#rinko is so done
sorry kiko but i have a toxic relationship with angst and characters suffering now i dont want them to suffer i want them to be happy but....
tbh i think this is the work of akutami and isayama (aot, btw have u watched or read aot?? ) i blame them 😭
buttttt if we are gonna have anything angsty it has to be temporary only cause 😭 i cant
So, aot lost me really early on. Like really early on. I just wasn't interested in it. It was too much for me. It's this idea that there's too much despair under the guise of being hopeful... Like, idk, something about it just didn't work for me.
JJK is at the point where it feels cruel. To both fans and Gojo. Because Akutami can bullshit all he wants with that afterlife scene, but Gojo didn't do any of the things he really wanted to do, so I don't buy that he died without regrets. It felt so false for him to imply that he doesn't have regrets. And it felt like a way to pretend Akutami wanted to appease the people he knew would be angry.
As for angst, I'm all for some angst. But there's angst with a purpose - which is what Echoes in the Void and (Please) Prove Me Wrong were - and then there's a point where it legitimately feels cruel.
At this point, some of the things people are saying they think should happen or would add to the angst would feel cruel to do to Rinko after everything she has been through.
The physical trauma she's been through is more than enough break her, but she's kept going in multiple situations because she had to.
But the emotional damage? Guys.
Like, you've gotta remember that at this point, Gojo is basically all she has left.
Her mom has been gone for years. Mai is gone. Megumi is currently gone. She's lost Nanami.
Remember, Nanami was Rinko's drinking buddy, her annoying, dumbass little brother who teased her and drove her insane, who she loved so much. His friendship was almost more important to her than Goo's because it offered a level of comfort and stability that even she closed herself off from with Gojo to protect her heart. She lost him. And she knows that it isn't her fault, but that doesn't make that pain go away.
Gojo gave her that time to mourn him, that was the moment in the shower when she broke down. The silence that we skipped over between after they spoke and when the shower was done was her finally getting to grieve her best friend. She's not done, but it was the first time she was able to let herself really begin to feel that weight of the reality that he's gone. The fact that she will never see him again.
She has lost everyone. There's genuinely only so much more she could take before her heart would literally just stop working.
People have said that they really like how emotionally realistic Rinko is, and emotionally realistic Rinko would literally die of a broken heart if she went through too much more.
I'm gonna be honest with you: Once she sees Gojo 'die' (because in my canon he's gonna come back) Rinko is going to go in to fight Sukuna with the intent to die doing it. She's going to live, and she's going to destroy him decisively. Not even a competition if he can't beat her domain out. But she's going to go in thinking she's gonna die. And she doesn't care. Because at that point, all of her reasons for living are gone. So she's going to go in with the sole intent to take him with her.
She's gonna live. She's gonna literally psychologically torment Sukuna and then chop that fucker's head off and smash it into nothing. And then she's going to get out and wish she was dead, and then she'll see Megumi and realize she has at least one reason to live. And then Gojo will show back up, and she'll just fucking collapse because she's so fucking tired.
It isn't just going to be Gojo wanting to retire and disappear for a while (if not forever). She's going to agree with him. She's literally going to just look up and be like "I'm so fucking done with this shit. Fuck all this shit. Yuuta, you go kill the guy in Geto's body and burn it, son. Super proud of you. K, cool. BYE."
And they're gonna nope the fuck out and let the kids handle it while Rinko sleeps for a literal week.
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
lots of talk about why Mike reacted so negatively to this when he reacted so positively to this:
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can we talk about how the Rinkomania reaction started in between those two things? right here:
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at mid-season-2, all the times Mike has seen El use force against people have been super justified because there were lives at stake (or at very least, like in the case of tossing Lucas in the junkyard, she thought there were)
then Max wipes out, and goes "ooh it was like a magnet pulled on my board" and instead of taking that the way anyone would - that this annoying girl fell due to lack of skill and is trying to save face with a stupid excuse - INSTANTLY Mike suspects El. El, who's currently dead or lost in another dimension or whatever, must actually be lurking around here with nothing better to do than trip Max.
ok 100% accurate but I'm offended nonetheless
why did he jump to that conclusion?
the last time some inexplicable, physical but nonlethal hijinks befell someone he was talking to, he turned around and saw who was responsible:
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so when Max fell, in that same gym btw, of course his brain goes turn around, look at what you seee
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this was Mike learning that, oh, El isn't Superman and doesn't reserve her powers only for perfectly morally justified situations, but can in fact lash out about anything that bothers her, like the disturbed child she is.
BUT I don't think he actually processed that at that moment. he wasn't thinking about how Max did absolutely nothing that could be misinterpreted as a threat, and didn't deserve this. at that moment, any thought of justice for Max, or scrutiny of El's motives, was easily and completely drowned out by excitement that El might be there.
so later Mike sees Angela screaming on the ground with El standing over her, and remembers he has already seen El respond to a non-life-threatening situation with a level of force that didn't make sense to him.
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plus he has that whole protection thing and I think seeing anyone get hurt is paladin catnip to him (see him rushing to Max's aid two seconds after telling her she's annoying). he has that instinct to support whoever's been knocked down undeservedly - yeah he knows Angela is an asshole, but El's response seems overboard to him, so while he doesn't go as far as rushing to Angela's side, he doesn't rush to El's side either.
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he keeps distance between himself and El at the rink and leaves her sitting alone in the most literal demonstration of not wanting to take her side. he seems irritated in the car and downright pissed at the dinner table. I think it's true that he was overwhelmed in the moment and scared not of El but of the situation, but I don't think that's all of it, because then why would he be pissed.
maybe he's seeing patterns and thinking back on how Max didn't deserve that at all, and how neither of these things were very Superman of El and he's a bit disillusioned that she doesn't live up to the flawless superhero moral code he assigns her in his mind.
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while the Angela thing seems WAY harsher than the Max thing, can I also say that a lot of that is due to circumstances?
Angela's pouring blood, wailing, an ambulance has to come, there's lots of witnesses. it looks baaaad. Max isn't injured, isn't too bothered, and there are no witnesses or real consequences. shrug. but it easily could've gone down much more like Angela. you can absolutely break a bone or get a concussion from a spill like Max's.
Max isn't hurt, so Mike just leaves the room, and nothing ever comes of it. compare to Mike watching an inevitably-to-be-arrested El sit stewing in the aftermath as dozens of Angela's sympathizers watch her get checked for brain damage by EMTs.
it's little wonder Mike has such a different reaction in the moment, even though El's actions in these two scenes actually isn't totally night and day.
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El's force was more deliberately focused on Angela, and I think El did intend to hurt Angela in a way she didn't intend to hurt Max (El yoinked the skateboard rather than bodily targeting Max herself, but her intent was still to make Max fall, and she could have been comparably injured as a result).
like, up til the point of "El gets mad and lashes out" these are similar - the way the aftermath unfolds just happens to take the best and worst possible paths, respectively.
and before you want to point out that the Angela thing was a reaction of anger and the Max was just about puppy love jealousy, no, that was anger. Max is literally the first thing El thinks of when Kali says to think of something that angers her.
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tldr; rinkomania is just a nightmare remix of the gym scene to Mike
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i'm rewatching episode blue of the chou den-o trilogy and owner was really like "what if i was homophobic for no reason. what if i ripped this relationship apart. lmao. learn a lesson koutarou!" meanwhile ryoutarou (13 again) is like "uh my grandson he is gay please give him back his monster boyfriend"
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twowink · 2 years
hyping myself up to go take a shower and then continue my six fanarts afterwards ...
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
When Eyes Meet- Midorima Shintaro
A/N: Finally, I get to cover the last guy in the series! Woohoo! I'm chosing to follow Midorima's POV instead of the reader's for this one, because this concept is right up his alley. Aomine- Kise- Murasakibara- Akashi- Kuroko- Kagami
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For as long as Midorima could remember, he had cracked open history books and studies, all to find answers for the question that had been plaguing mankind since their existence. How did Recognition work? Recognition, the fabled phenomenon where two people would lock eyes, and instantly exchanged the very names of their souls with the person destined to be their love. No one knew how people could know the names of ones soul through eye contact, what triggered the phenomenon considering some people knew their love since childhood whilst others would Recognize upon first sight. Midorima had read countless of theories about it, but he could not know wether the held any merit, because Midorima still hadn't Recognized himself despite trying countless ways to attract his future wife. Midorima wasn't the most romantic guy, but the minute someone had informed his tiny self that someday, he would find the girl of his dreams through a tried method, he had been waiting for it to happen. He had dreamt about how it would happen, wonder how she would look like. Midorima was reading yet another study at the Shutoku library, having already done his homework he was burried in another book about the subject yet again. "Still reading these books, Shin-Chan?" Takao asked from behind him, spooking the green haired boy. He whirled around annoyed and saw Takao was with his usual small friend group. They eyed him with their friendly smiles, one more teasing then the other. Midorima didn't had true close friends in Shutoku, except for Takao. The rest of the gang were more like casual acquaintances he hung out with from time to time. They consisted out of a boy named Kyoyama Ryu, another one named Toya Keisuke and his sister Rinka, and you. Keisuke scoffed at the book. "You really think you're going to find the love of your life if you're stuck in the library all day?" Rinka hit her brother. "At least his grades aren't failing the way ours are, nii-chan." You giggled and decided to sit in the seat next to him. "I don't think anyone would want to trade with your grades, Keisuke-kun." You teased and Midorima couldn't help but think you had such a lovely grin. Your playful expression was oozing with charm. "Well, what do you guys think how it happens?" Whilst everyone in his group was as soulmateless as he himself was, he figured asking the question would do no harm. Keisuke scrunched his nose in thought and Takao hummed as he thought about his own theories. "Maybe, it's seeing someone for who they truly are." Your answer came immediately, like you had thought about it so much that you didn't even needed to think about your theory. Midorima looked at you in surprise, your simple answer felt like a pretty satisfactory explanation. 'If eyes really are the windows to the soul, then that's a decent theory,' Midorima mused. He looked at you, and studied your frame. If he could be honest, you were the one from Takao's friend group he liked the most. You were the type to always come with an answer or a solution to the questions he had, thinking outside the box. With you, he felt like his musings and worries always cleared like the sun, giving him time to think of other things, like how soft your hair always looked. If he were less reserved, he would have asked you for your contact details long ago. "Ey y/n-san, I bet you've got a clear idea of the guy you're gonna Recognize huh?" Rinka asked as she flopped down on your other side. "Not really. Every time I try to picture what kind of guy suits me, I just end up lost and confused." "Well someone smart enough to match you. Someone steady, who's probably traditional but not in a discriminatory sense. You know, like Midorima." Rinko had spoken her mind before she realized how awkward her words were. As your eyes fluttered to Midorima, curiously, he peered into your eyes and found to his shock that a name bubbled at his lips. And he instantly knew, that it was yours.
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Pacific Rim and Newmann: A 10 Year Retrospective.
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Strictly speaking, I’ve only been a fan for 9 years. I was at the dentist when the film was released. I never went to see it in theatres even though I was interested. I’d seen the clip they showed on Leno when Charlie Day was on to promote the film, the bit where Hermann and Newt bicker while Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam, and Rinko Kikuchi look on. By the end of the year I saw people posting about it on Tumblr and I became increasingly intrigued. By the summer of 2014 I was shipping Newt and Hermann hard, getting sucked into very naughty fanfiction. 
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That August I bought the DVD and then watched it into the early hours. The scene with Otachi’s baby blew my mind at 4am.
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(gif from neillblomkamp)
I didn’t know then that it would change my life. I spend a lot of money on kaiju and a couple jaegers from NECA, books, clothing merch, stickers, doujinshi, zines, and several prints that adorned my apartment walls for years. I wrote a large volume of fanfiction, sometimes in a notebook at work. Other than academic work it was the most I’d written in years. I even created fan art which I had hardly done before that. I was so invested as a person and a writer.
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Even more impactful was how it changed my social life. I made friends who sadly did not remain so. I miss those people, I truly do. And I feel very badly about how things either ended abruptly or faded away, regardless of it that was my fault or another’s, or simply life. The people have gone and the ghost of my love for them remains.
But the friends I have stayed close to changed my life more. I never thought I would gain a sister out of it. I met my best friend in October 2014 online through the fandom and as the years went by we became very close, closer than we are to our own families. I’m going to see her in person for the third time this summer. And of course I made so many other friends and mutuals who have been so kind and patient with me all these years, talented writers and artists, and very good people. I love them all.
And of course the sheer fun that came out of being in this fandom. The fact that we all mass-halucinated a lab couch, thereby proving the concept of the hivemind. The wonderful, unhinged conversations we’ve all had and the laughter we shared. Not to mention cosplaying as Hermann when I went to see the Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters exhibit.
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The scene where Hermann says they’re going to drift together is STILL my alarm every morning after all these years.
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I certainly love Newton and Hermann. They’re a part of me in many ways. Expressions of who I am. I never stray too far away from them. Even now after so much has happened in my life, they continue to be a comfort and conjure up so many fond memories and always will.
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ladygwyndolin · 4 months
what are your hottest murcielago takes, outside of schoold destructions good the fandoms just cowards
i don't have a TON of them but i'll try to give a few, i just don't know what counts as a hot take though since i'm not sure what takes are common since i refuse to engage with the concept of fandom
Kuroko: i don't think she should suffer any negative consequences for her behavior and should end the series happy with chiyo and their daughter hinako. i think she should get away scott free even after every monstrous thing she's done. because it would be funny.
Chiyo: Kuroko has never cheated on Chiyo. Whatever they have going on is clearly consensual and something Chiyo is aware of and okay with. Hell, she even hangs out with Kuroko's other hookups and talks about what sleeping with Kuroko is like with them. People who say Kuroko is constantly cheating on her clearly don't understand how non-traditional relationship dynamics work.
Rinko: i'm simply not interested in whatever is going on with Rinko and Aiko's story because I don't find Aiko even remotely interesting as a character and would rather it just be exclusively Rinko-focused.
Unspecified: we need to see Kuroko's strap game before the series ends or else i'll cry
Reiko: i think she's cool but i honestly have had a hard time getting really invested in her as a character because arana hasn't been translated so i'm not as captivated by her as a lot of other people seem to be. sorry queen.
Narumi: Overrated
Minako and Fuuri: they need to go back to showing up every arc honestly. i love them.
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47 Ronin (2013)
47 Ronin (2013)
Smoking: Papa Smurf
This movie encompasses a lot I like in a movie; kung fu, action, fantasy, drama, love, and the best thing of all Keanu Reeves!!! My love for him knows no bounds. Sorry hubby. Hahaha
This movie is about samurai who ended up becoming a ronin and have to fight to avenge the death of their lordl I unfortunately ruined the ending of the movie for my roommate, sorry girl! So, if you don’t want to know any more about this movie STOP READING NOW!
Starts with Hiroyuki Sanada, whom I loooooove also, who is playing a character named Oishi. He finds KR passed out in the river and then HS tries to kill him! Of course, because they think he’s a demon because of where he was found and that he was half American and Japanese.
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We see a relationship build between KR and Ko Shibasai form an early age of what looks like love *eyelashes flutter and palms go under chin*
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Now we flash forward. KR is still repressed and is always asked basically to help with dangerous missions. More because Min Tanaka (who is Lord Asano) trusts him to actually get the job done and done quickly, not because he is fodder. MT really adores KR, sees him almost like a son, but of course knows his place as a servant.
KR defeats this animal with what I would say would be minimum effort. He gives the praise to another samurai who would be honored in place of him because he doesn’t want any issues between him and the other man, but my man HS knows the truth. He sees the blood of the animal on KR hands. He does not say anything but he knows who really slain the beast. Then KR sees this two toned eyed white fox just staring at him. Wonder where this could lead….
We come back from the hunt and MT is greeted by his daughter KS. MT can see that his daughter is asking a lot of probing question about if any one was hurt and he can see KS looking around for someone. He asks who she is looking for and does this raised eye brow thing. You know her dad knows what she thinks. He can see it. He knooooooooooows. Then of course when KS hears that KR is back, she goes to him. I’ll leave the rest up to you WATCHING the movie lol, or you already know hahah
Now for this big tournament of samurai between nobles. And a witch passes a spell on MT’s samurai. KR has no other option but to go out and fight for them. Because if no one goes out then Ako, the land that MT rules, would be disgraced. Being a half-breed/demon, not even remotely in the realm of a samurai. I can’t think you would think them finding out would be okay. Because if you thought so, you are so wrong. His helmet falls off, and everyone can see he is not full Japanese and that he is not one of MT’s samurai. The shogun wants to call for his head, but because KS is in love, she stands between the blade and KR. KR is kicked out of the land. KS knows this and you can see regret on his face.
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Now you got the witch, literally her name in the movie played by Rinko Kikuchi, just running around bewitching people left and right. Little B!TCH is more like it. Ends up making MT do something that he ends up being put to death for. This is why the Samurai become Ronin.
I’ve never really noticed before, but the people in this movie walk very smoothly. Like their heads don’t bobble back and forth like you see in those scenes that have those crowded New York scenes.
Now it is one year later. HS goes to look for the half-breed, KR. Who just happens to be fighting some kind of….I’m gonna go with ogre...yeah ogre for sure. Then comes like the first person to person fight scene. I had to stop typing and watch because it was KR and HS. It was like KR was in survival mode until HS said Mika’s name and he snapped out of it, and they escaped together. Of course, fighting all the way lol.
And now for a trip into the Tengu Forrest. Where they will be able to find the weapons to defeat the Lord Kira. Which in the case KR was with demons, but not one. He was left in the forest to die because he was a “half-breed” and they taught them their magic.
Then we got some creepy wall fungus that’s breathing. Trying not to give away the whole movie is hard! I know some of my last reviews were pretty long. Especially Forgetting Sarah Marshall! Lol!
Now we are coming to the end of the movie. The final battle during the wedding of KS and Lord Kira. This is where the ronin get their revenge! And like KR tells the demons, I too think their cause is just. The ronin sneak in to the compound of Lord Kira and it’s on!
Now like I said, I’m “attempting” to shorten these. It may take a few movies to get the hang of it. So, I’m not going to tell you anything about the final battle. You’ll just need to go on HBO Max and watch it, or buy it off of Amazon like my movie hoarding self-did! Haha!
Side note. The witch is a bit of a bad ass. Like she’s evil sure, but I kind of wish I had some of that power.
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Then we have the ending. Which I won’t ruin for you like I did for my roommate. Once again, so sorry Torinthia! Promise I didn’t think you were listening to our conversation! Love you!
That’s it for this round of Reefer-Reviews-N-Reels!
Till next time 😉
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Pffft just imagine Micchy and Takatora, and Oren looking at Kouta and Mai with a kid (read: Yuzuru, it ended becoming a joint custody with the Wizard and Mage rider and allies, his parents and Kouta and Mai)...
"Ara, did Monseiur Fruit Salad and Madamoiselle Apple procreate?"
"Please do not answer his question" Takatora's tone was so done.
Micchy's eyes are just wide like saucers.
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"Please do not mistake me as their child." Yuzuru had to explain to them first, his face polite but deadpan. He was most likely used to people mistaking people as his parents. Nitoh has been mistaken as Yuzuru's elder brother thankfully. Yamamoto and his wife were the most mistaken as Yuzuru's parents and that's fine.
One time Rinko was mistaken as his mom and Yuzuru almost wanted to jump off of a cliff-
"Yeah uh, he's just a friend. We're watching over him the wizards and mages." Kouta explains as Yuzuru shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, not giving a single flying fuck. The kid is just too tired for this shit anyway.
"Well.." Mai begins to say, "I mean we are here to show him around. Do you all mind?" "of course! I would be happy to!" Oren goes to pat Yuzuru on the head and though the young boy does take it, there is this age to him that is wise beyond his years.
No one knows where the hell Yuzuru's sass came from but they all assume it's frustration of dealing with Nitoh all the time.
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hear me out: using her domain saves megumi, too.
rant below the cut
i'll be honest, i was trying to give akutami a chance to show us how tf he's going to repair the damage he's done because i don't like deviating from canon. BUT FUCK THAT. THIS IS MY FANFIC.
If I do this, it's going to deviate after chapter 236.
I'm not going back on my word, Gojo will live.
Think about this:
Rinko sees him die and loses her shit.
Sukuna can't handle another domain expansion to beat her out, and she knows that so she goes in and immediately uses it.
Traps him, and then uses it to drive him insane.
On top of that, she realizes that she sees Megumi as well because her domain targets the soul.
BUT NOT ONLY THAT but the version of Sukuna she's seeing is his original form so people can still be like 'oh cool, og sukuna'
because she's seeing his soul.
and he's all cocky like an asshole, but she's like 'what could you possibly think you have left to take from me? you took my kid. you took my person. if you think taking my life is what scares me, you already did.'
and then she fucking taunts him because he was supposedly an unwanted kid and she's like 'bitch, so was i you little shit but guess what i wasn't a little bitch about it like someone."
and then she murders him.
and she fucking cuts his head off and smashes it to make for damn sure
and then her domain goes away and there's megumi, very beat up physically and emotionally, but at least she has her kid back, right?
and then gojo is just like 'wtf i was gonna kill him when i got back-"
and she's like 'how the FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE'
'didn't destroy my head'
and then he notices that she smashed sukunas head and he's so damn proud of her.
and also terrified and like 'listen baby i know you're probably mad but don't kill me-"
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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Tokyo Tarareba Girls
9 volumes
Licensed by Kodansha, also on Azuki and INKR Comics.
A sharp new comedy about female friendship from the creator of Princess Jellyfish! Rinko has done everything right. She hustled her way through her 20s to make it as a screenwriter, renting her own office in a trendy Tokyo neighborhood. Everything should have gone according to plan... So at 33, she can't help but lament the fact that her career's plateaued, she's still painfully single, and she spends most of her nights drinking with her two best friends in their favorite pub. 
One night, drunk and delusional, Rinko swears to get married by the time the Tokyo Olympics roll around in 2020. But finding a man--and love--may be a cutthroat, dirty job for a romantic at heart.
Related Series 
Toukyou Tarareba Musume Bangai-hen: Tarare Bar (Spin-Off, not licensed) Toukyou Tarareba Musume Season 2 (Spin-Off, not licensed) Toukyou Tarareba Musume Returns (Sequel, licensed)
Status in Country of Origin 
9 Volumes (Complete)
Adapted to JDrama
Award-Winning Work
Best Friends
Blunt Male Lead
Career Woman
Career-Oriented Protagonist
Cruel Male Lead
Divorced Male Lead
Drunken Intercourse
Dysfunctional Relationship
Gender Discrimination
Low Self-Esteem
Movie Business
Multiple Couples
Music Band/s
Office Politics
Older Female Younger Male
One-Night Stand
Quirky Character/s
Rude Male Lead
Searching for Love
Shop Owner/s
Substitute Lover
Traumatic Past
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candont · 1 year
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No really I had a busy weekend: moving boxes; emptying storagespaces and closets.  But also the Mrs was away which means I sleep poorly so watched lots of stuff instead of going to bed.
Quite enjoyed finishing this.  Given the subject mater it could have easily veered into garish pulpy noir or leaned into obvious exoticism but instead keeps things more convincingly low key and therefore creating a more believable world. The characters and the performances are also well done enough to escape their cliche types (the naive reporter eager to prove himself, the violent yet soulful young gangster on the rise, the street smart former good girl, the wise older detective).  Admittedly though Rinko Kikuchi‘s character seems under served. Still with so many character types, reporters, detectives, yakuza dealing in information, somehow still manages to fall on the right side of show don’t tell.
And I got a big chuckle that it felt no need to wrap up any of its storylines.
Lastly though so fun to see a contemporary show with so much smoking.  And it’s never aggressive or furtive or commented on.  Just everybody smoking all the damn time.
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thebahwrites · 2 years
Could we know more about the PacificRim AU please ?
It sound amazing !!!
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Just so we're clear this is what you're walking into. When I tell you I literally had this entire thing outlined to write I'm nOT EVEN JOKING so incoming wall of text. (And this is me holding back, please know. Talking about this has me ITCHING to write it...)
Maverick as the outstanding pilot who, back then, could not drift with anyone. He could hit every simulation but couldn't hold a single partner, was about to be dismissed. Goose was his saving grace, man could drift with a ROCK if he wanted. They got along like a house on fire.
Goose dies when they're facing the lvl 6, they're still connected, Maverick manages to finish the fight enough that the Kaiju goes back but doesn't die. His jaeger suit burns into his left side, where Goose used to be.
Unlike GooseMav, IceSlider are the ice-cold-no-mistakes duo and they can't stand the other pair's chaotic strategies and way of fighting. They kept each other on their toes.
IceMav drifted together twice before 2022. Once before Goose's death, testing a new Jaeger and:
Once right after Goose's death, to finish off the lvl 6 Kaiju. Until 2022, they're the only pair of pilots to reach 101% sync.
Mav however disappears right after the fight, never to be seen again, remains as a Jaeger pilot legend. 17 kills under his belt.
Maverick "disappears" as in, he grabs Rooster and Carole and moves to the Midwest, well away from any coastal cities and they live a lowkey life as much as possible. Of course, he adopts Bradley properly when Carole passes.
There were no pulled papers because Maverick wasn't at the PPDC Academy but there WAS an ugly fight between him and Rooster when Rooster enlisted, things were strained between them for a long time but eventually they fixed it.
Hangman? The Rinko Kikuchi/Chuck Hansen mix. Ice's adopted kid who got rescued when a Kaiju leveled Houston. It was IceSlider's fight to win and Ice took the kid in, no family left alive. But 10 years later Ice got sick from all the, you know, radiation exposure of those old Jaegers and also the stress of being a high efficiency pilot and couldn't continue, so 16yo Jake took up piloting with Slider. And when Slider got too old and also sick, he's the first pilot in line to solo a Jaeger. He's KNOWN for being the best active Jaeger pilot there is and he makes sure everyone knows that, too.
His Jaeger is a 6th gen machine, no nuclear core, etc etc.
Ice hates it, tries to hold him back as much as possible which results in A LOT of infighting but Jake also respects his father and Marshall, despite his public attitude.
He does give the old pilots a lot of shit in his interviews.
He's cocky, he's brazen, he's mean and he loves his family SO MUCH, Ice and Slider are all he has. He wants to prove he's just as good as Ice but he also wants to kind of show he's "earning his keep".
Ice resents himself for not letting Jake know any other life than the Shatterdome/Jaeger/Kaiju fighting, there was no way his kid would become anything other than not only a military brat but also an insane Jaeger pilot. Hopes that when their fight is done, Jake gets to live a more normal life and all but does have his doubts.
(And we all look at Iceman who let his One Get Away and then spent the next 30 years running the Kaiju Hunting Show)
I have many thoughts about Iceman/Hangman in this AU.
ROOSTER ON THE OTHER HAND. He knew a different/better life! And had a pretty peaceful upbringing or as much as someone in an alien-invaded world can have. But he did grow up with Maverick haunted and looking up to the Jaeger pilot stories. He decides to become a pilot for both of his fathers and also to prove he can do good. A bit of a world-savior complex.
Of course he and Hangman do not get along as soon as they meet, by the time he gets to pilot a Jaeger, Hangman has already racked up a bunch of field kills.
He turns up to be one of the few pilots able to pilot solo, too, so he gets one of the few 6th gen Jaegers. Competition with Hangman only gets worse from there and it grows even more impossible when they're stationed in the same shatterdome.
(For a good while he doesn't know Hangman is Ice's kid NOR that Ice is the 'Tom' he grew up hearing Maverick talk about. It's a whole thing.)
Phoenix doesn't solo pilot but she has a problem similar to Maverick's. She's HIGHLY selective with her drifting partners and they usually don't last more than a couple runs because they're never good enough for her.
Coyote solo pilots but he's also one of the few able to drift with Hangman. They hit it off when Javy graduated the Academy and went on to field practice, Jake was training to solo pilot.
Bob is one of the top sim scorers but he's not exactly looking to pilot, he's better with the Jaeger engineering and weapons development, but he also likes seeing how they work up close.
Payback is a little older, along with Rooster, he had a few drifting partners, most of them quit as the Corps started losing the war and as the program began to get underfunded, so he quit too. He gets called back when the lvl 6 wipes out half of the new gen pilots, including his last partner.
He's put with Fanboy who's just the most excitable new pilot and no one wants to deal with the kid who's a bit of a Jaeger groupie. Reuben thinks it's cute. They hit it off immediately.
Maverick gets brought in to try and help these new gen kids but also he's one of the few that can pull off piloting a 2nd/3rd gen Jaeger which is what THEY will have to do because lvl6 and above Kaiju have EMPs that simply disable Jaegers of 5th gen and above that are all electronic and not nuclear. He also doesn't want to drift with anyone but ends up drifting both with Rooster for one fight and with Ice for another, despite not wanting anyone else ever again inside his head. (It turns out a healing experience.) Also of course, when Hangster does get to drift and fight, they beat the IceMav 101% sync because that's how we roll.
....ANYWAY I TOLD YOU I HAD MANY MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS AND I UHHHH I SIMPLY.... I love PacRim (as in, I have official merch from the movie release okay) and I love TGM so yes, look at this wholeass AU, I have SO MANY MORE thoughts on it.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Emu: THank you, Kamimura-san.
Yu: Don't mention it sensei
Yu; Now Haruto-kun won't have any reason to avoid my new and improved Fruit donuts and vegetable donuts.
Emu: Again, thank you.
[Wizard cast react, minus Haruto.]
Rinko: Haruto's not gonna like it, but if we have to tie him down to a chair and force feed him the veggie doughnuts, so be it.
Wajima: I doubt he'll forgive us for scheming like this, but... If this is for Haruto's sake, then it must be done.
Mayu: If you need help restraining him, Rinko-san, I will be glad to offer you my assistance.
Shunpei: Now, I can have my revenge for him blaming me whenever the rings are a flub... He didn't have to use them on the others...
Kousuke: Hey, maybe we can try to put some Kewpie on them- *mayo gets chucked away* MY MAYOOOOOOOO
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ota-division · 2 years
Kira's Thoughts on Miyazaki Division
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Himari Asami
Kira looks at the photo of the Miyazaki Division leader, and sighs. "I personally know Himari. I have to deal with her, both inside and outside of Chuohku. The Prime Minister put me in charge of monitoring her process and to make sure she isn't doing anything... illegal. Truthfully, I'm a bit surprised that Otome-sama put me in charge of her. I guess it was due to the fact that I'm already her parole officer. Yup, I'm assigned to visit her once every two weeks to see how she's doing."
"I can tell she doesn't like me. I don't know if it's cause I'm a cop, or cause I work for Chuohku. I don't blame her, really. But still, as much as I pity her situation, that doesn't mean I'm going to be merciful to her. She's still a criminal, and I have no sympathy for criminals."
Rinko Yamate
"I know Rinko 'cause I was the one assigned to her case, along with Kisouna-san. We both were ordered to search for the guy who kidnapped her and her friend, Roka Minami. Luckily, it didn't take long as we thought. The bastard had no defense, and we took great pleasure in hearing the judge give him life with no possible chance of parole. I often see her at the shrine Chinami and I visit. She's a good woman. Here's hoping she's doing better now that that piece of shit who hurt her is behind bars."
Kyoko Maruyama
Kira sighs at the photo of Kyoko. "Kyoko is a nice woman and a good priestess, but I can tell she doesn't really like me, like Himari. Why? Because I was forced to arrest her oldest sister after she assaulted the bastard who was abusing Kyoko. I didn't want to do it, but if I didn't, then they just would have sent another cop to do it. Still, I did everything I could to see that she was released considering she was simply protecting her sister. Truthfully, I can understand her and I agree with her decision. If anyone did the same thing to either of my sisters, I would have done the same thing." Kira sighs again.
"It's times like this I wish the law would hurry up and catch up to science already..."
Beautiful Nightmare
"These women... they're just like every other team in this tournament. Forced to compete against their will. Why? To either save/protect someone they care about, or because their livelihoods are at stake. So far, the Prime Minister hasn't said anything about the reports I've been turning in concerning them, for which I'm glad. I only hope she doesn't expect me to urge them into action. I'd really hate to have to face them."
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Kitty Mayhem au (3)
It was just another normal day in the Izuki household.
Akito was out doing so errands and Mari was taking a nap in her room. As for Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team, they were having a meeting in the living room.
They were talking about their curse and the fact it might be finally fading away!
It was just a feeling at this point, but both Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team have been feeling different lately. A sign that maybe the curse was almost over and done with!
Kitty!Erika looks around at the older members and asks how they were going to explain everything to Akito and Mari when they turned back into humans?
Kitty!KK honestly was wondering the same thing...
Kitty!KK suddenly goes still. His Kitty!Team also goes still.
"What's that smell? It smells like something is burning..." Kitty!Erika looks around, trying to locate the smell when they heard yells coming from Mari's room.
The Kitty!Squad all look over to the girl's room, and to their collective horror, see smoke coming from under Mari's door!
"Mari!" Kitty!Erika darts over to the door and starts scratching at it wildly, yowling at the girl inside.
But it was useless, Kitty!Erika and the others were just small cats, they couldn't do anything to help Mari!
Or could they...
Kitty!KK looks down at his tiny paw for a moment. "Maybe..."
He holds out his paw and swipes it down. to his shock, a single etheral weaving line shoots out and damages the door enough for someone human size to crawl through!
"Erika!" Kitty!Rinko shouts as Kitty!Erika darts through the opening and toward Mari, who was coughing on the floor.
Kitty!KK and the rest of the Kitty!Team follows Kitty!Erika's lead and surrounds Mari, nudging her toward the hole in her door.
"Mari! M- *cough* Mari where are you?!" Kitty!KK's ears perk up when he hears Akito's voice. He yowls loudly to get the young man's attention.
Akito, hearing the noise and seeing smoke coming from Mari's room, runs over. He didn't even question why there was a big hole in Mari's door, he just drops to his knees and drags the coughing girl out of her buring room.
Akito, with Mari in his arms and kitties at his heels, runs out his now burning home.
Outside he's greeted by worried neighbours who noticed the fire and first responders who were called by the worried neighbours.
"KK!" Kitty!KK looks to Kitty!Rinko, and to his shock, sees she was glowing faintly. Actually, Kitty!KK and his whole Kitty!Team were glowing!
The curse! It was fading away!
"Shit! We need to leave!" Kitty!KK didn't want to think about how people would react to cats suddenly turning into humans!
"But- but what about Mari and Akito?" Kitty!Erika ears were drooping sadly. She glanced worriedly at Mari, who was now being loaded into an ambulance.
"No time!" Before Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team could leave, a voice stops them. "Kuro?"
Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team stiffens, slowly turning around to see Akito staring at them.
Seeing how he had his glowing kitty's attention, Akito gets down on his knees and slowly reaches out to Kitty!KK, petting his head with a thoughtful look on his face.
Kuro... You and your friends... None of you are actually cats, are you?"
Kitty!KK nods, looking away as he curled in on himself.
This was it. Akito was going to hate them...
Kitty!KK lets out a surprised meow when Akito plucks him off the ground and playfully boops his nose. "I'm not mad. Yeah, I would've like to have known you guys weren't really cats, ut you helped saved Mari, so I think that more than makes up for that."
Kitty!Erika moves closer to Akito, placing a tiny paw on his knee and lets out a sad meow when glancing over at the ambulance that was now leaving for the hospital.
Akito smiles weakly, saying Mari was going to fine.
Suddenly, the kitties began to glow a little brighter, proving the curse was almost gone.
Despite wanting to stay in Akito's arms a little longer, Kitty!KK knew it wasn't a good idea. So he squirms until Akito places him back on the ground.
Kitty!KK gives Akito a sad meow before looking away and motioning for his Kitty!Team to follow him.
Before they made it too far, Akito calls out to them. "Will you come back to visit me and Mari?"
Of course they'll come back to visit!
Kitty!KK in particular couldn't wait to come back to see Akito once he was fully human again! He had so much to say, to show! He'll charm Akito like he did as a kitty and win him over again in no time!
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