#rip my old blog she will be missed
soft-girl-musings · 11 months
An Unexpected Proposition (pt. 1)
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based on this prompt from @imaginexhobbit, previously submitted under @jawn-i-made-coffee
cross-posted to ao3
part 2
Kíli x fem!Reader
tags: mentions of blood/injury, Reader is described as tall (by human standards), Y/N is used
wc: 1,615
fic summary: An injured dwarf appears on your doorstep. Do you grant him sanctuary on this stormy night?
A/N: posting this is totally self-indulgent and very out of left field for this blog but idc, we just reached 800 ao3 hits on this bad boy (some days we blog for the younger self anyway). I submitted this from my high school blog and revamped it in 2020, might flesh it out beyond pt 2 if the muse strikes.
Thunder and lightning seem to battle for superiority in the storm, chasing heavy torrents North. The evening is dark and damp, but you don’t mind. Your cottage is as safe a haven as any. You sit before your hearth, fire blazing as you bury yourself beneath several blankets, a mug of tea warming your lap. Nothing could ruin your cozy evening alone.
As if on cue, a brilliant flash of lightning illuminates the windows. A bloodied man’s face is pressed against the glass, his lips moving incoherently. You stifle a scream. In an instant you have your sword in hand and cloak about your shoulders, ready to face your intruder. Throwing the door open, you strike a defensive stance and scan the property. To your right, you see that it is no man at all, but a dwarf bleeding out in your garden. Dark hair clings to his face, bruised and battered. Blood marrs his complexion as rainwater drenches him. Before you can speak, the dwarf doubles over and begins to heave into your prized rose bush. You grimace.
"Please," he rasped, "please, I ask for sanctuary." His knees give way with the last syllable. You manage to catch him before he falls into the mud.
"I’ve got you, sir dwarf." Propping him up, you guide him inside. "Poor thing, you're soaked to the bone."
His small frame would not have been so heavy if not for his copious belongings. The dwarf seemed to have packed for a long journey, which had somehow led him to your door. You stumble over to the kitchen and deposit him in a chair, his head lolling to one side. You pour a cup of water and help him drink.
“Thank you,” he manages to rasp after downing a second glass. Life seemed to be returning to him already. “I do not mean to be a bother.”
You tilt your head quizzically. “If anyone’s bothered, sir dwarf, it’s you. Come, let me help you--” you assist him in his efforts to remove his belongings from his weary shoulders. He shivers fiercely, but does not refuse your help.
You notice how cold and pale he is. “Best not to strain yourself… let me start a bath for you. Your wounds need to be cleaned before they are dressed.”
You hand him a blanket and lead him to a partition in the next room. “Here, you can wrap yourself in this while I start the water.” The dwarf removes his outer layers and complies, his dark eyes never leaving you as you begin the tedious task of hauling numerous pots of hot water to the tub.
“Why are you helping me?” he finally asks, his face growing more puzzled with each trip you make.
You stop in your tracks, offering a shrug. “Because you asked.”
With that, you leave him to his bath.
You gather the dwarf’s wet clothing and lay each article in front of the still-warm stove. On the other side of the table lay his daypack and weapons. You hadn’t taken the time to inspect them before: the dwarf had been carrying archery equipment, numerous knives, and a shortsword. You examine each piece with reverence. The dwarves were renowned for their craftsmanship in the forges, but you had never seen proof of their handiwork until this moment. The blades were smaller than any you were used to, expertly fashioned with intricate detail.
"Like what you see, then?"
You jump at the sudden voice, dropping a knife. The dwarf had come out dressed in the shirt and trousers you had laid out for him. He stands by the fire, drying his hair.
"I was just admiring your weapons, sir-"
You nod. "(Y/N)." You notice the color has already returned to his skin and his cuts were clean. He had looked much worse before; in the light of the fire, he was almost handsome. "Feeling any better?"
"Oh, loads. I cannot thank you enough for taking me in." He grins, and you can’t help but follow suit.
"What were you doing out there? Facing that storm as you were seemed like a deathwish."
"I had the misfortune of running into some bad company at your tavern." His body fell heavily into a chair by the fireplace.
"I'm afraid the locals do not take kindly to dwarves," you say with an apologetic smile, standing to join him in your earlier seat. "What are you doing so far West? Your people are native to the mountains, I was led to believe."
You realize how young the dwarf was when his face breaks out in another eager grin. "I'm on a quest. I was on my way to Hobbiton."
You lean forward, intrigued. "The Shire? What kind of quest concerns the halflings?"
Kíli tells you of his Uncle's plan to reclaim Erebor for the dwarves. He makes sure to highlight how dangerous the task may prove to be. You try to hide your amusement, but your shaking shoulders and involuntary simper do not escape your companion's eye.
Kíli crosses his arms. "Is something funny?"
You wipe a tear from your cheek. "I'm sorry, but you look like you've seen nary a battle in all your days."
"What, like you have, lass?" he scoffs, nodding toward your sword propped by the door. "I'll bet you've never laid a hand on that weapon of yours until tonight."
Your expression darkens. "Watch your words, sir dwarf. I have seen and spilt more blood than you would care to believe."
Kíli shrinks back in his chair. "Y-yeah? When?" Even under correction, his excitement could not be diminished.
You tell him of your past days as a soldier. Having always been tall for your age, you had cut your hair and enlisted in a male disguise when you were barely sixteen. You regale him with tales of the lands you had seen and battles you fought as a young woman among hardened men. The fading storm is the perfect backdrop for your stories; in truth, it had been a long time since you'd been able to talk about your fighting days, and you revel in the drama of the moment. Kíli clings to your every word, apparent awe and admiration dancing across his features. Many hours and cups of tea pass between you before you conclude your saga, the fire having long since died down.
You yawn. Dawn was but a few hours away. "It's late. You must leave in the morning, I assume?"
"Yes, I have to get back on the road."
You stand and stretch your aching muscles. "We should both get to bed, then. I have an extra room you're welcome to." You hold out your hand. "Goodnight, Kíli."
Kíli rises and takes your hand, but instead of shaking it as you intended, he leans forward and kisses the back of it. Your face grows warm at the surprising softness of his lips. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."
He turns to leave, but stops and looks back at you.
"Why did you leave that kind of life? You spoke so fondly of your time in service."
You give a sad smile. "Let’s just say it wasn’t by choice." You begin to walk to your bedroom, but Kíli grabs your hand as you pass.
"If you had the chance, would you go back?"
You squeeze his hand and wink. "In a heartbeat."
"What's all this, then?" You laugh. From the looks of it, Kíli had been cooking a small feast since before dawn.
"Good morning, my lady!" Kíli wipes his hands on a cloth and bows with great bravado. "I hope you don't mind me raiding your larder. I wanted to express my gratitude for your generosity." He takes your hand and leads you to the head of the table, fixing your plate once you sit down.
"You really didn't have to do this."
"Ah, 'course I did! I'd have drowned if it wasn't for you."
You spend the morning laughing and eating your way through the meal with Kíli, realizing how much you will miss his company in the days ahead. He’s been a refreshing change of pace for the simple monotony you’d build for yourself. As you wash the dishes after your meal, you notice he is dressed in his clothes from last night, weapons and bag secured to his back.
"All set, then?" You know your face betrays you, but you don’t care if he knows how sad you are. You had gained a friend last night.
"Not quite." He practically bounds up to your side, that familiar grin plastered onto his features. "I have something to ask of you."
You set down the plate you had been scrubbing. "And what's that?"
"Will you join me? On my quest, I mean?" His face is radiant with expectation and excitement.
You busy yourself with another dish, shaking your head. “Kíli, I’m not quite sure what to say-"
"Say yes! (Y/N), you told me yourself that you missed your old life. This would be the perfect chance for you to reclaim it!"
Despite all logic, you realize how right he is. Some small but powerful part of you had longed to be on the road with him when he spoke to you last night. You knew it was rash, but your heart was already pumping from the mere mention of excitement, aching to get out in the world once more. The quiet life you had been leading was nice, but it paled in comparison to the journey Kíli now offered. You craved adventure. When else would you have the opportunity to taste it?
"I'll have my things packed within the hour."
A/N: you ever feel an old hyperfixation staring you down, threatening to return if you look at it too long? that might be happening again. only time will tell.
tysm for reading!
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378262 · 11 months
this blog is fucking. 6 years old today everyone celebrate
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majimemegoro · 10 months
Kamurocho dashboard simulator
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🏵 tojoc0re Follow
nishiki was 27 years old???
🏵 tojoc0re Follow
he shouldnt have been made a patriarch the dragon of dojima would of been better at it :/
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📸 daily-mac-photos Follow
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#kamurocho #tokyo #tenkaichi street #japan landscapes #photographers of japan #travel #cyberpunk #not as zesty as my usual subject matter but #lmao pls reblog this i almost got beat up by color gang members taking this photo
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🦢 chinpiraposting Follow
my hungry ass can't be left alone with staminam x i suck those bad boys down like juice
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🚲 wackycyclist Follow
#the entitlement i see on this site sometimes is disgusting #y'all will just post about having easy access to bicycles??? #some of us had our bicycles wrecked in fights??? #vent #do not rb
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🗡 koinodiscoqueen Follow
I've talked a lot about this already on this blog, but I want to have everything collected in one post so next time some dipshit with a hannya hand icon slides into my inbox to call me a liar I can just link to this post. tl;dr shimano futoshi made my cousin feel realy unsafe while she was shaving his head, and here are the receipts:
Keep reading
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🚡 matsushigeboss-deactivated30190547
fr we need to stop letting twunks be in charge of anything
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🍜 i<3kazama Follow
i stg if one more of you tells me the old yakuza way is dying I KNOW ALREADY shut UP
#feel like pure shit just want cold noodles
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📖 kamuroscamwatch Follow
today's scam: Aha water (again)
Was walking down pink street when I got stopped by a barker who promised that all my problems could be solved..., long story short, anyone remember Aha water from the 80s? Well, they rebranded as AHA water (subtle, I know) and they''re back at it. I stalked the people who make it and they literally collected puddle water from the champion district to put in the concoction. I didn't really feel well after drinking it, but the overall experience was good because they totally tapped into that nostalgia. Overall a really solid scam. Stay safe out there kamurocho.
4/5 stars
#scamblr #aha water #1980s #scams #scam rating #safety #scam review
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👺 hannya69 Follow
batting center is a normal place to get nastay in reblog if u agree
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🚗 thepocketcricuitfighter Follow
Does anyone here still play pocket circuit? :)
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📈 reglarsalaryman Follow
wtf this guy just ripped off his shirt in the street and started whaling on some guys?? everyone else started clapping and cheering and I just went along with it lmao 😅 am I missing something????
#this is right after he sang a song and saved a couple from jumping off a building #he was glowing too.... #average night in kamurocho
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🐛 majimaunderlingbaddiebracket Follow
🔘 shinji-deactivated30190303
here y'all go again pitting two bad bitches against each other
🌀 jingusforehead Follow
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🌊 thugbaby Follow
everyone who voted minami is an arson apologist #nishidasweep
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🔥 businessboi Follow
fuck my job so much. everyone manifest an attack on millennium tower so I can go home.
🔥 businessboi Follow
by talos this can't be happening
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641 notes · View notes
sundrop-writes · 9 months
From Your Lips
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Jennifer Jareau x Gender Neutral Reader
After JJ is attacked by dogs on the Hankle farm, everyone else is busy worrying about Reid’s missing status, but you take the time to check on JJ and try your best to calm her flustered mind.
Jennifer Jareau x Gender Neutral Reader. Established Relationship. Smut, Hurt and Comfort. Set during Season 2, Episode 15.
Word Count: 3,000
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is set during Season 2, Episode 15 (“Revelations”); warnings for themes/plot points from the canon episode - rabid dogs, mentions of JJ being attacked by dogs, mentions of dogs eating/killing a woman (a random woman who is not named here), animal death - mentions of JJ having to shoot the dogs (killing them) in self defence, gun violence, mentions of Reid being kidnapped (no details of that are discussed in this fic), religious themes (in this fic, religious motifs are used to encourage sexual behaviour - spoken about as though God made us to have sex with each other, not to discourage it as the Christian religion does); symptoms of shock/PTSD - JJ waves a gun in the reader’s face because she’s scared; general emotional angst, mentions of JJ blaming herself for Reid being kidnapped; mentions of blood (from JJ’s injuries); the reader is completely gender neutral - there are no identifying pronouns used for the reader (other than the ‘you’ I generally use for fics) and the reader’s genitals are not described in any specific way; use of Y/N, mentions of a pre-established sexual relationship between JJ and the reader - it could be a friends with benefits situation, it could be secret lovers, it’s never quite specified; JJ is more submissive and the reader is more dominant, but there is no outright dom/sub relationship; the reader calls JJ 'Jay’, 'sweet girl’, 'sweets’, and 'good girl’; using sex to distract from one’s emotional problems; (technically) semi-public sex because they’re in the bathroom where anyone could walk in on them (but they’re not caught by anyone); kissing/heated making-out; the reader fingers JJ; neck biting/marking (JJ receiving); hair-pulling(JJ receiving); praise kink; clothed/mostly clothed sex; I believe that’s everything.
A/N: This was primarily inspired by the picture of JJ on the right. I saw it and I was like 'damn she fine’ but I knew it was from Revelations so I was like 'damn she fine but I know she’s havin a real bad time rn’ - so I did the thing I do best: smut based off emotional trauma. This is basically the scene where Emily comes to talk to her in the bathroom, but replacing Emily with a reader character and then they fuck. Also the title comes from the phrase 'from your lips to God’s ears’ because religious imagery. I had so much fun with this lmao. I hope you enjoy it!
You couldn’t help but to feel bad for JJ. 
You knew that everyone was concerned about Reid - rightfully so. Worried about where he was, if he was alive or not. But you were the type of person who preferred to focus on the things you could control - the things right in front of you. JJ was someone you had known for long enough that you knew how to comfort her, and you pushed the ‘what-ifs’ about Reid to the back of your mind in favor of focusing on her. 
You knew that she was intensely shaken up by the entire situation. Not only the fact that she had been nearly mauled by a couple of dogs, pieces of her skin torn up and marred. But it was the fact that the team knew for certain that those same dogs had ripped a woman apart only a few days ago. You knew that JJ hated being forced to shoot those dogs. She was someone with a tender heart. You knew that all of this was affecting her. 
On top of all that, she was likely blaming herself for Reid being put in danger, even though there was nothing she could have done to save him. 
While everyone was gathered in the main room, looking through Hankle’s things for any hint as to where he had taken Reid, you moved toward the back of the house, knowing that JJ had gone to the bathroom to ‘freshen up’. You knew her well enough to easily pick up that it was code for her needing a moment to escape from everyone else in some attempt to calm down. 
The door to the bathroom was open just a crack, so you took a peek, not wanting to startle her by knocking. 
You could see her hunched over the sink, stress knit through her muscles as she gripped the sides of the porcelain. You felt a twinge of guilt flow through you as the thought occurred to you - even in such a state of duress, she was so beautiful. Painted in agony or pleasure, she was gorgeous.
She looked almost angelic like this, and you hated to believe that torture looked good on someone like her. (Perhaps it was the fact that you had seen her ‘tortured’ before - sweaty and begging, half on the brink of madness as she pleaded to get your tongue between her thighs once again.) 
You found your eyes admiring the sliver of skin that peeked out between her white button up and the low waist of her simple black dress pants. You found yourself wanting to actually smack yourself as a form of scolding when you couldn’t help but to admire the gentle dip of her waist and the curve of her ass. 
You felt sinful for thinking such carnal thoughts, even when she was so wrought with stress, clearly so wrecked from the night’s events. 
Perhaps it was the fact that you had come so close to losing her, and now that urge to possess her bubbled closer to the surface than ever. But you pushed it down as you gently nudged open the bathroom door. 
When the creak of the hinges echoed through the room, you certainly did not expect to be greeted with a gun in your face. 
JJ had whipped around much faster than you expected, and pointed her Bureau issued glock right at you. Clearly, she expected you to be a threat. The look in her eyes was positively wild - like a frightened animal being cornered by a fierce predator. Which of course, was something that had happened to her only a few hours before. 
“JJ.” You called out her name, keeping your voice firm, trying to ground her in this reality. 
Her eyes continued darting around, glancing into the hallway behind you as though she was expecting another rabid dog to suddenly appear there. 
“JJ, it’s just me.” You told her, reaching up and gently easing the gun down. 
She was still incredibly tense, so you reached up with your other hand and massaged along the inner part of her wrist with two fingers, getting her muscles to relax enough that she let go of the gun, dropping it into your hand. You made sure the safety was turned on before you placed the gun on the closed toilet lid. Then you turned and closed the bathroom door behind you, sealing the two of you into a quiet bubble to hopefully give her time to calm down. 
JJ let out a harsh breath - a sound that was mostly a sob strangled inside of her chest. She ran her hands through her already wild hair, tears gathering in her eyes once again. She turned to face the wall and you instinctively reached out, running your hands gently across her shoulders. 
One of your hands stayed as a comforting grip on her upper arm and the other rubbed an open palm up and down her back. You hoped you could soothe her in some way. You truly hated how she quivered under your touch, how you could feel those sobs trapped inside of her lungs; the echoes of cries she refused to release because she felt that she needed to put up a strong front. 
“It’s so stupid.” JJ complained. 
Her voice was wet with the unreleased tears as she held her head in her hands, still facing away from you. Her long blonde hair easily created a curtain around her face so that couldn’t properly see her. 
“I grew up with dogs! I had dogs! I love dogs, I would never-” 
“It’s not your fault, Jay.” You pressed, using your affectionate nickname for her. “When people train animals to attack like that, there’s nothing you can do.” You leaned in, gently resting your cheek on her shoulder, assuring her that you were there before you whispered the next words. “You had to shoot them.” 
JJ let out a harsh whimper, clearly struggling even more now with holding back her sobs. You wanted to tell her that it would be okay to cry, but you knew that it would be useless. She was raised as the strong brick wall of a daughter in her family, and she was not used to showing weakness - especially not used to crying. 
“I should have stayed with Spencer.” She announced quietly. “I shouldn’t have let him go off without backup. I should have-” 
“Jay, that’s not your fault either.” You told her firmly, cutting off whatever self blaming rant she was about to go on. 
She muddled in a bitter silence, her arms shaking lightly as she rocked her head back and forth - shaking her head in the negative in response to what you had said. 
She had to believe it was her fault. If Spencer didn’t come back from this, her self blame would only be worse. 
“JJ, look at me.” You demanded gently. She didn’t move, and you reached over and put a hand on her wrist, attempting to pull her hands away from her face. “JJ, please look at me.” 
When your voice warbled out the plea, she finally wavered to your touch, and let you turn her around to face you. You caught a glimpse of the bright red stains soaked into the sleeve of her shirt, splattered up across her front, and you tried to ignore the sickly curl in your gut because of it. 
You had the urge to lift her bandaged forearm up and lay a few kisses on it, like you would have kissed a child’s scraped knee - more so for the emotional comfort than any possible health benefits. But you knew that would have been more for you than for her. 
So instead, you reached out, brushing past that tangled curtain of blonde to gently cup her face with both your hands. You handled her with an intensely delicate touch as you tilted her gaze up from the ground. 
A few tears had managed to escape, and you brushed them away with your thumbs. JJ sniffled quietly, sounding quite small and defeated as she did so. For the first time that night, she felt a slight calm wash over her as the comfort of your presence truly settled in. 
She was eternally grateful to have you there with her. She reached up and gripped onto your wrists, keeping you anchored there. She skimmed her thumbs along the top of your hands, enjoying the smooth feeling of your skin as you stared at her broken face - a tearful angel that made your heart ache for her. 
You were called by the higher purpose to worship that angel - to turn her pain into pleasure.
Before you could stop yourself, you found yourself drifting toward her, leaning in and planting your lips on hers. It certainly wasn’t the first time you had kissed JJ, but it most definitely wasn’t the most opportune. 
She easily returned the kiss, pressing her mouth into yours with a soft neediness. It was when she let out a small moan, the sound vibrating against your lips that you felt that sting of guilty panging at you once again. The fact that lustful heat and your grief for her were colliding so heavily inside of you made you feel like just as much of a monster as the man who had taken Reid and sicked dogs on her. 
You pulled away from the kiss sharply, putting only an inch of distance between the two of you, not letting go of her cheeks. She didn’t let go of the hold she had on your wrists either - you wanted to keep her assured of your presence because she did need the comfort during this hard time. 
“I’m sorry-” You gasped out an apology for kissing her so inappropriately, but JJ, ever the woman to know exactly what she wanted, didn’t let you finish. 
“Don’t apologize.” She ordered sharply. “I need you.” 
She kept her eyes closed, her brows tight with anguish as you gently laid your forehead against hers. 
You couldn’t help but to question it. 
“Now, Jay?” You asked quietly. “Right now?” 
“I need to forget.” She whispered, her words so timid that her breath barely ghosted your lips, even with you so close to her. 
Your heart ached at her tone, and when you didn’t reply or didn’t move to kiss her again, she continued. 
“Every time I close my eyes, I just see… I just see those eyes glowing in the dark. I just hear growling.” She admitted, a few more tears escaping that you rushed to thumb away. “I need to forget it. Please, help me forget.” 
“Anything for you, sweets.” You whispered, using another affectionate nickname for her. 
You leaned in for another kiss, firmer this time. 
You let your instincts take over then - all the lust you had been pushing down rushing to the surface and servicing you well. If she needed to forget, then you would certainly make her. You would make her feel so good that all she would be able to focus on would be the hot blood thrumming through her ears. The medicine that God intended. 
You pushed her up against the edge of the sink, keeping one hand on the side of her face and moving the other to her hip. You skimmed your fingers along that tempting strip of skin right above the waistband of her low-rise pants, causing her to shiver at the teasing touch touch. 
In a moment, your forceful dominance, the way you handled her easily had her moaning into your mouth again, much louder this time. You moved the hand on her cheek around to comb your fingers through her hair. You dug your knuckles in, setting a powerful grip at the base of her skull that held her exactly where you wanted her. It was a tender pain that had her gasping for you as you shoved your tongue past her lips, now on a very determined mission to fuck every last dreadful thought out of her head. 
Your fingertips continued to dance along the waistband of her pants, gently teasing her skin in a great contrast to the forceful movement of your lips. Every single movement was cleverly calculated to make her mind numb. Right down to the way you tugged at her hair and yanked on her bottom lip with your teeth as you pulled away from the kiss, leaving her panting wildly. 
Her eyes were closed much more gently this time, her eyelids fluttering lightly, and you hoped that you had already reduced those nightmarish visions to dust as she relaxed into your touch, buttery under your fingers as always. 
“Thank you,” JJ breathed out, her voice sweet as ever as you bit a path down her neck. You wanted to leave noticeable marks that would stand out among the scratches and bumps she had acquired that night. 
You truly didn’t care if anyone else on the team spotted one of those marks and knew what it was. You were paying tribute to her, leaving your own kind of thank you on her neck as you sucked the soft skin between your teeth. Your fingers finally found the button of her pants and easily popped it open blind, pulling the zipper down in a moment. Without a second of hesitation, you shoved your fingers past the barrier of her simple cotton underwear. 
With one last sharp bite, you moved your head back up from the crevice of her neck then, pressing your forehead against hers once again. You kept that tight grip on the back of her hair, a small hinge of pain that grounded her, that assured her you were there. 
Your fingers easily found her clit, and you made the bold choice to begin rubbing her without wetting your fingers first. You knew that it would be a pleasurable sting that would certainly push any other thoughts from her mind. 
“Oh, fuck, Y/N-” 
JJ gasped, arching her hips away from the edge of the sink to meet your touch, her lips falling open beautifully and her eyes still so gently fallen shut. She looked so fucking angelic like this. 
More tears kissed her lashes as you pressed harder on her clit, moving your fingers in hard, slow circles. You could assure yourself that these were tears from pleasure, not from anguish or pain. You had rewritten the stony hurt inside her muscles, rethreading the cords tight with the need for an orgasm where they were previously pulled tight with stress. 
“Please!” She begged so beautifully when she wanted to. 
It felt like its own unique reward to know that you were one of the only people that all powerful Jennifer Jareau ever begged to. 
You felt her becoming wetter around your fingers, flooding her underwear in response to your simple touches, and there was only one thing you wanted before you would make her cum. 
“Look at me.” You told her, the words quiet on your lips but so utterly full of confident power. 
JJ whimpered in response, not yet opening her eyes, and you stopped the movement of your hand altogether. She let out a very displeased sound and you began slowly pulling back, threatening to leave her hanging (which was a very empty threat in this context - not that she had to know that). It was something that immediately caused her eyes to shoot open as she reached out and grabbed your wrist, holding you in place. She canted her hips up, desperately trying to get your touch back where she needed you most. 
“Please,” She pleaded again, all hot breath and desperation - all for you. 
Staring into those blue eyes, lit with a desperate blaze of lust as she panted out humid breaths across your chin, you were only reminded of the fact that everything you did was for her. Everything in your life was a worship in her name, no act too small to dedicate to such a perfect Goddess. 
“Good girl.” 
You praised her, knowing it was exactly what she needed as you angled your fingers back between her wet folds. You gathered up that wetness, slicking up your fingers before you placed your determined touch right on her throbbing clit. This time, rather than being slow and calculated, you were quick and determined. You made speedy movements that you knew would draw her to the quick finish that would perfectly empty her mind. 
“Always so good for me, Jay.” 
“Thank you, oh! Oh, fuck!” 
She started singing your praises in her own way as your touches sped up, the sound of her wetness just barely muffled by the fabric of her pants and underwear, becoming delightfully sloppy under your fingers. With the way she was unconsciously canting her hips toward you, humping against your hand, you knew she was so close. 
You leaned in, and while looking her in the eyes the whole time, you bit down on her bottom lip and roughly pulled it out, letting the skin snap back in a rough possession of her as she panted and moaned the whole time. 
“Cum for me.” You demanded in a rough growl, finding yourself comparable to one of those rabid dogs. Though you were consuming her in a way that renewed her life, rather than trying to end it. “Cum for me, sweet girl.” 
“Fuck!” JJ cried out, an epic prayer as she spiraled into the all consuming pleasure of her orgasm. 
Though you wanted nothing more than to listen to those beautiful sounds, you had to silence her most pitiful orgasmic cries by clasping your lips over hers. You didn’t want the others hearing - you wanted to keep those sounds all to yourself. You muffled her noises with a tight suction of your mouth as you continued to work her right through the orgasm, keeping a tight grip on her hair the whole time to show her exactly who she belonged to. 
With the crucifix mounted on the bathroom wall, the knowledge of Hankle’s God staring right at you as you did all this - you couldn’t find an ounce of shame inside you. Not now. You could find no better way to honor God than to lovingly dedicate your life to the embodiment of his best work.
A/N: Please keep in mind - this is a oneshot, so there will not be a continuation of it or a sequel to it. If you are going to comment, please comment about the body of work that has been written. I have not written any other fics about JJ at the time of this being posted, but if you like my writing style, definitely feel free to check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist or my other Masterlists.
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anpanham · 9 months
Hazbin Hotel character thoughts / impressions (Episodes 1 & 2)
UM. what a weird first actual post for my blog for this year... this is long, and i miss making ACTUAL blog posts instead of small threads... And i've explained on my twitter my thoughts on Hazbin / Helluva from a critical standpoint and artist from art separation, yadda yadda yadda---
ANYWAY... Episodes 1 and 2 of Hazbin are (Officially) out now, and i have some thoughts on the characters i wrote down after watching (In bullet points, because most of these are fresh-from-the-brain thoughts i wrote on my tablet from my bed)
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(Spoiler alert, Sir Pentious isn't ruined and I AM SO GLAD. my snake babygirl... ilu)
Read on, if you wanna, spoiler warning btw!!!!!
-Charlie is good., Charlie is cute, but i fear for her safety, not everyone can new redeemed. she's like steven universe at points i stg 😭 (not a jab but i think it's funny)
-i like how they gave Charlie bags under her eyes a lot, she is a tired princess just like all of us
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-She gives off elementary school teacher vibes but in a wholesome way
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-Charlie's hair is SO CUTE MESSY..
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-PERFECT voice /gen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAGGIE NOTES
-GIRLBOSS (still, but more)
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-Vaggie is still cool, she just loves her gf and is sick of everyone's bs but is still supportive...
-If she doesn't get into a bloody death match with Alastor (and win) i will be disappointed /hj
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She doesn't seem to have as much of a temper as she did in the pilot, but seems more dead inside
-Good voice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGEL DUST NOTES
-Angel... hm. Angel. he's Angel, for sure. Hi, Angel!
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Insecure about a lot, but also YOU CAN BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT!!!!! if vox doesn't kill val angel should. please and thank u.
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Also his voice is alright, just need to get used to it a little more
Also i hope he's not too bratty jealous of sirpent / whoever else charlie praises because again, it's ON HIM TO COOPERATE WITH HER CAUSE MORE??? ignoring his other stress sources (Val)
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-Waiting for him and Husk to kiss. I know it's coming
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-Just fucking block Val's number and rip up the contract (YES i know it goes deeper than that...)
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-At first i was kinda Eh about his voice but it's grown on me, the radio filter is a little more subtle than the pilot but it's still there which i'm glad for
Delightfully passive aggressive
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-Weird magic still, there doesn't seem to be any limits to it... we need to know what his weakness is...!!!!! please (maybe that will come later??) ....... i theorize he has underworld contact (Shadow-world, because of the shadow imagery?) , the underworld might be different from Hell maybe? (Where do those fucking tentacles come from, also weird monochrome demons)
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-Interesting he was gone for 7 years. 7 is an angelic number. HMMMMMM (sealed away by angels somehow??)
-Punchable (Vaggie please)
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-Weirdly enjoyable and not genuinely hateable like some of the other characters, but i also want to see his demise, maybe his sadism is rubbing off on me, but i want to see it badly...
-Sir Pentious... u are so good.. probably has some of the best writing so far, maybe... he's my favorite so. hhHHmm
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his voice is different but at the same time it's what you'd expect, i like it a lot... so silly, i pat him and his silly hat
-Pathetic old man. You win my heart (50x as much)
-Only one egg spoke so far, i wonder if they'll all have unique voices this time (the Japanese dub of the pilot did that lol)
-Genuinely a joy every moment he was onscreen (Too fucking cute... GRRRR)
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-How did he get into contact with Vox? Why would Vox want anything to do with him if he thinks he's a loser? (I guess easy access into the Hotel) ...Fuck em either way (DON'T BE MEAN TO SNAKE MAN)
-Cool temporary stunning hypnosis, maybe we'll see him coil and bite next, the snake attack traits are fun
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-His autism vibes grow stronger and it's canon in my heart
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-We LOVE a redemption song. please stay in the hotel with everyone, don't fuck it up!!! you're a good noodle.... 😭 The song was genuinely so cute... it's probably going to be the highlight of EVERYTHING for me, besides Nuggs..
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-i luv u kitty
-His voice is different but captures "Grumpy old alcoholic" perfectly
-His heart needs to be melted...
-Him holding the script in front of the camera was great
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIFFTY NOTES
-Niffty is a BIG COWARD. you can still love a "Bad boy" who's a redeemed bad boy!!!! just because he's not morally bad doesn't Not make him a Bad Boy. fuck u (i still like you)
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-Her voice is really cute, also her nightgown.. though finding out she doesn't have dark bug limbs but is just wearing gloves and stockings surprised me more than it should've... put them back
-Also autism vibes, love it
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-She still frightens me a bit
VOX -----
-Seems to carry the team, voice has grown on me
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-I can't stop looking at his weird finger claws, they almost look like
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he's just wearing things over his fingers, i dig it
-Interesting hypnosis power, i assume Alastor is immune
-Why can't Alastor and Vox just compromise and create a podcast?
-Hates Val (sorry shippers) ,,... kind of expected it since in old official sources it's been shown that he's been abused by Val too
-This isn't a note but everytime Alastor said "THE TV IS BUFFERING~" in their duet, the player kept fucking up 😭
-Decent song, I like seeing him and Al argue
-I surprisingly don't hate him! i'm glad. i wanted to like him (though, it's only been 2 episodes so far...)
VALENTINO ---------
-More manchild vibes than i expected tbh
-Voice is alright but his accent is weirdly inconsistent for some reason???? interesting direction
-His manipulation is shown well in the voicemail scene with Angel, he's literally got the "Nice Guy" energy
-Surprisingly didn't order Vox around as much as i thought he would
-Why does he have girl Fizzy bots...
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-Fashion design isn't something i expected, but then again i didn't know that much about her prior other than she's obsessed with social media
-British is also not what i expected but cool
-Uh. she didn't really stick out to me that much...sorry..... she's fine tho
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAM & LUTE NOTES
-Personally do not like how these angels look so menacing, i get that they're technically bad, but... make them look more angelic besides halos and wings??? they could easily be mistaken for hell residents. Also again, i feel like angels should swear less and drop swears in critical / good timed moments, it would be funnier... subtlety is not a thing i guess
-Adam's guitar solo was good tho, not really feeling his character tho, he's just an asshole but that's the point
-Adam looks like the fucking dress meme. I can't unsee it
-Lute is pretty...
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-Brandon Rodgers
-They sure were there for a second!
-i luv tom
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All in all...
Episode 1: 6-7/10
Episode 2: 8.5/10
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andieperrie18 · 10 months
nobody's daughters (part ii)
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Series: Blue Eye Samurai
Pairing: Mizu x Widowed! Reader
Chapter Synopsis: Mizu takes notice of you.
Warning: SPOILERS on Episode 5
A/n & DISCLAIMER: I'm still establishing the connection between Mizu and Reader. But future chapters will soon have more interactions. Please bear with my grammar. I'll probably proof this sometime.
Tags: @thefairywanderer @satwitch-blog @veethewriter @cutttteeee
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With one final release of air, you open your eyes as the small garden in front of you. A small butterfly flutters towards you landing on your nose for a few seconds making chuckle softly from  the ticklish feeling. You exhaled and finally stood from your seat.
“Excuse me,” you hear a raspy voice call you. You turn to meet your awakened patient, still weak but seeing the spotless piles of plates by the tray was enough to tell you she had eaten well. You smiled as you entered back inside and went towards her.
“You’ve eaten, that’s good to see, I suggest not doing too much these next few days if you don’t want to rip stitches, ” you trail as you arrive at Mizu’s side. She adjusts herself to face you while still struggling, reflected in expression and tone but she manages. As your gaze met hers, you were finally able to get a good look of her blue eyes.
Blue wasn’t the best description but rather a reflection of the bright sky. That would have been the best description if it weren’t for the immediate glint of darkness that flashed. Her eyes reflected a submerged iceberg. You looked away, as you cleared your throat upon realizing that you might have been staring intently at your guest. Not that Mizu had missed the long gaze, she simply looked towards the open veranda. The sound of water running beside the zen garden followed by sweet chirps of perched up birds by the wall rang around the room as the two women sat casually together for a long while.
Mizu’s attention had shifted from the garden to scanning the very room she was in. There wasn't much furniture and neither were they sophisticated but rather functional yet each still carried a feminine touch. I didn’t take the blue-eyed woman to understand that she was resting on the very room and futon of the woman of the house and her savior.
“I’ll be heading out now, I have a bit more chores to do,” you inhaled as you lifted yourself from the tatami floors of your room beside Mizu who simply watched you.
“Do not rush your recovery and take your time, you can walk around the place to stretch some muscles and simply ask Midori if you need anything,”
Mizu was a bit appalled by such a humble host, your smile did not have any kind of hidden agenda no matter how much skepticism she presumes on your every exchange. She watches you nod off to her and head out to the door. 
Mizu did spend the next few days resting and took the offer of scouring around your rather spacious yet one story Japanese home surrounded by rich and thriving vegetation. She found the rural beauty of your household surreal with how peaceful it was. Midori had shared that your land was indeed settled far from the confines of any busy village or town. You have lived your life in exile.
“The madame has been a wonderful and responsible head of this household, my husband and I have dedicated our lives to helping her around this lonely home,” Mizu listened to Midori intently as she ate lunch one bright afternoon. The kind woman had taken it upon herself to accompany Mizu and had been quite a talkative nurse much to Mizu’s expectation. But she wasn’t going to complain as she found it rather nice, the old lady’s gentleness was both foreign yet not, it reminded her of those moments where she was happy with her mother despite how few they were.
Mizu and Midori dined near the veranda of the center of the house that showed the landscape of vegetation that you have been tending and growing with Tanaka. 
“I find it unusual how she has intentionally taken on the task of being the head of the house. Was this house from her parents that was passed on to her?” Mizu trailed as her gaze found you at the center of the vegetable patch from the house.
“Oh no, madame was married to a farmer who owned this land, sadly died from circumstance that I am not in the position to share, but they were a happy couple and immensely contented with this life style,” Midori’s tone lowered when she spoke of your husband but immediately raised back to lighten the mood. The last thing the kind old lady wanted was for an awkward meal. Besides, you were doing well.
For a farmer or a husband, with the kind of land your household has, Mizu assumed it was impossible not to gain some kind of higher status. Doing business with your husband and his thriving produce, you could have been living a rather rich life. Not to mention, your looks.
She was no daft when it came to recognizing beauty. And like every beautiful provincial flower, she was sure that you could have found another husband to help you and provide you with a luxurious life. And yet here you were.
You, the lady of this household, dressed in a shade-colored tunic and long pants, your feet covered with a muddy enclosed straw slipper that you constantly submerged through dirt mud in your daily routine within the garden. Hair that was neither in a sophisticated style to be littered with elegant hair pieces, simply pulled together within your straw hat so that it cannot cover your face while you dig and pull the hoe in your hands to the soil. Your face was littered with dirt and sweat, yet exhaustion nor any sign of labored breaths was absent despite the fact the Mizu has been watching you word for more than an hour or two.
Mizu continues to reach full healing as days pass on, and as time passes, she has never once again had conversation with you as you were always occupied with your household and agricultural duties of your home. It was not really like Mizu has any business with your life but she's been rather curious of you. How you've chosen to live and devoted yourself to the responsibility of being the sole caretaker of your household, never bothering to find another husband and having to forever have your deceased husband's ghost of memories occupy the lost part of your heart.
Mizu came to you one afternoon as you were casually chopping each block of wood you pick up and chop and toss to a pile. A rather tall pile.
“Ah, you look like you're in good shape now,” you arched back as you watched Mizu approach you. 
“I would like to thank you once again but I have to leave soon,” Mizu states firmly to you. You stared at her for a moment as her firm. Mizu bowed her head.
“I don’t think I can ever repay your kindness in not just tending to me but also being a most gracious host. But I will repay you someday,” she implores as your expression contorts to surprise and concern.
“P-please, there is no need for such a gesture,” you state as you placed your ax down and stepped towards her. You took in that her figure, her simple gray tunic that you have owned that you haven’t for a long time fit her frame perfectly, concealing her true figure from your two trusted people around your home. 
Mizu took notice of this and looked down. Although your gaze wasn’t anything unkind or uncanny, it was still observant and a bit piercing through her thoughts. You did her a favor of not informing anyone of her true persona. And you know of the path she is currently walking on, she may be groggy that night but she didn’t miss your statement hurled towards her.
“If you have nothing more to say, I’ll wish for your safety, tell Tanaka to take you to my stables, take one of my horses,” Mizu’s eyes widened to this as but she never got to as Midori emerged behind her with a large bag. The kind old lady looked at her with a wrinkled smile.
You smiled at the scene and looked at your blue-eyed guest, “I highly suggest you take the horse, Midori isn’t keen on backing down on people not taking the dishes she prepares for them for travel,” you inform, Mizu looks up to meet your smile. Her chest warmed and as her lips curled in a small delight. 
“You take care of yourself child,” Midori worries as she accompanies Mizu back to the main road. The female trailed beside the old lady, her hands holding the reins of her new travel company.
“I will. I’ll be forever indebted to you, Tanaka and your Madame’s kindness,” Mizu states as they stood facing each other at the side of the dirt road. The brown horse neighed beside the woman as it nudged her. Midori chuckled as Mizu smiled and continued on with her farewells.
But there warm conversation were soon to be cut short.
“Well would you look at that, you’re still alive,” 
A/n: Channelling Inner Tanjiro Kamado next chapter.
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Rebecca Roque’s “Till Human Voices Wake Us”
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TOMORROW (Apr 17) in CHICAGO, then Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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"Till Human Voices Wake Us" is Rebecca Roque's debut novel: it's a superb teen thriller, intricately plotted and brilliantly executed, packed with imaginative technological turns that amp up the tension and suspense:
Modern technology presents a serious problem for a thriller writer. Once characters can call or text one another, a whole portfolio of suspense-building gimmicks – like the high-speed race across town – just stop working. For years, thriller writers contrived implausible – but narratively convenient – ways to go on using these tropes. Think of the shopworn "damn, my phone is out of battery/range just when I need it the most":
When that fails, often writers just lean into the "idiot plot" – a plot that only works because the characters are acting like idiots:
But even as technology was sawing a hole in the suspense writer's bag of tricks, shrewd suspense writers were cooking up a whole new menu of clever ways to build suspense in ways that turn on the limitations and capabilities of technology. One pioneer of this was Iain M Banks (RIP), whose 2003 novel Dead Air was jammed with wildly ingenious ways to use cellphones to raise the stakes and heighten the tension:
This is "techno-realism" at its best. It's my favorite mode of storytelling, the thing I lean into with my Little Brother and Martin Hench books – stories that treat the things that technology can and can't do as features, not bugs. Rather than having the hacker "crack the mainframe's cryptography in 20 minutes when everyone swears it can't be done in less than 25," the techno-realist introduces something gnarlier, like a supply-chain attack that inserts a back-door, or a hardware keylogger, or a Remote Access Trojan.
Back to Roque's debut novel: it's a teen murder mystery told in the most technorealist way. Cia's best friend Alice has been trying to find her missing boyfriend for months, and in her investigation, she's discovered their small town's dark secret – a string of disappearances, deaths and fires that are the hidden backdrop to the town's out-of-control addiction problem.
Alice has something to tell Cia, something about the fire that orphaned her and cost her one leg when she was only five years old, but Cia refuses to hear it. Instead, they have a blazing fight, and part ways. It's the last time Cia and Alice ever see each other: that night, Alice kills herself.
Or does she? Cia is convinced that Alice has been murdered, and that her murder is connected to the drug- and death-epidemic that's ravaging their town. As Cia and her friends seek to discover the town's secret – and the identity of Alice's killer – we're dragged into an intense, gripping murder mystery/conspiracy story that is full of surprises and reversals, each more fiendishly clever than the last.
But as good as the storytelling, the characterization and the mystery are, Roque's clever technological gambits are even better. This book is a master-class in how a murder mystery can work in the age of social media and ubiquitous mobile devices. It's the first volume in a trilogy and it ends on a hell of a cliff-hanger, too.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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blondeboyfriend · 2 years
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[ PAIRING ] Vash the Stampede x reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] The first of many reposts from my old blog. [ SYNOPSIS ] You're the child of a dead preacher. He's an angel on the run. [ WORD COUNT ] 6.5k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, fallen seraph!Vash, I'm just making up shit about angels honestly, graphic injuries, sacrilege, oral sex (m receiving), vaginal sex, virginity loss, Vash has a big dick and he does not know how to use it, creampie, sad ending (I'm sorry).
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“I don’t remember it looking this…”
Your now former groundskeeper guffawed on the other end of the line. “Shitty?”
You shook your head even though your father’s abandoned church was in rough shape. It was clear not a soul had been looking after it.
“It looks…”
“I ain’t got all day.”
You thought long and hard. “Depressing,” you finally muttered. “I thought you were going to take care of it.”
“You think I’m gonna work for free?”
“If money was an issue you should have said something,” you sneered.
She coughed. “I ain’t that chapel’s keeper,” she replied firmly.
The chapel was tucked away deep in the mountains away from town. You looked at the ivy covered door barely on its hinges. Lichen had overtaken the walls. The roof was covered with decaying leaves and bright green moss and had a sizable hole. It was a miracle it hadn’t caved in. Most derelict buildings didn’t survive the rainy season let alone several.
“Probably full of mold and critters anyway. I don’t know why you wanna be there in the first place.”
Even you didn’t know why you came. Your father had been dead for a while. It’s not as if you were seeking closure. Your scars had healed long ago, the pain only a dull twinge if you saw photos of him giving you a piggyback ride or sleeping on a sun soaked beach.
“Boredom,” you laughed. “No other reason.”
You hung up before she could utter the entirety of the word. You knew it was mostly out of guilt for letting things get this bad.
You walked the perimeter and tried to avoid the tall grass that surrounded the church. It was amazing how fast the mountain was able to reclaim it all. Sooner or later the concrete pathways would get eaten up by the earth, but for now it was only nipping at its heels. As you made your way to the back, your feet leaving deep imprints in the soft, waterlogged soil, you were confronted by a massive hole in the ground. You were centimeters away from falling into it.
“Holy shit.”
You squatted down to get a better look at the crater. There were iridescent white feathers scattered about, some stained with blood. You couldn’t tell if it was fresh or not. There was no bird in the area that could make a hole of that size in the ground, but you couldn’t think of any other explanation. You stood up and noticed evidence of something clawing its way out of the hole. A trail of bloodied feathers made their way to the back door of the church, or rather where the back door should have been. It was missing altogether, ripped from the hinges.
All the signs pointed to getting the fuck out of there, but you couldn’t quell the curiosity swirling inside you. Sweaty palms and the pit in your stomach weren’t good enough deterrents. You took slow steps towards the gaping doorway. Each step felt like a potential death sentence but you were steadfast.
You peeked your head inside and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Just pews and the other side of the church. Light streamed through the hole in the ceiling and a few of the lancet windows, giving everything an ethereal look. It felt liminal, a place between worlds. Stepping inside you were greeted by native grasses popping up between the wood paneled flooring and a few more bloodied feathers.
“This can’t be safe,” you muttered, making damn sure to take careful steps.
You really had no business being in there. There was nothing special or sentimental stowed away. Your father’s belongings and any items of religious importance were swiftly removed upon his death. All that remained was dust and several moldy study bibles.
You stepped deeper inside and stood beside the pulpit. Images of your father preaching fluttered about your mind. His voice was clear as day, only making the lack of him more apparent. You felt like someone was pushing needles into your heart. You stumbled away to the pews, hoping distance would rip you away from your memories.
You crept down the aisle, following the trail of feathers. It was much like your father had many times before on his way from the pulpit. The pews were in terrible shape, the cushions had all rotted away. You hoped to sit in one for old time’s sake, but it was a risk you were unwilling to take. Stained, festering nylon curtains covered most of the lancet windows, though a goodly portion of them had been haphazardly torn down. You assumed it was an animal for your own comfort.
Continuing down the aisle you noticed a large heap in the corner where the feathers ended. It was wrapped up in the missing curtains and shivering. You tried to think if there were any sightings of enormous birds in a desperate attempt to make sense of it all. Of course nothing came to mind; it was only wishful thinking.
Your eyes darted around, looking for something long to poke the heap with. The only option was a study bible. You quietly reached for one near the pews, the cover moist between your fingers. You started to dry heave as the smell of the old, wet book enveloped you.
“Ew, ew, ew,” you said, tossing the bible at the shivering mound.
Your aim was terrible and the bible slammed into the wall before hitting the ground beside the heap with a loud thud. Your mouth filled with saliva, anxious nausea overwhelming you. The heap shot upright, the curtains still clinging to its form. You didn’t know what to do so you ran out the back door. In your hurry to escape you tripped into the crater. You could feel death surrounding you, the air around you signaling your inevitable demise. You tried to climb out of the hole, but it was simply too deep. Fertile soil wedged itself under your fingernails in your futile attempt to escape.
You sunk down and sat in the dirt, holding your head in your hands. You felt like an idiot. Why did you come here? What purpose did this serve?
In the midst of your mental breakdown, you heard footsteps and again made a pathetic attempt to pull yourself out of the hole. You nearly vomited when you saw a tall figure obscured by curtains hovering above you. It squatted down and held out a shaky, wounded hand. You were too frightened to move.
“Take it,” a small voice rasped.
You continued to stare at it, wide-eyed and terrified. It wiggled its fingers.
“I don’t have all day.”
You slowly reached up and grabbed its hand. Its palm was rough, fingernails full of the same dirt that was underneath yours. The heap hoisted you out of the hole with an ease you didn’t expect. It seemed so fragile when you first saw it shivering in the church.
It quickly scuttled back inside before you could properly thank it. You stood there, eyes fixed on the open back door. You knew the right thing to do was run down the road and get in your car, but again your curiosity got the best of you. You made your way back into the church and tip-toed over to the figure. It was resting in the same corner, only this time its feet were sticking out from under the curtain. Streaks of blood marred its skin.
Its shivering stopped.
“Hey. Uh, I…”
Your sentence trailed off and again, the heap was silent. Against better judgment you reached out to it. Just as it was within reach it swiftly grabbed your wrist. You stared in horror at the scarred arm. Your life began to flash before your eyes, or it did until you got a glimpse of the heap.
As you tried to pull away the curtain parted enough so you could see half of a face and the prettiest eye you’d ever seen. It was a striking blue-green color with long, dark eyelashes. Strands of blonde and black hair peeked out as well. The heap released your arm and tried in vain to cover his face.
“I… I just wanted to say thank you!” you blurted out.
“You’re welcome. Now go away.”
“... Can I ask why you’re here?”
“No,” it said.
“I’ll have you know this is my property,” you said, trying to sound threatening. You felt like a bad actor. “Either you tell me or I’ll call the cops.”
It paused. “I’m resting.”
“Okay… Are you hurt?”
Maybe it was a hiker that got injured and sought refuge in the first building it saw. That seemed the most likely though it didn’t explain all the feathers.
“I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“No. I mean, yes! Please. Leave me alone,” it said as the curtain slid down, revealing its face.
It was a man, a handsome one at that. His face was scratched up and covered in swatches of dirt. His skin was tanned, like he was someone that spent his days toiling under the kiss of the sun. His hair was a disaster, blonde and black strands sticking up like he’d just woken up from a neverending nap. Your starry-eyed expression seemed to make him realize the curtains were no longer obscuring every part of him.
“Dammit,” he whimpered.
Your heart was caught in your throat. You needed to focus on something else, something other than him and his arresting beauty.
“Y—you know those curtains are pretty gross. I wouldn’t wrap myself up in them… Just saying.”
He looked away from you and stared at the ground.
“I don’t have any other options.”
“Okay I get that, but those curtains are still beyond disgusting.”
The man narrowed his eyes before letting the curtains drop. You only got a brief glimpse of his beaten body before a mass of wings appeared and shielded himself from you. They were made of the same iridescent feathers that littered the church.
Blood still clung to many of them. You tried your best to stay calm.
“So you are hurt.”
“It’s not like you can do anything about it. Now leave me alone. I’ll be gone soon.” His stern voice gave way to a whinier one. “I hope.”
“Are you, like, waiting on someone?”
“Oh yes,” he sneered. “I’m waiting for my brethren to pick me up. They should be here any day now. I just have to wait for the sound of their herald.”
“No need to be hostile. You are in my chapel.”
“And? I’m one of your God’s messengers.”
You gulped. You never thought you’d be in the presence of a literal angel. After your father died you “turned your back on God” and dissolved the congregation much to the chagrin of the parishioners. You didn’t see any reason to continue on. Scripture was nonsense and served to remind you of the things you lacked, namely your father.
The angel peeked out from behind his wings.
“Ha. Can’t beat that, can you?” he asked with a weak smile.
“I guess not… How long will you be here?”
“Don’t know,” he said before wincing.
He looked tired. You weren’t sure if angels needed to sleep or not, but resting certainly wouldn’t hurt. Carting him to your apartment crossed your mind, but there was no way you could explain his presence to your neighbors. If you lived in a city, you could probably get away with it. But small towns weren’t made for secrets and strange men.
“Stop staring,” he said before a small wing appeared, hiding his face. “Ouch.”
“Does that hurt?”
“Does what hurt?”
“Uh, like, having your wings out.”
“It’s excruciating.”
“You can put them away then. It’s not like I haven’t seen a naked body before.”
The angel let out a heavy sigh as the feathers fell and the bones seemed to melt away. His arms were torn up and covered in cuts, his left arm was practically ripped to shreds. One of his clavicles was broken so badly the bone had torn through his skin. His legs were much like his arms and riddled with cuts. Pillowy yellow fat spilled from one of the deeper ones. A wisps of iridescent feathers still clung to various parts of his broken body.
He held his legs close to his chest, trying to hide as much of himself as possible, and looked up at you like a neglected puppy.
“Who did this to you?” you asked.
He laughed, the fakest one you had ever heard. “The ground.”
Prying crossed your mind, but you doubted he’d be truthful. A strong gust blew through the church, the cold drilling itself into your skin. You dug your hands into the pockets of your coat as your body began to fold in on itself. You were never one to successfully withstand the cold.
It seemed the angel wasn’t either, if his whimpering was anything to go by. You straightened your back and cleared your throat.
“Here,” you said, pulling off your coat. You squatted down next to him and draped it over his shoulders. It didn’t offer much coverage, but the thought was there. “I can’t stand seeing someone look so miserable.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, smiling weakly.
“You’re supposed to say thank you.”
The apples of his cheeks flushed pink and he bashfully thanked you. It was astounding how cute he was. You found yourself lost in his eyes; they looked like perfectly polished turquoise. Every aspect of him drew you in. You weren’t sure if it was because of his angelic nature. You couldn’t remember if they were capable of being so bewitching.
He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with your staring. Your skin grew hot the second you realized this.
“Fuck. I guess I’m the one that’s sorry now, huh?”
He smiled weakly once more.
“It’s fine,” he said before looking out one of the windows. “The sun’s going to set soon. You should get going.”
You nervously scratched the base of your skull. “I feel kind of weird leaving you here in… this state,” you said, eyes fixed on his busted collarbone. “Let me, uh, you know… help you.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.”
“I’m more trouble than I’m worth.”
“Most things in my life can be described like that and it has yet to stop me.”
You reached out and wiped away some of the dirt on his cheek with the pad of your thumb. You usually weren’t so gutsy but you felt overwhelmingly compelled. You need to help this man, this angel.
“Do you have a name?”
“Cute. Shit. Cool. I mean, nice to meet you,” you said before telling him your name.
He repeated your name under his breath and your stomach was aflutter. You wanted to hear him say it over and over again. You inhaled deeply and tried to compose yourself. You stood up and gazed down at the nude heap of a man that sat in front of you.
“Come home with me. You’ll be more comfortable.”
“I’d rather stay here.”
You furrowed your brow. You weren’t confident in your ability to persuade him. You didn’t want to press too hard and scare him off.
“Fine. But I’m coming back tomorrow with some clothes. Maybe a blanket. Food too. Wait… Do you even eat?”
“I eat. I don’t have to, but I like to.”
“What should I bring you?”
His eyes widened and seemed to sparkle.
“And pizza.”
You giggled. “Anything else?”
“Nope,” he said with a grin, flashing his pointy canine teeth.
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After a restless night’s sleep, you set out to gather supplies. You went to a thrift store and grabbed a bunch of shirts that seemed like they’d fit Vash’s lithe yet toned body. You bought a few pairs of pants that looked long, and briefly stared down an old and opened pack of men’s underwear. You wouldn’t dare bring him such a cursed item. He was an angel after all. You didn’t want to inadvertently get on his shit list. He would just have to go commando.
Your next stop was the grocery store where you bought a sizable first aid kit and dozen doughnuts of varying flavors. You couldn’t parse out his taste so you decided to go a little overboard. If anyone deserved to be spoiled, it was him. You wanted him to be comfortable, to be at ease.
The drive up the mountain was peaceful. But the sky was gradually becoming speckled with blotchy, grey clouds.
“I’m back,” you said in a sing-song voice as you entered the chapel.
You walked down the aisle in between the pews and found Vash where you had left him last night. He was asleep under the musty curtain and was using your jacket as a makeshift pillow. You put down your bags and squatted beside him.
“Hey,” you said, running your hand over his dirty hair.
His eyes fluttered open, his expression was of momentary terror before he realized it was only you.
“Hi,” he yawned.  
“No pizza, but! I have doughnuts and some clothes. I don’t know your size so I just grabbed a bunch of shit.”
“Thank you,” he said, sitting up slowly. You were happy to see that his collarbone was no longer piercing his skin. All that remained was a dark scar.
He reached for the bag and pulled the clothes out, expressing zero interest in them. His eyes lit up when he saw the pink box and eagerly took it out of the bag. He almost looked a little teary eyed.
“I also didn’t know what flavor you liked so I—”
He shoved a glazed cruller into his mouth. “I like all kinds,” he replied, voice muffled by his full mouth.
He swallowed and beamed. He had one of those smiles that could melt the heart of even the coldest person.
“Thank you,” he said, pulling out a chocolate doughnut from the box.
“No problem. I—” 
Before you could finish your sentence a droplet of water landed on the tip of your nose.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
Looking up at the hole in the ceiling you saw that the sky was now an unforgiving and darkened grey. You tossed your head back and groaned. Your mind was assaulted with a cascade of thoughts.
I hate driving in the rain. The road back has so many hairpin turns. He can’t stay here. Not like he can stay with me though. I guess I could leave him. But I’m sick of running from everything. What if the entire ceiling caves in? What’ll happen to him? What would dad do?
You knew he wouldn’t leave an angel behind to rot in his chapel that was for sure.
“Something wrong?” Vash asked before biting into a maple bar.
“Come home with me.”
“What? No way.”
“You can’t stay here. Not in the rain. You’ll be miserable.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve already caused you enough trouble.”
“You don’t get to decide that,” you snapped. “Now get dressed. You’re coming with me.”
You kept your sentences short and firm. You didn’t want to give him any room to weasel his way out of your demands. There was no way in hell you were going to let this battered angel suffer. His protesting meant nothing to you.
Vash winced as the rain worked its way into his wounds.
“Well when you put it like that,” he said as he eased his way up from the cold and unforgiving floor.
You averted your eyes, making a conscious effort not to stare. The urge was there, an ever present annoyance, but you looked everywhere else. The hole in the ceiling. The decaying floors. The rain tapping at the windows. When you finally looked at him he was dressed. The white button-down wasn’t a perfect fit; the oversized nature of it made him look even more fragile. And the pants were too short, the hems just barely covering his shins.
“Do I look stupid?”
“You look like… I had no idea what I was doing while I was shopping,” you laughed. “C’mon. Let’s go before it starts pouring.”
You held out your hand and immediately felt like an idiot. He was an angel. Would someone like him ever need assistance from someone like you?
Surprisingly, he took your hand. His palms were big and rough, fingers long and graceful. Your heart pounded in your chest as you led him out of the chapel. You couldn’t stop thinking about his hands caressing your shoulders and how lovely a sensation it must be. You sighed in relief once you saw your car, immediately unlocking it. He went to get in the backseat and you stifled a laugh.
“You don’t wanna sit up front?”
“Do you want me to?”
You hated him for asking. Of course you wanted him to, but you didn’t want to have to actually disclose that.
“I’ll feel like a chauffeur if you sit in the back,” you replied, purposefully avoiding his question.
He smiled, eyes narrowed, a teasing expression. He wasn’t stupid and you were a bad actor. Wordlessly he got in the passenger seat much to your relief.
The drive itself wasn’t all that bad, but still you were consumed with anxiety. Vash kept his face glued to the window, looking outside at the redwoods that embraced the mountain. His inattention gave you plenty of time to craft an excuse as to why he was with you in the first place.
“If anyone asks, and I’m really hoping no one will, say we went to college together,” you said, hands clenching the steering wheel.
“Hm?” he said, redirecting his attention. He gazed at you, eyes trained on your lips. “What were you saying?”
“I—uh. If anyone… Be normal.”
“Ye—yeah. Normal.”
“Should I say I’m your boyfriend?”
“What?! No!”
“Is that not normal?”
“It’s… ugh. Technically! I guess!”
“So I can say that then?”
“No. Say something else.”
“Something else.”
You spent the last twenty minutes of the drive feeling vaguely nauseous and mildly sweaty.
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The two of you managed to make it to your apartment door without running into anyone. You hurriedly tried to unlock it, only to drop the key because of your impatience.
“Hello,” you heard Vash say cheerily.
You turned around in horror and saw your landlord. He merely nodded and waddled out of sight.
“Nice to meet you! I’m their boyfriend!” Vash shouted after him.
“What is wrong with you?” you growled, shoving the key into the lock.
You swung the door open and pulled the obnoxious angel inside.
He stood bashfully in your living room. “What? It was funny.”
“Hardly,” you hissed.
Your annoyance with him was gone as fast as it came. He somehow looked more exhausted and battered surrounded by the comfort of your home. How could you hold even a pinch of resentment for someone in his state and of his stature? The right thing to do was ease his misery, not stoke its flames.
“You should shower. You’d probably feel better.”
“I don’t think I can stand that long.”
“With my luck I’d fall asleep and drown.”
“What if I help?”
He appeared to be deep in thought. “That’ll work.”
You led him into the bathroom and ran a hot bath. Steam filled the bathroom. The warmth was welcome on such a harsh and rainy night. Vash got undressed and lowered himself into the water. He let out a pleased groan, one that made your brain stop functioning.
You buried your lewd thoughts into the depths of your mind and sat on the edge of the tub, guiding Vash so he was positioned in between your legs. Suddenly you were plagued with shyness.
“Ah, um, co—could you dunk your head?” you asked timidly.
He obliged, sliding further into the tub and submerging himself in the bathwater. He shut his eyes and lingered underneath its weight. His face was solemn.
“Oh—okay. You can come up now,” you said.
He opened one of his eyes and smiled. He sat up. His wet hair slicked back leaving face on full display. You swallowed hard and squirted some shampoo into your hand.
“Let me know if it gets in your eyes.”
“Don’t you worry. I’ll scream like a little girl.”
You laughed, probably harder than you should have. But you felt obligated to. He was trying so hard to keep up this thin facade.
You worked the shampoo into his hair, letting the silky strands slide between your fingers.
“Smells nice,” he murmured.
An awkward silence enveloped the room. Neither of you knew what to say, what subject to broach. You focused on massaging his scalp, washing away every bit of blood and dirt. Every so often he broke out into a delighted hum.
“That feel good?” you asked, scratching the back of his head.
“Yesssss,” he moaned.
You choked on your own spit.
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
“Yeah! I mean, yeah. Yeah. Yes. Uh, I need to—to rinse. Dunk your head again.”
He slid further into the tub, but he kept his face above the water. The soap spread through the water, encircling his head like a halo. He stared up at you, eyes still doe-like but now with a piercing quality. Silence filled the room once more.
“Is there something on my face?”
“What?” he said, eyes softening. “Oh! No, I was just staring.”
You didn’t know how to respond to his bluntness.
“You’re very beautiful.”
You felt dizzy, like the world was spinning around you.
“Th—thank you. Uh.” You lifted his head out of the water, unable to use your words. He followed your lead and sat back up. “You can wash your body, right? I can get your back. But… you should… probably do the rest.”
“I think I can manage.”
You got up and grabbed a fluffy washcloth off your bathroom counter.
“If it hurts—”
“I’ll let you know,” he chuckled.
You smiled nervously and wetted the wash cloth, squeezing out a generous amount of body wash into it. You looked at his back and the wounds that covered it. As you began to bathe him his shoulders tensed up. It didn't take long for the washcloth to tinge pink. His discomfort made you feel like there was a hole in your chest.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he whimpered.
“How do you plan on getting back?”
“Back to where?”
“To heaven.”
“I don’t,” he said solemnly.
Again you were unsure how to respond. You wrung out the washcloth and handed it to him. You watched as he washed his arms and nearly fell to the floor when he lifted one of his long legs out of the water.
“You can stay here as long as you want. You know that, right?”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t—”
“Please. Don’t.”
“But you have nowhere else to go!”
“I’d be putting you in harm’s way,” he said, the sweetness gone from his voice. “It’s for your own good.”
How could he know what was good for you? You considered pressing him for more details, but his comfort trumped your curiosity.
“I just want to help you,” you muttered. “That’s all.”
He said nothing.
“I’ll… grab you a towel.”
You got out of the tub and left the bathroom, looking for any excuse to step away. You were caught between your need for answers and your need to keep him calm, to let him feel safe. Tears welled up in your eyes, not from sadness but frustration. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You weren’t sure what it was supposed to be, but you knew this wasn’t what you wanted for him.
As you searched for a towel your brain was overwhelmed with questions.
Who is he to decide what is and isn't for my own good? What harm is going to seek me out if he stays? How can I get him to stay? What will it take? What am I willing to give?
Your concentration was obliterated by the sound of him getting out of the tub. You grabbed a towel from your linen closet and returned to the bathroom.
“Here,” you said, handing him the towel.
As soon as he took it from his hand you turned and moped to your bedroom. You got undressed and threw on an oversized t-shirt. You planned on letting him sleep in your bed. You would take the couch even though it was uncomfortable to sleep on.
“Do you have something I can sleep in?”
You froze. You absolutely did not. You stumbled over to your dresser and searched for something, anything. He approached, standing beside you as you frantically looked.
“Those might fit,” he said, pointing at a pair of black running shorts.
He tried them on and they did indeed fit though the tip of his cock poked out. You pretended like you didn’t notice.
“I was thinking you could sleep in my bed.”
“That sounds good to me. Fair warning though, I’ll probably end up cuddling you.”
“I… I’m not… I’m gonna be on the couch.”
“Oh,” he said dejectedly.
“Did you want me to sleep with you?”
He blushed.
“I mean like… sleep-sleep,” you clarified.
He laughed. “Yeah! Of course. I knew… I knew what you meant.”
Your awkwardness was rubbing off on him. The two of you crawled into bed, leaving a sizable amount of space between your bodies. You were on your back, staring up at the ceiling, and failed at trying to will yourself unconscious.
You glanced over at Vash who seemed to be doing the same, except he was shivering.
“Are you cold?”
“A little,” he said.
You rolled over and closed the gap. You draped an arm over him and rested your head on his shoulder. You held him close to your body, hoping he could leech away some of your warmth.
“I should have covered you in band-aids.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m more worried about my sheets.”
“I see how it is. I don’t matter anymore?”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m holding you. I don’t care about you at all.”
He snorted and wrapped his arm around you. The weight of it against your back made your heart pound. Making a move on him crossed your mind, but you were crippled by your inaction.
“Not comfortable,” he grumbled before turning to face you.
He pulled you into his embrace, arms snaking around your body. Your face was buried in the crook of his neck, lips practically touching it. You were coming out of your skin; being so close to him left you spiraling. The likelihood of you ending up in a position like this again was slim. It was clear he had no intention of staying. If he turned you down it wasn’t like you’d have to face your failure for long.
You pressed your lips closer to his neck and kissed it. He slid one of his hands under your shirt and rubbed the small of your back. His rough palm against your flesh felt superb. You kissed his neck once more before you started to suck on it, grazing his skin with your teeth. His breathing grew heavy.
“I have no idea what I’m doing,” he blurted out.
“What do you mean?” you asked, lips still pressed to his neck.
“I’ve never done anything like this.”
“It’s fine. I don’t care,” you said, grinding up against him.
“Yes,” you cooed.
You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him, catching his bottom lip between yours. Your noses awkwardly bumped up against each other. You forced him to tilt his head. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, teasing his. He eagerly reciprocated, rolling his tongue against yours. The kiss grew sloppier, more desperate. Drool trickled down your jaw.
You rubbed his exposed cocktip, swirling around the precum that leaked from it. He moaned in your mouth before breaking the kiss. He wasn’t able to quiet himself and you could listen to him whimper all night.
“You like that?”
“Yes,” he choked out, his eyes half-lidded.
You smirked and sucked your fingers clean.
“Lay on your back,” you purred.
He didn’t even hesitate as he swiftly moved into position. You pulled down the shorts you lent him and stared down his semi hard cock. You flicked your tongue against the tip.
He let out a pathetic moan. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. His brows were knitted in agony and he was trying to shut himself up with the back of his hand.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed,” you said while stroking the length of his cock.
You gently squeezed his balls and relished in another one of his pained moans. You guided his cock into your mouth and rolled your tongue against the underside of it. You bobbed your head, taking his cock deeper into your mouth. He groaned and bucked his hips. The sweet taste of precum coated your tongue. His cock was so leaky, so needy. He covered the entirety of his face with his hands.
 “It feels so good,” he panted, his voice muffled.
“Oh yeah?”
He nodded.
“You wanna fuck me?” you asked, arching your back.
He slightly sat up and looked down at you.
“Yes,” he whimpered.
You got up and straddled him. You wrapped your hand around his cock and rubbed it up against your throbbing clit. He grabbed a hold of your hips, his grip tight. Your legs felt like jelly as pleasure washed over you in waves. You lifted yourself up and slid his cock inside you.
“Oh my God,” he groaned as your cunt tightened around him.
The tip of his cock prodded your cervix, sending a shooting pain to your core.
He sat up and cradled your face in his hands.
“What?! Are you okay?! What did I do?!”
“Too much too soon,” you said through gritted teeth. “But it’s fine. We—we’ll just take it slow.”
“Okay. Okay,” he repeated.
He lifted you off of his cock and gently rocked his hips, easing it back inside you.
“Perfect,” you moaned.
You matched his movements, careful not to jam the entirety of his cock into your cunt. You placed your hands on his chest, pinching his nipples between your fingers.
“Sorry,” you laughed before biting his neck.
“Ke—keep doing it,” he stammered, caught up in a haze of ecstasy.
You again pinched his nipples, harder than you had before. You sucked on his neck, determined to leave behind a bruise, something to remember you by. His pace was becoming a little more urgent, his thrusts growing more intense.
“Gentle,” you groaned.
Your cunt was dripping with arousal.
“What would God think about this?” you asked. You bit down on your bottom lip and awaited his answer.
“I don’t want to think about it.”
“C’mon,” you begged, rocking your hips.
“He—He.” Vash took a deep breath. “He’d be really—shit—disappointed.”
“Would he send me to hell?”
“I don’t know,” he whined. “I can’t think about that right now.”
You tightened your cunt around his cock.
“But I wanna know. Tell me how bad I am.”
He buried his face in your neck. He clearly didn’t want to play along and you didn’t want to push it any further. His thrusts were picking up in speed as he bottomed out. His cock kissed your cervix, but it thankfully didn’t hurt this time around.
“Your cock feels so good,” you moaned.
He held you close and continued to fuck your aching cunt. You felt so light, body and soul. It was like you were ascending, leaving the world behind. You grabbed one of his hands and directed him to rub your clit. His touch was anything but gentle as he roughly pressed up against your sensitive bud.
“Fuck! Please, don’t stop.”
He was more than happy to obey. He kissed you as you came, swallowing your enraptured moans. He continued to thrust, your cum coating his cock. His groaning and whimpering overtook the room, the most heavenly symphony you experienced.
“Are you gonna come too?” you cooed in his ear.
“Uh-huh,” he panted.
“Wanna come inside me?” 
“Yeah,” he whined.
Vash bucked his hips and spurts of warm cum filled your cunt. He reclined, taking you down with him. He released you from his embrace and you rolled over onto your back.
“So… What did you think?”
“I liked it a lot. Maybe even too much.”
You giggled. “I’m glad.”
You glanced over at him and noticed he was staring at you with his big, puppy dog eyes.
“Can we cuddle?”
He nodded and laid on his side, spooning you. You dozed off, listening to his breathing and the rain tapping against the window. It was so peaceful, one of those moments you wanted to last a lifetime.
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A loud roar cut through the air. You sprung up out of bed and covered your ears, desperate to block out the noise. It sounded like the unholy combination of a jet engine and a blaring trumpet. You felt like your head was splitting in two, like someone was smashing your skull with a mallet. You were consumed with dread, with guilt. You felt sick to your stomach.
You saw Vash sitting on the edge of your bed, staring out the window.
“What the hell is that? Was that a fucking trumpet?” you asked, rubbing your head.
“Don’t worry about it.”
You yawned. “I’m getting really sick of you saying that.”
He turned to look at you, his face pale like a ghost’s.
“Just go back to sleep.”
You reached out to him. “I need you near me to do that.”
He gave you a wistful smile and snuggled up beside you. You held onto him tight, hoping your grip would be strong enough to trap him. You didn’t want him to leave. You needed him to stay. He was in no position to wander around on his own, running from God knows what.
“Promise you’ll stay. For a little while at least.”
He was silent.
His eyes were shut and he was lightly snoring. You prayed that he heard you before he fell asleep, that he would remember what you said and let you help him. There was no reason for him to carry his burden alone, whatever it might be.
That morning you were dismayed to see your grip had been too weak. He was gone. You got up out of bed and looked around, hoping he was in the bathroom or digging through your kitchen cabinets. But he was nowhere to be found. You wondered if he had ever been there in the first place. Maybe he was just a delusion, the beginnings of a religious frenzy triggered by mental collapse.
You returned to your bedroom, hoping to sleep away your misery, and saw a hastily written note on your nightstand.
I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I knew leaving would be impossible if I waited for you to wake up. Please don’t take it personally. I wish I could sta
Thank you. For everything.
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kwanisms · 8 months
Under Your Skin 03 — s.changbin
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➮ tattoo artist!Changbin × fem!Reader summary: Everything seemed to fall into place for Y/N. She had a loving boyfriend, her dream job, and the bestest friend in the universe. She never thought her life was missing something until she was introduced to Changbin, the town's newest tattoo artist who happens to be harboring an unimaginable secret. genres/themes/au: angst, fluff, smut, slow burn, “forbidden” love, strangers to lovers; supernatural themes; non idol au, tattoo artist au, werewolf au, supernatural au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alcohol consumption, established boyfriend!Joshua (please note this story does NOT include cheating)
series taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @x-woozi @candidupped @snow-pegasus @brownieracha @avyskai @i-say-choco-you-say-ice-cream @biribarabiribbaem @mchslut @hgema @oiminho @ughyeka @honey-lemon-goose @fixation-dump @sleeplessdawn @changbinnss @racha-enthusiast @sanjoongie @chillllllli @nattisbored @chrollosforehead @tai-loves-skz @labyrinthonmymind @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @mamieishere @mariesakamari @buttergumz @emithecharmer @binnies-donuts @v3n0mszn @kazzilla @jihanlovic @thezombiepandaleague @moonl1ghtmuse @woozarts @ateezkeepmysoul
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a/n: here we have chapter 3. I lost some steam for this after being so strong in the beginning but I finally finished it. There isn't much to say other than here it is. I finished it lmao it's a slow burn so it'll take some time before we see any Changbin action. I hope you like it and as always, I love feedback and pls consider reblogging if you liked this chapter!
A huge thank you to Sky ☁️ for this entire story idea. Without her late night thoughts, this series wouldn’t even exist. Also a massive thank you to @icybluehosh for her professional input on all things tattoos. Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
𝗰𝗵 𝟬𝟯 - 𝗲𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁
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Soft subtle jazz tones floated through the air as you worked, a soft but catchy beat causing you to bob your head as you tapped your foot.
You’d been working on this new set, a beautiful antique set from Japan. You had finished making the gold paste earlier and were currently applying it to the broken seams of the carafe while Mr. Serizawa worked in the woodshop.
An old couch had been brought into the shop in dire need of restoration. The foam was lumpy and lopsided, the upholstery was ripped and beyond salvaging, and one of the back legs was broken, having splintered off. 
He’d spent most of the previous day stripping the loveseat down to its basics, tossing the old upholstery and foam cushion. You didn’t have much time to watch, having finished painting the details on the English tea set which was drying in the safety of your cabinet.
The whirr of the sander had been drowned out long ago as you listened to the music Mr. Serizawa put on instead. He did it as a courtesy to your ears but you’d learned a long time ago how to tune out the noise while you worked. 
You held two pieces of ceramic together, joining them at their seam with glue and once it set, you placed them aside to finish drying before you could add the resin. It was tedious work but you loved it all the same. Your eyes wandered to the clock and you were surprised to see it was almost six pm.
You wiped your fingers on your apron as you stood up, grabbing a cloth from your table as you walked over to the door of the woodshop, covering your nose and mouth with the cloth.
You peered in where you saw your boss looking over his work, sanding the wooden surfaces of the couch smooth before applying the stain. You took his break in sanding to call out to him and get his attention.
“It’s almost six pm, Mr. Serizawa!”
He looked up and you had to fight the urge to laugh at his appearance. He had forgotten his goggles and was instead wearing a pair of black sports sunglasses with blue shift lenses and his respirator. He always wore a pair of coveralls when he worked on furniture to protect his clothes from dust, stain, paint, and resin. He looked quite silly.
“Is it really?” he asked, his voice muffled by the mask. You nodded as he lifted the sunglasses.
“You don’t need to stay to close up,” he said as he turned off and set aside the electric sander, stepping over the cord as he moved towards you. “I’ll close up tonight. Shinju is making pork belly for dinner so it will be ready by the time I close up shop,” he added. You smiled at the mention of his wife.
Ever since his call the other day, he reported her progress each day. It filled you with relief that Shinju was doing so well. “Are you sure?” you asked softly as he started to walk back over to the work desk. He nodded, waving you away. “Just make sure to put that finished set out for sale!” he said, pointing as you started to walk away.
You moved to your station and cleaned up your supplies and left the pieces to dry as you opened the cabinet housing the finished English set. Carefully, you gathered all the pieces before closing the door and heading to the front where you set the items on the counter and started to write up a description and figure out a price.
As you were placing the set on one of the shelves, the front door opened. You looked up, expecting a customer but were surprised to see your best friend entering, the soft jingle of the bell echoing around the shop.
“Be right with you!” you heard Mr. Serizawa’s voice from the back. “I’ve got it!” you called back and turned to Lilah who smiled at you as she shut the door. “Is it a bad time?” she asked which you shook your head as you turned back to the shelf and set up the description and price tag.
Lilah walked over to look at the newest addition, leaning in to see all the tiny details.
“You really have a knack for that,” she noted as you moved behind the counter to add the English set to the inventory roster, adding the price and date. “Thanks,” you replied as you set the book back under the counter and looked up at your best friend. She was dressed rather casually you noticed but there was something about her make up that had you second guessing your assumption.
“What’s up?” you asked as she looked at you expectantly. “Are you off?” she asked. You nodded, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the counter. “Good,” Lilah said leaning in as well. “Cause we’ve been invited to a house party.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, stepping back and moving away from the counter. “Lilah,” you started.
She followed as you walked out from behind the counter and towards the curtain that blocked off the back of the shop. Lilah followed you, pushing the green curtain aside as she stepped into the backroom. “Come on, Y/N!” she whined. You turned to her and noticed Mr. Serizawa peering out from the woodshop door. “Is that Lilah?” he called.
Lilah turned to look over her shoulder. “Hi Mr. Serizawa,” she said politely, greeting him. His face lit up. “Oh good to see you!” he said with a smile. “Make her leave,” he added, nodding towards you as you sat back down behind your desk.
Lilah turned back to you, giving you a smirk as she waited for you to move.
You sighed heavily and stood back up, reaching behind to untie your apron.
“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay, Mr. Serizawa?” you called as you folded and set your apron aside. His head appeared in the doorway into the woodshop again.
“It’s Friday night,” he started. “Go have fun with your friends!”
Lilah smiled brightly, thanking him as she ushered you out of the backroom, grabbing your things hastily in an effort to get out of the building faster. You whined as she shoved you out the front door, allowing it to shut. You glanced back in time to see your boss locking the door and waving you off.
You allowed Lilah to steer you town the sidewalk, no doubt in the direction of the party. “Wait,” you stopped in your tracks, forcing her to halt as well. You glanced down at your outfit and looked back up at her. “You don’t want me to change?” you asked and she smiled, shaking her head.
“You look perfectly fine,” she replied, linking arms with you and starting off down the sidewalk again.
Compared to her outfit, you looked ready to run errands in your peach floral skirt and cream colored blouse. There’s no way Lilah would have deemed this party appropriate under normal circumstances. You stopped her again. “Why do you keep stopping?”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “What’s your deal?” you asked suddenly. “You’d never let me go to a party dressed in my grandma clothes,” you added, using her words, not yours.
Lilah rolled her eyes. “Will you stop,” she asked, taking your arm again. “You look cute right now,” she added as she steered you down the pavement to the end of the block. “It’s just a house party.” 
“And besides,” she continued. “You have a boyfriend, so it’s not like you’re trying to impress anyone!” You rolled your eyes as you made a turn at the end of the sidewalk and started down the street that led into a residential area. “And another reason is because we’d have to go to your place and then come all the way back here which would take longer,” she said as you neared the end of the block where you could hear heavy bass coming from one of the houses.
The true reason why she didn’t want you to go home and change. She wanted to save time.
“Are we going to see Chris?” you asked as you neared the house.
It was a medium craftsman style home with a nice sized front porch with the signature columns framing it. The front door was a rich red wood with glass windows at the top. The house was two stories with a small fenced in front yard and a one car driveway leading up to a small garage.
The front door opened as the two of you headed up the steps, a few partygoers exiting just before Lilah shoved you over the threshold.
Inside was like a scene out of a movie. The living room was just off the foyer with a staircase just in front of the door that led up to the second floor. To the left of the foyer was the dining room where the dining table had been moved aside and a beer pong table had been set up.
A crowd was gathered in the dining room watching the current match. Next to the staircase was a hallway that led all the way to the back of the house but you couldn’t see much as it was pretty crowded. Lilah dragged you into the crowd, bypassing the living room where a DJ had set up a table and all his equipment.
Lilah led you into an opening in the wall and into the kitchen.
You wove through the crowd until you reached the kitchen island where the drink station had been set up. Lilah was quick to pour you a drink despite your protesting. “It’s not that strong,” she told you over the bass. You lifted the cup to your lips and took a small sip, amused that she was right.
Lilah finished making her own drink before taking your hand and taking a large sip. She dragged you through the house, no doubt looking for Chris. You kept your wits about you, looking around as you dodged people and danced around them until you were back in the foyer, facing the dining room.
A few people had moved and you could now see on one end of the table was Chris and Minho. ‘They must be one of the teams,’ you told yourself as you sipped your drink. Lilah only waited a moment before dragging you into the mix and worming her way through the crowd until she reached Chris’ side as Minho aimed and bounced the ball in his hand into one of the cups on the opposite side.
Half the crowd erupted into cheers as Chris and Minho celebrated their small victory.
Chris turned from Minho and you watched as his eyes landed on Lilah and even you could see the way his expression changed. It was like no one else was in the room. It was the way Joshua used to look at you.
“Hey!” you heard him say, pulling Lilah into a hug. “You made it!”
You turned your attention to him as he spoke to you. “And you, too?” he asked, offering a hug which you accepted. Despite the empty cups in front of him, he smelled like cologne and not the alcohol you knew he’d consumed since before you even arrived.
“Yeah,” you replied. “She kidnapped me from work!” You nodded at Lilah who smiled sheepishly. Chris turned to look at Lilah, mimicking her grin. “I hope you don’t get in trouble for leaving work,” he replied. You shook your head as Lilah answered him.
“No, in fact, her boss practically kicked her out!”
Chris let out a laugh as he picked up his drink and downed the rest of it. He turned to Minho. “I’m gonna go get a refill,” he announced. Minho nodded nonchalantly before his eyes landed on you and you could have sworn you saw a small smile grace his features before he turned his attention on the opposing team. 
Lilah leaned into your frame to speak directly into your ear. “I’m gonna go help Chris,” she said before downing the rest of her drink and sending you a wink. And just like that, she left you alone.
You looked into your cup, wanting to avoid the gaze of practically everyone.
As you tried to act natural, you felt someone’s gaze on you and glanced up at the side across from Minho and Chris’ and felt your breath catch in your throat.
Changbin was standing with his friend, Jeongguk. They were the opposing team. Jeongguk was sporting a black oversized tee as he usually did but instead of his signature sweats you’d seen him in twice now, he was wearing a pair of jeans and some brown Timberlands.
Changbin on the other hand was dressed for the occasion, wearing a black graphic shirt with white geometric lines and black cargo pants fitted at the ankle and tucked into black combat boots and for the first time you’d ever seen, he was wearing black framed glasses. A pair of dog tags hung from the chain around his neck. Jeongguk was looking at Minho, a very cheeky smile on his lips as he pointed at Minho who glanced down and groaned at seeing a small white ball in one of the cups.
Changbin, however, had his eyes trained on you. His expression was unreadable but when he noticed you looking back, a small smile, almost a shy one, spread across his lips before he looked away. You looked away as well as Lilah and Chris returned with fresh drinks, laughing at some joke you hadn’t heard.
The party raged on around you and you downed your drink. Chris had offered to get you a refill but it was Minho who went instead, despite your protests. Your second drink dwindled quickly and soon you were venturing into the kitchen for something else to sip on.
The pong game had ended after Minho brought your second drink to you and the group had migrated into the kitchen nook, taking up empty seats around the table. Lilah had taken up residence on Chris’ lap and a girl whose name you didn’t know managed to steal Changbin’s lap and make it her spot.
You tried not to watch out of the corner of your eye as the two of them chatted animatedly about his tattoos and as he spoke, he pointed them out to her. You also tried not to pay attention to the way her hand rested on his bicep a little longer than necessary.
Changbin didn’t seem to mind the attention from what you could tell. As you tried to focus on anything else, you noticed in the living room Seungcheol who was leaning into and talking to… Joshua?
Your boyfriend laughed at something Seungcheol said before he caught your eye. He sent a smile your way and turned back to his friend. You managed to find something else to drink and were back at the table, ignoring the way the girl on Changbin’s lap was whispering into his ear.
You tried to focus on the conversation at hand.
“That place was so unsanitary, I’m glad they shut it down,” Ari said from her spot next to Minho who had his arm draped across the back of her chair. “It was an iconic staple!” Lilah argued, turning her head to look at Ari. The blonde rolled her eyes. “You got food poisoning from there like five times, Lil,” she reminded your best friend.
“When did you get food poisoning five times?” you interjected, drawing the attention of half the table.
The girl on Changbin’s lap finally seemed to notice you, giving you a once over before speaking.
“Uh, who the hell are you?” she demanded.
Your attention snapped to her.
You couldn’t focus on her face. Instead, you looked past her at Changbin.
He was looking at her with a look of unmistakable anger. He tapped her back, motioning for her to get up. She got up, still looking at you as he got up and excused himself from the table and disappeared into the crowd.
“She’s my best friend, Pax,” Lilah said sternly. Ari nodded, turning to look at Pax. “Don’t be a cunt, Paxton,” she added. You downed the rest of the liquid in your cup and excused yourself, feeling the overwhelming urge to run away and cry.
It had never bothered you before when some of Lilah’s friends asked who you were but when someone looked at you with such disdain, it really dug deep.
You returned to the kitchen island, glancing around. Joshua was nowhere in sight and you wondered briefly what he was up to. “Hey,” a voice said and you looked up. A man you’d never seen before was standing across from you at the island. “Keep walking buddy,” another voice said and you watched as Minho and Ari passed you, heading for the dance floor.
“Yeah,” Ari added. “She’s taken!”
The two of them disappeared into the dancing crowd, leaving you to the mercy of this talkative stranger.
“So you’re not single I take it?” he asked as you searched through the available drinks. You shook your head. “Nope,” you answered. He leaned in, watching you with brown eyes. “Then where’s your boyfriend?” he asked. You looked up to meet his gaze. 
He was decent looking and who knows. Maybe if you weren’t dating Joshua, you might have taken him up to one of the bedrooms. “He’s around here somewhere,” you replied, sifting through the small trough of ice on the counter, looking through the canned and bottled drinks.
“You should try the punch,” the guy said before winking and standing up straight. “Your boyfriend is a lucky man,” he added before bidding you a goodnight and walking away. Your eyes fell on the bowl of punch and deciding what the hell, you grabbed a clean cup and reached for the ladle.
You scooped a couple ladlefuls into your cup and placed the ladle back into the bowl before lifting the cup to your lips. Before you could take a sip, however, a hand grabbed the cup and tore it from your hand. You looked over as Changbin dumped the cup into the sink and tossed the cup before holding up an unopened can of soda.
You looked from the can up to his eyes and then took the can, offering a small thanks.
He gave you a small smile as you opened the can and took a sip, silence falling over the two of you.
“Lilah mentioned your tolerance,” he said just loud enough for you to hear him. You felt heat rise to your face so instead of speaking, you took another sip of the soda. Changbin watched you before speaking again. “And I’m pretty sure I saw someone spike the punch with something other than alcohol.”
You looked at him, brows raised. He was… looking out for you? You nodded silently, taking another sip of your soda before raising the can. “Thanks by the way,” you said and started to walk away. Changbin followed as you wove through the crowded kitchen.
“So, where did Paxton go?” you asked, noticing she was no longer seated at the table. Changbin glanced at the table before his gaze fell back on you. “Eh, she’s probably with someone else right now,” he answered. “To be honest, I wasn’t really interested in her.”
Changbin had no idea why he was even telling you this. It’s not like you cared about his dating life. Or so he thought. “What about Hana?” He looked up at you, the shock on his face must have shown because you continued to speak. “She seemed nice.” Changbin nodded slowly, still astonished you were even asking.
“Uh, she was,” he admitted. “But we didn’t really have that much in common. The attraction was mainly surface level,” he added. He let out a chuckle. “Actually, I’m pretty sure she only wanted to date me because she might get free tattoos.”
You looked up from your drink, clearly surprised by this admission. You looked away and said something under your breath, prompting him to ask you to say it again.
“If people want you to tattoo them, they should pay for it. Regardless if they’re dating you or work for you,” you replied. “Art is art and people need to remember that artists are people who deserve to be paid for their work.” If Changbin hadn’t already respected you as an artist he certainly did before.
“I couldn’t agree more,” he said more to himself than to you but you seemed to have heard him anyway. “Take my art for instance,” you said as he listened. “If I just gave it away to friends or my boyfriend or my family, the shop would never make any money off something I spent hours, even days, making.”
Changbin nodded as you continued. “Art is a valid career and people need to remember that,” you added, taking another sip of your soda. Changbin watched you briefly before contributing to the conversation. “I’m glad someone else feels the same way about art. A lot of people see art as a hobby and not a livelihood so they expect you to do it for free,” he said as he leaned against the counter.
“They expect you to do it for free because someone else did it for free,” you interjected, catching Changbin off guard. “Which is why I always tell people to never sell themselves short. Don’t do anything for free, especially if you’re good at it.” Changbin’s lips pulled into a half smile.
The conversation between the two of you dwindled as you both watched over the crowd until Changbin noticed you fanning yourself with your hand. “You alright?” Changbin asked, brow knitting together in concern. You forced a smile. “I’m just a little warm. There’s a lot of people here.”
Changbin tossed his empty container in the trash and stood up straight. “You wanna get some fresh air?” he asked and you stared back at him, contemplating your options. You could stay inside where it was really warm but where Joshua could see you or you could go outside with Changbin and cool off.
You hadn’t seen Joshua in a long while so you decided it wouldn’t hurt to go outside. It’s not like you were with a total stranger. Changbin was friends with Chris and if both Lilah and Chris trusted him, then you had no reason not to trust him either.
“Sure,” you replied finally, standing up straight and downing the rest of your soda. Changbin took the empty can from you and tossed it before letting you lead the way to the backdoor, squeezing through the crowded kitchen, into the hallway before finally stepping out into the cool night air.
The backyard was a decent size, fenced in with a privacy fence. The deck was large, accommodating several partygoers and an eight person hot tub that was currently being used. You skipped down the steps, feet landing on the grass. In the corner to your right was a small garden, a large oak tree stood, a rope swing with a wooden seat hung from one of the sturdier branches.
Changbin followed as you walked over to the swing, taking a seat as he stood nearby.
“This is a really nice place,” you noted, looking around the backyard. Changbin nodded. “Yeah,” he answered. “I’m not sure whose place it is,” he added with a chuckle. “Chris and Minho dragged us here,” he continued, moving to stand behind you.
“Yeah, me neither,” you replied, chuckling when you felt him gently push you. “You gonna push me?” you asked as you swayed lightly on the swing. Changbin chuckled, grabbing the rope to stop your momentum. “Sorry,” he said softly. “Old habits.”
You glanced back at him, meeting his gaze. You felt heat rise in your cheeks as you looked away. Changbin let go of the ropes and moved around to lean against the trunk of the tree. “So,” he started, hands in his pockets. “Is that one tea set still at the shop?” he asked.
You turned to look at him. “Which tea set?” you asked, cocking your head. “The kintsugi one,” he answered. You hesitated before answering. “Yeah,” you nodded. “It’s still there.” Changbin nodded silently. “Why do you ask?” you continued. Changbin fought the urge to smile.
“Jeongguk keeps talking about it. I think he really wants it but doesn’t want to admit it.”
You smiled, looking down at your knees. Changbin glanced down as well. He hadn’t said it earlier because he wasn’t sure if it was crossing a line but you looked really nice. The peach skirt with floral pattern complimented your skin and the cream colored flowy blouse looked good on your frame. Your makeup was subtle and different from almost any girl he normally associated with.
His eyes wandered of their own accord, moving down your legs to take in the shoes you wore. Beige colored mary jane style pumps with low heels completed the look and Changbin had to force himself to look away from your legs. If he stared any longer, you might think he was a creep.
“How many tattoos do you have?” you asked suddenly, pulling him from his thoughts. “Uh,” he hesitated, counting in his head. “A lot,” he finally answered with a chuckle. “Where are they?” you asked, leaning your head against the rope. “Well,” Changbin said, standing up straighter. “I have them almost everywhere,” he answered. “Arms, legs, chest, back,” he continued.
“Do you have full sleeves?” you asked, looking up at him. Your question was genuine and full of curiosity. Something he didn’t expect from you. He nodded. “I do,” he answered. “From the shoulder down to my wrists and a few hand tattoos,” he added. “Which I’m sure you’ve seen by this point,” he added with a chuckle, showing the tops of his hands to you. With a smile, you nodded slowly. 
“And your chest?” you asked. “Oh, just one,” he said softly, raising his hand to place it over his chest tattoo. “A tiger,” he explained. 
A smile grew on your face. “I have plans to add more,” he added. “Jeongguk has the sketches on his tablet.” You smiled at him as he spoke. “Do you have any tattoos?” he asked suddenly and you laughed loudly. “Sorry,” you said as your laughter subsided. “No,” you continued, shaking your head.
“Lilah is the tattooed one.”
Changbin nodded slowly. “Have you ever thought about getting one?” he asked and again you shook your head. “No,” you repeated. “It’s never really interested me before,” you added. Changbin watched as you swayed gently on the swing. “Do tattoos bother you?” he asked, tilting his head.
You looked up, meeting his gaze. “No,” he said softly. “They’re just tattoos,” you added. “Most people in this town are divided when it comes to them. Half the population has them and the other half doesn’t,” you explained. Changbin watched as you started to turn the swing, the rope twisting together above your head. “Some people think archaically,” you continued softly.
“They think people with tattoos are somehow inherently bad.”
Changbin snorted. He’d experienced his fair share of those kinds of people. “And what do you think?” he asked, watching as you lifted your feet and spun around on the swing. “I think tattoos are a lot like accessories only you can’t change them or take them off easily,” you started, putting a foot down to stop your momentum.
“They don’t change a person. You are who you are with or without them,” you continued. “It’s just art but instead of being on a canvas, your skin is the canvas.” Changbin stared at you with new found appreciation. You looked up to meet his gaze, a small smile gracing your features.
Changbin opened his mouth to respond but was cut off.
“Y/N?” a voice called, making both of you look towards the source.
Changbin watched as your boyfriend, Joshua, walked towards the two of you. “Everything okay?” he asked, looking from Changbin to you and back. “Everything is fine,” you said, smiling at him. “We’ve just been talking,” you added. Joshua’s gaze shifted to Changbin again.
“Is that right?” he heard Joshua murmur. Either you didn’t hear Joshua or chose to ignore it, the smile on your face not faltering. “I’m heading home,” Joshua announced. “Would you like me to walk you home?” he asked, turning his gaze back to you. Changbin glanced at you as you got up from the swing.
You turned to face him. “Thank you for the talk,” you said, brushing off your skirt. Changbin nodded, smiling as you crossed the short distance where Joshua stood. “I’ll see you around,” you added, looking back over your shoulder at him. Changbin nodded. “See you around,” he said.
You took Joshua’s arm and allowed him to steer you towards the house as Changbin watched your figure disappear into the house. Jeongguk appeared moments later, jogging down the steps and walking over to where Changbin stood. “I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” he said.
Changbin shrugged. “You found me,” he joked. Jeongguk nodded, glancing back towards the house. “Were you out here with Y/N?” he asked, walking over and taking a seat on the swing. Changbin nodded silently. “Yeah,” he answered.
Jeongguk stared up at him, one of his brows raised. “It’s not like that,” Changbin said, rolling his eyes. “We were talking inside, she got hot so we came out here to cool off and get some fresh air.” Jeongguk nodded slowly, still giving Changbin a look. “Nothing happened,” Changbin clarified.
“Dude,” Jeongguk said, tattooed hands holding onto the rope. “She’s got a boyfriend.”
Changbin shrugged, gesturing wildly. “Nothing happened! We were talking!” Jeongguk nodded. “I know man. But you know how people are,” he replied. “They’re gonna talk. And you don’t want that kind of attention, trust me.” Changbin nodded, moving around behind Jeongguk and paused.
“You ready to go?” Jeongguk asked. “That Paxton chick was looking for you but I saw her making out with some dude in there like minutes before that.” Changbin nodded again, staring at Jeongguk’s back. “Yeah,” he said, pulling his hands from his pockets.
“I’m ready to go. I just need to do this first,” Changbin said. “Do what-YAH!”
Changbin pushed Jeongguk hard enough to cause him to slip off the wooden swing seat and onto the ground before he took off towards the house. “SEO CHANGBIN!” Jeongguk called as he clumsily got up and chased after him, Changbin giggling maniacally as he squeezed between the other partygoers.
“I’m heading out!” he called to Chris who looked up and nodded, waving at him with Lilah still perched on his lap. Changbin headed for the door as Jeongguk started to enter the kitchen. Changbin managed to make it out the front door and out onto the sidewalk as Jeongguk exited the house and made a beeline for him.
“Truce?” Changbin asked, backing away as his friend advanced on him. “Truce?!”
“No mercy,” Jeongguk said, trying to grab Changbin who managed to dodge and duck Jeongguk’s attempts before the older finally gave up. “You’re too small,” he whined as Changbin laughed, keeping pace with him as they walked away from the house.
“Too fast for you,” Changbin clarified. Jeongguk rolled his eyes. “Yeah sure,” he retorted.
“Too fast and short.”
Your walk with Joshua was mostly full of silence as you held onto his arm, thankful he matched your pace as you walked. The night was cool and the air crisp now that the sun had set. The sound of crickets still lingered as you walked through the mostly empty streets.
“So,” Joshua finally said, breaking the silence between you. “What were you doing outside with Changbin?” he asked. You looked at him, shrugging your shoulders. “We were just talking,” you answered. “We started talking inside the kitchen. He warned me that the punch bowl might have been spiked with something other than alcohol,” you added.
Joshua looked at you, eyes wide. “Really?” he asked. You nodded and continued to speak. “Yeah, so he gave me an unopened can of soda and then we went outside cause I was feeling a little warm. Too many bodies in one room,” you added. “And we just talked.”
“What did you talk about?” You looked up at Joshua again, trying to discern the look on his face. You couldn’t tell if he was being genuinely curious or if he was prying. Either way, you had nothing to hide from him. 
“We talked about his tattoos,” you answered. “He asked if I had any and I told him no. We also talked about art.” Joshua nodded as you walked, mulling over your words. “Art, huh?” he asked more to himself than to you. “You know, the last thing I want to do is make you feel like you’re a child incapable of making your own choices,” Joshua started and you suddenly felt as if you should have lied.
“But I don’t like the idea of you and him alone together,” he continued. You held back what you really wanted to say, choosing instead to smooth over it. “We weren’t alone,” you reminded him. “There were plenty of other people outside.”
Joshua looked at you as the two of you neared your apartment building. “A bunch of drunk people,” he said as you slowed to a stop at the base of the stairs. “Joshua,” you started, letting go of his arm and turning to face him. “I was fine. Chris and Lilah trust Changbin and I trust them, so why shouldn’t I trust Changbin?” you asked.
Joshua sighed, taking both your hands in his and pulled you closer. “I’m just looking out for you,” he replied, placing your arms around his waist and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. “I don’t trust any man alone with you,” he added.
“Don’t trust them,” you started, pulling back to look up at him. “Or don’t trust me?”
Joshua clicked his tongue in mild annoyance, taking your face in his hands. “I don’t trust them,” he replied. “I trust you fully,” he added, leaning in to press a soft kiss against your lips. “Then,” you said as he pulled back. “Trust me to handle myself,” you continued.
“I’m not a damsel in distress that you have to save all the time,” you reminded him.
“I’ll see you Sunday,” you said, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “After church?” he asked, sounding hopeful. You shook your head. “I have to have dinner with my parents,” you explained. “I need to borrow one of their cars and the fee is dinner,” you added.
Joshua looked at you with a mix of concern and confusion.
“Why do you need to borrow one of their cars?” he asked. “I can take you anywhere you need to go, you know that,” he said softly, caressing your cheek. “I know,” you chuckled, taking one of his hands and pulling it away from your face. “But you work Monday,” you reminded him.
“What’s Monday?” he asked, cocking his head. “Mr. Serizawa asked me to go to the next town over and pick up Daniel,” you explained. “Lilah is going with me so I won’t be making the drive alone.” Joshua nodded and sighed. “I wish you’d told me sooner. I would have requested it off,” he replied.
You smiled at him. “It’s alright,” you responded, pulling his other hand from your cheek. “I’ll be okay,” you added. “I’m just going to the ferry station to pick him up and then coming straight back, but it will take most of the day,” you continued. “Besides, a little road trip with Lilah should be fun.”
Joshua smiled and nodded. “Well, I suppose it’ll be okay. I’ll see you when you get back then? We could grab dinner, maybe watch a movie at my place?” he said, holding onto your hand as you climbed one step. “Sure,” you said, looking back at him. “Perfect,” he replied.
“Get some sleep,” he said as you took another step. “Hey,” he called, gently tugging your hand and making you look at him. “I love you,” he said, stepping up onto the bottom step. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his, following his lead as his lips parted and his tongue slipped into your mouth.
“I love you, too,” you replied as you pulled back. “Get some sleep, babe,” he whispered, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and letting go of your hand as you climbed the rest of the steps. “Goodnight,” you called, looking back as you reached the door. “Night, babe,” he replied as you unlocked the door and entered the building.
You headed up the stairs to your door, unlocking and letting yourself into your apartment. Tomorrow you’d tackle your chores since Sunday you had church and Monday morning you’d be leaving to go pick up Daniel.
You dropped your purse on the counter and shrugged off your jacket, draping it over the back of one of the island barstools. You sat on the couch, bending over to remove your shoes and stood up to take them to the door, making sure the door was locked.
You headed to your bedroom, slowly stripping out of your clothes and changing into something more comfortable. You headed back into the kitchen to grab a snack as you had left work and gone straight to the party without eating dinner.
While you ate, you scrolled your social media feeds on your phone before finally turning off all the lights and settling down for bed, leaving your phone on the charger on your nightstand. It didn’t take long after climbing into bed for you to pass out.
It had been a couple days since the party and you had gone to your parents’ house after church the following Sunday for dinner and to ask your father to borrow a car to pick up Daniel. You’d sat through the usual interrogation that occurred, asking about your job, your relationship, and somehow your parents managed to swing the conversation around to Lilah.
You did your best to answer the questions as vaguely as possible. After agreeing to spend the night at your mother’s request, the next morning, you headed out, stopping at your place before driving over to pick up Lilah.
As you pulled up to Lilah’s building, you slipped your phone out of your purse and typed out a quick message. You knew Lilah could sometimes take a moment to answer or even read her messages but as you looked up from your phone, you were surprised to see Lilah already walking towards you.
She waved as she got into view. You waved back, putting your phone in the holder on the dashboard as Lilah opened the door and got in. She smiled as he set her bag on the floorboard behind your seat and started to buckle her seatbelt as you put in the address for the ferry station.
“Hey,” Lilah said as the seatbelt clicked in place. “Hey,” you replied pressing the start button on your phone navigation. “How was dinner with your parents?” Lilah asked as you put the car in gear and pulled out of your parking space.
“It was… dinner with my parents,” you replied with a slight chuckle. “Did they grill you about your job again?” You nodded as you drove, following the road that led to the highway. “As usual,” you added. Lilah shook her head as she settled into her seat.
“And did they ask when you and Joshua are getting married?” You glanced at Lilah and your expression said everything. “Of course they did,” she scoffed as you continued to follow the signs for the highway. “Why do they always ask that? It’s not like you’re in a big rush to get married and settle down,” she added. “This isn’t the nineteen-fifties. You don’t need to be married with kids by the time you’re thirty.”
You hummed in agreement as you turned onto the highway and started to speed up to merge with traffic.
“You know how they are,” you replied. “I’m sure Joshua is getting the same treatment.”
Lilah snorted as she pulled out her phone and started fiddling with the bluetooth settings of the car.
“Yeah, well Joshua has always been a bit… old-fashioned.”
You glanced at your best friend as she focused on pairing her phone.
“And what does that make me?” you asked softly.
Lilah didn’t look up as her phone connected and she started playing her music. “You know how I feel about your relationship with Josh,” she said softly, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. You sighed softly as you changed lanes to go around a van crawling ahead of you. “I know,” you replied.
An awkward silence settled between you as Lilah turned the music up a bit.
She had always made her thoughts about Joshua known, especially after she and Seungcheol split and now that Joshua was starting to show more controlling tendencies. You understood and appreciated her concern but you knew you could handle your boyfriend when it came down to it.
“So,” you finally said, wanting to change the subject. “Tell me about this new tattoo you’re getting.”
It seemed to be the right call on your part, asking Lilah about tattoos always put her in a much better mood. She started off showing you pictures of the inspiration of the tattoo she was getting. She explained the details, even the minute ones. She finally showed you a drawing of the final design and explained the colors and shading that would be used.
“It sounds really cool,” you said as she put her phone back in the console. “I love the flowers.”
Lilah’s smile widened. “You wanna go with me to my appointment?” It wasn’t uncommon for Lilah to ask this and more than once you’d gone with her to get piercings but you’d never been to one of her tattoo appointments. “When is it?”
“Wednesday,” she replied, watching you as you contemplated. “I’m not off until six on Wednesday,” you explained. Lilah nodded. “It’s at seven,” she offered, hoping it might sway your decision. “It’ll take a few hours but you’re off on Thursdays,” she continued.
You felt the corners of your lips twitch as a smirk threatened to spread across your face. “I didn’t realize you had my schedule memorized,” you replied to which Lilah let out a laugh. “You’re my best friend,” she started as the song on the stereo changed. “Of course I know your schedule.”
You grimaced but said nothing. You thought about the conversation you’d had with Joshua the night of the party. He didn’t trust Changbin to be around you alone so surely being surrounded by people at the tattoo shop was fine.
Then again, you suspected it was really you Joshua didn’t trust though you couldn’t fathom why. You’d never so much as thought about another man since you started dating him. You’d never entertained the thought of cheating nor would you ever.
You were loyal.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Lilah’s voice snapped you out of it. You blinked rapidly and looked over at her quickly. “Sorry,” you replied. “What did you say?”
Lilah settled back against her seat. “I asked if you want to go with me to my appointment after you get off work,” she repeated. You nibbled on your bottom lip, checking your mirrors before changing lanes to go around yet another slow moving vehicle.
“Fine,” you finally answered, switching back into the lane in front of the truck. “I’ll go with you but I’m not getting anything and I expect you to respect that,” you added. Lilah nodded excitedly. “I’m just glad you’re going with me!” she said, grabbing her phone and changing the music.
“For moral support,” you explained. “That’s all.”
The first hour of the trip was spent listening to music, chatting. Lilah told you about the progress of her situation with Chris, keeping you up-to-date on all the juicy gossip among her friend group. You didn’t care much for gossip but you knew Lilah and how much she loved it so you let her carry on.
“Which reminds me,” she said as she finished telling you about Ari’s mishap at the party where she fell going up the steps with Minho. “Where did you go?” she asked. You glanced at her before looking back at the road. “When?” you asked.
“During the party,” Lilah asked. “Ari and Minho went upstairs to hook up in one of the many rooms,” she stated. “Hana spent the whole night outside in the hot tub, Paxton says she hooked up with Changbin--” you snorted, drawing her attention. “What?” she asked.
You glanced at her and then back at the road, fighting the urge to laugh. “She’s lying,” you replied.
Lilah eyed you suspiciously. “How do you know?” she asked. “I mean, I did see her making out with a guy that looked an awful lot like him,” she said, watching as you burst into laughter. “When does she say this hook up occurred?” you asked. Lilah shrugged. “I’m not sure. Probably around the time you disappeared.” You laughed again.
“She may have hooked up with a guy,” you said as you kept your eyes on the road. “But it certainly wasn’t Changbin,” you added. Lilah narrowed her eyes. “How do you know?” she asked. “Cause he was with me outside,” you replied.
Lilah’s jaw dropped.” You got in the hot tub in your skivvies and didn’t tell me?!” she yelled. You looked at her incredulously. “Okay first of all, never say skivvies again,” you started, laughing. “And second, no,” you continued. “Changbin stopped me from drinking the punch and gave me a can of soda and we started talking.”
Lilah watched you as you continued to explain. “And then I got warm inside the kitchen so we went outside to get some fresh air and continued our talk. We were over by the garden. And then Joshua came up and I left with him,” you explained.
“Changbin was with you the whole time?” Lilah asked and you nodded. “So unless he went back in and hooked up with her after, which I doubt because he told me he doesn’t even really like her, she’s either lying or she doesn’t remember who she really hooked up with.”
Lilah let out a laugh, shaking her head. “Changbin told you he doesn’t like her?” she asked, to which you nodded. “Yeah. He said he also doesn’t really like Hana,” you continued. Lilah sighed, leaning back in her seat. “Is there anyone he does like?” she wondered and you shrugged.
“Maybe stop trying to set him up with your friends and let him do his own thing?” you asked and Lilah clicked her tongue. “That’s no fun,” she pouted, crossing her arms before she gasped. “What?” you asked, looking around. “I have an amazing idea!” she said, bouncing in her seat.
You groaned. “I thought you saw something,” you whined. “Don’t do that gasping thing when I’m driving!” Lilah grimaced. “Sorry, but wait until you hear this idea!” she said, sitting forward. “I have the perfect match for Changbin!”
You turned to look at her. “We just talked about this Lilah!” you admonished. “Leave the poor man be!” Lilah shook her head. “I can’t. This pairing is just too perfect!” she said, pulling her phone out and scrolling through it. “I know this girl. I think she’d be perfect for him.”
You sighed as you continued to drive. ‘Poor Changbin.’
The next two hours were spent listening to music until you stopped at a small town to get coffee and something to eat now that you were both more awake and hungry. “Look at her,” Lilah said, showing you a picture of a really pretty girl with a pale complexion. She had split colored hair, half blonde and the other half black. 
In the picture her hair was curled in soft waves reaching her shoulders, half of it pulled up into a high ponytail with strands framing her face. She had makeup similar to the style Lilah wore, graphic liner, heavy blush on her cheeks and nose, highlighter, false lashes, but she differed in that she wore nude pink lip colors.
She was covered in ink, tattoos decorating her chest, shoulders, and arms. She had multiple nose piercings, an upper lip piercing, stretched ears and multiple cartilage piercings. She had a slim waist with curves. 
She wore a high waisted black pleated skirt with black fishnets and combat boots. The shirt was black with white stripes and a tiny green alien peeking out of a small pocket on the chest tucked into the skirt. Half her curled hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, strands falling and framing her face.
“She’s pretty,” you noted with a nod. Lilah swiped to another picture. “She’s an instagram model too,” she explained, showing you the next picture. It was of the same girl kneeling on a bed, wearing a high waisted black thong with lace and a cropped shirt with a Mario star on it. She had extensions in her hair, part of it pulled up into twintails, the rest cascading in waves.
She wore a pink headset with kitty ears, white thigh highs with pink bows and in her hands was a gaming controller. You said nothing, instead nodding as you waited for your food to be ready. “She’s really cool,” Lilah said, fawning over her phone.
You watched as she scrolled a bit more and showed you a few more pictures before asking for your opinion. “Do you think he’d like her?” she asked. You looked at your best friend. “Why are you asking me?” you asked. Lilah shrugged. “I thought maybe since he told you what he didn’t like, he might have told you what he does like.” You snorted, shaking your head.
“Most certainly not,” you replied. Lilah sighed, returning her attention to her phone. “I’ll ask her if she’s interested anyway.” You said nothing again, instead focusing on the barista as she bagged up your food and grabbed your coffees. 
Back in the car, you ate your sandwich quickly while Lilah fiddled with her phone, exchanging messages. “She’s interested!” she said excitedly. “She wants me to send a picture of Changbin. Should I just take one from his insta?” she asked, looking up at you.
You shrugged, wanting to stay out of it. “Do you have any pictures of him on your phone?” you asked. Lilah stared at you unblinkingly. “Why would I have pictures of him on my phone?” she asked. You shrugged again. Lilah fiddled with her phone. “I think Chris follows him,” she murmured, searching through Chris’ follow list.
You started the engine and pulled out of your parking space, pulling onto the road and making your way back to the highway as Lilah searched for Changbin’s account. “Shit, it’s private,” she hissed. “And that’s bad?” you asked as Lilah grabbed your phone, unlocking it with your passcode.
“How do you know my passcode?” you asked incredulously. “It’s not like it’s a secret,” she said, looking up at you. “It’s your dead dog’s birthday,” she reminded you. “Isn’t yours Chris’ birthday?” you asked, eyeing her. She stuck her tongue out at you as she pulled up instagram, going into the search bar.
“What are you doing?” you asked, trying to keep your eyes on the road and on her at the same time. “I’m gonna follow him from your account,” she said nonchalantly. “What?” you shouted, reaching for your phone. “Hey, hey!” she shouted, shielding your phone from you.
“Eyes on the road, maniac!” she added, pointing at the road. “Why can’t you follow him from your account?” you asked angrily. “You follow his tattoo page, don’t you? And you follow the shop!” Lilah ignored you, typing in Changbin’s name. “I don’t follow either!” you added.
“I know,” she said softly. “That’s why I’m making you follow them all right now,” she added with a mischievous grin. You tried to snatch your phone again only for her to pull away. “You’ll crash if you keep doing that,” she retorted.
You checked the mirrors before pulling over and parking the car.
“What are you--”
You reached over and snatched your phone, looking at the screen. “You’re literally insane,” you said as you made sure she wasn’t able to follow any of the accounts through your phone before opening your settings and changing your passcode, shielding the screen from her.
“Y/N!” Lilah pouted as you locked your phone and set it in the console. “Use your own account,” you replied, putting the car back in drive and slowly pulling forward to pull back onto the highway. Lilah grumbled as she grabbed her phone and tapped away on the screen.
The next couple hours went by without issue, mostly listening to music as Lilah texted back and forth with a few people. “He followed me back,” Lilah announced as you followed the signs for the ferry station. You were getting close to the coastal town. “He doesn’t have many pictures on here,” she said as she scrolled. “Which one should I send?” she asked as you got off the highway and came to a stop at the light.
You glanced at the phone and she showed two different pictures.
The first looked more recent. It looked as though he’d just woken up, his hair was messy and curly. ‘Is that what his hair naturally looks like?’ you wondered silently. His tattoos were visible and he was wearing his signature fitted black tee shirt.
The other picture was older. His hair was a completely different color. It almost didn’t look like him. His hair was styled and he wore a black suit with a red tie. He looked amazing. His hand tattoos were missing and you wondered how old the photo was.
“The first one,” you answered. “It looks more recent,” you added. Lilah nodded, looking back down as she took a screenshot of the picture and you waited for the light to change. The drive through the sleepy seaside town was quiet, most people were at work or school as you drove, winding down the side of the mountain. In the distance you could see the ocean, waves crashing into the sandy beach.
You pulled into the ferry station parking lot with some time to kill and parked the car. “Let’s go get some pictures,” Lilah said excitedly. You grabbed your jacket from the backseat and got out, locking the doors and pulling on your jacket as Lilah pulled her hood up over her head and shoved her hands in her pockets. You followed behind her, checking the time on your phone before pocketing the device and rushing to catch up with your best friend.
The look out over the ocean gave a spectacular view and you could see an island not far from shore. “You want to go down to the shore?” Lilah asked over the wind. You nodded and followed her down the steps leading to the shore. The sand was unlike what you expected. Less like sand and more like stones. Pebbles. You were glad you chose to wear sneakers and were sure Lilah was faring just as well in her boots. “Look!” Lilah called, hurrying over to a spot and kneeling down.
You followed her and leaned over her back as she unearthed a rather large piece of sea glass. “Whoa,” you said as she lifted it to reveal another piece under it. You reached down, grabbing the second piece, revealing yet another piece of sea glass.
“It’s like a rabbit hole,” you murmured, picking up the other piece. “These are so cool,” Lilah said, looking over the piece in her hands. You looked down at it. She held a black piece with tiny white flecks from who knows how many years spent in the sea water.
It was shaped like a shark fin, smooth and rounded at all three points and flat. “I wonder what this is,” Lilah said, flipping it over to look at the other side. “It’s glass,” you pointed out. Lilah looked up at the pieces in your hands. A bright pink and a deep purple, both frosted like hers.
“What kind of glass is black?” she asked, looking back down at hers. You held out your hand, lifting to inspect the glass she placed in your palm. “It’s probably from a really old bottle,” you started, handing her the pink and purple to inspect.
You held the black up towards the sky, tilting and turning it. “It’s green,” you stated. “Along the edges, it’s hard to see without the light,” you explained. “It’s probably from really old beer or gin bottles,” you added, handing it back to her, taking the pink and purple from her.
“What about those?” Lilah asked, nodding at your hands. “The pink is probably from the Great Depression era,” you noted. “Pink glassware was common during that time period because it was decorative but extremely cheap,” you explained, looking at the pink piece.
“The purple,” you began, shifting your gaze to it. It was a deep rich purple color, frosted just like the others due to exposure and time spent in the ocean. “Probably came from purple glass. Between 1840 and 1880, hair tonics were commonly sold in amethyst bottles,” you explained, turning the piece over. “But it could very well be glass made with manganese.”
Lilah stared at you as you looked over the glass. “What’s that?” she asked. “Venetian glassmakers discovered they could neutralize the color caused by imperfections in glass by adding manganese to the sand and create clear glass,” you explained, handing over the purple piece.
“But over time, the glass will turn purple when exposed to ultraviolet rays,” you continued, looking down at the ground, searching for more glass. “I’ve heard sea glass glows under a black light,” Lilah said, looking up to watch you explore. “Is that true?” she asked.
You shook your head, pushing some pebbles aside and unearthing another black piece of sea glass. “No,” you replied. “Uranium glass glows under black light,” you replied, digging out the piece and holding it up. ‘More green edges,’ you noted.
“Uranium glass has uranium added to the glass before melting,” you explained. “It produces green glass that then glows under a black light,” you continued. “That’s so cool,” Lilah said as she watched you dig in the pebbles. “How do you know all this?” she asked.
“We’ve gotten a lot of different glass types in the shop,” you said, looking up. “Including an entire tea set made from uranium glass,” you added. You managed to find a few more pieces of sea glass ranging from blue to clear but no more purple or pink.
You stood up, brushing your hands off as a horn sounded in the distance and both you and Lilah turned to see the ferry in the distance. “Let’s go,” you said softly, leading the way back to the steps. You and Lilah had found a decent amount of sea glass and pocketed it to take back home.
Back up at the station, you and Lilah huddled close to the building to avoid the wind that had picked up. “Fuck! I should have worn sweat,” you cursed and Lilah laughed, huddling closer. “Would they hurry up and disembark already?” she snapped.
Finally it seemed like the wait was over and the gates opened, passengers making their way off the boat. This early in the morning you didn’t expect so many passengers but it sort of made sense. People making the earliest commute possible.
You spotted Daniel and waved, calling out to him. He spotted you and a smile spread across his face, weaving through the other passengers until he reached you, pulling you into a hug. He’d grown taller, nearing almost six feet. “Jii-chan said you were coming so I was really excited to see you,” he said as he let you go. “You got taller,” you noted, making him laugh.
He turned, noticing Lilah. “Lilah?” he asked, almost shocked to see her. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” he added, pulling her into a hug as well. “Y/N asked me to keep her company on the drive out here,” she replied. “And she annoyed me the whole way here,” you added, dodging Lilah’s attempt to slap your arm. 
Daniel was amused by your antics as he followed you two back to the car, listening and laughing as you bickered back and forth. Once his luggage was put in the trunk and the three of you inside, strapped in, you put the car in drive and pulled carefully out of the parking lot.
You asked Daniel about his time in Busan and Jeju.
“It was amazing!” he said excitedly. “We went to the aquarium in Busan and hung out on the beach most of the time,” he explained, going into further detail, describing the beach. “And then in Jeju, we went to their aquarium and we also went hiking. So much hiking!”
You smiled as he went on. “And then, since we finished our itinerary early, we took the ferry to Japan,” he continued. You nodded, glancing up in the mirror at him. “That would explain why your grandfather asked me to pick you up at the ferry station and not the airport or bus station,” you mused.
“Tell me about Japan,” Lilah said, turning in her seat to look at Daniel.
You listened to him tell his stories of Fukuoka and the surrounding areas. He talked about the food, what the group did, and even showed pictures on his phone of him and his friends.
“It sounds like you had a really good time,” you said after listening to him go on for almost an hour. He nodded as Lilah took his phone to look at a photo of him and his friends. She swiped to the next photo and let out a yell. Daniel noticed and tried to grab his phone but Lilah held it out of his reach.
“Who is this?” she asked, looking at a picture of just Daniel and a girl. She showed you. It was very pretty girl you recognized him meeting with for study sessions. “Is that Kari?” you asked, taking your eyes off the road briefly to get a better look.
“Give it back,” Daniel protested, trying to grab his phone from Lilah. “She’s cute!” Lilah remarked as she swiped through a few more photos of Daniel and Kari. “Will you stop it!” Daniel grumbled, fighting to regain control of his phone but Lilah swiped again and gasped.
“What?” you asked, glancing between her and the road. She showed you the phone and it was a picture of the two, Daniel was taking the photo and Kari had her head turned kissing his cheek. “Daniel!” you said, sounding scandalized. He groaned, leaning back in his seat and pulled his beanie down over his face.
“Dannie’s got a girlfriend!” Lilah said in a singsong voice as she looked at more photos. Daniel groaned in embarrassment and you chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry, Dannie,” you said, making him peek out from under his hat. “I won’t tell your grandparents.”
He sat up, readjusting his beanie and waited, watching Lilah before he made his move, snatching his phone back. “Yah! I was looking at pictures of you and your girlfriend,” she whined. “She’s not my girlfriend,” he clarified. “We haven’t even been on a date.”
“Then change that,” Lilah said, turning to look back at him. “Ask her out. Go to the bowling alley or something else. Something you kids find fun these days.” You glanced at her. “You kids?” you asked her and she shrugged. “He’s in high school,” you added. “He’s not twelve.”
“Take her to the fall festival,” you suggested. “That’s coming up soon.” Daniel shook his head, not looking up. “I can’t ask her out,” he murmured. “And why the hell not?” Lilah asked, turning to look back at him. “Because,” Daniel said softly. “You saw her,” he added. “She’s gorgeous.”
Lilah scoffed and you snapped your fingers. “Look up,” you said. “Look at me Daniel.”
He looked up, meeting your gaze in the mirror. “Don’t do that to yourself. You are an extremely intelligent, funny, and good looking guy. Kari would be an idiot to say no to you,” you said in a firm but gentle tone. “And if she says no, I’ll kick her butt,” Lilah added. “She’s a minor,” you said incredulously. “You can’t beat up a minor, Lilah!”
Daniel smiled as the two of you bickered. “Thanks, you two,” he said softly.
The next hour passed quickly as Daniel told Lilah more about Japan and what Fukuoka was like. You listened, keeping your eyes on the road as you drove. Another hour in, you glanced down at the gas gauge and sighed. “I gotta make a stop,” you announced, pulling off the highway at the next exit.
“We’re running low on gas.”
Daniel and Lilah continued to chat as you filled up, both of them heading into the convenience store. While the pump worked, you pulled out your phone, checking your notifications. You had a couple texts from Joshua, asking how the trip was going.
You texted him back before noticing another notification from Instagram. You had a new follower and opened the app. Your eyes widened as you read the username, tapping on the profile and your lips parted in a soft gasp. Changbin had found and followed your account.
Your thumb hovered over the follow back button before tapping it quickly as Lilah and Daniel headed back to the car. You pocketed your phone as the pump switched off and took the nozzle out of the tank, placing it back in the cradle.
Getting back in the car, you set your phone in the console, buckling your seatbelt and Lilah and Daniel divided up their snack haul. “We got you something to drink and some snacks as well,” Daniel said as he pulled a bottle of soda out of the bag and set it in one of the cup holders.
“Thanks,” you said softly as you started the engine and pulled out of the gas station parking lot, following the signs to get back on the highway.
As you drove, you tuned out Lilah and Daniel’s conversation, instead mulling over the notification you’d gotten from Instagram about Changbin’s personal account. How did he find you? Had Lilah gotten through before you grabbed your phone?
You glanced over at your best friend, meeting her gaze. “What?” she asked softly.
You shook your head and looked straight ahead. “What?” Lilah asked again. It took a couple more minutes for Lilah to pry it out of you.
“Did you like one of Changbin’s pictures on my account or something earlier?” you asked softly. Lilah’s confused expression morphed into one of excitement. “No,” she answered. “Why? Did he follow you?” she asked excitedly. You narrowed your eyes, glaring at her.
“What did you do?” you hissed, not noticing how Daniel leaned forward between the two of you.
“Who is Changbin?” he asked suddenly, making both you and Lilah jump. You glanced at his curious expression. “No one,” you said quickly, hoping Lilah would drop the subject but when you looked at her, a mischievous grin had taken up residence on her face.
“Don’t,” you warned her. “I just want to know why he followed me.”
Lilah laughed excitedly, grabbing your phone. “What did you change your passcode to?” she asked as she stared at the screen. “It’s none of your damn business,” you retorted, snatching your phone from her hands only for her to pout at you.
“I just need screenshots of his pictures to send to Riley,” she grumbled as you set your phone in the pocket on the driver’s side door, far from her reach. “I told you,” you replied as you continued to drive. “Follow him from your own account.”
“And what would Chris think?” Lilah asked, crossing her arms. “Uh, that’s you’re following your tattoo artist on instagram who you also happen to be friends with?” you offered. Lilah scoffed. “You’re no fun,” she mumbled as she sank down in her seat.
“Is someone going to explain what’s going on?” Daniel asked, making you and Lilah glance back at him. You’d partially forgotten he was there as you and Lilah bickered about Changbin and his instagram account. “Who is Changbin?”
Lilah turned to look back at him, turning in her seat. “He’s new to Sejong,” Lilah explained. “He just moved here and opened a tattoo shop on Market,” she continued. “And why are you following his instagram from Y/N’s account?” Daniel asked slowly.
“Because I need pictures of him to send to this girl I know who is interested in him!”
You sighed as you followed the signs for Sejong. “Despite the fact that he didn’t like either girl you threw at him before,” you interjected. “Changbin isn’t a wall that you throw girls at like pasta and expect them to stick. Let the poor guy settle into Sejong, let him figure things out for himself.”
Lilah’s lips curled up into a devious smirk. “You like him, don’t you?” she asked. Your eyes widened and you turned to look back at her. “What?” you asked incredulously. “I knew it!” Lilah said excitedly, sitting up quickly. “You like him!” Daniel looked between you and Lilah quickly, eyes wide.
“Lilah,” you said sternly. “I have a boyfriend.” Lilah rolled her eyes. “Yeah, a shit one,” she murmured. You reached out, smacking her arm. “Ow!” she exclaimed, holding the spot you hit. “Don’t start that shit again,” you snapped. “Joshua isn’t perfect,” you continued. “None of us are.”
You stared at her pointedly. Lilah conceded and sunk back into her seat. “Fine,” she groaned. “So, this Changbin guy,” Daniel asked, leaning forward, breaking the tension. “What kind of ink does he do?”
The rest of the ride, Lilah showed Daniel pictures on Changbin’s professional instagram, showing off his previous work and explaining the tattoo she commissioned from him. You listened as you drove. The sun had started to set as you reached the outskirts of Sejong, driving through town and heading for the Serizawa’s house. Daniel had wanted to come back and stay a few days with his grandparents before moving back into the apartment above the shop.
“Thank you so much again,” Daniel said as he leaned down to peer into your window, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “It was good to see you, Lilah,” he added. Your best friend leaned forward, smiling at him. “You too, Danny,” she replied. Daniel turned his attention back to you.
“I’ll see you at the shop,” he said and you nodded. “See you later,” you replied as he waved and headed for the front door of his grandparents’ house. You waited, watching to make sure he made it in safely before driving off and making your way to Lilah’s building. The ride was silent as you followed the memorized route.
“I’m sorry,” Lilah said, her soft voice punctuating the silence. “For what I said about Josh,” she clarified. “I know I should stay out of it,” she continued. “But I can’t help it. Not when I see how he treats you from the outside.” You pulled to a stop outside her building.
“He’s too controlling,” she added. “I know you care about me,” you started, turning to look at her. “But please trust me when I say I can handle it. I know how to handle my boyfriend,” you added. “If I need help, you will be the first to know.” Lilah nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt and leaning over the center console to pull you into a tight hug.
“You’re still coming to my tattoo appointment, right?” she asked as she pulled back, making sure to grab her bag and things from the cupholders. You nodded. “Of course,” you replied as she opened the door and got out, leaning over to look at you through the open window. “You promise?” she asked.
You nodded again with a smile.
“I promise.”
Wednesday came much faster than you were expecting. Lilah had asked the days leading up to the appointment if you were still going with her and you kept reassuring her you’d go. It wasn’t like you hadn’t attended her appointments before, you had. So why she was so adamant about you attending this one was lost on you. Until you showed up to White Lotus Studio.
Lilah had insisted on you meeting her at the shop instead of going there together. You didn’t really question it since you only had an hour after getting off work to go home, change and meet her. You didn’t really need to change but you preferred to.
The walk to the shop didn’t take long and soon you were walking up to the door, stepping aside as a couple of patrons exited, chatting excitedly about whatever work they’d gotten done. Lilah was seated inside on one of the black armchairs you’d sold Changbin as you crossed the threshold into the building. It seemed to be a busy day, each station was occupied.
Minho was sitting on a black stool, working on the leg of a man you’d seen briefly at some of the parties Lilah brought you to. In the same space, Chris was explaining jewelry options to a girl who was getting her ears pierced for the first time, her friends crowded around her but staring at Chris instead of the jewelry.
You walked over to Lilah who was talking to Hana and looked up in time to catch a glimpse of Changbin through a glass window. He was talking to a client, no doubt explaining something related to the tattoo he’d just done as he wrapped it. Your eyes lingered a moment longer as you really studied him.
You’d only ever seen him outside the studio in social settings. Parties, the club, and your work. You never saw him in his own element before. He looked much more confident in this setting.
You tore your gaze away before he caught you staring and smiled as you moved to sit on the ottoman across from Lilah. Your best friend smiled widely, leaning forward to pull you into an awkward hug. “You made it!” she said happily. You chuckled as she let go and nodded. “I said I would,” you replied.
You turned to Hana, nodding politely. Hana returned the gesture and then went back to her phone, thumbs tapping on the screen. You took the lapse in conversation to look around the shop. It was a completely different space from what you remembered. The walls were mostly an off-white color except for a bump out that was painted entirely black with a massive tiger painted.
The decal was impressive and looked imposing and intimidating, as if the tiger was leaping from the wall. Whoever had painted it was incredibly talented. Behind Lilah was a counter, behind which Paxton stood. She threw a dirty look your way but you ignored it. You were here for Lilah and if Paxton didn’t like it, that wasn’t your fault.
The front of the counter was glass, showing off a vast array of jewelry for all types of piercings. Bright lights mounted to the underside of the counter top made the gems in some of the pieces sparkle. You looked away at the black velvet sofa. You wondered where Changbin had gotten it as it was almost a perfect match to the armchairs. 
Behind the sofa, on the same wall as the tiger bump out, large rectangular planters stood behind the sofa, dark bamboo stood against the wall in contrast with the paint.
You looked towards the front of the shop, a low console table, also painted black with a matte finish and glass surface, stood under the large box window with books sitting atop the surface. The box window had a small collection of decorations in it, a few small statues of buddha, a dragon perched atop its treasure hoard, a golden lucky cat waving at anyone who passed by.
The rooms were separated by half walls with large glass windows, the doorways were open square arches. The walls inside each room were different in the decor and decals. In the room Minho and Chris were working, a dragon decal had been painted in the center of the wall, lined up with the door. A neon sign, green in color, hung on the wall next to the dragon displaying the name of a brewery in town.
There was a backlit shadow box with comic strips framed and spaced evenly from top to bottom.
You looked away from the room, taking note of the light wood floor with pale ashy tones, the black and gray ornamental rug that filled the lobby area was stunning and the patterns very intricate. You wondered if Changbin knew about the history of the rug and if so, you’d love to hear about it.
Changbin had gotten so used to the sound of the bell that he almost didn’t hear it anymore, especially when he was in the middle of an appointment with a client but whenever the tattoo gun wasn’t in his hand, he paid more attention.
Looking up as the bell rang, he saw two patrons leaving, both having been serviced by Chris. Changbin was about to return his gaze to the client who was currently counting bills when his heart skipped a beat. You had just walked in, politely bowing to the clients who were leaving.
It had been several days since Changbin had last seen you at the house party Chris and Minho had invited him and Jeongguk to. You looked just as radiant as ever. You wore a light pink jacket over a flowy cream colored dress where the hem fell just above your knees.
The tights you wore with the ensemble were nude with a swirly floral pattern. You’d paired the look with black suede pumps with straps which brought out the black details of the dress. A thin black ribbon tie at the high neck, black buttons that went up the front of the bust. It was a simple look but you made it look anything but simple. Every time Changbin saw you, somehow you always managed to look so well put together. It was clear you spent a lot of time picking out your outfits and planning things.
From your outfit to your makeup and hair. It was a huge contrast to your best friend who Changbin had noticed was wearing high waisted black cut-off jean shorts, a black tank tucked in and a black oversized cardigan. She wore black combat boots much like Changbin and it never managed to surprise him how different the two of you were.
Like night and day.
Changbin smiled as his client handed him a wad of cash, thanking him for the newest work on his calf before exiting. Changbin quickly counted the money, moving over to the counter and opening the top drawer where he kept his built-in safe, carefully putting in the code and opening the door. He separated a few of the larger bills before adding the cash to the safe, closing it up and tucking the rest in his wallet.
He went about cleaning up his station to set up for the next appointment, trying not to look out the window where he could only see the top of your head. He could faintly hear you talking to Lilah but couldn’t make out what the two of you were talking about.
He picked up the spray bottle on the counter and gave the chair a few sprays, quickly wiping the surface down. He moved about his station, opening and closing drawers and cabinets as he gathered the supplies he would need for Lilah’s tattoo. Once he had the basics, he exited the room, popping over to Jeongguk’s station to check on his progress.
He then left the room and walked into the lobby. He noticed how you were looking around, no doubt inspecting his choice in decor. He suddenly felt self-conscious. How would you perceive him through his design choices? Were you impressed or underwhelmed?
He shook his head, and walked over to where you and Lilah sat. “You ready?” he asked, taking note how you didn’t seem to hear him as he spoke to your best friend. She nodded and Changbin beckoned her to follow him.
As you were lost in your thoughts, staring at the rug, Lilah stood up and snapped you out of your thoughts. “Come on, spacey,” she joked and you got up, following her back and into the room. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized Changbin was the only artist in the room. It then dawned on you that Changbin was going to be doing her tattoo.
Lilah hopped up on the chair and pulled out her phone, connecting her head phones to the device and leaving one ear free. “Just the line work today, right?” Changbin asked as you stood awkwardly by the doorway. Your eyes raked over his form, taking in his outfit of the day.
He was wearing another fitted black tee tucked into black cargo pants with the cuffs of his pants tucked into his signature black combat boots. His hair had been straightened and styled, showing his forehead. He had a simple silver chain around his neck. It seemed that this was kind of his go to outfit.
Changbin turned slightly to glance your way before chuckling to himself. “You know you can sit down, right?” he asked, nodding at the chair near the chair Lilah was sitting on. You murmured a thanks and walked over to the chair, removing your jacket and sitting down
You glanced around the room, taking in the features. Changbin’s station was the only one in the room. The same floor ran through this room as the rest of the shop. The walls were the same off white with a custom made neon sign in the shape of a lotus hanging above the counter top that ran the length of the wall opposite the doorway.
The countertop was black quartz, the cabinets below the same off white as the walls with gold hardware. The chair Lilah sat on was a bright red leather with an adjustable headrest, arm rests, foot rest and heavy circular base. The entire chair looked fully adjustable and quite comfortable.
Changbin was looking over supplies sitting on a silver rolling tray. Various tools and equipment sat before him. He had a few small ink pods waiting to be used. You continued to scan the items, noticing he had two pairs of black gloves. ‘Two pairs?’ you wondered to yourself.
A stool, at least you thought it was a stool, sat near him. It looked like a small chair with a back and arm rests but the arm rests were backwards, sticking out from either side of the back of the stool. You looked away from the equipment to the artists as Changbin moved over to the counter and opened a drawer, grabbing a small clear bag of black rubber bands and shutting the drawer before he walked back over to Lilah. 
“If we can knock out the shading this time too, that’ll save you another session,” he said softly as he looked up. Lilah glanced over at you. “Do you mind if we stay a little longer?” she asked. Changbin turned to look at you as well. You shook your head. “No,” you said softly. “It’s your appointment,” you added with a smile towards your friend.
She beamed and nodded as Changbin turned away. “Alright,” he said moving to the side of the chair and you watched as he pushed a button and the leg rest started to raise, splitting in half. “Is the headrest in a good spot?” he asked as he finished raising the leg rest. Lilah nodded and scooted back into the seat and got comfortable. Changbin moved back over to the tray, using his toe to pull the stool closer.
You watched as he sat on it, the backrest in front of him. “You can move closer,” he commented towards you as he grabbed a glove and pulled it on before putting the other on. You realized your chair had wheels and you slowly scooted forward, moving closer to Lilah as Changbin prepared the tattoo gun.
You didn’t pay much attention to the process as it looked extremely complicated but it was still fascinating to watch. Changbin rolled closer, bringing his tray with him. You watched as he prepped Lilah’s skin, wiping the area with a cotton pad and taking a brand new disposable razor.
You watched with rapt attention as he prepared the area, shaving any hair and wiped the skin again. Once he was ready, Changbin grabbed the stencil he’d prepared and placed it on Lilah’s thigh. He pressed it firmly against her skin, making sure it stuck before peeling the paper away.
“Check the placement,” he said softly, waiting patiently as Lilah hopped up and walked over to the mirror to check it out. “Perfect,” she said excitedly, returning to the chair. Changbin nodded and moved into position. Once he got started, you watched him work.
He didn’t speak much as he worked, focusing instead on tracing the lines of the stencil. You’d been to a few of Lilah’s appointments before but most of the tattoos you’d witness her get were smaller. This was the largest piece you’d seen her get.
It was a large lion’s head, mouth open in a silent roar. You continued to watch silently as Changbin worked, finding the constant hum of the tattoo gun comforting. You glanced up to see Lilah had her eyes shut, mouthing to lyrics to whatever song she was listening to.
The song playing over the speaker of the shop’s intercom was a familiar one, you’d heard Lilah play from her playlist before. It was a heavy rock piece with a lot of drumming. It wasn’t your favorite kind of music but you didn’t mind it. You watched the tattoo take shape slowly, watching the way Changbin worked slowly but diligently. He clearly didn’t like to rush things, something you could appreciate.
After he’d managed to get half of the lines done, you looked up, hearing footsteps behind you. You turned back to Changbin. “Do you mind if I look around?” you asked softly. He glanced up briefly before shaking his head. “Just don’t get in anyone’s way,” he said with a slight smile.
You got up, leaving your jacket and purse in the chair and headed out of the doorway. Across from the room Changbin was set up in was a larger room with two stations in it. The one near the door was empty but the other station had Jeongguk, sitting in a similar stool as Changbin. He was working on an arm tattoo. The client was a young woman, maybe around Lilah’s age.
Her arm was resting on what you assumed was a separate arm rest, inside of the forearm exposed as Jeongguk colored in the line work of a tattoo you assumed he previously had done. His style was much different than Changbin’s but the tattoo was still just as intricate and beautiful.
It was an hourglass design inside a compass. You apologized softly when Jeongguk glanced at you. “I’m just curious to see what everyone else is doing,” you added. Jeongguk smiled and shook his head. “Don’t apologize,” he replied. “I don’t mind spectators,” he added with a chuckle.
After watching a couple more minutes, you left the room and peeked in to see the progress of Lilah’s tattoo. Changbin had almost completely finished the lines. You decided to check the other room. Paxton was no longer behind the counter and was instead coming back from the back of the shop.
You turned to look into the room Minho and Chris were in. Minho was still working on the same tattoo as before while Chris now had Hana in his seat. You leaned against the frame, offering a polite smile to Hana who surprisingly returned it. Chris glanced back and smiled widely.
“Lilah still getting her piece done?” he asked to which you nodded. “I’m just looking around. The boss said I could,” you added with an amused tone. Minho glanced up before going back to his work. You walked over, making sure to stay a reasonable distance away.
The tattoo he was working on was a traditional style dragon with clouds behind it. The lines were thicker than the lines on Lilah’s piece but you could tell it was intentional. “You spying on me?” Minho joked as he glanced back at you. Shaking your head, you moved a little closer. “Admiring your work,” you replied.
Minho chuckled and continued to work. “Next you’re going to tell me you want a tattoo,” he mused. You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to nudge him as he was working and turned back to Hana and Chris. “You wanna watch?” Chris asked, looking over at you.
You glanced at Hana who shrugged. “I don’t mind,” she added. You walked over and stood beside them. “What kind of piercing is this?” you asked. “Bridge,” Hana replied simply. You pointed at the bridge of your nose and Hana nodded. You nodded and watched as Chris took a black marker and marked either side of the bridge of Hana’s nose.
“Is that where you want it?” he asked, handing her a handheld mirror. You watched as she tilted his head, checking the placement before handing the mirror back. “Yep,” she said simply. Chris nodded, grabbing an alcohol wipe and opening it. He carefully wiped the spot before picking up the needle.
“Alright, he said softly. “Close your eyes. Deep breath in.” You watched as he carefully lined the point of the needle with the mark. “Deep breath out.” As Hana breathed out, Chris pushed the needle in, carefully lining the point with the opposite side to make it even. Once the needle was all the way through, he turned to the tray, opening the package with the jewelry.
“Keep your eyes closed,” he instructed as he removed one of the balls from the barbel and placed the end into the open end of the needle. You watched with morbid fascination as he pulled the needle through, guiding the barbel into the new hole. He removed the needle and grabbed the ball, screwing it on and making sure it was firm and tight.
“And done,” he said simply. Hana opened her eyes, taking the mirror from him to look at the new piece of jewelry as Chris started to clean up. “Be honest,” Hana said, turning to you. “How does it look?” You inspected it a little closer. “It looks really cool. It’s perfectly even, too,” you replied. Hana smiled and looked back into the mirror.
You excused yourself and headed back to Lilah, passing Paxton who glared at you once again. You still didn’t know what her issue with you was but you decided not to dwell on it as you entered Changbin’s station. He’d finished the lines and was now working on shading the lion head.
“How was your trip?” Lilah asked, eyes still shut. “Fascinating,” you answered as you sat back down. Changbin glanced up at you and smiled before returning to his work. “Jeongguk was working on an arm tattoo. It looked like some kind of mandala,” you explained to Lilah. “Minho was doing this really cool traditional dragon tattoo and Chris did a bridge piercing,” you relayed, feeling like a child telling your mother what happened in school that day.
The rest of the appointment passed quickly and soon Changbin was turning off the tattoo gun and setting it down. “Alright,” he said and Lilah opened her eyes. “Let me finish wiping it down and then I’ll cover it. You looked up from your phone, having zone out a while ago while playing some kind of coloring game on your phone. Changbin wrapped up quickly.
As he was finishing, Jeongguk peered in. “We’re ordering from the noodle place down the street,” he announced to Changbin. “You want your usual?” Changbin nodded without looking up as he applied vaseline to Lilah’s tattoo and started securing the plastic. “Get some of those beef dumplings,” he called out. He looked up at Lilah. “You know the drill. Bandage stays on for four days, no soaps except that antimicrobial I told you about, lotion for sensitive skin without dyes or perfumes, blah blah blah,” he added as he got up and started cleaning.
“If the bandage comes off before four days, come back in and I’ll replace it,” he added as Lilah walked over to the mirror, pulling out her phone to snap a picture of it. “And send me that picture,” he added as he noticed her taking another. “I want to add both it and the finished piece to my instagram.”
Lilah nodded and opened her messages to send him the picture. “So what do you think?” Lilah asked, showing off the new ink. You smiled, inspecting it. “I like it,” you replied. “The lines are really clean and the shading is really good. It’s gonna look pretty sick with the color,” you added.
“Does this mean you want to get something?” Lilah asked, wiggling her eyebrows, making you laugh loudly. “No,” you replied. “Absolutely not.” Changbin removed his gloves and tossed them in the trash bin, the snap of the gloves making you and Lilah look over at him.
He had a playful smile on his face. “Is my art not pretty enough for you?” he asked jokingly. You shook your head. “Your art is beautiful,” you replied, catching him off guard. “I just don’t have any desire to get a tattoo,” you explained. Changbin chuckled lightly. “I’m just messing with you,” he replied. “Tattoos aren’t for everyone,” he added. “I get that.”
Lilah thankfully punctuated the subject with her change in topic.
“How much do I owe you?”
You turned to gather your things as Lilah paid Changbin, thanking him once more. “Come back once you’re ready to add some color to that,” Changbin reminded her. She nodded and turned to you. “I’m gonna go see Chris really quick. I’ll meet you up front.” You nodded as you unplugged your phone from your charger and packed up.
As you were pulling on your coat, Changbin spoke up.
“If you ever change your mind,” he said, drawing your attention. “About getting a tattoo,” he added, noticing your confused expression. “I’d be happy to do any work you’d like done.” You smiled warmly. “Thanks,” you said softly, picking up your bag as he leaned against the counter behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’d love to be your first,” he added, an amused undertone to his voice.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you met his gaze. There was something about the way he looked at you. Something in the playful smirk on his face. Before you could respond, you heard Lilah calling your name, pulling you from your trance.
“I gotta go,” you announced. Changbin nodded, the same smirk still on his face. “See you around, Y/N,” he said softly and you turned away, forcing yourself to walk out of the room and towards the front of the shop where Lilah was waiting.
You followed her out onto the sidewalk, Chris locking the door behind the two of you as they set about closing the shop. “Are you hungry?” Lilah asked, linking her arm with yours. You nodded slowly, still mulling over Changbin’s words and playful banter. “Yeah,” you finally replied as Lilah steered you in the direction of the town square. “Let’s get some dinner,” you added.
“Good,” Lilah said excitedly. “Cause I’m starving.”
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ⓘ If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging as it helps me out more than you know. All graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
hi girl! you're my favorite dalton lambert writer i love your blog sm!! can i plz request a cute fic where dalton and reader are excited about halloween in their off-campus home? maybe not a part two but it does take place in that same universe and reader is kinda excited to buy candy for the kids on their street and dalton thinks its really cute and then he tells her that halloween wasn't as exciting after his coma and y/n feels bad for him so she wants to make it up to him?
sorry if its too specific but thank youu ily
- 🍃
A/N: THIS WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL REQUEST. I loved writing it so much and I do have to say I got a little carried away with the idea,  so if this is too cheesy that’s why. Anyway thank you so so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy this so please let me know what you think 🫶🏻🤍
Word Count: 1.7k+
Warnings: established relationship, mentions of having kids, EXTREMELY CHEESY, fluff, mentions of Dalton’s coma
MASTELIST ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎✩ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SEND ME A REQUEST
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Home Sweet Treats 
One chilly October evening Y/N and Dalton found themselves roaming around one of the local thrift shops looking for Halloween decorations. As soon as the calendar turned to October 1st, they excitedly declared that it was officially ‘spooky season’, but it was especially Y/N who couldn't wait to celebrate their first Halloween in their home. 
“What do you think about this one? Is it too spooky for the kids?” Dalton held up an old looking halloween mask, a big notorious rip at the top.
Y/N stared at it for a moment, trying to picture how it would look outside their house “I think it’s kinda lame”
Dalton scoffed, his eyebrows coming together as he scanned it again “I think it would look okay, we can make him wear a hat to hide the ripped part” Y/N didn’t look too convinced so Dalton put the mask on slowly and held his breath almost immediately, it was an old mask “See? It doesn’t look too bad when it’s over something”
Y/N giggled at this, walking towards him and taking the mask off “Let’s keep it for now in case we can’t find anything else” 
They had spent their weekend exploring every Halloween store they could find, but decorations were a little more expensive than they initially thought so that’s why they ended up scouring thrift shops. They were also planning on picking out a couple of pumpkins from the nearby pumpkin patch and brainstorming costume ideas for the so awaited Halloween party Chris couldn’t stop talking about. But there was one thing that they were the most excited for: buying sweets for the little trick-or-treaters.
Y/N had some fond memories of dressing up and going to every house asking for treats and they were determined to create something memorable for the kids in their neighbourhood, so the spooky decorations outside had to be perfect if she wanted it to be the full experience, and when she shared her idea with Dalton he couldn’t help but love her even more.
A couple of Sundays before the big day, they decided to take the entire day to pick out a couple of pumpkins and carve them. Their trip to the pumpkin patch was quick but a little intense, it was hard to find the ones that were big and steady enough since it was filled with kids and their parents who were looking for the same thing, but once they secured their pumpkins they made their way back to their home.
“So I’ve never actually done this so you’re gonna have to help me” Dalton said with a soft chuckle, laying the pumpkin carving tools on the living room floor.
“Never?” Y/N looked at him in disbelief as Dalton shook his head.
“At least not on my own, when I was a kid my parents used to help us do it but after… you know, my coma, Halloween wasn’t the same”
Y/N came up to him and softly placed a hand on his cheek “I’m sorry to hear that, baby”
“It’s okay, it’s not like I missed out on the Halloween experience, at least I get to do it with you” He replied with a smile.
Y/N nodded and placed a quick kiss on his lips “Then I’ll make sure it’s perfect” She whispered.
They sat next to each other so that Y/N could walk him through the entire process, giving him the steadier pumpkin so it would be a little easier for him.
“We’ll start by cutting out a lid” She grabbed a serrated knife and carefully pushed it into the pumpkin “Make sure you do it with an angle though, otherwise it will fall into it” Dalton was paying close attention to her as she went around the top of the pumpkin, taking his own knife to start with the process “Your lid should be bigger than mine, you hand has to fit inside the whole to take the seeds and pulp out” 
Dalton nodded and did as she said, smiling when the top of the pumpkin came out in a perfect circle. They proceeded to scoop the insides of the pumpkin with a spoon over a plastic bag to avoid making a mess, putting everything in a bowl to try and make a recipe Y/N’s mum had sent her. 
“Do you know what design you want to do?”
“Uh-” Dalton stopped and pulled out his phone, and after a moment he showed her his screen.
“Jack Skellington and Sally? I can barely make a regular face”
“Is it too hard?” Dalton was genuinely asking, he thought it was just like drawing something.
“Well… drawing isn’t the hard part, but we do have to carve it into the pumpkin and that can be a little tricky” Y/N took Dalton’s phone and zoomed into the pumpkins, analysing them closely “There are a lot of tiny details”
“We have the smaller detail sculpting from the carving kit, I think we can make it”
She looked up at him, he had a big smile and hopeful eyes, most likely waiting for Y/N to say yes. She sighed as she gave him back his phone “I’m sure you’ll do great, you’re an artist after all, but you’ll draw mine”
Dalton’s smile grew bigger. He excitedly drew on both pumpkins their respective designs, biting his tongue in concentration as his eyes focused on it. Y/N was right, he did a great job and both pumpkins looked amazing, now all they had to do was actually carve it.
That took a little longer than Y/N had anticipated, since she had never done such detailed faces but she was extremely happy at how they ended up looking, they were identical to the reference photo Dalton had shown her.
“You did fantastic, love” She said, hugging his side.
“We should do this every year” He hugged her back and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist “It could be our very own halloween tradition, we’ll buy the biggest pumpkins and our kids will learn how to-” He said that without even thinking, stopping as soon as he realised. Y/N looked up at him immediately, a smile forming on her face and noticing how his face was going red “Sorry-”
“I think they’ll love it” She interrupted him “And you will be a fantastic pumpkin carving guide” Y/N stood on her tiptoes and placed both hands on his shoulder blades, kissing him softly. Dalton smiled into the kiss, his eyes filling with tears as he thought of his future with her.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
Halloween was just around the corner, it was the weekend before and Y/N and Dalton set out to buy all the sweets they would need to satisfy the little trick-or-treaters in their neighbourhood. Y/N walked through the shop’s hallways as Dalton followed her around with a shopping cart. They filled it with a mixture of chocolates, gummies, lollipops, and other sweets she thought the kids would love and a few others for them to keep.
"You two are going to be the most popular house on Halloween night!" The cashier smiled at them as she scanned everything they were buying, making Y/N and Dalton blush.
Back at their home they were finishing up with their decorations. It was pretty much done and it was already looking great, including the old mask they got a few weeks ago, but Y/N found a big skeleton that would be perfect to hold their sweets. They had everything ready, including their matching costumes for the Halloween party which was a good thing since the days seemed to fly by, and before they knew it, Halloween had arrived.
The plan was to meet Chris back on campus at 8:00 PM, giving them enough time to hand out sweets to at least a few kids before they had to leave. They were getting ready in advance, Y/N had told Dalton how much she loved it when someone in a costume opened the door for them, even though she doubted the kids would know who Ghostface and Casey Baker were.
As the sun began to set, children in all sorts of costumes began to trickle into their neighbourhood and soon enough the first group of kids were ringing on their door bell.
“Quick, should I keep the mask on or off?” Dalton asked, holding the mask next to his face.
“Definitely on, otherwise they’ll think a black long robe is your costume” He nodded and put it on, following Y/N as she made her way to the front door.
“Trick or tick” Four kids said at the same time as soon as they opened the door, their eyes lighting up with excitement as they noticed Dalton’s costume. 
“What do we have here?” Y/N said, taking a handful of sweets and dumping them into their tiny baskets “A fairy, a princess, a witch and a ghost!” “Are you a ghost too?” The little ghost asked Dalton. “Yes, but a cold one, that’s why I’m wearing a robe” He replied, making the kids laugh.
“What do we say?” A woman behind them talked.
“Thank you” They said in unisound, waving them goodbye and leaving their front door.
After that more and more kids started showing up at their door, and Y/N couldn’t be happier. They chatted with the parents, admired the creativity of the costumes, and shared stories of their own Halloween experiences.
Sadly the time for them to leave came, so they placed the remaining sweets in a big decorated bowl outside their door, next to the skeleton. 
“Thank you for doing this with me” Y/N said as Dalton locked their door and took her hand.
“It was my pleasure” He brought her hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss “I think this is the best Halloween I’ve ever had, and that’s thanks to you, darling”
Y/N blushed at the pet name, she was used to them by now but it always made her feel some type of way “I wanted you to have good Halloween, and hopefully next year will be better”
 "Well I can't wait to do it all over again with you"
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
Own My Mind
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18+ ONLY! MEN & MINORS DNI (blank blogs will be blocked you do not have my permission to republish my work onto any platform.
A/N: listen to the song, lyrics are in italics
Summary: Wanda is one of the many supernatural beings hiding out in the outskirts of town. Ranking her position as a female priest in the community church, she gets a surprise visit from an enemy who slowly becomes her new favourite religion.
Characters: Dark!Priest!Wanda, Gn!Reader
Warnings: religion talk both good and bad (?), mentions of death, magic play, mind control, mind manipulation, semi-dubcon (if you squint), dumbification, branding, fingering (r receiving), choking.
Word Count: 1.5k
You had never really considered yourself to be a religious person. You father always telling you that the only religion you’ll be practicing is hunting down those supernatural beings. For years you had been praised for your captures and relied solely on his constant affirmations. There wasn’t ever a time where you thought you would become the captured. The hunter became the hunted.
It was the particularly odd shaped cathedral-like shelter, a little off the grid from everyone else that reeled your curiosities in. At first you thought nothing but an abandoned church, you know the usual old stained glass panels, a few of them cracked from the soft kisses of the unforgiving weather. Marble floors that had a pearl shimmer all throughout and last but most certainly not least, a single candle lit up at the altar.
“You shouldn’t be snooping, hunter” the voice was cold, shallow and grey. “No, I'm not even superstitious, but I'm feeling you're something vicious” you replied in a similar tone and chills littered your skin. “What’s a hunter doing in an outcast zone” a brunette came out into the light and the first thing that caught your eye was the small cross dangling from her neck. Something not uncommon to the supernatural. A yearning for sense of normalcy fell upon most of these beings and who were you to judge honestly. Feeling a little cocky you decide to stalk her further into her little hiding spot and mumble out a snarky remark. “Well, I don't know your secrets, I'm no visionary, I don't know your story, but I like what I see”
“Oh you’re quite the talker? Say have you ever been on your knees for the lord above?” Her green eyes glimmered in the fractured light and your breath hitched. “I’m a hunter for things like you. I don’t believe in religion. Things like you shouldn’t exist” you mumbled and stepped back as she finally came out in a strip of pink and red stained light. “Oh but we do. We have been for years. On the contrary, things like you shouldn’t exist. What kind of human finds the desire to hunt another living being. That surely isn’t a being of our father” she eyed you predatorily and you stumbled back.
“Come here Sundays and you’ll see just what you’re missing out on. That truly is Gods creation. Meet me by Lucifer’s statue at the back of the cathedral, Sunday at 9” she finished off and exited the room, her eyes casting you one last red-hued glance.
That was seven months ago.
By now you had been coming every week to entertain this community and things had been tense in the beginning. Three weeks after joining community hall, your father had gone missing and not once had the woman -you now knew as Wanda- mentioned your father. It shouldn’t have raised concerns as the two of you never really spoke about family until she had mentioned a specific detail that made you freeze.
“You what?!” You whisper yelled as she shushed you with a hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up and don’t act all surprised” she growled and pulled you out of the busy community hall. “Wanda you can’t just tell me this and expect me to be okay with it!” You ripped yourself away from her hold and pushed against her chest. Her eyes narrowed and turned their deep red as you fought against her. “Calm down. Let me explain” she threatened and your mind loosened it’s grip on reality a little bit.
This was another thing she had slowly begun doing as you hung out more with these communities. Every now than again she would turn your mind just that little more dumb and you couldn’t help but submit under those velvet orbs. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, you might be the answer to the sinner in me” she traced a delicate finger along your arm and you shuddered. “Your father was getting awfully close to figuring us out. The supernatural doesn’t have to be feared. Our father above loves us for who we are, not for what we aren’t” she stilled her voice her eyes turned a darker red.
“Wha- Wanda no. That’s not how life works you can’t- you can’t just kill someone because you don’t like them!” you replied incredulously and she brought her hands up to your neck, resting one along your jaw and one behind your head. “Oh but we can. You see, in our world, it’s survival of the fittest my angel. You father just wasn’t fit enough” she shrugged innocently and tangled her fingers in your hair, leaning down to plant a chaste kiss on your neck.
With her magic slowly seeping into your mind, your knees buckled against hers and she kept you up with the hand around your neck. “So easy to tease. Little toy has such a sinners tongue. Tell me what you've been missing darling” she sucked her mark below your jaw and you whined throwing your head back for easier access. “You, always you” You whimpered when you felt her magic toying with your clit. “Do I own your mind Y/n” she pushed further and your mind was quite possibly going blank.
“Own my mind, yes, always please, Wanda” you were helpless as she continued her ministrations and you were so far in a haze that you didn’t realise her hands were burning a brand onto your hip. “Beautiful toy. All mine. My mind, my body, my pussy. All mine” she pulled back and admired the little crown symbol she seared into your skin and it was only when she ran her thumb over it you realised her work.
That was the first time she has ever mentioned you being hers. You had just found out about your father’s miseries and here the killer was making you completely submit to her. With a burst of confidence and slight anger towards the woman, you shook your head and pushed off her. “Wanda we can’t- I’m still new here” You heaved she she shushed you again, her eyes returning to their natural green. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re mine Y/n. Whether you like it or not”
It took months for you to get over the initial shock of it all. How can a religious being, let alone the position of a female priest be such a sinner in the walls of the cathedral. It didn’t make sense to you but the moment you stepping in the marble room on Sundays, your mind slowly began to slip away. You knew it was all Wanda, it was always Wanda. You were captivated by her presence, her soul, her magic. She was your angel in a dark and twisted realm. She was entirely yours and as much as you hate it, you were completely devoted to her.
Sooner rather than later, you looked forward to Sundays and actually stayed longer to learn about all other supernatural entities that used the church-like building to entertain their own higher power. “Quiet down or I'll make you" her voice was low and breathless as you choked back a few tears. She had edged you on for hours during this particular Sunday morning in the church and now she was finally finishing you off in the confessions box. Nimble fingers ever so slightly dancing in the air as her spell went straight to your cunt. No one paid any mind to her magic as this was the usual supernatural practices.
Years and years of shallow hiding and sneaking around brought you to this very moment. Witches, Lycans, Vampires and other supernatural beings all gathered around community hall to say their prayers to their higher power. So yes, magic hands? Nothing unusual, nothing mind shattering. That was until she locked eyes on you your first day partaking this weekly event and completely took over you from then on.
"Wanda please" You whined as she once again ghosted her fingertips just over your clit. "Oh baby, I'm prayin at your altar if you know what I mean" she smirked and kissed your clit quickly, the action causing you to snap your hips up. “I wanna hear you say it" she pouted and continued her teasing assault on your cunt. A rough cry of frustration escaped your lips as she pulled back completely and stood up to face you. "Do I own your mind Y/n" she murmured in the silence of the church.
Your knees buckled as a hand came around your neck and applied just enough pressure to get your mind hazy. “You know I just gotta have it, I'll make your body a habit, you know there's some kind of magic" she spoke quietly at the shell of your ear and sucked a deliberate mark along the bottom of your jaw. "You own my mind, Wanda, always, always forever and always I- Wanda please let me cum" you screwed your eyes shut and she slipped two fingers in at your confession and gave you the okay.
Yeah, maybe Sunday wasn't made to be the day for rest. At least not in this town, Sundays are to dance with the devil and kiss her on the lips.
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zoobus · 2 years
I apologize in advance because I'm taking a tag way too seriously and this isn't even YA novel navalgazing, this is literally about a series written for 3rd graders.
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I'm realizing "fucked up that the moral of this story was" is a minor trigger for me. It drives me insane in a way obviously unequal to whatever the original context is. But this is my blog so.
The American Girl series was not a moral-driven set of stories! They weren't Animorphs or anything but they were absolutely a kid's introduction to the intrinsic unfairness of life and a solid chunk of the stories ended with the """"moral"""" of the main character left to uncomfortably ponder why something so clearly not right could be allowed to continue before they clunkily skipped to the next story like the previous didn't happen.
I used to own several sets and I skimmed through a few before selling them some years back. The sudden harsh reality of whatever historical ills going on were part of the appeal! It was fucked up and scary and that's why they were good (to an elementary schooler to be clear, these aren't good books)
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Like the "moral" of Nellie's story was that it was fucked up to be a child factory worker. It was fucked up that her response to "oh your hair is so pretty, you should grow it longer" was to recount the time she witnessed one of her elementary age coworker get scalped by one of the child labor machines. It was fucked up that she's 8 with PTSD. Of course Nellie got a happy end but like... abused little puppies getting cleaned up and spoiled is a popular media trope. It's not a lesson. Even though it works out for her, you're still left with the knowledge that the girl who's hair was ripped off her skull and untold number of fingerless kids were not adopted by Samantha's rich grandpa.
I'm rarely comfortable saying there's one specific point that a story is objectively going for and you're a fool if you don't see it, but I do think the American Girl series was intentional in showcasing period-specific suffering might have looked like in a way a little kid could conceptualize. And it worked! For example:
Molly, the WW2 American Girl (AG). Her family takes in a little Bri'ish girl and Molly's soooo excited wow imagine having a fancy English girl in your own house. She is irritated when the 9yo lass is very quiet and not into being her doll. After weeks of molly snipping at her, British girl goes off like sorry I'm not fucking prancing around you dumb bitch but I'm not here as a foreign exchange student, I'm here because my house got bombed and my friends and family are probably fucking dead
Samantha, the Victorian AG. We already know Nellie who, as explained before, had a very different life than the wealthy Samantha. But Samantha also had a black nanny she adored up until she disappears without warning. After a lot of snooping, she uncovers that nanny had a baby! So of course she sneaks out at night to find the little man for herself🤫
Her mischievous giggling starts to get more nervous as she gets closer to nanny's address. It's getting dirtier and shittier and there's only black people around and they're openly gawking but not approaching. People live here? Nanny lives here? With a baby? She eventually finds her and the baby who is cute but Samantha is left at the end like. Hm. So. I guess my life is not universal? Much to think about. There's no happy resolution to this. Nanny never returns, segregation continues.
Last one, Addy, the escaped slave (apparently a controversial opinion, but I liked Addy). The other stories take a bit to get to wham aspect, but with her? Right from the start we have Overseer catch Addy slacking while picking cotton. She's just not debugging fast enough. This grown adult man, so infuriated an eight year old child isn't picking cotton tobacco fast enough, forces her to eat one of the fat, green worms she missed. They describe Addy holding back tears, the worm bursting in her mouth, the bitter taste, the humiliation. I feel like this was the first time I like...*got* slavery. You learn about it in school, sure, but owning people, beating people, it sounded bad but unconnected to anything I knew. Like maybe it's because at the time of reading, I too was a daydreamy 8yo black girl, making it hit a little too close. How could anyone do that and feel justified? Or feel nothing at all? An adult made a little kid eat a bug and it didn't hurt his conscious? This guy probably goes to church and doesn't even remember this. He doesn't think he needs forgiveness. This is nothing to him. This is normal. He died thinking he did nothing wrong, probably. Those were my thoughts then. Very good.
These aren't morals. Of course you shouldn't expect a refugee to perform for their host family. Of course you shouldn't make a child eat a worm. Child labor is bad. Didactic American Girl was not.
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lets-just-daydream · 1 year
Hi there! I just found your blog and it's so good! This is my first time doing anything like this, but I was wondering if you could do some cute father figure/mother figure fluff with all of Overwatch?
I just did a couple small drabbles because I need some of this fluff rn :3c (i suck at fluff though lol SORRY)
Drabbles under the cut!
Being in Overwatch was totally fantastic for the most part. You had fulfillment and meaning in your job, you had meals and lodging, and you had an amazing family in your fellow agents. Almost everyone felt like a sibling, father or mother to you.
Number one in the parent department was Ana. She was literally a mother and she always made time for you, especially on days like this when you were feeling down and missing your family. 
You sat alone on a bench, staring out over the grounds of Overwatch headquarters. The clink of cups on the table next to you pulled you from your thoughts and you looked up to see Ana taking the seat beside you. 
"Missing home?" She asked. 
You nodded. 
"I know that look all too well, my dear."
You didn't quite know what to say so you grabbed one of the cups of tea she brought and took a sip.
"Your family would be so proud of you, coming here and making a difference. I know it's hard, but know that we've all got your back," Ana said, offering you a warm smile. 
Between her comforting words, warm smile and hot tea, everything felt a little brighter. 
You laughed. "You somehow know where to find me every time I'm in a crisis. How do you do it?" 
Ana chuckled and grabbed her tea, bringing it to her lips. "Call it a mother's intuition." 
HANZO (bear with me on this one lmao) 
When you first met Hanzo, your number one thought was, 'oh my god he's hot.' 
But now you know him a little better and while he's attractive, he's wise beyond his years and you value his worldly views and words of wisdom. 
You saw Hanzo as a mentor and in his less-than-helpful moments, a drunk uncle to turn to when you needed some advice. Whether the advice is good or bad is neither here nor there. But he always had your back.You appreciated it. 
"How are you?" Hanzo asked as he joined you in the gym. 
You were sweating, focused and hands in boxing gloves as you really showed the punching bag who was boss. 
"I'm good," you huffed, landing another punch. "Just about done." 
"Already?" He asked. "Weak."
You looked at him, shocked. "Wha- I've been at this for half an hour, non-stop!" 
Hanzo shrugged. "You can do better." 
You tightened your gloves and faced the punching bag once again. Hanzo approached the opposite side of the bag and held onto it. You swung a punch at the bag and he scoffed.
"You call that a punch?" 
You shot him a glare and swung another, harder punch. He let out a grunt of approval and you knew his game then. 
After another 20 minutes of his encouragement at your punching, you finally tapped out and dropped to the floor, ripping the gloves off and relaxing on the cool ground. 
"That was excellent, I'm proud at how you can push through the pain," Hanzo smiled, handing you a bottle of water. 
If Ana's your work mum, Reinhardt's your work dad. Your loud, excitable, enormous dad. And not just your dad, everyone's dad. He wandered through the building yelling encouragement, constructive criticisms, jokes and nonsense to everyone who would listen. Even to those who weren't listening. He was hard to block out. 
One evening as you and your team were all day around for dinner, Reinhardt began to tell a story of his old days as a Crusader. It reminded you of hearing stories of your own parents' childhoods and you settled into your seat to listen with a smile on your face as Tracer rested her head on your shoulder. 
As Reinhardt's sorry went on and he became more animated, more people filtered into the dining area and listened in, leaning on the tables, counters, sitting on the floor and even in each other's laps. 
"He's such a great story teller,' Tracer whispered as she looked around the now full room. 
You followed her gaze and you hadn't noticed how many people had joined to listen to Reinhardt's story. You even almost felt like you could fall asleep at how comfortable you were, surrounded by your Overwatch family, listening to a bedtime story from dad Reinhardt.
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theferal-possum · 7 months
hey so nobody knows this blog but i got out of control while telling my friend about a writing a prompt i thought of and so now im giving it to you fire emoji (below the clip)
au where lance had his schoolbag for some reason (he doesnt know why he grabbed it, he likes to think it was the universe letting him have things from home to remind him that yes, he will make it back) and as they reach the edge of the solar system, his bag starts to ring, his familiar ringtone playing throughout the lion.
he's not quite sure why he decided to go on a hunt to find a charger to get it's battery up, maybe fate playing with the strings a bit to get it to happen, he's not sure.
it's what the paladins have deemed as "night-time," around 9pm back on earth. he was nearly asleep but is now clambering for his bag, worn from the years he's spent using it in space. he rips the phone from it, staring in disbelief that he was able to get a signal from all the way out here.
the words are clear on his screen, though his eyes are blurring them, tears threatening to fall.
his hands are shaky as he clicks the accept button. the heart threatening to beat out of his chest the only thing assuring him that it isnt a dream.
it's quiet for a moment, before his mother's quiet words ring through his ears.
she sounds as if she's aged 10 years in only 5, but her voice was still heavy with that slight spanish accent, worn from years of english, that used to scold him and tell lance how much she loves him. but it's everything he's missed. and he can't helps the way his voice breaks when he says,
"mamá. oh mamá we're coming home."
lance doesn't know why, after the call with his mother ends, he calls keith. sure they're friends now but he hasn't been sure if theyre that close yet.
but he does anyways.
it only rings for a second, the image of keith appearing on his screen. pajamas on, and kosmo laying their head in his lap, with his comm pad held lazily in one hand. the screen lit up with one of the crosswords allura had given them to help with their altean.
"hey man, what's up? you alright? you look like you've been crying."
he leans forward in the chair, much to kosmos dislike, his eyes squinting and brow furrowed in concern.
lance suddenly feels concious of how he looks, eyes red and puffy, but just wipes at his eyes, looking at the side of his controls rather than the screen.
"yeah, it's just uh. i got a call from my mom, from my old phone. and i just, i don't know."
keith sits up fully in his seat, although knocking kosmo's head off fully, and clicks his comm pad off and setting it onto the floor.
"dude, really?! i'm surprised you got signal all the way out here. but i'm glad for you! how was she doing?"
keith looks genuinely happy for him, not something lance often had the privilege to see.
"she's uhm."
he takes a moment to steel himself. taking a deep breath as he reminds himself that he won't have to talk about only memories of her the next day. it won't hurt to talk about her.
"she's doing good, she was uh. really happy to hear from me. says she called me every week just to see if i would maybe pick up."
and lance's heart can't help but break, as he thinks about his mamá, face creased with worry, sat with her phone in hand, hoping her son would pick up. hoping that he would come back. that he would come home.
"she uh, only starting calling once or twice per month after the first year, so i guess i got lucky. it was really nice to hear her voice again. i almost forgot."
(his face falls, as he thinks of the countless nights that he'd try. try to hard to remember what she sounded like. how she rolled her r's, how she sounded as she yelled at him to do his chores faster, how she said i love you. he could never get it just right.)
"it's funny honestly, i used to hope for the day that i wouldn't have to hear it as much. i'd mock her voice from behind my door after an argument. but now i can't even imagine that. i guess, you don't know how much you'd miss something until you lose it.
and i know it seems silly to miss her this much considering we were gone only 2 years. but for her it was five. and at some points i wasn't–"
his voice begins to crack, his hand gripping the edge of his seat so hard that his fingers were white. the tears in his eyes threatening to fall.
"–i wasn't sure if i'd ever see her again. if i'd be able to tell her that i was coming home."
lance gives a watery laugh, rubbing his hand on the back of his head as he realises that he just dumped that all on keith.
“sorry that was, kind of a ramble.”
he finally looks back up at the screen, tears pricking the back of his eyes as he tries not to cry again. keith is staring at seemingly nothing just behind the screen, face drawn up in an expression lance can't decipher. thoughtfulness? he's not quite sure. but he doesn't have time to figure it out before keith speaks again, his gaze falling down to the floor as he starts to fidget with the string on his sweatpants.
"i understand what you mean. and im not trying to make this about me but, after spending two years on a space whale, i learned theres a lot of things you don't realise you'll miss."
he looks up, his face almost determined as he looks at lance directly now.
"but hey, you'll get to see her tomorrow, you won't have to miss her for much longer."
lance nods, smiling as a warmth spreading through his chest. he feels a renewed hope for the next day. he was going to go home.
(little note but the idea that theres a big group that surrounds the lions after they land, which the paladins get lost in immediately
and so lance is desperately searching through the crowd trying to find his family, before seeing keith waving and pointing almost frantically, but a smile on his face.
and as the crowd moves his mamá comes into view, standing next to keith
she calls out to lance, and he immediately runs over, engulfing her in a hug that lasts, definitely more than 20 seconds, and once he pulls away she starts tearfully rambling about how much she missed him, how she always knew in her heart that he'd come back, etc. etc.
but after a moment wipes the tears from her eyes and cheerfully exclaims that she was struggling to find him before keith had helped her, saying how nice he is, mother stuff yk
and keith is looking away blushing slightly from the compliments, and lance just looks at him and thanks him with such a genuine tone that keith cant help but smile fondly at him)
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Intro post
Heyy I'm Kiara. The group blog over on @willows-pjo-ocs is cool and all, but I decided to make my own.
So here's some basic info i guess
Age: 15
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Godly parent: Selene
Powers: healing (only at night), photokinesis (limited to moonlight and not that much, Aurelia says I'm like a glowstick), increased strength at night time particularly when the moon isn't obscured by the clouds (which does not change when the moon is new since its still the moon), I can transfer the pain you feel to myself, limited hydrokinesis since the moon controls the tides, and I sees better in the dark. Limited umbrakinesis plus I can shadow travel. Not really a power, but I am pretty good at chariot driving since my mom is Selene, if I do say so myself.
Status: taken i love my wife girlfriend @southerndaughterofeos
I'm pretty chill just don't be a dick, i guess.
Ooc under the cut
Heyyy! I figured it might be fun to make some blogs for my ocs. With the amount i have and probably will make, this will make things easier and more fun.
i am way too autistic about the riordanverse send help
I'm the moderator of @willows-pjo-ocs and my main is @gaygirldoodles
I also run
#willow speaks ◇ is what i'll use for when the mod is speaking vs #willows pjo ocs ♡ and #insomniac daughter of the moon will be for in character stuff
the rest of this will probably be copy pasted from the intro post on the group blog tbh
TW/CW FOR TRANSPHOBIA, MENTIONS OF DEATH, AND SELF BLAME IN HER BACKSTORY also SH so im making it extra big so you dont miss it i dont wanna risk anything
Kiara is a 15 year old transgender demigod daughter of Selene. She arrived at camp a bit before the Battle of the Labyrinth (the battle itself, not the book, but both are technically true), so she did end up fighting in the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Battle of Manhattan, and the Battle of Half-Blood Hill (plus if there was another one in toa i havent read it yet so dont spoil me.)
I would say she was about 12 or 13 when she arrived at camp so she's been there for a bit
She wasn't claimed until 2 or 3 years after she arrived since her mom didn't have a cabin yet
She is currently dating Aurelia Emerson, another oc of mine.
No father issues here since her dad is pretty awesome, but she does have mother issues, which comes with your godly parent being your mother.
She has a good deal of trauma from these battles, as do the other demigods who fought in said battles.
Since she can only heal at night, she compensates with her fighting skills. She was unable to save lots of friends and fellow campers during the battles and she blames herself for their deaths constantly. The tragedy of being a combat medic at her age.
Kids used to tease her all the time and do stuff like pulling on her hair at school but she ended up finding her people
At some point (sometimes i rp before, during, or after this) she ended up going on a quest. I haven't planned out much of this quest or who she gets captured by, but she ends up getting captured by these monster or something who want a son of Selene even though she very much isn't a son, but a daughter. They only ever referred to her as a boy and made her wear raggedy ass "boy" clothes (even though i believe that clothes dont have gender idk how else to phrase it)
She ends up back at camp somehow, havent planned that part out yet, but yet another trauma she has to deal with (yay i guess..?)
She ends up picking up smoking to deal with the trauma. She doesn't really tell anyone, and she tries to hide it since she's underage, it's against the rules, and sincs Aurelia would kill her if word got out.
Every time she heals a patient, whether it's a broken wrist or the entire arm is ripped off, she transfers a great deal of the pain to herself so they don't have to deal with it. Better her than them, she tells herself.
Eventually, she grows pretty numb to the pain. She can still feel it, of course, but she's just used to it. It doesn't bother her as much as it used to. Occasionally, when she takes a smoke break, she'll put out the cigarette on the heel of her palm or her shoulder or something just to prove that she can still feel pain.
Also, I apologize if I accidentally portray her a bit wrong since I'm not trans but feel free to critique me if I do something wrong bc I really want to know so I can do better/be more educated
Face claim:
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tag list from the group blog:
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @love-lightning-forethought @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @fire-boy-official
lmk if you wanna be added or removed!
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feuqueerfire · 1 month
4Minutes Ep 1 - 4 Live Blogging
I’m in Chicago and hanging out with friends but also, I’m awake while the others are sleeping/busy. So maybe I’ll start watching this hmmm. Ideally I’d binge/watch each episode in one go, then go through archives and posts for that episode, then move on to next episode but the rest of the week once I get home is also going to be chaotic, so I don’t think I can watch the episodes with my full attention then either. I wanna be caught up for Friday’s episode, so here we go on my ipad. I saw a bunch of stuff for the first two eps and some stuff for the third ep; most of it was Fuaiz character with Bas or Jjay so I kinda don’t know what’s going on with our main couple except Bible’s character sees visions (including having sex w the other guy).
Ep 1 (Aug 11/12)
Great? in the hospital and dying. Tyme wandering around while shot and dying
beautiful shots
Korn works in his father’s company and has been given a new position… Investment but also referred to as “the secret operation” by his dad when he can’t hear
oh Great is gonna take over Korn’s old transportation overseeing stuff soon
Are Great and Korn cousins?
Great hit a woman while speeding in his car?!?!
hit and run?!?$?$?!!!!!
I heard some people say that none of the characters are good but I didn’t expect our main character Great to quite be this bad
ohhhh his first vision four minutes into the future, that was cool
the hospital setting does remind me of Triage - another Sammon creation. like the never saying free in the ER thing
oh Tyme is still a student? i mean med students get to be older toward the end of their studies. but he’s a doctor already i thought
the secret operation investment banking is online gambling done by a bunch of people on computers
who is that woman at the gambling place?
[Linguistics] Phi, nai between Korn and Tonkla
everybody was awake and around by the time I got to Korn-Tonkla on the couch… will pick it back up when I’m alone again heh
Korn gives money to Tonkla (though Tonkla still works)
very explicit sex scene that goes on for a little too long for me, so I started skipping toward the end. but not bad yknow it’s just that i find it awkward looking at so much nakedness. my friends are on the other side of the room, so I’m also not fully chill
Also the “can you fuck me raw?” was indeed crazy. I think there’s supposed to be a “does it hurt?” but i missed that one probably bc i skipped some parts
Great and Korn are brothers. I thought Great was that aunts son but is the dad’s son actually
Great telling Korn about his future vision lol how would he believe you
ohhh okay the reason Korn called Great’s mother aunt is because he has a different mother but same father. I finally understand lol
Tyme and his grandma. also he will become a surgeon soon but isn’t one yet
going up the elevator is okay but going down is not
Bible giving flowers to a patient in a hospital reminds me of Vegas giving Porsche a flower basket
I wonder what the future vision’s purpose was this second time
so true, this is a BL where the main characters must meet. Almost forgot lol
heh visions of him making out w Tyme
hmm when the woman had a heart attack and was stuck going through her life so far again, she could see 4 minutes into the future. Is Great in that hospital bed at the start and is seeing 4m into the future for the past
Interesting first episode, lots of things happened and my interest is piqued. What’s up with the woman who ran in front of the car and her mysterious son that’s Great’s age? How are the characters’ paths gonna cross? What’s the 4 minutes thing even? exciting. Well shot and the sex scene going so far startled me even though I kinda knew about it. Gotta wait until Tuesday to watch eps 2 and 3 rip.
Ep 2 (Aug 13)
kinda looks like Fuaiz face and the cigarette hmmm. I wonder if he’s killing his brother bc ik that happens from spoilers or if it’s a future thing
oh, son committed suicie. wonder if it has anything to do with the gambling
Title is so annoying and not in a fun morally gray way. he's just ewwwwww without anything interesting about him. Similar to the same actor playing Top in DFF actually
ofc and Great's just chilling with this weirdo kidnapper agh
Great literally just originally watched his weirdo friend beat someone to death with a rock wtf...
stupid... Tyme literally fixing his hair and clothes and flexing him arms to go check up on Great lmfao
Tyme practically flirting while Great experiences visions of them having sex
I wonder what about Great intrigues Tyme so much
oh, Title died? This is a field by the river where Great left Tyme right but he'd only hit Tyme once with a rock. I didn't realize he was the one who was Tonkla's brother who apparently died but whew, that's good, I don't wanna see his face bruh
Title is Tonkla's nong? that's wild
Why don't they show the brother's face? Is it not Title?
aghhhh ofc it wasn't Title, a misdirection. no wonder they've not showed his face at all. but did that mans die at the same place Title brought Dome to kill?
damn, Great is not good at fighting at all lol but that tracks
now where did Tyme come from?
The calculations going on in Tyme's head during this conversation with Great lol
everything is so 11:00 related
Did she crash the sites?
oof, Korn fucked up and was a reason a hacker could do this
yaas okay the het sex is way less explicit but still exciting. should've shown more kneeling from Korn imo
yaas one side of the couple cheating (though I'd guess that Korn actually with the woman/is expected to be with the woman/does this often and Tonkla is actually his side piece sugar baby) and another side being set up for the cheating later on (Win coming to see Tonkla)
hmm who is she working for and giving the information to? It looked like Tyme for a second but I doubt that doctor's involved in this. so idk. but that would actually make sense why Tyme was so interested in Great, especially after seeing his name (surname)
Ep 3 (Aug 13)
Last episode before I have to wait just like the rest of them :') Just 4.5 weeks or so until the finale though.
Two murders in a similar way... So somebody killed Tonkla's brother and Tonkla killed them with the stone similarly
We've moved on from 11:00 to 11:01 last ep and it's showing up plenty this ep. There were some theories that Great has until 11:04 in the current timeline where he's in the hospital bed to change the stuff in his past, which could be interesting
seeing 11:01 when it's actually 9:30 ahh. real time vs past
"Can you forgive me, Great?" visions hmm
Great smiling so much around Tyme hehe
[Linguistics] Going from Doctor -> P'Tyme
hanging out and doing claw machines, cute
aw poor lonely rich kid Great. but okay so is his dad his bio dad or his stepdad?
oh, almost kiss already?!
nooo she got captured at the gambling den. did she send that info to Tyme?
damn, the case got transferred to the corrupt chief
"Deep down everybody knows who did it" omg?
"I shouldn't do this. you must still be grieving" cut to them making out shirts off and progressing lol
Tonkla's so funny, asking Korn before and now Win to fuck him raw
skipped through this sex scene too ngl like it's too explicit for me T.T
Tonkla got off and is no longer into the kissing lol and also interesting how in Eo 1 he was all about pleasing Korn and being like oh i don’t need to finish while I don’t even know if Win came (Tonkla did though! jizz on his damn chest omg)
ah, Win saying Tonkla can call him anytime for whatever reason, a sharp contrast to how he still hasn't been able to reach Korn
okay, so this happened in Great-Dome-Title's school and year because the girl who commented about the dead guy was in their class. but nobody is currently dead in their class... so is this indeed in the future like some people were theorizing? like Tonkla's storyline and Great's storyline aren't happening simultaneously?
11:02 already
ohhhh I'd seen the gifs of Tyme taking off his mask but was so confused. I get it now. yeah it was Tyme that Nan was sending all the gambling evidence to.
but why are him and Nan doing so many scary things by themselves, no backup, no nothing oof
I'd seen the 2 timelines theory but I wasn't sure if that would actually work because Korn and Great were at that dinner with their parents at the same time. And I thought it was after Great started seeing the future and Korn got assigned to the new thing, which we had mentioned to Tonkla.
I wonder why Great had seen the 4 minutes future this episode? Usually it's a significant event, especially ones where he made a cowardly choice, but that time, his heart started hurting and he dropped his drink?
Ep 4 (Aug 16)
I just happened to be working from home today so I can start watching during my lunch hehe and not have to wait ~6.5 hours until its release
oh, Tonkla matches the DNA of fingerprints on the rock?
Dr. Den just giving away where Tyme is to Great while Tyme's in the middle of surgery lol c'mon
move in with Tonkla?! girl you're a side piece of the side piece, you can't move into Tonkla's place that's likely running on Korn's money
no way Tonkla actually brought Win home lmfao I thought the promo pic for this ep was Tonkla and Korn in bed, when's that gonna happen. and Tonkla is trying to get it on with Win again, I like the tension when he's dragging his finger over Win's clothed chest
...and Korn arrives right then lol
Win having to hide without his pants is killing me lmfaoo
agh, Korn not backing off of Tonkla until the 4th time he pushes him off with a lot more force D: he submits to the woman + the other higher-ups in the business, so he comes to throw his weight around with Tonkla
that's crazy, Win didn't even put on his pants this whole time lmfaooo
Tonkla's switch up in personality between Korn and Win and the way he has Win under his control is crazy. it's mostly because how much he loves/gives a fuck about Korn vs Win ig
oh, Korn and Tonkla are ~4-5 years apart since I'm guessing Tonkla's a freshman and Korn is a senior in this flashback. I thought they were a decade apart at first lol
oh yeah, Tonkla's parents are dead so his nong can't be Title.
did Tonkla's nong kill the cat?
also is this the black cat Tonkla saw in ep 1 or 2 that was eerie? ig because it's supposed to be dead.
ah, the start of Tonkla and Korn falling in love. their start is so much more romantic than I expected, like their first time seems so romantic, a stark contrast to how Korn was pressuring Tonkla today
"I love you" from Tonkla already?
oh, his parents were still alive back then and probably his dad killed the cat.
omg? Korn saying he'll tell everybody that Tonkla's his bf once he takes over the company?
oof, sad Win in the bed while Tonkla's sitting and thinking about how he met and fell in love with Korn but I mean you now know that Tonkla's with somebody and are still having sex and sleeping in the bed.
Ah, the brain can survive w/o oxygen for 4 minutes. Thus the fandom theory that Great's going through the last 4 minutes of his life right now in that hospital bed and making different choices and such, hopefully to change the future
oh, she saw Great in that room?
Den really is so endearing somehow
the cut to Nan being slapped startled me fr
ok at least Great deleted the msg from Korn's history bc I was like lol what if he doesn't
omg the guy actually killed Nan in the other timeline, that's crazy
lol in what world would Tyme not get shot on sight? They're already grabbing at and pointing guns toward Great, the son of their boss + that guy shot Nan through the head in the other timeline, Tyme should've been dead by now but it's okay ig. lol they're even letting Tyme just walk away and go, that's wild
lmfao please Great high on adrenaline rn after the rescue. hopefully some thoughts about how shitty his family is will come into head soon
[Linguistics] "Not yet": 'yang' ยัง at 47:38 at Great is smiling. anytime I hear this I'm reminded of Pete are you satisfied and Vegas from his chair, grinning wide, saying ยัง after having tortured Pete in the basement. similar ยัง with a wide smile from Bible but different emotions and vibes lol. pretty much every time I hear ยัง I'm reminded of Vegas, so it's funny that it's a different Bible character this time
Tyme and Great first kiss hehe and they're so cute
they talk and giggle so cutely as they're taking their clothes off ahhhh
so Dome is Tonkla's nong fr? but how does it make any sense? because Tonkla's nong died - Korn was thinking about Tonkla telling him to get out while he met Great which was in the present
ohhh okay two different timelines not in the future sense but in the sense of parallel universes where Tonkla's in the original timeline still but Great's actions have saved Dome but in... a different timeline. and they kinda merge... kinda don't....
heh, I'm so glad I got to watch this ep right after it aired but now I've gotta wait for a week + some few hours because I'll be at work on Friday next week :<
Some progress on the TymeGreat front but it feels a bit strange how shallow? it seems because they've hardly spent time with each other and know nearly nothing about each other but Great is betraying his brother for Tyme and risking his life etc. Maybe because he has the visions of the two of them together and so is trying to speed up the romance? it just feels like their relationship is unearned/lacking which is a stark contrast to how in-depth and complex they're getting with Tonkla's relationships. So is the TymeGreat thing on purpose?
I'm curious how they'll deal with the 2 timelines stuff because the butterfly effect is kind of happening but not really???? The merging of two timelines where Tonkla is in the original one and Great is in the redo one but they bleed into each other (or rather maybe the redo is bleeding into the original one?)
Also I was wondering if the cold opens are from the future but it seems not, right? So does Win know right know that Tonkla is a murder suspect as he sleeps with him after finding out he already has someone and Tonkla's cheating with him? Win grow a backbone and stand for something. Letting himself be used as a side piece by a murder suspect, girl.
Thoroughly enjoying this, need the next episode right now.
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