#rise of tmnt shelldon
tizeline · 5 months
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Considering Donnie in the Seperated AU literally had NO friends for the first several years of his life (no his dad does NOT count!!) it prompted Donnie to start developing Shelldon way earlier on out of the desire to have a friend. Even after meeting and befriending April, he still spends most of his days being quite lonely considering she'd be busy with school and stuff. Shelldon was a way to combat that loneliness. But considering the fact that Donnie wouldn't have had nearly as much experience with tech when starting on Shelldon's development, he started out as a very rudimentary AI only able to produce a few simple responses. (Donnie having basically no stanards for what social interactions should be like was not at all bothered by this lol) Over the years however, as Donnie's skillset grew Shelldon would become more and more complex, so at the time where the main story takes place Shelldon Hamato is for all intents and purposes a real person and not just a mere machine.
Also I drew him with his Metalhead-inspired design cuz uhhhh cuz I wanna
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Also uuuhh have some extra turtle tot doodles cuz omg they're so fucking cute I can't stop drawing them hhhhhhhhh
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abbeyofcyn · 7 months
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A few huggies
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mintghostko · 3 months
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Oh look, it's Dee and Shelly hanging out in the lab again but now animated (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
they're still being perfectly safe of course :) any concerning noises you may have heard are just part of donnie's music :) promise :)
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kaysdenofchaos · 4 months
@tmntaucompetition aww, baby’s first coup :3 💜💙
Ft. @angelpuns Kid Leo, Battle Scars Sheldon, + @rattraptmnt Leo
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k4pp4-8 · 2 years
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dads of the year <3
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butterflyscribbles · 6 months
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Made this quick lil thing as a b-day gift for @kathaynesart! It’s the cowboys!
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cupcakeslushie · 14 days
How did Kendra fix the 'I kidnapped you and subjected you to the horrors' rift? Did she make Donnie forget that, or was he just so hurt by what his family 'did' that it was easier to forgive her in comparison?
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Kendra didn’t try to alter his memories with the tech, but she did start to skew their past interactions to make her intentions look different. At first Donnie laughs the attempts as pathetic, but the more it gets harder and harder to actually remember what’s real, the more her reasons look like misguided protection from his family. The mech? She just went about protecting him from his family the wrong way…
And the final nail in the coffin is Kendra finds S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s AI chip in Donnie’s battle shell. She claims the two of them built Shelldon together—making Breaking Purple look like she was just trying to spend time with him. She edits out the whole drone racing part. And then when he’s right on the edge of breaking, she rebuilds Shelldon, modifying where she wants to. He’s almost a mimic of the original. A poor imitation, and not an actual AI, but Donatello is too far gone, and desperate to really notice.
(Good lord why does it hurt more to mess with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. than it does Donnie. It feels extra evil)
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cokoweee · 17 days
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I keep accidentally leaving stuff on a weird ending before work. Yikes
Well bye 💃💃💃
Before —- Next
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applecherry108 · 1 year
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Art trade with @fowlaroundtown , who asked for Donnie and Shelldon hanging out 😊
I’ve never drawn Shelldon before, but it was a lot of fun! 💜
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kathaynesart · 1 year
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"For the shield may be as important for victory as... the spear." - Charles Darwin
Theater kid to the end. Love Donnie and April so I'm glad we're finally at this scene after so many detours. Wanted to make this update a little longer since it's got a lot of stagnant shots and I'll probably be busy for the next week or so with Zines and pitch prep (as well as the animatic that won out for the 12k celebration!) Thank you for all your lovely comments and support, it gives me life!
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ju1cyfru1t · 5 months
rise! donnie x reader
rottmnt x reader
Shelldon snitches on Donnie for yelling at him 😢
fluff? Idrk, gn reader, romantic (established relationship)
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“Oh sweet Galileo, help me..” Donnie muttered to himself before pushing his goggles up and turning to face you as you came in and stood in the doorway, “Yes, my dearest Y/N?” He smiled nervously.
“Did you yell at him?” You were holding a pouting Shelldon to your chest like he’s a toddler. Well, he basically is.
Donnie gasped and looked between you and his little drone, stammering, “I-…I- ok, yes, I may have. But- but he broke my-“
“No buts! He’s just a baby!” You huffed and patted Shelldon, who gave a fake sniffle and nodded in agreement, on the ‘shell.’
“A baby?! He’s on version 13!” Donnie crossed his arms.
“I don’t care!” You huffed again and turned your back to your boyfriend. “It’s ok, Shelly. He’s so mean to you, isn’t he?” You cooed, gently petting Shelldon’s head.
“So mean, dude.” Shelldon agreed and gave another fake sniffle.
“Oh, puh-lease. Spare me.” Donnie scoffed under his breath. “Y/N, you don’t understand-“
“Now, apologize. What do you say?” You narrowed your eyes and held Shelldon out to him, who glared at his ‘father,’ “Yeah! What do you say?”
Donnie’s jaw dropped as his incredulous gaze flickered between the two of you again, “You’re taking his side?”
“He doesn’t know any better, Donnie.” You hissed, but your gaze softened as you looked back down at the little turtle drone in your arms, “How can you be so cruel to my sweet little baby?” You purred, rubbing your cheek on Shelldon’s head.
“Yeah! How could you, Dee?” Shelldon agreed, nuzzling your cheek.
“Wh-?! I-..you-…” Donnie stammered in disbelief and offense.
“Have you learned NOTHING from Dr.Feelings?! Where is Mikey? MICHELANGELO-“ You turned and walked out, Shelldon making a noise like he was blowing a raspberry at Donnie over your shoulder.
Donnie jumped out of his seat to follow you, “NO, Y/N, please don’t tell Mikey!”
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tizeline · 21 days
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Gearing Up: Part 1 (Tiz Sep AU)
<- Follow up to Cell Talk I Next Part ->
Epic Rap Battles Of History!!! Leo wanting to do the right thing VS Leo's need for his dad's approval! FIGHT!!!!
UGH FINALLY despite being really excited to get to this part of the story, I've been having a really hard time getting enough motivation to actually work on this comic, so the workflow's been pretty slow. Hopefully things will get moving now that I've properly gotten started on it! (I'm mostly excited about getting to season 2 because then I can finally stop drawing Draxum with his stupid helmet he's SO much easier to draw when he's not wearing all of that armour hhhh)
Also please ignore that I keep changing the way I do the layout for my comics I was too lazy for a more complicated panel layout ○| ̄|_
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abbeyofcyn · 8 months
Krang infection 48
Thank you
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mintghostko · 5 months
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Just Dee hanging out with Shelldon in his lab :) nothing to worry about really :) they are definitely not creating anything dangerous :) promise :)
edit: made a little animation kinda inspired by this :)
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 year
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That scrapped Turtle Tots episode but add teenage rebel Splinter and tiny Casey Jr
Leo sneezes and sends April and Sunita to Paris. Yoshi is a little kick-punk shit. Mikey tries his best to be a good big brother. Raph is just a lil guy. Casey Jr wants his mom. Donnie wants bloodshed. And Shelldon gets a turn being the dad. 💗
AU Masterpost
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junoinouterspace · 8 months
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Shelldon has joined the cast list !! Rather than mechanical, we have (in my sister's terms) pinnochio-ed him! He's a real boy! It took a while for me to figure out how to fit him in here !
He's one of the younger victims of a mutagen bomb that hit New York three years prior. Donatello met him while the Hamato's helped restore the aftermath of said mutagen bomb. He has since been fostering him and working through the process of officially adopting him.
Edit: Kemp Ridley's sea turtle* even cool people make spelling mistakes guys ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
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