#riveting commentary as promised!
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One for the history books!
September 12, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
After delivering one of the best debate performances in American political history, Kamala Harris is receiving begrudging and stinting praise from many in the media and commentary class. But 67 million people saw Kamala Harris demonstrate she is made of presidential timber. They witnessed a masterful performance that revealed a penetrating intellect tempered by decency and humanity. On the substance and execution, she should have earned the support of all voters and unqualified praise from the media and political commentators.
Trump's performance was vile and disqualifying. It was worse than Joe Biden’s widely panned debate by far. While Joe Biden turned in a horrible debate performance as measured by the artificial rules of made-for-tv spectacles, Donald Trump made dozens of statements that were objectively depraved, racist, antidemocratic, delusional, and deceitful.
Trump transcended the debate format and devolved into fascist demagoguery that should have resulted in universal condemnation by all voters, the media, and political commentators. If Joe Biden was driven from the presidential race because of his poor debate performance, Trump should be banished from politics, expelled from his party, and relegated to a place of dishonor in the annals of American history.
Talking about the debate is difficult because of the urge to focus on Kamala Harris’s brilliantly executed strategy of baiting Trump into ranting about his insecurities and the horror of Trump's worst-in-the-history-of-the-nation performance on substance.
I get it. Harris’s ninja debating moves and Trump's racist deer-in-the-headlights stare made for riveting television. But we focus on those aspects of the debate to the detriment of the substance of Kamala Harris’s message. She spent a substantial portion of the debate discussing her policies and her plan to help heal the divisions that beset America.
It is disappointing to see so many stories and commentators describe the debate as “fierce” or “contentious.” I heard one commentator on MSNBC bemoan the fact that neither candidate seemed interested in bridging the divide in America. That is false. Kamala Harris promised to be a president for all Americans and to focus on the needs of the people, not the needs and wants of the president. She said, in part,
And I think the American people want better than that. Want better than this. Want someone who understands as I do, I travel our country, we see in each other a friend. We see in each other a neighbor. We don't want a leader who is constantly trying to have Americans point their fingers at each other. I meet with people all the time who tell me "Can we please just have discourse about how we're going to invest in the aspirations and the ambitions and the dreams of the American people?" [¶¶] I've only had one client. The people. And I'll tell you, as a prosecutor I never asked a victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat. The only thing I ever asked them, are you okay? And that's the kind of president we need right now. Someone who cares about you and is not putting themselves first. I intend to be a president for all Americans and focus on what we can do over the next 10 and 20 years to build back up our country by investing right now in you the American people.
Kamala Harris repeatedly offered her policy vision for America, including tax breaks for business startups; subsidizing downpayments for first-time home purchases; incentivizing the construction of starter homes; granting tax credits for families with newborns; investing in American chip technology, quantum computing, and AI; supporting worker’s rights; reducing reliance on fossil fuels; granting tax cuts for the middle class; requiring the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes; and protecting the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid. She also promised to protect reproductive liberty, LGBTQ equality, and voting rights of all Americans.
The media has hounded Kamala Harris for weeks about the alleged absence of policies in her campaign. On Tuesday, she talked about dozens of specific policies—and the media is not saying a word about those policies after the debate.
Not. A. Word.
It’s almost as if the media didn’t really care about Kamala Harris’s policies but were only interested in a talking point they could use to criticize her. Hypocrites!
So, before talking about how well Kamala Harris executed her strategy of baiting Trump and how abhorrent Trump's performance and positions were, let’s give Kamala Harris her due on the substance: She gave a presidential-level discourse on policies that will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans. The fact that Trump and the moderators ignored those policies does not diminish the respect she showed for the American people by clearly setting forth her policies if elected as president.
Among the many insipid criticisms of Kamala Harris was that she used facial expressions to convey her disapproval, amusement, and disbelief over Trump's utterances. This was an effective use of her non-speaking time and allowed her to diminish Trump without saying a word.
Dahlia Lithwick demolishes the critics who faulted Kamala’s facial expressions—a criticism that would only be leveled against a woman. See Dahlia Lithwick, Slate, Harris–Trump debate: Kamala Harris’ face on Tuesday was the stuff of legend. (slate.com). Lithwick writes,
It must be beyond maddening for a political actor to be summoned into a “debate” that is not really a debate, pitted against some frothing amalgam of WWE reenactor and Tasmanian devil, warned that your microphone will be muted while he is speaking, cautioned that he will be allowed to talk over you and the moderators, then be criticized for … blinking? [¶¶] Harris’ face roamed free and far on Tuesday, and it was thoroughly warranted and frequently enjoyable. I think of her mobile, legible face as a satisfying call-and-response to Trump’s lifelong preference for female adulation and Botox. Women have faces. Their faces have expressions. If that was upsetting to you during Tuesday’s debate, you might be dismayed to learn that deep beneath our expressive faces lie thoughts, dreams, frustrations, and other markers of human agency. If a woman smiling freaks you out, imagine what happens when a woman votes.
While talking about Kamala Harris’s facial expressions may seem superficial, it is not. One of Harris’s most significant accomplishments was her ability to show herself to be a likable, relatable human being. She did so by using the medium of television to her advantage. Were the expressive facial reactions real or practiced? It doesn’t matter; they were successful. People liked Kamala Harris. For a candidate who has been on the national scene since 2018, the percentage of voters who still say they don’t “know” her is shocking. But she went some distance in the debate to introduce herself to those voters in a positive way.
Among Harris’s many pointed and powerful answers on Tuesday, none were better than her response to Trump's gloating over the demise of Roe v. Wade. Harris said,
In over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide health care. In one state it provides prison for life. Trump abortion bans that make no exception even for rape and incest. Which—understand what that means. A survivor of a crime, a violation to their body, does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next. That is immoral. And one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree: The government, and Donald Trump certainly, should not be telling a woman what to do with her body. You want to talk about, this is what people wanted? Pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term, suffering from a miscarriage, being denied care in an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail, and she’s bleeding out in a car in the parking lot? She didn’t want that. Her husband didn’t want that. A 12 or 13-year-old survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term? They don’t want that. Understand in his Project 2025, there would be a national abortion—a monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies, your miscarriages.
There is more room to praise Kamala Harris’s performance in the debate, but we must turn to Trump's horrific statements during the debate. So, let’s get Trump’s “debate performance” out of the way: It was the worst debate performance (in terms of style) in the history of political debates. See The Guardian, Republicans dismayed by Trump’s ‘bad’ and ‘unprepared’ debate performance. Brit Hume of Fox News said, “Let’s make no mistake. Trump had a bad night. We just heard so many of the old grievances that we all know aren’t winners politically.” Coming from a Fox commentator, that is as bad as it gets for Trump.
There were many disgraceful, disqualifying statements during the debate by Trump: Refusing to say that he hoped Ukraine would defeat the Russian invasion; refusing to acknowledge that he lost in 2020; refusing to express any regret for his actions on January 6; claiming that “every Democrat” wanted to “get rid of” Roe v. Wade.; and repeatedly saying that execution of babies after a full-term delivery was permissible under existing law.
To state the obvious, if Kamala Harris had uttered a single statement that was one-tenth as egregious as any of the above, the major media would be calling for her withdrawal from the race.
But Trump's worst statement was the race-baiting claim that Haitian immigrants are capturing domestic pets in Springfield, Ohio and eating them. That trope was originally directed at immigrants from other countries but has been repurposed by Trump to slander Haitian immigrants who are legally in the US.
The claim is false and started as triple-hearsay thrice-removed:
On Sept. 6, a post surfaced on X that shared what looked like a screengrab of a social media post apparently out of Springfield. The retweeted post talked about the person’s “neighbor’s daughter’s friend” seeing a cat hanging from a tree to be butchered and eaten, claiming without evidence that Haitians lived at the house.
So, a “screenshot” of a retweet (three levels removed from personal knowledge) talked about a “neighbor’s daughter’s friend” (three more levels removed from personal knowledge). In short, the claim is the worst sort of internet rumor—intentionally unverifiable. Repeating such a rumor is beneath a candidate for the presidency.
But the crassness of repeating the rumor is the least of the offense. Trump did not repeat a rumor—he asserted the rumor as “fact” for the purpose of stirring racial hatred against Haitian immigrants. The false rumor has been circulating for weeks among right-wing websites that attack Haitian immigrants as the cause of an increase in crime in Springfield. See WaPo, Anatomy of a racist smear: How false claims of pet-eating immigrants caught on.
Trump then leveraged the cat-eating Haitian claim to smear all immigrants as law-breaking, violent, less-than-human invaders whom he would deport en masse from the US. The entire episode was an appeal to the most racist, xenophobic backwaters of American society. It was shameful and divisive. It may lead to violence against immigrants—just as past statements by Trump have led to violence against immigrants in Texas. See NBC (8/5/2019), Trump's anti-immigrant 'invasion' rhetoric was echoed by the El Paso shooter for a reason.
No modern presidential candidate has appealed to racial animus during a presidential debate. Trump's attack on the Haitian community should have been the end of his candidacy. As should his statements about Ukraine, the 2020 election, January 6, and abortion—and that list excludes his dozens of other falsehoods.
In short, the debate should move the needle in favor of Kamala Harris. Whether it will do so is a different question—one that will be determined, in part, by whether the media maintains the same intense focus on Trump's  debate performance that it maintained on Biden’s debate performance in July. On the substance, Trump's debate performance was objectively worse, by far. Let’s hope the media doesn’t get distracted by the less consequential matters.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL Edition
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Richonne = Radiant. Resplendent. Riveting. And truly Revel-worthy.
The Ones Who Live further cemented Rick and Michonne Grimes' love story as one of the all-time best in media. And 2024 has felt like the year of Richonne. 🤩 From all the memorable promo and panels at the start of the year, the incredible TOWL miniseries in spring, the great ongoing reactions and reviews after, the TOWL dvd coming in autumn, and more. This is Richonne’s year. And the celebration of Richonne continues all summer 🥳…
I’m very happy to finally return to doing one of my absolute favorite things — reveling in Richonne and sharing in-depth thoughts on whatever is beautiful about The Ones Who Live. Which basically means analyzing and breaking down every scene in the show, from beginning to end. 😊
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I’m still in awe over the fact that we got blessed with a whole show dedicated to Rick and Michonne's epic love story. 🥰 TOWL is sincerely a dream come true. And the performances Andy & Danai gave were out of this world excellent. 👏🏽🔥 This miniseries really did make it feel like we love a ship that loves us back. So if I used to go all out analyzing Richonne scenes even when they were few and far between in TWD, naturally, it’s only right that I get extra extra when reveling in Richonne: TOWL edition. 
I tried my best to leave no stone unturned with these breakdowns, y’all. These posts are one; for anyone who wants to revel over every TOWL detail with a friend. And two; for anyone who wants to essentially read The Ones Who Live: The Novel. Because that’s how extensive these revelings ended up being lol. (Richonne makes me obsessed like no other, I’ve simply had to embrace this about myself. 😅)
There’s already been so many excellent insights and commentary shared about TOWL within this thoughtful richonne fandom, so I’m just glad to add to it. And these ‘dissertations’ are gonna include recapping all the details, reacting, reflecting, reveling, and cutting up a little too. It’s how it’s always been over here and how it’s gonna stay. 😌
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So starting tomorrow, I’m excited to break it all down daily and dissect everything as promised. 👌🏽😊 Sending thanks to all those who messaged and encouraged me to keep at it when writing these breakdowns. It helped me. 🙏🏽
I hope these TOWL observations and reflections bring an enjoyable daily dose of Richonne and just further affirm that Rick and Michonne’s love story is so very special. 
This should be fun. 😌
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avelera · 1 year
Some slightly more coherent thoughts about Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (ATSV) now that I've had a little time to process and long to return to the theater to see it again and again and again:
1 ) Go see it. Holy shit, go see it. Re-watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (ITSV) before you go if you have the chance but you don't have to, they recap it well enough and I promise anyway, the first thing you're gonna do when you get home after is turn ITSV on and then scream a bunch because it is all so tightly connected from the very beginning.
2 ) ITSV is a masterpiece. ATSV is more of a masterpiece in the same way that 11 is bigger than 10. They took everything in ITSV, which is a perfect 10/10 and made it 11/10 for this film. I shit you not. It cannot be otherwise expressed with words. Everything is just bigger, faster, bolder, more.
Ok, now getting into some of the more spoiler-y thoughts:
3 ) Loved me those themes of connection and loneliness. When you go back to ITSV, you see it's right there from the start. All of the version of Spider-Man are lonely. They are tired. They're isolated and unsupported and they are all suffering. Miles makes their lives better. They make Miles' life better. This becomes such a huge, huge theme in ATSV as Miles literally breaks the canon, he is the ultimate fix-it fanfic character, every Spider-Man he interacts with gets some element of their tragic backstory fixed. Peter B. reunites with MJ and has a child that brings joy back into his life. Gwen gets a friend again. Pavitr doesn't have to watch his girlfriend's father die. They are no longer doomed by the narrative.
4) Another post commented on how tired Peni looks when we finally see her, but she's not the only one. All of the Spider-People in the Spider-Verse look tired and it is, in fact I'd argue, Miguel's fault. He appealed to their sense of martyrdom to put together an organization that helps people and saves the world(s). BUT he made "maintaining the canon" an aspect of this (a wonderful meta commentary on Miles himself, btw, and all the comic book nerds who want to rehash the same story over and over instead of transforming it into something new and hopeful). Because they had all suffered so much, it followed logically for all the Spider-People that all of their parallel universe selves must also suffer.
This is the crab bucket mentality. Miguel dragged all the Spider-People into the crab bucket with him. He taught them learned helplessness. They're all tired and worn down because they have to keep reliving their own trauma by standing by and making sure these awful things that happened to them continue to happen, over and over. It's the mirror too for any marginalized community where the past generation believes the next one must suffer as they did. But it's exhausting for them to see the misery and do nothing. That's why they're all so tired. It makes sense to them that to be Spider-People, the next generation must suffer as they did but they are also, all of them, heroes and so it wears them down to watch this happen over and over. Miles brings back their energy and joy and their hope by refusing to be doomed by the narrative.
It's wonderful fanfic but it's also fantastic storytelling and it works on so many layers of the story, Doylist and Watsonian, all the way down.
5 ) THIS is a tightly knit story. Every. Single. Element. Ties back to the central story, the central themes. Every line either reveals plot, character, setting, or themes. It is so, so tight as a writer I was gaping. In necessary, if brief, moments of exposition they make sure to keep the screen busy and moving. There's no time for boredom. It is literally so fast that even as someone with ADHD I was sometimes overwhelmed as much as riveted. The few scenes that slowed down to simply fast movie pace felt achingly slow as a result and I bet you they were maybe 30 seconds long.
6 ) I AM. SO HYPED. FOR THE ENDING AND THE SEQUEL IT SETS UP? The perfect dark mirror story, not rushed but simply introduced so we can see that the final boss for Miles is himself. Unless they subvert that expectation, which they might! But it is so ominous to see Prowler Miles, it makes so much sense, it is perfect and deep and rich. Literally every time you think, "Maybe they'll rehash old material?" they don't they just keep introducing cool new characters and concepts and themes it's mindblowing.
7 ) They never leave you with one thread. Miles is going to face himself and fight to save his dad from the Spot and fight Miguel, presumably, in the next one. No single line only does one thing. No frame does one thing. And yet everything ties back to the core story of Miles and the Spider-People both on the Watsonian and Doylist level. I want to study every frame under a microscope. It's insane.
8 ) THE ART IT'S JUST. I'm not an artist so I'll leave it at this but THE ART.
9 ) I love Pavitr and Hobie. So much. I gasped when we saw Pavitr's world.
10 ) The Spot's animation was insane just insane and I think he's foreshadowed in the ITSV and it blew my mind on the re-watch.
I need to see it again. I could talk about any single element for hours. But I just can't stop thinking about the mastery embodied in this film. I know a sequel to a superhero movie that's animated will never win Best Picture but I do not exaggerate when I say that in itself might be an indictment of Best Picture. This film deserves Best Picture. It is the best movie I've seen in an unfathomably long time including ITSV.
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pagebypagereviews · 9 days
In the riveting legal drama that leaps out from the pages of "The #1 Lawyer: He's America's Best Lawyer Until He's Its #1 Murder Suspect," readers are catapulted into an exhilarating whirlwind where the courtroom clashes with raw human emotions. At the heart of this tumultuous narrative is the dazzling yet enigmatic prowess of a defense attorney who epitomizes the pinnacle of legal acumen, but whose life takes a harrowing turn when he becomes entangled in a murder accusation that threatens to unravel everything he's built. As the nation's top lawyer, accustomed to swaying juries and exonerating clients, he finds himself on the other side of the law, wrestling with evidence that could lead to his own downfall. This book stands as an arresting exploration of the fragility of reputation and the dichotomy between public persona and private turmoil. It plunges readers into the depths of the legal system's labyrinth, presenting a story that does more than just entertain—it delves into the philosophical quandaries of justice and the nature of truth itself. "The #1 Lawyer" is at once a gripping whodunit and a sharp commentary on the ethics of law and the paradoxes faced by those wielding its power. Through its page-turning twists and the protagonist's dramatic fight to prove his innocence, it probes the perennial question: what happens when the defender of the law becomes its most notorious suspect? This book review promises to dissect the intricate layers that compose both the protagonist's enigma and the book's literary prowess. Plot The plot of "The #1 Lawyer" is a riveting amalgam of legal prowess and suspenseful twists. The story revolves around a prominent attorney, known for his unparalleled track record in the courtroom and revered as the nation's top lawyer. This protagonist's life is dramatically upended when he finds himself on the opposite side of the law, accused of a heinous murder. As the narrative unfolds, the lawyer must employ all his legal knowledge and strategic acumen to navigate the labyrinth of the criminal justice system, now as a defendant fighting for his innocence and freedom. The stakes are incredibly high, with each courtroom battle and investigation uncovering deeper layers of conspiracy and betrayal. The plot is a deftly woven tapestry of legal intricacies, suspense, and the relentless pursuit of truth, keeping readers guessing until the very end. Characters The characters of "The #1 Lawyer" are crafted to enhance the complexity and depth of the storyline. The protagonist is a layered character brimming with confidence and intellect, yet his predicament reveals vulnerabilities that add dimension to his persona. Readers encounter a supporting cast that includes a zealous prosecutor with political ambitions, a loyal yet overburdened legal assistant, and a shrewd private investigator. Furthermore, there are family members who provide a glimpse into the protagonist's personal life, which complicates his professional struggles. Each character is meticulously developed to reflect the human condition under extreme pressure and the differing moral compasses that drive individuals' actions amidst a high-profile legal maelstrom. Writing Style The writing style of "The #1 Lawyer" is notable for its sharp, fast-paced narrative and dialogue that crackles with authenticity. The author employs legal jargon with an accessible touch, ensuring that the reader is both educated and entertained. Narratives are tightly constructed, with short, punchy sentences that build a sense of urgency and maintain a rhythmic flow. Readers are effectively drawn into the heart of the courtroom drama through vivid descriptions and an insightful portrayal of the protagonist's inner thoughts and strategic calculations. The narrative’s perspective often shifts to provide a multi-angle view of events, further immersing readers in the multifaceted legal battle. Setting The setting of "The #1 Lawyer" is as pivotal as the characters and plot. The
story traverses the grand courtrooms of America with their imposing architecture and the weight of justice echoing through their halls. The hustle of legal offices, the stark confines of jail cells, and the opulent realms of the social elite compose the backdrop of the narrative. The contrasting environments mirror the dichotomy the protagonist faces, transitioning from a figure of legal authority to an accused individual subjected to judgment. Descriptions of the settings are meticulously detailed, painting a tangible image of the imposing facades and the intense atmospheres within which the drama unfolds. Unique Aspects One of the unique aspects of "The #1 Lawyer" is the inside look into the legal profession's highest echelons and its shadowy underbelly. The book offers an unparalleled gateway into the strategic maneuverings, ethical dilemmas, and interpersonal dynamics that define the work of elite attorneys. Rarely do readers get such an immersive look at the delicate balancing act between personal integrity and the demands of high-stakes lawyaking. Additionally, the narrative challenges the perception of guilt and innocence, provoking critical thought on the fallibility of the legal system and the moral quandaries one may face within it. Moreover, the integration of current technologies and cutting-edge forensic methods contribute to the novel's contemporary feel and relevance, while also highlighting the increasing complexity of seeking justice in the digital age. Similar to The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect Book Review Below is an example of how you could format and style the analysis of the pros and cons of the book "The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect" using HTML tables with solid 1px black borders. Note that this is an illustrative example and does not contain actual content about the book: ```html Book Review Analysis table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; text-align: left; th background-color: #f2f2f2; .pros background-color: #e7f5d8; .cons background-color: #fde2e2; Pros Engaging Plot The storyline is filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats and enhancing the reading experience. Character Development The main character is well-developed, allowing readers to connect with his predicament on a deeper level. Cons Pacing Some parts of the book may have slow pacing, which could detract from the suspense for some readers. Complexity The plot's complexity may make it difficult for some readers to follow, leading to a potentially confusing experience. ``` This HTML code creates two separate tables for the pros and cons of the book. The pros table is styled with a lighter green background to make it stand out as positive aspects, while the cons table uses a light red to highlight areas of concern. Each table has headers that span two columns, and each row within the tables contains a brief description of a pro or con, along with its impact on user experience. This structured, tabular format can help users quickly assess the positive and negative elements of the book without reading through a narrative format. The solid black borders around the cells ensure that each point is neatly separated for easy readability. Assess the Author’s Credentials When contemplating the purchase of 'The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect,' it's crucial to evaluate the expertise and background of the author. An author with a solid background in law or experience in the legal field can add depth and authenticity to the narrative. Investigate the author's previous works, accolades, or any professional involvement in legal cases, which might enhance the credibility of the content and provide you with an enriching reading experience.
Consider the Genre and Writing Style The genre and writing style are pivotal in determining if this book aligns with your literary preferences. Determine whether the book falls strictly under legal thriller, crime, or a blend of both. Does the author employ a fast-paced, plot-driven approach or a more character-centric narrative that delves deeply into the psychological aspects of the characters involved? Understanding these elements will guide you towards a satisfactory purchase. Look for sample excerpts or reviews that can shed light on the author's writing style and narrative approach. Analyze Reader Reviews and Ratings Insights from other readers can be invaluable. Look for reviews on multiple platforms, such as book retailers, literary websites, and forums where book discussions are held. Pay attention to what readers are saying about the plot complexity, character development, and the resolution of the story's central conflict. However, remember to take individual reviews with a grain of salt and seek a consensus from a broad audience to get a balanced view of the book's reception. Evaluate the Plot’s Originality and Plausibility In a genre flooded with legal dramas and crime mysteries, the uniqueness of the plot can be a determining factor. Evaluate if 'The #1 Lawyer' offers a new twist on familiar tropes or presents a predictable storyline. Additionally, the plausibility of the plot is essential, especially in legal thrillers, where the realism of court procedures and legal strategies can significantly impact reader immersion and enjoyment. Research whether legal experts have endorsed the book or if it has been criticized for inaccuracies. Price and Format Options Compare the pricing of the book across different vendors, both physical and digital. Decide which format best suits your reading habits and whether the book provides good value for money. If you prefer digital formats, check if it's available on your preferred e-reader and if additional features like adjustable fonts or audio narration are offered. For print lovers, identify the types of bindings available, such as hardcover or paperback, which can affect the book's durability and aesthetic on your shelf. Availability of Supplementary Materials Some books come with extra materials that enrich your reading experience, such as discussion questions, author interviews, or reading group guides. Check if 'The #1 Lawyer' includes these supplementary materials, as they can provide deeper insights into the book's themes and the author's intentions. They can also be particularly useful if you're considering the book for a book club discussion or academic study. Check Return Policy and Customer Support Before finalizing your purchase, review the return policy from the seller. A flexible return policy can be beneficial if the book does not meet your expectations. Additionally, consider the level of customer support provided by the retailer, especially if you're purchasing a digital copy which might have compatibility or download issues. Good customer support can alleviate potential stress in case there are issues with your purchase. FAQ for The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect Book Review Is "The #1 Lawyer" based on a true story? No, "The #1 Lawyer" is a work of fiction. The story about America's best lawyer becoming a murder suspect is entirely from the author's imagination and does not depict real events or real people. What genre does the book belong to? The #1 Lawyer" can be categorized as a legal thriller, with elements of suspense and crime fiction intertwined within the narrative. Is this book part of a series? It is not specified whether "The #1 Lawyer" is part of a series. For the most current information, please check the book's details or the author's publications list. Who is the author of "The #1 Lawyer"? The author's name is not provided in this context. Please refer to the book's cover or look up the title online for the author's full name.
Can the book be read as a standalone? Generally, legal thrillers like "The #1 Lawyer" are designed to be read as standalone novels, allowing readers to enjoy the story without the need for prequels or sequels. However, this may vary depending on whether the author has connected it with other books. Is there a target audience for this book? While specific target audience information is not given, legal thrillers typically appeal to adults interested in law, crime, and suspenseful storylines. Are there any graphic scenes of violence in the book? "The #1 Lawyer" might contain scenes of violence due to its nature as a crime and legal thriller. However, the level of graphic content can vary. It is recommended to check reviews or content warnings if this is a concern. How accurate are the legal details in the book? As a work of fiction, "The #1 Lawyer" may take artistic liberties with legal procedures and details. It is meant for entertainment rather than as a source of factual legal information. Where can I purchase a copy of "The #1 Lawyer"? You can find "The #1 Lawyer" at most book retailers, including brick-and-mortar bookstores and online platforms. It may also be available in digital formats such as e-books or audiobooks. Is there a movie adaptation of the book? There is no information provided on a movie adaptation. To find out if "The #1 Lawyer" has been adapted into a film, please search for the most recent news regarding the title. How long is the book? The length of "The #1 Lawyer" is not specified here. Please refer to the book’s details on the publisher's website or a book retailer for page count information. In conclusion, "The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect" is a compelling read that offers a unique blend of courtroom drama and thrilling mystery. This book is a valuable choice for anyone who relishes intricate plots, rich character development, and a story that keeps you guessing until the very end. Readers will gain insights into the complexities of the legal system, the psychological depth of being on both sides of the law, and the fine line between innocence and guilt. The narrative provides a fascinating exploration of the human condition when faced with dire circumstances, ensuring that it’s more than just a surface-level thriller. The book also delails on important themes such as justice, truth, and moral ambiguity, making it a thought-provoking choice for book clubs and discussions. As you turn the pages of this legal juggernaut, you’ll find yourself engrossed in the life of a character whose journey challenges your perceptions at every turn. Whether you are a fan of legal dramas, murder mysteries, or character-driven tales of suspense, "The #1 Lawyer" is a book that will not only entertain but also prompt reflection on the ethical quandaries within the justice system. Selecting this book for your next read means choosing not just a story, but an experience—one that will leave you contemplating the plot's twists and the fate of its protagonist long after you've put it down. Dive into "The #1 Lawyer" and join the ranks of readers who've been mesmerized by one of America’s most captivating legal stories. Other The #1 Lawyer: He’s America’s Best Lawyer Until He’s Its #1 Murder Suspect Book Review buying options
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mykpopwire · 2 months
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Prepare for a night of outrageous laughs and boundary-pushing humour at The WOW SHOW LIVE! This isn't your typical comedy event – it's bold, it's daring, and it's definitely not for the faint of heart. Join us for a wild ride through the comedic underground where no topic is off-limits and nothing is too taboo.
The ultimate in women-on-women action, THE WOW SHOW LIVE makes its grand debut on August 9th and 10th at Stage 1 Theatre, PJPAC, 1 Utama E. Get set to be dazzled, entertained, and inspired!
Meet Malaysia’s best queens in comedy, music and radio – JOANNE KAM, SHAZMIN SHAMSUDDIN and NING BAIZURA - over two nights of heart-to-heart, no-holds-barred transformative discussions, sprinkled with sharp repartees, tongue-in-cheek social commentaries on the modern woman’s love life, dating, closed-door shenanigans, breaking-up and making-up dramas, packaged sassily with LIVE music to bring together comedy, conversation, and cabaret in a style yet to be seen on stage.
Featuring a lineup of fearless comedians who thrive on pushing the envelope, THE WOW SHOW LIVE promises to leave you in stitches and blushing hotly! From raunchy jokes to irreverent satire, these comedians fearlessly tackle the risqué and the controversial with razor-sharp wit and unabashed humour.
So, gather your boldest friends and dive into an evening of unfiltered comedy that will have you laughing, cringing, and laughing some more. This is your chance to experience comedy without boundaries – where political correctness takes a backseat and hilarity reigns supreme.
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Tickets are limited for this one-of-a-kind event, so secure yours now and get ready for a night of comedy that's guaranteed to be anything but tame. This groundbreaking variety show aims to raise the bar, celebrating women’s empowerment and creativity whilst showcasing some of the most dynamic and influential women in the entertainment industry, including thought leaders and activists with voices that matter and talent that shines. In short - raw, real and absolutely riveting conversations worthy of goosebumps.
The highlight of the evening is undoubtedly for fans of Malaysia’s iconic soulful chanteuse, Ning Baizura (Queen of Soul) will be performing her new remixed hit songs and premiering her new single after a decade!
Joining in the sass is a talented cast of stand-up comedians like Shamaine Othman (show writer, The Wow Show LIVE), Papi Zak, Kael (Mike Lean) and supported by multi-faceted personalities, Sheikh Irfan Mansor and Izzaldin K to set the stage on fire.
Malaysia’s undisputable Queen of Comedy, Joanne Kam, host and comedienne extraordinaire shares, “The Wow Show LIVE isn’t just a show; it is a celebration of women’s voices and a testament to their strength, creativity, and resilience. Don’t miss this chance to be part of an epic evening that promises to entertain, educate, and empower.
Tickets are available now at www.onetix.com.my!
THE WOW SHOW LIVE is a collaboration between Kam Productions and BIG BOOM MEDIA (Podaboom).
*photos courtesy of Think Geek Media
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khelostar2 · 9 months
Thrilling Showdown: India vs Australia Women's One Day Match 2023
Dive into the electrifying clash between India and Australia in the Women's One Day International match 2023. Khelostar brings you the latest updates, highlights, and insights from this epic battle of skill, strategy, and sportsmanship. Stay tuned to witness the intense moments, stellar performances, and the unfolding drama on the cricket field.
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Cricket enthusiasts and fans alike are in for a treat as India and Australia gear up for a riveting Women's One Day International match in 2023. Khelostar is your front-row seat to the action, bringing you a comprehensive overview of what promises to be an enthralling encounter between these two cricketing powerhouses.
The Build-Up:
The anticipation is palpable as India and Australia lock horns in a battle that goes beyond boundaries. With both teams showcasing exceptional talent and a hunger for victory, cricket aficionados can expect a clash of titans. From seasoned players to emerging stars, the stage is set for a display of cricketing prowess.
Players to Watch:
Keep a close eye on standout performers from both sides. India's formidable lineup, featuring stalwarts like Smriti Mandhana and Harmanpreet Kaur, will face off against Australia's skilled players such as Meg Lanning and Ellyse Perry. Expect nothing short of extraordinary performances from these cricketing stalwarts.
Team Strategies:
Khelostar delves into the strategies employed by both teams. Will India's spinners dominate, or will Australia's pace battery prove too challenging? The dynamics of the game will unfold as captains make critical decisions on the field. Stay updated with Khelostar for in-depth analysis and expert opinions on the tactical maneuvers shaping the game.
Key Match Moments:
From breathtaking catches to game-changing partnerships, Khelostar captures the essence of the match with detailed highlights. Relive every boundary, six, and wicket as the narrative of the game unfolds. Don't miss a moment of the action with our real-time updates and commentary.
Khelostar's Exclusive Insights:
As the official sports blog, Khelostar offers exclusive insights into the players' mindsets, team dynamics, and the strategies that unfold during the match. Get behind-the-scenes access to interviews, post-match analyses, and expert opinions that provide a deeper understanding of the game.
Online Betting Site in India:
For those looking to add an extra layer of excitement to the match, Khelostar acknowledges the growing interest in online sports betting in India. While we celebrate the spirit of the game, we also recognize the enthusiasm of fans who want to engage further. Explore reputable online betting sites in India to elevate your viewing experience responsibly. Remember to choose licensed platforms that prioritize fair play, secure transactions, and responsible gambling.
In conclusion, the India vs Australia Women's One Day International match in 2023 promises cricket fans a spectacle to remember. Follow Khelostar for comprehensive coverage, exclusive insights, and a front-row seat to the drama unfolding on the field. As you enjoy the match, consider exploring the exciting world of online sports betting in India responsibly for an added layer of thrill and engagement.
For more information visit - https://khelostar.com/
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4/14/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
1st Samuel 21-24
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. Today is the 14th day of April. We are cruising right along in this month, almost to the midway point. I am so glad that you are here. It is my joy, my pleasure, and really what an honor it is to be here reading the Bible for us individually, collectively and in this beautiful global community. We are continuing today this riveting story of King Saul and David fleeing King Saul, and Jonathan saying goodbye to his very best friend. And we're going to see how the story unfolds today. We're reading from today First Samuel, chapters 21 through 24. And we're reading this week the New Living translation. I almost said weeding. We are weeding this week. My brain said it. Thankfully, my mouth said something different. First Samuel chapter 21.
I think we're really starting to see the character of King Saul. And not only that, we are seeing the character of David. We know from previous day stories that David and Jonathan's friendship have been jeopardized because of Saul's insecurity. But now we're starting to see Saul's paranoia by thinking that Ahemalek and all of his family that served as priests are conspiring against him. You once again just see his insecurity dripping out all over people. A family of priests. And when Ahemalek tries to be the voice of reason, who else but David has been as faithful to you? He does not like that response and has them killed. Acute thunder. Yes, thank you. I couldn't have set that up better if I tried. And I think this is a really important point to make. It is easy to think that evil lurks outside and it's just on the cusp. It's all around us and it's trying to make its way in. But we're talking about King Saul, a man picked by God. I've heard it said recently and it hit hard and it has now sunk deep. Sin is not an outside problem. Sin is an internal issue for all of us to deal with. And I don't know, I don't know the theology to say evil. What separates evil and sin? What defines evil? What defines sin? There are theological bunny trails that can lead us to more and more and more questions. But we have a king appointed by God, whose jealousy, whose insecurity, whose pride is doing a lot of damage. And maybe we could call this good versus evil or some other simplified comparison, but really, if we're looking at the heart of man against man, we're looking at a man full of pride, who is extremely insecure, and we're looking at a man after the heart of God who is walking in pure humility. And we see this in David's response when he actually has Saul cornered. And so a very riveting story this week and a very hefty hearty internal look at our own hearts and allowing God to clean up some things that need cleaned. And what a beautiful promise that we don't have to do that work alone. So we'll see how the story unfolds, cause it's not over with yet. 
Father, we thank you for your word today. We thank you for being present with us every moment this week. We thank you for your love for us. We thank you for seeing this example of humility in David and what a painful look it can be. And just seeing our own pride, our own insecurity, our own jealousy spilling over onto people that we probably love the most sometimes. But we thank you for your forgiveness. We thank you for repentance and we thank you for change. We pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 
Daily audio Bible. That's home base. Take a look around if you've not. That's the app. It's also the website. If you would like to partner with us. We thank you so much for your partnership. We could not do this without you. And we are truly so glad that we do not have to do this without you. What a big undertaking, what a big community of people going out and what a big blessing that we can partner together in this capacity. If you're giving by Mail DAB PO Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174 if you're utilizing the app, hit the Give icon up at the top right hand corner. And lastly, look for the Give icon on the website if you need prayer. If you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in, you can do so 805 832164 or once again utilizing that app, hit the red circle button up at the top right hand corner. You have 2 minutes on the prayer line. Please speak clearly, concisely into your mobile device and then at the end of your phone call hit Submit. Turn the wheel over to chronological and it will get to the right place. We're winding our week down together pretty quickly. It came real fast and it went real fast, but what a beautiful week it has been. We'll finish strong together tomorrow and I look forward to turning the page together with all of you. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hello, DABC. This is Tanya calling from Suffolk. I wanted to lift up justice from Memphis, Tennessee, and also Unashamed of the Gospel called in. His wife is going to go in to have, I think he said their little baby on April 12. Heavenly Father, I lift up unashamed of the Gospel and his wife along with the little baby to be born. Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you Lord God for being worth of her during this time of pregnancy. Thank you for being with her husband. Just thank you for your love and support all around. Heavenly Father and dear Lord, I'm asking in the mighty name of Jesus that as the day come for her delivery father, I'm just praying and believing that they will deliver a healthy baby and you will be in the presence. Lord, I just want to thank you right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Heavenly Father. Justin from Tennessee. Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for allowing him to call in. Heavenly Father, want to thank you God for being the almighty God that you are dillo. I'm praying for, heal and deliverance for him right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, did you just heal him? Father. From the inside out, father. From the top of his head to the sole of his feet, Lord God. Because Lord God, you can do all things but fail. Heavenly Father, no weapon formed against justice shall prosper. We just claim and believe that right now in total healing for him, father, for his mind, father, that he would be the person, Lord God, that you have chosen him to be, Lord God. And we just love you Lord. Continue to lift you up, Lord God, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Dabs here. As always, I love you guys. And also I just want to let you know that my daughter Keanu has came home by the grace of God that she is doing better and I just thank God for healing and deliverance at such a time of this. You guys continue to keep me and my family in prayers and I know that God can do all things but fail. And I love you all. Continue to be encouraged. Have a great day.
Hi everyone. This is Christy from Kentucky. Happy Easter. I have a prayer request. I have a friend named Christy. I've never actually met her but we met online and she's a lovely young woman. We share the same first and last name. That's how we got connected. She's in the hospital with pneumonia and is septic. She's asked me to please pray and I told her that I would send this prayer request and that it would go all the way around the world. So thank you so much for praying for her. I'm also asking you for continued prayers for my beautiful husband as he walks through this journey. And we are waiting for the manifestation of God's healing on his body. We so appreciate all of your prayers. We love you all and we pray that you enjoy this beautiful Easter Day as we celebrate the resurrection of our amazing Jesus Christ. I love you guys. I pray each of you have a most blessed and lovely day.
Good morning, DABC family. This is Lady of Victory on Monday, April 10. Just wanted to chime in and hope everybody first of all has an amazing resurrection Sunday and looking forward to what God is going to do in our lives. So this message or prayer is going on to my precious Braden. I have a grandson named Aiden, so anybody who has a name like Kaden or Brayden always captures my heart. Brayden I thought it was so precious that you wanted to pray for your friend Eli. So let's pray. God, I thank you for this mighty young man of valor, God, who is concerned about the things that are concerning that concerns you and the things of you at such a young age. I pray, God, that he'll be able to speak a life into Eli in such a way that Eli will see one the love of you and the love of his friend that will cause him to say yes. And that eventually Eli will lead his family to the Lord. God, I pray that you would just anoint little Brayden's mouth to say the exact words that need to be said to Eli, that'll prick his little heart, to say yes to your will and to your way, God. And I pray that they will become disciples of each other and eventually disciples of Eli's parents. I pray, God, that you would just watch over them as they go back and forth to school, cover them under the blood of Jesus. God, I pray that you will seal this relationship till they older and they'll become even better friends, God. And also, this prayer is for Adrian. God, I ask that you would just continue to comfort her heart from the loss that she has experienced, and to know that she's never walking alone, that you're with her in Jesus name.
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anthroxlove · 2 years
Plaintiff Exhibit 397 Audio File
JD says Amber doesn’t trust him. Amber replies with “with a man who takes off every time he gets mad? What isn’t there to trust?”’
Amber, being fed up with being powerless, is sarcastically agreeing with JD's hateful commentary (about her being bi, about iO, about her body).
Amber begging JD to “love me back”.
Amber refusing JD’s money.
Amber admitting some of the things she thinks about JD, and wishing she had never bought into his sober promises.
Amber mocking JD.
JD telling Amber she could turn to stripping.
Both of them saying horrible things to each other for most of this - just a ton of verbal garbage.
After talk about 21JS, JD asks what posters Amber had on her wall as a kid (I’m assuming he’s implying she had him on her wall. Clearly he is forgetting how young she is as she was only 4 years old when he left the show). Amber replies with “Rosie the Riveter”. JD doesn’t believe her and threatens to call her mom and ask. Amber tells him to go ahead but he doesn’t call her.
JD claims to have helped Amber get some job with Universal. Amber says that was the only thing she ever asked for his help on. (As far as I know, she’s never worked with Universal so....?)
Amber says he never helped her with “the thing you got me in trouble with” referring to Australia and the dogs. That he let her take the blame. (I have seen some documents about this as well...)
JD says she needs to leave so he doesn’t “have a fucking murder on my hands”. (48:59)
JD claims she’s narcissistic.
Amber tells JD that she hopes Jack’s stepfather can teach him to be a man because JD is not one.
JD tells Amber that she “doesn’t exist”.
Amber leaves but returns several minutes later to check on him and make sure he’s okay.
JD randomly starts talking about James Dean or James Brown getting “booed off the stage” 🤷🏻‍♀️. Amber seems as confused as I am about what he is trying to say.
Amber tells JD she loves him. JD says she has a funny way of showing it, Amber says so does he.
JD is looking at his phone but Amber says there is nothing on the screen, he disagrees. 
tw: homophobia, strong language
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Also because I am still so obsessed, any commentary from Thirty Minutes To Change Your Life!!!!
Please 💜
And finally hitting the other one. 🤣I'll try not to comment on the whole fic, but I'll definitely hit the highlights. This one is becoming surprisingly popular again, so I'm glad to get the chance to talk about it.
Okay, commentary below the cut and has been bolded to not get confused with the actual fic.
So first thing I think I should point out...this was my first fic entirely from Thorin's POV! I usually prefer Bilbo because I connect with Bilbo more, but writing awkward, misunderstanding Thorin was too much fun to pass up!
When Dwalin had the bright idea to open up a throwing axe bar right out of university, Thorin thought he was crazy. Never mind the level of lawsuits and liabilities he was opening himself up to by mixing axes and alcohol, but he wanted to put it at the base of the mountains to get cross traffic from Ered Luin and Hobbiton. Both were small towns with an equal amount of tourist traps. Hobbiton with their gardens and food-related festivals; Ered Luin, high enough for skiing and snowboarding. 
I had just visited my first axe bar at this point, and had so much fun but immediately thought of Dwalin.
Thorin leaned against the bar top to where he could watch the axe stations as he waited. Dwalin was relatively busy for a weeknight, but Thorin could afford to stay out late. Dis was taking the boys skiing this weekend, and he did not have to go into the office the next day. 
As he was absently sweeping the room with his gaze, he caught the eyes of a little button-nosed blonde sitting with another man at a table next to the bar. A “hobbit” from the look of him which was a slang term those in Ered Luin made for the people living in Hobbiton.
I really couldn't resist. 😆
He was pretty though, and most likely younger as gray hadn’t quite taken to him like it had Thorin. Still, it had been longer than he would have liked since he had last dated, and she had been a bore.
I love bi!Thorin. In fact, I HC him that way in most fics I just rarely get the chance to show it off.
He shot the hobbit a smile that had the other man ducking his head in embarrassment. Thorin mentally shrugged. Oh well, they were probably on a date anyways, and Thorin had just made an ass of himself.
“Oh, is that so COUSIN BILBO!” 
Siggy is the best wing man. I hope everyone caught that Bilbo had been checking Thorin out since he walked in.
Thorin chuckled and took a drink of his beer for courage. He’s learned that asking people out at bars takes a bit of strategy. Going for the nonchalant play, he decided to walk by their table until he found a point in their conversation where he could jump in. It works well for him most of the time. Only this time, he heard something that nearly had him stop cold.
Okay, this. This conversation right here is the whole reason why I chose to write this fic. I had one of those Character A/B prompt starters stuck in my head, and it was "Character A overheard a conversation from Character B and completely misread the situation". Sounded like perfect Bagginshield material to me.
“You say this every year! You’re not going to jump, Bilbo.” The cousin groaned.
“Nope. You won’t change my mind this time, Siggy. I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m doing it this time.”
They wouldn’t be...there’s no way they would be talking about that so casually in a bar. Suddenly, all thoughts of hitting on the man went out the window as Thorin was riveted listening to more and making sure he wasn’t hearing what he thought he was hearing.
“Bilbo, I love you, but you’re not going to do it.” The cousin scoffed.
“Do you know I’ve promised myself every year since Mom died that this year will be different? I can’t keep living like this, Sig! I’ve just...I need to do this.”
“NO!” Thorin roared, spinning around.
Both men jumped in their seats staring at Thorin warily. Smooth, that was real smooth. 
“What I mean to say is I couldn’t help overhearing and just...give me thirty minutes. Thirty minutes to change your life.”
And there you go, this was the entire section that I based an entire fic on. It wasn't until after I had finished writing that I realized with a sensitive topic like suicide, I didn't want people to think that a) I was trying to make light/make a joke out of it or b) be super scared that this fic was going to have some hard edges to it. Because it really was meant to be a fun fic of misunderstandings, but I liked that Thorin was the kind of guy that when he did hear something that sounded like this he was going to try and help. So the disclaimer was born!!
“Well, you are off to a marvelous start.” The hobbit lamented.
But what do I make them talk about now?? Was literal thoughts in my head. It seemed to work out well.
Thorin chuckled. “Give me a break. This isn’t exactly a conversation I expected to have when I woke up this morning.”
This is funny when you realize Bilbo isn't really talking about suicide.
“My little brother got leukemia back in our teens. I remember that helpless feeling well.”
“Yes!” Bilbo agreed. “Helpless. That’s a good word for it. I could never explain to my family why I couldn’t stay in the house when she became bed-ridden. Did your brother…?”
To kill Frerin or not...the struggle in any modern AU...
“He’s fine.” Thorin assured with a smile. “Little idiot is backpacking through the Mistys right now. I told him I would pay his way, but he said ‘this is a journey that must be savored and experienced naturally’ and then proceeds to send me selfies from every dance club he manages to worm his way into.”
And I chose to not. 😆
Alright skipping down a little ways...
Thorin was most assuredly careful. He had carefully picked out his blue button-up and black slacks. He had carefully combed his hair and trimmed his beard, and more importantly he had carefully applied just the right amount of cologne. The whole time he had to remind himself that this wasn’t a date. It couldn’t be a date, ever. That would be the definition of ‘fucked up’.  So, he tried to convince himself that he was just trying to make a good impression all the while sinking deeper and deeper into the pit of self-revulsion.
Yeah, in my head I didn't plan this part out very well and I was like "please don't let Thorin come across creepy..." Because the whole point was he was initially attracted to Bilbo. He wants this to be a date. But he also really thinks Bilbo in going through a hard time, and it's not exactly the best point to jump into a relationship. So there's this back and forth between, I like him and I want to be a really good friend to him.
“You’re here.” Thorin declared.
Bilbo couldn’t even get another word in before Thorin had him wrapped up in a hug. The smaller man froze with a soft ‘oh’, and then ever so hesitantly returned the embrace.
If I'm Bilbo, I'm thinking that Thorin is the most awkward hot guy ever, and little does he know...he's completely and totally right. Good news, awkward and shy works for Bilbo.
Bungee jumping. Bilbo had been talking about bungee jumping. Heat burst to Thorin’s face and he contemplated the quickest escape route.
And finally the reveal! I'm still grinning ear to ear reading this scene, but I definitely was writing this scene.
Bilbo’s brows furrowed at Thorin’s words, and it was rather unfortunate to the taller man that Bilbo was a quick study. His eyes suddenly widened.
“Jumping…” He murmured under his breath. “Did you think…?”
Thorin gave him the most pitiful look imaginable, and Bilbo couldn’t take it another second longer. He laughed. He laughed long and hard while Thorin hid his face in his hands. In fact, Bilbo’s was so tickled that his laugh changed from the rich and musical sound he had come to enjoy to a maniacal, wheezing bark that had most of the restaurant looking at them. Thorin had already drained his wine as he mentally calculated how many years it would take before he could show his face in Bombur’s again.
HA HA HA HA HA!! Do I enjoy torturing my characters? Yes, yes I do. This is certainly a date neither would have forgotten no matter which way things turned out.
“Perhaps, we can start over? I’m Thorin Durin, an idiot who listens in on parts of cute men’s conversations and jumps to the worst possible conclusion.”
Relief appeared in Bilbo’s face as he accepted the handshake enthusiastically. “I’m Bilbo Baggins. I find overconfidence and endearing idiocy very attractive, although I would advise you to choose your words more carefully. I knew someone once who seemed to think ‘jump’ was an automatic cry for help.”
Impromptu line that seemed to somehow be everyone's favorite. 🤣 My sister proofread this fic for me and asked me at this point if I was sure I didn't want to change the name to 'Jump'.
Thorin couldn’t help laughing which got Bilbo started up again as well. It took them forever to actually order any food, and yet it was the best date of Thorin’s life. Looking back years later, both men agreed it was the moment they fell in love with the other although they wouldn’t admit such a thing to each other or in the privacy of their own thoughts for many months after. In fact, their initial meeting was never brought up again. When asked how they met, it was simply ‘in Dwalin’s bar’. Thorin’s own family didn’t know his shame…well until the night of his and Bilbo’s wedding.
“So, I said, ‘what? He’s straight?’ And this great brooding idiot goes ‘no, suicidal’.”
MAN! Thorin was so close to getting away with it. But this is what best friends are for. I really enjoyed wrapping it up with their wedding. Even though this was a cute little world, I didn't see myself revisiting it for a sequel and so I wanted to show off all the scenes I wanted out of it.
The crowd erupted into laughter as Thorin listened to his best man’s speech warring between how to dispose of Dwalin’s body and resignation to the jokes he will be privy to at every holiday on both sides for the rest of his life. Bilbo, his wonderful, perceptive husband, lay his head on Thorin’s shoulder with a soft chuckle.
“I know, Dearheart, but think of it this way: those thirty minutes were truly life changing. For both of us.”
As Thorin turned his head to the man he wouldn’t be able to live without, he caught Bilbo’s lips in a quick kiss. He agreed completely and besotted. Best ‘jump’ he ever made.
Aww, aren't they precious? 🥰 I had such a blast reliving this experience. It is funny that Razzy's two favorite fics of mine have been the last day of my Birthday Plot Bunnies so I'm glad they made good birthday gifts! 😂 We'll have to see if Ghost of a Chance becomes a new favorite...👀
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tabernacleheart · 3 years
The present life is sweet and full of much pleasure only to those who are riveted to it, since, if any one looks to heaven and sees the beauteous things there, he will soon despise this life, and make no account of it-- just as the beauty of an object is admired while none more attractive is seen, but when a far greater beauty appears, the former is despised. If, then, we would choose to look to that heavenly beauty while on earth, and observe the splendor of the kingdom there, we should soon free ourselves from our present chains; [for this infatuation with present things is indeed a heavy chain, enslaving us to earth and weighing us down from reaching heavenly glory]. But how shall he that loves his life, lose it through that very affection? This occurs when he obeys its unseemly desires, and when he gratifies it where he ought not, [for his thoughts are fixed on temporal pleasure. In so loving his body] he will destroy his soul, [since self-indulgence] leads away from the path leading to virtue. On the contrary, he that hates his life in this world shall save it. But what does it mean to hate it, and yet wish to save it? This refers to the man who hates his carnal affections, and who yields not to his body when it commands what is pernicious, [for he desires the things of heaven, not of earth]. For as we cannot endure even to hear the voice of those we hate, nor to look upon them with any pleasure, so too we must turn away from our earthly desires with vehemence, when either our body or mind command things contrary to what is pleasing to God.
Christ spoke very strongly on this point, saying, 'if you die not to yourselves, you will gain nothing.' But many became dejected and despondent at this, [for] it was a very grievous and sad thing to be told, that the man who loves life should die, [as it is natural for man to do so]. Even now, in our present age, we find many who would gladly endure and suffer anything in order to enjoy the present life, [which they regard as the ultimate beauty and joy]-- those who, when they behold buildings, and works of art, and contrivances, weep, uttering the reflection, 'How many things man invents, and yet becomes dust!' So great is the natural longing after this present life! [So ignorant we are of the infinitely greater joys of heaven! Therefore, to gently but strongly undo these bonds,] Christ adds, 'He that hates his soul in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal.' Yes, after He had spoken what was hard to bear, Christ reveals the prize of such self-denial: the promise that, by so following Him in His impending death, we shall be where He is; showing, [by this hopeful continuation,] that Resurrection shall succeed death. For He says, "Where I am, there is My servant also." But where is Christ? In heaven. [Indeed, we can only reach heaven through Christ.] Let us therefore, even before the Resurrection, die to this world and abide there in soul and mind... [for Christ is the beauty we secretly long for in all our worldly passions. He is both the true sweetness to fix our hearts upon, and the secret to obtaining it.]
Saint John Chrysostom; Commentary on John 12:25
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chaotic-emilia · 3 years
Book Review Dark Rise by C.S Pacat
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C.S Pacat authored one of my favourite series of all time; Captive Prince. I’m glad to say their transition into the YA genre did hit the mark for me.
The world-building was fantastic, and the pacing was right.
The way in which the protagonists felt inklings of the ancient world, was particularly gripping to read, I can only imagine what it’s like to have something at the tip of your tongue or having a sense of keen familiarity which you can’t quite place—these moments throughout were intriguingly palpable.
In terms of plot, I found it to be standard; the concept of light vs dark, a group of teens working together to stop the antagonist ‘Dark King’, nothing extraordinarily riveting or new—what Pacat is a mastery at, are the characters.
Violet was one of my favourites from the moment she was introduced. Feeling a sense of otherness upon being half Indian and British, with an eagerness to emulate her lion brother Tom, I was rooting for her, the whole way through.
Will with his drive to run and fulfill his mother’s promise, same deal, I wanted to see what would come of him.
The Stewards’ massacre almost had me crying, particularly when Justice and the Elder Steward died, they had such a poignant influence over Will and Violet, heartbreakingly effective to read of their demise.
Circling back to plots and plot-twists, I recognized that Will Kempen was the Dark King, from the moment he summoned the corrupted blade. Furthermore, the hints placed throughout the narrative indicating his ability to remain immune to objects which could kill the Stewards were very telling.
Despite this, I was still shocked when the full conversation with his mother was revealed; and that run wasn’t directed at him, and promise was to not kill Katherine and Elizabeth, and the parallel to when the High Janissary regarded James with, that thing is not my son—WHEW, the way that the mortal body is nothing but a means to an end for the divine. Reasons why I love fantasy!!
James!!!! Ugh, all his interactions with Will were so striking, underpinned by intoxicating attraction, an inevitable connection in a past-life.
Bad Kitty. 
Really all I am going to say on that 😂
Pacat does the blond-hair lover interest so well! (Thinking of the frigid prince, if you know, you know).
The slave/master dynamic is clearly Pacat’s forte; as per Captive Prince, I am so excited to read of the development of Will and James relationship in the coming books, the bordering between ‘is this love’ or ‘is this power’ will for sure be an angst-ridden experience!
Another aspect which stood out was the commentary on colonialism, starting with Violet. Her father bred her for the purpose of being killed, it wasn’t enough that he invaded and took Indian artifacts, he had a child as to achieve a means to a very dark end (however the revelation in which Violet’s mother was a lion, is very interesting….so excited to learn more of what’s to come of her as the story progresses).
Devon being a unicorn and working in an ivory shop, among dead bodies like his kind had me reeling! Brilliant detail which sheds light on the ruthlessness, almost high-mockery of expansionist actions and ideals—with stolen artifacts and materials becoming ‘trophies’ in the hands of those who know nothing of their history (Side Bar: The Koh-i-Noor, said to be the largest cut diamond in the world was taken by the British Monarch, the stone was engraved in the Queen Mother (Queen Elizabeth II)’s crown, which she wears on occasion to this day).
In the case of Dark Rise, it’s definitely that energy, but take it up a notch with people (Violet) and magical artifacts like Devon and the horn of truth.
This bit was very well researched and effectively incorporated!
Some quotes which stuck out to me are:
“But which of us is ready for what life asks us to face?  We don’t choose the moment. The time comes whether we will it or not, and we must make ourselves ready.”
“That thing is not my son.”
“Everything faded, this world insignificant; James the only real thing in it.”
“I hope you remember that when you make your choice. I hope you remember me.”
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I’ll be here, waiting not so patiently for the next book!
Dark Rise has me in a choke-hold!!!!
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onestowatch · 3 years
Julia Wolf Puts the Shy Girls First on Debut EP ‘Girls in Purgatory’
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Photo: Julia Wolf
The immediacy of success translates so poorly. The fruits of hard work so easy to share, a posturing post, a grateful thank you laden with tributes, beguiling but deceiving. What isn’t so obvious, what rarely shows, is the grit, the skin-scratching nervousness about what to do, the immense courage to keep pursuing a fleeting goal edging out on the horizon like a moon dipping into the earth. 
Julia Wolf is the embodiment of this, a young artist who, even to this writer, seemed to come out of nowhere. A path with so few steps you couldn’t have accounted for them. Nothing could be further from the truth, and much of Girls in Purgatory is a proof of work hidden behind-the-scenes, a chart of a journey, a testament to how much goes into being a “rookie of the year.”
Julia did not start out as an obvious pop queen; she was not a young girl whose parents would have playfully identified as a future “star,” singing into a spoon and dancing in the kitchen. Julia was instead a shy, quiet, hoping to be unnoticed girl, who ate her school lunches alone in the music room where she studied classical piano. During her senior year, in that exact music room she sought social refuge in, her music teacher prodded her to compose an original for the school showcase. Only then did the architecture of the Wolf begin, but it was still an empty skeleton, without musculature for articulation. 
A year following the course of studying piano in college, followed by a gap year, led her to the SUNY Purchase songwriting program, and another layer of completion was added to the artist to be Julia Wolf. The deep dive into songwriting along with finding her true collaboration in producer Jackson Foote, congealed two strengths into a singularity that helped “explain me better,” says Julia. That long-winding path of both self-discovery and external understanding of craft and contributors created a true bodily vessel that is now Julia Wolf.
Girls in Purgatory is a debut that is both self-explanatory and rife with a triumphant voice that had long been subjugated to the perceived wants of others. It can be best described as a megaphone for the alpha shy, a moment to live your truth from a point of deep introspection, not denying the fears and anxieties that plague them but celebrating the perspective gained. 
Of the first three singles off the EP, “Resting Bitch Face” is a pure emotive anthem of purpose, a siren song for those with turtle heads, ducking people and emotions while simultaneously feeling all the things. “In My Way” is a near prototype for what is now understood as the Julia Wolf sound; a throbbing baseline, light melodies, and her heavily informative lyrics dripping all over the track in a near staccato pace (already racking up millions of streams on Spotify alone testifies to the success of this sound). “Falling in Love” is a proverbial anti-love love song, a measured belief in its impossibility, its pitfalls and trappings but still suggesting a longing for it. “Nikes” is a startling vortex of contradictory feelings, a divided self, a brilliant analogy reading of the psyche, confusingly talk sung over a thematic trap beat. “Checkmate,” another Wolfesque rendition, is a barrage of observational lyrics, slights, commentary and descriptions over a trap beat and waved baseline, a song for the ardently misunderstood. 
“Girls in Purgatory,” the eponymous title track, is a standout moment that Julia admits stretched her boundaries and pushed her sonically, and the promise of this boundary pushing is riveting. With a brooding piano melody, thin skinned feeling lyrics, and a rare appearance of vocal harmonies, this song has all the chemistry of a future star. If this sound has been in Julia’s purgatory, it is time to animate it into existence. For this body of work, moving the spectrum of sound is the inertia of success. Once it starts moving, nothing will hold Julia Wolf back.  
Listen to Girls in Purgatory below:
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/31/2021 DAB Transcript
Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Psalm 44:9-26, Proverbs 22:13
Today is the 31st day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is great to be here with you today, today and every day. But today cause that’s the day we’re in for starters, we can’t be in another day, currently. I suppose we could be listening to a different day but it wouldn’t be today and today is today and today is the 31st of August. And I hope I'm ready for all of this, this month ending and getting ready for a new month. I was shocked at how quickly August flew by but here we are, last day of August and we will be continuing our journey through the book of Job, we will be concluding the book of Job tomorrow as we begin a new month and so were getting down to it now. So, we are, just by way of reminder, in the middle of Elihu's discourse. So, we've listened to Job converse with three of his friends, friends throughout this book. And then Elihu, he steps forward and starts talking and essentially says I'm younger and so I was letting the wisdom speak first but there’s not a lot of wisdom here and I have plenty to say and so it's my turn and that's what we’re listening to his Elihu offering just Job straight in his reasoning. And so, let's get to it, we’re reading from the New International Version, Job 37, 38 and 39 today.
Okay, so we, we have to talk about Job today because Job got what he wanted. He wanted, he wanted to find God and he did and God has shown up. So, let’s just look back because tomorrow we will be finishing the book of Job, God will continue his discussion tomorrow as we reach our conclusion of this book, but, we remember when we began Job right at the very beginning, Job had a day like no other in which he lost everything, he lost his children to death, his livestock, his shepherds were attacked and killed in pillaged, the livestock was taken, generally everything that Job cared about was taken from him in a day and we watched Job as he's getting the news and when the news is fully delivered, he stands up and tears his robe as an active, deep sorrow and pain-and-suffering, and he falls down and worships God. It's a riveting scene. He has this posture of the Lord gave me everything I have. The Lord has taken it away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. It's riveting. Job reaches a place where even his own life is like curse God and die. So, that's how bad things have gotten for Job and yet Job doesn't understand why. He doesn't believe he's done anything wrong and he does believe that the tragedy the things that have come upon him are at the hand of the Lord. Just thinking, I mean the bitterness that's available in that when everything is destroyed and you don't know why but instead of cursing God and dying right, instead of going into that bitterness Job uses his energy to hold onto his innocence, to hold onto his integrity, and so he will not speak ill of God in any way, will not sin in any way. He believes he is righteous and innocent before God and all of this and what is happening to him is not just or at least in any kind of way that he can understand it to be just. So, it's not too long before some of his friends show up, three of them. They see him from afar and they see just how wasted away he is and they arrive and they sit down with him and they sit with him in silence for a week. This is called Shiva, sitting Shiva, this is sitting with someone in their grief, not there to fix it, not there to give them promised scriptures over and over, just to offer presence, to acknowledge the pain, to be there and it, to simply offer our presence, not our words, and that's what they're doing. They sit with them for a week until he starts talking, that’s what they’re waiting for. And, he starts talking and he discusses how he wishes he had never been born, how on the night he was conceived that that would've been just blacked out. How he would've just died when he was born, how he would not how to face this. And, then he begins to talk about his innocence and he begins to talk about finding God. And, his friends all respond. And, we read through all of that, they all respond. It's all rational, it all makes sense. It's all in defense of God because Job is essentially saying what God is doing to me isn’t just, I don't understand it. I haven't done anything wrong. They spend the bulk of the book trying to convince him that that's not possible, that he has indeed somewhere somehow done something wrong and they eventually begin to go after him because of the things that he is saying, as if his pride is the issue. Actually, Job's friends sound a whole lot like the kind of things that we say to people when we find them in suffering and it ends up to be a full-blown argument because Job gets mad that they keep trying to insinuate that somehow, he isn't innocent and then they get mad because he's insinuating that he is sinless and righteous and what is happening to him, this judgment that’s happening to him, is unjust. That's not a grid that they can fit the equation into which is the point. When bad things happen to good people, it's hard to find the answers. And, this book wrestles with that fact and in part it does a good job of showing us that we, with all of the wisdom that we have in all of our understanding of God, that we might think that we have and all of the things that we say to people, we really don't fully understand what we’re talking about when we’re talking about the most high God. In fact, it's not that we don't kind of don’t fully understand, it’s that we barely have scratched the surface. We are talking about the most high God, Creator of all things far and away beyond our capacity in every respect. So, in the end, what Job wants is God. What he wants is an audience with God. He's prepared his case. He believes that if God gave him answers, he would then have the answers that he's looking for. He doesn't want answers from his friends. He doesn't want human answers. He feels like everything that his friends are telling him he already knows, he’s already analyzed all that, they're not wiser than he is. They can only offer human wisdom, and he needs God. And then the last person Elihu, the younger one steps forward with his opinions which he offers and we've listened to those opinions over the last couple of days and then God shows up today, “Brace yourself like a man. I have some questions of my own. You’ve been asking a lot of questions. I have some questions and you're going to answer them.” I mean come on, that would scare me to death. Even reading it, it's like can you, I mean on the one hand, God, like how do you get your mind around that God has shown up in some sort of tangible, understandable way and is speaking overwhelming, but what He is speaking is very directly aimed at the fact that for all Job's questions, God is about to reveal that Job nor his friends know pretty much anything about anything. And then God begins to ask these giant, God sized questions, which is what will what we been reading today. And will continue until tomorrow. Let's remember that Job had a case prepared, he knew what he was going to say to God, he just didn't know where to find God but he knew what he would say. And then God comes to Job. So, finally Job's gonna get to say what he needed to say and we’ll listen to what that is, as we conclude the book of Job tomorrow.
Father, we thank You for Your word every bit of it, all of the stories, all of the people, all of the time the passes, all of the different changes in the world that we can see, as customs and clothing change but people don't. So, as we move toward the conclusion of Job, we invite Your Holy Spirit fully and all of our questions and may we watch Job tomorrow and learn quite a bit. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, that's obviously the website. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can access the different sections of the website within the app. So, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, there are resources there from our own fresh roasted coffee that we roast fresh and deliver fresh to you or tea, all the way to written resources like The God of Your Story, which is 365 days, I don't like to call it a devotional because I guess, because I don't think what we, I mean, even though we do is devotional in nature that’s not what we’re doing here. We are doing life and immersing ourselves in the Scriptures and The God of Your Story is basically that in written form, so it is a fantastic companion through a year in the Bible and there are many other resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop as well. So, check them out because they have been developed for the journey that we are on and so the resources are available there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well or with, in the app. So, on the website there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hello dear saints, my name is Mercy. I’ve been listening to DAB for many years. I’m calling for prayer. I have nine children, they’re all grown, 22 grandchildren so far. What I’m calling for prayer for is that we had a crushing blow that rocked our family. I would mostly probably actually describe it as more like a train wreck. My husband of 43 years, who everyone thought was a model Christian became evident that he was a pedophile. He took advantage of some of our little ones which cause severe damage and shattered the face of some. Please pray, he’s in prison now. But please pray for the healing of hearts and souls in my children and my grandchildren. I’m doing well, I’m surrounded by a network of Godly friends and family who carry me but please pray for my children. When you pray, pray for Mercy’s Children. Thanks, DABers, love you.
Hey guys it’s Sparky from Texas. I’m gonna try and get through this these are happy tears. I was listening to Dr. John and Jen's call here on the 26th and it just broke me down in tears hearing the praise reports. I know, I know not everything gets fixed and God doesn't fix everything but it just, it’s mind blowing to me how God is still healing and still moving lives and I just, I’d like to pray a minute. Father we thank You for your grace and we thank You that You that you're not gone, Your not dead Father. You’re reaching into these people's lives, You’re reaching in my family's life. And, Father, You're so real and when I hear these praise reports Father, it’s just, it’s so much to take on just the joy and the grace and Your love. Father, be with those that you don't decide to heal and let them know that that's Your plan Father. Lord, I just thank you so much for Your grace. I thank you for everybody on this. Father, we just appreciate You, we love You and just stay with us, help those who need, help us to show those who need your faith. Father, we thank You so much for Your son, Christ, it’s in that son’s name we pray. Amen. Love you guys, I pray for everyone of you. Praise God for praise reports. Have a great day.
Hello, my Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters, my DAB family. This is Yolanda. After listening virtually every day, sometimes twice a day and lifting up my DABers prayers since 2012 I am moved to call in for the first time. Today I come to you on behalf of my dear, dear friend Birdie. Birdie is a mother of a sweet toddler. She is 37 weeks pregnant and is quite suddenly suffering from COVID pneumonia with fluid around her heart. Her mother and husband are frantic with worry, and caring for their toddler, well, unable to be with her in hospital while she faces labor and delivery, possibly a C-section without them. DABers, please join me as I fervently left Birdie and her sweet baby up in my prayers asking for complete healing for her and a healthy vaginal delivery for her sweet baby. Lord, please give Birdie peace during this time of intense trial, intense pain and sickness. Lord, please give the doctors and nurses, the knowledge and medicine to bring her to full recovery. In Jesus holy and precious name, I pray. Amen.
Hi DAB family this is God’s Life Speaker. While I was praying with my husband this morning as were struggling with our 21-year-old and he, he is depressed. However, he is seeking help for praise God for that. It dawned on us that there’s been some judgment that we've put on, on him, that is not fair. That's the judgment that we use against him, that will be used on us so, this morning we repented. As parents and children of God, and you know, it's the self-evaluation; we want things and people in our lives to look better, look right, fix themselves, yet, are we examining ourselves? Are we walking in a manner worthy of our calling? Are we imitators of Christ? Are we the peacemakers? Because God sees and God hears, He knows our thoughts, He knows what’s going on. He knows our heart aches too and I feel, as someone who likes to speak God's word out into the atmosphere and change it and bring glory to God, I can get pretty low about what I’m seeing in my kids. And it hurts because we want them to be glorifying God and working towards that perfection that He calls us to. Yet, they are in training, even if they’re 21, they’re still in training and we are the ones that need to set that example so we needed to do some repenting this morning, some encouraging each other and spiritual gifts right. So, I asked that we would do that all. I’m praying for each one of your children and grandchildren and us ourselves in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Hey, everyone I just thought I would ring in and update you on how I'm going. It's Margo here, missionary in Liberia. I have made it back to Australia for, we’re back here for a few weeks for my son’s wedding which is amazing because Australia has some very strict rules around travel. And so, getting back into the country actually was quite a miracle and in fact, even leaving the country again is a miracle and we already have our permit to leave in a few weeks’ time to go back. So, I thank the Lord for His help and His hand has been upon us. And I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I rung in a few weeks or maybe a couple of months ago and I was in a really bad way. And, I have noticed that I’ve really picked up. And I have really felt His comfort and His peace much more in my life. All the things that are out of my control, I’ve been much more able to leave them in His hands. And I’m so, so grateful for His comfort. I’m so grateful for your prayers. It’s…I should have rung in sooner. So, we’re in Australia for a few weeks and then heading back and you know, continue to pray for us. It’s not an easy calling we have, mind you, no one has an easy calling. So, I’m just grateful for this community, grateful for the prayers that we pray all for each other. And, God bless you all. Love you. Bye.
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pagebypagereviews · 2 months
Life-Changing Books to Read This Year Books have the profound ability to transform lives, offering insights into personal growth, happiness, and success that can be truly life-changing. With countless titles available, selecting the most impactful books to read this year can be a daunting task. This article aims to guide you through a curated list of transformative books, each promising to leave an indelible mark on your life. Whether you're looking to reshape your mindset, improve your relationships, or find deeper meaning in life, these books offer valuable lessons that can help steer you towards your personal and professional goals. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" is a spiritual masterpiece that has captivated millions worldwide. Tolle introduces readers to the concept of "living in the now," a powerful practice that encourages individuals to transcend their ego-based state of consciousness. This book is not just about spiritual enlightenment; it's a guide to freeing yourself from the shackles of past regrets and future anxieties, leading to a more fulfilling and peaceful life. Through practical exercises and insightful commentary, Tolle teaches how to live in the present moment, a skill that can dramatically improve your mental and emotional well-being. Atomic Habits by James Clear In "Atomic Habits," James Clear presents a compelling argument for focusing on small changes to achieve remarkable results over time. Clear's thesis is simple yet profound: tiny adjustments in your daily habits can lead to extraordinary outcomes. This book is packed with actionable strategies that can help you build good habits and break bad ones, ultimately guiding you towards achieving your long-term goals. Whether you're striving to improve your health, increase productivity, or foster personal growth, "Atomic Habits" offers a framework for making meaningful progress through the power of compound growth. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl Viktor E. Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" is a timeless classic that delves into the human capacity for resilience and the quest for purpose. Drawing from his experiences as a Holocaust survivor, Frankl explores the significance of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the most brutal ones. This book introduces the concept of logotherapy, a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of identifying a purpose in life to feel positively about, and then immersively imagining that outcome. Frankl's insights are a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the potential to find significance in every moment of life. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements" offers a simple yet profound code of personal conduct derived from ancient Toltec wisdom. The agreements — be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best — are designed to challenge limiting beliefs and open the path to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. Ruiz's teachings help readers navigate the complexities of self-identity and interpersonal relationships with grace and simplicity. Implementing these agreements in daily life can lead to profound changes in how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world around us. Educated by Tara Westover Tara Westover's memoir, "Educated," is a riveting account of self-transformation and the pursuit of knowledge under extraordinary circumstances. Born to survivalist parents in the mountains of Idaho, Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her quest for education took her from the isolation of her family's farm to some of the world's most prestigious universities. Educated" is not only a testament to the power of education but also an inspiring story of resilience and the determination to forge one's path in life. Westover's journey challenges readers to rethink what it means to be self-made and the value of pursuing one's dreams against all odds.
Conclusion The books listed above are more than just texts; they are gateways to new perspectives and life-changing insights. From the spiritual guidance of Eckhart Tolle to the resilience and determination of Tara Westover, each book offers unique lessons that can help reshape your worldview and approach to life. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional success, or a deeper understanding of human resilience, these books provide valuable tools and wisdom to guide your journey. As you embark on this year of reading, remember that the most profound changes often come from the smallest of steps. Let these life-changing books be your companions as you navigate the path to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
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xoruffitup · 5 years
TROS (Mis)Characterizations: What Was and What Could Have Been
What started as responding to an anon ask turned into an entire meta... but working out all these thoughts has at least eased a bit of my TROS pain. :’) 
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From my perspective, TROS managed to destroy not only the characterizations built so far in the sequel trilogy, but also the entire story built upon these characters (mainly Reylo) as we knew them. While talking to a family member about the movie a few days ago and voicing my grievances with the story, he pointed out how someone could watch TFA and skip to TROS without realizing they’d missed much. That’s mostly true and entirely gutting.
Since I had an ask to talk about how TROS regressed in terms of characterization, I’ll start with the most hurtful of defacements: All of the nuanced vulnerability that made Kylo/Ben our most beloved character. We had absolutely nothing in TROS like the complex masterpiece moments of TLJ. Think back to “You are a monster.” / “Yes I am” – delivered with glowering menace as Kylo stalked closer, simultaneous to the tell of fragmented uncertainty in a quivering bottom lip and chin, all while his eyes remained completely riveted on Rey. Think back to “You’re not alone” – delivered with a wet sheen to his eyes in a soft cracked voice, but with self-loathing still smoldering behind his expression. Until the scene with Han, Kylo was shrunk into an entirely two-dimensional cookie cutter “villain” figure in TROS, seemingly more committed to the dark side and the First Order than he ever was to begin with in TFA. (I say “seemingly” because his true motives and interior dilemmas are frustratingly unclear in the entire first half of the movie. Cue me loathing the mask more than ever.)
Though Kylo seems uncharacteristically committed to the Supreme Leader role in TROS, considering he ended TLJ in a supplicating position fixing regretful eyes up towards Rey, luckily TROS did at least maintain the Force bond. …or at least the concept of it, because in execution the Force bond scenes achieved approximately nothing of what TLJ so uniquely excelled at: Creating a sense of intimacy, understanding, and forbidden tenderness between Rey and Ben. Instead of soft-spoken entreaties and promises across the soft glow of a fire or the dappling light of rain (ugh, remember the way light and shadow literally played out in contrasts across Kylo’s face during “I am a monster”? TLJ is a cinematic wonder, pass it on), we get scenes where the two yell and spit spite at each other. Most frustrating is how absolutely out of touch Kylo’s dialogue is with the Ben who was revealed through previous Force bond scenes. In a regression that makes absolutely no sense after Ben’s big proposal of “It’s time to let old things die: The Jedi, the Sith… I want you to join me” – he literally has the most reductive, bland, and meaningless lines such as “I will find you and turn you to the dark side.” ……..? Kylo has literally never been that boring or straightforward ever, not even since the TFA interrogation scene. He offered to be her teacher, sure, but never on terms that simplistic or blatantly combative to Rey’s will.
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What I’ve always passionately loved and defended about Reylo is that Kylo never forced Rey to do anything harmful or against her will. Even pushing her to the painful moment of admitting the truth (or so we FUCKIN’ THOUGHT) about her parentage during the throne room scene did, in the end, help her character come to terms with repressed trauma and move forward in her journey of self-determination. (haha look at me, still stuck in my feminist goggles as if they haven’t been ripped off my head by TROS…) The point is: The TLJ Force bond was never a means of threat. It was never a tool for Kylo to say something as blatantly antagonistic as “I will find you and turn you to the dark side.” (Wow, did a Kindergartener write that? Come the fuck on, JJ.) And I was deeply disappointed to see the Force bond reduced to a tool used only to tell a part of the story unrelated to Reylo; rather than being the means of developing their relationship in and of itself.
This feeds into my overall biggest grievance with how Kylo/Ben was handled in this film. Similar to the Force bond – Ben’s character was reduced to a secondary prop piece who mostly served only as a narrative device in advancing the Rey-Palpatine plotline. Look, I imagined for months ahead of TROS the kind of candid Force bond conversations we might hear. Like “No one (knows me)” / “But I do.” (Where the FUCK did that line go?! Apparently JJ doesn’t know her…) Or perhaps Ben apologizing and opening up to Rey about how unhappy he is in the dark, how alone he feels. Instead…. we got shit like “You’re his granddaughter.” Like how dare they disrespect Academy Award Nominee Adam Driver’s talent like that?
Now, looking past the fact for a moment that the Rey-Palpatine addition is insulting, unoriginal, and sexist; there could have been a very interesting dynamic here. We would have the grandson of Vader and the granddaughter of Palpatine feeling very different pulls to both light and darkness, Force bonded together as they struggle with the weight of these legacies. Kylo, I imagine, was probably partially excited when he learned it, because maybe this means that Rey would understand him fully and perhaps this time, once she learned the truth, she would finally be with him. But nope, we don’t get nearly that much of a look into Kylo’s head. He does say at one point “You can’t go back to her (Leia), just like I can’t,” but the line missed the mark a bit for me because TROS still had Kylo appealing to Rey from the perspective of “Join the dark side as if we’ve done away with all that grey morality complexity we introduced last movie” – rather than from the perspective of “Neither of us should feel alone ever again.”
I’m rather unspeakably bitter that we had no exploration into what Palpatine’s return meant for Ben. I imagine he would have gone a bit wild upon learning that the man who was responsible for his grandfather’s fall was still alive. And the revelation of “I have been every voice you’ve ever heard inside your head”? This was enough to bring Ben Solo stans to tears before we even watched the movie, and yet it was treated completely off-handedly. Ben never even gets his own moment of coming to terms with Palpatine’s return. No “My grandfather killed you – how is this possible?” Nothing like that at all – even though he’s the character who would be most affected by his return in terms of legacy implications. Nope; Ben’s first encounter with Palpatine at the beginning of the movie – the same encounter where we learn Palpatine has apparently been behind all of the dark side grooming, manipulation, and isolation Ben has suffered since he was literally in the womb – quickly veers towards “Kill the girl / She is not who you think she is.” Early warning here that Ben Solo as a character in dire need of resolution is about to be treated with utter apathy by this film.
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Here’s where I need to pause for a moment of self-awareness. While arguing with my Dad about this movie (he loved it), he threw at me that he thought I was being anti-feminist because I disliked the ending of Rey being alone. I quickly did my best to disabuse him of the idea that feminism = women being forever alone. This did make me think though about the implications of TROS veering away from the dual protagonist story framework that had been established up to this point; in favor of a narrative with Rey as the single and clear protagonist. The two main reasons I had such a knee-jerk reaction against this shift were A) It left a bad taste in my mouth after Rey ended TLJ emboldened by her acceptance of her past and unremarkable lineage; and B) It upended Reylo as the foundation of the entire story – also which we’d been led to expect. And I’m not just talking TLJ – I’m referencing back to JJ’s own Director’s commentary for TFA where he says “Now back to the story we really care about” when the film goes back to Rey and Kylo’s forest battle; who described Kylo as “a sort of prince,” and insinuated “you get the feeling there’s more going on here” when Kylo decided to spirit off Rey on Takodana. JJ set all the fucking clues here and then apparently forgot about each and every one.
However – am I perhaps not being fair to Rey in my disappointment that she doesn’t end the film in domestic bliss with Ben? Was I expecting something beneath her potential? Can I really say it’s a bad thing that the narrative rearranges itself in this film to focus chiefly on her? 
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The reason it all sits so wrong with me is because Rey’s characterization became bastardized for the sake of her solo narrative. Her character was essentially entirely effaced. The emphasis of her journey thus far pointed towards the crafting of one’s own identify; to the fact that might and greatness can reside within anyone, and it is up to that person alone to decide what kind of life to live with such power. Rey’s development at the end of TLJ indicated she’d found freedom from her past, and was now fully embracing the act of forging her own path without any constraints or shadows. But then, this road she’d been paving for herself was abruptly switched in TROS to one already completed and well-traveled, lined with unoriginal identity struggles and a copout for assigning Rey’s instincts of aggression and passion to the hereditary and ungendered “dark side.” This sudden switch stripped away all of Rey’s unique identity struggles, as well as her agency to define her own story.
Confining Rey to such an unoriginal and unfortunate struggle also required that her own goals and desires be changed as well. When faced with a legacy of evildoers, Rey’s story immediately shifts away from being focused on her, and rather to remedying the mistakes of men who came before. Rey’s own story was about a thousand times more interesting when she was in the center of it. As a twitter post I saw a few days ago but now frustratingly can’t find said very aptly: Male viewers found “Rey Skywalker” satisfying because they see a happy ending as being the “best” or the most powerful. Female viewers see a happy ending as being truly seen, understood, and valued for the person one is. (If anyone knows the source, please let me know...)
Rey used to say she wanted to learn “her place in all this.” That doesn’t indicate a thirst for greatness or power; but rather for belonging and connection. She has spent most of her story so far thinking back to her parents, then spent a solid 2 minutes in TROS looking longingly and smiling at the alien babies on Pasaana, which hello motherhood signaling. She has been happiest in moments when she felt valued and connected to those around her.
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The idea of having greatness bestowed upon her by some external entity (aka a man) was already examined and rejected in TLJ. (Read: throne room proposal scene.) But in TROS, this act of external determination is thrust onto her regardless of her will. In so doing, her possession of a legacy rewrites and predetermines all of her goals, battles, and the key facets of her identity. She no longer has the freedom to embrace and cherish her found or chosen family; instead, her goal is to rid herself of the “family” that’s been thrust upon her – making what’s now presumably her happy ending of being disconnected from her assigned family the complete opposite from everything her character previously yearned for. Standing alone in a desert with the company of only half-remembered spirits is likely what filled the nightmares of young Rey of Jakku.
This is, of course, why the dual protagonist/Reylo narrative we expected to see in this film was so compelling. While doing none of Rey’s decision-making for her or removing any agency from the formation of her own identity; her force-bonded relationship with Ben offered Rey belonging, understanding, and purpose. Ben was the only character who could understand how debilitating and frightening it was to feel her Force sensitivity come alive and waver between the light and dark; just as he was the only one who could comfort her in that conflict without infringing on her independence. Once we saw dark!Rey in that D23 footage, I think every Reylo imagined scenes where Palpatine begins to sink his control into Rey’s mind and Ben rushes to her side to pull her back towards the light, because he knows all too well what those voices are like inside his head and he’d rather hear them all again than watch Rey suffer it.
From several perspectives, Reylo fighting and defeating Palpatine together is also the only ending that makes sense from a holistic storytelling perspective. (I mean both of them wielding blue sabers against Palpatine and fighting together in tandem – rather than that single crowd-pleaser shot of them hefting their complementary lightsabers together before Ben gets brushed off into a pit…) While Ben is the legacy character, representing all that our beloved original characters fought and suffered for; Rey is the new-generation character, representing a new age and the banishing of old mistakes which continued to perpetuate conflict. Only these representatives of new and old; of royal legacy and self-made upstart; could truly banish all of the harm committed in the galaxy by Palpatine and remedy all the loss and suffering effected throughout the Skywalker line. To have only a single character recently revealed to be related to Palpatine facing him alone (no matter how “badass” that might make said female character seem by superficial standards), rather than a union with the single remaining descendant of the Skywalker line himself is simply unsatisfactory and directionless storytelling. It is Palpatine’s manipulation towards three generations of Skywalkers that was the sole catalyst for all of the warfare, struggle, and conflict we’ve witnessed throughout this entire 9-film series. To not even engage with Ben Solo-Skywalker’s troubled relationship to that heritage and to completely fail in realizing the emotional catharsis and resolution that stood there waiting is nothing short of infuriatingly shortsighted storytelling. J.J. claimed in several interviews that this film was crafted with the entire preceding story in mind, as a cap to everything that came before. I have absolutely no idea which story he was referring to.
And so, from the perspectives of this film alone, the sequel trilogy, and the entire 9-film saga as a whole – Yes, I do claim that it was a poor decision in terms of story telling and character integrity to reconfigure the narrative to focus solely on Rey. For the reasons just mentioned, it was an utter disservice to Rey’s character arc. To reduce all of the tragedy, charisma, and youthful potential in Kylo/Ben’s character to a secondary narrative device is nothing short of shameful. Not to mention wasting all of Adam’s potential for playing truly heart-wrenching scenes of Ben’s penitent soul-searching. I will never forgive the fact that Ben had literally not a word of dialogue after his quick conversion scene halfway through the movie. Not only does he play no major role in the final battle with Palpatine, but aside from charging in heroically and doing a phenomenal Solo Shrug, he isn’t allowed a single moment of interiority. He has no speech to Palpatine declaring his change of heart and his reclaimed heritage. Perhaps most painful of all – he and Rey never even have their Big Talk where we expected Ben to apologize for the doings of Kylo Ren and for both of them to affirm their desire to be together and their devotion to each other. Adam did a pretty amazing job demonstrating all that in how he cradled Rey’s body and couldn’t even bear to look into her lifeless face (RIP my heart). But no matter how phenomenal and tender the Reylo kiss was, how luminous Rey’s smile was when she said “Ben,” and how achingly loving his eyes were when he looked at her – I can’t help feeling crushingly cheated that their love itself wasn’t what enabled the victory. Rather than the strength they lent to each other through a union that defied light-dark dichotomy (as it should have been and as the story was previously leading towards), it was rather Rey’s miracle heritage that won the day. The fact that Ben never says a damn word when he stands before Palpatine, or when Rey kisses him and he finally realizes she does care for him too – makes both their bond and Ben’s entire character feel like a throw-away prop only there for Rey to wear so long as this feeble story needed it.
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I’ve been trying to put my finger on what made TROS’ plot so underwhelming and lifeless compared to TLJ or even TFA. The difference between TLJ and TROS in the simplest terms is that TLJ’s narrative was character-driven, whereas TROS subjected its characters to a narrative. Rather than a huge space battle, TLJ’s biggest moments are Rey and Kylo’s throne room proposal and Kylo and Luke’s showdown on Crait. Both of these moments had huge emotional stakes for the characters involved, which was what made them epic. TROS’ narrative, meanwhile, uses twists like the Rey Palpatine reveal to manipulate its characters in inorganic directions, and builds towards a finale that is unrelated to any of the long-standing challenges our heroes have confronted throughout the story. TROS derided its characters down to mere tools for a superficial spectacle of a story. TLJ, on the other hand, made its characters the story. It’s no wonder I found myself strangely numb and disconnected the first time I saw TROS.
Now, I’m just angry and disappointed. Disappointed that such brilliant, wonderful characters were wasted. Angry that we’ve imagined a hundred endings more appropriate and fair to the characters we hold dear. I am trying to appreciate what I can from the film and hold on to the few beautiful moments, but I definitely plan on writing my own fic version of how TROS might have played out, had it upheld the complexity and integrity of its characters. Even still, I’m quite sure we all know and understand Ben Solo much better than J.J. or Chris Terrio, so in our hearts Ben will find the happy ending he deserves.
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1/29/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Genesis 48-50
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. Today is January 29 and man, is it good to be back with all of you. I I absolutely love being here with all of you. I love this journey through the Bible. I'm that girl. I can't even call it a job. I love it so much it feels wrong to call it work. It's not work, it's an honor, it's a joy and it's a privilege to illuminate the light of God's truth to our hearts, to our minds, to our spirits. And hopefully the goal is to change us from the inside out, day by day, renewing of our mind. And I guess I'm just feeling all the feels up in here today and loving all the love, but I truly do love being here with you and thank you for allowing us to be in your ears with you every single day. Today we have the juxtaposition again. I love it when this happens where we start a brand new week, starting a brand new, shiny, sparkly, clean slate of a week. And we are ending the book of Genesis. What an incredible journey of this book it's been. Of course, we took that jog over to Job for a few weeks and then we're back here on track to end Genesis. And isn't it true? I saw this meme once that said, January has been a really long year. It just feels like a really long month. But here we are winding it down and we're going to finish strong together as we start fresh at the same time. Genesis, chapters 48, 49 and 50 today and brand new translation this week we are in the New English translation, genesis, chapter 48.
I think back to just a couple of weeks ago where we talked about paying attention because the details of the story will build on the details of the story going forward and we can really get lost in just a couple of paragraphs or in one day. And then just like, whoa, wait a minute, what just happened here? How Joseph got to Egypt is just quite a story. And then how the story moves forward from here is quite incredible. So we just sort of want to monument this day of Joseph's life ending and sort of closing that chapter, but turning the page and opening for a brand new chapter. And so this is just a really important piece to pay attention to- the life of Joseph ended, how he got to Egypt and where the story turns from here is quite riveting. 
So, Father, we thank you for your word, we thank you for this day, we thank you for a necessary ending, for a new beginning to take place. And if we are careful, we can look back to the story of our own lives and see how the details have built upon each other as we have surrendered our lives to you. Things that didn't make sense that seemed irrelevant, that seemed like a detour, that seemed like a bad thing or even just a hopeless situation tried to take us out so many times, can just be a stepping stone to where you are taking us to. And I pray, Father, for those who cannot see that. They cannot see through the darkness, the bleakness of the circumstances of life. And I pray that hope would be restored to them for going forward, that the best can still be to come because of you, with you. We are so grateful for that promise today. We love you and we worship you. We consecrate this week to you. We give it to you and make ourselves available to do what it is that you want to say to us, to do in us, to speak through us. And may we be conscientious of everything. We say and everything we do and everything we put out into the world as representatives of Jesus Christ. Let me pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Looking forward to a great week with all of you here. I'm Jill, we'll turn the page together tomorrow and I look forward to it. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hi, this Faithful Mama. I just listened to January 22 and heard Amy from Denmark who called me out for an update. And Amy, thank you so much. That really blessed my heart, made me feel part of a community, which I really am and I'm so grateful for. Thank you Daily Audio Bible Chronological, for being this community for me. You're such a blessing, all of you. And the update on my son is he's ten years old now and he was adopted from a country in West Africa. And we have been having he has attachment issues that that come out in in very destructive ways anyway. So we're seeking being as humans, being- physical, spiritual and emotional beings. We are checking into all those areas and have discovered physically that he has a number of food allergies that we didn't know about that has caused some problems for him physically, emotionally, we know that he struggles a lot with anger and shame. And spiritually we sought that arena out and have been told that he has been challenged or by a spirit of destruction. So we have been recommended to pray for peace, God's peace, over him. So there you have it. There is the update on our son, Moses. My husband just left again for an extended period of time and so we are in the throes of him, but we're hoping that it'll be better this time, but we really do appreciate your prayers. Please, thank you so much. God bless you. Bye.
Hey, DABC family. This is Lady of Victory on Monday, the 23 January. This call is for Nicole Simone from Brooklyn, New York. But East New York is where she spent most of her days. Hey, girl. Hey. Did I say this is Lady of Victory. Well, this is Lady of Victory. If I had not. And Nicole, which is my baby girl's name, wanted me to pray for her son, Isaiah 27. And Jordan, which is my granddaughter's name, who's 15, I believe. And immediately when you said Isaiah 27, I thought you were saying a scripture. So I had KSD to look it up, and I encourage you to look it up. It's talking about restoration. So I don't know what your relationship is, particularly with Isaiah, but I believe that whatever is going on in the lives of your boys, god is going to restore. So I would encourage you to read Isaiah 27 for that encouragement, to know that God hears you. And thank you so much for the honor of being able to pray for your son means a lot. And so, God, we thank you, we honor you, we glorify you because of who you are. God, thank you for how you look down on us. God, when we are our ugliest, when you die for our sins. God, when we were still in our sins, knowing that we would turn our backs on you time and time again. And so we thank you. And God, I bring Isaiah and Jordan and Nicole to you and ask and Father that whatever the enemy meant for evil, for these boys and their mom, that you were turning around for their good and that they would seek a victory. God, I'm asking that you would restore the relationship, restore the love, restore the camaraderie God in this family, as only you can say. We put you on notice that you lost and we won. In Jesus name. Be encouraged girl.
Happy New Year. This is Alicia. Just chillin in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. A big thank you to Brian and Jill and their entire family for this app and all you do to encourage and inspire others. This is start of year three for me. Thanks to a dear friend. I'm reaching out to all those listening to say believe in yourself. No, you can and will make it. Whatever you're struggling with, no, you are never alone. We have a loving Heavenly Father watching over us. There is an angel's army and a Holy Ghost that go with us wherever we go. I pray for all of you, for my family, for this world. An extra special prayer for royal. I heard your message your past and know that that past does not define your future. You must keep pressing on. Take Jesus with you wherever you go. We will all make it. I pray you'll all be blessed in 2022. Take care.
Hi, this is Pure Heart from Tennessee and I was calling in to pray with Prisoner of Hope concerning her son AJ. Lord God, I just thank you that the effectual fervent prayer the righteous of the health much. And we stand in agreement that AJ life will be changed. Father God, you said, who the son has set free is free indeed. And we ask you to set AJ free from that bondage of alcoholism. Lord, I speak to that spirit and I say that it has no hold over AJ. I please the blood of Jesus over his life and over the mind of his wife, Father God. Lord, I ask that you would make that family where it would function as. You created a family to function, Father God, that a husband would take his place, AJ would take his place and the wife would be under submission and their children under that. But they all would be under the submission and leadership of the Most High God. By God I speak peace and at home. And Lord God, I ask that Jehovah Jireh that you would make provisions where there's lack going on. Father God, give them wisdom and knowledge to be good stewards of what You've given them. In the name of Jesus. Lord, I thank you for a praying mom that's concerned about her offspring. I thank you for your word that says...
This is Diana from Florida, and today I want to present my own personal prayer request. I normally don't do that, but I feel the need to share this with my DABC community. So in 2021, I started a social media channel on YouTube and Instagram and Facebook and TikTok. And the whole goal behind this channel is to help increase biblical literacy by sharing small snippets of the story of the Bible to the world and an effort to encourage them with the sound word of God and how to use it to tackle their own life. And so in that, I was posting regularly back at that time frame, but then I slowed down because I caught covid, and now I'm reengaging again with that dream that had placed in my heart to push through. And so I want to ask for your prayers that whether I reach one person or I reach thousands like this community has so successfully done that it would be unto his glory. And that ultimately, all of the words that is being shared would be with the explicit purpose of more souls coming to Christ, more people engaging with the scriptures and more people truly growing in their walk with God. That's all I really care about. And all of the commentary on the different stories and scriptures that I'm sharing is with that exclusive purpose. I appreciate your prayers and thank you so much for being in this with me.
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