#rise girls' families
taringill · 3 months
Rise girls' families - part 2. O'Neil family and Tilley family (part 1)
Семьи rise девочек - 2 часть. Семья О'Нил и семья Тилли (1 часть)
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Yes, there are two whole families in this part. There will be one more part and that's it.
Да, в этой части целых две семьи. Будет ещё одна часть и всё.
What can I say about the Renet family? A normal, ordinary family. Parents love their daughter. Reinet is such a fidget, cheerful and the soul of the company in her father. Her mother is more calm.
Что могу сказать про семью Ренет? Нормальная, обычная семья. Родители любят свою дочь. Ренет такая непоседа, весёлая и душа компании в своего отца. Её мать более спокойная.
Officially, all we know about April's family is that she has a mom and dad... and that's it. There is no more official information. April's dad didn't appear or flash in the series at all, and mom appeared once in the background.
Официально про семью Эйприл мы знаем только то, что у неё есть мама и папа... и всё. Больше официальной информации нет. Папа Эйприл вообще не появлялся и не мелькал в сериале, а мама появилась один раз на заднем плане.
Here she is. Carol O'Neill
Вот она. Кэрол О'Нил
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I always imagined that April's dad was pretty busy and could sometimes go on business trips, and Mom also worked, but less. April's parents (at least mom) are calm about the fact that their daughter left an unusual and magical dog as a pet. Apparently April's mother accepts that her daughter likes oddities. She even wanted to introduce her daughter to Draxum in one of the episodes of season 2. This can be understood when Drax tells Raph and April, mistaking them for April's mom, that he does not want to meet her daughter. In short, everyone should have such moms👍
Я всегда представляла, что папа Эйприл довольно занятой и иногда может уезжать в командировки, а мама тоже работает, но меньше. Родители Эйприл (как минимум мама) спокойно относятся к тому, что их дочь оставила необычную и волшебную собачку в качестве питомца. Видимо мать Эйприл принимает то, что дочь любит странности. Она даже в одной из серии 2 сезона хотела познакомить свою дочь с Драксумом. Это можно понять когда Дракс говорит Рафу и Эйприл, приняв их за маму Эйприл, что ему безразлична её дочь. Короче, всем бы таких мам👍
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leeseechkeens · 4 months
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https-hunter · 5 months
I believe in weird girl supremacy
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Boomer euphrasia my beloved
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jazzymarie1006 · 2 years
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These five precious and pretty girls I adore when they were younger.
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anabetel35 · 4 months
Guys hear me out -- Ninjago DR AU where Morro manages to leave the Departed realm (or the space that used to be the Departed realm but is now in the merged lands) and kind of. appears on the ninja's doorstep. He's held on to a bit of his power as a way of defying destiny. The ninja absolutely hate the idea of keeping him around but he's the only one who can properly teach Euphrasia and also knows what's going on in the Departed realm.
And because he's still technically only like fifteen, not having aged since he died, he's now actually more similar in age to Sora, Arin, Wyldfire and Euphrasia than the OG ninja. Even Lloyd is/acts older than him.
He's the designated gay emo cousin of the monastery. People would definetly use that plant mister that Lloyd has on him when he's being annoying if it wouldn't kill him.
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dartalias · 1 month
if Kelsang had adopted Kyoshi as a child
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alastyr-not-alastair · 6 months
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Lonely prince
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tblsomedoodles · 4 months
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More FW Venus doodles as i get used to doodling her
I needed to draw her and jennika bonding time. And work out how her clothes work. (ie. braided sash instead of a braided bandanna b/c she doesn't do ninja stuff.) Also, her and jennika's dynamic would be absolutely hilarious. Shy big sister with gremlin child little sister. <3
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taddymason · 22 days
Does Jay sometimes tell Kaida stories to help her fall asleep? Did he ever tell her the story of Jack the Rabbit that Wu Lloyd told, where the moral was never to trust a snake and Kaida then thought the book was freaking racist? xD How would Kaida react to flying on a real dragon? :D How would Jay react if he ever met Kaida's biological parents?
thanks for the asks :D
Kaida actually asked Jay to read her bedtime stories quite often under the excuse that she needed to improve her Ninjargon reading, but it was because she found it entertaining to have Jay read in such different voices and doing bad, exaggerated accents to make her laugh. Plus he often changed parts of the story and the names of the characters even when re-reading the same book.
ahsjs ah yes, definitely Jay, who probably still has prejudices against snakes just like in s1, would read that story to Kaida only for her to point out confused at the end: ... Wait, don't you have fangs and a snake hiss? (and so Jay came to the conclusion that a snake must have bitten him in those years that he doesn't remember.) I think that eventually there are snakes working in the Administration would change his view of them a bit, but I see him still having this deep-rooted distrust.
Can't say; spoilers :)
I've left everything regarding Kaida's biological parents ambiguous, except for the fact that it's obvious that they didn't care about Kaida's condition once they left her, and knowing how impulsive Jay is, he'd probably be awfully hostile towards them, and his first reaction would be to tell them to fuck off. I don't see him being able to exchange a word with them without yelling/swearing at them. ALTHOUGH on some level he would understand if Kaida wanted to confront them directly, so he'd offer her the chance to have closure with them if they ever showed up, even if he's against them seeing her again.
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figs-oliomedley · 5 months
Zane has been getting shafted since Season 4 yeah I said it
All these posts about Zane have got my brain a-stirrin', and while it's a bit hard for me to tell how flanderized he is, I realized that Zane has definitely been getting the short end of the stick story-wise.
He was great in Seasons 1-3, peak even, but after that I feel like they ran out of ideas for him and now he's mostly just "funny robot go brrr". For example, every other ninja has had some (as I'm calling it) "cool moment" in the later seasons:
Kai became leader of the Geckles, became Flamebringer, and destroyed an entire Ice Dragon (in a region where it was literally too cold to start fires)
Jay had his whole action scene and talk with Unigami and moment with Nya at the end of Season 14
Nya and Cole had their respective seasons they honestly ate fr
and Lloyd had the Oni Trilogy, and after S10, had his subplot with Akita (if that qualifies enough for a cool moment)
the closest things Zane has had to a "cool moment" is when he defeats Aspheera (which didn't last long enough to count imo), when he was the Ice Emperor (oh cool is he gonna self reflect on this or have some internal dilemma NO), or that Crystalized scene, which is honestly mostly a Pixal moment if anything.
He's kinda just there tbh, and hasn't really been given any story arcs or major focus for a long time (not counting the Grief episode, tho I barely remember that so I won't comment on it).
I could go on an even longer ramble, but tldr, after Zane blew up in Season 3, I think they ran out of big things for him to do (both action and emotional-wise)
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taringill · 3 months
Rise girls' families - part 3, (part 2).
Семьи rise девочек - 3 часть, (2 часть).
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I wrote that it's like a "family" because it's, well, some kind of ass, not a family. Her parents don't love her, but it's not surprising. If you are good at math, then you realized that the parents are only 17 years older than their daughter, respectively, the child is not planned. Fuck, "16 and Pregnant" got to the rottmnt, damn..! In short, parents don't give a fuck about their daughter. The only family member with whom Nori had a great family relationship was her grandmother on her mother's side named Olivia, who died when Nori was 12 years old. Olivia was 58 years old at the time of her death. She died due to heart problems.
Я написала, что это типа "семья", потому что это, ну, жопа какая-то, а не семья. Родители её не любят, но оно неудивительно. Если у вас всё хорошо с математикой, то вы поняли, что родители старше своей дочери всего лишь на 17 лет, соответственно ребёнок не запланированный. Капец, "Беременна в 16" (сейчас "Мама в 16") и до rottmnt добралась, ёмоё..! Короче, родителям похуй на свою дочь. Единственный член семьи, с кем у Нори были прекрасные семейные отношения, это её бабушка по маминой линии по имени Оливия, которая погибла когда Нори было 12 лет. Оливии на момент смерти было 58 лет. Умерла она из-за проблем с сердцем.
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Useless fact: in the amulet that Olivia wore during her lifetime, there is a photo with her little granddaughter.
Бесполезный факт: в амулете, который носила Оливия при жизни, есть фото с её маленькой внучкой.
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After Olivia's death, Nori began to wear this amulet under her hoodie as a good luck charm and so that her grandmother would always be by her side, even after death.
После смерти Оливии, Нори стала носить этот амулет под своей толстовкой как талисман удачи и чтобы её бабушка всегда была рядом с ней, даже после смерти.
Nori's mom Betty is half Japanese, half American. Olivia is American, and her late husband (Nori's grandfather on her mother's side) is Japanese. His name was Tatoru Hitoshi. He died in a car accident when Betty was 9 years old. After that, Olivia began to work 2-3 times more, which is why she could not devote enough time and attention to her daughter. Although she love her daughter, and therefore worked more to feed herself and her, so that her daughter would have clothes and so on. But Betty was on her own, she closed herself off from her mother, and as you understand... The mother did not keep track of her daughter. Yeah... Olivia felt guilty that she hadn't raised her daughter properly, hadn't kept up. And to make amends, Olivia helped her daughter raise Nori, sat with her granddaughter, and supported Betty. But Betty was not ready for the role of a mom, and in general, children are not for Betty, just like for her boyfriend Felix.
Мама Нори, Бетти, наполовину японка, наполовину американка. Оливия американка, а её покойный муж (дедушка Нори по маминой линии) японец. Его звали Татору Хитоши. Он погиб в автокатастрофе, когда Бетти было 9 лет. После этого Оливия стала работать в 2-3 раза больше, из-за чего она не могла достаточно времени и внимания уделять дочери. Хотя свою дочь она любила, а потому работала больше, чтобы прокормить себя и её, чтобы у дочери была одежда и прочее. Но Бетти была предоставлена сама себе, от мамы она закрылась и как вы поняли... Не уследила мать за своей дочкой. Мда... Оливия чувствовал себя виноватой, что нормально не воспитала дочь, не уследила. И чтобы загладить свою вину, Оливия помогала своей дочери воспитывать Нори, сидела с внучкой, поддерживала Бетти. Но Бетти не была готова к роли матери и вообще, дети - это не для Бетти, как и для её парня Феликса.
He comes from a strict and large family. And the parents did not always have time to keep track of the children and stupidly forbade everything. Of course, it didn't help, who would doubt it?) And when they found out what their son had done, they, as "good" parents, abandoned their son, because he had disgraced them, but of course they did not admit their guilt. When Felix turned 18, they stopped helping, but their help was so-so... For a tick. And after that, they no longer appeared in the lives of their son and granddaughter.
Он из строгой и многодетной семьи. И родители не всегда успевали следить за детьми и тупо всё запрещали. Конечно, это не помогло, кто бы сомневался?) И когда они узнали, что их сын натворил, то они как "хорошие" родители отказались от сына, ведь он их опозорил, но свою вину они, конечно, не признавали. Когда Феликсу исполнилось 18, они перестали помогать, но их помощь была такой себе... Для галочки. И после этого они больше не появлялись в жизни своих сына и внучки.
Olivia didn't particularly like Felix, so when Nori was born, she gave her her family's last name, in memory of her late husband and so that Nori would remember her Japanese roots. For this reason, Olivia gave her granddaughter a Japanese name. And another reason why Olivia gave her granddaughter her husband's last name is that she considered him a real man and a member of the family, unlike Felix, who did an act for which he did not want to be responsible and that's all, he did not really do anything else except work. And Felix didn't care either.
Оливии особо не нравился Феликс, а потому, когда родилась Нори, она дала ей фамилию её семьи, в память о своём покойном муже и чтобы Нори помнила свои японские корни. По этой причине Оливия дала внучке японское имя. И ещё одна причина, по которой Оливия дала своей внучке фамилию своего мужа это то, что она считала его настоящим мужчиной и членом семьи, в отличии от Феликса, который сделал поступок, за который не хотел нести ответственности, и всё, больше ничего особо не делал, кроме работы. Да и Феликсу было всё равно.
As you know, Nori's parents are not very good parents and... people in general. And Nori's father is a fucking asshole (sorry). He's just like his parents. Nori's parents used mostly psychological violence, but physical violence was also sometimes present. Because they have psychological problems themselves, which they did not solve at all and did not work out, did not even try. There are people who shouldn't have children at all, Nori's parents are just such a case. And because of her parents, Nori has problems with self-esteem. Yes, it's not the peers who are to blame, but the parents👏 But at the same time, Nori is not bad, she has moral standards, after all, her grandmother's upbringing did its job.
Как вы знаете, родители Нори это не очень хорошие родители и... люди в целом. А отец Нори это тот ещё долбаёб и мудак (простите). Он весь в своих родителей. Родители Нори применяли во основном психологическое насилие, но физическое тоже иногда присутствовало. Потому что у них самих психологические проблемы, которые они вообще не решили и не проработали, даже не пытались. Есть люди, которым вообще не стоит рожать детей, родители Нори как раз такой случай. И из-за родителей у Нори проблемы с самооценкой. Да-да, виноваты не ровесники, а родители👏 Но при этом Нори неплохая, у неё есть моральные нормы, всё-таки воспитание бабушки сделало своё.
You know that Nori had a pet turtle named Saikon (post about him). It was Olivia who gave it to her granddaughter when she was 11. Guess what Nori's favorite animal is?) After turtles, Nori's favorite animals are cats, rabbits and dogs.
Вы знаете, что у Нори был питомец черепашка по имени Сайкон (пост о нём). Это Оливия подарила его своей внучке, когда ей было 11. Догадайтесь, какое у Нори любимое животное?) После черепах, любимые животные Нори это коты, кролики и собаки.
Facts: Nori has wanted to become a veterinarian since high school. She loves animals very much. She knows biology well and a little chemistry. Nori is a fan of Spider-Man, has read some comics, watched almost all movies, animated series. Nori has a fear of water (aquaphobia or hydrophobia). Therefore, she does not like beaches, pools, saunas. But at a more mature age, she will cure her phobia. Since the age of 12, Nori has been calling her parents by name. She kind of disowned her parents, since she stopped considering them as such. They caused her a lot of pain, but at the same time they demanded a good and respectful attitude towards them. As a child, like any child, Nori loved her parents, which made it easier to manipulate her. But as she got older, Nori began to understand all the shit.
Фактики: Нори со средней школы хотела стать ветеринаром. Животных она очень любит. Биология ей хорошо даётся, и немного химия. Нори фанат Человека-паука, читала некоторые комиксы, смотрела почти все фильмы, мультсериалы. У Нори боязнь воды (аквафобия или гидрофобия). Поэтому пляжи, бассейны, сауны она не любит. Но в более взрослом возрасте она вылечит свою фобию. С 12 лет Нори называет своих родителей по имени. Она как бы отреклась от своих родителей, так как она перестала их считать таковыми. Они причинили ей много боли, но при этом они требовали хорошего и уважительного отношения к ним. В детстве, как и любой ребёнок, Нори любила своих родителей, из-за чего было легче манипулировать ею. Но с возрастом Нори стала понимать всё говно.
Her parents caused Nori a lot of pain, so at the age of 14 she hurt herself physically. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, selfharm... Sometimes she even had suicidal thoughts, she felt so bad after her grandmother's death. But she didn't attempt suicide, because something stopped her. Nori was overcome with fear, her grandma taught her to love life and never despair, hope and fight. Nori knew that her grandmother would have grieved very much if Nori had done that.
Родители причинили много боли Нори, поэтому в 14 лет она навредила себе физически. Да, дамы и господа, селфхарм... Иногда её даже посещали суицидальные мысли, настолько ей было плохо после смерти бабушки. Но попыток суицида у неё не было, потому что её что-то останавливало. Нори одолевал страх, бабушка учила её любить жизнь и никогда не отчаиваться, надеяться и бороться. Нори знала, что бабушка очень сильно горевала бы, если бы Нори так поступила.
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Ah, by the way, what happened to Saikon? I already wrote that Nori's father is still an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about anyone and everything (except himself). Get ready, it's going to be tough. I warned you! I'm serious. During the quarrel, Nori's father was so angry at his daughter that he took it... and threw Saikon out the window. Like he wanted to punish his daughter like that for DARING to express her opinion and tell the truth about her parents' behavior and shitty attitude towards her. Nori ran out in tears, but it was too late. And at that moment, an oozesquitoe flew up and bit her. Her parents shat themselves and kicked her out. And then... There will be a sequel (because there will be no further information about the family), where I will change something in the story of Nori. When this post comes out, I'll leave a link HERE. I'm actually thinking of making a masterpost... Isn't that what it's called? Anyway, let's see.
А, кстати, что случилось с Сайконом? Я уже писала, что отец Нори тот ещё мудак, которому на всех и на всё похуй (кроме себя любимого). Готовьтесь, будет жёстко. Я предупреждала! Я серьёзно. Во время ссоры отец Нори настолько разозлился на свою дочь, что взял... и выбросил Сайкона в окно. Типо он хотел так наказать свою дочь за то, что она ПОСМЕЛА высказать своё мнение и сказать правду насчёт поведения своих родителей и дерьмового отношения к ней. Нори выбежала в слезах, но было поздно. И в этот момент подлетел мутаскит и укусил её. Родители обосрались и выгнали её. А дальше... Дальше будет продолжение (ибо дальше про семью информации не будет), где я кое-что поменяю в истории Нори. Когда этот пост выйдет, ЗДЕСЬ я оставлю ссылку. Я вообще думаю сделать мастерпост... Это же так называется? Короче, посмотрим.
P.S. Subscribers after reading my schizophrenia:
P.S. Подписчики после прочтения моей шизы:
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I apologize if there are any mistakes. The post is big and English is not my native language.
Извиняюсь, если есть ошибки. Пост большой и английский не мой родной язык.
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all-lars-bars · 10 months
I have a character pitch!
Former Little Sister who is now transmasc
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I don't understand the lego ninjago movie
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beatlebug987 · 1 month
I have a playlist that’s just Conan Gray and Chappell Roan’s discographies and it just went from Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl to Family Line I can’t
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jazzymarie1006 · 7 months
These five beautiful black girls and their hair through the years
Susie Carmichael
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Princess Tiana
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April O'Neil
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Penny Proud
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Lunella Lafayette
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They're all so precious and pretty!
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