#riley my dearest beloved....
ambitionsource · 5 months
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Stacked Deck: A Multimedia Secret Snowflake Gift
[ ♣️ The Outsider ] [ ♦️ The Anti-Hero ] [ ♥️ The Wild Card ] [ ♠️ The Star ]
Got in so deep to my gift it requires a master post, but that's fine because it gives me way more room to write a message to my beloved @charliezay. Maddi, my dearest one, when I got your name in SS this year I knew it was going to be a challenge. Not because you're hard to please -- you'd love anything, I know -- but because how would I encompass nearly five years of best friendship into one gift? Even so, I had to try, and so we ended up with this, a handful of gifsets and playlists made up of music we've shared and centered on our favorite blorbos (because of course, luckily and naturally, you and I have the same top four characters -- actually top 6 with Zay and Riley tied to boot). I tried to shoehorn in as much as I possibly could: our best babes, nods to Unpacked, showcasing the lovely song recs you give and how I really do appreciate them even though it takes me a thousand years to listen to them, Taylor Swift (naturally), purple (naturally)... and for your theorist, brilliant brain, I may have peppered in some Season 5 hints and nods into these, because I'm me, and because your enjoyment of digging in and using your keen eye is one of my most favorite things about you. (I also opted not to write something this year, because I know you get overwhelmed enough by how long the episodes are as is. Lol). So please take my humble offering, know that I love you with all my heart and soul, and I can't wait for more years of unpacking to come. 💜
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ebiemidnightlibrarian · 8 months
Oh, it's already that time of the year.
Hello, there!
Yeah, it's been a while since I posted something, but the thing is, I was just crawling out of the shitty pit I'm in when very suddenly my father fell seriously ill. Now I'm once again spiralling into my anxious pit.
But I'm a bit cheered up by the spooky season (even tho we don't have those around here). So, I decided to share some playlists, (a couple of creepy characters playlists and MORE), I've collected over the years and I hope they make your spooky season a bit more spooky.
Well, let's get started!
First of all, we have the playlist I made for my darling Jerry Dandridge, I shared it a while ago, but tbh it's one of my all-time favourites. It has the vibes of the film and fits the vibes of the character, I just love it.
I'm still mad that Spotify doesn't have the Fright Night music theme by 'the J. geils band' nor the INCREDIBLE theme 'come to me' (both the singing and instrumental version) by brad fiedel. So if I had to say something is missing in this one, I would say these three songs.
Now, this man has taken over my life for almost THREE WHOLE YEARS, and I gotta thank Mike Flanagan for this. I know you already know of whom I'm talking about. Our beloved poor lil meow meow and vampire priest Father Paul.
He lives in my head rent-free ever since he screamed “HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL?!” into Riley's face. I honestly think I could fix him, or at least fuck him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next is a trash can of a man and has made me question my sanity and my moral compass, and I think that's full Hamish acting skills fault. Well, our favourite unhinged wolf man, John Tyler.
You know, I had two stalkers during my school years, and I think that definitely affected me, anyway I like to believe it's the look of those puppy eyes that had me.
Talking about stalking psychopaths, I think I have a historic, bc David Dastmachian's performance as MacGyver nemesis on the remake of the series changed me on a molecular level. That's right, I'm talking about everybody's favourite hitman, Murdoc!
Yeah, that leather trench coat and black high neck has me on my knees. Also, unironically, mama bear Murdoc it's actually very sexy.
Now my dearest, we get to the new stuff, this I haven't posted yet for some unknown reason, but it's time to let them see the moonlight!
Ngl, Lily Rabe has so may Iconic roles on AHS that I HAD to make her something. So, to my AHS lovers, we have a playlist full of eerie and sacrilegious songs to our favourite possessed nun!
Nobody can convince me that AHS: Asylum isn't the best season from the series, honestly, I always re-watch during the spooky season and always slays.
I'm a fan of themed/pov playlists, I find them very immersive, so I'm always doing them when I have the chance, so, in one of these opportunities, I did a 80s slasher pov playlist, that has such a cool vibe! I hope you guys feel the same!
This one is dedicated to the nostalgia boost that the 80s slashers are to me.
And for the last, but not leat, my Ultimate Halloween Playlist™, it has some of my favourite songs from each one of those playlists, and I'm always adding more. Which are your ultimate spooky season playlist? I'll love to know!
Well, I think that's all for now, have fun everyone and be safe!! Lots of love!!
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emisirrelevant · 11 months
So today’s prompt is: And the freshman’s in prison! Therefore I present to you:
A song commentary/analysis of Mattie’s Lament!
Hold on to your landlines y’all.
•“Dear mom and dad” so wait did no one visit her, not even her parents? This is a wonderful start
•Also this line giving me “DEAREST DARLINGEST MOMSIE AND POPSICAL” I’m sorry I had to say it
•“Well I’m not shivved so that’s something” ahahaha I know it’s not funny but I do laugh when I hear this part I’M SORRY MATTIE
•“Statistically so many people die each day”
•It IS good she’s not another dead person
•But also oof not me now hearing this line differently and thinking holy shit this IS sad imagine being reduced to a statistic 
•“It’s the little things” and the ukulele in the background 
•I mean I love it but oh god the ukulele being like the main instrumental- it’s giving “everything’s fine, we’re fine- NO WE AREN’T but we’re gonna pretend it is” 
•Okay but having listened to this song with fresh ears I think this song is sadder than I really thought oof 
•How Riley managed to send a freshman to prison before she herself ended up there, I just- 
•“But some girl named Tasha just made me her wife” MATTASHA!!! 
•If they ever did a live performance again or did an actual run of the musical could they make a scene where we just see Tasha briefly?? For research purposes?
•“Prison has hardened me” honestly you go Mattie good for you girlie
•“I don’t think that I can do this anymore” AND THEN HOW SHE SINGS IN THE FINALE “I’m not sure that I’m okay but I get stronger every day” and then how everyone joins in with her like yes they’re finally supporting her “I know I’ll find the good things” parallel to “it’s the little things” THIS MUSICAL!! can you tell I love it???
•“I’m sorry I got drunk, I’m sorry about peer pressure, peer pressure SUCKS” IT REALLY DO (imagine THIS being your hazing story- BOOO HAZING)
•“Cause I don’t think I killed those girls, I really don’t” ugh like I am going to defend Mattie here. I was thinking about it and yeah sure she got drunk and she did that but also Farrah does but also I love them both and I really don’t want to blame them because I believe it wasn’t Mattie’s fault she was framed and I know logically and canonically it’s Riley behind it all but I also sometimes support woman’s wrongs so-
•“SHUT THE FUCK UP” LOL but really has Mattie done this thing before? Imagine she sings rants out loud and everyone except Tasha are like this random inmate just tired of hearing mattie sing
•Again, I’m dead with the ukulele being the main instrument- like it’s brilliant, if you think more in depth about it, it’s like a calmer sounding instrument but the whole situation is anything BUT
•Like, the masking in this song is genius
•“You build a bridge and you move on” I mean I’d personally hold a big grudge against whoever did this to me if I was sent to prison by the rest of my team but-
Mattie my beloved! 
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askamykruber · 2 years
What was it like to see Nick nack go to his first art gallery for the first time. I bet he loved it.
(Phantom: I'm getting to all the asks today, I was busy due to IRL stuff taking over. Sorry for the delay)
Hi, Annon! Well that is a lovely question but I am sure someone would love to take it.
"Alas! It is my time to shine and answer this question our beloved Annon has in mind!!"
Thank you, Nick. I'll be at my office fixin' the automatons voice boxes if ya need me.
"Will do, will do!"
*Amy leaves*
"Ejem! I am honored to be chosen to answer this question and would love to tell you the tale, my dearest Annon"
"Just go ahead with it, Nicholas, would ya? We have shooting to do!"
"I...I was just getting into that, Mortimer..."
"Then start to tell it already!"
"Mortimer, leave Nick alone, would you?"
"Thank you....father....
*clears throat*
"Umm well, it all started once Father and his soon-to-be-wife took back their studio. As dear Amy explained in other asks, we were working together to bring back the studio and turn things around as per se."
"Amy promised us we would eventually see the host world with good behavior and such but....emmm *mutters* Perhaps a certain handeemen told us not to trust her..."
"I head that!"
"Just continue the story dear, we're getting to the interesting part"
"Thank you...Daisy"
"Well, I...I started to have doubts about what Mort- that certain Handeemen told us, but well as Amy told you we started to grow closer to her...and...and I finally met someone who applauded to my performances and helped me write jokes. Of course that I had my doubts and reservations about this woman with my father..."
*little smile*
"But...but she and father were very kind to us and helped father convince the puppeteers to help us fix the studio, and we're getting our show back thanks to everyone's efforts, so I started to think perhaps not all hosts were all bad, and I started to like her more after she gave me an art kit for Christmas"
"Get to the point!"
"I am going to, Riley!"
"Ejem, where was I? Oh, yes. Amy and I started to grow closer and I started to consider the idea of going out to the host place for the first time. Riley had her turn, then Mortimer, Scout now visits it often, and Kathy had her chance...so I started to grow my motivation to ask Father and mo-Amy if I could visit the host word too."
"Oooh here is when it gets good!"
"Ummm so.....I was discouraged to ask her because...well I am the artistic fool who....messes things up... like Mortimer told me... Then father remembered this thing hosts call ummm a Bird date?"
"Birthday, dear."
"Umm, thank you. Father told me each one of us had a Bor- a creation day. It turned out my creation day arrived. I was unsure about what did it mean and they kindly explain it, then I was asked what did I wish to get for my creation day. Of course that I blurted out that I wanted to go out but....but then I regretted it and tried to apologize..."
"Then Father and Amy cut him off and decided to take him to the art gallery"
"Thanks Daisy..."
"No need to thank me dear!"
"That was sarca-"
"MOVING ON! Ummm so Father and Amy took me to this magical place called an art Gallery. We saw the works of numerous artist. We saw real art come to life and we took a lot of pictures and we got some autographs. I was the best creation day I've experienced...and.....and I got to understand what a real family feels for once..."
"Thank you for the ask, Annon."
-Nicholas Nack
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auraguardians · 1 year
The war....still continued on after you died.
Pokemon and humans alike, slaughtered and you are forced to watch as every precious living being you once loved is torn asunder, crumbling, and left in agony.
You had wished for your friend to live on, never succumb to the same fate that you had. You left that message for a reason, so, why...why...
Why were you forced to watch your dear friend, your Lucario, be forced to battle, tooth and nail, defending the castle until its last breath. Barking and flailing before its life ended.
You haunt the old kingdom alone, the spirits of others who perished despite your sacrifice whispering angrily for your abandonment of them all. Their hate, their fear, their sorrow -- it fills you up.
When you awake as yourself, not Sir Aaron, there is sweat beading your forehead.
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✧ As he trudges through the bleak, silent fog that fills the ruins of the once lush and beautiful kingdom, he wonders if this is some kind of divine punishment for wanting things that were beyond his reach.
He recalls a cold rain, late-blooming roses, tear-stained cheeks. They ignored so many warnings, so many omens. They chose to go about their days as though the shadow of war did not hang over them.
He'd paid the price for that, in the end. No, they all had: his dearest friends, his beloved queen, his family. The war would not stop here, it would spread and consume everything, everyone he cared about.
Filled by all this sorrow, fear, and hate... as he falls to his knees in the castle's gardens, it is regret that clouds his own heart.
Peace was a fragile dream, it always had been. Hope could not change hearts, love could not stay blades.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, bowing his head. "My dear friends... my queen... Rin. I'm sorry..."
(I was not good enough.)
He does not move for a while after he awakens, a hollow ache in his chest, names that aren't his to mourn stuck in his throat.
Then the curtains move a little, allowing in a shaft of morning light, and Riley's eyes fix on the ghost that's lingering near the window, gazing out through that tiny crack.
"It was just a nightmare," Riley says, wiping the sweat off his forehead as he gets up, walks over to pull the curtains open all the way. "None of that was real."
(Perhaps some of it was.)
"The war didn't spread," Riley says, gently. "Queen Rin finished what you started with laws and treaties that ensured lasting peace."
And, after a few more moments, he adds:
"You were good enough."
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explorerspack · 2 years
i don't do it THAT often as a dm because as a whole I am very big picture plot above all else but man the moments when you just click into an NPC, especially one you care about, and get to REALLY open up with them... nothing like it
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desparikon · 3 years
MacGyver fanfic misfire #9
Written for @amonthofwhump 12 Days of Whumpmas Day 1: Given as a Gift
Mac receives the worst birthday gift ever.
“You guys!” Mac trotted up his driveway, and laid his hands on the 3 foot metal cube that’d been delivered during their walk around the neighborhood. “You didn’t have to get me anything else!” He beamed over his shoulder as Bozer and Riley made their way over.
“We didn’t.”
He paused his tugging, the supersized blue bow springing back to its original shape. “This isn’t the surprise you said was coming later?”
“Industrial space cube? Nah.” Riley shook her head. “Pretty sure it’s not from Jack either; he wouldn’t miss watching you open his presents.”
“It looks like a bomb.”
“’s not a bomb, it’s…” Mac leaned down, reading the tag hanging off the bow, “To Mac, on this special day, in celebration of your life, and all your triumphs. Another year, another beginning, one door closes, another opens. May your new future be filled with great things. Here’s to another year, to everything you never thought possible.” He flipped the tag over, finding one last line, “Not everything lost is missed…?”
“Definitely not unsettling at all.”
Mac sighed, yielding under Bozer’s Told-You stare. “OK, yeah, it might be a bomb.” He turned his attention back to the box, and ripped the bow off, glaring at the dangling tag, before tossing it aside.
Just one day. His birthday is once a year. Was it too much to ask, for the world to let him finish enjoying one day?!
Yes, because in service to the world, his life didn’t belong to himself. He had to be an enticing target, to divert suffering. But, he’d had an enjoyable birthday, and he selfishly didn’t want it cut short.
Least his headstone would be immediately readable, if not slightly more tragic.
The bow had hidden several small holes drilled into the box’s lid. Not in any discernible pattern. Mac carefully ran his fingers over them. Too small for his fingers, but for as far as his fingertips could be pressed in, no obstructions. No audible ticking either, although that didn’t eliminate something being triggered upon opening. As he lifted his head back up, he caught a whiff of old, sunbaked metal. Completely contrasting the exterior’s shiny, spotless, new metal.
For no logical reason, Mac’s brain insisted 1.) it wasn’t a bomb, and 2.) his first instinct blaming Murdoc was wrong. Murdoc was no stranger to writing passively threatening, cryptic messages, but this one lacked a flirtatious edge, a superficial friendliness. Something like...
To my dearest Angus, my beloved nemesis. Hope you live it up today on your special day, because I’m going to kill you tomorrow. XOXO, your BFF, Murdoc.
Murdoc would absolutely make an appearance today. He couldn’t resist pestering Mac any other day, much less on Mac’s birthday. But no birthday wish from Murdoc was complete without mentioning how he allowed Mac to live another year. No doubt, Murdoc had Super Special Plans For Angus’ Birthday, but this wasn’t one. Murdoc hadn’t sent this.
The dozen square latches spaced evenly around the lid’s edges were heavy-duty, and securely held the lid. No give, no sliding, no gaps.
No choice but to open the gift as the giver intended.
They opened easily, and with all 12 unfastened, Mac curled his fingers under one side’s edge, and took a deep breath, steadying himself.
Nothing? A harmless gift? An explosion? A bomb? Something worse?
Mac flipped the lid completely off.
Something much worse.
“MURDOC!! Call--” Mac choked on the metallic taste.
Murdoc had no business being covered in this much blood.
Mac pressed two fingers into Murdoc’s neck, checking for a pulse. “Murdoc, come on! Wake up! Murdoc!”
He shuddered; Murdoc was freezing. And deathly pale.
No, no, that wasn't right! Murdoc had to have a pulse!
Mac’s hand shook as he checked Murdoc’s wrist.
Still nothing.
He carefully held Murdoc’s hand between his own. Even through Murdoc’s glove, Mac felt the death chill.
No, Murdoc was NOT dead. He would wait a minute, calm down, recheck. Murdoc’s pulse would be weak. In his panicky state, Mac just couldn’t feel it.
What if Murdoc was still bleeding? He needed to get Murdoc out, and--
No. Being so scrunched, Murdoc could be gravely injured, and Mac could make it worse. Help would arrive soon. Riley and Bozer were both on their phones. Someone more knowledgeable would come soon.
Right now, Mac was doing exactly what he should be: holding Murdoc’s hand. Comforting him. Because he was dead <strikeout> might be distantly aware of his surroundings. He didn’t want Murdoc to feel alone.
Besides, this could be one of Murdoc’s sick jokes. Murdoc had played dead before, one of his many skills. Any second now, he’d sit up, bragging about how he’d tricked Mac.
Angus fell for his death charade! (Faking your own death is definitely an appropriate form of bonding, right?) And—oh! Angus held his hand! He truly cared about Murdoc after all! Besties!!
“Murdoc? Come on, you have to wake up. You can’t…” Mac’s attention accidentally caught the box lid.
Smeared, bloody handprints decorated the inside, particularly focused around the…
AIR holes.
Mac gagged, stomach acid rising in his throat. He couldn’t stop his tears, a few splatting on his hands as he squeezed Murdoc’s.
Murdoc must’ve been so terrified and agonized and exhausted, and.
Not a joke. Murdoc wasn’t faking his death again. He wasn’t sleeping. This wasn’t stage blood, or makeup, or meticulous bodily and breathing control.
“Just hang on, help’s...” Mac struggled to keep his voice steady, barely whispering, “Help’s coming, and I’ll...I’ll go with you, OK?”
Mac hung his head, unconcerned whether his sobbing attracted attention.
This was no gift! He didn’t want Murdoc dead! He didn’t even want Murdoc to suffer! This was inhumane! Cruel!
If Mac had to accept this birthday gift, he’d demand his birthday wish.
He wished for Murdoc’s full recovery.
He wished for Murdoc’s full recovery.
He wished for Murdoc’s full recovery!!
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I'm a sucker for demon summoning AUs, could you write one where one of the Jericho leaders accidentally summon a demon while pissing about with an old book from a library?
Anon I’ll do you one better, and by that I mean get ready for PAIN.:3c Enjoy!
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“North what have you done…?”
     She was panicking. She was tired, upset, and definitely panicking. North never panicked, at least she thought she never did. Mostly because there had never been a reason to.But heavens above and beyond, there was now. There was a very good reason for her bravery to crumble away. For the façade to make itself known as a false layer. That Riley “North” Kelly, was not a fearless badass that had it all figured out, and that she was just as terrified of failing as everyone else.She’d fucked up. Badly. And no amount of prayer or crying could fix her mistake.Even now, as she sat in the salt circle and clutched a rosary in her trembling hand, turning page after page in search of the right words, she could only wish for a few more seconds before the door gave in.
She’d fucked up. God had she fucked up!
     North and Josh had planned to move back to Detroit for quite some time now. They’d originally left to live in Ohio in search of new opportunities, but in the end they hadn’t really been happy. North hadn’t been able to find anything other than serving as a waitress at some dodgy cafe, and Josh had difficulty getting hired by any local schools. He’d ended up as a private tutor and barely made enough for rent. The only happy memory they had of the damn state was their engagement night and even then the date had been a bit of a bust save for when Josh presented North with his great grandmother’s ring.  “It’s a family tradition… My grandpa gave me his ring, and my grandma gave her’s for me to give to the person I’d spend the rest of my life with…So Riley Kelly, would you make me the happiest man on earth? Would you marry me?”It had been cheesy, and they’d been out in the middle of the rain, but she’d loved every second of it. Josh was her big geeky idiot.The night after that, Simon had called.They’d been childhood best friends and, hearing that the blond was going through some difficult times after his twin brother passed away…They’d moved back to Detroit. No questions asked. And become Simon’s roommates.That’s how North got into this mess. Well, partially…Mostly it had been her own stupidity that caused everything to go so badly.
     She’d been looking for work. Josh had gotten lucky with the university and gone to finally be a teacher like he’d always dreamed.North, on the other hand, had a little more trouble finding something.She was so tired of serving drinks and pastries to random assholes who didn’t even tip well, and who’d often catcall her, that she’d gone and looked in the employment section of craigslist.When that didn’t work, Simon offered some help.  “I’ve been working at a library… Danny owned the bakery and uh, working there doesn’t feel the same. Not…not anymore.” The blond explained. “It’s uh, not very hard work. I’m at reception helping the clients. You’ll be out in the back putting everything back into place.”  “Sounds good to me. Does it pay good?”  “Well…Yeah? It’s not too bad…”  “I’m sold. When can I start?”Orientation had gone without a hitch. It was very simple really. People were messy fucks, so she just had to put the books back into their rightful place so that other messy fucks could fuck it up all over again.She’d be payed by the hour, and the schedule wasn’t awful.The first few days of working at the library were less stressful than going around in a skimpy uniform, trying to ignore when people would try to grope her or look up her skirt.And then she’d found it…That stupid fucking book…  “Hey Simon?” she’d approached him at closing time with the thing under her arm. An old black hardcover book that looked ancient. Battered and yellowed pages with symbols and words in latin. “Where the fuck do I put this?”He’d looked at her, then looked at the book, and then he paled considerably.  “That belongs to the restricted area…Where did you find it?”  “Someone left it in the culinary section.”Simon cursed and went to take the book from her, but stopped in his tracks when she held it away from him.  “Simon you’re not gonna tell me you believe in this bullshit, do you?” She smirked.  “It’s a restricted book North…We shouldn’t…We should put it back.” The blond looked uncomfortable. “I have a key, you need to give that to me, so I can put it away.”  “Simon…There’s no such thing as sorcery and black magic. You’re acting like this is all serious stuff but it’s as fake as Markus’s glass eye.” North laughed, opening the odd book on a random page.  “North please don’t…”  “Simon it’s fake! Does any of this bullshit even sound like it makes any sense? Here.” She looked at the page and tried to word out one of the sentences. Her latin was laking but she was sure none of this was that well phrased out to begin with “Et ego dabo vobis quod homines ad caelum efferunt, ut aliquid tibi det mihi in reditu.”  “North!”  “Cum enim dabo tibi, fac mihi volenti facere servus meus vult in re exhibito,” She carried on reading. “quod si pretium non est satis, ut sit multum sanguinem in pretium.”The lights flickered. Simon lunged for the book and ripped it away from her grasp, slamming it shut and looking at her with feverish frightened eyes.She was shocked at the reaction, but didn’t mull on it for long as the lights continued to flicker before they shorted out.That was…Odd…  “North what have you done…?”
I give you what I hold dearest, so that you may give me something in return,With what I give, make me a servant willing to do my darkest wants a reality,And should the worth not be enough, let the deal be paid in blood.
     She’d fucked up badly. Simon had a good reason for being so afraid of the book. He’d recognized it, because he’d used it himself in the past. He feared it, because he knew what it could do. Daniel’s death hadn’t been an accident…The spell in question was an equivalence exchange.One would offer something of great personal value, in exchange for the creation of a willing servant. If the item itself was worth more than that which the caster wished for, the servant would be able to claim their life as punishment.North hadn’t offered anything of worth…So as punishment it took from her, and now her life was forfeit.North gasped as the door broke apart. She cowered in the middle of the salt circle, clutching her rosary and looking up with wide eyes at the towering monstrosity in front of her.It took that which was closest to her heart.  “Josh…”It took her beloved. And now the thing her fiance had been twisted into, was here to take her life in return…“Nooorth…..” the sorrowful cry rung in her skull. She’d fucked up.
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Week 14 - Cold (Royality)
“Patton and Roman being pure and fluffy, like cuddling on a cold day... (Then can you tag @notveryglittery because she deserves all the fluffy royality)” by anon
Ships: Royality
Warnings: none I think
Word Count: 191
Note: So I know Thomas lives in Florida but that’s not where this is set
Patton pulled the blanket closer as he waited for Roman to return.
Roman was at a rehearsal for his current role. While he was gone it had started snowing and got increasingly colder
After a while of sitting there, the door swing opened and was quickly closed
“I've arrived home, my beloved!” Roman called out as he entered the living room “Ah there you are! How are you, my dear?”
“Good but cold, how was rehearsal”
“Brilliant! And I will tell you more about it one I change it to something more comfortable, I'll be right back”
Roman made his way up the stairs and returned a few moments later in sweater and pj pants
“Now you, my dearest Patton look like you could use someone to help keep you warm”
“Yes please!” Patton exclaimed scooting to give Roman room on the couch and under his blanket
Roman gladly took his spot and pulled Patton close cuddling him
“Better, love?” Roman asked
Patton settled into Roman's arms and hummed “Definitely”
Roman proceeded to quietly and softly tell Patton all about his day while he was slowly lulled to sleep by Roman's efforts
Please reblog so others can it!
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tythis-dielturas · 5 years
Tragic asks: 7, 11, 14, & 18
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7. Talk about one of your worst memories involving someone you love.
“Mmm, that is a hard one - there are two to choose between.” Tythis rubs at his chin a little as he thinks for a few moments. “Probably the worst, was when I was forced back into my quarantine cell, and Riley forcefully sent back to Stormwind.” He looks up to his questioner, who has a rather confused look on his face, which makes the Kaldorei blanch and blush sheepishly. “Forgive me, umm...how to explain...?” 
He thinks for a bit, and then decides that just laying it out there must be easier. “I came into contact with the Void, back on Mac’Aree. I was...touched...by the darkness in those places. It soiled my mind, it tarnished my soul. A Priest friend of mine, Faeindal, kept me seperated in a cell while I underwent treatment to try and purify me of this sickness. For a while, it worked, and I healed. I met Riley. I fell in love. However...my sickness relapsed. I was forced back into my treatment, and my dearest Riley had to leave, out of fear I would harm her.” 
11. Have you ever been abandoned? Why do you think you were left behind?
“I would not call it abandonment, per say, but...a time of moving forward.” He sits back in his chair, Rakir the lion at his side and resting his head within Tythis’ lap. A hand falls to the maimed lions head, and gently scratches at his chewed off ears. “I have spent most of my life rehabilitating animals who have gone through great trauma in their lives. I show them love, and compassion. I teach them how to be social to other animals, and people. I love them as though they are my own children - but a part of the rehabilitation process is knowing when to let them go.”
He continues to scratch at Rakir’s cheeks and behind his jaw and ears, earning happy sounds from the lion as he did so. “One of my favorite panthers - Bag’wahn - I rescued from the jungles of Stranglethorn. His rehabilitation was complete within a year, but he stayed with me for three more after. One morning, when I awoke however...he was just gone.” A sad kind of smile fell over the Kaldorei’s face. “I like to believe that he simply knew it was time for him to go on his way - but that did not make it any less painful to lose him, and not get the chance to say goodbye.” 
14. What’s one of your most prized possessions that got destroyed or taken away?
“Celest, my most beloved carrier owl, was lost when the Void took me in Mac’Aree.” Tythis says softly, his eyes misting over as he touches the white feather that has been tied into his long silver hair. “I raised her from her hatching, fed her by hand, warmed her against my chest, and trained her myself. She was the first companion I raised from birth.” He smiles a little sadly then, “She was scouting ahead, when the darkness took her. I ran to where I had last felt our connection, and the darkness took me too. By the time I was rescued, and taken back to the Vindicaar? It was too late. Celest was lost to that darkness, and all that they could recover was this feather.” 
18. Talk about a traumatizing memory.
Tythis sighs softly, his eyes closing and shoulders gently slumping. He took a moment to just breath, to think on what it is exactly that he wants to say, but after a bit he manages to start. 
“The torture I faced within Mac’Aree, was unlike anything I had thought truly possible. The endless darkness was so profound, and all consuming that you could feel it’s weight around you like a shroud. You would look into it, and know that something - and you did not know what - was staring back at you. The chains around my neck, and wrists were cold, and heavy...fastened too tight so the skin would be rubbed raw whenever I so much as moved.” 
He offered his hands to his questioner then, showing the deep scars that encased the entirety of his wrists. The scars were ugly, and clearly hadn’t been taken care of well until after he’d been rescued. The off coloration of the scar tissue was almost jarring against his pale lavender skin, and though they were faint, it would appear that tiny black veins spider legged their way from the edges of the scars all around. 
“There was no one but myself, the darkness, and the voices demanding I submit. If i didn’t, I got the lash. They wanted me to look so long into the darkness that it would penetrate my mind - but I’d look away. They’d starve me, leave me freezing, torture me because they wished to break me, and use me, and feed off of me like the parasites that darkness is.” 
He sighs, shaking his head. “How I survived...I still do not know...and part of me truly thinks that I’m still back there in the darkness, and this has all just been a dream.” 
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theunholygrails · 6 years
An exchange of letters between you and your beloved Sam while he’s overseas with the Air Force.
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Dearest Sam, The flowers bloomed today. They’re fragile in the air that still smells of winter but the soft pink against the dull background reminds me of the spring when we met. Do you remember when you approached me in the park? I was too busy taking photos of the abundant gardens to notice the real picture perfect moment unfolding in front of me.
Your smile still warms me up like the fire we huddled beside throughout the winter. I wish winter would come back. Or summer. Not this spring when all I have are the shy flowers instead of you.
Come home soon. Or just travel into a place with cell service.
Your love.
I’m receiving your letter two weeks late. They move me around without updating the post office. My commanding officer barely even knows where we will be needed in advance.
The heat here could melt your spring away a few times over. I sweat through my clothes as soon as I put them on. I would much prefer to be sweaty and without my clothes alongside you. Those thoughts follow me to bed most nights and chase me awake with each rude awakening morning.
Riley says hey. He also assumes I’m writing you straight porn since I won’t let him read over my shoulder. He would never let up if he knew I was writing love letters. I do still love you. Just a few more months.
Here’s hoping this reaches you before the next century.
Yours, Sam.
I found your missing running shoe today. It was shoved back behind the fridge somehow. It still smelled like you. Which is to say I have no clue how the stench didn’t draw us to it sooner.
I made a sidecar tonight. It didn’t taste the same as when you play bartender but it will have to tide me over until you get leave. When is that? Or can they not tell you? I wouldn’t let you go if I was your commanding officer either. You’re too charming and gorgeous.
I know the distance makes this relationship delicate but just know I’m waiting for you. I’m sleeping in your shirt and on your side of the bed. I’ll be right here when your tour is over. I love you. So much. I know you can’t make any promises but I’m remaining hopeful.
Tell Riley he can’t steal you away from me. I don’t share. Tell him to keep you safe so you can come home to me. To us.
I took the test today. It was positive. I’m three months along. That’s when you were last home. Do you remember? How you showed up on my door at midnight. How I got you a key the next day. How we spent the night rediscovering all the hot, sensual ways to torment and love each other. I miss your mouth on my skin, on mine, dipping into me..
Guess Riley was right about the graphic letters.
Come home soon.
I’m coming home next week. Riley will hold down the line until I return. I hope I beat this damn letter because I have to see you. Both of you.
I just picked up your letter from the mail and the postmark says it was sent a week ago. I wish you safe travels, my love, and a quick return. I vomit most mornings and you were always the best at handling hangovers.
I cannot wait to bury myself into you again --
There was a knock at the door and you jumped, pen dropping as the realization hit you. Scrambling to the door still didn’t seem fast enough and you couldn’t be bothered to check your appearance in the mirror, not when the love of your life and father of your child was waiting mere feet away.
You threw the door open and your smile dropped as fast as your gaze as you looked down on the frail frame of your elderly neighbor.
“This was just delivered to me, dearie,” she said while holding out a letter, “but I think it’s for you. I don’t know any Sams.”
You took the envelope, grazing your finger over the international stamp in the corner, and managed to say thank you to the woman before retreating back inside. The couch sunk under your weight and caught the shreds of the envelope as you tore to get at the letter within.
Riley groaned louder than I did when the commanding officer announced that we were moving again and that I had to stay with the squadron. I was too busy resting my head in my hands in that way that always makes you come up and hug me from behind.
I am so sorry on behalf of everyone on this goddamn base and I hope you know that I won’t stop bothering them for leave the moment this next mission is over. I have to see you again, soon. Both of you.
I love you more than you know.
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gadgetgirl71 · 3 years
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Top Ten Tuesday 2 March 2021
Welcome to this weeks Top Ten Tuesday. Originally created by The Broke & The Bookish, which is now hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week it features a book or literary themed category. This weeks prompt is:
Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had
(maybe not even because the job sounds fun, but maybe the co-workers are cool or the boss is hot?)
Daisy’s Run (The Clockwork Chimera #1)
I’d like to be Daisy I think she is a cool character and she has an interesting job on a spaceship that’s heading back to earth.
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Synopsis: Life in deep space could be a drag sometimes, but Daisy supposed things could have been worse. They were still alive, after all, which was always a plus in her book. Now if only she could figure out who, or what, was endangering her return home, things would be just peachy.
It had been one hell of a way to start the day––being rudely snapped from a deep cryo-sleep, and in the middle of a ship-wide crisis to boot––but Daisy was pleased to note that the ship had not decompressed, the crew hadn’t been blasted into space, and, most importantly, they hadn’t simply blown up. At least not yet. So, they had that going for them, but being stuck on a damaged ship in the inky depths of space as it limped toward Earth was not exactly the relaxing trip home she’d imagined.
With the powerful AI supercomputer guiding the craft beginning to show some disconcerting quirks of its own, and its unsettling cyborg assistant nosing into her affairs, Daisy’s unease was rapidly growing. Add to the mix a crew of mechanically-enhanced humans, any one of whom she suspected might not be what they seemed, and Daisy found herself with a sense of pending dread tickling the periphery of her mind.
Something was very much not right––she could feel it in her bones. The tricky part now was going to be figuring out what the threat was, before it could manifest from a mere sinking feeling in her gut into a potentially deadly reality.
Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1)
I think it would be really exciting to be Beth Randall as she eventually becomes the Queen and is surrounded by sexy elite vampire warriors.
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Synopsis: The only purebred vampire left on the planet and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who killed his parents centuries ago.
But when his most trusted fighter is killed — orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate — Wrath must put down his dagger and usher the beautiful female into another world.
Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn’t there before, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of the Brotherhood and blood frighten her. Yet his touch ignites a dawning new hunger one that threatens to consume them both…
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1)
I’d like to be Rachel Morgan a witch that apprehends criminal creatures from vampires to werewolves and any other magical creature that breaks the law.
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Synopsis: Forty years ago a genetically engineered virus killed half of the world’s human population and exposed creatures of dreams and nightmares that had, until then, lived in secret alongside humanity.
Rachel Morgan is a runner with the Inderland Runner Services, apprehending criminals through out modern-day Cincinnati. She is also a witch.
Used to confronting criminal vampires, dark witches and homicidal werewolves, Rachel’s latest assignments – apprehending cable-stealing magic students and tax-evading leprechauns – have prompted her to break her thirty-year contract with the I.S. and start her own runner agency.
But no one quits the I.S.
Marked for death, Rachel is a dead witch walking unless she can appease her former employers and pay off her contract by exposing the city’s most prominent citizen as a drug lord. But making an enemy of the ambiguous Trent Kalamack proves even more deadly than leaving the I.S.
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollow #1)
I think Ivy Rachel’s friend and colleague would be a really cool person to work with along with Jinks. Who couldn’t love Jinks?
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Synopsis: Forty years ago a genetically engineered virus killed half of the world’s human population and exposed creatures of dreams and nightmares that had, until then, lived in secret alongside humanity.
Rachel Morgan is a runner with the Inderland Runner Services, apprehending criminals through out modern-day Cincinnati. She is also a witch.
Used to confronting criminal vampires, dark witches and homicidal werewolves, Rachel’s latest assignments – apprehending cable-stealing magic students and tax-evading leprechauns – have prompted her to break her thirty-year contract with the I.S. and start her own runner agency.
But no one quits the I.S.
Marked for death, Rachel is a dead witch walking unless she can appease her former employers and pay off her contract by exposing the city’s most prominent citizen as a drug lord. But making an enemy of the ambiguous Trent Kalamack proves even more deadly than leaving the I.S.
Flatlines (Medicine & Magic #1)
I think Kate has an interesting job being an ER Doctor who sometimes uses a bit of her magic to help people recover. Not that I’d be any good at her job as I can’t stand the sight of blood!
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Synopsis: I hide from death trying to save lives, but I can’t hide from my magic forever.
I’ve avoided the magic on the this side of the Veil, staying within the realm of the nonmagical while training as an ER doctor. It’s a way of hiding my dark magic from the mage council. If they discover my type of magic, the chances are good they’ll burn it out of me, and in doing so, destroy my mind.
Everything changes when I make the mistake of saving a sexy knight of the mage council from a magical attack. Not only am I revealed to the council, but when a high-ranking member of the council is poisoned, and no magical treatment is effective, I’m called upon to figure out what happened—and how to save him.
Now I’m caught up in a magical plot beyond my abilities. Survival requires I use the dark magic flowing within me, but can I do it and avoid detection? And can I learn why my magic is so different than others with dark magic?
I’m used to living on the edge of the magical world, but when I’m thrust into the heart of it, I need to use my training to protect me, or I’ll lose everything I’ve worked for.
Flatline is a fast-paced fantasy mystery with a mixture of medicine and magic that will leave you breathless.
Full Moon Rising (Riley Jenson Guardian #1)
To be Riley Jenson a hybrid Vampire/Werewolf and to be able to kick ass while protecting humans from supernatural races would be a great job.
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Synopsis: A rare hybrid of vampire and werewolf, Riley Jenson and her twin brother, Rhoan, work for Melbourne’s Directorate of Other Races, an organization created to police the supernatural races–and protect humans from their depredations. While Rhoan is an exalted guardian, a.k.a. assassin, Riley is merely an office worker–until her brother goes missing on one of his missions. The timing couldn’t be worse. More werewolf than vampire, Riley is vulnerable to the moon heat, the weeklong period before the full moon, when her need to mate becomes all-consuming.…
Luckily Riley has two willing partners to satisfy her every need. But she will have to control her urges if she’s going to find her brother….Easier said than done as the city pulses with frenzied desire, and Riley is confronted with a very powerful–and delectably naked–vamp who raises her temperature like never before.
In matters carnal, Riley has met her match. But in matters criminal, she must follow her instincts not only to find her brother but to stop an unholy harvest. For someone is doing some shifty cloning in an attempt to produce the ultimate warrior–by tapping into the genome of nonhumans like Rhoan. Now Riley knows just how dangerous the world is for her kind–and just how much it needs her.
Glinda of Oz
Who wouldn’t want to be like the good witch Glinda, with her kindness, beauty and magic?
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Synopsis: Peace, prosperity, and happiness are the rule in the marvelous Land of Oz, but in a faraway corner of this magical domain dwell two tribes–the Flatheads and the Skeezers–who have declared war on each other. Determined to keep her subjects from fighting, the Ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma, along with her dearest friend, Princess Dorothy Gale (formerly of Kansas), embarks on a quest to restore peace.When the Supreme Dictator of the Flatheads refuses to cooperate with Ozma, she and Dorothy seek out Queen Coo-ee-oh of the Skeezers, hoping she will be more reasonable. But the queen imprisons Ozma and Dorothy in her grand city and then traps them by submerging the whole city under water. Now it is up to Glinda the Good to save the day. She assembles all of Ozma’s counsellors–including such beloved Oz friends as the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Patchwork Girl, Shaggy Man, Tik-Tok, and Wizard of Oz–and they set out to rescue their friends. Will the magic powers of Glinda and the Wizard combined be enough to free Ozma and Dorothy? A rousing tale of suspense, magic, and adventure, Glinda of Oz is the fourteenth and final Oz book by L. Frank Baum. It’s a grand conclusion to his chronicles of America’s favorite fairyland. This deluxe gift edition features all twelve of Oz artist John R. Neill’s beautiful color plates, along with his nearly one hundred black-and-white pictures, making it a perfect gift for all Oz fans, new and old.
The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard
Well to start of Lex (Alexandra) has a really cool name! But to be a kick ass private undercover security consultant protecting a sexy billionaire must be an interesting and challenging job.
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Synopsis: Alexandra “Lex” Granger is a private security consultant who has to go undercover to protect billionaire businessman Michael Thornton, pretending to be an escort. Michael does not think he needs a bodyguard, despite the death threats he has received from protesters against his takeover of a Danish company, but he does need protection against the predatory wife of the Danish ambassador. Lex knows that this assignment is dangerous, made more so because her client does not even know that he is being protected.
She doesn’t know that he thinks she is a con-artist a gold-digger who takes rich men for everything that she can get. As sparks fly, and the attraction between the two go stronger, they face a deadly danger from an unknown assailant. Lex and Mike embark on a turbulent affair in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, with Mike realising that there is much more to the sexy seductress, her bewildering vulnerability evoking unfettered passion and feelings that he has never experienced before. Lex realises that she has committed the ultimate folly, that of falling in love with a man who despises her. Will she overcome the dangers to Michael to her breaking heart?
The Black Widow Agency (Case #1)
Another one with a cool name Alexandria who is a cyber geek and can uncover anyone’s secrets. I’d love to be able to do that job.
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Synopsis: The misfit ladies at the Black Widow Agency aim to bring justice to wronged women like themselves using a lethal blend of technology, surveillance, and women’s intuition.
Katie, the ex-cop, appears sexy, strong and tough as nails, but is battling her own demons from the past. Alexandria, the mysterious cyber geek, can uncover just about anyone’s secrets, but has her own. Margot can cook up a storm in the kitchen, or cook up trouble with her lethal tongue. Jane crunches numbers and avoids confrontation whenever possible, but can’t avoid the incessant hot flashes that plague her.
This raucously funny group of women search for justice, but often find trouble instead.
Join them for their first adventure as they come to the aid of a woman who got set up by her ex, causing her to lose custody of her child.
Watch the ladies serve up justice Black Widow-style!
Wrong Number Right Guy (The Bourbon Street Boys #1)
Being May Wexler who ends up working with the sexy Bourbon street boys has my dream job. Who wouldn’t like to be able to surrounded with eye candy as well as being protected by them. Yes Please!!
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Synopsis: When a mysterious text message summons May Wexler to a biker bar in downtown New Orleans, she knows something is very wrong. Her sister has sent out an SOS, but when May gets there, she’s nowhere to be found and May is the one in trouble—she’s wearing pink espadrilles, she’s got a Chihuahua in her purse, and she’s in the middle of a shootout.
After tall, muscular Ozzie comes to her rescue, May has no choice but to follow him to safety. At the headquarters of his private security firm, the Bourbon Street Boys, she finds a refuge for the night—and the offer of a job. But it’s not long before a gun-toting stalker isn’t the only complication in May’s life: the more time she spends with Ozzie, the less she can deny that they’ve got some serious chemistry. A wrong number got her into this mess…Will it also get her the right guy?
Until next week.
#JustForFun, #Top Ten Tuesday, #TopTenTuesday, #TTT
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fruitvendor · 6 years
all the love asks as well,, coward
don’t be mean to your bromigo D 
Blush : What do you do when you have a crush on someone?
mmm... i normally act goofier around them and i’m more affectionate and i try to talk to them at any chance i get
Kiss : What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
hmmm someone once drew me as well as some other things and :/ not gonna lie i still love those drawings. but also making me playlists and poems
Cuddle : Which one of your mutuals do you really want to hug right now?
why would i be gay on main :/ but D, M, Olivia, Riley, and Em... there’s a few more but!
Heartbeat : What fictional character do you love?
coraline.... love that lesbian 
Romance : Perfect date?
that’s a secret...... but would probably have to be going on a little road-trip to a city by a beach. exploring the sights, taking memorable photos, playing in the ocean, etc. and then, after watching the sunset, going to dinner at a nice restaurant and just talk and enjoy each others company.... then railing them
Joy : What truly makes you happy?
talking to friends and my lover.... going to the beach... seeing and playing with animals.... being out on a sunny day.... driving.... etc.
Happiness : Who are your kin?
uhhhh if i had to choose? wybie and clawdeen wolf
Love : Are you, or have you been, in love before?
yes... i’ve been in love. the first time was Bad but i can’t deny the fact that despite it all, i was in love
Beloved : What do you love the most about yourself?
my eyes... i creep myself out because my eyes sometimes look a bit too intense for my face 
Sweet: Favorite love song?
i’m not sure i don’t listen to many love songs...... maybe “can’t take my eyes off you” but the one sung my lauren hill because i grew up with that one or “stay with me” by debarge because i grew up with that too
Cute : What’s your aesthetic?Thoughtful : If you could change your name, what would you call yourself?
i’ve already changed my name... i’m happy now
Charming : Who helps motivate you?
mmm my close friends
Beautiful : Who is your ideal significant other?
uhhh someone who’s sweet to me and pretty affectionate and flirty.... someone i can be deep fuck in love with and who’ll be deep fuck in love with me... who’s honest with me and actually treats me like i matter to them
Affection : Who do you ship?
uhhhh idk tbh no one??
Kind : What Pokemon would you be?
eevee, salazzle, or maybe bellossom 
Heart Beat : You’re getting coffee with a celebrity, who is it?
litch’rally...... i’m gay so either sophia lillis or zendaya or letitia wright... there’s more but 😔 those are a secret
Giggle : Do you believe in love at first sight?
god no.... infatuation, yes.... but in love just seems too strong of a feeling for a stranger
Laughter : Who can always make you laugh?
the girl reading this 😔
Smile : What do you find attractive?
litch’rally...... anything..... but i’m a sucker for pretty eyes and smiles
Warmth : What is your happy place?
thinking about being wrapped up in a lover’s arms and knowing we’re financially stable and have a big beautiful home with a garden that has a koi pond 
Huggable : What are your favorite flowers?
any peach colored flowers tbh...... but especially rose and carnations and buttercups and peonies and chrysanthemums 
Soul Mate : Who is your best friend?
idk! i have a few people i like to consider a best friend but idk if they feel the same way y’know
Unique : What qualities do you look for in other people?
mmm... humor, affection, honesty... etc.
Trust : Do you trust people easily?
not really tbh! the only people i really trust trust i’ve known for over a year or have spent a lot of time with
Dearest : What item is most dear to you?
this stuffed carebare that i’ve had since i was 2-3.... he’s my fave
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: A Duelist’s Revenger (23/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​​​​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
The start of the second round was quickly approaching as Teams Obelisk and Turbo walked towards the Center Duel Field's arena. Since Yugo, Rin, and Crow brought their Duel Runners with them like yesterday, that would mean Yuri, Dennis, and Sora may have to take part in three simultaneous Action Duels or Turbo Duels. At that point, it currently didn't matter what type of duel they'll be engaging in because the two dimensional counterparts are more focused on their encounter and their potential rematch, depending on what the monitor says who's dueling who, of course.
So when the pairings included Yugo vs. Yuri, the Turbo Duelist got on his Duel Runner, put on his helmet, and sped over to Yuri. "You're gonna pay for what you did!" he exclaimed.
"Now now, don't act so rash," Yuri said as Yugo braked his Duel Runner. "You already had your Rin-union."
"It's not that!" Yugo clarified. "Tell me what you did to my memories!"
"I would if I could," Yuri explained. "But after Yuya poofed Astrograph Sorcerer into existence, I, too, experienced a strange case of amnesia."
He wasn't exactly wrong. Ever since Zarc was revived, the Yu-Salad completely blacked out…except for Yuya, who managed to temporarily regain control to help Riley and Ray win the duel and put a stop to the continuing onslaught. Because of that, he was the only reincarnation who was able to recover prior to Leo's separation procedure.
Yugo wasn't sure how to respond, but the Fusion Duelist cleared his throat. "Aren't you going to say something?" he whispered.
"Huh?" Yugo asked.
Yuri let out a frustrated sound. "That's the whole point of Wicked Dueltainment," he whispered. "My teammates and I play the role of villains to entertain the crowd. It was Dennis' idea and so far it's working."
Dennis did got the idea of Wicked Dueltainment when he was dueling against Yuya back in Heartland City. He, Sora, and Yuri clearly have no ill will towards Yusho; their evil behavior is all part of the act. Luckily Yugo quickly caught on.
"You liar!" the blonde-banged Duelist exclaimed. "And I'll never forgive you for kidnapping and brainwashing RinRin!"
Yuri let out a sinister laugh. "You are certainly persistent," he said. "But once this duel is over, your beloved dragon and soul will be mine once more!"
The duo knew Zarc accepted himself being split back into his reincarnations once again, so there was no way their souls were getting absorbed, regardless of who wins or loses. The two then headed towards their section of the arena where they will be dueling.
Dennis smirked as he saw Rin. "Why hello there," he said, approaching the Windwitch user. "How funny for us to meet up once more." He proceeded to kiss the back of her hand, but she pulled back in disgust.
"I have a boyfriend," Rin pointed out.
"Oh, hush now," Dennis said. He caressed her cheek. "A beautiful lady such as yourself deserves someone far more civilized." He knew Rin and Yugo were dating; him flirting with her was all part of the act.
Unfortunately, Rin didn't understand that. "Beautiful...?" she asked, swatting Dennis' hand away from her face.
"But that's what you are," Dennis said. "Absolutely beautiful."
But Rin got on her Duel Runner. "Let's just duel already!" she said, wanting to get this over with.
She was more used to Yugo calling her cute nicknames, so hearing Dennis treat her the same way kind of annoyed her. After putting on her helmet, she drove to her section of the arena with her opponent following her. With two matches already figured out on who's dueling who, that would mean Crow was going up against Sora.
Sora whimpered. "Pwease don't hurt me," he told Crow, looking at him with a sad look in his eyes.
"Nice try," Crow said. "I remember what your dueling style is really like."
With that, Sora dropped the act, a sinister grin appearing on his face. "I see," he said, taking out a lollipop. "Then crushing you will be all the sweeter." He bit into the lollipop, the hard candy making a loud CRUNCH.
Well, that isn't scary, Crow thought to himself with a somewhat surprised look as he got on his Duel Runner and put on his helmet. He then revved his engine and drove to the last empty section of the arena as Sora pursued him. All six members readied and activated their Duel Disks, three of which were programmed into the Duel Runners, and shouted, "Let's duel!" Blackwing vs. the child psycho. Windwitch vs. the polite mastermind. Speedroid vs. the deranged psychopath, a long-awaited rematch that Yugo has been looking forward to. Team Turbo sped their way to the different tracks to begin their duels against Team Obelisk.
"Dearest me," Yuri remarked. "I suppose I'll have to keep up. So I'll start things off with Polymerization. Arise, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! Your master is in need of transportation!"
A Fusion Summoned Starving Venom appeared on the field with a malicious growl to help stay in character as part of the Wicked Dueltainment. Yuri then stepped onto the palm of his ace's hand and proceeded to follow Yugo with his dragon carrying him. Dennis and Sora did something similar by summoning Shaddoll Hound and Frightfur Bear and using them to give them a lift in their Turbo Duels.
"I need your assistance, Shaddoll Hound!" Dennis commanded.
"Come to me, Frightfur Bear!" Sora exclaimed.
"My goodness!" Melissa remarked. "Looks like Team Obelisk has decided to use their monsters to keep up with Team Turbo! That's some pretty cleva thinkin'."
As the three former Obelisk Force soldiers rode their monsters, they managed to catch up with Team Turbo. Unlike most of the duels that took place throughout the Team Duel Tournament, the simultaneous Turbo Duels weren't divided into three smaller arenas; instead, they took place in one Action Field with the three sections as each of the member's starting points.
"My turn!" Yugo exclaimed as he drew a card. "And I'll start things off by setting the Pendulum Scale with Speedroids Passinglider and Dominobutterfly!"
Yugo placed his Scale 3 Passinglider on the left Pendulum Zone and his Scale 8 Dominobutterfly on the right, allowing him to summon monsters between Levels 4 and 7. "Time to show this rich snob the true power of Speedroids!" he exclaimed. "I'm bringing out Speedroids Double Yoyo, Horse Stilts, Razorang, and Rubberband Plane!"
The four Pendulum Summoned monsters flew out of the "portal" and onto the field. Double Yoyo, Horse Stilts, and Razorang are all Level 4 while Rubberband Plane is a Level 5; whatever Yugo is planning, this Pendulum Summon was only the beginning.
"But I'm not done!" Yugo continued. "I summon Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice, which I'll tune with Speedroid Rubberband Plane to call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama!"
Hi-Speedroid Kendama is Level 6 WIND Machine-Type Synchro monster with 2200 ATK and 1600 DEF. If it's in defense position, Yugo can inflict piercing damage to his opponent. It also has two other effects, which can be used once per turn: a Machine-Type monster can be banished from the Graveyard so that 500 damage can be inflicted to the opponent or it can be special summoned from the Graveyard if no cards are in control, but normal summoning/setting is prohibited on the turn this effect is activated.
Yuri was confused but also amused on why Yugo would choose Hi-Speedroid Kendama. It has less ATK than Starving Venom, who has 2800 ATK. He let out an amused laugh. "Seriously?" he asked. "All this hype for a sword?"
"Oh, I'm not done," Yugo said. "Since I have over two wind-attribute monsters on my field, I can special summon Windwitch - Snow Bell!"
"What?!" Yuri asked. "How could you have that in your deck?!"
Yugo chuckled. "Kinda a funny story," he answered. "RinRin originally had four Snow Bells, but she gave her extra one to me." He held up the card, which had a pink heart drawn on it. "I save it for special occasions like this tournament."
Yugo placed Snow Bell on his Duel Disk to special summon it. She flew out of the materializing light from her card and onto the field; what makes her stand out is she has the same pink heart on her. Not too far away, Rin saw the copy of her Tuner monster that she gave to Yugo as she dueled Dennis. She let out a loving sigh, not letting this distraction interfere with her duel.
"Now I'm gonna tune this extra-special Snow Bell with Speedroids Razorang and Double Yoyo!" Yugo continued. "Come on out, Giganticastle!"
Giganticastle is a Level 9 EARTH Rock-Type Synchro monster with 2900 ATK and 2800 DEF. Its effect allows it to gain 200 ATK and DEF for every non-Tuner Synchro Material used to Synchro Summon it. Since Razorang and Double Yoyo are non-Tuners, Giganticastle gains 400 ATK and DEF, making it 3300 ATK and 3200 DEF.
"Alright Giganticastle, punch out that overgrown weed-dragon!" Yugo exclaimed.
As the humungous Synchro monster clenched its left fist and prepared to throw a punch to deal 500 damage, the sound of Yuri's whip cracked. Starving Venom was being commanded to help him find an Action Card as fast as he could. "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, I wish for you to seek out an Action Card!" the Predaplant user exclaimed.
The dragon growled obediently and scanned the Action Field for an Action Card, preferably a Spell. Ultimately he found an Action Card, so he flew over to it, allowing Yuri to grab it with his whip. "Thank you, my treasured pet," he said. "Now I activate the Action Spell Evasion to protect you from harm!"
Evasion's effect negated Giganticastle's attack as it lowered its fist and unclenched it. Starving Venom purred in satisfaction because this is one of the many examples of his undying loyalty to Yuri. He is willing to assist him in any situation and vice versa.
Yugo wasn't happy with the results. "I'll get rid of that dragon somehow!" he exclaimed, ending his turn with a face down.
"Don't get your hopes up this early," Yuri said. "I draw!" He checked his hand, ready to-
"Pummeling Paw!"
Yuri's turn got interrupted by Sora, who was just about to attack Crow. Unfortunately, the attack nearly startled Starving Venom because of how in close proximity the two duels were. "Sora, control that mutated teddy bear!" the purple-haired teen exclaimed. "You nearly startled my dearest pet!"
"Sorry about that!" Sora replied.
Sora and Frightfur Bear took off to continue their Battle Phase. What the heck was that all about? Hopefully, this time, nothing will interrupt Yuri, who has already concocted a strategy for his Main Phase.
"I activate the Equip Spell Mark of the Rose!" Yuri declared. "By banishing Predaplant Flytrap from my Graveyard, your Giganticastle becomes my obedient servant! Now come to me, Giganticastle!"
A black rose mark appeared on Giganticastle's forehead and was quickly engulfed in a bright purple light that dragged it to Yuri's side of the field. "What the?!" Yugo asked, alarmed. "You never had that card during our last duel!"
"You are quite simpleminded," Yuri said. "I went to a local card store with my team weeks ago for a new booster pack sale. This card was one of the cards I purchased."
Yugo let out a small frustrated scowl at his Synchro monster being taken from him. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who has been upgrading, improving, and strengthening his deck. But Yuri wasn't done with his turn.
"I activate my Skill: Mind Merge!" Yuri declared.
Starving Venom roared loudly as he could as he mind merged with Yuri as the Predaplant user was absorbed into the dragon. Yuya was flabbergasted. "How is he doing that?!" he asked aloud.
It never occurred to him until just now on why his counterparts can mind merge in various ways. Yuto overlays his mind with Dark Rebellion whereas Yuri fuses with Starving Venom. He hasn't seen what Yugo's Skill variant is, but he does have an idea on what they may represent. The Skills that have been used seemed to have reflect a different special summoning method; the only question is why his mind merge is standard. Is it because the dimension he resided in was also standard? Did he not unlock a Pendulum variant of his Skill? …What would a Pendulum variant of a mind merge look like?
"Earth to Yuya?" Zuzu asked. But the tomato-haired teen was too lost in his thoughts to even hear her.
Back at the duel, with Giganticastle under Yuri's control and his mind successfully fused with Starving Venom's, he was ready to begin his Battle Phase, with his ace making the first move. Yugo drove on his Duel Runner, struggling to figure out a counter strategy as he looked at his cards and his Hi-Speedroid Kendama. Even if he does use one of its effects, it wouldn't make a difference because the double attack would deliver a whopping 3900 points of damage, leaving him with only 100 Life Points! In other words, he is screwed.
"I activate the Action Spell Miracle!"
Yugo turned his head to see Crow driving by him, who has already gotten and used the Action Spell. He couldn't help but notice his friend was in grave danger, so he decided to mash their two duels and make it a 2 vs. 2 tag team duel. It was a clever idea to do so for two reasons: 1. Kendama isn't destroyed and Yugo only takes 300 damage from Starving Venom's attack, and 2. Since Crow was already dueling against Sora, the intrusion penalty doesn't apply, meaning he won't lose 2000 LP.
"Can't forget about me!" Rin added. "I activate the Action Spell Big Escape to end Yuri's Battle Phase!"
Correction: it is now a 3 vs. 3 tag team duel and the intrusion penalty wasn't utilized since Rin was dueling against Dennis. As a result of this epic save/duel conversion combo, the crowd went insanely wild.
"Incredible!" Nico commented. "Team Turbo has decided to combine their duels into a single tag team! I've never seen anything like this!"
"Neither have I," Melissa agreed. "Looks like these folks are the first Duelists to try such a trick."
Yugo heard the announcements Nico and Melissa made and the sound of the audience cheering like crazy, and needless to say, he was highly thrilled with it. He wasn't expecting his friends to help him out by making an amazingly impactful tactic, causing everyone to root for them. This just may be the first time where people are starting to support him.
As for Yuri, he was strongly taken back by what Rin and Crow did because he nearly had his Synchro counterpart on the ropes. Starving Venom reluctantly growled as the mind merge was cancelled and his owner reappeared in his hand to get ready to end his turn, only for him to see that Dennis and Sora were accompanying him.
"My goodness," Dennis said. "This is quite a surprising twist."
"Indeed," Sora agreed. "But if this duel is now a free-for-all, crushing them will be sweeter than before."
Yuri quickly snapped out of his funk. "You're right," he said. "How dare they try to gang up on me! We shall attack them with everything we have!"
Yuri concluded his turn by playing two more face-downs before passing it on to Rin. As she drew a card from her deck, she carried out her Main Phase based on what cards she currently has. So far she was able to summon Winter Bell and she just drew Fusion Sage. If she uses that and the Glass Bell in her hand, she could bring out Crystal Bell. However, since this was now a 3 vs. 3 duel, she came up with a better idea.
"Hey Yugo, is it alright if I borrow your Speedroid?" Rin asked.
Yugo nodded and replied with a "Sure thing".
"Good," Rin said. "I summon Windwitch - Glass Bell!" the green-haired Duelist continued. "Not only does she let me retrieve my third Ice Bell from my deck to my hand, but I'm gonna overlay her with Yugo's Speedroid Horse Stilts, allowing me to XYZ Summon Tornado Dragon!"
Tornado Dragon is a Rank 4 WIND Wyrm-Type XYZ monster with 2100 ATK and 2000 DEF. During either Duelist's turn, Rin can detach one XYZ Material to target a Spell or Trap card on the field and destroy it.
Rin's teammates and Team Obelisk were all surprised at how she perfectly executed an XYZ Summon. They were also perplexed on how she even learned how to XYZ Summon when she's capable of Synchro and Fusion Summoning. She explained that Lulu taught her about it during their imprisonment back at Duel Academy.
Yuto looked over at his girlfriend. "Is that true?"
Lulu nodded in response. "Rin also taught me how to Synchro Summon," she explained. "It's fun, but it doesn't really fit with my Lyrilusc cards."
"I activate Tornado Dragon's special ability!" Rin continued. "By using one Overlay Unit, he'll free Giganticastle from Yuri's control!"
Tornado Dragon blew a gust of wind that destroyed Mark of the Rose, causing the black rose mark to vanish and Giganticastle to return to Yugo's side of the field. A stunned Yuri couldn't believe what he was witnessing; how can someone he abducted some time ago be incredibly handy and strategic in a variety of special summoning? The last thing she might end up doing is learning how to Pendulum and/or Ritual Summon.
"But I'm not done," Rin added. "I activate the Spell card Fusion Sage to retrieve my Polymerization from my deck!"
The deck slot of Rin's Duel Disk brought out Polymerization, and as she retrieved it, it caught the audience's attention, especially Yugi. Through the monitor's screen, he and everyone else immediately recognized it as the vintage Polymerization card.
"Now I'll use this same Polymerization card to fuse my Winter Bell with the Ice Bell in my hand!" Rin continued. "Maiden of snow and ice, become one with the magic of crystals and shed your ragged disguise to reveal the princess within! I Fusion Summon Windwitch - Crystal Bell!"
The two Windwitch fusion materials glowed light blue and light red respectively as a huge shard of ice appeared, encasing Crystal Bell in it. Instead of her breaking the ice apart prior to Revival Zero, sparkles lit up from the ground and orbited around her, melting the frozen water while enabling Rin's Fusion ace to twirl around and bring out her true, inner beauty once more. The Windwitch user let out a cheerful laugh as the field was covered in sparkles.
"My goodness, I never get tired of seein' that Fusion Summon!" Melissa remarked.
"That's no surprise," Nico added as he checked Rin's bio. "According to her official dueling bio, Rin is known to bring out true beauty in everything, especially in her dueling style."
What Nico just said was exactly right. No matter how many times it's been repeated, Rin bringing out true beauty was quite the spectacle to watch. Even Yugo couldn't help but stare in awe at her wonderful Fusion Summon; in a way, there's no need for a sparkly vision since the sparkles are already there.
"Yeah!" Yugo cheered. "That's my adorable snowflake princess! I love you so much, RinRin!"
At this point, Rin didn't mind Yugo announcing to the entire world about how they're dating. Due to his high energy, he just can't help but blurt it out loud; he really loves her and is so gosh darn proud about it.
Blushing slightly, Rin continued her turn. "I'll activate Crystal Bell's special ability!" she said. "By using her discarded shell from the Graveyard, she'll deal out 1400 points worth of damage to Sora!"
Thanks to Crystal Bell's effect, the Fusion spellcaster inherited Winter Bell's name and effects for the duration of Rin's turn, then proceeded to take out 1400 LP from Sora.
"Now Crystal Bell, attack El Shaddoll Grysta!" Rin exclaimed. "Sparkling Snow Gust!"
Crystal Bell aimed her attack at El Shaddoll Grysta and blasted a windy strike that contained sparkly snowflakes that destroyed the target, delivering 350 damage to Dennis' Life Points. However, thanks to Grysta's effect, if it was sent to the Graveyard, Dennis can select a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card that is in the Graveyard and add it to his hand.
"Nice try," Dennis said. "But thanks to El Shaddoll Grysta's special ability, Shaddoll Core is retrieved from my Graveyard!"
Shaddoll Core is a Continuous Trap card that is also treated as a Level 9 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster with 1450 ATK and 1950 DEF when special summoned. By doing so, it can be substituted for a Fusion Material with a listed attribute on a Shaddoll Fusion Monster. If it's sent to the Graveyard, Dennis can target a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card in the Graveyard—except Shaddoll Core—and add it to his hand.
The selected Trap card slid out of the Duel Disk's Graveyard slot and Dennis retrieved it with his right hand.
"But you're still open for a direct attack!" Rin pointed out. "Tornado Dragon, blow him away!"
Tornado Dragon inhaled and blew out a giant, powerful gust of wind in a similar manner to a dragon that breathes out fire to reduce Dennis' Life Points down by 2100. "I place one card face down and end my turn," Rin concluded.
"Not bad," Sora said. "But it's my turn!" He drew a card and smiled wide. "Oh yeah!" he said. "I summon Fluffal Mouse from my hand!"
Fluffal Mouse scurried onto the field with a chocolate donut in its hand. Its special ability allows Sora to special summon up to two copies of Fluffal Mouse from his deck during his Main Phase, buy only when it's face up on the field. He also can't special summon monsters from his deck on the turn it was activated…except Frightfur monsters, which was perfect for him because he had a Fusion monster in mind that he plans on bringing out.
"Now I'll activate Fluffal Mouse's special ability to call on two more Fluffal Mice!" Sora continued. "So I'll use Polymerization on these three mice along with the Edge Imp Sabers, Fluffal Dog, and Fluffal Cat in my hand! Edge of sharpness, mayhem of mice, barking warrior, and paws of fury! When they all come together, get ready for a flurry! I Fusion Summon Frightfur Wolf!"
The Fusion materials fused together as they glowed light blue and yellow. A pair of scissors cut open a plush stomach before being sewn back in place, with two more scissors using their blades to jab onto the upper torso and support the front paws. A stitched up head turned around in place and howled as two magenta eyes glowed in its mouth before Frightfur Wolf appeared on the field.
Its appearance may look scary, but its effect was the true nightmare. It is allowed to attack multiple times during each Battle Phase based on the number of Fusion Materials used to Fusion Summon it. With a total of five Fluffals and one Edge Imp, Sora can attack six times in his Battle Phases!
"Well done, Sora," Yuri remarked. "You really have mastered Frightfur Wolf's special ability."
"You bet!" Sora replied. "Frightfur Wolf, wipe out Team Turbo once and for all!"
"Not so fast!" Rin exclaimed. "On your attack, I activate Quaking Mirror Force!"
Quaking Mirror Force is a Trap card that is similar to regular Mirror Force, but instead of destroying all attack position monsters the opponent controls, they are switched to face-down defense position and cannot change battle positions due to this effect.
Frightfur Wolf unleashed its attack on Team Turbo, but it was blocked by Quaking Mirror Force, causing the ground to shake and switch it to face-down defense-position. Unfortunately for Sora, the Trap card affects all attack position monsters, and before he knew it, Frightfur Bear was also switched to face-down defense position and he fell down onto the Action Field just as the shaking stopped.
"No fair!" Sora complained, running up to Starving Venom and grabbing onto his tail to keep up with his teammates. "I was this close to winning!" He set a card on his field before ending his turn.
It was now Crow's turn, and as he drew a card from his deck, he glanced at what he's got before making his move. He placed the drawn card into his hand and then summoned Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn; thanks to its effect, he can special summon another Blackwing monster besides this one, and he chose Mistral the Silver Shield. He then activated Monster Reborn to bring back Ghibli the Searing Wind. Now he has everything that he needed. He tuned his Level 2 Mistral with his Level 4 Kris and Level 3 Ghibli to Synchro Summon his Level 9 Assault Blackwing - Kusanagi the Gathering Storm.
"Kusanagi, wipe out that weed-covered dragon!" Crow declared.
Kusanagi's effect allows it to gain ATK equal to the total ATK of the Blackwing Synchro Materials until the End Phase; with a total of 2000 ATK from the three monsters, its ATK shot up from 3000 to 5000 and began to deal 2200 damage to Yuri's 4000 Life Points. However, the Predaplant user has his two face-downs and he was ready for a counterattack.
"Not so fast!" Yuri said. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Battle Fusion to strengthen my beloved pet!"
According to Battle Fusion's effect, Yuri can target an attacking monster and the targeted Fusion monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of said attacking monster; in this case, Starving Venom's ATK skyrocketed up to 7800, so Crow will end up taking 2800 damage, which is equal to the Fusion Dragon's original ATK.
"Starving Venom, clip that pesky bird's wings!" Yuri ordered, aiming his whip at Kusanagi.
Starving Venom extended his wing and shot out purple and magenta lightning bolts at Kusanagi, followed by an aquamarine blast that destroyed the monster. Prior to the three duels becoming a tag team duel, after Sora Fusion Summoned Frightfur Bear, Crow summoned Ghibli in defense position, which was destroyed and then equipped onto the opposing monster, gaining 1000 ATK due to its effect. In other words, he hasn't lost any LP until now, which makes his current LP 1200.
"Dang it!" Crow said. "I set two cards face down and end my turn!"
"Then it's my turn!" Dennis said. "I draw!" He checked his hand. "Excellent. I summon Shaddoll Dragon!"
Shaddoll Dragon flew out from his card and onto the field. It is a Level 4 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster with 1900 ATK and 0 DEF. Its flip summon effect can send a monster the opponent controls back to their hand while its monster effect can target and destroy a Spell/Trap card on the field if a card effect send it to the Graveyard. The downside is only one Shaddoll Dragon effect can be used once per turn, and only once that turn.
"But that's not all," Dennis continued. "I play the Spell card Nephe Shaddoll Fusion, allowing my Shaddoll Dragon to become a light-attribute monster so I can fuse it with the Shaddoll Beast in my hand! Now I shall Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Construct!"
The many doll-like limbs attached itself until it formed a female body that looked like she was wearing a long-sleeved dress that went passed the knees, except the front part of the skirt was more open. She is a Level 8 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster with 2800 ATK and 2500 DEF. She must first be Fusion Summoned using a Shaddoll monster and a LIGHT monster as Fusion Materials. If she was special summoned, a Shaddoll card can be sent from the deck to the Graveyard. During the Damage Step, if she was battling a special summoned monster, that monster is destroyed. If she was sent to the Graveyard, a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card can be selected in the Graveyard and added to Dennis' hand.
"Now attack that oversized sword, El Shaddoll Construct!" Dennis commanded.
Not too far away from where Team Turbo was, Yugo spotted an Action Card right next to the track and sped up to grab it from the ground. "I activate the Action Spell Evasion!" he exclaimed. "So now Kendama is safe!"
As fast she was getting ready to attack, El Shaddoll Construct had her attack negated and went back to her standard position. "You got lucky this time!" Dennis said, setting a card.
"My turn!" Yugo happily said. "I draw!" He brought his hand towards him so that he can see what card he drew. He became starry-eyed because he had a feeling this was a winning card. "Final turn!"
As the Card Fighters cheered after hearing Yugo say those two words, he carried out his turn that will potentially lead his team to victory. "First I'll summon my second Speedroid Dominobutterfly from my hand!" he declared. "Then I'll tune it with Hi-Speedroid Kendama to pave the way for a dragon even mightier than Clear Wing! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!"
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is a Level 8 WIND Dragon-Type Synchro monster with 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF. Once per turn, her quick effect allows her to negate an opposing monster's activation, destroy said monster, and gain ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK until the end of this turn. If she's battling a Level 5 or higher monster, she gains ATK equal to the target's current ATK during damage calculation.
Rin was amazed, glancing at Yugo. He looked back at her and winked, making her blush slightly. She knew exactly what he was planning on doing.
"Now I equip Crystal Wing with the Equip Spell United We Stand!" Yugo continued. "Allowing my dragon to get stronger thanks to my girlfriend's monsters!"
"So what?!" Yuri asked. "I defeated you once, and I'll defeat you again!"
"I don't think so," Rin said. "I activate the Trap card Lost Wind!"
"That's not all," Crow added. "I activate my newest Trap card: Oasis of Dragon Souls!"
Lost Wind enabled Rin to target a special summoned monster and simultaneously half its ATK and negate its effects while Oasis of Dragon Soul allowed Crow to target a monster in the Graveyard and special summon it in defense position as a Wyrm-Type; if the Continuous Trap leaves the field, the monster is destroyed and vice versa.
"How dare you use that Trap card on me, you little witch!" Yuri exclaimed.
"What can I say?" Rin cheekily asked. "Didn't want my boyfriend to have a repeat of your last duel with him."
Starving Venom's ATK got cut in half from 2800 to 1400 due to Rin's Lost Wind. As for Crow, he special summons Kusanagi the Gathering Storm back onto the field as a Wyrm-Type and in defense position. Including the resurrected Synchro monster, there was also Giganticastle, Tornado Dragon, and Windwitch - Crystal Bell, meaning Team Turbo had a total of four monsters on the field aside from Crystal Wing. With United We Stand, she gained a 3200 ATK and DEF boost, making her current ATK and DEF 6200 and 5700 respectively.
"But that's not all!" Yugo continued. "I activate my Skill: Mind Merge!"
The Skill's activation resulted in his Duel Runner becoming synced for two reasons: his Duel Disk has been programmed into it and the mind merge helps prevent it from crashing. His mind then began to tune itself with Crystal Wing's, creating what seemed to be a humanized Synchro Summon; in reality, this was definitely Yugo's Synchro variant of his Skill. Yuya was still watching the duel from the Center Duel Field's monitor screen, and after seeing yet another mind merge variation, his mind was pretty much broken by now.
"I..." Yuya stammered. "H-How..."
Zuzu had taken out her paper fan and used it to whack Yuya's head. It has been weeks since she last brought it out. Thankfully that was enough to snap Yuya out of it.
"Thanks Zuzu," Yuya said.
Zuzu smiled and gave Yuya a loving kiss, her fingers in his hair. "You're welcome," she replied.
Back at the duel, Yugo had completed tuning his mind with Crystal Wing's and saw that s/he had punctured through Starving Venom, who roared in agony before exploding that sent Yuri flying towards the ground as he lost all of his Life Points. Because the Fusion dragon was in the air at a pretty high altitude while going at a fast speed, and combined with the devastating attack he received, it caused him to nearly break his spine upon impact. Sora, on the other hand, lost his grip on the dragon's tail when he exploded and the force from the explosion pushed him back, landing face first on the ground at a good enough distance away from the tag team Turbo Duel; the last thing he needed was to get run over by Duel Runners.
"Hey Red!" Sora called out to Dennis. "A little help here?"
Dennis heard his friend's cry. "El Shaddoll Construct, please assist our friend," he commanded.
Construct left the duel and levitated over to where Sora was before lowering her right arm down and opening her hand to offer him a lift. He got up from the ground and hopped on her hand while rubbing his face, which had a few scratches here and there. He was kind of glad that he didn't end up with a bloody or broken nose from that faceplant. Raising her arm back up with Sora sitting on her palm, they glided back to where the Turbo Duel was currently at. As they whisked by, his eyes caught something; he could have sworn he saw Yuri. He turned his body around and found himself staring at his Obelisk friend, laying down because of how hurt he was. There might even be a possibility that he might lose consciousness.
From the sidelines, Celina also saw Yuri. She activated her Duel Disk. "I activate Polymerization!" she declared. "Lunalight Cat Dancer, retrieve Yuri and bring him to me!"
Lunalight Cat Dancer grooved her way out onto her field and immediately obeyed Celina's declaration, hovering to where Yuri laid, picking him up, and returning back to her owner with him being cradled in her arms. With the Fusion monster setting him on the ground, she returned to Celina's deck as the Duel Disk deactivated.
Celina's eyes were locked in place shortly after she deactivated her Duel Disk, staring deep into Yuri's face to make sure he wasn't in too much pain. Yet…she couldn't help but think about how cute he was when he's sleeping. The thoughts overflowed her mind and gradually consumed her until she placed her lips onto his and sealed it with a kiss.
Yuri's green eyes slowly opened. "Celina...?" he muttered.
Celina smirked. "Welcome back, Sleeping Cutie," she said.
Sora and Dennis had briefly spotted Cat Dancer carrying Yuri off to the sidelines for some help, meaning it was time for them to go full force on Team Turbo. Once Yugo cancelled his mind merge and ended his turn, the "child psycho" drew a card and then activated his face-down.
"I activate the Trap card Frightfur Designer!" Sora declared. "This'll allow me to retrieve Fluffal Cat from my Graveyard and treat her as a Frightfur monster!"
The special summoned Fluffal Cat pounced her way out of the Graveyard and onto the field. Sora then jumped off from El Shaddoll Construct's hand and landed on Fluffal Cat's back for transportation. "Good kitty," he said, patting the top of her head. "Now I just need something to get the rest of the team back into battle..."
Cat scurried along the track as Sora searched throughout the Action Field. He doesn't have anything in his hand that could help him, so he's hoping he can find an Action Card somewhere. Fortunately, he spotted one on the right side of the track. With help from the Fairy-Type monster, he retrieved it.
"I activate the Action Spell Backflip!" Sora exclaimed. "Allowing me to get back my two Frightfurs!"
Backflip was an Action Spell card that can negate card effects on monsters that flipped them from attack position to face-down defense position. The two face-down cards turned around vertically and then flipped up back in Attack Position, bring back Frightfurs Bear and Wolf, much to Rin's dumbfoundment.
"But that's not all!" Sora continued. "Now I can activate the Spell card Frightfur Fusion, allowing me to fuse Frightfur Bear and Frightfur Wolf with the Edge Imp Frightfuloid in my hand! Fury of bear, beastly huffer, ragged stitches! When the three come together, prepare for some glitches! I Fusion Summon! Come out my mighty mashup! Frightfur Chimera!"
The three banished Fusion Materials glowed red, green, and gold as they swirled around into one monster. A dark blob morphed itself into shaped before revealing its monstrous form to the public. Sora's greatest creation has surfaced once again and he is showing no mercy; it is part of the Wicked Dueltainment, after all.
"Your repulsive monstrosity is no match for us!" Rin exclaimed.
"Oh, I wouldn't get your hopes up too soon," Sora said. "I activate Frightfur Chimera's special ability! He gains 300 additional attack points for every monster on the field!"
Crystal Wing, Crystal Bell, Tornado Dragon, Kusanagi, El Shaddoll Construct, Shaddoll Hound, and Fluffal Cat. That makes seven monsters, meaning Chimera gains an additional 2100 ATK for a total of 4900 ATK!
"Now how about I put that pathetic excuse of a Fusion card out of its misery?" Sora asked. "Frightfur Chimera, attack!"
Chimera's bear head opened up its mouth and fired a missile that destroyed Crystal Bell, lowering Rin's LP down to 1900. Unfortunately for Sora, he triggered her second effect.
"Nice try," Rin said. "Crystal Bell returns to the field in her previous form!"
"Yeah, well I'm still taking your Fusion card!" Sora pointed out. He then special summoned Crystal Bell on his side of the field, increasing Chimera's ATK up to 5200 due to its effect. Because Crystal Bell hit the Graveyard upon being destroyed, her effect still activated as Rin special summoned Winter Bell and her Level 3 Ice Bell.
"Alright Rin," Crow said. "Think you can finish things off?"
"Gladly," Rin answered. She drew a card. "I activate Fusion Recovery!" From her Graveyard, she retrieved Polymerization and another Ice Bell, the one used to Fusion Summon Crystal Bell.
"And she's done it again!" Nico announced. "Just like during yesterday's duels, Rin has successfully retrieved her only Polymerization card!"
"Now I'll combine Winter Bell with one of my two Ice Bells!" Rin continued. "Sparkle to life once more, Windwitch - Crystal Bell!"
The second Crystal Bell Fusion Summoned in the same manner Rin's first copy did: a giant chunk of ice containing her rising up on the field and sparkles orbiting around and melting the ice, giving her the freedom to twirl around to demonstrate her true beauty.
"So what?" Sora asked. "I've heard all about your new Fusion-Synchro strategy. As long as I have your first Crystal Bell, you can't deal any massive effect damage."
Rin giggled. "Not true," she replied. "Tornado Dragon, attack the Crystal Bell that Sora imprisoned and return her to my Graveyard!"
Tornado Dragon breathed out another gust of wind that was aimed at the first Crystal Bell, whose ATK was halved to 1400, destroying her and bringing Sora's Life Points down to 1900. This worked to her advantage because her monster was sent back to Rin's Graveyard, meaning she can activate her monster's effect.
"Now I activate Crystal Bell's special ability!" Rin continued. "Use your former shell and absorb your twin's level into effect damage!"
Crystal Bell absorbed Winter Bell's name and effect to target the destroyed copy of herself to deal 1600 damage to Sora, leaving him with only 300 LP. However, he wasn't impressed.
"Nice try!" Sora exclaimed. "But I still have a couple of life points!"
"I know," Rin said. "Why else would I have the Trap card Secret Barrel?"
Secret Barrel is a Trap card that deals 200 damage for every card the opponent controls and that are in their hand. Right now, Sora controls two monsters on the field and has used up all the cards in his hands, meaning he will take 400 damage; in other words, he will lose the duel.
"What?!" Sora asked. "You tricked me!"
"That's RinRin's strategy!" Yugo explained. "She's a pro at dishing out effect damage!"
"Precisely," Rin agreed. "And with this final attack, Team Turbo officially wins the duel!"
Secret Barrel fired out bright yellow orbs of light towards Sora, dwindling his Life Points down to 0, giving Team Turbo the victory. Even if Dennis did end up pulling a win in his turn, it still wouldn't make a difference because the tournament rules say the team duels are best two out of three.
"And with that, Rin has allowed her team to move on to the final round!" Nico announced.
The audience cheered and applauded for Team Turbo as they slowed their Duel Runners down to a stop and the Action Field and monsters dematerialized. Dennis landed safely by jumping off of Shaddoll Hound whereas Sora fell butt-first onto the ground once Fluffal Cat vanished. In terms of constantly getting hurt, today was not his day.
"Aw man!" Sora complained as he stood up. "We were this close to winning!"
"Don't worry, Sora," Dennis said, placing his hand on the blue-haired boy's shoulder. "Rin is a tricky one. It's a good Yuri disarmed her in the Synchro Dimension."
It was true that Yuri easily took care of Rin before abducting her. Besides, the former Obelisk Force trio not making to the finals wasn't a complete loss; their first ever Wicked Dueltainment was a huge success. Speaking of which, Sora and Dennis had to get Yuri for their closing monologue.
They began to run their way to where Lunalight Cat Dancer brought their friend to safety. Meanwhile, anguish and pain filled up Yuri's body and brain, which Celina quickly noticed. Was it because his back was hurting after falling from such a tall height? Was it because his team didn't make it to the finals? Whatever the reason is, she decided to show him some affection. The same kind of affection from yesterday by kissing his neck. Unbeknownst to them, Sora and Dennis had already arrived to get him for their closing monologue when they saw their…display.
"Yuri, you can spend time with your girlfriend later," Dennis said. "We have to conclude our Wicked Dueltainment."
"Oh, right..." Yuri said, closing his eyes as he embraced his girlfriend's affection. "Oh no, Team Turbo has defeated us. Guess we must retreat for another day. Yugo's dragon and soul will be mine, blah blah blah blah blah."
This sounded very unlike Yuri to be speaking like that; one might even say he was out of character. For starters, he called Yugo by his actual name this time. No "moron". No "XYZ". Just Yugo. Secondly, and more importantly, he was too distracted by the amount of affection he was receiving from Celina.
"No... Seriously..." Sora said, feeling embarrassed. "We should get going."
"Do you mind?" Yuri asked. "I just realized Miss Celina dressed up nicely for me and I wish to spend time with her-" He moaned a bit when he felt her nipping at his neck, reaching up to put his hand on the back of her head. "Oh yes, please continue."
Well, this was…awkward for Sora and Dennis. But after a few more nips, Celina stopped her moment of affection. "Well, that's enough affection," she said.
"But Miss Celina, I see you are wearing a dress and the Solid Vision rose I gave you on our first date," Yuri said. "Let me spend more time with you."
"No, your team's right," Celina said. She gave Yuri a single kiss on the lips. "Now go knock 'em dead."
Yuri took out his Violet Flash card and asked Sora and Dennis to place their hands on his shoulders. They wondered why he would question something like that when they were informed that he had a feeling others that are making physical contact with him will teleport along with him. Honestly, it was a good thing he was using Violet Flash because the shirt he bought from the store a few weeks ago didn't exactly cover his neck, so a red bruise was exposed after the nips he received. He figured he and his friends need a costume change for their closing monologue before the finals begin.
"So what do you say?" Yuri asked. "Shall we begin our closing monologue?"
"You bet!" Sora answered.
"Indeed," Dennis agreed.
One Violet Flash later, the trio was now changed into their respective costumes they wore during their opening act. They headed off to the center of the arena, fully prepared to give out their ending speech on how successful their first Wicked Dueltainment act was.
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gothforb1d · 7 years
all of the love asks mon coeur
Blush : What do you do when you have a crush on someone?i usually have a hard time being forward abt it but it was easy w youKiss : What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?once the person i was dating wrote diary entries every day before christmas for a month during all the times we were together and it was v special and i still have itCuddle : Which one of your mutuals do you really want to hug right now?you ! and rileyHeartbeat : What fictional character do you love?ramona flowers idkRomance : Perfect date?anything really i just love talkingJoy : What truly makes you happy?being w people i luv and being in my favorite places like country fair Happiness : Who are your kin?asdfgh i know this is a cute ask but all i can think of is otherkin i’m sorryLove : Are you, or have you been, in love before?answered
Beloved : What do you love the most about yourself?i’m very protective n concerned abt the ppl i luvSweet: Favorite love song?something by the beatles (cringey i know) or touch by shura Cute : What’s your aesthetic?i mean i’m definitely hard femme Thoughtful : If you could change your name, what would you call yourself?my birth nameCharming : Who helps motivate you?all of my friends Beautiful : Who is your ideal significant other?youAffection : Who do you ship?finnpoe......Kind : What Pokemon would you be?isa says skorupi !!Heart Beat : You’re getting coffee with a celebrity, who is it?ellen pageGiggle : Do you believe in love at first sight?answered !Laughter : Who can always make you laugh?isa and you!!Smile : What do you find attractive?cute smiles, freckles, big eyes, girls who can singWarmth : What is your happy place?country fair lmaoHuggable : What are your favorite flowers?roses or daphnesSoul Mate : Who is your best friend?isabel @nintndo my favorite human ever to exist Unique : What qualities do you look for in other people?loyalty, someone who will put up w my obsessing, funniness, protectiveness Trust : Do you trust people easily?answered !Dearest : What item is most dear to you?my double venus necklace and u kno what i bought it for myself and a matching one for someone else but they’re not in my life anymore so i use it to empower myself, i kno that it’s cheesy but
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puppenaugen · 7 years
Beloved, cute, kind, heart beat, dearest, kurko
Beloved : What do you love the most about yourself? Mi capacidad de aprender y relacionar cosas
Cute : What’s your aesthetic?  Esta pregunta es un chiste ahora, está en crisis 
Kind : What Pokemon would you be?  Como una total poser sólo me se los nombres de la primera gen por pokemon go, así que recurrí a buzzfeed y según su totalmente legitimo quiz soy mewtwo 
Heartbeat : What fictional character do you love? Así de top of my head, Riley de sense8 
Dearest : What item is most dear to you?  El collar que compartimos con mi pololo.
Kurko: Venas
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