf it is. No killing has happened, Tony, Riff and Bernardo is still alive, . And OC's ARE ALLOWED !!! Fanon ships are allowed, Oc x character is allowed too !! just PLEASE dont make it weird/illegal. be logical, a 1-2 year age gap is fine but dont make it illegal. so far we have RiffxTony (im sorry for those who i have offended do not harass me just for a silly fanon ship if you don't like it, kindly scroll this doesnt hurt anybody.) AND THOSE WHO KNOWS ANY ACCOUNTS LIKE THIS OF THE WEST SIDE STORY CHARACTERS PLEASE TELL ME I WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT WITH THEM !!! Jets ( those who are taken have a blog ) Riff - @ask-riff-lorton Tony - @ask-tony-wyzek Ice - Snowboy - Baby John - @ask-baby-john Action - @ask-action A-rab - Tiger - Joyboy - Big Deal - Mouthpiece - @ask-mouth-piece Gee-Tar - Anybodys - @ask-anybodys Diesel - @ask-deisel Numbers - Balkan - @ask-balkan Little Molly - ----------- The Girls in the Jets Graziella - @ask-graziella Velma - Clarice - Tessie - Debby - Hotsie - Pauline - Luna - ====================== ( these are all that i found on the Sharks wiki so these not might be accurate, feel free to put your headcanons on these characters ) Sharks (note: who nicknames their friend anxious what???) Bernardo - @ask-bernardo Chino - @ask-chino Pepe - Indio - Luis - Anxious - Nibbles - Juano - Toro - Moose - Quique - Chago - Braulio - Pipo - Julito - -------------- The girls in the Sharks Maria - @ask-maria Anita - @ask--anita Rosalita - Consuelo - Teresita - Francisca - Estella - Marguerita - ====================== The OC's in the roleplay !!<3 The Jets - @ask-scotty - @ask-hops - @ask-mizumi - @billie-jones --- The Sharks none:( AGAIN. THIS IS FOR FUN!!! YOU CAN JOIN AS AN OC !! If you have more questions please feel free to go to my ' Ask Me Anything ' or in my dms. !!! Feel free to reblog:)
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Laying on the beach, thinking about how much I love them and wondering if I should write a Modern AU HC about Riff & Graziella going on vacation when I come back from my vacation. I’m not usually one to write modern AUs, but I’m feeling inspired by my vacation 🤣
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
After All (Part 10/?)
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Pairing: Riff X OC Jet Girl
Warnings: Explicit Language, Racism (nothing explicit, but it’s there)
Summary: It’s hard to forget your first love, after all.
Word Count: 8500 ish.
Please note that this is a reimagining of the film West Side Story (2021) and as a result is slightly AU.
Masterlist /// Part 1 /// Part 9 /// Part 10 /// Part 11
A/N: Thank you all so much for your understanding, patience, and continued support as I work on this story. It really is appreciated so very much. I do want to give a heads up that starting next week the updates may be a little less frequent. I left my full time job due to a bad work environment in January, and that has been the main reason I’ve been able to update as often as I have. Next week, I start back up at my old part time job (and taking a severe paycut too, but I guess that’s the price of trying to secure my mental health, lol), and I’ll have to start balancing not leaving that job too soon while still searching for my next full time job and figuring out what the heck I want to do in life. Worst case scenario, the updates may slow to once a week, but I’ll let you all know if that becomes necessary.
Also, I wanted to say that when I planned this story, it was so tempting to go down the “Graziella is just mean to be mean” trail, but I think the angle I ended up going with is more in character for her, and I hope you all do too.
I hope you enjoy, and happy hump day! (Is that still a thing?) :)
Part 10: The Color of Envy
Graziella was not just some dumb broad.
In fact, she was rather smart, if she said so herself.
She didn’t always apply herself when she’d been in school, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t book smart.
Since she was old enough to venture out into New York City on her own, she’d been drawn to the West Side. If the West Side taught anyone anything, it was street smarts.
But most importantly, Graziella was people smart. Whether it was when she was in the middle of a hustling and bustling crowd downtown, or when she was telling jokes and entertaining her closest friends, extroverted Grazi thrived the most when she was among others. As a result, she’d gotten quite good at reading people. Throughout her life, she’d discovered even the most stubborn of people let her in eventually once she won them over with her charm.
Maybe that’s why she had been so drawn to Tony initially, and then Riff- both of them were guarded, and she liked the challenge of getting them to open up to her. She made relatively quick work of Tony. Riff, on the other hand, proved to be more difficult. Still, her years of hanging around him before they even started seeing each other hadn’t been for nothing.
Grazi could tell right away when Riff started acting differently. His mind seemed to always be somewhere else, and he had a lot less to say, which was very out of character for him.
She didn’t know the cause of his changed behavior at first, only that she was certain she had noticed it. When Velma told her who had come back to the neighborhood shortly after, everything clicked in her mind.
Grazi had always considered Roxie a friend, even though Grazi had gone along with Riff’s order to ice her out over a year ago. Tony had also gone against Riff’s order at the time; Grazi noticed that Tony would disappear repeatedly at night, specifically when Roxie should’ve been getting off her shift at the factory. When Grazi and Tony were still together, and before the rumble with the Egyptian Kings, she’d even caught Tony sneaking out the window once or twice, temporarily leaving her alone in his bed and at the mercy of his folks if they opened his bedroom door before he got back and found her lying there. Despite all of this, Grazi never wished Roxie any ill will.
But now that Grazi was somewhat involved with Riff, she found herself feeling protective of him. After Riff had called things off with Roxie, Grazi, like Tony, noticed the occasional slip in his cool demeanor that the others almost always failed to notice. Grazi hadn’t been as close to Riff then, but she could still tell how much Roxie had meant to him, and how much it had torn him apart to call things off between them.
Nowadays, she and Riff had an agreement to keep things casual, and even though she was open to the possibility of it eventually becoming something more, it wasn’t necessarily something she’d bet on. But now that Roxie was back in the West Side, Grazi was more worried about Riff than herself, and she found herself wishing that she had encouraged her relationship with Riff to develop into something more while she had the chance.
When Grazi heard from Rhonda, Action’s latest girlfriend, that Roxie had been in Riff’s apartment in the early hours of the morning a few days ago, she could only imagine what they had been up to. She doubted it was anything like she and Riff had been up to recently, so any jealousy she may have felt quickly subsided. Then, she remembered that the pair used to go out late at night on occasion. Whatever they’d been up to, Tony was looped in, that much she knew. But he never shared the details of it with Grazi.
Rhonda added that Action said Roxie was going to be helping out with the auto shop’s books. Grazi believed that was the truth of it all, but something about the situation still bothered her.
How long was Roxie even going to be back in the neighborhood for? If Roxie and Riff weren’t going to be able to work things out between them, then what was the point of them being around each other at all? Grazi wasn’t willing to sit by and witness history repeat itself.
She knew that if Riff and Roxie spent too much time together, it was only a matter of time until Riff came around to the idea of them getting back together. Grazi didn’t know everything there was to know about Riff by any means, but she’d gotten better at reading him. She also knew how, despite the fact that there had been other girls after Roxie, including herself, none had lasted with him as long as Roxie had. When whatever was going on between them now came to their inevitable conclusion, Riff would be hurt, again.
It was also concerning that Grazi had no idea what Roxie was thinking about it all, or what her motivations were.
Grazi didn’t want to put up a fight over Riff, but she was prepared to if she thought it was in his best interest. Former friend or not.
Fortunately, maybe dress shopping with Roxie, Velma, and some of the other girls for the upcoming dance would be able to provide her with some much desired insight.
Roxie should have known that something was up when Riff stopped walking her home without an explanation.
Riff had asked Diesel to walk her home the previous week for the same night he was supposed to meet Asim. Riff had walked her home the next few days after that though, assuring her several times that Asim was satisfied and the Egyptian Kings were not going to be a problem again. While Roxie still insisted that an escort was no longer necessary, she eventually realized that she didn’t mind Riff’s presence as much as she thought she would.
The following week, Diesel had walked her home the first few nights. She thought Riff’s absence was a bit odd, but knew it was probably better not to press the issue. Who knows what Jet business he was up to that she didn’t have a clue about.
Her extra shifts she had taken on at the factory, while temporary, were quickly wearing her down. She wouldn’t have time to swing by the auto shop and check in with Riff until Thursday, so until then, she had to make the most of the situation.
Largely due to her friendship with Velma, Diesel and Roxie had always gotten on well. It didn’t take long for Roxie to get an idea of what Velma saw in him. Beneath the tough exterior was someone who cared about certain people and what they thought of him far more than he ever let on.
It shouldn’t have surprised Roxie that Diesel had tried to pry some information out of her regarding what she and Riff had been up to. She didn’t blame him, she knew he was likely just making sure Riff wasn’t getting in over his head.
Roxie almost caved and told him the truth. And if she knew Riff would be alright with it, she probably would have. But Riff had mentioned several times over that the only people who knew about the problem with Asim and their trips to the gambling houses were Action and Ice.
Instead, Roxie could only assure him that their business with what they had been up to was over.
“You're still hangin’ ‘round the shop, though,” Diesel pointed out, not bothering to hide a smile that was forming.
“Yes, in exchange for Riff allowing you guys to actually talk to me again, I’m helping him out with the books,” she replied, a bit more snippy than she had intended.
Diesel’s smile fell. “Ya know, Roxie…” he trailed off, lost in thought. Eventually, he let out a small sigh. “I suppose I owe ya an apology?” he asked awkwardly. “‘Bout what happened back in the day, that is.”
Considering everything that had happened that was supposed to be encompassed in his apology, it wasn’t a grand one by any means. Still, Roxie knew that was about as good as an apology that she’d get from Diesel. “Thanks,” she replied quietly. “I know you were just doing what Riff asked.”
Diesel nodded with somewhat of an ashamed look on his face.
“Just don’t do it ever again,” Roxie teased, in an effort to lighten the mood, “or else you’ll upset Velma.”
Diesel whistled. “Wouldn’t want that,” he stated. “Speaking of Velma, she tells me you’re seein’ some bookish fella now…”
Roxie laughed once humorlessly. “We are not having this discussion.”
Not only was Diesel low on her list of people she wanted to discuss her dating life with, she also knew that he was more likely to be in Riff’s pocket than hers. Thankfully, he dropped the subject, and the two continued in a somewhat comfortable silence.
Seeing Roxie with someone else shouldn't have bothered Riff.
But it did.
After that Sunday, Riff asked Diesel to walk Roxie home the next few nights while he tried to get his head on straight. The image of her He tried to distract himself by spending more time with Grazi. She was delighted to spend time with him, and for a little bit, all Riff’s thoughts about Roxie were forgotten.
But at night, when Grazi was gone or fast asleep beside him, the thoughts came back to him with a vengeance. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why he was so hung up on seeing Roxie with someone else. Riff’s internal dilemma quickly created a stormy overcast within him, and the longer it went on without resolution, the more irritable he became.
By the next Thursday, he had gone through twice the normal amount of cigarettes he usually did by that point in the week. Whenever he couldn’t clear his head, or whenever something irritated him, he decided to literally walk away from it and smoke. He’d smoked a lot that week, apparently, and it didn’t seem likely he’d let up soon.
Riff was on the shop floor resting against the toolbench. Diesel, Snowboy, and Gee-Tar were out on a run to Doc’s, giving him some alone time with his thoughts. They hadn’t been gone for more than five minutes when he decided to smoke another cigarette.
His efforts to calm down and settle his racing thoughts were quickly interrupted by the familiar sound of clicking heels entering the shop.
Roxie saw him immediately, and gave him a smile. He returned the gesture subconsciously, but it was half-hearted.
“I’m glad to see you’re alright,” she called to him as a form of greeting. She crossed the garage in a few steps and came to stand a few feet away from him.
“I’ve been busy,” Riff told her simply, taking a drag and avoiding meeting her eyes.
Roxie nodded, looking him up and down briefly. “That’s what Diesel told me.”
Riff exhaled smoke. “About that… I’ve been thinkin’ about what you said, about not needing anyone to walk you home anymore after work.”
In response, Roxie looked at him curiously and waited for him to continue.
“You’re right,” Riff confessed after a moment, finally looking at her. “I still think it's a bad idea, but if you want to walk home by yourself, you should have that right. Women’s rights and whatnot, right?”
Riff watched her reaction carefully. He had hoped that she would’ve changed her mind since they last broached the subject. He hoped she’d tell him that she didn’t mind someone walking her home. He knew he would sleep better at night if she did. Even if it was Diesel walking her home and not him.
Instead, Roxie nodded, opting to remain silent. Riff found himself oddly disappointed at her lack of protest. Well… Maybe that new fella of hers could walk her home then, if she ever changed her mind.
Feeling irritation rising within him once again at the thought of that man, Riff took another drag of his cigarette. As he exhaled the smoke, he felt her eyes on him once again.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Roxie asked him cautiously. The concern on her face was as plain as day.
Riff shrugged nonchalantly. “Right as rain,” he replied evenly.
Roxie looked at him suspiciously, and it was clear that she didn’t believe him. “I can’t stay right now, I have to be somewhere in a little bit,” she informed him, ultimately deciding not to press the issue. “But maybe I could swing by later this afternoon, and we could work some more on the books?”
It wasn’t a bad idea; several days had passed since she had last been in the shop to help out. 
But Riff already had plans. He could’ve told her how he had promised to meet up with Baby John later, and if he did, she probably would have understood. For one reason or another, he chose not to elaborate. “I’ll be busy then,” he told her, purposely vague.
Naturally, Roxie’s face fell for a moment before she caught herself and regained composure. “How about tomorrow, then?”
Tomorrow… tomorrow could work. Maybe by then he could get his head out of his ass and be able to carry on a decent conversation with her.
As Riff opened his mouth to answer, he was cut off by someone entering the shop through the open garage door. Riff looked past Roxie, expecting to see Diesel, Gee-Tar, Snowboy, or literally any of the other Jets.
Unfortunately, all he saw was the man that had given Roxie flowers, and Riff felt his lips sink into a frown.
Roxie turned and spotted the man as well. “Oh,” she mumbled awkwardly, and it was so quiet Riff wasn’t sure he had heard her at all. “I thought we weren’t meeting for another half an hour?” she asked, louder this time.
The man shrugged and started to walk towards the pair. As he did, Riff got a good look at him.
He was tall, maybe even a bit taller than Riff. At least he’s shorter than Tony. His dark hair was styled with purpose, and not a single hair that seemed to be out of place. He was clean shaven, and his dark eyes were almost piercing. He wore a smart shirt and pants with a single pleat that ran down the front of them. If he had walked to the shop and hadn’t taken a bus or cab, he had to have stuck out like a sore thumb among the other citizens of the neighborhood who weren’t able to afford such nice clothes to wear everyday.
Roxie glanced back at Riff, but Riff was too focused on staring down the other man to look at her. “Riff, this is Michael. Michael, this is Riff.”
Michael smiled at Riff, and stuck his hand out to him. Riff’s assumption that the man had money was proven further when he noticed the gold watch on Michel’s outstretched wrist. Riff smiled back, though it wasn’t genuine, and roughly shook the man’s hand.
At least I’ve got a firmer handshake.
“So, this is the infamous Riff?” Michael jested as the two dropped their hands. He glanced down at Roxie briefly. “Roxanne’s said nothing but good things about you.”
Roxanne, huh?
Despite the circumstances, Riff looked down at Roxie as well. He felt slightly amused. As if Roxie read his mind, she gave him a look that all but begged him not to comment on the use of her formal name.
“Really?” Riff replied, looking back up at Michael. “Like what?”
Michael didn’t seem bothered by Riff’s questioning, and the smile on his face didn’t falter. “Well, she’s talked about how you two met in school, and how you’ve reconnected since she’s been back in the neighborhood.”
Riff spared Roxie another glance, wondering if that was all she had told him. Wasn’t omission a form of lying?
“I appreciate you keeping an eye out for her,” Michael said to Riff. “Especially in a neighborhood like this.”
The smile on Riff’s face was genuine now, but rather than happiness, he was beginning to find enjoyment at Michael’s expense. “But of course,” Riff said whimsically. “This neighborhood has really gone to the dogs, ya know.”
Though Riff had been in a sour mood for the past few days, speaking with Michael was proving to be more entertaining than he would have ever guessed. Didn’t Michael know that he was speaking to the leader of one of the two gangs that were arguably continuing to make the neighborhood dangerous? Didn’t Michael know how his Roxanne used to be with him? Even if Michael hadn’t known either of those pieces of information, the fact that he didn’t know that Roxie was capable of handling herself in most situations was a downright shame.  How clueless is this guy?
Just as Riff was convinced this guy was an oblivious oaf, Riff noticed Michael snake his hand around Roxie’s waist and pull her closer to him. He looked away as soon as he noticed, but Michael had seen him watching. In turn, Riff stared Michael down. He had some nerve, trying to stake his claim on her like that. Feeling bold, aren’t we?
To his credit, Michael stared right back at him, and his eyes were unwavering. It was almost as if he was challenging Riff to react or even just say something.
Unfortunately for him, Riff refused to take the bait.
“Well, we better get going,” Roxie suggested awkwardly, breaking the brief silence. If Riff hadn’t guessed, she hadn’t noticed the brief stare down. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Riff?”
“Sure,” Riff said through his smile. His eyes still locked with Michael’s.
Eventually, Michael was the one who broke the trance when he turned and led Roxie outside the auto shop.
Riff watched them leave before suddenly recalling his forgotten cigarette, which had gathered quite a bit of ash as a result of his neglect.
Once they were a ways away from the auto shop, Roxie slowly stepped away from Michael, feeling a bit relieved when he dropped his hand from her waist. He had never been so forward with her, let alone in public.
“I thought we agreed to meet by the park?” Roxie asked him. She could’ve sworn that was the arrangement they had made the previous Sunday when he had visited her with David and Carol.
Michael shrugged. “We did,” he said, “but when you told me you were helping out at Riff’s auto shop, I wanted to see the place for myself. It didn’t take me long to figure out which one it was.”
Roxie frowned, not looking at him as they continued down the sidewalk. “You could’ve asked me, and I would have shown you where it was at another time,” she told him huffily.
“I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?”
Maybe. “No,” Roxie denied, not missing a beat. “I just wish you would have asked me beforehand.”
Michael sighed. “You’re right,” he admitted. “I’m sorry. I should have let you know that I was planning to swing by.”
Roxie was slightly surprised by his admission. While she still felt that her frustration had grounds, at least Michael seemed to regret his decision a little bit.
“I just wanted to make sure the shop was safe, since you’re going to be there often,” he added.
Roxie found Michael’s explanation a bit amusing. How could she tell him that Riff was probably the only person she truly felt safe around? Well, most of the time, anyways. The trips to the gambling houses weren’t that far removed from her memory.
Unsure of how to respond, she reached out cautiously, and took Michael’s hand. He smiled at her, not pulling his own hand away as they continued down the sidewalk in silence.
Velma often found herself playing the position of mediator.
Whenever her friends got into disputes, she was often the one stuck in the role of initiating the conversation to make everything right again. Whenever Diesel complained to her about some of the other Jets, she’d played devil’s advocate time and time again.
She really shouldn’t have been surprised when she found herself feeling stuck between Graziella and Roxie.
The day of dress shopping for the upcoming dance had arrived. The dance was still a few weeks away, but it was much better to have a dress before it was needed than to be shopping for one at the very last minute. 
They met outside Doc’s, and planned to make their way over to the gang’s local favorite dress shop, which was just a few blocks over.
Not everyone had shown up, and Velma felt herself feeling better about that on Roxie’s behalf. Velma introduced Roxie to Mack, Tiger’s girlfriend, and Sorella, Skink’s girlfriend. They were nice girls, and Velma wasn’t too worried about them making Roxie feel uncomfortable. What she was most apprehensive about was the reunion of sorts with Gussie, Snowboy’s girlfriend, Natalie, Big Deal’s girlfriend, and of course, Graziella.
Graziella’s initially pleasant reaction to Roxie had thrown Velma off a bit. She didn’t expect Graziella to be rude to Roxie, but she also didn’t anticipate Graziella to greet her warmly with a hug, either. Gussie and Natalie followed Graziella’s lead.
As they began to walk to the dress shop, Velma and Roxie hung back a bit from the rest of the group. Velma could tell Roxie was still a bit anxious, and perhaps was feeling a little awkward. Still, there was something that was on her mind that Velma had been dying to ask her about.
“Have you and Riff been getting along alright?”
Roxie shot her a look from the corner of her eyes, before focusing on ahead to where Graziella was leading the pack of the girls. “I’m guessing Diesel told you?” she asked her quietly.
Of course Diesel had told her about how Roxie was in RIff’s apartment in the early hours of the morning the previous week. The mischievous childlike smile on Diesel’s face as he told her the story was still fresh in her mind. But, Velma had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t exactly what it seemed.
“It’s not what you think,” Roxie said under her breath. “It was business.”
Velma had expected this sort of response from Roxie. She wasn’t ready to fully trust her yet, and that was fine. Their friendship was a work in progress, she had reminded herself of that fact time and time again.
“Besides,” Roxie added, sighing a bit, “it’s over now. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be helping out with the shop, either.”
This was news to Velma. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concerned.
Roxie shook her head. “I don’t know… something’s off with Riff.”
Velma had a hunch as to what was wrong with him, but she wanted to gather some more information before jumping to a conclusion. “Did your friends end up visiting last weekend?”
The subject change seemed to surprise Roxie initially, but eventually she nodded.
“How’d that go?” Velma asked, trying her best to sound conversational.
“It was nice seeing them,” Roxie told her sincerely.
“And how was Michael?” Velma asked her pointedly.
“He’s been doing well,” Roxie answered. “... He actually visited again last Thursday, and took me to lunch.”
Roxie nodded. After a moment, she added quietly, “He met Riff, too.”
There it is.
Maybe it was because Roxie was too involved in the situation, but as an outsider, Velma was able to deduce pretty quickly the possible reason why Riff would be suddenly acting differently towards her.
Velma looked up ahead, where Graziella was in the middle of telling a story as the other girls clung to her every word. When she looked back at Roxie beside her, she felt her gut wrench. She was torn.
Velma knew Graziella and Riff were seeing each other now, and even though Graziella had told her it was casual, Velma had the sneaking suspicion that Graizella had been hoping that it would eventually turn into something more.
But Velma also knew Roxie. Sure, Roxie was beginning to see someone else now as well. But she felt confident that Roxie still harbored some feelings for Riff, platonic or otherwise, and in spite of that he’d done to her. It’s hard to forget your first love, after all.
So there she was, stuck in the middle again.
Velma was saved from any further immediate fretting about her circumstance as the group finally arrived at the dress shop. The rest of the girls entered first, and Velma and Roxie followed suit.
Immediately, the rest of the girls set about going through the many racks of dresses. An attendant, obviously eager for the considerable sales commission, quickly approached the group.
“Is there anything in particular you ladies are looking for today?” the woman asked.
“Blue!” Mack answered excitedly.
Grazi giggled, and patted Mack’s arm lightly in an effort to calm her down. “We’d love to see anything and everything blue that you’ve got,” she clarified to the attendant.
Of course, Mack and Sorella would be eager to don blue dresses. The upcoming dance would be their first one they attended since officially being involved with one of the Jets. Sure, other girls could wear blue dresses all they liked, but even Velma couldn’t deny that there was just something about wearing blue while being on the arm of a Jet.  The feeling of belonging that it gave Velma was a high she seldom felt otherwise.
The attendant nodded, and led them towards the back of the store. Roxie and Velma slowly followed the rest of the group. As Mack, Sorella, Gussie, and Natalie eagerly conversed with the attendant about specific styles of dresses they had envisioned, Graziella hung back.
“It really is good to see you Roxie,” she told the other young woman, sounding genuine.
Velma pretended to be focused on a rack of dresses they passed as she glanced at Roxie from the corner of her eye, watching for her reaction.
“You back for the summer?” Grazi asked.
“At least,” Roxie answered carefully.
“Well, I’m glad,” Grazi confessed. “I know Riff missed you.”
Velma didn’t bother to pretend to be distracted by dresses anymore. She looked at Roxie and immediately saw a confused expression on her face that probably mirrored her own. Was Grazi trying to get a reaction out of her? If she was, she succeeded; Roxie looked a bit flustered by her words.
“So, this dance- are you going stag?” Grazi asked her then.
“I don’t know,” Roxie said, and Velma looked at her curiously. Wouldn’t she ask Michael to go to the dance with her?
“Well, we should catch up more,” Grazi said then, changing the subject. “I’ll be swinging by the shop more often, so maybe we’ll be able to chat then. What do you say?”
Roxie nodded wordlessly, suddenly focused on a nearby red dress.
Graziella walked ahead to join the other girls, but Velma was right on her heels.
“Grazi!” she whispered in a hush tone.
Graziella stopped in her tracks, and turned around to face her with a confused look upon her face. “What?”
“What was that about?” Velma asked her.
“I don't know what you mean,” Grazi replied quickly, though the look in her eyes betrayed her words. Without another word, Grazi turned on her heels once again, quickly rejoining the other girls.
Velma watched her for a moment, trying to make sense of her behavior. Eventually, she gave up and sighed, before turning around to walk back to Roxie once again.
Velma wasn’t entirely sure what Grazi had tried to accomplish by pulling Roxie aside and asking her those questions, but if her intent was to make Roxie uncomfortable, it certainly worked. Roxie was still sifting through a rack of dresses. Velma could tell by the blank look on her face that she wasn’t really considering any of them an option.
Velma wasn’t used to seeing Roxie in such a state. Roxie was usually confident, she had little problem saying what was on her mind, and if she ever sweated about something, she rarely let it show that she was worried. Grazi was Velma’s friend, but she hated that her words had had this effect on Roxie.
Roxie looked up at Velma when she approached. “I appreciate you inviting me, Velma,” she said. “But I think I may head out.”
Velma did a double take. “What?” she asked. “We just got here!”
Roxie bit her lip slightly. She looked behind Velma, towards Grazi and other girls who were beginning to grab specific dresses to try on in the dressing rooms. When she looked back at Velma, she told her quietly, “I don’t belong here.”
Velma frowned at her words, knowing what Roxie meant. Velma should have known it was only a matter of time before Roxie felt this way. Roxie may have been back in Riff’s and the Jet’s good graces, but it wasn’t surprising that she may have felt like the odd one out among the rest of the Jet girls. She wouldn’t be on Riff’s arm anymore, and he had someone else- Graziella- to fill her shoes instead. As far as Velma knew, Roxie was on a friendly basis with most of the Jets and herself, but Velma’s own standing with the Jets as Diesel’s current girlfriend couldn’t be more different than Roxie’s standing with the Jets as the girl Riff used to see.
Maybe she’d been replaced as Riff’s girl, but she hadn’t been replaced as Velma’s friend.
“Yes, you do,” Velma insisted seriously, grabbing Roxie’s hand for emphasis. “I don’t care who you are or aren’t seeing anymore- you’re my friend.” Velma dropped her hand, but continued, “And if you really want to leave, then fine. But it better not be because you’re worried about what other people think.”
Roxie seemed to finally be processing what Velma was telling her. Eventually, she gave her a small smile. “You’re right,” she conceded, standing up a bit straighter. “It’s a free country, right? I should be able to go do a dance if I want to.”
“Exactly!” Velma agreed, relieved to finally see Roxie’s mood lightening. “Go with whoever you want, and if you don’t want to go with anyone, go stag. It is a public event- you never know, you may just meet someone there.”
Roxie didn’t seem entirely convinced, but she smiled nonetheless. She took a dress off the rack, holding it out for Velma to see. “What do you think of this one?” Roxie asked her conversationally.
It was a green dress. The color of envy. There’s too much of that going around these days, Velma thought as she took one last glance at Graziella and the rest of the girls across the shop. 
Velma turned back to Roxie with a tired smile. “It’s nice,” she replied, gently taking the dress from her and hanging it back on the rack. “But I think we can find something that compliments you better.”
Velma turned back to the rack, and in almost a serendipitous moment, her eyes immediately landed on a dress that she had a striking feeling Roxie would like. Regardless of the Jets’ association with it, Velma knew what had always been Roxie’s favorite color.
“How about this one?” Velma suggested hopefully, holding out the dress for Roxie to inspect. Velma watched as Roxie looked at the garment thoughtfully, noticing when her eyes lit up. A moment later, Roxie’s face fell once again as she hesitated.
Before Roxie could suggest another dress color, Velma added, “Please, at least try it on.” Velma thrusted the dress at her friend, smiling in satisfaction when Roxie relented with a joking huff and took it from her hands. “Besides,” Velma told her, “no one can own a color.”
The next week passed and Riff’s spirits didn’t improve.
Michael had so generously graced the auto shop with his presence a few more times, and Riff couldn’t help but wonder where he found all the free time. Didn’t he have a job? He should have, considering the cost of the clothes he wore, and the flowers he brought Roxie just about every damn time he swung by to walk her home. Maybe his folks were loaded with cash and he didn’t have to work, but the idea of that just irritated Riff even more.
Everytime Michael stopped by the auto shop to walk Roxie home, or take her on a date to God knows where, Riff was unable to shake the fact that seeing the two of them together bothered him. He forced himself to be polite and only spoke to Michael when he spoke to him first. As soon as the pair would leave, Riff found himself reaching for his pack of cigarettes. Riff had tried to behave, he really did, if only for Roxie’s sake.
But when it was just the two of them- him and Roxie that was- working on the books, it was the closest thing to relaxation he felt. And the more irritable he grew, the more he craved any alone time with her he could get. When it was just the two of them, he could forget that Michael existed at all. If Riff felt particularly brave, he found himself wondering if Roxie ever dared to think the same. When it was just the two of them pouring over the shop’s books, going through invoices, or teaching him a trick or two about keeping the records straight, Roxie was nothing but laughs and smiles… and patience, of course. She needed a lot of that with him, he could admit that, but it had never been a problem for her.
The few hours of reverie Riff experienced were always ended by one of two things- Michael showing up to take Roxie away, or Graziella swinging by.
Riff thought he was getting along with Grazi, he really did, so he couldn’t figure out why she was hell-bent on making him squirm by insisting to have these little chats with Roxie. Most of the time she’d stop by unannounced, just as Roxie and Riff were deep into fixing an accounting problem with the books. Riff, wanting to keep the peace, said nothing, and Grazi would tell him pointedly that Roxie deserved a break before whisking her away for a few moments.
Grazi had mentioned that Roxie had gone shopping with her and a few of the other girls to get a dresses for the upcoming dance, so Riff knew that they had started talking to each other again. However, knowing and seeing were entirely different things, and Riff found himself helplessly flooded with nerves whenever Graziella dropped by when he was with Roxie.
He didn’t know why- it wasn’t like they were up to anything, and they had nothing to hide. Well, at least nothing that Grazi had a right to know about. The trips to the gambling houses were between Roxie, Action, Ice, and himself, and Riff was planning on keeping it that way until the day he was put in the ground.
Still, the nerves only fueled his general feeling of irritation further.
The shopping trip to the dress shop hadn’t been enough for Graziella to get a clear idea of Roxie's intentions.
As a result, she made a point to be more of a presence around the shop the following week. More often than not, the two were holed up in Riff’s bedroom in the upstairs apartment, crowded around his desk which was gradually becoming less and less of a nightmare to look at. Grazi would pull Roxie away for a quick, friendly chat filled with little more than small talk. She felt a little bad when she realized how much doing so put Riff on edge, but she wasn’t going to give up on her mission now. She was trying to protect him, and by extension, the Jets. Until she figured out what exactly Roxie wanted from him, she wasn’t going to give up.
One evening in particular, Graziella entered the auto shop through the side door, as she had numerous times before. She wasn’t anticipating Roxie to be there that evening- apparently she was working nights at the factory once again. Graziella was looking forward to spending some alone time with Riff. He was too irritable and nervous as of late.
But when Graziella entered the garage and was met with smirks from Diesel, Snowboy, and Gee-Tar as they worked on some car, she knew Roxie was there anyway. 
Grazi greeted the boys politely before quickly heading upstairs. She opened and shut the apartment door quietly behind her and then crossed the room in a few careful steps. She came to a stop outside Riff’s closed bedroom door. Curiously, Grazi couldn’t help but lean forward and press her head against the aging wood as she strained to hear the conversation taking place inside.
“Hell, if I had known that, I would’ve fixed it months ago!” Riff exclaimed half-seriously with a tired smile plastered on his face.
Roxie watched with a smile of her own as he let the pencil he’d been holding fall onto the desk. “I told you this would be painless,” she jested lightly.
As she watched Riff pick up the pencil again and proceed to make additional corrections to the shop's monthly balance sheet, she couldn’t help but feel an odd sense of pride. She never doubted his capability to learn the concepts she was explaining to him, but she would have been lying if she said she had never doubted his motivation. He proved her wrong though, and it seemed he was surprising her more and more each day.
Riff was in a good mood, too. Whenever Michael came around, Roxie noticed that his good mood seemed to disappear. But when it was just the two of them, she found herself savoring those moments. Their casual banter that they had so quickly fallen back into despite over a year and a half of separation made her wish they’d never been separated in the first place. She knew thinking such a thing was pointless; there was no way to go back and change the past now. Whether he knew it or not, Riff had found a way under her skin again. Now that he was back in her life, Roxie knew deep down that she’d do anything to keep it that way.
A soft knock to the door broke her from her thoughts.
“Come in!” Riff called from his seat at the desk, not taking his eyes off the balance sheet in front of him.
Roxie glanced at the door and felt her heart sink a bit as Graziella entered the room, not bothering to close the door behind her. That was the only caveat to spending more time with Riff at the shop.
Roxie wasn’t sure if it had been Graziella’s intention, but the downright embarrassment and alienation she felt at the dress shop the previous week was still fresh in her mind. Since then, Grazi had visited the auto shop often and always wanted to make small talk with her. She had every right to do so, but Roxie still dreaded it.
“Roxie!” Grazi greeted her. “I wasn’t expecting you’d be here today.”
Riff dropped his pencil once again and his head snapped towards the direction of the door.
“I had the night off,” Roxie replied matter of factly.
“I didn’t lose track of time, did I?” Riff asked Grazi.
“No,” she assured him as she took a few steps and came to stand behind his shoulder. She eyed Roxie, who was standing behind his other shoulder. “Just wanted to come over a bit early,” Grazi stated.
Roxie stepped back, knowing that starting a scene would be pointless and would just put Riff in an uncomfortable spot. “I’ll be out of here soon,” she told them both. Then, to Riff, she said, “Let me know when you’re done fixing the rest of those.”
As Roxie began walking around the room in an effort to distance herself from them, Riff glanced up at Grazi hesitantly. She smiled down at him, before slinking an arm over his shoulders. The awkwardness in the room weighed upon him heavily, and Riff had to force himself to concentrate on the balance sheet in front of him once again.
Riff made the remaining corrections as Roxie suggested, but as he did so he was painfully aware of the fact that Grazi was practically leaning over him. One of her hands found its way from his shoulders to run up through his hair, the other came down to intertwine with his left hand on the desk as he continued to work.
The silence in the room was deafening.
After what felt like a million years, Riff finished making the corrections and slowly stood up from the desk. Graziella stood up straight as well, although she was a bit reluctant. Riff turned to show Roxie what he had written down on the balance sheet and as he did so, Graziella intertwined her hand with his once again. After a beat, he cleared his throat and braced himself to look at Roxie.
Riff worried that Grazi’s behavior would have made Roxie feel at least a little bit jealous, but he couldn’t deny the slight satisfaction he felt at the sight of her that confirmed it. Roxie stood stiffly, arms crossed, lips pursed, and looked like she was one just a moment away from snapping.
Riff looked at Grazi. “Do you think you could give us a moment?” he asked her quietly, knowing that Roxie could hear him regardless. “I’ll come down in a few.”
Grazi nodded. She and grabbed his chin lightly and turned his face towards her before planting a kiss right on his lips. She pulled away a few seconds later, and looked at Roxie pointedly. Riff was left gawking from her actions and didn’t notice.
Then, Grazi turned and left the room and then the apartment just as quickly as she had appeared.
After he heard the apartment door shut, Riff set the balance sheet back on the desk. The conversation that was about to take place wouldn’t need it anyways.
“Are you sure you got everything down right?” Roxie asked. Her tone was oddly calm.
Riff watched her and patiently waited for her to make her point.
Roxie’s eyes fell to the floor and she took a step towards him slowly.  “I didn’t know, since you had someone hanging over you the entire time,” she said offhandedly.
This is rich. Despite the little voice inside him that suggested against it, Riff quipped, “Well, well… if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you sound pretty jealous, Roxie.”
Roxie scoffed, apparently finding the idea not only ridiculous but mildly humorous. “Please, Riff. What do I have to be jealous about?”
Riff knew he should shut his trap, especially looking at the situation in hindsight. But at that moment, the frustration, irritation, and nerves that had been brewing within him for the better part of the prior two weeks finally spilled over.
“I can’t imagine that stiff of a boyfriend of yours showing you any genuine amount of affection, let alone a damn hug every once in a while.”
Roxie opened her mouth to respond, then shut it. She shook her head, and whether it was out of disapproval or in an attempt to calm herself down, Riff couldn’t tell. “He’s not my- I don’t know what he is,” she admitted. “But he’s mature. He has an education and a decent job. He doesn’t need to be a casanova.”
Riff smiled joylessly. “He sounds like a bucket of fun!”
“Just because he doesn’t go around stealing, vandalizing, and picking fights doesn’t mean he isn’t fun!”
“Because you wouldn’t be caught dead with someone like that, right?!”
Another deafening silence fell over the room.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Roxie said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
Riff shrugged, bothered by her words but not wanting to let her know it. “Doesn’t matter,” he said quickly. “It’s all true, isn’t it?” He chuckled dryly. “S’good to know that it only took you a year to forget who you were.”
“That’s not true,” Roxie denied. She was visibly upset by then. “But if it was, you’d only have yourself to blame.”
Maybe she made some sense, but Riff’s head was spinning way too much for him to make much sense out of anything.
Roxie sighed tiredly. “Come on, Riff,” she pleaded softly. She took another step towards him, but he retreated in a single smooth step backwards. She looked at him for another moment and waited, as if willing him to meet her eye. He didn’t.
Taking the que, she stepped around him and headed out of the room. When she shut the front door to the apartment behind her, Riff knew he was alone. Instead of frustration, irritation, or nervousness, all he felt was guilt and shame.
He’d mucked things up good this time.
Something was bothering Roxie, Michael could tell.
A few days passed and she still hadn’t gone back to the auto shop. He should’ve been happy, knowing that at least she wasn’t spending time with Riff- who he had a feeling had been more than just her childhood friend- but he didn’t like seeing her upset.
She was less talkative. She barely smiled, and when she did, it hardly seemed genuine. He wanted to know if something had happened the last time she was with Riff, but he knew that if he asked, she was likely to shut him out. Roxie was protective of her past, and Michael understood that. He was willing to give her all the time she needed in order to trust him.
He wanted her to trust him. He wanted to give her the moon, if she’d only let him.
A few days after Roxie had last met with Riff at the auto shop, Michael visited her once again. Roxie wasn’t feeling up to doing anything in particular, but Michael was determined to convince her otherwise.
“Hey,” he said to her as they walked down the sidewalk a few blocks away from her apartment. “Where do you go for a Coke around here?”
Michael felt reassured his plan to cheer her up would work when she gave him a small smile. He knew that it was her favorite soda.
“There is this one place…” she trailed off.
“Lead the way,” he encouraged her, smiling as her pace picked up.
After they walked a few more blocks, she pointed out a storefront across the street. The drugstore’s sign read “Doc’s.” The two crossed the street quickly, and when they reached the front door, he held it open for her. She entered the store quickly and he followed.
The store was small, but clean. There was a long counter with some seating, a few tables with some chairs, and a couple of booths.
“It’s such a nice day- how about we take them to the park?” Roxie proposed.
Michael merely nodded in response, happy that she was finally starting to cheer up. He watched as she crossed the room and made a beeline for a small Coke fridge in the right corner. She opened the fridge, withdrew two bottles, and headed over to the register.
Michael followed her. The clerk, an elderly woman, glanced at him occasionally with curious eyes and a warm smile. She informed them of the total, and Michael reached for his wallet to cover the total as Roxie thanked him.
“Do you mind giving me a moment?” Roxie asked him then.
Michael was surprised, but he followed her request regardless. He grabbed the Cokes off the counter. “I’ll meet you outside,” he told her with a smile.
As soon as the door shut behind Michael, Roxie turned back to face Valentina with a sheepish grin.
Valentina was smirking at her. “Él es muy guapo,” she complimented. “I’d much rather see you with him than who I saw you with a few weeks ago.”
Roxie knew she was referring to Riff. “I meant to come in sooner, but I’ve been busy.” Valentina didn’t need to know that Roxie had been spending more time at the auto shop. She’d never approve of it anyways.
“Si, busy,” Valentina teased as she glanced at Michael through the storefront window as he stood outside on the sidewalk. “But I’m glad you finally by, I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” Roxie repeated, genuinely confused. She watched as Valentina walked away from the register and towards the door on the opposite wall that Roxie had always assumed led to a storage room.
“Si, si,” Valentina assured her quickly. She opened the door, revealing a set of stairs leading to a basement. “Where are those cans?” she hollered down the stairs.
The voice Roxie heard call back to her from the basement made her double take.
“Just a minute!”
Roxie walked away from the counter and met Valentina in the middle of the room after she took a few steps away from the door. Roxie watched the open door curiously and before long she heard heavy footsteps making their way up the stairs.
A large figure entered the room a moment later. Their face was covered by several boxes of cans stacked up in their arms. They walked over to the nearby table and quickly deposited the goods onto it.
With a sigh, Tony wiped his brow jokingly, before turning to face the other two.
“Tony!” Roxie gasped.
His shocked expression matched her own as she suddenly lunged at him and enveloped him into a hug. Valentina laughed once before walking over to the boxes of canned goods on the table.
Tony returned her gesture for a few moments. He was the first to pull away, and when he did he smiled down at her. His smile was familiar, and it filled her with joy. For the first time in days, Roxie forgot all about Riff and their argument.
“What are you doing here?” he asked her as his hands rested on her upper arms.
“I could ask you the same!” Roxie replied as she grinned widely. “How long have you been here?”
“Just a few days,” Tony assured her.
Out of the corner of her eye, Roxie noticed Michael shifting outside as he waited for her. Tony followed her line of sight and spotted him as well.
“I can’t stay,” Roxie admitted as she felt the happiness beginning to fade once again as reality crept in. “But I have so much to tell you.”
“Me too,” Tony replied as he finally dropped his hands. “How about we meet up tomorrow?”
“I work tomorrow night. How late do you work?”
“I'll let him go at three o’clock,” Valentina interjected with a smile. She passed the two of them with one of the boxes of cans in her arms.
Tony watched for a moment as she began to stock a nearby shelf. He turned back to Roxie. “Meet me here tomorrow afternoon.”
“Tomorrow,” she agreed with one last smile.
A/N: Thank you very much for reading! :) As usual, please feel free to interact if you enjoyed or have any feedback. If I get the next part wrapped up, I may be able to post it on Friday. Otherwise, I’ll plan on posting it on Saturday to give myself a little bit more time to work out the details of Part 12.
Taglist: @whisperofsong​ @disguisedbassethound​ @lingerasthesmokeoncedid​ 
Part 11
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playitcoolboy · 2 years
Hello hello!
So I have decided I will be taking west side story writing requests!
Now, I don’t have a lot of time on my hands, but if you want me to write you a one shot based on west side story, please read below! :]
The forms of requests I will be taking:
Dms!(please specify if you’d like me to post it)
Asks!(can be anonymous if you want)
AND FEEL FREE TO SEND MORE THAN ONE REQUEST! Just so you know I do have a queue of requests to do, but I don’t mind doing more than one!
What I require in the request:
The ship/characters you want
And that’s it! Plot can be optional, but I can always think of one myself. Also, please clarify if you do not want something in your request(ie. angst, unsympathetic!tony, or something like that these are just what came to mind)
Please keep in mind, if you don’t give any specifics I will automatically fill in what I assume will work best. If you ask for a jet x reader and don’t give me any specifics, I’ll automatically fill in what will go well with what I had in mind. Do not get mad at me if you don’t specify what you want and something isn’t perfect.
Here is what I will not do:
Smut most likely. If you want a smut request, feel free to ask, but just know I have the right to turn down a request. I am usually not in the mood to write it, but ask if you want! For an ace person, I’ve been told my smut writing is pretty good
Anything that includes !nc3st, p3d0ph!l!a, and generally disgusting stuff. If you support those types of relationships because “they’re fictional” just never interact with me <3/srs
Overly graphic scenes. I will write intense scenes, but I will only write what I am comfortable with. I will never go into depth about intense graphic scenes unless I am feeling in the right mindset to write it.
I am the writer, I have every right to turn down a request for any reason.
Here’s what I will write!:
AUs! Literally any AU(that doesn’t go against anything in the last section). I will also write your headcanons and incorporate them into the request!
(Almost) any ship! Tony x Riff, Anita x Bernardo, and Tony x Maria are the ones I feel most comfortable with doing. I also don’t mind doing Riff x Graziella as well :]
X reader! I seriously don’t mind doing this at all. My first piece of writing was an x reader so I don’t mind putting my hat in the ring again!
(Again almost) Any Angst! I love writing angst holy shit, so I’d you have an angst prompt I am more than willing to write it if I’m in the right mindset! I will also write literally anything with fluff, so don’t be afraid to ask!
Any perspective! First person, third person, past tense, present tense, you name it! I love trying new writing styles out, so feel free to get creative
Song fics! Got a song stuck in your head you’d like to see me write about? Have a song that is just PERFECT for your favourite ship? Know a song that you want me to incorporate into a scene? Perfect! Just tell me what song it is and I’ll gladly write a song fic!
I always try to reach 1000 words with every single one of my requests/one shots, so please understand if it takes a bit of time to actually get it done :] also please refrain from asking for too many things as I need enough time to get through everyone who wants one. Thank you in advance!
And other than that, just have fun! I wanna spread some positivity to everyone through my writing abilities <3 so don’t be afraid to request something!
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Riff x Graziella AU HC - Graziella’s Pregnancy Cravings
When Graziella was pregnant with her and Riff’s first child, she didn’t have one particular food that she craved, but she would get cravings for the most random things at the most inconvenient times.  When making breakfast one day, she suddenly got an intense craving for pizza.  While folding laundry another day, she developed a burning need for ice cream.  While out for a walk with Riff, she hadn’t been satisfied until she’d found herself an ice cold bottle of Coca Cola.  Whatever it was, she often drove Riff crazy in the search for it.
One night, when she was nearly eight months pregnant, Grazi wasn’t able to sleep.  She rolled back and forth in frustration, her swollen belly making it too difficult to find a comfortable position.  Looking over at Riff, sound asleep beside her, she huffed a blonde curl out of her face irritably.  At that moment, for no explainable reason, she was reminded of the Milky Way bars that Riff used to steal from Doc’s all the time.  He’d only recently given up the practice when she’d told him they needed to be good parents to their child, and that good parents didn’t steal from the local convenience store. Suddenly, a Milky Way bar sounded like the most delicious thing in the world.  Her mouth started to water just at the thought.
“Riff,” Graziella whispered, nudging him in the side with her elbow.  When he didn’t even stir, she nudged him harder.  “Riff!”
Snorting, Riff bolted upright, dazed and disoriented.  “Wha--?  What?” he asked, looking down at her.
“I’m hungry,” Graziella told him, resting her hands on her large bump.  The baby was moving, so obviously he was hungry, too.  “I could really go for a Milky Way bar,” she added innocently.
“A...a Milky Way bar?” Riff repeated, looking dumbfounded.  “Grazi, it’s--” He paused to glance over at the clock.  “It’s two-fuckin’-thirty in the mornin’!  Where the hell am I gonna get a Milky Way bar?”
“I don’t know.  Doc’s?  Can’t ya call Tony?” Grazi asked, pouting slightly.  On top of the random cravings, her pregnancy hormones had also been making her just the tiniest bit irrational.
“At two-fuckin’-thirty in the mornin’?!” Riff asked, still shocked.  He loved Grazi and she was carrying his baby and all, but this was by far her craziest request.
“Fine!  Don’t!  Just go back ta sleep an’ leave me ta lay here like a damn beached whale that can’t even get some damn rest!” Graziella snapped, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
“Grazi,” Riff sighed, reaching out to her.  “Baby, don’t be like that,” he begged.  “It’s just that it’s--”
“Two-fuckin’-thirty in the mornin’.  I get it,” Graziella fumed, rolling over in bed so that she was facing away from him.
“Grazi...”  When he got no reply, Riff sighed and laid back down, feeling guilty.
Eventually, Graziella did fall asleep and when she woke up the next morning, she had a clear enough mind to feel bad about how she had acted the night before.  Intent on apologizing to Riff, she rolled over in bed to find that he was already gone.  But there, resting on his pillow, were three Milky Way bars and a small handwritten note: Paid for them. Promise.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
I would love to see a HC with your AU Riff taking care of his daughter, like having to do her hair or go to a father-daughter dance or something like that! I love how you write Riff and Grazi as parents and let’s be real we’re all waiting for Mike Faist Dad era in Challengers
A/N: Oh my gosh, I don’t think I’m even going to be able to handle Mike Faist Dad Era when Challengers comes out. Thanks for the AU request! I really do love writing about Riff and Grazi’s family, and I especially love the dynamic between Riff and Katie.
Katie had been looking forward to her schools’s father-daughter dance for weeks. All the girls in her second grade class would be attending with their fathers, and Katie couldn’t wait for them to see what a good dancer her daddy was. Graziella bought her a new dress and everything. It was blue, just like the dresses she used to wear when she and Riff went dancing together.
“We’re gonna have so much fun, Daddy!” Katie would exclaim every day, twirling around the apartment, much to the family’s amusement. Every night before bed, she would ask Graziella if she could try her dress on again and every night, Graziella would oblige. She loved seeing her baby girl so excited.
So when Katie got sick with the flu right before the big day, she was devastated. When the day of the dance arrived and her fever still hadn’t broken, Riff and Graziella had to break it to her that she wouldn’t be able to go.
“But I wanna go!” Katie cried, hiccuping softly from the force of her sobs. “Please! Daddy, why don’t you wanna go anymore?” Her shoulders shook as she continued to cry, her face and neck flushed from the fever.
Riff felt like someone was sticking a knife in his heart. He hated it when Katie cried. “Baby, I wanna go! A-course I wanna go,” he told her, sitting down beside her on her bed and wrapping his arms around her. He pressed a hand to her forehead again, hoping for a change, but it was the same as before—still warm with fever. “But it won’t be no fun if yer sick,” he explained, brushing her damp curls away from her face with one hand. “Ya still got a fever, Katie girl.”
“I can dance with a fever!” Katie insisted, looking pleadingly between her parents. Graziella was sitting on the other side of her, pressing cool cloths to her burning skin.
“Daddy will take ya dancin’ another time,” Grazi promised her, knowing how disappointing this was for her. She knew Riff was disappointed, too. He’d been looking forward to the dance almost as much as Katie had been.
“Why don’t ya get some sleep so that ya’ll have lots o’ energy for dancin’ soon, huh?” Riff suggested as he and Graziella started to rise off the bed.
“Daddy, will you stay with me?” Katie asked, clutching his hand before he could get too far. She looked up at him with those wide eyes that he could never say no to.
“Sure I can,” he replied, sitting down next to her again. Graziella shot him a quick smile as she made her way out of the room.
As Riff stretched himself out on the bed and got comfortable, Katie snuggled up against him, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m sad, Daddy. I really wanted to go to the dance,” she sniffled, burying her face in his side.
“I know yer sad, baby. I’m sad, too,” Riff told her, gently stroking her hair, the hair that was identical to her mother’s. “Probably for the best though, ya know?” he added after a moment, glancing down at her with a quirked brow.
Katie’s head shot up immediately at that. “What do you mean?“ she demanded to know. She looked just like Grazi when she got annoyed with him.
“I mean, everyone else at the dance woulda been embarrassed when they saw how good we are at dancin’. With us not there, it gives everyone else a chance ta enjoy themselves without feelin’ bad,” he told her seriously, tapping the tip of her nose lightly.
Katie started to giggle at that, but then looked mournful again. “Will you really take me dancing another time, Daddy?” she asked desperately.
“A-course I will! Yer ma didn’t buy ya that pretty new dress for nothin’! When yer better, I’ll take ya dancin’,” Riff promised her, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
Content at last, Katie smiled and curled up against her father’s side once more. Riff spent the rest of the evening listening to her tell stories that she’d invented in that amazing little mind of hers. They didn’t get to go to the dance, but they did get to spend a few hours together, just the two of them, and that was all Riff had really wanted.
When Graziella cracked the door of Katie’s bedroom open later that night, she found her husband and her daughter fast asleep, Katie still curled up against Riff’s side. Smiling, Grazi covered them with a blanket and pressed a kiss to each of their faces before heading off to bed herself.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Riff x Graziella AU HC - Thunder
A/N: When Riff and Graziella’s youngest child, Katie was born, Riff, Jr. was 9, Sean was 8, Michael was 6, John was 4, and Joseph was 3. In this story, Riff, Jr. is 5, so Sean is 4 and Michael is 2. Graziella is pregnant with John, and Joseph and Katie haven’t been born yet. When Riff and Graziella’s children were young, they were all afraid of thunderstorms. If Riff and Grazi managed to get the kids to sleep before a thunderstorm started, they would usually manage to sleep through the night, but if not, there were plenty of tears and desperate pleas to sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s bed. More than one romantic evening had been spoiled by a poorly timed clap of thunder. For the past two days, it had been pouring buckets in New York City. Thankfully, the rain, though heavy, had yet to give way to a full-blown thunderstorm. Grazi, six months pregnant with her and Riff’s fourth child, quietly eased her way into their bedroom after putting Riff, Jr., Sean, and Michael to bed in the next room over. “Hopefully they’ll be asleep soon,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around Riff, who was sitting at the end of their bed, and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Outside, the rain was starting to pound harder against their window. “Mmm, hopefully,” Riff replied with a mischievous smirk, standing up suddenly to scoop Graziella into his arms and carefully lay her down on the bed. “What are ya doin’?” Grazi laughed, rolling her eyes playfully as Riff began pressing kisses to her neck. In response, Riff threw her a suggestive look and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. Laughing, Graziella swatted his arm. “Last I checked, that’s how we ended up with this,” she teased, running a hand over her swollen belly. This baby had been quite the surprise. And as excited as she was to welcome another child into their family, she had to admit that having four children ages five and under was going to be even more exhausting than having three. Still, with Riff kissing her neck like that, she didn’t have any inclination to tell him to stop. Just as Riff switched the lamp on their bedside table off, a massive clap of thunder boomed outside, causing them both to hold their breath. “Maybe they’re already—” Before Riff could even finish his sentence, the soft sound of tiny feet running towards their room could be heard. “Mommy!” wailed two-year-old Michael, tears streaming down his cheeks as he raced up to their bed. “Aww, baby, it’s okay,” Graziella told him reassuringly, sitting up in bed as Riff bent down to lift their son up. As soon as Michael was on the bed, he burrowed under the covers between his parents. There would be no getting him out of their room now. “Well hopefully the others—” Just then, another clap of thunder boomed, followed in quick succession by two more. Within seconds, five-year-old Riff, Jr. and four-year-old Sean were in their parents’ room as well, quickly climbing into bed and snuggling close to their youngest brother. Riff sighed, shoved to the edge of the bed as his three sons took up the majority of the space. Within minutes, the three boys were asleep, feeling safer when wedged between their parents. “Maybe tomorrow night,” Graziella whispered to him with a wink.
Tag List:  @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @darklingswhore @leviecharmed86 @whisperofsong @loverisi @bernardolovesanita @poguesarah
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Riff x Graziella Modern AU HC - Riff & Graz Go On Vacation
A/N: I’m not normally one for modern AUs, but I’ve been on a cruise this past week (which is why I had such limited cell service) and felt inspired to put this together during my free time on the trip. Hope you enjoy!
⁃ It’s Graz’s idea to go on a cruise. She books everything and handles all the on-shore excursions. ⁃ They don’t discover Riff suffers from seasickness until the cruise sets sail. He ends up spending the first night of the cruise stuck in their cabin and has to get those scopolamine patches to help it pass. ⁃ Graziella feels guilty that Riff is sick the first night, so she stays with him in their cabin to rub his back and take care of him, despite his protestations that she go enjoy herself. ⁃ Once Riff finally starts feeling better, he and Graz spend their first day at sea by the pool, tanning and drinking. Graziella made sure to get them the drink package so that they could enjoy themselves without worrying about carrying their credit cards everywhere. ⁃ Graziella has to stop Riff from arguing with several guys who spend a little too much time admiring her bikini. On the flip side, Riff can’t help but laugh at the way Graziella scowls at all the girls who check him out on their stroll along the pool deck. ⁃ The two of them spend an excessive amount of time rubbing each other’s sunscreen in so that everyone on deck knows exactly who belongs to who. ⁃ Riff, with his Irish background, still manages to get a sunburn. Graziella, since she’s of Italian ancestry, easily gets a golden tan. ⁃ Riff makes it clear that he would be more than content to spend the majority of the cruise finding creative ways to spend time in their cabin, but Graz always has a list of activities and insists that she booked them several excursions for when the ship finally docks in its various ports. ⁃ Riff agrees to go swimming with the dolphins and on a waterfall hike only after Graziella begs…and promises that she’ll make it up to him in the bedroom. ⁃ The two of them have a wonderful time hitting up all the clubs on the ship in the evenings, as Graziella loves to dance. All the other couples on board are jealous of how wonderful Riff and Graz look together on the dance floor. ⁃ Most mornings, the “Do Not Disturb” light is on outside their cabin for reasons that have nothing to do with sleeping in. ⁃ Graziella convinces Riff to participate in the “How Well Do You Know Your Significant Other?” game during a day at sea and they end up winning. ⁃ Graziella wants to buy all the pictures that the cruise photographers take of her and Riff throughout the week, but after seeing the prices, Riff insists that she pick only her top three. ⁃ When the cruise is over, Riff makes it a point to keep telling Graz what a great job she did planning their vacation. He knows how much the trip meant to her. ⁃ Graziella gushes to Velma, Mamie, Rhonda, Karen, and the rest of the girls about how amazing the cruise was, to the point that the girls all start working together to plan a massive vacation for all the Jet couples. ⁃ Graz chooses her favorite picture from among the ones she purchased on the ship and proudly hangs it in the living room of her and Riff’s apartment. Riff rolls his eyes good-naturedly, but secretly loves how happy it makes her.
A/N: I got another burst of inspiration when thinking about the Jet girls planning a massive couples vacation, so there’ll be a second part coming about that!
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Love the AU family stuff (and Riff as a dad!), I think you may have alluded to it before but would love to see the family’s reaction to Katie’s first boyfriend!
I got several requests for something along these lines, so I hope everyone who asked is happy with this one!
Also, there’s a tiny little wink in here for all my fellow Mike Faist fans. Let me know if you catch it 😉
The tension in the Lorton household was palpable as fifteen-year-old Katie ran around the apartment like a madwoman, desperate to make sure everything was perfect before her boyfriend arrived for dinner. He had met her mother briefly, but this was the first time he would be meeting the rest of her family, including all five of her older brothers. And her dad. She was most worried about her dad.
Graziella had been in the kitchen all day, knowing how nervous her daughter was and wanting to ensure that everything went as smoothly as possible that night. She’d prepared a fresh salad and a minestrone soup, while the lasagne was still baking in the oven. Riff, on the other hand, had been pouting on the couch all day. He had made it clear from the beginning that he was not happy about his little girl having a boyfriend, and he was working hard to make sure the rest of the family was unhappy, too.
“Katie, come help me finish settin’ the table!” Graziella called, knowing that would at least take her mind off her worries for a few minutes. They’d had to add the extender to the table, now that they had several guests coming over. In addition to Katie’s boyfriend, Riff, Jr. would be coming with his wife, Liza, who was pregnant with their first child. Sean and Michael, both in their early twenties, had moved out as well and were coming over to meet their baby sister’s first boyfriend.
Katie dutifully began setting plates out on the table, though she kept glancing anxiously over at her father. “Daddy, please! Just be nice ta him!” she begged.
“Who said I ain’t gonna be nice?” Riff demanded, scowling.
“Uh, everyone,” nineteen-year-old John commented, walking into the main room of the apartment.
“I’m gonna be nice! Ain’t no reason not ta be nice ta…what’s his name again?”
“Arthur, Daddy! His name is Arthur!” Katie cried, her voice strained. Her mother patted her on the arm comfortingly.
“Arthur. What the hell kinda name is Arthur?” Riff asked, making a face.
“A nice name for a nice boy from a nice family,” Graziella insisted, swatting the back of her husband’s head as she walked past him.
“Please, Daddy! Just don’t…get the way ya get,” Katie pleaded, adjusting the skirt of her dress.
“What does that mean?” Riff demanded, looking offended.
John and Joey tactfully avoided answering that question, both of them hurrying to answer the door when their older brothers and Liza arrived.
“Don’t act like a Jet,” Grazi smirked, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she headed back to the kitchen. She understood her daughter’s pain, but she also understood Riff’s. Katie was their baby, their only daughter, and his little angel. This was hard for him.
Once the whole Lorton clan was settled, a knock on the apartment door sent Katie into another tizzy. “Everyone just act normal!”
Both Graziella and Liza shot her a sympathetic look.
Katie opened the door with a wide smile, stepping aside so Arthur could step into the apartment. “Hiya, Art,” she greeted him, beaming when she saw the flowers in his hand.
“Hi, Katie,” Arthur replied, rather shyly. “Um…these are for yer mom,” he added, holding up the flowers.
“Thank you, Arthur! They’re beautiful!” Graziella exclaimed, stepping forward to accept them. “Aren’t they beautiful, Riff?” she asked, shooting him a pointed look.
“Sure,” Riff nodded, standing in the center of the main room, his five large sons looming behind him. Graziella had to refrain from rolling her eyes at the lot of them.
“Arthur, this is my dad. Daddy, this is Arthur,” Katie said nervously, bringing her boyfriend over.
“Nice ta meet you, sir,” Arthur said, looking terrified. He held out a shaking hand to Riff, who shook it after a short pause.
“An’ these are my brothers,” Katie added quickly, introducing them in age order. Each of them sized Arthur up silently, none quite pleased with the thought of anyone dating their baby sister.
“Let’s eat!” Graziella said, cutting through the uncomfortable silence that followed.
Dinner was a torturous affair for the three women at the table. For Arthur, too, probably. Riff was curt in all his responses and none of Arthur’s comments seemed to impress him. Katie looked just about ready to die when the lasagne was finally served.
“So…um…Liza,” Arthur said, turning to Katie’s sister-in-law. “How long have you an’ Riff, Jr. been married?”
“Almost two years!” Liza said brightly, trying to make up for her husband’s and father-in-law’s sour behavior. “But we’ve been together since we were fourteen!”
“Younger than you an’ Katie,” Riff cut in, looking at Arthur sharply. “Ya gonna marry Katie?”
Arthur practically choked on his dinner and Graziella kicked Riff under the table.
Blushing furiously, Katie slid down in her seat. Liza patted her shoulder gently.
Once dinner was finally over, Graziella immediately ushered Katie and Arthur towards the door. “Why don’t the two o’ yous go for ice cream? We’ll clean up here.”
“Okay, thank you!” Arthur said quickly, too scared to even argue the point.
“Thank you, Mom!” Katie added, kissing her mother’s cheek and practically dragging her boyfriend out of the apartment.
Once they were gone, Graziella turned a dark look on her husband and sons. “Yous are idiots!” she exclaimed, throwing a dish towel at Riff.
“What?” Riff asked, shrugging his shoulders innocently.
“Yous can clean up while Liza an’ I watch TV,” Grazi snapped, leading her daughter-in-law towards the main room.
“Aw, Ma!”
One look from Graziella sent the six men scrambling to do as she’d said.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
in your family au where grazi and riff have kids, who of the jets and jet girls are each of the kids favorite uncles and aunts, or godparents? and also, what does officer krupke think of the lorton siblings?
Aww, I love this question!
So in the Lorton Family AU (where no one dies and everyone is happy and healthy), these are the kids’ godparents:
Riff, Jr. - Tony & Maria
Sean - Mouthpiece & Velma
Michael - Ice & Karen
John - Diesel & Mamie
Joseph - Action & Rhonda
Katie - Baby John & Tessie
The kids love all their aunts and uncles though, and they’re raised right alongside all the other Jet children that come along.
Officer Krupke ends up retiring when the kids are very young, before Katie is even born. He still lives in the neighborhood though, and continues to keep an unofficial eye on things. He has a major soft spot for the Lorton children. Since their biological grandfathers are not in their lives (Riff’s and Grazi’s fathers both abandoned them when they were kids), Krupke takes on a grandfatherly role for them. He’s very grateful for the fact that, thought the Lorton boys get a bit rambunctious in their teen years, they’re nowhere near as wild as their father was. He thinks Katie is an angel.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Based on your AU series: What are Riff and Graziella's favorite parts of seeing each other as parents?
Riff loves how fiercely protective Graziella is of their children. He also loves how Graziella sings to their kids when they can’t sleep at night. When he watches Grazi with their children, it reminds him of his own mother. He knows his mom would have loved Graziella and all her grandchildren.
Graziella loves how the kids bring out Riff’s softer side, especially their daughter. She loves watching Riff play with their children, and all the ways he makes them laugh. The sound of Riff and the kids laughing during their games is music to her ears.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Riff jr having a crush on a girl and asking his dad for advice
Another prompt based on my AU HC series!
“Dad, can I talk ta ya about somethin’?” Riff, Jr. asked, walking into the living room where his father was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Sean and Michael were at basketball practice, and his mother had taken the younger kids shopping, so this was one of the only opportunities he was going to get to talk to his old man without anyone else listening in.
“Sure,” Riff nodded, turning off the television as he looked up at his oldest son. “What’s on yer mind, buddy boy?” he asked, making room on the couch so that his namesake could have a seat.
“Well…uh…it’s just…there’s this girl,” Riff, Jr. began awkwardly, stumbling over his words. At fourteen, he was starting to come into his own, but he was still far from smooth.
“Oh, a girl, huh?” Riff asked with a playful smirk, raising his eyebrows.
“Dad, don’t be weird about it or I’ll just—”
“Alright, alright, I’m just messin’ with ya,” Riff insisted, trying to wipe the grin off his face. “So, tell me about this girl. Would yer ma like her?”
“I think so,” Riff, Jr. nodded. “Her name’s Elizabeth, but everyone calls her Liza. She’s real pretty, Dad. Like, the prettiest girl in the whole school. An’ not just the freshmen—like, the whole school.”
“Pretty: check,” Riff nodded, looking at his son seriously.
“But she’s smart, too. An’ funny. An’ the nicest person I’ve ever met,” Riff, Jr. went on, smiling as he thought about her.
“Smart, funny, nice: check, check, check. So why don’t ya ask her on a date then?” Riff asked, knowing Grazi would kill him for suggesting such a thing. Riff, Jr. was still their baby in her eyes.
“That’s the thing—every time I try ta talk ta her, I get all tongue-tied an’ I don’t know what ta say,” Riff, Jr. lamented. “What should I do?”
Riff fought the urge to laugh. He’d been the same way when he first met Graziella. “Ask her ta a dance. Ain’t yer school have one comin’ up soon?”
“Yeah, but—”
“The first time I took yer ma out, it was ta a dance an’ it worked out pretty well for us,” Riff went on, grinning. “Best part about dancin’ is a lot o’ the time, ya don’t need ta say anythin’ at all.”
“Maybe yer right,” Riff, Jr. said, thinking about it.
Riff scoffed. “I know I am.”
“Thanks, Dad,” he said with a grin, getting up off the couch just as the front door opened and Graziella, Katie, John, and Joseph came spilling into the apartment.
“Anytime, buddy boy,” Riff replied with a wink.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
prompt: au riff/grazi as parents for katie’s (or any of their kids) first day of school!
This one is based on my AU HC series about Riff and Graziella’s family!
“Daddy, daddy, look!” Katie exclaimed as her father walked into the kitchen, running up to him and twirling around so that he could admire her new dress. It was light blue with a frilly white collar and covered in red flowers along the hem. Her blonde curls, identical to her mother’s, were swept back from her face and held in place with a large red bow.
“Y’know, it’s funny, baby,” Riff called over to Graziella, who was finishing putting the kids’ lunches together on the kitchen counter. “I coulda sworn I heard Katie callin’ ta me, but all I see is this grown up girl.”
“Daddy, it’s me!” Katie giggled, wrapping her arms around his legs. “Do ya like my dress? Mommy picked it out!”
“Mm, Mommy always did have good taste,” Riff teased, lifting his daughter up into his arms and pressing a kiss to her cheek. His heart warmed at the sight of her bright smile. She was her mother’s mini-me in every way, which only made it all the easier for her to wrap him around her little finger. Lowering her down to the ground again, he told her, “Why don’t ya go hurry up those lazy brothers o’ yers, huh?”
“We heard that,” called out fourteen-year-old Riff, Jr., who was starting his freshman year of high school today.
“I’ll get them!” Katie chirped sweetly, running off to corral her older brothers.
“Does she really have ta start kindergarten today?” Riff asked, wrapping his arms around Grazi’s waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Can’t we just keep her here?”
“Oh, yeah, sure. An’ whose gonna teach her her ABC’s? You?” Graziella teased, putting the finishing touches on the last bag of lunch.
At five years old, Katie was starting her first day of kindergarten today. Riff, Jr. was off to high school, and Sean and Michael were in middle school, but at least she would have John and Joseph in the same building. Still, Riff wasn’t looking forward to the idea of letting go of his youngest child and only daughter.
“She’ll be fine,” Grazi assured him when she saw the tension in his expression. Turning in his arms, she rested her hands on his shoulders. “She’s excited ta start school. An’ John an’ Joey will be there. It’s gonna be fine, Riff.” Leaning up on her tip toes, she pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Ew, get a room!” exclaimed thirteen-year-old Sean, making a disgusted face as he entered the room, followed closely by the rest of his siblings.
“We got a room. It’s called this whole apartment,” Riff told his son, swatting him over the head. The two of them began to tussle good-naturedly until Graziella broke them up.
“They’re all dressed for the first day o’ school, Riff,” she scolded, adjusting Sean’s collar.
“Now, Katie, you let us know if any o’ them snot-nosed brats gives ya a hard time, yeah? We’ll bust ’em up,” Riff, Jr. told his baby sister.
“Oh, yes, a freshman in high school beatin’ up kindergarteners. Very appropriate,” Graziella said dryly.
“Well John an’ Joey’ll do it!” Riff, Jr. insisted.
Nine-year-old John and eight-year-old Joseph nodded in agreement.
“No talk o’ bustin’ anyone up!” Graziella told them, adjusting Katie’s bow as the boys started grabbing their lunches. “Katie’s first day is gonna be great! Right, Riff?”
“A-course,” Riff nodded, though behind Grazi’s back he was giving his sons the thumbs up.
With relative ease, considering the fact that they had six kids in tow, Riff and Graziella got them all out the door. Riff, Jr., Sean, and Michael said their goodbyes at the corner, heading off toward the middle school and high school, while Riff and Grazi walked John, Joseph, and Katie to their elementary school.
John and Joseph said hasty goodbyes to their parents, quickly running off to meet their friends. Katie, however, hung back, hiding behind her parents’ legs.
“What if no one likes me?” Katie asked nervously, tugging on her dress.
“Who wouldn’t like our Katie girl?” Riff asked, kneeling down in front of her. “They’d have ta be outta their minds!”
Katie giggled at that, and Riff pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Today’s gonna be great, just like yer ma said. An’ we’ll be here to get ya when school’s over.”
“Promise?” Katie asked, looking up at him with her wide brown eyes.
“Promise,” Riff nodded, his heart twisting slightly as his little girl finally hugged them both goodbye and skipped off towards where the kindergarteners were lining up.
“She’ll be fine, Riff,” Graziella said again, wrapping her arms around his waist.
He knew that. He just wasn’t sure he would be.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
I gotta know, HOW does Riff react to Katie’s first boyfriend ?😭❤️
Oh, boy 😂😂😂
For those who are curious, Katie is from my AU series—she’s Riff and Graziella’s youngest child and only daughter.
Katie gets her first boyfriend when she’s 15 and Riff absolutely hates him! 🤣 No one is good enough for his little girl, and he also obviously knows what boys that age are like. Katie also has five very protective older brothers (ages 24, 23, 21, 19, and 18), so her poor boyfriend doesn’t stand a chance. They grill him for like 45 minutes when he comes to pick Katie up, to the point that Graziella has to yell at all of them after they finally let him and Katie leave.
Riff never really warms up to him, but Graziella usually manages to keep the peace.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
Would Riff Jr. be a different age in your “Riff and Graziella family AU” like would he be born later because Riff is still around or would he still be much older that the other jet kids? Just curious-
Riff, Jr. is a bit of a surprise in both the canon timeline and the Lorton Family AU 😂
Either way, he would be the oldest of all the Jet children!
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Modern AU of the girlies making speeches at Riff and Graziella’s engagement party 💍💕
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