#rigatoni belly
ghestie-nun · 6 months
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Shirtless copia won the poll on insta
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ask-cardi-c · 11 months
So what I’m hearing from your answer about your tattoo is that the images from ‘Pro Memoria’ and the stained glass backdrop are… accurate..? 😉
Er... In some ways, yes... There has been... Artistic licence taken elsewhere.
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scottstiles · 1 year
is pasta withdrawal athing
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leezlelatch · 1 year
A Cardinal Truth
It’s time to worship that belly and those thighs like they deserve. NSFW. Minors DNI.
Cardinal Copia x Reader, ~2,600k words AO3 Link
Belly worship, thigh worship, love handles, self deprecating comments,
You watch from your place at the edge of the bed as Copia pulls the suspenders from his shoulders, letting them hang loose at his sides while he meticulously places his coat jacket on the hanger which he claims has the miraculous ability to chase away creases.
He clears his throat, the light of the lamp on the dresser catching the features of his profile as he stands in front of the closet door. You admire his long nose, the curve of his brow, his full lips. His upper lip twitches, his mustache jumping with it. You enjoy how the soft light accentuates the little flyaway hairs he misses when he trims, somewhat longer than the others in his otherwise maintained facial hair.
A piece of brown hair tinged with silver falls over his forehead, and after his suit jacket is hung straight with the others in a pattern which Copia claims is very important - black, red, white - he smooths his hair back. You hold a pillow in your lap and squeeze it to you as you bite your lip and smile. Just watching Copia perform his nightly routine is an intimate act for you, your heart bursting with the knowledge that you get to see him like this. Not the right hand of Papa Nihil, the second most employee of the month Cardinal, but merely Copia. Overworked, exhausted, but insistent you spend your evenings together no matter how late or tired he is Copia.
You watch as he moves toward the mirror next to his dresser, a hand scrubbing over his face as he looks at himself. You watch as he squints as if in displeasure, his fingers lightly ghosting over the wrinkles at his eyes, visible now his make up has been removed. He pulls his white undershirt from his pants and lifts it over his head, his hair a veritable bird’s nest that he attempts to tamper down once he tosses the shirt aside.
His back and neck are covered in the light freckles you know travel across his chest and down his arms. You can just make out the front of him through the reflection of the mirror, his chest covered in downy brown hair interspersed with wiry gray that you know Copia hates. Sometimes you catch him plucking the gray hairs from his chest.
You hear Copia grumble, and your eyes snap up to his which are trained miserably on his midsection. He grabs a handful of his belly, just protruding slightly over his pants and gives it a wiggle while he whispers self-deprecating Italian. The thickness of his hips and thighs are only accentuated through the tight black pants of his suit, and he turns to the side looking himself up and down.
You’re getting up and crossing the small space without a thought, your fingers grabbing for his soft skin as you wrap yourself around his frame.
“Amore!” He gasps, his arms coming up as you duck beneath them, nuzzling your cheek into his bare skin.
You sigh happily, your fingers tracing over the curve of his rigatoni blamed pudge, dancing down his happy trail to the edge of his trousers. Copia’s breath hitches as he gazes down at you, his lips parted slightly as his pupils begin to dilate from the heat simmering in the belly your attentions are so immensely focused on.
“What are you doing, dolce?” He whispers, biting his lip when you press a kiss to his love handles.
“Can I tell you a secret, Copia?” You say, smiling prettily up at him as you rest your chin on his middle.
“Hmm?” He questions, not trusting his voice. Copia runs his fingers through your hair, mesmerized by your actions.
“I love this part of you. I love how soft you are, how your suit hugs your curves. I think you’re beautiful.”
His immediate reaction is to scoff, his eyes finding his reflection in the mirror. He frowns at the way his midsection juts out from his hips, a fact he can usually hide within his belted cassocks. Copia loves his sweets, and in his old age, the little cakes and chocolates are going right to his thighs. They fill his pants, already sinfully tight, the skin around his dick even affected by his bad habits, the shape of him easily identifiable. 
“This isn’t attractive, amore,” he sighs, his gaze turning to you. His fingers leave your hair to gently press against your cheek. “Although you are sweet for saying so.”
“Yes it is,” you say, your eyes wide and sincere. “Every time you take off your shirt I want to grab you and never let go.”
“Get off the floor, please,” Copia says, pulling at your arms fruitlessly as you do not budge an inch.
“Copia,” you place a hand on his chest, letting your fingers slide down the length of him. He shivers. “See yourself through my eyes. You are everything.”
“But I am old,” he gasps.
“Yes,” you answer honestly, pressing another kiss to his skin.
“I am…flabby, in places.”
“I am wrinkly,” he says, his voice shaking.
“Yes,” your thumbs rub circles into his sides.
“I look frightening.”
“You can look quite intimidating sometimes in the right light,” you concede. Your lips tease around his belly button.
Copia grips the edge of his dresser, and growls, his brow furrowed, “And!?”
You look back up at him and smile, “And I love every bit of it. Every bit of you. All of you. For all that you are. You are my Copia.”
He stares down at you with wide eyes, his hair falling into his face, sweat on his brow. Copia blinks and a tear falls, hitting your cheek. You do not flinch as it slides downs your face to catch at your chin. Your eyes are only for him. You want him to see and understand that you love him. So incredibly and so deeply.
“Amore, amore mio,” he whimpers, his hands coming up to cradle your face. More tears fall, sliding down his ruddy cheeks as he sniffles in an attempt to control his emotions. “I love you. Ti amo. You have my heart in your hand, cosa preziosa. Do you feel it beating for you?”
Copia,” you whisper, your eyes shining with the breadth of your own emotion. You move out of his grip to place hot kisses all over his skin, pressing your nose into the roundness of his belly. “Let me show you what I can do with more than your heart.”
Your fingers slide up his thighs, curling your hands around the thickness of them, the fabric of his pants smooth against your palms. The pants are so tight to his skin you can hardly grab a handful of his thighs. Your lips continue to press kisses all over his belly and around his belly button, nipping at the hairs there.
Copia uses both hands to grip the edge of the dresser now, his breath blowing harshly out of his nose as he closes his eyes against the feeling of you kissing and touching places he often feels unsettled by. As a couple, the both of you are no strangers to sex, but there is a deeper intimacy in these secret erogenous places he had no clue could affect him so.
As you press yourself closer to him, Copia squirms when you brush against the aching hardness which strains against the prison of his trousers. You pull back to admire it, the curved outline making you blush and rub your thighs together. You hear a dark chuckle above you and raise your eyes, Copia smirking down at you with a tilted head, his white eye nearly iridescent.
“Do you like looking?” His voice is low, rasping, each syllable winding around his Italian accent. “Do you like to see what you do to your Cardinal?”
He rolls his hips toward you, arching them toward your lips, his cock shifting in his pants. You see a desperation behind his feral expression, Copia hiding behind the mask of the Cardinal, overwhelmed by your affection. You dart forward and kiss him through the fabric, rock solid against your lips before biting down on the skin of the underside of his belly. Copia’s hips jerk and he gasps, a sudden intake of breath hissing through his teeth.
Your intention is to leave bruises, marks of your love all over his skin and you pepper little love bites up and down his belly, sucking hard at the sensitive flesh near the center that has him bucking toward you again. His dominant expression crumbles into sweet surrender, a mewl escaping his parted lips.
“Satana, cosa mi stai facendo? Mi sento così bene, così bene, amore mio,” Copia murmurs frantically, his voice nearly breathless as he moans into the quiet of the bedroom.
You unbuckle his pants and slide the zipper down, his cock springing free from its confines. It bobs in place, jerking, searching for relief, searching for your touch. The tip shines with precum and you move very close, your lips nearly a hairbreadth away from brushing against the red and needy skin. You glance up at your Copia and his eyes are wide, eyebrows raised dramatically as he waits to see what you will do. He whines.
“Touch me, oh touch me, per favore,” he begs.
You grip his hips, closing the distance between your face and his need, but you merely allow your cheek to slide against the side of his cock, a cheeky look crossing your features as Copia watches you with rapt attention. That slight, gentle, soft friction has him pressing himself harder against you, confusion etched across his face as you continue your trek until your nose brushes against the plush skin of his pubis, the wiry hairs tickling your face.
You kiss there and he nearly buckles.
His thighs, covered in soft dark hair, are thick, but strong. The muscles flex under your hand as you finish removing his trousers, flinging them to the side, the suspenders attached to them clacking as they hit the floor.
Copia is wiggling, his hips moving left and right as he throbs. He’s taking deep, cleansing breaths as he watches a drop of precum collect at the tip of his cock. You drag your fingernails across his thighs, delighting in the way the dresser shakes behind you as he pushes and pulls against it.
You take the very edge of your finger and gently remove that glistening drop, hearing Copia’s breath catch as you inspect it carefully for a moment before gazing up at him with a most innocent expression, bringing your finger to your mouth. You watch his eyes widen while his pupils narrow as he watches you lick his desire from your skin. It drives him mad, his hand coming down to slap yours away from your mouth to accept his searing kiss. His tongue delves into your mouth with desperation, wrapping around yours in an attempt to taste the saltiness on your tongue.
You pull away sharply and grab his chin, staring into his eyes. His chest heaves, his breath hot against your face.
“Don’t be bad,” you tease.
Copia’s face flushes, but there’s a new sharpness to his gaze, a slow confidence building there.
“Cattivo, amorino? I will show you bad when I have you spread before me,” he promises.
You suck in a breath, a small noise leaving your mouth which absolutely delights him. A smirk twists at his mouth when he catches you moving your hips to try and stifle the pure ache you've felt between your legs since you started to watch him undress. Wanting to gain back control, not finished with the utter worship of your lover's body, you wrap your hands around and squeeze his butt, enjoying the squeak that leaves his mouth as you pull his hips close to you once more.
You begin to lavish his thighs with kisses and bites, sucking hard on the pliant skin of his inner thigh. Copia buries his fingers in your hair. Your fingers knead and prod, massaging his thighs in tandem with your kisses. Each sweep of your lips in that special crease where his thigh meets the pubic area has him keening, his head thrown back in ecstasy. Copia's hips stutter against your touch, humping at the air. His cockhead is swollen and red, weeping and desperate.
You turn your attention to his other thigh, not willing to leave a single inch of these deliciously plump areas untouched. You bite at him and pull just a little, the skin jiggling back into place and he jumps, a high-pitched moan escaping him. You glance up at him. He's breathing heavily, his lips parted, wet around the mouth. His eyes are tightly shut, and the sweetest little "ah, ah, ah"s leave him as his entire body positively shivers under your ministrations.
"Copia," you say his name softly, your hand raising to grab the flesh of his belly.
His head shoots down and he opens tear stained eyes, his face open and pleading.
"I love you," you tell him. You try to infuse your words with every bit of honesty and truth.
His bottom lip quivers as he smiles, his hands leaving your hair to cup your face. He looks at you as if you are the only thing in his world that matters. You are the only thing in his world that matters.
"And I love you," he whispers. "So much. So deeply. I love you."
Keeping eye contact, you cup his balls with one hand, your other hand wrapping around the hot flesh of his cock. Copia's fingers tighten around your cheeks, and he gasps, his hips jumping. He presses his forehead against yours, whispering a string of unintelligible Italian as you pump your hand back and forth. He arches into you, thrusting himself into your hand. His movements rock you both, and you allow yourself to simply be taken into his rhythm. 
His breath picks up, his whimpers steady and growing louder until he's nearly falling on top of you, his legs giving out. You hold him close as his body shakes head to toe, and you feel ropes of his cum land on your stomach. He becomes pudding in your arms, laying heavily against you on the floor, his face buried in your neck as he attempts to settle his racing heart. Your fingers draw circles on his back, your lips pressing kisses to any piece of skin you can reach in your position.
Copia sighs, his arms tighten around you for a moment before he pulls back, looking at you softly for several seconds and leaning in reverently to kiss your lips.
"Thank you," he breathes against them. "You don't know how - " His voice breaks and he goes silent.
You cup his face much the way he did yours and kiss his nose, his cheeks, his eyelids.
"You're perfect, just the way you are," you say.
He wobbly smiles and buries his face against you once more. You allow yourself to be lost in his embrace, warm and content, until you feel him begin to nibble against your neck, his mustache scratching against your skin.
"Amore," his voice is a purr. "Remember what I said about having you spread before me?"
The next morning, you wake with bleary eyes, stretching, enjoying how relaxed your muscles feel while the throb between your legs reminds you of just how grateful Copia was the night before.
Speaking of...your eyes do not find him beside you in the bed, and you scan the room until they fall on him standing once more before the mirror.
He's completely nude, a cup of coffee in one of his hands and he turns this way and that as he admires the bruises littering his belly and thighs. He chuckles softly and slaps a hand to his belly.
His eyes meet yours in the mirror and they are warm and happy.
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earthry · 9 months
basically the whole 'i wanna hold his tiddies' thing but with copia's lil rigatoni belly. like... lemme just... squeeze. just a lil one. pls i'll be very gentle i promie🤞
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angelmush · 5 months
meals for the near future:
- my fave go to easy meal, crispy skinned pan seared salmon basted w butter and placed on a smear of lemon dill yogurt
- i have an ambitious white short rib ragu w carrots and celery and parmesan and cream and leeks and maybe some mashed potatoes or maybe a pasta tagliatelle or rigatoni, planned for tomorrow since i have the day :)
- chorizo bell pepper sweet potato hash, easy peasy and flavorful and savory
- fried mortadella sammies on some pillowy rolls w provolone and dijon
- miso cod with rice and sesame broccoli
- roasted rainbow carrots w tahini dip, my friend’s recipe that we eat whenever she hosts us
- crispy pork belly tacos w pickled red onions, avocado, and a homemade chipotle lime crema
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❀ them rats ❀
thank you @forlorn-crows for all the super cool mushy may prompts <3
day 5: animals
pairing: earth/chain
under the cut or on AO3
"what th'hell is that?" 
earth took a long drag from the joint between his finger and looked to where chain was pointing. he squinted his eyes, trying to make out what it was.
"beats me," he said, passing the joint over to chain. the thing clawed at the window desperately. earth raised an eyebrow.
"should we let it in?" he heard chain ask. he looked toward the window again. "s'probably so cold out there, all alone." earth sighed and stood up, opening the window with shaky hands. the thing darted in, instantly curling up under chain's chair. 
"where'd it go?" earth asked, looking around the small room. chain stood up, looking for the thing with him. they aimlessly searched for whatever the thing was for a while before sitting on the ground in defeat. 
earth leaned his head back against the wall, letting his eyes slip shut. he heard chain rustle around for a while, presumably trying to get comfortable. he mindlessly pressed the joint up against his lips, letting his mind slip away for a bit. of course, until chain had to interrupt his quiet time.
"i think i found it," chain muttered, holding whatever it was in his hands. earth opened his eyes, blinking a few times to clear his vision. he was met with a rat. a small, chubby, grey rat. 
"do y'think it has rabies?" chain snapped him out of his thoughts. he scooted closer, holding a finger out towards the rat. 
"dunno," earth replied, "wouldn't it's mouth be foamin' if it did?" he wiggled his finger in front of the rat, watching its beady eyes before the rat jumped up and bit him. earth yelped and backed away.
"i don't think he likes you," chain stated, lopsided grin on his face as he watched earth inspect his finger. earth rolled his eyes, grabbing the blunt from the ashtray on the table. 
"don't finish that all without me," chain whined, scooting closer. earth huffed and passed the joint, watching the rat on chain's lap with a wary look. 
"do y'think it belongs to someone?" earth spoke up after a while, the joint long past finished. chain lifted his face from earth's shoulder, blinking slowly. 
"maybe it's that new cardinal's," chain muttered, gently running a finger over the rat's back. 
"new cardinal?" earth questioned, sluggishly reaching a hand out towards the rat. thankfully, it didn't bite him this time. 
"yea, the one with the mustache," chain replied, "you think it's his?" earth shrugged, scratching the rat behind its ear. 
"we should name it," earth mumbled, picking the rat up to inspect it. it squeaked in protest, wriggling around in his loose grip.
"he looks like a lenard," chain murmured, gently scratching the rat's belly. 
"lenard it is," earth said, setting the rat back down. lenard curled up in chain's lap, eyes drooping shut. 
"what happens if lenard shits on me?" chain wondered aloud, sinking further into earth's warmth. 
"shit on him back, i dunno," earth replied, nuzzling his nose into chain's hair. the two fell into a comfortable silence again, only interrupted by chain's quiet snores as he eventually fell asleep. 
when the sun rose above the horizon, chain and earth's weed induced slumber was interrupted by frantic knocking at the door. 
"i'll get it," earth muttered, joints creaking and popping as he stood up. chain barely stirred as earth left, just holding lenard closer to his chest as he slept. 
when earth opened the door, he was greeted by the new cardinal guy and two ghouls he had never seen before. 
"excuse me, sorry, but have you seen a rat recently? his name is rigatoni and i haven't seen him since last night," the frantic cardinal stated. earth raised an eyebrow. 
"no rats here- oh." he looked down as lenard-rigatoni-dashed out of the room. the cardinal visibly calmed down, picked the rat up of the ground. 
"thank you so very much!" was all the cardinal was able to say before earth shut the door. he snuggled back up next to chain, who was slowly beginning to wake.
"who was that?" he murmured groggily, rubbing his eyes.
"that new cardinal apparently, was looking for his rat. turns out the rats name was rigatoni." chain huffed and shook his head.
"looked more like a lenard to me," he muttered. earth sighed and nodded.
"definitely more of a lenard."
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stressghoul · 1 year
I've being thinking a lot about ✨body worshipping✨ Copia. His hairy chest, his messy hair, his squishy belly full of rigatoni 😍😍😍 I'm longing for him so much aaaaah fuck daddy issues!!
I wouldnt let an inch of that man go untouched if im being completely honest with u
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pillowbo · 2 months
My belly is stuffed with rigatoni. This is someone's fetish, but it's not mine. I'm just vibin.
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jane-friend · 10 months
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Why am I at work and not at home slapping Rigatoni’s Fat Belly
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ask-cardi-c · 1 year
Hey copia! Since you danced with me to my records heres a little gift from me to you:
Its a little baby rat named cannoli! I found him outside hurt so i took care of him and you'd be the perfect person to take care of it. Much love cardi!
-♡ (sister Ellie)
Oh? Oh! A new little rat! Hello, Cannoli. You have the perfect name to fit in with my Rigatoni and Tortellini.
Mmm, cannolis... I must ask the kitchen siblings to make some for me. They are one of my favourite snacks. As you can probably tell, huh? *pats belly*
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Noodle Day 
Spaghetti, ramen, ziti, egg noodles…most of the best foods are noodles. Try a new kind today, or go out and treat yourself to one of the world’s favorite dishes.
The steam rising from a bowl of noodle soup floats along and dissipates almost like a thing of magic, with rich aromas and the promise of a deliciously warmed belly. In cultures all over the world, noodles have served as a foundation of comfort food, and National Noodle Day celebrates this long history and the place they play in everyone’s life today.
History of National Noodle Day
It is estimated that the origin of noodles dates back as far as two thousand years, or possibly even further. The first mention of noodles in historical records is in a book from the Eastern Han period that dates from between 25 and 220 BC. This unleavened dough has been prepared in many ways, throughout many cultures, using many different ingredients. But one thing remains the same–noodles are almost always delicious!
Noodles–inexpensive, simple, and rather filling–has been a mainstay of the working class for many years. The instant cup of noodles heated quickly in the microwave during a short lunch period. The mainstay of the poor and college-bound, pre-packaged Ramen noodles are often the foundation of a person’s first culinary ventures, as they try to turn the only meal they can afford into something akin to food.
But noodles aren’t only cheap and filling! Now, consider the rich and flavorful bowl of mom’s chicken noodle soup, full of the rich flavors of chicken and carrots, and floating among them are the obligatory egg noodles, which somehow are just the thing to tie this delicious bowl of nutrition together.
For anyone who was born into Italian family, chances are they’ve experienced every kind of noodle the mind can imagine and a few to boot! Rigatoni noodles, spaghetti noodles served with a rich red sauce exploding with flavor, Asian Rice Noodles, or even Fettuccine noodles coated in a thick heavy Alfredo sauce interspersed with bits of chicken.
Noodles have been with mankind in nearly every culture out of history, and National Noodle Day reminds us that this basic and staple food is still the best way to fill a hungry belly at the end of the day.
How to Celebrate National Noodle Day
National Noodle Day can be loads of fun! Making noodles, eating noodles, and enjoying noodles with friends. Try these ideas for spending National Noodle Day:
Go Out for Noodles
Whether at a fast food joint or a sit-down restaurant, noodles are fairly easy to come by in a variety of restaurants.
Noodles and Company, in the United States, is a fast-casual dining place that focuses each of its dishes all around the noodle. Their noodles are all made by hand, and their menu ranges from standards like Macaroni & Cheese and Spaghetti & Meatballs to more unique offerings such as Alfredo MontAmore with Parmesan Crusted Chicken or Grilled Orange Chicken Lo Mein. They also offer gluten-free and vegetarian options for those with certain dietary needs.
It’s a noodle lover’s dream come true!
Get Clever with Ramen Noodles
Those little rectangular packets of dried noodles with a smaller pack of flavorings inside can be used for more than just making some soup! As it turns out, they’re extremely useful to have around the kitchen for a variety of needs. Try out these ways to use those ramen noodles:
Make “Breadcrumbs”. The hard noodles can be crushed up into tiny granules (with a bit of the seasoning packet included). These work well as a substitute for recipes that call for breadcrumbs, such as schnitzel or meatballs.
Use as a Dessert Topping. This might be surprising but those crispy noodles, when cooked with cinnamon and sugar and then fried, offer a delightful chopped topping that can replace nuts on ice cream sundaes or other desserts.
Make Burger Buns. The great thing about ramen noodles is that, once cooked, they can be formed into almost any shape desired. Some people like to add a bit of egg, salt and herbs, then shape them into buns and fry them. These can be used for hamburgers or veggie burgers.
Add Zest to Salads. Take that boring salad to the next level by adding the crunch of pizzaz of ramen noodles. Simply crush the dry noodles and toss them into a coleslaw and top with an Asian dressing. Delicious!
Try a New Kind of Noodle
In a world of thousands of varieties of noodles, the best way to celebrate National Noodle Day is by reaching beyond your comfort level and trying something new. If your culinary experience with noodles is limited to Instant Cup a Soup and Spaghetti, it’s time to try something new.
Explore the rice or buckwheat noodles from your local Asian store, or discover exactly what a Manicotti noodle is and what it is used for! You’ll find yourself marveling at the sheer variety of noodles and noodle dishes there are, enough to have a different dish every day for years!
Share Noodles with Others
Celebrating National Noodle Day with the community can be loads of fun. Take a noodle dish to the office to share with coworkers. Or invite a few friends or family members over to enjoy a meal with many courses–all of which include noodles!
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leezlelatch · 7 months
Rigatoni belly 🥰
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ghostussy · 1 year
Tummy Ache Survivor!! (Request from Ao3)
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    Just a quick little drabble :)
      . . .
     "Amore mio- you do not have to-"
     "But I want to, Copia," you interjected, setting a bottle of nausea medicine on the bedside table and handing him a mug of tea. "I will always be by your side, even for just a simple sour stomach." You pressed a small kiss to his forehead; he melts, caught off guard for a few seconds before beginning to argue again. 
     "Surely you have better things to do than take care of an old man! Sister-"
     "Don't worry about Sister. I've already spoken to her, and she's fine with it. Now, here- take this.” You passed him few peptol bismol tablets, which he takes gratefully. “Now, while we wait for that to kick in, let’s cuddle and watch a movie, yeah?” You walk to the other side of the bed, settling in amongst the blankets and pillows next to your lover. He sighs heavily, moving to sit closer to you. 
     “Tesoro, you do know how to make an old man feel loved, si?”
     “That’s my job, after all.” You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his belly, causing a chuckle to emit from him. “Maybe next time we should cut back on the amount of spices we put in the rigatoni.”
     “Please, amore, do not speak such vile words! Do you wish for your papa’s pasta to be bland? Is that the fate you wish for me? Do you wish for your papa to live a poor life, devoid of flavored pasta?” 
     You giggled at his theatrics, kissing his cheek playfully. “Very well, papa. However, you will have to learn how to brave future tummy aches if you choose this path.” 
     He grabs your hands, pulling you closer so he can press kisses to your face as well. He starts at your forehead, and you can see a light blush dusting his cheeks; then he’s pressing his lips against your own cheeks, and finally ending with his lips on yours. 
     At first, he tries to get away with a simple peck, but you pull him back in and deepen the kiss. He is surprised, but quickly recovers; he cups the side of your face gently with his ungloved hand, nipping slightly at your bottom lip before pulling away. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again, speechless. 
     “Cat got your tongue?” You tease, a smirk beginning to display on your lips. 
      “No, sorella, it seems you do.” 
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copias-girl · 1 year
The bad part about TCAC is that it ENDS, and I will suffer waiting for the next chapter... aaaah it hurts 😩😩
The story is getting better and sexier after every single chapter, and this one specifically was sooooo good. The Satanic Mass was just 💋👌 CHEF'S KISS. My poor little pitiful ratman, he was never touched before.... by the way, I'm pretty excited to see a little about his past, if you will. My headcanon is that he had a sad and lonely childhood, for 3 reasons: his mismatched eyes, the fact that he didn't know his dad and because his mom was a single satanist woman, considered to be filthy, worthless and a sinner. Imagine being a single mom, satanist and much probably feminist in the 1960-1970s decade? Sister Imperator surely suffered a LOT (not counting Nihil's cheating) and so did her child. I think she was his only friend, Copia is mama's boy forever (yeah i think he knows she is his mother unlike the fandom usually theorizes, but he surelly doesnt know Nihil is his father). This is why he grew up so shy and used to be bullied and mistreated, even among his own people (satanists).
Look at that pretty shy boy. He is afraid of even looking to the reader, imagine when she finally decides to eat her prey? Kissing him in front of everyone? Finally fucking and giving him the most pleasurable love? Ooh he definitely will pass out, at least metaphorically. Imagine, after a great and satisfying fuck, Copia looking down at the sister while she sleeps with her head on his chest and hugging his body?? Imagine she kissing his squishy belly full of rigatoni and body-worshipping him to give him courage! OMFG this is killing me 😩😩
Anyway. I absolutely love your writing, guestie!! ❤️❤️
Awww!! That’s so sweet of you to say!! ♥︎ I’m gonna be dialling up the heat in the next chapters so I can’t wait to post that for you all! 😈🔥
And I’m happy you liked the mass chapter, it was so fun to write!! I’m enjoying writing all the little parts about daily life at the ministry! It really immerses me into the story and I hope it does the same for all my wonderful readers too!
But yes I do headcanon Copia to have been kind of a lonely child. He was raised alongside the other Emeritus brothers, but obviously he’s years younger than Terzo and Secondo so maybe they didn’t play together very much. And obviously Primo is way older than all of them. And yes I do think that if he was going out in the regular world, his mismatched eyes and gentle demeanour would have made him the target for some mean comments 🥺 ugh my poor baby, this is making my heart hurt 🖤
Personally I headcanon that he doesn’t know Sister Imperator is his mother, just because in the chapters she stops herself from saying it (in the doom call chapter) and also in the homecoming chapter she says she can’t call him Papa, and when she asks if he knows why he just says because of Nihil. And obviously Sister Imperator cares for him and is always in his corner, but Copia just thinking he’s an orphan makes him even more lonely and lovable 🥺
But omg YES Ghestie I am so excited to write that part!! If he can’t even handle reader in these chapters, imagine when she goes full force and is begging for his cock like?? Poor sweet rat man is gonna be going into cardiac arrest. And you KNOW reader is a lil exhibitionist sooooo yeah she’s definitely gonna be up for some public shenanigans 👀👀 AND YES HIS RIGATONI FILLED BELLY OMFG I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH LIKE- imagine him being kinda self conscious about his body and reader just worships the FUCK out of him 🤤🤤🤤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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aftonfamilyvalues · 7 months
a male? with a beer belly? revolutionary.
shut up he likes his rigatoni and he deserves a big plate of it
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