#rin ask
rinriya · 2 years
Was looking through notes on gbpatch posts for haha funnie and noticed u saying u wanted a dilf date simulator. Dream daddy exists if you've not encountered it. You may have some interest in the mechanics of stardew valley as well since any dating has to be done in between your job as a farmer and other responsibilities. You may also wish fo check Choice of Games LLC to see if anything there strikes your fancy
Ah, I played those games! But thanks a lot for the advice!
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dailyhatsune · 5 months
this with miku len rin and luka
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tazmiilly · 3 months
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old guys kissing... winning
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postit-mikus · 2 months
RIN !!
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spookberry · 27 days
Following you for Oregon Miku
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thats a bold choice, heres an oregon Miku and Rin for your troubles
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verysium · 9 months
some thought on us/reader/yn (i don’t know how to address it lol 😭) and seeing ex-boyfriend, who preferably myb cheated and now is dump struck how we got a new boyfriend/it’s been some time since last seeing ex)
um.....i'm assuming the bllk boys are the new boyfriend for this. hopefully, that's what you meant, but here you go anon:
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kaiser absolutely thrives off this situation. this is the perfect chance to stroke his ego, so he's going to take full advantage of it. definitely notices your ex before you do and tugs you closer, arm wrapped around your waist, nose buried in your hair. obviously, you can't see his facial expression, but you can tell by the way he's smirking that he's definitely up to no good. when your ex finally realizes that your new boyfriend is THE michael kaiser, he's like... 😏 that's right bitch. keep ogling. y/n's doing so much better without you. even better if your ex is actually a fan of kaiser. his sadistic ass will not let that go. you want my autograph or something? oh wait...sorry i don't give out autographs to losers. deliberately sets out on a mission to make your ex's day an absolute hell, and he's smug about it too. once your ex is gone, he looks back and asks...so did i do good? no, you don't need to thank me. i'm already thanking myself. (he's so stupid....i love him.)
sae's reaction is encapsulated in one word. side-eye. he won't actually say anything, but the judgmental aura leeching off him is already enough to send your ex running in the opposite direction. i don't even think your interaction is going to last more than one minute because sae is just so intimidating. the entirety of japan already knows who he is, and compared to him, your ex is an absolute nobody. poor guy will probably never recover especially after seeing you and sae on the front of every tabloid, magazine, and news channel. his ego is broken, masculinity in ruins, reputation in tatters. and honestly.....serves him right.
rin holds an even stronger grudge than you do. he never lets any personal slight go without consequence. probably still holding every single mistake your ex has made in the past five years over his head. what did you even see in him? he's a lukewarm piece of shit. again....like sae, i don't think you would even need to say anything because rin's death glare already says enough.
shidou needs a restraining order because i don't think your ex is going to make it out alive. probably goes straight for the throat too. he genuinely enjoys seeing other people in pain whether physically or emotionally. will probably make out with you right in front of your ex just to fuck with his mind a little bit. hand placement is key. he places one hand behind your head and the other one grasps your ass. uses a lot of tongue. leaves you winded with starry eyes and swollen lips before he maniacally grins at your ex. he definitely enjoyed that a little too much.
barou has a quiet but menacing aura. he's very tall, so i think he would likely tower over your ex. and uh...have you seen his physique? he would probably cross his arms, and his biceps would bulge, and he would whisper in the lowest, most chilling tone: you got a fucking problem? and that's about all it takes because your ex may be a wimp but at least he has enough self-preservation to know you don't mess with someone like barou. probably kisses you on the forehead after that and his voice softens just tad...you okay, baby? (dfhkjsdhf i just blushed)
nagi wouldn't really care. nothing fazes him, especially not your ex because he's in the past now and that makes him irrelevant. but he definitely does not back down from subtly throwing some insults. oh...him? he's just y/n's ex. a weak guy not worth the hassle. don't bother. if your ex is stupid enough to actually confront him though....he's not going to hold back. shut up. you sure bark a lot for someone with no bite. pet store's two blocks away. maybe you should check out a new collar. lmao nagi can be painfully rude when he wants to be.
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cyanorth · 5 months
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yall fw miku lester
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equill · 5 months
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Another Otsutsuki?!
we’re messing up the timeline for this one. (I lost this crack idea but then it came back… the abyss stare back and I jumped in.)
anyways, now some kids meeting the new kid
Panel 1: There’s something wrong here.
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Comic 1: Attention.
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they’re both in the same boat
Comic 2: Day Off (with confusion.)
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he just a little insecure,, (kakashi still told him to get it together)
back to the future now
Comic 3: What. (huh?)
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Panel 2: very tiny.
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vendetta-if · 6 months
I just read through all the demo and it's all so great but I can't get this stupid scene out of my head:
Rin pushing a significantly taller MC into an alley to have a quick make out session, already sucking a hickey into MC's neck.
Then they hear a "Hey!"
And they turn and there's uncle Luka and Jackal in the exact same position with Jackal pinning Luka to the wall. Luka's red like a lobster, and his turtleneck is pushed down so they can clearly see the hickeys adorning his throat.
Both MC and Luka are stuck staring at each other like deers in the headlights.
Jackal just goes, "We had this alley first, go get your own."
The Morozov family has a type, and apperantly it's it's a short Dom bottom.
“The Morozov family has a type, and apparently it’s a short Dom bottom.”
That line got me gagged 😭🤭😂
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
hey do you have the rest of those arts of falin with her inventory floating around her with the description and that one of maizuru with her stuff (which looks like its from the same page?)
Yes! It's a chapter cover
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tangeringe · 26 days
rin 🔁 kabru roleswap au
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dailyhatsune · 6 months
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what if it was this but miku is ballin and the shark is like rin or something
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tigreblvnc · 9 days
Who among the bllk members would be the best to drink with? The one with the highest tolerance? The lightweight? Drunk hcs ;p
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warning: alcohol, drunkenness.
characters included: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, chigiri, kunigami, barou, yukimiya, rin, shidou, karasu, otoya, hiori, oliver, sae, kaiser, ness + master strikers.
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✦ [All-or-nothing drunk] Isagi takes the time to calculate the blood alcohol level per drink and how long it will take for his body to process it all, before his plans are ruined by Bachira, who convinces him to drink everything with him. Isagi either becomes capable of anything or ends up on the floor, unable to speak or think properly.
✦ [Happy drunk] Bachira is overexcited, drags Isagi around and tries every drink. He ends up plastered on the floor, hugging Isagi like a pillow.
✦ [Talkative drunk] Nagi is surprisingly chatty, holding the bottle like a stuffed animal. He drinks straight from the bottle like it's a baby bottle, with a weird trembling smile on his lips. He mumbles stuff, but no one understands him.
✦ [Dramatic drunk] Reo takes the bottle away from Nagi to lecture him about sobriety, before drinking in his place. He ends up drunk instead of Nagi, starts getting sad, and eventually cries over his past failures.
✦ [Clumsy drunk] Chigiri giggles at every joke and stumbles around. He bumps into furniture and can no longer run. If he tries, he trips and falls to the ground, unable to get back up but still giggling.
✦ [Sober] Kunigami doesn’t drink and scolds those who overindulge. At the very end, he cleans up with a large garbage bag and escorts the drunk ones home, carrying people like princesses.
✦ [Sober and angry] Barou is typically like Kunigami but loses his temper with anyone who messed up the room. Unlike Kunigami, Barou drags people out by their feet directly.
✦ [Responsible drunk] Unlike Isagi, Yukimiya sticks to his calculations and drinks only the bare minimum before politely excusing himself from the party and heading home. He’s perfectly fine.
✦ [Amnesiac drunk] Rin forgets his first and last name. He turns red and drools everywhere without realizing it. Confused, he babbles incoherent words and looks for someone to comfort him. Basically, he's a big baby with teary eyes.
✦ [?] Shidou doesn’t show any difference between being sober and drunk.
✦ [Melancholic drunk] Karasu downs his drinks while sitting on the roof under the moonlight. His cheeks are flushed, and he mumbles cryptic things. Sometimes, he looks sad, but he hides it. That’s why he drinks alone on the roof.
✦ [Flirty drunk] Otoya flirts more than usual and giggles a lot. He also gets more touchy, throwing his arm around people he doesn’t know and asking awkward questions before moving on to the next person.
✦ [Innocent drunk] Hiori gets carried away by Isagi, who got carried away by Bachira. He drinks one glass and already feels hot. He can’t handle alcohol but tries to keep his composure, even though his cheeks are scarlet. More philosophical than usual.
✦ [Experienced drunk] Oliver has an average tolerance for alcohol but is a regular. Basically, he drinks until he falls asleep on the floor or someone, with a silly smile on his face.
✦ [Confident drunk] Sae can’t handle alcohol too well but knows how to pace himself so that the other person gets drunker than him. After a few drinks, he gets flirty and more demonstrative, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll see him smile.
✦ [Fake drunk] Kaiser actually drinks non-alcoholic cocktails and neither holds nor tolerates alcoholic drinks, as they remind him of bad memories. He doesn’t drink in public to maintain his composure and avoid being seen as vulnerable. Probably a sad and violent drunk if he ever did drink.
✦ [Weak drunk] Ness can’t handle alcohol at all and crawls on the floor after two drinks. He babbles nonsense and keeps calling for Kaiser, even to people who aren’t Kaiser, as they try to pick him up. He probably declares his love to whoever comes near him.
+ master strikers.
✦ [Controlled drunk] Noa has flushed cheeks but remains perfectly capable of giving rational and logical speeches.
✦ [Sober and disdainful] Loki doesn’t drink, judges those who do, and even worse, judges those who can’t handle their liquor.
✦ [Euphoric drunk] Prince laughs and talks even more than usual. Very touchy. Too much. Claims to be friends with everyone.
✦ [Sober and melancholic] Snuffy doesn’t drink. The very thought of it makes him sad and reminds him of bad memories.
✦ [Uninhibited drunk] Lavinho loses all control and climbs on tables to give grand speeches praising the youth of football.
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mikufanclub · 1 year
pleaaase goth orin the world needs it so bad...
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i havent drawn her in 2 years
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azulock · 2 months
Rin for NSFW alphabet
Only if you have time
Oh, hey, that's a guy we don't see around here so often, the resident edgy emo boy from bllk. Here you go nonnie, thanks for the ask!!
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✉ D = Dirty secret
✎ He pushes this nonchalant and strong persona but this guy just wants to get subbed ugly and bad. He refuses to admit this, and even tries to fight his thoughts, but he wants someone to throw him on the ground and make him beg. He really wants to have someone take control and use his body hard. But noooo, that doesn't fit the puppet master persona, so he hides this desire in shame.
✉ I = Intimacy
✎ I think he would have a haaaard time being romantic, both in and out of sex, but esp during sex. There is some clear chronic emotional constipation going on in there so getting him to be romantic anyway is hard, but during a moment that is already as vulnerable as sex can be? That's gonna take some work, not to say it can't happen, but he'll need to get real comfortable first, which will take work.
✉ K = Kink
✎ I said this once, I'll say it again: huge breeding kink dude. If he gets to hit it raw he will fuck like an animal with one one thought in mind, breed. It's his family issues, mixed with some possessiveness and his competitive behavior. He wants to have kids to prove he can be good at this family thing too, to fill the family issues shaped hole in his heart. Honestly, if you say you'll have his kids he is gonna be hitting it until you are sore and raw and he has completely ran out of cum.
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verysium · 10 months
😭 i read this as blue lock icks and was about to drag them all through the dirt with a brutally honest character review. but anyways, reverse icks is still a good idea, so here you go anon:
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rin has abandonment issues. now before u come for me, let me explain. ever since sae left him, he's been hesitant to let anyone back into his heart, and that's why you mean so much to him. his hand automatically reaches for yours in the crowd so you don't get separated. when he has nightmares and dreams of you leaving, he wakes up, patting frantically on your side of the bed until he finds your body and relaxes. hugs you as if he'll never let go and buries his face into the crook of your neck and just whispers "thank fucking god." and you can see his chin wobbling as he struggles so hard not to cry, but deep down you know he's a very sensitive soul and you're quite literally his whole world.
sae's entire character is a reverse ick. have you not seen that man? he is beautiful. but i'll give u a little scenario: sae attends a charity gala, and you're invited as his plus one. you're busy getting ready in the bathroom, and he just leans against the doorframe, breath hitching when he sees you all dolled up in your fancy dress. coughs to hide his blush when you turn around and ask him for help. creeps behind you silently, his hot breath grazing your nape as his deft fingers reach for your zipper. his hands are callused and gentle when they clasp the back of your necklace (the one he bought for you), and the cold metal contrasts with the warmth of his hands on your shoulders. his heart is beating so fast that his fingers tremble and struggle with his tie, so you fix it for him but when your gaze travels back up his face, you catch him staring down at you, his eyes filled with an intense emotion. your gesture of kindness reminds him of his mother and how he hasn't gone back home in ages and how blessed he is by the gods to have you in his life.
kaiser does the hair tuck thing where he kisses a strand of your hair and smooths it behind your ear. he tries so hard to be a suave and charming gentleman, but honestly he's just an awkward loser. screams like a girl when you watch horror movies together and hugs you so tightly you think your lungs might burst. but then he gradually quiets down and falls asleep in your arms, and you think maybe he's not so bad. he canonically is not a morning person, so when he wakes up, he has the homeless cut 2.0 with the wild bed head and groggy facial expression. also has a weird habit of walking around the house naked. in any other situation, you would've yelled at him to put some clothes on, but his physique was looking extra good today, and you sort of got distracted. he definitely noticed and not-so-subtly flexed his biceps. always tries to make you laugh even though his pick-up lines are terrible and he can't tell a good joke to save his life.
nagi sometimes wakes up before you and pulls your body closer to him. on most occasions though, it's you who wakes up before him and he drags you back to bed. he hates it when you work late and hovers above you like a phantom, waiting for you to finally finish and go cuddle with him. if it gets to the point where you fall asleep while working, he will tuck you into bed and kiss you goodnight. the next morning, you find all your work finished, albeit in poor handwriting. in all honesty, nagi is a genius, and he tries hard for you and only you. if any other person asked them to finish their work, he would've flat-out rejected them.
isagi is good with children but often at his own expense. unsuccessfully tries to make a baby laugh but ends up getting distracted and slamming face first into a telephone pole. now that made the baby start giggling, and he just smiled through tears with a red bump on his forehead, insisting that he was alright and didn't just knock his two front teeth loose. whenever he babysits your siblings/cousins, he ends up doing all the grueling work like changing diapers, taking out the trash, cleaning up after the gremlins. and yet the children will still favor you and not him. tries to act like he's not heartbroken but boy did that sting a little too much.
barou buys you flowers. has a big stupid blush on his big stupid face and refuses to admit that his heart skips a beat every time you look at him. does that thing where he looks the opposite way to pretend like he's not interested before shoving a bouquet into your hands. he's also very protective. holds your hand when you cross the sidewalk so you don't get run over. holds the door open for you every time. tried to make those origami hearts for you, but his fingers are thick and stubborn, and he stayed up all night in a fit of rage because he's not used to delicate work like this. you ended up getting a lopsided piece of crumpled paper that barou insisted was a heart, and you agreed because why would you hurt his feelings?
chigiri knows how to braid your hair. makes you sit in front of the mirror while his slender fingers carefully brush the soft strands. he can get complex too. dutch braids. french braids. fishtail braids. also does that cheesy couple tradition where he braids a piece of his own hair with yours as a symbol of love. most people don't know this, but he's actually a crackhead. sometimes when you're walking down the street, he'll do impersonations of the various people he sees. the old lady at the laundromat. the two aunties at the flower shop. the fisherman near the boardwalk. he even imitated your dad once, and you nearly lost it. he's too funny guys, but you need a sophisticated sense of humor to understand him.
and that's about it. sorry this was so short anon, but my brain is dessiccated this week.
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